Personal identification
- Full name
- Cláudia Farinha
Citation names
- Farinha C
- Farinha CV
- Farinha CVL
- Farinha CL
Author identifiers
- Ciência ID
- 3111-06FD-17D9
- 0000-0003-4596-0913
- Researcher Id
- R-1392-2017
- Scopus Author Id
- 55891198500
Knowledge fields
- Medical and Health Sciences - Clinical Medicine - Ophthalmology
- Medical and Health Sciences - Clinical Medicine - Ophthalmology
Language | Speaking | Reading | Writing | Listening | Peer-review |
Portuguese | Advanced (C1) | Advanced (C1) | Advanced (C1) | Advanced (C1) | |
English | Intermediate (B1) | Advanced (C1) | Intermediate (B1) | Intermediate (B1) |
Degree | Classification | |
2024/12/09 - 2024/12/13
MIA-Portugal Course: "Machine Learning for Biomedicine Research and Healthcare: From Theory to Practice." (Outros)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2017/09/26 - 2023/07/06
Medicina (Doutoramento)
Major in Oftalmologia
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
"Age-Related Macular Degeneration in Portugal - Prevalence, Incidence and Risk Factors in the Era of Multimodal Imaging" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Aprovado com Distinção e Louvor por Unanimidade |
2015/06/02 - 2023/01/01
Good Clinical Practice Course (Outros)
Major in Formação em Boas Práticas Clínicas
Royal College of Physicians, United Kingdom
Approved |
2017/07/09 - 2017/07/16
Venice Ophthalmology Summer School 2017 (Outros)
Major in Oftalmologia
European Society of Ophthalmology, Netherlands
Aprovado |
2013/06/01 - 2013/06/30
Curso: Análise Estatística de Dados com SPSS (Outros)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Economia, Portugal
Aprovado |
2013/03/04 - 2013/05/31
Observership in Medical Retina and Uveitis (Outros)
Major in Oftalmologia - Retina Médica e Uveítes
Moorfields Eye Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, United Kingdom
2011/01/03 - 2011/01/31
Basic Science Course of Ophthalmology (Outros)
Major in Oftalmologia
Edward S. Harkness Eye Institute, Columbia University Irving Medical Center, United States
Aprovado |
2002/09/01 - 2008/07/16
Curso de Medicina (Licenciatura)
Major in Medicina
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
16 (Bom com distinção) |
1999/09/01 - 2002/07/31
Ensino Secundário (Ensino secundário)
Escola Secundária Professor Dr. António Sena Faria de Vasconcelos, Portugal
19,38 |
1992/09/01 - 2001/07/31
Musical education class, Group class, and Instrumental class (Outros)
Major in Guitarra Clássica
Conservatório Regional de Castelo Branco, Portugal
Aprovado |
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2017/01/01 - Current | Researcher (Research) | Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal |
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal | ||
2016/01/01 - Current | Researcher (Research) | Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal |
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal |
Teaching in Higher Education
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2017/05/18 - 2017/05/18 | Visiting Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) | Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal |
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal |
Other Careers
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2014/04/01 - 2022/03/14 | Assistente (Médica) | Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal |
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal | ||
2010/01/01 - 2014/04/09 | Interno (Médica) | Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal |
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal | ||
2009/01/01 - 2009/12/31 | Interno (Médica) | Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal |
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal |
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2022/03/14 - Current | Grau de Consultor da carreira médica - Oftalmologia | Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal |
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal | ||
2015/01/01 - Current | Project Coordinator, Supervisor Medical Grader at Coimbra Ophthalmology Reading Centre (CORC) | Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal |
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal |
Designation | Funders | |
2019 - Current | Identificação de novos biomarcadores de retinopatia diabética: análise de peptídeos antimicrobianos em lágrimas. Programa
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
Designation | Funders | |
2023/01/01 - Current | AMD_LifeGene - Diet, lifestyle, systemic medication and genetics: can the risk for AMD be modulated?
Principal investigator
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
European Society of Retina Specialists
2020 - Current | RECOGNISED - Retinal and cognitive dysfunction in type 2 diabetes: unraveling the common pathways and identification of patients
at risk of dementia.
Grant agreement ID: 847749
DOI 10.3030/847749
Medical Grader, CORC
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
European Commission
2018/07/01 - 2022/06/30 | FILTER - Plataforma para o desenvolvimento e validação de sistemas automáticos de análise de imagem para o diagnóstico precoce
e tratamento de doenças oculares relacionadas com a idade que podem levar à perda de visão.
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Designation | Funders | |
2023/09 - Current | A Phase 2b, Randomized, Double-masked, Multicenter, Dose-ranging, Sham-controlled Clinical Trial to Evaluate Intravitreal
JNJ-81201887 (AAVCAGsCD59) Compared to Sham Procedure for the Treatment of Geographic Atrophy (GA)Secondary to Age-related
Macular Degeneration (AMD) Study (PARASOL).
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra EPE, Portugal
2022 - Current | A Randomized, Double masked, Parallel group, Dose-finding study to evaluate SYL1801 in patients with neovascular AMD. Protocol
No.: SYL1801_II; EudraCT No.: 2022-000214-34
Protocol No.: SYL1801_II; EudraCT No.: 2022-000214-34
Principal investigator
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2022 - Current | Dose ascending safety, tolerability, and proof of concept double masked, placebo controlled, randomized study to evaluate
the use of ANXV (human recombinant Annexin A5) in the treatment of subjects with recently diagnosed Retinal Vein Occlusion.
Protocol number: ANN-004
Protocol number: ANN-004
Principal investigator
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2021 - Current | COMINO - A phase III, multicenter, randomized, double-masked, active comparator-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy
and safety of faricimab in patients with macular edema secondary to central retinal or hemiretinal vein occlusion. Ref: GR41986. identifier: NCT04740931.
Ref: GR41986. identifier: NCT04740931.
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2021 - Current | BALATON - A phase III, multicenter, randomized, double-masked, active comparator controlled study to evaluate the efficacy
and safety of faricimab in patients with macular edema secondary to branch retinal vein occlusion. Ref: GR41984.
Ref: GR41984. identifier:NCT04740905.
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2021 - Current | AVONELLE-X - A Study to Evaluate the Long-Term Safety and Tolerability of Faricimab in Participants With Neovascular Age-Related
Macular Degeneration. Protocol identifier: NCT04777201 identifier: NCT04777201
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2021 - Current | BLUESKY-PT - OBservationaL stUdy to Evaluate fluid reSolution and effectiveness of brolucizumab for neovascular age-related
macular degeneration (nAMD) in Portuga. identifier: NCT04764656. identifier: NCT04764656.
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2020 - Current | RHONE-X - A multicenter, open-label extension study to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of faricimab in patients
with diabetic macular edema. Ref: GR41987. identifier: NCT04432831.
Ref: GR41987. identifier: NCT04432831.
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2020 - Current | PULSAR - Study to Gather Information on Safety and Use of High Dose Aflibercept Injection Into the Eye in Patients With an
Age Related Eye Disorder That Causes Blurred Vision or a Blind Spot Due to Abnormal Blood Vessels That Leak Fluid Into the
Light Sensitive Lining Inside the Eye. identifier: NCT04423718.
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2019 - Current | FOCUS - A Research Study to Look at How Semaglutide Compared to Placebo Affects Diabetic Eye Disease in People with Type 2
Diabetes. Ref: NN9535-4352; identifier: NCT03811561.
Ref: NN9535-4352; identifier: NCT03811561.
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2019 - Current | EYEberia - A 12-month, prospective, open-label, phase 4 study to evaluate the efficacy and safety of OZURDEX® (Dexametasone
Intravitreal Implant) in Treatment Naïve Patients (according to standard clinical practice) with Diabetic Macular Edema. Protocol identifier:NCT039538 Identifier: NCT03953807
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2018 - Current | FILTER - Plataforma para o desenvolvimento e validação de sistemas automáticos de análise de imagem para o diagnóstico precoce
e tratamento de doenças oculares relacionadas com a idade que podem levar à perda de visão. Ref: FCT ¿ 02-SAICT-2017-32412.
Ref: FCT – 02-SAICT-2017-32412.
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2018 - Current | PIONEER - A Phase 1/2a, Open-Label, Non-Randomized, Dose-Escalation Study to Evaluate the Safety and Tolerability of GS030
in Subjects with Retinitis Pigmentosa. Ref: GS030_CLIN_001 ( NCT03326336).
Ref: GS030_CLIN_001 ( NCT03326336).
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2023/05/09 - 2024 | Randomized, Double-Masked, Active-Controlled, Phase 3 Study of the Efficacy and Safety of Aflibercept 8 mg in Macular Edema
Secondary to Retinal Vein Occlusion (QUASAR). PROTOCOL Nº: BAY 86-5321 / 22153
EudraCT Nº: 2022-502174-16-00 identifier: NCT05850520.
Principal investigator
2019 - 2022 | Lucerne - Phase III, multicenter, randomized, double-masked, active comparator-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy and
safety of faricimab in patients with neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Ref: GR40844 ( NCT03823300).
Ref: GR40844 ( NCT03823300).
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2019 - 2022 | TALON- 64-week, Two-arm, Randomized, Double-masked, Multicenter, Phase IIIb Study Assessing the Efficacy and Safety of Brolucizumab
6 mg Compared to Aflibercept 2 mg in a Treat-to-control Regimen in Patients with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration.
Ref: CRTH258A2303.
Ref: CRTH258A2303. identifier: NCT04005352.
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2019 - 2021 | XPLORE - Phase III Double-Blind, Parallel Group, Multicenter Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Xlucane versus Lucentis®
in Patients with Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Ref: XBR1001 ( NCT03805100).
Ref: XBR1001 ( NCT03805100).
Principal investigator
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2018 - 2021 | RHINE - A Phase III, Multicenter, Randomized, Double-Masked, Active Comparator-Controlled Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and
Safety of Ro6867461 in Patients with Diabetic Macular Edema. Ref: GR40398 ( NCT03622593).
Ref: GR40398 ( NCT03622593).
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2018 - 2021 | KESTREL - A Two-year, Three-arm, Randomized, Double-masked, Multicenter, Phase III Study Assessing the Efficacy and Safety
of Brolucizumab Versus Aflibercept in Adult Patients with Visual Impairment Due to Diabetic Macular Edema. Ref: CRTH258B2301
( identifier: NCT03481634).
Ref: CRTH258B2301 ( identifier: NCT03481634).
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2018 - 2021 | PANDA2-A Multicenter, Double-Masked, Randomized, Dose-Ranging Trial to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Conbercept Intravitreal
Injection in Subjects with Neovascular Age-related Macular Degeneration (PANDA-2). Protocol number: KHB-1801;
identifier: NCT03630952.
Ref: KHB-1801; identifier: NCT03630952.
