BSc in Occupational Therapy by the School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal; Postgraduate in Sensory Integration for Occupational Therapists by the Higher School of Health of Alcoitão, Lisbon, Portugal; and PhD in Behaviour and Educational Sciences by the University of Vigo, Spain, resulting in an Essay on a New Etiological Theory of the Human Microbiome and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (_Summa Cum Laude_). Currently working as Adjunt Professor in the Occupational Therapy Technical and Scientific Area, Santa Maria Health School, Porto, Portugal; Invited Adjunt Professor in the Occupational Therapy Technical and Scientific Area, School of Health, Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal; lecturer, supervisor and co-investigator in the "Financial Education Project ¿ A Special Need" in the António Cupertino de Miranda Foundation; and as Lecturer with Certificate of Pedagogical Competencies in Advanced Training and Formation Center. Integrated researcher at the Center for Rehabilitation Research, in the Psychosocial Rehabilitation Laboratory, affiliated with the School of Health of the Polytechnic of Porto and the Faculty of Psychology and Education Science of the University of Porto. Current investigation is mainly focused in neurobehaviour, ADHD, Digital Health, Human Microbiome and neuroscientific mechanisms of perception and motor and multisensory integration.

Personal identification

Full name
Bruno Bastos Vieira de Melo

Citation names

  • Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos
  • Vieira de Melo, B. B.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • brunobvieirademelo@gmail.com (Professional)
  • bbm@ess.ipp.pt (Professional)
  • bruno.melo@santamariasaude.pt (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Medical and Health Sciences - Health Sciences
  • Social Sciences - Educational Sciences - Education, Special
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Behavioural Sciences Biology
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Microbiology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
Spanish; Castilian Upper intermediate (B2) Advanced (C1) Upper intermediate (B2) Proficiency (C2) Upper intermediate (B2)
French Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
German Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2)
Degree Classification
2024/01/30 - 2024/06/03
Microcredencial em Educação à Distância e Digital [Micro-credential in Distance and Digital Education] (Outros)
Universidade Aberta, Portugal
2024/03/04 - 2024/03/04
Formador acreditado em Ciências da Saúde e Práticas de Educação para a Saúde em Terapia Ocupacional [Accredited trainer in Health Sciences and Health Education Practices in Occupational Therapy] (Outros)
Conselho Científico-Pedagógico de Formação Contínua [Scientific-Pedagogical Council for Continuing Education], Portugal
2023/02/22 - 2023/04/18
Certificado de Competências Pedagógicas [Certificate of Pedagogical Competencies] (Outros)
Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional [Institute of Employment and Professional Training], Portugal

Centro de Emprego e Formação Profissional do Porto [Employment and Professional Training Centre of Porto], Portugal
2013/09/01 - 2018/07/31
Behaviour and educational sciences (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
"Essay on a new etiological theory of the Human Microbiome and Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Summa Cum Laude
2008/09/01 - 2009/07/31
Sensory integration for occupational therapists (Pós-Graduação)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, Portugal
2002/09/01 - 2006/07/31
Occupational Therapy (Licenciatura)
Higher School of Health - Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
"Music as therapy in Mental Health" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2020/03/01 - Current Researcher (Research) Psychosocial Rehabilitation Laboratory, Portugal
Higher School of Health - Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal
2019/09/01 - Current Researcher (Research) Center for Rehabilitation Research, Portugal
Higher School of Health - Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2023/09/11 - Current Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Escola Superior de Saúde de Santa Maria, Portugal
Escola Superior de Saúde Santa Maria [Santa Maria Health School], Portugal
2011/01/01 - Current Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Higher School of Health - Polytechnic Institute of Porto, Portugal


Designation Funders
2022/09/01 - Current Educação Financeira, Uma Necessidade Especial [Financial Education, a Special Need]
Fundo para a Promocao dos Direitos dos Consumidores 9.a Fase
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda [António Cupertino de Miranda Foundation], Portugal
2020/11/25 - 2021/06/29 Educação Financeira, Uma Necessidade Especial [Financial Education, a Special Need]
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda [António Cupertino de Miranda Foundation], Portugal


Designation Funders
2023/08/01 - 2026/07/31 Inclusion Through Interprofessional Collaboration in a Community of Practice in Education (I CO-COPE)
Advisory Board
Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Education, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal


  1. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. O organismal humano e a sua redefinição biológica para a compreensão das perturbações mentais [The human organismal and its biological redefinition for the understanding of mental disorders]. Portugal: BVM. 2023.
  2. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. Os fundamentos do microbioma humano para a neurobiologia das perturbações mentais [The foundations of the human microbiome for the neurobiology of mental disorders]. Portugal: BVM. 2023.
  3. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. O início da importância do microbioma intestinal para as perturbações mentais [The early importance of the gut microbiome for mental disorders]. Portugal: BVM. 2023.
  4. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. O eixo intestino-encefálico e a ligação imunológica com as perturbações mentais [The gut-brain axis and the immunological link to mental disorders]. Portugal: BVM. 2023.
  5. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. A comorbilidade com as perturbações mentais e os modelos etiológicos em torno da perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção [Comorbidity with mental disorders and aetiological models surrounding attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder]. Portugal: BVM. 2023.
Book chapter
  1. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Brincar na primeira infância e as neurociências [Play in early childhood and neurosciences]". In Brincar e integração sensorial nos primeiros anos — teoria e prática em Terapia Ocupacional, 33-74. Portugal: Papa-Letras, 2024.
  2. Machado, Alexandra Silva; Ferreira, Bianca; Pereira, Catarina Ye; Carrola, Carolina; Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos; Campos, Carlos. "Digital Mental Health Interventions for Children and Youth". In Handbook of Research on Advances in Digital Technologies to Promote Rehabilitation and Community Participation, 20-47. IGI Global, 2023.
    Published • 10.4018/978-1-6684-9251-2.ch002
  3. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Revisão sistemática de revisões sistemáticas sobre a perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção [Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder]". In Investigacións para explicar e avanzar en educación, 153-177. Santiago de Compostela, Spain: Andavira Editora, 2018.
Conference abstract
  1. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Educação financeira: Revisão de programas adaptados para pessoas com deficiência e incapacidade [Financial education: Review of adapted programmes for people with disabilities]". Paper presented in Fórum inED’23, Porto, 2023.
  2. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Inovação para a inclusão em literacia financeira [Innovation for inclusion in financial literacy]". Paper presented in P.Pic’23 Porto Pedagogical Innovation Conference, Porto, 2023.
  3. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Processamento sensorial na perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção: Protocolo para uma scoping review [Multisensory processing in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Protocol for a scoping review]". Paper presented in 5.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [5th National Congress on ADHD], Porto, 2022.
  4. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Decifrando a neuroanatomia da PHDA — Implicações práticas [Deciphering the neuroanatomy of ADHD — Practical implications]". Paper presented in 2.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [2nd National Congress on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder], Braga, 2019.
  5. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in ADHD: Definitive evidence". Paper presented in 1.º Congresso Nacional de PHDA [1st National Congress on ADHD], Coimbra, 2018.
  6. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Praxis, do planeamento motor à fala [Praxis, from motor planning to speech]". Paper presented in I Jornadas em Comunicação, Linguagem e Fala, Faro, 2014.
Conference paper
  1. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "O microbioma humano e a perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção: Da relevância conceptual à evidência [The human microbiome and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: From conceptual relevance to evidence]". Paper presented in Unlocking ADHD Web Summit 2020, 2020.
  2. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "O organismal humano [The human organismal]". Paper presented in Unlocking ADHD Web Summit 2020, Porto, 2020.
  3. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in ADHD: Definitive evidence". Paper presented in 9.º Congresso Nacional de Terapia Ocupacional, Caldas da Rainha, 2018.
Conference poster
  1. Linhares, C.; Barbosa, M.; Graça, Patrícia; Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Mediclic — desenvolvimento de um produto de apoio [Mediclic — development of an assistive product]". Paper presented in IV Jornadas Académicas de Terapia Ocupacional [4th Academic Conference of Occupational Therapy], 2024.
  2. Ribeiro, T.; Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos; Graça, Patrícia. "Barreiras nos acessos aos transportes públicos: revisão bibliográfica [Barriers to public transport access: a literature review]". Paper presented in IV Jornadas Académicas de Terapia Ocupacional [4th Academic Conference of Occupational Therapy], 2024.
  3. Oliveira, T.; Trigueiro, Maria João; SIMÕES-SILVA, VITOR; Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos; Pinto, D.. "Intervenção na memória de trabalho de indivíduos com PHDA com recurso à realidade virtual — ensaio clínico randomizado [Intervention in working memory of individuals with adhd using virtual reality — a randomized controlled trial]". Paper presented in IV Jornadas Académicas de Terapia Ocupacional [4th Academic Conference of Occupational Therapy], 2024.
  4. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Processamento sensorial na perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção: Protocolo para uma scoping review [Multisensory processing in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Protocol for a scoping review]". Paper presented in 5.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [5th National Congress on ADHD], 2022.
  5. Pinto, Joana O.. "Multisensory integration tasks in neurocognitive training with older adults". Paper presented in 15th International Conference on Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s Diseases: Mechanisms, Clinical Strategies and promising Treatments of Neurodegenerative Diseases, 2021.
  6. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in ADHD: Definitive evidence". Paper presented in 7th World Congress on ADHD, 2019.
  7. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Terapia Ocupacional: Estimulação cognitiva no idoso [Occupational Therapy: Cognitive stimulation in older adults]". Paper presented in Exposição de Terapia Ocupacional, Porto, Portugal, by the Polytechnic Institute of Porto, 2006.
Edited book
  1. Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda. Educação financeira para pessoas com necessidades adicionais de suporte: Guia de apoio ao formador [Financial education for additional support needs: Intervention manual]. Portugal: Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda [António Cupertino de Miranda Foundation]. 2021.
    Published • Editor
Journal article
  1. Trigueiro, Maria João; Lopes, Joana; Simões-Silva, Vítor; Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos; Simões de Almeida, Raquel; Marques, António. "Impact of VR-based cognitive training on working memory and inhibitory control in IDD young adults". Healthcare 12 17 (2024): 1705. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/healthcare12171705.
    Published • 10.3390/healthcare12171705
  2. Martins, Diana; Silveira-Maia, Mónica; Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Engagement in risky play: critical ecosystemic factors from parents’ perspective". International Journal of Play (2024): 1-19. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21594937.2024.2355449.
    Published • 10.1080/21594937.2024.2355449
