Conference paper |
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Geotechnical characterization of industrial
wastes mixed in soils for liner production". Paper presented in Geotechnics for Sustainable Infrastructure Development,
- Nouioua, Thamer; Marchiori, Leonardo; Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Luis Andrade Pais; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Analysis
of the chemical properties of almond and walnut shells for use in earthworks". Paper presented in 6th International Conference
WASTES 2023, Coimbra, 2023.
- Morais, Maria Vitoria; Marchiori, Leonardo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Analysis of permeability variation and
biofilm growth in non-woven geotextiles filter barriers in contact with wastewater". Paper presented in ICEG2023 - 9th
International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Creta, 2023.
- Studart, André; Marchiori, Leonardo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Maria Eugênia Boscov; Rocha, Fernando; da Silva,
Eduardo. "Geotechnical comparison of water treatment sludge and biomass ashes for soft soils' application: A greener approach
analysis". Paper presented in ICEG2023 - 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Creta, 2023.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. Corresponding author: Marchiori, Leonardo.
"Cracking and desiccation of water treatment sludge for incorporation into soils for alternative liner material production".
Paper presented in ICEG2023 - 9th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Creta, 2023.
- Silva, Flora; Calheiros, Cristina; Albuquerque, Antonio; Antão-Geraldes, Ana M.. "Influence of green roofs combined with rainwater
harvesting on the water management of a metal-mechanical industry pavilion.". Paper presented in International Conference
on Engineering (ICEUBI 2022), 28-30 November 2022, 2022.
- Morais, Maria Vitoria; Marchiori, Leonardo; Sátiro, Josivaldo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Evaluation of biofilms
formation and stabilization in non-woven geotextile material in contact with wastewater.". Paper presented in International
Conference on Engineering (ICEUBI 2022), 28-30 November 2022, 2022.
- Duarte, Marta; Albuquerque, Antonio; Almeida, Pedro Gabriel. "Impact of radionuclides on drinking water quality.". Paper presented
in International Conference on Engineering (ICEUBI 2022), 28-30 November 2022, 2022.
- Scalize, Paulo; Gabriel, E.; Aguiar, T.; Oliveira, T.; Bezerra, N.; Junior, H.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Water quality in shallow
hand-dug wells in rural settlements in Goiás - Brazil.". Paper presented in International Conference on Engineering (ICEUBI
2022), 28-30 November 2022, 2022.
- Gonçalves, Vanessa; Albuquerque, Antonio; Almeida, Pedro Gabriel; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Assessment of the groundwater contamination
potential with cemeteries runoff in the Soure region (Portugal) using GIS tools.". Paper presented in International Conference
on Engineering (ICEUBI 2022), 28-30 November 2022, 2022.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Geotechnical characterization methodology
of water treatment sludge for production of liner material.". Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Environmental
Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable Engineering (EGRWSE 2022), 15-17 September 2022, 2022.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Water treatment sludge as geotechnical liner material – State-of-art.".
Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Environmental Geotechnology, Recycled Waste Materials and Sustainable
Engineering (EGRWSE 2022), 15-17 September 2022, 2022.
- Silva, Flora; Schulze M.; Kempka M. ; Antão-Geraldes, Ana M.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Proposta para melhorar a eficiência hídrica
num pavilhão da indústria automóvel". Paper presented in XX Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental
(XX SILUBESA), 29 June - 1 July 2022, 2022.
- Santos Neto, A.; Sátiro, J; Marinho, T.; Vera-Cruz, K; Figueiroa, A.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Lourdinha, F.. "Efeito do uso
de lodos ativados como inóculos na sedimentabilidade da biomassa de lagoas de alta taxa". Paper presented in XX Simpósio
Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (XX SILUBESA), 29 June - 1 July 2022, 2022.
- Sátiro, Josivaldo; Cunha, A.; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Simões, Rogério; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Avaliação da produção de biomassa
na aplicação de consórcio de microalga-bactéria ao tratamento de águas residuais da indústria do papel.". Paper presented
in XX Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (XX SILUBESA), 29 June - 1 July 2022, 2022.
- Sátiro, Josivaldo; Santos Neto, A.; Ferreira, J.; Oliveira, A.; Fernandres, B.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Lourdinha, F.. "Avaliação
do desempenho e dinâmica das microalgas em lagoa de alta taxa para tratamento de águas residuais domésticas". Paper presented
in XX Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (XX SILUBESA), 29 June - 1 July 2022, 2022.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Studart, André; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Laboratory testing of
vegetal biomass ashes based materials for liner production". Paper presented in 3rd Conference on Testing and Experimentation
in Civil Engineering (TEST&E 2022) - Smart Technologies, 21-23 June 2022, 2022.
- Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Marchiori, Leonardo; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Simultaneous application of physical
methods and scanning electron microscopy for evaluation of bioclogging in geotextiles". Paper presented in 3rd Conference
on Testing and Experimentation in Civil Engineering (TEST&E 2022) - Smart Technologies, 21-23 June 2022, 2022.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Industrial solid wastes acting as barrier material for storing
solid wastes (SW) and wastewaters – A critical review.". Paper presented in 20th International Conference on Soil Mechanics
and Geotechnical Engineering (ICSMGE 2022), 1-5 May 2022, 2022.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Granitic Mining Waste Feasibility for Liner Material Production".
Paper presented in 7th World Congress on Civil, Structural, and Environmental Engineering (CSEE'22), 2022.
Published • 10.11159/iceptp22.203
- Morais, Maria Vitoria; Sátiro, Josivaldo; Marchiori, Leonardo; Albuquerque A.; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Evaluation of initial biological
clogging in nonweven geotextile in contact with wastewater". Paper presented in 12th Internation Conference on Geosynthetics
(Roma), 2022.
- Gonçalves, Vanessa; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Evaluation of Entre-os-Rios thermal aquifer vulnerability using
DRASTIC index.". Paper presented in 1st International FibEnTech Congress (FibEnTech21), 9-10 December 2021, 2021.
Published • 10.18502/kms.v7i1.11628
- Sátiro, Josivaldo; Leitao, Sanderson; Gomes, Arlindo; Simões, Rogério; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Opportunities for microalgae-bacteria
consortium application to the treatment of effluents generated in fibers-waste-based recycling processes". Paper presented
in 1st International FibEnTech Congress (FibEnTech21), 9-10 December 2021, 2021.
Published • 10.18502/kms.v7i1.11619
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Studart, André; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Pais, Luis Andrade; Boscov, Maria Eugênia;
Cavaleiro, Victor. "Geotechnical characterization of biomass ashes for soil reinforcement and liner material.". Paper presented
in 1st International FibEnTech Congress (FibEnTech21), 9-10 December 2021, 2021.
Published • 10.18502/kms.v7i1.11626
- Studart, André; Marchiori, Leonardo; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Almeida, Pedro Gabriel; Cavaleiro, Victor.
"Chemical and mineralogical characterization of biomass ashes for soil reinforcement and liner material.". Paper presented
in 1st International FibEnTech Congress (FibEnTech21), 9-10 December 2021, 2021.
- Silva, Flora; Antão-Geraldes, Ana M.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Water reuse in a municipal sports center.". Paper presented in
1st International FibEnTech Congress (FibEnTech21), 9-10 December 2021, 2021.
Published • 10.18502/kms.v7i1.11624
- Silva, Flora; Antão-Geraldes, Ana M.; Scalize, Paulo; Cavaleiro, Victor; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Influence of hydraulic conditions
on reclaimed water polishing using soil and sand columns.". Paper presented in 1st International FibEnTech Congress (FibEnTech21),
9-10 December 2021, 2021.
Published • 10.18502/kms.v7i1.11617
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Studart, André; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Almeida, Pedro Gabriel; Cavaleiro, Victor.