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal
2019 - 2020 | ROBIN -A Randomized, double-masked, placebo-controlled exploratory study to evaluate safety, tolerability, pharmacodynamics
and pharmacokinetics of Orally administered BI 1467335 for 12 weeks with a 12 week follow up period in patients with Nonproliferative
diabetic retinopathy without (...)
Ref: C14141887-03 ( NCT03238963)
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2015 - 2020 | IRISS - An Open Label, Registry Study of the Safety of Iluvien® 190 Micrograms Intravitreal Implant in Applicator.Ref: M-01-12-001
( NCT01998412).
Ref: M-01-12-001 ( NCT01998412)
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2015 - 2020 | AZURE - An open-label, randomized, active-controlled, parallel-group, Phase-3b study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability
of 2 mg aflibercept administered by intravitreal injections using two different treatment regimens to subjects with neovascular
age-related macular degeneration (nAMD).
Ref: BAY86-5321/16598 ( NCT02540954).
Principal investigator
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2016 - 2019 | VIOLET - An open-label, randomized, active-controlled, parallel-group, Phase-3b study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability
of three different treatment regimens of 2 mg aflibercept administered by intravitreal injections to subjects with diabetic
macular edema (DME).
Ref: BAY 86-5321/17613 ( NCT02818998)
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2016 - 2018 | HARRIER - A Two-Year, Randomized, Double-Masked, Multicenter, Two-Arm Study Comparing the Efficacy and Safety of RTH258 6
mg Versus Aflibercept in Subjects with Neovascular AMD. Ref: RTH258-C002 ( NCT02434328)
Ref: RTH258-C002 ( NCT02434328)
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2015 - 2018 | ATLANTIC - A randomized, double-masked, sham-controlled phase 4 study of the efficacy, safety, and tolerability of intravitreal
aflibercept monotherapy compared to aflibercept with adjunctive photodynamic therapy in patients with polypoidal choroidal
vasculopathy. Ref: ECR-AMD-2015-09
Ref: ECR-AMD-2015-09 ( NCT02495181
Principal investigator
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2017 - 2017 | OMASPECT - A multi-center, open label extension study to evaluate the long-term safety and tolerability of Lampalizumab in
patients with Geographic atrophy secondary to Age-related Macular Degeneration. Ref: GX30191 ( NCT02745119).
Ref: GX30191 ( NCT02745119)
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2016 - 2017 | AMDIncidence_CPT - Five-year incidence of Age-related Macular Degeneration in the central region of Portugal. Ref: 4C-2016-09
( NCT02748824).
Ref: 4C-2016-09 ( NCT02748824).
Principal investigator
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
2010 - 2013 | RET02 - Identifying progression of retinal disease in eyes with NPDR in diabetes type 2 using non-invasive procedures. Ref:
ECR-RET-2010-02 ( NCT01145599) NCT01145599
Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal
Book chapter |
Conference abstract |
Journal article |
Magazine article |
Oral presentation
Presentation title | Event name Host (Event location) |
2025/02/07 | Pearls and pitfalls no tratamento anti-VEGF – Capacidade de alargamento do intervalo entre injeções com os novos anti-VEGF. Colóquios de Oftalmologia da ULS Santa Maria 2025. Lisboa, Portugal. 7,8 February 2025. | Colóquios de Oftalmologia 2025
ULS Santa Maria (Lisboa, Portugal)
2024/12/07 | Influence of risk factors and individualized risk scores for age-related macular degeneration through a variable influence analysis model. Inês Figueiredo, Joana Martins, Cláudia Farinha, Patricia Barreto, Rita Coimbra, Maria Luz Cachulo, Eugénio M. Rocha, Rufino Silva. 67th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology Vilamoura, Portugal. 5 - 7 December 2024. | 67th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia (Vilamoura, Portugal)
2024/12/07 | Extensive Macular Atrophy with Pseudodrusen-Like Appearance: Clinical Findings, Multimodal Imaging and Natural History. Raquel Félix, Cláudia Farinha, Rufino Silva, João Pedro Marques. 67th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology Vilamoura, Portugal. 5 - 7 December 2024. | 67th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia (Vilamoura, Portugal)
2024/12/07 | Long-Term Multicenter Analysis of Axial Length and ATN Grading In Myopic Choroidal Neovascularization. Telma Machado, Ana Margarida Ferreira, Marta Lopes, Cláudia Farinha, Ângela Carneiro, Rufino Silva. 67th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology Vilamoura, Portugal. 5 - 7 December 2024 | 67th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia (Vilamoura, Portugal)
2024/10/26 | Espaço GER/ GER SESSION – Diagnósticos esquecidos da retina / Retina forgotten diagnosis. (Roundtable - Clinical Cases Debate). Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2024 / Portuguese Vitreo Retina Group Meeting. Tomar, Portugal. 25-26 October 2024. | Claudia Farinha
Grupo Português Retina Vítreo (Tomar, Portugal)
2024/09/19 | The Coimbra Eye Study: influence of risk factors and individualized risk scores for Age-related Macular Degeneration through a Variable Influence Analysis model. Farinha, Cláudia; Barreto, Patrícia; Coimbra, Rita; Martins, Jonana; Rocha, Eugénio; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Cunha-Vaz J; Silva, Rufino. 24th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Barcelona, Spain. 19-22 September 2024. | 24th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists.
European Society of Retina Specialists. (Barcelona, Spain)
2024/09/19 | Lifestyle, genetic risk and age-related macular degeneration – The Coimbra Eye Study. Free Paper presentation (audio narrated). Barreto, Patrícia; Farinha, Cláudia; Coimbra, Rita; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Melo, Joana Barbosa; Cunha-Vaz ,José; Silva, Rufino. 24th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Barcelona, Spain. 19-22 September 2024. | 24th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists.
European Society of Retina Specialists. (Barcelona, Spain)
2024/07/04 | Analysis of the progression of Age-related Macular Degeneration using the novel Variable Influence Analysis model. Joana Martins, Rita Coimbra, Patricia Barreto, Cláudia Farinha, Rufino Silva, Eugénio Rocha. 6TH STATISTICS ON HEALTH DECISION MAKING: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. Aveiro, Portugal. 4-5 Julho 2024. | 6TH STATISTICS ON HEALTH DECISION MAKING: ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE.
University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2024/06/29 | Update in Retinal Toxicities. Cláudia Farinha. Curso EUPO, XXXII Jornadas de Oftalmologia de Coimbra. Coimbra, Portugal. 29-30 June 2024 | Curso EUPO, XXXII Jornadas de Oftalmologia de Coimbra
CHUC (Coimbra, Portugal)
2024/05/25 | Genetic risk for Extramacular drusen and Age-related Macular Degeneration. Free Paper presentation. Silva, Rufino; Machado Maria Beatriz, Figueiredo Inês; Barreto, Patrícia; Coimbra, Rita; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Farinha, Claudia; Cunha-Vaz, Jose. XXXIV Meeting of the Club Jules Gonin. Palma de Mallorca, May 25, 2024. | XXXIV Meeting of the Club Jules Gonin.
Club Jules Gonin. (Palma de Mallorca, Spain)
2024/05/05 | Association between the genetic risk score and extramacular drusen in an age-related macular degeneration cohort - The Coimbra Eye Study. Poster presentation. Coimbra, Rita; Farinha, Claudia; Barreto, Patrícia; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Silva, Rufino. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2024 Annual Meeting. Seattle, USA, 5-9 May 2024. | The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2024 Annual Meeting.
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) (Seattle, United States)
2024/05/05 | Uncovering statins with genetics in age-related macular degeneration. Poster Presentation. Barreto, Patrícia; Farinha, Claudia: Coimbra, Rita; Cachulo, Cunha-Vaz, Jose, Silva, Rufino. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2024 Annual Meeting. Seattle, USA, 5-9 May 2024 | The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
2024 Annual Meeting.
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) (Seattle, United States)
2024/04/12 | Vasculopatia retiniana e lesões inflamatórias do sistema nervoso central: um desafio diagnóstico. Poster Presentation. Joana Cancela; Alexandre Roldão Alferes; Cláudia Farinha; João Lemos; Sónia Batista. Grupo de Estudos de Esclerose Múltipla (GEEM), Reunião de Primavera 2024. Porto Portugal. 12-13 April 2024. | Grupo de Estudos de Esclerose Múltipla (GEEM), Reunião de Primavera 2024.
GEEM (Porto, Portugal)
2024/03/02 | Hemorragias submaculares na DMI | Submacular hemorrhages in AMD. Cláudia Farinha, Nuno Gouveia, João Figueira. 8th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 1-2 March 2024. | 8th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER).
Grupo de Estudos da Retina (GER) (Lisboa, Portugal)
2024/03/02 | Espaço GER/ GER SESSION - Será que é? (Roundtable - Clinical Cases Debate). 8th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 1-2 March 2024. | 8th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER).
Grupo de Estudos da Retina (GER) (Lisboa, Portugal)
2023/12/02 | Genetic Risk for Extramacular Drusen and Age-related Macular Degeneration in the Coimbra Eye Study. Inês Figueiredo, Maria Beatriz Machado, Rita Coimbra, Patricia Barreto, Maria Luz Cachulo, Cláudia Farinha, Rufino Silva. 66th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 30 November - 2 December 2023 |
(Vilamoura, Portugal)
2023/12/02 | Genetics and statins in the progression for age-related macular degeneration. Maria Luz Cachulo; Cláudia Farinha; Rita Coimbra, Joana Barbosa Melo; José Cunha-Vaz; Rufino Silva, Patrícia Barreto. 66th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 30 November - 2 December 2023. |
(Vilamoura, Portugal)
2023/11/17 | AMD_LifeGene Study: a study on modulation of AMD risk. Oral Presentation. Farinha, Claudia. European Eye Epidemiology (E3) consortium meeting, Radboudumc Nijmegen, Netherlands. 17-18 November 2023 | European Eye Epidemiology (E3) consortium meeting
European Eye Epidemiology (E3) consortium (Nijmegen, Netherlands)
2023/10/28 | Biomarcadores de Inflamação no Edema Macular DIabético. Simpósio Abbvie. Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2022. 27-28 October 2023. |
Grupo Portugês de Retina Vitreo (Ponta Delgada, Portugal)
2023/10/06 | Statins and genetics in the risk of progression of age-related macular degeneration - The Coimbra Eye Study. Free Paper presentation (Speaker´s Corner). Barreto, Patrícia; Farinha, Claudia; Coimbra, Rita; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Melo, Joana; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Lechanteur, Yara T; Hoyng, Carel C; Silva, Rufino. 23rd Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 5-8 October 2023. | Euretina 2023
(Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2023/10/05 | Genetic risk for Extramacular drusen and Age-related Macular Degeneration in the Coimbra Eye Study. Free Paper presentation. Farinha, Claudia; Barreto, Patrícia; Coimbra, Rita; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Lechanteur, Yara T; Hoyng, Carel C; Silva, Rufino. 23rd Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 5-8 October 2023. | Euretina 2023
(Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2023/10/05 | Statin intake time and risk for progression of age-related maculardegeneration – a comparison of two Cox regression models applied tothe Coimbra Eye Study. Free Paper presentation (audionarrated). Coimbra, Rita; Barreto, Patrícia; Farinha, Claudia; Silva, Rufino. 23rd Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Amsterdam, Netherlands. 5-8 October 2023 | Euretina 2023
(Amsterdam, Netherlands)
2023/06/01 | Effect of statins intake in the risk for progression of age-related macular degeneration: a comparison of two Cox regression models applied to the Coimbra Eye Study. Rita Coimbra; Patrícia Barreto; Cláudia Farinha; Rufino Silva. 5th Statistics on Health Decision Making: Personalized Medicine. Aveiro, Portugal. 1-2 June 2023 | 5th Statistics on Health Decision Making: Personalized Medicine
University of Aveiro (Aveiro, Portugal)
2023/02/24 | Efficacy, Durability, and Safety of Faricimab in Diabetic Macular Edema: 2-Year Results From the Phase 3 YOSEMITE and RHINE Trials. Poster Preentation. Cláudia Farinha , John A. Wells , Caroline R. Baumal, Carl J. Danzig, Toshinori Murata, Patricio G. Schlottmann, Hugh Lin, Shaun Mohan, David Silverman, Yannan Tang, Zdenka Haskova. 7th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 24-25 February 2023. | 7th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER).
Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER) (Lisboa, Portugal)
2023/02/17 | Interaction between genetics and the adherence to the Mediterranean diet: the risk for age-related macular degeneration. R. Silva, P. Barreto, C. Farinha, R. Coimbra, J. Figueira, Y. Lechanteur, C. B. Hoyng. . 46th Annual Macula Society Meeting. Miami, U.S.A. 15-18 February 2023. | 46th Annual Macula Society Meeting.
Macula Society (Miami, United States)
2022/12/03 | Tratamento do edema macular diabético durante a pandemia covid-19: um retrato num hospital terciário. Bruno Teixeira, Mário Soares, Teresa Mesquita, Maria da Luz Cachulo, Cláudia Farinha, Isabel Pires, João Pedro Marques, Joaquim Murta, Rufino Silva. 65th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Coimbra. 1-3 December 2022. | |
2022/12/01 | Phenotypic expression of CFH rare variants in age-related macular degeneration patients in the Coimbra Eye Study. Claudia Farinha, Patrícia Barreto, Rita Coimbra, Adela Iutis, Maria Luz Cachulo, José Cunha-Vaz, Yara T.E. Lechanteur, Carel B. Hoyng , Rufino Silva. 65th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Coimbra. 1-3 December 2022. | |
2022/12/01 | Genetics and the Mediterranean diet: what is the risk for age-related macular degeneration? Patrícia Susana Correia Lopes Barreto , Cláudia Farinha, Rita Coimbra, Maria Luz Cachulo, Joana Barbosa Melo, Yara Lechanteur, Carel B. Hoyng, José Cunha-Vaz, Rufino Silva. 65th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Coimbra. 1-3 December 2022. | |
2022/10 | Phenotypic expression of CFH rare variants in Age-related Macular Degeneration patients. The Coimbra Eye Study. Poster presentation, on demand. Farinha, Claudia; Barreto, Patrícia; Coimbra, Rita; Iutis, Adela; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Lechanteur, Yara T; Hoyng, Carel C; Silva, Rufino. American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2022. Chicago, Illinois, USA. September 30 - October 03, 2022. | |
2022/09/02 | Association of Genetics and the Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet: The Risk for Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Free paper presentation. Barreto, Patrícia; Farinha, Claudia; Coimbra, Rita; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Melo, Joana Barbosa; Hoyng, Carel C; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Silva, Rufino. 22nd Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Hamburg, Germany. 1-4 September 2022. | |
2022/09/01 | Phenotypic expression of CFH rare variants in Age-related Macular Degeneration patients. Free Paper presentation (Spearkers´ Corner) and online audio narrated free paper. Farinha, Claudia; Barreto, Patrícia; Coimbra, Rita; Iutis, Adela; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Lechanteur, Yara T; Hoyng, Carel C; Silva, Rufino. 22nd Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Hamburg, Germany. 1-4 September 2022. | |
2022/09 | Common and Rare Genetic Risk Variants in Age-Related Macular Degeneration and Genetic Risk Score in The Coimbra Eye Study. Poster Presentation. R. Silva, C. Farinha, P. Barreto, R. Coimbra, M. L. Cachulo, J. Barbosa Melo, J. Cunha- Vaz, Y. Lechanteur, C. B. Hoyng. XXXIII Meeting of the Club Jules Gonin. Dubrovnik, Croatia. September 7-10, 2022. | |
2022/07/18 | Cluster analysis and genetic risk score in age-related macular degeneration - the Coimbra Eye Study. Poster presentation. Rita Coimbra, Cláudia Farinha, Patrícia Barreto, Rufino Silva. IFCS 2022 17th Conference of the international federation of classification societies - classification and data science in the digital age. Porto, Portugal. 18-23 July 2022. | |
2022/06/03 | DMI Exsudativa com Ruptura do EPR - devo continuar a tratar? eAMD with RPE tear - should I continue treating? COIMBRA MEDICAL RETINA HOT DEBATES | DEBATES DE RETINA MÉDICA DE COIMBRA. Cláudia Farinha, Maria Luz Cachulo, Rufino Silva. XXX Jornadas de Oftalmologia de Coimbra /COIMBRA OPHTHALMOLOGY INTERNACIONAL MEETING. Coimbra, Portugal. 3,4 June 2022. | |
2022/06/03 | A SOBRECARGA DOS TRATAMENTOS NA RETINA E A AVALIAÇÃO DA QUALIDADE /TREATMENT BURDEN IN RETINA AND QUALITY ASSESSMENT. Experiência da atividade assistencial no CHUC. Maria Luz Cachulo, Telmo Cortinhal, Cláudia Farinha, Isabel Pires, João Pedro Marques, João Figueira, Joaquim Neto Murta, Rufino Silva. XXX Jornadas de Oftalmologia de Coimbra /COIMBRA OPHTHALMOLOGY INTERNACIONAL MEETING. Coimbra, Portugal. 3,4 June 2022. | |
2022/05/11 | Rare variants in CFH and phenotype in Age-related Macular Degeneration in the Coimbra Eye Study. Poster presentation. Farinha, Claudia; Barreto, Patrícia; Coimbra, Rita; Lutis, Adela; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Lechanteur, Yara T; Hoyng, Carel C; Silva, Rufino. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2022 Annual Meeting. Denver, USA, 1-4 May 2022. Virtual 11,12 May 2022 Winner of the "Members-in-Training (MIT) Outstanding Poster Award" in the Section AMD: Clinical research - RE: Retina. | |
2022/05/04 | Association of genetics and the adherence to the Mediterranean diet: the risk for age-related macular degeneration. Poster presentation. Barreto, Patrícia; Farinha, Claudia; Coimbra, Rita; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Melo, Joana Barbosa; Carreira, Isabel; Hoyng, Carel C; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Silva, Rufino. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2022 Annual Meeting. Denver, USA, 1-4 May 2022. Virtual 11,12 May | |
2022/05 | Rare variants in CFH and phenotype in Age-related Macular Degeneration in the Coimbra Eye Study. Free Paper presentation. Farinha, Claudia; Barreto, Patrícia; Coimbra, Rita; Iutis, Adela; Cachulo, Maria Luz; Cunha-Vaz, Jose G; Lechanteur, Yara T; Hoyng, Carel C; Silva, Rufino. Pan-American Research Day (PARD) 2022 (Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, PAAO). 21 May 2022. Virtual. (Abstract selected for oral presentation) Winner of the - 2022 PARD David & Molly Pyott Foundation Awards - Posterior Segment | |
2022/02/25 | Acute Idiopathic Maculopathy. Poster presentation. Pinheiro R, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 6th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 25-26 February 2022. | |
2021/12/09 | Genetic characterization of Age-related Macular Degeneration in the Coimbra Eye Study. Common, rare risk variants analysis and Genetic Risk Score. Cláudia Farinha; Patrícia Barreto; Rita Coimbra; Maria Helena Madeira; Maria Luz Cachulo; Carel B. Hoyng; Rufino Silva. 64th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura. 9-11 December 2021. | |
2021/12/09 | UPDATE - Retina. Cláudia Farinha. 64th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 9-11 December 2021. | |
2021/12/09 | Imaging characterization of the fellow eye in patients with unilateral polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Free paper presentation. Jorge Simão, Catarina Silva, Cláudia Farinha, Rufino Silva. 64th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura. 9-11 December 2021. | |
2021/12/09 | A 5-year longitudinal study of macular atrophy development and progression in neovascular age-related macular degeneration. Rosa Pinheiro, Cláudia Farinha, Maria da Luz Cachulo, Mário Soares, Pedro Melo, Joaquim Murta, Rufino Silva. 64th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura. 9-11 December 2021. | |
2021/12/09 | CHRONIC CENTRAL SEROUS CHORIORETINOPATHY - LONG TERM RESULTS AFTER PHOTODYNAMIC THERAPY. Pedro Nuno Pereira, Sofia Catalão, Mário Soares, Pedro Melo, Cláudia Farinha, Joaquim Murta, Rufino Silva. 64th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura. 9-11 December 2021. | |
2021/10/15 | Diabetic Macular Edema - When to ask for fluorescein angiography? Cláudia Farinha, Maria Luz Cachulo, João Figueira. Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2021. 15-16 October 2021. | |
2021/10/15 | WHEN IT RAINS, IT POURS. Poster Presentation. Félix R, Farinha C, Figueira J, Marques JP, Fonseca C. Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2021. 15-16 October 2021 | |
2021/09/09 | Genetic characterization and progression of Age-related Macular Degeneration in the Coimbra Eye Study. Common, rare risk variants analysis and Genetic Risk Score. Free Paper presentation. Farinha C, Barreto P, Coimbra R, Madeira MH, Cachulo ML, Hoyng CB, Silva R. 21st Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Virtual. 9-12 September 2021. | |
2021/09/09 | Central Serous Chorioretinopathy - Long-Term Results After PDT Authors. Poster presentation. Pereira PN, Soares M, Melo P, Farinha C, Murta J, Silva R. 21st Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Virtual. 9-12 September 2021. | |
2021/09/09 | Multimodal Characterization of Unaffected Fellow Eyes in Patients with Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy (PCV) in a Caucasian Cohort. Free Paper presentation. Simões J, Farinha C, Marques JP, Nunes S, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 21st Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Virtual. 9-12 September 2021 | |
2021/06/23 | Unmet Needs in Retinal Pathology. Cláudia Farinha. SPO Webinar - Novas Terapias e Microambiente da Retina. Virtual. 23 June 2021. | |
2021/05/07 | Common and rare genetic risk variants for Age-related Macular Degeneration progression in the Coimbra Eye Study. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Barreto P, Coimbra R, Nunes S, Cachulo ML, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2021 Annual Meeting. Virtual. 1-7 May 2021. | |
2021/05/01 | Genetic Characterization of a Portuguese Age-related Macular Degeneration Population. Poster Presentation. Barreto P, Farinha C, Coimbra R, Nunes S, Cachulo ML, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2021 Annual Meeting. Virtual. 1-7 May 2021. | |
2021/02/27 | GER em Debate Retina Médica: Lesões Viteliformes. Cláudia Farinha. 2nd Virtual International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). 27 February 2021 | |
2020/12/19 | Retinal layer thicknesses and correlation to clinical-microstructural findings in Early Age-related Macular Degeneration - the Coimbra Eye Study. Farinha C, Silva AL, Coimbra R, Nunes S, Cachulo ML, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. 8th International Congress on OCT Angiography and Advances in OCT. Virtual. 18-19 December 2020 | |
2020/12/18 | Quantification of abnormal fluid in retinal disease. Farinha C, Cunha-Vaz J.8th International Congress on OCT Angiography and Advances in OCT. Virtual. 18-19 December 2020 | |
2020/12/12 | Retinal layer thicknesses and neurodegeneration in early age-related macular degeneration - Insights from the Coimbra Eye Study. Farinha C, Silva AL, Coimbra R, Nunes S, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Pires I, Barreto P, Madeira MH, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. 63rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Virtual Meeting. 11-12 December 2020. | |
2020/12/12 | Systemic and ocular determinants of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurements in the central region of Portugal. Pires I, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Barreto P, Coimbra R, Nunes S, Figueira J, Ribeiro L, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. Virtual. 63rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Virtual. 11-12 December 2020 | |
