
Personal identification

Full name
Eschenbrenner Diemer Gersande

Citation names

  • Gersande, Eschenbrenner

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
2017 - 2018
Xylological and anthracological analysis training and practice (Laurea Specialistica)
Royal Botanic Gardens Kew, United Kingdom
Histoire et Civilisations des Mondes Anciens (Doctorat)
Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
"Modèles égyptiens en bois. Matériaux, fabrication, diffusion, de la fin de l'Ancien Empire à la fin du Moyen Empire (circ. 2350-1630 av. J.-C.) " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
suma cum laude
Diploma of Specialised Studies in Egyptology (DUESE) (Diplôme d´études supérieures)
Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
2005 - 2006
History and Archaeology of Ancient Worlds (Master)
Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
2004 - 2005
History and Archaeology of Ancient Worlds (Master)
Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
History of Art and Archaeology (Licence)
Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
History (Licence)
Université Lumière Lyon 2, France

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2023 - 2023 Lecturer (University Teacher) Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
2016 - 2016 Lecturer (University Teacher) École du Louvre, France
2011 - 2011 Lecturer (University Teacher) Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
2011 - 2011 Lecturer (University Teacher) Université Lumière Lyon 2, France
2010 - 2010 Lecturer (University Teacher) Université Lumière Lyon 2, France


Host institution
2022/01/01 - 2024/12/31 Post-doctoral researcher Maria Zambrano Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
2019 - 2021 Post-doctoral researcher Accion 6 Universidad de Jaén, Spain
2016/11/15 - 2018/11/15 Marie Curie Fellowship University College London, United Kingdom


Designation Funders
2016/11/15 - 2018/11/15 TRACER (Tree Roots: an Analytical 'Culture' of Economy and Religion - case-study Egypt 2050-1550 BC.)
TRACER 707295
Principal investigator


Designation Funders
2022/01/01 - Current Medjehu Project. Investigating Woodcraft along the Nile
Principal investigator
2020/01 - Current ÉBÉNES research programme (Étude des Bois Égyptiens : Nature, Emplois, Sauvegarde)
EBENES 20211
Principal investigator
Institut francais d'archeologie orientale Bibliotheque, Egypt
Institut francais d'archeologie orientale Bibliotheque
2018 - 2020 PERCEA BOIS Projet d’Étude et de Restauration des Collections Égyptiennes Anciennes : bois
Principal investigator


