Personal identification

Full name
Luis Pais

Citation names

  • Pais, Luis S.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Scopus Author Id
Degree Classification
Engenharia Química (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2005 - Current Teacher Coordinator (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2006 - Current Vice-President Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021/01/01 - 2025/12/31 Laboratório para a Sustentabilidade e Tecnologia em Regiões de Montanha
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Centro de Investigação de Montanha, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/01/01 - 2023/12/31 Centro de Investigação de Montanha
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Centro de Investigação de Montanha, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/01/01 - 2023/12/31 Centro de Investigação de Montanha
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Centro de Investigação de Montanha, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Laboratório de Processos de Separação e Reacção
Universidade do Porto Laboratório de Processos de Separação e Reacção Laboratório de Catálise e Materiais, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012/03/01 - 2015/08/31 Separações Quirais Multicomponente em Processos de Leito Móvel Simulado
Universidade do Porto Laboratório de Processos de Separação e Reacção Laboratório de Catálise e Materiais, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011/03/01 - 2014/05/31 AdTechP2 - Avançadas Tecnologias de Separação para a Purificação de Proteínas
Universidade do Porto Laboratório de Processos de Separação e Reacção Laboratório de Catálise e Materiais, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011/01/01 - 2012/12/31 Projecto Estratégico - LA 20 - 2011-2012
Universidade do Porto Laboratório de Processos de Separação e Reacção Laboratório de Catálise e Materiais, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2005/06/15 - 2008/06/14 Design de Processos em Leito Móvel Simulado para a Separação de Produtos de Elevado Valor Acrescentado
Universidade do Porto Laboratório de Processos de Separação e Reacção Laboratório de Catálise e Materiais, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


  1. Ferreira, Ângela P. (Ed.); Fernandes, Carla S. (Ed.); Fernandes, Florbela P. (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). CIEEMAT 2022 - VII Ibero-American Congress on Entrepreneurship, Energy, Environment and Technology: book of abstracts. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. 2022.
  2. Silva, Elisabete Mendes (Ed.); Pais, Clarisse (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). Teaching Crossroads: 15th and 16th IPB Erasmus Weeks. 2020.
  3. Silva, Elisabete Mendes (Ed.); Pais, Clarisse (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). Teaching Crossroads: 13th and 14th IPB Erasmus Weeks. 2018.
  4. Silva, Elisabete Mendes (Ed.); Pais, Clarisse (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). Teaching Crossroads: 12th IPB Erasmus Week. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. 2017.
  5. Silva, Elisabete Mendes (Ed.); Pais, Clarisse (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). Teaching Crossroads: 11th IPB Erasmus Week. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. 2016.
  6. Silva, Elisabete Mendes (Ed.); Pais, Clarisse (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). Teaching Crossroads: 10th IPB Erasmus Week. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. 2015.
  7. Rodrigues, Alírio; Pereira, Carla S.M.; Minceva, Mirjana; Pais, Luís S.; Ribeiro, Ana Mafalda; Ribeiro, António E.; Silva, Marta S.P.; Graça, Nuno S.; Santos, João Carlos. Simulated moving bed technology: principles, design and process applications. Elsevier. 2015.
  8. Silva, Elisabete Mendes (Ed.); Pais, Clarisse (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). Teaching Crossroads: 9th IPB Erasmus Week. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. 2014.
  9. Silva, Elisabete Mendes (Ed.); Pais, Clarisse (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). Teaching Crossroads: 8th IPB Erasmus Week. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. 2013.
  10. Silva, Elisabete Mendes (Ed.); Pais, Clarisse (Ed.); Pais, Luís S. (Ed.). Teaching Crossroads: 7th IPB Erasmus Week. Instituto Politécnico de Bragança. 2012.
  11. Gomes, P.S.; Minceva, M.; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, A.E.. Advances in Simulated Moving Bed Chromatographic Separations. 2007.
  12. Pais, L.S.; Mata, V.G.; Rodrigues, A.E.. Simulated Moving Bed and Related Techniques. 2007.
  13. Rodrigues, A.E.; Mata, V.G.; Zabka, M.; Pais, L.. Chapter 15 Flow and Mass Transfer. 2003.
Book chapter
  1. Gomes, Pedro Sá; Minceva, Mirjana; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Advances in simulated moving bed chromatographic separations". Wiley, 2006.
