Isabel Soares Silva graduated in Applied Biology at Minho University and later obtained a specialisation in Molecular Genetics. She finished her Ph.D. in 2006 in the field of Yeast Molecular Biology and developed her experimental work under the supervision of Prof. Margarida Casal, in collaboration with Profs KD. Entian (UGoete-Germany), P. Morsomme (UCLouvain-Belgium), A. Goffeau (UCLouvain-Belgium) and G. Diallinas (UAthens-Greece). In her subsequent PostDoc, she specialized in the field of structure-function studies of permeases, working at University of Minho and in the G. Diallinas lab at Athens University, Greece. She then joined the Nephrology R&D Unit (Faculty of Medicine, UPorto). As a research assistant, she implemented a new research field that addressed catheter-related infections in dialysis patients, besides actively collaborating in ongoing group projects. Later, at INEB/I3S (UPorto), she focused on the characterisation of the microbiome of Chronic Kidney Disease patients. Since October 2016, she has expanded her work in the field of carboxylate transporters as part of the project EcoAgriFood at the Center for Molecular and Environmental Biology (CBMA) UMinho. At CBMA, she is presently interested in the development of bio-based solutions addressing the 2030 UN Agenda for Sustainable Development, mainly through the identification and optimization of carboxylic acid transporters to improve the efficiency of biorefineries, increase the range of currently available bio-based products, and promote the circular economy in the Industrial Biotechnology sector. She also conducts research in the interface of computer sciences and transporter proteins, merging bioinformatics, structure prediction tools, molecular docking, genomic analysis, and data mining, to develop and implement new approaches to analyse and identify novel transporter proteins. With her expertise in structural biology, she contributed to unravelling the structural features of the AceTr transporter family and the pioneer functional expression of a bacterial transporter in eukaryotic cells. Her recent work on the citrate exporter from Aspergillus niger, an industrial workhorse for citrate production, outlined the key role of specific amino acid residues for citrate export. She also developed a bioinformatic and phenotypic pipeline which allowed the identification of 16 new carboxylate transporters from the yeast Cyberlindnera jadinii. She was able to translate the research outputs into two patent applications, 1 International (PCT/IB2018/057572) and 1 European (EP22166183.8). She has authored 36 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, 1 book chapter and 20 conference proceedings. She attended 20 national and 19 international meetings, received 6 accommodation/travel grants, and authored 60 oral presentations and 90 posters. She participated in 16 research projects (PI of 4; Co-PI of 1; Task leader of 1) and has been engaged in the organization of national and international meetings. In addition to the supervision of 4 Ph.D. students and 1 Post-Doc, she also supervised 14 MSc, 3 Erasmus, and 20 BSc students. She was a guest editor of a special issue on Fungi Nutrient Transportation in the Journal of Fungi (10 published papers). She also participated in international and national scientific committees of Ph.D. and MSc thesis. She revised papers for 22 journals. She is regularly invited to present lectures and teach in advanced post-graduation courses and MSc coursed. She also teaches classes to graduate and undergraduate students.

Personal identification

Full name
Isabel João Soares da Silva

Citation names

  • Isabel, Soares-Silva

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


Degree Classification
2001/10 - 2006/06
n/a (Doctor of Philosophy)
Major in Biologia
Universidade do Minho Escola de Ciências, Portugal
"Characterization of monocarboxylate permeases in yeast - functional and structural analysis" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Biologia Aplicada (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Ciências, Portugal
"Desenvolvimento de ferramentas e estratégias moleculares para a pesquisa de genes de permeases de ácidos orgânicos em leveduras" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2019/01/01 - 2024/08/31 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental, Portugal
2016/10/01 - 2018/12/31 Invited Auxiliary Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2024/09/01 - Current Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Departamento de Biologia, Portugal


  1. Sampaio-Maia, B.; Simões-Silva, L.; Pestana, M.; Araujo, R.; Soares-Silva, I.J.. The Role of the Gut Microbiome on Chronic Kidney Disease. 2016.
