Book chapter |
- Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; Keizer, Jan Jacob. "Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons". In Fire Effects on Soils. State
of the Art and Methods. CSIRO, 2019.
- Abrantes, Nelson. "Abrantes N. (2018) Chapter XI: Meso and macrofauna. In: Pereira P., Cerda A., Xavier Ubeda A., Mataix-Solera
J., Rein G. (EDS.), Fire effects on soils. State of the Art and Methods. CSIRO Publishing.". 2018.
- Abrantes, Nelson. "Campos I., Abrantes N., Pereira P., Keizer J.J. (2018) Chapter IX: Polyciclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH’s).
In: Pereira P., Cerda A., Xavier Ubeda A., Mataix-Solera J., Rein G. (EDS.), Fire effects on soils. State of the Art and
Methods. CSIRO Publishing.". 2018.
- Abrantes, Nelson. "Abrantes N., Campos I., Ré A., Keizer J.J. (2017) An Assessment of the Toxicity of Ash-Loaded Runoff. In:
António José Bento Gonçalves, António Avelino Batista Vieira, Maria Rosário Melo Costa, José Tadeu Marques Aranha. (EDS.),
Wildfires: Perspectives, Issues and Challenges of the 21st century. NOVA, Science publishers.". 2017.
- Abrantes N. "Isabel Campos, Nelson Abrantes, Jan Jacob Keizer, Patrícia Pereira (2017) Wildfire: The effects on the mobilisation
of major end trace elements in forest soils. In: António José Bento Gonçalves, António Avelino Batista Vieira, Maria Rosário
Melo Costa, José Tadeu Marques Aranha. (EDS.), Wildfires- Perspectives, Issues and Challenges of the 21st century. NOVA, Science
publishers". 2017.
- Abrantes, N.; Campos, I.; Ré, A.; Keizer, J.J.. "An assessment of the toxicity of ash-loaded runoff". 281-300. 2017.
- Campos, I.; Abrantes, N.; Keizer, J.J.; Pereira, P.. "Wildfire: The effects on the mobilisation of major and trace elements
in forest soils". 255-280. 2017.
- Abrantes N. "Monaghan K.A., Machado A.L., Soares A.M., Maia P.A., Keizer J.J., Abrantes N.J., Vidal T., Gonçalves F., Antunes
S.C., Curado N., Castro B.B., Brito D. and Domingues I. (2011). The effects of wildfire on the biosphere In: Forest fires
research: beyond burnt area statistics. Amorim, Keizer, Miranda, Monaghan. (eds) Aveiro.". 2011.
- monaghan, kieran; Ana Luísa Felgueiras de Brito Machado; Soares, AMVM; Paula Alexandra Aquino Maia; Keizer, Jacob; Abrantes,
Nelson; Vidal, Tânia; et al. "The effects of wildfire on the biosphere". In Forest fires research: beyond burnt area statistics,
47-52. Aveiro, Portugal: Universidade de Aveiro / CESAM, 2011.
- Abrantes N. "Marques C.R., Pereira J.L., Abrantes N. and Gonçalves F. (2008). Use of bioindicators in water quality assessment:
applicability to several educational levels In: Science and Environmental Education. Towards the integration of Science Education,
Experimental Science Activities and Environmental Education. U. Azeiteiro, F. Gonçalves, W. Leal-Filho, F. Morgado, M.J. Pereira,
R. Pereira. (eds) Env". 2008.
- Abrantes N. "Gonçalves F., Campos C., Abrantes N. and Pereira R. (2007). Macroinvertebrados aquáticos do rio Sousa – avaliação
da qualidade da água. In: Pereira, R., Azeiteiro, U. and Gonçalves, F.(eds). Actividades científicas no âmbito da Educação
Ambiental. Editora Piaget. Lisboa.". 2007.
- Abrantes N. "Pereira, J.L., Abrantes, N. and Gonçalves, F. (2007). Explorando a biodiversidade animal: macroinvertebrados
terrestres. In: Pereira, R., Azeiteiro, U. and Gonçalves, F.(eds). Actividades científicas no âmbito da Educação Ambiental.
Editora Piaget. Lisboa". 2007.
- Abrantes N. "Marques, C.R., Abrantes, N., Pereira, J.L. and Gonçalves F.A. (2007). contaminação do meio aquático - desenvolvimento
de uma actividade prática para diferentes níveis de Ensino In: Pereira R., Azeiteiro U., Pereira M., Gonçalves F. (eds). Actividades
científicas no âmbito da Educação Ambiental. Editora Piaget. Lisboa.". 2007.