"A substituição de geossintéticos e solos através da valorização de resíduos de ETA em obras de terra.". Paper presented in
17º Encontro Nacional de Geotecnia (17CNG), 14-17 November 2021, 2021.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Studart, André; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Almeida, Pedro; Luis Andrade Pais; Maria
Eugênia Boscov; Cavaleiro, Victor. "A substituição de geossintéticos e solos através da valorização de resíduos de estação
de tratamento de água em obras de terra". Paper presented in 17 CNG - XVII Congresso Nacional de Geotecnia, Lisboa,
- Sátiro, Josivaldo; Neto, A.; Neto, J.; Albuquerque, A.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Utilização da avaliação do ciclo de vida como
ferramenta sustentável e de pesquisa para o tratamento de águas residuais.". Paper presented in VI Congresso Nacional de
Pesquisa e Ensino em Ciências (VI CONAPESC), 5-7 November 2021, 2021.
- Sátiro, Josivaldo; Brito, A.; Albuquerque, A.; Araujo, M.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Avaliação dos riscos e aplicação da ferramenta
FMEA em um restaurante universitário de uma universidade pública.". Paper presented in VI Congresso Nacional de Pesquisa
e Ensino em Ciências (VI CONAPESC), 5-7 November 2021, 2021.
- Andrade, N.; Oliveira, J.; Antão-Geraldes, Ana M.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Silva, Flora. "Reutilização de águas cinzentas e
aproveitamento de águas pluviais num pavilhão municipal.". Paper presented in 19º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental
(19º ENaSB), 21-23 October 2021, 2021.
- Antão-Geraldes, Ana M.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Silva, Flora. "Ciclo urbano da água no Concelho de Bragança: como promover a
eficiência hídrica.". Paper presented in 19º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (19º ENaSB), 21-23 October 2021,
- Ana Maria Antão-Geraldes; Albuquerque, Antonio; Silva, Flora. "Ciclo urbano da água no concelho de Bragança: como promover
eficiência hídrica?". Paper presented in 19.º Encontro Nacional de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (ENASB)/ Jornadas
Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos (JTIR), Viseu, 2021.
In press
- Morais, T.; Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo. "Potencial de eficiência hídrica num centro escolar da sub-região
de Terras de Trás-os-Montes de Portugal.". Paper presented in 50º Congresso Nacional de Saneamento da ASSEMAE (50º CNSA)
- XXIV Exposição de Experiências Municipais em Saneamento, 15 September - 24 November 2021, 2021.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Studart, André; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Avaliação do potencial
de utilização de resíduo de ETA como impermeabilizante de obras de terra para contenção de resíduos". Paper presented in LETA21
- 1º Encontro Nacional de Lodo de Estação de Tratamento de Água, São José dos Campos, 2021.
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Studart, André; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Silva, Abilio. "Geotechnical characterization
of water treatment sludge for liner material production and soft soil reinforcement". Paper presented in 4th International
Conference on Material Engineering Research 2021 (ICMER 2021), Incheon, 2021.
- Afonso M.; Albuquerque A.; Fael C.; Dinis-Almeida M.. "Evaluation of metals leaching in permeable asphalt pavement and conventional
asphalt pavement". Paper presented in 2019 International Doctorate Students Conference + Lab Workshop in Civil Engineering
(STARTCON19), Covilhã, 2019.
- Nogueira R.; Oliveira A.; Costa H.; Albuquerque A.; Scalize, Paulo. "Evaluation of the Caesium-137 activity at the Rochedo
Dam, Goiás, Brazil". Paper presented in 2019 International Doctorate Students Conference + Lab Workshop in Civil Engineering
(STARTCON19), Covilhã, 2019.
Published • 10.18502/keg.v5i5.6951
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo. "Remoção de poluentes de um efluente sintético em diferentes condições
hidráulicas de escoamento através de coluna de solo residual". Paper presented in 49º Congresso Nacional de Saneamento
da ASSEMAE, Cuibá, 2019.
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Carvalho, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo; Tabalipa, N.; Marecos do Monte,
Helena. "Remoção de matéria orgânica e nutrientes de efluentes líquidos em diferentes condições hidráulicas". Paper presented
in 18º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (18º ENaSB) e 18º Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária
(18º SILUBESA), Porto, 2018.
- Braga, D.; Kruvinel, K.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo. "Salubridade ambiental da região metropolitana de Goiânia".
Paper presented in 18º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (18º ENaSB) e 18º Simpósio Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia
Sanitária (18º SILUBESA),, Porto, 2018.
- Cavaleiro, Victor; Carvalho, Antonio; Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Contribuição para o conhecimento dos recursos hídricos
no concelho do Sabugal". Paper presented in 18º Encontro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental (18º ENaSB) e 18º Simpósio
Luso-Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária (18º SILUBESA), Porto, 2018.
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Abrantes, Sofia; Silva, Flora. "Technical solutions for water reuse in a social and cultural center".
Paper presented in 5th Annual Water Efficiency Conference, Aveiro, 2018.
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo. "Remoção de metais pesados de efluentes líquidos em ensaios em coluna
de fluxo vertical e descendete com solo residual". Paper presented in 48º Congresso Nacional de Saneamento da ASSEMAE,
Fortaleza, 2018.
- Aguiar, Teles; Arruda, Poliana; Jesus, W.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo. "Comparação entre métodos de quantificação
de geração de lodo em Estações de Tratamento de Água". Paper presented in 14º Congresso da Água, Évora, 2018.
- Neves, Alexandre; Albuquerque, Antonio; Araújo, Flávio de Carvalho; Scalize, Paulo. "Remoção de chumbo com utilização de resíduo
de polimento de porcelanato". Paper presented in 14º Congresso da Água, Évora, 2018.
- Araújo, Flávio de Carvalho; Cascudo, O.; Scalize, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Avaliação da durabilidade de pisos de concreto
produzidos com resíduos de estações de tratamento de água". Paper presented in 14º Congresso da Água, Évora,
- Marques, A.; Abreu, F.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Lobo, P.; Scalize, Paulo. "Eficiência do coagulante extraído de sementes de
Moringa Oleifera Lam. no tratamento de água pela tecnologia de flotação". Paper presented in 14º Congresso da Águ,
ÉWvora, 2018.
- Fernandes, A.; Ciriaco, L.; Pacheco, M. J.; Lopes, A.; Albuquerque, A.. "Diagnosis and assessment of the management of sanitary
landfill leachates in Portugal". 2018.
- Teresa Borralho ; Ana Rita Prazeres; Franciso Javier Rivas Toledo; Fernando Beltran; Carvalho, Maria de Fatima Nunes; Albuquerque,
- Afonso, Marcia; Almeida, Marisa; Fael, Cristina; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Evaluation of the leaching of heavy metals in permeable
asphalt pavements and conventional asphalt pavemens". Paper presented in International Conference on Engineering (ICEUBI
2017, Covilhã, 2017.
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Scalize, Paulo. "Remoção de Cr, Cu e Zn de efluentes líquidos utilizando
a componente fina de solos residuais graníticos". Paper presented in ICEUBI2017, 2017.
- Fernandes, Annabel; Ciriaco, Maria de Lurdes; Pacheco, Maria Jose; Lopes, Ana; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Diagnosis and assessment
of the management of sanitary landfill leachates in Portugal". Paper presented in WASTES – Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities,
- Gomes, Arlindo; Silva, M.; Stefanakis, Alexandros I.; Simões, Rogério; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Assessment of cork boiling wastewater
treatment by constructed wetland at horizontal subsurface flow configuration". Paper presented in 2nd Symposium of the
FibEnTech, Covilhã, 2017.