2020/12/11 | Phenotypic and genetic variations between Asian and Caucasian Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy. Pereira PN, Farinha C, Marques JP, Cachulo ML, Madeira MH, Barreto P, Melo JB, Carreira I, Jordan-Yu JM, Teo K, Fan Q, Gana Jc, Leopando AK, Gemmy Cheung CM, Murta JN, Silva R. 63rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Virtual. 11-12 December 2020. | |
2020/12/11 | Update no Edema Macular Diabético. João Figueira, Cláudia Farinha. 63rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Virtual. 11-12 December 2020. | |
2020/11/18 | SUSAC syndrome during pregnancy requiring ICU admission: a challenging clinical case. Poster presentation. Bernardes C, Lima C, Cunha I, Farinha C, Lemos J, Martins AI, Batista S. 2021. National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Neurology (SPN). Virtual. 18-21 November 2020. | |
2020/10/10 | GER em Debate Retina Médica: Paquicoroide - um espetro de manifestações com implicação terapêutica e prognóstica. Cláudia Farinha. 1st Virtual International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). 10 October 2020 | |
2020/10/03 | Retinal layer thicknesses and correlation to clinical-microstructural findings in Early Age-related Macular Degeneration - insights from the Coimbra Eye Study. Free Paper presentation. Farinha C, Silva AL, Coimbra R, Nunes S, Cachulo ML, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. 20th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Virtual. 2-4 October 2020. | |
2020/10/02 | Systemic and ocular determinants of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measurements in the central region of Portugal. Free Paper presentation. Pires IP, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Barreto P, Coimbra R, Nunes S, Figueira J, Ribeiro L, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. 20th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Virtual. 2-4 October 2020. | |
2020/09/02 | Age-Related Macular Degeneration Staging by Color Fundus Photography vs Multimodal Imaging - Epidemiological Implications. The Coimbra Eye Study - Report 6 Poster Presentation. Silva R, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Alves D, Pires I, Marques JP, Barreto P, Nunes S, Costa J, Martins A, Sobral I, Lains I, Figueira J, Ribeiro L, Cunha-Vaz J. XXXII Meeting of the Club Jules Gonin, On-line. September 2-5, 2020. | |
2020/05/03 | Age-related macular degeneration prevalence and staging by color fundus photography vs multimodal imaging. The Coimbra Eye Study. Accepted for Poster presentation. Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Alves D, Pires I, Marques JP, Barreto P, Nunes S, Costa J, Martins A, Sobral I, Laíns I, Figueira J, Ribeiro L, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2020 Annual Meeting. Baltimore, USA. 3-8 May 2020 | |
2020/02/19 | One-year outcomes of anti-vascular endothelial growth factors (VEGF) therapy in peripapillary choroidal neovascularisation. Arevalo JF, Singh SR, Fung AT, Fraser-Bell S, Lupidi M, Mohan S, Gabrielle PH, Zur D, Iglicki M, M López-Corell P, Gallego-Pinazo R, Farinha C, Lima LH, Mansour AM, Casella AM, Wu L, Silva R, Uwaydat SH, Govindahari V, Arevalo JF, Chhablani J.43rd Annual Macula Society Meeting. San Diego, Califórnia, EUA. 19-22 February 2020. | |
2019/12/05 | AMD Incidence in the Coimbra Eye Study. State of the Art, Challenges, and Future Directions. Investigation session. Cláudia Farinha. 62nd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2019. | |
2019/12/05 | Age-Related Macular Degeneration Prevalence and Staging by Color Fundus Photography vs Multimodal Imaging. The Coimbra Eye Study. Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Alves D, Pires I, Marques JP, Barreto P, Nunes S, Costa J, Martins A, Sobral I, Laíns I, Figueira J, Ribeiro L, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. 62nd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2019. | |
2019/12/05 | PCV in Caucasians: Morphological Findings from Multimodal Retinal Imaging. Simão J, Farinha C, Marques JP, Nunes S, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 62nd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2019. | |
2019/12/05 | OCT Angiography Metrics Predict Early Functional Improvement in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Neves E, Providência J, Marques JP, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 62nd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2019. | |
2019/12/05 | Long Term Anatomical and Functional Outcomes Following Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion Evaluated with Optical Coherence Tomography Angiography (OCTA). Chaves JA, Providência J, Rodrigues T, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Marques JP, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 62nd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2019. | |
2019/12/05 | Multimodal Retinal Imaging in a Large Cohort of Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum. Bernardes J, Marques JP, Soares M, Melo P, Teixeira D, Mesquita T, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Silva R. 62nd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2019. | |
2019/11/14 | Cerebral Autosomal Recessive Arteriopathy with Subcortical Infarcts and Leukoencephalopathy (CARASIL): caracterizac¸a~o neuro-oftalmolo´gica. Fernandes C, Machado R, Sima~o J, Soares M, Fonseca P, Galego P, Almeida MR, Farinha C, Lemos J, Santo G. National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Neurology. Coimbra, Portugal. 14-16 November 2019 | |
2019/09/05 | Age-related macular degeneration prevalence and staging by color fundus photography vs multimodal imaging. The Coimbra Eye Study. Free Paper presentation. Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Alves D, Pires I, Marques JP, Barreto P, Nunes S, Costa J, Martins A, Sobral I, Laíns I, Figueira J, Ribeiro L, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. 19th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Paris, France. 5-8 September 2019. | |
2019/09/05 | Macular Atrophy in Anti-VEGF Treated Neo-vascular AMD - Incidence and Risk Factors. Free Paper presentation. Cachulo ML, Oliveira M, Farinha C, Rodrigues T, Marques, JP, Pires I, Silva R. 19th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Paris, France. 5-8 September 2019. | |
2019/09/05 | 7-Year Outcomes of Anti-VEGF Treatment In Exsudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Free Paper presentation. Bernardes J, Raimundo M, Dias I, Simão J, Pires I, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 19th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Paris, France. 5-8 September 2019. | |
2019/09/05 | OCT Angiography Metrics Predict Early Functional Improvement in Neovascular Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Poster presentation. Marques JP,, Providência J, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Figueira J, Silva R. 19th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Paris, France. 5-8 September 2019. | |
2019/09/05 | Qualitative and quantitative OCT angiography characterization of macular telangiectasia type 1. Poster presentation. Simão J, Bernardes J, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Figueira J, Silva R. 19th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Paris, France. 5-8 September 2019. | |
2019/09/05 | Long-term anatomical and functional results of retinal vein occlusions. Poster presentation. Chaves J, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Silva R. 19th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Paris, France. 5-8 September 2019. | |
2019/05/01 | Incidence of age-related macular degeneration in the central region of Portugal: the Coimbra Eye Study - report 5. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Alves D, Pires I, Marques JP, Barreto P, Nunes S, Costa J, Martins A, Sobral I, Laíns I, Figueira J, Ribeiro L, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R, The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2019 Annual Meeting. Vancouver, Canada. 28 April-2 May 2019 | |
2019/03/21 | Macular atrophy in anti-VEGF treated neo-vascular AMD - incidence and risk factors. Podium Poster presentation (abstract winner). Farinha C, Oliveira M, Rodrigues T, Martins A, Cachulo ML, Marques JP Pires I, Silva R. Retina World Congress 2019 Annual Meeting. Fort Lauderdale, USA. 21-24 March 2019 | |
2019/02/22 | GER em Debate Retina Médica: OCTA na prática clínica - Patologia da coroide. Cláudia Farinha, Rufino Silva. 4th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 22-23 February 2019. | |
2019/02/22 | Macular atrophy in neo-vascular AMD - incidence and risk factors related to treatment. Oliveira M, Farinha C, Rodrigues T, Martins A, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Pires I, Silva R. 4th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 22-23 February 2019. | |
2019/02/22 | Multimodal evaluation of white dot syndromes with OCTA - non-invasive insight to pathophysiology. Poster presentation. Chaves J, Farinha C, Providencia J, Marques JP, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 4th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 22-23 February 2019 | |
2018/12/14 | OCT-leakage in neovascular AMD. Identification of CNV activity. Cláudia Farinha, 6th International Congress on OCT Angiography and Advances in OCT. Rome, Italy. 14-15 December 2018. | |
2018/12/14 | Choroid in Polypoidal Choroidal Vasculopathy. Invited Speaker. Silva R, Farinha C, Marques JP, Martins A, Raimundo M, Simão S, Soares M, Alves D, Santos T, Murta J. 6th International Congress on OCT Angiography and Advances in OCT. Rome, Italy. 14-15 December 2018. | |
2018/12/14 | Non-invasive diagnosis of wet AMD. Free paper presentation. Raimundo M, Providência J, Marques J, Farinha C, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 6th International Congress on OCT Angiography and Advances in OCT. Rome, Italy. 14-15 December 2018. | |
2018/12/14 | Qualitative and quantitative OCT Angiography characterization of macular telangiectasia type 1. Poster presentation. Bernardes J, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Figueira J, Silva R. 6th International Congress on OCT Angiography and Advances in OCT. Rome, Italy. 14-15 December 2018. | |
2018/12/04 | Macular atrophy in neo-vascular AMD – incidence and risk factors related to treatment. Oliveira M, Farinha C, Rodrigues T, Martins A, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Pires I, Silva R. 61st National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 4-8 December 2018. | |
2018/12/04 | 7-Year Outcomes of Anti-VEGF Treatment In Exsudative Age-Related Macular Degeneration. Bernardes J, Raimundo M, Simão J, Oliveira M. Pires I, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Figueira J, Silva R. 61st National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 4-8 December 2018. | |
