Book |
- Alvito, Paula. Corresponding author: Alvito, Paula. Abstracts Book 5th International Conference on Food Contaminants (ICFC2023):
Challenges on Exposure Assessment, health impact and sustainability of food systems.. São Paulo, Brazil: Fundação de Estudos
Agrários Luiz de Queiroz (Fealq). 2023.
Published • Editor
- Abstracts book 4th Int Conf on Food Contaminants: Challenges on early-life exposure. Lisboa, Portugal: National Institute
of Health Dr Ricardo Jorge. 2021.
Published • Editor
- Namorado, Sónia; Assunção, Ricardo; Silva, Maria João; Louro, Henriqueta; Alvito, Paula; Lavinha, João; Dias, Carlos; et al.
1st Workshop on Human Biomonitoring in Portugal "Briding Chemical Exposure to Human Health": Programme and Abstract Book.
Instituto Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge, IP. 2018.
- Abrunhosa, L.; Venâncio, A.; Alvito, Paula. International Conference on Food Contaminants (ICFC 2017) : book of abstracts.
Departamento de Engenharia Biológica Universidade do Minho Departamento de Engeharia Biológica. 2017.
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Louro, Henriqueta; Silva, Maria João; Vasco, Elsa. Food contaminants and human health:
challenges in chemical mixtures. National Institute of Health Doutor Ricardo Jorge. 2016.
- Alvito, Paula. Alterações do estado de saúde associados à alimentação - contaminantes químicos - micotoxinas. Instituto
Nacional de Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge IP. 2014.
Book chapter |
- Alvito, Paula. Corresponding author: Alvito, Paula. "Climate Change and the Impact on Aflatoxin Contamination in Foods: Where
Are We and What Should be Expected?". In Aflatoxins in Food, A Recent Perspective, 275-288. Springe, 2022.
- Martins, C.; Alvito, P.; Assunção, R.. "Nanomaterials in Foods and Human Digestion: An Important Layer in the Assessment of
Potential Toxic Effects". 403-414. 2022.
Conference abstract |
- Cardoso, Diogo; Silva, Ana Rita; Duarte R; Brandão P; Epifânio J; Azevedo A; Prodana, Marija; et al. "Assessing Contaminant
Uptake and Elimination in Insects: Implications for Sustainable Food Production and Waste Management". São Paulo, 2023.
- Alves de Sousa, Bruna; Faria, Miguel; Miralles, Beatriz; Alvito, Paula. "Overview of in vitro approaches to investigate chemical
contaminants intestinal transport". Paper presented in 5th International Conference on Food Contaminants (ICFC2023),
São Paulo, 2023.
- "How maternal exposure to aflatoxin B1 impacts the development of progeny intestinal immune system?". online, 2021.
- "How maternal exposure to aflatoxin B1 impacts the development of progeny intestinal immune system?". Paper presented in EUROTOX
2021, Lisboa, 2021.
- "Exposure assessment of the Portuguese population to multiple mycotoxins – a human biomonitoring study.". Lisboa, 2021.
- "Human biomonitoring of multiple mycotoxins in biological samples of Portuguese ‘earlyMYCO‘ mother-and-child pairs". Paper
presented in 42nd Mycotoxin Workshop, on line, 2021.
- Alvito, Paula. "Gorongosa Coffee: Sustainable coffee production in the Gorongosa National Park in the context of deforestation,
climate change and food security". Paper presented in Desafios para a Nova Década, XIX Encontro Nacional de Ecologia,
Lisboa, 2020.
- Alvito, Paula. "earlyMYCO: assessing the risk associated to early-life exposure to mycotoxins.". Paper presented in 3rd
HBM-PT Workshop on Human BioMonitoring in Portugal, Lisboa, 2020.
- Alvito, Paula. "Exposição a micotoxinas em Portugal – projetos MYCOMIX e earlyMYCO". Paper presented in 1º Simpósio Nacional
“Exposição Precoce a Micotoxinas e o seu impacto na saúde”, Lisboa, 2020.
- Alvito, Paula. "Risk-benefit assessment of cereal-based foods: a case study under RiskBenefit4EU". Paper presented in XIX
Congresso de Alimentação e Nutrição, Lisboa, 2020.
- Alvito, Paula. "EarlyMYCO - a mother & child cohort in Portugal.". Paper presented in 10th International Confeence on Children's
Health and Environment, 2020.
- Alvito, Paula. "Dietary exposure to aflatoxins in the Portuguese population – the use of biomonitoring data to assess the
associated burden". Paper presented in 1st WG Meeting - COST Action CA18218 European Burden of Disease Network, Copenhagen,
- Alvito, Paula. "Nano-bio interactions of titanium dioxide nanomaterials in the intestinal moiety after simulated digestion
in vitro". Paper presented in IV International Symposium on Nanoparticles,Nanomaterials and Applications, Lisboa,
Conference paper |
- Carla Motta; Isabel Castanheira; Ana Sofia Matos; Ana Claudia Nascimento; Ricardo Assunção; Carla Martins; Paula Alvito. "Effect
of Cooking on the Content and Bioaccessibility of Minerals in Pseudocereals". 2022.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Jakobsen, Lea S.; Alvito, Paula; Carmona, Paulo; Carvalho, Catarina; Lopes, Carla; Martins, Carla; et al.
"Risks vs benefits of nuts consumption in Portugal: the balance between preventable myocardial infarctions and the burden
of the liver cancer associated to aflatoxin exposure". 2019.
- Viegas, Susana; Assunção, Ricardo; Nunes, Carla; Osteresch, Bernard; Twaruzek, Magdalena; Kosicki, Robert; Grajewski, Jan;
et al. "Exposure assessment to mycotoxins in a Portuguese fresh bread dough company by analysis of dust and urine samples".
