Vitor Correia is assistant Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (DEEC), Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP), and integrated member of Research Center for Systems and Technologies (SYSTEC). He finished his Ph.D. in Electronic Engineering and Computers in 2013 at the University of Minho, and his master's degree in Electronic and Industrial Engineering (specialization in Control, Automation, Robotics, and Instrumentation and microsystems) in 2008 from the same University, where he received 2 merit awards for the best student of the course. His research focuses on the automatic electronic bio-devices for cell culture and printed electronics in the subareas of nano-sensors, nano-actuators, bio-sensors, and data communication systems. During her professional activities, he interacted with 86 co-authors in scientific publications. He published 72 papers in international peer-reviewed journals (SCOPUS), 3 book chapters, 9 papers as proceedings of scientific meetings, 2 granted Portuguese patents, and 2 granted international patents (1 more provisional USA Patent submitted), having more than 2400 citations and an h-index of 31. He has several stays in the internationally renowned center: (CETEMMSA, Technische Universität Chemnitz, Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems, UPV - Centro de Biomateriales e Ingeniería Tisular (CBIT) and BCMaterials), corresponding to more than 2 years of international stay. He was Principal Investigator at Project: Clumose - Clutch-brake condition monitoring smart sensor, POCI-01-0247-FEDER-042535, and has been PI in 3 projects already completed, participating in 14 more projects as a researcher. He supervised 3 Ph.D. (1 of them finalized) and 17 MSc students (15 of them finalized). Her technology transfer allowed her to create 4 spinoffs (Somatica, Materials & Solutions, LDA, Nano Paint, LDA, Wise4autonmation, LDA, BIOENCE SL) and has received 3 distinctions. He was a member of the order of engineers from 2021. He was guest editor of two special issues at Materials Journal and American Ceramic Society. Vitor Correia has more than 630 h of teaching experience.

Personal identification

Full name
Vitor Manuel Gomes Correia

Citation names

  • Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes
  • V. Correia

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • vcorreia@dei.uminho.pt (Professional)


  • Universidade do Minho. Escola de Engenharia, Centro Algoritmi, Campus Azurém, 4800-058, Guimarães, Guimarães, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology - Electrotechnical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics - Electrical and Electronic Engineering
  • Engineering and Technology - Industrial Biotechnology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2)
Spanish; Castilian Elementary (A2) Intermediate (B1) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2)
Degree Classification
2025/01/22 - 2025/03/14
Instalações de Média e Alta Tensão (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
2024/09/01 - 2024/09/01
Cibersegurança – Prevenir e Reagir a um ataque informático (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
2023/09/01 - 2023/09/01
Centrais Fotovoltaicas UPAC (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
2023/07/01 - 2023/07/01
Diretiva Máquinas – Utilização de máquinas e equipamentos (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
2023/03/01 - 2023/04/03
Dimensionamento de Centrais Fotovoltaicas UPAC (Especialização pós-licenciatura)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
2023/03/01 - 2023/03/31
PVSOL - Projeto de energia solar FV (Especialização pós-licenciatura)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
2022/09/26 - 2022/12/03
Instalações de Baixa Tensão (Especialização pós-licenciatura)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
Curso de Ética e Deontologia Profissional (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
2019/12/09 - 2019/12/13
Aeronáutica e Espaço - Engenharia e negócios sob uma Perpectiva Estratégica (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Major in Aeronáutica e Espaço
Centro de Excelência para a Inovação da Indústria Automóvel, Portugal
2008/03/01 - 2013/09/11
Electronic Engineering and Computers (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, Portugal
"Development of piezoresistive sensors for biomedical applications" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Unanimously Approved
2003/09 - 2008/11
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Electronica industrial e de Computadores (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, Portugal
"Desenvolvimento equipamento de Drenagem Linfática por via eléctrica" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
16 (in 20)
2000/09 - 2003/07
Técnico de Mecânica (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica)
Escola Secundária de Rocha Peixoto, Portugal
15 (in 20)


Host institution
2025/01/01 - Current Researcher (Research) Universidade do Porto Instituto de Sistemas e Robótica Pólo do Porto, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2022 - 2024/09/01 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro de Sistemas Microeletromecânicos, Portugal
Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
2019/01/01 - 2021/12/31 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014/01/01 - 2018/12/31 Postdoc (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
2013/04/01 - 2013/12/31 Research Trainee (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2024/09/02 - Current Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2023/01/20 - 2023/09/01 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021 - 2022 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
2019/09/01 - 2020/03 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2017/03/01 - 2017/08/31 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2016/09/01 - 2017/02/28 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2016/03/31 - 2016/08 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2015/10/01 - 2016/03/01 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal


Host institution
2014/01/01 - 2018/12/31 Postdoctoral researcher (FCT funding: SFRH/BPD/97739/2013): Development of a piezoresisitive sensor matrix to assess the forces on the lower limb socket \ stumpinterface" Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
2017/05 - 2017/08 Scientific stay at BCMaterials - Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures : "Electronic component developments and printed using INKJET techniques" Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2016/03 - 2016/06 Scientific stay at Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany: "Developing fully printed electronic circuits using printing techniques" " Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
2015/06 - 2015/08 Scientific stay at BCMaterials - Basque Center for Materials, Applications and Nanostructures : "Electronic component developments and printed using inkjet techniques" Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2014/03 - 2014/06 Scientific stay at CETEMMSA (technological centre specialized on electronic based smart textiles solutions), Barcelona Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014/03 - 2014/06 Scientific stay at Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany : "Electronic component developments printed using printing techniques" Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Germany
2013/04 - 2013/06 Scientific stay at Centre for Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Llibreria de la Universitat de Valencia, Spain
2008/01/01 - 2013/01/01 PhD research fellow, Reference SFRH/BD/48708/2008: “Development of piezoresistive sensors for biomedical applications”. Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal


Designation Funders
2014/01/01 - 2018/12/31 Development of a piezoresisitive sensor matrix to assess the forces on the lower limb socket \ stump interface
PhD Student Fellow
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009/03 - 2013/03 Development of piezoresistive sensors for biomedical applications
PhD Student Fellow
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009/03 - 2013/03 Development of piezoresistive sensors for biomedical applications
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2019/11 - Current Clumose-Clutch-brake condition monitoring smart sensor
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2023/01/01 - 2024/06/30 Nanoparticle free functional materials for additive manufacturing of devices
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/10/01 - 2022/06/30 Baterias impressas avançadas amigas do ambiente para dispositivos portáteis
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07/01 - 2022/06/30 Development of advanced strategies and solutions for muscle tissue engineering based on electromechanical microenvironments
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/01/01 - 2021/06/03 MusclEng - Development of advanced strategies and solutions for muscle tissue engineering based on electromechanical microenvironments
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/09 - 2020/09 Stiching-Innovative Stitching Solutions: soluções e dispositivos de agrafamento avançados
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2016/06/01 - 2019/11/30 PrintPV - Impressão em larga escala de novos sistemas fotovoltaicos baseados na calcopirite Cu(In,Ga)Se2
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015/10/01 - 2018/09/30 Development of interactive books through smart and functional materials
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015 - 2018 Solar-Driven Hydrogen Production Based on Silicon Photocathodes Coated with Novel Earth-Abundant Transition Metal Phosphide Nano-Catalysts
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2017/01 - 2017/12 Projeto Vale I&D - AVEL - Electrónica, Lda
Principal investigator
Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas
2013/01 - 2014/12 Hiperjanelas
Principal investigator
Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas
2012/01 - 2014/12 2. LSG - Lighting Sensing Glass.
23299 I&DT
Principal investigator
TecMinho Associação Universidade-Empresa para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
Instituto de Apoio às Pequenas e Médias Empresas
2010 - 2013 X-ray microdetectors - X-ray microdetectors based on CMOS tecnology
Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011/01/01 - 2012/12/31 Strategic Project - UI 607 - 2011-2012
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Centro de Física das Universidades do Minho e do Porto, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009 - 2011/12 SIMBIO- Smart joint implants using bionanocomposites
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2023/01/01 - 2026/12/31 Three dimensional (3D) printed BATteries for ADvanced ELectronics applications
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2023/01/01 - 2026/12/31 Spintrónica magnetoeléctrica
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2023/01/01 - 2024/06/30 Materiais funcionais sem nanopartículas para manufatura aditiva de dispositivos
Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/04 - 2023/06 Telemetry sensor and communication system for Cloud using NBiOT.
Principal investigator
TecMinho Associação Universidade-Empresa para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2021/01/01 - 2021/12/31 Contrato de Prestação de Serviços TecMinho
Principal investigator
TecMinho Associação Universidade-Empresa para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal


Book chapter
  1. Correia, Vitor; Carlos Miguel Costa ; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Sustainable Energy Storage Devices and Device Design for in the Scope of Internet of Things". In Sustainable Energy Storage in the Scope of Circular Economy Comprehensive resource reviewing recent developments in the design and application of energy storage devices, edited by Renato Gonçalves; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez, 291-306. Wiley, 2023.
  2. Pedro Costa; Carlos Costa; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu; V. Correia. "Additive manufacturing of multifunctional materials". In Advanced Lightweight Multifunctional Materials 1st Edition. Woodhead Publishing, 2020.
  3. Costa, Carlos Miguel; Cardoso, Vanessa Fernandes; Brito-Pereira, Ricardo; Martins, Pedro; Correia, Daniela Maria; V. Correia; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Martins, Pedro Manuel; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based materials: recent progress, challenges, and opportunities". In Fascinating Fluoropolymers and Their Applications, 1-43. Elsevier, 2020.
Conference paper
  1. Martins, M.S.; Correia, Vitor; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Cabral, J.M.; Rocha, J.G.. "Comparative finite element analyses of piezoelectric ceramics and polymers at high frequency for underwater wireless communications". 2010.
  2. Reis, S.; Correia, Vitor; Martins, M.; Barbosa, G.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Touchscreen based on acoustic pulse recognition with piezoelectric polymer sensors". 2010.
  3. Rocha, J. G.; Cardoso, V.; Correia, Vitor; Lanceros Mendez, S.; Minas, G.. "Piezoelectric micropump for lab-on-a-chip applications". 2009.
  4. Rocha, J.G.; Correia, Vitor; Martins, M.; Cabral, J.M.. "Dilatometer for characterization of thermal expansion of ceramic samples". 2009.
  5. Silva, P.M.; Correia, Vitor; Lanceros Mendez, S.; Rocha, J.G.. "Sigma-delta A/D converter for CMOS image sensors". 2009.
Conference poster
  1. Policia, Rita; N. Pereira; Ana C. M. O. Lima; P. Martins; V. Correia. "Development of magnetoelectric materials for printed electronics". Paper presented in Jornadas CF-UM-UP, 2019.
  2. Gonçalves, Sérgio; Pereira, Nelson; Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Multitouch printed touchscreens based on piezoelectric polymers". Paper presented in LOPEC 2019, 2019.
  4. V. Correia; A. C. Lima; P. Rita; N. Perinka; N. Pereira; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Polymer-based all-printed piezo-magnetically responsive sensors and actuators". Paper presented in Energy Harvesting Society Meeting-2019, 2019.
  5. M. M. Feranndes; N. Castro; D. M. Correia; Clarisse Ribeiro; V. Correia; Lanceros-Mendez, S. "Magneto active three-dimensional polymer based nanocomposites for bone-tissue engineering". Paper presented in Paper presented in New Materials for a Better Life!: Advanced devices and Materials as Key Enabling Technologies for Sustainable Environment., 2019.
  6. Ribeiro, Sylvie; Clarisse Ribeiro; E. O. Carvalho; C. R. Tubio; N. Castro; N. Pereira; V. Correia; Lanceros-Mendez, S. ""Mechano-electrical skeletal muscle cell stimulation for tissue regeneration"". Paper presented in Paper presented in JORNADAS CF-UM-UP., 2019.
  7. V. Correia (3817-26B5-731C). "Novel bioreactors for bone tissue engineering strategies based on polymer-based magnetoelectric composites". Paper presented in New Materials for a Better Life: A new neutron source for a new generation of advanced materials, 2017.
  8. V. Correia (3817-26B5-731C). "Magnetoelectric polymer composite microenvironments for tissue engineering applications". Paper presented in New Materials for a Better Life: A new neutron source for a new generation of advanced materials, 2017.
  9. N. Castro; J. Serrado-Nunes; S. Gonçalves; N. Pereira; P. Costa; V. Correia; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Printable Piezoresistive Sensor Matrix For Interactive And Biomedical Applications". Paper presented in ANM 2017, 2017.
  10. V. Correia. "DEVELOPMENT OF PRINTED INTERACTIVE SURFACES BASED ON ELECTROACTIVE POLYMERS". Paper presented in Printed and Flexible Electronics Congress, London, UK,, 2017.
  11. Martins, Pedro; J. Oliveira; P. Martins; V. Correia; J.G. Rocha; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Processing and characterization of Gd2O3:Eu3+/PPO/POPOP/PVDF composites". Paper presented in 2nd International Conference on Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry & Materials, 2014.
  12. Martins, Pedro; J. Oliveira; P. Martins; V. Correia; J.G. Rocha; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Gd2O3:Eu3+/polystyrene composites for indirect X-ray detection". Paper presented in ANM 2014, 2014.
  13. P.M. Martins; P.Martins; V. Correia; J.G. Rocha; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Comparative performance of polymer based scintillators for X-ray sensors". Paper presented in EUROMAT, 2013.
Journal article
  1. Lia Campos-Arias; Nikola Perinka; Javier Vicente; Vitor Manuel Gomes Correia; Cristian Mendes-Felipe; José Luis Vilas-Vilela; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Fully Printed 3D-Thermoformed Electroluminescent Capacitive System for Human–Machine Interface Applications". Advanced Materials Technologies (2025): https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202402116.
  2. Rui Pedro Raimundo; Vitor Correia; Bruna F. Gonçalves; Pedro Costa; Carmen R. Tubio; Manuel Salado; A.C. Lima; Vanessa F. Cardoso; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Targeting flexible photodetectors responsive to specific irradiation spectra based on polymer-based composites". Journal of Power Sources (2025): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpowsour.2024.235790.
  3. Carlos M. Costa; Vanessa F. Cardoso; Pedro Martins; Daniela M. Correia; Renato Gonçalves; Pedro Costa; Vitor Correia; et al. "Smart and Multifunctional Materials Based on Electroactive Poly(vinylidene fluoride): Recent Advances and Opportunities in Sensors, Actuators, Energy, Environmental, and Biomedical Applications". Chemical Reviews (2023): https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.3c00196.
  4. Rodrigues-Marinho, T.; V. Correia; Tubio, C.-R.; Ares-Pernas, A.; Abad, M.-J.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Costa, P.. "Flexible thermoelectric energy harvesting system based on polymer composites". Chemical Engineering Journal 473 (2023): 145297. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2023.145297.
  5. Ribeiro, S.; Soares, M.; Hermenegildo, B.; V. Correia; Díez, A. García; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Ribeiro, C.. "Corrigendum to ‘Electroactive functional microenvironments from bioactive polymers: A new strategy to address cancer’ [Biomater. Adv. 137 (2022) 212849]". Biomaterials Advances 152 (2023): 213483. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioadv.2023.213483.
