
Personal identification

Full name
José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa

Citation names

  • Diniz-Sousa, Florêncio

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Knowledge fields

  • Medical and Health Sciences - Health Sciences - Sport and Fitness Sciences


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2)
Degree Classification
2013/09/01 - 2022/06/22
Physical Activity and Health (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Desporto, Portugal
"Consequences of bariatric surgery on bone metabolism and fracture risk –What is the therapeutic role of exercise? The Bariatric Surgery and Exercise Intervention Bone Trial – BaSEIB Clinical Trial" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2011/09/19 - 2013/04/10
Exercício e Saúde (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
"Associação da competência motora com a atividade física. Estudo longitudinal em crianças." (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2008/10/15 - 2011/07/20
Desporto (Licenciatura)
Major in Gestão Desportiva
Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal


Host institution
2022/01/01 - 2023/09/08 Researcher (Research) Centro de Investigação em Actividade Física, Saúde e Lazer, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Desporto, Portugal
2016/07/01 - 2017/08/31 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Desporto, Portugal


Designation Funders
2016/04/01 - 2019/03/30 Bariatric Surgery and Exercise Bone Trial - BaSEIB Clinical Trial.
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Desporto, Portugal

Centro de Investigação em Actividade Física, Saúde e Lazer, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Conference abstract
  1. Giorjines Boppre; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. Corresponding author: Giorjines Boppre. "Effects of a multicomponent exercise training program on lean mass loss attenuation after bariatric surgery". Paper presented in SCS 4th Annual Conference: Strength and Conditioning for Human Performance, Porto, 2022.
  2. Ana Catarina Resende Coelho; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Moutinho-Ribeiro, Edgar; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; et al. Corresponding author: Ana Catarina Resende Coelho. "Association between excess weight and trunk muscle strength". Paper presented in SCS 4th Annual Conference: Strength and Conditioning for Human Performance, Porto, 2022.
  3. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. Corresponding author: Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3). "Are the effects of a multicomponent exercise training on knee muscle strength after bariatric surgery mediated by lean mass?". Paper presented in SCS 4th Annual Conference: Strength and Conditioning for Human Performance, 2022.
  4. Ana Catarina Resende Coelho; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Moutinho-Ribeiro, Edgar; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; et al. Corresponding author: Ana Catarina Resende Coelho. "How does whole body fat mass percentage relate to trunk and knee muscle strength?". Paper presented in Encontro de Investigação Jovem – IJUP 2022, Porto, 2022.
  5. Ana Catarina Resende Coelho; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; et al. Corresponding author: Ana Catarina Resende Coelho. "Association between isokinetic muscle strength and body mass index from normal weight to obese class III". Paper presented in World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022), Berlin, 2022.
  6. Giorjines Boppre; Lara Boges; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Laura Freitas; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; et al. Corresponding author: Giorjines Boppre. "Effects of a multicomponent exercise training program after bariatric surgery on body weight, body composition, food intake and energy expenditure". Paper presented in World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022), Berlin, 2022.
  7. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. Corresponding author: Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3). "Associations between gravitational loading intensity and bone mass in patients with class III obesity". Paper presented in World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO 2022), Berlin, 2022.
  8. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Alba Hernández-Martínez; José Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Is exercise an effective strategy to prevent bariatric surgery associated bone mass losses? A systematic review and meta-analysis". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  9. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "How is skeletal gravitational loading afected by bariatric surgery and how this affects bone mass of post-bariatric surgery patients?". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  10. Ana Catarina Resende Coelho; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa; Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Moutinho-Ribeiro, Edgar; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; et al. Corresponding author: Moutinho-Ribeiro, Edgar. "Association between fat mass percentage and muscle strength in patients with obesity class II-III". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  11. Ana Catarina Resende Coelho; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Moutinho-Ribeiro, Edgar; Andrea Bezerra; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; et al. Corresponding author: Ana Catarina Resende Coelho. "Relation between obesity and trunk muscle strength and imbalances between flexor and extensor muscles". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  12. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Moutinho-Ribeiro, Edgar; Ana Catarina Resende Coelho; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; et al. Corresponding author: Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3). "Mechanical loading prediction through accelerometry data during jumping". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  13. Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. Corresponding author: Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24). "Effects of a multicomponent exercise training program on cardiovascular health after bariatric surgery". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  14. Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. Corresponding author: Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24). "Effects of a multicomponent exercise training on resting energy expenditure after bariatric surgery". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  15. Alba Hernández-Martínez; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). Corresponding author: Alba Hernández-Martínez. "Changes in bone quality assessed by high-resolution peripheral quantitative computed tomography after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: a meta-analysis". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  16. Alba Hernández-Martínez; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). Corresponding author: Alba Hernández-Martínez. "Changes in vBMD assessed by QCT or HR-pQCT after gastric bypass surgery and its relation with DXA estimates of aBMD losses: a meta-analysis". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2021.
  17. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz dos Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "How is skeletal gravitational loading afected by bariatric surgery and how this affects bone mass of post-bariatric surgery patients?". Paper presented in 25th congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisbon, 2021.
  18. Eduardo Seixas; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Tiago Granja; Filipe Pereira; Ariane Villares; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira. "Effects of bariatric surgery and an exercise intervention on physical activity in severe obese patients". Paper presented in Encontro de Investigação Jovem – IJUP 2020, Porto, 2020.
  19. Ariane Villares; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Effects of a physical exercise program on bone metabolism of obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery". Paper presented in Encontro de Investigação Jovem – IJUP 2020, Porto, 2020.
  20. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "Walking ground reaction force prediction based on raw acceleration in normal weight to severely obese subjects". Paper presented in Encontro de Investigação Jovem – IJUP 2020, Porto, 2020.
  21. Filipe Pereira; Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos. "Does participation in a multicomponent exercise training program provide added cardiometabolic risk factors following bariatric surgery compared to surgery alone?". Paper presented in Encontro de Investigação Jovem – IJUP 2020, Porto, 2020.
  22. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "Development of walking energy expenditure prediction models for patients with severe obesity based on raw acceleration and its comparison with those developed for non-obese subjects". Paper presented in 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Braga, 2019.
  23. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "Moderate-to-vigorous physical activity intensity cut-point for walking steps in patients with class II-III obesity". Paper presented in 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Braga, 2019.
  24. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. Corresponding author: José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3). "Is the correct accelerometer placement at the waist such a big deal?". Paper presented in 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Braga, 2019.
  25. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "The effect of ActiGraph filtering on raw acceleration metrics and its influence on energy expenditure prediction accuracy". Paper presented in 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Braga, 2019.
  26. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Ariane Villares; Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Eduardo Seixas; Filipe Pereira; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; et al. "Effectiveness of an exercise intervention program on the prevention of bone mineral density loss 1-year after bariatric surgery: BaSEIB clinical trial". Paper presented in 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Braga, 2019.
  27. Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Exercise training effectiveness on the improvement of clinical cardiometabolic risk factors after Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass: A systematic review and meta-analysis". Paper presented in 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Braga, 2019.
  28. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "Accelerometer calibration: The importance of individual resting metabolic rate measurement to correctly identify moderate-to- vigorous physical activity intensity". Paper presented in 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Braga, 2019.
