Isabel Duarte, Chemical Engineering, Degree in University of Coimbra (1992), Materials Engineering Master¿s Degree in University of Lisbon (IST/UL, 1998) and PhD in Engineering Sciences at University of Porto (FEUP, 2005). Her PhD was done on Metallic Foams (Manufacturing, Properties and Numerical Simulation) at the Fraunhofer Institute (IFAM, Bremen, DE) and FEUP. She was researcher in IST/UL (Lisbon, PT), IFAM (Bremen, DE), FEUP (Porto, PT) and invited researcher in Helmoltz Zentrum Berlin (DE). In 2005, became researcher with permanent position at LNEG (Lisbon, PT). In 2009, she moved and became permanent staff member at Mechanical Engineering Department of University of Aveiro (DEM/UAVR) and an effective member of TEMA. She is Council member, Commission member for Communication, Dissemination and Promotion and responsible of X-ray laboratory of DEM/UAVR. She is teaching the discipline ¿Composite and cellular structures¿ in the Master's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Her main research focuses on the porous and cellular solid materials (more than 20 years of experience), collaborating with the most renowned experts in this field within an international network (since 2013). From 2013, she is an Inviting Researcher at University of Maribor(SI). Her research work resulted an automated continuous production line of metal foam parts and prototypes based on cellular metals including complex 3D shaped structures, sandwich panels, filled profiles and hybrid structures. Her current research also focuses on the X-ray microcomputed tomography for materials and life science. She has published more than 46 articles in SCI journals (79 co-authors) with over 1611 citations (hindex: 19), 2 patents (nanocomposite metal foams and hybrid structures), 75 conference proceeding, chapter book and 6 editorships for books and journal issues. She has been an external examiner of PhD dissertations in Portugal and Australia in porous and cellular solid materials' field . Currently, she is supervising 2 PhD and 3 MSc students. She has involved more than 16 R&D projects. She has organised several international workshops on multifunctional cellular materials. She is the founder of the International Conference on Multifunctional Cellular Materials (incell.ua.pt, started in 2015)and taking place every two years. She is an editorial board member of Metals Journal (Journal (ISSN 2075-4701; MDPI) and she is a main guest editor of special issues on the cellular materials at Materials Science and Engineering A (ISSN: 0921-5093; Elsevier) and Metals Journal (ISSN 2075-4701). She is a reviewer in 10 top ranked scientific journals in the area of Materials Science and Engineering and a member of several professional organisations and working groups (e.g. German and Portuguese Society of Materials). She was distinguished with UAVR Month Researcher in 2014. In 2021, she is among of the 75 most cited UAVR scientists in world through 2020.

Personal identification

Full name
Isabel Duarte

Citation names

  • Duarte, Isabel
  • Duarte, I.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Scopus Author Id


  • 234378167 (Professional)

Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology - Mechanical Engineering - Mechanical Engineering


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
German Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1)
English Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)