- Abrantes N. "Pereira, R., Antunes, S. Pestana, J., Abrantes, N, Pinho, R and Gonçalves, F. (2004). Actividades de sala de
aula – actividades de campo: a ponte necessária. In: Azeiteiro, U.M., Pereira, M.J., Leal-Filho, W., Caeiro, S., Bacelar-Nicolau,
P., Morgado, F. And Gonçalves, F. (eds). Discursos - Tendências Actuais em Educação Ambiental, Universidade Aberta. Cap. II.".
- Abrantes N. "Pereira, J.L., Abrantes, N., Azeiteiro, U. and Gonçalves, F.(2004). Promoting Environmental Education: An activity
with primary schools students in Portugal. In: Walter Leal-Filho and Mike Littledyke (eds.). International experiences on
environmental education. Frankfurt. Vol 16, 273-284pp.". 2004.
Conference abstract |
- Dalila do Rosário Encarnação Serpa; Ana Isabel Oliveira Machado; Martha Santos; Jesus, Fátima; Bruna R. F. Oliveira; Gholamahmadi,
Behrouz; Soares, Martinho Tomé Martins ; et al. "Post-fire metal exports in a recently burnt eucalypt plantation in North-Central
Portugal". Paper presented in The 24th EGU General Assembly, Vienna, 2022.
- Abrantes N. "He has attended over 100 scientific meetings". 2020.
Conference paper |
- Kuriqi, A.; Ferreira, R.M.L.; Pereira, J.; Abrantes, N.; Brito, M.; Ricardo, A.M.. "Wind Speed Effect on the Current Density
Distribution in Eutrophic Lakes". 2022.
- Ricardo, Ana Margarida; Brito, Moisés; Nascimento, João; Abrantes, Nelson; Pereira, Joana L; Gonçalves, Fernando; Ferreira,
Rui M. L.. Corresponding author: Ricardo, Ana Margarida. "Surface exchange flows in vela lake and its impact on horizontal
migration of zooplankton". Paper presented in Congresso da Água, Lisboa, 2021.
- Ricardo, A.M.; Brito, M.; Nascimento, J.; Abrantes, N.; Pereira, J.; Gonçalves, F.; Ferreira, R.M.L.. "Wind effect on surface
exchange flows in lake-wetland interfaces". 2020.
Conference poster |
- A. C. Bastos or Catarina Bastos A or Catarina Bastos or Ana Catarina Bastos; Simões, Liliana B; Jelincic, Antun; Marjan Jorgen;
Marta I.S. Veríssimo; González-Pelayo, Oscar; Campos, Isabel; et al. Corresponding author: A. C. Bastos or Catarina Bastos
A or Catarina Bastos or Ana Catarina Bastos. "Can soil engineering with biochar promote plant productivity and functional
biodiversity in sown pastures?". Paper presented in Workshop Growing Greener: Exploring Sustainable Agricultural Approaches,
- Simões, Liliana B; Jelincic, Antun; Puga, João; Marta I.S. Veríssimo; Serôdio, João; Ameixa, Olga; Abrantes, Nelson; Frank
G.A. Verheijen; A. C. Bastos or Catarina Bastos A or Catarina Bastos or Ana Catarina Bastos. "an soil engineering with biochar
improve pollinator attraction cues, feeding and ground-nesting resources in biodiverse pastures?". Paper presented in Encontro
Ciência 2023, 2023.
- Silva, Carlos; Santos, Joana I.; Vidal, Tânia; Silva, Susana; Almeida, Salomé F.P.; Gonçalves, Fernando J.M.; Abrantes, Nelson;
Pereira, Joana Luísa. "Characterization of Biological Communities in Systems Affected by Wastewater Treatment Plant (WWTP)
Effluent Discharge". Paper presented in SETAC Dublin ¿ SETAC Europe 33rd Annual Meeting, 2023.
- Fátima T. Jesus; Ana Luísa Patrício silva; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Ana Ré; Isabel Maria Alves Natividade Campos; Fernando J.
M. Gonçalves; António José Arsénia Nogueira; et al. "Avaliação da toxicidade de misturas de Chumbo e Níquel no ciclo de vida
do inseto Chironomus riparius em água macia". Paper presented in XX Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 2021.
- Fátima T. Jesus; Ana Ré; Isabel Maria Alves Natividade Campos; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Fernando J. M. Gonçalves; António José
Arsénia Nogueira; Abrantes, Nelson; Dalila do Rosário Encarnação Serpa. "Life-cycle toxicity assessment of nickel and lead
mixtures to Chironomus riparius in soft waters". Paper presented in SETAC 31st Annual Meeting, 2021.
- Ré, Ana; Rocha, Teresa; Campos, Isabel; Marques, Sérgio; Keizer, Jacob; Gonçalves, Fernando J.M. B71E-36A5-000C; Pereira,
Joana Luísa; Abrantes, Nelson. "Impacts of wildfires on aquatic ecosystems - Biomarker responses of Gambusia holbrooki in
in-situ bioassays". Paper presented in SETAC 31st Annual Meeting2021, 2021.