  6. Ricardo Brito-Pereira; Clarisse Ribeiro; Pedro Costa; Vitor Correia; Vanessa F. Cardoso; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Graphene Based Printable Conductive Wax for Low-Power Thermal Actuation in Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices". Advanced Materials Technologies (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202300051.
  7. Carvalho, R.; Brito-Pereira, R.; Pereira, N.; Lima, A. C.; Ribeiro, C.; Correia, V.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Martins, P.. "Improving the Performance of Paper-Based Dipole Antennas by Electromagnetic Flux Concentration". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 15 8 (2023): 11234-11243. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c19889.
  8. Martins, P.; Pereira, N.; Lima, A. C.; Garcia, A.; Mendes-Filipe, C.; Policia, R.; Correia, V.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Advances in Printing and Electronics: From Engagement to Commitment". Advanced Functional Materials (2023): 2213744. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adfm.202213744.
  9. Vítor Manuel Gomes Correia; Nelson Pereira; Nicola Perinka; Pedro Costa; Javier del Campo; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Printed 3D Gesture Recognition Thermoformed Half Sphere Compatible with In-Mold Electronic Applications". Advanced Engineering Materials (2022): https://doi.org/10.1002/adem.202200730.
  10. Marques-Almeida, Teresa; Correia, Vitor; Fernández Martín, Eduardo; García Díez, Ander; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Piezoelectric and Magnetically Responsive Biodegradable Composites with Tailored Porous Morphology for Biotechnological Applications". ACS Applied Polymer Materials 4 12 (2022): 8750-8763. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.2c01114.
  11. Marques-Almeida, Teresa; Correia, Vitor; Fernandez Martin, Eduardo; Diez, Ander Garcia; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Piezoelectric and Magnetically Responsive Biodegradable Composites with Tailored Porous Morphology for Biotechnological Applications". ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/54848196/.
  12. Rodrigues-Marinho, Tiago; Pereira, Nelson; Correia, Vitor; Miranda, Daniel; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu; Costa, Pedro. "Transparent Piezoelectric Polymer-Based Materials for Energy Harvesting and Multitouch Detection Devices". ACS Applied Electronic Materials (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/51352440/.
  13. Ribeiro, S.; Soares, M.; Hermenegildo, B.; Correia, V; Diez, A. Garcia; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Ribeiro, C.. "Electroactive functional microenvironments from bioactive polymers: A new strategy to address cancer". Biomaterials Advances (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/53315781/.
  14. Perinka, Nikola; Strbac, Matija; Kostic, Milos; Malesevic, Jovana; Castro, Nelson; Correia, Vitor; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Design and Fabrication of Printed Human Skin Model Equivalent Circuit: A Tool for Testing Biomedical Electrodes without Human Trials". Advanced Engineering Materials (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/44459694/.
  15. Franco, Miguel; Correia, Vitor; Marques, Pedro; Sousa, Fábio; Silva, Rui; Figueiredo, Bruno R.; Bernardes, Adriana; et al. "Environmentally Friendly Graphene-Based Conductive Inks for Multitouch Capacitive Sensing Surfaces". Advanced Materials Interfaces 8 18 (2021): 2100578. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/admi.202100578.
  16. Pereira, Nelson; Correia, Vitor; Perinka, Nikola; Costa, Carlos M.; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "All-Printed Smart Label with Integrated Humidity Sensors and Power Supply". Advanced Engineering Materials (2020): 2001229. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adem.202001229.
  17. Tiago Rodrigues-Marinho; Nelson Castro; Vitor Correia; Pedro Costa; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Triboelectric Energy Harvesting Response of Different Polymer-Based Materials". Materials 13 21 (2020): 4980-4980. https://doi.org/10.3390/ma13214980.
  18. Dios, Jose R.; Gonzalo, Beatriz; Tubio, Carmen R.; Cardoso, João; Gonçalves, Sérgio; Miranda, Daniel; Correia, Vitor; et al. "Functional Piezoresistive Polymer-Composites Based on Polycarbonate and Polylactic Acid for Deformation Sensing Applications". Macromolecular Materials and Engineering (2020): 2000379. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/mame.202000379.
  19. Castro, N.; Ribeiro, S.; Fernandes, M. M.; Ribeiro, C.; Cardoso, V.; Correia, V.; Minguez, R.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Physically Active Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering Applications". Advanced Biosystems 4 10 (2020): 2000125. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/adbi.202000125.
  20. Reizabal, A.; Brito-Pereira, R.; Fernandes, M.M.; Castro, N.; Correia, V.; Ribeiro, C.; Costa, C.M.; et al. "Silk fibroin magnetoactive nanocomposite films and membranes for dynamic bone tissue engineering strategies". Materialia 12 (2020): 100709. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mtla.2020.100709.
  21. Martins, P.; Correia, D. M.; Correia, V.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Polymer-based actuators: back to the future". Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 22 27 (2020): 15163-15182. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d0cp02436h.
  22. Castro, Nelson; Fernandes, Margarida M.; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Correia, Vítor; Minguez, Rikardo; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "Magnetic Bioreactor for Magneto-, Mechano- and Electroactive Tissue Engineering Strategies". Sensors 20 12 (2020): 3340. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/s20123340.
  23. Ribeiro, Sylvie; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Carvalho, Estela O.; Tubio, Carmen R.; Castro, Nelson; Pereira, Nelson; Correia, Vitor; Gomes, Andreia C.; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "Magnetically Activated Electroactive Microenvironments for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Regeneration". ACS Applied Bio Materials 3 7 (2020): 4239-4252. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsabm.0c00315.
  24. Correia, Vitor; Oliveira, Juliana; Perinka, Nikola; Costa, Pedro; Sowade, Enrico; Mitra, Kalyan Y.; Baumann, Reinhard R.; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "All-Printed Piezoresistive Sensor Matrix with Organic Thin-Film Transistors as a Switch for Crosstalk Reduction". ACS Applied Electronic Materials 2 5 (2020): 1470-1477. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsaelm.0c00214.
  25. Pereira, Nélson; Lima, Ana Catarina; Correia, Vitor; Perinka, Nikola; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu; Martins, Pedro. "Magnetic Proximity Sensor Based on Magnetoelectric Composites and Printed Coils". Materials 13 7 (2020): 1729. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ma13071729.
