My research as been focused mainly in unravel targetable molecular mechanisms underlying disease, in the last 4 years with a focus on cancer progression. PUBLICATIONS: 6 articles (4 as 1st author); 5-Y IF of 6; Q1 Selvaggio & Canato et al. 2020; Cancer Res IF 9.06 Jain, Guerreiro, Canato et al. 2019; Sci Rep IF 4.5 Canato et al. 2018; Cell Mol Life Sci IF 6.3 Santos & Canato et al. 2019; Cells IF 5.6.

Personal identification

Full name
Sara Inês Ascensão Tavares Canato

Citation names

  • Sara Canato

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • sara.canato@research.fchampalimaud.org (Professional)


  • (+351) 210480141 (Professional)


  • Champalimaud Center for the Unknown, Avenida Brasília , 1400-038, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Molecular Biology
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Biochemistry
  • Exact Sciences - Computer and Information Sciences - Bioinformatics
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Biology
  • Medical and Health Sciences - Clinical Medicine - Oncology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Proficiency (C2) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
Degree Classification
2014/01/05 - 2018/05/08
Biology (Doutoramento)
Major in Systems Biology
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"The endoplasmic reticulum quality control: dissecting protein networks in Cystic Fibrosis" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2014/01/05 - 2014/06/30
Ph.D. Curricular Programme in Biology: Systems Biology (Doutoramento)
Major in Systems Biology
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2010/09/16 - 2012/10/23
Molecular Biology and Genetics (Mestrado)
Major in Ciências Biológicas
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Role of Ubiquitin Ligases in Pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2007/10/15 - 2010/08/20
Biology (Licenciatura)
Major in Biological Sciences
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
"Diuron causes a decrease of antioxidant response in the Saccharomyces chevalieri UEME1" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2021/06/01 - Current Postdoc (Research) Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
2018/06/01 - 2021/05/30 Postdoc (Research) Universidade do Porto Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular, Portugal
2014/11/05 - 2018/05/08 Researcher (Research) Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2012/12/01 - 2013/12/31 Researcher (Research) Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2011/06/01 - 2012/10/23 Research Trainee (Research) Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2010/01/01 - 2010/07/20 Research Trainee (Research) Universidade de Évora Departamento de Química, Portugal
Universidade de Évora Departamento de Química, Portugal


Designation Funders
2023/01/01 - Current Uncovering the mechanisms of resistance to cancer formation in the developing brain
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/01/01 - 2021/05/25 CANCEL STEM "Tackling CANcer STEM CELls: a challenge and an opportunity to advance in anticancer therapy"
POCI-01-0145- FEDER-016390
Post-doc Fellow
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Patologia e Imunologia Molecular, Portugal

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

European Regional Development Fund
2018/06/01 - 2019/12/31 CoMEDy "A Computational Modelling platform for Epithelial Dynamics to explore the role of epithelial- mesenchymal transition and stemness acquisition in cancer recurrence"
Post-doc Fellow
Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/06 - 2019/12 CoMEDy "A Computational Modelling platform for Epithelial Dynamics to explore the role of epithelial- mesenchymal transition and stemness acquisition in cancer recurrence"
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016 - 2018/05/31 MIMED - Mining the Molecular Metric Space for Drug Design
PhD Student Fellow
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2014/01/14 - 2018/05/31 The endoplasmic reticulum quality control: dissecting protein networks in Cystic Fibrosis
PhD Student Fellow
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2012/12/01 - 2013/12/31 Elucidating the role of novel CFTR interactors - new mechanisms in membrane protein trafficking
Research Fellow
Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2021/06/01 - Current QuantOCancer - "Leveraging the unique organismic approach to health and disease of the Champalimaud Foundation through the inception of a quantitative biomedicine research programme focused on cancer"
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
2014/04/01 - 2015/12/31 Dissecting the endoplasmic reticulum quality control - differential protein interactions as new therapeutic targets in Cystic Fibrosis Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012/12/01 - 2013/12/31 Characterization of ER-quality control for the F508del-CFTR protein: potential therapeutic targets for cystic fibrosis
Research Fellow
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011 - 2013 Identification of Novel Targets Rescuing of F508del-CFTR Traffic: Mechanism of Action
Research Fellow
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, United States
Cystic Fibrosis Foundation