Conference paper
  1. Bragança A.R.; Silva A.R.M.; Gomes J. ; Collins T.; Casal M.; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Machado R. "Marine Microbial Resources: Paving the Way for a Blue Bioeconomy". Paper presented in 15th International Conference on Culture Collections: Exploiting Microbial Resources to Support Social Wellbeing, Braga, 2023.
  2. Azevedo-Silva, João; Ribas, David; Castagnoli, Davide; Sá-Pessoa, Joana; Athayde, Diogo; Soares-Silva, Isabel; Archer, Margarida; Casal, Margarida. "Exploring the function and structure of the acetate transporter family". 2018.
  3. Simoes-Silva, Liliana; Ferreira, Susana; Sousa, Maria J.; Santos-Arajo, Carla; Pestana, Manuel; Soares-Silva, Isabel; Sampaio-Maia, Benedita. "Peritoneal dialysis: infectious agents or normal microbiota". 2015.
  4. Lopes-Pereira, Otília; Simoes-Silva, Liliana; Joana Sousa; Tabaio Margarida; M.J. Sousa; Carla Santos-Araujo; Susana Sampaio; et al. "The impact of hemodialysis or peritoneal dialysis on oral health status in endstage renal disease patients". 2015.
  5. Sarmento-Dias, Margarida; Santos-Araujo, Carla; Poinhos, Rui; Silva, Isabel Soares; Silva, Liliana Simoes; Sousa, Maria Joao; Correia, Flora; Pestana, Manuel. "Fgf-23 blood levels predict peritoneal daily phosphate removal in patients on peritoneal dialysis". 2014.
  6. Correia, Inês; Simoes-Silva, Liliana; MJ Sousa; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Barbosa, Joana. "Avaliação da colonização oral protozoária em doentes renais crónicos em diálise peritoneal". 2013.
  7. Liliana Simões-Silva; Sousa, Maria Joao; Santos-Araujo, Carla; Pestana, Manuel; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Sampaio-Maia, Benedita. "Colonização oral por Pseudomonas e Burkholderia em doentes em Diálise Peritoneal.". 2013.
  8. Isabel, Soares-Silva; Silva, Sara; Lopes-Pereira, Otília; Liliana Simões-Silva; Felino, António; Benedita, Sampaio-Maia. "Comparação da prevalência de Candida sp. entre doentes em Diálise Peritoneal e Hemodiálise". 2013.
  9. Simoes-Silva, Liliana; Moreira-Rodrigues, Monica; Quelhas-Santos, Janete; Fernandes-Cerqueira, Catia; Pestana, Manuel; Soares-Silva, Isabel; Sampaio-Maia, Benedita. "Renal and intestinal guanylin peptides system in a mouse model of diet-induced obesity". 2012.
  10. Quelhas-Santos, Janete; Serrao, Paula; Soares-Silva, Isabel; Tang, Lieqi; Sampaio-Maia, Benedita; Desir, Gary; Pestana, Manuel. "Effects of recombinant renalase on renal dopamine activity in the renalase knockout mouse model". 2012.
  11. Simoes-Silva, Liliana; Moreira-Rodrigues, M.; Quelhas-Santos Janete; Fernandes-Cerqueira, C.; Manuel Pestana; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Sampaio-Maia, Benedita. "Assessment of guanylin peptides system in hypertensive obese mice". 2012.
  12. Susana Ferreira; Simoes-Silva, Liliana; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Joana Sousa; Santos-Araujo, C.; Sampaio-Maia, B.. "Colonização oral por Staphylococcus em doentes renais crónicos em diálise peritoneal¿". 2012.
  13. Isabel, Soares-Silva; S, Silva; Liliana Simões-Silva; Sousa, J.; Santos-Araújo, C; Sampaio-Maia, Benedita. "Colonização fúngica oral em doentes renais crónicos em diálise peritoneal". 2012.
