Engaged scholar, educator, and apprentice organizer, from the islands of Puerto Rico. He has transdisciplinary social-environmental sciences training, combining political ecology and environmental policy and planning, with decolonial and Latin American and Caribbean studies. His work centers on transformative eco-social initiatives and movements, connecting to ideas of the commons, autogestion, insurgent ecologies, environmental/climate justice, and just transitions. He has action-research experience in Mexico, Puerto Rico, and most recently in Portugal, and he also has ample engagement with international initiatives. He is currently FCT-CEECIND Assistant Researcher at the Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra. He also held the Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity at the International Institute of Social Studies, The Hague (2019-2021, ext. 2022); was Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Planning at the University of Puerto Rico- Rio Piedras (2015-2019); and Marie Curie Experienced Researcher (Postdoc) in the H2020 ITN European Network of Political Ecology - ENTITLE (2014-2015). He holds a PhD in Public Policy and Political Science from Indiana University (2012), a Masters in Environmental Policy from Cambridge University (2005), and a Bachelor in Environmental Sciences and Geography from the University of Puerto Rico (2004). He is co-founding member of Post-Extractive Futures (a self-organized initiative from various collectives to foster thinking and action for post-extractive societies); the Climate Justice Network (integrating scholars and practitioners on research and education); JunteGente (a space of encounters of grassroots initiatives for eco-social justice in Puerto Rico); and the Undisciplined Environments political ecology blog editorial collective.

Personal identification

Full name
Gustavo Garcia Lopez

Citation names

  • García-López, Gustavo A.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • gustavo.garcia@ces.uc.pt (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Social Sciences - Political Sciences
  • Social Sciences - Economic and Social Geography - Environmental Sciences


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Spanish; Castilian (Mother tongue)
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
Portuguese Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Intermediate (B1) Advanced (C1) Upper intermediate (B2)
Degree Classification
Joint PhD in Public Policy and Political Science (Doctor of Philosophy)
Major in Enviromental Policy, Institutional Analysis
Indiana University Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs, United States

Indiana University Bloomington Department of Political Science, United States
"Scaling Up from the Top-Down and the Bottom-Up: The Impacts and Governance of Inter-Community Forest Associations in Durango, Mexico" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
3.95 GPA, Dissertation approved with distinction
Master of Philosophy (M.Phil.) in Environmental Policy (Master)
Major in Environmental Policy (Law and Economics of the Environment)
University of Cambridge Department of Land Economy, United Kingdom
"Evaluating the validity of the Benefit Transfer approach: The case of manatee protection in Florida and Puerto Rico" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.) in Environmental Sciences and Geography (Bachelor)
Major in Environmental Sciences and Geography
Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
"Modeling and simulation of urban sprawl patterns in the San Juan Metropolitan Area using system dynamics theory" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Magna Cum Laude (3.90 GPA), Top Student Award


Host institution
2019/08/01 - Current Researcher (Research) Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2019/09/01 - 2022/08/31 Researcher (Research) Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands
2014/02/15 - 2015/06/30 Postdoc (Research) Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Spain
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Spain
2007/06/01 - 2007/08/01 Research Assistant (Research) Indiana University Bloomington Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, United States
2007/01/30 - 2007/05/31 Research Assistant (Research) University of California Berkeley Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics, United States

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2015/08/01 - 2019/06/30 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2009/01/15 - 2011/12/30 Lecturer (University Teacher) Indiana University Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs, United States
2009/10/01 - 2009/12/30 Lecturer (University Teacher) Universidad Metropolitana, Puerto Rico
2007/08/01 - 2007/12/30 Lecturer (University Teacher) Indiana University Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs, United States

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2013/01/30 - 2014/01/30 Special Aide to the Secretary Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, Puerto Rico


Host institution
2012/06/01 - 2013/01/15 Consultant San Juan Bay Estuary Program, Puerto Rico


Designation Funders
2018 - Current Avoiding 'Day Zero' in the US & Global South: Climate Justice Action in Teaching & Policy (Climate Justice Network)
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
University of Connecticut Department of Political Science, United States

Indiana University Bloomington Department of Political Science, United States
American Political Science Association
2023/08 - 2025/07 CO3 - Continuous Construction of resilient social Contracts through societal transformations Agence Europe SA
2019/09/01 - 2022/08/30 Sustainable Development, Inequalities and Environmental Justice
W 02.24.111
Principal investigator
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek
2017/01/01 - 2019/01/01 Environmental assessment processes in Puerto Rico: An effective strategy for sustainability?
Principal investigator
Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
University of Puerto Rico- Rio Piedras, Institutional Fund for Research (FIPI)
2018 - 2019 Environmental Inequality in the Wake of Climate Disasters
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico

University of Missouri-St Louis, United States
Southern Methodist University
2013/08 - 2016/12 Understanding individual and community-based adaptations to climate change in Mexican irrigation communities
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Latin American and Caribbean Environmental Economics Program (LACEEP)
2010/01/01 - 2012/12/31 Scaling up from the grassroots: The role of inter-community organizations in community forestry in Durango, Mexico
PhD Student Fellow
Indiana University Bloomington Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, United States

Indiana University Bloomington School of Public and Environmental Affairs, United States

Indiana University Bloomington Department of Political Science, United States
Inter-American Foundation


Designation Funders
2019/08/01 - Current Nesting community organizations for transforming forest governance: A cross-national transdisciplinary analysis (NESTED)
Principal investigator
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2022/09/01 - 2023/01/31 Justicia hídrica y organización ciudadana: Retos y Posibilidades para la Restauración Socioambiental del Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan (Water justice and citizen organization: Challenges and Possibilities for the Socio-environmental Restoration of the San Juan Bay Estuary)
Invited Scientist Fellow
Universidad de Puerto Rico en Humacao, Puerto Rico

San Juan Bay Estuary Program, Puerto Rico
2022/02/01 - 2023/01/31 Deuda y Crisis Climática en Puerto Rico (Debt and Climate Crisis in Puerto Rico)
Principal investigator
Frente Ciudadano por la Auditoría de la Deuda, Puerto Rico

El Puente- Latino Climate Action Network, Puerto Rico
2014/02/01 - 2015/06/30 ENTITLE. European Network of Political Ecology
Post-doc Fellow
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Spain
European Commission