- Prazeres, Ana R.; Fernandes, Flavia; Luz, Silvana; Afonso, Alexandra; Regato, Mariana; Almeida, Adelaide; Carvalhos, Teresa;
et al. "HYDROREUSE - Treatment and reuse of agro-industrial wastewaters using an innovative hydroponic system with tomato
plants". Paper presented in IX Congreso Iberico de Agroingenieria, Bragança, 2017.
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Arrobas, M.. "Utilização de solos residuais para remoção de matéria
orgânica e nutrientes de águas residuais tratadas". Paper presented in Congresso Ibero-Americano de Empreendedorismo, Energia,
Ambiente e Tecnologia (CIEEMAT17), Bragança, 2017.
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Arrobas, M.. "Utilização de solos residuais para remoção de matéria
orgânica e nutrientes de águas residuais tratadas.". Paper presented in III Congresso Ibero-Americano de Empreendedorismo,
Energia, Ambiente e Tecnologia (CIEEMAT), Bragança, 2017.
- Carvalho, Antonio; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Simões, J.. "Environmental impact of infrastructure A23 - Map
of noise". Paper presented in 17th International Multidisciplinary Scientific GeoConference on Surveying Geology and Mining
Ecology Management (SGEM17), Albena, 2017.
Published • 10.5593/sgem2017/52/s20.120
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo. "Avaliação da remoção de metais pesados por sorção em solos residuais
da região da Beira Interior em Portugal.". Paper presented in 47º Congresso Nacional de Saneamento da ASSEMAE, Campinas,
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo. "Avaliação da remoção de matéria orgânica e nutrientes por sorção em solos
residuais". Paper presented in 46º Congresso Nacional de Saneamento da ASSEMAE e XX Exposição de Experiências Municipais
em Saneamento, Jaraguá do Sul, 2016.
- Matos, J.; Ferreira, F.; Ramoa, A.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Varela, L.; Vieira, H.. "Contribuição para o desenvolvimento de
regulamentos no sector da água e saneamento em Cabo Verde". Paper presented in 13º Congresso da Água, Lisboa,
- Matos, J.; Ferreira, F.; Ramoa, A.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Varela, L.; Vieira, H.. "Matos J; Ferreira F.; Ramoa A. ; Vieira
H ; Albuquereque, A. ; Varela L. Contribuição para o desenvolvimento de regulamentos no sector da água e saneamento em Cabo
Verde. Atas do 13º Congresso da Água". Paper presented in 13º Congresso da Água, Lisboa, 2016.
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Silva, A.; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Characterization of residual soil used for infiltration
of reclaimed water.". Paper presented in 1st Symposium of the FibEnTech, 28-29 January 2016., Covilhã, Portugal.,
- Carvalho, Maria de Fatima; Almeida, A.; Palma, P.; Ramalho, M.; Prazeres, Ana; Simões, Rogério; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Use
of atmospheric CO2 for treatment of paper industry effluents.". Paper presented in 1st Symposium of the FibEnTech, 28-29
January 2016., Covilhã, Portugal., 2016.
- Mesquita, Maria; Albuquerque, Antonio; Amaral, Leonor; Nogueira, Regina. "Phosphorus removal from domestic wastewater in horizontal
subsurface flow constructed wetland with Phragmites australis.". Paper presented in 1st Symposium of the FibEnTech, 28-29
January 2016., Covilhã, Portugal., 2016.
- Afonso, M.; Fraga, M.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Gomes, Arlindo; Simões, Rogério. "Chlorella vulgaris: biomass production and
characterization.". Paper presented in 1st Symposium of the FibEnTech, 28-29 January 2016., Covilhã, Portugal.,
- Fernandes, Annabel; Pacheco, Maria Jose; Ciriaco, Maria de Lurdes; Albuquerque, Antonio; Lopes, Ana. "Effluents generated
from MSW management in Portugal.". Paper presented in 1st Symposium of the FibEnTech, 28-29 January 2016., Covilhã,
Portugal., 2016.
- Belizario, Paulo; Scalize, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Avaliação da capacidade de uma bacia de detenção para a remoção de
metais pesados de escorrências rodoviárias". Paper presented in 28º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental,,
Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Almeida, R.; Scalize, Paulo. "Impacto da evapotranspiração na remoção de matéria orgânica e nitrogênio
em leitos de macrófitas de escoamento subsuperficial horizontal.". Paper presented in 28º Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia
Sanitária e Ambiental, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
- Araújo, Flávio de Carvalho; Scalize, Paulo; Cascudo, O.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Reis, H.. "Produção de tijolos ecológicos com
adição de resíduos das estações de tratamento de água e de efluentes de fábrica de porcelanato". Paper presented in 28º
Congresso Brasileiro de Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental, Rio de Janeiro, 2015.
- Serra, P.; Espírito Santo, A.; Albuquerque, A.. "An experimental setup for energy efficiency evaluation of microbial fuel
cells.". Paper presented in 2015 IEEE International Conference on Industrial Technology (ICIT)., Seville, Spain.,
- Scalize, P. S.; Araújo, F. C.; Albuquerque, A.; Cascudo, O.. "Use of alum water treatment residues for the production of soil–cement
bricks.". Paper presented in Annual Conference & Exposition 2015, AWWA, 7-10 June 2015., Anaheim, USA., 2015.
- Silva, W.; Gomes, A. C.; Simões, R.; Pascoa, R.; Albuquerque, A.; Stefanakis, A.. "A lab-scale constructed wetland for wastewater
treatment of the cork processing industry.". Paper presented in 6th International Symposium on Wetland Pollutant Dynamics
and Control (WETPOL), 13-18 September 2015., York, UK., 2015.
- Ribeiro, S.; Scalize, P. S.; Araújo, F. C.; Albuquerque, A.. "Reuse of porcelain tile polishing residues for heavy metal removal.".
Paper presented in IX Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos, 16-18 September 2015., Viana do Castelo, Portugal.,
- Araújo, F. C.; Scalize, P. S.; Lobon. G.; Albuquerque, A.. "Soil-cement floor produced with porcelain residues and water treatment
residues.". Paper presented in IX Jornadas Técnicas Internacionais de Resíduos, 16-18 September 2015., Viana do
Castelo, Portugal., 2015.
- Lobon, G.; Scalize, P. S.; Souza, C.; Ruggeri Jr, H.; Albuquerque, A.. "La fluoración del agua en ciudades del Centro-Oeste
de Brasil.". Paper presented in International Conference on Engineering (ICEUBI 2015), 2-4 December 2015, Covilhã,
Portugal, 2015.
- P. M. D. Serra; A. Espirito-Santo; A. Albuquerque. "An Experimental Setup for Energy Efficiency Evaluation of Microbial Fuel
Cells". 2015.
- Serra, P.; Guia, S.; Teixeira, E.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Espírito Santo, A.; Magrinho, M.. "A distributed sensor network powered
by energy harvesting technologies for water quality monitoring.". Paper presented in International Congress on Water, Waste
and Energy Management, 16-18 jully 2014., Porto, Portugal, 2014.
- Araújo, F. C.; Scalize, P. S.; Albuquerque, A.; Lima, J.; Lima, F.. "Production of soil-cement bricks using water treatment
residues.". Paper presented in International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management, 16-18 July 2016., Porto,
Portugal., 2014.
- Sardinha, N.; Albuquerque, A.; Silva, F.; Scalize, P. S.. "GIS-based site selection for agriculture irrigation with reclaimed
water.". Paper presented in 11th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC2014), 17-21 August 2014., Ney
York, USA, 2014.
- Albuquerque, A.; Silva, F.; Arrobas, M.; Cavaleiro, V.; Marecos do Monte, H.; Scalize, P. S.. "Use of residual soils for infiltration
of reclaimed water. (in Portuguese, published in CD-Rom)". Paper presented in 27º Congresso Brasiliero de Engenharia Sanitária,
15-19 September 2013., Goiania, Brazil, 2013.