  14. Diallinas, George; Soares-Silva, Isabel; Pessoa, Joana Sa; Myrianthopoulos, Vassilios; Mikros, Emmanuel Mikros; Casal, Margarida. "Identification of a Substrate Translocation Trajectory in the Inward-Facing Conformation of the Monocarboxylate/H plus Symporter Jen1". 2011.
  15. Quelhas-Santos, Janete; Serrão, M.P.; Fernandes-Cerqueira, Catia; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Simoes-Silva, Liliana; Sizova, D.; Sampaio-Maia, Benedita; Desir, Gary; Manuel Pestana. "Renal dopaminergic activity is increased in the renalase knockout mouse model". 2011.
  16. Quelhas-Santos, Janete; Fernandes-Cerqueira, Catia; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Manuela Paula Serrão; Simoes-Silva, Liliana; Ferreira, I.; Gaião S; Pinho Liliana; Manuel Pestana. "Inverse relationship between urinary renalase levels and renal dopaminergic activity in kidney transplant recipients.". 2010.
  17. Oliveira, J.; Soares-Silva, I.; Goncalves, A.; Fokkema, I.; Cabral, A.; Diogo, L.; Galan, L.; et al. "Silent exonic substitution in POMGnT1 promotes exon skipping in a CMD patient". 2007.
  18. Jorge Oliveira; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Jorge, P; Emilia Vieira; Marcia Oliveira; Rosário Santos. "Widening the LAMA2 mutation spectrum in MDC1A patients: new mutations including gross deletions". Paper presented in International Congress of the World Muscle Society, Giardini Naxos – Taormina, 2007.
  19. Soares-Silva, I; Andrade, RP; Schuller, D; Casal, M. "Exploring genetic tools for the over-expression of the lactate permease Jen1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: constitutive expression in S-cerevisiae and heterologous expression in Pichia pastoris.". 2003.
  20. Sandra Paiva; Isabel, Soares-Silva; P Kötter; K-D Entian; Margarida Paula Pedra Amorim Casal. "The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate". Paper presented in XXIst Yeast Genetics and Molecular Biology Meeting, Goteborg, 2003.
Journal article
  1. Alves, J.; Sousa-Silva, M.; Soares, P.; Sauer, M.; Casal, M.; Soares-Silva, I.. "Structural characterization of the Aspergillus niger citrate transporter CexA uncovers the role of key residues S75, R192 and Q196". Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2023.04.025.
    Open access • In press • 10.1016/j.csbj.2023.04.025
  2. Herlander Azevedo; Isabel Soares-Silva; Fernando Fonseca; Paulo Alves; Duarte Silva; Maria-Manuel Azevedo. "Impact of Educational Gardens and Workshop Activities on 8th-Grade Student’s Perception and Knowledge of Plant Biology". Education Sciences (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci12090619.
  3. Toni Rendulic; Frederico Mendonça Bahia; Isabel Soares-Silva; Elke Nevoigt; Margarida Casal. "The Dicarboxylate Transporters from the AceTr Family and Dct-02 Oppositely Affect Succinic Acid Production in S. cerevisiae". Journal of Fungi (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/jof8080822.
  4. Maria Sousa-Silva; Pedro Soares; João Alves; Daniel Vieira; Margarida Casal; Isabel Soares-Silva. "Uncovering Novel Plasma Membrane Carboxylate Transporters in the Yeast Cyberlindnera jadinii". Journal of Fungi (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/jof8010051.
    Published • 10.3390/jof8010051
  5. Nicolò Baldi; Sophie Claire de Valk; Maria Sousa-Silva; Margarida Casal; Isabel Soares-Silva; Robert Mans. "Evolutionary engineering reveals amino acid substitutions in Ato2 and Ato3 that allow improved growth of Saccharomyces cerevisiae on lactic acid". FEMS Yeast Research 21 4 (2021): https://doi.org/10.1093/femsyr/foab033.