  3. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos. "Full financial education programmes for people with disabilities: A scoping review". Revista Brasileira de Educação Especial 29 e0222 (2023): 277-296. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1980-54702023v29e0222.
    Open access • Published • 10.1590/1980-54702023v29e0222
  4. Pinto, J. O.; Dores, A. R.; Peixoto, B.; Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos; Barbosa, F. "Critical review of multisensory integration programs and proposal of a theoretical framework for its combination with neurocognitive training". Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 22 7 (2022): 557-566. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14737175.2022.2092401.
    Published • 10.1080/14737175.2022.2092401
  5. Pinto, J. O.; Vieira de Melo, B. B.; Dores, A. R.; Peixoto, B.; Geraldo, A.; Barbosa, F.. "Narrative review of the multisensory integration tasks used with older adults: Inclusion of multisensory integration tasks into neuropsychological assessment". Expert Review of Neurotherapeutics 21 6 (2021): 657-674. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/14737175.2021.1914592.
    Published • 10.1080/14737175.2021.1914592
  6. Vieira de Melo, Bruno; Trigueiro, Maria João; Rodrigues, Pedro. "Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in ADHD: Definitive evidence". The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 73 4_Suppleme (2019): 7311505175p1-7311505175p1. http://dx.doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2019.73s1-po6024.
    Published • 10.5014/ajot.2019.73s1-po6024
  7. Harvison, Neil. "Presenting the research track abstracts from the 2019 AOTA annual conference & expo". The American Journal of Occupational Therapy 73 4_Suppleme (2019): 7311070010p1-7311070010p1. http://dx.doi.org/10.5014/ajot.2019.73s1-2019abstrintro.
    Published • 10.5014/ajot.2019.73s1-2019abstrintro
  8. Vieira de Melo, Bruno Bastos; Trigueiro, Maria João; Rodrigues, Pedro Pereira. "Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in ADHD: Definitive evidence". Developmental Neuropsychology 43 1 (2017): 52-68. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/87565641.2017.1414821.
    Published • 10.1080/87565641.2017.1414821
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Melo, Bruno. "Ensaio de uma nova teoria etiológica do Microbioma Humano na Perturbação de Hiperactividade e Défice de Atenção [Essay on a new etiological theory of the human microbiome and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder]". PhD, Universidade de Vigo, 2019.
  2. "Música como actividade terapêutica em saúde mental: Revisão crítica [Music as a therapeutic activitic in mental health: Critical review]". Degree, Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, 2006.
  3. "Música como actividade terapêutica em saúde mental: Revisão sistemática [Music as a therapeutic activitic in mental health: Systematic review]". Degree, Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, 2005.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/06/21 Processamento sensorial em crianças com perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção [Sensory processing in children with attention-deficit/hyperactivty disorder] IV Jornadas Académicas de Terapia Ocupacional [4th Academic Conference of Occupational Therapy]
Associação Portuguesa de Terapeutas Ocupacionais [Portuguese Association of Occupational Therapists] (Beja, Portugal)
2023/12/12 Guest speaker at the Round Table about rare diseases. Pathologies and Rare Disabilities – A Conversation on Everything but the Peculiar
Escola Superior de Sau´de de Santa Maria [Santa Maria Health School] (Porto, Portugal)
2023/10/11 Projeto Inclusivo de Educação Financeira [Inclusive project of financial education] Apresentação de Projetos de Educação Financeira [Presentation of financial education projects]
Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda [António Cupertino de Miranda Foundation] (Porto, Portugal)
2023/07/14 Educação financeira: Revisão de programas adaptados para pessoas com deficiência e incapacidade [Financial education: Review of adapted programmes for people with disabilities] Fórum inED’23
inED Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação, Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2023/07/06 Inovação para a inclusão em literacia financeira [Innovation for Inclusion in Financial Literacy] P.Pic’23 — Porto Pedagogical Innovation Conference
Centro de Inovac¸a~o Pedago´gica do Polite´cnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto] (Porto, Portugal)
2023/02/03 Programas de literacia financeira para adultos com incapacidade: Uma revisão scoping [Full financial education programmes for people with disabilities: A scoping review] I Jornadas dos CACI: Discussão de Políticas e Práticas
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Education, Polytechnic of Porto] (Porto, Portugal)
2022/11/10 Relevância da Terapia Oocupacional na abordagem da PHDA [The relevance of Occupational Therapy in ADHD] 5.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [5th National Congress on ADHD]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit] (Porto, Portugal)
2021/06/29 Guia de apoio ao formador de educação financeira para pessoas com necessidades adicionais de suporte [Intervention manual of financial education for additional support needs] Sessão de Apresentação do Guia de Apoio ao Formador de Educação Financeira Para Pessoas com Necessidades Adicionais de Suporte
Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda [António Cupertino de Miranda Foundation] (Porto, Portugal)
2020/11/05 Headlines na perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção: Revisão de artigos seleccionados publicados entre 2018 e 2020 [Headlines in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Articles published between 2018 and 2020] 3.º Congresso Nacional de PHDA [3rd National Congress on ADHD]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit] (online, Portugal)
2019/10/10 Decifrando a neuroanatomia da PHDA: Implicações práticas [Deciphering attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder neuroanatomy: Practical implications] 2.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [2nd National Congress on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder] (Braga, Portugal)
2018/05/30 Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in ADHD: Definitive evidence 9.º Congresso Nacional de Terapia Ocupacional
Associação Portuguesa de Terapeutas Ocupacionais (Caldas da Rainha, Portugal)
2018/05/10 Systematic overview of neuroanatomical differences in ADHD: Definitive evidence 1.º Congresso Nacional de PHDA
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção (Coimbra, Portugal)
2018/04/02 Trabalho em Equipa e Discussões de Caso [Team work and case discussion] Educação e Saúde
Centro Social da Paróquia de Nossa Senhora da Ajuda (Porto, Portugal)
2016/05/14 Competências regulatórias na perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção [Regulation skills in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder] X Congreso do Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas, O Home e o Medio, Os Estudos Comarcais Como Base da Investigación [X Congress of the Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas]
Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas and University of Vigo (Carballiño, Spain)
2014/06/20 Praxis, do planeamento motor à fala [Praxia, from motor planning to speech] I Jornadas em Comunicação, Linguagem e Fala, Faro, Portugal
University of Algarve's School of Health Sciences and Portuguese Association of Speech Therapy (Faro, Portugal)
2014/05/16 Competências regulatórias na perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção [Regulation skills in attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder] IX Congreso do Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas, O Home e o Medio, Verbo Conjugado, Pasado, Presente e Futuro na Investigación
Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas and University of Vigo (Carballiño, Spain)
2014/03/15 Disfunção ocupacional e o seu impacto no desenvolvimento [Occupational disfunction and its impact in the development] Jornadas de Terapia Ocupacional em Crianças e Adolescentes