  29. Tiago Granja; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "Effects of a multicomponent exercise training program on balance of severe obese patients following bariatric surgery - BaSEIB Clinical Trail". Paper presented in Encontro de Investigação Jovem – IJUP 2019, Porto, 2019.
  30. HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Filipe Pereira; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; et al. "Additive effects of a 11-months multicomponent exercise program on cardiometabolic risk factors following bariatric surgery". Paper presented in Obesity Week 2019, Las Vegas, 2019.
  31. Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Filipe Pereira; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "Effects of an exercise training program on lean mass loss attenuation in obese patients undergoing Roux-en-y gastric bypass - The BaSEIB Trial". Paper presented in 22nd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2018.
  32. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Ariane Villares; Eduardo Seixas; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; et al. "How does daily physical activity change during the first year following bariatric surgery?". Paper presented in Portuguese Society for the Study of Obesity, Lisboa, 2018.
  33. Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "Estimation of ground reaction forces during walking in adult patients with class II-III obesity based on accelerometer data". Paper presented in 22nd Congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2018.
  34. Tiago Granja; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; et al. "Effects of an exercise training program on balance of obese patients following bariatric surgery - BaSEIB Clinical Trail". Paper presented in 22nd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Lisboa, 2018.
  35. HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira. "Muscle strength changes in obese patients during the first year following bariatric surgery – BaSEIB Clinical Trial". Paper presented in 23rd World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO), Dubai, 2018.
    Published • 10.1007/s11695-018-3411-9
  36. HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira. "Body composition variation in physically active or sedentary patients during the first 6-months following gastric bypass - BaSEIB Clinical Trial". Paper presented in 23rd World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO), Dubai, 2018.
    Published • 10.1007/s11695-018-3411-9
  37. HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira. "Objectively measured daily physical activity and sedentary behavior in class Ill obese women compared to general adult portuguese population data". Paper presented in 23rd World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO), Dubai, 2018.
    Published • 10.1136/oemed-2017-104636.46
  38. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Exercise can prevent the loss of bone mineral density on lumbar spine in obese patients 6 months after Roux- en-Y gastric bypass". Paper presented in 18th Edition of the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO), Cracóvia, 2018.
  39. Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Effects of an exercise training program on lean mass in obese patients undergoing Roux-en- Y gastric bypass". Paper presented in 18th Edition of the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO), Cracóvia, 2018.
  40. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "BMD changes in different skeletal sites, from the pre-operative period to one-year after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass". Paper presented in 18th Edition of the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO), Cracóvia, 2018.
  41. HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira. "Short term effects of bariatric surgery on balance control and fall risk of obese patients". Paper presented in 18th Edition of the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO), Cracóvia, 2018.
  42. HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; John Rodrigues Preto; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira. "Body composition is a better predictor of static balance in obese patients than lower limbs muscle strength". Paper presented in 18th Edition of the World Congress on Osteoporosis, Osteoarthritis and Musculoskeletal Diseases (WCO-IOF-ESCEO), Cracóvia, 2018.
  43. Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Effects of a physical exercise program on the body composition of obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery - BaSEIB clinical trial". Paper presented in Encontro de Investigação Jovem – IJUP 2018, Porto, 2018.
  44. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Objectively measured daily physical activity and sedentary behavior in class III obese women compared to general adult portuguese population data". Paper presented in 21st congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity, Aveiro, 2017.
  45. Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; John Rodrigues Preto; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD); José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira. "Effects of a physical exercise program on the body composition of obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery - BaSEIB Clinical Trail". Paper presented in 21° Congresso Português de Obesidade, Aveiro, 2017.
  46. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Relationship between BMI and strength in patients with class II-III obesity". Paper presented in ObesityWeek 2017, Washington, 2017.
