Isabel Lopes is Assistant Professor of the Department of Production and Systems and is integrated member of the Industrial Engineering and Management (IEM) Research Line at ALGORITMI Research Centre, University of Minho. She got her PhD in Production and Systems Engineering in 2007. Her research interests are maintenance management and engineering, including maintenance performance evaluation, spare parts management, maintenance management methodologies (TPM and RCM), computerized maintenance management systems (CMMS), maintenance planning, condition-based maintenance and operational risks management. She co-authored more than 70 publications indexed in ISI and/or Scopus databases. She has received scientific awards in 2016, 2014 and 2012 (the best paper 2016 of The TQM Journal in the 2016 Emerald Literati Network Awards for Excellence, Certificate of Merit for The International Conference on Systems Engineering and Engineering Management in 2014 and 2012). She supervised 4 PhDs in the area of maintenance management and engineering and, more than 60 MSc students in both maintenance management and Quality Engineering. She supervises currently 1 PhD and 6 MSc students. She also supervised scholarship holders and research assistants in the scope of her participation on financed research and development projects. She participated in the Co-Promotion Project nº 002814/2015 (iFACTORY 2015-2018), Bosch Car Multimedia partnership with the University of Minho, co-financed by the FEDER through Portugal 2020 - COMPETE 2020 in the sub-project P19- Computerized Maintenance Management System (CMMS) – from July 2015 to June 2018. She led the research line “Condition-based maintenance” in the sub-Project “Industrial Operations Management”, of the Co-promotion Project nº 039479, FACTORY OF THE FUTURE, Bosch Car Multimedia partnership with the University of Minho, co-financed by the FEDER through Portugal 2020 - COMPETE 2020 from 2019 to 2021. She coordinated the research line of Maintenance and Asset Management in the financed project ADM.IN - Advanced Decision Making in productive systems through Intelligent Networks with the reference POCI-01-0247-FEDER-055087, co-financed by the FEDER through Portugal 2020 - COMPETE 2020 from April 2021 to June 2023. She led the folowing Co-Promotion R&D Projects under the Portugal 2020 program: - TechParts I&D - Management of maintenance activities in companies producing precision technical parts, – From August 2016 to June 2019. - CORIM - Collaborative Tool for Operational Risk Management - From July 2020 to June 2023. - SIMME - System for Intelligent Management of Measuring Equipment - From July 2021 to June 2023. She has reviewed about 30 articles in international journals. She was member of the steering committee of the Integrated Master course in Industrial Engineering and Management of the University of Minho, from March 2013 to March 2017 and she was, from March 2017 to September 2019, director of the Master course in Quality Engineering and Management. She teaches and taught more than 15 curricular units in the areas of quality management and engineering, maintenance management and Reliability, and operational research. She is currently coordinator of 4 curricular units.

Personal identification

Full name
Isabel da Silva Lopes

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology


  1. Nunes, P.; Lopes, I.; Basto, L.; Pires, C.. Identifying Dependency Relationships Between Events in Production Systems. 2024.
  2. Sousa, M.; Lopes, I.; Pires, C.; Mendonça, J.P.. Selecting the Method for Setting the Calibration Intervals of Metrological Devices. 2024.
  3. Teixeira, H.N.; Lopes, I.; Braga, A.C.; Delgado, P.; Martins, C.. Screwing Process Monitoring Using MSPC in Large Scale Smart Manufacturing. 2022.
  4. Costa, R.; Lopes, I.. Productivity Improvement in Manufacturing Systems Through TPM, OEE and Collaboration Between Maintenance and Production: A Case Study. 2021.
  5. Lopes, I.; Meira, D.; Pires, C.. Development of a Risk Assessment Tool for Manufacturing Processes. 2021.
  6. Teixeira, H.; Teixeira, C.; Lopes, I.. Maintenance Data Management for Condition-Based Maintenance Implementation. 2021.
  7. Fonseca, A.; Pires, C.; Lopes, I.. Comparative study of the application of RCM and risk matrix for risk assessment of collaborative robots. 2019.
  8. Teixeira De Sousa, S.D.; Nunes, E.M.P.; Da Silva Lopes, I.. Uncertainty characterization of performance measure: A fuzzy logic approach. 2015.
