Manuel C. Lemos (MLemos) is a Clinical Endocrinologist, Professor of Endocrinology, and Principal Investigator, at the Health Sciences Research Centre, University of Beira Interior (CICS-UBI), Covilhã, Portugal. MLemos holds a Medical Degree (MD) (1995) and an MSc in Cell Biology (2003), from the University of Coimbra, Portugal; and a PhD in Clinical Medicine (2008) from the University of Oxford, UK. MLemos undertook his clinical training at the University Hospital of Coimbra, Portugal, where he completed his medical specialty in Endocrinology & Nutrition (2003). CLINICAL ACTIVITY As a medical specialist in Endocrinology, MLemos dedicates a large fraction of his time to the management of patients with endocrine disorders, in particular patients with diabetes mellitus and its associated complications, thyroid disorders, and other hormone-related disorders. He has worked at several institutions, including University Hospital of Coimbra, Oxford Centre for Diabetes, Endocrinology & Metabolism (OCDEM), UK, Cova da Beira Hospital Centre, Covilhã, and the Portuguese Institute of Oncology, Coimbra, Portugal. SCIENTIFIC ACTIVITY MLemos research interest is the molecular genetics of endocrine disorders. He has carried out genetic and phenotypic studies of several monogenic endocrine disorders, including inherited forms of diabetes mellitus, growth hormone deficiency and hypogonadotropic hypogonadism, and studies of genetic susceptibility to more common multifactorial endocrine disorders such as type 1 diabetes mellitus and thyroid cancer. He is the Coordinator of a nationwide multicentric research project to identify and genetically characterise patients with familial isolated pituitary adenomas. He has received funding from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology, the Portuguese Society of Diabetology, and the Portuguese Society for Endocrinology. MLemos was the national representative in the European Cooperation in Science and Technology (COST) Action BM1105 GnRH Deficiency: Elucidation of the Neuroendocrine Control of Human Reproduction. His work has been funded by the FCT, the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, the Portuguese Society of Diabetology, and by Regional Strategic Funding. He has received awards from the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, the Portuguese Society of Diabetology, and the British Endocrine Society. ACADEMIC ACTIVITY MLemos is a Professor of Endocrinology, at the University of Beira Interior (UBI), Covilhã, Portugal. He began his academic career as a Teaching Assistant (1996) in Medical Genetics, at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, and later as an Assistant Professor (2008), Associate Professor (2015) and full Professor (2022) in Endocrinology, at UBI. He is currently involved in teaching the undergraduate courses in Medicine and in Pharmaceutical Sciences at UBI, as well as the Doctoral Programme in Medicine at UBI, of which he was the course director between 2009 and 2013. He is regularly invited to lecture at doctoral programmes at other universities and at scientific events organized by the Portuguese Society of Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism, the Portuguese Society of Paediatric Endocrinology, and the Portuguese Society of Obesity. MLemos is currently the President of the Portuguese Board of Medical Specialists in Endocrinology.

Personal identification

Full name
Manuel Lemos

Citation names

  • Lemos, Manuel C
  • Lemos, Manuel Carlos

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • (Professional)


  • 275329002 (Professional)


  • (CICS-UBI), Health Sciences Research Centre, University of Beira Interior, 6200-506, Covilhã, Covilhã, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Medical and Health Sciences - Clinical Medicine - Endocrinology and Metabolism
  • Medical and Health Sciences - Basic Medicine - Human Genetics


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Portuguese Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Degree Classification
Medicina (Medicine) (Título de Agregado)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
DPhil Clinical Medicine (Doctor of Philosophy)
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
"Genetic and Phenotypic Studies of the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Syndrome" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Mestrado em Biologia Celular (MSc Cell Biology) (Mestrado)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal
"Genes de metabolismo de genotóxicos e susceptibilidade para neoplasias hematológicas (Genotoxic metabolizing genes and susceptibility to haematological neoplasias)" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Muito Bom
Medicina (Medicine) (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2022 - Current Full Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2015/06/01 - 2022/03 Associate Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2008/03/01 - 2015/05/31 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2005/11/14 - 2008/02/29 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2000/08/25 - 2006/03/11 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
1996/04/08 - 2000/08/24 Tutor (University Teacher) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2015/06/01 - 2021/05/31 Manager of Laboratory, Institute, Museum, Centre or Observatory Universidade da Beira Interior - UBImedical, Portugal
2014/05/30 - 2019/03/06 Pro-Rector Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal


Host institution
2023/10/10 - Current Presidente do Colégio da Especialidade de Endocrinologia (President of the Portuguese Board of Medical Specialists in Endocrinology) Ordem dos Médicos, Portugal
2006/12 - Current Médico Endocrinologista (Clinical Endocrinologist) Private Clinic, Portugal
2011/03 - 2013/06 Médico Endocrinologista (Clinical Endocrinologist) Instituto Português de Oncologia de Coimbra Francisco Gentil EPE, Portugal
2005/11/14 - 2006/11/30 Médico Endocrinologista (Clinical Endocrinologist) Centro Hospitalar Cova da Beira EPE, Portugal
2003/10/01 - 2005/10/01 Médico Endocrinologista (Clinical Endocrinologist) Oxford Centre for Diabetes Endocrinology and Metabolism, United Kingdom
2003/02/26 - 2003/10/01 Médico Endocrinologista (Clinical Endocrinologist) Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1998/01/01 - 2003/02/25 Internato Complementar em Endocrinologia (Residency in Clinical Endocrinology) Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
1996/01/01 - 1997/07/30 Internato Geral (General Internship) Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021/07/01 - 2023/06/30 Genome-based personalized medicine
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Comissão de Coordenação e Desenvolvimento Regional do Centro
2021 - 2022 Next-generation sequencing for the diagnosis of children with Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY)
Bolsa de Endocrinologia, Dra. Conceição Barbas, 2020
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2018/07 - 2021/06 GenoPit - Genetic risk factors for pituitary adenomas: a national, multicenter, genetic and clinical analysis
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019 - 2021 Analysis of the regulation of drug uptake and detoxification systems in the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier: the role of sex hormones
Bolsa SPEDM para Projeto de Investigação Científica em Endocrinologia 2018