Book chapter
  1. Gersande, Eschenbrenner; Gaelle Tallet. Corresponding author: Gaelle Tallet. "Meir". In Une vie en Égypte. Périchon Bey et sa collection, 62-63. 2023.
  2. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "Les modèles funéraires". In Une vie en Égypte. Périchon Bey et sa collection, 84-103. 2023.
  3. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "La statuaire privée en bois dans les collections du Musée d’ethnographie de Neuchâtel". In L’Egypte au MEN : regards croisés., 146-213. 2021.
  4. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "La tombe de Toutankhamon ou la première collection botanique de référence en égyptologie". In Toutankhamon : à la découverte du pharaon oublié. Exposition organisée à l'espace Europa expo à la gare TGV des Guillemins, 286-288. 2020.
Conference paper
  1. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "(Re)connecting artefacts and thinking in the afterlife: the case of funerary wooden models". Paper presented in Variability in the Earlier Mortuary Texts, MORTEXVAR Conference, Variability in the Earlier Mortuary Texts, 2022.
  2. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "A Wood Workshop at Meir in the beginning of the Middle Kingdom: the case of funerary wooden models". Paper presented in Palace Culture and its echoes in the provinces in the Middle Kingdom of Egypt, 2018.
  3. Gersande, Eschenbrenner; Anna Giulia de Marco; Paolo Marini. "Woodcraft in Deir el-Medina: from the manufactured object to the workshop". Paper presented in .), Deir El-Medina Through the Kaleidoscope, 2018.
  4. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "Approche technique et archéométrique appliquée à l'étude des modèles funéraires en bois: identifier et dater des productions variées". Paper presented in L'objet égyptien: Source de la Recherche, 2015.
  5. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "From the Workshop to the Grave: the case of Funerary Wooden Models (End of VIth dynasty- XIIth dynasty)”". Paper presented in Company of Images: modelling the ancient Egyptian Imaginary world of the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1500 BC), London, 2014.
  6. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "L’apport des archéosciences en égyptologie: la collection des modèles funéraires en bois du musée des Beaux-arts de Lyon". Paper presented in 6e Rencontre du Groupe d’anthropologie et d’archéologie funéraire, 2014.
Journal article
  1. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "La base en bois du vizir Khay : une approche matérielle". Göttinger Miszellen. Beiträge zur ägyptologischen Diskussion 269 (2024): 33-36.
  2. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "Le projet Medjehu: redessiner l'histoire économique et sociale de l'artisanat du bois au fil du Nil". Bulletin de la Société Française d'Égyptologie 208 (2023): 45-60.
  3. Gersande Eschenbrenner-Diemer; Anna Giulia de Marco; Paolo Marini. "Woodcraft in Deir el-Medina: from the manufactured object to the workshop". (2022):
  4. Gersande, Eschenbrenner; Lisa Sartini; Margaret Serpico. Corresponding author: Margaret Serpico. "Deir el-Medina Studia I. Rediscovering black coffins from Deir el-Medina: a comprehensive approach". Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire (BIFAO) 121 (2021): 255-305.
    Open access • Published
  5. Gersande Eschenbrenner-Diemer. "The Petrie Museum’s Collection of Funerary Wooden Models: Investigating Chronology and Provenance". Archaeology International (2018): https://doi.org/10.5334/ai-378.
  6. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "Un nouvel éclairage sur l’artisanat du bois dans la région Memphis/Fayoum : la collection statuaire du musée d’Ethnographie de Neuchâtel". Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire (BIFAO) 117 (2018): 239-260.
    Open access • Published
  7. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. ""Wooden Material", Proyecto Qubbet el-Hawa: Trabajos arqueólogicos en las tumbas QH32, QH33, QH34aa, QH34bb, QH122, QH35p y QH36. Novena Campaña (2017)". Boletín de la Asociación Española de Egiptología (BAEDE) 26 (2017): 68-77.
  8. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, G.; Portai, A.. "New look at the Louvre's model Egyptian boats,Un nouveau regard sur des modèles de bateaux égyptiens au musée du Louvre". Revue des Musees de France 2016-Janua 1 (2016): 18-29. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84975230714&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  9. Gersande, Eschenbrenner; Barbara Russo. Corresponding author: Barbara Russo. "Quelques particuliers inhumés à Saqqâra Nord au début du Moyen Empire". Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire (BIFAO) 114 (2015): 155-186.
    Open access • Published
  10. Eschenbrenner-Diemer, G.; Russo, B.. "Some individuals buried in Saqqara-North at the beginning of the Middle Kingdom,Quelques particuliers inhumes a Saqqara Nord au debut du Moyen Empire". Bulletin de l'Institut Francais d'Archeologie Orientale du Caire 114 1 (2014): 155-186. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84981294392&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  11. Gersande, Eschenbrenner; Victoria Asensi Amoros; Catherine Lavier; Sandrine Pages-Camagna. Corresponding author: Victoria Asensi Amoros. "Study and Identification of Ancient Egyptian Polychrome Woods: The Funerary Models of the Museum of Fine Arts at Lyon (France)". Hathor. Studies of Egyptology 1 (2012): 11-30.
  12. Gersande, Eschenbrenner; Anne Portal. Corresponding author: Anne Portal. "Un nouveau regard sur des modèles de bateaux égyptiens au musée du Louvre". La Revue des Musées de France 1 (2012): 18-29.
  13. Gersande, Eschenbrenner. "Les « modèles » funéraires du musée d'Ethnographie de Neuchâtel". Bulletin de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire (BIFAO) 110 (2010): 47-72.
    Open access • Published

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2024/04/08 - 2024/04/08 Organisation of the 3eme Atelier Bois d’ArScAn in collaboration with Paul Bacoup, Iris Brémaud, Michelle Elliott, Valentin Loescher: (2024/04/08 - 2024/04/08)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Mondes, France
2024/02/28 - 2024/02/28 Organisation of the 2eme Atelier Bois d’ArScAn : Sélection de l’arbre et approvisionnement en bois. Toute période, toute approche in collaboration with Paul Bacoup, Iris Brémaud, Michelle Elliott, Valentin Loescher (2024/02/28 - 2024/02/28)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Mondes, France
2023/05/12 - 2023/05/12 Organisation of the 1er Atelier du bois d’ArScAn autour de l’outillage lié au travail du bois in collaboration with Paul Bacoup, Iris Brémaud, Michelle Elliott, Valentin Loescher. Nanterre, ArScAn - UMR 7041 CNRS Nanterre (France), 12 May 2023. (2023/05/12 - 2023/05/12)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Maison des Sciences de l'Homme Mondes, France
2022/09/26 - 2022/09/28 Organization of the International Conference Conserving wooden archaeological heritage in Egypt and Sudan. State of research, challenges and perspectives, in collaboration with Islam Ezzat (Ifao-University of Ain Shams). (2022/09/26 - 2022/09/28)
Congress (President of the Organising Committee)
Institut francais d'archeologie orientale Bibliotheque, Egypt
2021/06/24 - 2021/06/25 Organization of the International Conference NetWood. Wood Networks in Egypt from Antiquity to Islamic Times, University College of London (UCL). https://www.academia.edu/49548709/Booklet_NetWood_2021 (2021/06/24 - 2021/06/25)
Congress (President of the Organising Committee)
University College London, United Kingdom