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Viegas, S.; Fernandes, Paulo; Torres, D.; Monteiro, Sarogini; Nabais, P.; et al. "RiskBenefit4EU
project: the essential balance of risks & benefits of foods". 2018.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Vasco, Elsa; Nunes, Baltazar; Alvito, Paula. "Risk assessment of foods consumed by children:
a case study". 2018.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "RiskBenefit4EU – Workshop on risk-benefit assessment of foods: book of
abstracts". 2018.
- Martins, Carla; Vidal, Arnau; De Saeger, S.; Assunção, R.; Nunes, Carla; Torres, D.; Goios, A.; et al. "Is Portuguese population
exposed to Zearalenone? A human biomonitoring study as a contribution to the risk assessment of an endocrine disruptor". 2018.
- Brazão, Roberto; Fernandes, Paulo; Martins, Carla; Nabais, Pedro; Torres, Duarte; Pires, Sara; Thomsen, S.; et al. "Avaliação
de risco-benefício associado à alimentação: um instrumento para uma melhor política alimentar e de saúde na Europa". 2018.
- Pinhão, Mariana; Loureiro, Susana; Louro, Henriqueta; Alvito, Paula; Silva, Maria João. "Mixtures health effects: mycotoxins
in food". 2018.
- Motta, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Santos, Mariana; Alvito, Paula; Castanheira, Isabel. "Bioacessibilidade e
processamento: o caso dos cereais e pseudocereais". 2018.
- Alvito, Paula; Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo. "Food Safety & Environment – Mycotoxins and their impact on human health".
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Viegas, Susana; Viegas, Carla; Jakobsen, Lea S.; Pires, Sara; Alvito, Paula. "Climate change
and aflatoxins exposure in Portugal: could be expect a significant health risk?". 2018.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Antunes, Célia; Costa, Ana; Alvito, Paula. "Mycotoxins: contributors for the establishment of an allergenic
response?". 2018.
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, C.; Viegas, S.; Fernandes, P.; Carvalho-Oliveira, I.; Torres, D.; et al. "Risk-benefit
assessment in foods: a case study involving mycotoxins". 2018.
- Assunção, R.; Martins, C.; Brazão, R.; Fernandes, P.; Carvalho-Oliveira, I.; Torres, D.; Lopes, Carla; et al. "Risk-Benefit
Assessment in foods: a tool for a better food and health policy in Europe". 2018.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Viegas, S.; Fernandes, P.; Carvalho-Oliveira, I.; Torres, D.; Lopes, C.; et al. "RiskBenefit4EU
– Partnering to strengthen the risk-benefit assessment within EU using a holistic approach". 2018.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula; Jakobsen, Lea; Pires, S.. "Aflatoxin exposure through food consumption – are we ready to
face the risk associated to climate change?". 2017.
- Alvito, Paula; Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo. "Risk estimates of mycotoxin mixtures in the diets of our children". 2017.
- Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Pires, M.J.; Cunha, S.; Petta, T.; Jagger, A.; Oliveira, C.; Alvito, Paula. "Ocorrência
de micotoxinas em alimentos comercializados em Portugal". 2017.
- Lopes, André; Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula. "Patulin bioaccessibility in apple-based juices – characterization
of degradation during human digestion". 2017.
- Martins, Carla; Santos, T.; Silva, Inês; Pinheiro, C.; Alvito, Paula. "Ocorrência de patulina em amostras de fruta durante
o processamento industrial". 2017.
- Santonen, T.; Alvito, Paula; Bessems, J.; Borges, T.; Brunet, D.; Buekers, J.; Cornelis, C.; et al. "Improving risk assessment
of chemicals by the use of human biomonitoring - HBM4EU project activities". 2017.
- Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Nunes, Carla; Torres, Duarte; Alvito, Paula. "Mycotoxins as emerging risks: from dietary
exposure to urinary biomarkers". 2017.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Vilarinho, Fernanda; Martins, Carla; Andrade, Mariana; Sanches Silva, A.; Alvito, Paula. "Reduction of
dietary mycotoxins: could food packaging be a future solution?". 2017.
- Calmeiro, Ana; Alvito, Paula; Vasco, Elsa. "Children exposure assessment to food additives: an exploratory study". 2017.
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Calhau, M.A.. "Risk assessment as a tool to improve infant food Safety".
- Abrunhosa, Luís; Venâncio, Armando; Alvito, Paula. "ICFC 2017 Book of Abstracts (2nd International Conference on Food Contaminants)".
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Bioacessibilidade – um conceito crucial para a informação alimentar [poster]".
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Vasco, Elsa; Alvito, Paula. "Is there a health risk concerning the children´s consumption
of cereal-based products? A cumulative mycotoxin risk assessment approach". 2016.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Aplicação do método de digestão harmonizado para a determinação da bioacessibilidade
de contaminantes alimentares - o caso das micotoxinas". 2016.
- Calmeiro, Ana; Alvito, Paula; Oliveira, Luísa; Vasco, Elsa. "Avaliação da exposição a aditivos alimentares em crianças dos
0 aos 3 anos: estudo exploratório". 2016.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Vasco, Elsa; Nunes, Baltazar; Loureiro, S.; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Application of mathematical
models to mycotoxins children risk assessment: a case study of Portuguese children exposure to co-occurring mycotoxins in
processed cereal-based foods". 2016.
- Motta, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Delgado, Inês; Coelho, Inês; Santos, Mariana; Torres, Duarte; Alvito, Paula;
Castanheira, Isabel. "Bioacessibilidade de Folatos em Quinoa: Efeito do Processamento". 2016.
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Silva, M.J.. "Combined exposure to multiple mycotoxins in food: are we ready for risk assessment
and risk management?". 2016.
- Alvito, Paula; Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Silva, M.J.; Louro, H.; Borges, T.; Loureiro, S.; et al. "Investigação e
avaliação de risco: contributo do projeto MYCOMIX". 2016.
- Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Silva, M.J.; Louro, H.; Pinhão, M.; Nunes, Baltazar; Vasco, Elsa; Alvito, Paula. "Contribute
of the MYCOMIX project and future perspectives for Human Biomonitoring and health risk assessment in Portugal". 2016.
- Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula. "Micotoxinas – contributos do projeto Mycomix e perspetivas futuras". 2016.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Vasco, Elsa; Pinhão, M.; Loureiro, Susana; Silva, M.J.; Alvito, Paula. "Portuguese children
exposure to multiple mycotoxins through food consumption: toward a holistic approach for multiple mycotoxins risk assessment".
- Assunção, Ricardo; Vasco, Elsa; Duarte, E.L.; Alvito, Paula. "Children Exposure to Multiple Mycotoxins through Food Consumption:
A Holistic Approach for Risk Assessment". 2016.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Tavares, Ana; Alvito, Paula. "First Bioaccessibility assessment of patulin in cereal and
fruit based baby foods using the harmonized IVD model". 2015.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Nunes, Baltazar; Loureiro, Susana; Vasco, Elsa; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Risk assessment of Portuguese
children dietary exposure to co-occuring mycotoxins in processed cereal-based foods". 2015.
- Tavares, Ana; Egger, C.; Portmann, R.; Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula. "Bioaccessibility of aflatoxin M1
in three artificially contaminated infant formula using a standardised static in vitro digestion method". 2015.
- Martins, Carla; Tavares, Ana; Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula. "Bioaccessibility of mycotoxins in baby foods using the harmonized
in vitro digestion model". 2015.
- Alvito, Paula. "MYCOMIX - Exploring the toxic effects of mixtures of mycotoxins in infant food and potential health impact
– a case study". 2015.
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Tavares, Ana; Egger, C.; Lea, T.; Dupond, D.. "MYCOMIX and INFOGEST: a fruitful
collaboration". 2015.
- Tavares, Ana; Pinhão, Mariana; Mendonça, Inês; Louro, Henriqueta; Loureiro, Susana; Alvito, Paula; Silva, Maria João. "A contribution
to hazard assessment of combined exposure to mycotoxins using in vitro toxicity testing". 2015.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula; Kleiveland, C.; Lea, T.. "Interactions between dietary toxins and gut mucosa: patulin effects
on the structure and function of intestinal and immune cells". 2015.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Vasco, Elsa; Nunes, Baltazar; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Are breakfast cereals safe to consumption
by children? A preliminary exposure assessment approach". 2015.
- Mota, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Nascimento, A.; Santos, M.; Torres, D.; Alvito, Paula; Castanheira, I.. "The
impact of cooking process in bioacessibility of minerals from chenopodium quinoa". 2015.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Duarte, Lecrerc; Alvito, Paula; Duarte, Elsa. "Bioaccessibility assessment of patulin and
ochratoxin A in cereal and fruit based baby foods using a harmonized in vitro digestion model: contribution for the risk assessment
of chemical mixtures". 2015.
- Tavares, Ana; Mendonça, I.; Alvito, Paula; Louro, H.; Silva, M.J.; Loureiro, S.. "Evaluation of combined cytotoxic effects
of ochratoxin a and fumonisin B1 in human liver and renal cells". 2015.
- Alvito, Paula. "International Conference on Food Contaminants 2015 - challenges in chemical mixtures: Program and Abstract
Book". 2015.
- Alvito, Paula; Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Pires, M.J.; Calhau, Maria Antónia. "Syndromes associated with children
exposure to mycotoxins and health risk assessment to multiple mycotoxins in infant foods". 2015.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula; Kleiveland, C.; Lea, T.. "Insights of enteropathogenic effects of mycotoxins on the human
intestinal gut mucosa". 2015.
- Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Cunha, S.; Jager, A.; Alvito, Paula. "Assessment of mixtures of mycotoxins in breakfast
cereals available in Portuguese market". 2015.
- Mota, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Nascimento, Ana; Santos, Mariana; Torres, Duarte; Alvito, Paula; Castanheira,
Isabel. "Do prato à biodisponibilidade". 2015.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Vasco, Elsa; Nunes, Baltazar; Loureiro, S.; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Risk assessment of Portuguese
children exposed to single and multiple mycotoxins in breakfast cereals". 2015.
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Borges, T.; Dupont, D.; Leal, S.; Loureiro, S.; Louro, H.; et al. "MycoMix and risk assessment:
a contribute to improve risk analysis". 2015.
- Minekus, M.; Alminger, M.; Alvito, Paula; Ballance, S.; Bohn, T.; Bourlieu, C.; Carrière, F.; et al. "A standardised static
in vitro digestion method suitable for food – an international consensus". 2015.
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Borges, T.; Leal, S.; Loureiro, S.; Louro, Henriqueta; Nunes, Baltazar; et al. "Risk assessment
of multiple mycotoxins in infant food consumed by Portuguese children – the contribute of the MYCOMIX project". 2015.
- Alvito, Paula. "Contaminantes e alimentação infantil - contributo do Projeto Mycomix". 2014.
- Borges, Teresa; Alvito, Paula. "Avaliação do risco de crianças expostas a micotoxinas através do consumo de cereais de pequeno-almoço".
- Assunção, R.; Vasco, E.; Nunes, Baltazar; Alvito, Paula. "Aplicação de uma ferramenta de análise probabilística da exposição".
- Alvito, Paula; Martins, Carla; Vasco, Elsa. "Contaminantes Químicos na Alimentação Infantil - Estudos Exploratórios de Avaliação
da Exposição". 2014.
- Leal, S.; Costa, C.; Arruda, N.; Vasco, Elsa; Alvito, Paula. "Avaliação do Estado Nutricional de crianças dos 0-3 anos da
USF Cidadela, Cascais". 2014.
- Tavares, Ana Maria; Egger, Charlotte; Portmann, Reto; Alvito, Paula; Tavares, A.M.; Egge, L.; Portmann, R.. "The effects of
matrix proteins on the aflatoxinM1 bioacessibility and the Caco-2 intestinal transport". 2014.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Tavares, Ana; Alvito, Paula. "Método harmonizado de digestão in vitro: uma ferramenta para
o estudo da bioacessibilidade de contaminantes alimentares". 2014.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Vasco, Elsa; Nunes, Baltazar; Alvito, Paula. "Are Portuguese children exposed to mycotoxins through infant
foods? A preliminary approach". 2014.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Ferreira, Mariana; Martins, Carla; Dupont, Didier; Alvito, Paula; Assunção, R.M.; Ferreira, M.; Dupond,
D.. "Mycotoxins and applicability of in vitro methods of digestion and absorption assessment - the patulin case study". 2014.
- Alvito, Paula; Arruda, Noélia; Assunção, Ricardo; Barreira, M.J.; Vasco, Elsa; Tavares, Ana; Calhau, Maria Antónia. "Exploring
the toxic effects of MYCOtoxins MIXtures in infant food and potential health impact". 2014.
- Leal, S.; Vasco, Elsa; Alvito, Paula. "Porque é que a USF Cidadela, Cascais abraçou o projeto Mycomix?". 2014.
- Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Cunha, S.; Jager, A.; Alvito, Paula. "Ocorrência de micotoxinas em produtos à base de cereais".
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Borges, T.; Leal, Sónia; Louro, Henriqueta; Martins, Carla; Martins, Vitor; et al. "MycoMix
- Misturas de Micotoxinas em alimentos para crianças e potencial impacto na saúde". 2014.
- Tavares, Ana; Mendonça, I.; Loureiro, S.; Louro, H.; Alvito, Paula; Silva, M.J.. "Efeitos tóxicos combinados de misturas de
micotoxinas em linhas celulares humanas". 2014.
- Alvito, Paula; Vasco, Elsa; Martins, Carla; Dupont, D.. "Applicability of an in vitro model to assess the bioaccessibility
of food contaminants". 2013.
- Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Bioaccessibility of patulin from artificially contaminated apple juice". 2013.
- Alvito, Paula; Furtado, Rosália. "Ocorrência de Contaminantes microbiológicos e quimicos em alimentação infantil". 2013.
- Pereira, C.; Alvito, Paula; Martins, Carla; Seljak, B.; Vasco, Elsa; Pereira, Catarina; Seljak, Barbara. "Children Exposure
assessment to patulin through the intake of apple based products". 2013.
- Viegas, Susana; Sabino, Raquel; Veríssimo, Cristina; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula; Viegas, Carla. "Ochratoxin A presence
in poultry settings – A public health problem?". 2012.
- Santos, Tânia; Martins, Carla; Barreira, Maria João; Silva, Inês; Alvito, Paula. "Evaluation of patulin contamination levels
at different stages of fruit processing". 2012.
- Pina, Zeila; Alvito, Paula; Vasco, Elsa. "Ocurrence and bioacessibility of nitrates in baby foods". 2012.
- Alvito, Paula; Vasco, Elsa. "In vitro human digestion models for food applications: a case study of nitrates bioaccessibility
in baby foods". 2012.
- Vasco, Elsa; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula; Pina, Zeila. "Bioaccessibility of Nitrates in Vegetable-Based Baby Foods". 2012.
- Tavares, Ana; Alvito, Paula; Loureiro, Susana; Louro, Henriqueta; Silva, Maria João. "Aflatoxins and ochratoxin A in baby
foods and analysis of interactive cyto- and genotoxic effects in a human intestinal cell line". 2012.
- Alvito, Paula. "Saúde ambiental infantil: implicações decorrentes da exposição a micotoxinas". 2012.
- Alvito, Paula. "Survey on chemical contaminants in baby foods". 2012.
- Santos, Tânia; Barreira, Maria João; Silva, Inês; Crespo, Ana; Alvito, Paula. "Avaliação dos níveis de contaminação com patulina
em diferentes fases do processamento industrial da fruta". 2012.
- Viegas, Silvia; Alvito, Paula; Oliveira, Luísa. "Plano Nacional de Ação Ambiente e Saúde EP Alimentos Acção 1.9". 2011.
- Alvito, Paula. "Ocorrência de aflatoxinas e ocratoxina A em alimentos para cianças consumidos em Portugal". 2011.
- Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Ocorrência de cádmio em produtos à base de cereais, de origem convencional e biológica". 2011.
- Martins, Carla; Vasco, Elsa; Paixão, Eleonora; Alvito, Paula. "Mercury in organic and conventional baby foods marketed in
the region of Lisbon, Portugal:occurrence and exposure assessment". 2011.
- Tavares, Ana; Louro, Henriqueta; Alvito, Paula; Silva, Maria João. "Interactive effects of aflatoxin M1 and ochratoxin A in
a human intestinal cell line: evaluation of cyto- and genotoxicity". 2011.
- Alvito, Paula; Vasco, Elsa; Martins, Carla; Paixão, Eleonora; Calhau, Maria Antónia. "Occurrence and infant exposure assessment
of chemical contaminants in baby foods". 2011.
Conference poster |
- "Ingested nanomaterials: impact of digestion process in the physicochemical characteristics and biological consequences in
intestinal cells.". Paper presented in Int Conf Total NanoSafe, from molecules to public health, 2021.
- "The interaction between fungi and insects and its contribute to maize flour food safety". 2021.
- "Aflatoxin B1 and early life gut microbiota: preliminary results under earlyMYCO project.". 2021.
- "Early-life exposure to mycotoxins: assessing the risk under the earlyMYCO project". 2021.
- "Exposure of gastrointestinal tract to aflatoxin B1: an overlooked impact?". 2021.
- "earlyMYCO – a mother & child pilot study to assess early-life exposure to mycotoxins in Portugal". 2021.
- "Human biomonitoring of mycotoxins under HBM4EU: update on key outputs". Paper presented in 42nd Mycotoxins Workshop,
- "Early-life exposure to aflatoxin B1 and associated effects on gut microbiota: preliminary results under earlyMYCO project".
- "earlyMYCO: assessing the risk associated to the early-life exposure to mycotoxins". 2021.
- "Contribution to micro- and nanoplastics hazard assessment: the lessons learnt from nanomaterials toxicity assessment,". 2021.
- Alvito, Paula. "Mycotoxins under the Human Biomonitoting Initiative (HBM4EU): challenges in the near future". Paper presented
in One Health Day, Emerging Diseases, 2020.
- Alvito, Paula. "Mycotoxins under the Human Biomonitoring Initiative (HBM4EU): shedding light on the exposure of European citizens
to Mycotoxins". Paper presented in World Mycotoxin Forum, WMFmeets Asia, 2020.
Journal article |
- de Paiva, Esther Lima; Ali, Sher; Vasco, Elsa Reis; Alvito, Paula Cristina; de Oliveira, Carlos Augusto Fernandes. "Bioaccessibility
data of potentially toxic elements in complementary foods for infants: A review". Food Research International 174 (2023):
- Hevia, Arancha; Ruas-Madiedo, Patricia; Faria, Miguel Angelo; Petit, Valérie; Alves, Bruna; Alvito, Paula; Arranz, Elena;
et al. "A Shared Perspective on in Vitro and in Vivo Models to Assay Intestinal Transepithelial Transport of
Food Compounds". Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 71 49 (2023): 19265-19276.
- Govarts, Eva; Gilles, Liese; Rodriguez Martin, Laura; Santonen, Tiina; Apel, Petra; Alvito, Paula; Anastasi, Elena; et al.
"Harmonized human biomonitoring in European children, teenagers and adults: EU-wide exposure data of 11 chemical substance
groups from the HBM4EU Aligned Studies (2014–2021)". International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 249
(2023): 114119.
Open access • 10.1016/j.ijheh.2023.114119
- Santonen, Tiina; Mahiout, Selma; Alvito, Paula; Apel, Petra; Bessems, Jos; Bil, Wieneke; Borges, Teresa; et al. "How to use
human biomonitoring in chemical risk assessment: Methodological aspects, recommendations, and lessons learned from HBM4EU".
International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 249 (2023): 114139.
Published • 10.1016/j.ijheh.2023.114139
- Patricia Bastos-Amador; Elsa Leclerc Duarte; Júlio Torres; Ana Teresa Caldeira; Inês Silva; Cátia Salvador; Ricardo Assunção;
Paula Alvito; Manuela Ferreira. "Maternal dietary exposure to mycotoxin aflatoxin B1 promotes intestinal immune alterations
and microbiota modifications increasing infection susceptibility in mouse offspring". Food and Chemical Toxicology
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo Manuel; Bajard, Lola; Martins, Carla; Mengelers, Marcel J. B.; Mol, Hans; Namorado, Sónia;
et al. "Current Advances, Research Needs and Gaps in Mycotoxins Biomonitoring under the HBM4EU—Lessons Learned and Future
Trends". Toxins 14 12 (2022): 826.
- Rolo, Dora; Assunção, Ricardo; Ventura, Célia; Alvito, Paula; Gonçalves, Lídia; Martins, Carla; Bettencourt, Ana; et al. "Adverse
Outcome Pathways Associated with the Ingestion of Titanium Dioxide Nanoparticles—A Systematic Review". Nanomaterials
12 19 (2022): 3275.
- Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Costa, Ana; Serrano, Débora; Visintin, Lia; De Boevre, Marthe; Lachat, Carl; et al. "earlyMYCO:
A Pilot Mother-Child Cohort Study to Assess Early-Life Exposure to Mycotoxins—Challenges and Lessons Learned". International
Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 19 13 (2022): 7716.
- Paula Alvito; Luís Pereira-da-Silva. "Mycotoxin Exposure during the First 1000 Days of Life and Its Impact on Children’s Health:
A Clinical Overview". Toxins (2022):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Boué, Géraldine; Alvito, Paula; Brazão, Roberto; Carmona, Paulo; Carvalho, Catarina; Correia, Daniela;
et al. "Risk-Benefit Assessment of Cereal-Based Foods Consumed by Portuguese Children Aged 6 to 36 Months—A Case Study under
the RiskBenefit4EU Project". Nutrients 13 9 (2021): 3127.
- Alvito, Paula; Vasco, Elsa; Assunção, Ricardo. "Food safety and risk assessment". Food Research International 147 (2021):
Published • 10.1016/j.foodres.2021.110513
- Duarte, Sónia; Magro, Ana; Tomás, Joanna; Hilário, Carolina; Alvito, Paula; Ferreira, Ricardo Boavida; Carvalho, Maria Otília.
"The Interaction between Tribolium castaneum and Mycotoxigenic Aspergillus flavus in Maize Flour". Insects 12 8 (2021):
Published • 10.3390/insects12080730
- Martins, Carla; Torres, Duarte; Lopes, Carla; Correia, Daniela; Goios, Ana; Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula; et al. "Deoxynivalenol
exposure assessment through a modelling approach of food intake and biomonitoring data – A contribution to the risk assessment
of an enteropathogenic mycotoxin". Food Research International 140 140 (2021): 109863.
Published • 10.1016/j.foodres.2020.109863
- "Mitigation of Mycotoxins during Food Processing: Sharing Experience among Europe and South East Asia". 29 6 (2021): 59-70.
- "Exposure of gastrointestinal tract to aflatoxin B1: an overlooked impact?". Boletim Epidemiológico Observações 10
30 (2021): 39-45.
- Pinhão, M.; Tavares, A.M.; Loureiro, S.; Louro, H.; Alvito, P.; Silva, M.J.. "Combined cytotoxic and genotoxic effects of
ochratoxin A and fumonisin B1 in human kidney and liver cell models". Toxicology in Vitro 68 (2020): 104949.
Accepted • 10.1016/j.tiv.2020.104949
- Bettencourt, Ana; Gonçalves, Lídia M.; Gramacho, Ana C.; Vieira, Adriana; Rolo, Dora; Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; et
al. "Analysis of the Characteristics and Cytotoxicity of Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials Following Simulated In Vitro Digestion".
Nanomaterials 10 8 (2020): 1516.
- Martins, C.; Vidal, A.; De Boevre, M.; De Saeger, S.; Nunes, C.; Torres, D.; Goios, A.; et al. "Burden of disease associated
with dietary exposure to carcinogenic aflatoxins in Portugal using human biomonitoring approach". Food Research International
134 (2020): 109210.
- Martins, Carla; Torres, Duarte; Lopes, Carla; Correia, Daniela; Goios, Ana; Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula; et al. "Food
consumption data as a tool to estimate exposure to mycoestrogens". (2020):
- Martins, C.; Assunção, R.; Nunes, C.; Torres, D.; Alvito, P.. "Are Data from Mycotoxins’ Urinary Biomarkers and Food Surveys
Linked? A Review Underneath Risk Assessment". Food Reviews International (2020):
- Alvito, Paula. "Consumo de alimentos à base de cereais pelas crianças portuguesas: uma avaliação de risco-benefício". 9 26
(2020): 33-37.
Open access • Published
- Alvito, Paula. "Exposição precoce a micotoxinas: o contributo dos projetos MYCOMIX e earlyMYCO". Boletim Epidemiológico
Observações 9 27 (2020): 16-27.
- Sengling Cebin Coppa, Carolina Fernanda; Mousavi Khaneghah, Amin; Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Es, Ismail;
Gonçalves, Bruna Leonel; et al. "The occurrence of mycotoxins in breast milk, fruit products and cereal-based infant formula:
A review". Trends in Food Science & Technology 92 (2019): 81-93.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Pinhão, Mariana; Loureiro, Susana; Alvito, Paula; Silva, Maria João. "A multi-endpoint approach to the
combined toxic effects of patulin and ochratoxin a in human intestinal cells". Toxicology Letters 313 (2019): 120-129.
- Smpokou, Evangelia-Theano; González-Quiroz, Marvin; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula; Le Blond, Jennifer; Glaser, Jason; Aragón,
Aurora; et al. "Environmental exposures in young adults with declining kidney function in a population at risk of Mesoamerican
nephropathy". Occupational and Environmental Medicine 76 12 (2019): 920-926.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula; Brazão, Roberto; Carmona, Paulo; Fernandes, Paulo; Jakobsen, Lea S.; Lopes, Carla; et al.
"Building capacity in risk-benefit assessment of foods: Lessons learned from the RB4EU project". Trends in Food Science
& Technology 91 (2019): 541-548.
Open access • 10.1016/j.tifs.2019.07.028
- Martins, C.; Vidal, A.; De Boevre, M.; De Saeger, S.; Nunes, C.; Torres, D.; Goios, A.; et al. "Exposure assessment of Portuguese
population to multiple mycotoxins: The human biomonitoring approach". International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental
Health 222 6 (2019): 913-925.
- Larissa T. Franco; Tânia Petta; George E. Rottinghaus; Keliani Bordin; Gilmar A. Gomes; Paula Alvito; Ricardo Assunção; et
al. "Assessment of mycotoxin exposure and risk characterization using occurrence data in foods and urinary biomarkers in Brazil".
Food and Chemical Toxicology 128 (2019): 21-34.
- Louro, Henriqueta; Heinälä, Milla; Bessems, Jos; Buekers, Jurgen; Vermeire, Theo; Woutersen, Marjolijn; van Engelen, Jacqueline;
et al. "Human biomonitoring in health risk assessment in Europe: current practices and recommendations for the future". (2019):
- Houben, Geert; Blom, Marty; Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Crevel, René; Fæste, Christiane Kruse; Le, Thuy-My; et al. "Defining
the targets for the assessment of IgE-mediated allergenicity of new or modified food proteins". (2019):
- Brodkorb, André; Egger, Lotti; Alminger, Marie; Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Ballance, Simon; Bohn, Torsten; et al. "INFOGEST
static in vitro simulation of gastrointestinal food digestion". (2019):
- Viegas, Susana; Assunção, Ricardo; Nunes, Carla; Osteresch, Bernd; Twaruzek, Magdalena; Kosicki, Robert; Grajewski, Jan; et
al. "Exposure assessment to mycotoxins in a Portuguese fresh bread dough company by using a multi-biomarker approach". (2018):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula; Brazão, Roberto; Carmona, Paulo; Carvalho, Catarina; Fernandes, Paulo; Jakobsen, Lea S.;
et al. "Projeto RiskBenefit4EU – uma estratégia para a avaliação de risco-benefício de alimentos em Portugal". (2018):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Vasco, Elsa; Jager, Alessandra; Oliveira, Carlos; Cunha, Sara; Fernandes, José O; et al.
"Portuguese children dietary exposure to multiple mycotoxins – An overview of risk assessment under MYCOMIX project". Food
and Chemical Toxicology 118 (2018): 399-408.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Viegas, Susana; Viegas, Carla; Jakobsen, Lea S; Pires, Sara; Alvito, Paula; Jakobsen, Lea
S.. "Climate change and the health impact of aflatoxins exposure in Portugal – an overview". (2018):
- Torovic, Ljilja; Dimitrov, Nina; Lopes, André; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo. "Patulin in fruit juices:
occurrence, bioaccessibility and risk assessment for the Serbian population". (2018):
- Carla Martins; Ricardo Assunção; Sara C. Cunha; José O. Fernandes; Alessandra Jager; Tânia Petta; Carlos Augusto Oliveira;
Paula Alvito. "Assessment of multiple mycotoxins in breakfast cereals available in the Portuguese market Running Title: Multiple
mycotoxins in breakfast cereals in Portugal". Food Chemistry (2017):
- Torovic, Ljilja; Dimitrov, Nina; Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula. "Risk assessment of patulin intake through apple-based
food by infants and preschool children in Serbia". (2017):
- Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Cunha, S.; Fernandes, José; Jagger, A.; Petta, T.; Oliveira, C.; Alvito, Paula. "Assessment
of multiple mycotoxins in breakfast cereals available in the Portuguese market". (2017):
- Lopes, André; Martins, Carla; Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula. "Estudo da bioacessibilidade da patulina em sumos de fruta:
o que acontece após a ingestão?". (2017):
- Lotti Egger; Olivia Ménard; Cristina Delgado-Andrade; Paula Alvito; Ricardo Assunção; Simon Balance; Reyes Barberá; et al.
"The harmonized INFOGEST in vitro digestion method: From knowledge to action". Food Research International 88 (2016):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Dupond, D.; Alvito, Paula. "Patulin and ochratoxin A co-occurrence and their bioaccessibility
in processed cereal-based foods: a contribution for Portuguese children risk assessment". (2016):
- Martins, Carla; Santos, Tânia; Silva, Inês; Pinheiro, Carmen; Alvito, Paula. "Avaliação dos teores de patulina em sumos de
fruta durante o processamento industrial". (2016):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Ferreira, Mariana; Alvito, Paula. "Caraterização in vitro dos efeitos tóxicos da patulina
na integridade do epitélio intestinal e potenciais efeitos protetores da cisteína". (2016):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Silva, M.J.; Alvito, Paula. "Challenges in risk assessment of multiple mycotoxins in food". (2016):
- Carmit Shani-Levi, Carmit; Alvito, Paula; Andres, Ana; Assunção, Ricardo; Barbera, Reyes; Stephanie, Blanquet-Diot; Dupont,
Didier; et al. "Extending in vitro digestion models to specific human populations: Perspectives, practical tools and bio-relevant
information". Trends in Food Science & Technology 60 (2016): 52-63.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula; Kleiveland, C.R.; Lea, T.E.. "Characterization of in vitro effects of patulin on intestinal
epithelial and immune cells". (2016):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Vasco, Elsa; Nunes, Baltazar; Loureiro, Susana; Martins, Carla; Alvito, Paula. "Single-compound and cumulative
risk assessment of mycotoxins present in breakfast cereals consumed by children from Lisbon region, Portugal". (2015):
- Leal, Sónia; Costa, Carla; Arruda, Noélia; Vasco, Elsa; Alvito, Paula. "Avaliação do estado nutricional, dos hábitos alimentares
e da probabilidade de exposição a micotoxinas na alimentação infantil: contributo do estudo-piloto efetuado na USF Cidadela,
Cascais". (2015):
- Martins, Carla Teles; Mercês, Ana; Alvito, Paula. "Ocurrence of cadmium in cereal-based baby foods from conventional and organic
farming". (2015):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Martins, Carla; Ferreira, Mariana; Alvito, Paula. "Aplicação de modelo de digestão in vitro para a determinação
da bioacessibilidade de patulina em sumos de fruta". (2015):
- Assuncao, Ricardo; Ferreira, Mariana; Martins, Carla; Diaz, Irene; Padilla, Beatriz; Dupont, Didier; Braganca, Mauro; Alvito,
Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health-Part a-Current Issues 77 14-16 (2014): 983-992.
- Minekus, M.; Alminger, M.; Alvito, P.; Ballance, S.; Bohn, T.; Bourlieu, C.; Carriere, F.; et al. "A standardised static in
vitro digestion method suitable for food - an international consensus". Food & Function 5 6 (2014): 1113-1124.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Furtado, Rosália; Correia, Cristina Belo; Alvito, Paula. "Bacillus cereus em fórmulas desidratadas para
lactentes: uma preocupação?". (2014):
- Assunção, Ricardo; Ferreira, Mariana; Martins, Carla; Diaz, Irene; Padilla, Beatriz; Dupond, Didier; Bragança, Mauro; Alvito,
Paula. "Applicability of In Vitro Methods to Study Patulin Bioaccessibility and Its Effects on Intestinal Membrane Integrity".
- Minekus, M.; Alminger, M.; Alvito, Paula; Ballance, S.; Bohn, T.; Bourlieu, C.; Carrière, F.; et al. "A Standardised Static
in Vitro Digestion Method Suitable for Food - an International Consensus". (2014):
- Tavares, Ana Maria; Alvito, Paula; Loureiro, Susana; Louro, Henriqueta; Silva, Maria João. "Estudos da toxicidade de misturas
de aflatoxina M1 e ocratoxina A numa linha celular humana". (2013):
- Alvito, Paula; Martins, Carla; Vasco, Elsa; Barreira, Maria João; Calhau, Maria Antónia; Paixão, Eleonora. "Ocorrência e avaliação
da exposição a contaminantes químicos em alimentos para crianças". (2013):
- Furtado, Rosália; Correia, Cristina Belo; Alvito, Paula. "Contaminantes de origem microbiológica em alimentação infantil".
- Tavares, Ana; Alvito, Paula; Loureiro, S.; Louro, H.; Silva, M.J.. "Multi-mycotoxin determination in baby foods and in vitro
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- Martins, Carla; Vasco, Elsa; Paixão, Eleonora; Alvito, Paula. "Total mercury in infant food, occurrence and exposure assessment
in Portugal". (2013):
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- Martins, Carla; Almeida, Cristina; Alvito, Paula. "Selenium Content of Raw and Cooked Marine Species". (2011):
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Newsletter article |
- Serrenho, Inês; Vital, Nádia; Rolo, Dora; Joana R. P. Pereira; Matos, Paulo; Jordan, Peter. "Efeitos da aflatoxina B1 na integridade
e morfologia de células intestinais", Boletim Epidemiológico Observações, 2023,
- Serrenho, Inês; Abreu de Assunção, Ricardo; Alvito, Paula. "Exposição do trato gastrointestinal à aflatoxina B1: um impacto
negligenciado?", Boletim Epidemiológico Observações, 2021,
- Alvito, Paula; BASTOS-AMADOR, PATRICIA; Leclerc Duarte, Elsa; Manuela Ferreira; Nunes, Carla; Martins, Carla; Abreu de Assunção,
Ricardo. "Exposição precoce a micotoxinas: o contributo dos projetos MYCOMIX e earlyMYCO", Boletim Epidemiológico Observações,
INSA, 2020,
- Martins, Carla; Vidal Andre; De Boevre, Marthe; De Saeger, Sarah; Nunes, Carla; Torres, Duarte; Goios, Ana; et al. "Exposição
da população Portuguesa a micotoxinas: o contributo da biomonitorização humana", Boletim Epidemiológico Observações, INSA,
Report |
- Alvito, Paula; Silva, Maria João; Viegas, Susana. 2019. Prioritized substance group – Mycotoxins: scoping document (2nd
round of prioritization).
- Alvito, Paula. 2019. RiskBenefit4EU – Partnering to strengthen Risk-Benefit Assessment within the EU using a holistic approach.
- Alvito, Paula. 2019. HBM4EU Deliverable Report 4.6-Scoping documents for the second priority substances.
- Alvito, Paula. 2019. HBM4EU Deliverable Report 4.7-Scoping documents for 2020 2nd set of priority substances.
- Alvito, Paula. 2019. HBM4EU Deliverable Report 9.6 - Database of candidate laboratories for the 2nd prioritisation round
of substances and update for the 1st round.
- Alvito, Paula. 2019. HBM4EU Discussion Memo on the implementation of Mycotoxins analysis in the aligned studies of task
8.1 by WP8.
- Alvito, Paula. 2019. HBM4EU Deliverable Report 7.6- 2nd prioritisation Report on survey design: Study protocols, SOPs and
Guidelines, tailored and transferred questionnaires for recruitment and sampling.
- Brochot, Céline; Alvito, Paula. 2019. HBM4EU Additional Deliverable 12.8 Review of available models for the 2nd set of
prioritised substances.
- Alvito, Paula; Assunção, Ricardo; Fernandes, P.; Boué, Géraldine; Membré, Jeanne-Marie; Pires, Sara; Carvalho, Catarina; Torres,
D.. 2018. Risk Benefit for EU - Partnering to strengthen the risk-benefit assessment within EU using a holistic approach:
mid-term report.
- Santonen, T.; Heinälä, M.; Bessems, J.; Buekers, J.; Cornelis, C.; Vermeire, T.; Woutersen, M.; et al. 2017. Human biomonitoring
in risk assessment: analysis of the current practice and 1st examples HBM in risk assessments of HBM4EU priority chemicals.
- Alvito, Paula. 2015. MYCOMIX - Exploring the toxic effects of mixtures of mycotoxins in infant food and potential health
impact: final report.
- McGlinchy, Timothy B. 2013. HBM4EU Deliverable Report 9.6 - Database of candidate laboratories for the 2nd prioritisation
round of substances and update for the 1st round.
- Pité, Marina; Castanheira, Isabel; Oliveira, Luisa; Alvito, Paula. 2013. Deliverable D9.1- report on generic sops- Mandatory,
recommended requirements, acceptance criteria, tolerance limits- Deliverable of TDS Project Work Package.
Thesis / Dissertation |
- Lopes, André; Lopes, André Gonçalo Fernandes. "Aplicação do método da digestão in vitro para o estudo da patulina (micotoxina)
em diferentes fases do processo digestivo". Master, 2018.
- Assunção, Ricardo; Assunção, Ricardo Manuel Abreu de. "Children exposure to multiple mycotoxins through food consumption:
a holistic approach for risk assessment". PhD, 2017.
- Ferreira, Mariana Marques da Costa, 1991-. "Simulação in vitro do processo digestivo de Patulina em sumos de fruta". Master,
- Santos, Tânia. "Patulina: ocorrência em alimentos e potenciais efeitos inflamatórios". Master, 2012.
- Tavares, Ana Maria Pinho, 1986-. "Mycotoxins in baby foods and study of its potential genotoxic effects". Master, 2010.
- Barreira, Maria João Mendes Mendonça, 1965-. "Ocorrência da patulina em alimentos destinados a lactentes e crianças: optimização
e validação do método de análise por SPE-HPLC-UV". Master, 2009.