- Campos, Isabel; Júnior, Carlos; Coelho, Celeste; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Abrantes, Nelson. "Assessing the leaching
of metals from ashes through soil column tests: potential impacts to groundwater". Paper presented in SETAC 31st Annual
Meeting2021, 2021.
- Venâncio, Càtia; Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; Lopes, Isabel. "On the Track of Wildfire Ashes Ecotoxicity to Freshwater
Biota: The Role of Forest Tree Species". Paper presented in SETAC 31st Annual Meeting2021, 2021.
- Santos, diogo; Abrantes, Nelson; Campos, Isabel; Domingues, Inês; Lopes, Isabel; Santos, Diogo. "Effects of Ashes From Forests
With Different Species Composition on Aquatic Stages of Amphibian". Paper presented in SETAC 31st Annual Meeting2021,
- Ferreira, Inês; Abrantes, Nelson; Campos, Isabel; Domingues, Catarina; Lopes, Isabel. "Influence of wildfire severity on the
ecotoxicity of ashes to aquatic life stages of anurans". Paper presented in SETAC 31st Annual Meeting2021, 2021.
- Martins, Martinho A.S.; Machado, Ana I.; Xavier, Adriana; Lopes. Ana R.; Bruna R. F. Oliveira; Simões, Liliana B.; van Schelve,
Svenja; Abrantes, Nelson; Keizer, Jan J.. "The short-term effects of bench terrace construction for planting eucalypt trees
on soil fertility". Paper presented in EGU General Assembly 2021, 2021.
- Fátima T. Jesus; Santos, Martha; Ana Ré; Abrantes, Nelson; Dalila do Rosário Encarnação Serpa. "Efeito dos incêndios florestais
em organismos bentónicos". Paper presented in XIX Encontro Nacional de Ecologia, 2020.
- Puga, J. R. L.; Keizer, Jacob; Abrantes, Nelson. "Importance of stones for soil arthropods of Mediterranean oak forests in
fire events (Pedrogão Grande, Portugal)". Paper presented in Encontro Ciência'20, 2020.
- Vidal, Tânia; Santos, Martha; Joana Isabel Santos; Ana T. Luís; Abrantes, Nelson; Mário J. Pereira; Pereira, Joana Luísa;
Fernando J. Gonçalves. "Response of periphytic communities to five contaminants: a rapid toxicity approach.". Paper presented
in XX Congress of the Iberian Association Limnology (AIL 2020- Online), 2020.
- Dalila do Rosário Encarnação Serpa; Ana Isabel Machado; Santos, Martha; Isabel Maria Alves Natividade Campos; Bruna R. F.
Oliveira; Gholamahmadi, Behrouz; Martins, Martinho; et al. "Post-fire mobilization of metals and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
in a recently burnt eucalypt stand in North-Central Portugal". Paper presented in 22nd EGU General Assembly, 2020.
- Serpa, Dalila; Campos, Isabel; Santos, Martha; Machado, Ana Isabel; Oliveira, Bruna 7C1E-9E13-80F3; Abrantes, Nelson; Keizer,
Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58). "Metals export by overland flow in a recently burnt eucalypt stand in North-Central Portugal: a
potential risk for surface waters?". Paper presented in SETAC 3ost Annual Meeting2020, 2020.
- Santos, Martha; Jesus, Fátima T. ; Ré, Ana; Campos, Isabel; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Gonçalves, Fernando J.M. B71E-36A5-000C;
Abrantes, Nelson; Serpa, Dalila. "Hardness-dependent life-cycle toxicity of lead to Chironomus riparius". Paper presented
in SETAC 3ost Annual Meeting2020, 2020.
- Rodrigues, M.O. ; Ana M. M. Gonçalves; A.M.M. Gonçalves; A.M. Gonçalves; Ana Marta Gonçalves; Gonçalves, F. J. M.; Abrantes,
Nelson. "Separation of microplastics from aquatic systems using reused zinc chloride". Paper presented in Society of Environmental
Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2020.
- Ribeiro, S.; Rocha, Carolina P.; Vidal, Tânia; Rodrigues, M.O. ; Abrantes, Nelson; Nunes, Cláudia; Coimbra, Manuel; et al.
"Combined impacts of pollutants and temperature on the biochemical profile of the freshwater primary consumer Daphnia magna".
Paper presented in Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC), 2020.
- Martins, Martinho; Machado, A. I.; Xavier, Adriana; Lopes, Ana Rita; Bruna R. F. Oliveira; Simões, Liliana B; van Schelve,
Svenja; Abrantes, Nelson; Keizer, Jacob. "FORFUN Integrated impact assessment of terrace construction on FORest soil FUNctions".
Paper presented in Encontro ciência 2020, 2020.
- Dalila Serpa; Campos, Isabel; Jesus, Fátima; Santos, Martha; