
Personal identification

Full name
Ana Margarida Dias Martins

Citation names

  • Martins, Ana

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • a.m.d.martins@exeter.ac.uk (Professional)


Mobile phone
  • 964230112 (Personal)


  • Azinhaga da Cidade 28, 7D, 1750-063, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal (Personal)


Knowledge fields

  • Humanities - Languages and Literatures


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
Italian Upper intermediate (B2) Proficiency (C2) Elementary (A2) Proficiency (C2) Upper intermediate (B2)
Spanish; Castilian Beginner (A1) Upper intermediate (B2) Beginner (A1) Advanced (C1) Elementary (A2)
Degree Classification
2005/12/01 - 2009/11/19
PhD in Portuguese Studies (Doctor of Philosophy)
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
"‘The “postcolonial exotic” in the work of Paulina Chiziane and Lídia Jorge’" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Pass with minor corrections
2004/09/01 - 2005/11/25
MA in Women's Writing in Spain, Portugal and Latin America (Master)
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
"‘Prisoners of Anamnesis: Exorcising History through Storytelling in the Work of Lídia Jorge and Paulina Chiziane’. " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Awarded with Distinction
1998/09/01 - 2003/06/11
Línguas e Literaturas Modernas, variante de Estudos Portugueses e Ingleses (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2018/01/08 - Current Associate Professor (University Teacher) University of Exeter, United Kingdom
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
2013/09/01 - 2018/01/07 Lecturer (University Teacher) University of Exeter, United Kingdom
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
2010/09/01 - 2013/08/31 Tutor (University Teacher) University of Cambridge Queens' College, United Kingdom
University of Cambridge Queens' College, United Kingdom
2010/01/01 - 2013/08/31 Lecturer (University Teacher) University of Cambridge Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, United Kingdom
University of Cambridge Faculty of Modern and Medieval Languages, United Kingdom
2012/09/24 - 2013/07/01 Lecturer (University Teacher) King's College London, United Kingdom
King's College London, United Kingdom


Designation Funders
2018/02/01 - 2020/01/31 ‘Women of the Brown Atlantic: Real and Imaginary Passages in Portuguese 1711-2011’
Principal investigator
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
Arts and Humanities Research Council
2014/09/01 - 2015/09/01 ‘Consuming Authenticities: Time, Place and the Past in the Construction of “Authentic” Foods and Drinks’
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Universities of Exeter, Leicester, Surrey, Wales, United Kingdom
Arts and Humanities Research Council
2009/01/01 - 2014/11/28 Novas Cartas Portuguesas 40 Anos Depois
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2014/06/01 - 2014/07/01 Fieldwork in Brazil
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
2012/10/23 - 2012/12/04 Visiting Scholarship in Portuguese Studies - KCL
Visiting Scholarship
King's College London, United Kingdom
Charles Boxer chair and Instituto Camões at King's College London
2005/12/01 - 2009/11/19 ‘The “postcolonial exotic” in the work of Paulina Chiziane and Lídia Jorge’
PhD Student Fellow
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2008/07/01 - 2008/07/31 Fieldwork in Mozambique
PhD Student Fellow
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian
2004/09/01 - 2005/11/25 “Prisoners of Anamnesis: Exorcising History through Storytelling in the Work of Lídia Jorge and Paulina Chiziane.”
Master Student Fellow
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