  2. Pais, Luís S.; Mata, Vera G.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Simulated moving bed and related techniques". Blackwell Publishing Ltd., 2005.
  3. Rodrigues, Alírio; Mata, Vera G.; Zabka, Michal; Pais, Luís S.. "Flow and mass transfer". Elsevier, 2003.
  4. Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Modelling and simulation in SMB for chiral purification". G. Subramanian (ed.), 2000.
Conference paper
  1. Lopes, Isabel Maria; Pais, Luís S.; Fernandes, Paula Odete; Isabel M. Lopes; Luís S. Pais; Paula Odete Fernandes. "International mobility flows and COVID-19 effects: evidence from Instituto Politécnico de Bragança". 2023.
  2. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Fixed-bed and simulated moving bed chromatography using achiral and chiral adsorbents for the complete preparative separation of a quaternary mixture". 2022.
  3. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Complete separation of the quaternary mixture of nadolol stereoisomers using preparative and simulated moving bed chromatography". 2021.
  4. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Complete separation of the quaternary mixture of nadolol stereoisomers using preparative and simulated moving bed chromatography". 2021.
  5. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol racemates by high pH reversed-phase fixed-bed and simulated moving bed chromatography". 2019.
  6. Paulo, Helena; Fernandes, Paula Odete; Pais, Luís S.. "O contributo do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança para a mão-de-obra qualificada". 2019.
  7. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "High pH reversed-phase preparative chromatographic separation of nadolol racemates using C18 adsorbents". 2018.
  8. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol racemates by high pH reversed-phase simulated moving bed chromatography". 2018.
  9. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol racemates by high pH reversed-phase preparative fixed-bed chromatography: comparison of C18 materials". 2018.
  10. Paulo, Helena; Fernandes, Paula Odete; Pais, Luis S.. "The contribution of the higher education institution for the qualified workforce". 2018.
  11. Paulo, Helena; Fernandes, Paula Odete; Pais, Luís S.. "O Ensino Superior e empregabilidade no mercado de trabalho". 2018.
  12. Ribeiro, António E.; Arafah, Rami; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Strategies for the global multicomponent separation of nadolol stereoisomers by chiral and achiral fixed-bed and simulated moving bed chromatography". 2018.
  13. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Preparative separation of nadolol racemates by fixed-bed and SMB liquid chromatography using C18 columns". 2017.
  14. Ribeiro, António E.; Arafah, Rami; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Multicolumn based liquid chromatography processes for the separation of nadolol racemates". 2017.
  15. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Preparative separation of nadolol racemates by fixed-bed liquid chromatography using C18 columns". 2017.
  16. Ribeiro, António E.; Arafah, Rami; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol racemates by fixed-bed and continuous preparative liquid chromatography using C18 columns". 2017.
  17. Ribeiro, António E.; Arafah, Rami; Graça, Nuno S.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol stereoisomers using different simulated moving bed strategies". 2016.
  18. Ribeiro, António E.; Arafah, Rami; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol stereoisomers by fixed-bed and continuous preparative liquid chromatography using C18 columns". 2016.
  19. Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.; Barreiro, M.F.; Pais, Luís S.. "ValorNatural®: a project and a platform". 2016.
  20. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Arafah, Rami; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Strategies for multicomponent separation of Nadolol stereoisomers by simulated moving bed and jo processes". 2016.
  21. Ribeiro, António E.; Arafah, Rami; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of Nadolol Stereoisomers by Fixed-Bed and Continuous Preparative Liquid Chromatography using C18 Columns". 2016.
  22. Ribeiro, António E.; Arafah, Rami; Graça, Nuno S.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of a quaternary chiral mixture using different simulated moving bed strategies". 2016.
  23. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Preparative separation of nadolol racemates using reversed-phase liquid chromatography". 2016.
  24. Heleno, Sandrina A.; Diz, Patrícia do Carmo Claro; Barros, Lillian; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Barreiro, M.F.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Otimização da extração de ergosterol assistida por ultrassons a partir do cogumelo Agaricus bisporus L.". 2015.
  25. Heleno, Sandrina A.; Diz, Patrícia do Carmo Claro; Barros, Lillian; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Barreiro, M.F.; Ferreira, Isabel C.F.R.. "Optimization of ultrasound assisted extraction of ergosterol from Agaricus bisporus L". 2015.
