After completing the Psicology degree at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (2002-2007), and a Master's Degree in
Psychology Research (2014-2015) at the National University of Distance Education (Spain), Carmela Martínez Vispo carried out
her doctoral studies (2016-2019), obtaining in July 2019 the title of doctor with a Cum Laudem qualification. After that,
she has been working as an associated researcher at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Spain). Previously, she had
worked as research assistant and PhD student at this university under the supervision of Prof. Elisardo Becoña and Dr. Ana
López Durán. During this period, she has participated in four different research projects (funded by national and regional
entities) devoted to the study of addictive behaviors, mental health and the psychological treatment of such problems. Throughout
that work she has acquired experience in the design and implementation of therapeutic strategies, assessing through a rigorous
research method the efficacy of smoking cessation psychological treatment. Additionally, through this period she had the opportunity
to learn and apply a wide variety of data analysis techniques, as well as to do a pre-doctoral stay at the Universidade Católica
Portuguesa, with Professor Dr. Paulo Azevedo Días in 2019.
In summary, up to date, she has participated in a total of 23 scientific articles (46 citations; h-index: 4) published in
peer-review journals (4 Q1 and 8 Q2), of which she is first author of eleven as well as second author of two. Further, she
has also a co-authorship in a book and two book chapters.