2018/12/04 | Evaluation of Adult-Onset Foveomacular Vitelliform Dystrophy using Swept-Source Optical Coherence Tomography. Pires I, Martins A, Simão S, Lains I, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 61st National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 4-8 December 2018. | |
2018/12/04 | Myopic Foveoschisis - A Treatment Aproach. Bernardes J, Simão J, Chaves J, Raimundo M, Farinha C, Fonseca P, Figueira, J. 61th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 4-8 December 2018 | |
2018/06/22 | A DMI atrófica: da DMI precoce à Atrofia Geográfica: Alterações funcionais das formas precoces. Cláudia Farinha, M Luz Cachulo, Rufino Silva. Curso EUPO, XXVIII Jornadas de Oftalmologia de Coimbra. Coimbra, Portugal. 22-23 June 2018. | |
2018/06/12 | Macular atrophy in neo-vascular AMD - incidence and risk factors related to treatment. Poster presentation. Oliveira M, Farinha C, Rodrigues T, Martins A, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Pires I, Silva R. 18th ESASO Retina Academy. Warsaw, Poland. 12-13 June 2018. | |
2018/04/07 | Retinopatias vasculares nas doenças hematológicas - Hemoglobinopatias, trombofilias e síndromes de hiperviscosidade por paraproteinemia. Cláudia Farinha, M Luz Cachulo, Rufino Silva. 3rd International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 7 April 2018. | |
2018/04/07 | Cuticular drusen complicated by choroidal neovascularization. Poster Presentation. Chaves J, Oliveira M, Farinha C, Marques JP, Silva R. 3rd International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 7 April 2018. | |
2018/02/22 | OCTA na prática clinica - Patologia da coroide. Cláudia Farinha, Rufino Silva. 4th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 22-23 February 2018. | |
2017/12/07 | Controvérsias e desafios no diagnóstico e tratamento do EMD - Angiografia Fluoresceínica ainda faz sentido? e o OCTA? Cláudia Farinha, M Luz Cachulo, Rufino Silva. 60th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 7-9 December 2017. | |
2017/12/07 | Long-Term Treatment of Exudative AMD with Ranibizumab - 5- and 7-Year Follow-Up. Bernardes J, Raimundo M, Martins A, Serrano P, Fonseca C, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Marques JP, Figueira J, Murta JN, Silva R. 60th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 7-9 December 2017. | |
2017/12/07 | Síndrome Radius-Maumenee: causa rara de glaucoma. Poster presentation. Marques S, Farinha C, Martins A, Faria P. 60th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 7-9 December 2017. | |
2017/09/22 | Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy - clinical cases session. Cláudia Farinha, Rufino Silva. Retina Vitreous Portuguese Group annual meeting. Évora, Portugal. 22-23 September 2017. | |
2017/09/22 | Electromagnetic Radiation. (Invited Speaker) João Figueira, Cláudia Farinha. Retina Vitreous Portuguese Group annual meeting. Évora, Portugal. 22-23 September 2017. | |
2017/09/08 | Ranibizumab for the Treatment of Diabetic Macular Edema in the Real-World Clinical Setting in Portugal: a Multicentric Study. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Coelho C, Neves A, Rodrigues F, Neves P, Soares R, Silva R. 17th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Barcelona, Spain. 7-10 September 2017. | |
2017/09/07 | Multimodal Evaluation of the Fellow Eye of Patients with Retinal Angiomatous Proliferation. Free paper presentation. Martins A, Farinha C, Raimundo M, Marques M, Marques JP, Cunha-Vaz J, Silva R. 17th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Barcelona, Spain. 7-10 September 2017 | |
2017/07/01 | OCT-Leakage in Neovascular AMD: Identification and location of abnormal fluid and response to anti-VEGF therapy. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Santos T, Santos ARS, Lopes M, Alves D, Silva R, Cunha-Vaz J. 17th ESASO Retina Academy. Berlin, Germany. 29 June - 01 July 2017. | |
2017/07/01 | Retinamour Session - The Retinal Enigma. Clinical case presentation and Poster presentation. Costa J, Farinha C, Silva A, Marques M, Azenha C, Silva R. 17th ESASO Retina Academy. Berlin, Germany. 29 June - 01 July 2017. | |
2017/05/07 | OCT-Leakage in neovascular AMD - identification and location of abnormal fluid and response to anti-VEGF therapy. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Santos T, Santos AR, Lopes M, Alves D, Silva R, Cunha-Vaz J. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2017 Annual Meeting. Baltimore, USA. 7-11 May 2017 |
(United States)
2017/04/07 | Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy. Cláudia Farinha, Ana Rita Santos, Rufino Silva. Update on OCT- angiography course. Coimbra, Portugal. 7 April 2017. | |
2017/03/25 | Ranibizumab no tratamento do edema macular diabético na prática clínica em Portugal - um estudo multicêntrico. Farinha C, Martins A, Neves A, Soares R, Ruão M, Ornelas M, Neves P, Rodrigues F, Coelho C, Silva R. Group of Retinal Studies 2nd annual meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. 25 March 2017 | |
2016/12/16 | OCTA in RAP and PCV. Silva R, Martins A, Marques JP, Raimundo M, Frederico M, Santos AR, Melo P, Farinha C, Cunha-Vaz J. 4th International Congress ¿ OCT angiography and advances in OCT. Rome, Italy. 16-17 December 2016. | |
2016/12/08 | Automatic quantitative evaluation of the central macular vascular network in nonproliferative diabetic retinopathy using OCTA. Farinha C, Costa J, Marques JP, Marques M, Cachulo ML, Figueira J, Silva R. 59th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Coimbra, Portugal. 8-10 December 2016. | |
2016/12/08 | Therapeutic biomarkers in DME. Silva R, Farinha C, Santos, AS. 59th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. 8-10 December 2016. | |
2016/12/08 | Avaliação multimodal do olho adelfo de doentes com RAP. Martins A, Farinha C, Raimundo M, Providência J, Lopes M, Melo P, Barreto P, Silva R. 59th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. 8-10 December 2016. | |
2016/10/21 | Imagiologia no Espectro da Paquicoróide. Cláudia Farinha, Cátia Azenha, Maria da Luz Cachulo, João Figueira, Rufino Silva. Retina Vitreous Portuguese Group annual meeting. Porto, Portugal. 21-22 October 2016. | |
2016/10/21 | Sinal de Alerta. Clinical case presentation. Raimundo M, Farinha C, Lemos J, Silva R, Figueira J. Retina-Vitreous Portuguese Group annual meeting. Porto, Portugal. 21-22 October 2016. | |
2016/09/09 | Cases of caterpillar hair. Poster Presentation. Sobral I, Fonseca C, Farinha C, Fonseca P, Quadrado MJ, Murta JN. 7th Congress of the European Society of Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease Specialists. Copenhagen, Denmark. 9-10 September 2016. | |
2016/09/07 | Progression of macular atrophy after seven years of treatment with ranibizumab: the myopic CNV seven-up. Free paper presentation. Martins A, Farinha C, Santos AR, Figueira J, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 16th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Copenhagen, Denmark. 7-11 September 2016. | |
2016/09 | Prevalence and imaging patterns of choroidal neovascularization in central serous chorioretinopathy with swept-source and angiography OCT. Free paper presentation. Azenha C, Marques J, Farinha C, Santos A, Soares M, Pires I, Silva R. 16th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Copenhagen, Denmark. 7-11 September 2016. | |
2016/03/17 | Neurosonology: a potencial diagnostic tool in central retinal vein occlusion. Poster presentation. Martins A, Sargento-Freitas J, Silva F, Beato-Coelho J, Cordeiro G, Farinha C, Figueira J, Cunha L. 10th World Congress on Controversies in Neurology. Lisbon, Portugal. 17-20 March 2016. | |
2016/03/11 | Os verdadeiros olhos com "picos". Poster presentation. Sobral I, Fonseca C, Farinha C, Fonseca, P, Quadrado MJ. Ocular Inflammation Portuguese Group annual meeting. Viseu, Portugal. 11-12 March 2016 | |
2016/02/12 | Mieloma múltiplo e lesões viteliforme-like: um relato de caso. Martins A, Farinha C, Silva R. Group of Retinal Studies 1st annual meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. 12-13 February 2016 | |
2016/02/12 | OCT angiography qualitative and quantitative characterization of MacTel type 1 and 2. Raimundo M, Oliveira M, Farinha C, Silva A, Cachulo ML, Pires I Figueira J, Silva R. Group of Retinal Studies 1st annual meeting. Lisbon, Portugal. 12-13 February 2016 | |
2015/12/03 | Avaliação da eficácia de ranimizumab intra-vítreo na NVC miópica e da progressão da atrofia macular - 7 anos de follow-up. Martins A, Santos A, Farinha C, Figueira J, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 58th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 3-5 December 2015. | |
2015/12/03 | Fatores de risco nutricionais e associados ao estilo de vida na DMI - o estudo epidemiológico de coimbra. Raimundo M, Mira F, Farinha C, Laíns I, Nunes S, Cachulo ML, Santos L, Silva R. 58th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 3-5 December 2015. | |
2015/10/16 | Alta Miopia - Epidemiologia e conceitos gerais. Cláudia Farinha, Rufino Silva. Retina Vitreous Portuguese Group annual meeting. Figueira da Foz, Portugal. 16-17 October 2015. | |
2015/09/17 | Nutritional and lifestyle risk factors in AMD. The Coimbra Eye Study. Free Paper presentation. Farinha C, Mira F, Lains I, Nunes S, Cachulo ML, Santos L, Silva R. 15th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Nice, France. 17-21 September 2015 | |
2015/09/17 | Optical coherence tomographic angiography findings in macular telangiectasia type 1 and 2. Free paper presentation. Raimundo M, Farinha C, Silva A, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Figueira J, Silva R. 15th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Nice, France. 17-21 September 2015. | |
2015/06/20 | Neuro-Ophthalmologic Findings in Neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation type I. Poster presentation. Ribeiro JJ, Farinha C, Sousa M, Moreira F, Amorim M, Lemos J, Januário C. 1st Congress of the European Academy of Neurology. Berlin, Germany. 20-23 June 2015. | |
2015/06/06 | Development of the Portuguese version of a standardized reading test: the Radner-Coimbra test. Poster presentation. Martins A, Rosa A, Radner W, Diendorfer G, Farinha C, Murta J. Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology (SOE). Vienna, Austria. 6-9 June 2015. | |
2015/05/21 | Neurossonologia no diagnóstico de oclusão da veia central da retina. Martins AI, Sargento-Freitas J, Silva F, Cordeiro G, Farinha C, Figueira J, Cunha L. Neyrology Forum, 2015. Aveiro, Portugal. 21-23 May 2015 | |
2015/05/03 | Nutritional and lifestyle risk factors in AMD. The Coimbra Eye Study. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Mira F, Santos L, Nunes S, Pedroso A, Laíns I, Cachulo ML, Silva R. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2015 Annual Meeting. Denver, USA. 3-7 May 2015 | |
2014/12/04 | Identificação de olhos em risco de desenvolvimento de buracos maculares idiopáticos (BMI). Gil F, Farinha C, Silva AS, Meireles A, Gomes N, Ferreira N, Neves C, Sousa A, Lobo C, Bernardes R, Figueira J. 57th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 4-6 December 2014. | |