  1. García-López, Gustavo A.; Villamayor-Tomás, Sergio. Elgar Encyclopedia of the Commons. Cheltenham, United Kingdom: Edward Elgar. 2025.
    Accepted • Editor
Book chapter
  1. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Making decolonial environmental justice futures in Puerto Rico". In Interrogating the Future of Puerto Rican Studies, edited by Santiago-Ortiz, Aurora; Meléndez-Badillo, Jorell. Durham, NC, United States: Duke University Press, 2025.
  2. García-López, Gustavo A.; Cintrón-Moscoso, Federico; Orta, Amy. "Introducción: Entrelazando propuestas de acción ante la crisis climática (Introduction: Interweaving proposals for action in the face of the climate crisis)". In Nuevos Pactos Ecosociales ante la Crisis Climática: Propuestas de Transiciones Justas para Puerto Rico, edited by García-López, Gustavo A.; Cintrón-Moscoso, Federico. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico Press, 2025.
  3. García-López, Gustavo A.; Tormos-Aponte, Fernando. "Enacting Intersectional Solidarity in Climate Justice Struggles: Mutual Aid in Puerto Rico’s Post-Maria Recovery". In Climate justice in the city: Power, inequality and mobilization for change, edited by García-López, Gustavo A.; MacLean, Lauren M.; Kashwan, Prakash. Bloomington, IN, United States: Indiana University Press, 2025.
  4. Andreucci, Diego; García-López, Gustavo A.. "From colonialism to sovereignty: Political ecologies of the energy transition". In Routledge Handbook of Political Ecology, edited by Hope, Jessica; Apostolopoulou, Elia; Collins, Ariadne. London/New York, United States: Routledge, 2025.
  5. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Decolonial encounters and autogestion: Struggles for life and sovereignty in Puerto Rico and beyond". In Insurgent Ecologies: Between environmental justice struggles and post-capitalist transformations, edited by Undisciplined Environments Collective; Andreucci, Diego; García-López, Gustavo A.; Calvário, Rita; et al.. Halifax and Winnipeg, Canada: Fernwood Publications / Columbia University Press, 2024.
  6. Andreucci, Diego; García-López, Gustavo A.; Calvário, Rita. "Introduction". In Insurgent Ecologies: Between environmental justice struggles and post-capitalist transformations, edited by Undisciplined Environments Collective; Andreucci, Diego; García-López, Gustavo A.; Calvário, Rita; et al., 3-18. Halifax and Winnipeg, Canada: Fernwood Publications / Columbia University Press, 2024.
  7. Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; García-López, Gustavo A.. "Commons regimes at the crossroads: environmental justice movements and commoning". In The Barcelona School of Ecological Economics and Political Ecology: A Companion in Honour of Joan Martinez-Alier, edited by Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; Muradian, Roldán. New York, United States: Springer Cham, 2023.
    In press
  8. Avilés Ramos, Katia; García-López, Gustavo A.; Moreno Ortiz, Evelyn; Ramos, Carol; et al. "Environmental Justice Movements as Movements for Life and Decolonization: Experiences from Puerto Rico". In Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment, edited by Bustos, Beatriz; Engel-di-Mauro, Salvatore; García-López, Gustavo A.; Milanez, Felipe; Ojeda, Diana, 427-448. New York, United States: Routledge, 2023.
  9. Bustos, Beatriz; Engel-di-Mauro, Salvatore; García-López, Gustavo A.; Milanez, Felipe; Ojeda, Diana. "Suturing the open veins of Latin America, building epistemic bridges: Latin American environmentalism for the 21st century". In Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment, 3-8. London, United Kingdom: Routledge, 2023.
  10. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Commoning Labour, Labouring the Commons: Centring the Commons in Environmental Labour Studies". In The Palgrave Handbook of Environmental Labour Studies, 389-414. London, United Kingdom: Palgrave Macmillan, 2021.
  11. Villamayor-Tomás, Sergio; García-López, Gustavo A.. "Decommonisation-commonisation dynamics and social movements: Insights from a meta-analysis of case studies". In Making Commons Dynamic: Understanding Change Through Commonisation and Decommonisation, edited by Nayak, Prateep, 255-282. New York, United States: Routledge, 2021.
  12. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Commons, Power, and (Counter)Hegemony". In The Cambridge Handbook of Environmental Sociology, edited by Legun, Katharine; Keller, Julie; Carolan, Michael; Bell, Michael, 152-175. Cambridge University Press, 2020.
    Published • 10.1017/9781108554510.012
  13. García-López, Gustavo A.; Torres-Abreu, Alejandro; Concepción, Carmen M.. "Introducción: Hacia un análisis de las experiencias de gestión ambiental comunitaria en Puerto Rico (Introduction: Towards an analysis of community environmental management in Puerto Rico". In Ambiente y Democracia: Experiencias de gestión comunitaria ambiental en Puerto Rico (Environment and Democracy: Experiences of community environmental management in Puerto Rico), 3-46. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico Press, 2018.
  14. Concepción, Carmen M.; García-López, Gustavo A.. "Conclusiones: Comparación de las experiencias de gestión comunitaria ambiental (Conclusions: Comparison of community environmental management experiences)". In Ambiente y Democracia: Experiencias de gestión comunitaria ambiental en Puerto Rico (Environment and Democracy: Experiences of community environmental management in Puerto Rico), 273-303. San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico Press, 2018.
Edited book
  1. García-López, Gustavo A.; Cintrón-Moscoso, Federico. Nuevos Pactos Ecosociales ante la Crisis Climática: Propuestas de Transiciones Justas para Puerto Rico (New Ecosocial Pacts in the Face of the Climate Crisis: Proposals for Just Transitions for Puerto Rico). San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico Press. 2025.
    Accepted • Editor
  2. García-López, Gustavo A.. Climate justice in the city: Power, inequality and mobilization for change. Bloomington, IN, United States: Indiana University Press. 2025.
    Accepted • Editor
  3. Undisciplined Environments Collective. Insurgent Ecologies: Between environmental justice struggles and post-capitalist transformations. Halifax and Winnipeg, Canada: Fernwood Publications / Columbia University Press. 2024.
    Published • Editor
  4. Bustos, Beatriz; Engel-di-Mauro, Salvatore; García-López, Gustavo A.; Milanez, Felipe; Ojeda, Diana. Routledge Handbook of Latin America and the Environment. New York, United States: Routledge. 2023.
    Published • Editor
  5. García-López, Gustavo A.; Torres-Abreu, Alejandro; Concepción, Carmen M.. Ambiente y Democracia: Experiencias de gestión comunitaria ambiental en Puerto Rico (Environment and Democracy: Experiences of community environmental management in Puerto Rico). San Juan, Puerto Rico: University of Puerto Rico Press. 2018.
    Published • Editor
Journal article
  1. Andreucci, Diego; López, Gustavo García; Zografos, Christos; Conde, Marta. "Political ecologies of the Green New Deal: Critiques, contentions and radical appropriations". Political Geography 117 (2025): 103256. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2024.103256.
  2. Andreucci, Diego; Garcia Lopez, Gustavo; Franquesa, Jaume; Gonzalez, Larissa. "Energy sovereignty from below: Visions and practices of socioecological transformation in Puerto Rico and Catalonia". Human Geography (2025):
  3. Garcia Lopez, Gustavo; Bringel, Breno; Muchhala, Bhumika; Ramasar, Vasna. "Southern decolonial and feminist perspectives on Green New Deals: Towards transformational Ecosocial Pacts". Political Geography (2025):
  4. García-López, Gustavo A.; McCormick, William. "Neoliberalism, colonialism, and systemic barriers to citizen participation in environmental assessment processes in Latin America: The case of Puerto Rico". Environmental Impact Assessment Review (2024):
  5. Andreucci, Diego; García López, Gustavo; Radhuber, Isabella M.; Conde, Marta; Voskoboynik, Daniel M.; Farrugia, J.D.; Zografos, Christos. "The coloniality of green extractivism: Unearthing decarbonisation by dispossession through the case of nickel". Political Geography 107 (2023): 102997. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.polgeo.2023.102997.
    Published • 10.1016/j.polgeo.2023.102997
  6. Nieto-Romero, Marta; García-López, Gustavo; Swagemakers, Paul; Bock, Bettina. "Becoming a Care-Tizen: Contributing to Democracy Through Forest Commoning". International Journal of the Commons 17 1 (2023): 271-287. http://dx.doi.org/10.5334/ijc.1197.
    Open access • Published • 10.5334/ijc.1197
  7. Torres Abreu, Alejandro; García López, Gustavo; Concepción, Carmen M.. "De la protesta a la propuesta: Articulations between environmental justice movements and community-based management of protected areas in Puerto Rico". CENTRO Journal 35 1 (2023): 23-43.
    In press
  8. Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; García-López, Gustavo; D'Alisa, Giacomo. "Social Movements and Commons: In Theory and in Practice". Ecological Economics 194 (2022): 107328. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107328.
    Published • 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2021.107328
  9. Atiles,Jose; García-López, Gustavo A.; Villanueva, Joaquin. "Beyond Corruption and Anti-corruption Narratives: Introducing A Critical Research Agenda for Puerto Rican Studies". CENTRO Journal 34 2 (2022): 9-25.
  10. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Environmental Corruption and the Colonial Growth Machine in Puerto Rico". CENTRO Journal 34 2 (2022): 177-206.
  11. García-López, Gustavo A.; Lang, Ursula; Singh, Neera. "Commons, Commoning and Co-Becoming: Nurturing Life-in-Common and Post-Capitalist Futures (An Introduction to the Theme Issue)". Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4 4 (2021): https://doi.org/10.1177/251484862110510.
    Published • 10.1177/25148486211051081
  12. Tormos-Aponte, Fernando; García-López, Gustavo; Painter, Mary Angelica. "Energy inequality and clientelism in the wake of disasters: From colorblind to affirmative power restoration". Energy Policy 158 (2021): 112550. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.enpol.2021.112550.
  13. Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; García-López, Gustavo A.. "Commons Movements: Old and New Trends in Rural and Urban Contexts". Annual Review of Environment and Resources 46 1 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1146/annurev-environ-012220-102307.
  14. Fleischman, Forrest; Basant, Shishir; Fischer, Harry; Gupta, Divya; García-López, Gustavo A.; Kashwan, Prakash; Powers, Jennifer S; et al. "How politics shapes the outcomes of forest carbon finance". Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability 51 (2021): 7-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cosust.2021.01.007.