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2019 - 2021 The choroid plexus as an alternative source of pituitary hormones: analysis of its regulatory mechanisms and secretory profiles
Bolsa SPEDM / Novartis Oncology em Patologia Hipofisária 2018
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2018 - 2020 Whole exome study of a family with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism
Bolsa SPEDM / Novartis Oncology em Patologia Hipofisária 2017
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2018 - 2020 Endocrine disruptors: maternal exposure to metals and repercussions on maternal and newborn thyroid function
Bolsa Prof. E. Limbert MERCK / SPEDM 2017
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2018 - 2020 Exposure to endocrine disruptors and association with gestacional diabetes in the first trimester
Bolsa Almeida Ruas - Novo Nordisk/SPD 2018
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia
2018 - 2020 Endocrine disruptors and premature menopause: effects of plastics and cosmetics on age of menopause
Bolsa de Endocrinologia “Dra. Maria da Conceição Barbas – SPEDM” 2018
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2018 - 2020 C4-Cloud Computing Competences Centre
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
European Regional Development Fund
2017 - 2020 Interdisciplinary Challenges on Neurodegeneration (ICON)
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
2017 - 2019 Iodine deficiency in pregnancy: effects on the cognitive development of children
Bolsa de Endocrinologia Dr.ª Maria da Conceição Barbas – SPEDM 2017
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2017 - 2019 Analysis of germline mutations of the AIP and MEN1 genes in patients with young-onset isolated pituitary macroadenomas
Bolsa SPEDM / Novartis Oncology em Patologia Hipofisária 2017
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2017 - 2019 Type 1 diabetes and vitamin D: a genetic association study
Bolsa de Investigação SPEDM 2017
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2017 - 2019 R.E.NewAL. SKILLS – Real Estate New Alternative Skills
ref. 591861-EPP-1-2017-1-IT-EPPKA2-SSA
Universidade da Beira Interior - UBImedical, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Growth Hormone Receptor Gene Polymorphism and the Responsiveness to Recombinant Growth Hormone Therapy in the Portuguese Population
Pfizer, ref WI216223
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Pfizer Biofarmacêutica Sociedade Unipessoal Lda
2015 - 2018 Projeto Estratégico – CICS-UBI
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012 - 2016 GnRH Deficiency: Elucidation of the Neuroendocrine Control of Human Reproduction
COST action BM1105
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
European Cooperation in Science and Technology
2013 - 2015 Hormonal and inflammatory basis of age-related diseases
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
2013 - 2014 Genetic susceptibility to thyroid cancer: effect of polymorphisms of the vitamin D receptor gene
Bolsa Prof. E.Limbert SPEDM/Genzyme em Patologia da Tiróide- 2012
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo
2012 - 2014 Monogenic diabetes : from the clinic to the understanding of its aetiology
Bolsa NUNO CASTEL-BRANCO / S.P.D. / Lilly Portugal - 2012
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia
2011 - 2014 Projeto Estratégico – CICS-UBI
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010/06 - 2013/11 Molecular genetics and functional genomics of pituitary hormone deficiencies
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2011 - 2013 TICE.Healthy: Sistemas de Saúde e Qualidade de Vida - Metabolic Care
Agência de Inovação - Programa de Apoio QREN - Projetos Mobilizadores
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
2009 - 2011 Immunogenetic characterization of type 1 diabetes in the Portuguese population: effect of the C1858T polymorphism in the PTPN22 gene
Bolsa Pedro Eurico Lisboa SPD/Bayer 2009
Principal investigator
Universidade da Beira Interior - Centro de Investigação em Ciências da Saúde (CICS-UBI), Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia
2005 - 2006 Genetic polymorphisms of interleukin-18 and their contribution to the risk of type 1 diabetes
Principal investigator
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia
2004 - 2005 Genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes: effect of genetic polymorphsms of CTLA4 and VDR
Principal investigator
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia
2004 - 2005 PROP1 gene analysis in Portuguese patients with combined pituitary hormone deficiency
Principal investigator
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina
2001 - 2003 Genetic susceptibility to Graves' disease: effect of genetic polymorphsms of CTLA4 and VDR
DR edital n.º 88/2001 (2ª série)
Principal investigator
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Ministério da Saúde


Book chapter
  1. Lemos, Manuel C; Teh, B; Thakker, RV. "Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)". In Encyclopedia of Cancer, edited by Schwab, M, 1-5. Germany: Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2015.
  2. Lemos, Manuel C; Teh, B; Thakker, RV. "Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1)". In Encyclopedia of Cancer, edited by Schwab M, 1970-1974. New York, United States: Springer Berlin Heidelberg, 2008.
  3. Regateiro, FJ; Lemos, Manuel C; Coimbra, HA. "Molecular Biology of Endometrial Carcinoma". In Endometrial Cancer, edited by European Board & College of Gynaecology and Obstetrics (eds.), 79-86. Amsterdam, Netherlands: Elsevier Science, 2003.
  4. Regateiro, FJ; Coimbra, HA; Lemos, Manuel C. "Terapia génica e patologia pulmonar". In Tratado de Pneumologia, 319-326. Lisboa, Portugal: Sociedade Portuguesa de Pneumologia, 2003.
  5. Lemos, Manuel C; Regateiro, FJ. "Genética e Cancro do Ovário". In Manual de Ginecologia Volume II – Genética e Cancro Ginecológico e da Mama, 109-130. Coimbra, Portugal: Serviço de Ginecologia dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, 2002.
  6. Regateiro, FJ; Silva, HC; Lemos, Manuel C. "Genes e Cancro". In Manual de Ginecologia Volume II – Genética e Cancro Ginecológico e da Mama, 9-32. Coimbra, Portugal: Serviço de Ginecologia dos Hospitais da Universidade de Coimbra, 2002.
Journal article
  1. Lopes, Carla A.; Duarte, Marta; Prazeres, Susana; Carvalho, Ivone; Vilarinho, Laura; Martinez-de-Oliveira, José; Limbert, Edward; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Maternal Urinary Iodine Concentration during Pregnancy and Its Impact on Child Growth and Neurodevelopment: An 11-Year Follow-Up Study". Nutrients 15 20 (2023): 4447.
  2. Furtado A; Costa D; Lemos MC; Cavaco JE; Santos CRA; Quintela T. "The impact of biological clock and sex hormones on the risk of disease.". Adv Protein Chem Struct Biol. 137 (2023): 39-81.
  3. Gonçalves, Catarina I.; Carriço, Josianne N.; Omar, Omneya M.; Abdalla, Ebtesam; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Hypoparathyroidism, deafness and renal dysplasia syndrome caused by a GATA3 splice site mutation leading to the activation of a cryptic splice site". Frontiers in Endocrinology 14 (2023):
  4. Gaspar, L. M.; Gonçalves, C. I.; Saraiva, C.; Cortez, L.; Amaral, C.; Nobre, E.; Lemos, M. C.. "Low frequency of AIP mutations in patients with young-onset sporadic pituitary macroadenomas". Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 46 11 (2023): 2299-2307.
