
Personal identification

Full name
Cristina MAria Costa Abreu

Citation names

  • Abreu, Cristina

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
2018/01/29 - 2024/09/25
Tourism Management (Doutoramento)
Major in Gestão Turismo
Instituto para o Desenvolvimento da Gestão Empresarial do ISCTE, Portugal
"Innovating in sustainable tourism: A nature-based Tourism (NBT) business model" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Aproved by Unanimity and Distinction
2022/01/17 - 2022/01/17
Natural Sciences (Título de especialista)
Major in Natural Sciences
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Turismo e Tecnologia do Mar de Peniche, Portugal
Aproved by Unanimity
2018/01/29 - 2019/02/18
Advanced Diploma in Tourism Management (Curso de doutoramento (conclusão de unidades curriculares))
Major in Tourism Management
ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal
2016/10/06 - 2017/06/30
Sustainable Tourism and Touristic Territorial Planning (Master)
Major in Sustainable Tourism
Universidad de Lleida Departamento de Geografía y Sociología, Spain
"“Is the development around the Hotel Praktik, located in the Barcelona district of Raval, as an example of sustainability within the framework of the tourist projects of this city? " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2011/05/05 - 2011/05/11
Global Change and Biodiversity: implications for ecosystem services (Pós-Graduação)
Major in Conservação
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
1987/09/01 - 1992/06/17
Degree in Biology Licenciatura (Licenciatura)
Major in Biology; Natural Sciences
Universidade de Lisboa Departamento de Biologia Animal, Portugal


Host institution
2024/06/28 - Current Researcher (Research) Universidade de Coimbra Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet, Portugal
Universidade de Coimbra Centre for Functional Ecology - Science for People & the Planet, Portugal
2014/09/01 - Current Researcher (Research) Instituto Português de Malacologia, Portugal
Instituto Português de Malacologia, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2018/10/01 - 2023/09/30 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas, Portugal
Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas, Portugal
1998/09/01 - 2014/08/31 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2005/05/05 - 2010/09/10 Invited Assistant (University Teacher) Universidade Europeia, Portugal
Universidade Europeia, Portugal

Other Careers

Host institution
2001/07/15 - Current Técnico Superior (Técnico Superior) Tecambiente, Lda, Portugal
Tecambiente, Lda, Portugal
1988/09/01 - 1998/08/31 Professor do ensino básico e secundário (Professor do ensino básico e secundário) Secretaria Regional de Educação, Portugal
Secretaria Regional de Educação, Portugal


Host institution
2024/06/01 - Current Mentoring Universidade Nova de Lisboa NOVA SBE Venture Lab, Portugal
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal


Designation Funders
2024 - Current Interreg ECOMARIS project
Interreg ECOMARIS project
Science and Technology Management Fellow
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
2010 - Current Mid Atlantic Island Invertebrate Specialist Group (MAIISG)
Mid Atlantic Island Invertebrate Specialist Group (MAIISG)
International Union for Conservation of Nature, Switzerland
2017/05/02 - 2019/12/30 CdTEcoTur
Technical development
Agencia Canaria De Desarrollo Sostenible Y Cambio Climatico, Spain
European Union
2013/01 - 2019/12 Project LIFE Recover
LIFE12 NAT/PT/000195
Research Fellow
2015/01 - 2017/12 Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Project
Climate Change Adaptation Strategy Project
Technical development
2012 - 2017 Life Maciço Montanhoso
Life Maciço Montanhoso
Research Fellow
2010 - 2015 Life Ilhéus do Porto Santo
Research Fellow
1998 - 2001 LIFE Porto Santo and Adjacent Islets Terrestrial Molluscs.
LIFE B4 3200/98/504
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)


Designation Funders
2023 - 2025/03/01 Support the Consolidation of the Maio and Fogo Islands Biosphere Reserves - Republic of Cape Verde
Support the Consolidation of the Maio and Fogo Islands Biosphere Reserves - Republic of Cape Verde
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Tecambiente, Lda, Portugal
2023 - 2024 Sustainable Tourism Roadmaps for the Biosphere Reserves of the CPLP Countries
Sustainable Tourism Roadmaps for the Biosphere Reserves of the CPLP Countries
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
2022 - 2024 Actualisation of the Management Plan (PAG) of the “Tarrafes” and Cacheu River Natural Parc (PNTC)
Actualisation of the Management Plan (PAG) of the “Tarrafes” and Cacheu River Natural Parc (PNTC)
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
2020 - 2023 Portuguese Biosphere Reserves, Sustainable Territories, Resilient Communities”, responsible for tourism activities
Portuguese Biosphere Reserves, Sustainable Territories, Resilient Communities”, responsible for tourism activities
Technical development
2018 - 2023 Portuguese Invertebrate Red Book
Portuguese Invertebrate Red Book
Research Fellow
Instituto da Conservação da Natureza e das Florestas IP, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
2007 - 2010 Environmental Monitoring of the Urban Solid Waste Stations
Environmental Monitoring of the Urban Solid Waste Stations
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Universidade da Madeira Faculdade de Ciências da Vida, Portugal
2001 - 2007 Environmental Monitoring of the Urban Solid Waste Station of Meia Serra
Coordination of the fauna, Flora and heavy metals in the Flora on the Environmental Monitoring of the Urban Solid Waste Station of Meia Serra
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Universidade da Madeira Faculdade de Ciências da Vida, Portugal
2000 - 2003 Environmental Monitoring of the Madeira Airport
Environmental Monitoring of the Madeira Airport
Technical development


