Book chapter |
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Correia, I. R.. "Exercício para pessoas com diabetes tipo 2". In Exercício Físico em Populações Especiais
e em Fases Especiais da Vida, editado por Ruivo, R.; Francisco, R.. Lisbon, Portugal, 2025.
In press
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Vieira, A.; Correia, I. R.. "Exercício físico na diabetes tipo 1". In Exercício Físico em Populações
Especiais e em Fases Especiais da Vida. Lisbon, Portugal, 2025.
In press
- Correia, I. R.; Bernardino, A. V.; Magalhaes, J. P.. "Exercício para pessoas com doença oncológica". In Físico em Populações
Especiais e em Fases Especiais da Vida. Lisbon, Portugal, 2025.
In press
- Malveiro, C.; Correia, I. R.; Raposo, F.; Cruz, J.; Carvalho, M.; Ribeiro, C.. "Doença Oncológica - Cancro da Mama". In Avaliação
e Prescrição de Exercício em Condições e Populações Especiais, editado por Frederico Raposo; Carla Malveiro; Rui Batalau.
Lisboa, Portugal: Omniserviços, 2023.
Conference abstract |
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Bernardino, A. V.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.,; Sardinha, L. B.. "Associations
between morning and afternoon moderate-to-vigorous physical activity with physical fitness in children and adolescents". Trabalho
apresentado em 71th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Boston, 2024.
- Stavinski, N.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Costa, I. F.; Bernardino, A. V.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Cyrino,
E.S.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Associations between timing of physical activity with functional fitness and body composition in older
adults". Trabalho apresentado em 71th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Boston, 2024.
- Ribeiro, J. T. M. L.; de Matos, L. V.; Correia, I. R.; Malveiro, C.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Canas-Marques, Rita; Vasconcelos, M.
A.; Sardinha, L. B.; Cardoso, M. J.. "Effects Of Resistance vs. Aerobic Training On Ki-67 And Other Health-Related Biomarkers:
The Neo-Program, A Randomized Controlled Trial On Breast Cancer Patients Undergoing Neoadjuvant Treatment". Trabalho apresentado
em ESMO Breast Cancer Congress, Berlin, 2023.
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Correia, I. R.; Oliveira, E. C.; Carneiro, T.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Trends
in physical activity perception based on self-report vs. objectively measured by accelerometry in Portuguese adults". Trabalho
apresentado em 69th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, 2022.
- Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Magalhães, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Carneiro, T.; Oliveira, E. C.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Morning
vs. afternoon physical activity and health-related outcomes in individuals with type 2 diabetes". Trabalho apresentado em
69th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, 2022.
- Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Magalhães, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Carneiro, T.; Oliveira, E. C.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Which
correlated best predict physical fitness of portuguese children and adolescents? A chaid decision tree analysis". Trabalho
apresentado em 69th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, 2022.
- Correia, I. R.; Rosa, G. B.; Magalhães, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Carneiro, T.; Oliveira, E. C.; Sardinha, L. B.. "A
hierarchy of correlates of physical independence in portuguese older adults: a data miming approach". Trabalho apresentado
em 69th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, San Diego, 2022.
- Correia, I. R.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhães, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Effects of exercise on compensatory
mechanisms in people with type 2 diabetes: 1 year randomized controlled trial". Trabalho apresentado em 68th Annual Meeting
of the American College of Sports Medicine, 2021.
- Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhães, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Moderate-to-vigorous Physical Activity
May Offset Harms Of Sedentary Time On An Older Adult’s Functional Fitness". Trabalho apresentado em 68th Annual Meeting
of the American College of Sports Medicine, 2021.
- Correia, I. R.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Judice, P. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Freitas, S. P.; Lopes, J. M.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Exercise
snacking and detraining effects on postprandial glucose responses: a randomized crossover trial in trained older adults".
Trabalho apresentado em 67th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Califórnia, 2020.
- Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Judice, P. B.; Correia, I. R.; Silva, A. M.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Athlete-specific
prediction equations for appendicular upper and lower body lean soft tissue with BIA". Trabalho apresentado em 67th Annual
Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine, Califórnia, 2020.
- Correia, I. R.; Freitas, S. P.; Lopes, J. M.; Magalhães, J. P.; Santos, D. A.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Short-term Detraining Effects
On Cardiorespiratory Fitness And Body Composition In Trained Older Adults". Trabalho apresentado em 66th Annual Meeting
of the American College of Sports Medicine, Orlando, Florida, 2019.
Published • 10.1249/01.mss.0000563459.51684.c0
Conference poster |
- Oliveira, E. C.; Correia, I. R.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhães, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Breaking-up sedentary
behaviour and detraining effects on glycaemic control: a randomized crossover trial in active older adults". Trabalho apresentado
em Jornadas Científicas da Universidade de Lisboa, 2022.
- Correia, I. R.; Cardoso, V.; Cargaleiro, C.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Effects
of home-based exercise oh physical fitness in cancer patients: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials". Trabalho
apresentado em Jornadas Científicas da Universidade de Lisboa, 2022.
