Ivone Carneiro. Concluiu o(a) Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário em 2017 pelo(a) Instituto Universitário da Maia e Licenciatura em Educação Física e Desporto em 2015 pelo(a) Instituto Universitário da Maia. É Investigador no(a) Instituto Universitário da Maia. Recebeu 1 prémio(s) e/ou homenagens.

Personal identification

Full name
Ivone Carneiro

Citation names

  • Carneiro, Ivone

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • ivonecarneiro@ismai.pt (Professional)


  • Instituto Universitário da Maia. Av. Carlos Oliveira Campos, Castelo da Maia, 4475-690, Maia, Maia, Portugal (Professional)

Knowledge fields

  • Medical and Health Sciences - Health Sciences - Sport and Fitness Sciences


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
French Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1)
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
Degree Classification
2018 - 2023
Ciências do Desporto (Doutoramento)
Major in Exercício de Saúde
Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal
2017 - 2017
Football and Health- Physiological Perspectives (Curso de doutoramento (conclusão de unidades curriculares))
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
2016 - 2017
Curso de treinador nível 1 de voleibol (Outros)
Federação Portuguesa de Voleibol, Portugal
2016 - 2017
Estágio letivo na Escola Básica e Secundária do Levante da Maia (Outros)
Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal
2015 - 2017
Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário (Mestrado integrado)
Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal
2012 - 2015
Ciências da Educação Física e Desporto (Licenciatura)
Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal


Host institution
2018 - 2023 Researcher (Research) Centro de Investigação em Desporto Saúde e Desenvolvimento Humano, Portugal
Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal


Host institution
2018/10/01 - 2019/06/30 Professora de Atividade Física e Desportiva em atividade extracurricular Câmara Municipal de Vila do Conde, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Professora de Atividade Física e Desportiva em atividade extracurricular Câmara Municipal da Maia, Portugal
2016 - 2017 Técnica especializada em atividade física e saúde (personal trainer) Solinca, Portugal


Designation Funders
2018 - 2022 Dose-response effects of a recreational team-handball-based exercise programme on cardiovascular, metabolic, musculoskeletal and physical fitness markers in inactive middle-aged and older male
PhD Student Fellow
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2019 - 2023 Handball4Health


Conference abstract
  1. Carneiro, Ivone. "Physical fitness effects of 16 weeks of recreational team handball training for over 60-year-old men". Paper presented in 25th Annual ECSS Congress 2020, 2020.
  2. Carneiro, Ivone. "Physiological demands and perceived experience in indoor and outdoor recreational team-handball matches for older men". Paper presented in Football is Medicine 2020, 2020.
  3. Carneiro, Ivone. "Recreational team handball physiological small-sided games’ demands for postmenopausal women - differences between 4v4 and 5v5 game formats". Paper presented in 25th Annual ECSS Congress, 2020, 2020.
  4. Carneiro, Ivone. "Physiological profile of small-sided recreational team handball games for inactive postmenopausal women". Paper presented in Football is Medicine 2020, 2020.
  5. Carneiro, Ivone. "Physiological demands of 5v5 indoor and outdoor recreational team-handball matches for inactive over 60-year-old". Paper presented in 5th EHF Scientific Conference in 2019, 2019.
  6. Carneiro, Ivone. "Profile of small-sided recreational team handball games for middle-aged and older sedentary men". Paper presented in International Congress CIDESD 2019, 2019.
  7. Carneiro, Ivone. "Physical and physiological demands of recreational team handball for over 50-year-old sedentary men". Paper presented in Football is Medicine 2019, 2019.
  8. Carneiro, Ivone. "Evaluation of maximal heart rate in recreational football players using laboratory and field testing". Paper presented in 24th annual ECSS Congress, Praga, 2019, 2019.
  9. Carneiro, Ivone. "Recreational team-handball has positive effects on bone health, body composition and physical fitness of inactive postmenopausal women". Paper presented in 5th EHF Scientific Conference in 2019, 2019.
  10. Carneiro, Ivone. "Recreational team-handball for middle-aged and older sedentary men is a high-demanding exercise mode regardless of the game format – small-sided or formal". Paper presented in 24th Annual ECSS Congress 2019, 2019.
Journal article
  1. Póvoas, Susana Cristina Araújo; Krustrup, Peter; Pereira, Rita; Vieira, Silvia; Carneiro, Ivone; Magalhães, José; Castagna, Carlo. "Maximal heart rate assessment in recreational football players: A study involving a multiple testing approach". Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports 29 10 (2019): 1537-1545. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/sms.13472.


2019 Young Investigator Award
University of Southern Denmark, Denmark