Academically, she has a B.Sc. in Pharmacy (Clinical Analysis and Pharmacy options) from the Faculty of Pharmacy of the University of Porto (1991), she frequented the curricular part of the Food Science and Engineering Masters from the Portuguese Catholic University (1993) and finished her PhD in Biotechnology (in the field of Food Science and Engineering) from the Portuguese Catholic University in 1999. Among other relevant activities, some are highlighted: Coordinator of the partnership and Project Amyris-UCP (since 2016), Member of IBET advisory Member (since 2016), Member of Strategic Group for AgroFood, Forest and Biodiversity and Member of Strategic Group for Circular Economy nominated by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Vice-President of the Scientific Council for Natural and Environmental Sciences (CCCNA) of Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), one of the four Scientific Councils established by FCT (2013-2016), Coordinator of the Evaluation Committee of Final Reports of FCT projects for Biological Engineering and Biotechnology area (since 2013), Vice-President of European Chitin Society (since 2013-2017), Chair for SIG (Special Interest Group) – Bioactive Compounds of ISEKI Food Association (since 2014), member of several National and International Evaluation Committee for post-graduate studies and research projects. She has established strong interaction with industry and she has been Coordinator of the Department of Scientific Services for Industry (SETIF) (2013-2016). Additionally, she has been an invited professor at Paraíba Federal University (from 2012 to 2016). . The research can be summarized into (i) development, compositional characterization and validation of bioactivity of functional and bioactive ingredients (proteins and biopeptides, antioxidants, probiotics, prebiotics and antimicrobials) and study applications on the development of novel functional foods and other added-value applications (ii) by-product and new resources valorization through bioprocesses and extraction processes aiming to obtain molecules/extracts fully characterized in terms of composition, bioactivities, functionalities and safety to be explored as high-added-value bioproducts in different high-value fields (iii) application of the above research developments to other Biotechnological fields. . During her scientific trajectory, she published several papers (currently more than 400 papers) in refereed international journals and authored 45 chapters in handbooks on these topics, and creator of 20 patents. She has an h-index of 45 with more than 8500 citations (March 2020). She has participated in several professional meetings and international symposia and congresses presenting ca. 160 invited oral communications and over 150 selected oral communications and about 400 posters in National and International conferences. . She supervises(ed) or co-supervises(ed) 41 MSc, 40 PhD thesis and 25 Post-doc scholarships as well as 20 international training scholarships, 6 national training scholarships and 60 research grants. She has been a part of 25 PhD evaluation panels and over 30 M.Sc. evaluation panels. Additionally, she has been responsible for the coordination and co-coordination of 85 externally funded (through national and international funds) research and development projects and has been involved in collaborations with multiple Universities and Research Centers, companies and Associations/technology clusters. Given her overall curricular merit, she has been recognized by the Ciência Viva program as one of the female faces of the Portuguese science community in its book dedicated to Portuguese scientist women.

Personal identification

Full name
Maria Manuela Pintado

Citation names

  • Pintado, Maria Manuela
  • Maria Manuela Pintado
  • Manuela Pintado
  • Maria Manuela Estevez Pintado
  • Pintado, MM

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • mpintado@ucp.pt (Professional)


  • 225580001 Ext.: 8097 (Professional)


  • Rua de Diogo Botelho, 1327, 4169-005, Porto, Porto, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Agrarian Sciences - Agrarian and Food Biotechnology - Agricultural Biotechnology and Food Biotechnology
  • Engineering and Technology - Industrial Biotechnology - Bioprocessing Technologies
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Microbiology
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Biochemistry
  • Medical and Health Sciences - Basic Medicine - Immunology
  • Engineering and Technology - Chemical Engineering
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Molecular Biology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
Spanish; Castilian Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
French Upper intermediate (B2) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Upper intermediate (B2) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
Biotecnologia (Título de Agregado)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014 - 2014
Top Class Protein Nutrition 2014 (Outros)
BRIDGE2FOOD, Netherlands
2008 - 2008
Pedagogic training in Bolonga Process (Outros)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2006 - 2006
Diagnostic and molecular diferenciation in microbiology (Outros)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade Autónoma de Lisboa, Portugal
1999 - 2003
Technological characterization of Enterococcus cultures in traditional cheeses (Pós-doutoramento)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2002 - 2002
Clinical microbiology training (Outros)
Ordem dos Farmaceuticos, Portugal
2001 - 2001
HACCP Training – System implementation (Outros)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal


Host institution
2016 - 2024 Science and Technology Management Amyris Bioprodutos, Portugal
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2016 - Current Associate Professor (University Teacher) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013 - 2016 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2016 - Current Organic Unit Director Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
2015 - Current Manager of Laboratory, Institute, Museum, Centre or Observatory Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013 - 2016 Conselho científico/técnico-científico ou orgão correspondente Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal


Designation Funders
2018/01 - 2022/12 ALCHEMY - Capturing High Value from Industrial Fermentation BioProducts
Amyris Bioprodutos, Portugal

Amyris Inc, United States
2018/04/01 - 2022/04 Foods for diabetes and cognition - FODIAC
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Decorgel SA, Portugal

Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas, Spain

Sociedade Nacional de Estratificados - SONAE, Portugal

University of Reading, United Kingdom

Fundación DomusVi, Spain
European Commission
2018/06 - 2021/07 MicoBioExtract - Valorização integral de subprodutos resultantes da produção de cogumelos em bioextractos: melhoria da qualidade, segurança e otimização do metabolismo económico da cadeia de produção
Instituto Politécnico de Braganza (IPB), Portugal

Associação BLC3 Campus de Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal

Voz da Natureza Lda, Portugal
2018/07 - 2021/06 Co-CerealValue - Valorização sustentável de subprodutos do processamento e armazenamento de cereais
2017/12 - 2020/11 MOBFOOD - Mobilizing scientific and technological knowledge in response to the challenges of the agri-food market
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental da Madeira, Portugal

Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Portugal

Frulact SA, Portugal

Decorgel SA, Portugal

Sociedade Nacional de Estratificados - SONAE, Portugal

Pólo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros, Portugal

Associação BLC3 Campus de Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal

Associação Centro de Apoio Tecnológico Agro-Alimentar de Castelo Branco, Portugal
2017/10 - 2020/09 ValorMar - Whole valorisation of sea resources: potential, technological innovation and new applications
2017/07 - 2020/06 TexBoost - Less commodities more specialties
2017/05 - 2020/04 Nature Bioactive Food
Associação BLC3 Campus de Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal

Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Portugal
2017 - 2020 MicoCoating - Forest and micological resource valorization towards the optimization of coatings
Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural
2017 - 2020 SerpaFlora- Valorização da flora autóctone do queijo Serpa
Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural
2017 - 2020 LACTIES – Inovação e ecoeficiência no sector dos lacticinios
Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural
2017 - 2020 Morepep - Valorização de subprodutos animais com o desenvolvimento de péptidos de valor e sustentáveis
Programa de Desenvolvimento Rural
2016/10 - 2019/11 ReStoragePear - Strategies for the prevention of superficial sunburn and browning
2016/10 - 2019/10 Inovia - l'Université latinoaméricaine, au Coeur des enjeux d'innovation techniques et sociales dura

Universidad de Costa Rica, Costa Rica

ASBL, Belgium

Universidad Autónoma Juan Misael Saracho, Bolivia

CIRAD, France

Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain

Universidad Federal de Grande Dourados - UFGD, Brazil

Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil

Universidad Autónoma Gabriel René Moreno, Bolivia

Conservatoire National des Arts et Metiers, France
2016 - 2019 SMARTAgriFor: Promoting Agri-food and Forestry Stakeholder Engagement for Knowledge Transfer and SMARTAgriFor partnerships
NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000023 N2020
Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento do Norte
2016 - 2019 BIONANOSCULP: Development and characterization of the application of bionanomaterials with anti-microbial protection for coating of metal and stone-based public sculptures
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016 - 2019 BIOTHERAPIES: Structured program on bioengineered therapies for infectious diseases and tissue regeneration
Programa Operacional de Desenvolvimento do Norte
2016 - 2019 Bio-N2-Value: Biological tools for adding and defending value in key agro-food chains with co-coordination of the Nutrition and Health Opportunities Line
Programa Operacional da Região Norte
2016 - 2019 ~ModelMeat – Development of a model of environmental optimization and product quality for competitiveness support services for agents of the Extensive Livestock Association
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2016 - 2019 - EcoTex - Development of more sustainable solutions for textile dyeing
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2016/01 - 2018/12 FunctionalTuna - Development of functionalized canned tuna
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

Ramirez & Sons Cª SA , Portugal
2015/11 - 2018/10 Development of oral strips containing nanoencapsulated bioactive compounds Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016/06/01 - 2018/05 N2020 SMARTAgriFor - Collaboration to develop a business plan for the Centre of Agriculture and Forestry
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
European Commission
2016/01 - 2018/01 R4Textiles - Development of sustainable textiles through the valorization of textile and agro-food by-products
Centre of Nanotechnology and Smart Materials , Portugal

Centro Tecnológico das Indústrias Têxtil e do Vestuário de Portugal, Portugal

Textile factory Riopele SA, Portugal
2016 - 2018 AMYRISValue - Valorization of byproducts and bioproducts generated by AMYRIS Platform
Amyris Inc, United States
2015 - 2018 Centro de Biotecnologia e Quimica Fina
Fundação para a Ciência e e aTecnologia
2014/03 - 2017/07 Nano-Bioactive Carriers - New nanoparticle systems for the protection of bioactive compounds for incorporation in systems
2017 - 2017 Support in the development of zero pineapple and strawberry flavoured gello, with the purpose of reducing the chemical aftertaste
Private Company
Condi Alimentar SA, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Scientific counselling about the extraction of lycopene from fruit
Phytobios, Brazil
2016 - 2017 ESSENCE - From Research to Innovation
Delta Cafés through IAPMEI's Portugal 2020 Individual I&DT projects
Delata Cafés, Portugal
2013/10/01 - 2016/09 Biotechnologies to Valorise the regional food Biodiversity in Latin America
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade de Vigo, Spain

Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Mexico

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso, Chile

University of Reading, United Kingdom

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, Brazil
European Commission
2015 - 2016 Improvement of postharvest quality of leafy vegetables through the development of predictive models
SETIF 03010/2015
Iberian Salads Agriculture S.A
2013 - 2016 Integrated research activities of goat milk bioactive compounds and development of derived products with functional properties
CNPq – 400738/2013-9
2013 - 2016 Integrated research activities of goat milk bioactive compounds and development of derived products with functional properties
CNPq 400738/2013-9
2013/11 - 2015/10 Consumer learning to enhance the knowledge of products with geographical indications
Lifelong Learning Program – LEONARDO DA VINCI
Lifelong Learning Program ¿ LEONARDO DA VINCI
Lifelong Learning Program LEONARDO DA VINCI
Ainia Centro Tecnológico, Spain

Chambres de Métier et de l'Artisanat, France

Qualivita, Italy

MTT, Finland

Unione Nazionale Consumatori , Italy

Consorzio di tutela del Culatello di Zibello , Italy

Consorzio per la tutela della Mozzarella di Bufala Campana DOP, Italy

Fundación Consejo Regulador DO Montes de Toledo , Spain
2014/04 - 2015/06 InfusionPremium - Creation of premium aromatic plant batches with validated sensory and functional properties and high consumer acceptance
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Cantinho das Aromáticas, Portugal
2014/01 - 2015/06 VALORINTEGRADOR - Integrated valorization of Agro-Food by-products for human and animal feeding
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal

Sorgal SA , Portugal

Central Carnes Entre o Douro e Minho SA, Portugal

Primor Charcutaria - Prima SA , Portugal

Poveira SA , Portugal

Gérmen Moagem de Cereais SA , Portugal

Valinox Industrias Metalúrgicas SA , Portugal
2013/07 - 2015/06 ReTexMed - Reusable Textiles for fighting hospital infection
CITEVE, Portugal

Crespim Abreu & Cª Lda , Portugal
2013/05 - 2015/06 SauceHealth - Developing new and innovators, healthy and secure sauces
Projetos Copromoção
Mendes Gonçalves SA , Portugal
2012/03 - 2015/05 NANODAIRY - NANOparticles as Delivery systems of bioactive polyphenolic compounds to DAIRY matrices: evaluation of stability, bioavailability and toxicity.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012/01 - 2015/03 GRATITUDE – Grains from losses of root and tubers
Federal University of Agriculture, Abeokuta - FUNAAB, Nigeria

Stichting Wageningen Research , Netherlands



Sabmiller PLC , United Kingdom

Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Ghana

Federal Ministry of Science and Technology, Nigeria

National Science & Technology Development Agency , Thailand

St. Baasa Ghana Ltd, Ghana

Caltech Ventures Ltd , Ghana

Peak Precision Products Nigeria Ltd , Ghana

Nobex Technical Company Ltd , Nigeria

Social Development and Improvement Agency LBG, Ghana

Northeastern Starch (1987) Co Ltd, Thailand
2015 - 2015 Identifying solutions to improve postharvest processability and quality of leafy vegetables
SETIF 03005/2015
Iberian Salads Agriculture SA
2014 - 2015 RECAPACITA - Recapacitation to promote regional competitiveness in the health-food axis
Programa Operacional da Região Norte
2014 - 2015 Scientific advice to support the improvement of cheese texture
SETIF 03036/2014
Saloio SA
2014 - 2015 Determination of viscosity and particle size in cereals and coffee extracts samples
SETIF 03047/2014
Nestlé Portugal SA
2014 - 2015 New product development – low fat cheese rich in fibres
Lactovil S.A. (through IAPMEI inovation voucher funds)
2014 - 2015 Study of aromas in coffee
SETIF 03033/2014
Tenco SA
2014 - 2015 AzeitAroma - Development of novel olives and olive oil potentiated and differentiated with aromatic plants
Regadia-Sociedade Agro-Pecuaria Lda, Portugal
2014 - 2015 Obtainance semi-fresh grapes with edible coating
Vale da Rosa Sociedade Agrícula Ltd , Portugal
2010/05 - 2014/11 AFTER - African Food Tradition Revisited by research
RSE , Italy

SINTEF Community, Norway

SINTEF, Norway

Università degli Studi di Genova, Italy

University College Dublin, Ireland

Coventry University, United Kingdom

CIRAD, France

Université d'Abomey-Calavi, Benin

CSIR Information Services, South Africa

Faculty of Agriculture ain University (FAAU) - Cairo, Egypt - College , Egypt

UT, Madagascar

Université Cheikh Anta Diop de Dakar - Sénégal, Senegal

ENSAI, Senegal

University of Greenwich Natural Resources Institute, United Kingdom

Institut National de Recherche pour l’Agriculture l’Alimentation et l’Environnement Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, France

FRI, Ghana
2010/12 - 2014/02 Myrtillus - Blueberry with innovation – Development of novel functional products from blueberry and its by-products
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

Frulact SA, Portugal

Centro Universitario de Tecnología y Arte Digital Aviso Legal, Spain

Mirtilusa Lda, Portugal

Agim, Portugal

Ervital , Portugal

Embrapa Agroenergia, Brazil
2014 - 2014 Scientific consulting service - CONFIDENTIAL
SETIF 03024/2014
Orion SA
2014 - 2014 Scientific advice to processing of bovine colostrum support
SETIF 03038/2014
Azores Life Science, Lda
2013 - 2014 Studying the improvement of cream in coffee
SETIF 03041/2012
Tenco Ldt
2013 - 2014 Cheese of Marinhas - Optimization of the packaging system for export of the product
Marinhas Dairy Lda , Portugal
2011 - 2014 - Healthy Milk: Key components of milk hygiene from farm to consumer
European Commission
2010/05 - 2013/12 Functional foods for neuroprotection: a role to Hypericum perforatum (Hyperi-Food)
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro Centro de Investigação e de Tecnologias Agro-Ambientais e Biologicas, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009/11 - 2013/10 FRUTAMAIS - Preservation of functional, nutritional and organoleptic characteristics of fruits and fruit derived foodstuffs
Frulact SA, Portugal
2011/01 - 2013/06 ValorPeixe - Canned fish industry by-products and wastewater valorization
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal

A Poveira, Portugal

Associação Nacional dos Industriais de Conservas de Peixe , Portugal
2010/11 - 2013/01 Actipep - Production of new peptidic extracts, with biological activity, from hydrolysis of cheese and brewing by-products for the development of new functional ingredients
Frulact SA, Portugal

UNICER, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

BioStrument , Portugal

Queijo Saloio-Indústria de Lacticínios SA, Portugal
2013 - 2013 Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of a coating
SETIF 03054/2013
Orion Portugal
2013 - 2013 EUCHIS 2013 - International Conference of the European Chitin Society
Fund for Support of Scientific Community (FCAA), FCT
2012 - 2013 TOL4FOOD: Transfer of knowledge and training for European traditional food producers related to innovative quality control methodologies
European Commission
2012 - 2013 QUAFETY: Comprehensive approach to enhance quality and safety of ready to eat products
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development Food Agriculture and Fisheries Biotechnology
2012 - 2013 Olive oil microcapsules development
Herdado do Freixo do Meio SA (through IAPMEI innovation voucher)
2012 - 2013 Development of gastronomical recipes and food products using sour cherry products and extracts
Frutóbidos Lda (through IAPMEI innovation voucher)
2009 - 2013 Incorporation of new food ingredients as a contribution to the promotion of health and/or prevention of diseases of the Latin American population
Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación -CIAL-CSIC, Spain

Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain

Universidad Miguel Hernández de Elche, Spain

Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, Argentina
2011/12 - 2012/11 MPV Dairy Simulator - Virtual Modular and portable Dairy Simulator
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

HVI, Finland

CAF, Romania


Pexego Sistemas informáticos SL , Spain
2010/07 - 2012/07 iCOD- Innovative technologies for the valorization of byproducts derived from COD processing
Pascoal & Filhos SA, Portugal

WeDoTech, Portugal
2010/02 - 2012/07 QI2Learn - Interactive Boards for Learning
Nautilus SA, Portugal
2009/01 - 2012/06 Quitoral - Development of new chitosan-based formulations for oral health
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, Portugal

BioStrument , Portugal
2010 - 2012 New antihypertensive ingredients from whey proteins
2007PT0033 FCT/CSIC
Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Alimentación, Spain
2008/01 - 2011/05 Development of a new optical fiber biosensor for determination of catecholamines (CATSENSOR)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2006/11 - 2010/10 Innovative Solutions for Extracting High Value Natural Compounds
Vysoké ucení technické v Brne, Czech Republic

Technical University of Crete, Greece

Orkla ASA, Norway

Evonik Industries AG, Germany
2007/06/01 - 2010/06 OPTIC-ALGAE: hybrid photobioreactors, containing microstructured OPTICal fibres Aimed at operating with microLGAE
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Tecnologia e Ciência Center for Research in Advanced Computing Systems, Portugal
Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
2006/11 - 2010/02 EULAFF - European Federation of Biotechnology Latin Action and Functional Foods
Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos, Peru

Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico

Federation Europeenne de Biotechnologie AISBL , Belgium

Asociación para la Promoción de la Biotecnología en Latinoamérica en Cooperación con Europa , Spain

Federación Lationamericana de Asociaciones de Empresas Biotecnologicas , Argentina

Sociedad Espanola de Biotecnología (, Spain

Fundacion para la Promocion y la Investigacion de Productos Andinos , Bolivia

Corporación Colombia Internacional, Colombia

Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária Recursos Genéticos e Biotecnologia, Brazil
2010 - 2010 Development of hair formulations
Private Company: Innovotek
Innovotek, United States
2010 - 2010 Development of innovative olive oil based products
Private Company:
Private Company:
Herdade do Freixo do Meio , Portugal
2010 - 2010 Characterization of the antioxidant capacity of acorns
Private Company: Herdade do Freixo do Meio
Herdade do Freixo do Meio , Portugal
2008 - 2010 2nd Dermis - The textile technology for health: functional textiles as a form of prevention and control of immunological diseases of the forum (atopic dermatitis)
CITEVE, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Crespim Abreu & Cª Lda , Portugal
2007/05 - 2009/04 EXTRAVIDA - Production and characterization of antioxidant rich, biologically active, aromatic plants extracts for incorporation in functional beverages
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

UNICER, Portugal
2009 - 2009 Bibliographic research on biopeptides
Lactogal Produtos Alimentares, S.A, Portugal
2009 - 2009 Study on antioxidant extracts
UNICER, Portugal
2005 - 2009 Valorization of dairy industry by-products and design of food for vulnerable groups
Universidad de Buenos Aires, Argentina

Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina

Universidad Autónoma de Querétaro, Mexico

Universidad de Sevilla, Spain

Universidad de la República Uruguay, Uruguay

Universidad de la República Facultad de Agronomía, Uruguay

Universidad Simón Bolivar, Venezuela
2005/07 - 2008/10 BIOTEX - Bioactive Textiles using functional biopolymers
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Unidade de Investigação de Química Orgânica Produtos Naturais e Agroalimentares, Portugal

Centro Tecnológico das Indústrias Têxtil e do Vestuário de Portugal, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2006/10 - 2008/09 e-DairyFarm - e-VET (Vocational Education & Training) for sustainable development of dairy farmers in multi-actor cooperation & terroir environment
Technological Educational Institute - TEI, Greece

European Multi-Actors Cooperation Network - (MAC-Team, Belgium), Belgium

Communauté de Communes du Cézallier , France

Ecole Nationale des Industries Laitières et de la Viande d'Aurillac, France

Syndicat des Jeunes Agriculteurs du Cantal , France

Training and conference Centre of the Agricultural Bank of Greece , Greece

Greek National Dairy Committee , Greece

Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Serra da Estrela - ACOSE, Portugal

Chamber of Agriculture Hajdú-Bihar County , Hungary
2008 - 2008 ICFF2008 - International Conference of Functional Foods
2008 - 2008 Study on the evaluation and aroma of beer
UNICER, Portugal
2008 - 2008 Development of edible coatings
Mapril, Portugal
2007/01 - 2007/12 Development of a portal and broadband contents for functional products information dissemination and dynamization in Industry, Professional and general consumer
2005/06 - 2007/12 CHEESAROMA - Identification and characterization of volatile compounds associated with the prime sensorial characteristics of traditional sheep cheeses
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2004/11 - 2006/10 GOBLUE - Biotechnology applied to processing
CITEVE, Portugal

Crespim Abreu & Cª Lda , Portugal

ORFAMA - Organização Fabril de Malhas SA , Portugal
2004/08 - 2006/07 SIMBIOSE - Merger of Transboundary Competences in the Agro-Food sector qualification
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Xunta de Galicia, Spain

Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
2004 - 2006 COMT-HUM - Characterization of the interactions of new catechol-O-methyltransferase inhibitors with the soluble form of the human enzyme
BIAL - Portela & Cª SA, Portugal
2003 - 2006 ECOSEGURANÇA - Promotion of Eco-Efficiency and Safety in Traditional and Innovative Production Systems at the Farm
AGRO 778
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Serra da Estrela - ACOSE, Portugal

Terraprima – Sociedade Agrícola Lda , Portugal

Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Portugal
2003 - 2006 BAGAÇO - Valorização de subprodutos das adegas resultantes do processo de vinificação
AGRO 757
Direcção Regional de Entre o Douro e Minho , Portugal

Cooperativa da Terra de Felgueiras , Portugal
2003 - 2005 CHEESEPACK - Caracterização e desenvolvimento de embalagens adaptadas a queijos de pasta mole e semi-mole
Queijo Saloio-Indústria de Lacticínios SA, Portugal
2002 - 2005 ProBioSoro - Use of matrices obtained from the lacto serum for the incorporation of probiotic strains, as a process of valorization of that byproduct
Marofa II Lacticínios SA , Portugal
2002 - 2004 Utilização de processos de membrana para a melhoria da quialidade higiénica dos leites crus de ovelha/cabra e para a minimização do impacto ambiental dos efluentes de queijaria
AGRO 770
Agrupamento de Produtores do Queijo Rabaçal, Portugal

Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Serra da Estrela - ACOSE, Portugal

Direção Regional de Agricultura - DRABL, Portugal
2002 - 2004 ANTIOXIDANTES - Natural antioxidants in agro-food industries-extraction and processing
Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Portugal
2000/10/01 - 2003 PROCHEESE: PRObiotic CHE from whEy with in Situ-Generated Exopolysaccharide
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal
Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia
2000 - 2003 MICROCHEESE - Microstructure of Portuguese Cheeses
2000 - 2003 ENTEROCOCCUS - Deepening the knowledge on the role of enterococci, from manufacture through maturation of traditional cheeses
Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal

Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Portugal
2000 - 2002 Improving the hygienic quality of traditional dairy products by using lactic starter’s producers of bacteriocins
Institut Agronomique et Vétérinaire Hassan II, Morocco
1996 - 1999 GANIMEDES - Management and national recovery by specific microbial pathway from serum effluent
Direção Regional de Agrícultura de Entre o Douro e Minho - DRAEDM, Portugal

Quinta dos Ingleses - AgroIndústria Lda, Portugal

Associação Nacional Dos Industriais De Lacticínios, Portugal
1996 - 1998 Recovery of proteins and production of food gum from milk whey
1995 - 1998 Improvement of production process of Serra da Estrela cheese
PAMAF/ IED nº 3025
Instituto Politécnico de Coimbra Escola Superior Agrária de Coimbra, Portugal

Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Escola Superior Agrária, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal

Associação Nacional de Criadores de Ovinos da Serra da Estrela - ACOSE, Portugal
1992 - 1994 Characterization of the proteins in ewe´s milk


Designation Funders
2024 - Current CROSSPATHS: Highway to Horizon Europe by pulling ERDF investments out of isolation through a tailors
2024 - Current Therm4Skin – Bem estar sem pausa
2023 - Current TRANSCoLAB - Laboratorio Colaborativo Transfronterizo para la sostenibilidad y innovación del sector Agroalimentario y Agroindustrial
2023 - Current OakkFood - Valorização integrada da bolota como matéria-prima portuguesa para produtos alimentares diferenciadores
2023 - Current ProxIMED - Exploration and Implementation of Products with Alternative Proteins in the Mediterranean Region
2021 - Current Agenda Mobilizadora VIIAFOOD - Plataforma de Valorização, Industrialização e Inovação comercial para o AgroAlimentar
2021 - Current Pacto da Bioeconomia Azul
2021 - Current BioShoes4All - Inovação e capacitação da fileira do calçado para a bioeconomia sustentável
2021 - Current Be@t - Bioeconomia no Têxtil e no Vestuário
Ref.: 02/C12-i01.01/2022.P1
2023/03/01 - 2026/02/28 gBiOT – Nutraceutical biopolymeric-biocatalytic microbot against gut inflammatory disorders
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2023 - 2024 DIP4Agri – Deep Tech Innovation Program for AGRIFood
Principal investigator
2021 - 2024 FISHMUC - Bioactive properties of external mucus isolated from coastal fish of Macao and Portugal
Principal investigator
2021 - 2024 STARGATE - Sensors and daTA tRaininG towards high-performance Agri-food sysTEms
H2020-EU.4.b – WIDESPREAD-05-2020
Principal investigator
2021 - 2023 FISHCOLBOOSTER - Development of fish collagen peptides in an integrated system to obtain high value fractions for human food, aquaculture and cosmetics
2021 - 2023 BUGS@PETS - Development of new insect ingredients for incorporation into petfood feeds
2020 - 2023 NutriSafeLab – Development of solutions for the bakery industry to promote CleanLabels
2020 - 2023 Healthy PETFOOD – Pet Food Formulations to Promote Health and Quality of Life
2020 - 2023 MEDIASMART – Mediterranean Citrus: innovative soft processing solutions for S.M.A.R.T. (Sustainable, Mediterranean Agronomically evolved, utritionally enriched, Traditional) products
2020 - 2023 BIOma - Integrated BIOeconomics solutions for Mobilization of the agrifood chain
2020 - 2023 CLABEL+ - Innovative "cleanlabel" natural, nutritious and consumer-oriented foods
Team Member
2019 - 2023 RE-EAT ROCHA PEAR - Strategies For The Recovery of Maturing Capacity in The Post-Storage
2019 - 2023 ALPHAMAIS: Development of new food preparations and functional ingredients based on carob
2019 - 2022 ALGALUP – Integral alternative for the exploitation of macroalgae in the Galicia and Portugal zone
2018/07/01 - 2021/06/30 GastroCure - Bioactive Soybean and Cruciferous extracts towards application in gastrointestinal disorders: development, characterization and delivery
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/06/01 - 2021/05/31 Innovative BIObiotechnology solutions FOR black stains removal and preventive conservation of historical and culturally important MURAL paintings
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/06/01 - 2021/05/31 Tailored microenCAPsulation technology for Extreme Oxygen-Sensitive BACteria with beneficial effects in the gut microbiota: Production, stability and functionality enhancements in various carriers
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/06/01 - 2021/05/31 Use of blueberry juice as a nutraceutical strategy targeting gut dysbiosis to prevent the progression from prediabetes to diabetes
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020 - 2021 PHYS - MTEX Physalia
2020 - 2021 PLANTCOVID - Applications of plant extracts targeting SARS-CoV-2
2017/01/01 - 2020/06/30 Multi-purpose strategies for broadband agro-forest and fisheries by-products valorisation: a step forward for a truly integrated biorefinery
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016/05/01 - 2019/12/31 Development of BIONANOmaterials for anti-microbial coating of metal and stone-based outdoor SCULPtures
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016/05/01 - 2019/10/31 Development of oral strips containing nanoencapsulated bioactive compounds
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2007/07/01 - 2010/12/31 ProBioCaps - Microencapsulation technology adapted for probiotic bacteria: production and improving the stability and functionality in different vectors
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010 - 2010 Characterization of the antioxidant capacity of teas
Private Company
Delta cafés , Portugal
2009 - 2009 Characterization of the antioxidant capacity of rooibos
Delta cafés , Portugal
2004/06/01 - 2007/11/30 MILKFILM - developMent and characterIzation of bioactive miLK protein edible coats and FILMs
Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
Universidade do Algarve Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia

Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Book chapter
  1. Cassoni, A. C.; Gómez-García, R.; Pintado, M.. "Valorization of Agricultural Lignocellulosic Plant Byproducts Following Biorefinery Approach Toward Circular Bioeconomy". In Agricultural Waste: Environmental Impact, Useful Metabolites and Energy Production, 109-137. Springer Nature Singapore, 2023.
  2. Gomes, Ana; Bourbon, Ana I.; Peixoto, Ana Rita; Silva, Ana Sanches; Tasso, Ana; Almeida, Carina; Nobre, Clarisse; et al. "Strategies for the reduction of sugar in food products". In Food Structure Engineering and Design for Improved Nutrition, Health and Well-Being, 219-241. Elsevier, 2023.
  3. Ribeiro, Tânia Bragança; Melo, Adma; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Flavonoids". In Natural Secondary Metabolites, 73-105. Springer International Publishing, 2023.
  4. Sousa, Sérgio; Machado, Manuela; Carvalho, Ana P.; Pintado, Manuela; Gomes, Ana Maria. "Alternative sources of bioactive lipids: Challenges and perspectives (microalgae, plant seeds)". In Bioactive Lipids, 297-320. Elsevier, 2023.
  5. Machado, Manuela; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pintado, Manuela. "Lipid delivery systems for food applications". In Bioactive Lipids, 339-348. Elsevier, 2023.
  6. Salsinha, Ana Sofia; Pintado, Manuela. "Impact of bioactive lipids on gut microbiota". In Bioactive Lipids, 191-207. Elsevier, 2023.
  7. Machado, Manuela; Freitas, Ana C.; Pintado, Manuela; Gomes, Ana Maria. "Challenges in functional foods development based on bioactive lipids". In Bioactive Lipids, 321-337. Elsevier, 2023.
  8. Machado, Manuela; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pintado, Manuela; Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luís Miguel. "Lipidomics". In Bioactive Lipids, 37-50. Elsevier, 2023.
  9. Salsinha, Ana Sofia; Socodato, Renato; Relvas, João B.; Pintado, Manuela. "The pro- and antiinflammatory activity of fatty acids". In Bioactive Lipids, 51-75. Elsevier, 2023.
  10. Ribeiro, Tânia Bragança; Voss, Glenise Bierhalz; Coelho, Marta Correia; Pintado, Manuela Estevez. "Food waste and by-product valorization as an integrated approach with zero waste: Future challenges". In Future Foods, 569-596. Elsevier, 2022.
  11. Voss, Glenise Bierhalz; Machado, Daniela; Barbosa, Joana Cristina; Campos, Débora A.; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pintado, Manuela. "Interplay between probiotics and prebiotics for human nutrition and health". In Probiotics for Human Nutrition in Health and Disease, 231-254. Elsevier, 2022.
  12. Baptista-Silva, Sara; Borges, Sandra; Brassesco, María Emilia; Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Oliveira, Ana L.; Pintado, Manuela. "Research, development and future trends for medical textile products". In Medical Textiles from Natural Resources, 795-828. Elsevier, 2022.
  13. Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Campos, Débora A.; Oliveira, Ana Silva; Pintado, Manuela. "Agro-food wastes: new sources of antioxidants". In Membrane Engineering in the Circular Economy, 197-227. Elsevier, 2022.
  14. Pimentel, Lígia; Carsanba, Erdem; Teixeira, Francisca; Vidigal, Susana; Pintado, Manuela; Oliveira, Carla; Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luis M.. "Microbial Production of Terpenes". In Microbial Production of Food Bioactive Compounds, 1-38. Springer International Publishing, 2022.
  15. Voss, Glenise Bierhalz; Oliveira, Ana L.S.; Alexandre, Elisabete Maria da Cruz; Pintado, Manuela Estevez. "Importance of polyphenols: Consumption and human health". In Technologies to Recover Polyphenols from AgroFood By-products and Wastes, 1-23. Elsevier, 2022.
  16. Moreira, Silvia A.; Pinto, Carlos A.; Alexandre, Elisabete Maria da Cruz; Pintado, Manuela Estevez; Saraiva, Jorge Manuel Alexandre. "Assisted extraction of phenolic compounds by pressure-based technologies". In Technologies to Recover Polyphenols from AgroFood By-products and Wastes, 113-135. Elsevier, 2022.
  17. Alexandre, Elisabete M.C.; Moreira, Sílvia A.; Pinto, Carlos A.; Pintado, Manuela; Saraiva, Jorge A.. "Analysis of glucosinolates content in food products". In Glucosinolates: Properties, Recovery, and Applications, 213-250. Elsevier, 2020.
    Published • 10.1016/b978-0-12-816493-8.00007-x
  18. Batista, Patrícia Sofia Pinhanços; de Morais, Alcina Maria Miranda Bernardo; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez; de Morais, Rui Manuel Santos Costa. "Alginate: Pharmaceutical and Medical Applications". In Extracellular Sugar-Based Biopolymers Matrices, 649-691. Springer International Publishing, 2019.
  19. Ana Oliveira; Ana A. Vilas-Boas; Ana L. Amaro; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Impact of Postharvest Technologies on Ready-To-Eat Spinach Nutritional Quality". In Agricultural Research Updates, edited by Prathamesh Gorawala; Srushti Mandhatri. Nova Science Publishers, 2019.
  20. Elisabete M.C. Alexandre; Jorge A. Saraiva; C. Pinto; S.A Moreira; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Non-thermal Food Processing/preservation technologies". In Saving Food: Production, Supply Chain, Food Waste and Food Consumption, edited by Charis M. Galanakis. Elsevier, 2019.
  21. Pimentel, Lígia Leão; Fontes, Ana Luiza; Salsinha, Ana Sofia; Cardoso, Beatriz Batista; Gomes, Ana Maria; Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luís Miguel. "Microbiological In Vivo Production of CLNA as a Tool in the Regulation of Host Microbiota in Obesity Control". In Studies in Natural Products Chemistry, 369-394. Elsevier, 2019.
  22. Monteiro, Maria João P.; Costa, Ana Isabel A.; Tomlins, Keith I.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Quality Improvement and New Product Development in the Hibiscus Beverage Industry". In Processing and Sustainability of Beverages, 139-183. Elsevier, 2019.
    Published • 10.1016/b978-0-12-815259-1.00005-7
  23. Castro, P.M.; Sarmento, B.; Madureira, A.R.; Pintado, M.E.; Castro, Pedro M.; Sarmento, Bruno; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Organic nanocomposites for the delivery of bioactive molecules". 471-493. Elsevier, 2019.
  24. Veiga, M.; Costa, E.M.; Voss, G.; Silva, S.; Pintado, M.; Veiga, Mariana; Costa, Eduardo M.; et al. "Engineering and health benefits of fruits and vegetables beverages". In Non-Alcoholic Beverages, 363-405. Elsevier, 2019.
    Published • 10.1016/b978-0-12-815270-6.00012-8
  25. Castro, Sónia M.; Inácio, Rita S.; Alexandre, Elisabete M. C.; Fidalgo, Liliana G.; Pereira, Sofia; Quaresma, Patrícia; Freitas, Paulo; et al. "Environmental Footprint of Emerging Technologies, Regulatory and Legislative Issues". In Innovative Technologies for Food Preservation - Inactivation of Spoilage and Pathogenic Microorganisms, edited by Francisco J. Barba; Anderson de Sousa Sant'Ana; Vibeke Orlien, 255-576. Academic Press, 2018.
    Published • 10.1016/B978-0-12-811031-7.00008-X
  26. Sara Silva; Ana L.S. Oliveira; Tânia Ribeiro; Ana R. Madureira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Silva, S.; Oliveira, A.L.S.; et al. "Non-extractable Phenolic Compounds as Food Ingredients". In Non-extractable Polyphenols and Carotenoids: Importance in Human Nutrition and Health, edited by Jara Pérez-Jimenez; Fulgencio Saura Calixto, 345-366. Royal Society of Chemistry, 2018.
    Published • 10.1039/9781788013208-00345
  27. Elisabete M.C. Alexandre; Sílvia A. Moreira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Jorge A. Saraiva; Alexandre, E.M.C.; Moreira, S.A.; Pintado, M.; Saraiva, J.A.. "Emergent extraction technologies to valoriza fruit and vegetable residues". In Agricultural Research Updates, 37-79. Nova Science Publishers, 2017.
  28. Alexandre, E.M.C.; Inácio, R.S.; Ribeiro, A.C.; Lemos, Á.; Pereira, S.; Castro, S.M.; Teixeira, P.; et al. "Effect of commercial emerging nonthermal technologies on food products: Microbiological aspects". In Food Safety and Protection, 397-427. CRC Press, 2017.
  29. Pereira, J.O.; Pintado, M.M.; Joana Odíla; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Edible packaging: A vehicle for functional compounds". In Conventional and Advanced Food Processing Technologies, edited by Miquel Angelo Parente Ribeiro Cerqueira; Ricardo Nuno Correia Pereira; Oscar Leandro da Silva Ramos; Jose Antonio Couto Teixeira; Antonio Augusto Vicente, 215-242. CRC Press, 2017.
  30. Belc, Nastasia; Duta, Denisa Eglantina; Iorga, Enuta; Mohan, Gabriela; Mosoiu, Claudia Elena; Vasile, Adrian; Sanmartin, Angel Martinez; et al. "Food Safety Aspects Concerning Traditional Foods". 2016.
  31. Ana L.S. Oliveira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Oliveira, A.; Pintado, M.. "Impact of Heat Processing on Nutritional and Functional Properties of Peach". In Apricots and Peaches: Nutritional properties, Post-harvest management and potential health benefits, 73-92. Nova Science Publishers, 2016.
  32. Vasconcelos, T.; da Silva, S.B.; Ferreira, D.; Pintado, M.; Marques, S.. "Cell-based in vitro models for ocular permeability studies". 129-154. 2016.
  33. Castro, P.; Madureira, R.; Sarmento, B.; Pintado, M.. "Tissue-based in vitro and ex vivo models for buccal permeability studies". 189-202. 2016.
  34. Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Streptococcus mutans biofilms: An insider’s look". In Impact of Biofilms in health, a transcriptomic perspective. Centre of Biological Engineering, 2015.
  35. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Clara Piccirillo; Paula M. L. Castro. "Materiais à base de fosfato de cálcio de origem marinha para aplicações biomédicas". In Valorização dos recursos marinhos. Consejo Superior Investigaciones Científicas, 2015.
  36. Castro, Pedro; Madureira, Raquel; Sarmento, Bruno; Pintado, Manuela. "Tissue-based in vitro and ex vivo models for buccal permeability studies". In Concepts and Models for Drug Permeability Studies: Cell and tissue based in vitro culture models, edited by Bruno Sarmento. United Kingdom: Woodhead Publishing/Elsevier, 2015.
  37. Ana L Amaro; Maria João Pereira; G. Colelli; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Impact of minimal processing and storage on strawberry functional and nutritional quality". In Strawberries: Cultivation, Antioxidant Properties and Health Benefit’s, edited by N. Malone. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2015.
  38. T. Vasconcelos; Sara Batista da Silva; D. Ferreira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; S. Marques. "Cell-based in vitro models for ocular permeability studies". In Concepts and models for drug permeability studies: Cell and tissue based in vitro culture models, edited by Bruno Sarmento. Woodhead Publishing/Elsevier, 2015.
  39. Ana R. Madureira; Bruno Sarmento; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Raquel Madureira, A.; Sarmento, B.; Pintado, M.. "Current state of the potential use of chitosan as a pharmaceutical excipient". In Handobook of polymer for pharmaceutical technologies volume 3: biodegradable polymers, edited by Vijay Kumar Thakur; Manju Kumari Thakur, 275-297. John Wiley and Sons, 2015.
  40. Costa, D.V.T.A.; Almeida, D.P.F.; Pintado, M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Effect of atmosphere composition on phenolic phytochemicals of two cultivars of northern Highbush blueberry". 2015.
  41. Spadafora, N.D.; Machado, I.; Müller, C.T.; Pintado, M.; Bates, M.; Rogers, H.J.. "Physiological, metabolite and volatile analysis of cut size in melon during postharvest storage". In International Journal of Food Studies. 2015.
  42. Amaro, A.L.; Machado, I.; Pereira, M.J.; Carvalho, S.; Poças, M.F.; Vasconcelos, M.; Pintado, M.. "Respiration rate and functional quality of rocket leaves as affected by passive modified atmosphere packaging". In International Journal of Food Studies. 2015.
  43. Ana R. Madureira; Ana M. Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Functional foods". In Recent Advances in Dairy Microbiology and Biochemistry, edited by Barbara Özer; Gülsün Akdemir-Evrendilek. CRC Press, 2014.
  44. da Silva, Sara Baptista; Borges, Sandra; Ramos, Óscar; Pintado, Manuela; Ferreira, Domingos; Sarmento, Bruno; Sara Baptista da Silva; et al. "Treating Retinopathies – Nanotechnology as a Tool in Protecting Antioxidants Agents". In Systems Biology of Free Radicals and Antioxidants, 3539-3558. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2014.
  45. Almeida, D.P.F.; Gomes, M.H.; Pintado, M.. "Polysaccharide composition of dietary fiber and cell walls from 'Rocha' pear at two ripening stages". In International Journal of Food Studies. 2014.
  46. A.C. Freitas; Dina Rodrigues; Sérgio C. Sousa; Pintado, Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; Sérgio Sousa; Ana Gomes; Manuela Pintado. "Food as Vehicles of Probiotics". In Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects. Pan Stanford Publishing, 2013.
    Published • 10.1201/b15676-5
  47. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. Gomes; A.C. Freitas; Manuela Pintado; Ana Gomes. "Probiotics and their therapeutic role". In in Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects, edited by Silva PS; Freitas AC. Pan Stantford Publishers Pte. Ldt, 2013.
    Published • 10.1201/b15676-4
  48. Ana M. P. Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela; A. C. Freitas (1A15-B04E-1E36); J.P. Silva. "Gastrointestinal tract: microflora and transit aspects". In Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects. Pan Stantford Publishers Pte. Ldt., 2013.
  49. D. M. Tobaldi; R.C.Pullar; Clara Piccirillo; Paula M. L. Castro; Pintado, Maria Manuela; M.P Seabra; J.A. Labrincha. "Titania nanostructures for environmental remediation". In Handbook of Functional Nanomaterials, edited by Mahmoof Aliofkhazraei. Nova Science Publishers, 2013.
  50. Piccirillo, Clara; Pintado, Manuela; Castro, Paula; Clara Piccirillo; Manuela Pintado; Paula Castro. "Hydroxyapatite and Calcium Phosphates from Marine Sources". In Marine Biomaterials, edited by Se-Kwon Kim, 29-44. CRC Press, 2013.
    Published • 10.1201/b14723-5
  51. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; Ana Cristina Freitas. "Probiotic bacteria: from science to consumers benefit". In Probiotic Bacteria: Fundamentals, Therapy and Technological Aspects, edited by PS Silva; AC Freitas. Pan Stantford Publishers Pte. Ldt., 2013.
  52. Pimentel, Lígia; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier; Tenreiro, Rogério; Semedo-Lemsaddek, Teresa; Barreto-Crespo, Maria Teresa. "Introduction: A journey to the world of Enterococcus". Nova Science Publishers, 2012.
  53. S.C Fonseca; S.L. Jácome; R. Pinheiro; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; Alcina Morais; Manuela Vaz-Velho; Paula Teixeira. "Application of nisin and chitosan as antimicrobial agents in tradicional cured and smoked “Alheira”". In Worldwide reseach efforts against microbial pathogens: From basic research to technological developments, edited by A. Méndez-Vilas. Brown Walker Press-Boca Raton, 2012.
  54. Almeida, D.P.F.; Cardoso, M.; Cerdeira, A.; Borges, A.; Gião, M.S.; Pintado, M.E.. "Antioxidant activity of pulp and peel apples extracts evaluated by bacteriophage and DNA protection methods". In International Journal of Food Studies. 2012.
  55. Tavaria, Freni K.; Joao Fernandes Martins, M; A. Santos-Silva; Sara Batista; Bruno Sarmento; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Biological activities of chitin, chitosan and respective oligomers". In Focus on Chitosan Research, edited by Arthur N. Ferguson; Amy G. O'Neill. Nova Publishers, 2011.
  56. Ana Raquel Madureira; Ana M.P. Gomes; Bruno Sarmento; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Applications of Nanotechnology in Food Processing – Focus on Delivery Systems for Bioactive Compounds". In Advances in Nanotechnology, edited by Zacharie Bartul. Nova Science Publishers, Inc., 2011.
  57. Sara Baptista da Silva; Joao Fernandes Martins, M; Freni K. Tavaria; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Bruno Sarmento. "The potential of chitosan in drug delivery systems". In Focus on Chitosan Research, edited by Arthur N. Ferguson; Amy G. O'Neill. Nova Publishers, 2011.
  58. Tavaria, F.K.; Fernandes, J.; Santos-Silva, A.; Silva, S.B.; Sarmento, B.; Pintado, M.. "Biological activities of chitin, chitosan and respective oligomers". In International Journal of Food Studies. 2011.
  59. Silva, S.B.; Fernandes, J.; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.; Sarmento, B.. "The potential of chitosan in drug delivery systems". In International Journal of Food Studies. 2011.
  60. Alves-Silva j.M; Sandra M. Dias dos Santos; Pintado, Maria Manuela; José A. Pérez-Álvarez; Manuel Viuda-Martos; Fernández-López, J.. "In vitro antimicrobial properties of coriander (Coriandrum sativum) and parsley (Petroselinium crispum) essential oils encapsulated in b-ciclodextrine". In Worldwide reseach efforts against microbial pathogens: From basic research to technological developments, edited by A. Méndez-Vilas. Brownwalker Press, 2010.
  61. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. P. Gomes; Ana R. Madureira; Ana I. Pintado; Maria M. Pintado; F. Xavier Malcata. "Technology and stability of probiotic and prebiotic whey dairy products". In Probiotic and Prebiotic Foods: Technology, Stability and Benefits to Human Health, edited by Adriano Gomes da Cruz; Nagendra P. Shah; Jose de Assis Fonsecca Faria. Nova Science Publishers, 2010.
  62. Ana Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F. Xavier Malcata. "Probiotics". In Handbook of Dairy Foods Analysis, edited by Leo M.L. Nollet; Fidel Toldra. CRC Press, 2009.
  63. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Poças, Maria de Fátima; Maria de Povßas; Manuela Pintado. "Packaging and the shelf life of cheese". In Food Packaging and Shelf Life: A Practical Guide in Packaging and the Shelf Life of Cheese, edited by Gordon L. Robertson. CRC Press., 2009.
    Published • 10.1201/9781420078459-c6
  64. A.R. Madureira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; A.M. Gomes; F. Xavier Malcata. "Recuperación y revalorización del lactosuero para la producción de nuevos productos con propiedades funcionales". In Funcionalidad de Componentes Lácteos, 327-352. 2009.
  65. Ana Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F. Xavier Malcata. "Pathogenicity, commensalism, and the beneficial microorganisms". In Food safety: a practical and case study approach, edited by Anna Mcelhatton; Richard Marshal. Springer, 2008.
  66. George Kalantzopoulos; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M.P. Gomes; Manuela Pintado; Ana Gomes. "Exploitation of microorganisms by the food and beverage industry". In Food safety: a practical and case study approach, edited by Richard Marshal; Anna Mcelhatton. Springer, 2008.
    Published • 10.1007/978-0-387-33957-3_8
  67. A.C. Freitas; Ana. I. E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.Xavier Malcata. "Dominant microflora of Picante cheese: effects on proteolysis and lipolysis". In Improvement of the Quality of the Production of Raw Milk Cheeses, 267-280. Luxembourg: Office for Official Publications of the European Communities,, 1999.
Conference abstract
  1. Pedro João Castro; Ana Lucia Oliveira; Pedro Fonte; Ana Raquel Madureira; Bruno Sarmento; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Edible films as oral delivery systems for xanthines extracted from medicinal plants: an experimental design approach". Paper presented in International Conference of Aromatic and Medicinal Herbs in Food, Bucharest, 2016.
Conference paper
  1. Valter F. R. Martins; Fátima Poças; Manuela Pintado; Rui M. S. C. Morais; Alcina M. M. B. Morais. "Edible Films with Protein and Bioactive Compounds from Arthrospira sp.". 2025.
  2. Laíres Lima; Ana I. Pereira; Manuela Pintado; Márcio Carocho; Lillian Barros. "Multivariate Analysis in Accelerated Shelf-Life Assessment—An Overview". 2023.
  3. Liliana Araújo; Adriana R. Machado; Manuela Pintado; Eduarda Vieira; Patrícia Moreira. "Toward a Circular Bioeconomy: Extracting Cellulose from Grape Stalks". 2023.
  4. Rocha, Joana; Botelho, João Francisco Tomaz Santos; Ksiezarek, Magdalena; Ribeiro, Teresa Goncalves; Machado, Miguel Paulo; Carrico, Joao Andre; Peixe, Luisa Maria Vieira; et al. "Lactobacillus femina sp. nov., a new species of lactobacillus delbrueckii group". Paper presented in FEMS 2019: 8th Congress of European Microbiologists, Glasgow, Scotland., 2019.
  5. Espírito Santo, Christophe; Belane, Yuran; Resende, Mafalda; Caseiro, Catarina; Beato, Helena; Reis, João; Brandão, Inês; et al. "Estudo de conservação sob atmosfera controlada na qualidade da cereja cv. Satin.". 2019.
  6. Campos, Débora A.; Gómez-Garcia, Ricardo; Teixeira, J. A.; Pastrana, Lorenzo; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Pineapple by-products integrated valorisation towards functional foods". 2019.
  7. Faustino, Margarida; Salsinha, Ana Sofia; Pimentel, Lígia; Alcalá, Luis; Freitas, Ana Cristina; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pereira, Carlos Dias; Pintado, Manuela. "Characterization of a concentrated second cheese whey". 2018.
  8. Vasconcelos, Marta; Pinto, Elisabete; Pimenta, Ana; Santos, Carla; Monteiro, Maria João; Pintado, Manuela; Gomes, Ana. "WP3 Nutrition and Product Development - objectives, ongoing research and communication at UCP". 2017.
  9. Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luís Miguel; Pimentel, Lígia; Gomes, Ana María; Pintado, Manuela. "EPA and DHA stability after processing in canned tuna with soya or refined oils". 2017.
  10. Lopes, Maria Teresa; Silva, Sara; Teixeira, J. A.; Pintado, Manuela; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Teresa Bonifacio-Lopes; Sara Silva; et al. "Brewers spent grain as a potential source of antioxidants: characterization of extracts". Paper presented in MicroBiotec2017, 2017.
  11. Lourenço, Inês; Alves, Maria José; Martins, Anabela; Pintado, Manuela. "Extratos de cogumelos silvestres potenciam a ação de antibióticos contra bactérias multi- resistentes". 2016.
  12. Nascimento, B. M. S.; Amaral, D. S.; Ribeiro, C. A.; Monteiro, Maria João; Gomes, Ana M. P.; Pintado, M. E.; Queiroga, R.. "Avaliação sensorial de queijos coalhos maturados". 2016.
  16. Alves, Maria José; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Barreira, João C.M.; Pimentel, Maria Helena; Pintado, Manuela. "Insights on the evolution of bacterial susceptibility exposed to multiple antibiotics: a triennial epidemiological study". 2014.
  19. Silva, Sara; Norberto, Sónia; Costa, Eduardo; Pereira, Miguel; Costa, Maria do Rosário; Coelho, Marta; Faria, Ana; Pintado, M. E.; Calhau, Conceição. "Bioavailability of phenolic compounds from blueberry leaf infusions (Vaccinium Corymbosum L.) In caco-2 cells". 2013.
  20. Campos, Débora; Madureira, Raquel; Gomes, Ana M. P.; Sarmento, Bruno; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Débora A. Campos; et al. "Release of polyphenols from carnauba wax nanoparticles". Paper presented in MicroBioTech, Aveiro, Portugal., 2013.
  21. Alves, Maria José; Barreira, João C.M.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Martins, Anabela; Pintado, Manuela. "Susceptibility to biofilm formation by clinical isolates from patients with urinary tract infection: development of a multifactorial predictive model". 2013.
  22. Alves, Maria José; Marques, Azucena; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Martins, Anabela; Pintado, Manuela. "Ação antimicrobiana de extratos fenólicos de cogumelos silvestres contra Neisseria gonorrhoeae". 2012.
  24. Alves, Maria José; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Martins, Anabela; Pintado, Manuela. "Screening of the antimicrobial activity of wild mushrooms phenolic extracts against clinical isolates". 2011.
  25. Silva, L.I.B.; Pereira, M.E.; Duarte, A.C.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, M.M.; Pinheiro, H.; Moura, D.; et al. "Significance of fast and simple determination of catecholamines and their metabolites in patients with Down syndrome". 2011.
  26. Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez. "The role of environment in the transmission of infection". 2010.
Conference poster
  1. Ricardo Gómez-García; Filomena De Biasio; Domenico Gorgoglione; Débora A. Campos; Aguilar, Cristóbal N.; Ana R. Madureira; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Valorization of onion and fennel wastes as sources of polyphenolic antioxidants toward functional ingredients.". Paper presented in 9th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health (ICPH2019), Kobe, Japan., 2019.
  2. Borges, C.S.P.; Odila J.; Martins R.; Rosa A.; Vanderpoorten W.; Almeida A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Enzymatic hydrolysis of meta by-products by fish viscera enzyme extracts: antioxidante and antihypertensive activitie". Paper presented in in 1º CIAPep – Congresso Ibero-Americano de Peptídeos Bioativos, Campinas, Brazi, 2019.
  3. Brassesco, M.E; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Collagen-based bioactive hydrolysates production from Blue Shark skin.". Paper presented in CIAPep 2019. Congresso IberoAmericano de Peptídeos, 2019.
  4. Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Brassesco, M.E; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Coscueta, Ezequiel; Brassesco, María; Pintado, Manuela. "Cod skin collagen extraction and characterization". Paper presented in Congress of Microbiology and Biotecnology, Faculty of Sciences and Technology of the University of Coimbra (Polo II)., 2019.
  5. Marta Mendes; Ana C. Cassoni; Patrícia Moreira; Paula ML Castro; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Assessment of drying conditions of a yeast-based solution for application on textile industrial wastewater treatment plants". Paper presented in MicroBiotec2019, 2019.
  6. Ana A. Vilas-Boas; Catarina Nunes; Tânia B. Ribeiro; Ana Oliveira; João Nunes; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Quince (Cydonia oblonga Miller) fruit culls: an integral valorisation to develop novel functional ingredientes". Paper presented in IX ICPH, Kobe, Japan, 2019.
  7. Débora A. Campos; Ricardo Gómez-García; Ana A. Vilas-Boas; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Pineapple by-products functional flours - stability upon to simulated gastrointestinal tract and human intestinal microbiota". Paper presented in IX ICPH, Kobe, Japan, 2019.
  8. Marta Mendes; Ana C. Cassoni; Patrícia Moreira,; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Paula ML Castro. "Toxicity of decolourisation products of synthetic textile effluents by a selected yeast.". Paper presented in BioRemid2019, Porto, Portugal, 2019.
  9. Alexandra Marco; Bruno Campos; Eduarda Vieira; Patricia R. Moreira; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Application of micro-CT for the study of mural paintings – the case of São Tiago Church". Paper presented in 3rd International Conference – Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 2019.
  10. Salsinha AS; Rodrigues A.; Socodato R.; Relvas JB.; Rodríguez-Alcalá LM; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Study of inflammation mediated by lipids in a Microglia Cell Model to deepen into brain dysregulation by obesity". Paper presented in 17th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo, Seville, Spain, 2019.
  11. Ricardo Gómez-García; Débora A. Campos; Aguilar, Cristóbal N.; Ana R. Madureira; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Cucumis melo L. peel fractions as prototypes of functional ingredients toward circular economy approach.". Paper presented in 5th International Conference- WASTE: solutions, treatment and opportunities,, 2019.
  12. Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Reis, CA; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Screening of alternative systems for the extraction of isothiocyanates from watercress.". Paper presented in 2nd Food Chemistry Conference, 17-19 September, Seville, Spain., 2019.
  13. Sardão, R. Alexandre; E.M.C., Amaral, R; Saraiva, J.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Effect of high pressure processing to extend the shelf life of a functional acorn beverage.". Paper presented in Food Chemistry Conference, Melia Sevilla, Spain, 2019.
  14. E. Fernandes; F. Ribeiro; A. Moreno; P. Batista; P. Oliveira-Silva; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Is intake of caffeine via a oral film as effective as an expresso?". Paper presented in Annual Meeting for the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN), Robinson College, Cambridge, 2019.
  15. Marta Mendes; Carolina Cassoni; Paula Castro; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Patrícia Moreira. "Evaluation of decolourisation of reactive dyes by selected and related enzymatic activity". Paper presented in FEMS2019, Glasgow, Escócia, 2019.
  16. Sardão, R. Alexandre; E.M.C., Amaral; Saraiva, J.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Use of high pressure processing to extend the shelf life of a functional acorn beverage". Paper presented in . XXVI Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química. Porto, Portugal,, 2019.
  17. Borges, C.S.P.; Odila J.; Martins R.; Rosa A.; Vanderpoorten W.; Almeida A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Fish by-products as a source of proteolytic enzymes and bioactive peptides". Paper presented in 2nd International Symposium on Bioactive Peptides, 2019.
  18. Campos B.; Marco A.; Vieira, E.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Moreira, P.R. "Chemical characterization of black stains on mural paintings with granite support from churches of Northern Portugal". Paper presented in Materiais 2019; Nova University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 2019.
  19. Cassoni, A.C.; Mendes, Marta; Moreira, Patricia; Castro, Paula; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Decolorization of textile dyes and effluents by a selected yeast and preliminary characterization of the product metabolites". Paper presented in 2nd International Meeting on New Strategies in Bioremediation Processes, 2019.
  20. Coelho, M.; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Sara Silva; Fernandes, J.; Pereira, R.N.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Teixeira, J; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Biological properties of grape by-products promoted by Ohmic heating technology.". Paper presented in Cibia XII, Algarve, 2019.
  21. Dias, Cindy; Amaro, Ana; Fonseca, Alexandre; Rocha, Sílvia; Silvestre, Armando; Isidoro, Nelsón; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Valorisation of apple byproduct as an additive to preserve fruit quality and physiological features". Paper presented in 33rd EFFOST International Conference, 2019.
  22. Dias, Cindy; Amaro, Ana; Fonseca, Alexandre; Rocha, Sílvia; Silvestre, Armando; Isidoro, Nelsón; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Valorization of natural extracts as potential enzymatic browning inhibitors in processed fruits". Paper presented in CIBIA- Congresso Iberoamericano de Engenharia Alimentar., 2019.
  23. Dias, Cindy; Amaro, Ana; Salvador, Ângelo; Rocha, Sílvia; Silvestre, Armando; Isidoro, Nelsón; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "ReStoragePear- Development of strategies to the prevention of superficial scald and internal browning in the Rocha pear and quality assurance in long-term storage". Paper presented in Fruitlogistica, 2019.
  24. Ghalamara, S.; Silva, Silva; Brazinha, C; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Antimicrobial activity of peptide fractions from cod blood and sardine cooking water, obtained by membrane processing". Paper presented in 5th International Conference WASTES: Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities., 2019.
  25. Ghalamara, S.; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Sara Silva; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Characterization of the antioxidant capacity of peptide fractions from cod blood and sardine cooking water, attained through membrane processing". Paper presented in XII edition of CIBIA, Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering, 2019.
  26. Norton Komora; Diva Jesus; Maria João Monteiro; Ivo Gama; Ricardo Teixeira; Tiago Domingos; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Paula Teixeira. "Evaluation of microbiological quality of beef samples from of semi-intensive and intensive production systems". Paper presented in GHI WORLD CONGRESS ON FOOD SAFETY AND SECURITY, 2019.
  27. Cunha S.; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Silva, J.L; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Optimization of bioactive peptides extraction from Chlorella vulgaris". Paper presented in 2nd International Symposium on Bioactive Peptides. Valência, Espanha, 2019.
  28. Cunah S.; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Silva, J.L; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Nannochloropsis oceanica: a source of bioactive peptides". Paper presented in 1st CIAPep Ibero-American Congress in Bioactive Peptides., 2019.
  29. Ribeiro, T. I. B.; Nunes, S.; Veiga, M.; Costa, C.; Nunes, J.; Vicente, A. A,; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "In vitro gastrointestinal digestion and colonic fermentation models of an olive pomace ingredient rich in hydroxytyrosol: antihypertensive, prebiotic, antioxidant and antidiabetic potential". Paper presented in In 2nd Food Chemistry Conference, Sevilla, 2019.
  30. Ribeiro, T. I. B.; Oliveira, A.; Nunes, J.; Vicente, A.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Olive pomace powders: Development and characterisation of new functional food ingredients.". Paper presented in In XII Iberoamerican Congress of Food Engineering – CIBIA 2019, 2019.
  31. Ribeiro, T. I. B.; Oliveira, A.; Vilas Boas, A.; Nunes, J.; Vicente, A.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Incorporation of olive pomace ingredients in yoghurtas source of fibre and hydroxytyrosol: Bioactivity and stability of throughoutgastrointestinal digestion". Paper presented in In 8th International Symposium on Delivery of Funcionality in Complex FoodSystems, 2019.
  32. M. Machado; C.L. Seabra; L.M. Rodriguez-Alcalá; A.M. Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "A Novel Strategy to Incorporate Coconut Oil in Dairy Matrices". Paper presented in 17th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Seville, Spain., 2019.
  33. Nádia C. Silva; Diana Castro; Eduarda Vieira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Patrícia R. Moreira. "BIONANOSCULP: development of chitosan-based coatings as an eco-friendly strategy for conservation of outdoor sculptures". Paper presented in Microbiotec'19 Congress, Universidade de Coimbra, Pólo II:, 2019.
  34. Bonifácio-Lopes, T.; Débora A. Campos; Teixeira, J. A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Antimicrobial activity and biofilm inhibition activity of clean label extracts of brewer's spent grain". Paper presented in Microbiotec, 2019.
  35. Teixeira, J. A.; Bonifácio-Lopes, T.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Toxicity and antihypertensive activity of brewer's spent grain extracts.". Paper presented in Food Chemistry. Sevilha, 2019.
  36. Silva, N. C.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Moreira, P. R.. "Biotechnology for art conservation: microbiological characterization of public outdoor sculptures". Paper presented in 8th Congress of European Microbiologists – FEMS, Glasgow, Scotland, 2019.
  37. P. Batista; E. Fernandes; F. Ribeiro; A. Moreno; P. Oliveira-Silva; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Development of a neuropsychophysiological protocol to evaluate oral films for the delivery of neuroactive substances". Paper presented in Annual Meeting for the British Association for Cognitive Neuroscience (BACN), Robinson College, Cambridge, 2019.
  38. Ribeiro, T.B.; Oliveira, A.; Costa, C.; Vicente, A.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Nunes, J.. "Conversion into food ingredients and solid biofuel from olive pomace biomass in centre inner region of Portugal". Paper presented in In 27th European Biomass Conference & Exhibition, Lisboa, 2019.
  39. Borges, C.S.P.; Odila J.; Voss G.; Martins R.; Rosa A.; Vanderpoorten W.; Almeida A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Antioxidant peptides obtained from animal by-products: stability throughout gastrointestinal tract.". Paper presented in Mission 10.000 Conference 2018, Braga, Portugal, 2018.
  40. Costa, J.; Vale, M.; Veiga, M.; Costa, E.; Alexandre, E.M.C; Sara Silva; Saraiva, J.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Evaluation of the impact of high pressure on the microbiological load of an acorn beverage.". Paper presented in International Conference of nanoGateway, Braga, Portugal,, 2018.
  41. Sousa P.; Borges S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Enzymatic hydrolysis of edible insect protein and its antioxidant potential". Paper presented in in Mission 10.000 Conference 2018, Braga, Portugal, 2018.
  42. Débora A. Campos; Ezequiel Coscueta; Lorenzo M. Pastrana-Castro; José A. Teixeira; Guillermo A. Picó; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Optimization of Bromelain extraction from pineapple byproducts through natural polymer complex formation". Paper presented in Polymar, Athens, Greece., 2018.
  43. Costa-Pinto AR; Lemos AL,; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Development of chitosan and codfish hydroxyapatite pastes to evade prosthetic joint infections". Paper presented in MISSION 10.000 Conference, Braga, Portugal, 2018.
  44. Gamallo, M; Sara Silva; Pintado, Maria Manuela; G Feijoo; M T Moreira. "Genotoxicity analysis of different magnetic-based nanoparticles applied in chemical catalysis processes". Paper presented in 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference – ChemPor, Aveiro, Portugal, 2018.
  45. Sara Silva; Soudabeh Ghalamara; Marta Coelho; Joana Costa; Ricardo Gómez-García; Débora A. Campos; Teresa Bonifácio-Lopes; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Integrated valorization of agri-food byproducts". Paper presented in 13th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference – ChemPor on the MultiBioRefinery Extraordinary Session, Aveiro, Portugal., 2018.
  46. Coelho, M.; Costa, C.; Andrade, R.; Sara Silva; Monforte, A. R; Rodrigues, A. S.; Teixeira, J.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Gut microbiota impact on the biotransformation of polyphenols from tomato by-products.". Paper presented in 2nd International Conference on Food Bioactives & Health, Lisboa, 2018.
  47. Fernandes, J; Amorim, M.M; Oliveira, P.; Pintado, A; Costa, J; Madureira, A. Raquel; Hayen, G; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Valorisation of Amyris spent yeast waste biomass as a new source for sustainable production of ß-glucans". Paper presented in Bioflavour 2018 - Biotechnology of Flavours, Fragrances and Functional Ingredients, Frankfurt, Germany., 2018.
  48. Borges, C.S.P.; Odila J.; Voss G.; Martins R.; Rosa A.; Vanderpoorten W.; Almeida A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Antioxidant peptides obtained from enzymatic hydrolysis of animal by-products". Paper presented in Bioavailability 2018, Norwich, United Kingdom, 2018.
  49. Monteiro, M.J.; Carla Oliveira; Raquel Moreira; Cristina Santos; Alexandra Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Consumer acceptance and chemical-sensory properties and of Hayward kiwifruit.". Paper presented in Eighth European Conference on Sensory and Consumer Research, Verona, Italy, 2018.
  50. Alexandre, E.M.C.; Duarte, M.F; Coelho, M.; Vicente, A.; Saraiva, J.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Alexandre, E.M.C; Saraiva, J.A. "High pressure and ohmic heating assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from prickly pear peel and their antimicrobial activity". Paper presented in 1st International Conference on Food Bioactives & Health, Lisbon, Portugal, 2018.
  51. Alexandre, E.M.C; Duarte, M.F; Coelho, M.; Vicente, A.; Saraiva, J.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "High pressure and ohmic heating assisted extraction of antioxidant compounds from prickly pear peel". Paper presented in 56thEuropean High Pressure Research Group meeting (EHPRG), Aveiro, Portugal, 2018.
  52. Silva N. C.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Moreira, P.R. "Biocontamination assessment and microbiological characterization of outdoor sculptures: “O Guardador do Sol” case study". Paper presented in In IBBS 2018 New Trends in Cultural Heritage Biodeterioration, Coimbra, Portugal,, 2018.
  53. Mendes, M.; Patrícia Moreira; Paula Castro; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Evaluation of decolourisation of textile dyes by selected yeasts. Jornadas de Biologia das Leveduras". Paper presented in Jornadas de Biologia das Leveduras, Braga, Portugal, 2018.
  54. Débora A. Campos; Tânia Ribeiro; José A. Teixeira; Lorenzo M. Pastrana-Castro; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Assessment of potential prebiotic activity of pineapple byproducts (peels and stems) extracts and maintenance of bioavailability through in vitro gastrointestinal tract system". Paper presented in ISAPP – International Scientific Association of Probiotics and Prebiotics, Singapure., 2018.
  55. Andrade, R.A; Sara Silva; Édira CBA Gonçalves; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Impact of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on functional properties of a flour obtained from fruits and vegetable by-products presented". Paper presented in 1st International Food and Medicine Congress, Ankara, Turquia, 2018.
  56. Araújo-Rodrigues, H; Tavaria, F.K.; Dos Santos, M.T.P.G; Alvarenga, N; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Serpa PDO cheese: towards identification of chemical markers involved in organoleptic attributes". Paper presented in XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Indústria, Ciência, Formação e Inovação., 2018.
  57. Bonifácio-Lopes, T.; Batista, Patrícia; Sara Silva; Teixeira, J. A; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Bioavailability of phenolic compounds from brewer’s spent grain extracts.". Paper presented in Bioavailability, Norwich, UK, 2018.
  58. Cassoni, A.C; Moreira, P.R; Castro paula; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Decolorization-related enzymatic activity of extra- and intracellular extracts from yeast isolated from textile wastewater". Paper presented in XXIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química, 2018.
  59. Cassoni, A.C; Freixo, Ricardo; Pintado, Ana I. E; Amorim, Manuela; Pereira, Carlos D; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Pintado, Maria Manuela; et al. "Novel Eco- Friendly Method to Extract Keratin from Hair". Paper presented in XXIV Encontro Luso-Galego de Química., 2018.
  60. Costa, C.M.; Sara Silva; Lígia Pimentel; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Evaluation of the prebiotic potential of Coriolus versicolor- Effect on the human gut microbiota.". Paper presented in 6th World Congress on Targeting Microbiota 2018, Oporto, Portugal., 2018.
  61. Costa-Pinto AR; Lemos AL; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Production of chitosan and codfish derived hydroxyapatite formulations to circumvent prosthetic joint infections". Paper presented in Encontro Ciência 2018, Lisboa, Portugal, 2018.
  62. Dias, C.; Amaro, A; Salvador, A.; Rocha, S.R; Silvestre A.J.,; Isidoro, N; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Antioxidant and anti-browning activity of different bioactive compounds". Paper presented in 2nd Conference on Food Bioactives and Health, Lisbon, Portugal., 2018.
  63. Ghalamara, S.; Sara Silva; Brazinha, C; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Protein and peptides extraction from fish by-products.". Paper presented in XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos (XIV EQA), 2018.
  64. Ghalamara, S.; Sara Silva; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Characterization of tomato and winery by- products". Paper presented in XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos (XIV EQA), 2018.
  65. Jesus, D.; Luís Alcalá; Tiago Domingos; Ivo Gama; Norton Komora; Ricardo F. M. Teixeira; Maria João Monteiro; et al. "Comparison between semi-intensively and intensively grown beef". Paper presented in International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy: Linking Innovation, Sustainability and Health, 2018.
  66. Machado, M.; Pimentel, L.L.; Rodriguez-Alcalá L.M.; Pisco A.; Lopes M.; Gomes A.M.,; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Enhancement of EPA/DHA content in potentially functional canned tuna.". Paper presented in 2nd Congress on Food Bioactives and Health, Lisboa, Portugal., 2018.
  67. Moreira, P.R; Silva N.; Pullar, R.C.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Vieira E.; Moreira, P.R.. "Development of bionanomaterials for anti-microbial coating of outdoor sculptures.". Paper presented in IIC 2018 Turin Congress - Preventive Conservation: The State of the Art (2018)., 2018.
  68. Nelson Mota de Carvalho; Sara Silva; Manuela Amorim; Frances Jackson; Gemma Walton; Ana R. Madureira; Paula Jauregi; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Mota de Carvalho, N.. "In vitro impact of Tenebrio molitor insect flour on human gut microbiota.". Paper presented in Host-bacteria interaction symposium 2018, Reading (United Kingdom)., 2018.
  69. Mota de Carvalho, N.; Ana R. Madureira; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Insects, a pathway to a new nutritional source". Paper presented in Mission 10000 conference - Nanotechnology: An enabler for the Bioeconomy, Braga (Portugal)., 2018.
  70. Trigo, J.; Elisabete M. C. Alexandre; Sara Silva; Oliveira, A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Improvement of antioxidant activity and microbial safety of carrot juice by application of a high-pressure pomegranate peel extract". Paper presented in Mission 10000 conference: International Conference of nanoGateway, Braga, Portugal,, 2018.
  71. Rodriguez-Alcalá L.M.; Pimentel, L.L.; Machado M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Sterol and fatty acid profile in Negrinha and santulhana varietal olive oils from Trás-os-Montes region". Paper presented in Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy, Évora, Portugal., 2018.
  72. Machado M.; Pimentel, L.L.; Rodriguez-Alcalá L.M.; Pisco A.; Lopes M.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Impact of sterilization on phytosterols in canned tuna-based products". Paper presented in XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viana do Castelo, Portugal., 2018.
  73. Dias, C.; Amaro, A.; Salvador, A.; Rocha, S.R.; Silvestre A.J.; Isidoro, N.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Evaluation of natural extracts as potential enzymatic browning inhibitors". Paper presented in XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Viana do Castelo, Portugal., 2018.
  74. Ribeiro, T. I. B.; Oliveira, A.; Nunes, J.; Vicente, A.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Vicente, A. A,. "Profile of Bound Phenolic Compounds from Olive Pomace". Paper presented in In encontro Ciência 2018, Lisboa, 2018.
  75. Sara Silva; Eduardo Costa; Mariana Veiga; Rui M. Morais; Conceição Calhau; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Antiadhesive and antibiofilm effect of malvidin-3-glucoside and malvidin-3-glucoside/neochlorogenic acid mixtures upon Staphylococcus". Paper presented in MicroBiotec, 2017.
  76. Silva, N.C.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Moreira, P.R.. "Flow cytometry for the assessment of microbiological contamination of outdoor sculptures.". Paper presented in In Microbiotec'17, Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
  77. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Mariana Veiga; Eduardo Costa; Sara Silva; Pintado, Maria. "Chitosan as an effective inhibitor of multidrug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii". Paper presented in MicroBiotec, 2017.
  78. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Mariana Veiga; Eduardo Costa; Patricia Batista; Sara Silva. "Impact of an anthocyanin rich blueberry extract upon Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium growth and subsequent impact upon CaCo-2". Paper presented in MicroBiotec, 2017.
  79. Costa, J.R.; Ana A. Vilas-Boas; L. Pastrana; L. M. C. Cabral; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Characterization of prebiotic, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities of a xylooligosaccharides extract from grape pomace". Paper presented in MicroBioTec, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
  80. Ana A. Vilas-Boas; Ana Oliveira; Carla Rodrigues; Ana Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Screening of antioxidant activity in different coffee blends". Paper presented in Microbiotec, Porto, Portugal. 13. Voss, G. B., Rema, P., Pinta, 2017.
  81. Mendes, M.; Patrícia Moreira; Paula Castro; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Preliminary evaluation of decolourisation of Procion and Everdirect dyes by yeasts.". Paper presented in Microbiotec’17, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
  82. Silva, N.C.; Pullar, R; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Vieira, E.; Moreira, P.R.; Silva, N.; Pullar, R.C.; et al. "BIONANOSCULP, an ongoing project in biotechnology application for preventive conservation of outdoor sculptures". Paper presented in In Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 2nd International Conference, Palermo, Italy, 2017.
  83. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Claudia Aldeia; Alexandra Serõdio; Marta Coelho. "Tomato marc’s impact upon probiotic organism’s survival: An alternative functional ingredient for fermented products". Paper presented in VII International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology – BioMicroWorld, Madrid Spain, 2017.
  84. Costa, J.R.; R. V. Tonon; L. M. F. Gottschalk; M. C. P. A. Santiago; L. Pastrana; Pintado, Maria Manuela; L. M. C. Cabral. "Xylooligosaccharides recovery from Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah grape pomace flour through conventional methods". Paper presented in GLUPOR – 12ª Reunião do Grupo de Glúcidos, Aveiro, Portugal., 2017.
  85. Moreira, S.A.; Alexandre, E.M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Saraiva, J.A.. "Optimization of high hydrostatic pressure extraction by response surface methodology of bioactive compounds from stinging nettle.". Paper presented in 55th European High Pressure Research Group meeting (EHPRG), Poznan, Poland, 2017.
  86. Coelho, M.; Pereira, R.N.; Teixeira, J. A.; Rodrigues, A. S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Electric fields effects on carotenoids from tomato by-products". Paper presented in Microbiotec17, 2017.
  87. Débora A. Campos; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Teixeira, JA.; Pastrana-Castro; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Compositional analysis (qualitative and quantitative) of pineapple by-products extracts – stablishing the relationship between composition and bioactivity". Paper presented in 12ª Reunião do Grupo de Glúcidos (GLUPOR12), Aveiro, Portugal., 2017.
  88. Rodríguez-Alcalá, L.M.; Pimentel, L.L.; Machado M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.. "High-throughput method for the analysis of sterols in food samples by gas chromatography without previous fractionation steps". Paper presented in 10º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia, Bragança, Portugal., 2017.
  89. Ribeiro, T.I.B.; Débora A. Campos; Nunes, J.; Vicente, A.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "DEVELOPMENT OF FIBRE POWDERS FROM OLIVE POMACE: BIOLOGICAL AND CHEMICAL CHARACTERIZATION". Paper presented in In 12ª Reunião do Grupo de Glúcidos, Aveiro., 2017.
  90. Voss, G. B.; Rema, P.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Valente, L.M.P.. "Apparent digestibility coefficients of different processed byproduct from soybeans (okara) in Nile tilapia (O. niloticus).". Paper presented in Aquaculture European, Dubrovnik, Croatia., 2017.
  91. Pereira, J.O.; Soares, J.C.; Castro P.; Gomes, A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Characterization of alginate-based edible films incorporated with functional bacteria and prebiotics". Paper presented in MATBIM 2017. 4th International meeting n Material/bioproduct Interaction. Porto, Portugal., 2017.
  92. Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Débora A. Campos; Pintado, Maria Manuela; P. Malpiedi; Nerli, BB. "Sistemas micelares acuosos formados por alcoholes etoxilados: caracterización y efecto de sales cosmotrópicas". Paper presented in XX Congreso Argentino de Fisicoquímica y Química Inorgánica (CAFQI 2017), Carlos Paz, Córdoba, Argentina, 2017.
  93. Coelho, M.; Pereira, R. N; Teixeira, J. A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Valorization of tomato by-products: influence of ohmic heating process on polyphenols extraction". Paper presented in Vienna Polyphenols 2017 - 11th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications. Vienna, Áustria, 2017.
  94. Castro, P.M.; Patrícia Baptista; Ana Raquel Madureira; Bruno Sarmento; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Incorporation of PLGA nanoparticles into guar-gum films as new buccal delivery systems.". Paper presented in Microbiotec17, 2017.
  95. Débora A. Campos; Lorenzo M.; José A. Teixeira; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Development of natural nano-gel from pineapple polysaccharides complexes for controlled release of Foods". Paper presented in SPSAS – Reverse Engineering of Processed, Campinas, Brasil., 2017.
  96. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; André Borges; Ana P. Carvalho; Maria João Monteiro. "Nutritional characterization of acorn flour (a traditional component of the Mediterranean gastronomical folklore)". Paper presented in XII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Oporto, Portugal, 2016.
  97. Castro, L.M.G; Alexandre, E.M.C.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Saraiva, J.A.. "High pressure extraction of phenolic compounds, flavonoids and betalains from prickly pear peels.". Paper presented in 13o Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Porto, Portugal, 2016.
  98. Alexandre, E.M.C.; Duarte, M.F.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Saraiva, J.A.. "). High pressure assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from pomegranate peel: Experimental design, modelling and optimization". Paper presented in 13o Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Porto, Portugal, 2016.
  99. Ribeiro, T. I. B.; Oliveira, A.,; Nunes, J.; Vicente, A.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "ANTIOXIDANT POTENTIAL OF FREE AND BOUND PHENOLIC COMPOUNDS OF PORTUGUESE OLIVE OIL SOLID WASTE.". Paper presented in In XIII Encontro Química dos Alimentos. Porto, 2016.
  100. Costa, Joana R.; Beres, Carolina; Gottschalk, Leda; Tonon, Renata V; Pastrana, Lorenzo; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Cabral, Lourdes M. C.. "Chemical composition, polyphenols, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity of Syrah grape pomace flour". Paper presented in Bio.IberoAmericana 2016, Salamanca, Spain., 2016.
  101. Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Picó, GA; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Knobel, G.; Boschetti, C, P.; Malpiedi, L.; Nerli, BB.. "A novel continuous method to determine the antitrypsin inhibitor activity in soybean derivatives.". Paper presented in Bio.Iberoamérica 2016. Salamanca, Spain. Salamanca, Spain., 2016.
  102. Manuela Amorim; Marques, C.; Pereira, J.; Calhau, C.; Pinheiro, H.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "In Vivo Antihypertensive Activity of Spent Brewer Yeast Hydrolysate Extract". Paper presented in Bioiberoamerica congress. 2016 Salamanca, Spain., 2016.
  103. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Sousa M. J. B.; Souza E. L; Gullón B.; Mireles B.R.L.A; Cordeiro A. T.; Magnani M. "Polyphenolics profile of monofloral honeys produced by meliponini species in Brazilian semiarid". Paper presented in SLACA – Simpósio Latino-americano de Ciência de Alimentos, Campinas Brasil, 2015.
  104. Pintado, Maria Manuela; MARAL, D.S; Cardelle-Cobas, A.; LEMOS, L. T. M.; MADRUGA, M.S. "Impact of chitosan addition on fatty acid profile of fresh pork and goat sausages.". Paper presented in SLACA – Simpósio Latino-americano de Ciência de Alimentos, Campinas Brasil, 2015.
  105. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Machado T. A. D.; Queiroga R.C.R.; Oliveira M.E.G; Pacheco M. T.; Costa A. C. V. "Caracterização física, físico-química e perfil de voláteis de mel de abelha sem ferrão melípona". Paper presented in SLACA – Simpósio Latino-americano de Ciência de Alimentos, Campinas Brasil,, 2015.
  106. Pintado, Maria Manuela; ARAÚJO, D. F. S; SOUSA, Y. R. F; ALGIERI, F; Rodriguez-Nogales, Alba; CAMUESCO, D. "Cellular effect of goat whey in response to lps-stimulated raw 264 and cmt 93 cells". Paper presented in SLACA – Simpósio Latino-americano de Ciência de Alimentos, Campinas Brasil, 2015.
  107. Costa, E.M.; Sara Silva; Silva, N.; Couto, J. A.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Eduardo M. Costa; José A Couto; Ana Maria Gomes. "Chitosan as a natural food preservative for sauces: a proof of concept.". Paper presented in In 11th International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Group / 6th Iberian Carbohydrate Meeting, Viseu, Portugal, 2015.
  108. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Mª Rosario Costa; Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Beatriz Gullón; Teresa Reque. "Study of acorn beverages with prebiotic potential and antioxidant activity". Paper presented in 3rd International Meeting of the Project BiValBi & National Congress of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Guadalaraja, Mexico., 2015.
  109. Pereira, M.J.; Amaro, A.L.; Oliveira, A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Kinetics of quality changes in cantaloupe melon as affected by MAP and temperature conditions". Paper presented in 7th edition of the European Short-course on Quality and Safety of Fresh-Cut Produce, Cardiff, England, 2015.
  110. Manuela Amorim; Coelho, E.; Bonifácio Andrade E.; Ferreira, P.; Coimbra, M.A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Production and biochemical characterization of polysaccharides extracts from brewers spent yeast and evaluation of their immunological effects". Paper presented in Glupor, 2015 Viseu, Portugal, 2015.
  111. Ya-Ju, Y.; Amorim, M.; Calhau, C.; Marques, C.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Effects of Whey Peptide Extract on the Growth of Probiotics and Gut Microbiota.". Paper presented in Biotecnología y Bioingeniería. 2015 Guadalajara, México., 2015.
  112. Manuela Amorim; Marques, C.; Calhau, C.; Pinheiro, H.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Brewer’s yeast extract in the prevention of obesity". Paper presented in Biotecnología y Bioingeniería. 2015 Guadalajara, México, 2015.
  113. Voss, GB.; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Valente, LMP; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Enzymatic hydrolysis of soymilk byproduct (okara) by proteases extracted from cynara cardunculus.". Paper presented in XVI National Congress of Biotechnology and Bioengineering, Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico., 2015.
  114. Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Manuela Amorim; Voss, GB.; Nerli, BB.; Picó, GA.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Identification of bioactive peptides from soy protein hydrolysates.". Paper presented in Microbiotec’15. Évora, Portugal., 2015.
  115. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Miguel Pereira; Beatriz Gullón; Vincenza Ferraro; Clara Piccirillo; Wolfgang Tosch; Keith Tomlins. "Evaluation of food safety and potential of brewer’s spent cassava to promote the growth of Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus strains". Paper presented in Total Food 2014, Norwich, England, 2014.
  116. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Vincenza Ferraro; Clara Piccirillo; Marta Vasconcelos; Mariana R. Costa; Johan Baars; Anton Sonnenberg. "Adding value to cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz.) processing waste as substrate for growing mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus and Pleurotus pulmonarius): assessment of food safety". Paper presented in Total Food 2014, Norwich, England,, 2014.
