B. Barrocas graduated in Technological Chemistry (2011), completed a MSc. in Chemistry (2014), and completed a PhD degree in Chemistry from UL, with Distinction and Honors (June 2020) from Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon (FCUL). Her PhD thesis was awarded the "PhD thesis of Excellence in Chemistry" (Best doctoral thesis in 2020 in the field of Chemical Sciences), in 2021, by FCiências.ID. Between September 2020 and December 2021, she was a researcher at Institute of Environmental Technology (IET), VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic. Here she starts to work in CO2 reduction and water splitting using heterogeneous photocatalysis method. Since 2022, she is a post-doctoral researcher in Centro de Recursos Naturais e Ambiente (CERENA), IST-UL. Her research has been focused on the synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline semiconductors and in their utilization on environmental applications, mainly for pharmaceuticals and personal care products (PPCPs), dyes and other organic pollutants photo(electro)degradation, photocatalytic reduction of CO2, photocatalytic decomposition of methanol and formic acid, and photocatalytic generation of H2. Currently she is interested in the removal of environmental pollutants, both in air and water systems, using photocatalytic methods. B. Barrocas has published a total of 26 papers in international peer-review journals, being first author of 16. Over the last 10 years, >63% of her papers were published in Q1 journals, of which 2 published in TOP5% and 10 in TOP10% journals for their respective field. The 527 citations of published papers by B. Barrocas corresponds to an h-index of 16. She is author of 59 communications: 27 oral, 4 invited and 28 poster at international and national conferences. She participated in 3 organizing committee of scientific events. She has mentoring 24 international/national students (BSs (3), MSs (11), PhD (10)), and she is a supervisor of a MSc student. Has received 6 awards. B. Barrocas participated in 13 research projects: Cooperation in Science between Portugal and Poland entitled "Novel photo(electro)active hybrid nanomaterials for environmental sustainable applications"; and 2 Research Projects, Development, Innovation and Artistic Creation entitled "Visible-light-active C-dots based nanocomposites materials for the photodegradation of organic pollutants", and "C-dots/TNT: Sensitized titanate nanotubes with C-dots for pollutants photodegradation". Furthermore, participated in 3 FCT projects: “Bio-synthesis of nanosized semiconductors using mine wastes as material sources and environmentally friendly applications”; “Titanate nanotubes photosensitization by narrow bandgap semiconductor nanoparticles”; and “Electrochemical degradation of leachates from sanitary landfills”, as research fellow. She participates in 2 research projects in IET about Energy waste recovery and gas treatment, entitled "Institute of Environmental Technology - Excellent Research", and "Research infrastructure ENREGAT - Energy Waste Recovery and Gas Treatment". In 2021 she participated also in other new project in IET, entitled "CO2 transformation to valuable chemicals by catalytic and photocatalytic ways over highly active materials". Since 2022, she participates in an FCT project in collaboration with ETH Zurich, entitled "Engineered solar light driven photocatalytic systems for wastewater purification" (PTDC/EQU/EQU/1056/2020); and she is a Co-PI in an FCT project (2022.06165.PTDC) entitled "Exploring new hybrid titanate nanotubular materials as UV shields for sustainable applications", since March 2023. She has participated in several outreach activities, and in more than 50 national and international conferences. She serves as guest editor 2 special issues in Materials journal, and is a member of the International Scientific Committee of 4 international conferences, and member of the scientific commission of CERENA.

Personal identification

Full name
Beatriz Trindade Martins Vidigal Barrocas Lencart

Citation names

  • Beatriz Barrocas
  • B. Barrocas
  • Beatriz Trindade Barrocas
  • B.T. Barrocas
  • B. Trindade Barrocas

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id


  • CERENA, Departamento de Engenharia Química Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa Avenida Rovisco Pais , 1049-001 , Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Exact Sciences - Chemical Sciences