Conference abstract
  1. Canato S.. "Modulation of protein traffic networks to rescue F508del-CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum". Paper presented in 42nd FEBS Congress, From Molecules to Cells and Back, Jerusalem, 2017.
  2. Canato S.. "WS09.2 Modulation of protein traffic networks to rescue F508del-CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum". Paper presented in Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2017.
  3. Canato S.. "ER quality control protein network in CF to modulate F508del-CFTR rescued.". Paper presented in 41st FEBS Congress, Molecular and Systems Biology for Better Life, Ephesus / Kusadasi, 2016.
  4. Canato S.. "Identification of protein factors that regulate cftr exit from the endoplasmic reticulum". Paper presented in PEDIATRIC PULMONOLOGY, 2016.
  5. Canato S.. "Effect of the Burkholderia cenocepacia exoproteome on CFTR protein expression in human Cystic Fibrosis lug epithelial cell models". Paper presented in Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2013.
  6. Canato S.. "LSC 2013 abstract - Altered expression of E3 ubiquitin ligases contributes to an inflammatory phenotype in models of the cystic fibrosis airway". Paper presented in European Respiratory Jornal, 2013.
  7. Canato S.. "E3 Ubiquitin Ligases: A potential role in regulating the inflammatory phenotype of Cystic Fibrosis?". Paper presented in Journal of Cystic Fibrosis, 2013.
Conference poster
  1. Canato S.; Selvagio G.; Janody F.; Chaouiya C.. "Impact of microenvironmental conditions on phenotypes plasticity through the Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition program". Paper presented in i3S Annual Meeting, 2019.
  2. Canato S.; Gianluca S; Pawar A.; Janody F.; Chaouiya C.. "Logical modelling and experimental approaches identify novel partners of Src-induced EMT". Paper presented in i3S Annual Meeting, 2018.
  3. Canato S.; Carvalho AS.; Botelho H.; Aloria K.; Matthiessen R.; Amaral MD.; Falcão A.; Farinha CM.. "Modulation of protein traffic networks to rescue F508del-CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum". Paper presented in 2nd Summer Retreat BioSys-BioISI - Systems approach for biological problems, 2017.
  4. Canato S.; Carvalho AS.; Amaral MD.; Matthiessen R.; Falcão A.; Farinha CM.. "Identification of factors that regulate CFTR trafficking through the endoplasmic reticulum". Paper presented in • 1st Summer Retreat BioSys-BioISI- Assortativity and Cohesion: Tackling complex biological problems in Health and Disease through System Biology, 2016.
  5. Canato S.; Carvalho AS.; Amaral MD.; Matthiessen R.; Falcão A.; Farinha CM.. "Identification of traffic factors that regulate CFTR exit from the endoplasmic reticulum". Paper presented in Ciência 2016 – Science and Technology in Portugal Meeting, 2016.
  6. Canato S.; Carvalho AS.; Amaral MD.; Matthiessen R.; Falcão A.; Farinha CM.. "Identification of traffic factors that regulate CFTR traffic from the endoplasmic reticulum". Paper presented in 13th European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Basic Science Conference – New Frontiers in Basic Science of Cystic Fibrosis, 2016.
  7. Canato S.; Romão AM.; Laselva O.; Sousa M.; Schmidt A.; Amaral MD.; Farinha CM.. "VX-809 stabilized the early steps of F508del-CFTR biogenesis and folding". Paper presented in 11th European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Basic Science Conference – New Frontiers in Basic Science of Cystic Fibrosis, 2014.
  8. Canato S.; Telhada M.; Farinha CM.; Amaral MD.; Clarke L.. "Potential involvement of smurf2 in altered regulation of the TGF-beta signalling pathway in Cystic Fibrosis disease". Paper presented in Molecular Biology in Portugal and EMBL and EMBL Alumni Meeting, 2013.
  9. Canato S.; Telhada M.; Farinha CM.; Amaral MD.; Clarke L.. "Potential involvement of smurf2 in altered regulation of the TGF-beta signalling pathway in Cystic Fibrosis disease". Paper presented in EMBO Young Scientists’ Forum, 2013.