  15. Schoon, Michael; Chapman, Mollie; Loos, Jacqueline; Ifejika Speranza, Chinwe; Carr Kelman, Candice; Aburto, Jaime; Alexander, Steve; et al. "On the frontiers of collaboration and conflict: how context influences the success of collaboration". Ecosystems and People 17 1 (2021): 383-399. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/26395916.2021.1946593.
  16. Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; García-López, Gustavo; Scholtens, Joeri. "Do commons management and movements reinforce each other? Comparative insights from Mexico and Sri Lanka". Ecological Economics 173 (2020): 106627. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106627.
    Published • 10.1016/j.ecolecon.2020.106627
  17. Cockburn, Jessica; Schoon, Michael; Cundill, Georgina; Robinson, Cathy; Aburto, Jaime A.; Alexander, Steven M.; Baggio, Jacopo A.; et al. "Understanding the context of multifaceted collaborations for social-ecological sustainability: a methodology for cross-case analysis". Ecology and Society 25 3 (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.5751/es-11527-250307.
    Open access • Published • 10.5751/es-11527-250307
  18. Cox, Michael; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; Ban, Natalie C.; Epstein, Graham; Evans, Louisa; Fleischman, Forrest; Nenadovic, Mateja; et al. "From concepts to comparisons: A resource for diagnosis and measurement in social-ecological systems". Environmental Science & Policy 107 (2020): 211-216. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.envsci.2020.02.009.
    Published • 10.1016/j.envsci.2020.02.009
  19. Kashwan, Prakash; MacLean, Lauren M.; García-López, Gustavo A.. "Rethinking power and institutions in the shadows of neoliberalism". World Development 120 (2019): 133-146. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.05.026.
    Published • 10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.05.026
  20. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Rethinking elite persistence in neoliberalism: Foresters and techno-bureaucratic logics in Mexico’s community forestry". World Development 120 (2019): 169-181. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.03.018.
    Published • 10.1016/j.worlddev.2018.03.018
  21. Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; García-López, Gustavo. "Social movements as key actors in governing the commons: Evidence from community-based resource management cases across the world". Global Environmental Change 53 (2018): 114-126. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.09.005.
    Published • 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2018.09.005
  22. Tormos-Aponte, Fernando; García-López, Gustavo A.. "Polycentric struggles: The experience of the global climate justice movement". Environmental Policy and Governance 28 4 (2018): 284-294. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/eet.1815.
    Published • 10.1002/eet.1815
  23. García-López, Gustavo A.. "The Multiple Layers of Environmental Injustice in Contexts of (Un)natural Disasters: The Case of Puerto Rico Post-Hurricane Maria". Environmental Justice 11 3 (2018): 101-108. http://dx.doi.org/10.1089/env.2017.0045.
    Published • 10.1089/env.2017.0045
  24. Velicu, Irina; García-López, Gustavo A.. "Thinking the Commons through Ostrom and Butler: Boundedness and Vulnerability". Theory, Culture & Society 35 6 (2018): 55-73. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/0263276418757315.
    Published • 10.1177/0263276418757315
  25. García-López, GustavoA; Antinori, Camille. "Between Grassroots Collective Action and State Mandates: The Hybridity of Multi-Level Forest Associations in Mexico". Conservation and Society 16 2 (2018): 193-204. http://dx.doi.org/10.4103/cs.cs_16_115.
    Published • 10.4103/cs.cs_16_115
  26. Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; García-López, Gustavo. "The influence of community-based resource management institutions on adaptation capacity: A large-n study of farmer responses to climate and global market disturbances". Global Environmental Change 47 (2017): 153-166. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2017.10.002.
  27. García López, Gustavo; Velicu, Irina; DAlisa, Giacomo. "Performing Counter-Hegemonic Common(s) Senses: Rearticulating Democracy, Community and Forests in Puerto Rico". Capitalism Nature Socialism 28 3 (2017): 88-107. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10455752.2017.1321026.
  28. Cox, Michael; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio; Epstein, Graham; Evans, Louisa; Ban, Natalie C.; Fleischman, Forrest; Nenadovic, Mateja; Garcia-Lopez, Gustavo. "Synthesizing theories of natural resource management and governance". Global Environmental Change 39 (2016): 45-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.04.011.
    Published • 10.1016/j.gloenvcha.2016.04.011
  29. García-López, Gustavo A.. "From the political-economic drought to collective and sustainable water management in Puerto Rico.". Alternautas 2 2 (2015): 55-66. https://journals.warwick.ac.uk/index.php/alternautas/article/view/1016/889.
  30. Fleischman, Forrest D; Loken, Brent; Garcia-Lopez, Gustavo A.; Villamayor-Tomas, Sergio. "Evaluating the utility of common-pool resource theory for understanding forest governance and outcomes in Indonesia between 1965 and 2012". International Journal of the Commons 8 2 (2014): 304-336. http://dx.doi.org/10.18352/ijc.409.
    Open access • Published • 10.18352/ijc.409
  31. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Scaling up from the grassroots and the top down: The impacts of multi-level governance on community forestry in Durango, Mexico". International Journal of the Commons 7 2 (2013): 406. http://dx.doi.org/10.18352/ijc.437.
Journal issue
  1. García-López, Gustavo A.; Andreucci, Diego; Zografos, Christos; Conde, Marta. "Political Ecologies of the Green New Deal". Political Geography (2024): https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/political-geography/special-issue/10Z67GZ1LS9.
    In press • Coeditor
  2. Atiles,Jose; García-López, Gustavo A.; Villanueva, Joaquin. "Beyond Corruption: From Colonial Practices to Emancipatory Futures". CENTRO Journal 34 2 (2022):
  3. Villamayor-Tomás, Sergio; García-López, Gustavo A.; DAlisa, Giacomo. "Social mobilization and the commons: A Virtuous cycle?". Ecological Economics (2021): https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/ecological-economics/special-issue/103JLL13ZJ3.
    Published • Coeditor
  4. García-López, Gustavo A.; Lang, Ursula; Singh, Neera. "Commons, commoning and co-becoming". Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space 4 4 (2021): https://journals.sagepub.com/toc/enea/4/4.
    Published • Coeditor
  5. García-López, Gustavo A.; Kashwan, Prakash; MacLean, Lauren M.. "Rethinking Power and Institutions". World Development 120 (2019): https://www.sciencedirect.com/journal/world-development/special-issue/107PWQGJ3MX.
    Published • Coeditor
  6. García-López, Gustavo A.; González Hidalgo, Marien; Walter, Mariana. "Political Ecology in Latin America (Ecología Política en América Latina)". Ecología Política 51 (2016): https://www.ecologiapolitica.info/?product=ecologia-politica-no-51.
    Published • Invited editor
Magazine article
  1. Parsons, Laurie; García-López, Gustavo A.; Pereira da Silva, Flora. "Carbon Colonialism: Unmasking The Global Factory", Undisciplined Environments, 2023, https://undisciplinedenvironments.org/2023/05/25/carbon-colonialism-unmasking-the-global-factory/.
  2. Reyes Bejarano, Sebastian; García López, Gustavo; Andreucci, Diego. Corresponding author: Reyes Bejarano, Sebastian. "Energy transition from below: From climate colonialism to energy sovereignty", Undisciplined Environments, 2022, https://undisciplinedenvironments.org/2022/10/25/energy-transition-from-below-from-climate-colonialism-to-energy-sovereignty/.
  3. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Colonial Climates, Decolonial Futures: Reflections from Puerto Rico", Undisciplined Environments, 2021, https://undisciplinedenvironments.org/2021/06/22/colonial-climates-decolonial-futures-reflections-from-puerto-rico/.
  4. Leonardelli, Irene; García-López, Gustavo A.; Fantini, Emanuele. "Commoning through blogging: Reflections on our “Reimagining, remembering and recommoning water” series", Undisciplined Environments, 2021, https://undisciplinedenvironments.org/2021/05/27/commoning-through-blogging-reflections-on-our-reimagining-remembering-and-recommoning-water-series/.
  5. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Hacia la descolonización de los desastres [Towards the decolonization of disasters]", ALICE News, 2021, https://alicenews.ces.uc.pt/?lang=1&id=32184.
  6. García-López, Gustavo A.. "What kind of climate science for what kind of action? Integrating science, community and culture for climate justice", MTb: Bulletin of the Netherlands Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health, 2021, https://www.nvtg.org/wat-we-doen/mtb-bulletin-of-the-nvtg.
  7. García-López, Gustavo A.; Andreucci, Diego; Lamain, Corinne; Boston, Daniel; Balamir, Selj; Karch, Julia. "Green New Deals: Beyond Growth?", DevIssues, 2021, https://www.devissues.nl/green-new-deals-beyond-growth-0.
  8. García-López, Gustavo A.; Andreucci, Diego. "Green New Deal(s): A Resource List for Political Ecologists", Undisciplined Environments, 2020, https://undisciplinedenvironments.org/2020/07/16/green-new-deals-a-resource-list-for-political-ecologists/.
  9. García-López, Gustavo A.; Fantini, Emanuele; Leonardelli, Irene. "Reimagining, Remembering, And Reclaiming Water: From Extractivism To Commoning", Undisciplined Environments, 2020, https://undisciplinedenvironments.org/2020/06/09/reimagining-remembering-and-reclaiming-water-from-extractivism-to-commoning/.
  10. Lize Swartz; García-López, Gustavo A.. "Resisting environmental and social injustice through commoning", Bliss Blog: ISS Blog on Global Development and Social Justice, 2020, https://issblog.nl/2020/05/28/resisting-environmental-and-social-injustice-through-commoning/.
  11. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Environmental justice movements in Puerto Rico: Life-and-death struggles and decolonizing horizons", Society and Space, 2020, https://www.societyandspace.org/articles/environmental-justice-movements-in-puerto-rico-life-and-death-struggles-and-decolonizing-horizons.
  12. García-López, Gustavo A.; Anguelovski, Isabelle; Cañizares, Ana. "Green inequalities in the city: An Introduction to the Series", Undisciplined Environments, 2019, https://undisciplinedenvironments.org/2019/11/05/18624/.
  13. García-López, Gustavo A.; Reyes, Mariolga. "La recuperación justa ante la emergencia climática (Just recovery in the face of the climate emergency)", 80 grados, 2019, http://www.80grados.net/si-la-mar-se-levanta-nosotras-tambien/.