  26. Fernandes, Margarida M.; Correia, Daniela M.; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Castro, Nelson; Correia, Vitor; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Bioinspired Three-Dimensional Magnetoactive Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 11 48 (2019): 45265-45275. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b14001.
  27. A. C. Lima; N. Pereira; R. Policia; C. Ribeiro; V. Correia; S. Lanceros-Mendez; P. Martins. "All-printed multilayer materials with improved magnetoelectric response". Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2019): https://doi.org/10.1039/C9TC01428D.
  28. Oliveira, J.; Martins, P.M.; Correia, V.; Hilliou, L.; Petrovykh, D.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Water based scintillator ink for printed X-ray radiation detectors". Polymer Testing 69 (2018): 26-31. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polymertesting.2018.04.042.
  29. Castro, N; Reis, S; Silva, M P; Correia, V; Lanceros-Mendez, S; Martins, P. "Development of a contactless DC current sensor with high linearity and sensitivity based on the magnetoelectric effect". Smart Materials and Structures 27 6 (2018): 065012. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1361-665x/aab969.
  30. Oliveira, J.; Correia, V.; Castro, H.; Martins, P.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Polymer-based smart materials by printing technologies: Improving application and integration". Additive Manufacturing 21 (2018): 269-283. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2018.03.012.
  31. Oliveira, Juliana; Correia, Vitor; Sowade, Enrico; Etxebarria, Ikerne; Rodriguez, Raul D.; Mitra, Kalyan Y.; Baumann, Reinhard R.; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Indirect X-ray Detectors Based on Inkjet-Printed Photodetectors with a Screen-Printed Scintillator Layer". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 10 15 (2018): 12904-12912. http://dx.doi.org/10.1021/acsami.8b00828.
  32. Castro, H.F.; Correia, V.; Pereira, N.; Costab, P.; Oliveiraa, J.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Printed Wheatstone bridge with embedded polymer based piezoresistive sensors for strain sensing applications". Additive Manufacturing 20 (2018): 119-125. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2018.01.004.
  33. Correia, V.; Mitra, K.Y.; Castro, H.; Rocha, J.G.; Sowade, E.; Baumann, R.R.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Design and fabrication of multilayer inkjet-printed passive components for printed electronics circuit development". Journal of Manufacturing Processes 31 (2018): 364-371. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jmapro.2017.11.016.
  34. Oliveira, J.; Correia, V.; Costa, P.; Francesko, A.; Rocha, G.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Stretchable scintillator composites for indirect X-ray detectors". Composites Part B: Engineering 133 (2018): 226-231. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2017.09.031.
  35. Costa, Pedro; Carvalho, Maria Fátima; Correia, Vitor; Viana, J. C.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Polymer nanocomposite-based strain sensors with tailored processability and improved device integration". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/1822/57405.
  36. "Development of a contactless DC current sensor with high linearity and sensitivity based on the magnetoelectric effect". Smart Materials and Structures 27 6 (2018): https://www.scopus.com/inward/record.uri?eid=2-s2.0-85047756148&doi=10.1088%2f1361-665X%2faab969&partnerID=40&md5=f21b78cbc1840e070bb607a813868aa1.
  37. Ferreira, Armando José Barros; Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes; Mendes, Emilia; Lopes, Cláudia Jesus Ribeiro; Vaz, F.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Piezoresistive polymer-based materials for real-time assessment of the stump/socket interface pressure in lower limb amputees". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/1822/48496.
  38. Nunes, Jivago Serrado Gomes Aguiar; Castro, Nelson; Gonçalves, Sérgio; Pereira, Nélson; Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Marked object recognition multitouch screen printed touchpad for interactive applications". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/1822/48509.
  39. Reis, Sílvia; Castro, Nélson José Fernandes; Silva, Marco Aurélio Pinto; Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes; Rocha, J. G.; Martins, Pedro Libânio Abreu; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Fabrication and characterization of high-performance polymer-based magnetoelectric DC Magnetic Field sensors devices". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/1822/48528.
  40. Gonçalves, B. F.; Oliveira, J.; Costa, P.; Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes; Martins, Pedro Libânio Abreu; Botelho, Gabriela; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Development of water-based printable piezoresistive sensors for large strain applications". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/1822/48508.
  41. Castro, H.F.; Correia, V.; Sowade, E.; Mitra, K.Y.; Rocha, J.G.; Baumann, R.R.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "All-inkjet-printed low-pass filters with adjustable cutoff frequency consisting of resistors, inductors and transistors for sensor applications". Organic Electronics 38 (2016): 205-212. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.orgel.2016.08.025.
  42. Reis, S; Silva, M P; Castro, N; Correia, V; Rocha, J G; Martins, P; Lasheras, A; Gutierrez, J; Lanceros-Mendez, S. "Electronic optimization for an energy harvesting system based on magnetoelectric Metglas/poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Metglas composites". Smart Materials and Structures 25 8 (2016): 085028. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/25/8/085028.
  43. Gonçalves, Bruna F.; Costa, Pedro; Oliveira, Juliana; Ribeiro, Sylvie; Correia, Vitor; Botelho, Gabriela; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Green solvent approach for printable large deformation thermoplastic elastomer based piezoresistive sensors and their suitability for biomedical applications". Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics 54 20 (2016): 2092-2103. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/polb.24118.
  44. Reis, S; Silva, M P; Castro, N; Correia, V; Gutierrez, J; Lasheras, A; Lanceros-Mendez, S; Martins, P. "Optimized anisotropic magnetoelectric response of Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2/PVDF/Fe61.6Co16.4Si10.8B11.2laminates for AC/DC magnetic field sensing". Smart Materials and Structures 25 5 (2016): 055050. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/25/5/055050.
  45. Ribeiro, C.; Correia, V.; Martins, P.; Gama, F.M.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Proving the suitability of magnetoelectric stimuli for tissue engineering applications". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 140 (2016): 430-436. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2015.12.055.
  46. Oliveira, J.; Martins, P.M.; Martins, P.; Correia, V.; Rocha, J.G.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Increasing X-ray to visible transduction performance of Gd2O3:Eu3+PVDF composites by PPO/POPOP addition". Composites Part B: Engineering 91 (2016): 610-614. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2016.02.017.
  47. Reis, S.; Silva, M.P.; Castro, N.; Correia, V.; Martins, P.; Lasheras, A.; Gutierrez, J.; et al. "Characterization of Metglas/poly(vinylidene fluoride)/Metglas magnetoelectric laminates for AC/DC magnetic sensor applications". Materials & Design 92 (2016): 906-910. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.matdes.2015.12.086.
  48. Oliveira, J.; Martins, P. M.; Martins, P.; Correia, V.; Rocha, J. G.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Gd2O3:Eu3+/PPO/POPOP/PS composites for digital imaging radiation detectors". Applied Physics A 121 2 (2015): 581-587. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00339-015-9435-2.
  49. Correia, V.; Panadero, J. A.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Rocha, J. G.; Gomez Ribelles, J. L.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Design and validation of a biomechanical bioreactor for cartilage tissue culture". Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 15 2 (2015): 471-478. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10237-015-0698-5.
  50. Nunes-Pereira, J.; Sencadas, V.; Correia, V.; Cardoso, V.F.; Han, Weihua; Rocha, J.G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Energy harvesting performance of BaTiO3/poly(vinylidene fluoride–trifluoroethylene) spin coated nanocomposites". Composites Part B: Engineering 72 (2015): 130-136. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2014.12.001.
  51. Panadero, Juan Alberto; Sencadas, Vitor; Silva, Sonia C. M.; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Correia, Vitor; Gama, Francisco M.; Gomez Ribelles, José Luis; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Mechanical fatigue performance of PCL-chondroprogenitor constructs after cell culture under bioreactor mechanical stimulus". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part B: Applied Biomaterials 104 2 (2015): 330-338. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbm.b.33386.
  52. Ribeiro, Clarisse; Pärssinen, Jenita; Sencadas, Vítor; Correia, Vítor; Miettinen, S.; Hytönen, Vesa P.; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "Dynamic piezoelectric stimulation enhances osteogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 103 6 (2014): 2172-2175. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbm.a.35368.
  53. Martins, P. M.; Martins, P.; Correia, V.; Rocha, J. G.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Gd2O3:Eu Nanoparticle-Based Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Composites for Indirect X-ray Detection". Journal of Electronic Materials 44 1 (2014): 129-135. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11664-014-3407-8.
  54. Correia, V.; Correia, A.; Rocha, J.. "Use of a clinical decision-support system in implant-supported rehabilitations". Biodental Engineering Ii (2014): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/5367009/.
  55. Rocha, J. G.; Correia, V. M. G.; Martins, M. S.; Cabral, J. M.. "Design and Development of a Prototype Electrotherapy Device". The Open Biomedical Engineering Journal 7 1 (2013): 100-108. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/1874120701307010100.
  56. Correia, V; Caparros, C; Casellas, C; Francesch, L; Rocha, J G; Lanceros-Mendez, S. "Development of inkjet printed strain sensors". Smart Materials and Structures 22 10 (2013): 105028. http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/0964-1726/22/10/105028.
  57. Nunes-Pereira, J.; Sencadas, V.; Correia, V.; Rocha, J.G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Energy harvesting performance of piezoelectric electrospun polymer fibers and polymer/ceramic composites". Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 196 (2013): 55-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2013.03.023.
  58. Correia, V.; Sencadas, V.; Martins, M.S.; Ribeiro, C.; Alpuim, P.; Rocha, J.G.; Morales, I.; Atienza, C.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Piezoresistive sensors for force mapping of hip-prostheses". Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 195 (2013): 133-138. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2013.03.013.
  59. Correia, Vítor; Correia, André; Rocha, José Mário. "Utilização de um sistema de suporte à decisão clínica na avaliação das reabilitações sobre implantes". Revista Portuguesa de Estomatologia, Medicina Dentária e Cirurgia Maxilofacial 54 1 (2013): 13-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.rpemd.2012.12.002.
  60. Martins, M.; Correia, V.; Cabral, J.M.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Rocha, J.G.. "Optimization of piezoelectric ultrasound emitter transducers for underwater communications". Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 184 (2012): 141-148. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2012.06.008.
  61. Sencadas, V.; Ribeiro, C.; Nunes-Pereira, J.; Correia, V.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Fiber average size and distribution dependence on the electrospinning parameters of poly(vinylidene fluoride–trifluoroethylene) membranes for biomedical applications". Applied Physics A 109 3 (2012): 685-691. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00339-012-7101-5.
  62. Ribeiro, C.; Moreira, S.; Correia, V.; Sencadas, V.; Rocha, J.G.; Gama, F. M.; Gómez Ribelles, J. L.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Enhanced proliferation of pre-osteoblastic cells by dynamic piezoelectric stimulation". RSC Advances 2 30 (2012): 11504. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/c2ra21841k.
  63. Alpuim, P.; Correia, V.; Marins, E.S.; Rocha, J.G.; Trindade, I.G.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Piezoresistive silicon thin film sensor array for biomedical applications". Thin Solid Films 519 14 (2011): 4574-4577. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tsf.2011.01.300.
  64. Rocha, J. G.; Correia, V.; Gomez Ribelles, J. L.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Pitaes, A.. "BIOREACTOR FOR MECHANICAL CELL STIMULATION Concept and Design". BIODEVICES 2010: PROCEEDINGS OF THE THIRD INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ELECTRONICS AND DEVICES (2010): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/26381387/.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes. "Development of piezoresistive sensors for biomedical applications". PhD, Universidade do Minho, 2013.
  2. Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes. "DLE TM-Desenvolvimento equipamento de Drenagem Linfática por via eléctrica.". Master, 2008.

Intellectual property

  2. V. Correia; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. 2017. "Sistema de Levitação Magnética para Portas e Janelas", Classificação internacional E06B 3/00 (2006.01)".
  3. Correia, Vítor Manuel Gomes. 2009. "Equipamento Eléctrico de drenagem Linfática por via Eléctrica, Classificação Internacional A61N1/00;A61N1/36;A61N1/00;A61N1/36". Portugal.
Provisional application for patent


  1. Magnetic bioreactor for cell culture and differentiation. The system allows controlled stimulation of electric magneto scaffods inserted in commercial 24/48 well culture plates. This prototype resulted in a patent. Smart Materials ESM group in the physics department of Universiade do Minho. 2017. V. Correia.
  2. Magnetic levitation window - Magnetic slide for a 300kg / m window, height of 5400 mm and 1800 mm per leaf, for a maximum thickness of 48 mm, with a mixed levitation system, formed by permanent magnets and electromagnets, controlled in network control system based on the RS485 protocol. This prototype resulted in a patent.. Industry. 2016. V. Correia.
  3. Mechanical biorreator for cell culture and differentiation, prototype used in the Electroactive Smart Materials ESM group of the physics department. The system allows controlled vertical mechanical excitation in 3D scaffolds with no piezelectric properties, inserted in commercial 24-well culture plates, for the solution to be developed and unwrapped all the mechanical components of ac.. 2014.
  4. Mechanical/vibration biorreator for cell culture and differentiation, prototype used in the Electroactive Smart Materials ESM group of the physics department. The system allows controlled stimulation at the level of the stimulus frequency of two piezoelectric scaffolds inserted in commercial culture plates. Year of implementation 2014. 2014.
  5. Prototype of lymphatic drainage equipment, developed in the Mestrado minha tese area. The system allows the application of alternating and controlled electrical currents in amplitude and frequency, associated with massaging through power conductive cables or lymphatic drainage effect, controlled by the Linux operating system, with software and firmware developed specifically for this function.. 2007.
  6. Autonomous driving robot, development of two mechanical, electrical/electronic and firmware components (programmed in c) and software of an autonomous driving robot supported by image and sound processing algorithms with learning, running on a platform with a system Linux. This work, as it was developed, did not run from extracurricular activities, being that it also participated in various tests.. 2006.
Spin-off company
  1. 2021. BIOENCE SL. Biorreactor and smart scaffolds matirials.
  2. 2018. Nano Paint, lda. Fabricação de tintas de impressão.
  3. 2016. Wise4automation, LDA. Engenharia, Desenvolvimento e Produção de sistemas eletrónicos e software. www.w4a.pt.
  4. 2007. Somatica, Materials & Solutions, lDA. Dispositivos de entrada de dados para a industria.. http://www.somatica.pt.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2023/04/13 Sensorization and data communication for autonomous systems. I Jornadas de Mecânica e Informática Industrial
Politecnico da Guarda (Guarda, Portugal)
2019/03 Inkjet-Printed Photodetectors with Screen-Printed Optically Active Layers for Improved Energy Conversion and Sensing LOPEC-2019
2019/03 Full inkjet printed piezoreistive pressure sensor matrix LOPEC-2019
2019 Development of magnetic inks for printed electronics LOPEC-2019
2019 Design and Modelling of a Magnetoelectric Bioreactor for Bone Tissue Engineering Applications CMN 2019
2019 All- printed magnetic power transformer and power transmission systems for wearable sensors and actuators Annual Energy Harvesting Society Meeting-2019
(United States)
2019 Polymer-based Magnetoelectric Materials for Sensors, Actuators and Energy Harvesting: Materials, applications, challenges Energy Harvesting Society Meeting-2019
(United States)
2019 Printable energy harvesters based on polymer nanocomposites Energy Harvesting Society Meeting-2019
2015 All inkjet printed adjustable low-pass filter for printed strain sensors Materiais 2015
(Porto, Portugal)
2010 Precise duty-cycle measurement for time of transit ultrasound flowmeter ISIE2010
(Bari, Italy)
2010 Bioreactor for Mechanical Cell Stimulation - Concept and Design BIODEVICES-2010
2009 Dilatometer for characterization of thermal expansion of ceramic samples IECON2009
2009 Piezoelectric micropump for lab-on-a-chip applications ICM2009
2009 Sigma-Delta A/D Converter for CMOS Image Sensors ICM2009
2008 Mesotherapy Device for Esthetic Applications BIODIVICES
(Porto, Portugal)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2022/09/15 - Current RF Wireless Power Harvester development to charge sensors and communication devices
Master’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering (Master)
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2022/09/15 - Current Desenvolvimento de baterias flexíveis sustentáveis para wearables
Mestrado em Engenharia Física (Master)
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2022/09/15 - Current Green synthesis of photocatalytic nanoparticles for the elimination of emerging contaminants in water
Mestrado em Micro/Nano Tecnologia (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2022/01/01 - Current Filmes finos nano estruturados para sensores de temperatura
MIEMAT (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019 - Current Printable energy harvester systems forwearable sensors devices
Ciência e Engenharia de Materiais (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018 - Current Development of multifunctional inks for the implementation of interactive applications
Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020 - 2021/11/03 "Desenvolvimento de uma pele artificial para avaliação da sensibilidade a estímulos elétricos"
Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia de Materiais (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017 - 2018/11 Desenvolvimento de um endoscópio instrumentalizado para medição de deformações e pressões
Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores pela Universidade do Minho (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015 - 2016/11/25 Tapete Capacitivo para Deteção de Movimento e Posição de Animais na Experimentação Biomédica
Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores pela Universidade do Minho (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015 - 2016/11/25 Desenvolvimento de um biorreator magnético para estudos em engenharia de tecidos
Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores pela Universidade do Minho (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015 - 2016/11 Desenvolvimento de soluções para instrumentalizar um endoscópio através de sensores piezoresistivos impressos
Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores pela Universidade do Minho (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014 - 2015/11/19 Sistema de leitura sensores de temperatura obtidos através de tecnologias de impressão
Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores pela Universidade do Minho (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013 - 2014/12/16 Dimensionamento e Configuração Magnética para a Levitação de uma Janela Deslizante
Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013 - 2014/12/16 Sistema de Levitação Magnética e Controlo, Aplicado a Janelas Deslizantes
Mestrado integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013 - 2014/12/11 Desenvolvimento de biorreator eletromecânico para estímulo celular
Mestrado em Engenharia de Mecatrónica (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2020/12/17 - Current Acco Open Day Webinar - Projeto Stitched (Nº38397) (2020/12)
Congress (Co-organisor)
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Organization of the 1st Workshop of Electroactive Smart Materials Group (2015) (2015 - 2015)
Congress (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2023/03/31 - Current Universidade Portas abertas - Energy harvesting and microgenerators.
Universidade Portas abertas
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020/12/17 - Current Acco Open Day Webinar - Projeto Stitched - "Advance coatings, Advance features"
Acco Open Day Webinar - Projeto Stitched
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
2019/11/22 - Current Participation in the Basque Industry 4.0 exhibition Basque Industry 4.0 exhibition
2019/10/03 - Current Participation in the initiative promoted by the University of Minho "European Night of Investigators 2019", which took place at Forum Altice Braga, on 3/10/2019, where the manufacturing processes of printed devices were presented, as well as a set of demonstrators. . “Noite Europeia dos Investigador 2019”
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/07/01 - Current Participation in the initiative promoted by the University of Minho “Summer on Campus 2019”, where students from different schools spent the first week in the laboratories of the development of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and sensors / energy harvesting. The last being the responsibility of Vitor Correia “Verão no Campus 2019”
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/05/09 - Current Participation in the initiative promoted by the University of Minho “University with open doors”, on 9 May 2019, with the visit of students to the laboratory for printing sensors and devices. "Universidade de portas abertas”
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018/11/01 - Current Participation in the initiative promoted by the University of Minho “European Night of Researchers 2018”, which took place at Forum Altice Braga, on 11/1/2018, where the manufacturing processes of the printed sensors were presented, as well as a set of demonstrators. Noite Europeia dos Investigador 2018
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018 - Current Participation in the initiative promoted by the University of Minho “Summer on Campus 2018”, where students from different schools spent the first week in the laboratories of the development of rechargeable lithium-ion batteries and sensors / energy harvesting. Verão no Campus 2018
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/05/31 - 2019/05/31 Participation in the CompetIND 4.0 initiative - Project management for industry 4.0 Project management for industry 4.0
Instituto de Soldadura e Qualidade, Portugal

Agência Nacional de Inovação SA, Portugal
2019 - 2019 LOPEC -2019- Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention) is the leading trade fair and the most important conference for the printed electronics industry.
2018/03/26 - 2018/03/28 Participation as a collaborator in the "Best student in UM"
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017 - 2017 LOPEC -2017- Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention) is the leading trade fair and the most important conference for the printed electronics industry.
2015 - 2015 LOPEC -2015- Large-area, Organic & Printed Electronics Convention) is the leading trade fair and the most important conference for the printed electronics industry.
2011 - 2011 Participation in the “SpinUM 2011” initiative, as a “Magnetoelectric sensors” project, a project that was qualified for the finals of a total of 26 applications.
SpinUM 2011”
TecMinho Associação Universidade-Empresa para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2022/01/27 Contamination Sensor for na optical window
(Thesis) Main arguer
Jorge André Pinto Oliveira (Master)
Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2019/11/07 "Embedded nanocomposite based prewload force sensor for ball screws
(Thesis) Arguer
Javier Vicente Teixidó (PhD)
Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Spain
2016/11/25 Development of x-rays detection system based on polymer-based scintillator composers
(Thesis) Main arguer
João Barbosa (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016/11/25 Teclado touch capacitivo reconfigurável baseado em tecnologias impressas
(Thesis) Main arguer
Carlos Matos (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/11/19 Circuitos de leitura de sensores baseados em transístor impressos
(Thesis) Main arguer
Mario Lama (Master)
2014/11/19 Desenvolvimento de etiquetas RFID passivas e chipless para aplicação em Têxteis-Lar
(Thesis) Main arguer
Helder Castro (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013/11/25 Circuito electrónico adaptativo para sensores piezoresistivos
(Thesis) Main arguer
Sofia Portela (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2023/01/12 - Current Membro DGEG - Responsável de Instalações Eléctricas- nº84596
2021/10 - Current Ordem dos engenheiros- colégio de eletrotecnia nº90451
2019 - Current American Ceramic Society


Activity description Institution / Organization
2017 - Current Measurement of the dielectric breakage of the electrical cable shells, for the company Cabelte, SA. For which a specific test setup was developed for carrying out the tests. Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019 - 2020 Measurement of the change in the characteristics of printed electronic circuits, when subjected to the process of thermo-deformation and co-injection, requested by the company CELOPLÁS S.A. Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2023/01 - 2023/08 Eletrotecnia e Instalações Elétricas Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Licenciatura) Universidade do Minho Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2021 - 2022 Sistemas Digitais Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Licenciatura) Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2021 - 2022 Electronica Industrial Ciências de Engenharia - Engenharia e Gestão Industrial (Licenciatura) Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2021 - 2022 Práticas Laboratoriais em Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores 2 Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Licenciatura) Universidade do Minho - Departamento de Eletrónica Industrial, Portugal
2019 - 2020 Analise e técnica de computação I Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017 - 2019 Programação em C - teoria e pratica. Qualifica-IT (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Laboratórios e Práticas Integradas I, aulas praticas Mestrado Integrado em Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Eletrónica II, aulas praticas Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016 - 2017 Análise de Circuitos em Corrente Alternada, aulas teórico praticas Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016 - 2017 Eletrónica I, aulas praticas (2º ano). Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014 - 2016 Praticas de Instrumentação e Sensores, aulas praticas Engenharia Eletrónica Industrial e Computadores (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2021 - Current Peer-reviewer at international Journals: MaterialsToday; flexible sensor, green chemistry, piezoresistive properties, Printed sensors, scintillator, Smart Materials, Smart soft composite, stretchable sensor.
2020/12/01 - Current Peer-reviewer at international Journals: Composites part B; flexible sensor, green chemistry, piezoresistive properties, Printed sensors, scintillator, Smart Materials, Smart soft composite, stretchable sensor, X-Ray.

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2020/11/02 - Current International Journal of Sensors and Sensor Networks
2019 - Current special issues at Materials Journal Materials Journal

Legal proceeding

Activity description Case
2016 - Current Appointed expert in the Common Procedure, at the Intellectual Property Court, Palácio da Justiça – 1º Juízo, do processo: 159/15.2YHLSR


2023 Premio programa BfK INNOV@Rise, project: EARLY -A TOOL TO TACKLE ALZHEIMER’S DISEASE
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA, Portugal
2021 Diploma de mérito de publicação científica em 2020
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, Portugal
2018 Premio na iniciativa StartupNano 2018, com o projecto Active Biorreactor
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal

Centre of Nanotechnology and Smart Materials, Portugal

Startup Braga, Portugal
2018 Menção honrosa atribuída ao projecto EndoSmart - A new generation of smart gastrointestinal endoscopes and related healthcare biomedical devices¿
Technological University of Salamanca, Spain

Other distinction

2006 School Merit
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2005 School Merit
Universidade do Minho, Portugal