  1. Martins, Ana; Deborah Toner; Emma-Jayne Abbots; Anna Charalambidou. Corresponding author: Emma-Jayne Abbots. Authentic Recipes from Around the World. Ceredigion, United Kingdom: HAT Events. 2015.
  2. Martins, Ana. b) Magic Stones and Flying Snakes: Gender and the Postcolonial Exotic in the Work of Paulina Chiziane and Lídia Jorge. Oxford, United Kingdom: Peter Lang. 2012.
Book chapter
  1. Martins, Ana Margarida Dias. "Remembering New Portuguese Letters Transnationally: Memory, Emotion, Mobility". In Transnational Portuguese Studies, 267-282. Liverpool, United Kingdom: Liverpool University Press, 2020.
    Published • 10.2307/j.ctv2tjdgnm.21
  2. Martins, Ana Margarida Dias. "Lesbian Vertigo: Living the Women’s Liberation Movement on the Edge of Europe". In The Women's Liberation Movement, 109-128. New York, United Kingdom: Berghahn Books, 2017.
    Published • 10.2307/j.ctvw04h9x.11
  3. Martins, Ana; Professor Hilary Owen. Corresponding author: Professor Hilary Owen. "Introduction to the Reception of New Portuguese Letters: Ireland and United Kingdom". In New Portuguese Letters to the World: International Reception, 12-49. Oxford, United Kingdom: Peter Lang, 2015.
  4. Martins, Ana; Professor Hilary Owen. "Introdução à receção de Novas Cartas Portuguesas: Irlanda e Reino Unido". In Novas Cartas Portuguesas: entre Portugal e o Mundo, 239-308. Lisboa, Portugal: Dom Quixote, 2014.
  5. Martins, Ana. "Estar aqui: a força antropológica de Balada de Amor ao Vento". In Paulina Chiziane: Vozes e Rostos de Moçambique, 47-72. Curitiba, Brazil: Editora Appris Lta, 2013.
  6. Martins, Ana. "Encenando o Exótico em O Cais das Merendas de Lídia Jorge". In Para um Leitor Ignorado: ensaios sobre O Vale da Paixão e outras ficções de Lídia Jorge, 223-242. Lisboa, Portugal: Texto Editora, 2009.
  7. Martins, Ana. "At the Heart of Violence: Gender, Exoticism and War in Paulina Chiziane’s Ventos do Apocalipse and Lídia Jorge’s A Costa dos Murmúrios". In Making Waves Anniversary Volume: Women in Spanish, Portuguese and Latin-American Studies, 203-220. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2008.
Book review
  1. Martins, Ana. "Arenas, Fernando. Lusophone Africa: Beyond Independence. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 2011". Review of Lusophone Africa: Beyond Independence 9, (2011): 161-164. https://doi.org/10.21471/jls.v9i0.249.
Edited book
  1. Martins, Ana; Mark Sabine; Eleanor K. Jones. Corresponding author: Eleanor K. Jones. Hilary Owen: A Celebration. Liverpool, United Kingdom: Journal of Romance Studies. 2019.
    Published • Editor
  2. Martins, Ana; Khan, Sheila; Professor Hilary Owen; Carmen Villar. The Lusotropical Tempest: Postcolonial Debates in Portuguese. Bristol, United Kingdom: Bristol University Press. 2012.
    Published • Editor
Journal article
  1. Martins, Ana. "Seasoning, Time and Authenticity in Manuel Querino’s A Arte Culinária na Bahia". Food and History 17 2 (2019): 103-121. https://www.brepolsonline.net/doi/abs/10.1484/J.FOOD.5.121081?journalCode=food.