  6. Maria Sousa-Silva; Daniel Vieira; Pedro Soares; Margarida Casal; Isabel Soares-Silva. "Expanding the Knowledge on the Skillful Yeast Cyberlindnera jadinii". Journal of Fungi 7 1 (2021): 36-36. https://doi.org/10.3390/jof7010036.
  7. Isabel, Soares-Silva. "New insights into the acetate uptake transporter (AceTr) family: Unveiling amino acid residues critical for specificity and activity". Computational and Structural Biotechnology Journal 19 (2021): 4412-4425. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.csbj.2021.08.002.
  8. I Soares-Silva; D Ribas; M Sousa-Silva; J Azevedo-Silva; T Rendulic; M Casal; Isabel, Soares-Silva; et al. "Membrane transporters in the bioproduction of organic acids: state of the art and future perspectives for industrial applications". FEMS Microbiology Letters (2020): https://doi.org/10.1093/femsle/fnaa118.
  9. Liliana Simões-Silva; Ricardo Araujo; Manuel Pestana; Isabel Soares-Silva; Benedita Sampaio-Maia. "Peritoneal Microbiome in End-Stage Renal Disease Patients and the Impact of Peritoneal Dialysis Therapy". Microorganisms 8 2 (2020): 173-173. https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms8020173.
  10. Rosana Alves; Maria Sousa-Silva; Daniel Vieira; Pedro Soares; Yasmin Chebaro; Michael Lorenz; Margarida Paula Pedra Amorim Casal; et al. "Carboxylic acid transporters in Candida pathogenesis". mBio (2020): https://doi.org/10.1128/mBio.00156-20.
  11. Vale, J.; Ribeiro, M.; Abreu, A.C.; Soares-Silva, I.; Simões, M.. "The use of selected phytochemicals with EDTA against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus epidermidis single- and dual-species biofilms". Letters in Applied Microbiology 68 4 (2019): 313-320. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/lam.13137.
  12. Ribas, D.; Soares-Silva, I.; Vieira, D.; Sousa-Silva, M.; Sá-Pessoa, J.; Azevedo-Silva, J.; Viegas, S.C.; et al. "The acetate uptake transporter family motif “NPAPLGL(M/S)” is essential for substrate uptake". Fungal Genetics and Biology 122 (2019): 1-10. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85055317896&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  13. Pereira-Lopes, O.; Simões-Silva, L.; Araujo, R.; Correia-Sousa, J.; Braga, A.C.; Soares-Silva, I.; Sampaio-Maia, B.. "Influence of dialysis therapies on oral health: A pilot study". Quintessence International 50 3 (2019): 216-223. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85061590086&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  14. Liliana Simões-Silva; Susana Ferreira; Carla Santos-Araujo; Margarida Tabaio; Manuel Pestana; Isabel Soares-Silva; Benedita Sampaio-Maia. "Oral Colonization of Staphylococcus Species in a Peritoneal Dialysis Population: A Possible Reservoir for PD-Related Infections?". Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology (2018): https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/5789094.
  15. Liliana Simões-Silva; Ricardo Araujo; Manuel Pestana; Isabel Soares-Silva; Benedita Sampaio-Maia. "The microbiome in chronic kidney disease patients undergoing hemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis". Pharmacological Research (2018): https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.phrs.2018.02.011.
  16. Fernandes-Cerqueira Cátia; Quelhas-Santos Janete; Sampaio-Maia Benedita; Simões-Silva Liliana; Soares-Silva Isabel; Roncon-Albuquerque Roberto; Pestana Manuel. "Calcitriol Prevents Cardiovascular Repercussions in Puromycin Aminonucleoside-Induced Nephrotic Syndrome". BioMed Research International 2018 (2018): 1-10. https://doi.org/10.1155/2018/3609645.