  9. De Oliveira, M.A.; Da Silva Lopes, I.; De Figueiredo, D.L.. Survey on maintenance area of companies of the manaus industrial pole. 2015.
  10. De Sousa, S.D.T.; Nunes, E.M.P.; Da Silva Lopes, I.. Uncertainty components in performance measures. 2013.
Book chapter
  1. Humberto Nuno Teixeira; Isabel Silva Lopes; Rafael Nunes Pires. "Maintenance Strategy Selection: An Approach Based on Equipment Criticality and Focused on Components". 2024.
  2. Pedro Pinto Martins; Isabel da Silva Lopes; Humberto Nuno Teixeira; Marco Ferreira. "Specification of a Collaborative Platform for Intercompany Maintenance Information Sharing: A Case Study". 2024.
  3. Luís Basto; Isabel Lopes; Cláudia Pires. "Risk Analysis in Manufacturing Processes: An Integrated Approach Using the FMEA Method". 2022.
  4. T. Melo; A. C. Alves; I. Lopes; A. Colim. "Reducing 3M by Improved Layouts and Ergonomic Intervention in a Lean Journey in a Cork Company". 537-545. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
Conference paper
  1. Sousa, M.; Lopes, I.; Mendonça, J.P.; Pires, C.. "Controlling industrial Measuring and Monitoring Equipment status through EWMA and I-MR charts". 2022.
  2. Soares, E.; da Silva Lopes, I.; Pinheiro, J.. "Methodology to support maintenance management for the identification and analysis of the degradation of equipment reliability". 2021.
  3. Meira, D.; Lopes, I.; Pires, C.. "Selection of computerized maintenance management systems to meet organizations' needs using AHP". 2020.
  4. Teixeira, H.N.; Lopes, I.; Braga, A.C.. "Condition-based maintenance implementation: A literature review". 2020.
  5. Pires, C.R.; Lopes, I.S.; Basto, L.P.. "Mathematical model for maintenance planning of machine tools". 2019.
  6. Dias, M.; Araújo, I.; Alves, A.C.; Lopes, I.; Teixeira, S.. "Reusing equipment in cells reconfiguration for a lean and sustainable production". 2019.
  7. Costa, J.P.; Lopes, I.S.; Brito, J.P.. "Six Sigma application for quality improvement of the pin insertion process". 2019.
  8. Cepeda, T.A.; Lopes, I.S.. "Support methodology for product quality assurance: A case study in a company of the automotive industry". 2019.
  9. Teixeira, H.N.; Lopes, I.; Braga, A.C.; Delgado, P.; Martins, C.. "Screwing process analysis using multivariate statistical process control". 2019.
  10. Estrada, R.; Sousa, S.; Lopes, I.. "Performance assessment system development based on performance prism in social services". 2018.
  11. Lopes, I.S.; Senra, P.; Neto, B.; Costa, R.; Sousa, M.; Cabo, T.; Oliveira, J.A.. "Multi-criteria classification for prioritization of preventive maintenance tasks to support maintenance scheduling". 2018.
  12. Pires, C.R.; Lopes, I.S.; Basto, L.P.. "Approach for preventive maintenance planning of machine tools". 2018.
  13. Sousa, M.; Lopes, I.S.. "A methodology for selecting and defining maintenance tasks for critical equipment". 2018.
  14. Otero, E.; Lopes, I.. "Productivity improvement of a production line through quick changeover concept – a case study". 2018.
  15. Estrada, R.; Sousa, S.; Lopes, I.. "Performance prism applicability in the social service sector". 2017.
  16. Lopes, I.; Senra, P.; Vilarinho, S.; Sá, V.; Teixeira, C.; Lopes, J.; Alves, A.; Oliveira, J.A.; Figueiredo, M.. "Requirements Specification of a Computerized Maintenance Management System - A Case Study". 2016.
  17. Pereira, A.; Abreu, M.F.; Silva, D.; Alves, A.C.; Oliveira, J.A.; Lopes, I.; Figueiredo, M.C.. "Reconfigurable Standardized Work in a Lean Company - A Case Study". 2016.
  18. Oliveira, M.; Lopes, I.; Rodrigues, C.. "Use of Maintenance Performance Indicators by Companies of the Industrial Hub of Manaus". 2016.
  19. Pires, C.R.; Lopes, I.S.; Oliveira, J.A.. "Management and Planning of Tools Maintenance Activities in a Metalworking". 2016.