- Cargaleiro, C.; Correia, I. R.; Cardoso, V.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Effects
of different types of exercise on quality of life in breast cancer patients and survivors: an umbrella review". Trabalho apresentado
em Jornadas Científicas da Universidade de Lisboa, 2022.
- Rosa, G. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Correia, I. R.; Pinto, G. M.; FERREIRA, J. P.; COELHO-E-SILVA, M. J.;
et al. "Physical fitness trends in a nationally representative sample of portuguese youth: what has changed from 2008 to 2018?".
Trabalho apresentado em Jornadas Científicas da Universidade de Lisboa, 2022.
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Pinto, G.M.; FERREIRA, J. P.; COELHO-E-SILVA, M. J.;
RAIMUNDO, A. M.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Objectively measured secular trends in physical activity and sedentary behavior in the
Portuguese population: should we still rely on subjective data?". Trabalho apresentado em Jornadas Científicas da Universidade
de Lisboa, 2022.
- Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Pinto, G. M.; FERREIRA, J. P.; COELHO-E-SILVA, M. J.;
RAIMUNDO, A. M.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Secular Trends in Overweight, Obesity, and Abdominal Obesity in the Portuguese population:
what has changed from 2008 to 2018?". Trabalho apresentado em Jornadas Científicas da Universidade de Lisboa, 2022.
Journal article |
- Rosa, G. B.; Staiano, V.; Ponikvar, K.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Correia, I. R.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Cardiorespiratory
fitness and muscular fitness correlates in youth: A hierarchy of behavioral, contextual, and health-related outcomes". Journal
of Science and Medicine in Sport 27 7 (2024): 486-492.
- Rosa, G. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Correia, I. R.; Bernardino, A. V.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Limb-specific
isometric and isokinetic strength in adults: The potential role of regional bioelectrical impedance analysis-derived phase
angle". Clinical Nutrition 43 1 (2024): 154-162.
Published • 10.1016/j.clnu.2023.11.039
- Malveiro, C.; Correia, I. R.; Cargaleiro, C.; Magalhaes, J. P.; de Matos, L. V.; Hilário, S.; Sardinha, L.B.; Cardoso, M.
J.. "Effects of exercise training on cancer patients undergoing neoadjuvant treatment: A systematic review". Journal of
Science and Medicine in Sport 26 11 (2023): 586-592.
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Pinto, G. M.; FERREIRA, J. P.; COELHO-E-SILVA, M. J.;
et al. "Functional fitness trends among older adults in Portugal between 2008 and 2018: Keeping up with a healthy aging process".
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 26 11 (2023): 622-627.
Published • 10.1016/j.jsams.2023.09.002
- Rosa, G. B.; Judice, P. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Correia, I. R.; Sardinha, L. B.. "A hierarchy of correlates
for objectively measured physical activity, sedentary time, and physical fitness in older adults: A CHAID analysis". European
Journal of Sport Science 23 8 (2023): 1741-1749.
- Rosa, G. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhães, J. P.; Correia, I. R.; Pinto, G. M.; Ferreira, José P.; Coelho-e-Silva, Manuel
J.; et al. "Physical fitness trends in a nationally representative sample of Portuguese youth: What has changed from 2008
to 2018?". Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 33 10 (2023): 2058-2067.
Published • 10.1111/sms.14420
- Correia, I. R.; Cardoso, V.; Cargaleiro, C.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Rosa, G. B.; Malveiro, C.; et al. "Effects
of home-based exercise programs on physical fitness in cancer patients undergoing active treatment: A systematic review and
meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials". Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport 26 4-5 (2023): 222-231.
Published • 10.1016/j.jsams.2023.03.009
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; PINTO, G. M.; FERREIRA, J. P.; COELHO-E-SILVA, M. J.;
et al. "Physical Activity and Sedentary Behavior in the Portuguese Population: What Has Changed from 2008 to 2018?". Medicine
and Science in Sports and Exercise 55 8 (2023): 1416-1422.
Published • 10.1249/mss.0000000000003161
- Sardinha, L. B.; Rosa, G. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Correia, I. R.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Silva, A. M.; Lukaski, H.. "Development
and validation of bioelectrical impedance prediction equations estimating regional lean soft tissue mass in middle-aged adults".
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 77 2 (2023): 202-211.
Published • 10.1038/s41430-022-01224-0
- Correia, I. R.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Judice, P. B.; Rosa, G. B.; Henriques-Neto, D.; Mañas, A.; et al.
"Compensatory mechanisms from different exercise intensities in type 2 diabetes: a secondary analysis of a 1-year randomized
controlled trial". Acta Diabetologica 60 5 (2023): 645-654.
- Correia, I. R.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Judice, P. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Freitas, S. P.; Lopes, J. M.; Gama, F. F.; Sardinha,
L.B.. "Breaking-Up Sedentary Behavior and Detraining Effects on Glycemic Control: A Randomized Crossover Trial in Trained
Older Adults". Journal of Aging and Physical Activity 31 3 (2022): 391-399.
Published • 10.1123/japa.2022-0124
- Judice, P. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Correia, I. R.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Sedentary behaviours and their
relationship with body composition of athletes". European Journal of Sport Science 22 3 (2022): 474-480.