  10. Canato S.; Telhada M.; Amaral MD.; Clarke L.. "Potential role of expression of E3 Ubiquitin Ligases in regulating the inflammatory phenotype of Cystic Fibrosis". Paper presented in 10th European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Basic Science Conference – New Frontiers in Basic Science of Cystic Fibrosis, 2013.
  11. Canato S.; Carvalho AS.; Botelho H.; Aloria K.; Matthiessen R.; Amaral MD.; Falcão A.; Farinha CM.. "Modulation of protein traffic networks to rescue F508del-CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum". Paper presented in 42nd FEBS Congress – From molecules to cell and back, 2010.
Journal article
  1. Lídia Faria; Sara Canato; Tito T. Jesus; Margarida Gonçalves; Patrícia S. Guerreiro; Carla S. Lopes; Isabel Meireles; et al. "Activation of the actin/MRTF-A/SRF signalling pathway in pre-malignant mammary epithelial cells by P-cadherin is essential for transformation". Nature Communications (2022): https://doi.org/10.1101/2022.02.26.481995.
    Open access • 10.1101/2022.02.26.481995
  2. Gianluca Selvaggio; Sara Canato; Archana Pawar; Pedro T. Monteiro; Pedro T. Monteiro; Patrícia S. Guerreiro; Patrícia S. Guerreiro; et al. "Hybrid epithelial-mesenchymal phenotypes are controlled by microenvironmental factors". Cancer Research 80 11 (2020): 2407-2420. http://dx.doi.org/10.1158/0008-5472.can-19-3147.
    Open access • Published • 10.1158/0008-5472.can-19-3147
  3. Praachi B. Jain; Patrícia S. Guerreiro; Patrícia S. Guerreiro; Sara Canato; Florence Janody; Florence Janody. "The spectraplakin Dystonin antagonizes YAP activity and suppresses tumourigenesis.". Scientific Reports 9 1 (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-56296-z.
    Open access • 10.1038/s41598-019-56296-z
  4. Santos, João D.; Canato, Sara; Carvalho, Ana S.; Botelho, Hugo M.; Aloria, Kerman; Amaral, Margarida D.; Matthiesen, Rune; Falcao, Andre O.; Farinha, Carlos M.. "Folding Status Is Determinant over Traffic-Competence in Defining CFTR Interactors in the Endoplasmic Reticulum". Cells 8 4 (2019): 353. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/cells8040353.
    Published • 10.3390/cells8040353
  5. Canato, Sara; Santos, João D.; Carvalho, Ana S.; Aloria, Kerman; Amaral, Margarida D.; Matthiesen, Rune; Falcao, André O.; Farinha, Carlos M.. "Proteomic interaction profiling reveals KIFC1 as a factor involved in early targeting of F508del-CFTR to degradation". Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 75 24 (2018): 4495-4509. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00018-018-2896-7.
    Published • 10.1007/s00018-018-2896-7
  6. Carlos M. Farinha; Sara Canato. "From the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane: mechanisms of CFTR folding and trafficking.". Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences 74 1 (2016): 39-55. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00018-016-2387-7.
  7. Farinha, Carlos M.; Sousa, Marisa; Canato, Sara; Schmidt, André; Uliyakina, Inna; Amaral, Margarida D.. "Increased efficacy of VX-809 in different cellular systems results from an early stabilization effect of F508del-CFTR". Pharmacology Research & Perspectives 3 4 (2015): e00152. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/prp2.152.
    Published • 10.1002/prp2.152
  1. Sara Canato. 2018. The Endoplasmic Reticulum Quality Control: Dissecting Protein Networks in Cystic Fibrosis.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Canato S.. "The endoplasmic reticulum quality control: dissecting protein networks in Cystic Fibrosis". PhD, 2018.
  2. Canato S.. "Role of Ubiquitin Ligases in Pathophysiology of Cystic Fibrosis". Master, Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, 2012.
  3. Canato S.. "Diuron causes a decrease of antioxidant response in the Saccharomyces chevalieri UE-ME1". Degree, Universidade de Évora Departamento de Biologia, 2010.


