Cláudio Filipe Barreira Ferreira. Completed the Mestrado integrado in Engenharia Civil in 2018 by Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia. Published 2 articles in journals. Has 2 section(s) of books. Has received 2 awards and/or honors. Participates and/or participated as Research Fellow in 1 project(s). Works in the area(s) of Engineering and Technology with emphasis on Civil Engineering. In their professional activities interacted with 16 collaborator(s) co-authorship of scientific papers. In his curriculum Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms in the context of scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: Cracking; Finite element analysis; Thermo-hygro-mechanical analysis; Shrinkage; Cement hydration; Creep; .

Personal identification

Full name
Cláudio Filipe Barreira Ferreira

Citation names

  • Ferreira, Cláudio
  • Ferreira, C

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology - Civil Engineering


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Spanish; Castilian Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Beginner (A1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
French Intermediate (B1) Upper intermediate (B2) Intermediate (B1) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2)
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
Degree Classification
2021/10/11 - 2021/10/13
Multi-scale Cracking of Concrete Materials (Outros)
University of Leeds, United Kingdom
2021/04/12 - 2021/08/01
Computational Methods for Building Physics and Construction Materials (Curso médio)
Technische Universitat Darmstadt, Germany

Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Matériaux Systèmes de Construction et Ouvrages, France
1.3 (Very good)
2020/03/08 - 2020/06/08
Curso Building Information Modeling (Curso médio)
Ordem dos Engenheiros, Portugal
Engenharia Civil (Mestrado integrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
"Análise Não-Linear do Comportamento em Serviço de Elementos Espessos de Betão Armado com Deformação Restringida" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2020/02/26 - 2020/08/30 Research Assistant (Research) TecMinho Associação Universidade-Empresa para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2019/08/26 - 2020/02/26 Research Assistant (Research) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal


Host institution
2021/02/01 - 2025/02/01 PhD Student Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2019/03/26 - 2019/08/26 BI -PTDC/ECM-EST/1056/2014 - POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016841 – “IntegraCrete – Estudo multi-físico e multi-escala dos efeitos combinados de cargas aplicadas e deformações devidas a variações de temperatura Universidade do Porto Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Portugal
2018/11/15 - 2019/03/25 Bolsa de Investigação Universidade do Porto Departamento de Engenharia Civil, Portugal


Designation Funders
2019/03/26 - 2019/08/30 IntegraCrete - A comprehensive multi-physics and multi-scale approach to the combined effects of applied loads and thermal/shrinkage deformations in reinforced concrete structures
Research Fellow
CONSTRUCT - Instituto de I&D em Estruturas e Construções, Portugal

Instituto para a Sustentabilidade e Inovação em Engenharia Estrutural, Portugal
Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT


Book chapter
  1. Cláudio Ferreira; Dirk Schlicke; Carlos Sousa; Miguel Azenha. "Early-Age to Long-Term Numerical Simulation of Concrete Members Tested in Adjustable Restraining Frames". 2023.
  2. Ferreira, Cláudio. "Validation of Thermo-hygro-Mechanical FEM Analysis of Thick Restrained RC Members by Comparison with Experiments". 291-303. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
  3. Ferreira, Cláudio. "Long-Term Experimental Campaign on RC Shrinkage Cracking: Conceptualization, Planning and Experimental Procedures". 141-153. Springer International Publishing, 2021.
Conference abstract
  1. Azenha, M.; Sousa, C; Faria, R; Schlicke, D; Gomes, J; Granja, J; Zahabizadeh, Behzad; Ferreira, Cláudio. "Combined effect of restrained shrinkage and applied loads in slabs: from experimental program to numerical simulation". Paper presented in CONCREEP 11+, Evanston, 2020.
  2. Ferreira, Cláudio; Sousa, C; Azenha, M.; Pimentel, M; Faria, R. "Experimental Validation Of Constitutive Models For Assessment Of The Cracking Risk At The Early Ages". Paper presented in CMN 2019 - Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering, Guimarães, 2019.
  3. Ferreira, Cláudio; Sousa, C; Azenha, M.; Pimentel, M; Faria, R. "Cracking Of Restrained RC Elements: Validation Of Constitutive Models And Applications". Paper presented in 13th International DIANA users meeting, Trondheim, 2019.
Conference paper
  1. Ferreira, Cláudio; Kanavaris, Fragkoulis; Sousa, Carlos; Azenha, Miguel. "Simulação numérica do ensaio do anel restringido considerando diferentes direções de secagem". Paper presented in JPEE 2022 – 6as Jornadas Portuguesas de Engenharia de Estruturas, Encontro Nacional de Betão Estrutural 2022, 12º Congresso Nacional de Sismologia e Engenharia Sísmica, 2022.
  2. José Gomes; Granja, José; Ferreira, Cláudio; Faria, Rui; Schlicke, Dirk; Azenha, Miguel; Sousa, Carlos. "Estudo do efeito combinado da deformação impedida e do carregamento externo em lajes de betão armado: Resultados de um programa experimental". Paper presented in Congresso Naciobal Reabilitar & Betão Estrutural 2020, Lisboa, 2021.
  3. Ferreira, Cláudio; José Gomes; Sousa, Carlos; Granja, José; Schlicke, Dirk; Faria, Rui; Miguel Azenha. "Simulação numérica do programa experimental para estudo do efeito combinado da deformação impedida e carregamento externo em lajes de betão armado". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional Reabilitar & Betão Estrutural 2020, Lisboa, 2021.
  4. Leonardo Coutinho; Ferreira, Cláudio; Sousa, Carlos; Miguel Azenha; Faria, Rui. "Determinação da armadura para controlo da fissuração vertical em muros de betão restringidos pela fundação". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional Reabilitar & Betão Estrutural 2020, Lisboa, 2021.
  5. Ferreira, Cláudio; Sousa, C; Faria, R; Azenha, M.; Pimentel, M. "Design of minimum reinforcement for cracking control in thick RC members: THM analyses versus design codes". Paper presented in Seminar: Design of reinforced concrete structures subjected to external loads and restrained deformations, Porto, 2019.
  6. Sousa, C; Schlicke, D; Faria, R; Azenha, M.; Ferreira, Cláudio. "Recommendations For The Design Of Reinforcement For Cracking Control In Structures Subjected To Restrained Deformations And External Loads". Paper presented in Seminar: Design of reinforced concrete structures subjected to external loads and restrained deformations, Porto, 2019.
  7. Sousa, Carlos; Ferreira, Cláudio; Azenha, M.; Faria, Rui. "Estudo paramétrico da armadura mínima requerida para controlo da fissuração, em elementos de BA espessos restringidos, baseada em análises termo-higro-mecânicas". Paper presented in Encontro Nacional de Betão Estrutural 2018, Lisboa, 2018.
  8. Sousa, C; Ferreira, Cláudio; Azenha, M.; Faria, R. "Parametric study of the minimum required reinforcement for cracking control in thick restrained RC members based on thermo-hygro-mechanical FE analyses". Paper presented in SynerCrete’18: Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete: Synergizing Expertise and Bridging Scales of Space and Time., Funchal, 2018.
    Published • 10.5281/zenodo.1405563
  9. Sousa, Carlos; Azenha, M.; Ferreira, C; Faria, R. "Parametic study of the minimum required reinforcement for cracking control in thick restrained RC members based on thermo-hygro-mechanical FE analyses". Paper presented in SynerCrete 18 - International Conference on Interdisciplinary Approaches for Cement-based Materials and Structural Concrete, Funchal, 2018.
Conference poster
  1. Ferreira, Cláudio; Sousa, C; Azenha, M.; Faria, R. "Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Analyses For Calculation Of The Required Reinforcement For Cracking Control In Restrained RC Ties". Paper presented in 12th International DIANA users meeting, 2018.
Journal article
  1. Fragkoulis Kanavaris; Cláudio Ferreira; Carlos Sousa; Miguel Azenha. "Thermo-chemo-hygro-mechanical simulation of the restrained shrinkage ring test for cement-based materials under distinct drying conditions". Construction and Building Materials 294 (2021): 123600-123600. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2021.123600.
  2. Ferreira, Cláudio; Sousa, Carlos; Faria, Rui; Azenha, M.; Pimentel, Mário. "Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Simulation of Cracking in Thick Restrained RC Members: Application to a 50 cm Thick Slab". Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology 17 8 (2019): 489-505. http://dx.doi.org/10.3151/jact.17.489.
    Published • 10.3151/jact.17.489
  1. Ferreira, Cláudio; Sousa, C; Faria, R; Schlicke, D; Gomes, José; Pimentel, M; Azenha, M.. 2019. THM analyses for validation of constitutive models through the comparison with experimental results and for assessment of the serviceability behavior of thick, restrained, RC members..
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Ferreira, Cláudio. "Análise Não-Linear Do Comportamento Em Serviço De Elementos Espessos De Betão Armado Com Deformação Restringida". Master, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, 2018. https://repositorio-aberto.up.pt/bitstream/10216/115824/2/289407.pdf.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2019/09/20 Design of minimum reinforcement for cracking control in thick RC members: THM analyses versus design codes Seminar: Design of reinforced concrete structures subjected to external loads and restrained deformations
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2019/07/03 Experimental Validation Of Constitutive Models For Assessment Of The Cracking Risk At The Early Ages CMN 2019 - Congress on Numerical Methods in Engineering
School of Engineering of the University of Minho (Guimarães, Portugal)
2018/10/12 Thermo-Hygro-Mechanical Analyses For Calculation Of The Required Reinforcement For Cracking Control In Restrained RC Ties 12th International DIANA users meeting
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2018/09/26 Análise Não-Linear Do Comportamento Em Serviço De Elementos Espessos De Betão Armado Com Deformação Restringida Master Thesis
Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2019 - 2024 287-CCS : Early age and long-term crack width analysis in RC Structures
Réunion Internationale des Laboratoires et Experts des Matériaux Systèmes de Construction et Ouvrages, France

Other distinction

2018 PRIDE - Award of best project "Pitch/Poster" - 12th International DIANA users meeting - Porto
2018 Special Issue
Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, Japan