  117. Spadafora, N.D.; Amaro, A.L.; Pereira, M.J.; Müller, C.T.; Rogers, H.J.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Multi-trait analysis of ready-to-eat rocket leaves stored at different temperatures". Paper presented in 7th European Workshop on Plant Senescence, held at Sandbjerg State, Denmark,, 2014.
  118. Pintado, A. I. E.; Monteiro, M. J; Rakoto, D.; Fliedelc, G.; Maravalc, I.; Palletc, D.; Tomlins, K.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Studies on reengineered Kitoza (a Malagasy meat product): sensory properties and consumer acceptance in the EU". Paper presented in Total Food 2014, Norwich, 2014.
  119. Pintado, Maria Manuela; B.D. Ayodeji; C. Piccirillo; V. Ferraro; P. Moreira; A.O. Obadina; L.O. Sanni. "Isolation and characterisation of lactic acid bacteria from cassava by products.". Paper presented in 1st Congress on Food Structure Design, Porto, Portugal, 2014.
  120. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; Cátia Matias; Olga Matias; José A. Couto; Ana Maria Gomes. "Effect of food matrix on antimicrobial activity upon food spoilage Lactic Acid Bacteria presented". Paper presented in 1st Congress on Food Structure Design, Oporto, Portugal, 2014.
  121. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; Maria João P Monteiro. "Sudy of antioxidant properties and consumer acceptance of sour cherry based jams". Paper presented in 1st Congress on Food Structure Design, Oporto, Portugal., 2014.
  122. Pereira, M.J.; Amaro, A.L.; Carvalho, A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity of wild strawberries (Fragaria vesca L.)". Paper presented in 1st Congress on Food Structure Design, held at Porto, Portugal, 2014.
  123. Amaro, A.L.; Pereira, M.J.; Carvalho, S.; Vasconcelos, M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "“Modeling the effect of oxygen availability and storage temperature on fresh-cut strawberry respiration rate". Paper presented in 1st Congress on Food Structure Design, held at Porto, Portugal, 2014.
  124. Pereira, M.J.; Amaro, A.L.; Carvalho, S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Fresh-cut melon nutritional and functional quality throughout the production processing line and during storage". Paper presented in 1st Congress on Food Structure Design, held at Porto, Portugal,, 2014.
  125. 6Monteiro, M.J.P.; Costa, A.I.A.; Fliedelc, G.; Bechoff, A.; Maravalc, I.; Pintado, A. I. E.; Cisse, M.; et al. "Consumers’ sensory perception and acceptability of Hibiscus drinks: a cross cultural study in Europe". Paper presented in 1st Congress on Food Structure Design, Porto, 2014.
  126. Pereira, M.J.; Amaro, A.L.; Carvalho, S.; Poças, M.F.; Vasconcelos, M.W.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Effect of modified atmosphere packaging on ready-to-eat rocket leaves antioxidant activity and polyphenols content". Paper presented in Polyphenols World Congress, held in Lisbon, 2014.
  127. Borges S.; Barbosa J.; Silva, J.; Gomes AM; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Silva CLM; Morais AMMMB; Teixeirad, P.. "Development of dried fruits enriched with probiotics". Paper presented in XIII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação, Porto, Portugal, 2014.
  128. Pintado, Maria Manuela; V. Ferraro; C. Piccirillo; K. Tomlins; P. Teixiera; L. Sanni; A. Obadina; et al. "Redução de perda pós-colheita, segurança alimentar dos seus derivados, e valorização dos resíduos de processamento". Paper presented in 9 Congresso Iberoamericano de Ingeniería de Alimentos, Valencia, Spain, 2014.
  129. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Vincenza Ferraro; Paula M.L. Castro. "Extração de colagénio, gelatina e hidrolisados de colagénio a partir de escamas de sardinha e cavala rejeitadas ao longo do processo de enlatamento". Paper presented in CIBIA9, Congresso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos,, 2014.
  130. Vincenza Ferraro; Sérgio C. Sousa; Paula M.L. Castro; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Atividade antioxidante e anti-ipertensiva de misturas de amino acidos extraidas de água de salga de bacalhau (Gadus morhua L.". Paper presented in Congreso Iberoamericano de Ingenieria de Alimentos Valência, Espanha, 2014.
  131. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Débora A. Campos; Ana R. Madureira; Ana M. Gomes; Bruno Sarmento. "Incorporation of Rosmarinic acid witepsol nanoparticles.". Paper presented in FIP PSWC’14, pharmaceutical sciences Melbourn, Australia, 2014.
  132. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Débora A. Campos; Ana R. Madureira; Pedro Fonte; Ana M. Gomes; Bruno Sarmento. "Freeze-dry process of loaded Rosmarinic acid solid lipid nanoparticles.". Paper presented in Food Structure and Functionality Forum Symposium 2014, Amsterdam, The Netherlands., 2014.
  133. Pintado, Maria Manuela; R. C. Pullar; D. M. Tobaldi; C. Piccirillo; P. M. L. Castro; M. F. Silva; I. Braga da Cruz; et al. "Environmentally Sustainable Multifunctional Ceramics and Nanomaterials". Paper presented in International Conference on Advanced Functional Materials (ICAFM 2014), Thiruvananthapuram (Kerala), 2014.
  134. Pimentel, L.L.; Rodríguez-Alcalá, L.M.; Oliveira, A.; Dias A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Incorporation of neuroprotective extracts from Hypericum perforatum in yoghurt: interactions and stability throughout storage". Paper presented in 62nd International Congress and Annual Meeting of the Society for Medicinal Plant and Natural Product Research-GA2014, Guimarães, Portugal,, 2014.
  135. Oliveira, A.; Alexandre E.; Coelho, M.; Lopes, C.; Domingos P. F. Almeida; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Effect of long frozen storage and pasteurization on strawberry polyphenols". Paper presented in 8th World Congress on Polyphenols Applications, Lisbon, Portugal, 2014.
  136. Manuela Amorim; Pereira, J.; Monteiro, K.; Ruiz, A.; Pinheiro, H.; Carvalho, J.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Influence of Si incorporation on mechanical properties of ZnO particles". Paper presented in Food structure modeling congress, 2014 Porto, Portugal, 2014.
  137. Manuela Amorim; J. Odila; M. Pacheco; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Formulation and consumer acceptance of cereal bars with functional properties by the incorporation of peptides and ß-glucans from spent brewer's yeast". Paper presented in Food structure modeling congress, 2014 Porto, Portugal., 2014.
  138. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Moreira, P; Torres, V; Vieira, E.. "Aspergillus versicolor and Trichoderma virens as contamination agents in a musealized roman floor mosaic from the 1st century". Paper presented in MicroBioTech, Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  139. Pintado, Maria Manuela; M. Pereira; C. Piccirillo,; A.P.G.C. Marques; R.C. Pullar,; P.M.L. Castro. "Bacteria immobilsation on hydroxyapatite surface for wastewater treatment.". Paper presented in MicroBioTech, Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  140. Pintado, Maria Manuela; V. Ferraro; C. Piccirillo; A.P. Cravalho; P.M.L. Castro. "Valorisation of canned sardines and mackerel residues through extraction of bioactive compounds". Paper presented in MicroBioTech, Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  141. Sérgio Sousa; Patricia Gullón; Beatriz Gullón; Teresa R. S. Brandão; Joana Silva; Cristina L. M. Silva; Pintado, Maria Manuela; et al. "Viability throughout storage of potential probiotic strains, when in contact with fruit pulps". Paper presented in MicroBiotec’13 Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology- Aveiro Portugal, 2013.
  142. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Moreira, P.; Fardilha, C.; Eduardo M. Costa. "Preliminary characterization of hydrophobins from a Bjerkandera sp.". Paper presented in MicroBioTech, Aveiro Portugal., 2013.
  143. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Amaro, A.L.; Pereira, M.J; Carvalho S.; Vasconcelos, M.; Pereira, M.J.; Carvalho, S.; et al. "Nutritional and functional audit to the process of fresh-cut strawberry.". Paper presented in MicroBioTec: Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  144. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Maria José Alves; Isabel Ferreira; Anabela Martins. "Wild mushroom extracts potentiate the action of standard antibiotics against multi-resistant bacteria". Paper presented in MICROBIOTEC”13. December, Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  145. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Maria José Alves; Isabel Ferreira; Anabela Martins. "Propensity for biofilm formation by clinical isolates from urinary tract infections: developing a multifactorial predictive model to improve the antibiotherapy.". Paper presented in MICROBIOTEC”13. December,Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  146. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Oliveira, Ana; Alexandre E; Coelho M.; Lopes, C.; Domingos P.F. Almeida; Oliveira, A.; et al. "Peach phytochemicals availability during yoghurt shelf-time". Paper presented in Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, Aveiro,, 2013.
  147. Amaro, A.L.; Pereira, M.J.; Carvalho, S.; Vasconcelos, M.; Poças, M.F.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Respiration rate and quality of fresh-cut melon as function of package initial oxygen partial pressure". Paper presented in 6th edition of the European Short Course on Fresh-cut Produce Processing, held in Antalya, Turkey,, 2013.
  148. Pereira, M.J.; Amaro, A.L.; Carvalho, S.; Vasconcelos, M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Pereira, Maria João Valle; Amaro, Ana; et al. "Effect of processing and storage on nutritional and functional quality of strawberry". Paper presented in 6th European Short-Course on Fresh-cut Produce Processing: Nutritional Quality & Health Benefits. Antalya, Turkey., 2013.
  149. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Pereira FM; Costa MR; Calhau, C.; Morais RM. "Antimicrobial properties of blueberry infusions related to phenolic composition". Paper presented in V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology – BioMicroWorld 2013, October 2013, Madrid, Espanha, 2013.
  150. Pereira MF; Moreira DM; Costa EM; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Couto JA. "Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of natural extracts upon wine spoilage microorganisms.". Paper presented in V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology – BioMicroWorld 2013, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
  151. Pintado C; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Vaz P; Eduardo M. Costa; Rocha LA; Felino A.; Carlos Pintado; et al. "Influência do ozono no processo de colonização bacteriana em titânio". Paper presented in XXXIII Congresso Anual SPEMD 2013, Porto, Portugal, 2013.
  152. Costa, D.V.T.A.; Almeida, D.P.F.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Effect of postharvest application of ethylene in the composition of anthocyanins in three blueberry cultivars.". Paper presented in 7th International workshop on anthocyanins., 2013.
  153. Oliveira, A.; Alexandre, E.M.C.; Coelho, M.; , Gomes, H.; Domingos, P.F.A; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Effect of controlled atmosphere on storage of pasteurized peaches purées". Paper presented in 7th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Porto, Portugal, 2013.
  154. Oliveira, A.; Alexandre E.; Coelho, M.; Gomes H.; Domingos P. F. Almeida; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Use of kinetic models to predict anthocyanins retention in strawberry stored at different pH values". Paper presented in International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Porto, Portugal, 2013.
  155. Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Morais RM; Calhau, C.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Variation of the anthocyanin, phenolic content and antioxidant capacity in ripening blueberry fruit". Paper presented in 7th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Porto, Portugal, 2013.
  156. Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Coelho M.; Gomes H.; Morais P.; Almeida DPF; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Changes in anthocyanin, phenolic contente and antioxidant capacity during the freezing and storage of blueberry fruit". Paper presented in 7th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Porto, Portugal., 2013.
  157. Oliveira, A.; Alexandre E.; Coelho M.; Gomes H.; Domingos P. F. Almeida; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Effect of controlled atmosphere on storage of pasteurized strawberry purées,". Paper presented in 7th International Workshop on Anthocyanins, Porto, Portugal,, 2013.
  158. Amorim, M.; Odila, J.; Araújo, F.; Gullon, B.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Prebiotic Properties of Brewer Yeast Cell Wall Fractions". Paper presented in Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the Host Microbiome: The Science of Translation’, 2013.
  159. Ana Raquel Madureira; Eveline Menin; Mariana Antunes; Ana Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Influence of polyphenol rich herbs in representative gut bacterial species.". Paper presented in Probiotics, Prebiotics, and the Host Microbiome: The Science of Translation’’ Conference, New York Academy of Sciences Conference Center, 2013.
  160. Baptista da Silva S; ., Ferreira D.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Sarmento, B.. "Chitosan nanocarriers for rosmarinic acid drug delivery". Paper presented in EUCHIS 2013 - International Conference of the European Chitin Society - Porto, Portugal, 2013.
  161. Rodrigues C.; Sousa S,; Pinto A.; Brandão T.; Silva, J.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Silva C.; et al. "Effect of pH upon viability of probiotic strains when in contact with fruit pulps". Paper presented in IV Workshop Probióticos, Prebióticos y Salud: Evidencia Científica Madrid Spain, 2013.
  162. Gullón P.; Gullon, B.; Sousa, S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Alonso JL.; Gomes AM.. "In vitro scientific evidence of the effect of common fruits on the intestinal bacterial populations and microbial metabolites". Paper presented in IV Workshop Probióticos, Prebióticos y Salud: Evidencia Científica Madrid, Espanha, 2013.
  163. Pintado, Maria Manuela; M. I. Montenegro; A. Cardelle-Cobas; P. Gullón; F. K. Tavaria; B. Gullón.. "Chitooligosaccharides Modified by Maillard Reaction with Glucose Inhibit Adhesion of Enteropathogenic Bacteria to Mucin". Paper presented in Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Aveiro, Portugal., 2013.
  164. Pintado, Maria Manuela; B. Gullón; P. Gullón,; A. Cardelle-Cobas; F. K. Tavaria; A. M. Gomes. "In Vitro Fermentation of Aloe Vera Acemannan by Mixed Fecal Microbiota". Paper presented in Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology. Aveiro, Portugal., 2013.
  165. Manuela Amorim; Pereira, J.; Araújo, F.; Gullón, B.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Bioactive Properties of Brewer Yeast Cell Wall Fractions". Paper presented in Prebiotics and Probiotics, 2013 New York, USA, 2013.
  166. S. Sousa; C. Rodrigues; A.L. Pinto; T.M.R.S. Brandão; J. Silva; Pintado, Maria Manuela; C.L.M. Silva; et al. "Survival of Lactobacillus strains when in contact with fruit pulps". Paper presented in EFFoST Annual Meeting, Montpellier, França, 2012.
  167. Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Pereira, M.F.; Costa M.R.,; Oliveira A.S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Production and characterization of phenolic rich, aqueous extracts of dry fruit and leaves Vaccinium corymbosum L.". Paper presented in International Conference on Chemical Reactions in Foods VII, Prague, Czech Republic,, 2012.
  168. Oliveira, A.; Alexandre E.; Coelho, M.; Domingos P. F. Almeida; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Strawberry yoghurt incorporation effects on the phytochemical composition,". Paper presented in nternational Conference on Chemical Reactions in Foods VII, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012.
  169. Baptista da Silva S.; Oliveira, A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; ., Ferreira D.; Sarmento, B.. "Development and characterization of natural antioxidant-containing chitosan nanoparticles". Paper presented in XX International Conference on Bioencapsulation, Orillia, Ontario, Canada, 2012.
  170. Coelho, M.; Oliveira, A.; Alexandre E.; Domingos P. F. Almeida; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "pH effects on the phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of processed peach". Paper presented in EuCheMS Chemistry Congress, Prague, Czech Republic, 2012.
  171. Oliveira, A.,; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Almeida D. P. F.,. "Changes in strawberry phenolics induced by freezing and pasteurization,". Paper presented in 5th International Conference on Polyphenols and Health, Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
  172. Baptista da Silva S.; Manuela Amorim; Oliveira A.; Ramos O.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; ., Ferreira D.; Sarmento, B.. "Chitosan nanoparticles for rosmarinic acid encapsulation". Paper presented in XIX International Conference on Bioencapsulation, Amboise, France, 2011.
  173. Ramos, O.S.; Baptista da Silva S.; Fernandes J. C.,; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "Antimicrobial features of edible films, manufactured from whey proteins, for cheese active packaging". Paper presented in 7th NIZO Dairy Conference, Flavour and Texture: Innovations in Dairy - Papendal, Netherlands, 2011.
  174. Silva, N.; Silva, S.; Sarmento, B.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Mucoadhesive chitosan nanoparticles for daptomycin delivery in ocular treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis". Paper presented in III Congress of the Portuguese Society of Pharmaceutical Sciences / IX Spanish-Portuguese Conference on Controlled Drug Delivery, Porto, Portugal,, 2011.
  175. Baptista da Silva S.; Manuela Amorim; Oliveira, A.; Ramos O.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; ., Ferreira D.; Sarmento, B.. "Encapsulation of rosmarinic acid into chitosan nanoparticles". Paper presented in I, Simpósio Nacional de Nanociência e Nanotecnologia Biomédica, Porto, Portugal, 2011.
  176. Baptista da Silva S.; Manuela Amorim; Oliveira, A.; Ramos O.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; ., Ferreira D.; Sarmento, B.. "Antioxidant Activity of Rosmarinic Acid Encapsulated into Chitosan Nanoparticles". Paper presented in . 10th International Conference of the European Chitin Society, 2011 Saint- Petersburg, Russia., 2011.
  177. Pereira, J.O.; Manuela Amorim; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Potential prebiotic effect of whey protein and spent brewer yeast hydrolysates by enzymes of Cynara cardunculus extract". Paper presented in Microbiotec, 2011 Braga, Portugal., 2011.
  178. Baptista da Silva S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; ., Ferreira D.; Sarmento, B.. "Encapsulation of natural compounds in the prevention and treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy". Paper presented in XVIII International Conference on Bioencapsulation - Porto, Portugal, 2011.
  179. Borges, S.; Barbosa J.; Camilo, R; Carvalheira, A.; Sousa, S.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; et al. "Effects of encapsulation on the viability of probiotic strains exposed to lethal conditions". Paper presented in 1st International Congress on Food Technology, Antalya, Turkey,, 2010.
  180. Sousa, S.; Gomes, A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Silva, J.; Costa, P.; Rocha-Santos, T.; Rodrigues, D.; Freitas A.. "Effect of storage conditions on stability of free and encapsulated – in plain or cysteine-supplemented alginate, Lactobacillus acidophilus Ki". Paper presented in XVIII International Conference on Bioencapsulation, Porto, Portugal, 2010.
  181. Sérgio Sousa; Ana M. Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F. Xavier Malcata; José P. Silva; José M. Sousa Lobo; Paulo Costa; et al. "Effect of storage temperature upon vibility of free and calcium alginate encapsulated Lactobacillus case". Paper presented in World Congress of Food Science and Technology (IUFoST 2010), 22-26 agosto, Cidade do Cabo, África do Sul, 2010.
  182. Sousa, S.C.,; Costa, E.A.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.,; Silva, J.P.,; Sousa Lobo, J.M; et al. "Effect of storage conditions on stability of free and encapsulated – in plain or cysteine-supplemented alginate, Bifidobacterium animalis BB-12®”". Paper presented in Anaerobe 2010 – The 10th Biennial Congress of the Anaerobe Society of the Americas,, Filadélfia, Estados Unidos da América, 2010.
  183. Ramos, O.S.; Santos, A.C.; Leão, M.V.; Pereira, J.O.; Baptista da Silva S.; Fernandes J.C,; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.; Fernandes, J.C.. "Evaluation of antimicrobial efficacy of novel edible coats applied in cheese during storage". Paper presented in 3nd FEMS Congress of European Microbiologists – Gothenberg, Sweden,, 2010.
  184. Baptista da Silva S.; Carvalho D.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Sarmento, B.. "Prevention and treatment of diabetic retinopathy by natural antioxidant containing in chitosan-based nanomedicines". Paper presented in 1ª Workshop Anual BioPlant - Porto, Portugal, 2010.
  185. D. Rodrigues; S. Sousa; T. Rocha-Santos; A. M. Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.X. Malcata; J.P. Silva; et al. "Encapsulation protective effect upon viability of probiotic bacteria throughout storage and gastrointestinal tract". Paper presented in 1st International Congress on Food Technology, Antalya, Turquia, 2010.
  186. Sérgio Sousa,; Ana M. Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F. Xavier Malcata; Dina Rodrigues; Teresa Rocha-Santos; José P. Silva; et al. "Microencapsulation of Lactobacillus paracasei LAFTI® L26 by extrusion in na alginate matrix". Paper presented in MicroBiotec09, 28-30 novembro, Vilamoura, Portugal., 2009.
  187. D. Rodrigues; S. Sousa; T. Rocha-Santos; A. M. Gomes; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.X. Malcata; J.P. Silva; et al. "The influence of L-cysteine, oxygen and relative humidity on survival of probiotic bacteria in whey-protein based microcapsules through storage at 22 ºC". Paper presented in Euro Food Chem XV – Food For The Future, Copenhaga, Dinamarca, 2009.
  188. Tânia G. Tavares; Manuela Amorim; Isidra Récio; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F. Xavier Malcata. "Angiotensin-converting enzyme-inhibitory activity of extracts of hydrolysed k-casein glycomacropeptide: stability under simulated gastrointestinal digestion". Paper presented in Microbiotec Algarve, Portugal., 2009.
  189. Costa, C.I.; Morsy, T. A.; Matos, C.M.; Manuela Amorim; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.P.; Teixeira, J.; Balcão, V.M.. "Nanoencapsulation of bovine lactoferrin for oral hygiene applications". Paper presented in XVIIth International Conference on Bioencapsulation, 2009 Groningen, Netherlands, 2009.
  190. Sousa, S.C.; Giao, M. S.; Gomes A.M.,; Pacheco M. T. B.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Biological assays to determine antioxidant activity of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) tuber flour". Paper presented in V Jornada Internacional de Proteínas e Colóides Alimentares – JIPCA, 2008, ITAL, Campinas-SP, Brasil., 2008.
  191. Sérgio C. Sousa; César Rodrigues; Maria S, Gião; Ana. M. P. Gomes; Maria T. B. Pacheco; F. Xavier Malcata,; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Phenolic Content and Antioxidant Capacity of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) Tuber Flou". Paper presented in The XIV Biennial Meeting of the Society for Free Radical Research International (14th SFRR), Pequim, China., 2008.
  192. Sousa, S.; Gomes, A.; Malcata, F. X.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Prebiotic potential of Yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolia) tuber extract". Paper presented in International Probiotis Conference (IPC 2008), 4-7 junho, High Tatras-Eslovaquia., 2008.
  193. Ramos, O.S.; Fernandes J. C.,; Pereira, J.O.; Baptista da Silva S.; Santos C. A; Leão F. M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "In vitro checking of antimicrobial activity of novel edible coats, comparatively to commercial coats, for eventual use in cheese wrapping.". Paper presented in CYTED (International Functional Foods Conference) - Porto, Portugal, 2008.
  194. Pintado, A. I. E; Araújo, J. C.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Improvement of whey cheese matrices via incorporation of Lactobacillus acidophilus: considerations on textural impact upon storage". Paper presented in CYTED2008, Porto, Portugal, 2008.
  195. Sousa, S.; Gomes, A.; Pacheco, M.; Malcata, F. X.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Yacon tuber extract potential prebiotic effect on two Enteroccocus strains". Paper presented in CYTED - International Functional Foods Conference, Porto-Portugal, 2008.
  196. Manuela Amorim; Tavares, T.G.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "Casein Glycomacropeptide and Whey Protein Concentrate Hydrolysates via Cynara cardunculus Extract - Potencial Prebiotic Effects". Paper presented in First European food Congress, 2008 Ljubljana, Slovenia., 2008.
  197. Ana I.E.; J.C. Aráujo; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. Gomes; F. Malcata. "Improvement of whey cheese matrices via incorporation of Lactobacillus acidophilus — proteolytic and glycolytic activities and their impact upon sensory analysis". Paper presented in Micro-Biotec 2007, 2007.
  198. Ana I.E. Pintado; J.A. Ferreira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; M.A. Coimbra; F. Malcata. "Efeito de componentes de meio de cultura sobre a recuperação e quantificação de exopolissacarídeos". Paper presented in 8º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, 2007.
  199. Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; M.S. Ramos; F.M. Costa; Ana M. Gomes; F. Malcata. "Whey protein hydrolysis brought about by Cynara cardunculus in whey cheeses matrices". Paper presented in 27th IDF World Dairy Congress, 2006.
  200. Ana R. Madureira; Ana I.E. Pintado; Ana M. Gomes; A.C. Freitas; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.X. Malcata. "Metabolic activity of probiotic bacteria in whey cheese matrices: Extension of shelf-life". Paper presented in IAFP (International Association for Food Protection) 2006 Annual Meeting, 2006.
  201. Ana R. Madureira; Ana I.E. Pintado; Ana M. Gomes; A.C. Freitas; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.X. Malcata. "Glycolytic activity of Lactobacillus paracasei spp. paracasei in various whey cheese matrices". Paper presented in FEMS – Congress of European Microbiologists, 2006.
  202. Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; M.S. Ramos; F.M Costa; Ana M. Gomes; F.X. Malcata. "Improvement of whey cheese matrices via incorporation of Lactococcus lactis and Lactobacillus plantarum — sensory and textural impact". Paper presented in FEMS – Congress of European Microbiologists, 2006.
  203. Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; F.X. Malcata; Ana M. Gomes. "In vitro glycolytic activity on whey cheese of lactic acid bacteria previously isolated from Portuguese traditional cheeses.". Paper presented in Micro-Biotec 2005, 2005.
  204. A.R. Madureira; Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; Ana C. Freitas; F.Xavier Malcata. "Glycolytic activity of Bifidobacterium animalis Bo in various whey cheese matrices". Paper presented in Micro-Biotec 2005, 2005.
  205. Ana R. Madureira; Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; Ana Cristina Freitas; F.Xavier Malcata. "Effect of selected additives on the glycolytic properties of Lactobacillus paracasei, following inoculated in whey cheese". Paper presented in Micro-Biotec 2005, 2005.
  206. J.S. Teodósio; A.P. Oliveira; A.R. Santos; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. P. Gomes; Ana I.E. Pintado; I. Vasconcelos; F.Xavier Malcata. "Phenotype and microscopical characterization of stalk and grape pomace". Paper presented in Micro-Biotec 2005, 2005.
  207. C. Guimarães; S.S. Martinez; Ana I.E. Pintado; M.S. Guião; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.Xavier Malcata; L.S. Bento. "Antioxidant activity and phenolic compounds in extracts of sugar molasses". Paper presented in Second International Congress on Antioxidants and Methods, 2005.
  208. Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; F.X. Malcata. "Improvement of whey cheese with lactic acid bacteria isolated from Portuguese traditional cheeses – viability studies". Paper presented in 4th NIZO Dairy Conference- Prospects for Health, Well-being and Safety, 2005.
  209. Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; F. Malcata. "Evaluation of isolation method of Exopolysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus". Paper presented in 7º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, 2005.
  210. J.C. Teodósio; Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. Gomes; I. Vasconcelos; F. Malcata. "Production of bacterial cellulose from fermented grape pomace sample by Acetobacter xylinum". Paper presented in VII Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, 2005.
  211. J.C. Teodósio; B. Amorim; I. Martins; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana I.E. Pintado; Ana. M. P. Gomes; I. Vasconcelos; F. Malcata. "Optimization of production of bacterial cellulose by Acectobacter xylinus using fermented grape pomace sample". Paper presented in International conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology- BioMicroWorld 2005, 2005.
  212. Ana I.E. Pintado; K. Truszkowska; J.A. Ferreira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. Gomes; M.A. Coimbra; F. Malcata; et al. "Comparation of two processes for isolation of Exopolysaccharide produced by Lactobacillus acidophilus". Paper presented in International conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology- BioMicroWorld, 2005.
  213. Teodósio, J. C.; Pintado, A. I. E.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.P.; Vasconcelos, I.; Malcata, F. X.; J.C. Teodósio; et al. "Upgrade of soluble compounds from grape pomace, a winery by-product". Paper presented in EFFoST: Food Innovations For an Expanding Europe, Warsaw, Poland, 2004.
  214. Pimentel, L.L.; Soares, J.C.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Pintado, A. I. E.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Ferreira, A.C.; Malcata, F. X.; et al. "Acidifying and Aromatic Properties of Enterococcus Strains in Ovine and Bovine Milks". Paper presented in IDF Symposium on Cheese: ripening, characterization & techonology, Prague, Czech Republic, 2004.
  215. Ana I.E. Pintado; K. Truszkowska; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. P. Gomes; F.X. Malcata. "Exopolysaccharide production by Lactobacillus acidophilus for potential applications in fresh cheese". Paper presented in IDF 2004 - Symposium on Cheese: Ripening, Characterization & Technology, 2004.
  216. Ana. M. P. Gomes; T.M. Braga; Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.Xavier Malcata. "Characterization of the Microstructure of Terrincho EweCheese". Paper presented in IDF 2004 - Symposium on Cheese: Ripening, Characterization & Technology, 2004.
  217. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.P.; Eloy S.; Pereira C.J.D.; Malcata, F.X.. "Impact of Microfiltration on the Manufacture of Goat’s Milk,Cheese". Paper presented in IDF Symposium on Cheese Technology, March, 21-25. Prague, Czech Republic., 2004.
  218. Peira, C.I.; Gião, M.S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.; Malcata, F. X.. "Study of microbial population dynamics in emulsion gel model systems.". Paper presented in BIOTEC 2003, December 6-9. Lisboa, Portugal., 2003.
  219. Madureira, A.R.; Gião, M.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of Lactobacillus acidophilus against pathogenic bacteria inoculated in Requeijão". Paper presented in BIOTEC. Lisboa, Portugal., 2003.
  220. Ana I.E. Pintado; A.V.A. Ferreira; S.M.A Miranda; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; F.X. Malcata. "Casein hydrolysis in Terrincho cheese". Paper presented in Biotec 2003, 2003.
  221. Lígia Pimentel; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana I.E. Pintado; Ana. M. P. Gomes; Francisco X. Malcata. "Tolerance of Enterococci to bile salts". Paper presented in Biotec 2003, 2003.
  222. L. Pimentel; Sara C. Novais; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. Gomes; Ana I.E. Pintado; T. Coque; J. Sousa; F.X. Malcata. "Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Enterococci Isolated from Terrincho Cheese". Paper presented in Micro’2003 – Congresso nacional de microbiologia, 2003.
  223. Pereira, C.I.; Gião, M.S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.; Malcata, F. X.. "Use of emulsion gels as a model for studies of microbial populations, aimed at improvement of safety of dairy products.". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia MICRO’ 2003. Tomar, Portugal, 2003.
  224. Ana R. Madureira; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.P.; Malcata, F.X.. "Current trends in antimicrobial and antiviral properties of whey proteins". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia MICRO’ Tomar, Portugal, 2003.
  225. Gomes, A.M.P.; Azevedo, L.; Carvalho, J.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "Functional aspects of potentially probiotic lactic acid bacteria.". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia MICRO’ 2003. Tomar, Portugal., 2003.
  226. Ana I.E. Pintado; C.C.R. Barbosa; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana M. Gomes; F.X. Malcata. "Exopolysaccharide production by Lactobacillus acidophilus grown in a semi-defined medium". Paper presented in Micro’2003 – Congresso nacional de microbiologia, 2003.
  227. Ana I.E. Pintado; C.C.R. Barbosa; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; F.X. Malcata; Pintado, A.I.E.; Barbosa, C.C.R.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Malcata, F.X.. "Production of exopolysaccharides by potentially probiotic strains". Paper presented in 6º Encontro de química dos alimentos – Novas Perspectivas sobre Conservação, Processamento e Qualidade de Alimentos, 2003.
  228. L. Pimentel; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana I.E. Pintado; Ana M. Gomes; F.Xavier Malcata. "Probiotic Properties of Enterococci – Survival in simulated gastric juice and with bile salts". Paper presented in 6º Encontro de química dos alimentos – Novas Perspectivas sobre Conservação, Processamento e Qualidade de Alimentos, 2003.
  229. J. Zulewska; Pintado, Maria Manuela; J.A. Lopes de Silva; F. X. Malcata. "Influence of pH and protein concentration on the gelation properties of ultrafitrated whey protein concentrates.". Paper presented in 3rd NIZO Dairy Conference. Pappendal, Netherlands., 2003.
  230. Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana. M. P. Gomes; I.M. Ferreira; O. Pinho. "Changes in proteolysis of Terrincho cheese – a traditional ewe’s milk cheese, during ripening". Paper presented in NFIF 2003 – New functional ingredients and foods, 2003.
  231. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.P.; Zulewska, J.; Malcata, F.X.. "Biochemical and sensorial characterisation of a probiotic Portuguese whey cheese". Paper presented in Dieta Atlântica I Congresso Internacional., 2003.
  232. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.P.; Ferreira, A.R.M.; Pereira, C.I.; Pintado, A.I.E.; Malcata, F. X.. "In vitro characterization of autolytic features of potentially probiotic strains.". Paper presented in NFIF 2003 - New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience., 2003.
  233. Pimentel, L.L.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Pintado, A.I.E.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Malcata, F.X.; Lígia Pimentel; Ana I.E. Pintado; Ana M. P. Gomes; F.X. Malcata. "Identification and characterization of antibiotic susceptibility of enterococci isolated from Terrincho cheese.". Paper presented in NFIF 2003 - New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience., 2003.
  234. Pereira, C.I.; Gião, M.S.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "Milk as an emulsion: a model for study of microbial growth". Paper presented in 6º Encontro da Quimica dos Alimentos: Novas Perspectivas sobre conservação, processamento e qualidade de alimentos., 2003.
  235. Gomes, A.M.P.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Georgoula, E.; Vafopoulou, A.; Malcata, F.X.; Vafopoulou A.. "Esterolytic activities of thermophilic lactic acid bacteria isolated from dairy products.". Paper presented in NFIF 2003 - New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience, 2003.
  236. Gião, M.S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.P.; Malcata, F.X.. "On the benefits of drinking beer". Paper presented in 6º Encontro da Quimica dos Alimentos: Novas Perspectivas sobre conservação, processamento e qualidade de alimentos,, 2003.
  237. Freitas, A.C.; Rodrigues, M.J.; Diogo, C.F.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "Growth and survival of Bifidobacterium Bb-12 and Lactobacillus acidophilus in heat-processed whey". Paper presented in NFIF 2003 - New Functional Ingredients and Food: Safety, Health and Convenience., 2003.
  238. Ana I. E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana Maria Pereira Gomes; I.M. Ferreira; O. Pinho; F.Xavier Malcata. "Microbiological evaluation of Terrincho, a portuguese traditional cheese". Paper presented in Congrilait – 26 th world dairy congress, 2002.
  239. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.P.; Georgoula, E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Study of proteinase and peptidase activities of Enterococcus durans and E. faecium isolated from Portuguese traditional cheeses". Paper presented in Congrilait – 26th IDF World Dairy Congress, Paris, France., 2001.
  240. França. J. Zulewska; Pintado, Maria Manuela; A. M. P. Gomes; F. X. Malcata. "Viability of Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus in Portuguese whey cheese Requeijão". Paper presented in no Congrilait – 26th IDF World Dairy Congress, Paris, France., 2001.
  241. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Santos C. C. O.; Malcata, F.X.. "Activity of adventitious Enterococcus strains on model curdleded caprine milk: microbial growth and evolution of concentration of organic acids and lactose through". Paper presented in 15th Forum for Applied Biotechnology, Gent, Belgium., 2001.
  242. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, A.M.P.; Abreu, P. I.; Pimentel, L. L; Maia, S.; Malcata, F.X.. "Screening for antimicrobial activity of several adventitious Enterococcus strains isolated from Serra da Estrela cheese". Paper presented in no Eurolab Conference, Cork, Ireland., 2001.
  243. Gomes, A.M.P.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Abreu, P.I.; Pimentel, L.L.; Maia, S.; Malcata, F.X.. "Assessment of Bifidobacterium lactis and Lactobacillus acidophilus as tentative producers of antimicrobial compounds". Paper presented in EuroLab Cork, Ireland, 2001.
  244. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Santos C. C. O.; Malcata, F.X.. "Glycolytic activity in vitro on curdleded ovine and bovine milks of Enterococcus strains isolated from traditional Serra da Estrela cheese.". Paper presented in Nizo Dairy Conference on Food Microbes 2001, Ede, Netherlands., 2001.
  245. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Santos C. C. O.; Malcata, F.X.. "Comparative growth of several adventitious strains of Enterococcus on salted and unsalted ovine and bovine milks.". Paper presented in Food Safety Objectives, Washington DC, USA, 2000.
  246. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Santos C. C. O.; Malcata, F.X.. "Influence of salt added to caprine milk on the activity of several Enterococcus strains". Paper presented in Bioquímica 2000, Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal., 2000.
  247. Ana C. Freitas; Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.Xavier Malcata. "Organic acids produced by the dominant microflora in Picante cheese manufactured with ovine and caprine milks". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia, 1999.
  248. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "Optimization of modified atmosphere packaging Requeijão: physicochemical alterations related with microbial growth". Paper presented in Micro’99-Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia. Luso, Portugal., 1999.
  249. Freitas, A. C.; Pintado, A. I. E.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Organic acids produced by dominant flora in Picante cheese". Paper presented in Manufacture with ovine and Caprine milk. Micro’99-Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia, Luso, Portugal., 1999.
  250. Pintado, Maria Manuela; A. Reis; A.I.E Pintado; J.A.L Silva; Manuel António Coimbra; I. Delgadillo; Francisco X. Malcata. "The structural composition of lactan produced from whey and synthetic medium revisited". Paper presented in GLUPOR3 – 3º Congresso Internacional do Grupo de Química dos Glúcidos, 1999.
  251. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F.X.. "Optimization of modified atmosphere packaging Requeijão: Microbial aspects.". Paper presented in 4º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos. Coimbra, Portugal, 1999.
  252. Ana I. E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; S. Lemos; F.X. Malcata; Pintado, A.I.E.; Lemos, S.; Malcata, F. X.. "Evaluation, with storage time of dominant microflora of four cultivars of Vinho Verde grape pomace". Paper presented in 4º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, 1999.
  253. A.C. Freitas; Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; F.X. Malcata. "Dominant microflora of Picante cheese: Effects on proteolysis and lipolysis.". Paper presented in Symposium Cost 95, 1998.
  254. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Pintado, A. I. E.; Malcata, F. X.. "Influence of salt content, degree of proteolysis and aeration on the production of a polymer via fermentation of whey-related media by Rahnella aquatilis.". Paper presented in Iberian Congress on Biotechnology - I Ibero-American Meeting on Biotechnology. Guimarães, Portugal., 1998.
  255. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Ana I.E. Pintado; Francisco X. Malcata. "Production of lactan using plain whey, whey permeate and synthetic medium as feedstock". Paper presented in Biotec 98, 1998.
  256. A.Cristina Freitas; Ana I.E. Pintado; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Francisco Xavier Malcata; Freitas, A. C.; Pintado, A. I. E.; Malcata, F. X.. "Dominant microflora of Picante cheese: Independent role upon proteolysis and lipolysis in model systems". Paper presented in Biotec 98, 1998.
  257. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Pintado, A. I. E.; Malcata, F. X.; Ana. I. E. Pintado; F. Xavier Malcata. "Evaluation of whey protein hydrolysis using Protease A and Trypsin.". Paper presented in Applied Biotechnology. Gent. Belgium., 1997.
  258. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Pintado, A. I. E.; da Silva, J. A. L.; Malcata, F. X.; Ana I. E. Pintado; J.A. Lopes da Silva; Francisco X. Malcata. "Rhelogical characterization, under steady shear, of a polysaccharide (lactan) obtained via fermentation of whey-related media". Paper presented in Second International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Chemistry Group, September 21-25. Porto, Portugal, 1997.
  259. Pintado, Maria Manuela; A.I.E Pintado; E.M.R. Silva; F.X. Malcata; Pintado, A. I. E.; Silva, E. M. R.; Malcata, F. X.. "Polysaccharide production from whey using Rahnella aquatilis". Paper presented in IFT Annual Meeting, 1997.
  260. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Quadrado, R.; Malcata, F.X.. "Free fatty acid profile of requeijão packaged under different environmental conditions". Paper presented in 3º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Faro, Portugal., 1997.
  261. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Microbiological evaluation of a Portuguese whey cheese "Requeijão" stored under different package conditions". Paper presented in Microbial Food Spoilage, Copenhagen, Denmark., 1996.
  262. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Purification and characterization of genetic variants of a-lactalbumin and ß-lactoglobulin from milk of Portuguese native ovine and caprine breeds.". Paper presented in III Congresso Ibérico de Biotecnologia, Valladolid, Spain., 1996.
  263. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Lopes da Silva, J.A.; Malcata, F. X.. "Effects of temperature and heating time on viscoelastic characteristics of whey protein concentrate at acidic and neutral pH". Paper presented in IFT Annual Meeting, New Orleans, USA, 1996.
  264. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Enzymatic hydrolysis of bovine, caprine and ovine wheys.". Paper presented in II Jornadas das Indústrias Agro-Alimentares, Lisboa, Portugal., 1996.
  265. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Lopes da Silva, J.A.. "Rheological and sensorial analysis of whey cheese.". Paper presented in 9th World Congress of Food Science and Technology, Budapest, Hungary., 1995.
  266. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Influência dos parâmetros tecnológicos na composição química do Requeijão". Paper presented in 2º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Aveiro, Portugal., 1995.
  267. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.; Warthersen, J. J.. "Characterization of an unknown low molecular weight fraction in ewe's and goat's whey". Paper presented in American Dairy Science Association and Northeast ADSA/ASAS, Meeting, Ithaca, EUA., 1995.
  268. Hogg, T.; Couto, J. A.; Capela, A.; Revel, G.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Lactobacillus hilgardii in Deterioration of fortified wine and related effects". Paper presented in V Symposium International d' Oenologie, Bourdaux, France., 1995.
  269. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Optimization of the thermal precipitation of whey proteins from ewe's and goat's milk.". Paper presented in VII Congresso Nacional de Biotecnologia/II Congresso Ibérico de Biotecnologia, Vilamoura, Portugal:, 1994.
  270. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Studies on the heat stability of various protein fractions of whey from goat and ewe's milk of Portuguese native breeds.". Paper presented in American Dairy Science Association and Northeast ADSA/ASAS Meeting. Minneapolis, USA, 1994.
  271. Hogg, T.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Revel, G.. "Metabolism of amino acids by Lactobacillus hilgardii in fortified wines". Paper presented in I Congresso Internacional de La Vinicultura Atlantica, Toja, Spain., 1994.
  272. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Lopes da Silva, J.A.; Fernandes, P.; Malcata, F. X.; Hogg, T.. "Studies on kefir grains: microbiological characterization, biomass increase rate, and rheology of polysaccharide produced". Paper presented in Primeiro Simpósio Nacional da Microbiologia Aplicada e Biotecnologia Professor van Uden Luso, Portugal., 1994.
  273. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Malcata, F. X.. "Evaluation of seasonal changes of proteins in native and denatured form of Serra da Estrela ewe's whey". Paper presented in 1º Encontro de Química de Alimentos, Santarém, Portugal., 1993.
Journal article
  1. Sara A. Cunha; Sandra Borges; Sara Baptista-Silva; Tânia Ribeiro; Patrícia Oliveira-Silva; Manuela Pintado; Patrícia Batista. "Astaxanthin impact on brain: health potential and market perspective". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2024): https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2023.2232866.
  2. Manuela Machado; Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; Ana Maria Gomes; Manuela Pintado. "The Role of Unsaturated Fatty Acid-Rich Dairy Products in Adipocyte Metabolism". Molecules (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules29235502.
  3. Manuela Machado; Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; Sérgio C. Sousa; Ana Maria Gomes; Manuela Pintado. "Enhancing Medium-Chain Fatty Acid Delivery Through Bigel Technology". Gels (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/gels10110738.
  4. Mariana Luz-Veiga; Adélia Mendes; Diana Tavares-Valente; Manuela Amorim; António Conde; Manuela Estevez Pintado; Helena R. Moreira; João Azevedo-Silva; João Fernandes. "Exploring Cannabidiol (CBD) and Cannabigerol (CBG) Safety Profile and Skincare Potential". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms252212224.
  5. Nádia C. Silva; Ana Raquel Madureira; Manuela Pintado; Patrícia R. Moreira. "Chitosan coatings reinforced with cellulose crystals and oregano essential oil as antimicrobial protection against the microbiological contamination of stone sculptures". Cellulose (2024): https://doi.org/10.1007/s10570-024-06149-4.
  6. Casanova, Francisca; Carla F. Pereira; Alessandra B. Ribeiro; Pedro M. Castro; Eva Martins; R. Freixo; Diana Tavares-Valente; et al. "Modified Cellulose Nanocrystals Encapsulating Cannabigerol: A Step Forward in Controlling Intestinal Inflammatory Disorders". Applied Sciences (2024): https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/14/22/10416.
  7. Eduardo Apolinário; Maria Leonor Castro; Manuela Pintado; João Paulo Ferreira; Sara Baptista-Silva; Sandra Borges. "Endowed Polyphenols in Advanced Delivery Systems for Vaginal Infections". Applied Sciences (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/app14209203.
  8. Nelson Mota de Carvalho; Souza C. G.; Celia Maria Costa; Cláudia Castro; Joana F. Fangueiro; Bruno Miguel Horta; Divanildo Outor Monteiro; et al. "In Vivo Study of the Effect of Sugarcane Bagasse Lignin Supplementation on Broiler Chicken Diet as a Step to Validate the Established Chicken Gastrointestinal Tract In Vitro Model". Sustainability (2024): https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/16/20/8946.
  9. Fernanda Ferreira; Rafaela Guimarães; André Daniel Mendes Lemos; Catarina Milho; Tayse F. F. da Silveira; Jonata M. Ueda; Marcio Carocho; et al. "Harnessing the Power of Natural Mineral Waters in Bread Formulations: Effects on Chemical, Physical, and Physicochemical Properties". Applied Sciences (2024): https://www.mdpi.com/2076-3417/14/20/9179.
  10. Maria Leonor Teixeira Pinto de Castro; Azevedo-Silva, J.; Diana Tavares-Valente; Adriana Machado; Tânia Ribeiro; João Ferreira; Pintado, M.; et al. "Elevating Skincare Science: Grape Seed Extract Encapsulation for Dermatological Care". Molecules (2024): https://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/29/16/3717.
  11. Daniela Magalhães; Ricardo Gonçalves; Cristina V. Rodrigues; Helena R. Rocha; Manuela Pintado; Marta C. Coelho. "Natural Pigments Recovery from Food By-Products: Health Benefits towards the Food Industry". Foods (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods13142276.
  12. Sara Marçal; Sérgio Sousa; Helena Araújo-Rodrigues; Inês V. Silva; Débora A. Campos; Manuela Pintado. "Impact of washing and freezing on nutritional composition, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity and microstructure of mango peels". Food Chemistry (2024): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2024.138368.
  13. Luís M.G. Castro; Ana I. Caço; Carla F. Pereira; Sérgio C. Sousa; Elisabete M.C. Alexandre; Jorge A. Saraiva; Manuela Pintado. "Structure and properties of Quercus robur acorn starch extracted by pulsed electric field technology". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules (2024): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.129328.
  14. Joana Odila Pereira; Diana Oliveira; Margarida Faustino; Susana S. M. P. Vidigal; Ana Margarida Pereira; Carlos M. H. Ferreira; Ana Sofia Oliveira; et al. "Use of Various Sugarcane Byproducts to Produce Lipid Extracts with Bioactive Properties: Physicochemical and Biological Characterization". Biomolecules (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/biom14020233.
  15. Cristina V. Rodrigues; Manuela Pintado. "Hesperidin from Orange Peel as a Promising Skincare Bioactive: An Overview". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25031890.
  16. Valter F. R. Martins; Manuela E. Pintado; Rui M. S. C. Morais; Alcina M. M. B. Morais. "Recent Highlights in Sustainable Bio-Based Edible Films and Coatings for Fruit and Vegetable Applications". Foods (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods13020318.
  17. Ana Sofia Salsinha; André Cima; Helena Araújo-Rodrigues; Sofia Viana; Flávio Reis; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Luis Miguel Rodríguez-Alcalá; João B. Relvas; Manuela Pintado. "The use of an in vitro fecal fermentation model to uncover the beneficial role of omega-3 and punicic acid in gut microbiota alterations induced by a Western diet". Food & Function (2024): https://doi.org/10.1039/D4FO00727A.
  18. Ana L. S. Oliveira; Maria João Carvalho; Poliana Silva; Manuela Pintado; Ana Raquel Madureira. "Unraveling Biotic and Abiotic Factors Shaping Sugarcane Straw Polyphenolic Richness: A Gateway to Artificial Intelligence-Driven Crop Management". Antioxidants (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/antiox13010047.
  19. Maria João Carvalho; Sílvia Santos Pedrosa; Adélia Mendes; João Azevedo-Silva; João Fernandes; Manuela Pintado; Ana L. S. Oliveira; Ana Raquel Madureira. "Anti-Aging Potential of a Novel Ingredient Derived from Sugarcane Straw Extract (SSE)". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25010021.
  20. Francisca Casanova; Carla F. Pereira; Alessandra B. Ribeiro; Pedro M. Castro; Ricardo Freixo; Eva Martins; Diana Tavares-Valente; et al. "Biological Potential and Bioaccessibility of Encapsulated Curcumin into Cetyltrimethylammonium Bromide Modified Cellulose Nanocrystals". Pharmaceuticals (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/ph16121737.
  21. Ana A. Vilas-Boas; Ricardo Goméz-García; Manuela Machado; Catarina Nunes; Sónia Ribeiro; João Nunes; Ana L. S. Oliveira; Manuela Pintado. "Lavandula pedunculata Polyphenol-Rich Extracts Obtained by Conventional, MAE and UAE Methods: Exploring the Bioactive Potential and Safety for Use a Medicine Plant as Food and Nutraceutical Ingredient". Foods (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12244462.
  22. Marta Fernandez Cunha; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; María Emilia Brassesco; Frederico Almada; David Gonçalves; Manuela Pintado. "Methods for the Collection of Fish Mucus: A Systematic Review". Reviews in Fisheries Science & Aquaculture (2023): https://doi.org/10.1080/23308249.2023.2289012.
  23. Teresa Deuchande; Joana Fundo; Daniela Rodrigues; Iyad Abudiab; Joana Durão; Ana Paula Carvalho; Ana Lúcia Silva Oliveira; Manuela Pintado; Ana Luísa Amaro. "Antioxidant effects of phenolic extract from sugarcane straw and mannan extract from brewer's spent yeast on fresh-cut apples". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.12829.
  24. Sara A. Cunha; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Agostinho M. R. C. Alexandre; Ana Maria Carvalho Partidário; Naiara Fernández; Alexandre Paiva; Joana Laranjeira Silva; Manuela E. Pintado. "Enzymatic hydrolysis allows an integral valorization of Nannochloropsis oceanica resulting in the production of bioactive peptide extracts and an eicosapentaenoic acid enriched fraction". Biotechnology Journal (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/biot.202300291.
  25. Tiago Barros Afonso; Teresa Bonifácio-Lopes; Eduardo Manuel Costa; Manuela Estevez Pintado. "Phenolic Compounds from By-Products for Functional Textiles". Materials (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/ma16227248.
  26. Pedro Rodrigues Ribeiro; Patrícia Batista; Francisco Mendes-Palma; Manuela Pintado; Patrícia Oliveira-Silva. "Consumers’ Engagement and Perspectives on Sustainable Textile Consumption". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su152215812.
  27. Inês F. Mota; Filipa Antunes; Joana F. Fangueiro; Carina A. E. Costa; Alírio E. Rodrigues; Manuela E. Pintado; Patrícia S. Costa; Carina A.E. Costa; Manuela Pintado. "Sugarcane Light-Colored Lignin: A Renewable Resource for Sustainable Beauty". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms242115941.
  28. J.C. Ribeiro; E.R. Coscueta; L.M. Cunha; M.E. Pintado. "Evaluation of the ultrafiltration method to obtain a high-value protein concentrate from the edible insect Tenebrio molitor". Journal of Insects as Food and Feed (2023): https://doi.org/10.1163/23524588-20230120.
  29. Liliana Araújo; Adriana R. Machado; Sérgio Sousa; Óscar L. Ramos; Alessandra B. Ribeiro; Francisca Casanova; Manuela E. Pintado; Eduarda Vieira; Patrícia Moreira. "Implementation of a Circular Bioeconomy: Obtaining Cellulose Fibers Derived from Portuguese Vine Pruning Residues for Heritage Conservation, Oxidized with TEMPO and Ultrasonic Treatment". Agriculture (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/agriculture13101905.
  30. Luís M. G. Castro; Ana I. Caço; Carla F. Pereira; Sérgio C. Sousa; María E. Brassesco; Manuela Machado; Óscar L. Ramos; et al. "Modification of Acorn Starch Structure and Properties by High Hydrostatic Pressure". Gels (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/gels9090757.
  31. Patrícia Batista; Maria Rodrigues Penas; Catarina Vila-Real; Manuela Pintado; Patrícia Oliveira-Silva. "Kombucha: Challenges for Health and Mental Health". Foods (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12183378.
  32. Marta Fernandez Cunha; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; María Emilia Brassesco; Rita Marques; José Neto; Frederico Almada; David Gonçalves; Manuela Pintado. "Exploring Bioactivities and Peptide Content of Body Mucus from the Lusitanian Toadfish Halobatrachus didactylus". Molecules (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28186458.
  33. Manuela Machado; Sérgio C. Sousa; Luís M. Rodríguez-Alcalá; Manuela Pintado; Ana Maria Gomes. "Functional lipid enriched probiotic cheese: Gastrointestinal stability and potential health benefits". International Dairy Journal (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2023.105700.
  34. Nelson Mota de Carvalho; Célia Maria Costa; Cláudia Castro; Mayra Anton Dib Saleh; Manuela Estevez Pintado; Diana Luazi Oliveira; Ana Raquel Madureira. "Development of a Chicken Gastrointestinal Tract (GIT) Simulation Model: Impact of Cecal Inoculum Storage Preservation Conditions". Applied Microbiology (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/applmicrobiol3030066.
  35. Maria Leonor Castro; João Paulo Ferreira; Manuela Pintado; Oscar L. Ramos; Sandra Borges; Sara Baptista-Silva. "Grape By-Products in Sustainable Cosmetics: Nanoencapsulation and Market Trends". Applied Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/app13169168.
  36. Manuela Machado; Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; Luís M. Rodriguez-Alcalá; Ana Maria Gomes; Manuela Pintado. "Understanding the Anti-Obesity Potential of an Avocado Oil-Rich Cheese through an In Vitro Co-Culture Intestine Cell Model". Molecules (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/molecules28155923.
  37. Ana Isabel Ribeiro Lopes; Adma Melo; Cristina Caleja; Eliana Pereira; Tiane Finimundy; Tiago B. Afonso; Sara Silva; et al. "Evaluation of Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Activities of Alginate Edible Coatings Incorporated with Plant Extracts". Coatings (2023): https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6412/13/9/1487.
  38. Patrícia Batista; Manuela Pintado; Patrícia Oliveira-Silva. "Overview about Oral Films in Mental Disorders". Pharmaceuticals (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/ph16081063.
  39. Joana F. Fundo; Teresa Deuchande; Daniela A. Rodrigues; Lígia L. Pimentel; Susana S. M. P. Vidigal; Luís M. Rodríguez-Alcalá; Manuela E. Pintado; Ana L. Amaro. "Induced Autolysis of Engineered Yeast Residue as a Means to Simplify Downstream Processing for Valorization—A Case Study". Fermentation (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/fermentation9070673.
  40. Francisca S. Teixeira; Paula T. Costa; Ana M. S. Soares; Ana Luiza Fontes; Manuela E. Pintado; Susana S. M. P. Vidigal; Lígia L. Pimentel; Luís M. Rodríguez-Alcalá. "Novel Lipids to Regulate Obesity and Brain Function: Comparing Available Evidence and Insights from QSAR In Silico Models". Foods (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12132576.