  5. Mineiro, Rafael; Santos, Cecília; Gonçalves, Isabel; Lemos, Manuel; Cavaco, José Eduardo B.; Quintela, Telma. "Regulation of ABC transporters by sex steroids may explain differences in drug resistance between sexes". Journal of Physiology and Biochemistry 79 3 (2023): 467-487.
  6. Gaspar, Leonor M.; Gonçalves, Catarina I.; Fonseca, Fernando; Carvalho, Davide; Cortez, Luísa; Palha, Ana; Barros, Inês F.; et al. Corresponding author: Lemos, Manuel C.. "A Common Variant in the CDK8 Gene Is Associated with Sporadic Pituitary Adenomas in the Portuguese Population: A Case-Control Study". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 19 (2022): 11749.
  7. Gonçalves, Catarina I.; Carriço, Josianne; Bastos, Margarida; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Disorder of Sex Development Due to 17-Beta-Hydroxysteroid Dehydrogenase Type 3 Deficiency: A Case Report and Review of 70 Different HSD17B3 Mutations Reported in 239 Patients". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 17 (2022): 10026.
  8. Fadiga, Lúcia; Lavrador, Mariana; Vicente, Nuno; Barros, Luísa; Gonçalves, Catarina I.; Al-Naama, Asma; Saraiva, Luis R.; Lemos, Manuel C.. "A Novel FGFR1 Missense Mutation in a Portuguese Family with Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 23 8 (2022): 4423.
  9. Lopes, Carla A.; Prazeres, Susana; Martinez-de-Oliveira, José; Limbert, Edward; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Iodine Supplementation in Pregnancy in an Iodine-Deficient Region: A Cross-Sectional Survey". Nutrients 14 7 (2022): 1393.
  10. Selvaraj, Senthil; Rodrigues, Dírcea; Krishnamoorthy, Navaneethakrishnan; Fakhro, Khalid A.; Saraiva, Luís R.; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Clinical, Genetic and Functional Characterization of a Novel AVPR2 Missense Mutation in a Woman with X-Linked Recessive Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus". Journal of Personalized Medicine 12 1 (2022): 118.
  11. Rocha, Sandra M.; Sousa, Inês; Gomes, Inês M.; Arinto, Patrícia; Costa-Pinheiro, Pedro; Coutinho, Eduarda; Santos, Cecília R.; et al. "Promoter Demethylation Upregulates STEAP1 Gene Expression in Human Prostate Cancer: In Vitro and In Silico Analysis". Life 11 11 (2021): 1251.
  12. Castro-Vale, Ivone; Durães, Cecília; van Rossum, Elisabeth F. C.; Staufenbiel, Sabine M.; Severo, Milton; Lemos, Manuel C.; Carvalho, Davide. "The Glucocorticoid Receptor Gene (NR3C1) 9ß SNP Is Associated with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder". Healthcare 9 2 (2021): 173.
  13. Alvelos, Maria Inês; Francisco, Ângela; Gomes, Leonor; Paiva, Isabel; Melo, Miguel; Marques, Pedro; Gama-de-Sousa, Susana; et al. "Familial neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus: clinical, genetic and functional studies of novel mutations in the arginine vasopressin gene". Pituitary (2021):
  14. Costa-Brito, Ana R.; Quintela, Telma; Gonçalves, Isabel; Duarte, Ana C.; Costa, Ana R.; Arosa, Fernando A.; Cavaco, José E.; Lemos, Manuel C.; Santos, Cecília R. A.. "The Choroid Plexus Is an Alternative Source of Prolactin to the Rat Brain". Molecular Neurobiology (2021):
  15. Duarte, Ana C.; Furtado, André; Hrynchak, Mariya V.; Costa, Ana R.; Talhada, Daniela; Gonçalves, Isabel; Lemos, Manuel C.; Quintela, Telma; Santos, Cecília R.A.. "Age, Sex Hormones, and Circadian Rhythm Regulate the Expression of Amyloid-Beta Scavengers at the Choroid Plexus". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 21 18 (2020): 6813.
  16. Furtado, André; Astaburuaga, Rosario; Costa, Ana; Duarte, Ana C.; Gonçalves, Isabel; Cipolla-Neto, José; Lemos, Manuel C.; et al. "The Rhythmicity of Clock Genes is Disrupted in the Choroid Plexus of the APP/PS1 Mouse Model of Alzheimer’s Disease". Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 77 2 (2020): 795-806.
  17. Almeida, Joana T.; Rodrigues, Dircea; Guimarães, Joana; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Vitamin D Pathway Genetic Variation and Type 1 Diabetes: A Case-Control Association Study". Genes 11 8 (2020): 897.
  18. Lemos, Manuel C.; Thakker, Rajesh V.. "Hypoparathyroidism, deafness, and renal dysplasia syndrome: 20 Years after the identification of the first GATA3 mutations". Human Mutation 41 8 (2020): 1341-1350.
  19. Costa, Carla; Coutinho, Eduarda; Santos-Silva, Rita; Castro-Correia, Cíntia; Lemos, Manuel Carlos; Fontoura, Manuel. "Neonatal presentation of growth hormone deficiency in CHARGE syndrome: the benefit of early treatment on long-term growth". Archives of Endocrinology and Metabolism (2020):
  20. Alvelos, Maria I.; Gonçalves, Catarina I.; Coutinho, Eduarda; Almeida, Joana T.; Bastos, Margarida; Sampaio, Maria L.; Melo, Miguel; et al. "Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) in Portugal: Novel GCK, HNFA1 and HNFA4 Mutations". Journal of Clinical Medicine 9 1 (2020): 288.
  21. Lorigo, Margarida; Mariana, Melissa; Oliveira, Nelson; Lemos, Manuel C.; Cairrao, Elisa. "Vascular Pathways of Testosterone: Clinical Implications". Journal of Cardiovascular Translational Research 13 1 (2019): 55-72.
  22. Lorigo, Margarida; Mariana, Melissa; Lemos, Manuel C.; Cairrao, Elisa. "Vascular mechanisms of testosterone: The non-genomic point of view". The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 196 (2019): 105496.
  23. Tomás, Joana; Santos, Cecília R.A.; Duarte, Ana C.; Maltez, Maria; Quintela, Telma; Lemos, Manuel C.; Gonçalves, Isabel. "Bitter taste signaling mediated by Tas2r144 is down-regulated by 17ß-estradiol and progesterone in the rat choroid plexus". Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 495 (2019): 110521.
  24. Serra, Carlos; Silveira, Luís; Canudo, António; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Parathyroid identification by autofluorescence: preliminary report on five cases of surgery for primary hyperparathyroidism". BMC Surgery 19 1 (2019): 120.
  25. Carvalho, Isabel S.; Gonçalves, Catarina I.; Almeida, Joana T.; Azevedo, Teresa; Martins, Teresa; Rodrigues, Fernando J.; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Association of Vitamin D Pathway Genetic Variation and Thyroid Cancer". Genes 10 8 (2019): 572.