  14. García-López, Gustavo A.; Velicu, Irina. Corresponding author: García-López, Gustavo A.. "Despacito, the crisis is sinking Puerto Rico", Undisciplined Environments, 2017, https://entitleblogdotorg3.wordpress.com/2017/08/24/despacito-the-crisis-is-sinking-puerto-rico/.
  15. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Saskia Sassen on extractive logics and geographies of expulsion", Undisciplined Environments, 2017, https://entitleblogdotorg3.wordpress.com/2017/08/09/saskia-sassen-on-extractive-logics-and-geographies-of-expulsion/.
  16. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Quien mato a Berta Cáceres? 80", 80 grados, 2016, https://www.80grados.net/quien-mato-a-berta-caceres/.
  17. García-López, Gustavo A.. "¿Paso histórico o fracaso épico? Una lectura crítica del acuerdo de cambio climático de París. Parte 2.", 80 grados, 2016
  18. García-López, Gustavo A.. "¿Paso histórico o fracaso épico? Una lectura crítica del acuerdo de cambio climático de París. Parte 1.", 80 grados, 2016
  19. García-López, Gustavo A.; González-Hidalgo, Marien; Walter, Mariana. Corresponding author: García-López, Gustavo A.. "Editorial: Ecología Política en América Latina", Ecologia Politica, 2016
  20. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Aquellas palmas: violencia, democracia y el derecho a la ciudad.", 80 grados, 2015, http://www.80grados.net/aquellas-palmas-violencia-democracia-y-el-derecho-a-la-ciudad/.
  21. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Can frogs and workers unite? Paul Robbins on conserving biodiversity in the Western Ghats, India", ENTITLE Blog (now Undisciplined Environments), 2015, http://entitleblog.org/2015/02/26/rediscovering-the-classics-paul-robbins-on-conserving-biodiversity-in-the-western-ghats/.
  22. García-López, Gustavo A.. "Crecer o decrecer, esa es la cuestión", 80 grados, 2014, http://www.80grados.net/crecer-o-decrecer-esa-es-la-cuestion/.
  1. Beltran, Maria; Kotsila, Panagiota; Lopez, Gustavo; Velegrakis, Giorgos; Velicu, Irina. Political Ecology for Civil Society. Barcelona, Spain: European Network of Political Ecology (ENTITLE). 2016.
Preface / Postscript
  1. Cintrón Moscoso, Federico; García-López, Gustavo A.; Reyes Cruz, Mariolga; Rivera, Juan Carlos; Tort, Bernat. "Foreword". Preface to The Battle for Paradise: Puerto Rico Takes on the Disaster Capitalists. Chicago, United States: Haymarket Books. 2018.
  1. García-López, Gustavo A.; Villalón, Eva; Flores Hernández, Mónica. 2023. Deuda, Austeridad y el Desmantelamiento de la Protección Ambiental en Puerto Rico (Debt, Austerity and the Dismantling of Environmental Protection in Puerto Rico).
  2. Brenda Parlee ; Ganesan Balachander ; Marwa Waseem A. Halmy. 2022. "Chapter 4: The drivers of the sustainable use of wild species", Assessment report on the sustainable use of wild species. https://www.ipbes.net/sustainable-use-assessment.
  3. García-López, Gustavo A.; Torres Asencio, Luis José; González, Verónica. 2017. Justicia Ambiental, Desigualdad y Pobreza en Puerto Rico: Informe Multisectorial sobre las violaciones de Derechos económicos, sociales y medio-ambientales tras el paso de los huracanes Irma y María (Environmental Justice, Inequality and Poverty in Puerto Rico: Multisectoral Report on violations of economic, social and environmental rights after hurricanes Irma and Maria). https://noticiasmicrojuris.files.wordpress.com/2018/05/final-informe-cidh-audiencia-pr-dic-2017.pdf.
  4. Javier E. Laureano Pérez; Jorge Bauzá; García-López, Gustavo A.; et al.. 2014. Primera Actualización: Plan Integral de Manejo y Conservación del Estuario de la Bahía de San Juan (First Update: Comprehensive Management and Conservation Plan of the San Juan Bay Estuary). https://estuario.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/PlanSpanish.pdf.
  1. García-López, Gustavo A.; Cintrón-Moscoso, Federico. Pactos Ecosociales en Puerto Rico (Ecosocial Pacts in Puerto Rico). 2023. https://www.pactosecosocialespr.com.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2025/01/11 Insurgent Ecologies (book discussion) COSMOS Working Group on Environmental Politics
Centre on Social Movement Studies (COSMOS), Faculty of Political and Social Sciences, Scuola Normale Superiore (Florence, Italy)
2024/11/29 Decolonizing Climate Disasters: Encounters for Life and Sovereignty in Puerto Rico and Beyond Rethinking Resilience: Climate Justice and Decolonial Perspectives
Czech Academy of Science (Prague, Czech Republic)
2024/11/25 On Commoning as Labor for Socioecological Transformation Commoning Dialogues
Global South Studies Center, University of Cologne (Colognge/Online, Germany)
2024/11/19 Commoning labour, labouring the commons: Making life in common within-against-and-beyond colonial disasters in Puerto Rico Ecologies of Labour Seminar Series
Nottingham Trent University (Nottingham / online, United Kingdom)
2024/11/14 Experiencing Cartographies of Body-Territory-Earth: a methodology to think-feel through the connection between peoples and places affected by the decarbonization plan "Beyond the Decarbonization Consensus: The Ethics and Practices of Sympoiesis" (4th International Conference on Social Solidarity Economy & the Commons)
ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)
2024/11/08 Investigative journalism and scholar-activism with/for decolonial environmental justice in Puerto Rico Course "Postgraduate Program on Journalistic Investigative Collaborations"
University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2024/07/04 Del colonialismo ambiental a las soberanías múltiples: Caminos post-extractivistas desde Puerto Rico (From environmental colonialism to multiple soveriegnties: Post-extractivist paths from Puerto Rico Reunión Temática Pre-ALAS: Postcolonialidad, Decolonialidad, Postdesarrollo y Crisis Ambiental
Asociación Latino Americana de Sociología (ALAS), Universidade Federal de Pernambuco (UFPE) (Pernambuco / Online, Brazil)
2024/05/09 Del colonialismo ambiental a las soberanías múltiples: Caminos post-extractivistas desde Puerto Rico a Portugal (From environmental colonialism to multiple soveriegnties: Post-extractivist paths from Puerto Rico to Portugal) Diálogos América Latina- Europa: Transiciones Ecosociales y Justicia Global (Latin America- Europe Dialogues: Ecosocial Transitions and Global Justice)
Facultad de Ciencias Politicas y Sociologia, Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
2024/04/23 Enacting Decolonial Environmental Justice: Views from Puerto Rico "Exploring Planetary Justice: Views from Central America, Mexico and the Caribbean"
Planetary Justice Taskforce of the Earth System Governance Project and the Center for Environmental Justice, Colorado State University. (Online, United States)
2024/01/26 From “green” colonialism to sovereignty: Contentions over energy transitions in the global North and South. 7o Encontro Anual de Economia Politica (7th Annual Political Economy Gathering)
Lisbon School of Economics and Management (ISEG) (Lisbon, Portugal)
2023/12/06 Just transition: The Next Steps (Roundtable conversation) Celebrating the 20th anniversary of the Prince Claus Chair
Prince Claus Chair Curatorium (Netherlands)
2023/11/09 Defending the commons: Tracing roots, presents and futures from Abya Yala "Decolonizing the Solidarity Economy and Commons: Enacting the Pluriverse" (3rd International Conference on Social Solidarity Economy & the Commons)
ISCTE- University Institute of Lisbon (Lisbon, Portugal)
2023/11/09 Poverty and climate: From climate colonialism to climate justice "Designing the Sustainable Future Together in the Centenary of our Republic" (3rd International Sustainable Living Congress)
Sustainable Living Association (SUYADER) (Istambul and Online, Turkey)
2023/11/03 Countering the disasters of colonialism, affirming life through solidarities and care: Lessons from Puerto Rico Crise Climática e a Guiné-Bissau: Ruturas, Continuidades e Incertezas
Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2023/10/23 Decolonizing Colonial-Climate Disasters Through Autogestion: Reflections From Puerto Rico "Turning the Tide: Climate Change, Social Change, and Islandness" (2nd International Conference on Small Island States and Subnational Island Jurisdictions)
University of Aruba (Oranjestad and Online, Aruba)
2023/09/21 Linking environmental and anti-colonial resistance: Creating post-extractive futures from Puerto Rico and beyond What Animates and Challenges the Possibilities for Collective Action today?
World Peace Foundation & Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy, Tufts University (Talloires, France)
2023/03/25 Research with/for decolonial environmental justice: Making life in common within against and beyond disaster colonialism in Puerto Rico "Critical Intercultural Dialogue" Masters course
Faculty of Economics, University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2023/03/11 A Académica e a sustentabilidade dentro e fora da Universidad de Coimbra (The Academic Association and sustainability within and outside the University of Coimbra) Fórum Cultural AAC
Conselho Cultural da Associação Académica de Coimbra (AAC) (Coimbra, Portugal)
2023/03/08 The colonial roots of disasters: A view from Puerto Rico "Humanitarian Action, Disasters & Crises: Critical approaches" Masters Course
International Institute of Social Studies (The Hague) (The Hague, Netherlands)
2023/02/21 Solidarity action research for environmental justice: Reflections from Puerto Rico ICTA Seminar Series
Environmental Science and Technology Institute, Autonomous University of Barcelona (ICTA-UAB) (Barcelona, Spain)
2022/12/14 How does the imperial mode of living gets put in practice: A view from Puerto Rico (Commentary on Markus Wissen's "The imperial mode of living") SETS Seminar: The imperial mode of living
University of Trento, Bournemouth University, and University of Orebro
2022/12/08 La defensa de los bienes comunes: Trazando raíces, presentes y futuros desde Abya Yala (Defending the commons: Tracing roots, presents and futures from Abya Yala) IASC World Commons Week - Latin America Region Keynote
International Association for the Study of the Commons
2022/11/21 Deep just transitions from below: Insights from Puerto Rico and beyond Environmental Governance Research Seminar
Copernicus Institute, Utrecht University (Utrecht, Netherlands)
2022/06/17 Decarbonisation by Dispossession: Violence and Extractivism in the Case of Nickel Green Extractivism & Violent Conflict (webinar conference)
The Global Extractivisms and Alternatives Initiative (EXALT), University of Helsinki (Helsinki, Finland)
2022/06/16 Deepening collaborations for climate justice and just transitions Action-oriented research for energy transitions and climate neutrality (workshop)
Design Impact Transition (DIT) platform, Erasmus University Rotterdam (Rotterdam, Netherlands)
2022/06/14 Deepening just transitions: Visions and tensions from global Souths Political Ecology Cluster Seminar Series