Other output
  1. Production of Figure 1.2B - CFTR protein and its domains.. Book title: CFTR and Cystic Fibrosis, From Structure to Function. Author: Carlos M. Farinha; Published: Springer Briefs in Molecular Science; ISSN 2191-5407. 2017. Canato S..
  2. Cover of the Journal Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, Volume 74, Issue 1. From the endoplasmic reticulum to the plasma membrane: mechanisms of CFTR folding and trafficking Carlos M. Farinha & Sara Canato. 2017. Canato S..

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2022/10/20 Uncovering the mechanisms leading to Basal Cell Carcinoma initiation Champalimaud Research Symposium: Tumour Microenvironment from cancer initiation to metastasis
Champalimaud Foundation (Lisbon, Portugal)
2019/02/19 Computational modelling and experimental approaches identify novel partners of Src-induced EMT Oncobiology Club
i3S (Porto, Portugal)
2019/02/05 Computational modelling and experimental approaches identify novel partners of Src-induced EMT Dev Meeting
i3S (Porto, Portugal)
2017/09/08 Modulation of protein traffic networks to rescue F508del-CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum 17th FEBS Young Scientists' Forum
FEBS Young Scientists' Forum (Jerusalem, Israel)
2017/02/09 Modulation of protein traffic networks to rescue F508del-CFTR from the endoplasmic reticulum Chem&Biochem Postgraduate Students Meeting 2017
Chem&Biochem Postgraduate Students Meeting (Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/11/03 CFTR traffic protein network in CF to modulate F508del-CFTR rescued 3rd Proteostasis Action Meeting - Proteostasis and its Biological Implications
Proteostasis Action Meeting (Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/11 BioSys-BioISI Graduate Student Council - 1st Summer Retreat BioSys-BioISI evaluation
Biosytems and Integrative Science Institute (Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/07/23 Identification of factors that regulate CFTR trafficking through the endoplasmic reticulum. 1st Summer Retreat BioSys-BioISI- Assortativity and Cohesion: Tackling complex biological problems in Health and Disease through System Biology
BioISI (Santa Cruz, Portugal)
2013/06/13 Effect of the Burkholderia cenocepacia exoproteome on CFTR protein expression in human Cystic Fibrosis lug epithelial cell models 36th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference
European Cystic Fibrosis (Lisboa, Portugal)
2013/03/20 Potential role of expression of E3 Ubiquitin Ligases in regulating the inflammatory phenotype of Cystic Fibrosis 10th European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Basic Science Conference – New Frontiers in Basic Science of Cystic Fibrosis
European Cystic Fibrosis Society (Malaga, Spain)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2022/09/01 - 2023/12/05 Developing a 3D in vitro models of Basal Cell Carcinoma
NOVA Biomedical Research (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2020/09 - 2021/12/13 Exploring the role of the actin MRTFA-SRF signalling pathway downstream of P-cadherin in basal-like breast cancer cells
Co-supervisor of Lídia Faria
MSc in oncobiology (Master)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2020/09/01 - 2021/05/29 Investigate the TGF-ß-induced distinct phenotypes on the EMT continuum - Research fellowship Project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016390
Co-supervisor of Inês Saraiva
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2020/07/01 - 2020/08/31 Investigate the TGF-ß-induced distinct phenotypes on the EMT continuum - Research fellowship Project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-016390
Co-supervisor of Jéssica Machado
2019/07/11 - 2019/09/12 Project “CoMEDy – A Computational Modelling platform for Epithelial Dynamics to explore the role of epitelial-mesenchymal transition and stemness acquisition in cancer recurrence. The goal of this research project was to demonstrate that the synergistic effect between ECM stiffness and SRC, prevent the acquisition of a full mesenchymal phenotype and is not depend of the epithelial cell type but are universal mechanisms required for EMT.
Supervisor of Marta Mikonska
Animal Bioengineering - Erasmus traineeship (Other)
Szkola Glowna Gospodarstwa Wiejskiego, Poland