  26. Marques, Bernardo; Couto, Joana; Lemos, Manuel C.; Rodrigues, Fernando. "Reninoma: Uma Causa Rara de Hipertensão Endócrina". Acta Médica Portuguesa 32 13 (2019):
  27. Coutinho, Eduarda; Brandão, Carla Maria; Lemos, Manuel Carlos. "Combined Pituitary Hormone Deficiency Caused by a Synonymous HESX1 Gene Mutation". The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 104 7 (2019): 2851-2854.
  28. Lorigo, Margarida; Quintaneiro, Carla; Lemos, Manuel; Martinez-de-Oliveira, José; Breitenfeld, Luiza; Cairrao, Elisa. "UV-B Filter Octylmethoxycinnamate Induces Vasorelaxation by Ca2+ Channel Inhibition and Guanylyl Cyclase Activation in Human Umbilical Arteries". International Journal of Molecular Sciences 20 6 (2019): 1376.
  29. Gonçalves, Catarina Inês; Patriarca, Filipa Marina; Aragüés, José Maria; Carvalho, Davide; Fonseca, Fernando; Martins, Sofia; Marques, Olinda; et al. "High frequency of CHD7 mutations in congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism". Scientific Reports 9 1 (2019): 1597.
  30. Orabona, Ciriana; Mondanelli, Giada; Pallotta, Maria T.; Carvalho, Agostinho; Albini, Elisa; Fallarino, Francesca; Vacca, Carmine; et al. "Deficiency of immunoregulatory indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase 1 in juvenile diabetes". JCI Insight 3 6 (2018): 96244.
  31. Horta, M; Lino, C; Lemos, M C. "Hypoparathyroidism, deafness and renal dysplasia (HDR) syndrome and GATA3". QJM: An International Journal of Medicine 110 12 (2017): 837-838.
  32. Gonçalves, Catarina I; Aragüés, José M; Bastos, Margarida; Barros, Luísa; Vicente, Nuno; Carvalho, Davide; Lemos, Manuel C. "GNRHR biallelic and digenic mutations in patients with normosmic congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism". Endocrine Connections 6 6 (2017): 360-366.
  33. COST Action BM1105; Badiu, Corin; Bonomi, Marco; Borshchevsky, Ivan; Cools, Martine; Craen, Margarita; Ghervan, Cristina; et al. "Developing and evaluating rare disease educational materials co-created by expert clinicians and patients: the paradigm of congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism". Orphanet Journal of Rare Diseases 12 1 (2017): 57.
  34. Gonçalves, C.I.; Fonseca, F.; Borges, T.; Cunha, F.; Lemos, M.C.. "Expanding the genetic spectrum of ANOS1 mutations in patients with congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism". Human Reproduction 32 3 (2017): 704-711.
  35. Raimundo, Joana; Alvelos, Maria I.; Azevedo, Teresa; Martins, Teresa; Rodrigues, Fernando J.; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Association of FOXE1 polyalanine repeat region with thyroid cancer is dependent on tumour size". Clinical Endocrinology 86 2 (2016): 243-246.
  36. Infante, Joana B.; Alvelos, Maria I.; Bastos, Margarida; Carrilho, Francisco; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Complete androgen insensitivity syndrome caused by a novel splice donor site mutation and activation of a cryptic splice donor site in the androgen receptor gene". The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 155 (2016): 63-66.
  37. Gonçalves, Catarina; Bastos, Margarida; Pignatelli, Duarte; Borges, Teresa; Aragüés, José M.; Fonseca, Fernando; Pereira, Bernardo D.; Socorro, Sílvia; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Novel FGFR1 mutations in Kallmann syndrome and normosmic idiopathic hypogonadotropic hypogonadism: evidence for the involvement of an alternatively spliced isoform". Fertility and Sterility 104 5 (2015): 1261-1267.e1.
  38. Lemos, Manuel C.; Christie, Paul T.; Rodrigues, Dírcea; Thakker, Rajesh V.. "Pseudohypoparathyroidism type 1a due to a novel mutation in the GNAS gene". Clinical Endocrinology 84 3 (2015): 463-465.
  39. Dusatkova, Petra; Pfäffle, Roland; Brown, Milton R; Akulevich, Natallia; Arnhold, Ivo JP; Kalina, Maria A; Kot, Karolina; et al. "Genesis of two most prevalent PROP1 gene variants causing combined pituitary hormone deficiency in 21 populations". European Journal of Human Genetics 24 3 (2015): 415-420.
  40. Alvelos, Maria Inês; Rodrigues, Magda; Lobo, Luísa; Medeira, Ana; Sousa, Ana Berta; Simão, Carla; Lemos, Manuel Carlos. "A Novel Mutation of the HNF1B Gene Associated With Hypoplastic Glomerulocystic Kidney Disease and Neonatal Renal Failure". Medicine 94 7 (2015): e469.
  41. Lemos, Manuel C.; Thakker, Rajesh V.. "GNAS Mutations in Pseudohypoparathyroidism Type 1a and Related Disorders". Human Mutation 36 1 (2014): 11-19.
  42. Santos, Marina; Azevedo, Teresa; Martins, Teresa; Rodrigues, Fernando J.; Lemos, Manuel C.. "Association of RET Genetic Polymorphisms and Haplotypes with Papillary Thyroid Carcinoma in the Portuguese Population: A Case-Control Study". PLoS ONE 9 10 (2014): e109822.
  43. Walls, G. V.; Lemos, M. C.; Javid, M.; Bazan-Peregrino, M.; Jeyabalan, J.; Reed, A. A. C.; Harding, B.; et al. "MEN1 Gene Replacement Therapy Reduces Proliferation Rates in a Mouse Model of Pituitary Adenomas". Cancer Research 72 19 (2012): 5060-5068.
  44. Hannan, F.M.; Nesbit, M.A.; Zhang, C.; Cranston, T.; Curley, A.J.; Harding, B.; Fratter, C.; et al. "Identification of 70 calcium-sensing receptor mutations in hyper- and hypo-calcaemic patients: Evidence for clustering of extracellular domain mutations at calcium-binding sites". Human Molecular Genetics 21 12 (2012): 2768-2778.
  45. Lemos, M.C.; Coutinho, E.; Gomes, L.; Bastos, M.; Fagulha, A.; Barros, L.; Carrilho, F.; et al. "The CTLA4 +49 A/G polymorphism is not associated with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Portuguese population: Short Communication". International Journal of Immunogenetics 36 3 (2009): 193-194.