Waggeningen University (Waggeningen, Netherlands)
2022/04/21 Como reorganizar a economia e a transição energética? A Guerra na Ucrânia e os Desafios para as Sociedades Contemporâneas: Como reorganizar a economia e a transição energética?
Center for Social Studies, University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2022/03/07 The colonial roots of disasters: A view from Puerto Rico Course "Humanitarian Action, Disasters & Crises: Critical approaches"
International Institute for Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Hague, Netherlands)
2022/02/24 The Political Ecology of Energy Transitions (introduction) Research in Progress Seminar (RIPs),
International Institute of Social Studies (ISS), Erasmus University Rotterdam (The Hague, Netherlands)
2022/02/14 Communities in movement, resisting ecocide and reproducing life Sustainability Frontiers Conference (Panel: Resistance and Social Movements)
Lund University Center for Sustianability Studies (Lund, Sweden)
2021/11/11 Which science for which climate action? Integrating science, community and culture for climate justice Climate Changemakers in Health: From Science to Action
Netherlands Society for Tropical Medicine and International Health (Online, Netherlands)
2021/10/15 Energy inequality and clientelism in the wake of disasters: From colorblind to affirmative power restoration Decimonovena reunión de Percepción Remota y Sistemas de Información Geográfica de Puerto Rico (PRYSIG 2021)
COHEMIS, Universidad de Puerto Rico- Mayagüez (Mayagüez)
2021/10/09 Deepening the Just Transition Just Transition for All?", Green Academy 2021 Winter Seminar
Institute for Political Ecology (Zagreb, Croatia)
2021/09/16 Closing reflections "Fair research collaboration in (post-)pandemic times" Webinar
Dutch Research Council (NWO-WOTRO) (Netherlands)
2021/06/22 Accumulation by corruption: Environmental corruption and land dispossession in Puerto Rico Political Ecology Reading Group
Ecology and Society Workshop (ECOSOC) (Coimbra, Portugal)
2021/06/10 Colonial Climates, Decolonial Futures Prince Claus Chair Inaugural Lecture
Prince Claus Chair (Netherlands)
2021/06/03 Latin American Contributions to Commons Theory Roundtable- Latin American Contribution to the Theoretical Debates on the Commons, 1st IASC Latin American Virtual Conference
International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) (Mexico City, Mexico)
2021/04/28 Climate change and communities: Some basic principles (in Spanish) 1st Short Films Festival "Micro-stories of climate change in Puerto Rico"
Instituto Transdisciplinario de Investigación-Acción Social (INAS-ITIAS), University of Puerto Rico- Humacao (Humacao)
2021/04/08 Ostrom and the commons and uncommons of the virus "No one cares for what is everyone'? The tragedy of the uncommons revealed by a virus" (Portuguese), 2º debate do ciclo "Economistas políticos(as) - diálogos esperançosos em tempos sombrios"
Portuguese Association for Political Economy (APEP), Central Region Chapter (Coimbra, Portugal)
2020/10/29 A (in) justiça ambiental frente ao colonialismo do desastre (Environmental injustice in the face of disaster colonialism) Desigualdades no Sul Global: passados presentes (Inequalities in the Global South: present pasts)
College of Global Studies, University of Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2020/10/02 Governing the Commons and Justice: Metropolitan Policing, Rural Development, and Environmental Justice (Roundtable Conversation) Governing the Commons: 30 Years Later
Ostrom Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis, Indiana University (Bloomington, IN and online, United States)
2020/06/30 Within, against and beyond the state: Political ecologies of collaborative governance of protected areas in Puerto Rico PECS Working Group on Collaborative Governance Webinar Series
PECS Working Group on Collaborative Governance
2019/05/14 Commoning Against Disaster Colonialism: Enacting Multiple Sovereignties in Post-Maria Puerto Rico
University of California- Davis Humanities Institute and Office of Global Affairs (Davis, California, United States)
2019/04/05 Political Geography Plenary: The Coloniality of Disaster: Race, Empire, and Emergency in Puerto Rico, USA (Plenary Roundtable). 2019 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG)
AAG (Washington, DC, United States)
2019/03/26 Insurgent Planning and the Right to the City against Disaster Capitalism in Puerto Rico Coloquio: Perfierias e suas Transformaciones Recientes
Universidade de Coimbra, Centro de Estudos Sociais (Coimbra, Portugal)
2018/10/25 Commoning (in) the tempest: Performing multiple sovereignties in the face of the colonial-climate austerity disaster in Puerto Rico 9th Race, Ethnicity and Place Conference
University of Texas- Austin (Austin, United States)
2018/09/27 Environmental justice post-Maria (La justicia ambiental post-Maria) Valientes: Comunidades en Resistencia y los Derechos Humanos (Forum)
Universidad Interamericana de Puerto Rico, Facultad de Derecho (San Juan, Puerto Rico)
2018/04/16 Resistencia y resiliencia contra la exclusión en Puerta de Tierra y Caño Martín Peña, San Juan, Puerto Rico Resilience and the right to the city
University of Texas at Austin (USA) and Universidad Nacional Pedro Henríquez Ureña (Dominican Republic) (Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic)
2018/04/13 Tempestuous commons: Enacting alternatives to colonial/austerity/disaster politics after Hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico 2018 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG)
Association of American Geographers (AAG) (New Orleans, United States)
2018/04/09 Struggles for commons and multiple sovereignties in post-Maria Puerto Rico Buen Vivir and Other Post-Development Pathways (UF-CLAS 67th Annual Conference)
University of Florida Center for Latin American Studies (Gainsville, Florida, United States)
2017/07/11 Where is the State in the commons? Pacifying forest revolutions in Mexico’s community forestry XVI Biennial Conference of the International Association for the Study of the Commons
International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) (Utrecht, Netherlands)
2017/04/05 Political ecologies of the state and the commons: Dynamics of resistance and accommodation in Mexico's community forests 2017 Annual Meeting of the Association of American Geographers (AAG)
Association of American Geographers (AAG) (Boston, United States)
2016/03/23 Performing Common(s) Senses, a Political Ecology Perspective Undisciplined Environments
European Network of Political Ecology (ENTITLE) and Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) Environmental Humanities Laboratory (Stockholm, Sweden)
2016/03/23 Polycentric struggles: Politicizing polycentricity through the experience of the climate justice movement Undisciplined Environments: Intl. Conference of the European Network of Political Ecology (ENTITLE)
KTH - Royal Institute of Technology (Stockholm, Sweden)
2014/10/19 Creating and sustaining the commons: Lessons from Ostrom Re-Commoning Democracy Workshop
University of Coimbra, Center for Social Studies (Coimbra, Portugal)
2014/09/03 Environmental movements and commoning strategies in Puerto Rico: challenging the growth paradigm 4th International Conference on Degrowth for Ecological Sustainability and Social Equity
Leipzig University (Leipzig, Germany)
2014/06/18 Bringing power back into institutional analysis: Elite capture and persistence in forest governance in Durango, Mexico 5th Vincent and Elinor Ostrom Workshop (WOW5)
Indiana University- Bloomington (Bloomington, IN, United States)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2024/03/01 - Current Uma análise ecofeminista do papel das mulheres no desenvolvimento de alternativas ao extrativismo em Inhassoro, Moçambique (An ecofeminist analysis of the role of women in developing alternatives to extractivism in Inhassoro, Mozambique)
Human Rights in Contemporary Societies (PhD)
2023/05/01 - Current As contradições da agricultura moderna em territórios indígenas do cerrado: O caso Haliti, Brasil
Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2021/11 - Current Confronting the coloniality of disasters: Experiences of community-based organizations in transformations towards just and sustainable futures in Puerto Rico
Geography, Environment and Geomatics (PhD)
University of Guelph, Canada
2021/02/01 - Current Las múltiples formas de entender la resiliencia en la mitigación de riesgos climáticos en zonas costeras: El caso de la comunidad de San Felipe en Arroyo, Puerto Rico.
Environmental Sciences (PhD)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Puerto Rico
2022/09/01 - 2023/08/15 Procedural justice in agro-food systems planning: Socio-ecological justice and climate resilience in the National Land Use Plan and Model Forest of Puerto Rico
Geography (PhD)
SUNY Buffalo State College, United States
2016/06 - 2021/12 "Civic ecology in the urban environment of San Juan, Puerto Rico: Community gardens and their socioenvironmental impacts" (Ecología cívica en el ambiente urbano de San Juan, Puerto Rico: huertos comunitarios y sus impactos socioambientales)
Environmental Sciences (PhD)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Puerto Rico
2019/05 - 2020/05 "Planning of sustainable food systems based on agroecology initiatives in K-12 public schools of Puerto Rico." (Planificación de sistemas alimentarios sostenibles a partir de iniciativas agroecolicógas en escuelas públicas K-12 de Puerto Rico.)
Planning (Master)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2017 - 2018 "Intervention Alternatives for the Mameyal Neighborhood of the Municipality of Dorado: Workshops and Spaces for Participatory Dialogue" (Alternativas de Intervención para el Barrio Mameyal del Municipio de Dorado:Talleres y Espacios para el Diálogo Participativo)
Planning (Master)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2016 - 2018 "Participatory Environmental Assessment Documents: Strategies for an Inclusive Environmental Planning in Puerto Rico" (Documentos Ambientales Participativos Estrategias para una Planificación Ambiental Inclusiva en Puerto Rico)
Planning (Master)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2016 - 2016 "Integral Plan for the Cibuco Wetland Nature Reserve in the Vega Baja Municipality" (Plan Integral para la Reserva Natural Pantano Cibuco del Municipio de Vega Baja)
Planning (Master)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2014 - 2015 "Wind power and environmental conflicts in the global south: Evidence from the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico"
Sustainability (Master)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Spain
2014 - 2015 "Commons, movements and alternatives in times of crisis: A case study of the renewable energy cooperative Som Energia in Spain"
Sustainability (Master)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Spain