- Albuquerque, A.; Scalize, P. S.; Soares, L.; Silva, I.. "Study of the removal of chromium and zinc in a discontinuous filter
filled with alum sludge. (in Portuguese)". Paper presented in 27º Congresso Brasiliero de Engenharia Sanitária, 15-19 September
2013., Goiania, Brazil, 2013.
- Albuquerque, A.; Silva, I.; Scalize, P. S.. "Reuse of alum sludge for the removal of heavy metals in filtration systems.".
Paper presented in 8th International Symposium on Wastes (8th JIRS), 16-18 July 2013, IST., Lisbon, Portugal,
- Scalize, P. S.; Silva, J.; Albuquerque, A.. "Characterization of waste depleted pits in the Municipality of Itumbiara inside
Goiás-Brazil. (in Portuguese)". Paper presented in 8th International Symposium on Wastes (8th JIRS), 16-18 July 2013, IST.,
Lisbon, Portugal., 2013.
- Mesquita, M. C.; Carreiro, F.; Albuquerque, A.; Amaral, L.; Nogueira, R.. "Removal indicator microorganisms in subsurface
horizontal flow constructed wetland.". Paper presented in 4th International Multidisciplinary Conference on Hydrology and
Ecology (HydroEcol 2013), 13-16 May 2013., Rennes, France., 2013.
- Soares, L.; Scalize, P. S.; Albuquerque, A.. "Water treatment sludge for post-treatment of effluents from stabilization pond.".
Paper presented in 10th IWA Specialist Ponds Conference, 19-22 August., Cartagena, Colombia., 2013.
- Randerson, P.; Albuquerque, A.; Bialowiec, A.. "The influence of evapotranspiration on wastewater constructed wetland treatment
efficiency.". Paper presented in Eco-Tech Conference, 26-28 November 2012, University of Linnaeus., Linnaeus, Sweeden,
- Neto, A.; Scalize, P. S.; Albuquerque, A.. "Use of water treatment sludge for the production of tree seedlings with occurrence
in the Cerrado biome.". Paper presented in 4th Internatíonal Conterence on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisatíon,
10-13 September 2012, Porto, Portugal, 2012.
- Soares, L.; Scalize, P. S.; Albuquerque, A.. "Use of water treatment plant sludge for the removal of total phosphorous, nitrate,
turbidity and color of effluents from stabilization ponds". Paper presented in International AFRICA Sustainable Waste Management
Conference, 23-25 July 2012, Lobito, Angola, 2012.
- Albuquerque, A.; Cavaleiro, V.; Ferreira, N.; Scalize, P. S.. "Use of GIS tools for site selection for integrated reclaimed
water and biosolids reuse.". Paper presented in Proceedings of the International AFRICA Sustainable Waste Management Conference,
23-25 July 2012., Lobito, Angola, 2012.
- Scalize, P. S.; Teixeira, A.; Albuquerque, A.. "Performance of a microporous ceramic filtre for slow filtration.". Paper presented
in 9th International Symposium of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (SIDISA 2012), 26-29 June 2012., Milan,
Italy, 2012.
- Albuquerque, A.; Mendes, C.; Soares, L.; Castro-Gomes, J.P.; Scalize, P. S.. "Heavy metals removal using water treatment sludge.".
Paper presented in 9th International Symposium of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering (SIDISA 2012), 26-29 June 2012.,
Milan, Italy, 2012.
- Silva, F.; Albuquerque, A.; Marecos do Monte, H.; Cavaleiro, V.; Carvalho, A.. "Site selection for reclaimed water infiltration
using GIS tools.". Paper presented in IWA Regional Conference on Wastewater Purification and Reuse, 28-30 March 2012,
Creta, Greece, 2012.
- Albuquerque, A.; Marecos do Monte, H.; Silva, F.; Cavaleiro, V.; Carvalho, A.. "Analysis of reclaimed water application for
irrigation using multi-criteria analysis.". Paper presented in IWA Regional Conference on Wastewater Purification and Reuse,
28-30 March 2012., Creta, Grécia., 2012.
- Cavaleiro, V.; Casinhas, C; Albuquerque, A.; Carvalho, A.; Silva, F.. "Evaluation of the groundwater quality in the Alcochete
area using GIS.". Paper presented in 1st International Congress on Water, Waste and Energy Management, 23-25 May 2012.,
Salamanca, Spain., 2012.
- Albuquerque A.; Amado, L.; Rodrigues P.; Craveiro R.. "Influence of transient hydraulic loading rate on the performance of
horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands". Paper presented in 3rd International Congress on Wastewater in Small
Comunities (Smallwat 11), Sevilha, 2011.
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Jacek Makinia; Krishna Pagilla. "Influence of aeration on nitrogen removal in a submerged biological
aerated filter for residuals removal". Paper presented in Nutrient Recovery and Management 2011 Conference, Miami,
Published • 10.2175/193864711802867540
- Silva, I.; Castro-Gomes, J.P.; Albuquerque, A.. "Effect of acid conditions on the structural stability of mine waste mud-based
geopolymeric artificial aggregates for wastewater treatment". Paper presented in 1st International Conference on WASTES:
Solutions, Treatments and Opportunities, 12-14 September 2011, Guimarães, Portugal, 2011.
- Pedrero, F.; Albuquerque, A.; Marecos do Monte, H.; Cavaleiro, V.; Alarcon, J.. "GIS as a tool for the selection of reclaimed
water infiltration sites in rural areas.". Paper presented in 8th IWA International Conference on Water Reclamation and
Reuse (Water Reuse 2011), 26-29 September 2011., Barcelona, Spain, 2011.
- Albuquerque, A.; Amado, L.; Mesquita, M. C.; Rodrigues, P.; Craveiro, R.. "Effect of transient loads on the performance of
HSSF constructed wetlands under Mediterranean climate (published in CD-Rom)". Paper presented in Joint Meeting of Society
of Wetland Scientists, WETPOL and Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium, 3-8 July 2011., Prague, Czech Republic, 2011.
- Pedrero, F.; Albuquerque, A.; Marecos do Monte, H.; Cavaleiro, V.; Alarcon, J.. "Site selection for aquifer recharge with
treated wastewater using GIS-based multi-criteria analysis.". Paper presented in 3rd International Congress on Wastewater
in Small Comunities (Smallwat 11), 25-28 April 2011., Seville, Spain, 2011.
- Albuquerque, A.; Mesquita, M. C.; Amaral, L.; Nogueira, R.. "Effect of Phragmites australis growth on the performance of horizontal
subsurface flow constructed wetlands during the start-up phase.". Paper presented in 3rd International Congress on Wastewater
in Small Comunities (Smallwat 11), 25-28 April 2011., Sevile, Spain., 2011.
- Mesquita, M. C.; Albuquerque, A.; Amaral, L.; Nogueira, R.. "Impact of mass loading rate and vegetation on the performance
of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands.". Paper presented in SSS 4 WATER Conference – Small Sustainable Solutions,
18-22 April 2011., Venice, Italy., 2011.
- Amado, L.; Albuquerque, A.. "Influence of the hydraulic loading rate on the performance of a LECA-based horizontal subsurface
flow constructed wetland.". Paper presented in SSS 4 WATER Conference – Small Sustainable Solutions, 18-22 April 2011.,
Veneza, Italy., 2011.
- Silva, I.; Castro-Gomes, J.P.; Albuquerque, A.. "Properties of geopolymeric artificial aggregates obtained from tungsten mine
waste mud, for wastewater treatment processes.". Paper presented in International Conference on Sustainability of Constructions
- Towards a better built environment, 3-5 February 2011., Innsbruck, Austria., 2011.