  26. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Arafah, Rami; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Preparative separation of multicomponent mixtures by simulated moving bed liquid chromatography". 2015.
  27. Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Optimization of the adsorption process for the analytical and preparative separation of Nadolol stereoisomers". 2014.
  28. Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Complete design and optimization of multicomponent separation processes: the case study of the quaternary separation of nadolol stereoisomers". 2014.
  29. Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Optimization of analytical and preparative separation of nadolol stereoisomers by liquid chromatography". 2014.
  30. Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Complete design and optimization of multicomponent separation processes: the case study of the quaternary separation of nadolol stereoisomers.". 2014.
  31. Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Optimization of the adsorption process for the analytical and preparative separation of nadolol stereoisomers". 2014.
  32. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Arafah, Rami; Gheysens, E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Strategies for multicomponent separation of nadolol stereoisomers by preparative liquid chromatography". 2014.
  33. Gheysens, E.; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol stereoisomers by liquid chromatography using C18 columns". 2014.
  34. Leblebici, Pelin; Leblebici, Mumin Enis; Ferreira-da-Silva, Frederico; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of human immunoglobulin G subclasses using monolith technology". 2014.
  35. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol stereoisomers by liquid chromatography using Chiralpak IA chiral stationary phase". 2014.
  36. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Ferreira, Alexandre; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Multicomponent chiral separations by multicolumn and simulated moving bed adsorption processes". 2013.
  37. Leblebici, Pelin; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Monolith technology in isolation of human immunoglobulin G subclasses". 2013.
  38. Ribeiro, António E.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Multicomponent chiral separations by analytical and preparative liquid chromatography". 2013.
  39. Leblebici, Pelin; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of human immunoglobulin G subclasses using monolithic column". 2013.
  40. Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Silva, Viviana M.T.M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Synthesis of 1,1-dibutoxyethane in a simulated moving bed adsorptive reactor". 2012.
  41. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Gomes, P. Sá; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Choosing the right solvent for preparative liquid chromatography". 2012.
  42. Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Optimization of simulated moving bed processes for multicomponent chiral separations". 2012.
  43. Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Methodologies for the separation of chiral drugs by liquid chromatography: from analytical to preparative scale". 2012.
  44. Pelin, Arslan; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of human immunoglobulin G subclasses using monolith technology". 2012.
  45. Ribeiro, António E.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral separation of nadolol stereoisomers by liquid chromatography : screening of mobile phase composition and SMB separation". 2012.
  46. A. M. Silva; E. Vilhena; S. Cavaco; E. Santos; C. Pinto; A. Gonçalves; I. Moreira; D. Mendonça; José Luís Pais Ribeiro. "Predict factors of quality of life in MS portuguese patients". 2011.
  47. Ribeiro, António E.; Gomes, Pedro Sá; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral separation of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs by preparative and simulated moving bed chromatography". 2011.
  48. Ribeiro, António E.; Gomes, P. Sá; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Separation of nadolol stereoisomers by liquid chromatography : screening of the mobile phase composition". 2011.
  49. Ribeiro, António E.; Gomes, P. Sá; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Influence of solvent composition on chiral separation of flurbiprofen and ketoprofen enantiomers using simulated moving bed chromatography". 2011.
  50. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral separation of profen enantiomers by preparative liquid chromatography". 2008.
  51. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Optimization of mobile phase composition for preparative separation of profens enantiomers by chiral liquid chromatography". 2008.
  52. Pais, Luís S.. "Preparative enantioselective chromatography". 2008.
  53. Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.. "Modeling and simulation of fixed-bed and simulated moving bed chromatographic processes using Pdecol and Bacol software packages". 2007.
  54. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Preparative separation of profen enantiomers by liquid chromatography". 2007.
  55. Mariz, I.; Pais, Luís S.; Barreiro, M.F.; Silva, José A.C.. "Equilibrium moisture content and heat of desorption of garlic". 2005.
  56. Ribeiro, António E.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Influence of mobile phase composition on the preparative separation of profens by chiral liquid chromatography". 2005.
  57. Mariz, I.; Pais, Luís S.; Barreiro, M.F.; Silva, José A.C.. "Equilibrium moisture content and heat of desorption of garlic". 2005.
  58. Mariz, I.; Pais, Luís S.; Barreiro, M.F.; Silva, José A.C.. "Equilibrium moisture content and heat of desorption of garlic". 2005.
  59. Ribeiro, António E.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Influence of mobile phase composition on the preparative separation of profens by chiral liquid chromatography". 2005.
  60. Ribeiro, António E.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Influence of mobile phase composition on the preparative separation of profens by chiral liquid chromatography". 2005.
  61. Ribeiro, António E.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Preliminary studies for the separation of profens by chiral liquid chromatography". 2004.
  62. Ribeiro, António E.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Preliminary studies for the separation of profens by chiral liquid chromatography". 2004.
  63. Ribeiro, António E.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Separation of profens by chiral liquid chromatography: preliminary studies". 2003.
  64. Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Simulated moving bed and varicol processes for large-scale chiral separations". 2002.
  65. Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "SMB units using a low number of chromatographic columns". 2001.
  66. Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral chromatographic separations by simulated moving bed technology". 2001.
  67. Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral separation by simulated moving bed chromatography: comparison between configurations using a low number of columns". 2001.
  68. Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "The design of simulated moving bed chiral separation using the concept of separation volume". 2000.
  69. Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.; Azevedo, Diana C.S.; Minceva, Mirjana. "The concept of separation volume for the design of SMB processes". 2000.
  70. Pais, Luís S.; Loureiro, José M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Enantioseparation by simulated moving bed chromatography: modeling, simulation and operation". 1998.
  71. Leão, C.P.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Numerical solution of transient and steady-state models for simulated moving bed process". 1998.
  72. Pais, Luís S.; Loureiro, José M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Separation of enantiomers of a chiral epoxide by simulated moving bed chromatography". 1998.
  73. Pais, Luís S.; Loureiro, José M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral separation by SMB chromatography". 1998.
  74. Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Separation of enantiomers by SMB chromatography: strategies of modeling and process performance". 1998.
  75. Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Enantioseparation by SMB chromatography". 1998.
  76. Pais, Luís S.; Loureiro, José M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Separação de enantiómeros de 1a,2,7,7a-tetrahidro-3-metoxinafta-(2,3b)-oxirano por cromatografia líquida em leito móvel simulado". 1997.
  77. Pais, Luís S.; Leão, C.P.; Loureiro, José M.; Santos, M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Simulated moving bed adsorptive reactor: modeling, simulation and operation of a SMBR pilot plant". 1996.
  78. Rodrigues, Alírio; Lu, Z.P.; Loureiro, José M.; Pais, Luís S.. "Modeling and operation of a simulated moving bed for the separation of optical isomers". 1996.
Journal article
  1. Arafah, Rami S.; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio E.; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol racemates by high pH reversed-phase fixed-bed and simulated moving bed chromatography". Separation and Purification Technology 305 (2023): 122529.
  2. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol racemates by high pH reversed-phase fixed-bed and simulated moving bed chromatography". (2023):
  3. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol racemates by high pH reversed-phase preparative chromatography". (2020):
  4. Rami S. Arafah; António E. Ribeiro; Alírio E. Rodrigues; Luís S. Pais. "Improving the performance of nadolol stereoisomers' preparative separation using Chiralpak IA by SMB chromatography". Chirality (2019):
  5. Arafah, R.S.; Ribeiro, A.E.; Rodrigues, A.E.; Pais, L.S.. "Separation of Nadolol Stereoisomers Using Chiralpak IA Chiral Stationary Phase". Chirality 28 5 (2016): 399-408.
  6. Arafah, Rami; Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of Nadolol Stereoisomers Using Chiralpak IA Chiral Stationary Phase". (2016):
  7. Graça, N.S.; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Separation of Ternary Mixtures by Pseudo-Simulated Moving-Bed Chromatography: Separation Region Analysis". Chemical Engineering and Technology 38 12 (2015): 2316-2326.
  8. Nuno S. Graça; Luís S. Pais; Alírio E. Rodrigues. "Separation of Ternary Mixtures by Pseudo-Simulated Moving-Bed Chromatography: Separation Region Analysis". (2015):
  9. Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Separation of Ternary Mixtures by Pseudo-Simulated Moving-Bed Chromatography: Separation Region Analysis". (2015):
  10. Leblebici, P.; Leblebici, M.E.; Ferreira-da-Silva, F.; Rodrigues, A.E.; Pais, L.S.. "Separation of human immunoglobulin G subclasses on a protein A monolith column". Journal of Chromatography B: Analytical Technologies in the Biomedical and Life Sciences 962 (2014): 89-93.
  11. Pelin Leblebici; M. Enis Leblebici; Frederico Ferreira da Silva; Alírio E. Rodrigues; Luís S. Pais. "Separation of human immunoglobulin G subclasses on a protein A monolith column". (2014):
  12. Leblebici, Pelin; Leblebici, Mumin Enis; Ferreira-da-Silva, Frederico; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of human immunoglobulin G subclasses on a protein A monolith column". (2014):
  13. Ribeiro, A.E.; Rodrigues, A.E.; Pais, L.S.. "Separation of nadolol stereoisomers by chiral liquid chromatography at analytical and preparative scales". Chirality 25 3 (2013): 197-205.
  14. Ribeiro, António E.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Separation of nadolol stereoisomers by chiral liquid chromatography at analytical and preparative scales". (2013):
  15. Graça, N.S.; Pais, L.S.; Silva, V.M.T.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Thermal effects on the synthesis of 1,1-dibutoxyethane in a fixed-bed adsorptive reactor". Chemical Engineering and Technology 35 11 (2012): 1989-1997.
  16. Graça, N.S.; Pais, L.S.; Silva, V.M.T.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Thermal effects on the synthesis of acetals in a simulated moving bed adsorptive reactor". Chemical Engineering Journal 207-208 (2012): 504-513.
  17. Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Silva, Viviana M.T.M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Thermal effects on the synthesis of acetals in a simulated moving bed adsorptive reactor". (2012):
  18. Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Silva, Viviana M.T.M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Thermal effects on the synthesis of 1,1-dibutoxyethane in a fixed-bed adsorptive reactor". (2012):
  19. Graça, N.S.; Pais, L.S.; Silva, V.M.T.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Analysis of the synthesis of 1,1-dibutoxyethane in a simulated moving-bed adsorptive reactor". Chemical Engineering and Processing: Process Intensification 50 11-12 (2011): 1214-1225.
  20. Ribeiro, A.E.; Gomes, P.S.; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Chiral separation of flurbiprofen enantiomers by preparative and simulated moving bed chromatography". Chirality 23 8 (2011): 602-611.
  21. Ribeiro, A.E.; Gomes, P.S.; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Chiral separation of ketoprofen enantiomers by preparative and simulated moving bed chromatography". Separation Science and Technology 46 11 (2011): 1726-1739.
  22. Graça, N.S.; Pais, L.S.; Silva, V.M.T.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Dynamic study of the synthesis of 1,1-dibutoxyethane in a fixed-bed adsorptive reactor". Separation Science and Technology 46 4 (2011): 631-640.
  23. Ribeiro, António E.; Gomes, Pedro Sá; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral separation of flurbiprofen enantiomers by preparative and simulated moving bed chromatography". (2011):
  24. Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Silva, Viviana M.T.M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Analysis of the synthesis of 1,1-dibutoxyethane in a simulated moving-bed adsorptive reactor". (2011):
  25. Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Silva, Viviana M.T.M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Dynamic study of the synthesis of 1,1-dibutoxyethane in a fixed-bed adsorptive reactor". (2011):
  26. Ribeiro, António E.; Gomes, Pedro Sá; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral separation of Ketoprofen enantiomers by preparative and simulated moving bed chromatography". (2011):
  27. Graça, N.S.; Pais, L.S.; Silva, V.M.T.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Silva, Viviana M.T.M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Oxygenated biofuels from butanol for diesel blends: Synthesis of the acetal 1,1-dibutoxyethane catalyzed by amberlyst-15 ion-exchange resin". Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research 49 15 (2010): 6763-6771.
  28. Ribeiro, A.E.; Graça, N.S.; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, A.E.; Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Optimization of the mobile phase composition for preparative chiral separation of flurbiprofen enantiomers". Separation and Purification Technology 68 1 (2009): 9-23.
  29. Ribeiro, A.E.; Graça, N.S.; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Preparative separation of ketoprofen enantiomers: Choice of mobile phase composition and measurement of competitive adsorption isotherms". Separation and Purification Technology 61 3 (2008): 375-383.