  17. Sarmento-Dias, M.; Santos-Araújo, C.; Poínhos, R.; Oliveira, B.; Sousa, M.; Simões-Silva, L.; Soares-Silva, I.; Correia, F.; Pestana, M.. "Phase angle predicts arterial stiffness and vascular calcification in peritoneal dialysis patients". Peritoneal Dialysis International 37 4 (2017): 451-457. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85028514181&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  18. Liliana Simões-Silva; Sara Silva; Carla Santos-Araujo; Joana Sousa; Manuel Pestana; Ricardo Araujo; Isabel Soares-Silva; Benedita Sampaio-Maia. "Oral Yeast Colonization and Fungal Infections in Peritoneal Dialysis Patients: A Pilot Study". Canadian Journal of Infectious Diseases and Medical Microbiology 2017 (2017): 1-7. https://doi.org/10.1155/2017/4846363.
  19. Ribas, D.; Sá-Pessoa, J.; Soares-Silva, I.; Paiva, S.; Nygård, Y.; Ruohonen, L.; Penttilä, M.; Casal, M.. "Yeast as a tool to express sugar acid transporters with biotechnological interest". FEMS Yeast Research 17 2 (2017): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85019698072&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  20. Sarmento-Dias, M.; Santos-Araújo, C.; Poínhos, R.; Oliveira, B.; Silva, I.S.; Silva, L.S.; Sousa, M.J.; Correia, F.; Pestana, M.. "Fibroblast growth factor 23 is associated with left ventricular hypertrophy, not with uremic vasculopathy in peritoneal dialysis patients". Clinical Nephrology 85 3 (2016): 135-141. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84957866830&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  21. Correia, I.; Simões-Silva, L.; Santos-Araujo, C.; Sousa, M.J.; Pestana, M.; Soares-Silva, I.; Sampaio-Maia, B.; Barbosa, J.. "Low prevalence of oral protozoa colonization in Portuguese healthy and end-stage renal disease patients undergoing peritoneal dialysis". Boletin de Malariologia y Salud Ambiental 56 1 (2016): 11-18. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85007275620&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  22. Simões-Silva, L.; Correia, I.; Barbosa, J.; Santos-Araujo, C.; Sousa, M.J.; Pestana, M.; Soares-Silva, I.; Sampaio-Maia, B.. "Asymptomatic effluent protozoa colonization in peritoneal dialysis patients". Peritoneal Dialysis International 36 5 (2016): 566-569. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84988579182&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  23. Quelhas-Santos, J.; Serrão, M.P.; Soares-Silva, I.; Fernandes-Cerqueira, C.; Simões-Silva, L.; Pinho, M.J.; Remião, F.; et al. "Renalase regulates peripheral and central dopaminergic activities". American Journal of Physiology - Renal Physiology 308 2 (2015): F84-F91. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84920992145&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  24. Quelhas-Santos, J.; Sampaio-Maia, B.; Remião, F.; Serrão, P.; Soares-Silva, I.; Desir, G.V.; Pestana, M.. "Assessment of renalase activity on catecholamines degradation". Open Hypertension Journal 7 1 (2015): 14-18. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84930504930&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  25. Soares-Silva, I.; Ribas, D.; Foskolou, I.P.; Barata, B.; Bessa, D.; Paiva, S.; Queirós, O.; Casal, M.. "The debaryomyces hansenii carboxylate transporters jen1 homologues are functional in saccharomyces cerevisiae". FEMS Yeast Research 15 8 (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84949195995&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  26. Dias M, Sarmento; Araujo C, Santos; Poinhos, Rui; Oliveira, Bruno; Sousa, Maria Joao; Simoes-Silva, Liliana; Soares-Silva, Isabel; Correia, Flora. "Associations between Peritoneal Daily Phosphate Removal and Regulators of Phosphate Metabolism Including Fibroblast Growth Factor 23 in Peritoneal Dialysis Patientsy". Journal of Kidney 01 01 (2015): http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2472-1220.1000109.