  41. Adriana Rodrigues Machado; Tugba Atatoprak; Joana Santos; Elisabete M. C. Alexandre; Manuela Estevez Pintado; Jorge A. P. Paiva; João Nunes. "Potentialities of the Extraction Technologies and Use of Bioactive Compounds from Winery by-Products: A Review from a Circular Bioeconomy Perspective". Applied Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/app13137754.
  42. Margarida Faustino; Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Ana Margarida Pereira; Joana Odila Pereira; Ana Sofia Oliveira; Carlos M. H. Ferreira; et al. "Effect of Mannan Oligosaccharides Extracts in Uropathogenic Escherichia coli Adhesion in Human Bladder Cells". Pathogens (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens12070885.
  43. Joana R. Costa; Maria J. Pereira; Sílvia S. Pedrosa; Beatriz Gullón; Nelson M. de Carvalho; Manuela E. Pintado; Ana Raquel Madureira. "Sugarcane Straw as a Source of Arabinoxylans: Optimization and Economic Viability of a Two-Step Alkaline Extraction". Foods (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12122280.
  44. Sara Silva; Manuela Machado; Marta Coelho; Eduardo M. Costa; Manuela Pintado. "Insights into the Antimicrobial Potential of Acorn Extracts (Quercus ilex and Quercus suber)". Applied Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/app13116820.
  45. Coelho, M.C.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Teixeira, J.A.; Pintado, M.E.. "Integral valorisation of tomato by-products towards bioactive compounds recovery: Human health benefits". Food Chemistry 410 (2023): 135319. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2022.135319.
  46. Faustino, Margarida; Pereira, Carla F.; Durão, Joana; Oliveira, Ana Sofia; Pereira, Joana Odila; Ferreira, Carlos; Pintado, Manuela E.; Carvalho, Ana P.. "Effect of drying technology in Saccharomyces cerevisiae mannans: Structural, physicochemical, and functional properties". Food Chemistry 412 (2023): 135545. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.135545.
  47. Ana Sofia Salsinha; Sara A. Cunha; Manuela Machado; Luís Miguel Rodríguez-Alcalá; João B. Relvas; Manuela Pintado. "Assessment of the bioaccessibility and bioavailability prediction of omega 3 and conjugated fatty acids by in vitro standardized digestion model (INFOGEST) and cell model". Food Bioscience (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2023.102635.
  48. Ana Lopes; João Azevedo-Silva; Erdem Carsanba; Manuela Pintado; Ana Sofia Oliveira; Carlos Ferreira; Joana Odila Pereira; Ana P. Carvalho; Carla Oliveira. "Peptide extract from spent yeast improves resistance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae to oxidative stress". Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-023-12514-3.
  49. Nelson Mota de Carvalho; Diana Luazi Oliveira; Célia Maria Costa; Manuela Estevez Pintado; Ana Raquel Madureira. "Strategies to Assess the Impact of Sustainable Functional Food Ingredients on Gut Microbiota". Foods (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12112209.
  50. Marta Mendes; Irina Moreira; Patrícia Moreira; Manuela Pintado; Paula Castro. "Bioaugmentation of Aerobic Granular Sludge with Dye-Decolorizing Yeast for Textile Industrial Wastewater". Processes (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/pr11061654.
  51. Elisabete M. C. Alexandre; Nuno F. B. Aguiar; Glenise B. Voss; Manuela E. Pintado. "Properties of Fermented Beverages from Food Wastes/By-Products". Beverages (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/beverages9020045.
  52. Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; Carla F. Pereira; Alessandra B. Ribeiro; Francisca Casanova; Ricardo Freixo; Manuela Pintado; Óscar L. Ramos. "Carboxymethyl Cellulose as a Food Emulsifier: Are Its Days Numbered?". Polymers (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/polym15102408.
  53. Helena R. Rocha; Marta C. Coelho; Ana M. Gomes; Manuela E. Pintado. "Carotenoids Diet: Digestion, Gut Microbiota Modulation, and Inflammatory Diseases". Nutrients (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/nu15102265.
  54. Marta C. Coelho; Célia Costa; Dalila Roupar; Sara Silva; A. Sebastião Rodrigues; José A. Teixeira; Manuela E. Pintado. "Modulation of the Gut Microbiota by Tomato Flours Obtained after Conventional and Ohmic Heating Extraction and Its Prebiotic Properties". Foods (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods12091920.
  55. Manuela Machado; Sérgio Cruz Sousa; Luís Miguel Rodríguez-Alcalá; Manuela Pintado; Ana Maria Gomes. "Bigels as Delivery Systems of Bioactive Fatty Acids Present in Functional Edible Oils: Coconut, Avocado, and Pomegranate". Gels (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/gels9040349.
  56. Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Pellegrini Malpiedi, Luciana; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Nerli, Bibiana B.. "Production of soy protein concentrate with the recovery of bioactive compounds: From destruction to valorization". Food Hydrocolloids 137 (2023): 108314. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2022.108314.
  57. Antunes, Filipa; Mota, Inês F.; Fangueiro, Joana F.; Lopes, Graciliana; Pintado, Manuela; Costa, Patrícia Santos. "From sugarcane to skin: Lignin as a multifunctional ingredient for cosmetic application". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 234 (2023): 123592. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123592.
  58. Cassoni, Ana C.; Costa, Patrícia; Mota, Inês; Vasconcelos, Marta W.; Pintado, Manuela. "Recovery of lignins with antioxidant activity from Brewer’s spent grain and olive tree pruning using deep eutectic solvents". Chemical Engineering Research and Design 192 (2023): 34-43. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cherd.2023.01.053.
  59. Casanova, Francisca; Pereira, Carla F.; Ribeiro, Alessandra B.; Costa, Eduardo M.; Freixo, Ricardo; Castro, Pedro M.; Fernandes, João C.; Pintado, Manuela; Ramos, Óscar L.. "Design of Innovative Biocompatible Cellulose Nanostructures for the Delivery and Sustained Release of Curcumin". Pharmaceutics 15 3 (2023): 981. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pharmaceutics15030981.
  60. Oliveira, Ana L. S.; Seara, Marta; Carvalho, Maria João; de Carvalho, Nelson Mota; Costa, Eduardo M.; Silva, Sara; Duarte, Marco; et al. "Production of Sustainable Postbiotics from Sugarcane Straw for Potential Food Applications". Applied Sciences 13 6 (2023): 3391. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app13063391.
  61. Teixeira, Francisca S.; Pimentel, Lígia L.; Vidigal, Susana S. M. P.; Azevedo-Silva, João; Pintado, Manuela E.; Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luís M.. "Differential Lipid Accumulation on HepG2 Cells Triggered by Palmitic and Linoleic Fatty Acids Exposure". Molecules 28 5 (2023): 2367. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28052367.
  62. Guimarães, Inês; Costa, Raquel; Madureira, Sara; Borges, Sandra; Oliveira, Ana L.; Pintado, Manuela; Baptista-Silva, Sara. "Tannic Acid Tailored-Made Microsystems for Wound Infection". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 5 (2023): 4826. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms24054826.
  63. Casanova, Francisca; Freixo, Ricardo; Pereira, Carla F.; Ribeiro, Alessandra B.; Costa, Eduardo M.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Ramos, Óscar L.. "Comparative Study of Green and Traditional Routes for Cellulose Extraction from a Sugarcane By-Product". Polymers 15 5 (2023): 1251. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/polym15051251.
  64. Bonifácio-Lopes, Teresa; M. G. Castro, Luís; Vilas-Boas, Ana; Campos, Débora; Teixeira, José A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Impact of gastrointestinal digestion simulation on brewer’s spent grain green extracts and their prebiotic activity". Food Research International 165 (2023): 112515. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2023.112515.
  65. Teixeira-Guedes, Catarina; Gomes-Dias, Joana S.; Cunha, Sara A.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Pereira, Ricardo N.; Teixeira, José A.; Rocha, Cristina M.R.. "Enzymatic approach for the extraction of bioactive fractions from red, green and brown seaweeds". Food and Bioproducts Processing 138 (2023): 25-39. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbp.2022.12.005.
  66. Mota, Inês F.; da Silva Burgal, João; Antunes, Filipa; Pintado, Manuela E.; Costa, Patrícia S.. "High value-added lignin extracts from sugarcane by-products". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 230 (2023): 123144. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123144.
  67. Machado, Manuela; Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luís M.; Maria Gomes, Ana; Pintado, Manuela. "Does the Nature of Added Bioactive Lipids Affect the Biological Properties of Yogurts?—Case Study Coconut and Avocado Oils". Applied Sciences 13 5 (2023): 3101. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app13053101.
  68. Capêto, Ana P.; Azevedo-Silva, João; Sousa, Sérgio; Pintado, Manuela; Guimarães, Ana S.; Oliveira, Ana L. S.. "Synthesis of Bio-Based Polyester from Microbial Lipidic Residue Intended for Biomedical Application". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 5 (2023): 4419. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms24054419.
  69. Coelho, Marta C.; Ghalamara, Soudabeh; Campos, Débora; Ribeiro, Tânia Bragança; Pereira, Ricardo; Rodrigues, António S.; Teixeira, José A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Tomato Processing By-Products Valorisation through Ohmic Heating Approach". Foods 12 4 (2023): 818. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods12040818.
  70. Silva, Sara; Costa, Eduardo M.; Machado, Manuela; Morais, Rui M.; Calhau, Conceição; Pintado, Manuela. "Selective Activity of an Anthocyanin-Rich, Purified Blueberry Extract upon Pathogenic and Probiotic Bacteria". Foods 12 4 (2023): 734. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods12040734.
  71. Coelho, Marta C.; Ghalamara, Soudabeh; Pereira, Ricardo; Rodrigues, António S.; Teixeira, José A.; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Innovation and Winemaking By-Product Valorization: An Ohmic Heating Approach". Processes 11 2 (2023): 495. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pr11020495.
  72. Araújo-Rodrigues, Helena; Martins, António P. L.; Tavaria, Freni K.; Dias, João; Santos, Maria Teresa; Alvarenga, Nuno; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Impact of LAB from Serpa PDO Cheese in Cheese Models: Towards the Development of an Autochthonous Starter Culture". Foods 12 4 (2023): 701. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods12040701.
  73. Costa, Eduardo M.; Silva, Sara; Pintado, Manuela. "Chitosan Nanoparticles Production: Optimization of Physical Parameters, Biochemical Characterization, and Stability upon Storage". Applied Sciences 13 3 (2023): 1900. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app13031900.
  74. Heleno, Sandrina A.; Carocho, Marcio; Reis, Filipa S.; Pires, Tânia C. S. P.; Pintado, Manuela; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Barros, Lillian. "Plant Extracts and SARS-CoV-2: Research and Applications". Life 13 2 (2023): 386. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/life13020386.
  75. Báo, Sônia Nair; Machado, Manuela; Da Silva, Ana Luisa; Melo, Adma; Cunha, Sara; Sousa, Sérgio S.; Malheiro, Ana Rita; et al. "Potential Biological Properties of Lycopene in a Self-Emulsifying Drug Delivery System". Molecules 28 3 (2023): 1219. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28031219.
  76. Luz-Veiga, Mariana; Amorim, Manuela; Pinto-Ribeiro, Inês; Oliveira, Ana L. S.; Silva, Sara; Pimentel, Lígia L.; Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luís M.; et al. "Cannabidiol and Cannabigerol Exert Antimicrobial Activity without Compromising Skin Microbiota". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 3 (2023): 2389. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms24032389.
  77. Borges, Sandra; Odila, Joana; Voss, Glenise; Martins, Rui; Rosa, Ana; Couto, José António; Almeida, André; Pintado, Manuela. "Fish By-Products: A Source of Enzymes to Generate Circular Bioactive Hydrolysates". Molecules 28 3 (2023): 1155. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules28031155.
  78. Costa, Eduardo M.; Oliveira, Ana Sofia; Silva, Sara; Ribeiro, Alessandra B.; Pereira, Carla F.; Ferreira, Carlos; Casanova, Francisca; et al. "Spent Yeast Waste Streams as a Sustainable Source of Bioactive Peptides for Skin Applications". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 24 3 (2023): 2253. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms24032253.
  79. Batista, Patrícia; Afonso, Anabela; Monteiro, Maria João; Pintado, Manuela; Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia. "Coffee Consumption during the COVID Pandemic in a Portuguese Sample: An Online Exploratory Study". Foods 12 2 (2023): 421. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods12020421.
  80. Silva, Tânia; Pires, Arona; Gomes, David; Viegas, Jorge; Pereira-Dias, Susana; Pintado, Manuela E.; Henriques, Marta; Pereira, Carlos Dias. "Sheep’s Butter and Correspondent Buttermilk Produced with Sweet Cream and Cream Fermented by Aromatic Starter, Kefir and Probiotic Culture". Foods 12 2 (2023): 331. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods12020331.
  81. Magalhães, Daniela; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Teixeira, Paula; Pintado, Manuela. "Functional Ingredients and Additives from Lemon by-Products and Their Applications in Food Preservation: A Review". foods 12 5 (2023): 1095.
    Accepted • 10.3390/foods12051095
  82. Silva, Francyeli Araújo; Queiroga, Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egypto; de Souza, Evandro Leite; Voss, Glenise Bierhalz; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez; da Silva Vasconcelos, Margarida Angélica. "Ingredients from integral valorization of Isabel grape to formulate goat yogurt with stimulatory effects on probiotics and beneficial impacts on human colonic microbiota in vitro". Food Science and Human Wellness 12 7 (2023): 1331-1342.
    Published • 10.1016/j.fshw.2022.10.034
  83. Maria M. P. Melo; Raquel B. R. Mesquita; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Manuela E. Pintado; António O. S. S. Rangel. "Assessment of collagen content in fish skin – development of a flow analysis method for hydroxyproline determination". Analytical Methods (2023): https://doi.org/10.1039/D3AY01589K.
  84. Pintado, Manuela E.; Sousa, Ana Sofia; Araújo-Rodrigues, Helena. "The health-promoting potential of edible mushroom proteins". Current Pharmaceutical Design 29 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1381612829666221223103756.
  85. Martins, Valter F.R.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Morais, Rui M.S.C.; Morais, Alcina M.M.B.. "Valorisation of Micro/Nanoencapsulated Bioactive Compounds from Plant Sources for Food Applications Towards Sustainability". Foods 12 1 (2022): 32. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods12010032.
  86. Oliveira, Ana L. S.; Carvalho, Maria João; Oliveira, Diana Luazi; Costa, Eduardo; Pintado, Manuela; Madureira, Ana Raquel. "Sugarcane Straw Polyphenols as Potential Food and Nutraceutical Ingredient". Foods 11 24 (2022): 4025. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11244025.
  87. Resende, Daniela; Costas, Benjamin; Sá, Tiago; Golfetto, Umberto; Machado, Marina; Pereira, Miguel; Pereira, Carlos; et al. "Innovative swine blood hydrolysates as promising ingredients for European seabass diets: Impact on growth performance and resistance to Tenacibaculum maritimum infection". Aquaculture 561 (2022): 738657. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2022.738657.
  88. Machado, Manuela; Sousa, Sérgio; Morais, Pilar; Miranda, Arménio; Rodriguez-Alcalá, Luís M.; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pintado, Manuela. "Novel avocado oil-functionalized yogurt with anti-obesity potential: Technological and nutraceutical perspectives". Food Bioscience 50 (2022): 101983. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2022.101983.
  89. Ribeiro, José Carlos; Santos, Carla; Lima, Rui Costa; Pintado, Manuela E.; Cunha, Luís Miguel. "Impact of defatting and drying methods on the overall liking and sensory profile of a cereal bar incorporating edible insect species". Future Foods 6 (2022): 100190. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fufo.2022.100190.
  90. Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Magalhães, Daniela; Campos, Débora A.; Porretta, Sebastiano; Dellapina, Giovanna; Poli, Giovanna; Istanbullu, Yildiray; et al. "Innovative Processing Technologies to Develop a New Segment of Functional Citrus-Based Beverages: Current and Future Trends". Foods 11 23 (2022): 3859. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11233859.
  91. Costa, Joana R.; Capeto, Ana Paula; Pereira, Carla F.; Pedrosa, Sílvia S.; Mota, Inês F.; Burgal, João da Silva; Pintado, Ana I.; et al. "Valorization of Sugarcane By-Products through Synthesis of Biogenic Amorphous Silica Microspheres for Sustainable Cosmetics". Nanomaterials 12 23 (2022): 4201. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nano12234201.
  92. Faustino, Margarida; Durão, Joana; Pereira, Carla F.; Oliveira, Ana Sofia; Pereira, Joana Odila; Pereira, Ana M.; Ferreira, Carlos; Pintado, Manuela E.; Carvalho, Ana P.. "Comparative Analysis of Mannans Extraction Processes from Spent Yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae". Foods 11 23 (2022): 3753. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11233753.
  93. Costa, Eduardo M.; Silva, Sara; Tavaria, Freni K.; Pintado, Manuela. "Insights into the Biocompatibility and Biological Potential of a Chitosan Nanoencapsulated Textile Dye". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 22 (2022): 14234. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms232214234.
  94. Costa, Eduardo M.; Silva, Sara; Machado, Manuela; Sousa, Sérgio C.; Tavaria, Freni K.; Pintado, Manuela. "Chitosan Nanoparticles as Bioactive Vehicles for Textile Dyeing: A Proof of Concept". Polymers 14 22 (2022): 4821. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/polym14224821.
  95. Soares, José C.; Osório, Hugo; Pintado, Manuela; Vasconcelos, Marta W.. "Effect of the Interaction between Elevated Carbon Dioxide and Iron Limitation on Proteomic Profiling of Soybean". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 21 (2022): 13632. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms232113632.
  96. Silva, Sara; Costa, Eduardo M.; Machado, Manuela; Morais, Rui; Calhau, Conceição; Pintado, Manuela. "Antiadhesive and Antibiofilm Effect of Malvidin-3-Glucoside and Malvidin-3-Glucoside/Neochlorogenic Acid Mixtures upon Staphylococcus". Metabolites 12 11 (2022): 1062. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/metabo12111062.
  97. Cassoni, Ana C.; Mota, Inês; Costa, Patrícia; Vasconcelos, Marta W.; Pintado, Manuela. "Effect of alkaline and deep eutectic solvents pretreatments on the recovery of lignin with antioxidant activity from grape stalks". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 220 (2022): 406-414. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.07.233.
  98. Antunes, Filipa; Mota, Inês F.; da Silva Burgal, João; Pintado, Manuela; Costa, Patrícia Santos. "A review on the valorization of lignin from sugarcane by-products: From extraction to application". Biomass and Bioenergy 166 (2022): 106603. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.biombioe.2022.106603.
  99. Carvalho, Luís Carlos; Oliveira, Ana L.S.; Carsanba, Erdem; Pintado, Manuela; Oliveira, Carla. "Phenolic compounds modulation in ß-farnesene fed-batch fermentation using sugarcane syrup as feedstock". Industrial Crops and Products 188 (2022): 115721. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.115721.
  100. Kheroufi, Afaf; Brassesco, María E.; Campos, Débora A.; Mouzai, Abdelghani; Boughellouta, Halima; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Whey protein-derived peptides: The impact of chicken pepsin hydrolysis upon whey proteins concentrate on their biological and technological properties". International Dairy Journal 134 (2022): 105442. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.idairyj.2022.105442.
  101. Silva, Sara; Costa, Eduardo M.; Oliveira, Hélder; Freitas, Vitor De; Morais, Rui M.; Calhau, Conceição; Pintado, Manuela. "Impact of a Purified Blueberry Extract on In Vitro Probiotic Mucin-Adhesion and Its Effect on Probiotic/Intestinal Pathogen Systems". Molecules 27 20 (2022): 6991. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules27206991.
  102. Pereira, M. João; Pintado, Manuela; Brazinha, Carla; Crespo, João. "Recovery of Valuable Aromas from Sardine Cooking Wastewaters by Pervaporation with Fractionated Condensation: Matrix Effect and Model Validation". Membranes 12 10 (2022): 988. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/membranes12100988.
  103. Oliveira, Ana L.S.; Valente, Diana; Moreira, Helena R.; Pintado, Manuela; Costa, Patrícia. "Effect of squalane-based emulsion on polyphenols skin penetration: Ex vivo skin study". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 218 (2022): 112779. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112779.
  104. Sousa, Alex Sandro Bezerra de; Lima, Renato Pereira; Silva, Mariany Cruz Alves da; Moreira, Dayse das Neves; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez; Silva, Silvanda de Melo. "Natural deep eutectic solvent of choline chloride with oxalic or ascorbic acids as efficient starch-based film plasticizers". Polymer 259 (2022): 125314. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2022.125314.
  105. Oliveira, Ana Sofia; Pereira, Joana Odila; Ferreira, Carlos; Faustino, Margarida; Durão, Joana; Pintado, Manuela E.; Carvalho, Ana P.. "Peptide-rich extracts from spent yeast waste streams as a source of bioactive compounds for the nutraceutical market". Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 81 (2022): 103148. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ifset.2022.103148.
  106. Garcia, Manuel Mântua Esteves; Pereira, Carlos José Dias; Freitas, Ana Cristina; Gomes, Ana Maria Pereira; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez. "Development and Characterization of a Novel Sustainable Probiotic Goat Whey Cheese Containing Second Cheese Whey Powder and Stabilized with Thyme Essential Oil and Sodium Citrate". Foods 11 17 (2022): 2698. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11172698.
  107. Teixeira, Francisca S.; Pimentel, Lígia L.; Vidigal, Susana S. M. P.; Costa, Paula T.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luís M.. "Suitability of Solvent-Assisted Extraction for Recovery of Lipophilic Phytochemicals in Sugarcane Straw and Bagasse". Foods 11 17 (2022): 2661. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11172661.
  108. Cassoni, Ana C.; Costa, Patrícia; Vasconcelos, Marta W.; Pintado, Manuela. "Systematic review on lignin valorization in the agro-food system: From sources to applications". Journal of Environmental Management 317 (2022): 115258. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115258.
  109. Ghalamara, Soudabeh; Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Silva, Sara; Brazinha, Carla; Pereira, Carlos D.; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Integrated ultrafiltration, nanofiltration, and reverse osmosis pilot process to produce bioactive protein/peptide fractions from sardine cooking effluent". Journal of Environmental Management 317 (2022): 115344. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2022.115344.
  110. Marçal, Sara; Campos, Débora A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Washing with sodium hypochlorite or peracetic acid: Its impact on microbiological quality, phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of mango peels". Food Control 139 (2022): 109080. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2022.109080.
  111. Duarte, Marco; Oliveira, Ana L.; Oliveira, Carla; Pintado, Manuela; Amaro, Ana; Madureira, Ana Raquel. "Current postbiotics in the cosmetic market—an update and development opportunities". Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 106 18 (2022): 5879-5891. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00253-022-12116-5.
  112. Gomes, José Erick Galindo; da Silva Nascimento, Talita Camila Evaristo; de Souza-Motta, Cristina Maria; Montalvo, Gualberto Segundo Agamez; Boscolo, Mauricio; Gomes, Eleni; Moreira, Keila Aparecida; Pintado, Maria Manuela; da Silva, Roberto. "Screening and application of fungal proteases for goat casein hydrolysis towards the development of bioactive hydrolysates". Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 16 6 (2022): 4650-4664. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11694-022-01565-1.
  113. Gómez-García, Ricardo; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Vilas-Boas, Ana Martins; Campos, Débora A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Polyelectrolyte Precipitation: A New Green Chemistry Approach to Recover Value-Added Proteins from Different Sources in a Circular Economy Context". Molecules 27 16 (2022): 5115. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules27165115.
  114. Machado, Manuela; Costa, Eduardo M.; Silva, Sara; Rodriguez-Alcalá, Luís M.; Gomes, Ana M.; Pintado, Manuela. "Pomegranate Oil’s Potential as an Anti-Obesity Ingredient". Molecules 27 15 (2022): 4958. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules27154958.
  115. Silva, F.A.; de Souza, E.L.; Queiroga, R.C.R.E.; Voss, G.B.; Pintado, M.M.E.; Vasconcelos, M.A.S.. "A fibre and phenolic-rich flour from Isabel grape by-products with stimulatory effects on distinct probiotics and beneficial impacts on human colonic microbiota in vitro". Letters in Applied Microbiology 75 2 (2022): 249-260. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/lam.13723.
  116. Bonifácio-Lopes, Teresa; Catarino, Marcelo D.; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Ribeiro, Tânia B.; Campos, Débora A.; Teixeira, José A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Impact of Circular Brewer’s Spent Grain Flour after In Vitro Gastrointestinal Digestion on Human Gut Microbiota". Foods 11 15 (2022): 2279. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11152279.
  117. Ferreira, Carlos; Pereira, Carla F.; Oliveira, Ana Sofia; Faustino, Margarida; Pereira, Ana M.; Durão, Joana; Pereira, Joana Odila; Pintado, Manuela E.; Carvalho, Ana P.. "A Step for the Valorization of Spent Yeast through Production of Iron–Peptide Complexes—A Process Optimization Study". Processes 10 8 (2022): 1464. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pr10081464.
  118. Carvalho, Maria João; S. Oliveira, Ana L.; Santos Pedrosa, Sílvia; Pintado, Manuela; Pinto-Ribeiro, Inês; Madureira, Ana Raquel. "Skin Microbiota and the Cosmetic Industry". Microbial Ecology (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00248-022-02070-0.
  119. Oliveira, Carla Maria; Horta, Bruno; Leal, Tânia; Pintado, Manuela; Oliveira, Catarina S. S.. "Valorization of Spent Sugarcane Fermentation Broth as a Source of Phenolic Compounds". Processes 10 7 (2022): 1339. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pr10071339.
  120. Batista, Patrícia; Penas, Maria Rodrigues; Pintado, Manuela; Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia. "Kombucha: Perceptions and Future Prospects". Foods 11 13 (2022): 1977. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11131977.
  121. Santos, Diva; Pintado, Manuela; Lopes da Silva, José A.. "Potential nutritional and functional improvement of extruded breakfast cereals based on incorporation of fruit and vegetable by-products - A review". Trends in Food Science & Technology 125 (2022): 136-153. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2022.05.010.
  122. Atatoprak, Tugba; Amorim, Maria Manuela; Ribeiro, Tânia; Pintado, Manuela; Madureira, Ana Raquel. "Grape stalk valorization for fermentation purposes". Food Chemistry: Molecular Sciences 4 (2022): 100067. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fochms.2021.100067.
  123. Costa, Eduardo M.; Pereira, Carla F.; Ribeiro, Alessandra A.; Casanova, Francisca; Freixo, Ricardo; Pintado, Manuela; Ramos, Oscar L.. "Characterization and Evaluation of Commercial Carboxymethyl Cellulose Potential as an Active Ingredient for Cosmetics". Applied Sciences 12 13 (2022): 6560. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app12136560.
  124. Araújo-Rodrigues, Helena; Martins, António P. L.; Tavaria, Freni K.; Santos, Maria Teresa G.; Carvalho, Maria João; Dias, João; Alvarenga, Nuno B.; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Organoleptic Chemical Markers of Serpa PDO Cheese Specificity". Foods 11 13 (2022): 1898. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11131898.
  125. Reis, Bruno; Ramos-Pinto, Lourenço; Cunha, Sara A.; Pintado, Manuela; da Silva, Joana Laranjeira; Dias, Jorge; Conceição, Luís; Matos, Elisabete; Costas, Benjamín. "Chlorella vulgaris Extracts as Modulators of the Health Status and the Inflammatory Response of Gilthead Seabream Juveniles (Sparus aurata)". Marine Drugs 20 7 (2022): 407. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/md20070407.
  126. Baptista-Silva, Sara; Bernardes, Beatriz G.; Borges, Sandra; Rodrigues, Ilda; Fernandes, Rui; Gomes-Guerreiro, Susana; Pinto, Marta Teixeira; et al. "Exploring Silk Sericin for Diabetic Wounds: An In Situ-Forming Hydrogel to Protect against Oxidative Stress and Improve Tissue Healing and Regeneration". Biomolecules 12 6 (2022): 801. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/biom12060801.
  127. Gómez-García, Ricardo; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Machado, Manuela; Campos, Débora A.; Aguilar, Cristóbal N.; Madureira, Ana R.; Pintado, Manuela. "Impact of simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on bioactive compounds, bioactivity and cytotoxicity of melon (Cucumis melo L. inodorus) peel juice powder". Food Bioscience 47 (2022): 101726. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2022.101726.
  128. Kheroufi, Afaf; Brassesco, María E.; Campos, Débora A.; Boughellout, Halima; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Functional properties of peptides obtained from whey proteins by ficin extract hydrolysis". Food Bioscience 47 (2022): 101707. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2022.101707.
  129. Dias, Cindy; Ribeiro, Tânia; Rodrigues, Ana Cristina; Ferrante, António; Vasconcelos, Marta W.; Pintado, Manuela. "Cold storage demand for 'Rocha' pear ripening: A comparison between a shorter and longer cold period". Scientia Horticulturae 299 (2022): 111033. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scienta.2022.111033.
  130. Pintado, Manuela. "Which Type of Breakfast Cereals is Healthier: Evaluating Labels in the Portuguese Market". Novel Techniques in Nutrition & Food Science 6 4 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.31031/ntnf.2022.06.000641.
  131. Benoutman, Amina; Erbiai, El Hadi; Edderdaki, Fatima Zahra; Cherif, El Khalil; Saidi, Rabah; Lamrani, Zouhaire; Pintado, Manuela; et al. "Phytochemical Composition, Antioxidant and Antifungal Activity of Thymus capitatus, a Medicinal Plant Collected from Northern Morocco". Antibiotics 11 5 (2022): 681. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics11050681.
  132. Oliveira, Ana Sofia; Ferreira, Carlos; Pereira, Joana Odila; Pintado, Manuela E.; Carvalho, Ana P.. "Spent brewer's yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae) as a potential source of bioactive peptides: An overview". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 208 (2022): 1116-1126. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.03.094.
  133. Silva, Nádia C.; Madureira, Ana R.; Pintado, Manuela; Moreira, Patrícia R.. "Biocontamination and diversity of epilithic bacteria and fungi colonising outdoor stone and mortar sculptures". Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 106 9-10 (2022): 3811-3828. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00253-022-11957-4.
  134. Vilas-Boas, Ana M.; Brassesco, María E.; Quintino, Andreia C.; Vieira, Margarida C.; Brandão, Teresa R. S.; Silva, Cristina L. M.; Azevedo, Miguel; Pintado, Manuela. "Particle Size Effect of Integral Carob Flour on Bioaccessibility of Bioactive Compounds during Simulated Gastrointestinal Digestion". Foods 11 9 (2022): 1272. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11091272.
  135. Oliveira, Ana Sofia; Ferreira, Carlos; Pereira, Joana Odila; Pintado, Manuela E.; Carvalho, Ana P.. "Valorisation of protein-rich extracts from spent brewer’s yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae): an overview". Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13399-022-02636-5.
  136. Pereira, Maria João; Grosjean, Oceane; Pintado, Manuela; Brazinha, Carla; Crespo, João. "Clean Technologies for Production of Valuable Fractions from Sardine Cooking Wastewaters: An Integrated Process of Flocculation and Reverse Osmosis". Clean Technologies 4 2 (2022): 276-295. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cleantechnol4020016.
  137. Cunha, Sara A.; Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Nova, Paulo; Silva, Joana Laranjeira; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Bioactive Hydrolysates from Chlorella vulgaris: Optimal Process and Bioactive Properties". Molecules 27 8 (2022): 2505. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules27082505.
  138. Coelho, Marta; Oliveira, Carla; Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Fernandes, João; Pereira, Ricardo N.; Teixeira, José A.; Rodrigues, António Sebastião; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Bioactivity and Bioaccessibility of Bioactive Compounds in Gastrointestinal Digestion of Tomato Bagasse Extracts". Foods 11 7 (2022): 1064. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11071064.
  139. Gómez-García, Ricardo; Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Mónica; Freitas-Costa, Célia; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Campos, Débora A.; Aguilar, Cristóbal N.; Madureira, Ana R.; Pintado, Manuela. "Prebiotic effect, bioactive compounds and antioxidant capacity of melon peel (Cucumis melo L. inodorus) flour subjected to in vitro gastrointestinal digestion and human faecal fermentation". Food Research International 154 (2022): 111045. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2022.111045.
  140. Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Mónica; Gómez-García, Ricardo; Carrasco, Elena; Bascón-Villegas, Isabel; Rodríguez, Alejandro; Pintado, Manuela. "Quercus ilex leaf as a functional ingredient: Polyphenolic profile and antioxidant activity throughout simulated gastrointestinal digestion and antimicrobial activity". Journal of Functional Foods 91 (2022): 105025. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2022.105025.
  141. Mendes, Marta; Cassoni, Ana C.; Alves, Soraia; Pintado, Manuela E.; Castro, Paula ML.; Moreira, Patrícia. "Screening for a more sustainable solution for decolorization of dyes and textile effluents using Candida and Yarrowia spp.". Journal of Environmental Management 307 (2022): 114421. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.114421.
  142. Pereira, Ricardo; Costa, Mónica; Velasco, Cristina; Cunha, Luís M.; Lima, Rui C.; Baião, Luís F.; Batista, Sónia; et al. "Comparative Analysis between Synthetic Vitamin E and Natural Antioxidant Sources from Tomato, Carrot and Coriander in Diets for Market-Sized Dicentrarchus labrax". Antioxidants 11 4 (2022): 636. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/antiox11040636.
  143. Roupar, Dalila; Coelho, Marta C.; Gonçalves, Daniela A.; Silva, Soraia P.; Coelho, Elisabete; Silva, Sara; Coimbra, Manuel A.; et al. "Evaluation of Microbial-Fructo-Oligosaccharides Metabolism by Human Gut Microbiota Fermentation as Compared to Commercial Inulin-Derived Oligosaccharides". Foods 11 7 (2022): 954. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11070954.
  144. Borges, Sandra; Piccirillo, Clara; Scalera, Francesca; Martins, Rui; Rosa, Ana; Couto, José António; Almeida, André; Pintado, Manuela. "Valorization of porcine by-products: a combined process for protein hydrolysates and hydroxyapatite production". Bioresources and Bioprocessing 9 1 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40643-022-00522-6.
  145. de Carvalho, Nelson Mota; Oliveira, Diana Luazi; Costa, Célia Maria; Pintado, Manuela; Madureira, Ana Raquel. "Can Supplemented Skim Milk (SKM) Boost Your Gut Health?". Fermentation 8 3 (2022): 126. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/fermentation8030126.
  146. Batista, Patrícia; Rodrigues, Pedro Miguel; Ferreira, Miguel; Moreno, Ana; Silva, Gabriel; Alves, Marco; Pintado, Manuela; Oliveira-Silva, Patrícia. "Validation of Psychophysiological Measures for Caffeine Oral Films Characterization by Machine Learning Approaches". Bioengineering 9 3 (2022): 114. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/bioengineering9030114.
  147. Ferreira, Inês J.B.; Alexandre, Elisabete M.C.; Saraiva, Jorge A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Green emerging extraction technologies to obtain high-quality vegetable oils from nuts: A review". Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 76 (2022): 102931. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ifset.2022.102931.
  148. Bonifácio-Lopes, Teresa; Vilas-Boas, Ana; Machado, Manuela; Costa, Eduardo M.; Silva, Sara; Pereira, Ricardo N.; Campos, Débora; Teixeira, José A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Exploring the bioactive potential of brewers spent grain ohmic extracts". Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies 76 (2022): 102943. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ifset.2022.102943.
  149. Silva, Nádia C.; Pintado, Manuela; Moreira, Patrícia R.. "Sampling methods for outdoor sculptures: Comparison of swabs and cryogels by flow cytometry as novel alternatives for assessment and quantification of microbial contamination". Journal of Cultural Heritage 54 (2022): 94-102. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2022.01.006.
  150. Castro, L.M.G.; Ribeiro, T.B.; Machado, M.; Alexandre, E.M.C.; Saraiva, J.A.; Pintado, M.. "Unraveling the Effect of Dehulling Methods on the Nutritional Composition of Acorn Quercus spp.". Journal of Food Composition and Analysis 106 (2022): 104354. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfca.2021.104354.
  151. Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Batista, Patrícia; Gomes, José Erick Galindo; da Silva, Roberto; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Screening of Novel Bioactive Peptides from Goat Casein: In Silico to In Vitro Validation". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 5 (2022): 2439. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ijms23052439.
  152. Amorim, Adriany das Graças Nascimento; Vasconcelos, Andreanne Gomes; Souza, Jessica; Oliveira, Ana; Gullón, Beatriz; de Souza de Almeida Leite, José Roberto; Pintado, Manuela. "Bio-Availability, Anticancer Potential, and Chemical Data of Lycopene: An Overview and Technological Prospecting". Antioxidants 11 2 (2022): 360. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/antiox11020360.
  153. Silva, Francyeli Araújo; Queiroga, Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egypto; de Souza, Evandro Leite; Voss, Glenise Bierhalz; Borges, Graciele da Silva Campelo; Lima, Marcos dos Santos; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez; Vasconcelos, Margarida Angélica da Silva. "Incorporation of phenolic-rich ingredients from integral valorization of Isabel grape improves the nutritional, functional and sensory characteristics of probiotic goat milk yogurt". Food Chemistry 369 (2022): 130957. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2021.130957.
  154. Baião, Luís F.; Rocha, Filipa; Sá, Tiago; Oliveira, Ana; Pintado, Manuela; Lima, Rui Costa; Cunha, Luís M.; Valente, Luisa M.P.. "Sensory profiling, liking and gonad composition of sea urchin gonads fed synthetic or natural sources of ß-carotene enriched diets". Aquaculture 549 (2022): 737778. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2021.737778.
  155. Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Sousa, Ana Sofia; Reis, Celso A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Phenylethyl Isothiocyanate: A Bioactive Agent for Gastrointestinal Health". Molecules 27 3 (2022): 794. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules27030794.
  156. Ghalamara, Soudabeh; Silva, Sara; Brazinha, Carla; Pintado, Manuela. "Structural diversity of marine anti-freezing proteins, properties and potential applications: a review". Bioresources and Bioprocessing 9 1 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40643-022-00494-7.
  157. Machado, Manuela; Rodriguez-Alcalá, Luís M.; Gomes, Ana M; Pintado, Manuela. "Vegetable oils oxidation: mechanisms, consequences and protective strategies". Food Reviews International (2022): 1-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/87559129.2022.2026378.
  158. Gómez-García, Ricardo; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Oliveira, Ana; Amorim, Manuela; Teixeira, José A.; Pastrana, Lorenzo; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Campos, Débora A.. "Impact of Simulated Human Gastrointestinal Digestion on the Bioactive Fraction of Upcycled Pineapple By-Products". Foods 11 1 (2022): 126. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11010126.
  159. Cunha, Sara Alexandra; Pintado, Manuela Estevez. "Bioactive peptides derived from marine sources: Biological and functional properties". Trends in Food Science & Technology 119 (2022): 348-370. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2021.08.017.
  160. Santos, Diva; Lopes da Silva, José A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Fruit and vegetable by-products' flours as ingredients: A review on production process, health benefits and technological functionalities". LWT 154 (2022): 112707. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2021.112707.
  161. Castro, Luís M. G.; Ribeiro, Tânia B.; Alexandre, Elisabete M. C.; Saraiva, Jorge A.; Pintado, Manuela; Luís M. G. Castro; Tânia B. Ribeiro; et al. "Unveiling the phytochemical nature of acorns: the relevance of dehusking". Food & Function 13 12 (2022): 6636-6647. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d1fo04043j.
  162. Manuela Machado; Sérgio Sousa; Pilar Morais; Arménio Miranda; Luís M. Rodriguez-Alcalá; Ana Maria Gomes; Manuela Pintado; et al. "Medium-chain triglycerides and conjugated linolenic acids in functional yogurts: impact of GIT and potential biological activities". Food & Function 13 21 (2022): 10937-10946. https://doi.org/10.1039/D2FO01723G.
  163. Soares, José C.; Pintado, Manuela; Vasconcelos, Marta W.. "Short-term exposure to elevated CO2 stimulates growth and metabolic responses that alleviate early-stage iron deficiency symptoms in soybean". Journal of Plant Interactions 17 1 (2021): 50-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17429145.2021.2011445.
  164. Joana R. Costa; Maria João Monteiro; Renata V. Tonon; Lourdes M.C. Cabral; Lorenzo Pastrana; Manuela E. Pintado. "Fortification of coconut water with microencapsulated grape pomace extract towards a novel electrolyte beverage: Biological, sensorial and quality aspects". Future Foods 4 (2021): 100079-100079. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fufo.2021.100079.
  165. Ricardo Gómez-García; Débora A. Campos; Cristóbal N. Aguilar; Ana R. Madureira; Manuela Pintado. "Valorisation of food agro-industrial by-products: From the past to the present and perspectives". Journal of Environmental Management 299 (2021): 113571-113571. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvman.2021.113571.
  166. José C. Soares; Lars Zimmermann; Nicolas Zendonadi dos Santos; Onno Muller; Manuela Pintado; Marta W. Vasconcelos. "Genotypic variation in the response of soybean to elevated CO 2". Plant-Environment Interactions (2021): https://doi.org/10.1002/pei3.10065.
  167. Brassesco, María Emilia; Pintado, Manuela; Coscueta, Ezequiel R; María Emilia Brassesco; Manuela Pintado; Ezequiel R Coscueta. "Food system resilience thinking: from digital to integral". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 102 3 (2021): 887-891. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.11533.
  168. Tatiana Colombo Pimentel; Michele Rosset; Janaina Maria Batista Sousa; Louise Iara Gomes Oliveira; Isis Meireles Mafaldo; Maria Manuela Estevez Pintado; Evandro Leite Souza; et al. "Stingless bee honey: An overview of health benefits and main market challenges". Journal of Food Biochemistry 46 3 (2021): https://doi.org/10.1111/jfbc.13883.
  169. Diva Santos; Maria João Monteiro; Hans-Peter Voss; Norton Komora; Paula Teixeira; Manuela Pintado. "The most important attributes of beef sensory quality and production variables that can affect it: A review". Livestock Science 250 (2021): 104573-104573. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.livsci.2021.104573.
  170. Luís M. G. Castro; Elisabete M. C. Alexandre; Jorge A. Saraiva; Manuela Pintado. "Starch Extraction and Modification by Pulsed Electric Fields". Food Reviews International (2021): https://doi.org/10.1080/87559129.2021.1945620.
  171. Ricardo Gómez-García; Débora A. Campos; Ana Oliveira; Cristóbal N. Aguilar; Ana R. Madureira; Manuela Pintado. "A chemical valorisation of melon peels towards functional food ingredients: Bioactives profile and antioxidant properties". Food Chemistry (2021): 127579-127579. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2020.127579.
  172. Teresa Bonifácio-Lopes; Ana A. Vilas Boas; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; Débora Campos; José A. Teixeira; Manuela Pintado. "Correction: Bioactive extracts from brewer's spent grain". Food & Function (2021): https://doi.org/10.1039/D1FO90072B.
  173. Sílvia A. Moreira; Manuela E. Pintado; Jorge A. Saraiva. "Optimization of high hydrostatic pressure assisted extraction of stinging nettle leaves using response surface methodology experimental design". Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (2020): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11694-020-00522-0.
  174. Tânia Bragança Ribeiro; Ana Oliveira; Marta Coelho; Mariana Veiga; Eduardo M Costa; Sara Silva; João Nunes; António A Vicente; Manuela Pintado. "Are olive pomace powders a safe source of bioactives and nutrients?". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10812.
  175. Sílvia A. Moreira; Manuela E. Pintado; Jorge A. Saraiva. "Optimization of antioxidant activity and bioactive compounds extraction of winter savory leaves by high hydrostatic pressure". High Pressure Research (2020): 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/08957959.2020.1830079.
  176. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Natália Melo; Thayza Stamford. "Quality of postharvest strawberries: comparative effect of fungal chitosan gel, nanoparticles and gel enriched with nanoparticles edible coatings". International Journal of Food Studies (2020): 10.7455/ijfs/9.2.2020.a9..
    Accepted • 10.1016/j.postharvbio.2013.06.008
  177. Rafael G. Araújo; Rosa M. Rodriguez-Jasso; Héctor A. Ruiz; Mayela Govea-Salas; Manuela E. Pintado; Cristóbal N. Aguilar. "Process optimization of microwave-assisted extraction of bioactive molecules from avocado seeds". Industrial Crops and Products 154 (2020): 112623-112623. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112623.
  178. Castro, Luís M.G.; Alexandre, Elisabete M.C.; Saraiva, Jorge A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Impact of high pressure on starch properties: A review". Food Hydrocolloids 106 (2020): 105877. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodhyd.2020.105877.
  179. Joana R. Costa; Renata V. Tonon; Lourdes Cabral; Leda Gottschalk; Lorenzo Pastrana; Manuela E. Pintado. "Valorization of Agricultural Lignocellulosic Plant Byproducts through Enzymatic and Enzyme-Assisted Extraction of High-Value-Added Compounds: A Review". ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2020): https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c02087.
  180. Moreira, Sílvia A; Pintado, Manuela E; Saraiva, Jorge A. "Effect of a winter savory leaf extract obtained using high hydrostatic pressure on the quality of carrot juice". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.10616.
  181. Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Oliveira, Ana; Jesus, Diva; Rodrigues, Carla; Figueira, Cláudia; Gomes, Ana; Pintado, Manuela. "Chlorogenic acids composition and the impact of in vitro gastrointestinal digestion on espresso coffee from single-dose capsule". Food Research International 134 (2020): 109223. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109223.
  182. Gómez-García, Ricardo; Campos, Débora A.; Aguilar, Cristóbal N.; Madureira, Ana R.; Pintado, Manuela. "Valorization of melon fruit (Cucumis melo L.) by-products: Phytochemical and Biofunctional properties with Emphasis on Recent Trends and Advances". Trends in Food Science & Technology 99 (2020): 507-519. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2020.03.033.
  183. Trigo, João P.; Alexandre, Elisabete M. C.; Oliveira, Ana; Saraiva, Jorge A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Fortification of carrot juice with a high-pressure-obtained pomegranate peel extract: chemical, safety and sensorial aspects". International Journal of Food Science & Technology 55 4 (2020): 1599-1605. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ijfs.14386.
  184. Macedo, Ana S.; Castro, Pedro M.; Roque, Luís; Thomé, Natália G.; Reis, Catarina P.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Fonte, Pedro. "Novel and revisited approaches in nanoparticle systems for buccal drug delivery". Journal of Controlled Release 320 (2020): 125-141. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jconrel.2020.01.006.
  185. Campos, Débora A.; Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Silva, Sara; Teixeira, José A.; Pastrana, Lorenzo M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Impact of functional flours from pineapple by-products on human intestinal microbiota". Journal of Functional Foods 67 (2020): 103830. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2020.103830.
  186. Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Mariana Veiga; Rui M. Morais; Conceição Calhau; Manuela Pintado. "Health promoting properties of blueberries: a review". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2020): 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2018.1518895.
  187. Campos, Débora A.; Gómez-García, Ricardo; Vilas-Boas, Ana A.; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Management of Fruit Industrial By-Products—A Case Study on Circular Economy Approach". Molecules 25 2 (2020): 320. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules25020320.
  188. Campos, Débora A.; Ribeiro, Tânia B.; Teixeira, José A.; Pastrana, Lorenzo; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Integral Valorization of Pineapple (Ananas comosus L.) By-Products through a Green Chemistry Approach towards Added Value Ingredients". Foods 9 1 (2020): 60. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods9010060.
  189. Soraia Pinto; Manuela E Pintado; Bruno Sarmento. "In vivo, ex vivo and in vitro assessment of buccal permeation of drugs from delivery systems". Expert Opinion on Drug Delivery (2020): 1-16. https://doi.org/10.1080/17425247.2020.1699913.
  190. Araújo-Rodrigues, Helena; Tavaria, Freni K.; Santos, Maria Teresa Pereira Gonçalves dos; Alvarenga, Nuno; Pintado, Maria M.; Santos, Maria Teresa P. G. dos. "A review on microbiological and technological aspects of Serpa PDO cheese: An ovine raw milk cheese". International Dairy Journal 100 (2020): 104561. http://hdl.handle.net/20.500.12207/5206.
    Published • 10.1016/j.idairyj.2019.104561
  191. Marco, Alexandra; Santos, Sandra; Caetano, Joaquim; Pintado, Manuela; Vieira, Eduarda; Moreira, Patrícia R.. "Basil essential oil as an alternative to commercial biocides against fungi associated with black stains in mural painting". Building and Environment 167 (2020): 106459. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106459.
    Published • 10.1016/j.buildenv.2019.106459
  192. Sílvia A. Moreira; Sara Silva; Eduardo M. Costa; Jorge A. Saraiva; Manuela Pintado; Moreira, S.A.; Silva, S.; et al. "Effect of high hydrostatic pressure extraction on biological activities of stinging nettle extracts". Food & Function 11 1 (2020): 921-931. https://doi.org/10.1039/C9FO02442E.
  193. Pintado, Ana I. E.; Ferreira, José A.; Pintado, Maria M. E.; Gomes, Ana M. P.; Malcata, F. Xavier; Coimbra, Manuel A.. "Efficiency of purification methods on the recovery of exopolysaccharides from fermentation media". (2020): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/28967.
  194. Trigo, J.P.; Alexandre, E.M.C.; Silva, S.; Costa, E.; Saraiva, J.A.; Pintado, M.. "Study of viability of high pressure extract from pomegranate peel to improve carrot juice characteristics". Food & function 11 4 (2020): 3410-3419. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85084173082&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  195. Krambeck, K.; Oliveira, A.; Santos, D.; Manuela Pintado, M.; Baptista Silva, J.; Manuel Sousa Lobo, J.; Helena Amaral, M.. "Identification and quantification of stilbenes (Piceatannol and resveratrol) in passiflora edulis by-products". Pharmaceuticals 13 4 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85084143647&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  196. Sousa, P.; Borges, S.; Pintado, M.; Pedro Sousa; Sandra Borges; Manuela Pintado. "Enzymatic hydrolysis of insect Alphitobius diaperinus towards the development of bioactive peptide hydrolysates". Food & function 11 4 (2020): 3539-3548. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85084192316&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  197. Dias, C.; Amaro, A.L.; Salvador, Â.C.; Silvestre, A.J.D.; Rocha, S.M.; Isidoro, N.; Pintado, M.. "Strategies to preserve postharvest quality of horticultural crops and superficial scald control: From diphenylamine antioxidant usage to more recent approaches". Antioxidants 9 4 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85084208129&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  198. Francini, A.; Pintado, M.; Manganaris, G.A.; Ferrante, A.. "Editorial: Bioactive Compounds Biosynthesis and Metabolism in Fruit and Vegetables". Frontiers in Plant Science 11 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85081204489&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  199. Chantereau, G.; Sharma, M.; Abednejad, A.; Vilela, C.; Costa, E.M.; Veiga, M.; Antunes, F.; et al. "Bacterial nanocellulose membranes loaded with vitamin B-based ionic liquids for dermal care applications". Journal of Molecular Liquids 302 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85078665919&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  200. Ghalamara, S.; Silva, S.; Brazinha, C.; Pintado, M.. "Valorization of fish by-products: Purification of bioactive peptides from codfish blood and sardine cooking wastewaters by membrane processing". Membranes 10 3 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85082305151&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  201. Baptista-Silva, S.; Borges, S.; Ramos, O.L.; Pintado, M.; Sarmento, B.. "The progress of essential oils as potential therapeutic agents: a review". Journal of Essential Oil Research (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85084042913&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  202. Ribeiro, T.B.; Oliveira, A.; Campos, D.; Nunes, J.; Vicente, A.A.; Pintado, M.. "Simulated digestion of an olive pomace water-soluble ingredient: Relationship between the bioaccessibility of compounds and their potential health benefits". Food and Function 11 3 (2020): 2238-2254. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85082542375&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  203. Rocha, J.; Botelho, J.; Ksiezarek, M.; Perovic, S.U.; Machado, M.; Carriço, J.A.; Pimentel, L.L.; et al. "Lactobacillus mulieris sp. nov., a new species of lactobacillus delbrueckii group". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 70 3 (2020): 1522-1527. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85082780033&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  204. Teresa Bonifácio-Lopes; Ana A. Vilas Boas; Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; Débora Campos; José A. Teixeira; Manuela Pintado. "Bioactive extracts from brewer's spent grain". Food & Function (2020): https://doi.org/10.1039/D0FO01426E.
  205. de Carvalho, Nelson Mota; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Pintado, Manuela Estevez. "The potential of insects as food sources – a review". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2019): 1-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2019.1703170.
    Published • 10.1080/10408398.2019.1703170
  206. Dias, Celina C. Q.; Madruga, Marta S.; Pintado, Maria Manuela E.; Almeida, Gabriel Henrique Oliveira; Alves, Ana Paula Vilar; Dantas, Francileide Amaro; Bezerra, Jéssyka Kallyne Galvão; et al. "Cashew nuts (Anacardium occidentale L.) decrease visceral fat, yet augment glucose in dyslipidemic rats". PLOS ONE 14 12 (2019): e0225736. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0225736.
  207. Sousa, Yasmim R.F.; Araújo, Daline F.S.; Pulido, Javier O.; Pintado, Maria Manuela E.; Martínez-Férez, Antonio; Queiroga, Rita C.R.E.. "Composition and isolation of goat cheese whey oligosaccharides by membrane technology". International Journal of Biological Macromolecules 139 (2019): 57-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2019.07.181.
  208. Sousa, Yasmim R.F.; Medeiros, Larissa B.; Pintado, Maria Manuela E.; Queiroga, Rita C.R.E.. "Goat milk oligosaccharides: Composition, analytical methods and bioactive and nutritional properties". Trends in Food Science & Technology 92 (2019): 152-161. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tifs.2019.07.052.
  209. Castro, Pedro M.; Baptista, Patrícia; Zuccheri, Giampaolo; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Sarmento, Bruno; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Film-nanoparticle composite for enhanced oral delivery of alpha-casozepine". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 181 (2019): 149-157. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.05.029.
  210. Bonifácio-Lopes, T.; Teixeira, José A.; Pintado, Manuela. "Current extraction techniques towards bioactive compounds from brewer’s spent grain – A review". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2019): 1-12. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2019.1655632.
  211. Glenise B. Voss; Hugo Osorio; Luísa M.P. Valente; Manuela E. Pintado. "Impact of thermal treatment and hydrolysis by Alcalase and Cynara cardunculus enzymes on the functional and nutritional value of Okara". Process Biochemistry 83 (2019): 137-147. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2019.05.010.
  212. Manuela Amorim; Hélder Pinheiro; Manuela Pintado. "Valorization of spent brewer's yeast: Optimization of hydrolysis process towards the generation of stable ACE-inhibitory peptides". LWT 111 (2019): 77-84. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2019.05.011.
  213. Ana Patricia Silva; Hans-Peter Voss; Hannelize van Zyl; Tim Hogg; Cees de Graaf; Manuela Pintado; Gerry Jager. "Effect of adding hop aroma in beer analysed by temporal dominance of sensations and emotions coupled with temporal liking". Food Quality and Preference 75 (2019): 54-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodqual.2019.02.001.
  214. Baião, Luís F.; Rocha, Filipa; Costa, Mónica; Sá, Tiago; Oliveira, Ana; Maia, Margarida R.G.; Fonseca, António J.M.; Pintado, Manuela; Valente, Luisa M.P.. "Effect of protein and lipid levels in diets for adult sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus (Lamarck, 1816)". Aquaculture 506 (2019): 127-138. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2019.03.005.
  215. Ezequiel R. Coscueta; Débora A. Campos; Hugo Osório; Bibiana B. Nerli; Manuela Pintado. "Enzymatic soy protein hydrolysis: A tool for biofunctional food ingredient production". Food Chemistry: X 1 (2019): 100006-100006. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.fochx.2019.100006.
  216. Trigo, João P.; Alexandre, Elisabete M. C.; Saraiva, Jorge A.; Pintado, Manuela E.; João P. Trigo; Elisabete M. C. Alexandre; Jorge A. Saraiva; Manuela E. Pintado. "High value-added compounds from fruit and vegetable by-products – Characterization, bioactivities, and application in the development of novel food products". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 60 8 (2019): 1388-1416. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10408398.2019.1572588.