Escola Superior de Saúde Jean Piaget -- Algarve (Silves, Portugal)
2013/11/22 Intervenção em sala de snoezelen [Snoezelen intervention] Seminário Integrando: Passos e Caminhos na Deficiência Intelectual
Associação Algarvia de Pais e Amigos de Crianças Diminuídas Mentais (Faro, Portugal)
2011 Desempenho ocupacional na criança [Occupational performance in children] IV Encontro da Pessoa Excepcional do Algarve (Re) Habilitar na Deficiência
Associação de Apoio à Pessoa Excepcional do Algarve (Albufeira, Portugal)
2008/03/14 Revisão crítica: Música como actividade terapêutica em saúde mental [Critical review: Music as a therapeutic activitic in mental health] I Jornadas de Terapia Ocupacional
By the Centro de Medicina de Reabilitação do Alcoitão (Alcoitão, Portugal)
2006/04/21 Musicoterapia: Utilização em saúde mental [Music therapy: Application in mental health] Ciclo de Conferências de Terapia Ocupacional
Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto (Porto)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2023/09/01 - 2024/07/31 Avaliação da interoceção através de medidas de autorrelato em crianças e adolescentes: Um protocolo de scoping review [Assessment of interoception through self-report measures in children and adolescents: a scoping review protocol]
Occupational Therapy (Degree)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2023/09/01 - 2024/04/05 A relação entre o processamento sensorial, representações maternas associadas à vinculação e stress parental da criança [The relationship between sensory processing, maternal representations associated with attachment and parental stress in children]
Occupational Therapy (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão [Alcoitão School of Health Sciences], Portugal
2023/09/01 - 2024/03/11 Perfil Sensorial 2 — A criança dos 3 anos aos 14 anos e 11 meses: Validade discriminativa entre crianças típicas e crianças com Perturbação de Hiperatividade e Défice de Atenção (PHDA) [Sensory Profile 2 — The child from 3 years to 14 years and 11 months: discriminative validity between typical children and children with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)]
Occupational Therapy (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão [Alcoitão School of Health Sciences], Portugal
2023 - 2024 Validação da Escala de Precisão Interocetiva numa amostra de crianças e adolescentes [Validation of the Interoceptive Accuracy Scale in a sample of children and adolescents]. Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto.
Occupational Therapy (Degree)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2022/09/01 - 2023/11/24 The impact of a cognitive training program using virtual reality in young adults with intellectual disability: A pilot study
Occupational Therapy (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2022/09/01 - 2023/11/21 Determinar os valores normativos do desempenho de jovens com idades entre os 12 e 16 anos num jogo de realidade virtual imersiva [Determine the normative values for the performance of young people aged between 12 and 16 in an immersive virtual reality game]
Occupational Therapy (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2022/09/01 - 2023/11/21 Determinação de valores normativos em jovens com idades compreendidas entre os 12 e os 16 anos num jogo em realidade virtual de orientação espacial [Determination of normative values in young people aged between 12 and 16 in a virtual reality spatial orientation game]
Occupational Therapy (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2022/09/01 - 2023/11/17 Determination of normative values of executive functions of young people aged 12 to 16 years using virtual reality
Occupational Therapy (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2022/09/01 - 2023/09/12 Determinar os valores normativos para a resolução de problemas e planeamento cognitivo de adolescentes no desempenho do jogo de realidade virtual — Stacker (Virtuleap) [To determine the normative values for problem solving and cognitive planning of adolescents in the performance of the virtual reality game — Stacker (Virtuleap)]
Occupational Therapy (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2022/09/01 - 2023/09/07 Determinar os valores normativos para a atenção de adolescentes no desempenho do jogo de realidade virtual — Whack-a-Mole (Virtuleap) [Determining normative values for adolescent attention in virtual reality game performance — Whack-a-Mole (Virtuleap)]
Occupational Therapy (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2017/07/31 - 2017/07/31 Construção de um instrumento de avaliação da modulação sensorial [Development of a sensory modulation assessment instrument]
Terapia Ocupacional [Occupational Therapy] (Degree)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2013 - Current Organising committee of the event Empreendedorismo Social, Comunidade e Inclusão [Social entrepreneurship, community, and inclusion] (2013/05/24 - 2013/05/25)
Seminar (Member of the Organising Committee)
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, Portugal
2023/12/20 - 2024/03/01 Organising committee of the Cenário 3 --- Impacto da Literacia ou da Informação na Utilização de Ferramentas Digitais por Parte dos Jovens [Scenario 3 --- Impact of Literacy or Information on the Use of Digital Tools by Young People], of the Dia do Pensamento Crítico Interinstitucional 2024 5.ª Edição [Interinstitutional Critical Thinking Day 2024 5th Edition] (2024/03/01 - 2024/03/01)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Grupo webPACT [webPACT Group], Portugal
2023/12/16 - 2023/12/16 Organising committee of the event Ciclo de Webinários: O Processamento Multissensorial ao Longo da Vida [Webinar Series: Multisensory Processing Across the Lifespan] (2023/12/16 - 2023/12/16)
Symposium (Other)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto], Portugal
2022/11/10 - 2022/11/11 Organising committee of the event 5.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [5th National Congress on ADHD] (2022/11/10 - 2022/11/11)
Congress (Member of the Organising Committee)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit], Portugal
2020/01/01 - 2020/11/06 Organising committee of the event 3.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [3rd National Congress on ADHD]. (2020/11/05 - 2020/11/06)
Congress (Member of the Organising Committee)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit], Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2022/10/21 - Current Event about the 1st Digital Health Challenge, at Porto, Portugal.
1st Digital Health Challenge,
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto], Portugal
2019/05/07 - Current Event about the Education of Emotional Management Behaviours, at Gondomar, Portugal.
Educação Transcomportamental: Gestão das Emoções Para Comportamentos Inteligentes [Education of Emotional Management Behaviours]
Câmara Municipal de Gondomar, Portugal
2019/03/09 - Current Event about the 2nd Academic Conference of Occupational Therapy, at Porto, Portugal.
II Jornadas Académicas de Terapia Ocupacional [2nd Academic Conference of Occupational Therapy]
Associação Portuguesa de Terapeutas Ocupacionais, Portugal
2018/06/12 - Current 33 h course about Scientific Information: Access, Management, and Publishing, at Ourense, Spain.
Información Científica: Acceso, Xestión, Avaliación e Publicación [Scientific Information: Access, Management, and Publishing]
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2018/05/11 - Current 5 h event about the 5th Seminar of Investigation, at Ourense, Espanha.
V Seminario de Investigación [5th Seminar of Investigation]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2018/03/30 - Current 8 h course about Clinical Supervision and Teaching, at Porto, Portugal.
Supervisão Clínica e Formação em Contexto Clínico [Clinical Supervision and Teaching]
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, Portugal
2017/07/18 - Current 3 h online course about Introduction to Immunology, by the Alison and Kahn Academy platform.
Introduction to Immunology
Kahn Academy, United States
2016/11/11 - Current 6 weeks, 12 h, online course about Gut Check: Exploring the Microbiome.
Gut Check: Exploring the Microbiome
University of Colorado at Boulder, United States