2014/12/04 | Descolamento neurossensorial macular crónico de etiologia pouco frequente. Rocha T, Gil F, Russo A, Farinha C, Silva R, Figueira J. 57th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 4-6 December 2014 | |
2014/12/04 | Alterações funcionais e estruturais na coriorretinoaptia serosa central cronica oito anos após o tratamento com terapia fotodinâmica. Azenha C, Farinha C, Figueira J, Cachulo ML, Santos AR, Simão S, Silva R. 57th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 4-6 December 2014. | |
2014/12/04 | Ranibizumab intravítreo no tratamento da neovascularização coroideia miópica - resultados dos 5 anos e principais predictores. Cardoso P, Lains I, Sobral I, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 57th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 4-6 December 2014. | |
2014/11/13 | A focus on atrophy after anti-VEGF treatment for myopic CNV - Master Class. Silva R, Farinha C. 14th ESASO Retina Academy. Istambul, Turkey. 13-15 November 2014. | |
2014/09/11 | Intravitreal ranibizumab for myopic choroidal neovascularization - 5-year results and main predictors. Free paper presentation. Cardoso P, Laíns I, Sobral I, Farinha C, Leal S, Cachulo ML, Silva S. 14th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. London, UK. 11-14 September 2014. | |
2014/09/11 | Polypoidal choroidal vasculopathy: can SD-OCT overtake indocyanine green angiography? Free paper presentation. Marques J, Laíns I, Figueira J, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Costa M, Silva R. 14th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. London, UK. 11-14 September 2014. | |
2014/05/04 | Occluded and Partially Occluded Blood Vessel Detection from Macular OCT scans. Poster presentation. Rodrigues P, Guimarães P, Farinha C, Figueira J, Serranho P, Bernardes R. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2014 Annual Meeting. Orlando, USA. 4-8 May 2014. | |
2013/12/05 | Avaliação do estado de perfusão dos vasos retinianos com OCT. Farinha C, Figueira J, Santos AR, Melo P, Guimarães P, Rodrigues P, Serranho P, Bernardes R. 56th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2013. | |
2013/12/05 | Ranibizumab no tratamento do edema macular por OVCR: resultados a longo prazo e predictores funcionais. Farinha C, Marques JP, Baltar A, Santos A, Costa M, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Figueira J, Silva R. 56th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2013. | |
2013/12/05 | Descolamento neurossensorial macular crónico de etiologia pouco frequente. Farinha C, Figueira J, Marques I, Coutinho A, Varela J, Alfaiate M, Silva R. 56th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2013. | |
2013/12/05 | Polipoidal choroidal vasculopathy: is indocianine-green angiography essential for diagnosis? Laíns I, Figueira J, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Costa M, Santos AR, Melo P, Silva R. 56th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2013. | |
2013/12/05 | Descolamento neurossensorial macular crónico de etiologia pouco frequente. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Figueira J, Marques I, Coutinho A, Varela J, Alfaiate M, Silva R. 56th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2013. | |
2013/12/05 | Edema macular secundário a oclusões venosas de ramo tratado com ranibizumab: resultados a longo prazo e factores predictivos para melhoria funcional. Poster presentation. Marques JP, Farinha C, Almeida E, Melo P, Costa M, Pires I, Silva R. 56th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 5-7 December 2013 | |
2013/11/09 | Sessão de Casos Clínicos. Figueira J, Farinha C, Oliveira R, Rosa P, Neves M, Marques E. 3º Encontro de Retina Médico-Cirúrgica. Torres Novas, Portugal. 9 November 2013. | |
2013/09/26 | Ranibizumab in the treatment of macular edema due to CRVO: long-term results and predictors of functional outcome. Free paper presentation. Farinha C, Marques JP, Baltar A, Santos AR, Cachulo ML, Figueira J, Silva R. 13th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Hamburg, Germany. 26-29 September 2013 | |
2013/09/26 | Choroidal thickness in diabetic retinopathy: the role of anti-VEGF therapy. Free paper presentation. Farinha C, Laíns I, Figueira J, Santos AR, Pinto R, Nunes S, Silva R. 13th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Hamburg, Germany. 26-29 September 2013. | |
2013/09/26 | Macular edema due to BRVO treated with ranibizumab: long-term results and predictive factors for functional improvement. Free paper presentation. Marques JP, Farinha C, Almeida E, Melo P, Costa M, Pires I, Silva R. 13th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Hamburg, Germany. 26-29 September 2013. | |
2013/06/06 | Choroidal Thickness in Pathologic Myopia and Diabetic Retinopathy. Silva R, Farinha C, Laíns I, Nunes S, Pires I, Figueira J. SIRCOVA International Meeting 2013. Valencia, Spain. 6-8 June 2013. | |
2013/05/05 | Choroidal thickness in pathologic myopia. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Baltar A, Nunes S, Santos AR, Cachulo, Pires I, Figueira J, Silva R. The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) 2013 Annual Meeting. Seattle, USA. 5-9 May 2013. | |
2012/12/07 | Uveítes em idade pediátrica: a realidade da consulta de imunopatologia. Gregório T, Marques I, Farinha C, Varandas T, Veríssimo J, Proença R. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Lentes de contacto híbridas SynergEyes® na correcção de astigmatismo irregular e ectasias corneanas. Farinha C, Costa M, Rosa A, Costa E, Quadrado MJ, Tavares C. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Melanoma da íris - Casuística do Serviço de Oftalmologia do CHUC. Farinha C, Gregório T, Silva JL, Veríssimo J, Proença R. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Espessura da coroide na miopia patológica. Farinha C, Baltar A, Nunes S, Figueira J, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Silva R. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012 | |
2012/12/06 | Resultados a longo prazo com Ranibizumab na terapêutica da neovascularização coroideia miópica. Leal S, Franqueira N, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Figueira J, Silva R. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Influência da irregularidade corneana e do edema pré-operatório sobre os resultados visuais após DSAEK ultrafino. Rosa A, Farinha C, Marques I, Costa E, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Queratocone e Distrofia de Fuchs: DALK, DSAEK ou QP? Beselga D, Oliveira R, Farinha C, Rosa A, Costa E, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Proliferação Melanocítica Uveal Difusa Bilateral (BDUMP) como forma de apresentação de adenocarcinoma do pulmão. Pina S, Farinha C, Gregório T, Travassos A, Myamoto C, Veríssimo J, Proença R. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Manifestações Oftalmológicas da Granulomatose de Wegener: estudo de 8 doentes. Cardoso J, Farinha C, Vasconcelos H, Veríssimo J, Proença R. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Lisbon, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Espessura da coroide na miopia patológica. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Baltar A, Nunes S, Figueira J, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Silva R. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Retinite não necrotizante por herpes zoster ophthalmicus - caso clínico. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Gregório T, Silva JL, Veríssimo J, Proença R. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Microdelecção interstícial 2q21.3 detectada por arrayCGH associada com a síndroma de Warburg-Micro. Farinha C, Estrela F, Lains I, Ferreira S, Barbosa Melo J, Carreira IM, Silva E. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Remoção de implante intravítreo ILUVIEN© da câmara anterior. Russo A, Laíns I, Cardoso AI, Farinha C, Pires I, Póvoa J, Figueira J. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Hemangioma capilar da retina: papel da cirurgia vítreo-retiniana- caso clínico. Poster presentation. Brito S, Farinha C, Coutinho A, Silva R, Alfaiate M, Figueira J. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/12/06 | Necrose retiniana aguda após encefalite herpética: 2 casos clínicos. Almeida M, Farinha C, Proença R, Veríssimo J. 55th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 6-8 December 2012. | |
2012/10/18 | Ranibizumab for myopic CNV- 4 years follow-up. Free paper presentation. Silva R, Leal S, Franqueira N, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Lucas J, Figueira J. Retina, presente e futuro, 2012. Nápoles, Italy. 18-19 October 2012. | |
2012/10/04 | Perfil e espessura do lentículo no DSAEK ultra-fino. Free paper presentation. Farinha C, Vasconcelos H, Almeida M, Costa E, Rosa A, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. XI Congresso Luso Brasileiro de Transplantação. Coimbra, Portugal. 4-6 October 2012 | |
2012/09/08 | Intrastromal corneal ring segment for keratoconus: results according to the SA.ANA classification. Free paper presentation. Gregório T, Rosa A, Farinha C, Russo A, Costa E, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. XXX Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Milan, Italy. 8-12 September 2012. | |
2012/09/07 | Contiguous gene syndrome associated with a de novo submicroscopic 7q36.1-q36.3 deletion. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Oliveira R, Matoso E, Barbosa Melo J, Carreira I, Silva E. 2nd World Congress of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Milan, Italy. 7-9 September 2012. | |
2012/09/07 | Unbalanced de novo chromosomal rearrangement of 12pter and 15 qter is associated with bilateral iris and chorioretinal colobomas. Poster presentation. Cardoso P, Farinha C, Cardoso J, Melo J, Carreira I, Silva E. 2nd World Congress of Paediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. Milan, Italy. 7-9 September 2012. | |
2012/09/06 | Graft profile and thickness in ultra-thin DSAEK combining femtosecond laser and microkeratome. Free paper presentation. Farinha C, Rosa A, Marques I, Gregório T, Costa E, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. 3rd Congress of the European Society of Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease Specialists. Milan, Italy. 6-8 September 2012 | |
2012/09/06 | Morphological and functional prognosis in pathologic myopia: natural history and response to CNV treatment. Free paper presentation. Farinha C, Baltar A, Nunes S, Franqueira N, Henriques J, Figueira J, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Silva R. 12th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Milan, Italy. 6-9 September 2012, | |
2012/09/06 | Corneal donation and retrieval in central Portugal. Poster presentation. Cristovão L, Costa E, Farinha C, Rosa A, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. 3rd Congress of the European Society of Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease Specialists. Milan, Italy. 6-8 September 2012. | |
2012/09/06 | The effect of preoperative corneal edema and irregularity on visual outcomes after ultra-thin DSAEK. Free paper presentation. Rosa A, Farinha C, Marques I, Costa E, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. 3rd Congress of the European Society of Cornea and Ocular Surface Disease Specialists. Milan, Italy. 6-8 September 2012. | |