  46. Harding, B.; Lemos, M.C.; Reed, A.A.C.; Walls, G.V.; Jeyabalan, J.; Bowl, M.R.; Tateossian, H.; et al. "Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 knockout mice develop parathyroid, pancreatic, pituitary and adrenal tumours with hypercalcaemia, hypophosphataemia and hypercorticosteronaemia". Endocrine-Related Cancer 16 4 (2009): 1313-1327.
  47. Lemos, M.C.; Harding, B.; Reed, A.A.C.; Jeyabalan, J.; Walls, G.V.; Bowl, M.R.; Sharpe, J.; et al. "Genetic background influences embryonic lethality and the occurrence of neural tube defects in Men1 null mice: Relevance to genetic modifiers". Journal of Endocrinology 203 1 (2009): 133-142.
  48. Lemos, M.C.; Coutinho, E.; Gomes, L.; Carrilho, F.; Rodrigues, F.; Regateiro, F.J.; Carvalheiro, M.. "Combined GSTM1 and GSTT1 null genotypes are associated with a lower risk of papillary thyroid cancer". Journal of Endocrinological Investigation 31 6 (2008): 542-545.
  49. Lemos, M.C.; Fagulha, A.; Coutinho, E.; Gomes, L.; Bastos, M.; Barros, L.; Carrilho, F.; et al. "Lack of association of vitamin D receptor gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to type 1 diabetes mellitus in the Portuguese population". Human Immunology 69 2 (2008): 134-138.
  50. Lemos, M.C.; Thakker, R.V.. "Multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 (MEN1): Analysis of 1336 mutations reported in the first decade following identification of the gene". Human Mutation 29 1 (2008): 22-32.
  51. Lemos, M.C.; Carrilho, F.; Rodrigues, F.; Coutinho, E.; Gomes, L.; Carvalheiro, M.; Regateiro, F.J.. "Genetic polymorphism of CYP2D6 influences susceptibility to papillary thyroid cancer". Clinical Endocrinology 67 2 (2007): 180-183.
  52. Lemos, M.C.; Harding, B.; Shalet, S.M.; Thakker, R.V.. "A novel MEN1 intronic mutation associated with multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1". Clinical Endocrinology 66 5 (2007): 709-713.
  53. Lemos, M.C.; Gomes, L.; Bastos, M.; Leite, V.; Limbert, E.; Carvalho, D.; Bacelar, C.; et al. "PROP1 gene analysis in Portuguese patients with combined pituitary hormone deficiency". Clinical Endocrinology 65 4 (2006): 479-485.
  54. Gomes, L.; Lemos, M.C.; Paiva, I.; Ribeiro, C.; Carvalheiro, M.; Regateiro, F.J.. "CYP2D6 genetic polymorphisms are associated with susceptibility to pituitary tumors". Acta Medica Portuguesa 18 5 (2005): 339-344.
  55. Lemos, M.C.; Kotanko, P.; Christie, P.T.; Harding, B.; Javor, T.; Smith, C.; Eastell, R.; Thakker, R.V.. "A novel EXT1 splice site mutation in a kindred with hereditary multiple exostosis and osteoporosis". Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism 90 9 (2005): 5386-5392.
  56. Martins, T.D.; Carrilho, F.; Leitão, P.; Lemos, M.C.; Campos, M.V.; Geraldes, E.; Carvalheiro, M.. "Anaplastic thyroid tumor: Retrospective analysis of 12 cases | Carcinoma anaplásico da tiróide: Análise retrospectiva de 12 casos". Acta Medica Portuguesa 17 5 (2004): 349-352.
  57. Lemos, M.C.; Carrilho, F.; Rodrigues, F.J.; Carvalheiro, M.; Regateiro, F.J.; Ruas, M.M.A.. "Molecular characterisation of a kindred with MEN2A and clinical implications | Caracterização molecular de uma família com NEM2A e suas implicações clínicas". Acta Medica Portuguesa 16 4 (2003): 245-250.
  58. Bastos, M.; Baptista, C.; Campos, M.V.; Alves, R.; Freitas, L.; Bastos, C.; Leitão, P.; et al. "Kidney transplantation and diabetes: Posttransplantation malignancy". Transplantation Proceedings 35 3 (2003): 1098-1099.
  59. Martins, T.; Bastos, M.; Tomé, L.; Lemos, M.; Batista, C.; Carvalheiro, M.; Ruas, M.M.A.. "Lipoatrophic diabetes: Case report | Diabetes lipoatrófica: Caso clínico". Arquivos de Medicina 17 1-3 (2003): 117-118.
  60. Campos, M.V.; Bastos, M.; Martins, T.; Leitão, P.; Lemos, M.; Carvalheiro, M.; Ruas, E.A.. "Diabetic hiperosmolality: Retrospective study of 60 cases | Hiperosmolaridade diabética: Análise retrospectiva de 60 casos". Acta Medica Portuguesa 16 1 (2003): 13-19.
  61. Lemos, M.C.; Carrilho, F.; Rodrigues, F.J.; Santos, P.; Carvalheiro, M.; Ruas, M.A.; Regateiro, F.J.. "Early onset of medullary thyroid carcinoma in a kindred with multiple endocrine neoplasia type IIA associated with cutaneous lichen amyloidosis". Endocrine Practice 8 1 (2002): 19-22.
  62. Baptista, C.; Bastos, M.; Paiva, S.; Martins, T.; Leitão, P.; Lemos, M.; Alves, R.; et al. "Diabetic nephropathy: Results of preoperative evaluation for renal transplantation | Nefropatia diabética: Protocolo de estudo pré-transplantação renal". Acta Medica Portuguesa 15 1 (2002): 5-10.
  63. Lemos, M.C.; Cabrita, F.J.; Silva, H.A.; Vivan, M.; Plácido, F.; Regateiro, F.J.. "Genetic polymorphism of CYP2D6, GSTM1 and NAT2 and susceptibility to haematological neoplasias". Carcinogenesis 20 7 (1999): 1225-1229.
  64. Lemos, M.C.; Regateiro, F.J.. "N-acetyltransferase genotypes in the Portuguese population". Pharmacogenetics 8 6 (1998): 561-564.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Lemos, Manuel C. "Genetic and Phenotypic Studies of the Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 Syndrome (D.Phil. Clinical Medicine, University of Oxford, 2008)". PhD, University of Oxford, 2008.
  2. Lemos, Manuel C. "Genotoxic metabolizing genes and susceptibility to haematological neoplasias (MSc Cell Biology, University of Coimbra, 2003)". Master, Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, 2003.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2010 Javid M, Walls G, Lemos MC, Jeyabalan J, Bazan-Peregrino M, Tyler D, Stuckey D, Seymour L, Thakker R. Men1 gene replacement therapy using a modified adenoviral vector demonstrates reduced proliferation rates in pituitary tumours from mice deleted for a multiple endocrine neoplasia type 1 allele. Society for Endocrinology BES 2010, Manchester, UK, 15 to 18-3-2010.