University of California San Diego, United States
2016/05/17 - Current Four weeks, 8 h, about the online course ADHD Everyday Strategies for Elementary Students.
ADHD Everyday Strategies for Elementary Students
University at Buffalo, United States
2015/08/04 - Current Six weeks, 60 h, course about Methodologies and Technologies for Monitoring and Treatment of ADHD Students, by the WHAAM, Web Health Application for ADHD, Project.
Methodologies and Technologies for Monitoring and Treatment of ADHD Students
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Educação, Portugal
2015/04/08 - Current 14 h online course about Visual Perception and the Brain.
Visual Perception and the Brain
Duke University Institute for Brain Sciences, United States
2025/02/06 - 2025/02/06 One-hour course about Innovating in Lectures, online.
Innovating in Lectures
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2025/01/30 - 2025/01/30 One-hour course about Presentations with Genially, online.
Presentations with Genially
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2025/01/22 - 2025/01/22 One-hour course about Activating Support Measures for Students with Additional Support Needs in Higher Education, online.
Ativação de Medidas de Apoio para Estudantes com Necessidades Adicionais de Suporte no Ensino Superior [Activating Support Measures for Students with Additional Support Needs in Higher Education]
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2025/01/15 - 2025/01/15 One-hour course about How Can AI Support Teachers in Lesson Planning, online.
Como IA Pode Apoiar os Docentes na Planificac¸a~o de Aulas? [How Can AI Support Teachers in Lesson Planning?]
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2024/12/03 - 2024/12/03 One-hour course about Happy School: A Case Study, online.
Happy School: Partilha de Caso Prático [Happy School: A Case Study]
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2024/11/28 - 2024/11/28 One-hour course about The Educational Chatbot as an Innovative Strategy for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment, online.
O Chatbot Educativo como Estratégia Inovadora de Ensino, Aprendizagem e Avaliação [The Educational Chatbot as an Innovative Strategy for Teaching, Learning, and Assessment]
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2024/11/15 - 2024/11/15 One-day, 7-hour event about International Seminar: Talking about Inclusive Education and Diversity in Teaching, at Porto, Portugal.
Seminário Internacional: À Conversa com a Educação Inclusiva e a Diversidade no Ensino [International Seminar: Talking about Inclusive Education and Diversity in Teaching]
Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Education, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2024/11/14 - 2024/11/14 One-hour course about Pedagogical Escape Room, online.
Escape Room Pedagógico [Pedagogical Escape Room]
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2024/11/13 - 2024/11/13 Three-hours course about Psychological First Aid, at Porto, Portugal.
Primeiros Socorros Psicológicos — INEM [Psychological First Aid]
Escola Superior de Sau´de de Santa Maria [Santa Maria Health School], Portugal
2024/06/14 - 2024/06/14 Two-hour course about Artificial Intelligence and Academic Text Generation: Advances and Challenges 2024, online.
La Inteligencia Artificial y la Generación de Texto Académicos: Avances y Desafíos 2024 [Artificial Intelligence and Academic Text Generation: Advances and Challenges 2024]
Associação Portuguesa de Documentação e Informação de Saúde [Artificial Intelligence and Academic Text Generation: Advances and Challenges 2024], Portugal
2024/06/14 - 2024/06/14 One-hour course about Kélio Platform: Employee Portal, at Porto, Portugal.
Kélio Platform: Employee Portal
Província Portuguesa das Franciscanas Missionárias da Nossa Senhora [Portuguese Province of the Franciscan Missionaries of Our Lady], Portugal
2024/06/05 - 2024/06/05 One-day event about 1st Positive Longevity Conference — Living Longer, Healthier, and Happier, at Porto, Portugal.
1.ª Confere^ncia Sobre Longevidade Positiva — Viver Mais, com Melhor Sau´de e Felizes [1st Positive Longevity Conference — Living Longer, Healthier, and Happier]
Caregivers Portugal, Portugal
2024/04/23 - 2024/06/03 42 days, 52 hours, 2 ECTS, course about Micro-credential in Distance and Digital Education: Project of a Digital Curricular Unit.
Microcredencial em Educação à Distância e Digital: Projecto de Unidade Curricular em Ambiente Digital [Micro-credential in Distance and Digital Education: Project of a Digital Curricular Unit]
Universidade Aberta, Portugal
2024/02/21 - 2024/05/15 85 days, 30-hour, course about Lifestyle Redesign for the College Student, online.
Lifestyle Redesign for the College Student
University of Southern California, United States
2024/04/09 - 2024/04/09 Three-hour course about Crisis Approach to Anxiety and Suicide, at Porto, Portugal. Abordagem em Crise na Ansiedade e no Suicídio [Crisis Approach to Anxiety and Suicide]
Escola Superior de Sau´de de Santa Maria [Santa Maria Health School], Portugal
2024/03/12 - 2024/04/08 28 days, 26 hours, 1 ECTS, course about Micro-credential in Distance and Digital Education: E-tivities in Course Design.
Microcredencial em Educação à Distância e Digital: E-Atividades no Desenho de Cursos [Micro-credential in Distance and Digital Education: E-tivities in Course Design]
Universidade Aberta, Portugal
2024/03/15 - 2024/03/16 Two days, 13 h, event about DIR 101: An Introduction to DIR® and DIRFloortime®, at Porto, Portugal.
DIR 101: An Introduction to DIR® and DIRFloortime®
International Council on Development and Learning, United States
2024/03/04 - 2024/03/04 One-hour course about Network Analysis using Gephi Software, online.
Análise de Redes Através do Software Gephi [Network Analysis using Gephi Software]
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2024/01/30 - 2024/03/04 35 days, 26 hours, 1 ECTS, event about Micro-credential in Distance and Digital Education: Digital Network Teaching
Microcredencial em Educação à Distância e Digital: Docência Digital em Rede [Micro-credential in Distance and Digital Education: Digital Network Teaching]
Universidade Aberta, Portugal
2024/02/05 - 2024/02/05 Four-hour course about Artificial Intelligence for Research, at Maia, Portugal.
Inteligência Artificial para Investigac¸a~o: Pesquisar (Elicit), Espessar (Research Rabbit), e Resumir (Scholarcy) [Artificial Intelligence for Research]
Maiêutica Cooperativa de Ensino Superior CRL, Portugal
2024/02/01 - 2024/02/01 Four-hour course about Prompt Engineering for GPT, at Maia, Portugal.
Prompt Engineering para GPT [Prompt Engineering for GPT]
Maiêutica Cooperativa de Ensino Superior CRL, Portugal
2023/10/27 - 2023/10/27 One-day event about the 2nd Lusophone Conference of Occupational Therapy, online.
2.ª Conferência Lusófona de Terapia Ocupacional [2nd Lusophone Conference of Occupational Therapy]
Núcleo Académico de Terapia Ocupacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia [Occupational Therapy Academic Nucleus of the Lusophone Academic Network of Health Sciences], Portugal
2023/10/27 - 2023/10/27 Table moderation at the 2nd Lusophone Conference of Occupational Therapy, online.
2.ª Conferência Lusófona de Terapia Ocupacional [2nd Lusophone Conference of Occupational Therapy]
Núcleo Académico de Terapia Ocupacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia [Occupational Therapy Academic Nucleus of the Lusophone Academic Network of Health Sciences], Portugal
2023/07/13 - 2023/07/14 Two days, event about Fórum inED’23, at Porto, Portugal.
Fórum inED’23
inED Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação, Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [inED Centre of Investigation and Innovation in Education, School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2023/07/06 - 2023/07/07 Two days, event about P.Pic’23 — Porto Pedagogical Innovation Conference, at Porto, Portugal.
P.Pic’23 — Porto Pedagogical Innovation Conference
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2023/06/29 - 2023/06/29 1 h course about Python: One Language, Multiple Objectives, online.
Python: Uma Linguagem, Múltiplos Objectivos [Python: One Language, Multiple Objectives]
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2023/06/27 - 2023/06/27 1 h course about Teaching Programming with Games, online.
Ensinar Programação com Jogos [Teaching Programming with Games]
Centro de Inovação Pedagógica do Politécnico do Porto [Centre for Pedagogical Innovation of the Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2023/05/10 - 2023/05/11 Two days, 6 h, event about EEG Signal Processing for ERP Analysis, at Porto, Portugal
Processamento de Sinal de EEG para a Análise de ERP [EEG Signal Processing for ERP Analysis]
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2023/02/02 - 2023/02/03 Two days, event about the 1st Conference of Center of Activities and Capacitation for Inclusion, at Porto, Portugal.
I Jornadas dos CACI: Discussão de Políticas e Práticas [1st Conference of Center of Activities and Capacitation for Inclusion]
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal

Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Education, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2023/02/02 - 2023/02/03 Two days, event about 1st Conference of Center of Activities and Capacitation for Inclusion, at Porto, Portugal
I Jornadas dos CACI: Discussão de Políticas e Práticas [1st Conference of Center of Activities and Capacitation for Inclusion]
Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Education, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal

Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2023/01/31 - 2023/01/31 1 hour online course about A Small Introduction to LaTeX.
Uma Pequena Introdução ao LaTeX [A Small Introduction to LaTeX]
Instituto Politécnico do Porto [Polytecnhic Institute of Porto], Portugal
2022/11/10 - 2022/11/11 Two day, 11,5 h, event about the 5th National Congress on ADHD, at Porto, Portugal.
5.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [5th National Congress on ADHD]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit], Portugal
2021/10/21 - 2021/10/22 Two day, 11,5 h, event about the 4th National Congress on ADHD, online.
4.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [4th National Congress on ADHD]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit], Portugal
2021/05/06 - 2021/05/06 Two day online event about Forum P.PORTO 2021.
Fórum Interno P.PORTO 2021 [Forum P.PORTO 2021]
Instituto Politécnico do Porto [Polytecnhic Institute of Porto], Portugal
2020/11/05 - 2020/11/06 Two day online event about the 3rd National Congress on ADHD.
3.º Congresso Nacional de PHDA [3rd National Congress on ADHD]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit], Portugal
2020/09/21 - 2020/10/31 One month online event about Unlocking ADHD Web Summit 2020.
Unlocking ADHD Web Summit 2020
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção, Portugal
2019/10/10 - 2019/10/11 Two days event about the 2nd National Congress on ADHD, at Braga, Portugal.
2.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [2nd National Congress on ADHD]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção, Portugal
2019/05/09 - 2019/05/10 Two day event about Forum P.PORTO 2019, at Porto, Portugal.
Fórum Interno P.PORTO 2019 [Forum P.PORTO 2019]
Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2019/04/25 - 2019/04/28 Two day event about 7th World Congress on ADHD, at Lisboa, Portugal.
7th World Congress on ADHD
World Federation of ADHD, Switzerland
2018/05/18 - 2018/05/19 Two days, 20 h, event about the 5th Seminar of Investigation Experiences, at Ourense, Espanha.
V Seminario de Intercambio de Experiencias de Investigación [5th Seminar of Investigation Experiences]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2018/05/10 - 2018/05/11 Two day event about the 1st National Congress on ADHD, at Coimbra, Portugal.
1.º Congresso Nacional de PHDA [1st National Congress on ADHD]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção, Portugal
2018/05/03 - 2018/05/05 Three day event about the 9th National Congress on Occupational Therapy, at Caldas da Rainha, Portugal.
9.º Congresso Nacional de Terapia Ocupacional [9th National Congress on Occupational Therapy]
Associação Portuguesa de Terapeutas Ocupacionais, Portugal
2016/10/21 - 2017/07/02 Eight months, 20 h, about the 4th Meeting of Discussions About Recent PhD Thesis, at Ourense, Spain.
IV Grupo de Discusións Sobre as Teses de Doutoramento Recentes [4th Meeting of Discussions About Recent PhD Thesis]
2016/10/20 - 2017/05/12 Seven months, 10 h, about the 4th Seminar of Investigation, at Ourense, Spain.
IV Seminario de Investigación [4th Seminar of Investigation]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2017/03/30 - 2017/03/31 Two days, 20 h, about the 4th Seminar of Investigation Experiences, at Ourense, Spain.
IV Seminario de Intercambio de Experiencias de Investigación [4th Seminar of Investigation Experiences]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2016/09/29 - 2017/01/26 Four months, 10 h, about the 4th Meeting Between Investigators, at Ourense, Spain.
IV Encontro Entre Investigadores [4th Meeting Between Investigators]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2016/07/26 - 2016/07/26 Event about Pediatric Basic Life Support, at Porto, Portugal.
Suporte Básico de Vida em Pediatra [Pediatric Basic Life Support]
Hospital Lusíadas Porto, Portugal
2016/05/14 - 2016/05/16 3 days, 31 h, about the X Congress of the Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas, at Carballiño, Spain.
X Congreso do Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas, O Home e o Medio, Os Estudos Comarcais Como Base da Investigación [X Congress of the Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas]
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2016/05/12 - 2016/05/13 2 days, 20 h, about the 3rd Seminar of Investigation Experiences, at Ourense, Spain.
III Seminario de Intercambio de Experiencias de Investigación [3rd Seminar of Investigation Experiences]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2015/12/02 - 2016/05/06 10 h about the 3rd Seminar of Investigation Experiences, at Ourense, Spain.
III Seminario de Investigación [3rd Seminar of Investigation]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2015/10/30 - 2016/03/15 10 h about the 3rd Meeting Between Investigators, at Ourense, Spain.
III Encontro Entre Investigadores [3rd Meeting Between Investigators]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2015/11/10 - 2016/02/10 3 monts, 20 h, about the 3rd Meeting of Discussions About Recent PhD Thesis, at Ourense, Spain.
III Grupo de Discusións Sobre as Teses de Doutoramento Recentes [3rd Meeting of Discussions About Recent PhD Thesis]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2015/11/19 - 2015/11/21 Three days about the 2nd International Congress of Health Gaia-Porto, at Porto, Portugal.
II Congresso Internacional de Saúde Gaia-Porto [2nd International Congress of Health Gaia-Porto]
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, Portugal
2014/11/07 - 2015/05/08 Six month, 10 h, event about the 2nd Seminar of Investigation, at Ourense, Espanha.
II Seminario de Investigación [Seminar of Investigation]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2015/04/10 - 2015/04/11 Two days, 20 h, about the 2nd Seminar of Investigation Experiences, at Ourense, Espanha.
II Seminario de Intercambio de Experiencias de Investigación [2nd Seminar of Investigation Experiences]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2014/11/26 - 2014/12/10 Six day, 10 h, event about the 2nd Meeting Between Investigators, at Ourense, Espanha.
II Encontro Entre Investigadores [2nd Meeting Between Investigators]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2014/07/15 - 2014/07/18 Two day, 20 h, Meeting for the Discussion about PhD Thesis and Investigations, at Ourense, Espanha.
Encontro de Discusións de Teses de Doutoramento e Investigacións [Meeting for the Discussion about PhD Thesis and Investigations]
2014/05/16 - 2014/05/18 Three day event about the IX Congress of the Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas, at Carballiño, Spain.
IX Congreso do Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas, O Home e o Medio, Verbo Conjugado, Pasado, Presente e Futuro na Investigación [IX Congress of the Centro de Estudios Chamoso Lamas]
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2014/05/09 - 2014/05/17 Three day, 20 h, event about the 1st Seminar of Investigation Experiences, at Ourense, Espanha.
I Seminario de Intercambio de Experiencias de Investigación [1st Seminar of Investigation Experiences]
2014/05/08 - 2014/05/08 5 h Seminar of Investigation, at Ourense, Espanha.
Seminario de Investigación [Seminar of Investigation]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2014/02/21 - 2014/03/14 Two month, 10 h, event about Meeting Between Investigators, at Ourense, Espanha.
Encontro Entre Investigadores [Meeting Between Investigators]
Facultade de Ciencias de Educacion, Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2013/11/22 - 2013/11/23 Two day event, about a Seminar Inclusion in Intellectual Disabilities, at Faro, Portugal.