  20. Miranda, S.F.; Lopes, I.S.. "Development of autonomous maintenance in a furniture company". 2015.
  21. Morais, V.R.; Sousa, S.D.; Lopes, I.. "Implementation of a lean six sigma project in a production line". 2015.
  22. Carvalho, B.A.; Lopes, I.S.. "Preventive maintenance development: A case study in a furniture company". 2015.
  23. De Oliveira, M.A.; Lopes, I.S.; Figueiredo, D.L.. "Maintenance management practices of companies of the industrial pole of Manaus". 2014.
  24. Sousa, S.D.; Nunes, E.P.; Lopes, I.S.. "Using fuzzy logic to characterize uncertainty during the design and use stages of performance measurement". 2014.
  25. Bastos, P.; Lopes, I.; Pires, L.; Isabel S Lopes. "Application of data mining in a maintenance system for failure prediction". 2014.
  26. Fernandes, F.A.; Sousa, S.D.; Lopes, I.. "On the use of quality tools: A case study". 2013.
  27. Abreu, P.; Sousa, S.; Lopes, I.. "Using six sigma to improve complaints handling". 2012.
  28. Bastos, P.; Lopes, I.; Pires, L.. "A maintenance prediction system using data mining techniques". 2012.
  29. Sousa, S.D.; Nunes, E.; Lopes, I.S.. "Data Quality Assessment in Performance Measurement". 2012.
  30. Teixeira, H.N.; Lopes, I.S.; Sousa, S.D.. "Diagnosis of quality problems in a footwear SME". 2012.
  31. Carvalho, R.; Alves, A.; Lopes, I.. "Principles and practices of lean production applied in a metal structures production system". 2011.
  32. Lopes, I.S.; Nunes, E.P.; Sousa, S.D.; Esteves, D.; Sergio Sousa. "Quality improvement practices adopted by industrial companies in Portugal". 2011.
  33. Ferreira, J.E.; Lopes, I.S.; Isabel S Lopes. "Improvement of scrap request process with six sigma methodology". 2010.
  34. Lopes, I.S.; Moreira, E.; Sousa, S.D.. "Improvement of after-sales maintenance service using TPM principles". 2010.
  35. Lopes, I.S.; Leitão, A.F.; Pereira, G.A.B.; Guilherme A B Pereira. "Workplace occupation and equipment availability and utilization, in the context of Maintenance Float Systems". 2009.
  36. Lopes, I.S.; Leitao, A.F.; Pereira, G.A.B.. "Failure rate of a repairable system under periodic overhauls". 2008.
Journal article
  1. Lopes, I.S.; Figueiredo, M.C.; Sá, V.. "Criticality evaluation to support maintenance management of manufacturing systems". International Journal of Industrial Engineering and Management 11 1 (2020): 3-18.
  2. Marcelo Albuquerque Oliveira; Isabel Lopes. "Evaluation and improvement of maintenance management performance using a maturity model". International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management ahead-of-p ahead-of-p (2019):
  3. Flixeira, Catarina; Tereso, Anabela; Lopes, Isabel; Figueiredo, Manuel. "A Comparison of Multi-Criteria Methods for Spare Parts Classification". International Business Information Management Association Conference (2019):
  4. Catarina Teixeira; Isabel Lopes; Manuel Figueiredo. "Classification methodology for spare parts management combining maintenance and logistics perspectives". Journal of Management Analytics 5 2 (2018): 116-135.
  5. Sandrina Vilarinho; Isabel Lopes; Sergio Sousa; Vilarinho, S.; Lopes, I.; Sousa, S.. "Developing dashboards for SMEs to improve performance of productive equipment and processes". Journal of Industrial Information Integration (2018):
  6. Teixeira, C.; Lopes, I.; Figueiredo, M.. "Multi-criteria Classification for Spare Parts Management: A Case Study". Procedia Manufacturing 11 (2017): 1560-1567.
  7. Vilarinho, S.; Lopes, I.; Sousa, S.; Sandrina Vilarinho; Isabel Lopes; Sérgio Sousa. "Design Procedure to Develop Dashboards Aimed at Improving the Performance of Productive Equipment and Processes". Procedia Manufacturing 11 (2017): 1634-1641.