- Albuquerque, A.; Makinia, J.; Pagilla, K.. "Influence of aeration on nitrogen removal in a submerged biological aerated filter
for residuals removal.". Paper presented in Nutrient Recovery and Management 2011 Conference, 9-12 Janary 2011., Miami,
USA., 2011.
- Mesquita, M. C.; Latado, M.; Carreiro, F.; Albuquerque, A.; Amaral, L.; Nogueira, R.. "Performance evaluation of three horizontal
subsurface flow constructed wetlands in the Interior Central Region of Portugal during the summer period.". Paper presented
in Joint Meeting of Society of Wetland Scientists, WETPOL and Wetland Biogeochemistry Symposium, 3-8 July 2011., Praga,
Républica Checa., 2011.
- Silva, Isabel; Castro-Gomes, Joao; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Geopolymeric artificial aggregates as new materials for wastewater".
Paper presented in International Conference on Sustainable Building Affordable to All (SB10), 2010.
- Randerson, P.; Davies, L.; Albuquerque, A.; Bialowiec, A.. "Willows and reeds for bioremediation of landfill leachate: redox
potential in the root zone". Paper presented in International Conference ECO-TECH’10, 22-24 November 2010, Kalmar,
Sweden, 2010.
- Albuquerque, A.; Bandeiras, Rodrigo. "Influence of vegetation in the variation of longitudinal dispersion in Leca-based horizontal
subsurface flow beds (published in CD-Rom)". Paper presented in 9th International Conference on Hydroinformatics (HIC 2010),
7-11 Sepember 2010, Tianjin, China, Tianjin, China, 2010.
- Silva, Isabel; Castro-Gomes, João; Albuquerque, A.. "Evaluation of the stability of waste-based geopolymeric artificial aggregates
for wastewater treatment processes under different curing conditions (published in CD-Rom)". Paper presented in 12th International
Conference on Modern Materials and Technologies (CIMTEC 2010 - Symposium CK), Tuscany, Italy, Tuscany, Italy, 2010.
- Silva, I.; Castro-Gomes, J.P.; Albuquerque, A.. "Mineral wastes geopolymeric artificial (WGA) aggregates as alternative materials
for wastewater treatment processes – study of structural stability and pH variation in water". Paper presented in International
Conference on Sustainable Building Affordable to All (SB10), Vila Moura, Portugal, 2010.
- Silva, I.; Castro-Gomes, J.P.; Albuquerque, A.. "Evaluation of the stability of waste-based geopolymeric artificial aggregates
for wastewater treatment processes under different curing conditions.". Paper presented in 12th International Conference
on Modern Materials and Technologies (CIMTEC 2010 - Symposium CK), 6-8 June 2010., Montecatini Terme, Italia.,
- Wojciechowska, E.; Gajewska, M.; Kowalik, P.; Obarska-Pempkowiak, H.; Waara, S.; Albuquerque, A.; Randerson, P.. "Leachate
from sanitary landfills treated by constructed wetlands.". Paper presented in 2th International Waste Management and Landfill
Symposium, 5-9 October 2009., Sardinia, Italy., 2009.
- Albuquerque, A.; Pagilla, K.; Makinia, J.. "Investigations of nitrogen removal pathways in a biological packed bed reactor
using elementary mass balances.". Paper presented in WEF Nutrient Removal Conference 2009, 28 June -1 July 2009, Washington,
USA, 2009.
Published • 10.2175/193864709793901103
- Marecos do Monte, H.; Albuquerque, A.. "Evaluation of the treatment capability of HSSF constructed wetlands for irrigation
reuse.". Paper presented in IWA International Conference on Asset Management of Medium and Small Wastewater Utilities,
3-4 July 2009., Alexandroupolis–Thrace, Grécia, 2009.
- Albuquerque, A.. "Evaluation of the effectiveness of horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands for different media.".
Paper presented in 13th International Specialized Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2009),
12-5 October 2009., Seul, Coreia do Sul, 2009.
- Araújo, A.; Sousa, E.; Albuquerque, A.. "Longitudinal dispersion in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland: a dead
zone model and numerical solution.". Paper presented in 14th Conference on Computational Techniques and Applications (CTAC'08),
13-16 July 2008., Camberra, Austrália., 2008.
- Albuquerque, A.; Arendacz, M.; Obarska-Pempkowiak, H.; Borges, M.; Correia, M.. "Simultaneous removal of organic and solid
matter and nitrogen in a SSHF constructed wetland in temperate Mediterranean climate.". Paper presented in 12th International
Conference on Integrated Diffuse Pollution Management (IWA DIPCON 2008), 25-29 August 2008., Khon Kaen, Tailândia.,
- Albuquerque, A.. "Estimating conservative solute transport in a vertical packed bed.". Paper presented in XXXVIII Seminar
of Applied Mathematics, 21-24 September 2008., Kobyla Gora, Polónia, 2008.
- Renker, M.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Evaluation of the influence of loading conditions on the simultaneous removal of organic
matter and nitrogen in SSHF constructed wetlands". Paper presented in World Environmental & Water Resources Congress 2007,
Published • 10.1061/40927(243)624
- Albuquerque, A.; Bandeiras, R.. "Analysis of conservative pollutants transport in a saturated soil column using moment analysis
and least-square optimization.". Paper presented in 10th Conference on Biosolids and Biowastes, CIWEM, 13-16 November 2005.,
Wakefield, Inglaterra., 2005.
- Albuquerque, A.; Santana, F.; Ganho, R.. "Simultaneous carbon removal, nitrification and denitrification in an aerated biofilter
under low hydraulic and organic loading.". Paper presented in 2nd Conference on Water Resources in Mediterranean Basin
(WATMED 2), 14-17 November 2005., Marrakesh, Marrocos., 2005.
- Albuquerque, A.; Santana, F.. "Hydrodynamic behaviour of a biological packed bed under different hydraulic and organic loading.".
Paper presented in 2nd International Conference on Applications of Porous Media 2004 (ICAPM 2004), 24-27 May 2004.,
Évora, Portugal., 2004.
- Albuquerque, A.; Sousa, E.; Araújo, A.. "Application of the advection-dispersion equation to characterize the hydrodynamic
regime in a submerged packed bed reactor.". Paper presented in International Conference on Computational & Experimental
Engineering & Sciences (ICCES’04), 26-29 July 2004, Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, 2004.
Journal article |
- Antão-Geraldes, Ana M.; Ohara, Gabriel; Afonso, Maria João; Albuquerque, Antonio; Silva, Flora. "Towards sustainable water
use in two university student residences: A case study". Applied Sciences 14 17 (2024): 7559.
Published • 10.3390/app14177559
- Satiro, Josivaldo; dos Santos Neto, Antonio G.; Marinho, Talita; Sales, Marcos; Marinho, Idayana; Kato, Mário T.; Simões,
Rogério; Albuquerque, Antonio; Florencio, Lourdinha. "The role of the microalgae–bacteria consortium in biomass formation
and its application in wastewater treatment systems: A comprehensive review". Applied Sciences 14 14 (2024): 6083.
Published • 10.3390/app14146083
- Pereira, Carmencita Tonelini; Sorlini, Sabrina; Sátiro, Josivaldo; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH)
in schools: A catalyst for upholding human rights to water and sanitation in Anápolis, Brazil". Sustainability 16 13
(2024): 5361.
Published • 10.3390/su16135361
- Takao, Túlio W.; Bardini, Vivian S.; de Jesus, Amanda D.; Marchiori, Leonardo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Fiore, Fabiana A.. "Beneficial
use of water treatment sludge with stabilizers for application in road pavements". Sustainability 16 13 (2024): 5333.