Seminário Integrando, Passos e Caminhos na Deficiência Intelectual [Seminar Inclusion in Intellectual Disabilities]
Associação Algarvia de Pais e Amigos de Crianças Diminuídas Mentais, Portugal
2011/10/29 - 2011/10/29 Event about the 4th Meeting of the Exceptional People of Algarve, at Albufeira, Portugal.
IV Encontro da Pessoa Excecional do Algarve [4th Meeting of the Exceptional People of Algarve]
Associação de Apoio à Pessoa Excepcional do Algarve, Portugal
2010/06/28 - 2010/06/28 Event about 1st Regional Meeting of People With Disabilities, at Portimão, Faro.
I Encontro Regional da Pessoa com Deficiência [1st Regional Meeting of People With Disabilities]
Governo Civil de Faro, Portugal
2010/03/20 - 2010/03/20 Event about the 3rd International Adapted Football Tournament, at Albufeira, Portugal.
III Torneio Internacional de Futebol Adaptado de Albufeira [3rd International Adapted Football Tournament]
Associação de Apoio à Pessoa Excepcional do Algarve, Portugal
2010/02/14 - 2010/02/14 Workshop about Assistant of Equine-assisted Therapy, at Loulé, Portugal.
Auxiliar de Equitação Terapêutica [Assistant of Equine-assisted Therapy]
Escola Nacional de Equitação, Portugal
2009/10/01 - 2009/10/01 Workshop about Hygiene and Safety at Work, at Loulé, Portugal.
Acção de Formação de Higiene e Segurança no Trabalho [Hygiene and Safety at Work]
Quality Labor, Portugal
2009/09/05 - 2009/09/05 Workshop about Basic Life Support with First Aid, at Faro, Portugal.
Primeiros Socorros na Infância: Suporte Básico de Vida [Basic Life Support with First Aid]
PSI-MAR, Centro de Apoio Psicoterapêutico e Psicopedagógico, Portugal
2009/02/26 - 2009/02/26 One day event about the Seminar for Programme Immersion, at Loulé, Portugal.
Seminário para a Imersão no Programa [Seminar for Programme Immersion]
TECNIN, Tecnologias Industriais, Portugal
2008/03/14 - 2008/03/15 Two day event about the 1st Congress of Occupational Therapy, at Alcoitão, Portugal.
I Jornadas de Terapia Ocupacional [1st Congress of Occupational Therapy]
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, Portugal
2007/10/19 - 2007/10/20 Two day event about Functional neuroanatomy of motricity and its disorders, at Lisboa, Portugal.
Neuroanatomia funcional da motricidade e seus distúrbios [Functional neuroanatomy of motricity and its disorders]
Associação Portuguesa de Terapia da Mão, Portugal
2006/03/31 - 2006/03/31 About B-on 2006: First Session, at Porto, Portugal.
B-on 2006: Primeira Sessão [B-on 2006: First Session]
Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2006/03/14 - 2006/03/15 Two day event, 18 h, about the 5th Conference of Mental Health for Older Adults, at Aveiro, Portugal.
V Jornadas de Saúde Mental no Idoso [5th Conference of Mental Health for Older Adults]
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2005/03/22 - 2005/03/22 About Music Therapy for Babies, at Loulé, Portugal.
Musicoterapia para bebés: A Música que Embala [Music Therapy for Babies]
Escola das Brincadeiras, Portugal
2005/03/16 - 2005/03/16 About Music Therapy, at Loulé, Portugal.
Musicoterapia; O Outro Lado dos Sons [Music Therapy: The Other Side of Sounds]
Escola das Brincadeiras, Portugal
2005/03/03 - 2005/03/03 One day event about the 2nd Meeting of Parents and Caregivers of Children With Special Needs, at Albufeira, Portugal.
II Encontro de Pais e Cuidadores de Crianças com Necessidades Especiais [2nd Meeting of Parents and Caregivers of Children With Special Needs]
Associação de Pediatria Ambulatória do Sul, Portugal
2004/05/14 - 2004/05/15 Two day event about the 7th National Meeting of Students of Occupational Therapy, at Leiria, Portugal.
VII Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Terapia Ocupacional [7th National Meeting of Students of Occupational Therapy]
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão, Portugal
2003/11/29 - 2003/11/30 Two day event about the 1st Meeting From the Portuguese Association of Occupational Therapists, at Coimbra, Portugal.
I Convívio Ocupacional do GEAPTO [1st Meeting From the Portuguese Association of Occupational Therapists]
Associação Portuguesa de Terapeutas Ocupacionais, Portugal
2003/05/16 - 2003/05/17 Two day event about the 6th National Meeting from Students of Occupational Therapy, at Aveiro, Portugal.
VI Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Terapêutica Ocupacional [6th National Meeting from Students of Occupational Therapy]
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, Portugal
2003/03/05 - 2003/03/06 Two day event, 16 h course, about the new Model of Human Occupations, by Professor Gary Kielhofner from University of Illinois at Chicago
O Novo Modelo de Ocupação Humana [The new Model of Human Occupations]
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia da Saúde do Porto, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2024/04/05 A relação entre o processamento sensorial, representações maternas associadas à vinculação e stress parental da criança [The relationship between sensory processing, maternal representations associated with attachment and parental stress in children]
Thesis Member
Tomé, C. M. F. (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão [Alcoitão School of Health Sciences], Portugal
2024/03/11 Processamento sensorial e alimentação em crianças dos 3 aos 7 anos com Perturbação do Espetro do Autismo (PEA) [Sensory processing and feeding in children aged 3 to 7 years with autism spectrum disorder]
(Thesis) Main arguer
Caniça, I. M. T. (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão [Alcoitão School of Health Sciences], Portugal
2022/03/16 A avaliação das disfunções do processamento sensorial na intervenção precoce na infância no distrito do Porto [The evaluation of sensory processing disorders in early childhood intervention in the district of Porto]
(Thesis) Main arguer
Sousa, A. A. (Master)
Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho [Instituto of Education, University of Minho], Portugal
2022/03/11 Comportamento em crianças do 1.º ciclo: Relação com o processamento sensorial e o tempo de exposição a ecrãs [Behavior in primary school children: Relationship with sensory processing and time exposure to screens]
(Thesis) Main arguer
Alves, A. O. (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão [Alcoitão School of Health Sciences], Portugal
2022/03/11 Contributo para a construção de escala de avaliação dos parques infantis [Contribution to the construction of a playground assessment scale]
(Thesis) Main arguer
Cardoso, V. A. (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão [Alcoitão School of Health Sciences], Portugal
2022/02/21 O efeito das rotinas em crianças com disfunções de integração sensorial [The effect of routines on children with sensory integration dysfunction]
(Thesis) Main arguer
Gonçalves, R. C. (Master)
Escola Superior de Saúde do Alcoitão [Alcoitão School of Health Sciences], Portugal
2018/07/31 Caracterização biomecânica do movimento de alcançar em crianças com alterações do neurodesenvolvimento e utilizadores de sistemas de posicionamento [Biomechanical characterisation of the reaching movement in children with neurodevelopmental disorders and users of positioning systems]
President of the jury
Gonçalves, A. R. (Other)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2018/07/31 Construção de um instrumento de avaliação da modulação sensorial [Construction of an assessment instrument for sensory modulation]
(Thesis) Main arguer
Martins, S. (Other)
Escola Superior de Saúde, Instituto Politécnico do Porto [School of Health, Polytechnic of Porto], Portugal
2017/07/31 Implementação de um programa de intervenção postural em crianças e jovens praticantes de desporto [Implementation of a postural intervention programme in children and young people practising sport]
(Thesis) Main arguer
Cruz, R. (Other)
2017/07/31 Aceitabilidade, viabilidade e efeitos de um programa de terapia assistida por animais em reclusas de um estabelecimento prisional [Acceptability, feasibility and effects of an animal-assisted therapy programme in female prison inmates]
(Thesis) Main arguer
Nunes, M. J. (Other)