  217. M. Amorim; C. Marques; J.O. Pereira; L. Guardão; M.J. Martins; H. Osório; D. Moura; et al. "Antihypertensive effect of spent brewer yeast peptide". Process Biochemistry 76 (2019): 213-218. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.procbio.2018.10.004.
  218. Alexandre, Elisabete M.C.; Silva, Sara; Santos, Sónia A.O.; Silvestre, Armando J.D.; Duarte, Maria F.; Saraiva, Jorge A.; Pintado, Manuela; et al. "Antimicrobial activity of pomegranate peel extracts performed by high pressure and enzymatic assisted extraction". Food Research International 115 (2019): 167-176. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2018.08.044.
  219. Sílvia A. Moreira; Elisabete M.C. Alexandre; Manuela Pintado; Jorge A. Saraiva. "Effect of emergent non-thermal extraction technologies on bioactive individual compounds profile from different plant materials". Food Research International 115 (2019): 177-190. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2018.08.046.
  220. Nelson Mota de Carvalho; Francisco Teixeira; Sara Silva; Ana Raquel Madureira; Manuela Estevez Pintado; De Carvalho, N.M.; Teixeira, F.; et al. "Potential prebiotic activity of Tenebrio molitor insect flour using an optimized in vitro gut microbiota model". Food & Function 10 7 (2019): 3909-3922. https://doi.org/10.1039/C8FO01536H.
  221. Omohimi, Celestina; Piccirillo, Clara; Ferraro, Vincenza; Roriz, Mariana C.; Omemu, Mobolaji A.; Santos, Sandra M. Dias; Ressurreição, Sandrine da; et al. "Safety of yam-derived (Dioscorea rotundata) foodstuffs-chips, flakes and flour: effect of processing and post-processing conditions". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/26621.
  222. Amaral, Deborah Silva do; Cardelle-Cobas, Alejandra; Dias, Celina de Castro Querino; Lima, Darlinne Amanda Soares; Pereira, Sérgio de Ferreira; Arcanjo, Naciza Maria de Oliveira; Dalmás, Paulo Sérgio; Madruga, Marta Suely; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez. "Low fat goat meat sausage with chitosan-glucose Maillard reaction product: impact on quality and shelf life". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/29150.
  223. Campos, Débora A.; Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Valetti, Nadia Woitovich; Pastrana-Castro, Lorenzo M.; Teixeira, José A.; Picó, Guillermo A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; et al. "Optimization of bromelain isolation from pineapple byproducts by polysaccharide complex formation". Food Hydrocolloids 87 (2019): 792-804. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25781.
  224. Melo, Marilia Ferreira Frazão Tavares de; Pereira, Diego Elias; Moura, Renally de Lima; Silva, Elisiane Beatriz da; Melo, Flávio Augusto Lyra Tavares de; Dias, Celina de Castro Querino; Silva, Maciel da Costa Alves; et al. "Maternal supplementation with avocado (persea americana mill.) pulp and oil alters reflex maturation, physical development, and offspring memory in rats". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/26741.
  225. Soares, José C.; Santos, Carla S.; Carvalho, Susana M. P.; Pintado, Maria M.; Vasconcelos, Marta W.. "Preserving the nutritional quality of crop plants under a changing climate: importance and strategies". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/28140.
  226. Leitão, Susana T.; Ferreira, Emanuel; Bicho, M.Catarina; Alves, Mara L.; Pintado, Duarte; Santos, Daniela; Mendes-Moreira, Pedro; et al. "Maize open-pollinated populations physiological improvement: validating tools for drought response participatory selection". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/18816.
  227. Pereira, J.O.; Soares, J.; Costa, E.; Silva, S.; Gomes, A.; Pintado, M.. "Characterization of edible films based on alginate or whey protein incorporated with Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis BB-12 and prebiotics". Coatings 9 8 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85071193675&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  228. de Carvalho, N.M.; Walton, G.E.; Poveda, C.G.; Silva, S.N.; Amorim, M.; Madureira, A.R.; Pintado, M.E.; Gibson, G.R.; Jauregi, P.. "Study of in vitro digestion of Tenebrio molitor flour for evaluation of its impact on the human gut microbiota". Journal of Functional Foods 59 (2019): 101-109. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85066065550&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  229. Fernández, L.; Gamallo, M.; González-Gómez, M.A.; Vázquez-Vázquez, C.; Rivas, J.; Pintado, M.; Moreira, M.T.. "Insight into antibiotics removal: Exploring the photocatalytic performance of a Fe 3 O 4 /ZnO nanocomposite in a novel magnetic sequential batch reactor". Journal of Environmental Management 237 (2019): 595-608. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85062238244&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  230. Castro, L.M.G.; Alexandre, E.M.C.; Pintado, M.; Saraiva, J.A.. "Bioactive compounds, pigments, antioxidant activity and antimicrobial activity of yellow prickly pear peels". International Journal of Food Science and Technology 54 4 (2019): 1225-1231. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85059579255&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  231. Rodrigues, D.; Costa-Pinto, A.R.; Sousa, S.; Vasconcelos, M.W.; Pintado, M.M.; Pereira, L.; Rocha-Santos, T.A.P.; et al. "Sargassum muticum and osmundea pinnatifida enzymatic extracts:Chemical, structural, and cytotoxic characterization". Marine Drugs 17 4 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85064411061&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  232. Coelho, M.; Pereira, R.; Rodrigues, A.S.; Teixeira, J.A.; Pintado, M.E.. "Extraction of tomato by-products’ bioactive compounds using ohmic technology". Food and Bioproducts Processing 117 (2019): 329-339. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85070883704&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  233. Rocha, F.; Rocha, A.C.; Baião, L.F.; Gadelha, J.; Camacho, C.; Carvalho, M.L.; Arenas, F.; et al. "Seasonal effect in nutritional quality and safety of the wild sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus harvested in the European Atlantic shores". Food Chemistry 282 (2019): 84-94. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85059951458&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  234. Costa, J.R.; Tonon, R.V.; Gottschalk, L.M.F.; Santiago, M.C.P.D.A.; Mellinger-Silva, C.; Pastrana, L.; Pintado, M.M.; Cabral, L.M.C.. "Enzymatic production of xylooligosaccharides from Brazilian Syrah grape pomace flour: a green alternative to conventional methods for adding value to agricultural by- products". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 99 3 (2019): 1250-1257. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85053559546&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  235. Costa, J.R.; Amorim, M.; Vilas-Boas, A.; Tonon, R.V.; Cabral, L.M.C.; Pastrana, L.; Pintado, M.. "Impact of: In vitro gastrointestinal digestion on the chemical composition, bioactive properties, and cytotoxicity of Vitis vinifera L. cv. Syrah grape pomace extract". Food and Function 10 4 (2019): 1856-1869. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85064634632&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  236. Rocha, F.; Baião, L.F.; Moutinho, S.; Reis, B.; Oliveira, A.; Arenas, F.; Maia, M.R.G.; et al. "The effect of sex, season and gametogenic cycle on gonad yield, biochemical composition and quality traits of Paracentrotus lividus along the North Atlantic coast of Portugal". Scientific Reports 9 1 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85062302740&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  237. Faustino, M.; Veiga, M.; Sousa, P.; Costa, E.M.; Silva, S.; Pintado, M.. "Agro-food byproducts as a new source of natural food additives". Molecules 24 6 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85063123086&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  238. Nunes da Silva, M.; Pintado, M.E.; Sarmento, B.; Stamford, N.P.; Vasconcelos, M.W.. "A biofertilizer with diazotrophic bacteria and a filamentous fungus increases Pinus pinaster tolerance to the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophilus)". Biological Control 132 (2019): 72-80. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85061369579&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  239. Batista, P.; Castro, P.; Madureira, A.R.; Sarmento, B.; Pintado, M.. "Development and characterization of chitosan microparticles-in-films for buccal delivery of bioactive peptides". Pharmaceuticals 12 1 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85064350500&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  240. Ramos, P.A.B.; Moreirinha, C.; Silva, S.; Costa, E.M.; Veiga, M.; Coscueta, E.; Santos, S.A.O.; et al. "The health-promoting potential of Salix spp. Bark polar extracts: Key insights on phenolic composition and in vitro bioactivity and biocompatibility". Antioxidants 8 12 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85075927914&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  241. Pereira, M.J.; Amaro, A.L.; Oliveira, A.; Pintado, M.. "Bioactive compounds in ready-to-eat rocket leaves as affected by oxygen partial pressure and storage time: A kinetic modelling". Postharvest Biology and Technology 158 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85071553351&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  242. Pereira, J.O.; Soares, J.; Monteiro, M.J.P.; Amaro, A.; Gomes, A.; Pintado, M.. "Cereal bars functionalized through: Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. Lactis BB-12 and inulin incorporated in edible coatings of whey protein isolate or alginate". Food and Function 10 10 (2019): 6892-6902. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85073311955&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  243. Rocha, C.; Coelho, M.; Lima, R.C.; Campos, F.M.; Pintado, M.; Cunha, L.M.. "Increasing phenolic and aromatic compounds extraction and maximizing liking of lemon verbena (Aloysia triphylla) infusions through the optimization of steeping temperature and time". Food Science and Technology International 25 8 (2019): 701-710. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85068825791&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  244. Soares, J.; Deuchande, T.; Valente, L.M.P.; Pintado, M.; Vasconcelos, M.W.. "Growth and nutritional responses of bean and soybean genotypes to elevated CO2 in a controlled environment". Plants 8 11 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85074414828&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  245. Piccirillo, C.; Fernández-Arias, M.; Boutinguiza, M.; Tobaldi, D.M.; del Val, J.; Pintado, M.M.; Pou, J.. "Increased UV absorption properties of natural hydroxyapatite-based sunscreen through laser ablation modification in liquid". Journal of the American Ceramic Society 102 6 (2019): 3163-3174. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85057759003&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  246. Ana P. Carvalho; Manuela Amorim; Luís Rodríguez-Alcalá; Javier Fontecha; Paula M. L. Castro; Manuela E. Pintado. "Sardine Canning Byproducts as Sources of Functional Ingredients". ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering (2018): https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b03897.
  247. Daniela VTA Costa; Domingos PF Almeida; Manuela Pintado. "Effect of postharvest application of ethylene on the profile of phenolic acids and anthocyanins in three blueberry cultivars (Vaccinium corymbosum )". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture (2018): https://doi.org/10.1002/jsfa.9042.
  248. I. Campos; E. Matos; C. Aragão; M. Pintado; L.M.P. Valente. "Apparent digestibility coefficients of processed agro-food by-products in European seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax ) juveniles". Aquaculture Nutrition (2018): https://doi.org/10.1111/anu.12665.
  249. Pedro M. Castro; Flávia Sousa; Rui Magalhães; Victor Manuel Pizones Ruiz-Henestrosa; Ana M.R. Pilosof; Ana Raquel Madureira; Bruno Sarmento; Manuela E. Pintado. "Incorporation of beads into oral films for buccal and oral delivery of bioactive molecules". Carbohydrate Polymers 194 (2018): 411-421. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2018.04.032.
  250. Nádia Silva; Rob C. Pullar; Manuela E. Pintado; Eduarda Vieira; Patricia R. Moreira. "Biotechnology for Preventive Conservation: Development of Bionanomaterials for Antimicrobial Coating of Outdoor Sculptures". Studies in Conservation 63 sup1 (2018): 230-233. https://doi.org/10.1080/00393630.2018.1475037.
  251. Ana Oliveira; Ana L Amaro; Manuela Pintado. "Impact of food matrix components on nutritional and functional properties of fruit-based products". Current Opinion in Food Science 22 (2018): 153-159. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cofs.2018.04.002.
  252. Cardelle-Cobas, Alejandra; Reis, Patrícia J. M.; Costa, Eduardo; Tavaria, Freni K.; Pintado, Manuela E.. "Chitosan impregnated gutta-percha points: antimicrobial in vitro evaluation and mechanical properties". International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 68 9 (2018): 481-488. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00914037.2018.1466134.
  253. M. Amorim; J.O. Pereira; L.B. Silva; R.C.S.C. Ormenese; M.T.B. Pacheco; M. Pintado. "Use of whey peptide fraction in coated cashew nut as functional ingredient and salt replacer". LWT 92 (2018): 204-211. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2017.12.075.
  254. Marta Coelho; Sara Silva; Luis Miguel Rodríguez-Alcalá; Ana Oliveira; Eduardo M. Costa; André Borges; Célia Martins; António S. Rodrigues; Maria Manuela E. Pintado. "Quercus based coffee-like beverage: effect of roasting process and functional characterization". Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11694-017-9660-9.
  255. Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luís Miguel; Correia, Inês; Pimentel, Lígia; Pereira, José Alberto; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pintado, Manuela. "Compostos com potencial anti-inflamatório em azeites monovarietais da região de Trás-os-Montes". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/26547.
  256. Costa, Eduardo M.; Silva, Sara; Veiga, Mariana; Tavaria, Freni K.; Pintado, Maria M.; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Chitosan’s biological activity upon skin-related microorganisms and its potential textile applications". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25708.
  257. Araújo, Rafael G.; Rodriguez-Jasso, Rosa M.; Ruiz, Héctor A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela E.; Aguilar, Cristóbal Noé. "Avocado by-products: nutritional and functional properties". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25795.
  258. Bergera, Lúcia Raquel Ramos; Stamford, Thayza Christina Montenegro; Oliveira, Kataryne Árabe Rimáde; Pessoa, Adjanede Miranda Pereira; Lima, Marcos Antonio Barbosa de; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez; Câmara, Marcos Paz Saraiva; et al. "Chitosan produced from Mucorales fungi using agroindustrial by-products and its efficacy to inhibit Colletotrichum species". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25950.
  259. Veiga, Mariana; Costa, Eduardo; Silva, Sara; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Mariana Veiga; Eduardo M Costa; Sara Silva; Manuela Pintado. "Impact of plant extracts upon human health: A review". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition (2018): 1-14. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/26463.
  260. Amaro, Ana L.; Spadafora, Natasha D.; Pereira, Maria J.; Dhorajiwala, Rakhee; Herbert, Robert J.; Müller, Carsten T.; Rogers, Hilary J.; Pintado, M. E.. "Multitrait analysis of fresh-cut cantaloupe melon enables discrimination between storage times and temperatures and identifies potential markers for quality assessments". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23661.
  261. Costa, Eduardo M.; Silva, Sara; Veiga, Mariana; Tavaria, Freni K.; Pintado, Maria E.. "Exploring chitosan nanoparticles as effective inhibitors of antibiotic resistant skin microorganisms – from in vitro to ex vitro testing". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25786.
  262. Pimentel, Lígia L.; Fontes, Ana Luiza; Salsinha, Sofia; Machado, Manuela; Correia, Inês; Gomes, Ana Maria,; Pintado, M. E.; Rodríguez-Alcalá, Luis M.. "Suitable simple and fast methods for selective isolation of phospholipids as a tool for their analysis". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25717.
  263. Araújo-Rodrigues, Helena; Tavaria, Freni K.; Dos Santos, Maria Teresa P.G.; Alvarenga, Nuno; Pintado, M. E.. "Serpa PDO cheese: towards identification of chemical markers involved in organoleptic attributes". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/26395.
  264. Alexandre, Elisabete M. C.; Moreira, Silvia A.; Castro, Luís M. G.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Saraiva, Jorge A.. "Emerging technologies to extract high added value compounds from fruit residues: Sub/supercritical, ultrasound-, and enzyme-assisted extractions". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/28449.
  265. Amorim, A.G.N.; Souza, J.M.T.; Santos, R.C.; Gullón, B.; Oliveira, A.; Santos, L.F.A.; Virgino, A.L.E.; et al. "HPLC-DAD, ESI–MS/MS, and NMR of Lycopene Isolated From P. guajava L. and Its Biotechnological Applications". European Journal of Lipid Science and Technology 120 3 (2018): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85040691689&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  266. Voss, G.B.; Rodríguez-Alcalá, L.M.; Valente, L.M.P.; Pintado, M.M.. "Impact of different thermal treatments and storage conditions on the stability of soybean byproduct (okara)". Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 12 3 (2018): 1981-1996. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85046396362&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  267. Omohimi, C.I.; Piccirillo, C.; Roriz, M.; Ferraro, V.; Vasconcelos, M.W.; Sanni, L.O.; Tomlins, K.; Pintado, M.M.; Abayomi, L.A.. "Study of the proximate and mineral composition of different Nigerian yam chips, flakes and flours". Journal of Food Science and Technology 55 1 (2018): 42-51. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85032833877&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  268. Madureira, A.R.; Atatoprak, T.; Çabuk, D.; Sousa, F.; Pullar, R.C.; Pintado, M.. "Extraction and characterisation of cellulose nanocrystals from pineapple peel". International Journal of Food Studies 7 1 (2018): 24-33. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85045699109&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  269. Silva, A.P.; Voss, H.-P.; van Zyl, H.; Hogg, T.; de Graaf, C.; Pintado, M.; Jager, G.. "Temporal dominance of sensations, emotions, and temporal liking measured in a bar for two similar wines using a multi-sip approach". Journal of Sensory Studies 33 5 (2018): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85054158066&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  270. Batista, P.; Castro, P.M.; Madureira, A.R.; Sarmento, B.; Pintado, M.. "Recent insights in the use of nanocarriers for the oral delivery of bioactive proteins and peptides". Peptides 101 (2018): 112-123. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85040736226&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  271. Castro, P.M.; Baptista, P.; Madureira, A.R.; Sarmento, B.; Pintado, M.E.. "Combination of PLGA nanoparticles with mucoadhesive guar-gum films for buccal delivery of antihypertensive peptide". International Journal of Pharmaceutics 547 1-2 (2018): 593-601. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85048820179&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  272. Bell, V.; Ferrão, J.; Pimentel, L.; Pintado, M.; Fernandes, T.. "One health, fermented foods, and gut microbiota". Foods 7 12 (2018): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85063389134&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  273. Odila Pereira, J.; Soares, J.; J.P. Monteiro, M.; Gomes, A.; Pintado, M.. "Impact of whey protein coating incorporated with Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus on sliced ham properties". Meat Science 139 (2018): 125-133. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85041488482&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  274. Pintado, Maria. "Structure and function of a novel antioxidant peptide from the skin of tropical frogs.". Free radical biology & medicine (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29162516.
  275. Pintado, Maria. "Correction to: Potentially modifiable factors contributing to outcome from acute respiratory distress syndrome: the LUNG SAFE study.". Intensive care medicine (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29138899.
  276. Pintado, Maria. "Chitosan nanoparticles as alternative anti-staphylococci agents: Bactericidal, antibiofilm and antiadhesive effects.". Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28629011.
  277. Pintado, Maria. "Investigation of chitosan's antibacterial activity against vancomycin resistant microorganisms and their biofilms.". Carbohydrate polymers (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28821080.
  278. Pintado, Maria. "DNA agarose gel electrophoresis for antioxidant analysis: Development of a quantitative approach for phenolic extracts.". Food chemistry (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28530597.
  279. Pintado, Maria. "Optimization of two biopolymer-based oral films for the delivery of bioactive molecules.". Materials science & engineering. C, Materials for biological applications (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28482514.
  280. Pintado, Maria. "The effect of Isabel grape addition on the physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of probiotic goat milk yogurt.". Food & function (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28451663.
  281. Pintado, Maria. "Insights into chitosan antibiofilm activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus.". Journal of applied microbiology (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28370752.
  282. Pintado, Maria. "Variation of anthocyanins and other major phenolic compounds throughout the ripening of four Portuguese blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L) cultivars.". Natural product research (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27686738.
  283. Pintado, Maria. "Continuous method to determine the trypsin inhibitor activity in soybean flour.". Food Chemistry (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27507460.
  284. Alexandre, Elisabete M. C.; Araújo, Paula; Duarte, Maria F.; Freitas, Victor de; Pintado, Manuela; Saraiva, Jorge A.. "Experimental design, modeling, and optimization of high-pressure-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from pomegranate peel". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23658.
  285. Almeida, Domingos P. F.; Gião, Maria S.; Pintado, Manuela; Gomes, Maria Helena. "Bioactive phytochemicals in apple cultivars from the Portuguese protected geographical indication “Maçã de Alcobaça”: basis for market segmentation". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23668.
  286. Ayodeji, Busayo D.; Piccirillo, Clara; Ferraro, Vincenza; Moreira, Patrícia R.; Obadina, Adewale O.; Sanni, Lateef O.; Pintado, Maria M. E.. "Screening and molecular identification of lactic acid bacteria from gari and fufu and gari effluents". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23126.
  287. Costa, Eduardo Manuel; Silva, Sara; Veiga, Mariana; Tavaria, Freni Kekhasharú; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "A review of chitosan's effect on oral biofilms: perspectives from the tube to the mouth". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25967.
  288. Campos, Débora A.; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Sarmento, Bruno; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Gomes, Ana Maria. "Technological stability of solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with phenolic compounds: drying process and stability along storage". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23147.
  289. Campos, Débora A.; Valetti, Nadia Woitovich; Oliveira, Ana; Pastrana-Castro, Lorenzo M.; Teixeira, José A.; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Picó, Guillermo. "Platform design for extraction and isolation of Bromelain: complex formation and precipitation with carrageenan". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23148.
  290. Monteiro, Maria João P.; Costa, Ana Isabel A.; Fliedel, Geneviève; Cissé, Mady; Bechoff, Aurélie; Pallet, Dominique; Tomlins, Keith; Pintado, Maria Manuela E.. "Chemical-sensory properties and consumer preference of hibiscus beverages produced by improved industrial processes". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23733.
  291. Nunes, Sara; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Campos, Débora; Sarmento, Bruno; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pintado, Manuela; Reis, Flávio. "Therapeutic and nutraceutical potential of rosmarinic acid-Cytoprotective properties and pharmacokinetic profile". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23150.
  292. Alexandre, Elisabete M. C.; Araújo, Paula; Duarte, Maria F.; Freitas, Victor de; Pintado, Manuela; Saraiva, Jorge A.. "High-pressure assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from industrial fermented fig by-product". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23659.
  293. Monteiro, Maria João P.; Costa, Ana Isabel A.; Franco, Maria Isabel; Bechoff, Aurelie; Cisse, Mady; Geneviève, Fliedel; Tomlins, Keith; Pintado, Maria Manuela E.. "Cross-cultural development of hibiscus tea sensory lexicons for trained and untrained panelists". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23734.
  294. Machado, Tamires Alcântara Dourado Gomes; Oliveira, Maria Elieidy Gomes de; Campos, Maria Isabel Ferreira; Assis, Paloma Oliveira Antonino de; Souza, Evandro Leite de; Madruga, Marta Suely; Pacheco, Maria Teresa Bertoldo; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez; Queiroga, Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egypto. "Impact of honey on quality characteristics of goat yogurt containing probiotic Lactobacillus acidophilus". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23665.
  295. Araújo, Daline F. S.; Guerra, Gerlane C. B.; Pintado, Maria Manuela E.; Sousa, Yasmim R. F.; Algieri, Francesca; Rodriguez-Nogales, Alba; Araujo, Raimundo F. Jr.; et al. "Intestinal anti-inflammatory effects of goat whey on DNBS-induced colitis in mice". PloS one (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/25998.
  296. Nunes, Sara; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Campos, Débora; Sarmento, Bruno; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pintado, Manuela; Reis, Flávio. "Solid lipid nanoparticles as oral delivery systems of phenolic compounds: overcoming pharmacokinetic limitations for nutraceutical applications". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23151.
  297. Duarte, Francisca Nayara Dantas; Rodrigues, Jéssica Bezerra; Lima, Maiara da Costa; Lima, Marcos dos Santos; Pacheco, Maria Teresa Bertoldo; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez; Aquino, Jailane de Souza; Souza, Evandro Leite de. "Potential prebiotic properties of cashew apple (Anacardium occidentale L.) agro-industrial byproduct on Lactobacillus species". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23664.
  298. Pintado, Maria. "Delivery Systems for Antimicrobial Peptides and Proteins: Towards Optimization of Bioavailability and Targeting.". Current pharmaceutical biotechnology (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27924724.
  299. Silva, S.; Costa, E.M.; Calhau, C.; Morais, R.M.; Pintado, M.M.E.. "Production of a food grade blueberry extract rich in anthocyanins: selection of solvents, extraction conditions and purification method". Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 11 3 (2017): 1248-1253. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85015103775&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  300. Silva, A.P.; Jager, G.; Voss, H.-P.; van Zyl, H.; Hogg, T.; Pintado, M.; de Graaf, C.. "What's in a name? The effect of congruent and incongruent product names on liking and emotions when consuming beer or non-alcoholic beer in a bar". Food Quality and Preference 55 (2017): 58-66. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84983628455&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  301. Oliveira, A.; Coelho, M.; Alexandre, E.M.C.; Pintado, M.. "Impact of storage on phytochemicals and milk proteins in peach yoghurt". Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization 11 4 (2017): 1804-1814. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85020077970&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  302. Pereira, M.J.; Amaro, A.L.; Pintado, M.; Poças, M.F.. "Modeling the effect of oxygen pressure and temperature on respiration rate of ready-to-eat rocket leaves. A probabilistic study of the Michaelis-Menten model". Postharvest Biology and Technology 131 (2017): 1-9. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85019033802&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  303. C. Teixeira, M.A.; Piccirillo, C.; Tobaldi, D.M.; Pullar, R.C.; Labrincha, J.A.; Ferreira, M.O.; L. Castro, P.M.; E. Pintado, M.M.. "Effect of preparation and processing conditions on UV absorbing properties of hydroxyapatite-Fe2O3 sunscreen". Materials Science and Engineering C 71 (2017): 141-149. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84990209061&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  304. Silva, S.; Costa, E.M.; Calhau, C.; Morais, R.M.; Pintado, M.E.; Silva S; Costa E; et al. "Anthocyanin extraction from plant tissues: A review". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 57 14 (2017): 3072-3083. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85019589826&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  305. Silva, A.P.; Jager, G.; Van Zyl, H.; Voss, H.-P.; Pintado, M.; Hogg, T.; De Graaf, C.; et al. "Cheers, proost, saúde: Cultural, contextual and psychological factors of wine and beer consumption in Portugal and in the Netherlands". Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 57 7 (2017): 1340-1349. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85013447142&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  306. Patricia Silva, A.; Jager, G.; Voss, H.-P.; van Zyl, H.; Hogg, T.; Pintado, M.; de Graaf, C.. "Corrigendum: “What's in a name? The effect of congruent and incongruent product names on liking and emotions when consuming beer or non-alcoholic beer in a bar” [Food Quality and Preference 55 (2017) 58–66](S0950329316301707)(10.1016/j.foodqual.2016.08.008)". Food Quality and Preference 61 (2017): 78-78. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85015995702&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  307. Pinho, A.R.C.; Assis, F.R.; Peres, A.P.; Pintado, M.E.; Morais, A.M.M.B.. "Dehydration of cheese by hot air, microwave and freeze-drying". Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry 18 4 (2017): 455-460. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85038092369&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  308. Lima, D.D.S.; Gullon, B.; Cardelle-Cobas, A.; Brito, L.M.; Rodrigues, K.A.F.; Quelemes, P.V.; Ramos-Jesus, J.; et al. "Chitosan-based silver nanoparticles: A study of the antibacterial, antileishmanial and cytotoxic effects". Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers 32 4 (2017): 397-410. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85024486348&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  309. Pintado, Maria. "Goat whey ameliorates intestinal inflammation on acetic acid-induced colitis in rats.". Journal of dairy science (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27771081.
  310. M. Coelho; C. Rocha; L.M. Cunha; L. Cardoso; L. Alves; R.C. Lima; M.J. Pereira; F.M. Campos; M. Pintado. "Influence of harvesting factors on sensory attributes and phenolic and aroma compounds composition of Cymbopogon citratus leaves infusions". Food Research International (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2016.07.008.
  311. Spadafora ND; Amaro AL; Pereira MJ; Müller CT; Pintado M; Rogers HJ; Spadafora, Natasha D.; et al. "Multi-trait analysis of post-harvest storage in rocket salad (Diplotaxis tenuifolia) links sensorial, volatile and nutritional data.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27283614.
  312. Ana L.S. Oliveira; Ana L. Amaro; Jason de Sain; Manuela Pintado. "Impact of different calcium dips and solution pH on quality of ready-to-eat baby-leaf spinach". Postharvest Biology and Technology 121 (2016): 36-42. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.postharvbio.2016.07.014.
  313. Pintado, Maria; Barbosa, Ilsa C.; Oliveira, Maria E. G.; Madruga, Marta S.; Gullón, Beatriz; Pacheco, Maria T. B.; Gomes, Ana M. P.; et al. "Influence of the addition of Lactobacillus acidophilus La-05, Bifidobacterium animalis subsp. lactis Bb-12 and inulin on the technological, physicochemical, microbiological and sensory features of creamy goat cheese.". Food & function (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27711907.
  314. Pintado, Maria; Do Amaral, D.S.; Cardelle-Cobas, A.; Do Nascimento, B.M.S.; Madruga, M.S.; Pintado, M.M.E.. "Goat sausages containing chitosan towards a healthier product: microbiological, physico-chemical textural evaluation.". Food & function 7 9 (2016): 4020-4029. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27711901.
  315. Pintado, Maria. "Anti-biofilm potential of phenolic acids: the influence of environmental pH and intrinsic physico-chemical properties.". Biofouling (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27434592.
  316. Manuela Amorim; Joana O. Pereira; David Gomes; Carlos Dias Pereira; Hélder Pinheiro; Manuela Pintado. "Nutritional ingredients from spent brewer's yeast obtained by hydrolysis and selective membrane filtration integrated in a pilot process". Journal of Food Engineering 185 (2016): 42-47. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.jfoodeng.2016.03.032.
  317. Silva S; Costa EM; Mendes M; Morais RM; Calhau C; Pintado MM. "Antimicrobial, antiadhesive and antibiofilm activity of an ethanolic anthocyanin rich blueberry extract purified by solid phase extraction.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27349348.
  318. Amorim MM; Pereira JO; Monteiro KM; Ruiz AL; Carvalho JE; Pinheiro H; Pintado M; et al. "Antiulcer and antiproliferative properties of spent brewer's yeast peptide extracts for incorporation into foods.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27125503.
  319. Pintado AI; Monteiro MJ; Talon R; Leroy S; Scislowski V; Fliedel G; Rakoto D; et al. "Consumer acceptance and sensory profiling of reengineered kitoza products.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26769507.
  320. Ana Raquel Madureira; Adriana Pereira; Manuela Pintado. "Chitosan nanoparticles loaded with 2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid and protocatechuic acid: Properties and digestion". Journal of Food Engineering 174 (2016): 8-14. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.jfoodeng.2015.11.007.
  321. Ana Oliveira; Elisabete M.C. Alexandre; Marta Coelho; Rui M. Barros; Domingos P.F. Almeida; Manuela Pintado. "Peach polyphenol and carotenoid content as affected by frozen storage and pasteurization". LWT - Food Science and Technology 66 (2016): 361-368. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.lwt.2015.10.037.
  322. Ya-Ju Yu; Manuela Amorim; Cláudia Marques; Conceição Calhau; Manuela Pintado. "Effects of whey peptide extract on the growth of probiotics and gut microbiota". Journal of Functional Foods 21 (2016): 507-516. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.jff.2015.10.035.
  323. da Silva SB; Ferreira D; Pintado M; Sarmento B. "Chitosan-based nanoparticles for rosmarinic acid ocular delivery--In vitro tests.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26645149.
  324. Madureira AR; Campos DA; Oliveira A; Sarmento B; Pintado MM; Gomes AM. "Insights into the protective role of solid lipid nanoparticles on rosmarinic acid bioactivity during exposure to simulated gastrointestinal conditions.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26766625.
  325. Gullón B; Montenegro MI; Ruiz-Matute AI; Cardelle-Cobas A; Corzo N; Pintado ME; Gullón, Beatriz; et al. "Synthesis, optimization and structural characterization of a chitosan-glucose derivative obtained by the Maillard reaction.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26686142.
  326. Madureira AR; Campos D; Gullon B; Marques C; Rodríguez-Alcalá LM; Calhau C; Alonso JL; et al. "Fermentation of bioactive solid lipid nanoparticles by human gut microflora.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26606879.
  327. Beatriz Gullon; Manuela E. Pintado; José A. Pérez-Álvarez; Manuel Viuda-Martos. "Assessment of polyphenolic profile and antibacterial activity of pomegranate peel (Punica granatum) flour obtained from co-product of juice extraction". Food Control 59 (2016): 94-98. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2015.05.025.
  328. Sousa, Janaína Maria; Souza, Evandro Leite de; Marques, Gilmardes; Meireles, Bruno; Cordeiro, Ângela Tribuzy de Magalhães; Gullón, Beatriz; Pintado, M. E.; Magnani, Marciane. "Polyphenolic profile and antioxidant and antibacterial activities of monofloral honeys produced by Meliponini in the Brazilian semiarid region". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/22958.
  329. Coscueta, Ezequiel R.; Amorim, Maria M.; Voss, Glenise B.; Nerli, Bibiana B.; Picó, Guillermo A.; Pintado, M. E.. "Bioactive properties of peptides obtained from Argentinian defatted soy flour protein by Corolase PP hydrolysis". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23070.
  330. Sousa, Janaína Maria Batista de; Souza, Evandro Leite de; Marques, Gilmardes; Benassi, Marta de Toledo; Gullón, Beatriz; Pintado, M. E.; Magnani, Marciane. "Sugar profile, physicochemical and sensory aspects of monofloral honeys produced by different stingless bee species in Brazilian semi-arid region". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/22952.
  331. Silva, Sara; Costa, Eduardo M.; Borges, André; Carvalho, Ana Paula; Monteiro, Maria João; Pintado, M. E.. "Nutritional characterization of acorn flour (a traditional component of the Mediterranean gastronomical folklore)". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/23110.
  332. Silva, Ana Patricia; Franco, Maria Isabel; Mady, Cissé; Pallet, Dominique; Tomlins, Keith; Bennett, Bem; Pintado, M. E.; Sottomayor, Miguel. "Drivers of Acceptance of a New Beverage in Europe". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/21105.
  333. Pintado, Maria. "Isolation and Analysis of Phospholipids in Dairy Foods.". Journal of analytical methods in chemistry (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27610267.
  334. Oliveira, A.L.; von Staszewski, M.; Pizones Ruiz-Henestrosa, V.M.; Pintado, M.; Pilosof, A.M.R.. "Impact of pectin or chitosan on bulk, interfacial and antioxidant properties of (+)-catechin and ß-lactoglobulin ternary mixtures". Food Hydrocolloids 55 (2016): 119-127. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84947734192&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  335. Lopes, C.; Rocha, L.; Sokhatska, O.; Soares, J.; Tavaria, F.; Correia, O.; Pintado, M.; et al. "Filaggrin polymorphism Pro478Ser is associated with the severity of atopic dermatitis and colonization by staphylococcal aureus". Journal of Investigational Allergology and Clinical Immunology 26 1 (2016): 70-72. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84959193922&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  336. Marco, A.; Moreira, P.R.; Pintado, M.; Vieira, E.. "Enzymatic degradation of fungal pigmentation from wall painting's isolates". Color Research and Application 41 3 (2016): 299-301. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84968447725&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  337. Madureira, A.R.; Nunes, S.; Campos, D.A.; Fernandes, J.C.; Marques, C.; Zuzarte, M.; Gullón, B.; et al. "Safety profile of solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with rosmarinic acid for oral use: In vitro and animal approaches". International Journal of Nanomedicine 11 (2016): 3621-3640. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84982730509&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  338. Silva, A.P.; Jager, G.; van Bommel, R.; van Zyl, H.; Voss, H.-P.; Hogg, T.; Pintado, M.; de Graaf, C.. "Functional or emotional? How Dutch and Portuguese conceptualise beer, wine and non-alcoholic beer consumption". Food Quality and Preference 49 (2016): 54-65. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84949441764&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  339. Freixo, R.; Brandão, T.M.R.S.; Silva, J.; Gomes, A.; Pintado, M.; Silva, C.L.M.; Morais, A.M.M.B.; Teixeira, P.. "Prebiotics as drying aids for spray drying fruit juices". Scientific Study and Research: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Food Industry 17 3 (2016): 309-313. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85029803962&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  340. Odila Pereira, J.; Soares, J.; Sousa, S.; Madureira, A.R.; Gomes, A.; Pintado, M.. "Edible films as carrier for lactic acid bacteria". LWT - Food Science and Technology 73 (2016): 543-550. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84978107402&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  341. Tavaria, F.K.; Jorge, M.P.; Ruiz, A.L.T.G.; Pintado, M.E.; Carvalho, J.E.. "Anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic and wound healing properties of chitosan". Current Bioactive Compounds 12 2 (2016): 114-122. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84974718839&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  342. Oliveira, A.; Castro, P.M.; Amaro, A.L.; de Sain, J.; Pintado, M.. "Optimization of Temperature, Relative Humidity and Storage Time before and after Packaging of Baby Spinach Leaves Using Response Surface Methodology". Food and Bioprocess Technology 9 12 (2016): 2070-2079. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84982296412&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  343. Beatriz Gullón; Miguel Pereira; Christian Mestres; Joseph Hounhouigan; Dominique Pallet; José Luis Alonso; Manuela Pintado. "Assessment of prebiotic potential of Akpan-yoghurt-like product and effects on the human intestinal microbiota". Journal of Functional Foods 19 (2015): 545-553. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2015.09.026.
  344. Pintado, Maria. "Stability of bioactive solid lipid nanoparticles loaded with herbal extracts when exposed to simulated gastrointestinal tract conditions.". Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.) (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28433274.
  345. Pintado, Maria. "Bioaccessibility, changes in the antioxidant potential and colonic fermentation of date pits and apple bagasse flours obtained from co-products during simulated in vitro gastrointestinal digestion.". Food research international (Ottawa, Ont.) (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28433278.
  346. Oliveira A; Pintado M. "In vitro evaluation of the effects of protein-polyphenol-polysaccharide interactions on (+)-catechin and cyanidin-3-glucoside bioaccessibility.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26289110.
  347. Ana Oliveira; Víctor M. Pizones Ruiz-Henestrosa; Mariana von Staszewski; Ana M.R. Pilosof; Manuela Pintado. "Behaviour of cyanidin-3-glucoside, ß-lactoglobulin and polysaccharides nanoparticles in bulk and oil-in-water interfaces". Carbohydrate Polymers 132 (2015): 460-471. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.carbpol.2015.05.072.
  348. Madureira AR; Pereira A; Pintado M. "Current state on the development of nanoparticles for use against bacterial gastrointestinal pathogens. Focus on chitosan nanoparticles loaded with phenolic compounds.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26076644.
  349. C. Piccirillo; R.C. Pullar; D.M. Tobaldi; P.M. Lima Castro; M.M. Estevez Pintado. "Silver-containing calcium phosphate materials of marine origin with antibacterial activity". Ceramics International 41 8 (2015): 10152-10159. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2015.04.116.
  350. Luísa M.P. Valente; Paulo Rema; V. Ferraro; M. Pintado; Isabel Sousa-Pinto; Luís M. Cunha; M.B. Oliveira; Mariana Araújo. "Iodine enrichment of rainbow trout flesh by dietary supplementation with the red seaweed Gracilaria vermiculophylla". Aquaculture 446 (2015): 132-139. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aquaculture.2015.05.004.
  351. do Amaral DS; Cardelle-Cobas A; do Nascimento BM; Monteiro MJ; Madruga MS; Pintado MM. "Development of a low fat fresh pork sausage based on chitosan with health claims: impact on the quality, functionality and shelf-life.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26158872.
  352. Castro PM; Fonte P; Sousa F; Madureira AR; Sarmento B; Pintado ME. "Oral films as breakthrough tools for oral delivery of proteins/peptides.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25979328.
  353. J. Barbosa; S. Borges; M. Amorim; M.J. Pereira; A. Oliveira; M.E. Pintado; P. Teixeira. "Comparison of spray drying, freeze drying and convective hot air drying for the production of a probiotic orange powder". Journal of Functional Foods 17 (2015): 340-351. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2015.06.001.
  354. Quênia Gramile Silva Meira; Marciane Magnani; Francisco Cesino de Medeiros Júnior; Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egito Queiroga; Marta Suely Madruga; Beatriz Gullón; Ana Maria Pereira Gomes; Maria Manuela Estevez Pintado; Evandro Leite de Souza. "Effects of added Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium lactis probiotics on the quality characteristics of goat ricotta and their survival under simulated gastrointestinal conditions". Food Research International (2015): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2015.08.002.
  355. Ferraro V; Piccirillo C; Pintado ME. "Cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) and Yam (Discorea spp.) Crops and Their Derived Foodstuffs: Safety, Security and Nutritional Value.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26165549.
  356. Sérgio Sousa; Jorge Pinto; Claúdia Pereira; F. Xavier Malcata; M.T. Bertoldo Pacheco; Ana M. Gomes; Manuela Pintado. "In vitro evaluation of yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) tuber flour prebiotic potential". Food and Bioproducts Processing 95 (2015): 96-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbp.2015.04.003.
  357. Vincenza Ferraro; Sérgio C. Sousa; Cláudia Marques; Conceição Calhau; Manuela E. Pintado. "Antioxidant and Anti-hypertensive Activity, and Cytotoxicity of Amino Acids-Enriched Salt Recovered from Codfish (Gadus morhua L.) Salting Wastewater". Waste Biomass Valor (2015): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s12649-015-9416-x.
  358. Costa JR; Silva NC; Sarmento B; Pintado M. "Potential chitosan-coated alginate nanoparticles for ocular delivery of daptomycin.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25754770.
  359. Piccirillo C; Pullar RC; Costa E; Santos-Silva A; Pintado MM; Castro PM. "Hydroxyapatite-based materials of marine origin: a bioactivity and sintering study.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25842140.
  360. Ana Raquel Madureira; Adriana Pereira; Pedro M. Castro; Manuela Pintado. "Production of antimicrobial chitosan nanoparticles against food pathogens". Journal of Food Engineering (2015): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jfoodeng.2015.06.010.
  361. Ana Oliveira; Marta Coelho; Elisabete M. C. Alexandre; Domingos P. F. Almeida; Manuela Pintado. "Long-Term Frozen Storage and Pasteurization Effects on Strawberry Polyphenols Content". Food Bioprocess Technol (2015): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11947-015-1539-3.
  362. Ana Raquel Madureira; José C. Soares; Manuela E. Pintado; Ana M.P. Gomes; Ana Cristina Freitas; F. Xavier Malcata. "Effect of the incorporation of salted additives on probiotic whey cheeses". Food Bioscience 10 (2015): 8-17. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.fbio.2015.01.004.
  363. Alejandra Cardelle-Cobas; Ana Raquel Madureira; Eduardo Costa; Rui Barros; Freni K. Tavaria; Manuela E. Pintado. "Development of Oral Strips Containing Chitosan as Active Ingredient: A Product for Buccal Health". International Journal of Polymeric Materials and Polymeric Biomaterials 64 17 (2015): 906-918. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/00914037.2015.1030661.
  364. Oliveira A; Pintado M. "Stability of polyphenols and carotenoids in strawberry and peach yoghurt throughout in vitro gastrointestinal digestion.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25882006.
  365. da Silva SB; Amorim M; Fonte P; Madureira R; Ferreira D; Pintado M; Sarmento B. "Natural extracts into chitosan nanocarriers for rosmarinic acid drug delivery.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25489634.
  366. Oliveira A; Alexandre EM; Coelho M; Lopes C; Almeida DP; Pintado M. "Incorporation of strawberries preparation in yoghurt: impact on phytochemicals and milk proteins.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25308682.
  367. Oliveira A; Gomes MH; Alexandre EM; Poças F; Almeida DP; Pintado M; Oliveira, Ana; et al. "Phytochemicals preservation in strawberry as affected by pH modulation.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25306319.
  368. Gullón B; Gullón P; Tavaria F; Alonso JL; Pintado M. "In vitro assessment of the prebiotic potential of Aloe vera mucilage and its impact on the human microbiota.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25504136.
  369. Liliana Rocha; Cristina Lopes; Susana Fernandes; Oksana Sokhatska; Jose Soares; Freni Tavaria; Manuela Pintado; Andre M. Moreira; Luis Delgado. "Filaggrin Gene Polymorphism Pro478Ser, but Not Loss-of-Function Mutations Mp.Arg501Ter or C.2282del4, Relates with Atopic Dermatitis Severity and Increased Staphylococcal aureus Colonization in Adult Patients". Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 135 2 (2015): AB260-AB260. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2014.12.1791.
  370. Cristina Lopes; Jose Soares; Freni Tavaria; Milton Severo; Ana Duarte; Osvaldo Correia; Manuela Pintado; Luis Delgado; Andre M. Moreira. "Efficacy and Safety of Chitosan Coated Garments on Atopic Dermatitis Management: A Randomized Controlled Trial". Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 135 2 (2015): AB265-AB265. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jaci.2014.12.1805.
  371. C. Piccirillo; R.A. Pinto; D.M. Tobaldi; R.C. Pullar; J.A. Labrincha; M.M.E. Pintado; P.M.L. Castro. "Light induced antibacterial activity and photocatalytic properties of Ag/Ag3PO4 -based material of marine origin". Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 296 (2015): 40-47. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jphotochem.2014.09.012.
  372. Oliveira, Ana; Coelho, Marta; Alexandre, Elisabete M. C.; Gomes, Maria Helena; Almeida, Domingos P. F.; Pintado, M. E.. "Effect of modified atmosphere on phytochemical profile of pasteurized peach purées". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/18851.
  373. Sousa, Sérgio; Gomes, Ana M.; Pintado, Maria M.; Silva, José P.; Costa, Paulo; Amaral, Maria H.; Duarte, Armando C.; et al. "Characterization of freezing effect upon stability of, probiotic loaded, calcium-alginate microparticles". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/14202.
  374. Silva, Sara; Costa, Eduardo M.; Costa, Maria Rosário; Pereira, Miguel F.; Pereira, Joana O.; Soares, José C.; Pintado, M. E.. "Aqueous extracts of Vaccinium corymbosum as inhibitors of Staphylococcus aureus". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17621.
  375. Madureira, Ana Raquel; Campos, Débora A.; Fonte, Pedro; Nunes, Sara; Reis, Flávio; Gomes, Ana Maria; Sarmento, Bruno; Pintado, Maria Manuela. "Characterization of solid lipid nanoparticles produced with carnauba wax for rosmarinic acid oral delivery". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17542.
  376. Faculdade de Engenharia. "Antioxidant properties of sterilized yacon (Smallanthus sonchifolius) tuber flour". (2015): https://hdl.handle.net/10216/104521.
  377. Oliveira, Ana; Alexandre, Elisabete M.C.; Coelho, Marta; Gomes, Maria Helena; Almeida, Domingos P.F.; Pintado, Manuela; Ana Oliveira; et al. "Effect of modified atmosphere on polyphenols during storage of pasteurised strawberry purees". LWT - Food Science and Technology 60 1 (2015): 377-384. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/14037.
  378. Marques, Cláudia; Amorim, Maria Manuela; Pereira, Joana Odila; Guardão, Luísa; Martins, Maria João; Pintado, M. E.; Moura, Daniel; Calhau, Conceição; Pinheiro, Hélder. "In vitro ACE-inhibitory peptide KGYGGVSLPEW facilitates noradrenaline release from sympathetic nerve terminals:Relationship with the lack of antihypertensive effect on spontaneous hypertensive rats". (2015): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/18850.
  379. Pintado, Maria. "Chitosan Coated Textiles May Improve Atopic Dermatitis Severity by Modulating Skin Staphylococcal Profile: A Randomized Controlled Trial.". PloS one (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26618557.
  380. Ferraro, V.; Madureira, A.R.; Fonte, P.; Sarmento, B.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, M.E.. "Evaluation of the interactions between rosmarinic acid and bovine milk casein". RSC Advances 5 107 (2015): 88529-88538. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84945312430&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  381. Ferraro, V.; Madureira, A.R.; Sarmento, B.; Gomes, A.; Pintado, M.E.. "Study of the interactions between rosmarinic acid and bovine milk whey protein a-Lactalbumin, ß-Lactoglobulin and Lactoferrin". Food Research International 77 (2015): 450-459. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84949086813&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  382. Oliveira A; Gomes MH; Alexandre EM; Almeida DP; Pintado M; Oliveira, Ana; Gomes, Maria Helena; et al. "Impact of pH on the phytochemical profile of pasteurized peach puree during storage.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25426547.
  383. Branquinho R; Meirinhos-Soares L; Carriço JA; Pintado M; Peixe LV. "Phylogenetic and clonality analysis of Bacillus pumilus isolates uncovered a highly heterogeneous population of different closely related species and clones.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25230950.
  384. Branquinho R; Sousa C; Osório H; Meirinhos-Soares L; Lopes J; Carriço JA; Busse HJ; et al. "Bacillus invictae sp. nov., isolated from a health product.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25171924.
  385. Costa EM; Silva S; Costa MR; Pereira M; Campos DA; Odila J; Madureira AR; et al. "Chitosan mouthwash: toxicity and in vivo validation.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25037365.
  386. Raquel Branquinho; Clara Sousa; João Lopes; Manuela E. Pintado; Luísa V. Peixe; Hugo Osório; Mickaël Desvaux. "Differentiation of Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus safensis Using MALDI-TOF-MS". PLoS ONE 9 10 (2014): e110127-e110127. http://dx.doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0110127.
  387. L Pimentel; L Rodríguez-Alcalá; A Oliveira; A Dias; M Pintado. "Incorporation of neuroprotective extracts from Hypericum perforatum in yoghurt: Interactions and stability throughout storage". Planta Med 80 16 (2014): http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0034-1394864.
  388. Patricia Gullón; Beatriz Gullón; Alejandra Cardelle-Cobas; José Luis Alonso; Manuela Pintado; Ana Maria Gomes; Gullón, Patricia; et al. "Effects of hemicellulose-derived saccharides on behavior of Lactobacilli under simulated gastrointestinal conditions". Food Research International 64 (2014): 880-888. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodres.2014.08.043.
  389. C. Piccirillo; R.C. Pullar; D.M. Tobaldi; P.M. L. Castro; M.M. E. Pintado. "Hydroxyapatite and chloroapatite derived from sardine by-products". Ceramics International 40 8 (2014): 13231-13240. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ceramint.2014.05.030.
  390. M. Nunes da Silva; A. R. Cardoso; D. Ferreira; M. Brito; M. E. Pintado; M. W. Vasconcelos; S. Woodward. "Chitosan as a biocontrol agent against the pinewood nematode ( Bursaphelenchus xylophilus )". For. Path. 44 5 (2014): 420-423. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/efp.12136.
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  392. Campos DA; Madureira AR; Gomes AM; Sarmento B; Pintado MM. "Optimization of the production of solid Witepsol nanoparticles loaded with rosmarinic acid.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24413308.
  393. Chatelain PG; Pintado ME; Vasconcelos MW. "Evaluation of chitooligosaccharide application on mineral accumulation and plant growth in Phaseolus vulgaris.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24388524.
  394. F. P. Israel; R. Güsten; R. Meijerink; A. F. Loenen; M. A. Requena-Torres; J. Stutzki; P. van der Werf; et al. "The molecular circumnuclear disk (CND) in Centaurus A". A&A 562 (2014): A96-A96. http://dx.doi.org/10.1051/0004-6361/201322780.
  395. Beatriz Gullón; Patricia Gullón; Freni Tavaria; Manuela Pintado; Ana Maria Gomes; José Luis Alonso; Juan Carlos Parajó. "Structural features and assessment of prebiotic activity of refined arabinoxylooligosaccharides from wheat bran". Journal of Functional Foods 6 (2014): 438-449. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jff.2013.11.010.
  396. Silva, João F.; Pinheiro, Rita F.; Amaro, Ana L.; Pereira, Maria J.; Roriz, Mariana; Aguiar, Ana; Pintado, M. E.; Vasconcelos, Marta; Carvalho, S. M. P.. "Otimização da aplicação de um bio-estimulante para o aumento da produtividade e qualidade do morango". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17493.
  397. Alves, Maria José; Ferreira, Isabel C. F. R.; Lourenço, Inês; Costa, Eduardo; Martins, Anabela; Pintado, M. E.; Alves MJ; et al. "Wild Mushroom Extracts as Inhibitors of Bacterial Biofilm Formation". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17533.
  398. Amaro, Ana Luísa; Pereira, Maria João; Carvalho, Susana; Vasconcelos, Marta; Pintado, M. E.. "Modeling the effect of oxygen availability and storage temperature on fresh-cut strawberry respiration rate". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17513.
  399. Oliveira, Maria Elieidy Gomes de; Garcia, Estefânia Fernandes; Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo Vasconcelos de; Gomes, Ana Maria; Pintado, Maria Manuela; Madureira, Ana Raquel; Conceição, Maria Lúcia da; Queiroga, Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egypto; Souza, Evandro Leite de. "Addition of probiotic bacteria in a semi-hard goat cheese (coalho): Survival to simulated gastrointestinal conditions and inhibitory effect against pathogenic bacteria". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17622.
  400. Pereira, Maria João; Amaro, Ana Luísa; Carvalho, Susana; Pintado, M. E.. "Fresh-cut melon nutritional and functional quality throughout the production processing line and during storage". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17510.
  401. Alves, Maria José; Barreira, João C.M.; Carvalho, Inês; Trinta, Luís; Pereira, Liliana; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Pintado, Manuela; et al. "Propensity for biofilm formation by clinical isolates from urinary tract infections: developing a multifactorial predictive model to improve the antibiotherapy". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10198/9800.
  402. Amaro, Ana Luísa; Pereira, Maria João; Carvalho, Susana; Vasconcelos, Marta; Pintado, M. E.. "Physiological and phytochemical quality of ready-to-eat rocket leaves as affected by processing, modified atmosphere and storage temperature". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17498.