    Open access • Published
  2. Martins, Ana. "Teresa Margarida da Silva Orta 1711-1793: A Minor Transnational of the Brown Atlantic". Portuguese Studies 35 2 (2019): 136-153. https://www.jstor.org/stable/10.5699/portstudies.35.2.0136.
  3. Ana Martins. "Running Away with Language: Inventing Wor(l)ds in the Work of Lélia Gonzalez in 1980s Brazil". Gender & History 30 1 (2018): 255-270. https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-0424.12342.
  4. Martins, Ana. "From Adamastor, with Love: Unthinking Lusofonia through the Female Monstrous in José Eduardo Agualusa’s Nação Crioula: A Correspondência Secreta de Fradique Mendes". Romance Studies 35 2 (2017): 126-142. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/02639904.2017.1342342?journalCode=yros20.
  5. Faulkner, Sally; Martins, Ana. "Intermedial dialogue in A Costa dos Murmúrios / The Murmuring Coast (Lídia Jorge 1988 / Margarida Cardoso 2004): Novel, photography, film". Journal of Romance Studies 16 2 (2016): 36-57. http://dx.doi.org/10.3167/jrs.2016.160203.
    Published • 10.3167/jrs.2016.160203
  6. Martins, Ana. "Pussy Riot, Femen, e as Três Marias: Feminismos Zangados e o Corpo das Mulheres em Luta". Cadernos de Literatura Comparada 35 (2016): 369-378. file:///Users/anamartins/Downloads/adminilc,+Journal+manager,+24.+Ana+Margarida+Martins.pdf.
    Open access • Published
  7. Martins, Ana. "O sorriso da avó em “Guarde Segredo” de Esmeralda Ribeiro". ContraCorrente: Revista de Estudos Literários e de Cultura 7 (2015): 29-43. https://ore.exeter.ac.uk/repository/handle/10871/23231.
    Open access • Published
  8. Martins, Ana Margarida Dias. "Gender and the “postcolonial exotic”". The Journal of Commonwealth Literature 48 1 (2013): 145-158. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0021989412471138.
    Open access • Published • 10.1177/0021989412471138
  9. Martins, Ana. "Dramatizar Novas Cartas Portuguesas (em vez de as ler)". Novas Cartas Portuguesas e os feminismos. Cadernos de Literatura Comparada 26 2 (2012): 147-162. https://ilc-cadernos.com/index.php/cadernos/article/view/109.
    Open access • Published
  10. Martins, Ana. "Novas Cartas Portuguesas: The Making of a Reputation". Journal of Feminist Scholarship 2 2 (2012): 24-39. https://digitalcommons.uri.edu/jfs/vol2/iss2/8/?utm_source=digitalcommons.uri.edu%2Fjfs%2Fvol2%2Fiss2%2F8&utm_medium=PDF&utm_campaign=PDFCoverPages.
    Open access • Published
  11. Martins, Ana Margarida Dias. "Niketche: A Story of Success". Journal of Lusophone Studies 7 (2009): 109-137. http://dx.doi.org/10.21471/jls.v7i0.278.
    Open access • Published • 10.21471/jls.v7i0.278
Journal issue
  1. Martins, Ana; Deborah Toner; Emma-Jayne Abbots; Anna Charalambidou. "Consuming Authenticities/Consommer l’authentique". Food and History 17 2 (2019): https://www.brepols.net/products/IS-9782503582641-1.
    Published • Editor