  8. Senra, P.; Lopes, I.; Oliveira, J.A.. "Supporting Maintenance Scheduling: A Case Study". Procedia Manufacturing 11 (2017): 2123-2130.
  9. Vilarinho, S.; Lopes, I.; Oliveira, J.A.. "Preventive Maintenance Decisions through Maintenance Optimization Models: A Case Study". Procedia Manufacturing 11 (2017): 1170-1177.
  10. Patrícia Senra; Isabel S Lopes; José A. Oliveira. "Supporting maintenance scheduling: a case study". 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION AND INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, FAIM2017 (2017):
  11. Sandrina Vilarinho; Isabel S Lopes; José A. Oliveira. "Preventive maintenance decisions through maintenance optimization models: a case study". 27TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON FLEXIBLE AUTOMATION AND INTELLIGENT MANUFACTURING, FAIM2017 (2017):
  12. Teixeira, Catarina; Lopes, Isabel; Figueiredo, Manuel. "Multi-criteria classification for spare parts management: a case study". 14TH GLOBAL CONFERENCE ON SUSTAINABLE MANUFACTURING, GCSM (2017):
  13. C.R. Pires; I.S. Lopes; J.A. Oliveira. "Management and planning of tools maintenance activities in a metalworking". Factories of the Future in the Digital Environment (2016):
  14. Pereira, Ana; Abreu, M. Florentina; Silva, David; Alves, Anabela C.; Oliveira, Jose A.; Lopes, Isabel; Figueiredo, Manuel C.. "Reconfigurable Standardized Work in a Lean company - a case study". Procedia CIRP (2016):
  15. Oliveira, Marcelo; Lopes, Isabel; Rodrigues, Cristina. "Use of maintenance performance indicators by companies of the industrial hub of Manaus". Procedia CIRP (2016):
  16. Morais, Valter Rocha; Teixeira de Sousa, Sergio Dinis; Lopes, Isabel da Silva. "Lean Six Sigma Project for Productivity Enhancement". Transactions on Engineering Technologies (2016):
  17. Lopes, Isabel; Senra, Patricia; Vilarinho, Sandrina; Sa, Vera; Teixeira, Catarina; Lopes, Joao; Alves, Anabela; Oliveira, Jose A.; Figueiredo, Manuel. "Requirements specification of a computerized maintenance management system - a case study". Procedia CIRP (2016):
  18. Lopes, I.S.; Sousa, S.D.; Nunes, E.. "Methodology for uncertainty characterization of performance measures". International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 33 9 (2016): 1346-1363.
  19. Sergio Sousa; Sousa, S.D.; Lopes, I.; Nunes, E.. "GRAPH THEORY APPROACH TO QUANTIFY UNCERTAINTY OF PERFORMANCE MEASURES". International Journal for Quality Research 9 1 (2015): 37-50.
  20. Teixeira, H.N.; Lopes, I.; Sousa, S.. "Prioritizing quality problems in SMEs: A methodology". TQM Journal 27 1 (2015): 2-21.
  21. Sousa, S.; Nunes, E.; Lopes, I.; Sérgio Sousa; E. Nunes; I. Lopes. "Measuring and managing operational risk in industrial processes". FME Transactions 43 4 (2015): 295-302.
  22. Carlos M R Machado; Costa, R.; Lopes, I.; Machado, C.; Cabral, J.M.. "A computerized system for maintenance management of assembly lines". Safety, Reliability and Risk Analysis: Beyond the Horizon (2014): 959-966.
  23. Isabel S Lopes; Bastos, P.; Lopes, I.; Pires, L.. "SPAMUF: A behaviour-based maintenance prediction system". Advances in Safety, Reliability and Risk Management (2012): 977-982.
  24. Lopes, I.S.; Leito, A.L.F.; Pereira, G.A.B.. "State probabilities of a float system". Journal of Quality in Maintenance Engineering 13 1 (2007): 88-102.
  25. Guilherme A B Pereira; Lopes, I.S.; Leitão, A.L.F.; Pereira, G.A.B.. "A maintenance float system with periodic overhauls". Safety and Reliability For Managing Risk, Vols 1-3 (2006): 613-618.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Lopes, Isabel da Silva. "Técnicas quantitativas no apoio à decisão em sistemas de manutenção". PhD, 2007.