  403. Campos, Debora; Piccirillo, Clara; Pullar, Robert C.; Castro, Paula M. L.; Pintado, Maria M. E.. "Characterization and antimicrobial properties of food packaging methylcellulose films containing stem extract of Ginja cherry". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10773/19740.
  404. Pereira, Maria João; Amaro, Ana Luísa; Carvalho, Ana; Pintado, M. E.. "Phenolic compounds content and antioxidant activity of wild strawberries (Fragaria Vesca L.)". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17516.
  405. Amorim, Manuela; Pereira, Joana; Pinheiro, Hélder; Pacheco, Maria Teresa; Pintado, Manuela. "Formulation and consumer acceptance of cereal bars with functional properties by the incorporation of peptides and ß- glucans from Spent Brewer's Yeast". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17504.
  406. Manuela Pintado. "Antimicrobial Effect of Chitosan against Periodontal Pathogens Biofilms". SOJ Microbiol Infect Dis 2 1 (2014): http://dx.doi.org/10.15226/sojmid.2013.00114.
  407. Costa, E.M.; Silva, S.; Madureira, A.R.; Cardelle-Cobas, A.; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M.. "A comprehensive study into the impact of a chitosan mouthwash upon oral microorganism's biofilm formation in vitro". Carbohydrate Polymers 101 1 (2014): 1081-1086. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84887160348&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  408. Ferraro, V.; Jorge, R.F.; Cruz, I.B.; Castro, P.M.L.; Pintado, M.E.. "Recovery of free amino acids and muscle proteins from codfish (Gadus morhua L.) salting wastewater by sorption on Amberlite XAD16". Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology 89 5 (2014): 671-681. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84897577009&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  409. Ferraro, V.; Ferreira Jorge, R.; Cruz, I.B.; Antunes, F.; Sarmento, B.; Castro, P.M.L.; Pintado, M.E.. "In vitro intestinal absorption of amino acid mixtures extracted from codfish (Gadus morhua L.) salting wastewater". International Journal of Food Science and Technology 49 1 (2014): 27-33. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84890426132&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  410. Ferraro, V.; Cruz, I.B.; Ferreira Jorge, R.; Pintado, M.E.; Castro, P.M.L.. "Kinetics of release of water and nutrients from codfish (Gadus Morhua L.) through a heavy-salting". Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 38 4 (2014): 1772-1778. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84904789302&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  411. Costa E; Silva S; Tavaria F; Pintado M. "Antimicrobial and Antibiofilm Activity of Chitosan on the Oral Pathogen Candida albicans.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25513734.
  412. Alves MJ; Froufe HJ; Costa AF; Santos AF; Oliveira LG; Osório SR; Abreu RM; et al. "Docking studies in target proteins involved in antibacterial action mechanisms: extending the knowledge on standard antibiotics to antimicrobial mushroom compounds.". (2014): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24481116.
  413. A. Patricia Silva; G. Jager; R. van Bommel; H. van Zyl; H.-P. Voss; M. Pintado; T. Hogg; C. de Graaf. "Emotional and functional conceptualisations for beer, wine and non-alcoholic beer consumption in the Netherlands and in Portugal". Appetite 83 (2014): 350-350. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.appet.2014.06.055.
  414. Branquinho, R.; Sousa, C.; Lopes, J.; Pintado, M.E.; Peixe, L.V.. "Correction: Differentiation of Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus safensis using MALDI-TOF-MS". PLoS ONE 9 12 (2014): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84919764883&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  415. Silva Júnior, S.; Stamford, N.P.; Lima, M.A.B.; Arnaud, T.M.S.; Pintado, M.M.; Sarmento, B.F.. "Characterization and inhibitory activity of chitosan on hyphae growth and morphology of Botrytis cinerea plant pathogen". International Journal of Applied Research in Natural Products 7 4 (2014): 31-38. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84908499796&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  416. C. Piccirillo; C. Rocha; D. M. Tobaldi; R. C. Pullar; J. A. Labrincha; M. O. Ferreira; P. M. L. Castro; M. M. E. Pintado. "A hydroxyapatite–Fe 2 O 3 based material of natural origin as an active sunscreen filter". J. Mater. Chem. B 2 36 (2014): 5999-5999. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c4tb00984c.
  417. Jácome, S.L.; Fonseca, S.; Pinheiro, R.; Todorov, S.D.; Noronha, L.; Silva, J.; Gomes, A.; et al. "Effect of lactic acid bacteria on quality and safety of ready-to-eat sliced cured/smoked meat products". International Journal of Food Studies 38 (2014): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84901472528&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
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  418. Nádia C. Silva; Sara Silva; Bruno Sarmento; Manuela Pintado; Silva NC; Silva S; Sarmento B; Pintado M. "Chitosan nanoparticles for daptomycin delivery in ocular treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis". Drug Delivery (2013): 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/10717544.2013.858195.
  419. Alves MJ; Ferreira IC; Lourenço I; Castro A; Pereira L; Martins A; Pintado M; et al. "Wild mushroom extracts potentiate the action of standard antibiotics against multi-resistant bacteria.". (2013): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/24107088.
  420. Jorge M. Alves-Silva; Sandra M. Dias dos Santos; Manuela E. Pintado; José A. Pérez-Álvarez; Juana Fernández-López; Manuel Viuda-Martos. "Chemical composition and in vitro antimicrobial, antifungal and antioxidant properties of essential oils obtained from some herbs widely used in Portugal". Food Control 32 2 (2013): 371-378. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodcont.2012.12.022.
  421. Silva NC; Sarmento B; Pintado M. "The importance of antimicrobial peptides and their potential for therapeutic use in ophthalmology.". (2013): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/23121833.
  422. da Silva SB; Oliveira A; Ferreira D; Sarmento B; Pintado M. "Development and validation method for simultaneous quantification of phenolic compounds in natural extracts and nanosystems.". (2013): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/23716364.
  423. Queiroga, Rita de Cássia Ramos do Egypto; Santos, Bárbara Melo; Gomes, Ana Maria Pereira; Monteiro, Maria João; Teixeira, Susana Maria; Souza, Evandro Leite de; Pereira, Carlos José Dias; Pintado, Maria Manuela Estevez. "Nutritional, textural and sensory properties of Coalho cheese made of goats', cows' milk and their mixture". (2013): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/10010.
  424. Faculdade de Engenharia; Gião, Maria S.; Pereira, Cláudia I.; Pintado, M. E.; Malcata, F. Xavier; Gião MS; Pereira CI; Pintado ME; Malcata FX. "Effect of technological processing upon the antioxidant capacity of aromatic and medicinal plant infusions: From harvest to packaging". (2013): https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/handle/10216/104481.
  425. Alves, Maria José; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Froufe, Hugo J.C.; Abreu, Rui M.V.; Martins, Anabela; Pintado, Manuela. "Antimicrobial activity of phenolic compounds identified in wild mushrooms, SAR analysis and docking studies". (2013): http://hdl.handle.net/10198/8556.
  426. Silva, Sara; Costa, Eduardo; Costa, Maria do Rosário; Pereira, Miguel; Coelho, Marta; Pintado, M. E.. "Antibiofilm properties of quercus ilex acorn extracts against MRSA and MSSA". (2013): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/14168.
  427. Tavaria,Freni Kekhasharú; Costa,Eduardo Manuel; Pina-Vaz,Irene; Carvalho,Manuel Fontes; Pintado,Maria Manuela; Tavaria, Freni Kekhasharú; Costa, Eduardo Manuel; et al. "A quitosana como biomaterial odontológico: estado da arte". (2013): http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1517-31512013000100011.
  428. Madureira, Raquel; Soares, José C.; Amorim, Maria; Tavares, T.; Gomes, Ana M. P.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier; Faculdade de Engenharia. "Bioactivity of probiotic whey cheese: characterization of the content of peptides and organic acids". (2013): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/9938.
  429. Ana Oliveira; Domingos P. F. Almeida; Manuela Pintado. "Changes in Phenolic Compounds During Storage of Pasteurized Strawberry". Food Bioprocess Technol 7 6 (2013): 1840-1846. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11947-013-1239-9.
  430. Queiroga, A. Catarina; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier. "Wool-associated proteolytic bacteria, isolated from Portuguese Merino breed". Small Ruminant Research 109 1 (2013): 38-46.
  431. Ferraro, Vincenza; Cruz, Isabel B.; Jorge, Ruben Ferreira; Pintado, Manuela E.; Castro, Paula M. L.. "Effects of Physical Parameters onto Adsorption of the Borderline Amino Acids Glycine, Lysine, Taurine, and Tryptophan upon Amberlite XAD16 Resin". Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 58 3 (2013): 707-717.
  432. Piccirillo, C; Pereira, S I A; Marques, A P G C; Pullar, R C; Tobaldi, D M; Pintado, M E; Castro, P M L. "Bacteria immobilisation on hydroxyapatite surface for heavy metals removal.". Journal of environmental management 121 (2013): 87-95.
  433. Piccirillo, C.; Demiray, S.; Silva Ferreira, A. C.; Pintado, M. E.; Castro, P. M. L.. "Chemical composition and antibacterial properties of stem and leaf extracts from Ginja cherry plant". Industrial Crops and Products 43 (2013): 562-569.
  434. Bruno Sarmento; Manuela Pintado. "A Special Section on EUCHIS 2013—11th International Conference of the European Chitin Society". Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science 1 3 (2013): 197-198. http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jcc.2013.1046.
  435. Costa, E.M.; Silva, S.; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M.. "Study of the effects of chitosan upon Streptococcus mutans adherence and biofilm formation". Anaerobe 20 (2013): 27-31. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84875618038&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  436. Tavaria, F.K.; Costa, E.M.; Gens, E.J.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado, M.E.. "Influence of abiotic factors on the antimicrobial activity of chitosan". Journal of Dermatology 40 12 (2013): 1014-1019. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84890438187&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  437. Balcão, V.M.; Costa, C.I.; Matos, C.M.; Moutinho, C.G.; Amorim, M.; Pintado, M.E.; Gomes, A.P.; et al. "Nanoencapsulation of bovine lactoferrin for food and biopharmaceutical applications". Food Hydrocolloids 32 2 (2013): 425-431. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84874781981&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  438. Ferraro, V.; Carvalho, A.P.; Piccirillo, C.; Santos, M.M.; L. Castro, P.M.; E. Pintado, M.. "Extraction of high added value biological compounds from sardine, sardine-type fish and mackerel canning residues - A review". Materials Science and Engineering C 33 6 (2013): 3111-3120. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878221097&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  439. Sánchez-Zapata, E.; Fernández-López, J.; Pérez-Alvarez, J.A.; Soares, J.; Sousa, S.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Pintado, M.M.E.. "In vitro evaluation of "horchata" co-products as carbon source for probiotic bacteria growth". Food and Bioproducts Processing 91 3 (2013): 279-286. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878860626&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  440. Delfim Ferreira; Diana Moreira; Eduardo M. Costa; Sara Silva; M. Manuela Pintado; José António Couto. "The Antimicrobial Action of Chitosan Against the Wine Spoilage Yeast Brettanomyces/Dekkera". Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science 1 3 (2013): 240-245. http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jcc.2013.1037.
  441. E. M. Costa; S. Silva; A. Cardelle-Cobas; A. R. Madureira; M. O. Ferreira; F. K. Tavaria; M. M. Pintado. "Chitosan in Oral Health: A Proof of Concept". Journal of Chitin and Chitosan Science 1 3 (2013): 251-259. http://dx.doi.org/10.1166/jcc.2013.1035.
  442. Soares, J.; Lopes, C.; Tavaria, F.; Delgado, L.; Pintado, M.. "A diversity profile from the staphylococcal community on atopic dermatitis skin: A molecular approach". Journal of Applied Microbiology 115 6 (2013): 1411-1419. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84887825531&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  443. Costa, E.M.; Silva, S.; Madureira, A.R.; Cardelle-Cobas, A.; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M.. "A novel direct contact method for the assessment of the antimicrobial activity of dental cements". Journal of Microbiological Methods 93 3 (2013): 168-172. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84876857057&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  444. Silva, S.; Costa, E.M.; Pereira, M.F.; Costa, M.R.; Pintado, M.E.. "Evaluation of the antimicrobial activity of aqueous extracts from dry Vaccinium corymbosum extracts upon food microorganism". Food Control 34 2 (2013): 645-650. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84880291181&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  445. Piccirillo, C.; Silva, M.F.; Pullar, R.C.; Braga Da Cruz, I.; Jorge, R.; Pintado, M.M.E.; Castro, P.M.L.. "Extraction and characterisation of apatite- and tricalcium phosphate-based materials from cod fish bones". Materials Science and Engineering C 33 1 (2013): 103-110. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84869090205&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  446. Ramos, Ó.L.; Reinas, I.; Silva, S.I.; Fernandes, J.C.; Cerqueira, M.A.; Pereira, R.N.; Vicente, A.A.; et al. "Effect of whey protein purity and glycerol content upon physical properties of edible films manufactured therefrom". Food Hydrocolloids 30 1 (2013): 110-122. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84861987357&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  447. E Silva, J.P.S.; Sousa, S.C.; Costa, P.; Cerdeira, E.; Amaral, M.H.; Lobo, J.S.; Gomes, A.M.; et al. "Development of probiotic tablets using microparticles: Viability studies and stability studies". AAPS PharmSciTech 14 1 (2013): 121-127. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878576418&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  448. Ana Catarina Queiroga; Manuela Estevez Pintado; Francisco Xavier Malcata. "Medium factors affecting extracellular protease activity by <i>Bacillus</i> sp. HTS 102—A novel wild strain isolated from Portuguese merino wool". NS 05 06 (2013): 44-53. http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/ns.2013.56a007.
  449. Norberto, S.; Silva, S.; Meireles, M.; Faria, A.; Pintado, M.; Calhau, C.. "Blueberry anthocyanins in health promotion: A metabolic overview". Journal of Functional Foods 5 4 (2013): 1518-1528. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84888429367&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  450. Piccirillo, C.; Dunnill, C.W.; Pullar, R.C.; Tobaldi, D.M.; Labrincha, J.A.; Parkin, I.P.; Pintado, M.M.; Castro, P.M.L.. "Calcium phosphate-based materials of natural origin showing photocatalytic activity". Journal of Materials Chemistry A 1 21 (2013): 6452-6461. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84877665657&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  451. Tavares, T.G.; Spindola, H.; Longato, G.; Pintado, M.E.; Carvalho, J.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory effects of novel dietary protein hydrolysate produced from whey by proteases of Cynara cardunculus". International Dairy Journal 32 2 (2013): 156-162. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84879464854&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  452. Lopes, C.; Soares, J.; Tavaria, F.; Silva, R.; Oliveira, V.; Morgado, J.; Delgado, L.; Pintado, M.. "Diversity profile from the skin staphylococcal community on atopic dermatitis patients | Perfil de diversidade da comunidade estafilocócica da pele em doentes com dermatite atópica". Revista Portuguesa de Imunoalergologia 21 3 (2013): 187-195. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84893031301&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  453. Alves, M.J.; Ferreira, I.C.; Dias, J.; Teixeira, V.; Martins, A.; Pintado, M.; Alves, Maria José; et al. "A review on antifungal activity of mushroom (basidiomycetes) extracts and isolated compounds.". Current topics in medicinal chemistry 13 21 (2013): 2648-2659. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84903278890&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  454. Fernandes JC; Eaton P; Franco I; Ramos OS; Sousa S; Nascimento H; Gomes A; et al. "Evaluation of chitoligosaccharides effect upon probiotic bacteria.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22024313.
  455. Ramos OL; Fernandes JC; Silva SI; Pintado ME; Malcata FX. "Edible films and coatings from whey proteins: a review on formulation, and on mechanical and bioactive properties.". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22452733.
  456. Marques C; Amorim MM; Pereira JO; Pintado ME; Moura D; Calhau C; Pinheiro H. "Bioactive peptides: are there more antihypertensive mechanisms beyond ACE inhibition?". (2012): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/22725850.
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  458. Pimentel, Lígia; Jaana, Mättö; Malcata, F. Xavier; Pintado, M. E.; Saarela, Maria; Pimentel LL; Mättö J; et al. "Survival of potentially probiotic enterococci in dairy matrices and in the human gastrointestinal tract". International Dairy Journal 27 1-2 (2012): 53-57. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/10011.
  459. Alves, Maria José; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Martins, Anabela; Pintado, Manuela. "Antimicrobial activity of wild mushrooms extracts against clinical isolates resistant to different antibiotics". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10198/7814.
  460. Ramos, Óscar S.; Pereira, Joana O.; Silva, Sara I.; Amorim, Maria M.; Fernandes, João C.; Lopes-da-Silva, José A.; Pintado, M. E.; et al. "Effect of composition of commercial whey protein preparations upon gelation at various pH values". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/10002.
  461. Borges, Sandra; Barbosa, Joana; Camilo, Rute; Carvalheira, Ana; Silva, Joana; Sousa, Sérgio; Gomes, Ana M.; et al. "Effects of encapsulation on the viability of probiotic strains exposed to lethal conditions". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10773/26690.
  462. Sousa, Sérgio; Gomes, Ana M.; Pintado, Maria M.; Malcata, Francisco X.; Silva, José P.; Sousa, José M.; Costa, Paulo; et al. "Encapsulation of probiotic strains in plain or cysteine-supplemented alginate improves viability at storage below freezing temperatures". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10773/26698.
  463. Fernandes, João C.; Sereno, José; Garrido, Patricia; Parada, Belmiro; Cunha, Maria F. X.; Reis, Flávio; Pintado, M. E.; et al. "Inhibition of Bladder Tumor Growth by Chitooligosaccharides in an Experimental Carcinogenesis Model". (2012): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/9976.
  464. Catarina Queiroga, A.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Xavier Malcata, F.. "Search for novel proteolytic enzymes aimed at textile and agro-industrial applications: An overview of current and novel approaches". Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 30 1 (2012): 154-169.
  465. Santos, M. M.; Piccirillo, C.; Castro, P. M. L.; Kalogerakis, N.; Pintado, M. E.. "Bioconversion of oleuropein to hydroxytyrosol by lactic acid bacteria". World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 28 6 (2012): 2435-2440.
  466. Catarina Queiroga, A.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Xavier Malcata, F.. "Potential use of wool-associated Bacillus species for biodegradation of keratinous materials". International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 70 (2012): 60-65.
  467. Queiroga, A.C.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Use of response surface methodology to optimize protease synthesis by a novel strain of Bacillus sp. isolated from Portuguese sheep wool". Journal of Applied Microbiology 113 1 (2012): 36-43. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84862486584&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  468. Campos, D.A.; Ribeiro, A.C.; Costa, E.M.; Fernandes, J.C.; Tavaria, F.K.; Araruna, F.B.; Eiras, C.; et al. "Study of antimicrobial activity and atomic force microscopy imaging of the action mechanism of cashew tree gum". Carbohydrate Polymers 90 1 (2012): 270-274. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84864132325&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  469. Oliveira, A.; Pintado, M.; Almeida, D.P.F.; Oliveira A; Pintado M; Almeida DPF. "Phytochemical composition and antioxidant activity of peach as affected by pasteurization and storage duration". LWT - Food Science and Technology 49 2 (2012): 202-207. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84865626748&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  470. Tavares, T.G.; Amorim, M.; Gomes, D.; Pintado, M.E.; Pereira, C.D.; Malcata, F.X.; Tavares TG; et al. "Manufacture of bioactive peptide-rich concentrates from Whey: Characterization of pilot process". Journal of Food Engineering (2012): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84856993467&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  471. Silva, L.I.B.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, M.M.; Pinheiro, H.; Moura, D.; Freitas, A.C.; Rocha-Santos, T.A.P.; et al. "Optical fiber bioanalyzer based on enzymatic coating matrix for catecholamines and their metabolites assessment in patients with down syndrome". IEEE Sensors Journal 12 1 (2012): 76-84. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-82555189391&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  472. Ramos, T.L.; Silva, S.I.; Soares, J.C.; Fernandes, J.C.; Poças, M.F.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.; et al. "Features and performance of edible films, obtained from whey protein isolate formulated with antimicrobial compounds". Food Research International 45 1 (2012): 351-361. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84855544569&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  473. Ramos, O.T.; Pereira, J.O.; Silva, S.I.; Fernandes, J.C.; Franco, M.I.; Lopes-da-Silva, J.A.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Evaluation of antimicrobial edible coatings from a whey protein isolate base to improve the shelf life of cheese". Journal of Dairy Science 95 11 (2012): 6282-6292. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84867746626&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  474. Costa, E.M.; Silva, S.; Pina, C.; Tavaria, F.K.; Pintado, M.M.. "Evaluation and insights into chitosan antimicrobial activity against anaerobic oral pathogens". Anaerobe 18 3 (2012): 305-309. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84861905609&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  475. Tavaria, F.K.; Soares, J.C.; Reis, I.L.; Paulo, M.H.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado, M.E.. "Chitosan: Antimicrobial action upon staphylococci after impregnation onto cotton fabric". Journal of Applied Microbiology 112 5 (2012): 1034-1041. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84859592765&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  476. Ramos, Ó.L.; Santos, A.C.; Leão, M.V.; Pereira, J.O.; Silva, S.I.; Fernandes, J.C.; Franco, M.I.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Antimicrobial activity of edible coatings prepared from whey protein isolate and formulated with various antimicrobial agents". International Dairy Journal 25 2 (2012): 132-141. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84861337135&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  477. Fernandes JC; Borges M; Nascimento H; Bronze-da-Rocha E; Ramos OS; Pintado ME; Malcata FX; Santos-Silva A. "Cytotoxicity and genotoxicity of chitooligosaccharides upon lymphocytes.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21664370.
  478. A. Raquel Madureira; Manuela E. Pintado; Ana M. P. Gomes; F. Xavier Malcata; Madureira AR; Pintado ME; Gomes AM; Malcata FX. "Incorporation of Probiotic Bacteria in Whey Cheese: Decreasing the Risk of Microbial Contamination". j food prot 74 7 (2011): 1194-1199. http://dx.doi.org/10.4315/0362-028x.jfp-10-217.
  479. Soares JC; Marques MR; Tavaria FK; Pereira JO; Malcata FX; Pintado MM. "Biodiversity and characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from a small manufacturing dairy plant in Portugal.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21411163.
  480. Madureira AR; Brandão T; Gomes AM; Pintado ME; Malcata FX. "Technological optimization of manufacture of probiotic whey cheese matrices.". (2011): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/21535760.
  481. Rodrigues, Dina; Rocha-Santos, Teresa; Sousa, Sérgio; Gomes, Ana M; Pintado, M. E.; Malcata, F. Xavier; Lobo, José M. Sousa; et al. "On the viability of five probiotic strains when immobilized on various polymers". (2011): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/7960.
  482. Tavares, Tânia; Del Mar Contreras, Maria; Amorim, Manuela; Pintado, Manuela; Recio, Esidra; Malcata, F. Xavier; Tavares T; et al. "Novel whey-derived peptides with inhibitory effect against angiotensin-converting enzyme: in vitro effect and stability to gastrointestinal enzymes". (2011): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/7963.
  483. Rodrigues, Dina; Sousa, Sérgio; Gomes, Ana M.; Pintado, Maria M.; Silva, José P.; Costa, Paulo; Amaral, Maria H.; et al. "Storage stability of Lactobacillus paracasei as free cells or encapsulated in alginate-based microcapsules in low pH fruit juices". (2011): http://hdl.handle.net/10773/27103.
  484. Ferraro, Vincenza; Cruz, Isabel B.; Jorge, Ruben Ferreira; Pintado, Manuela E.; Castro, Paula M. L.. "Solvent extraction of sodium chloride from codfish (Gadus morhua) salting processing wastewater". Desalination 281 (2011): 42-48.
  485. Tavares, T.G.; Contreras, M.M.; Amorim, M.; Martín-Álvarez, P.J.; Pintado, M.E.; Recio, I.; Malcata, F.X.. "Optimisation, by response surface methodology, of degree of hydrolysis and antioxidant and ACE-inhibitory activities of whey protein hydrolysates obtained with cardoon extract". International Dairy Journal 21 12 (2011): 926-933. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80052907959&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  486. Rodrigues, D.; Sousa, S.; Rocha-Santos, T.; Silva, J.P.; Sousa Lobo, J.M.; Costa, P.; Amaral, M.H.; et al. "Influence of l-cysteine, oxygen and relative humidity upon survival throughout storage of probiotic bacteria in whey protein-based microcapsules". International Dairy Journal 21 11 (2011): 869-876. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80051590355&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  487. Demiray, S.; Piccirillo, C.; Rodrigues, C.L.; Pintado, M.E.; Castro, P.M.L.. "Extraction of valuable compounds from Ginja cherry by-products: Effect of the solvent and antioxidant properties". Waste and Biomass Valorization 2 4 (2011): 365-371. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84856288786&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  488. Soares, J.C.; Moreira, P.R.; Queiroga, A.C.; Morgado, J.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado, M.E.. "Application of immobilized enzyme technologies for the textile industry: A review". Biocatalysis and Biotransformation 29 6 (2011): 223-237. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-82355191963&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  489. Tavares, T.G.; Monteiro, K.M.; Possenti, A.; Pintado, M.E.; Carvalho, J.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Antiulcerogenic activity of peptide concentrates obtained from hydrolysis of whey proteins by proteases from Cynara cardunculus". International Dairy Journal 21 12 (2011): 934-939. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80052879121&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  490. Madureira, A.R.; Amorim, M.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.; Madureira AR; Amorim M; et al. "Protective effect of whey cheese matrix on probiotic strains exposed to simulated gastrointestinal conditions". Food Research International 44 1 (2011): 465-470. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-78651451406&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  491. Fernandes JC; Tavaria FK; Fonseca SC; Ramos OS; Pintado ME; Malcata FX; Fernandes, J.C.; et al. "In vitro screening for anti-microbial activity of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides, aiming at potential uses in functional textiles.". Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology 20 2 (2010): 311-318. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20208434.
  492. Fernandes JC; Spindola H; de Sousa V; Santos-Silva A; Pintado ME; Malcata FX; Carvalho JE. "Anti-inflammatory activity of chitooligosaccharides in vivo.". (2010): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/20631868.
  493. Pintado, Cristina M.B.S.; Ferreira, Maria A.S.S.; Sousa, Isabel. "Control of pathogenic and spoilage microorganisms from cheese surface by whey protein films containing malic acid, nisin and natamycin". (2010): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/4260.
  494. Gião, Maria S.; Leitão, Isabel; Pereira, Ana; Borges, André B.; Guedes, Catarina J.; Fernandes, João C.; Belo, Luís; et al. "Plant aqueous extracts: Antioxidant capacity via haemolysis and bacteriophage". Food Control 21 5 (2010): 633-638. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/2656.
  495. Fernandes, João C.; Eaton, Peter; Nascimento, Henrique; Gião, Maria S.; Ramos, Óscar S.; Belo, Luís; Santos-Silva, Alice; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier. "Antioxidant activity of chitooligosaccharides upon two biological systems: Erythrocytes and bacteriophages". (2010): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/3298.
  496. Sara Baptista da Silva; João Paulo Costa; Manuela Estevez Pintado; Domingos de Carvalho Ferreira; Bruno Sarmento. "Antioxidants in the Prevention and Treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy – A Review". J Diabet Metabol 01 03 (2010): http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2155-6156.1000111.
  497. Giao, M. S.; Pestana, D.; Faria, A.; Guimaraes, J. T.; Pintado, M. E.; Calhau, C.; Azevedo, I.; Malcata, F. X.. "Effects of Extracts of Selected Medicinal Plants upon Hepatic Oxidative Stress". Journal of Medicinal Food 13 1 (2010): 131-136.
  498. Ferraro, Vincenza; Cruz, Isabel B.; Jorge, Ruben Ferreira; Xavier Malcata, F.; Castro, Paula M. L.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Klemes, JJ; Lam, HL; Varbanov, PS. "Characterisation of Soluble Nitrogen and Muscle Proteins in Wastewater Throughout the Salting Process of Codfish (Gadus morhua)". Pres 2010: 13th International Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation For Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction 21 (2010): 829-834.
  499. Ferraro, V.; Cruz, I.B.; Jorge, R.F.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado, M.E.; Castro, P.M.L.. "Valorisation of natural extracts from marine source focused on marine by-products: A review". Food Research International 43 9 (2010): 2221-2233. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77957345674&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  500. Madureira, A.R.; Tavares, T.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Invited review: Physiological properties of bioactive peptides obtained from whey proteins". Journal of Dairy Science 93 2 (2010): 437-455. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77949290825&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  501. Piccirillo, C.; Demiray, S.; Franco, A.R.; Castro, P.M.L.; Pintado, M.E.. "High added-value compounds with antibacterial properties from Ginja cherries by-products". Waste and Biomass Valorization 1 2 (2010): 209-217. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79952362692&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  502. Fernandes JC; Eaton P; Gomes AM; Pintado ME; Xavier Malcata F. "Study of the antibacterial effects of chitosans on Bacillus cereus (and its spores) by atomic force microscopy imaging and nanoindentation.". (2009): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/19362422.
  503. Gião, Maria S.; Borges, André B.; Guedes, Catarina J.; Hogg, Tim; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier. "Determination of antioxidant capacity using the biological system bacteriophage P22/bacterium salmonella typhimurium". (2009): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/2703.
  504. Pintado, Cristina M.B.S.; Ferreira, Maria A.S.S.; Sousa, Isabel. "Properties of whey protein-based films containing organic acids and nisin to control Listeria monocytogenes". (2009): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/4259.
  505. Gião, Maria S.; Pereira, Cláudia I.; Fonseca, Susana C.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier. "Effect of particle size upon the extent of extraction of antioxidant power from the plants Agrimonia eupatoria, Salvia sp. and Satureja montana". (2009): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/2611.
  506. Silva, A. R. S.; Vaz, M. J. S.; Kwiatkowska, B.; Malcata, F. X.; Pintado, M. E.; Moreira, P. R.. "Isolation and screening of yeast strains possessing synthetic dye decolorizing activity". New Biotechnology 25 (2009): S78-S79.
  507. Tavaria, F.; Jorge, M.; Marchetti, G.; Souza, V.; Ruiz, A. L.; Malcata, X.; Pintado, M.; Carvalho, J.. "Wound healing, anti-ulcerogenic, anti-inflammatory and anti-proliferative properties of chitosan". New Biotechnology 25 (2009): S10-S10.
  508. Soares, J.; Marques, M. D. R.; Tavaria, F.; Malcata, F. X.; Pintado, M. M.. "Characterization of Staphylococcus strains collected throughout the production chain of a Ewe's milk cheese dairy plant". New Biotechnology 25 (2009): S103-S103.
  509. Spindola, H.; Fernandes, J.; De Sousa, V.; Tavaria, F.; Pintado, M.; Malcata, X.; Carvalho, J. E.. "Anti-inflammatory effect of chitosan oligomers". New Biotechnology 25 (2009): S9-S9.
  510. Politi, Matteo; Zloh, Mire; Pintado, Manuela E.; Castro, Paula M. L.; Heinrich, Michael; Prieto, Jose M.. "Direct Metabolic Fingerprinting of Commercial Herbal Tinctures by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy and Mass Spectrometry". Phytochemical Analysis 20 4 (2009): 328-334.
  511. Fernandes JC; Eaton P; Nascimento H; Belo L; Rocha S; Vitorino R; Amado F; et al. "Effects of chitooligosaccharides on human red blood cell morphology and membrane protein structure.". (2008): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/18998727.
  512. Pintado, A.I.E.; Pinho, O.; Ferreira, I.M.P.L.V.O.; Pintado, M.M.E.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Malcata, F.X.. "Microbiological, biochemical and biogenic amine profiles of Terrincho cheese manufactured in several dairy farms". International Dairy Journal 18 6 (2008): 631-640. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-43049134125&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  513. Fernandes, J.C.; Tavaria, F.K.; Soares, J.C.; Ramos, O.S.; João Monteiro, M.; Pintado, M.E.; Xavier Malcata, F.. "Antimicrobial effects of chitosans and chitooligosaccharides, upon Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli, in food model systems". Food Microbiology 25 7 (2008): 922-928. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-49449107853&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  514. Eaton, Peter; Fernandes, Joao C.; Pereira, Eulalia; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier. "Atomic force microscopy study of the antibacterial effects of chitosans on Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus". Ultramicroscopy 108 10 (2008): 1128-1134.
  515. Giao, Maria S.; Gonzalez-Sanjose, M. L.; Muniz, Pilar; Rivero-Perez, M. D.; Kosinska, Monika; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier; et al. "Protection of deoxyribose and DNA from degradation by using aqueous extracts of several wild plants". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 88 4 (2008): 633-640. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/2804.
  516. Madureira, Ana Raquel; Soares, Jose Carvalho; Pintado, Manuela Estevez; Gomes, Ana Maria P.; Freitas, Ana Cristina; Malcata, Francisco Xavier. "Sweet whey cheese matrices inoculated with the probiotic strain Lactobacillus paracasei LAFTI (R) L26". Dairy Science & Technology 88 6 (2008): 649-665.
  517. Politi, M.; Rodrigues, C.L.; Gião, M.S.; Pintado, M.E.; Castro, P.M.L.; Politi, Matteo; Rodrigues, César L; et al. "Antioxidant principles and volatile constituents from the North-western Iberian mint "erva-peixeira", Mentha cervina". Natural Product Communications 3 12 (2008): 2065-2068. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-67349097429&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  518. Pimentel LL; Semedo T; Tenreiro R; Crespo MT; Pintado MM; Malcata FX; Pimentel, L.L.; et al. "Assessment of safety of enterococci isolated throughout traditional Terrincho cheesemaking: virulence factors and antibiotic susceptibility.". Journal of Food Protection 70 9 (2007): 2161-2167. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/17900097.
  519. Guimarães, Carla M.; Gião, Maria S.; Martinez, Sidónia S.; Pintado, Ana I. E.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Bento, Luís S.; Malcata, F. Xavier. "Antioxidant activity of sugar molasses, including protective effect against DNA oxidative damage". (2007): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/5530.
  520. Gião, Maria S.; González-Sanjosé, Maria L.; Rivero-Pére, Maria D.; Pereira, Cláudia I.; Pintado, Manuela E.; Malcata, F. Xavier; Gião MS; et al. "Infusions of Portuguese medicinal plants: dependence of final antioxidant capacity and phenol content on extraction features". (2007): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/6787.
  521. Queiroga, A.C.; Pintado, M.M.; Malcata, F.X.. "Novel microbial-mediated modifications of wool". Enzyme and Microbial Technology 40 6 (2007): 1491-1495. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33947593747&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  522. Madureira, A.R.; Pereira, C.I.; Gomes, A.M.P.; Pintado, M.E.; Xavier Malcata, F.. "Bovine whey proteins - Overview on their main biological properties". Food Research International 40 10 (2007): 1197-1211. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-35348981282&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  523. Pantaleão, I.; Pintado, M.M.E.; Poças, M.F.F.. "Evaluation of two packaging systems for regional cheese". Food Chemistry 102 2 (2007): 481-487. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33845319574&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  524. Ralha, V.M.; Pintado, M.E.; Belo, C.C.; Martins, A.P.L.; Malcata, F.X.. "Seasonal and lactational influences on milk and cheese from organically reared ewes". Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 61 2 (2006): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33748037677&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  525. Antão, C.M.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Extracts of melon seed as plant coagulant alternatives for bovine milk". Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 61 2 (2006): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33748088485&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  526. García-Fontán, M.C.; Tavaria, F.; Reis, P.; Pintado, M.M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Effect of alternative technological methodologies on the yeast profile in Serra da Estrela cheese". Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 61 2 (2006): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33748044606&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  527. Franco, M.I.; Machado, P.; Teixeira, S.; Monteiro, M.J.; Tavaria, F.; Ferreira, A.C.; Pintado, M.; Malcata, F.X.. "Comparison between sensory descriptors and flavour compounds in an ovine Portuguese traditional cheese (Serra da Estrete)". Australian Journal of Dairy Technology 61 2 (2006): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33748045426&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  528. Ana R. Madureira; Maria S. Gião; Manuela E. Pintado; Ana M.P. Gomes; A. Cristina Freitas; F. Xavier Malcata; Madureira, Ana R.; et al. "Incorporation and Survival of Probiotic Bacteria in Whey Cheese Matrices". Journal of Food Science 70 3 (2005): M160-M165. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1365-2621.2005.tb07144.x.
  529. Madureira, A.R.; Pereira, C.I.; Truszkowska, K.; Gomes, A.M.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Survival of probiotic bacteria in a whey cheese vector submitted to environmental conditions prevailing in the gastrointestinal tract". International Dairy Journal 15 6-9 (2005): 921-927. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-19744373279&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  530. Pinho O; Pintado AI; Gomes AM; Pintado MM; Malcata FX; Ferreira IM; Pinho, O.; et al. "Interrelationships among microbiological, physicochemical, and biochemical properties of Terrincho cheese, with emphasis on biogenic amines.". Journal of Food Protection 67 12 (2004): 2779-2785. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/15633686.
  531. M.E. Pintado; A.C. Macedo; F.X. Malcata; Pintado, ME; Macedo, AC; Malcata, FX; Pintado, M.E.; Macedo, A.C.; Malcata, F.X.. "Review: Technology, Chemistry and Microbiology of Whey Cheeses". Food Science & Technology International 7 2 (2001): 105-116. http://dx.doi.org/10.1106/ty4x-qx5u-5x5d-tye8.
  532. Pintado, M.E.; Santos, C.C.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado ME; Santos CC; Malcata FX. "Activity of adventitious Enterococcus strains on model curdled caprine milk: microbial growth and evolution of concentration of organic acids and lactose throughout time.". Mededelingen (Rijksuniversiteit te Gent. Fakulteit van de Landbouwkundige en Toegepaste Biologische Wetenschappen) 66 3 b (2001): 613-616. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-21444431848&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  533. Pintado ME; Malcata FX; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Characterization of whey cheese packaged under vacuum.". Journal of Food Protection 63 2 (2000): 216-221. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/10678427.
  534. Manuela E Pintado; F.Xavier Malcata; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Optimization of modified atmosphere packaging with respect to physicochemical characteristics of Requeijão". Food Research International 33 10 (2000): 821-832. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0963-9969(00)00078-8.
  535. Pintado, ME; Malcata, FX; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "The effect of modified atmosphere packaging on the microbial ecology in Requeijao, a Portuguese whey cheese". Journal of Food Processing and Preservation 24 2 (2000): 107-124. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0034386636&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  536. Pintado, ME; Malcata, FX; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Hydrolysis of ovine, caprine and bovine whey proteins by trypsin and pepsin". Bioprocess Engineering 23 3 (2000): 275-282. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0033801179&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  537. Manuela E. Pintado; Ana E. Pintado; F.Xavier Malcata; Pintado, ME; Pintado, AE; Malcata, FX. "Controlled whey protein hydrolysis using two alternative proteases". Journal of Food Engineering 42 1 (1999): 1-13. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0260-8774(99)00094-1.
  538. Manuela E. Pintado; J.A. Lopes da Silva; F.Xavier Malcata; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.; Lopes da Silva, J.A.. "Comparative Characterization of Whey Protein Concentrates from Ovine, Caprine and Bovine Breeds". LWT - Food Science and Technology 32 4 (1999): 231-237. http://dx.doi.org/10.1006/fstl.1999.0531.
  539. Freitas, AC; Pintado, AE; Pintado, ME; Malcata, FX; A.Cristina Freitas; Ana E. Pintado; Manuela E. Pintado; F.Xavier Malcata. "Role of dominant microflora of Picante cheese on proteolysis and lipolysis". International Dairy Journal 9 9 (1999): 593-603. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0958-6946(99)00129-6.
  540. Freitas, AC; Pintado, AE; Pintado, ME; Malcata, FX; Freitas, A.C.; Pintado, A.E.; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Organic acids produced by lactobacilli, enterococci and yeasts isolated from Picante cheese". European Food Research and Technology 209 6 (1999): 434-438. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0003747575&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  541. Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado ME; Malcata FX. "Studies on genetic variants of a-lactalbumin and ß-lactoglobulin from milk of native Portuguese ovine and caprine breeds". International Journal of Food Science and Technology 34 3 (1999): 245-252. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0033474899&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  542. Pintado, M.E.; Pintado, A.I.E.; Malcata, F.X.; Manuela E. Pintado; Ana I.E. Pintado; F.Xavier Malcata. "Fate of nitrogen during metabolism of whey lactose by Rahnella aquatilis". Journal of Dairy Science 82 11 (1999): 2315-2326. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0041778881&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  543. Pintado, M.E.; Pintado, A.I.E.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado, ME; Pintado, AIE; Malcata, FX. "Production of polysaccharide by Rahnella aquatilis with whey feedstock". Journal of Food Science 64 2 (1999): 348-352. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0032960967&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  544. M.E Pintado; J.A Lopes da Silva; A.I.E Pintado; F.X Malcata. "Rheological characterization under shear of a fraction of polymer produced via fermentation of whey-related media by Rahnella aquatilis1Most material reported in this paper was presented in poster form at GLUPORTwO-Second International Meeting of the Portuguese Carbohydrate Chemistry Group, and such communication received the Best Poster Award.1". Carbohydrate Polymers 37 1 (1998): 1-6. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0144-8617(98)00032-0.
  545. Pintado, ME; da Silva, JAL; Pintado, AIE; Malcata, FX; Pintado, M.E.; Lopes Da Silva, J.A.; Pintado, A.I.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Rheological characterization under shear of a fraction of polymer produced via fermentation of whey-related media by Rahnella aquatilis". Carbohydrate Polymers 37 1 (1998): 1-6. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0032157232&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  546. M.E. Pintado; A.E. Pintado; J.A. da Silva; F.X. Malcata. "Rheological characterization, under steady shear, of a polysaccharide (lactan) obtained via fermentation of whey-related media". Carbohydrate Polymers 34 4 (1997): 431-432. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/s0144-8617(97)87376-6.
  547. Pintado, ME; Malcata, FX. "Effect of thermal treatment on the protein profile of whey from ovine and caprine milk throughout lactation". International Dairy Journal 6 5 (1996): 497-518.
  548. Pintado, ME; Malcata, FX; Pintado, M.E.; Malcata, F.X.. "Optimization of protein precipitation in acid whey obtained from small ruminant's milk". Journal of Food Process Engineering 19 4 (1996): 457-467. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0030286957&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  549. Pintado, M.E.; Lopes Da Silva, J.A.; Fernandes, P.B.; Xavier Malcata, F.; Hogg, T.A.; Pintado ME; Silva JALda; et al. "Microbiological and rheological studies on Portuguese kefir grains". International Journal of Food Science and Technology 31 1 (1996): 15-26. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0030528557&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  550. Pintado, M.E.; Lopes Da Silva, J.A.; Malcata, F.X.; Pintado, ME; daSilva, JAL; Malcata, FX. "Characterization of Requeijão and technological optimization of its manufacturing process". Journal of Food Engineering 30 3-4 (1996): 363-376. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0030289999&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Campos, Débora Andreia Campelo. "Development and characterization of functional ingredients through valorization of pineapple by-products : production, bioactivity and potential application". PhD, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/28064.
  2. Pintado, Maria Leonor Santos. "Análise de parâmetros bioquímicos para previsão precoce do acastanhamento interno de pera Rocha do Oeste". Master, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/19461.
  3. Morais, Laura Varandas. "Estudo dos defeitos de cor em queijos de ovelha e cabra laborados com leite cru". Master, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/6400.
  4. Abreu, Rita Isabel Esteves. "Aplicação de óleos essenciais e extratos aquosos de plantas no controlo de bactérias Gram-negativas produtoras de pigmentos em queijo". Master, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/6401.
  5. Magueja, Carla Maria Pintado. "Análise da qualidade de vida, bem-estar e participação social dos idosos da academia da mobilidade". Master, 2019. http://hdl.handle.net/10071/19365.
  6. Pereira, Miguel Fernando Ribeiro. "Avaliação do potencial prebiótico de Akpan : produto fermentado à base de cereais e um sub-produto de cerveja de mandioca". Master, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/28637.
  7. Beirão, Catarina Isabel Marques. "Estudos de Listeria monocytogenes em isolados de origem alimentar, em isolados de salmouras e em manipuladores.". Master, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/6153.
  8. Amorim, Maria Manuela Faria. "Development and characterization of functional ingredients through valorization of spent brewer yeast : peptide concentrates and ß-glucans with biological activities". PhD, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/27700.
  9. Pereira, Joana Odila Mendes Sá. "Development and characterization of bioactive edible films and coatings by incorporation of functional bacteria". PhD, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/27690.
  10. Costa, Eduardo Manuel Aguiar da. "Chitosan in textiles : towards a greener and functional solution". PhD, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/27711.
  11. Costa, Daniela de Vasconcelos Teixeira Aguiar da. "Postharvest changes of functional phytochemicals in blueberry". PhD, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/27688.
  12. Voss, Glenise Bierhalz. "Okara (by-produt of soya beverage) : potential application in food and aquafeed". PhD, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/27691.
  13. Castro, Pedro João Neves Miranda de. "Association of micro and nanocarriers with thin films for buccal delivery of bioactive molecules". PhD, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/27710.
  14. Advinha, Ana Margarida Molhinho, 1987-. "Avaliação da capacidade funcional da população idosa na gestão da sua medicação". PhD, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/30145.
  15. Ferraz, Ana Rita Simões. "Estudo das vias de contaminação de Listeria monocytogenes numa queijaria: PFGE, serotipagem, WGS e resistência a desinfetantes". Master, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.18/4933.
  16. Helena Maria Pereira Pintado Soromenho Jorge. "Reabilitação de Betão Histórico. Medidas de Intervenção Estrutural". Master, 2017. https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/handle/10216/107359.
  17. Faria, Maria João Nepomuceno Pereira Monteiro Palermo de. "Sensory properties and consumer acceptance of novel hibiscus (hibiscus sabdariffa) beverages". PhD, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/24177.
  18. Ferreira, Adriana Radamanto. "Diversidade genética de isolados bacterianos de Pseudomonas e géneros afins relacionados com defeitos de cor em queijo.". Master, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/5823.
  19. Nascimento, Bárbara Melo Santos do. "Desenvolvimento e caracterização de queijos coalhos maturados: com leites caprino, bovino e misto". PhD, 2017. https://repositorio.ufpb.br/jspui/handle/tede/9396.
  20. Vigário, Catarina Lopes Cipriano Fernandes. "Intervenção Farmacêutica na Gestão da Terapêutica no Idoso". Master, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/35799.
  21. Amaral, Deborah Silva do. "Efeito da incorporação de quitosana e quitosana modificada na qualidade, funcionalidade tecnológica e vida de prateleira de salsichas com reduzido teor de gordura". PhD, 2016. https://repositorio.ufpb.br/jspui/handle/tede/9440.
  22. Pinho, Ana Rita da Costa. "Estudos de desidratação de queijo". Master, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/21610.
  23. Ferreira, Catarina Bernardino de Freitas. "Caracterização epidemiológica da psoríase em placas: Sociodemográfica, clínica, terapêutica e qualidade de vida relacionada com a saúde". Master, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/35797.
  24. Geada, Maria Sofia Vicente Canedo. "Caracterização epidemiológica da psoríase em placas". Master, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/34546.
  25. Frazão, David Passos Morgado Franco. "Filmes ativos com resveratrol para controlo de Campylobacter spp. e Arcobacter spp. em carne de frango". Master, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/3917.
  26. Pintado, Carlos Nunes Pereira Lopes. "Saúde oral versus drogas". Master, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10284/5771.
  27. Moura, Artur Manuel de Sousa Mendes. "Diabetes mellitus tipo 2 e medicação antidiabética : dos consumos populacionais aos perfis de prescrição e ao controlo glicémico em indivíduos seguidos em clínica especializada". PhD, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/22976.
  28. Lourenço, Ana Isabel Pires. "Estudo de Listeria monocytogenes e E. coli produtora da toxina Shiga (STEC) em leite cru de pequenos ruminantes e avaliação da qualidade microbiológica de queijo curado". Master, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/3114.
  29. Domingues, Liliana Isabel Pires. "Qualidade microbiológica e físico-química da água usada na higienização em explorações de leite de pequenos ruminantes". Master, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/3149.
  30. Oliveira, Ana Lúcia da Silva. "Preservation of nutritional and functional properties of fresh and processed fruit with emphasis on phytochemicals". PhD, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/20524.
  31. Pintado, Sara Cristina dos Santos. "Estratégias de vacinação contra a infeção por Helicobacter pylori". Master, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/27068.
  32. Cruz, Aritson Jorge da Luz Santos. "Study of the bioactive properties of mushroom coriolus versicolor". Master, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/20118.
  33. Costa, Maria do Rosário Leite da. "Development and characterization of new functional acorn beverage". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/16150.
  34. Fonte Santa, Ana Sofia Prego. "Auxílios na Gestão da Terapêutica do Idoso : recursos técnicos e humanos". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/25702.
  35. Ferreira, Joana Marisa Costa Nunes. "Genes enterotoxigénicos e resistência a antibióticos em isolados de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva de origem alimentar". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/2667.
  36. Baptista, Teresa de Fátima Brida Lopes. "Contagem de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva em queijo de ovelha com diferentes tempos de cura". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/3194.
  37. Montenegro, Maria Inês Pereira. "Synthesis and characterization of new oligosaccharides with prebiotic activity". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/16300.
  38. Ya-Ju, Yu. "Effects of whey peptides on gut microbiota and food pathogens". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/16241.
  39. Domingues, Joana Lopes. "Desenvolvimento de pastas de azeitona e tremoço". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/2602.
  40. Maury, Maria Margarida Pintado. "Compal Essencial brand extension : the new category of fruit portions". Master, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17332.
  41. Maia, Ana Isabel Teixeira Riscado. "Identificação dos perigos microbiológicos associados à produção de maranhos". Master, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.26/5103.
  42. Magali Gomes Nogueira. "O manuscrito Espagnol 30 e a Família do judeu Cresques Abraham: um estudo sobre as fontes da Cartografia Maiorquina. (séculos XIII-XIV)". PhD, 2013. http://www.teses.usp.br/teses/disponiveis/8/8136/tde-15012014-110307/.
  43. Rodrigues, Isabel Catarina Neves. "Avaliação de parâmetros de qualidade em melancia cultivada na região do Ladoeiro". Master, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.11/2162.
  44. Pintado, Cristina. "UTILIZACIÓN DE ATMÓSFERAS MODIFICADAS EN EL ALMACENAMIENTO FRIGORIFICO DE UVA DE MESA". PhD, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10174/15687.
  45. Garcez, Ana Catarina Lima. "Perfil microbiológico e resistência bacteriana das hemoculturas da Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos da unidade local de saúde do Alto-Minho". Master, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/10509.
  46. Silva, Sara Nunes da Costa e. "Analisys of the microbiological and antioxidant properties of dried fruit and leaf extracts of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)". Master, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/17585.
  47. Pintado, Sandra Maria Miguel. "A avaliação de desempenho, através do SIADAP, num organismo público - diagnóstico e proposta de melhoria". Master, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/5104.
  48. Gondim, Perla Joana Souza. "Identificação de carotenoides e quantificação de compostos bioativos e atividade antioxidante em frutos do gênero Spondias". PhD, 2012. https://repositorio.ufpb.br/jspui/handle/tede/8034.
  49. SILVA JÚNIOR, Sebastião da. "Bioprotetor com bactéria diazotrófica e quitosana fúngica em comparação com fertilizante mineral solúvel na uva Isabel". Master, 2012. http://www.tede2.ufrpe.br:8080/tede2/handle/tede2/5350.
  50. Silva, Débora Salgueiro da. "Bacterial vaginosis in Portugal : diagnosis of Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginae in healthy or symptomatic women". Master, 2012. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/10310.
  51. Ferraro, Vincenza. "Valorisation of codfish (Gadus morhua L.) salting processing wastewater through the extraction of high added value compounds". PhD, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/10209.
  52. Goulão, Maria Manuela Martins Francisco. "Caracterização molecular de Listeria monocytogenes ser. 4b por Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP)". Master, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.3/1093.
  53. Duarte, Bárbara Maria Pintado. "A mutação JAK2V617F em doentes com Policitemia Vera e Trombocitemia Essencial e sua correlação com características clínicas e laboratoriais". Master, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10216/9489.
  54. Gião, Maria S.. "Antioxidants in herbal teas as functional ingredients: extraction, characterization, bioavailability and activity". PhD, 2010. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/10995.
  55. Martins, Maria Sofia Rodrigues Pintado de Oliveira, 1966-. "Risco cardiovascular e intervenção farmacêutica". PhD, 2009. http://catalogo.ul.pt/F/?func=item-global&doc_library=ULB01&type=03&doc_number=000570957.
  56. Pintado, Cristina Maria Baptista Santos. "Efeito de bioconservantes no crescimento e sobrevivência de Listeria monocytogenes em queijo de ovelha". PhD, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.5/1662.
  57. Nunes, Maria Emília Pintado Vinhas. "Influência de Rousseau na pedagogia moderna". Master, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.14/1255.