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2015/09/07 - 2015/09/08 VI Conferência Internacional da Associação de Lusitanistas Britânicos e Irlandeses (ABIL), 7-8 de setembro de 2015, Universidade de Exeter, Reino Unido: ‘De/Formations: Illegitimate Bodies, Texts and Tongues’ (2015/09/07 - 2015/09/08)
Conference (Co-organisor)
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
2015/03/10 - 2015/03/10 Workshop ‘Remembering the Translation of New Portuguese Letters to the Stage’ (link), em colaboração com ‘Unfinished Histories: Recording the History of Alternative Theatre 1968-88’, 10 de março de 2015, Universidade de Exeter, Reino Unido (2015/03/10 - 2015/03/10)
Workshop (Other)
University of Exeter, United Kingdom
2007/03/15 - 2007/03/17 International Conference of the Lusophone Postcolonial Research Network (LUPOR): ‘Re/siting the “Luso” and the “Tropical”: Theories and Practices of Portuguese Postcolonialism,’ University of Manchester, 15-17 March 2007. Co-organized with Hilary Owen, Carmen Villares and Sheila Khan. (2007/03/15 - 2007/03/17)
Conference (Co-organisor)
The University of Manchester, United Kingdom

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2022/10/18 - 2022/10/20 ‘Novas Cartas Portuguesas 50 anos depois’. Fórum Igualdade | Encontro Feminista, Temporada Portugal-França 2022. Guimarães,18-20 outubro 2022
Fórum Igualdade | Encontro Feminista, Temporada Portugal-França 2022
Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género, Portugal
2019/05/04 - 2019/05/04 Participation in international conference with paper on ‘Avenida 25 de Abril: Maria Teresa Horta and post-revolutionary feminist dissent’.
Congresso Internacional ‘Maria Teresa Horta e a Literatura Contemporânea: de Espelho Inicial (1960) a Estranhezas (2018)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2017/05/02 - 2017/05/04 Participation in international conference (by invitation). I presented a paper on: ‘Teresa Margarida da Silva Orta (1711-1793): a minor transnational of the Brown Atlantic’
Transnational Portuguese Women Artists Conference
University of Oxford, United Kingdom
2016/05/02 - 2016/05/03 Participation in international conference with paper on ‘Walking under the rainbow: the body in transit in the work of Carolina Maria de Jesus and Conceição Evaristo’.
Queering Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies – Perspetivas queer sobre os estudos luso-afro-brasileiros’.
University of Dalarna, Sweden
2016/04/02 - 2016/04/03 Participation in international conference with paper on: "The Grandmother's Smile in Guarde Segredo, by Esmeralda Ribeiro"
13th International Congress of the Association of Brazilian Studies (BRASA)
Brown University, United States
2014/09/11 - 2014/09/13 Participation in international conference with paper on: "Amor com amor se paga: Adamastor e a teoria pós-colonial"
IX Iberian Congress of African Studies (CIEA9).
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2013/06/27 - 2013/06/29 Participation in international Conference with paper on "The idea(s) of Africa in Brazil"
Fifth European Conference on African Studies (ECAS 5).
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
2012/11/22 - 2012/11/23 Participation in international colloquium with paper on "Dramatizar Novas Cartas Portuguesas (em vez de as ler)"
Colloque Nouvelles Lettres Portugaises: Généalogies et Generations.
Université Sorbonne Nouvelle-Paris 3 Département Études Arabes Hébraïques Indiennes et Iraniennes, France
2011/09/10 - 2011/09/10 Participation in international conference with paper on ‘The Three Marias’ pact and the feminist contract’ .
IV Conferência Internacional da Associação de Lusitanistas Britânicos e Irlandeses (ABIL): Comunidades/Communities.
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
2010/07/01 - 2010/07/03 Participation in international conference with paper on: ‘The pot that holds the melt: José Eduardo Agualusa’s Nação Crioula: A Correspondência Secreta de Fradique Mendes’
III Lusophone Postcolonial Research Network (LUPOR): Teorias Itinerantes_ Travelling Theories.
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2009/10/09 - 2009/10/11 Participation in international conference with paper on: ‘A look at postcolonial literary value through the work of Paulina Chiziane and Lídia Jorge’.
‘Gender, Empire and the Postcolony: Intersections in Luso-Afro-Brazilian Studies’
Massachusetts State College, United States
2009/09/11 - 2009/09/12 Thematic panel on Lídia Jorge at the III International Conference of the Association of British and Irish Lusitanists. Title of the panel: ‘The South Within: Shaping Portugal/Representing the Algarve in Lídia Jorge’s fiction’ (11-12 September 2009)
Association of British and Irish Lusitanists - III Conference
Maynooth University, Ireland
2008/10/09 - 2008/10/11 Participation in International conference with paper on ‘Subtexts on difference in Paulina Chiziane’s Niketche: Uma História de Poligamia’.
VI Congress of the International Association of American and Portuguese Studies (APSA)
Yale University, United States

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2023/01/27 External examiner of PhD thesis: "‘Inside the Narratives of Quartel do Indaiá: Storytelling, Metaphor and Cultural Identity in a Quilombola Community’
(Thesis) Arguer
Frances Lima Goodingham (PhD)
King's College London, United Kingdom
2016/12/21 External Examiner of MA thesis: ‘Mapeando as “margens de areia”: políticas de localização em Novas Cartas Portuguesas’
(Thesis) Arguer
Peter Haysom (Master)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Letras, Portugal

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2010/11/12 I was interviewed about my work on New Portuguese Letters. ‘Lá Fora o Eco de Novas Cartas Portuguesas foi enorme’, por Raquel Ribeiro. Ipsilon, Público, 12 de novembro de 2010 Ípsilon (Publico)

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2022/10/20 - 2022/10/20 I was interviewed about the international reception of New Portuguese Letters by the Comissão para a Cidadania e Igualdade de Género (CIG)

Other jury / evaluation

Activity description Institution / Organization
2019/10/07 - 2019/10/07 External Advisor for the creation of two MA programmes at the University of Southampton:MA Languages and Cultures; MA Translation and Professional Communication Skills University of Southampton, United Kingdom