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2016/02/01 - 2016/07/24 Organization and coordenation of the Scientific Meeting - "Annual 1st Summer Retreat BioSys-BioISI- Assortativity and Cohesion: Tackling complex biological problems in Health and Disease through System Biology". (2016/07/23 - 2016/07/23)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2021/06/14 - Current Moderator of the CISS webinar session "A Response to the Coronavirus Pandemic: different flavors of T cell responses against SARS-Cov-2" presented by Carolina Gorgulho, Maeurer Lab
CISS Webinar
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
2024/02/06 - 2024/02/06 Career Development - Workshop Effective Networking for Career Progression
Postdoc day
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
2022/11/18 - 2022/11/18 Workshop conflict management and effective communication in the Lab. COLife Postdoc day
COLife Postdoc day
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal

Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Portugal
2022/10/20 - 2022/10/21 Champalimaud Research Symposium: Tumour Microenvironment from cancer initiation to metastasis. Uncovering the mechanisms leading to Basal Cell Carcinoma initiation. Sara Canato*, Rahul Sarate, Raquel Soares, Yura Song, Mélanie Liagre, Sofia Marques, Cédric Blanpain* & Adriana Sánchez-Danés. (Postdoc research). *Presentation
Champalimaud Research Symposium: Tumour Microenvironment from cancer initiation to metastasis
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
2022 - 2022 CR Research night
CR Research night
Fundação Champalimaud, Portugal
2020/12/18 - 2020/12/18 Workshop of the Portuguese Network on Extracellular Vesicles
Workshop of the Portuguese Network on Extracellular Vesicles, online event
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2019/11/28 - 2019/11/29 Poster presentation of the Postdoctoral research
i3S Annual Meeting. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2019/01/16 - 2019/01/16 CANCEL STEM Consortium Meeting
CANCEL STEM Consortium Meeting
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal

Biocant Associação de Transferência de Tecnologia, Portugal
2018/11/29 - 2018/11/30 Poster presentation of the Postdoctoral research
i3S Annual Meeting 2018. Póvoa de Varzim, Portugal.
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
2017/10/06 - 2017/10/07 Poster presentation of the Ph.D. work Chair session IV -Bioinformatic approaches for Biomedicine
2nd Summer Retreat BioSys-BioISI - Systems approach for biological problems. Beja, Portugal.
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2017/09/10 - 2017/09/14 Poster presentaion of the Ph.D. work
42nd FEBS Congress – From molecules to cell and back. Jerusalem, Israel.
Federation of European Biochemical Societies, United Kingdom
2017/09/10 - 2017/09/14 Oral and poster presentation of the Ph.D. work
17th FEBS Young Scientists' Forum. Jerusalem, Israel.
Federation of European Biochemical Societies, United Kingdom
2017/02/09 - 2017/02/09 Oral presentation of the Ph.D. work
Chem&Biochem Postgraduate Students Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2017 - 2017 Experimental demonstrations of the research work in Cystic Fibrosis disease for schools and general people
Science Faculty of Lisbon University open day
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2016/11/02 - 2016/11/05 Oral presentation of the Ph.D. work
3rd Proteostasis Action Meeting - Proteostasis and its Biological Implications
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
2016/07/23 - 2016/07/24 Oral presentation and Poster of the PhD work
1st Summer Retreat BioSys-BioISI- Assortativity and Cohesion: Tackling complex biological problems in Health and Disease through System Biology. Santa Cruz, Portugal.
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2016/07/04 - 2016/07/06 Poster presentation of the Ph.D. work
Ciência 2016 – Science and Technology in Portugal Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.
Presidência da República Portuguesa, Portugal
2016/04/26 - 2016/04/27 Workshop Effective Scientific Writing
Workshop Effective Scientific Writing
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2016/03/30 - 2016/04/02 Poster presentation of the PhD work
13th European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Basic Science Conference – New Frontiers in Basic Science of Cystic Fibrosis. Pisa, Italy.
European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Denmark
2016 - 2016 Experimental demonstrations of the research work in Cystic Fibrosis disease for the general people
European researcher’s night. Lisbon
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2016 - 2016 European researcher’s night
European researcher’s night
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2015 - 2015 Experimental demonstrations of the research work in Cystic Fibrosis disease for the general people
European researcher’s night. Lisbon
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2015 - 2015 European researcher’s night
European researcher’s night
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2014/03/26 - 2014/03/29 Poster presentation of the Research Assistant in Biochemistry
11th European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Basic Science Conference – New Frontiers in Basic Science of Cystic Fibrosis. Malta.
European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Denmark
2013/07/18 - 2013/07/18 Poster presentation of the M.Sc. work
Molecular Biology in Portugal and EMBL and EMBL Alumni Meeting. Lisbon, Portugal.
European Molecular Biology Laboratory, France
2013/07/15 - 2013/07/16 Poster presentation of the M.Sc. work
EMBO Young Scientists’ Forum. Lisbon, Portugal.
European Molecular Biology Organization -EMBO, Germany
2013/06/12 - 2013/06/15 Oral presentation M.Sc. work
36th European Cystic Fibrosis Conference. Lisbon, Portugal
European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Denmark
2013/03/20 - 2013/03/23 Oral and Poster presentation of the M.Sc. work
10th European Cystic Fibrosis Society (ECFS) Basic Science Conference – New Frontiers in Basic Science of Cystic Fibrosis. Malaga, Spain.
European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Denmark
2013 - 2013 Learn electron microscopy applications
Application of Electron Microscopy to Biomedicine
Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde Egas Moniz, Portugal
2011/09/21 - 2011/09/25 Bioinformatics and systems modelling
Bioinformatics and systems modelling
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Learn bioinformatics approaches and computational modelling
Workshop Bioinformatics and System Modelling
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Learn theoretical and piratical techniques of epithelial cell differentiation
Workshop Epithelial cell differentiation, cilia & physiology
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Learn PCR techniques
PCR practice
We Value, Portugal
2009 - 2009 Learn experimental techniques of microbiology
Techniques of Microbiology and Laboratorial Chemistry
ECC laboratory, Lda, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2022/11/15 Investigating the functional relevance of FOXM1 isoforms and truncated forms in breast cancer cell tumorigenesis
(Thesis) Arguer
Komal Khalil (Master)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2016/03/11 - Current Sociedade Portuguesa de Bioquímica