Intellectual property

  1. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Paula Castro; Clara Piccirillo. 2019. "UV-FILTERS, METHOD OF PRODUCING THE SAME AND THEIR USE IN COMPOSITIONS, IN PARTICULAR SUNSCREENS". Portugal.
  2. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Luisa M.P. Valente; Sonia Maria Gomes Batista; Aurora Magalhães Futuro da Silva; ABREU FARIA, Jorge João. 2018. "METHOD FOR OBTAINING PROTEINS OR A RICH-PROTEIN EXTRACT FROM ALGAE, EXTRACTS AND USES THEREFORE". Portugal.
  3. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Maria Manuela Amorim; Ana Raquel Madureira. 2017. "METHOD FOR EXTRACTING KERATIN". Portugal.
  4. Pintado, Maria Manuela; NEVES MIRANDA DE CASTRO, Pedro João. 2017. "ORAL COMPOSITIONS, METHODS AND USES THEREOF". Portugal.
  7. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Débora A. Campos. 2016. "METHOD FOR EXTRACTION AND/OR ISOLATION OF BROMELAIN FROM PINEAPPLE". Portugal.
  8. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Marta Suely Madruga; TERESA BERTOLDO PACHECO; ANGELA LIMA MENÊSES DE QUEIROZ. 2015. "Processo de obtenção de hidrolisado protéico fracionado preparado a partir de vísceras caprinas". Brazil.
  15. Pintado, Maria Manuela; Oscar Leandro da Silva Ramos; Pereira, Joana Odila Mendes Sá; Francisco Xavier Malcata; Maria de Fatima Poças; SILVA JOSE ANTONIO TEIXEIRA LOPES DA; GIRALDO IVONNE DELGADILLO; FERREIRA CATARINA DE OLIVEIRA. 2010. "REVESTIMENTO COMESTÍVEL PARA ALIMENTOS". Portugal.


Other output
  1. A feasibility study of Lactobacillus plantarum in fruit powders after processing and storage. 2016. Borges S; Barbosa J; Silva J; Gomes AM; Pintado M; Silva CLM; Morais AMMB; Teixeira P. http://europepmc.org/abstract/AGR/IND604786309.
  2. Functional Dairy Ingredients. 2014. Ana Madureira; Ana Gomes; Manuela Pintado. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b17297-13.
  3. Cheese Microbiology. 2014. Manuela Pintado; Adriano da Cruz; Patricia de Sá. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b17297-7.
  4. Probiotic Bacteria. From Science to Consumers’ Benefit. 2014. Manuela Pintado; Ana Gomes. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b15676-2.
  5. Gastrointestinal Tract. Microflora and Transit Aspects. 2014. Ana Gomes; Manuela Pintado; J Sousa e Silva. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b15676-3.
  6. Immobilization and Microencapsulation of Probiotics. Probiotic Bacteria. 2014. Paulo Costa; Teresa Rocha-Santos; Ana Gomes; Manuela Pintado; Sérgio Sousa; Maria Amaral; J Sousa e Silva; et al. http://dx.doi.org/10.1201/b15676-6.
  7. Extraction of High-added-value Compounds from Codfish ( Gadus morhua ) Salting Wastewater. Bioactive Compounds from Marine Foods. 2013. Vincenza Ferraro; Isabel B. Cruz; Ruben Ferreira Jorge; Manuela E. Pintado; Paula M. L. Castro; Ferraro, Vincenza; Cruz, Isabel B.; et al. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/9781118412893.ch17.
  8. Supercritical fluid extraction of carotenoids and chlorophylls a, b and c, from a wild strain of Scenedesmus obliquus for use in food processing. 2013. Guedes AC; Gião MS; Matias AA; Nunes AVM; Pintado ME; Duarte CMM; Malcata FX; et al. http://europepmc.org/abstract/AGR/IND500606211.
  9. Characterisation of high added value compounds in wastewater throughout the salting process of codfish (Gadus morhua). 2011. Ferraro V; Cruz IB; Jorge RF; Xavier Malcata F; Castro PML; Pintado ME. http://europepmc.org/abstract/AGR/IND44431194.
  10. Rheological, textural and microstructural features of probiotic whey cheeses. LWT - Food Science and Technology. 2011. Madureira AR; Pintado AI; Gomes AM; Pintado ME; Malcata FX; Madureira, A.R.; Pintado, A.I.; et al. http://europepmc.org/abstract/AGR/IND44444818.
  11. Development of a Workflow for Protein Sequence Analysis Based on the Taverna Workbench® Software. 2009. Mariana B. Monteiro; Manuela E. Pintado; Francisco X. Malcata; Conrad Bessant; Patrícia R. Moreira. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-02481-8_169.
  12. Pathogenic, Commensal and Beneficial Microorganisms in Foods. 2007. Ana M. P. Gomes; Manuela E. Pintado; F. Xavier Malcata. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-0-387-33957-3_9.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2019/11/23 Processamento por alta pressão e armazenamento de uma bebida de bolota: valor nutricional e segurança microbiológica Terceira Conferência da Bolota
(Lousada, Portugal)
2019/10/10 Physico-chemical and mechanical characterization of chitosan-based coatings for the conservation of outdoor sculptures 3rd International Conference - Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Oporto, Portugal)
2019/10/10 Antimicrobial chitosan coatings for conservation of urban outdoor sculptures 3rd International Conference - Green Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Universidade Cato´lica Portuguesa (Oporto, Portugal)
2019/10 Olive Pomace Powders Digestion: Influence on Gut Health and Phenolics Bioaccessibility EFFOST 2019
2019/07/08 Extraction of carotenoids supported by ohmic heating and characterization of biological properties and stability throughout gastrointestinal tract 8th International Symposium on "Delivery of Functionality in Complex Food Systems
(Porto, Portugal)
2019/07/04 Gluten free starch extracted by emerging technologies from by-products and losses of acorn and chestnut Summit Research 2019
Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2019/07 Edible insect Alphitobius diaperinus as a source of biopeptides XII CIBIA – Congresso Iberoamericano de Engenharia Alimentar,
(Faro, Portugal)
2019/06/18 Goat Probiotic Whey Cheese: Development and Nutritional Value XX EURO FOOD CHEMISTRY
2019/06/17 Pomegranate peel extraction optimization and characterization and their inclusion in carrot juice improving their safety and quality EuroFoodChem XX Conference
ICBAS (Oporto, Portugal)
2019/05/22 Oral delivery systems for bioactive peptides 2nd International Symposium on Bioactive Peptides
(Valência, Spain)
2019/05/13 Oral Films and Nanoparticles: An Innovative Delivery System of Bioactive Peptides Nanomaterials & Technology
(Valência, Spain)
2019/04 Development of chitosan-based coatings for preventive conservation of outdoor sculptures Materiais 2019 – XIX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and X International Symposium on Materials
2019 Production of collagen-based bioactive hydrolysates from cod skins. 2nd International Symposium on Bioactive Peptides
(Valencia, Spain)
2019 Antioxidant extracts from natural sources as potential enzymatic browning inhibitors in fruits. 3rd Conference on Food Science
(Paris, France)
2019 Nutritional profiles of beef from different production systems obtained on a retailer store. 3th International Conference on Food and Nutritional Sciences.
2019 Valorization of non-compliant Bravo de Esmolfe Apple and Saco Cherry: development of antioxidant extracts. XII CIBIA
(Algarve, Portugal)
2019 Evaluation of stilbenes content in Passiflora edulis by-products of the food industry 5th International Electronic Conference on Medicinal Chemistry
2019 Bioactive potential of dietary fibre from an olive pomace powder: AOAC methodology versus in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal tract 13ª Reunião do Grupi de Glúcidos
(Oporto, Portugal)
2018/11/10 Acorn fermented beverage processed by high pressure 2nd Conferência Ibérica Sobre a Bolota
(Évora, Portugal)
2018/11/06 Serpa PDO cheese: towards the identification of chemical markers involved in organoleptic attributes XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos, Indústria, Ciência, Formação e Inovação
IPVC (Viana do Castelo, Portugal)
2018/11 Enzymatic hydrolysis as tool for agrofood by products valorisation. Euro Congress on BIOTECHNOLOGY
(Madrid, Spain)
2018/11 Association of micro and nanocarriers with thin films for buccal delivery of bioactive molecules. 7th Brazilian Biotechnology Congress and 2nd Iberian Biotechnology Congress
(Brasília, Brazil)
2018/11 Opportunities in polysaccharides towards healthier gut microbiota. Seminars Fall season
CNC-IBILI (Coimbra, Portugal)
2018/11 Valorisation of agro-food by-products in the response to the circular economy. XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos
IPVC (Viana do Castelo, Portugal)
2018/11 Strategies for stabilizing an acorn beverage. 2nd Iberian Conference on Acorns
(Évora, Portugal)
2018/11 Nutritional and functional value of Alcobaça apple. Conference Alcobaça Apple IGP - Quality, Innovation and Flavor
(Alcobaça, Portugal)
2018/11 Strategies for stabilizing an acorn beverage 2nd Iberian Conference on Acorns
(Évora, Portugal)
2018/11 Enzymatic hydrolysis as tool for agrofood by products valorisation. Euro Congress on BIOTECHNOLOGY
(Madrid, Spain)
2018/11 Association of micro and nanocarriers with thin films for buccal delivery of bioactive molecules. Brasília, Brazil. 7th Brazilian Biotechnology Congress and 2nd Iberian Biotechnology Congress
(Brasilia, Brazil)
2018/11 Opportunities in polysaccharides towards healthier gut microbiota. CNC.IBILI Seminars Fall season
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2018/11 Valorisation of agro-food by-products in the response to the circular economy. Plenary session in XIV Encontro de Química dos Alimentos
(Viana do Castelo, Portugal)
2018/11 Nutritional and functional value of Alcobaça apple. Conference Alcobaça Apple IGP - Quality, Innovation and Flavor
(Alcobaça, Portugal)
2018/10/15 Acceptance of exotic beverages with health benefits in Europe: a cross-country comparison of hibiscus products. International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy: Linking Innovation, Sustainability and Health
University of Évora (Évora, Portugal)
2018/10 International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy International Conference on Mediterranean Diet and Gastronomy
2018/09/12 Biotechnology for preventive conservation: development of bionanomaterials for antimicrobial coating of outdoor sculptures. IIC 2018 Turin Congress - Preventive Conservation: The State of the Art
(Turin, Italy)
2018/09/02 Application of high pressure pomegranate peel extract with bioactive compounds on carrot juice for preservation: quality and safety aspects 56th European High Pressure Research Group meeting (EHPRG)
Universidade Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2018/09 Effect of emerging extraction technologies on bioactives of fruit by-products. 56thEuropean High Pressure Research Group meeting (EHPRG)
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2018/08/27 Gonad quality and safety of two wild populations of sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, harvested in the north Atlantic coast (Portugal), AQUA 2018, França AQUA
(Montpellier, France)
2018/08 Annual variations in gonad yield, biochemical composition and quality traits of the edible sea urchin, Paracentrotus lividus, in the north-east coast of Portugal AQUA 2018
(Montpellier, France)
2018/07/03 Evaluation of prebiotic activity and resistance to simulated gastrointestinal digestion of a XOS-rich extract from grape by-product. ISEKI Food 2018
(Stuttgart, Germany)
2018/07/03 Evaluation of prebiotic activity and resistance to simulated gastrointestinal digestion of a XOS-rich extract from grape by-product ISEKI Food 2018
(Stuttgart, Germany)
2018/07 Prebiotic carbohydrate polymers from byproducts towards healthier gut microbiota. 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/07 Prebiotic carbohydrate polymers from byproducts towards healthier gut microbiota 29th International Carbohydrate Symposium
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/06 Innovating from research and research to innovate. Chile-Portugal technological scientific linkage
(Villar del Mar, Chile)
2018/06 Innovating from research and research to innovate. Chile-Portugal technological scientific linkage
(Villar del Mar, Chile)
2018/05/25 Impact of novel technologies on bioactives of fruit by-products. 1st International food and medicine congress
(Ankara, Turkey)
2018/05 Impact of novel technologies on bioactives of fruit by-products. IFMC 2018 - First International Food & Medicine Congress
(Ankara, Turkey)
2018/05 BIONANOSCULP, an ongoing project in biotechnology applications for preventive conservation of outdoor sculptures. Florence Heri-Tech - The Future of Heritage Science and Technologies
(Florence, Italy)
2018/02 Valorization of agro-food waste in the context of the circular economy. Reflection Days of the Alentejo Circular Project
(Évora, Portugal)
2018/02 Valorization of agro-food waste in the context of the circular economy Reflection Days of the Alentejo Circular Project
(Évora, Portugal)
2018 Effect of autoclaving process and enzymatic hydrolysis of okara (byproduct from soy beverage) on growth of Nile tilapia O. niloticus. AQUA
(Montpellier, France)
2018 Requeijão Funcional Seminário de lançamento do projeto Lacties
2018 Impact of addition of pomegranate peel extract and high-pressure on carrot juice preservation: quality, safety and sensorial aspects 14º Encontro Nacional de Química dos Alimentos
IPVC (Viana do Castelo, Portugal)
2017/12/04 Influence of storage conditions on polyphenolic, terpenoids and sensory profile from Cymbopogon citratus infusions 10º Encontro Nacional de Cromatografia
(Bragança, Portugal)
2017/11/17 Optimização da temperatura, humidade relativa e tempo de armazenamento antes e após embalamento de vegetais minimamente processados (caso de estudo-espinafre) COTHN-II Seminário IV Gama Hortofrutícola em Portugal, Investigação e Industrialização
(Santarém, Portugal)
2017/11/17 Compostos Bioactivos nos produtos de IV Gama: Impacto das condições de processamento e armazenamento COTHN-II Seminário IV Gama Hortofrutícola em Portugal, Investigação e Industrialização
(Santarém, Portugal)
2017/11 As características nutricionais e funcionais da bolota para consumo humano. 1ª Conferência Ibérica sobre a Bolota
(Matosinhos, Portugal)
2017/10 Portuguese Research and Innovation Agenda on Circular Economy and Challenges for the Agrofood sector. SMARTAGRIFOR Norte - International Workshop Circular Economy
(Vila Real, Portugal)
2017/10 Rastreabilidade: Um passo para a autenticidade e mais valor acrescentado para o sector agroalimentar. Seminário Inovação na Rastreabilidade Alimentar
(Beja, Portugal)
2017/09 Opportunities in Polysaccharides towards the prebiotic activity. GLUPOR - 12ª Reunião do Grupo de Glúcidos
Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2017/07 Valorização de subprodutos Alimentares: das espinhas ao protetor solar. Encontro Ciência 2017
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2017/07 Nanotecnologia na produção de ingredientes antioxidantes – caso de estudo para industria laticínios. Encontro Ciência 2017
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2017/06 Facing the challenges of Food wastes valorisation. The Future of Food: Envisioning Our Food Systems Conference
SONAE (Porto, Portugal)
2017/06 El futuro de los alimentos – têndências de innovación. . III Workshop sobre Ingredientes y Aditivos en la Industria Láctea y Alimentaria
(Lugo, Spain)
2017/06 Ensuring food security and sustainable development through the valorization of native products. Seminar Integrated Strategies to Cope With Malnutrition
(Milan, Italy)
2017/05 Perspetivas para a aplicação de resíduos Agroalimentares. III SIAN Simpósio de Alimentos e Nutrição
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2017/05 Bioacessibilidade de fitoquímicos e impacto na microbiota gastrointestinal. III SIAN Simpósio de Alimentos e Nutrição
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2017/05 Workshop: Valorização de resíduos alimentares. III ENEBT - Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Biotecnologia
Universidade de Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2017/05 Experimental design, modelling and optimization for isolation of Bromelain from pineapple residues by carrageenan complex formation. CIPCA VII
(Buenos Aires, Argentina)
2017/04 Delivery systems for incorporation bioactive compounds in foods: edible coatings/films and encapsulation. MATBIM conference - 4th international meeting on Material/Bioproduct Interaction
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia-UCP (Porto, Portugal)
2017/04 Delivery systems for incorporation bioactive compounds in foods: edible coatings/films and encapsulation. MATBIM 2017 - 4th International meeting on Material/ Bioproduct Interaction
(Porto, Portugal)
2017/03 Innovation from research - Sharing the experience of CBQF. Seminar in doctoral programme of Food Science and Nutrition Sciences
Reading University (Reading, United Kingdom)
2017/03 Innovation from research and research for innovation. Sharing the experience of CBQF. VII Seminario Internacional CREAS: Oportunidades para la Industria Alimentaria en la Valorización de Productos y Subproductos
(Vina del Mar, Chile)
2017/02 Alterações dos Hábitos Alimentares - Novas tendências. The future of Food Seminar
(Maia, Portugal)
2017 Projeto AgroGrIN Tech Sessão de Encerramento do Concurso Biotech_AgriFood Innovation
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia – Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Oporto, Portugal)
2017 Projeto AgroGrIN Tech Biotech_AgriFood. Biotechnology Innovation Day – Economia Circular
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia – Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Oporto, Portugal)
2016/11 Painel Economia Circular – O pensamento, a atitude, os princípios e as práticas. 13.º Encontro Nacional de Inovação COTEC
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/09 Valorização integrada de subprodutos Agroalimentares. Noite Europeia dos Investigadores
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/09 Ensuring food security and sustainable development through the valorization of native products and agro-food wastes: case studies of AFTER and GRATITUDE projects. Right to Food, Peace and Democracy International Colloquium
(Milan, Italy)
2016/09 Alimentos para o futuro: Tendências e desafios. Seminário convidado no programa de pós-graduação em nutrição Universidade Federal Pernambuco
Universidade Federal Pernambuco (Recife, Brazil)
2016/08 Alimentos para o futuro: Tendências e desafios. Seminário convidado no Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Nutrição e Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências e Tecnologia de Alimentos
2016/07 Biotechnologies to valorise the regional food biodiversity in Latin America: an overview of BIVALBI project. 4th International ISEKI_Food Conference
(Wien, Austria)
2016/06/15 Sage and savoury herbs extracts encapsulated in solid liquid nanoparticles: effect in human gut microbiota. International Conference Aromatic and Medicinal Herbs in Food
(Bucarest, Romania)
2016/06/15 Innovative application of calcium dips at different pH on quality improvement of ready-to-eat baby-leaf spinach. International Conference Aromatic and Medicinal Herbs in Food
(bucarest, Romania)
2016/06/15 Pedro M. Castro, Ana Oliveira, Pedro Fonte, Ana Raquel Madureira, Bruno Sarmento, Manuela E. Pintado, (2016), Edible films as oral delivery systems for xanthines extracted from medicinal plants: an experimental design approach, Medicinal and Aromatic Plants: extraction of bioactive compounds and application as ingredients in natural products
International Conference of Aromatic and Medicinal Herbs in Food (Bucharest, Romania)
2016/06 Food for the future: trends and challenges for the sector. Workshop on potential use of spices/aromatic species in bakery products under the framework of GOOD HERBS
(Bucharest, Romania)
2016/06 Innovation from research and research for innovation - Sharing the experience of CBQF. Innovation Day - Innovation and Knowledge Transfer to AgroFood Sector
(Porto, Portugal)
2016/04 Alterações dos Hábitos Alimentares - Novas tendências. Qualidade e Segurança Alimentar em 2050. Que Perspetivas?
(Caldas da Rainha, Portugal)
2016/03/15 Impact of processing and matrix interaction in bioacessibility and bioavailability of phytochemicals: case study strawberry and peach Round table COST Positive FA1403 with ISEKI Food Association about bioactives
(Bucarest, Romania)
2015/08 Efeito prebiótico de compostos bioativos: Ensaios in vitro e in vivo. Seminário convidado ao Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências da Nutrição e Curso de Pós-Graduação em Ciências e Tecnologia de Alimentos
2015/07 Valorização de subprodutos da indústria alimentar. Pôr a Economia a Circular - pannel III: Inovação e empreendedorismo como eixos de circulação
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2015/05 Aplicação de Agentes Naturais na Melhoria da Segurança e Qualidade do Alimento. VII Congresso Latino Americano e XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Higienistas de Alimentos: Alimento, promoção da saúde e compromisso sócio ambiental
(Búzios, Brazil)
2015/04 Peliculas comestíveis como forma de preservação e adição de valor aos produtos. VII Congresso Latino Americano e XIII Congresso Brasileiro de Higienistas de Alimentos: Alimento, promoção da saúde e compromisso sócio ambiental
(Búzios, Brazil)
2015/03 As características nutricionais e funcionais da bolota para consumo humano. 1ª Congresso Nacional da Bolota
(Montemor Novo, Portugal)
2015/02/04 Impact of Storage Conditions on the Nutritional Quality. Latest on quality & safety of fresh-cut produce: results from European project QUAFETY
(Berlin, Germany)
2015/01/22 QUAFETY update: Nutritional markers for quality of rocket leaves, strawberries and melon. 7th European Short Course on Quality and Safety of Fresh-cut Produce
(Cardiff, United Kingdom)
2015 Herbs: Characteristics, functional properties and applications. Workshop on the framework of GOOD HERBS
(Murcia, Spain)
2015 Optimización del grado de hidrólisis y actividad antioxidante de hidrolizados de harina de soja con Cardosina y Corolasa PP. XVI National Congress of Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila (Jalisco, Mexico)
2015 QUAFETY update: Impact of storage conditions on the respiration rate of ready-to-eat products. 7th European Short Course on Quality
2015 Prebiotic activity of brewer yeast cell wall. ICFNT 2015: International Conference on Food and Nutrition Technology
(London, United Kingdom)
2014/12/04 Otimização da aplicação de um bio-estimulante para o aumento da produtividade e qualidade do morango III Simpósio Nacional de Fruticultura
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes-e-Alto-Douro (Bragança, Portugal)
2014/11/11 Studies on reengineered Kitoza (a Malagasy meat product): sensory properties and consumer acceptance in the EU AFTER Congress
2014/10/16 Physiological and phytochemical quality of ready-to-eat rocket leaves as affected by processing, modified atmosphere and storage temperature. 1st Congress on Food Structure Design
(Porto, Portugal)
2014/07 Novas fontes proteicas: potenciais e desafios. Seminário de investigação Embrapa
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2014/06/20 Bioactive compounds in ready-to-eat products: modulation by processing and storage conditions. Research and Innovation for Food Quality and Health
(Ostuni, Italy)
2014/06/20 Bioactive compounds in ready-to-eat products: modulation by processing and storage conditions University of Foggia
(Foggia, Italy)
2014/04 Sustainable biomaterials from agro-food residues: a challenge for biotechnology, an opportunity for biomedicine. II AEICBAS Biomedical Congress
ICBAS (Oporto, Portugal)
2014/03/25 Impact of processing and storage on nutritional and functional properties of strawberry. 3rd International Conference on Effects of Pre- and Post-harvest Factors on Health Promoting Components and Quality of Horticultural Commodities
(Skierniewice, Poland)
2014/03 Novas fontes proteicas na nutrição humana: potenciais e desafios. Workshop Alimentação, Saúde e Agro-Industria - XXV Anos do IBET
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2014/03 Obtenção, caracterização e potencial de extratos obtidos de levedura de cerveja. Jornadas da APTCM - Associação Portuguesa dos Técnicos de Cerveja e Malte.
CentralCER (Lisboa, Portugal)
2014 Bioactive peptides obtained from defatted soy flour protein by Corolase PP hydrolysis. Total Food Conference: Science and technology for the economic and sustainable exploitation of agri-food chain wastes and co-products. , England.
(Norwich, United Kingdom)
2013/12/07 Effect of controlled atmosphere and storage temperature on the phenolics and carotenoids of pasteurized peach purées Portuguese Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2013/12 Valorização da Levedura de Cerveja como matéria-prima para o desenvolvimento de Novos Alimentos. XV Anos no Nucleo de Pesquisa de Centro de Ambiente e Biotecnologia
(Recife, Brazil)
2013/12 Valorização da Levedura de Cerveja como matéria-prima para o desenvolvimento de Novos Alimentos. Fórum I&D Valorização de Subprodutos
(Oporto, Portugal)
2013/11 Potencialidades e Condicionantes na Semi-industrialização do Queijo Serra da Estrela. Seminário de Encerramento do CICLO DE DEBATES PROSE: A Ovinicultura de leite/queijo na Serra da Estrela
(Vila Nova de Tazem, Portugal)
2013/11 Metodologias e Técnicas na Área dos Lacticínios. Seminar Autenticidade de Produtos Tradicionais
(Oporto, Portugal)
2013/09 Do peixe tudo se aproveita. Noite Europeia dos Investigadores 2013
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/06/04 Respiration rate and functional quality of rocket leaves as affected by passive modified atmosphere packaging. Controlled and Modified Atmosphere Conference
2013/05 Aplicação de agentes naturais na promoção da segurança e qualidade do alimento. Os Compostos Naturais aplicáveis na Indústria Alimentar, Aplicáveis a Produtos de Origem Animal
(Abrantes, Portugal)
2013/05 Aplicação de ingredientes funcionais oportunidades e desafios. Os Compostos Naturais aplicáveis na Indústria Alimentar, Aplicáveis a Produtos de Origem Vegetal
(Cantanhede, Portugal)
2013/05 Universidade e Indústria: Inovação e Desenvolvimento. XII Congresso de Nutrição
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/04 Valorização de subprodutos através da extração ou processos de fermentação. XXIII Semana Ciências da Nutrição
(Oporto, Portugal)
2013/02 Como escolher, valorizar e saborear à mesa o melhor queijo Português. Feira regional do Queijo Serra da Estrela
(Fornos de Algodres, Portugal)
2013 Incorporação de polifenóis em produtos lácteos através de nanoencapsulação. XIV Semana das Ciencias Agrárias
(Bragança, Portugal)
2013 Use of kinetic models to predict anthocyanins retention in strawberry stored at different pH values 7th International Workshop on Anthocyanins
(Porto, Portugal)
2012/11 Food: Trends and Opportunities for Innovation. Seminário Investigação e Inovação para o Setor Agroalimentar
(Porto, Portugal)
2012/11 Sensory Analysis and Portuguese Consumer Acceptability of Bissap Hibiscus Drinks with African Origin. EFFoST Pre-Event: Generating and sharing knowledge on traditional African food products for mutual benefits for the consumers of Africa and Europe Sensory studies and process re-engineering
(Montpellier, France)
2012/10 How to choose, appreciate and taste the best Portuguese cheeses. Tertúlias na Biotecnologia
(Oporto, Portugal)
2012/09/16 Nutritional audit of peach and strawberry prepares for dairy applications 11º Encontro de Química dos Alimentos
(Bragança, Portugal)
2012/09 Valorization of agriculture byproducts: an integrated process. 16th Edition of the International Society for Tropical Root Crops
(Abeokuta, Nigeria)
2012/09 Valorisation of by-products from the food industry: obtaining value-added ingredients. XIX Congresso de Engenharia Química-COBEQ 2012
2012/09 New Product Development: Collaboration University/Industry. Workshop Apoio à Inovação no Sector Agro-alimentar
(Oporto, Portugal)
2012/06 Peptide extracts obtained by hydrolysis of yeast and milk proteins and functional activities. Ingredientes bioactivos y alimentos funcionales en Iberoamérica Seminar
(Habana, Cuba)
2012/05 Functional foods, probiotics and health benefits: Myths and Reality. ertúlias na Biotecnologia
(Oporto, Portugal)
2012/05 Probiotics as therapeutics: scientific evidence for clinical on aplications 1º Encontro de Biotecnologia Microbiana e Farmacêutica
(Oporto, Portugal)
2011/11 Dermal microbiome. Workshop Dermatite Atópica: Novas Fronteiras
(Oporto, Portugal)
2011/10 New developments in proteins and peptides. II Jornadas de Ciência Alimentar
(Vila Real, Portugal)
2011/07 A visão de uma Entidade do Sistema Científico (ESB-UCP) na participação em projectos europeus em colaboração com a indústria. Workshop Oportunidades de financiamento no Tema KBBE do 7º PQ de I&DT PORTUGAL FOODS - Pólo de Competitividade Agro-Alimentar
2011/07 Valorização de subprodutos: As potencialidades das folhas e do mirtilo seco. 4ª Edição da Feira do Mirtilo,
(Severe do Vouga, Portugal)
2011/07 Conservação da Qualidade Funcional do Mirtilo. 4ª Edição da Feira do Mirtilo
(Sever do Vouga, Portugal)
2011/01 Biotecnologia na Saúde Alimentos Funcionais. Roteiro da Ciência
(Porto, Portugal)
2011 Responsabilidad social y Biotecnologia Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Veja
(Lima, Peru)
2010/11 Valorização de leite de pequenos ruminantes na produção de queijo: do tradicional à inovação. XI Simposio Iberoamericano sobre Conservación y Utilización de Recursos Zoogenéticos
(João Pessoa, Brazil)
2010/10/05 Development of probiotic tablets: viability STUDIES 2nd Conference Innovation in Drug Delivery
(Aix-en-Provence, France)
2010/06 Yacons’ (Smallanthus sonchifolius) Tuber Extract Prebiotic Potential International Scientific Conference on Probiotics and Prebiotics (IPC 2010)
(Košice, Slovakia)
2010/03 Ingredientes Funcionales: Obtención, bioactividad, biodisponibilidad y seguridad. Jornadas Alimentacion y Salud
(Mexico City, Mexico)
2009/06 Biological properties and potential applications of chitosan oligomers. Polymers in Medicine and Biology
(Santa Rosa, United States)
2009/05 Nutracêuticos vs alimentos funcionais. Conferência integrada no Seminário Ordem dos Farmacêuticos
(Oporto, Portugal)
2009/01 O papel da Biotecnologia no desenvolvimento de novos antimicrobianos para a flora oral. Jornadas de Microbiologia e suas aplicações clínicas
(Oporto, Portugal)
2008/05 Ingredientes Funcionais. VII Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2007/11 Use of dairy products as vectors for promotion of health: Selected examples. Indian Conference of Technology of Dairy Foods
(New Delhi, India)
2007/11 Aplicações da Biotecnologia no Quotidiano: Novas Tecnologias na Indústria de Lacticínios. 7ª edição das Jornadas do DEQ - Da Ciência ao Engenho
(Oporto, Portugal)
2007/10 Novos desafios no desenvolvimento de Alimentos Funcionais. II Congresso Científico AEFFUP – Qualidade para um futuro de excelência
(Oporto, Portugal)
2007/09 Evaluation of Prebiotic Potential of Chitooligosaccharides. 8th International Conference of The European Chitin Society
(Antalya, Turkey)
2007/06 Alergias alimentares Mecanismos Biológicos. Seminário de Alergias Alimentares da Escola Superior de Biotecnologia
( Oporto, Portugal)
2007/06 Plants with antioxidant functional properties. Functional food and medicinal products developments from Amazonian Crops
(Rio de Janeiro, Brazil)
2006/09/14 Whey cheeses: an old matrix for new functional solutions 1as Jornadas Internacionais de Productos Lácteos Funcionales
(Madrid, Spain)
2006/09 Whey cheeses: an old matrix for new functional solutions. 1as Jornadas Internacionales de Productos Lácteos Funcionales
(Madrid, Spain)
2006/05 Quality and authenticity of Portuguese traditional cheeses: impact upon valorisation thereof. I Congresso IberoAmericano sobre Seguridad Alimentaria - CIBSA 2006
(Sevilla, Spain)
2005/07 Aplicações das proteínas do soro. Seminário de Filtración Selectiva en La industria Láctea, Aula de Produtos Lácteos
(Lugo, Spain)
2005/02 Biotecnologia Aplicada ao Sector Têxtil. Inovação no sector têxtil e do vestuário, ideias e oportunidades
CITEVE (Famalicão, Portugal)
2004/09 Toxi-infecção Alimentar – sintomatologia: Segurança Alimentar no Ambiente Doméstico.
Câmara Municipal de Gondomar (Gondomar, Portugal)
2004/02 Functional Foods – more than nutrition. Conference of Food Science
2004 Alimentos funcionais. III Congresso de Nutrição e Alimentação da APN
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2003/05 Alimentos funcionais e saúde. Jornadas de Biotecnologia
Escola Superior de Biotecnologia da Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Oporto, Portugal)
2001/12 Microrganismos probióticos em alimentos: aplicações em queijo e requeijão. MICRO'2001 - Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia
(Póvoa do varzim, Portugal)
2001/11 Dairy industry and environment. 8th Egyptian Conference of Dairy Science and Technology
(Cairo, Egypt)
2001/09 A valorização por via microbiana dos efluentes de soro lácteo. Tratamento e Valorização de Soro Lácteo
(Oporto, Portugal)
1999/11/26 Requeijão tradicional: caracterização e melhoramento do processo de fabrico enquanto vectores de intervenção ambiental sustentável. Congresso Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável às Portas do Terceiro Milénio
(Castelo Branco, Portugal)
1999/11/26 Requeijão tradicional: caracterização e melhoramento do processo de fabrico enquanto vectores de intervenção ambiental sustentável. Congresso Ambiente e Desenvolvimento Sustentável às Portas do Terceiro Milénio,
1999/05 Use of proteins and lactose from the whey. II Jornadas de Engenharia Biológica / I Encontro de Jovens Biotecnólogos
(Braga, Portugal)
1998/07/13 Influence of salt content, degree of proteolysis and aeration on the production of a polymer via fermentation of whey-related media by Rahnella aquatilis. Biotec 98