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2022/11/01 - 2023/07/22 2nd ECOSOC-CES Summer School: "Un-schooling the summer: Walking the line of environmental injustice in Alentejo" (2023/07/16 - 2023/07/22)
Other (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2022/11/01 - 2023/02/28 8o Encontro Nacional Pela Justiça Climática (8th National Climate Justice Gathering) (2022/02/10 - 2023/02/12)
Congress (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal

Climáximo, Portugal
2022/05/01 - 2023/02/25 Towards a Post-Extractive Culture (2023/02/23 - 2023/02/24)
Festival (Member of the Organising Committee)
Stedelijk Museum, Netherlands

Disobedient Futures (formerly Fossil Free Culture NL), Netherlands
2022/11/01 - 2023/01/28 Educação e Justiça Climática: Direito a Educação e Direito a Vida Perante a Crise Climática (Education and Climate Justice: The Right to Education and the Right to Life in the Face the Climate Crisis (2023/01/28 - 2023/01/28)
Round table (Co-organisor)
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2022/12/01 - 2023/01/14 Launch of the Pactos Ecosociales en Puerto Rico (Ecosocial Pacts in Puerto Rico) webpage and art exhibition. (2023/01/14 - 2023/01/14)
Exhibition (Co-organisor)
JunteGente, Puerto Rico