2012/09/06 | Long-Term outcome of myopic choroidal neovascularization treated with ranibizumab. Free paper presentation. Leal S, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Figueira J, Farinha C, Franqueira N, Silva R. 12th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Milan, Italy. 6-9 September 2012. | |
2012/09/06 | Choroidal thickness and functional prognosis in pathologic myopia with and without myopic CNV. Free paper presentation. Silva R, Farinha C, Nunes S, Santos AR, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Murta JN. 12th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. Milan, Italy. 6-9 September 2012. | |
2012/05/18 | Bilateral Diffuse Uveal Melanocytic Proliferation (BDUMP) - Case Report. Clinical case presentation. Pina S, Miyamoto C, Gregório T, Farinha C, Travassos A, Veríssimo J, Proença R. BIOPSY 2012 -The Burnier International Ophthalmic Pathology Society. Valladolid, Spain. 18-19 May 2012 | |
2011/12/03 | Tratamento combinado de pegaptanib intravítreo com panfotocoagulação laser modificada em doentes com retinopatia diabética proliferativa de alto risco. Farinha C, Pedroso A, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Leal S, Ribeiro L, Nunes S, Silva R, Cunha-Vaz J, Figueira J. 54th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1-3 December 2011 | |
2011/12/01 | Prognóstico funcional na miopia patológica: história natural e resposta ao tratamento da CNV. Farinha C, Baltar A, Nunes S, Franqueira N, Henriques J, Figueira J, Cachulo ML, Silva R. 54th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1-3 December 2011. | |
2011/12/01 | À conversa com os especialistas. Tratamento médico do edema macular diabético. Silva R, Farinha C, Lucas J, Santos AR, Figueira J. 54th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1-3 December 2011. | |
2011/12/01 | Queratoprótese de Boston tipo 1: indicações e resultados. Quadrado MJ, Farinha C, Brito S, Gregório T, Costa E, Rosa A, Murta J. 54th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1-3 December 2011. | |
2011/12/01 | Crosslinking corneano nas queratites infecciosas. Gregório T, Farinha C, Costa E, Rosa A, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. 54th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1-3 December 2011 | |
2011/12/01 | Mudança de face do banco de olhos. Controlo de qualidade; estrutura e função. Quadrado MJ, Farinha C, Brito S, Gregório T, Costa E, Rosa A, Murta J. 54th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1-3 December 2011. | |
2011/12/01 | Desenvolvimento de Teste de Velocidade de Leitura em Português: Teste de Radner-Coimbra. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Rosa A, Gregório T, Costa E, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. 54th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1-3 December 2011 | |
2011/12/01 | Alterações microestruturais e funcionais da Maculopatia Solar. Farinha C, Vasconcelos H, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Figueira J, Silva R. 54th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 1-3 December 2011. | |
2011/11/04 | Evolution of persistent submacular fluid after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery using SD-OCT. Free paper presentation. Farinha C, Vasconcelos H, Franqueira N, Figueira J, Fonseca P, Magro P, Alfaiate M. SIRCOVA, II Annual Meeting. Valencia, Spain. 4-5 November 2011 | |
2011/09/17 | Ocular hypertension secondary to silicone oil tamponade. Poster presentation. Franqueira N, Farinha C, Figueira J, Fonseca P, Magro P, Coutinho A, Alfaiate M. XXIX Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Vienna, Austria. 17-21 September 2011. | |
2011/09/17 | Intrastromal corneal ring segment for keratoconus: results according to the SAANA classification. Free paper presentation. Rosa A, Quadrado MJ, Marques I, Farinha C, Gregório T, Murta JN. XXIX Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Vienna, Austria. 17-21 September 2011. | |
2011/09/17 | Topography-guided photorefractive keratectomy with Wavelight Allegretto Wave Eye-Q Excimer Laser System. Free paper presentation. Quadrado MJ, Rosa A, Tavares C, Farinha C, Gregório T, Murta JN. XXIX Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons. Vienna, Austria. 17-21 September 2011. | |
2011/06/04 | Photodynamic therapy for symptomatic circumscribed choroidal hemangioma: 4 years of follow-up. Free paper presentation. Gregorio T, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Farinha C, Figueira J, Fonseca P, Silva R. 18th Congress of the European Society of Ophthalmology. Geneve, Switzerland. 4-7 June 2011. | |
2011/05/26 | Commotio Retinae/Berlin's oedema - Last 5 years in the HUC's Ophthalmology Department. Poster presentation. Farinha C, Santos A, Figueira J, Franqueira N, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Faria Abreu JR, Silva R. 11th Congress of the European Society of Retina Specialists. London, UK. 26-29 May 2011. | |
2011/05/06 | Queratoprótese de Boston Tipo I - caso clínico. Farinha C, Quadrado MJ, Rosa A, Leal S, Gregório T, Murta J. VII Reunião Temática do Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital São Sebastião - Feira: Córnea 2011. Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal. 6-7 May 2011. | |
2011/05/06 | Tratamento de Queratite por Acanthamoeba com crosslinking corneano - relato de 2 casos clínicos. Gregório T, Farinha C, Marques I, Rosa A, Leal S, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. VII Reunião Temática do Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital São Sebastião - Feira: Córnea 2011. Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal. 6-7 May 2011 | |
2011/05/06 | Endotelite corneana herpética. Marques I, Gregório T, Farinha C, Rosa A, Quadrado MJ, Murta J. VII Reunião Temática do Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital São Sebastião - Feira: Córnea 2011. Santa Maria da Feira, Portugal. 6-7 May 2011 | |
2011/04/09 | Spontaneous improvement of serous maculopathy associated with congenital optic disc pit. Poster presentation. Franqueira N, Figueira J, Farinha C, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Silva R. XVIII Pan-American Regional Course. Estoril, Portugal. 7-9 April 2011 | |
2011/04/07 | Identification of occult retinal breaks using subretinal trypan blue injection. Free paper presentation. Farinha C, Figueira J, Franqueira N, Magro P, Fonseca P, Coutinho A, Alfaiate M. XVIII Pan-American Regional Course. Estoril, Portugal. 7-9 April 2011. | |
2011/04/07 | Spectral-domain OCT imaging after rhegmatogenous retinal detachment surgery. Free paper presentation. Farinha C, Figueira J, Franqueira N, Magro P, Fonseca P, Coutinho A, Alfaiate M. XVIII Pan-American Regional Course. Estoril, Portugal. 7-9 April 2011. | |
2010/12/03 | Edema Macular Cistóide pós capsulotomia com laser Nd:YAG - caso clínico. Farinha C, Figueira J, Gregório T, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Silva R. 53rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 2-4 December 2010. | |
2010/12/02 | Maculopatia Traumática - Casuística do Serviço de Oftalmologia dos HUC nos últimos 5 anos. Farinha C, Figueira J, Franqueira N, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Silva R. 53rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 2-4 December 2010. | |
2010/12/02 | Fotocoagulação com laser díodo sublimiar com micropulso vs laser árgon-verde convencional no tratamento do edema macular diabético clinicamente significativo – estudo prospectivo randomizado controlado. Farinha C, Figueira J, Rosa A, Cunha-Vaz JG, Silva R, Chong NV. 53rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 2-4 December 2010. | |
2010/12/02 | Síndrome Purtscher-like associado a pancreatite aguda - caso clínico. Farinha C, Figueira J, Coutinho A, Cachulo ML, Pires I, Silva R. 53rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 2-4 December 2010. | |
2010/12/02 | Terapêutica fotodinâmica no hemangioma da coroideia isolado: avaliação após 3 e 4 anos de seguimento. Gregório T, Pires I, Cachulo ML, Farinha C, Figueira J, Fonseca P, Silva R. 53rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 2-4 December 2010 | |
2010/12/02 | Avaliação intraoperatoria da segurança de cirurgia de catarata e implante de lente intraocular por incisão 1,8 mm com mangas nano-sleeve. Mira J, Tavares C, Farinha C, Pereira H, Cardoso J, Lobo C, Murta J. 53rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 2-4 December 2010 | |
2010/12/02 | Injecção Intravítrea de Ranibizumab Prévia à Vitrectomia de Olhos com RDP Severa. Figueira J, Silva R, Farinha C, Rosa A, Magro P, Fonseca P, Alfaiate M. 53rd National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 2-4 December 2010. |
Thesis Title Role |
Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization |
2022 - Current | The genetic risk score and extramacular drusen/ o risco genético e drusen extramaculares.
Trabalho final do 6º ano Médico com vista à atribuição de grau de Mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de mestrado integrado
em Medicina
Orientador: Cláudia Farinha; Co-Orientador: Rita Coimbra.
Medicina (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2022 - Current | Angiografia por tomografia de coerência óptica vs angiografia fluoresceínica convencional: substituto ou complemento?
Trabalho final do 6º ano Médico com vista à atribuição de grau de Mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de mestrado integrado
em Medicina
Orientador: Maria Luz Cachulo; Co-Orientador: Cláudia Farinha.
Medicina (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2023/05 - 2024/12 | Adherence to therapy in exudative AMD: analysis of the conditions and risk factors for dropout in a Tertiary Centre of the
Nacional Health System. Trabalho final do 6º ano Médico com vista à atribuição de grau de Mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos
de mestrado integrado em Medicina. Orientador: Cláudia Farinha; Co-Orientador: Maria Inês Figueiredo.
Mestrado Integrado de Medicina (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2021 - 2022 | Coriorretinopatia serosa central: resultados a longo prazo da terapia fotodinâmica. Trabalho final do 6º ano Médico com vista
à atribuição de grau de Mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de mestrado integrado em Medicina. Orientador: Rufino Silva;
Co-Orientador: Cláudia Farinha. Final Evaluation: 19/20 points
Medicina (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2020 - 2021 | Edema Macular Diabético: Resultados da acuidade visual em doentes tratados com anti-VEGF. Trabalho final do 6º ano Médico
com vista à atribuição de grau de Mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de mestrado integrado em Medicina Orientador: Rufino
Silva; Co-Orientador: Cláudia Farinha. Final Evaluation: 18/20 points
Medicina (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2019 - 2020 | Avaliação Morfológica e Funcional da Degenerescência Macular da Idade Intermédia no Estudo Epidemiológico da DMI de Coimbra.