Published • 10.3390/su16135333
- Satiro, Josivaldo; Gomes, Arlindo; Florencio, Lourdinha; Simões, Rogério; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Effect of microalgae and
bacteria inoculation on the startup of bioreactors for paper pulp wastewater and biofuel production". Journal of Environmental
Management 362 (2024): 121305.
Published • 10.1016/j.jenvman.2024.121305
- Gonçalves, Vanessa; Albuquerque, Antonio; Almeida, Pedro Gabriel; Ferreira Gomes, Luís; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Delineation of
potential groundwater zones and assessment of their vulnerability to pollution from cemeteries using GIS and AHP approaches
based on the DRASTIC index and specific DRASTIC". Water 16 4 (2024): 585.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/w16040585
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Morais, Maria Vitoria; Studart, André; Albuquerque, Antonio; Andrade Pais, Luis; Ferreira Gomes, Luis;
Cavaleiro, Victor. "Energy harvesting opportunities in geoenvironmental engineering". Energies 17 1 (2024): 215.
Published • 10.3390/en17010215
- Jurkovic, Josip; Kazlagic, Anera; Sulejmanovic, Jasmina; Smjecanin, Narcisa; Karalija, Erna; Prkic, Ante; Nuhanovic, Mirza;
Kolar, Mitja; Albuquerque, Antonio. Corresponding author: Jurkovic, Josip. "Assessment of heavy metals bioaccumulation in
Silver Birch (Betula pendula Roth) from an AMD active, abandoned gold mine waste". Environmental Geochemistry and Health
45 12 (2023): 9855-9873.
Published • 10.1007/s10653-023-01774-7
- Silva, Flora; Calheiros, Cristina Sousa Coutinho; Albuquerque, Antonio; Lopes, Jorge Pedro; Antão-Geraldes, Ana Maria. "Technical
and financial feasibility analysis of rainwater harvesting using conventional or green roofs in an industrial building". Sustainability
15 16 (2023): 12430.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/su151612430
- Flora Silva; Cristina Sousa Coutinho Calheiros; Guilherme Valle; Pedro Pinto; Albuquerque, Antonio; Ana Maria Antão-Geraldes.
"Influence of green roofs on the design of a public stormwater drainage system: A case study". Sustainability 15 7
(2023): 5762.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/su15075762
- Antão-Geraldes, Ana M.; Matheus Pinto; Maria João Afonso; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cristina Sousa Coutinho Calheiros; Flora Silva.
"Promoting water efficiency in a municipal market building: A case study". Hydrology 10 3 (2023): 69.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/hydrology10030069
- Raviel Basso; Kássia Santana; Michelle Honório; Isabella Costa; Leitao, Sanderson; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo. "Identification
of homogeneous regions of specific minimum flows in the State of Goiás, Brazil". Journal of Ecological Engineering
24 4 (2023): 357-367.
Open access • Published • 10.12911/22998993/161078
- Gonçalves, Vanessa; Albuquerque, Antonio; Paulo Carvalho; Pedro Almeida; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Groundwater vulnerability assessment
to cemeteries pollution through GIS-based DRASTIC Index". Water 14 4 (2023): 812.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/w15040812
- Aguiar, Tales; Baumann, Luis; Albuquerque, Antonio; Teixeira, Luiza; Gil, Eric; Scalize, Paulo. "Application of electrocoagulation
for the removal of transition metals in water". Sustainability 15 2 (2023): 1492.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/su15021492
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Studart, André; Albuquerque, Antonio; Pais, Luis Andrade; Boscov, Maria Eugênia; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Mechanical
and chemical behaviour of water treatment sludge and soft soil mixtures for liner production". The Open Civil Engineering
Journal 16 1 (2022): e187414952211101.
Open access • Published • 10.2174/18741495-v16-e221115-2022-27
- Gonçalves, Vanessa; Albuquerque, Antonio; Almeida, Pedro G.; Cavaleiro, Victor. "DRASTIC index GIS-based vulnerability map
for the Entre-os-Rios thermal aquifer". Water 14 16 (2022): 2448.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/w14162448
- Santos, Eleonora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Lisboa, Inês; Murray, Patrick; Ermis, Hande. "Economic assessment of energy consumption
in wastewater treatment plants: Applicability of alternative nature-based technologies in Portugal". Water 14 13 (2022):
Open access • Published • 10.3390/w14132042
- Sátiro, Josivaldo; Cunha, André; Gomes, Ana P.; Simões, Rogério; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Optimization of microalgae–bacteria
consortium in the treatment of paper pulp wastewater". Applied Sciences 12 12 (2022): 5799.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/app12125799
- Basso, Raviel; Honório, Michelle; Costa, Isabella; Bezerra, Nolan; Baumann, Luis; Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize,
Paulo. "Comparison between regionalized minimum reference flow and on-site measurements in hydrographic basins of rural Communities
in the State of Goias, Brazil". Water 14 7 (2022): 1016.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/w14071016
- Flora Silva; Ana Maria Antão- Geraldes; Carmem Zavattieri; Maria João Afonso; Flávio Freire; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Improving
water efficiency in a municipal indoor swimming-pool complex: A case study". Applied Sciences 11 22 (2021): 10530.
Open access • 10.3390/app112210530
- Marchiori, Leonardo; Studart, André; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Silva, Abílio P.. "Geotechnical characterization
of water treatment sludge for liner material production and soft soil reinforcement". Materials Science Forum 1046
(2021): 83-88.
Published • 10.4028/
- Scalize, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Luiz Di Bernardo. "Impact of Alum water treatment residues on the methanogenic activity
in the digestion of primary domestic wastewater sludge". Sustainability 13 16 (2021): 8783.
Published • 10.3390/su13168783
- Oliveira, Mayk; Torres. Ieda; Ruggeri, Humberto; Scalize, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Gil, Eric. "Application of electrocoagulation
with a new steel-swarf-based electrode for the removal of heavy metals and total coliforms from sanitary landfill leachate".
Applied Sciences 11 11 (2021): 5009-5009.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/app11115009
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Randerson, Peter; Bialowiec, Andrzej. "Oxygen transfer capacity as a measure of water aeration by floating
reed plants: Initial laboratory studies". Processes Paper 1270 (2020):
Open access • Published • 10.3390/pr8101270
- Batista, Erica; Garcia, Luane; Albuquerque, Antonio; Ballaminut, Nara; Scalize, Paulo; Gil, Eric. "Application of a voltammetric
enzymatic biosensor based on crude extract of Marasmiellus colocasiae for the detection of phenolic compounds in drinking
water". Ambiente & Água - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science 15 6 (2020): 1-10.
Open access • Published • 10.4136/1980-993X
- Gomes, Arlindo C.; Silva, Lucia; Albuquerque, Antonio; Simoes, Rogerio; Stefanakis, Alexandros, I. "Treatment of cork boiling
wastewater using a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland combined with ozonation". Chemosphere 260 127598
Published • 10.1016/J.CHEMOSPHERE.2020.127598
- Prazeres, Ana R.; Fernandes, Flávia; Madeira, Luís; Luz, Silvana; Albuquerque, Antonio; Simões, Rogério; Beltrán, Fernando;
Jerónimo, Eliana; Rivas, Javier. "Treatment of slaughterhouse wastewater by acid precipitation (H2SO4, HCl and HNO3) and oxidation
(Ca(ClO)2, H2O2 and CaO2)". Journal of Environmental Management 250 (2019): 109558.
Published • 10.1016/j.jenvman.2019.109558
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo; Souza, Leonora. "Reuse of alum sludge for reducing flocculant addition in water treatment
plants". Environment Protection Engineering 45 1 (2019): 57-70.