Ad Hoc journal article review

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2021/09 - Current Digital Therapies in Psychosocial Rehabilitation and Mental Health IGI Global
2020/04 - Current Sensos-e (2183-1432) inED Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação, Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto
2023/07/12 - 2023/07/12 Sensos-e (2183-1432) inED Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação, Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto
2022/11/18 - 2022/11/18 Sensos-e (2183-1432) inED Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação, Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto
2021/09/01 - 2021/09/30 Sensos-e (2183-1432) inED Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação, Escola Superior de Educação, Instituto Politécnico do Porto
2021/09/06 - 2021/09/06 RevSALUS Revista Científica Internacional da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia [International Scientific Journal of the Academic Network of Health Sciences of Lusophone] (2184-4860) Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia [Academic Network of Health Sciences of Lusophone]

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2023/09/01 - Current Núcleo Académico de Terapia Ocupacional da Rede Académica de Ciências da Saúde [Occupational Therapy Academic Centre of the Health Sciences Academic Network]. Member
2019/01/01 - Current Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit
2003/09/01 - Current The Portuguese Association of Occupational Therapists

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2022/11/11 - Current Workshop: Guia Prático Para os Princípios Sensoriais e Regulatórios na Perturbação de Hiperactividade e Défice de Atenção. [Workshop: Practical Guide for the Sensory and Regulatory Principles in Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder] (Outros) Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit], Portugal
2010/12/13 - Current Intervenção Precoce na Infância [Early Intervention in Childhood] Educação da Criança em Contexto de Creche (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Universidade do Algarve, Portugal
2024/01/27 - 2024/01/27 Processamento Auditivo Central e Integração Sensorial [Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration] 6.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Processamento Auditivo Central para Terapeutas da Fala [6th Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Speech Therapists] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2023/11/21 - 2023/11/28 Processamento Multissensorial no Desenvolvimento da Linguagem [Multisensory Processing for Language Development] 1.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Perturbações da Linguagem [1st Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Language Disorders] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2023/02/25 - 2023/02/25 Processamento Auditivo Central e Integração Sensorial [Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration] 5.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Processamento Auditivo Central para Terapeutas da Fala [5th Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Speech Therapists] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2021/11/07 - 2023/01/21 Methods of Assessement and Intervention I BSc Santa Maria Health School, Portugal
2022/12/14 - 2022/12/14 Webinar: Processamento Multissensorial e Desenvolvimento da Linguagem: Qual a Relação? [Multisensory Processing and Language Development: What's the Connection] (Outros) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2022/11/26 - 2022/11/26 Processamento Auditivo Central e Integração Sensorial [Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration] 2.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Processamento Auditivo Central para Audiologistas [2nd Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Audiologists] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2022/11/26 - 2022/11/26 Processamento Auditivo Central e Integração Sensorial [Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration]. 4.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Processamento Auditivo Central para Terapeutas da Fala [4th Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Speech Therapists] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2022/02/26 - 2022/02/26 Processamento Auditivo Central e Integração Sensorial [Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration] 3.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Processamento Auditivo Central para Terapeutas da Fala [3rd Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Speech Therapists] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2021/07/10 - 2021/07/10 Processamento Auditivo Central e Integração Sensorial [Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration] 2.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Processamento Auditivo Central para Terapeutas da Fala [2nd Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Speech Therapists] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2021/01/30 - 2021/01/30 Processamento Auditivo Central e Integração Sensorial [Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration] 1.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Processamento Auditivo Central para Audiologistas [1st Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Audiologists] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2021/01/30 - 2021/01/30 Processamento Auditivo Central e Integração Sensorial [Central Auditory Processing Disorder and Sensory Integration] 1.ª Edição da Especialização Avançada em Processamento Auditivo Central para Terapeutas da Fala [1st Edition of the Advanced Specialization Course in Central Auditory Processing Disorder for Speech Therapists] (Especialização pós-licenciatura) Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
2020/09/21 - 2020/09/21 O microbioma humano e a perturbação de hiperactividade e défice de atenção [The human microbiome and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder] Unlocking ADHD Web Summit 2020 (Outros) Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção [Portuguese Society of Attention-Deficit], Portugal

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2023/05/19 Interview regarding the implementation of a financial education programme for people with disabilites, in Portugal, based on methodologies for evidence-based practice and for training and monitoring implementation teams. O Paredense
2023/05/12 Interview regarding the implementation of a financial education programme for people with disabilites, in Portugal, based on methodologies for evidence-based practice and for training and monitoring implementation teams. Progresso de Paredes
2018/02/02 Interview regarding published paper TSF Rádio Notícias

Other distinction

2019 Awarded for best poster in Neuroanatomy, 7th World Congress on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder
World Federation of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Switzerland
2019 Sobresaliente Cum laude (Summa Cum Laude) by unanimity
Universidade de Vigo, Spain
2018 Menção Honrosa no 1.º Congresso Nacional PHDA [Honorable Mention at the 1st National Congress on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder]
Sociedade Portuguesa de Défice de Atenção, Portugal
2018 Menção Honrosa no 9.º Congresso Nacional de Terapia Ocupacional [Honorable Mention at the 9th National Congress of Occupational Therapy]
Associação Portuguesa de Terapeutas Ocupacionais, Portugal