  27. Quelhas-Santos, J.; Soares-Silva, I.; Fernandes-Cerqueira, C.; Simões-Silva, L.; Ferreira, I.; Carvalho, C.; Coentrão, L.; et al. "Plasma and urine renalase levels and activity during the recovery of renal function in kidney transplant recipients". Experimental Biology and Medicine 239 4 (2014): 502-508. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84898964878&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  28. Quelhas-Santos, J.; Sampaio-Maia, B.; Simões-Silva, L.; Serrão, P.; Fernandes-Cerqueira, C.; Soares-Silva, I.; Pestana, M.. "Sodium-dependent modulation of systemic and urinary renalase expression and activity in the rat remnant kidney". Journal of Hypertension 31 3 (2013): 543-553. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884194618&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  29. Simões-Silva, L.; Moreira-Rodrigues, M.; Quelhas-Santos, J.; Fernandes-Cerqueira, C.; Pestana, M.; Soares-Silva, I.; Sampaio-Maia, B.. "Intestinal and renal guanylin peptides system in hypertensive obese mice". Experimental Biology and Medicine 238 1 (2013): 90-97. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84875580423&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  30. Soares-Silva, I.; Sá-Pessoa, J.; Myrianthopoulos, V.; Mikros, E.; Casal, M.; Diallinas, G.. "A substrate translocation trajectory in a cytoplasm-facing topological model of the monocarboxylate/H+ symporter Jen1p". Molecular Microbiology 81 3 (2011): 805-817. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79960835280&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  31. OLIVEIRA, J; SOARES-SILVA, I; FOKKEMA, I; et al.. "Novel synonymous substitution in POMGNT1 promotes exon skipping in a patient with congenital muscular dystrophy". JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS 53 6 (2008): 565-572. http://gateway.webofknowledge.com/gateway/Gateway.cgi?GWVersion=2&SrcAuth=ORCID&SrcApp=OrcidOrg&DestLinkType=FullRecord&DestApp=WOS_CPL&KeyUT=WOS:000256320100012&KeyUID=WOS:000256320100012.
  32. Casal, M.; Paiva, S.; Queirós, O.; Soares-Silva, I.. "Transport of carboxylic acids in yeasts". FEMS Microbiology Reviews 32 6 (2008): 974-994. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-53749088357&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  33. Oliveira, J.; Santos, R.; Soares-Silva, I.; Jorge, P.; Vieira, E.; Oliveira, M.E.; Moreira, A.; et al. "LAMA2 gene analysis in a cohort of 26 congenital muscular dystrophy patients". Clinical Genetics 74 6 (2008): 502-512. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-56749104483&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  34. Soares-Silva, I.; Paiva, S.; Diallinas, G.; Casal, M.. "The conserved sequence NXX[S/T]HX[S/T]QDXXXT of the lactate/pyruvate:H+ symporter subfamily defines the function of the substrate translocation pathway". Molecular Membrane Biology 24 5-6 (2007): 464-474. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34548071932&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  35. Soares-Silva, I.; Paiva, S.; Kötter, P.; Entian, K.-D.; Casal, M.. "The disruption of JEN1 from Candida albicans impairs the transport of lactate". Molecular Membrane Biology 21 6 (2004): 403-411. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-11144341410&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  36. Soares-Silva, I.; Schuller, D.; Andrade, R.P.; Baltazar, F.; Cássio, F.; Casal, M.. "Functional expression of the lactate permease Jen1p of Saccharomyces cerevisiae in Pichia pastoris". Biochemical Journal 376 3 (2003): 781-787. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-0347986613&partnerID=MN8TOARS.

Intellectual property

  2. Margarida, Casal; Isabel, Soares-Silva; Sandra Paiva; David, Ribas; Carolina, Almeida. 2018. "A METHOD FOR EXPRESSION OF A PROKARYOTIC MEMBRANE PROTEIN IN AN EUKARYOTIC ORGANISM, PRODUCTS AND USES THEREOF". Portugal.