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2023 - Current Innovative sweetening agent ingredients obtained from fruit and vegetable by-products for reducing sugar content and shaping the sweetening power in foods
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2023 - Current Development of functional hydrogels encapsulating Bromelain recovered from pineapple by-products for the control of Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2023 - Current Bioactive Components from Native Aromatic and Medicinal Plants in Barroso region: Enhancing Beverages in the Industry
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2022 - Current Biorefinery approach for biofunctional protein-rich extracts obtention using algae biomasses as novel sources of food additives
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2022 - Current Predifood - Predictive and Accelerated Models for Food Shelf-Life Assessment
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2021 - Current Development and characterization of functional ingredients through valorization of Citrus lemon peels: natural antioxidants and antimicrobials for food preservation
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2021 - Current Impact of mushroom nutrition on gut microbiota modulation and association with neuroprotective capacity
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2021 - Current Bioactive properties of external mucus isolated from coastal fish of Portugal and Macau
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2021 - Current Development and characterization of polymeric films and hydrogels incorporated with plant extracts and essential oils
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2021 - Current Immunomodulatory activity of ß-glucans from natural sources in the skin
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2020/01 - Current Multifunctional natural derived peptide extracts for skin care
Supervisor of Sara Alexandra dos Santos Cunha
Biotechnology with a specialization in Chemistry (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2020/01 - Current Innovative multifunctional sustainable breakfast cereal products to answer the consumer demand of low carb and high fibre products
Supervisor of Diva Alexandra Simões dos Santos Jesus
Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2020/01 - Current Lignin extract as potential biopesticide for the control of nematode parasites - an integrative approach
Supervisor of Carolina Cassoni
Environment (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2020/01 - Current Sustainable innovative strategies for ensuring Rocha pear controlled ripening after 1-MCP application
Biotechnology with a specialization in Engineering and Food Science (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2020/01 - Current Sustainable new materials for musealization of cultural heritage: addressing conservation and exposition challenges for objects of wood and wood-derived materials
Co-supervisor of Diana Maria Gonçalves de Castro
Biotechnology with specialization in Chemistry (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2019 - Current Utilization of omega 3 and conjugated fatty acids to develop new antiobesity strategies
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2019 - Current Technological feasibility in terms of thermal stability and shelf-life of novel lipid-based anti-obesity functional dairy products
Supervisor of Manuela Machado
Food Science, Technology and Nutrition (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2019 - Current Gluten free starch extracted by emerging technologies from by-products ans losses of acorn and chestnut
Supervisor of Luís Manuel Gomes de Castro
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2018 - Current Exploring new sustainable solutions based on chitosan and cellulose nanocrystals towards preventive conservation of cultural heritage
Co-supervisor of Nadia Silva
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2018 - Current Dye decolourization by yeasts: insights on enzymes and pathways towards an innovative solution for textile effluents
Co-supervisor of Marta Sofia de Almeida Mendes
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - Current Functional ingredients form valorization of melon (Curcumis melo L) byproducts: production, bioactivity and potential application
Supervisor of Ricardo Gómez Garcia
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - Current Polyphasic identification of a yeast isolate with synthetic textile dyes decolourization ability
Co-supervisor of Claudia Correia Neto
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017 - Current Functional proteins and peptides obtained from fish by-products
Supervisor of Soudabeh Ghalamara
Food Science, Tecnhology and Nutrition (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017 - Current Design of an integrated system of partial condensation and vapour permeation for the production of natural flavours: case study for wine and seafood industries
Co-supervisor of Maria João Valle Pereira
Biociências Moleculares
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2017 - Current Innovative biotechnology solutions for black strain removal and preventive conservation of historical and culturally important mural paintings
Co-supervisor of Alexandra de Almeida Marco Pereira
Ciência e Tecnologia das Artes (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola das Artes, Portugal
2016 - Current Development and characterization of functional ingredients through valorization from Brewer’s Spent Grain
Supervisor of Maria Teresa Bonifácio Viana Lopes
Inov4food: Science, technology, consume rand and nutrition (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2016 - Current Crosstalk between gut microbiota and metabolic dysregulation in prediabetes – Impact of nutraceutical and therapeutic approaches
Co-supervisor of Sara Raquel Ramalho Pereira Nunes
Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2016 - Current First steps towards mitigating nutritional losses due to elevated CO2 and Fe restriction in common bean (Phaselous vulgaris L.) and soybean (Glycine max)
Co-supervisor of José Carvalho Soares
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/09 - Current Development and characterization of functional ingredients from olive pomace; bioactivity and potential application as bioactive edible films
Supervisor of Tânia Isabel Bragança Ribeiro
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/08 - Current Ohmic-heating as a new process for the development of functional ingredients through the valorization of tomato and grape by-products: production, characterization, bioactivity and potential application
Supervisor of Marta Isabel Correia Coelho
Science and Food Technology
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2006/10 - Current The impact of genetic polymorphisms on milk from native Portuguese ovine breeds, and on cheese manufactured therefrom – Scholarship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
Co-supervisor of Maria Rosário Marques
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2006 - Current Study of the Impact of chemical anchors on the sensory flavours of major traditional ovine cheeses
Supervisor of Isabel Costa Franco
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2006 - Current Studies on essential oils from native Portuguese aromatic plants: extraction, chemical, sensorial and biological characterization and improvement of stability via microencapsulation
Supervisor of Sandra Maria Dias dos Santos
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2006 - Current Innovative solutions for extracting high value natural compounds from Ginjinha
Co-supervisor of Simge Day
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2005 - Current Characterization of whey protein concentrates obtained by different membrane techniques
Co-supervisor of Justyna Zulewska
Technological and Engineering Sciences (PhD)
Institute of Dairy Science and Technology Development, Poland
2001 - Current Study of the production of exopolysaccharides by probiotic strains
Co-supervisor of Ana Isabel Pintado
Food Science and Enginnering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2019/01 - 2021/07 GastroCure – Bioactive Soybean and Cruciferous extracts towards application in gastrointestinal disorders: development, characterization and delivery [POCI-01-0145-FEDER-032094]
Supervisor of Ezequiel Ricardo Coscueta
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/10 - 2020/05 Obtention of high added value compounds from grape waste
Supervisor of Joana Ribeiro da Costa
Food Science and Engineering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2019/02 - 2020/04 Development and characterization of functional ingredients through the valorisation of non-compliant Portuguese fruit: Bravo do esmolfe apple and Saco cherry to be presented at da Universidade Católica Portuguesa to attain an MSc in
Supervisor of Ana Vilas Boas
Engenharia Alimentar (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/04 - 2020/03 New bioactive, in situ forming sericin-based hybrid hydrogels for wound healing of diabetic ulcers
Co-supervisor of Sara Baptista da Silva
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015 - 2020/02 Evaluation of high-pressure as a novel non-thermal extraction technology to obtain extracts with improved biological activities from medicinal herbs
Co-supervisor of Silvia Alexandra Monteiro Moreira
Food Science (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018/09 - 2019/12 Impact of High Pressure on a Functional Acorn Beverage
Biotecnologia (Master)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2017 - 2019/12 To study the effect of SO2 on bacteria (lactic acid and bifidobacterium) of the human gastrointestinal tract
Supervisor of Usman Ali Shah
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015 - 2019/10 Valorisation of Mexican avocado residues: biochemical analysis and development of functional ingredients
Co-supervisor of Rafael Araújo
Food Science and Technology (PhD)
Universidad Autónoma de Coahuila, Mexico

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/05/01 - 2019/06/17 Development and characterization of functional ingredients through the valorization of pineapple by-products: production, bioactivity and potential application
Supervisor of Débora Andreia Campelo Campos
Biotechnology in Food Science and Engineering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2019/05 Evaluation of potential wine residues as biomass for the production of second-generation ethanol and nanocellulose
Co-supervisor of Tugba Atatoprak
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/04 - 2019/03 MOREPEP – Valorização de subprodutos animais com desenvolvimento de péptidos de valor sustentáveis Project 17638.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2019/02 Desenvolvimento de filmes com hidroxiapatite para protecção solar de pacientes queimados to be presented at to attain an MSc in .
Supervisor of Carla Sofia Gonçalves da Cunha
Bioengenharia (Master)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2017/03 - 2019/02 MultiBiorefinery: Multi-purpose strategies for broadband agro-forest and fisheries by-products valorization: a step forward for a truly integrated biorefinery from Project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016403.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2019/01 Development and characterization of insect protein hydrolysates
Supervisor of Pedro Miguel Constante Sousa
Biotecnologia e Inovação (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2019/01 Evaluation of the prebiotic potential of the mushroom Coriolus Versicolor – effect upon human gut microbiota
Supervisor of Célia Maria da Silva Freitas Costa
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2019/01 Antimicrobial efficacy of titanium coatings in a hospital setting
Co-supervisor of Dandara Costa
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013 - 2019/01 Development and characterization of edible bioactive films and coatings by incorporation of functional bacteria
Supervisor of Joana Odila Mendes Sá Pereira
Food Science and Engineering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017 - 2019 Collagen extraction from cod skins
Supervisor of Maria João Fialho
Ciências da Nutrição
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014/09 - 2018/12 Development of oral strips as delivery systems for nanoencapsulated bioactive molecules
Supervisor of Pedro João Neves Miranda de Castro
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2007/10 - 2018/12 Valorization of high added value compounds from by-products
Co-supervisor of Matteo Polleti
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/11 Valorization of sugar cane residues towards the production of new ingredients for the cosmetic industry
Co-supervisor of Maria João Coimbra Branco de Carvalho
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/11 Novel methods for the extraction of compounds with biological activities from food by-products and their application in the development of functional products
Co-supervisor of João Trigo
Biotecnologia (Master)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2010 - 2018/11 Post-harvest modification of the phytochemical profile of blueberries
Supervisor of Daniela de Vasconcelos Teixeira Aguiar da Costa
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014 - 2018/10 Textile Staining: Toward a greener and functional solution
Supervisor of Eduardo Manuel Aguiar da Costa
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011 - 2018/10 Development and characterization of functional ingredients through valorization of spent brewer yeast: peptide concentrates and ß-glucans with biological activities
Supervisor of Maria Manuela Amorim
Food Science and Engineering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/09 Impact of an anthocyanin-rich extract upon probiotic and probiotic/ human cell systems
Supervisor of Mariana da Luz Cabral Veiga
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/09 In vitro impact of Tenebrio molitor insect flour on Human Gut Microbiota
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013 - 2018/09 Production and characterization of bioactive peptide extract from Agri-Food wastes with potential application in food and feed
Supervisor of Glenise Bierhalz Voss
Food Science and Engineering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2018/03 - 2018/08 Avaliação do potencial prebiotico de uma bebida à base de bolota
Supervisor of Maria João Rino e do Vale and João Manuel Aguiar da Costa
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013 - 2018/08 Development of a xique-xique (Pilosocereus gounellei) flour: Nutritional and antinutritional characterization, rheologic properties and it’s used to prepare cookies
Food technology (PhD)
Universidade Federal de Paraíba, Brazil
2016/10 - 2018/03 Bioengineered therapies for infectious diseases and tissue regeneration from the project NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000012
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/09 - 2018/03 Oligossacharides in goat’s milk: characterization and evaluation of its prebiotic potential
Co-supervisor of Yasmim Regis Formiga de Sousa
Food technology (PhD)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2014/12 - 2018/01 A novel non-thermal high pressure extraction method of chemical compounds with new and improved biological and functional activities from fruits: case study on pomegranate and cactus pear by-products
Co-supervisor of Elisabete Alexandre
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/09 - 2018/01 Evaluation of the functional potential of fermented cereal-based African products: Akpan and Gowé
Supervisor of Miguel Fernando Ribeiro Pereira
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2017/12 Extração de xilano da cana-de-açucar e validação do seu potencial prebiótico e antimicrobiano
Supervisor of Adriano Filipe Pereira da Silva
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/11 Chicken crest valorization through the extraction of collagen and hialuronic acid for biomedical application
Engenharia Biomédica (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2007 - 2017/10 Sensory properties and consumer acceptance of novel foods with Hibiscus sabdariffa
Supervisor of Maria João Pereira Monteiro P. Faria
Food Science and Engineering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/09 Desenvolvimento de conservas de atum funcionais – Scholarship ADI_003466-BPD_I from the project QREN-AdI 003466: Functional Tuna
Supervisor of Lígia Leão Pimentel
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/03 - 2017/07 Simulação do efeito da microbiota da pele na bioactividade de um biopolimero
Supervisor of Tiago Vitor Ermida Cravo
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/03 - 2017/07 Caracterização do potencial prebiorico de subprodutos de tomate após extracção de compostos bioactivos
Supervisor of Alexandra Lopes de Almeida Guimarães Serôdio
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/03 - 2017/07 Caracterização do potencial prebiotico de subprodutos de tomate
Supervisor of Cláudia Cristina de Azevedo Aldeia
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/06 Impact of process technology and storage conditions on garlic nutrient and functional properties
Supervisor of Tsz Yan Chung
Ciência, Tecnologia Alimentar e Nutrição (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012 - 2017/06 The Measurement of emotions elicited by different types of wine and beer, and the impact on consumer behaviour and product choice
Co-supervisor of Ana Patricia Baptista Casais de Silva
Food (PhD)
Wageningen University and Research Research Institutes, Netherlands

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/06 - 2017/05 Innovative biotechnology applications for cultural heritage preventive conservation- controlled release systems for anti-fungal compounds - Scholarship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal [SFRH/BPD/74624/2010]
Supervisor of Patrícia Moreira da Costa
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/05 - 2017/05 . Evaluation of stability and toxicity of nanoparticles as delivery systems of bioactive substances in dairy products - Scholarship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal [SFRH/BPD/71391/2010].
Supervisor of Ana Raquel Madureira
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/04 - 2017/04 Lab2business - Transferência de Tecnologia e Valorização Económica para o Sector Agroalimentar – Scholarship NORTE-01-0246-FEDER-000011
Co-supervisor of Ana L. Amaro
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/09 - 2017/02 Development of herbal infusion concentrates
Co-supervisor of Raquel Pereira Duarte
Engenharia Alimentar (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/03 - 2017/02 Study of Vaccinium corymbosum toward incorporation in functional foods — characterization of extracts
Supervisor of Sara Nunes da Costa e Silva
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/09 - 2016/12 Desenvolvimento de condimentos à base de ervas aromáticas
Supervisor of Ana Cristina Fernandes Amado
Biotecnologia e Inovação (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014/09 - 2016/12 High pressure extraction of bioactive compounds from cactus pear peels
Co-supervisor of Luís Castro
Biotecnologia (Master)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2015/09 - 2016/09 Study of the antimicrobial efficacy of surfaces coated with TiO2
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/01 - 2016/08 Incorporation of modified chitosan/ chitooligossacharides in a goat’s meat product
Co-supervisor of Deborah Amaral
2016/02 - 2016/07 Avaliação do efeito antimicrobiano de nanoparticulas de quitosana em microrganismos multiresistentes da pele
Supervisor of Ana Sofia Ferreira and Cláudia Correia Neto
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/02 - 2016/07 Effect of a blueberry extract upon probiotic bacteria
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/02 - 2016/07 Optimização de um modelo de simulação da microbiota intestinal
Supervisor of Nelson Fernando Mota de Carvalho and Francisco José Ramalho Teixeira
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/09 - 2016/07 Purification, molecular and kinetic characterization of enzymes related with decolourisation of synthetic dyes by yeasts
Supervisor of Alejandro Canaza Jorges
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/09 - 2016/07 Quality optimization of Mortadella with added Chitosan
Engenharia Alimentar (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/01 - 2016/06 Desenvolvimento de conservas de atum funcionais – Scholarship ADI_003466-BPD_I from the project QREN-AdI 003466: Functional Tuna
Supervisor of Luis Miguel Rodrigues Alcalá
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/02 - 2016/01 New prebiotic ingredients based on chitosan - Scholarship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal [ SFR/BPD/90069/2012].
Supervisor of Alejandra Cardelle Cobas
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014/09 - 2015/11 Study of the bioactive properties of mushroom coriolus versicolor
Supervisor of Aritson Cruz
Ciência, Tecnologia Alimentar e Nutrição (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/01 - 2015/08 Preparation and characterization of maturated goat cheese with added cow’s milk
Co-supervisor of Bárbara Nascimento
Food (PhD)
Universidade Federal de Paraíba, Brazil
2011 - 2015/08 Development of analytical methodologies for the extraction of biologically relevant carotenoids from goiaba
Co-supervisor of Adriany das Graças Nascimento Amorim
Food (PhD)
Universidade Federal do Piauí, Brazil
2015/03 - 2015/07 Caracterização de factores de virulência isolados de estirpes de Staphylococcus aureus de pacientes com Dermatite Atópica
Microbiologia (Degree)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/06 - 2015/05 Preservation of nutritional and functional properties of fresh and processed fruit with an emphasis on phytochemicals
Supervisor of Ana Lúcia da Silva Oliveira
Food Science and Engineering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/03 - 2015/03 Production and evaluation of new prebiotics with improved properties from Cashew gum - Scholarship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal [SFRH/BPD/79941/2011].
Supervisor of Beatriz Gullón Estévez
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/03 - 2015/03 Production and evaluation of new prebiotics with improved properties from cashew gum
Supervisor of Beatriz Gullón Estévez
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/10 - 2014/12 Impact of processing in the functional and quality properties of pos-harvest fruits and vegetables - Scholarship FP7/KBBE 2011.2.4-01 - Project number 289719
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/05 - 2014/12 Up-grading of by-products from Cassava and Yam production: safety issues - Scholarship FP7/ KBBE-2011.2.5-02 from the project GRATITUDE
Supervisor of Vicenza Ferraro
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010 - 2014/12 Antioxidant containing chitosan nanomedicines for the prevention and treatment of Diabetic Retinopathy
Co-supervisor of Sara Baptista da Silva
Pharmacy (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012/09 - 2014/11 Formulation and characterization of chitosan nanoparticles with antimicrobial activity against gut pathogenic bacteria
Supervisor of Adriana Tavares Pereira
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010 - 2014/07 Potentialities of wild mushroom extracts and compounds against multiresistant bacteria
Supervisor of Maria José Gonçalves Alves
Biotechnology with a specialization in Microbiology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2001 - 2014/07 Deepening the knowledge on the role of Enterococci, from manufacture through the maturation of traditional cheeses
Supervisor of Lígia Leão Pimentel.
Biotechnology with a specialization in Microbiology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/09 - 2014/06 Effetcs of Whey Peptides on Gut Microbiota and Food Pathogens
Supervisor of Ya-Ju Yu
Ciência, Tecnologia Alimentar e Nutrição (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/09 - 2014/04 Production and characterization of hydrophobins with potential for oral medicine applications
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/09 - 2014/04 Production and characterization of new oligosacharides with prebiotic activity
Supervisor of Maria Inês Pereira Montenegro
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/09 - 2014/04 Modulation of daptomycin delivery in ocular mucosa by encapsulation into alginate/chitosan nanoparticles
Supervisor of Joana Costa
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/09 - 2014/04 Development and characterization of novel functional products using acorns from Quercus ilex and Quercus suber
Supervisor of Maria do Rosário Costa
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010 - 2014/04 Products with antibacterial activity of natural origin: characterization applicability to pharmaceutical and food areas
Co-supervisor of Fabiana Raquel Branquinho
Pharmacy (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013/09 - 2014/01 Effect of functional ingredient chitosan on nutritional and functional quality of tropical fruit pulps – SANDWISH Program
Supervisor of Margarida Angélica da Silva Vasconcelos
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009 - 2014/01 Effect of chitosan on growth and nutritional quality of beans and soybeans
Supervisor of Emmanuella Vila Nova da Silva
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/09 - 2013/12 Application of chitosan in the control of fungal infections by dermatophytes
Supervisor of Ana Isabel Ribeiro Lopes
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/09 - 2013/05 Formulation and characterization of polyphenol loaded nanoparticles. Studies on their viability and stability.
Supervisor of Débora Andria Campelo Campos
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/09 - 2013/04 Effect of the combined use of a probiotic/Caulerpa mexicana extract as a treatment in colitis and sepsis models
Co-supervisor of Hylarina Silva
Functional and Structural Biology (Master)
Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
2012/06 - 2013/03 GRATITUDE - Reducing Post-Harvest Losses for Increased Food Security (Grant FP7/KBBE 2011.2.5-02/289843/2012_BPD_1).
Co-supervisor of Clara Piccirillo
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/05 - 2013/03 Up-grading of by-products from Cassava and Yam production - Scholarship FP7/ KBBE-2011.2.5-02 project GRATITUDE
Supervisor of Clara Piccirillo
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/09 - 2013/02 Microbiological profile and bacterial resistance of hemocultures from the intensive care unit of the local hospital unit of Alto-Minho
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/09 - 2013/01 Effects of fungal and crustacean chitosan on morphology and ultrastructure of phytopathogens fungi – SANDWISH Program
Supervisor of Prof. Dr. Marcos António Barbosa de Lima
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2012/12 Mucoadhesive chitosan nanoparticles for daptomycin delivery in ocular treatment of bacterial endophthalmitis - Development, characterization and in vitro evaluation
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2012/12 Analysis of antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of extracts from fruits and leaves of Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2007 - 2012/12 Nematicidal activity of chitosan against the pinewood nematode Bursaphelenchus xylophilus
Supervisor of Vinícius Gedeão Bezerra de Carvalho
Biotecnologia (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade Federal de Paraíba, Brazil
2010/10 - 2012/09 Synthesis, characterization, biological properties and bioavailability of modified low molecular weight chitosan - Scholarship do Ministerio de Ciencia y tecnologia Española, Spain.
Supervisor of Alejandra Cardelle Cobas
2011/09 - 2012/07 Bacterial vaginosis in Portugal: Diagnosis of Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginae in healthy or symptomatic women
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/04 - 2012/04 New tools applied to the study of consumer market - Scholarship do CNP.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2005 - 2012/03 Study of novel bacterial enzymes for applications in the wool industry
Co-supervisor of Ana Catarina Gonçalves Carvalho Queiroga Santos
Biotechnology (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/05 - 2011/12 Desenvolvimento de novas formulações de quitosanos com aplicação em medicina oral - Scholarship ADI_3474_BI_4 from project Quitoral (QREN-ADI 3474)
Supervisor of Patrícia João Milheiro Mendes dos Reis
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2011/12 Composite microcapsules for delivery of sensitive food ingredients; Oxidative stability of lipids encapsulated with soy protein and maltodextrins.
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2011/12 New applications of antioxidants in the Food Industry - Impact on industry and the consumer
Supervisor of Joana Teresa Rodrigues Martins
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2011/12 Selection of potentially probiotic strains of native flora of fruits
Supervisor of Vanessa Raquel Barbosa
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2011/12 Study of prebiotic and antioxidant properties of extract of yacon root (Smallanthus sonchifolia)
Supervisor of Sérgio Daniel da Cruz e Sousa
Ciência e Tecnologia Alimentar (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009/09 - 2011/12 Antimicrobial action of chitosan on anaerobic bacteria that cause periodontitis
Supervisor of Eduardo Manuel Aguiar da Costa Costa
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009/09 - 2011/12 Synthetic dye decolourising yeasts for application in wastewater treatment plants
Supervisor of Ana Rita dos Santos Silva
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2007 - 2011/12 Production and characterization of biopeptides via hydrolysis of bovine, caprine and ovine whey proteins by cardosins
Co-supervisor of Tânia Tavares
Technological and Enginnering Sciences (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2007 - 2011/12 Development and characterization of bioactive edible, whey protein films and coatings, to improve quality and safety of food products
Technological and Engineering Sciences (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2011/11 Study of the antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of extract of Mentha Cervinia.
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2007 - 2011/11 Valorization of codfish (Gadus moerhua) salting processing wastewater through the extraction of high added value compounds
Co-supervisor of Vincenza Ferraro
Ciência e Engenharia Ambiental (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2011/10 Technological aspects that alter cheese quality
Supervisor of Bárbara Nascimento
Food technology (Master)
Universidade Federal de Paraíba, Brazil
2010/09 - 2011/07 Composite Microcapsules Consisting of Soy Proteins-Coated Lipid Droplets Embedded in Wall Matrices Consisting of Maltodextrin
Co-supervisor of Joana Mafalda Patricio de Oliveira Fernandes Inácio.
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/02 - 2010/12 A new approach to making cheese from goat's milk under the influence of insertion of the milk of other species - Scholarship do CNP.
Supervisor of Rita Queiroga
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2006 - 2010/12 Production and characterization of bioactive chitooligosaccharides
Supervisor of João Carlos Azevedo Cruz Gonçalves Fernandes
Biochemical Engineering (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009/09 - 2010/10 Genotipic characterizaion of expanded spectrum ß-lactamases (ESBL) of Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolated from patients with renal transplants
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2005 - 2010/09 Antioxidants in herbal teas as functional ingredients: extraction, characterization, bioavailability, activity and applications
Co-supervisor of Maria e Silva Gião
Technological and Engineering Science (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2005 - 2010/09 Use of whey protein matrices as food vectors for probiotic bacteria
Co-supervisor of Ana Raquel Madureira
Technological and Engineering Sciences (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009/09 - 2010/07 Valorization of by-product of grape marc: potential functional ingredients for the food industry. Case study: application in bakery
Supervisor of Ana Carla Ribeiro Borralho Oliveira
Ciência e Tecnologia Alimentar (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2008/09 - 2010/04 Tombocitopenia and platelet levels in HIV patients
Supervisor of Clara Barros
HIV/AIDS Infection (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2008/09 - 2010/03 Valorização do subproduto bagaço de uva: Potencial em ingredientes funcionais para a indústria alimentar. Caso de estudo: Aplicação na indústria de panificação
Co-supervisor of Ana Carla Ribeiro Borralho Oliveira
Ciência e Tecnologia Alimentar (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2006/10 - 2010/03 Evaluation of biological activities of chitosan as functional component in bioactive textiles directed to atopic dermatitis products - Scholarship from Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT).
Co-supervisor of Freni Tavaria
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2008/09 - 2009/12 Occurrence and characterization of Staphylococcus species isolated from a cheese dairy plants
Biologia (Master)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2007/09 - 2008/12 Evaluation of the antifungal activity of aqueous vegetable extracts
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2007/09 - 2008/09 Study of the skin microflora in normal and atopic individuals by phenotypic and genotypic methods
Supervisor of Duarte Lemos
Food (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2006/10 - 2008/06 Identificação e caracterização de defeitos microbiológicos em queijos de ovelha de pasta semi-mole feitos com leite cru.
Co-supervisor of Camino Fontán
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2004/09 - 2005/07 Genotipic characterization of expanded spectrum ß-lactamases (ESBL) in Escherichia coli and Klebsiella pneumoniae isolates from patients with renal transplants
Supervisor of Francisco Teixeira de Melo Fontes de Carvalho
Microbiologia (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2017/07 Chemical characterization and biological evaluation of Sambucus nigra L. berries and flowers in view of their valorization
(Thesis) Arguer
Ângelo Miguel Correia Salvador (PhD)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2017/01 Incorporation of natural flavouring agents in butter and whipped cream
(Thesis) Arguer
Susana Raquel Gomes Lameirinhas (Master)
2016/08 Evaluation of the anti-inflammatory potential of Goat’s milk whey in experimental colitis and in the cellular response
(Thesis) Arguer
Daline Fernandes de Souza Araújo (PhD)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2016/08 Characterization of colagen, and its peptides, isolated from chicken’s feet
(Thesis) Arguer
Iris Braz da Silva Araujo (PhD)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2016/08 Lipid and protein oxidation in a chicken meat emulsion: Effect of cooking, packaging, the use of natural antioxidants and microwave re-heating
(Thesis) Arguer
Valquiria Cardoso da Silva Ferreira (PhD)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2016/08 Evaluation of the effect of modifies chitosan in the quality, functionality and shelf-life of low-fat sausage
Thesis Member
Deborah Silva do Amaral (PhD)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2016/06 Sensory analysis of aromatic herb infusions: Determination of the optimum infusion conditions presented at
(Thesis) Arguer
Carla Filipa da Silva Ferreira (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/05 Antioxidant and phenolic characterization, bioavailability and protective effects under oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction of a red wine pomace seasoning (RWPS)
(Thesis) Arguer
Raquel del Pino García (PhD)
Universidad de Burgos, Spain
2016/04 Development of personal care products with active ingredients obtained from natural products without added value
(Thesis) Arguer
Francisca Pinto Lisboa Martins Rodrigues Sarmento (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2016/01 Flavonoid bioactivity: Transport through the blood-brain barrier and neuroprotective effects In vivo studies
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Manuela Onofre Meireles (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2015/12 Whey protein gelification induced by weak acids
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Sofia Batista Queirós (Master)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2015/12 Identification of bacterial strains able to produce CLNA Isomers for a possible application in the elaboration of new functional food products
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Luiza Rodrigues Fontes (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/12 Efeitos da aplicação em condições de campo de um bio-estimulante comercial e da citoccinina sintética CPPU na produtividade e qualidade em Mirtilo
(Thesis) Arguer
Tiago Manuel Lemos Rocha (Master)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2015/12 Influence of Pretreatments, Drying and Storage Conditions on Drying Characteristics, Nutritional and Sensory Properties of Galega Kale (Brassica Oleracea L. var. Acephala)
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Catarina Campos Araújo (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/11 Nanotechnological approaches using curcumin and Withania somnifera: neuroprotection and antimicrobial activities
(Thesis) Arguer
Marslin Gregory (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/11 Potential assessment of new technical textiles for biomedical area
(Thesis) Arguer
Laura Alexandra Moreira Pinto (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/11 Study of the possible uses of hydroponic strawberries in Frulact innovation strategy (Firmness, processing and microbiology)
(Thesis) Arguer
Mariana da Cruz Fonseca (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/06 The role and the prevalence of icaABDC, aap and bhp genes in the virulence of Staphylococcus epidermidis portuguese isolates
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Isabel Costa Freitas (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2015/03 Detection and quantification of Clostridium difficile in meats
(Thesis) Arguer
Patrícia Marta Marcelino Soares de Carvalho (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2015/01 Chemical characterization and evaluation of the biological activity of the extractable components of Cynara cardunculus
(Thesis) Arguer
Patrícia Alexandra Bogango Ramos (PhD)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2014/12 A Fundamental Study on Physical Properties and Stability in Food Systems - The relationship with molecular dynamics
(Thesis) Arguer
Joana de Freitas Salgado do Fundo (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014/06 Development of an active packaging system for cheeses
(Thesis) Arguer
Joana Maria de Pinho Leão Fernandes (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014/03 Detection of Fluoroquinolone Resistance and Efflux Pumps Activity by Flow Cytometry
(Thesis) Arguer
Rita Ferreira Nogueira (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/05 Influence of lower salt levels in the properties of São João da Ilha do Pico cheese
(Thesis) Arguer
Catarina Pires Soares (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2013/02 Functional properties of Ulvane and its derivatives
(Thesis) Arguer
Guilherme André Miranda Ribeiro (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2013/02 Microbiological profile and bacterial resistance of hemocultures from the Intensive Care Unit of the Unidade Local de Saúde do Alto-Minho
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Catarina Lima Garcez (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/12 Qualitative and quantitative longitudinal study of dynamic vs static scans with DMSA
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Margarida Borges de Faria (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/12 Characterization of Herpesvirus Infection in Cervico-Vaginal Samples: Role in Cervical Cancer
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Margarida Borges de Faria (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/11 Waste valorization for the production of antimicrobial compounds with a potential application in the food industry
(Thesis) Arguer
Noelia Rodríguez Pazo (PhD)
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2012/11 Swine Lymphadenitis
(Thesis) Arguer
Maria Helena Soares Braga (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/11 Molecular Typing of Portuguese Clinical Isolates of Salmonella spp., S. enteritidis and S. typhimurium
(Thesis) Arguer
Diana Luísa Campos Ferreira Ramos (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012/06 Effect of a bioprotector with diazotrophic and fungal chitosan, in comparison with a soluble mineral fertilizer, upon Isabel Grapes.
(Thesis) Arguer
Sebastião da Silva Júnior (PhD)
Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco, Brazil
2012/02 Phisicochemical and sensory characteristics of milk from goats fed with oils faveleira, gergelim and mamona.
(Thesis) Arguer
Mayara Andressa Sabedot (Master)
2012/02 Quality, antioxidant compounds and functional potential of Spondias Fruits
(Thesis) Arguer
Perla Joana de Souza Gondim (Master)
Unversidade Federal de Paraíba, Portugal
2012/02 Quality and shelf life of smoked chorizo prepared with blood, viscera and goat meat
(Thesis) Arguer
Fábio Anderson Pereira da Silva (Master)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2012/02 Influence of a diet based on goat’s milk with higher CLA levels on the weight biochemical parameters and histopathological aspects
(Thesis) Arguer
Raphaela Araújo Veloso Rodrigues (Master)
Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2012/02 Detection of Pasteurellaceae in Laboratory Mice by Fecal PCR
(Thesis) Arguer
Tânia Sofia Aguiar Ribeiro (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/12 New Applications of Antioxidants in Food Industry – Impact on Industry and on Consumer
(Thesis) Arguer
Joana Teresa Rodrigues Martins (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/12 Composite Microcapsules consisting of Soy Proteins-Coated Lipid droplets embedded in Wall Matrices consisting of Maltodextrin
(Thesis) Arguer
Joana Mafalda Patrício de Oliveira Fernandes Martins (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/12 Probiotic Fermented Milk: Effect of Milk Type
(Thesis) Arguer
Jorge Miguel da Silva Pinto (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/11 Incorporation of Probiotics in Cereal Bars: Technological Viability and Stability by Fecal PCR
(Thesis) Arguer
Silvino Manuel da Silva Henriques (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2011/06 titled Carotid Artery Atherosclerosis Plaque Analysis Using CT and Histology
(Thesis) Arguer
Florentino Luciano Caetano dos Santos (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/07 Valorization of grape marc: Potential functional ingredients for the food industry: A case study of the application in the bread-making industry
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Carla Ribeiro Borralho Oliveira (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/07 Phenotypic and Genotypic Characterization of Food and Clinical Isolates of Campylobacter coli
(Thesis) Arguer
Mariana da Conceição Silva Fernandes (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/07 Functional Foods - From Lab to Consumers
(Thesis) Arguer
Teresa Maria Martins Deuchande (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009/09 Mutation detection in the precore and core promoter in patients with the Hepatitis B vírus, with high viral loads, presence or abscence of antigen (HbeAg) and influence of the presence of these mutations in the final prognosis
(Thesis) Arguer
João Bernardo Coelho Pinho Sousa Rodrigues (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009/07 Study of the virulence factors and anitmicrobial resistance of Salmonella spp. (non-tiphoid) associated with urinary tract infections
(Thesis) Arguer
Ricardo Jorge Guedes Paiva Freixo (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009/07 Characterization and Biotyping of Multiresistant Hospital Strains of Acinetobacter spp.
(Thesis) Arguer
Sara Isabel Macedo Baptista da Silva (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2009/04 Monotoriazation of unused medicines: Aspects of environmental health
(Thesis) Arguer
Almerinda Maria Pereira do Amaral (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2008/12 Characterization of Enterococcus spp. Isolated from Traditional Fermented Meat Products Produced in the North of Portugal
(Thesis) Arguer
Joana Inês Bastos Barbosa (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2008/07 Innovating Traditional Portuguese Pastry on the use of Pasteurised Egg Yolk in Ovos Moles
(Thesis) Arguer
Joana de Freitas Salgado do Fundo (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2007/09 Genotyping of Candida albicans isolates from dental
(Thesis) Arguer
Fabíola Maria Tavares Alves da Costa Moutinho (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2006/10 Study of the biochemical and microbiological modifications that occur during the production of cured Lacón-Crudo.
(Thesis) Arguer
José Manuel Lorenzo Rodríguez (PhD)
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2006/01 Production and characterization of whey proteins and by-products of whey clarification and deproteinization
(Thesis) Arguer
Carlos Dias Pereira (PhD)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Spain

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2014 - Current SIG (Special Interest Group) – Bioactive Compounds of ISEKI Food Association Chair

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2016 - Current Member of IBET advisory Member
Instituto de Biologia Experimental e Tecnológica, Portugal
2016 - Current Member of Strategic Group for AgroFood, Forest and Biodiversity and Member of Strategic Group for Circular Economy
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2013 - Current Evaluation Committee of Final Reports of FCT projects for Biological Engineering and Biotechnology area
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2013 - 2016 Scientific Council for Natural and Environmental Sciences (CCCNA), one of the four Scientific Councils established
President / Vice-president
Fundação para a Ciência e e aTecnologia, Portugal
2013 - 2016 Department of Scientific Services for Industry (SETIF)

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2013/09 - 2020 Immunology (Regent Professor) Microbiologia; Ciências nutrição (Licenciatura) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2004/09 - 2020 Advanced Clinical Microbiology (Regent Professor) Microbiologia (Mestrado) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2018/09 - 2019/05 Potential of Novel Ingredients and Foods in Modulation of Intestinal Microbiota (Invited lecturer) Food Science and Technology; Nutrition (Mestrado) Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2018/09 - 2019/05 Valorization of agro-food by-products: obtaining value-added ingredients (Invited lecturer) Agronomic Engineering (Doutoramento) UTAD Universidade Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/05 Food and Nutrition Food Science Technology and Nutrition (Doutoramento) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/05 Promotion Of Biotechnological Solutions With Potential In Conservation in Seminars Class (Invited lecturer) Conservation and Restoration of Cultural Goods (Doutoramento) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola das Artes, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/05 Biotechnology topics (Invited Professor) Bioengenharia; Microbiologia (Licenciatura) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/05 Microbiology and Health Microbiologia; Enfermagem (Licenciatura) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/05 Special Topics: Functional ingredients (Invited Professor) Food Science and Technology (Postgraduate Certificate) Universidade Federal da Paraíba, Brazil
2016/09 - 2017/05 Special Topics: Bioactive Compounds (Invited Professor) Food Science and Technology (Postgraduate Certificate) Universidade Federal de Paraíba, Brazil
2015/09 - 2016/05 Environmental Practices and Sustainability ERAMUS MSc (Mestrado) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2012 - 2016 Invited professor at Paraíba Federal University Universidade Federal de Paraíba, Brazil

Other distinction

2015 2nd place for best poster granted by the scientific comittee of the XVI Congreso Nacional de Biotecnología y Bioingeniería to the work entitled Effects if whey peptide extract on the growth of probiotics and gut microbiota
2013 2nd place in the 5th edition of the Angelini University Award (AUA!) with the project ActiveCaju
2012 2nd place in the SPAIC – Bial-Aristegui award with the project2nd Dermis - The textile technology for health: functional textiles as a form of prevention and control of immunological diseases of the forum (atopic dermatitis)”
2010 Menção Honrosa pelo seu trabalho intitulado Caracterização de péptidos obtidos a partir de hidrólise de proteínas do soro com enzimas de Cynara cardunculus para incorporação em bebidas funcionais
2007 Prémio de Elevado Mérito no decurso da Bolsa IBESA com o trabalho de investigação “Incorporação de probióticos em sumos de fruta: optimização da metodologia de microencapsulação e sua caracterização tecnológica e funcional
2007 Prémio de Elevado Mérito no decurso da Bolsa IBESA com o trabalho de investigação “Estudo de novos peptídeos provenientes do glicomacropeptídeo com actividade biológica para incorporação em bebidas funcionais”
2006 Prémio de Excelência no decurso da Bolsa iBeSa com o trabalho “Microencapsulação de agentes probióticos para aplicação em sumos”.
2006 Prémio de Excelência no decurso da Bolsa iBeSa com o trabalho “Caracterização das actividades biológicas de extractos peptídicos, obtidos a partir de proteínas do soro, para incorporação em bebidas”
2003 Bolsa de viagem à Holanda
2000 Bolsa de viagem aos Estados Unidos América
1997 Best poster award
1997 FAB Young Scientist Award 1997
1997 Bolsa de viagem à Bélgica
1996 Bolsa de viagem aos Estados Unidos América
1995 Bolsa de viagem à Hungria
1991 Prémio "Sociedade Farmacêutica Lusitana" para a melhor média final do curso de Ciências Farmacêutica
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal