1. ACADEMIC DEGREES: - 2011: PhD in Law, at Faculty of Law of University of Porto. Thesis main subject: ‘Marine Protected Areas: National, European and International legal regimes. Controversies and solutions’. - 1995: Master in European Integration, at Faculty of Law of University of Coimbra. - 1989: Graduation in Law, at Faculty of Law of University of Coimbra. 2. PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS: - Associate Professor at the Faculty of Law of the University of Porto. Fields: Law of the Sea, International Law and European Union Law. - Researcher at the Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research - CIIMAR (University of Porto). - Consultant (UN bodies, EU bodies and governments). 3. INTERNATIONAL AND NATIONAL RESEARCH / ACADEMIC PROJECTS: - Research member of the project ESEMAR (maritime security), DER2016-78272-R, funded by the Spanish Government (2017-2019) - Cooperation with East-Timor as teacher and as Member of the Scientific Committee for the creation and development of the Faculty of Law of the National University of Timor Lorosa’e (2002-2018) - MarInfo (new ocean technologies) - Integrated Platform for Marine Data Acquisition and Analysis, within the R&D Institution CIIMAR (2016-2018) - CORAL (deep sea mining) - Sustainable Ocean Exploitation: Tools and Sensors, within the R&D Institution CIIMAR (2016-2018) - ‘Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas – MARCONS’: COST ACTION 15121 (2016-2018) - Research member of the project The Reform of the International and European Fisheries Governance. Challenges for the Spanish Fishing Industry (DER2013-45923-R), funded by the Spanish Government (2014-2016) - ‘NETwork of Experts on the legal aspects of MARitime SAFEty and security – MARSAFENET’: IS1105 COST ACTION (2012-2016) - Cooperation with the University of Kimpa Vita, Angola (2013-2015) - Working Group on Marine Protected Areas of the European Science Foundation (Marine Board) (2010-2012) 4. AWARDS: Winner of the 2010 Gerard J. Mangone Prize. Her article “The ‘Rainbow’: The First National Marine Protected Area Proposed Under the High Seas” (The International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law, Vol. 25, Issue 2, pp. 183-207) was considered the best of the 2010 articles published on that Journal. The award was published in IJMCL, Volume 26, Issue 4, 2011, p. 493. Winner of the prize Femina 2013. 5. COMMUNICATIONS AND POSTGRADUATE PROGRAMS: She actively participated in several domestic and international conferences, symposia, workshops and postgraduate programmes related to 1) conservation of marine biodiversity, particularly the marine protected areas, 2) protection of the environment in the context of exploration and exploitation of marine natural resources (in particular mining and fisheries), 3) ecosystem approach and maritime spatial planning; 4) marine scientific research, 5) law of the sea and prospects of evolution of the law of the sea, including a new implementing agreement of UNCLOS for the high seas, 6) maritime crime (safety&security). 6. ORGANISATION OF SCIENTIFIC MEETINGS: - Chair of the Organization Committee and co-scientific coordinator of the VII Colloquium of the International Association on the Law of the Sea, ‘Global Challenges and the Law of the Sea’, Oceanário de Lisboa, Portugal, 20-21 September 2018 - Chair of the Organizing Committee and co-scientific coordinator of the Workshop on Scientific, Technical and Legal Challenges of Deep Sea Mining. A Vision for Portugal, Fundação Eng. António de Almeida, Porto, Portugal. Coral Project – Sustainable Ocean Exploitation: Tools and Sensors (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000036), 16 April 2018

Personal identification

Full name
Marta Chantal Ribeiro

Citation names

  • Ribeiro, Marta Chantal

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
Direito (Doutoramento)
Major in Law
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
"Marine Protected Areas: National, European and International legal regimes. Controversies and solutions" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Direito (Mestrado)
Major in European Integration
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Direito, Portugal
Direito (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Direito, Portugal


Host institution
2012/02/01 - Current Researcher (Research) Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal
2004/09/01 - Current Researcher (Research) Universidade do Porto Centro de Investigação Jurídico-Económica, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
1999/09/01 - Current Associate Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Direito, Portugal


Designation Funders
2017 - 2019 ESEMAR (España ante los nuevos retos de la seguridad marítima: Instrumentos y estrategias en el marco internacional, europeo y peninsular [Spain and the new challenges of maritime security: Instruments and strategies in the international, European and peninsular frameworks])
2016 - 2018 MarInfo (new ocean technologies) - Integrated Platform for Marine Data Acquisition and Analysis
Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal
2016 - 2018 CORAL (deep sea mining) - Sustainable Ocean Exploitation: Tools and Sensors
Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Advancing marine conservation in the European and contiguous seas – MARCONS
Panepistemio Aigaiou, Greece
European Cooperation in Science and Technology
2015 - 2016 Varities of Democracy (V-DEM)
Göteborgs Universitet, Sweden
2015 - 2016 Projecto Sophia ¿ Conhecimento para a Gestão do Ambiente Marinho (law of the sea)
Ministério da Agricultura do Mar do Ambiente e do Ordenamento do Território, Portugal
2014 - 2016 The Reform of the International and European Fisheries Governance. Challenges for the Spanish Fishing Industry
Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal
2012 - 2016 NETwork of Experts on the legal aspects of MARitime SAFEty and security – MARSAFENET
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche Area della Ricerca di Genova, Italy
2010 - 2012 Working Group on Marine Protected Areas of the European Science Foundation (Marine Board)


Designation Funders
2015 - 2018 SEMPIA group: A Strategic Environmental Management Plan for the Atlantic


  1. Ribeiro, Marta. GLOBAL CHALLENGES AND THE LAW OF THE SEA. Springer. 2020.
    Published • Editor
  2. Ribeiro, Marta. DIREITO DO MAR. Regulamentação Normativa dos Espaços Marítimos [LAW OF THE SEA. Normative Regulation of Maritime Spaces]. Belo Horizonte, Brazil: Arraes Editores. 2020.
    Published • Editor
  3. Ribeiro, Marta. UNMANNED VESSELS & UNMANNED MARITIME VEHICLES: Prospects of a Legal Framework in the International and the Portuguese Context. 2019.
    Published • Editor
Book chapter
  1. Ribeiro, Marta. "Comentário à Parte XII: Proteção e Preservação do Meio Marinho [Commentary on Part XII: Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment]". In Comentários à Convenção das Nações Unidas sobre o Direito do Mar, 407-449. Coimbra, Portugal: Almedina, 2022.
  2. Ribeiro, Marta. "Está o direito penal português preparado para o regresso da pirataria marítima? [Is Portuguese criminal law prepared for the return of maritime piracy?]". In Direito Internacional e Comparado: Trajetória e Perspectivas; Homenagem aos 70 anos do Professor Catedrático Rui Manuel Moura Ramos. São Paulo, Brazil: Quartier Latin, 2021.
  3. Ribeiro, Marta. "O Direito na Proteção do Mar [The Law of the Sea]". In Proteger o Mar, 44-49. Portugal: Instituto Português do Mar e da Atmosfera - República Portuguesa, 2021.
  4. Ribeiro, Marta. "A Protecção da Biodiversidade da Plataforma Continental além das 200 milhas náuticas em Sede de Poderes e Deveres do Estado Costeiro: estado da arte e antevisão de uma evolução possível [The Protection of Biodiversity on the Continental Shelf beyond 200 nautical miles in terms of the Powers and Duties of the Coastal State: state of the art and preview of a possible evolution]". In DIREITO DO MAR. Regulamentação Normativa dos Espaços Marítimos, 225-272. Belo Horizonte, Brazil: Arraes Editores, 2020.
  5. Ribeiro, Marta. "Fundamentos para uma Alteração do Regime de Ordenamento e Gestão dos Espaços Marítimos sob Soberania ou Jurisdição Nacional por Interpretação do Estatuto Político-Administrativo da Região Autónoma dos Açores [Foundations for an Amendment to the Planning and Management Regime for Maritime Spaces under National Sovereignty or Jurisdiction by Interpretation of the Political-Administrative Statute...]". In Gestão Partilhada dos Espaços Marítimos – papel das Regiões Autónomas, 193-303. Coimbra, Portugal: GestLegal, 2018.
  6. Ribeiro, Marta. "A PROTECÇÃO DA BIODIVERSIDADE MARINHA NO QUADRO DO REGULAMENTO (UE) N.º 1380/2013. A perspectiva do Estado-Membro costeiro". Spain, 2016.
Encyclopedia entry
  1. Ribeiro, Marta. "Águas arquipelágicas, Alto mar, Áreas Marinhas Protegidas, Convenção para a Proteção do Meio Marinho do Atlântico Nordeste (OSPAR), Mar Territorial [ "Archipelagic Waters", "High Seas", "Marine Protected Areas", "Convention for the Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (OSPAR)", "Territorial Sea"]". In Enciclopédia Luso-Brasileira de Direito Internacional. D. Quixote, 2023.
  2. Ribeiro, Marta. "Concepts of Marine Protected Area". In Concepts of Marine Protected Area. Springer, 2021.
Journal article
  1. Santiago Salvador; Marta Chantal Ribeiro. "Socio-economic, legal, and political context of offshore renewable energies". WIREs Energy and Environment (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/wene.462.
  2. Ribeiro, Marta. "A repressão do tráfico de droga a bordo de embarcações estrangeiras no alto mar: subsídios para a interpretação do dever de resposta "sem demora" do Estado do pavilhão à luz do direito internacional [The repression of drug trafficking on board foreign vessels on the high seas: subsidies for the interpretation of the flag state's duty to respond 'without delay' in the light of international law]". Revista do Ministério Público 176 (2023): 41-87.
  3. Ribeiro, Marta Chantal; Ferreira, Rui; Pereira, Eliana; Soares, Joana. "Scientific, technical and legal challenges of deep sea mining. A vision for Portugal – Conference report". Marine Policy 114 (2020): 103338. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2018.11.001.
    Published • 10.1016/j.marpol.2018.11.001
  4. Ribeiro, Marta; Faria, Duarte Lynce de; Pereira, Eliana Silva; Ribeiro, Manuel Almeida; Coelho, Paulo Neves; Graça, Pedro Quartin; Ferreira, Rui. "O direito português do mar: perspetivas para o séc. XXI [Portuguese law of the sea: perspectives for the 21st century]". Revista Electrónica de Direito 18 1 (2019): 171-205. http://dx.doi.org/10.24840/2182-9845_2019-0001_0007.
    Published • 10.24840/2182-9845_2019-0001_0007
  5. Dunn, Daniel C.; Van Dover, Cindy L.; Etter, Ron J.; Smith, Craig R.; Levin, Lisa A.; Morato, Telmo; Colaço, Ana; et al. "A strategy for the conservation of biodiversity on mid-ocean ridges from deep-sea mining". Science Advances 4 7 (2018): http://dx.doi.org/10.1126/sciadv.aar4313.
    Published • 10.1126/sciadv.aar4313
  6. Santos, M.M.; Jorge, P.A.S.; Coimbra, J.; Vale, C.; Caetano, M.; Bastos, L.; Iglesias, I.; et al. "The last frontier: Coupling technological developments with scientific challenges to improve hazard assessment of deep-sea mining". Science of The Total Environment 627 (2018): 1505-1514. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.221.
    Published • 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.221
  7. Ribeiro, Marta. "Contributo para o desenvolvimento da Lei n.º 54/2015: Mineração no mar profundo [Contribution to the development of Law 54/2015: Deep sea mining]". Revista do CEDOUA 2 42 (2018): 9-46.
  8. Ribeiro, M.C.. "The 'Rainbow': The first national marine protected area proposed under the high seas". International Journal of Marine and Coastal Law 25 2 (2010): 183-207. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77951595911&partnerID=MN8TOARS.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2020/02/11 A proteção da biodiversidade marinha: regime jurídico e perspetivas atuais [The protection of marine biodiversity: legal regime and current perspectives]
Sociedade Geografia de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)
2020/02/10 Mar da Madeira: Mais Poder e Mais Oportunidades [Madeira Sea: More Power and More Opportunities] Assembleia Legislativa da Região Autómoma da Madeira
Região Autómoma da Madeira (Funchal, Portugal)
2019/06/12 Jurisdiction under the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Piracy, armed robbery, IUU fishing and drugs trafficking in particular
Interregional Coordination Centre and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (Yaoundé, Cameroon)
2019/01/22 Desafios e perspectivas do tribunal constitucional internacional [Challenges and prospects for the international constitutional court] An international constitutional court for democracy in and information society’
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2018/11/13 O South China Sea Award e os critérios de proteção ambiental das ilhas [The South China Sea Award and the islands' environmental protection criteria] Rochedos, ilhas e arquipélagos: ponto de situação na perspectiva do direito internacional do mar. Uma aproximação luso-brasileira
Faculdade de Direito da Universidade de Lisboa (Lisboa, Portugal)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa (Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/06/07 Deep-Sea and the Law of the Sea Workshop Deeper than Blue. Unveiling the inner ocean
European Parliament (Brussels, Belgium)
2018/04/16 Prospects of development of the Portuguese legal framework applicable to deep-sea mining Workshop on Scientific, Technical and Legal Challenges of Deep Sea Mining. A Vision for Portugal
(Porto, Portugal)
2018/04/13 Direito do Mar [Law of the Sea] 70 anos da Comissão de Direito Internacional das Nações Unidas
International Law Commission (Braga, Portugal)
2018/03/02 Opening Conference of the Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning (5th edition) Erasmus Mundus Master Course on Maritime Spatial Planning (5th edition) "Driving forces and legal challenges of the Maritime Spatial Planning"
Universidade dos Açores (São Miguel, Portugal)

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2018/09/20 - 2018/09/21 Chair of the Organization Committee and co-scientific coordinator of the VII Colloquium of the Association Internationale du Droit de la Mer / International Association on the Law of the Sea, entitled Global Challenges and the Law of the Sea (2018/09/20 - 2018/09/21)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
International Association on the Law of the Sea, France
2018/04/18 - 2018/04/18 Chair of the Organization Committee and scientific coordinator of the Workshop "SCIENTIFIC, TECHNICAL AND LEGAL CHALLENGES OF DEEP SEA MINING. A VISION FOR PORTUGAL" (2018/04/16)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Porto Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, Portugal

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2015 - 2021 IUCN World Commission on Environmental Law Member

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2011 - 2019 Coordinator of the Cooperation Programme with the National University of East Timor, Faculty of Law of the University of Porto [2011-2019]. Active member of the Commission responsible for the creation of the law degree and the master in law, as well as of the post-graduation course on energy law, curriculum development, selection and supervision of teachers.


Activity description Institution / Organization
2018/09/04 - 2018/09/17 Member of the Portuguese delegation, as consultant of the Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, to the First Session of the Intergovernmental Conference on an International Legally Binding Instrument under the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine Biodiversity of Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction, United Nations, New York Governo da República Portuguesa Ministério da Ciência Tecnologia e Ensino Superior, Portugal
2016 - 2016 Legal advice Governo dos Açores, Portugal
2015 - 2016 Legal Advice Governo da República Portuguesa, Portugal
2006 - 2015 Member of the group of consultants of the Task Group for the Extension of the Portuguese Continental Shelf / Task Group for Sea Affairs
2010 - 2010 Member of the Portuguese Delegation, as consultant, to the Ministerial Meeting of the OSPAR Commission held in Bergen, Norway


2013 Femina 2013
2011 2010 Gerard J. Mangone Prize