Book chapter |
- Borges, P.A.. "Fajã dos Milagres: o desvendar da formação de fajãs detríticas com sistemas lagunares". In UAciência, ciências
naturais e do ambiente, 391-394. Portugal: Nova Gráfica, 2020.
- Borges, Paulo. "Case study Portugal: addressing tourism development and climat change in small Atlantic islands – the case
of the Azores". In Global Climate Change and Coastal Tourism: recognizing problems, managing solutions and future expectetions,
125-137. United Kingdom: CABI Publishing, 2018.
- Borges, P.A.. "New mapping techniques on coastal volcanic rock platforms using UAV LiDAR surveys in Pico Island, Azores (Portugal)".
In Volcanic Rocks and Soils, 385-388. Leiden, Netherlands: CRC Press/Balkema, 2016.
- Borges, Paulo. "Azores seismogenic zones". In Workshop em Ciências da Terra e do Espaço – Livro Actas 2014, 25-39.
Évora, Portugal: Universidade de Évora, 2014.
- Borges, Paulo. "Climate change and coastal tourism in the Azores archipelago". In Disappearing Destinations: Climate Change
and Future Challenges for Coastal Tourism, 111-124. United Kingdom: CABI Publishing, 2011.
- Borges, Paulo. "Tsunamis históricos na ilha do Faial (Açores-Portugal)". In Sismo 1998-Açores. Uma Década Depois, 707-716.
Horta, Portugal: SPRHI, SA, 2008.
Journal article |
- Calado, H.; Pegorelli, C.; Vergílio, M.; Hipólito, C.; Campos, A.; Moniz, F.; Costa, A.C.; et al. "Expert knowledge-based
co-development of scenarios for maritime spatial planning in the Northeast Atlantic". Marine Policy 133 (2021): 104741.
- TORRES, P.; SEIJO, C.; Costa, A.C.; VENTURA, M.; PARENTE, M.I.; NUNES, J.C.; Borges, Paulo; RAMALHO, R.; BOTELHO, A.Z.. "Seascape
value assessment of coastal and underwater diving spots". Freiberg Online Geoscience SI 58 (2021): 40-45.
- Ng, Kiat; Borges, Paulo; Phillips, Michael Robert; Medeiros, António; Calado, Helena. "An integrated coastal vulnerability
approach to small islands: The Azores case". Science of The Total Environment 690 (2019): 1218-1227.
- Melo, Carlos S.; Ramalho, Ricardo S.; Quartau, Rui; Hipólito, Ana; Gil, Artur; Borges, Paulo; Cardigos, Frederico; et al.
"Genesis and morphological evolution of coastal talus-platforms (fajãs) with lagoons: The case study of the newly-formed Fajã
dos Milagres (Corvo Island, Azores)". Geomorphology 310 (2018): 138-152.
Published • 10.1016/j.geomorph.2018.03.006
- Ng, Kiat; Thomas, Tony; Phillips, Michael R.; Calado, Helena; Borges, Paulo; Veloso-Gomes, Fernando. "Multifunctional artificial
reefs for small islands". Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 39 2 (2015): 220-257.
- Ng, K.; Phillips, M.R.; Borges, Paulo; Thomas, T.; August, P.; Calado, H.; Veloso-Gomes, F.. "Maintaining a way of life for
São Miguel Island (the Azores archipelago, Portugal): An assessment of coastal processes and protection". Science of The
Total Environment 481 (2014): 142-156.
Published • 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2014.01.067
- Borges, Paulo; Phillips, M.R.; Ng, K.; Medeiros, A.; Calado, H.. "Preliminary coastal vulnerability assessment for Pico Island
(Azores)". Journal of Coastal Research 70 (2014): 385-388.
Published • 10.2112/si70-065.1
- Borges, P.A.. "The shallow marine ostracod communities of the Azores (Mid-North Atlantic): taphonomy and palaeoeco". Geologica
Acta 17 (2014):
Published • 10.1344/105.000002073
- Ng, K.; Phillips, M.R.; Calado, H.; Borges, Paulo; Veloso-Gomes, F.. "Seeking harmony in coastal development for small islands:
Exploring multifunctional artificial reefs for São Miguel Island, the Azores". Applied Geography 44 (2013): 99-111.
Published • 10.1016/j.apgeog.2013.07.013
- Calado, H.; Borges, Paulo; Phillips, M.; Ng, K.; Alves, F.. "The Azores archipelago, Portugal: improved understanding of small
island coastal hazards and mitigation measures". Natural Hazards 58 1 (2010): 427-444.
Published • 10.1007/s11069-010-9676-5
- Borges, Paulo. "Coastal hazards of Fajã do Calhau (São Miguel – Azores): a first approach". Journal of Coastal Research
SI 56 (2009): 827-831.
- Andrade, C.; Trigo, R.M.; Freitas, M.C.; Gallego, M.C.; Borges, Paulo; Ramos, A.M.. "Comparing historic records of storm frequency
and the North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) chronology for the Azores region". The Holocene 18 5 (2008): 745-754.
Published • 10.1177/0959683608091794
- Andrade, C.; Borges, Paulo; Freitas, M.C.. "Historical tsunami in the Azores archipelago (Portugal)". Journal of Volcanology
and Geothermal Research 156 1-2 (2006): 172-185.
Published • 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2006.03.014
- Borges, Paulo; Andrade, C.; Freitas, M. C.. "Dune, Bluff and Beach Erosion due to Exhaustive Sand Mining – the Case of Santa
Barbara Beach, São Miguel (Azores, Portugal).". Journal of Coastal Research 36 (2002): 89-95.
Published • 10.2112/1551-5036-36.sp1.89
- Borges, P.A.; ANDRADE, C.F.. "Estudo das relações entre o desenvolvimento da linha de costa e as direcções dos principais
acidentes tectónicos da ilha de São Miguel (Açores)". GAIA 16 (2001): 31-36.
- Borges, P.A.; Cruz, J.V.; Andrade, C.F.. "O recuo da arriba litoral no local da Rocha dos Campos (Água d’Alto, São Miguel)".
Açoreana 8 3 (1997): 561-578.