2007 Lemos MC, Harding B, Bowl M, Reed A, Tateossian H, Hough T, Fraser W, Cheeseman M, Thakker RV. Mice deleted for a Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (MEN1) allele develop pancreatic, pituitary and parathyroid tumours in association with hypercalcaemia. UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (UKI NETS) 5th National Conference, The Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, 3-12-2007.
2007 Lemos MC, Harding B, Bowl M, Reed A, Tateossian H, Hough T, Fraser W, Cheeseman M, Thakker RV. Mice deleted for a Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (MEN1) allele develop pancreatic, pituitary and parathyroid tumours in association with hypercalcaemia. Society for Endocrinology BES 2007, Birmingham, UK, 5 to 8-3-2007. (Young Endocrinologist Prize awarded by the British Endocrine Society)
2001 Lemos MC, Gomes L, Santos P, Carvalheiro M, Regateiro FJ, Ruas MMA. Homozygous 2-bp deletion (A301G302del) in the PROP1 gene in two kindreds with combined pituitary hormone deficiency. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
1996 Lemos MC, Regateiro FJ. Genetic polymorphism of GSTM1 and CYP2D6 genes and susceptibility to haematological malignancies. 12th International Medical Sciences Student Congress, Istanbul, Turkey, 15 to 18-5-1996.
1996 Lemos MC, Regateiro FJ. Genetic polymorphism of GSTM1 and CYP2D6 genes and susceptibility to haematological malignancies. 2nd European Medical Students’ Symposium, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3 to 5-5-1996.
1995 Lemos MC, Simão A, Regateiro FJ. Deletion of the GSTM1 gene and cancer susceptibility. 6th European Students’ Conference at the Charité, Berlin, Germany, 19 to 21-10-1995.
1995 Lemos MC, Varejão PM, Regateiro FJ. Genetic polymorphism of P450 cytochrome affecting cancer susceptibility. 1st European Medical Students’ Symposium, Athens, Greece, 15 to 16-4-1995.


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2021 - Current Genetic and Functional Studies of Growth Hormone Deficiency
PhD Biomedicine (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2020 - Current Identification of new genetic causes of congenital hypogonadotropic hypogonadism using next-generation sequencing
PhD Biomedicine (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2020 - Current Genetic risk factors for pituitary adenomas: a national, multicenter, genetic and clinical analysis
PhD Biomedicine (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2022 - 2022 Maternal-fetal impact of pharmacological treatment of prolactinomas
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2017 - 2022 Intraoperative identification of parathyroid glands using near-infrared fluorescence.
PhD Medicine (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2021 - 2021 Efficacy of negative pressure therapy in diabetic foot disease
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2021 - 2021 Clinical utility of oxytocin in apetite and obesity
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2019 - 2019 Outcomes of subclinical hypothyroidism in pregnancy and it treatment
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2019 - 2019 Effect of intermittent fasting in type 2 diabetes
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2019 - 2019 Clinical and cognitive characterization of institutionalized elderly people with type 2 diabetes
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2019 - 2019 Risk factors for postpartum thyroiditis
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2018 - 2018 Immunosuppressive approaches for the preservation of beta cells in type 1 diabetes
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2018 - 2018 Genetic susceptibility to thyroid cancer: genomic variants in the vitamin D pathway. MSc. Thesis (Biochemistry): University of Beira Interior, 2018.
Biochemistry (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes: genomic variants in the vitamin D pathway
Biochemistry (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Association between type 2 diabetes and Parkinson's disease
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Natural antioxidants in type 2 diabetes and complications
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Clinical and molecular characterisation of a case of Hypoparathyroidism, Deafness & Renal Dysplasia Syndrome
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2016 - 2016 Genetic and epigenetic mechanisms involved in regulation of STEAP1 gene expression in LNCaP prostate cancer cells
Biochemistry (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2012 - 2016 Molecular Genetics of Congenital Hypogonadotropic Hypogonadism
Biomedicine (PhD)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Metformin and Cancer: what is the relation?
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Genetic susceptibility to thyroid cancer: effect of polymorphisms of the FOXE1 gene
Biochemistry (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Anabolic steroids abuse and psychiatric disorders
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Testosterone: possible protective effect against cardiovascular events in men
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Clinical and molecular characterisation of a case of familial hypercholesterolemia
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Thyroid autoantibodies and risk of recurrent spontaneous abortion
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Subclinical hypothyroidism and acute myocardial infarction: what is the relation?
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Identification of a novel mutation in androgen insensitivity syndrome
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Prevalence of thyroid cancer in patients with acromegaly
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Graves ophtalmopathy and quality of life after treatment
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2013 - 2013 Vitamin D receptor (VDR) gene polymorphisms and genetic susceptibility to thyroid cancer
Ciências Biomédicas (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2013 - 2013 Migraine and serum levels of prolactin
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2013 - 2013 Prediabetes and risk of stroke
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2013 - 2013 Eating disorders in type 1 diabetes
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Neuropsychiatric manifestations in Cushing's Syndrome
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Comparison of combined T4/T3 therapy and monotherapy in the treatment of hypothyroidism. MSc. Thesis: University of Beira Interior, 2012.
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Metabolic surgery in type 2 diabetes: efficacy of different surgical procedures and comparison of patients with BMI under and over 35 kg/m2
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Identification of genetic mutations in patients with familial central diabetes insipidus
Biochemistry (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Genetic susceptibility to thyroid cancer: contributions of RET polymorphisms.
Biomedical Sciences (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Growth hormone receptor exon 3 polymorphisms: prevalence, genotype-phenotype relationship and effect on growth hormone treatment response
Pharmaceutical Sciences (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2011 - 2011 The importance of the thyroid in mental disorders
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Vitamin D and type 1 diabetes
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2009 - 2009 Genetics of familial pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2009 - 2009 Variation of glycaemia after sublingual administration of sacharose: implications for the pre-hospital treatment of hypoglycaemia
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2008 - 2008 New approaches to insulin therapy: Continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion
Medicine (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2014 - 2014 Conference Poster: Machado A, Oliveira MJ, Borges T, Cardoso H, Fonseca P, Ribeiro L, Gonçalves C, Lemos MC. Kallmann Syndrome: Diagnosis in Paediatric Age. 53rd Meeting of the European Society for Paediatric Endocrinology, Dublin, Ireland, 19-9-2014.