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2022/10/03 - 2022/10/07 Single-Cell RNA-seq analysis using R European Bioinformatics Institute, United Kingdom
2021/01/07 - 2021/03/10 104th training of trainers, accredited by Instituto do Emprego e Formação Professional (IEFP) Professional Certification of Trainers’ Pedagogical Competences - CCP (Outros) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2020/09/07 - 2020/10/08 LABORATORY ANIMAL SCIENCE COURSE FUNCTIONS [A], [B] AND [D] ACCORDING DIRECTIVE 2010/63/EU, Species specific MOUSE; RAT, ZEBRAFISH and FISH FELASA accredited course Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2017/10/07 - 2017/10/07 Chair of session IV - Bioinformatic approaches for Biomedicine in the scientific meeting "2nd Summer Retreat BioSys-BioISI - Systems approach for biological problems".
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Biossistemas e Ciências Integrativas, Portugal

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2019/06/01 - Current JoLS, Journal of Life Sciences (2688-1020)

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2021/09/01 - 2022/08/31 Master student Lab teaching and support Andrea Castaneda, Biopharmaceutical Sciences, FFUL
2016/09/12 - 2017/09/01 Master student Lab teaching and support Sofias Ramalho; Department of Biochemistry, FCUL.
2016/09/12 - 2017/09/01 Master student Lab teaching and support Iris Lameiro; Department of Biochemistry, FCUL.
2015/01/03 - 2016/12/31 Ph.D. student lab teaching and support João Santos; 2nd edition BioSys PhD program, FCUL
2013/01/01 - 2014/12/31 Master student Lab teaching and support Onofrio Laselva; Department of Biosciences, Biotechnologies and Biopharmaceutics, University of Bari
2012/06/01 - 2013/07/12 Undergraduated student Lab teaching Margarida Quaresma, Department of Biochemistry, FCUL.


2021 Fellowship in Oncology LPCC-NRN-2021 - Liga Portuguesa Contra Cancro
Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro, Portugal
2017 Young Scientists Fellowship
Federation of European Biochemical Societies, United Kingdom

Other distinction

2018 Postdoctoral Fellowship
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2016 Travel Grant
European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Denmark
2014 Travel Grant
European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Denmark
2014 PhD Student Fellowship
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2014 Research Fellowship
Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
2013 Travel Grant
European Cystic Fibrosis Society, Denmark