Book chapter
  1. Abreu, Cristina. Corresponding author: Abreu, Cristina. "Sustainable tourism for the conservation and economic development of Biosphere Reserves.". In Tourism Geographies - Special Issue on Tourism in UNESCO Biosphere Reserves., edited by Marina Novelli; Kelly Cerialo. United Kingdom: Tourism Geographies, 2026.
    Under revision
  2. Abreu, Cristina. "• Abreu, C., Tardieu, F., & Abreu, A. (2022). Conservation and Niche Tourism in Pangatalan island- Palawan UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. In Novelli, M., et al., Handbook of Niche Tourism. ISBN: 978 1 83910 017 8". 2022.
  3. Abreu, Cristina. "• Cesarini, D., Melo, T., Abreu, C., Freitas, R., Araújo, M., Beraldo, T., Abreu, A. (2022). Manual de Formação em Gestão de Áreas Protegidas. Direção Nacional do Ambiente. Praia. República de Cabo Verde.140 pp.". Cape Verde, 2022.
  4. Abreu, Cristina. "• Faria, B, et al. (2008). A perspectiva Arquipelágica: Madeira. In J. L. Martin, M. Arechavaleta, Abreu, C., P.A.V.Borges & B. Faria, (eds)- TOP 100- As cem espécies ameaçadas prioritárias em termos de gestão na região europeia biogeográfica da Macaronésia.pp 451-468. Consejería de Medio Ambiente y Ordenación Territorial, Gobierno de Canarias.". 2008.
  5. Abreu, Cristina. "• Abreu, C. (2007). Moluscos Terrestres e de Água Doce da Ilha da Madeira. Árvores e Florestas de Portugal – Açores e Madeira, a floresta das Ilhas -Volume 6- pp-125-127-Público, Comunicação Social, SA. Fundação Luso-Americana para o Desenvolvimento.". Portugal, 2007.
Edited book
  1. Boieiro, Mário. Corresponding author: Boieiro, Mário. • Boieiro, M., Ceia, H., Caramujo, M.J., Cardoso, P., Garcia Pereira, P., Pires, D., Reis, J. & C. Rego (eds.) (2023). Livro Vermelho dos Invertebrados de Portugal Continental. FCiências.ID e ICNF I.P., Lisboa, 468 pp. ISBN 978-989-53724-4-7 -Membro da equipa de colaboradores. Portugal. 2023.
    Assistant staff
  2. Salgado, Pedro. • Abreu, A., Abreu, C., Salgado, P., et al (2012). Expedição A Costa da Laurisilva – Desenho. Ilustração. Fotografia. Grupo do Risco.. Portugal. 2012.
    Assistant staff
  3. Abreu, Cristina. • Martín, J.L., Cardoso, P., Arechavaleta, M., Borges, P.A.V, Faria, B.F., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.F., Carvalho, J.A., Costa, A.C., Cunha, R.T., Gabriel, R., Jardim, R., Lobo, C., Martins, A.M.F., Oliveira, P., Rodrigues, P., Silva, L., Teixeira, D., Amorim, I.R., Fernandes, F., Homem, N., Martins, B., Martins, M. & Mendonça, E. (2010). Using taxonomically unbiased criteria to prioritize resource all. 2010.
  4. Abreu, Cristina. • Abreu, C. & Teixeira, D. (2008). The Molluscs (Mollusca) of the Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. In: Borges, P.A.V., Abreu, C., Aguiar, A.M.F., Carvalho, P., Jardim, R., Melo, I., Oliveira, P., Sérgio, C., Serrano, A.R.M. & Vieira, P. (eds.). A list of the terrestrial fungi, flora and fauna of Madeira and Selvagens archipelagos. pp. 227-236, Direcção Regional do Ambiente da Madeira and Univer. Portugal. 2008.
  5. Abreu, Cristina. • Teixeira, D., Abreu, C. (2003)- Moluscos Terrestres da Ponta de S. Lourenço e Ilhéus Adjacentes- Biodiversidade Madeirense: Avaliação e conservação. Direção Regional do Ambiente. 2003.
Journal article
  1. Abreu, Cristina. Corresponding author: Abreu, Cristina. "Business models for nature-Based Tourism companies: The adoption of Sustainable Requirements". (2025):
  2. Abreu, Cristina. Corresponding author: Abreu, Cristina. "Understanding Sustainability and Innovation in Nature-Based Tourism: A Systematic Literature Review". Journal of Family Business Strategy. (2025):
  3. Abreu, Cristina. Corresponding author: Abreu, Cristina. "Nature-Based Tourism: Perceptions of Sustainability and Innovation in Business Models". to World Development Sustainability (2025):
Newsletter article
  1. Abreu, Cristina. "Abreu, C. (1998). New record of Otala (Otala) lactea (Müller 1774) Mollusca, Gastropoda in Madeira. Bocagiana- Museu Municipal do Funchal (História Natural), Nº 193.", Boacagiana, 1998
Newspaper article
  1. Abreu, Cristina. "Abreu, C., et al. (2014). Population Genetics of the Three Endemic Land S: Hnails of Genus Discula (Pulmonataygromiidae) on the Archipelago of Madeira. American. Malaological. Bulletin. 32(1): 52–61 (2014).", American. Malaological. Bulletin, 2014
  2. Abreu, Cristina. "Abreu, C., Teixeira, D. (2004). Arquipélago da Madeira: O Paraíso dos Moluscos Terrestres . Revista Islenha (35), Jul.-DEZ, pp. 53-7.", 2004