  30. Ribeiro, António E.; Graça, Nuno S.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Preparative separation of ketoprofen enantiomers: choice of mobile phase composition and measurement of competitive adsorption isotherms". (2008):
  31. Rodrigues, A.E.; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, Luís S.. "Design of SMB Chiral Separations Using the Concept of Separation Volume". Separation Science and Technology 39 2 (2004): 245-270.
  32. Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, A.E.; Minceva, Mirjana; Minceva, M.. "Design of simulated moving bed and Varicol processes for preparative separations with a low number of columns". Chemical Engineering and Processing 42 2 (2003): 93-104.
  33. Pais, L.S.; Loureiro, J.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Chiral separation by SMB chromatography". Separation and Purification Technology 20 1 (2000): 67-77.
  34. Pais, Luís S.; Loureiro, José M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Chiral separation by SMB chromatography". (2000):
  35. Azevedo, D.C.S.; Pais, L.S.; Rodrigues, A.E.; Azevedo, Diana C.S.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Enantiomers separation by simulated moving bed chromatography: Non-instantaneous equilibrium at the solid-fluid interface". Journal of Chromatography A 865 1-2 (1999): 187-200.
  36. Pais, L.S.; Loureiro, J.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Modeling Strategies for Enantiomers Separation by SMB Chromatography". AIChE Journal 44 3 (1998): 561-569.
  37. Pais, L.S.; Loureiro, J.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Separation of enantiomers of a chiral epoxide by simulated moving bed chromatography". Journal of Chromatography A 827 2 (1998): 215-233.
  38. Pais, Luís S.; Loureiro, José M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Modeling strategies for enantiomers separation by SMB chromatography". (1998):
  39. Pais, Luís S.; Loureiro, José M.; Rodrigues, Alírio. "Separation of enantiomers of a chiral epoxide by simulated moving bed chromatography". (1998):
  40. Pais, Luís S.; Loureiro, José M.; Rodrigues, Alírio; Pais, L.S.; Loureiro, J.M.; Rodrigues, A.E.. "Modeling, simulation and operation of a simulated moving bed for continuous chromatographic separation of 1,1'-bi-2-naphthol enantiomers". Chemical Engineering Science 52 2 (1997): 245-257.
  41. Rodrigues, Alírio; Lu, Z.P.; Loureiro, José M.; Pais, Luís S.; Rodrigues, A.E.; Loureiro, J.M.; Pais, L.S.. "Separation of enantiomers of 1a,2,7,7a-tetrahydro-3-methoxynaphtha-(2,3b)-oxirane by liquid chromatography: laboratory-scale elution chromatography and modelling of simulated moving bed". Journal of Chromatography A 702 1-2 (1995): 223-231.
  1. Pais, Luís S.. 2013. O IPB e o fomento da mobilidade internacional de estudantes.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Paulo, Helena. "O contributo do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança para a mão-de-obra qualificada na NUT III de Alto Tâmega, Tâmega e Sousa, Terras de Trás-os-Montes e Douro". Master, 2018.
  2. Arafah, Rami. "Separation of nadolol stereoisomers by liquid chromatography using Chiralpak IA chiral stationary phase". Master, 2015.
  3. Pais, Luís Manuel Santos; Pais, Luís S.. "Chiral separation by simulated moving bed chromatography". PhD, 1999.


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2018 - 2018 O contributo do Instituto Politécnico de Bragança para a mão-deobra qualificada na NUT III de Alto Tâmega, Tâmega e Sousa, Terras de Trás-os-Montes e Douro
Gestão das Organizações (Master)
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2018 - 2018 Multicomponent Chiral Separation by Preparative and Simulated Moving Bed Chromatography
Engenharia Química e Biológica (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Separation of nadolol stereoisomers by liquid chromatography using Chiralpak IA chiral stationary phase
Engenharia Química (Master)
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2009 - 2009 Simulated Moving Bed Separators/Reactors: Application to The Synthesis of 1,1-Dibutoxyethane (DBE)
Engenharia Química e Biológica (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2006 - 2006 Influência do Solvente no Desempenho de Separações Quirais em Leito Móvel Simulado
Engenharia Química e Biológica (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal


2003 1º Prémio CUF (Companhia União Fabril)