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2017/11/14 - 2017/11/14 SEMINAR “Du Liban à Assouan : identifier la provenance des cercueils en cèdre découverts dans la nécropole de Qoubbet el-Hawa (Assouan)”, IFAO Scientific members seminar, French Institute of Oriental Archaeology, Cairo.
IFAO Scientific members seminar
Institut francais d'archeologie orientale Bibliotheque, Egypt
2017/09/28 - 2017/09/28 CONFERENCE “Knowing private Egypt through woodcraft: the TRACER Project, first results and perspectives from the Petrie Museum collection and beyond…”, Petrie Museum Lecture, Institute of Archaeology, UCL, London, 28 September 2017.
Petrie Museum Lecture
University College London, United Kingdom
2017/09/04 - 2017/09/05 KEY CONFERENCE “Woodcraft and patronage: which material evidences?
Generous Patrons, Loyal Clients: the question of evidence
Univerzita Karlova, Czech Republic
2017/06/21 - 2017/06/21 CONFERENCE “Woodcraft for the afterlife: wooden models from Qubbet el-Hawa in context”, Museo Provincial Jaén, Spain
Universidad de Jaén, Spain
2017/03/23 - 2017/03/23 SEMINAR “The object as "source of the research". Presentation of the TRACER project (Marie Curie Fellowship)”, Conservation and Restoration Laboratory, Institute of Archaeology, University College of London.
University College London, United Kingdom
2017/01/12 - 2017/01/12 SEMINAR From the Workshop to the Grave: an analysis of woodcraft as societal "tracer" in Ancient Egypt”, TRACER Project presentation, Institute of Archaeology, UCL.
University College London, United Kingdom
2016/06/30 - 2016/07/02 CONFERENCE Modèles et statues en bois de la fin de la VIe dynastie au règne de Montouhotep II.
Stage de formation "De l'Ancien Empire au Moyen Empire"
Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, France
2015/08/23 - 2015/08/30 CONFERENCE Woodcrafts in Ancient Egypt (End VI th-Early XIIth Dynasty): the case of funerary models, International Congress of Egyptologists XI, Florence August 2015.
International Congress of Egyptologists XI
Università degli Studi di Firenze, Italy
2015/06/17 - 2015/06/19 CONFERENCE Approche technique et archéométrique appliquée à l’étude des modèles funéraires en bois: identifier et dater des productions variées L'objet égyptien, source de la recherche, Paris, 17-19 of June 2015.
L'objet égyptien, source de la recherche
École du Louvre, France
2015/01/28 - 2015/01/28 CONFERENCE Identifying, dating and analyzing wooden objects: the case study of wooden models in the MFA of Lyon- France; Restoration, conservation and consolidation of wooden objects: case-studies, in collaboration with H. El-Amir conservator, IFAO
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Egypt
2015/01/21 - 2015/01/21 CONFERENCE Wooden artefacts in Egypt from Predynastic to Islamic Periods: from an overview to a case study
National Museum of Egyptian Civilization, Egypt
2014/09/18 - 2014/09/20 CONFERENCE From technical aspect to practical functions: the wooden funerary models case (End of VIth dynasty-XIIth dynasty), International Conference
Company of Images: modelling the ancient Egyptian Imaginary world of the Middle Bronze Age (2000-1500 BC)
University College London, United Kingdom

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2023 - 2023 TEACHING Topic: Archaeological Sciences applied to organic materials in archaeology: general archaeology and a focus on Egypt. *Lessons 1-2 Applied methods for the identification of materials: wood and organic materials *Lesson 3: Dating the past: applied techniques (dendrochronology, C14 analysis) *Lesson 4: Identification of a wood workshop: archaeological and archaeometric approach *Lessons 5-6: The study of the flora: the contribution of archaeobotanical and palynological studies *Lesson 7 From the manufactured object to the craftsman's h (Graduado)
2011 - 2011 TEACHING Topic: Art of the Ancient Near East and Egypt: “Representations and images of the gods in the Ancient Near East and Egypt”.
2011 - 2011 TEACHING Topic: Archaeology of Egypt: “Egyptian funerary architecture (from the First dynasties to the New Kingdom)”.
2011 - 2011 TEACHING Lectures and study visits of the Coptic Egypt rooms in the Louvre collection.
2010 - 2010 TEACHING The image of the king and power in Pharaonic Egypt. (Licence)


2013 Marie Jo Chavanne
Maison de l'Orient et de la Méditerranée Jean Pouilloux, France