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2019/03/29 “Madeira Wine contributions for Madeira island sustainable tourism”, in the III International Conference of Tourism & History in Algarve- Portugal, 28-29 march of 2019.
Universidade do Algarve (Faro, Portugal)
2017/09/15 “Is the development around the Hotel Praktik, located in the Barcelona district of Raval, as an example of sustainability within the framework of the tourist projects of this city? ” apresentado no ATLAS ANNUAL CONFERENCE 2017, em Viana do Castelo, Portugal de 12-16 de Setembro de 2017. ATLAS Annual Conference
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo (Viana Do Castelo, Portugal)
2015/05/01 “Population Genetics of the Three Endemic Land Snails of Genus Discula (Pulmonata: Hygromiidae) on the Archipelago of Madeira”- III Congresso de Malacologia- IPMA-Lisboa 1,2 de Maio 2015. Congresso Nacional de Malacologia
IPMA-Instituto Português de Malacologia (Lisboa, Portugal)
2006/10/08 II Symposium Islands and Ecosystems – “Contribution To The Knowledge Of The Terrestrial Molluscs From Porto Santo Islets” –Funchal - Outubro de 2006. II Symposium Islands and Ecosystems
Universidade da Madeira (Funchal, Portugal)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2020/09/04 - 2021/06/05 Co-supervisor of the master's thesis of student Telma Sofia Figueiredo with the theme ‘Viability assessment of a MEET Ecotourism product around Brijuni National Park, Croatia’. 2020
master Ecotourism (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
2013/01 - 2013/09 Co-supervision of master's thesis by student Sónia Mendonça on the subject of ‘Sustainability of the tourism sector in Madeira’
Master Ecotourism (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2004/09/01 - 2005/06/08 Co-supervisor of the Final Degree Internship of student Sandra Marlene Castro Mendonça with the theme Study of the Population Structure of Three Species of the Genus Discula, from the Madeira Archipelago, completed in June 2005.
Degree Final Thesis (Degree)
Universidade da Madeira Faculdade de Ciências da Vida, Portugal
2001 - 2002 Co-supervisor of student Dinarte Nuno Texeira on the subject of Terrestrial Molluscs from Ponta de São Lourenço - Madeira, completed in June 2002.
Degree Final Thesis (Degree)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2023 - Current Member of the CPLP Biosphere Reserve Network- UNESCO MaB Program
2014 - Current Director of the Regional Delegation of the Portuguese Institute of Malacology/Madeira- Researcher in the area of malacology, biodiversity, ecology and conservation of biodiversity and terrestrial molluscs, participating in projects supported by the EU and in partnership with institutions including the University of Madeira, Protected Areas of the Autonomous Region of Madeira - Madeira Natural Park; Madeira Botanical Garden, Funchal Municipal Museum, Regional Secretariat of Education and international institutions.
Instituto Português de Malacologia, Portugal
2021 - 2023 Member of the Scientific Committee at the Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas- ISAL-Funchal, Madeira- Portugal.
2018 - 2023 Coordinator of the Sustainable Tourism Research Unit- Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas (ISAL)
2021 - 2021 General Secretary of the Portuguese Biologist Chamber