2013 - 2013 Conference Poster: Azevedo TC, Rodrigues FJ, Martins TM, Neto J, Rovira E, Lemos MC, Martinho M, Oliveira S. Low-risk papillary thyroid carcinoma: to ablate or not to ablate. 37h Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association, Leiden, The Netherlands, September 7 to 11-9-2013.
2009 - 2009 Conference Poster: Martinho M, Martins TD, Azevedo T, Prazeres H, Martins TC, Cruz C, Neves A, Bugalho MJ, Lemos MC, Carrilho F, Carvalheiro M, Campos B, Rodrigues F. Phenotypic characterization of a RET proto-oncogene mutation with distinct distribution in the central region of Portugal in Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 2A. 34th Annual Meeting of the European Thyroid Association, Lisbon, 5 to 9-9-2009.
2008 - 2008 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Harding B, Reed A, Walls G, Tyler D, Bazan-Peregrino M, Ansorge O, Clarke K, Seymour L, Thakker RV. In vivo delivery of an adenoviral gene therapy vector to pituitary tumours in Men1 deficient mice. Society for Endocrinology British Endocrine Societies 2008; Harrogate, UK, 7 to 10-4-2008. (Awarded best poster prize)
2008 - 2008 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Bazan-Peregrino M, Harding B, Seymour L, Thakker RV. Construction of a recombinant adenovirus vector for Men1 gene delivery. Society for Endocrinology British Endocrine Societies 2008; Harrogate, UK, 7 to 10-4-2008.
2007 - 2007 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Harding B, Thakker RV. 2007. Genetic background influences expression of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) mutation, implicating a role for genetic modifiers. UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (UKI NETS) 5th National Conference, The Royal Society of Medicine, London, UK, 3-12-2007. (Awarded best poster prize)
2007 - 2007 Conference Poster: Harding B, Lemos MC, Shalet SM, Thakker RV. Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 (MEN1) caused by a novel mutation in intron 9 in a family with the McCune-Albright syndrome. Society for Endocrinology BES 2007, Birmingham, UK, 5 to 8-3-2007.
2007 - 2007 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Harding B, Thakker RV. Genetic background influences expression of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) mutation, implicating a role for genetic modifiers. Society for Endocrinology BES 2007, Birmingham, UK, 5 to 8-3-2007.
2003 - 2003 Conference Poster: Baptista C, Bastos M, Leitão F, Ribeiro H, Alves R, Bastos C, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos MV, Mota A, Furtado L, Carvalheiro M. Kidney post-transplant diabetes: autoantibodies and beta-cell function. 18th International Diabetes Federation Congress, Paris, France, 24 to 28-8-2003.
2003 - 2003 Conference Poster: Gomes L, Lemos MC, Leitão P, Campos MV, Carrilho F, Geraldes E, Carvalheiro M. Type 1 diabetes autoantibodies in patients diagnosed as type 2 diabetes mellitus: prevalence and correlation with clinical parameters. 18th International Diabetes Federation Congress, Paris, France, 24 to 28-8-2003.
2003 - 2003 Conference Poster: Campos MV, Donato P, Bastos M, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Carrilho F, Carvalheiro M. Carotid intima-media thickness in childhood-onset growth hormone deficiency. 6th European Congress of Endocrinology, Lyon, France, 26 to 30-4-2003.
2003 - 2003 Conference Poster: Bastos M, Baptista C, Leitão F, Ribeiro H, Alves F, Bastos C, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos M, Mota A, Furtado L, Carvalheiro M. Kidney post transplant diabetes: auto antibodies and beta cell function. 6th European Congress of Endocrinology, Lyon, France, de 26 a 30-4-2003.
2003 - 2003 Conference Poster: Fagulha A, Barros L, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos MV, Carrilho F, Carvalheiro M. Risk factors of microangiopathy in type 1 diabetes of short and long duration in late adolescence. 6th European Congress of Endocrinology, Lyon, France, 26 to 30-4-2003.
2003 - 2003 Conference Poster: Martins T, Carrilho F, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos M, Geraldes E, Carvalheiro M. Anaplastic thyroid cancer: retrospective analysis of 12 clinical cases. 6th European Congress of Endocrinology, Lyon, France, 26 to 30-4-2003.
2003 - 2003 Conference Poster: Carrilho F, Martins T, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos M, Geraldes E, Carvalheiro M. Recombinante human TSH stimulated thyroglobulin levels in the post surgical follow up of five patients with papillary thyroid carcinoma. 6th European Congress of Endocrinology, Lyon, France, 26 to 30-4-2003.
2002 - 2002 Conference Poster: Paiva I, Ribeiro C, Baptista C, Martins T, Leitão P, Campos MV, Lemos MC, Geraldes E, Carvalheiro M. Type 2 diabetes in persons older than 80 years. Evaluation of quality of care in a subset of patients hospitalised from 1990 to 2001. 38th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of Diabetes, Budapest, Hungary, 1 to 5-9-2002.
2002 - 2002 Conference Poster: Gomes L, Lemos MC, Paiva I, Ribeiro C, Carvalheiro M, Regateiro FJ. Cytochrome P450 2D6 gene (CYP2D6) polymorphisms and susceptibility to pituitary tumours. 10th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association, Munich, Germany, 12 to 14-9-2002.
2002 - 2002 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Gomes L, Bastos M, Regateiro FJ, Carvalheiro M. Screening of PROP1 gene mutations in familial and sporadic combined pituitary hormone deficiency. 10th Meeting of the European Neuroendocrine Association, Munich, Germany, 12 to 14-9-2002.
2002 - 2002 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Fagulha A, Ruas L, Christie PT, Thakker RV, Carvalheiro M. Pseudohypoparathyroidism type IA due to a novel mutation in GNAS1 gene. Endocrine Society’s 84th Annual Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA, 19 to 22-6-2002.
2002 - 2002 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Rodrigues D, Gomes L, Christie PT, Thakker RV, Carvalheiro M. A novel AVPR2 mutation in a kindred with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. 34th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics, Strasburg, France, 25 to 29-5-2002.
2002 - 2002 Conference Poster: Bacelar C, Monteiro M, Vargas G, Lemos MC, Regateiro F, Carvalheiro M, Ramos H. Familial combined pituitary hormone deficiency by PROP1 gene mutation in a Portuguese family. 21st Joint Meeting of the British Endocrine Societies, Harrogate, United Kingdom, 8 to 11-4-2002.
2002 - 2002 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Christie PT, Harding B, Kotanko P, Thakker RV, Javor T. Hereditary multiple exostosis due to an acceptor splice site mutation in the EXT1 gene. 21st Joint Meeting of the British Endocrine Societies, Harrogate, United Kngdom, 8 to 11-4-2002.