Trabalho final do 6º ano Médico com vista à atribuição de grau de Mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de mestrado integrado
em Medicina
Orientador: Cláudia Farinha; Co-Orientador: Rufino Silva.
Final Evaluation: 19/20 points
Medicina (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2019 - 2020 | O Tratamento com Anti-VEGF na Prática Clínica Diária: Um Estudo Retrospetivo com a Base de Dados Retina.PT. Trabalho final
do 6º ano Médico com vista à atribuição de grau de Mestre no âmbito do ciclo de estudos de mestrado integrado em Medicina
Orientador: Rufino Silva; Co-Orientador: Cláudia Farinha. Final Evaluation: 19/20 points
Medicina (Master)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Event participation
Activity description Type of event |
Event name Institution / Organization |
2023 - Current | Chair: O INTERNO NO GPRV: CASOS CLÍNICOS// THE RESIDENT AT THE GPRV: CASE REPORTS. Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2022. 27-28 October 2023 | |
2023 - Current | Chair: CONFERÊNCIA - UPDATE IN CRSC. Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2022. 27-28 October 2023. | |
2023 - Current | Chair and Member of the Jury: PRÉMIOS POSTER // POSTER AWARDS. Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2022. 27-28 October 2023. | |
2024/03/01 - 2024/03/02 | Self-resolving macular edema in a patient with a newly discovered congenital retinal macrovessel. Poster presentation. Bruno
Teixeira, João Pedro Marques, Claúdia Farinha, Maria da Luz Cachulo, Isabel Pires, Rufino Silva. 8th International Scientific
Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 1-2 March 2024.
Grupo de Estudos da Retina, Portugal
2023/11/03 - 2023/11/08 | The Prevalence of Glaucoma in Europe: The E3 Consortium. Poster Presentation. Kelsey Stuart, Wishal Ramdas, Cedric Schweitzer,
Alexander Schuster, Nomdo Jansonius, Victor de Vries, Robert Luben, Shabina Hayat, Kay-Tee Khaw, Cecile Delcourt, Fotis Topouzis,
Vassilis, Kilintzis, Alicia Hartmann, Cláudia Farinha, Rita Coimbra, Iris Heid, Caroline Brandl, et al. American Academy of
Ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2023. San Francisco, USA. 3-8 November 2023.
American Academy of Ophthalmology Annual Meeting 2023
American Academy of Ophthalmology, United States
2023/02/24 - 2023/02/24 | Espaço GER/ GER SESSION - Será que é? (Roundtable - Clinical Cases Debate). 7th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese
Retina Study-Group (GER). Lisboa, Portugal. 24-25 February 2023.
Round table
Grupo de Estudos da Retina, Portugal
2022/10/14 - 2022/10/15 | SESSÃO GPRV-GER / GPRV-GER SESSION - Parece, mas não é / Is it or is it not? (Roundtable - Clinical Cases Debate). Reunião
do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2022. 14-15 October 2022
Round table
SESSÃO GPRV-GER / GPRV-GER SESSION, Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2022
Grupo de Estudos da Retina, Portugal
2021/04/10 - 2021/04/10 | Chair: Imaging and Treatment of Tumours of The Retina and Choroid associated to Phacomatosis. 1st International Meeting of
the Portuguese Groups of Ophthalmic Genetics and Ocular Oncology, Orbit and Oculoplastics. Virtual Congress, 10 April 2021
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2021/01/17 - 2021/01/17 | Round Table participation. SPO Webinar - A retina em tempos de pandemia. Virtual, 17 January 2021.
Round table
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
Association member
Society Organization name | Role | |
2023 - Current | Member of the Portuguese Group of Retina and Vitreous of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology (Grupo Português Retina Vítreo, Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia). Coordenador | Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Carlos Marques Neves. 2023-2024. | Membro |
2017 - Current | iCBR - Investigação Clínica e Biomédica de Coimbra, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Coimbra. | |
2016/01/01 - Current | Grupo de Estudos da Retina (Portuguese Retina Study Group) | |
2016/01/01 - Current | European Eye Epidemiology (E3) consortium. | |
2015/01/01 - Current | European Society of Retina Specialists (EURETINA) | |
2012/12/10 - Current | The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO) | |
2010/01/01 - Current | Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia (Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology) | |
2009/01/01 - Current | Ordem dos Médicos (Portuguese Medical Association) | |
2021 - 2022 | AOGER - Associação de Oftalmologistas para o Estudo da Retina, Grupo de Estudos da Retina (Portuguese Retina Study Group), Membro do Conselho Fiscal - 2º secretário | Membro do Conselho Fiscal - 2º secretário |
2021 - 2022 | Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia (Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology) - Unidade de Apoio à Investigação | Membro |
Committee member
Activity description Role |
Institution / Organization | |
2023 - Current | Comissão Executiva e Científica | Executive and Scientific Commission. Reunião do Grupo Português Retina Vítreo 2022. 27-28 October 2023 |
Course / Discipline taught
Academic session | Degree Subject (Type) | Institution / Organization | |
2023/12/31 - Current | Final Ophthalmology Exam Course - Retinography, Fundus Autofluorescence and Reflectance. Cláudia Farinha. Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER). January-December 2024. Online Course. | (Outros) | Grupo de Estudos da Retina, Portugal |
2022/01/01 - 2022/12/31 | Fundus Autofluorescence and Reflectance. | Medical Retina Course, Online | Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal Grupo de Estudos da Retina, Portugal |
2021/04/17 - 2021/04/17 | OCT and OCT-A in retinal pathologies II: Vascular Occlusion and other retinal pathologies. | Optical Coherence Tomography in the Posterior Segment - OCT and OCT-angiography. ONLINE COURSE | Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal |
2017/04/27 - 2017/04/28 | Imaging in Retinal Disease - Reading Centers: AMD Imaging. | Retina Clinical Research Course | Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal |
2016/04/08 - 2016/04/10 | OCT interpretation - Normal and Pathologic. | 2nd San Raffaele OCT Forum, EVICR-net OCT Course. Milan, Italy. | Associação para a Investigação Biomédica e Inovação em Luz e Imagem, Portugal |
Interview (tv / radio show)
Program | Topic | |
2021/10/11 - 2021/10/11 | Podcast: "À conversa com o seu Oftalmologista" , Rádio TSF | Programa #11: O que é a Retina? As doenças da Retina podem dar cegueira? |
Journal scientific committee
Journal title (ISSN) | Publisher | |
2024/09/01 - Current | Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science | Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology |
2023 - Current | Eye | Nature |
2022/11/14 - Current | Oftalmologia - Revista da Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia (1646-6950) | Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia |
2022 - Current | Genes | MDPI |
2022 - Current | Life | MDPI |
2021/02/07 - Current | Current Eye Research | Taylor and Francis Group (United Kingdom) |
2021/01/01 - Current | Ophthalmologica | Karger Publishers |
2021/01/01 - Current | BMJ Case Reports | BMJ journals - British Medical Association |
2020/04/26 - Current | Journal of Clinical Medicine | MDPI |
2020/04/01 - Current | Graefe's Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology | Springer |
2020/03/11 - Current | Clinical Ophthalmology | DovePress |
2020/03/02 - Current | Journal of Ophthalmology | Hindawi |
2020 - Current | Plos One | Public Library of Science (PLOS) |
2019/05/01 - Current | Ophthalmic Research (1423-0259) | S. Karger AG |
Other jury / evaluation
Activity description | Institution / Organization | |
2022/12/01 - 2022/12/03 | Member of the Jury: Best Paper in Retina Award - Best paper presentation in Retina at the 65th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Coimbra, Portugal. 1-3 December 2022. | Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal |
2021/12/09 - 2021/12/11 | Member of the Jury: Best Paper in Retina Award - Best paper presentation in Retina at the 64th National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Ophthalmology. Vilamoura, Portugal. 9-11 December 2021 | Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal |
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2024 | Premio Plácido - Melhor Apresentação do Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2023 | Prémio Eurico Lisboa - Sociedade Portguesa de Diabetologia 2023, 19º Portuguese Diabetes Congress.
Sociedade Portguesa de Diabetologia , Portugal
2023 | Premio Plácido - Melhor Apresentação do Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2022 | Recipient of the ARVO "Members-in-Training (MIT) Outstanding Poster Award" in the Section AMD: Clinical research - RE: Retina.
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Inc, United States
2022 | 2022 Pan-American Research Day (PARD), David & Molly Pyott Foundation Award
Pan-American Association of Ophthalmology, United States
2022 | 2022 Retinal Medicine Clinical Research Award
European Society of Retina Specialists , Ireland
2022 | Premio Plácido - Melhor Apresentação do Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2021 | Premio Plácido - Melhor Apresentação do Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2021 | Best Poster in Clinical Investigation at the 17th Diabetes National Congress of the Portuguese Society of Diabetology.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia, Portugal
2021 | Prémio SPO - Melhor apresentação na área da Retina, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2020 | Prémio SPO - Melhor apresentação na área da Retina, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2020 | Melhor Poster - 1st Virtual International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER)
Grupo de Estudos da Retina, Portugal
2019 | Menção Honrosa no Prémio Plácido - Melhor Apresentação do Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2018 | Prémio SPO - Melhor Trabalho de Investigação, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2018 | Melhor Poster - 4th International Scientific Meeting of the Portuguese Retina Study-Group (GER).
Grupo de Estudos da Retina, Portugal
2017 | Prémio SPO - Melhor apresentação na área da Retina, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2016 | Melhor Caso Clínico da reunião anual do Grupo Português de Retina Vítreo. |
2016 | Prémio SPO - Melhor apresentação na área da Retina, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2015 | Prémio SPO - Melhor apresentação na área da Retina, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2014 | Prémio SPO - Melhor Poster, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2013 | Prémio SPO - Melhor apresentação na área da Retina, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2013 | International Travel Grant Award of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)
The Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology Inc, United States
2012 | Prémio SPO - Melhor Poster, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2012 | Prémio SPO - Melhor apresentação na área de Inflamação Ocular, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2012 | Prémio SPO - Melhor Trabalho de Investigação, Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2011 | Premio Plácido - Melhor Apresentação do Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2011 | Menção Honrosa no Prémio Melhor Poster, VII Reunião Temática do Serviço de Oftalmologia do Hospital São Sebastião
Centro Hospitalar de Entre o Douro e Vouga EPE, Portugal
2010 | Menção Honrosa no Prémio SPO Melhor Poster do Congresso Nacional de Oftalmologia
Sociedade Portuguesa de Oftalmologia, Portugal
2005 | Melhores 100 alunos da Universidade de Coimbra no ano lectivo de 2004/2005
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2013 | Chief Resident
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário de Coimbra - CENTRO DE RESPONSABILIDADE INTEGRADO DE OFTALMOLOGIA (CRIO), Portugal