Activity description Institution / Organization
2024/10/07 - Current Environmental consulting ESG Reporting Training Universidade Nova de Lisboa NOVA SBE Venture Lab, Portugal
2014/09/01 - Current Coordination of the activities of the Portuguese Institute of Malacology in the Autonomous Region of Madeira Instituto Português de Malacologia, Portugal
2001 - Current 2003-Present Founder /Director-Tecambiente, Lda- Company dedicated to Environmental Consultancy, promoting consultancy in Sustainable Tourism, environment and sustainability, environmental impact assessment, nature conservation, training, implementation, and auditing of Environmental Management Systems at national and international levels. Certified Company for Training in Area 852. Tecambiente, Lda, Portugal
2020/11/01 - 2023/09/30 Development of the Tourist Roadmaps for the Portuguese Biosphere Reserves. Elaboration of the Good Practices Guide for Portuguese Biosphere Reserves EEA Grants, Belgium
2016 - 2017 Senior Technician at the Regional Secretariat of Tourism and Culture - Regional Government of Madeira-Autonomous Region of Madeira. Secretaria Regional do Turismo e Cultura, Portugal
1998 - 2014 Researcher at the University of Madeira at the Center of Macaronesian Studies (CEM) on biodiversity management and conservation of Protected Areas, Terrestrial Molluscs. Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
1998 - 2014 Invited Assistant Professor at the University of Madeira Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2005 - 2010 Invited Assistant Professor at Universidade Europeia Universidade Europeia, Portugal

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2023 - Current Audits and Environment Management Systems Master Ecotourism (Mestrado)
2018 - 2023 Tourism Research Tourism (Licenciatura) Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas, Portugal
2018 - 2022 Natural Heritage and Tourism Tourism (Licenciatura) Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas, Portugal
2018 - 2021 Territory Geographies and Tourism Tourism (Licenciatura) Instituto Superior de Administração e Línguas, Portugal
2011/02 - 2014/12 Environmental Quality Nature Guide Specialist (Curso de Especialização Tecnológica) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2011/10 - 2013/01 Politics, Legislation and Biodiversity Master Ecotourism (Mestrado) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2005/09/01 - 2010/08/31 Environmental Certification and Legislation PosGraduation Ecotourism (Pós-Graduação) Universidade Europeia, Portugal
2005/09 - 2006/06 Animal Physiology Biology (Licenciatura) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2022 - Current Member of the Assessment Committee of the SMILO-Small Islands Organisation-France

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2021 Abreu, C. (March,2021). Tecambiente is a competitive, credible and responsible company. Ambiente Magazine 2021. March/April nº87 Year XXVI, 24. Ambiente Magazine 2021
2010 Abreu, C. (April, 2010). Madeiran Archipelago Terrestrial Molluscs- Biodiversity Conservation. Article for the Jornal Público in the Biodiversidade e Conservação da Natureza. Jornal Publico
2002 Abreu, C. (February, 2002). Article in the Diário de Notícias da Madeira “Porto Santo and the Adjacent lIets Terrestrial Molluscs”. Diário de Notícias- Madeira

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2001 - Current Abreu, C. (October, 2001). The documentary “Porto Santo and Adjacent Islets Terrestrial Molluscs” was produced by the Portuguese RTP- Madeira Chanel. The documentary “Porto Santo and Adjacent Islets Terrestrial Molluscs
1998 - Current Abreu, A., Fontinha, S., Abreu, C.: The islands of the Islands. TV Documentary produced by the Portuguese RTP – Madeira, submitted to the TV “Mostra Atlântica” awards. he islands of the Islands
1998 - Current Abreu, C. (October,1998). TV Talk Show about the role of Adolfo César de Noronha in the Funchal Natural History Museum Foundation-Portuguese RTP-Madeira Chanel. TV Talk Show about the role of Adolfo César de Noronha in the Funchal Natural History Museum Foundation
2021 - 2021 Costa, R.; Amaro, C. (Writer & Director). (2021, November 25). Sustainable Tourism in TV SIC Notícias (Episode 1)[ TV series episode]. In Imagens de Marca Sustainable Tourism
2019 - 2019 Cardoso, Sandra. D. (Writer & Director). (2019, August 18). “Á descoberta com...Rita Loureiro na Ilha da Madeira”. TV SIC (Episode 15)[TV series episode]. In SOS Animal. Natural Sciences

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2024/03/01 - Current Tourism XYZ