Open access • Published • 10.5277/epe190105
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Scalize, Paulo. "Removal of Cr, Cu and Zn from liquid effluents using
the fine component of granitic residual soils". Open Engineering 8 1 (2018): 417-425.
Open access • 10.1515/ENG-2018-0051
- Scalize, Paulo; Pinheiro, Roberta; Ruggeri Junior, Humberto; Albuquerque, Antonio; Lobón, Germán; Arruda, Poliana. "Heterocontrole
da fluoretação da água de abastecimento público em cidades do estado de Goiás, Brasil". Ciência & Saúde Coletiva 23
11 (2018): 3849-3860.
Open access • Published • 10.1590/1413-812320182311.24712016
- Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor; Carvalho, António; Scalize, Paulo. "Heavy metals removal from reclaimed
water in a laboratory column using a granitic residual soil". Proceedings 2 20 (2018): 1308.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/proceedings2201308
- Carvalho, António; Cavaleiro, Victor; Albuquerque, Antonio; Silva, Flora. "Modeling and mitigation of noise on the A23 motorway
using GIS". Proceedings 2 20 (2018): 1306.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/proceedings2201306
- Abrantes, Sofia; Silva, Flora; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Recycling of rainwater in a social and cultural center". Proceedings
2 20 (2018): 1276.
Open access • Published • 10.3390/proceedings2201276
- Scalize, Paulo Sergio; Soares, Samara Silva; Fonseca Alves, Andreia Cristina; Marques, Thaynara Azevedo; Martins Mesquita,
Gabriel Gade; Ballaminut, Nara; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Use of condensed water from air conditioning systems". Open Engineering
8 1 (2018): 284-292.
Open access • Published • 10.1515/ENG-2018-0031
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo; Neto, Abner. "Water treatment sludge as potential soil amendment for native plants of
the Brazilian Cerrado". Environmental Engineering and Management Journal 17 5 (2018): 1169-1178.
Open access • Published • 10.30638/eemj.2018.116
- Gomes, Arlindo C.; Silva, Lucia; Albuquerque, Antonio; Simoes, Rogerio; Stefanakis, Alexandros, I. "Investigation of lab-scale
horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands treating industrial cork boiling wastewater". Chemosphere 207 (2018):
Published • 10.1016/J.CHEMOSPHERE.2018.05.123
- Mesquita, Conceição; Albuquerque, Antonio; Amaral, Leonor; Nogueira, Regina. "Effectiveness and temporal variation of a full-scale
horizontal constructed wetland in reducing nitrogen and phosphorus from domestic wastewater". ChemEngineering 2 1 (2018):
Open access • Published • 10.3390/chemengineering2010003
- Maria Mesquita; Albuquerque, Antonio; Leonor Amaral; Regina Nogueira. "Seasonal variation of nutrient removal in a full-scale
horizontal constructed wetland". Energy Procedia 136 (2017): 225-232.
Open access • Published • 10.1016/j.egypro.2017.10.246
- Silva, Flora; Scalize, Paulo; Cruvinel, Karla; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Caracterização de solos residuais para infiltração de
efluente de estação de tratamento de esgoto". Engenharia Sanitaria e Ambiental 22 1 (2017): 95-102.
Published • 10.1590/s1413-41522016141677
- Fernandes, L. R.; Gomes, Arlindo; Lopes, A.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Simões, Rogério. "Sugar and volatile fatty acids dynamic
during anaerobic treatment of olive mill wastewater". Environmental Technology 37 8 (2016): 997-1007.
Published • 10.1080/09593330.2015.1096310
- Belizario, Paulo; Scalize, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Heavy metal removal in a detention basin for road runoff". Open
Engineering 6 1 (2016): 412-417.
Open access • Published • 10.1515/eng-2016-0060
- Araújo, Flávio de Carvalho; Scalize, Paulo; Lima, J.; Vieira, N.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Soil-cement floor produced with alum
water treatment residues". International Journal of Civil, Environmental, Structural, Construction and Architectural Engineering
9 3 (2015): 377-380.
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo; Ferreira, Nilson; Silva, Flora. "Multi-criteria analysis for site selection for the
reuse of reclaimed water and biosolids". Ambiente e Agua - An Interdisciplinary Journal of Applied Science 10 1 (2015):
Open access • Published • 10.4136/ambi-agua.1550
- Araújo, Flávio de Carvalho; Scalize, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Angelim, Renato. "Caracterização física do resíduo de uma
estação de tratamento de água para sua utilização em materiais de construção". Ceramica 61 360 (2015): 450-456.
Open access • Published • 10.1590/0366-69132015613601931
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Mesquita, Conceição; Amado, Ligia; Craveiro, Renato. "Efeito da variação de carga no desempenho de leitos
de macrófitas de escoamento subsuperficial e horizontal.". Industria e Ambiente 85 (2014): 18-21.
Open access • Published
- Rodrigues, A. L.; Machado, A. V.; Nóbrega, J. M.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Brito, A. G.; Nogueira, R.. "A poly-e-caprolactone
based biofilm carrier for nitrate removal from water". International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology
11 2 (2014): 263-268.
Published • 10.1007/s13762-013-0250-z
- Bialowiec, Andrzej; Albuquerque, Antonio; Randerson, Peter. "The influence of evapotranspiration on vertical flow subsurface
constructed wetland performance". Ecological Engineering 67 . (2014): 89-94.
Published • 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2014.03.032
- Soares, Lorena; Scalize, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Caracterização de resíduo de ETA visando sua disposição na saída de
lagoas de estabilização". Monografias Ambientais (REMOA) 14 2 (2014): 3154-3163.
Open access • Published • 10.5902/2236130812399
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Scalize, Paulo Sérgio; Silva, Isabel; Soares, Lorena Acelina. "Remoção de metais pesados por filtração
reativa com resíduo de ETA". Hydro 88 (2014): 48-52.
Open access • Published
- González-Martínez, A.; Calderón, K.; Albuquerque, Antonio; Hontoria, E.; González-López, J.; Guisado, I. M.; Osorio, Francisco.
"Biological and technical study of a partial-SHARON reactor at laboratory scale: effect of hydraulic retention time". Bioprocess
and Biosystems Engineering 36 2 (2013): 173-184.
Published • 10.1007/s00449-012-0772-7
- Mesquita, Conceição; Albuquerque, Antonio; Amaral, Leonor; Nogueira, Regina. "Effect of vegetation on the performance of horizontal
subsurface flow constructed wetlands with lightweight expanded clay aggregates". International Journal of Environmental
Science and Technology 10 3 (2013): 433-442.
Published • 10.1007/s13762-012-0119-6
- Santos, Diana C.; Silva, Lúcia; Albuquerque, Antonio; Simões, Rogério; Gomes, Arlindo. "Biodegradability enhancement and detoxification
of cork processing wastewater molecular size fractions by ozone". Bioresource Technology 147 . (2013): 143-151.
Published • 10.1016/j.biortech.2013.07.154
- Gomes, A. C.; Silva, L.; Simões, R.; Canto, N.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Toxicity reduction and biodegradability enhancement
of cork processing wastewaters by ozonation". Water Science & Technology 68 10 (2013): 2214-2214.
Published • 10.2166/wst.2013.478
- Scalize, Paulo; Teixeira, André Luiz; Teran, Francisco Javier Cuba; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Filtração em cerâmica microporosa
apicada à remoção de cor e turbidez de água para abastecimento público". Engenharia Ambiental – Pesquisa e Tecnologia
10 1 (2013): 64-74.
Open access • Published
- Castro-Gomes, João; Albuquerque, Antonio; Silva, Abilio; Cano, R.; Suarez, J.. "Valorização de resíduos de minas em compósitos
poliméricos". Materiais de Construção 158 (2012): 40-46.ção_de_res%C3%ADduos_de_minas_em_compósitos_poliméricos.