El Puente- Latino Climate Action Network, Puerto Rico
2022/09/01 - 2022/10/25 Beyond Corruption: From Colonial Practices to Emancipatory Futures in Puerto Rico, CENTRO Afternoon Tertulia (2022/10/26 - 2022/10/26)
Round table (Co-organisor)
Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College (CENTRO), CUNY, United States
2022/07/01 - 2022/09/22 Iterative knowledge brokering for SDG coherence and policy interventions in developing countries, Science Summit at the United Nations General Assembly - UNGA77 (2022/09/23 - 2022/09/23)
Round table (Co-organisor)
United Nations Department for General Assembly and Conference Management, United States
2021/09/01 - 2022/07/10 ECOSOC-CES Summer School "The Pluriverse of Eco-Social Justice" (2022/07/11 - 2022/07/16)
Other (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2022/05/01 - 2022/06/14 Energy transitions from below: From climate colonialism to energy sovereignty (2022/06/15 - 2022/06/15)
Round table (Co-organisor)
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands
2021/03/01 - 2022/02/03 Post-extractive Futures: 3-day series of workshops and public conversations on visions, strategies and alliances for just transitions and new eco-social pacts. (2022/02/01 - 2022/02/03)
JunteGente, Puerto Rico

War on Want, United Kingdom

Tipping Point UK, United Kingdom
2020/01/01 - 2021/08/31 8th International Degrowth Conference (2021/08/24 - 2021/08/28) Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands

Ontgroei , Netherlands
2020/04 - 2021/08 Green New Deals Plenary, 8th International Degrowth Conference (2021/08/24 - 2021/08/24)
Round table (Member of the Organising Committee)
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands
2020/01 - 2021/08 Political Ecologies of the Green New Deal (2 panels) / 8th International Degrowth Conference (2021/08/24 - 2021/08/25)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands
2019/09 - 2021/06 International Workshop on Urban Climate Justice in the Global South (2021/06/28 - 2021/06/30)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
University of Connecticut, United States

Indiana University Bloomington, United States

Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2021/01 - 2021/05 Reimagining, remembering and recommoning water: Reflections on an ongoing blog series (2 panels) (2021/05/19 - 2021/05/21)
Seminar (Co-organisor)
International Association for the Study of the Commons, United States

IHE Delft Institute for Water Education, Netherlands

Undisciplined Environments, Spain
2020/05/25 - 2020/06/19 "Climate crisis: Towards a New Ecosocial Treaty" - moderated by Gustavo García López and Fernando Tormos (University of Maryland), in discussion with Amy Orta (El Puente-ELAC), Ramon Cruz (Sierra Club), and Lourdes Pérez (Ex-UPROSE), (2020/06/19 - 2020/06/19)
Round table (Co-organisor)
JunteGente, Puerto Rico
2020/04/15 - 2020/05/22 "Solidarity from below against the Coloniavirus" - Marissa Reyes (Guakiá Agroecological Collective) and Giovanni Roberto (Caguas Mutual Aid Center), moderated by Gustavo García López and Fernando Tormos (University of Maryland) (2020/05/22 - 2020/05/22)
Round table (Co-organisor)
JunteGente, Puerto Rico
2019/06/01 - 2019/11/30 "Just recovery in the climate emergency" -- Public forum and workshop between leaders of civil society organizations (2019/10/26 - 2019/10/27)
Round table (Member of the Organising Committee)
JunteGente, Puerto Rico
2019/08/01 - 2019/11/15 "Action research with baldios: Opportunities and challenges for rural regeneration", Participatory workshop with researchers, professionals, and baldio members (2019/10/19 - 2019/10/19)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Departamento de Ciências Sociais Políticas e do Território, Portugal