  47. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Influence of sedentary behavior and voluntary physical activity in bone mineral density in patients with class III obesity". Paper presented in American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2017 Annual Meeting, Denver, 2017.
  48. Diniz-Sousa, Florêncio; Giorjines Boppre (AC11-1005-EB24); Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Hugo Miguel Teixeira Ferraz Santos Sousa; John Rodrigues Preto; Leandro José Rodrigues Machado; João Paulo Vilas Boas Soares Campos; José Manuel Fernandes de Oliveira; HÉLDER RUI MARTINS FONSECA (961A-2DA0-92DD). "Relationship between muscle strength and bone mineral density in patients with class III obesity". Paper presented in American Society for Bone and Mineral Research (ASBMR) 2017 Annual Meeting, Denver, 2017.
  49. VÍTOR PIRES LOPES (531D-60D6-48BF); Cátia Cavaco; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Carla Correia de Sá (F51C-EBE6-3258); Luis Paulo Rodrigues (4811-99FE-2ECD). "Associação entre os níveis de atividade física, a competência motora e a competência percebida em crianças". Paper presented in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VII, Lisboa, 2014.
  50. Telmo Raul Neto Correia; José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Carla Correia de Sá (F51C-EBE6-3258); VÍTOR PIRES LOPES (531D-60D6-48BF). "Níveis de atividade física em adolescentes: a influência dos amigos". Paper presented in Estudos em Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança VII, Lisboa, 2014.
  51. VÍTOR PIRES LOPES (531D-60D6-48BF); José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Luis Paulo Rodrigues (4811-99FE-2ECD). "Proficiência motora, atividade física e excesso de peso em crianças, que relação?". Paper presented in Estudos em desenvolvimento motor da criança VI, Vila Real, 2013.
  52. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); VÍTOR PIRES LOPES (531D-60D6-48BF). "Associação da competência motora com a atividade física: estudo longitudinal em crianças". Paper presented in Estudos em desenvolvimento motor da criança VI, Vila Real, 2013.
Journal article
  1. Giorjines Boppre; Lara Pereira Saraiva Leão Borges; Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Lucas Veras; Vitor Devezas; John Preto; Hugo Santos-Sousa; et al. "Effects of a supervised exercise training on body composition after bariatric surgery: a randomized controlled trial". Obesity (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.23894.
  2. Alba Hernández-Martínez; Lucas Veras; Giorjines Boppre; Alberto Soriano-Maldonado; José Oliveira; Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Hélder Fonseca. "Changes in volumetric bone mineral density and bone quality after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass: A meta-analysis with meta-regression". Obesity Reviews (2022): https://doi.org/10.1111/obr.13479.
  3. Veras, Lucas; Diniz-Sousa, Florêncio; Boppre, Giorjines; Moutinho-Ribeiro, Edgar; Resende-Coelho, Ana; Devezas, Vítor; Santos-Sousa, Hugo; et al. "Mechanical loading prediction through accelerometry data during walking and running". European Journal of Sport Science (2022): 1-18. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/17461391.2022.2102437.
  4. Giorjines Boppre; Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Lucas Veras; José Oliveira; Hélder Fonseca. "Does Exercise Improve the Cardiometabolic Risk Profile of Patients with Obesity After Bariatric Surgery? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials". Obesity Surgery (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11695-022-06023-x.
  5. Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Tiago Granja; Giorjines Boppre; Lucas Veras; Vítor Devezas; Hugo Santos-Sousa; John Preto; et al. "Effects of a Multicomponent Exercise Training Program on Balance Following Bariatric Surgery". International Journal of Sports Medicine (2022): https://doi.org/10.1055/a-1766-5803.
  6. Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Giorjines Boppre; Lucas Veras; Alba Hernández-Martínez; José Oliveira; Hélder Fonseca. "The Effect of Exercise for the Prevention of Bone Mass After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis". Obesity Surgery (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11695-021-05873-1.
  7. Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Lucas de Souza Veras (5316-EA42-A2C3); Boppre, Giorjines; Vítor Bruno dos Santos Devezas; Santos-Sousa, Hugo; John Rodrigues Preto; Machado, Leandro; et al. Corresponding author: Florêncio Diniz-Sousa. "The effect of bariatric surgery on gravitational loading and its impact on bone mass". Bone 153 (2021): 116153-116153. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bone.2021.116153.
  8. Hélder Rui Martins Fonseca; José Florêncio Diniz-Sousa. "Possible long-term negative bone health consequences of pediatric bariatric surgery: First do no harm". Obesity (2021): https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.23302.
  9. Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Lucas Veras; Giorjines Boppre; Vítor Devezas; Hugo Santos-Sousa; John Preto; Leandro Machado; et al. "How Does Bariatric Surgery Affect Fall Risk Factors?". Obesity Surgery (2021): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11695-021-05400-2.
  10. Giorjines Boppre; Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Lucas Veras; Jose´ Oliveira; Hélder Fonseca. "Can exercise promote additional benefits on body composition in patients with obesity after bariatric surgery? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials". Obesity Science & Practice (2021): https://doi.org/10.1002/osp4.542.