Published • 10.1080/17461391.2021.1874060
- Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Carneiro, T.; Oliveira, E. C.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Morning
vs. Afternoon Physical Activity and Health-Related Outcomes in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes". Diabetes, Obesity and
Metabolism 24 6 (2022): 1172-1175.
Published • 10.1111/dom.14676
- Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Alcazar, J.; Rosa, Gil B.; Correia, I. R.; Ara, I.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Relative sit-to-stand
muscle power predicts an older adult’s physical independence at age 90 beyond that of relative handgrip strength, physical
activity and sedentary time". American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation 101 11 (2022): 995-1000.
- Judice, P. B.; Rosa, G. B.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Correia, I. R.; Henriques-Neto, D.; Sardinha, L. B..
"A hierarchy of correlates impacting adults sensor-based physical activity and sedentary time". Journal of Sports Sciences
39 24 (2021): 2821-2828.
Published • 10.1080/02640414.2021.1964749
- Hetherington-Rauth, M.,; Leu, C. G.; Judice, P. B.; Correia, I. R.; Magalhães, J. P.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Whole body and regional
phase angle as indicators of muscular performance in athletes". European Journal of Sport Science 21 12 (2021): 1684-1692.
Published • 10.1080/17461391.2020.1858971
- Judice, P. B.; Rosa, G. B.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Correia, I. R.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Criterion validity
of a single-item question for assessment of daily breaks in sedentary time in adults". European Journal of Public Health
31 5 (2021): 1048-1053.
Published • 10.1093/eurpub/ckab030
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Judice, P. B.; Correia, I. R.; Rosa, G. B.; Henriques-Neto, D.; Melo, X.; Silva,
A. M.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Interindividual Variability in Fat Mass Response to a 1-Year Randomized Controlled Trial With Different
Exercise Intensities in Type 2 Diabetes: Implications on Glycemic Control and Vascular Function". Frontiers in Physiology
12 (2021): 698971.
Published • 10.3389/fphys.2021.698971
- Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Júdice, P. B.; Ara, I.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Mañas, A.; Sardinha, L. B..
"Physical activity moderates the effect of sedentary time on an older adult's physical independence". Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society 69 7 (2021): 1964-1970.
Published • 10.1111/jgs.17141
- Judice, P. B.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Correia, I. R.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Sedentary patterns are associated
with BDNF in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus". European Journal of Applied Physiology 121 3 (2021): 871-879.
Published • 10.1007/s00421-020-04568-2
- Freitas, S. P.; Judice, P. B.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Correia, I. R.; Lopes, J. M.; Strong, C.; Matos,
D.; Sardinha, L. B.. "The impact of 2 weeks of detraining on phase angle, BIVA patterns, and muscle strength in trained older
adults". Experimental Gerontology 144 (2021): 111175.
Published • 10.1016/j.exger.2020.111175
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Santos, D. A.; Correia, I. R.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.; Ribeiro, R.; Raposo, J. F.; Matos, A.; Bicho, M.
D.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Impact of combined training with different exercise intensities on inflammatory and lipid markers in
type 2 diabetes: a secondary analysis from a 1-year randomized controlled trial". Cardiovascular Diabetology 19 1 (2020):
Published • 10.1186/s12933-020-01136-y
- Sardinha, L. B.; Correia, I. R.; Magalhaes, J. P.; Judice, P. B.; Silva, A. M.; Hetherington-Rauth, M.. "Development and validation
of BIA prediction equations of upper and lower limb lean soft tissue in athletes". European Journal of Clinical Nutrition
74 12 (2020): 1646-1652.
Published • 10.1038/s41430-020-0666-8
- Judice, P. B.; Magalhães, J. P.; Rosa, G. B.; Correia, I. R.; Ekelund, U.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Sedentary behavior compensation
to 1-year exercise RCT in patients with type 2 diabetes". Translational Sports Medicine (2019):
- Magalhaes, J. P.; Melo, X.; Correia, I. R.; Ribeiro, R. T.; Raposo, J.; Dores, H.; Bicho, M.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Effects of
combined training with different intensities on vascular health in patients with type 2 diabetes: a 1-year randomized controlled
trial". Cardiovascular Diabetology 18 1 (2019): 34.
Published • 10.1186/s12933-019-0840-2
- Santos, D. A.; Magalhães, J. P.; Judice, P. B.; Correia, I. R.; Minderico, C. S.; Ekelund, U.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Fitness Mediates
Activity and Sedentary Patterns Associations with Adiposity in Youth". Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise 51 2
(2019): 323-329.
Published • 10.1249/mss.0000000000001785
- Santos, D. A.; Júdice, P. B.; Magalhães, J. P.; Correia, I. R.; Silva, A. M.; Baptista, F.; Sardinha, L. B.. "Patterns of
accelerometer-derived sedentary time across the lifespan". Journal of Sports Sciences 36 24 (2018): 2809-2817.
Published • 10.1080/02640414.2018.1474537
Magazine article |
- Malveiro, C.; Correia, I. R.; Abreu, N.. "Cancro da mama e exercício físico: qual a sua importância após a cirurgia?", Portugal
Activo, 2020,