International Association for the Study of the Commons, United States
2019/09/01 - 2019/10/17 "Environmental colonialism, climate disasters and environmental justice: Reflections from Puerto Rico", by Ruth Santiago, Comité Diálogo Ambiental (2019/10/17 - 2019/10/17)
Seminar (Co-organisor)
Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2019/02/01 - 2019/05/06 "The Madness of Economic Reason, Marx and the Posibility of a Radical Humanism" -- Lecture by David Harvey (Graduate Center, City University of New York), moderated by Gustavo Garcia-Lopez (2019/05/06 - 2019/05/06)
Seminar (Co-organisor)
JunteGente, Puerto Rico

Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
2017/06/01 - 2018/12/15 "Social mobilization and the commons: A virtuous circle?" IASC Workshop (2018/06/20 - 2018/06/22)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona Institut de Ciència i Tecnologia Ambientals, Spain

International Association for the Study of the Commons, United States
2017/10 - 2018/04 "The Commons, Commoning and Co- becomings: Enacting Postcapitalist Futures & Nurturing Life inCommon" Five panels, 2018 Association of American Geographers (AAG) conference (2018/04/13 - 2018/04/14)
Symposium (Co-organisor)
Association of American Geographers, United States
2017/10/01 - 2018/01/26 "From the capitalism of disasters to disaster capitalism: Resistance and alternatives" -. Forum with Naomi Klein (The Intercept), Elizabeth Yeampierre (Climate Justice Alliance), Eva Prados (Citizens Front for the Debt Audit), Ruth Santiago (Comité Diálogo Ambiental) and Mariolga Reyes (PAReS) (2018/01/26 - 2018/01/26)
Round table (Member of the Organising Committee)
JunteGente, Puerto Rico

Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Río Piedras, Puerto Rico
2017/03/15 - 2017/04/04 "Social movements and environmental struggles: Alternatives and action in the crisis" (Movimientos sociales y luchas ambientales: Alternativas y acción ante su crisis) -- Forum (2017/04/04 - 2017/04/04)
Round table (Co-organisor)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2016/03/01 - 2016/05/05 "Participation, Citizen Empowerment and Planning in the Crisis" (Participación, Empoderamiento Ciudadano y Planificación ante la Crisis) -- Forum (2016/05/05 - 2016/05/05)
Round table (Co-organisor)
Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2020/06/05 - Current Discussant ("Key listener")
Covid-19, justice, and sustainability in cities
Urban Arenas for Sustainable and Just Cities (UrbanA), Spain
2022/02/02 - 2022/02/02 Factilitator, Post-Extractives Futures, Day 2: Stories
Post-extractive Futures
JunteGente, Puerto Rico

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2019/09/01 - Current Oficina de Ecologia e Sociedade (ECOSOC - Workshop in Political Theory & Policy Analysis), Centro de Estudos Sociais - Universidade de Coimbra Member and Current Co-Coordinator (2022- )
2014 - 2024 International Association for the Study of the Commons (IASC) Member

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2021/11 - 2026 Technical Chair, International Supervisory Committee, SDG Interactions and Policy Interventions in Developing Countries Research Programme, Dutch Research Council (NWO)
Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek, Netherlands

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2021/05/01 - 2022/10/21 IV Congreso Latinoamericano de Ecología Política Universidad Andina Simón Bolívar (Quito, Ecuador)
2021/05/01 - 2021/06/15 8th International Degrowth Conference International Institute of Social Studies (The Hague); Ontgroei (Dutch Degrowth Platform)

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2024/03 - 2024/06 Development and Human Rights PhD in Human Rights in the 21st Century (Doutoramento) Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2023/10/13 - 2024/02/15 Transnational Social Movements, Risk and Public Space (Fall 2023) PhD in Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship (Doutoramento) Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2022/03/04 - 2022/06/30 Transnational Social Movements, Risk and Public Space (Spring 2022) PhD Program in Post-Colonialisms and Global Citizenship (Doutoramento) Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Estudos Sociais, Portugal
2019/01 - 2019/06 Market, State and Governance (Public Sector Planning) (Spring 2019) Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2019/01 - 2019/06 Environmental Public Policy (Spring 2019) Master in Planning - Specialization in Environmental Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2018/08 - 2018/12 Introduction to Environmental Sciences (Fall 2018) Environmental Sciences (Bachelor) Universidad de Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Puerto Rico
2018/08 - 2018/12 Society, Environment and Planning (Introduction to Environmental Planning) (Fall 2018) Masters in Planning - Specialization in Environmental Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2018/01 - 2018/06 Community, Environment and Democracy (Spring 2018) Masters in Planning - Specialization in Environmental Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2017/08 - 2017/12 Society, Environment and Planning (Introduction to Environmental Planning) (Fall 2017) Masters in Planning - Specialization in Environmental Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2017/01 - 2017/06 Community, Environment and Democracy (Spring 2017) (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2017/01 - 2017/06 Environmental Analysis Techniques for Planning (Spring 2017) Masters in Planning - Specialization in Environmental Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2016/08 - 2016/12 Society, Environment and Planning (Introduction to Environmental Planning) (Fall 2016) Masters in Planning - Specialization in Environmental Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2016/01 - 2016/06 Community, Environment and Democracy (Spring 2016) Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2016/01 - 2016/06 Environmental Analysis Techniques for Planning (Spring 2016) Masters in Planning - Specialization in Environmental Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2016/01 - 2016/05 Environmental Public Policy (Spring 2016) Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico
2015/08 - 2015/12 Society, Environment and Planning (Introduction to Environmental Planning) (Fall 2015) Planning - Specialization in Environmental Planning (Master) Universidad de Puerto Rico Escuela Graduada de Planificación, Puerto Rico

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2020/05 Resisting environmental and social injustice through commoning ISS Blog

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2022/11/18 - Current Hilando Fino desde las Ciencias Sociales Corruption in Puerto Rico
2022 - Current DeGrowth Podcast Degrowth and Green New Deals
2022/02/07 - 2022/02/07 Reinventing Peace - World Peace Foundation Blog The future of social-environmental movements in Puerto Rico and beyond
2022 - 2022 Commoning: fair & gerecht (Radio program and Podcast) Commoning as a promising approach to disaster risk reduction and prepraedness
2018/12/11 - 2018/12/11 Hilando Filo desde las Ciencias Sociales Gestión comunitaria ambiental en Puerto Rico (Community management of the environment in Puerto Rico)

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2020/04/01 - Current International Journal of the Commons
2020/03/15 - Current International Journal of the Commons (1875-0281) "Ubiquity Press, Ltd."

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2018/01 - 2019/07 Environmental impact assessment in Puerto Rico (research project) Luis Delgado
2017/08 - 2018/07 "Environmental impact assessment in Puerto Rico" (research project) -- Lizbeth Sánchez
2015/08 - 2016/12 Environmental impact assessment in Puerto Rico (research project). William McCormick


2019 Prince Claus Chair in Development and Equity
Erasmus Universiteit Rotterdam International Institute of Social Studies, Netherlands
2012 Doctoral Dissertation Writing Award
2004 Truman Scholarship
Harry S Truman Scholarship Foundation, United States
2004 Faculty Award to the Most Outstanding Graduating Student
Universidad de Puerto Rico Rio Piedras Facultad de Ciencias Naturales, Puerto Rico
2004 Chancellor's Award for Academic Excellence
Universidad de Puerto Rico Recinto de Río Piedras, Puerto Rico

Other distinction

2014 Marie Curie Postdoctoral Fellowship
European Commission Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development, Belgium
2009 "Grassroots Development" Dissertation Fellowship
Inter-American Foundation, United States
2009 Fulbright – García-Robles Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship
2005 NSF-AGEP Doctoral Fellowship
Indiana University Bloomington, United States

National Science Foundation, United States