Open access • Published
- Amado, Ligia; Albuquerque, Antonio; Espírito Santo, Antonio. "Influence of stormwater infiltration on the treatment capacity
of a LECA-based horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland". Ecological Engineering 39 . (2012): 16-23.
Published • 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2011.11.009
- Bialowiec, Andrzej; Davies, Laura; Albuquerque, Antonio; Randerson, Peter. "Nitrogen removal from landfill leachate in constructed
wetlands with reed and willow: Redox potential in the root zone". Journal of Environmental Management 97 . (2012):
Published • 10.1016/j.jenvman.2011.11.014
- Castro-Gomes, J.P.; Silva, Abilio; Cano, Rafael P.; Durán Suarez, J.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Potential for reuse of tungsten
mining waste-rock in technical-artistic value added products". Journal of Cleaner Production 25 . (2012): 34-41.
Published • 10.1016/j.jclepro.2011.11.064
- Bialowiec, Andrzej; Davies, Laura; Albuquerque, Antonio; Randerson, Peter. "The influence of plants on nitrogen removal from
landfill leachate in discontinuous batch shallow constructed wetland with recirculating subsurface horizontal flow". Ecological
Engineering 40 . (2012): 44-52.
Published • 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2011.12.011
- Albuquerque, Antonio. "Spatial variation of longitudinal dispersion in LECA-based vegetated beds". Defect and Diffusion
Forum 326 328 (2012): 279-284.
Published • 10.4028/
- Silva, Isabel; Castro-Gomes, João P.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Effect of immersion in water partially alkali-activated materials
obtained of tungsten mine waste mud". Construction and Building Materials 35 . (2012): 117-124.
Published • 10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2012.02.069
- Albuquerque, Antonio; González-Martínez, A.; Osorio, Francisco. "Effect of aeration on steady-state conditions in non- and
partially aerated low-loaded biofilter". International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 9 3 (2012):
Published • 10.1007/s13762-012-0073-3
- Silva, Isabel; Castro-Gomes, João; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Mineral waste geopolymeric artificial aggregates as alternative
materials for wastewater-treatment processes: study of structural stability and pH variation in water". Journal of Materials
in Civil Engineering 24 6 (2012): 623-628.
Published • 10.1061/(ASCE)MT.1943-5533.0000429
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Makinia, Jacek; Pagilla, Krishna. "Impact of aeration conditions on the removal of low concentrations
of nitrogen in a tertiary partially aerated biological filter". Ecological Engineering 44 . (2012): 44-52.
Published • 10.1016/j.ecoleng.2012.03.006
- Scalize, Paulo; Neto, Abner; Rios, Fernanda; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Estudo da influência da temperatura da água bruta na eficiência
do coagulante químico". SODEBRAS 7 80 (2012): 3-8.
Open access • Published
- Alves, David; Marecos do Monte, Helena; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Sustentabilidade técnica e económica dos projectos de reutilização
de águas residuais.". Água & Ambiente 152 (2011): 28-29.
Open access • Published
- Pedrero, Francisco; Albuquerque, Antonio; Marecos do Monte, Helena; Cavaleiro, Victor; Alarcón, Juan José. "Application of
GIS-based multi-criteria analysis for site selection of aquifer recharge with reclaimed water". Resources, Conservation
and Recycling 56 1 (2011): 105-116.
Published • 10.1016/j.resconrec.2011.08.003
- Pedrero, Francisco; Albuquerque, Antonio; Amado, Ligia; Marecos do Monte, Helena; Alarcón, Juan José. "Analysis of the reclamation
treatment capability of a constructed wetland for reuse". Water Practice & Technology 6 3 (2011): wpt2011050.
Published • 10.2166/wpt.2011.050
- Alves, David; Marecos do Monte, Helena; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Water reuse projects - Technical and economic sustainability".
E-Water (2011):
Open access
- Ribeiro, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Carta de aptidão para reutilização de lamas celulósicas em solos
do perímetro de regadio da Cova da Beira com utilização de SIG.". Tecnologias do Ambiente Ano 17 93 (2010): 34-36.
- Marecos do Monte, Helena; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Reutilização de águas residuais – aspectos de planeamento.". Valorização
de Resíduos 15 (2010): 1-24.
- Ribeiro, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Riscado, José; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Potencial de reutilização de lamas celulósicas em
solos da Cova da Beira". Industria e Ambiente 63 (2010): 22-24.
- Silva, Isabel; Albuquerque, Antonio; Castro-Gomes, Joao. "Agregados geopoliméricos artificiais para utilização no tratamento
de águas residuais.". Industria e Ambiente 65 (2010): 27-29.
- Marecos do Monte, Helena. "Analysis of constructed wetland performance for irrigation reuse". Water Science & Technology
61 7 (2010): 1699-1699.
Published • 10.2166/wst.2010.063
- Ribeiro, Paulo; Albuquerque, Antonio; Quinta-Nova, Luis; Cavaleiro, Victor. "Recycling pulp mill sludge to improve soil fertility
using GIS tools". Resources, Conservation and Recycling 54 12 (2010): 1303-1311.
Published • 10.1016/j.resconrec.2010.05.009
- Silva, Isabel; Castro-Gomes, João; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Evaluation of the stability of waste-based geopolymeric artificial
aggregates for wastewater treatment processes under different curing conditions". Advances in Science and Technology
69 . (2010): 86-91.
Published • 10.4028/
- Silva, Isabel; Castro-Gomes, João; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Study of the structural stability, pH variation in water and influence
of the curing conditions on mechanical resistance of mineral wastes geopolymeric artificial aggregates (WGA) as alternative
materials for wastewater treatment processes". Journal of Architecture, Civil Engineering and Environment (ACEE) 3
3 (2010): 121-128.,7,16,Issues.html.
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Oliveira, Jose; Semitela, Sabrina; Amaral, Leonor. "Evaluation of the effectiveness of horizontal subsurface
flow constructed wetlands for different media". Journal of Environmental Sciences 22 6 (2010): 820-825.
Published • 10.1016/s1001-0742(09)60183-2
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Oliveira, J.; Semitela, S.; Amaral, L.. "Influence of bed media characteristics on ammonia and nitrate
removal in shallow horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetlands". Bioresource Technology 100 24 (2009): 6269-6277.
Published • 10.1016/j.biortech.2009.07.016
- Albuquerque, Antonio; Arendacz, M.; Gajewska, M.; Obarska-Pempkowiak, H.; Randerson, P.; Kowalik, P.. "Removal of organic
matter and nitrogen in an horizontal subsurface flow (HSSF) constructed wetland under transient loads". Water Science &
Technology 60 7 (2009): 1677-1677.
Published • 10.2166/wst.2009.548
- Araújo, A.; Sousa, E.; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Longitudinal dispersion in a horizontal subsurface flow constructed wetland:
a numerical solution.". ANZIAM Journal 50 1 (2008): 339-353.
- Albuquerque, Antonio; ARENDACZ, M.; OBARSKA–PEMPKOWIAK, H.; BORGES, M.; CORREIA, M.. "Simultaneous removal of organic and
solid matter and nitrogen in a SSHF constructed wetland in temperate Mediterranean climate.". KKU Research Journal
13 10 (2008): 1117-1128.
- Albuquerque, Antonio. "Influence of flow velocity in the performance of a downflow biofilter". Zeszyty Naukowe Budownictwo
(Politechnika Slaska) 102 (2004): 31-41.
- Matos, Rafaela; Rodrigues, Cássio; Albuquerque, Antonio. "Normalização em saneamento básico, instrumento estratégico de uma
política de garantia da qualidade". Indústria da Água Ano 5 20 (1996): 35-42.