  11. Eduardo Teixeira; Hélder Fonseca; Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Lucas Veras; Giorjines Boppre; José Oliveira; Diogo Pinto; et al. "Wearable Devices for Physical Activity and Healthcare Monitoring in Elderly People: A Critical Review". Geriatrics (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/geriatrics6020038.
  12. Florêncio Diniz-Sousa; Lucas Veras; Giorjines Boppre; Pedro Sa-Couto; Vítor Devezas; Hugo Santos-Sousa; John Preto; et al. "The Effect of an Exercise Intervention Program on Bone Health After Bariatric Surgery: A Randomized Controlled Trial". Journal of Bone and Mineral Research (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/jbmr.4213.
  13. Diniz-Sousa, Florêncio; Veras, Lucas; Ribeiro, José Carlos; Boppre, Giorjines; Devezas, Vítor; Santos-Sousa, Hugo; Preto, John; et al. "Accelerometry calibration in people with class II-III obesity: Energy expenditure prediction and physical activity intensity identification". Gait & Posture 76 (2020): 104-109. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gaitpost.2019.11.008.
  14. L. Veras; F. Diniz-Sousa; G. Boppre; V. Devezas; H. Santos-Sousa; J. Preto; J. P. Vilas-Boas; et al. "Accelerometer-based prediction of skeletal mechanical loading during walking in normal weight to severely obese subjects". Osteoporosis International (2020): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00198-020-05295-2.
  15. José Florêncio Diniz de Sousa (5818-C6BA-1DC3); Jonatas Cassiano Ribeiro; Carla Correia de Sá (F51C-EBE6-3258); André Novo (7D14-8584-AB2B); VÍTOR PIRES LOPES (531D-60D6-48BF). "Efeitos de um programa de exercício aeróbio nos níveis de atividade física em pacientes hemodialisados". Motricidade 10 2 (2014): 72-80. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84902840868&partnerID=MN8TOARS.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2020/02/12 Effects of bariatric surgery and an exercise intervention on physical activity in severe obese patients. 13rd meeting of young researchers at UP – IJUP 2020
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2020/02/12 Walking ground reaction force prediction based on raw acceleration in normal weight to severely obese subjects 13rd meeting of young researchers at UP – IJUP 2020
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2019/11/22 Accelerometer calibration: The importance of individual resting metabolic rate measurement to correctly identify moderate-to- vigorous physical activity intensity. 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity
Portuguese society for the study of obesity (Braga, Portugal)
2019/11/22 Effectiveness of an exercise intervention program on the prevention of bone mineral density loss 1-year after bariatric surgery: BaSEIB clinical trial. 23rd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity
Portuguese society for the study of obesity (Braga, Portugal)
2018/11/23 How does daily physical activity change during the first year following bariatric surgery? 22nd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity
Portuguese society for the study of obesity (Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/11/23 Effects of an exercise training program on balance of obese patients following bariatric surgery - BaSEIB Clinical Trail 22nd congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity
Portuguese society for the study of obesity (Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/11/23 Estimation of ground reaction forces during walking in adult patients with class II-III obesity based on accelerometer data 22nd Congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity
Portuguese society for the study of obesity (Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/09/27 Muscle strength changes in obese patients during the first year following bariatric surgery – BaSEIB Clinical Trial. 23rd World Congress of the International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO)
International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO) (Dubai, United Arab Emirates)
2017/11/30 Objectively measured daily physical activity and sedentary behavior in class III obese women compared to general adult Portuguese populational data. 21st congress of the Portuguese society for the study of obesity
Portuguese society for the study of obesity (Aveiro, Portugal)
2017/03/28 Exercício físico após cirurgia: quando e quanto tempo. XIX Congresso Anual da APNEP
Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição Entérica e Parentérica (APNEP) (Porto, Portugal)
2013/10/25 Associação da competência motora com a atividade física: Estudo longitudinal em crianças. 8º Seminário de Desenvolvimento Motor da Criança
Centro de Investigação em Desporto, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano (CIDESD) e o Departamento de Ciências do Desporto, Exercício e Saúde da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real, Portugal)
2013/10/25 Proficiência motora, atividade física e excesso de peso em crianças, que relação? Estudos em desenvolvimento motor da criança VI
Centro de Investigação em Desporto, Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano (CIDESD) e o Departamento de Ciências do Desporto, Exercício e Saúde da Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro (Vila Real, Portugal)


2019 Prize for best work in Physical Activity
Portuguese Society for the Study of Obesity, Portugal
2018 3rd Best Poster award
International Federation for the Surgery of Obesity and Metabolic Disorders (IFSO), Portugal
2017 Prize for Best work in Physical Activity
Portuguese Society for the Study of Obesity, Portugal