2001 - 2001 Conference Poster: Carrilho F, Rodrigues F, Paiva I, Lemos MC, Gomes L, Ribeiro C, Ruas L, Rodrigues D, Barros L, Paiva S, Baptista C, Fagulha A, Bastos M, Geraldes E, Carvalheiro M, Ruas MMA. Medullary thyroid carcinoma: diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of 13 patients. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
2001 - 2001 Conference Poster: Ruas L, Rodrigues F, Baptista C, Martins T, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos MV, Neto J, Moreira AP, Oliveira S, Lima PJ, Carvalheiro M, Ruas MMA. Treatment with 131I of toxic multinodular goiter and toxic adenoma - results at 3 years. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
2001 - 2001 Conference Poster: Rodrigues FJC, Ruas L, Neto J, Lemos MC, Moreira AP, Oliveira S, Martins T, Leitão P, Campos MV, Lima PJ, Carvalheiro M, Ruas MMA. Radioiodine treatment of Graves’ hyperthyroidism. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
2001 - 2001 Conference Poster: Paiva I, Ribeiro C, Martins T, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos MV, Carvalheiro M, Ruas MMA. Octreotide and cardiovascular risk factors in acromegaly. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
2001 - 2001 Conference Poster: Gomes L, Ribeiro C, Paiva I, Gomes F, Rito M, Rebelo O, Martins T, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos MV, Carvalheiro M, Ruas MMA. Clinically non-functioning pituitary macroadenomas: a review of 100 cases. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
2001 - 2001 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Bastos M, Martins T, Leitão P, Campos MV, Carvalheiro M, Ruas MMA. Final height after growth hormone therapy in a group of Portuguese children with Turner syndrome. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
2001 - 2001 Conference Poster: Rodrigues D, Bastos M, Martins T, Leitão P, Lemos MC, Campos MV, Carvalheiro M, Ruas MMA. Adrenal incidentalomas - a review of 43 cases. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
2001 - 2001 Conference Poster: Campos MV, Bastos M, Lemos MC, Leitão P, Martins T, Carvalheiro M, Ruas MMA. Diabetic hyperosmolality: retrospective study of 60 cases. 5th European Congress of Endocrinology, Turin, Italy, 9 to 13-6-2001.
1999 - 1999 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Alexandrino MB, Plácido F, Regateiro FJ. Overrepresentation of the NAT2*5B allele in multiple myeloma patients. 31th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics, Geneva, Switzerland, 29-5 to 1-6-1999.
1999 - 1999 Conference Poster: Coimbra H, Lemos MC, Brêda MM, Purificação A, Lima L, Regateiro F. CYP2D6, GSTM1 and NAT2 polymorphisms in a Portuguese glioblastoma population. 7th CEPH Annual Conference on Human Genetics, Paris, France, 26 to 28-5-1999.
1998 - 1998 Conference Poster: Lemos MC, Regateiro FJ. Relationship between polymorphism at the CYP2D6 locus and susceptibility to haematological neoplasias. 30th Annual Meeting of the European Society of Human Genetics, Lisbon, Portugal, 10 to 13-5-1998.

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2011 - Current Research Methodology Medicina (PhD Medicine) (Doutoramento) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2010 - Current Scientific Communication Medicina (PhD Medicine) (Doutoramento) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2010 - Current Thesis Project Medicina (PhD Medicine) (Doutoramento) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2008 - Current Pathophysiology and Pharmacology Ciências Farmacêuticas (MSc Pharmaceutical Sciences) (Mestrado integrado) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
2005 - Current Endocrinology Medicina (Medicine) (Mestrado integrado) Universidade da Beira Interior Faculdade de Ciências da Saúde, Portugal
1996 - 2006 Medical Genetics Medicina (Medicine) (Licenciatura) Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal


2023 1st Prize for Best Clinical Series (AIP gene mutations in portuguese patients with young onset sporadic pituitary macroadenomas) (74th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2016 2nd Prize for Best Clinical Series (Genetic characterisation of 202 cases of growth homone deficiency) (67th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2015 3rd Prize for Best Clinical Case (Identification of a new mutation associated with the androgen insensitivity syndrome) (66th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2015 Award for Best Clinical Series (Hypogonadotrophic hypogonadism: identification of 6 new mutations in the FGFR1 gene) (66th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2015 National Award in Endocrinology (Genetic suceptibility to thyroid cancer: the role of vitamin D receptor polymorphisms)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2014 Award for best clinical case report - Familial central diabetes insipidus: clinical characterisation and identification of a novel mutation in the vasopressin gene. (65th Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2011 Scientific Merit Award (Prémio de Mérito Científico UBI-FCS / Santander Universidades)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal

Banco Santander Totta, Portugal
2008 Best Poster Award - "In vivo delivery of an adenoviral gene therapy vector to pituitary tumours in Men1 deficient mice" (Society for Endocrinology BES 2008 meeting, UK)
Society for Endocrinology, United Kingdom
2007 Young Endocrinologist Award (Society for Endocrinology BES 2007 meeting, UK)
Society for Endocrinology, United Kingdom
2007 Best Poster Award - "Genetic background influences expression of Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1 (MEN1) mutation, implicating a role for genetic modifiers", UK and Ireland Neuroendocrine Tumour Society (UKI NETS) 5th National Conference
2004 SPD/Novartis Award (Prémio Hargreaves) for Best Research Project in Diabetes - "Genetic susceptibility to type 1 diabetes: effect of polymorphisms of the VDR and CTLA4 genes"
Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia, Portugal
2004 Junior Research Fellowship, Wolfson College, University of Oxford
University of Oxford Wolfson College, United Kingdom
2002 1st Prize in Basic Research - “Identification of a novel mutation in the vasopressin-neurophysin II gene in a family with central diabetes insipidus" (53º Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Endocrinologia, Diabetes e Metabolismo, Portugal
2002 1st Prize for Best Research Project by Medical Interns - "Molecular and clinical characterisation of a family with MEN2A: implications for early diagnosis"
Fundação Bissaya Barreto, Portugal
2002 2nd Prize for Best Research Project in Diabetes (Prémio Ernesto Roma / Roche Diagnostics) - "NAT2 polymorphisms and susceptibility to type 1 diabetes"
Associacao Protectora dos Diabeticos de Portugal, Portugal
1999 Pfizer Award for Young Scientists (2nd place), Sociedade das Ciências Médicas de Lisboa
1995 2nd Prize for Best Research by Medical - “Genetic alterations induced by tobacco smoke and cytostatics", Portuguese Medical Students Association
1995 Young Investigator Award (Programa Gulbenkian de Estímulo à Investigação)
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, Portugal
1994 1st Prize for Best Research by Medical Students - “Genetic polymorphism of CYP2D6 and susceptibility to cancer”, Portuguese Medical Students Association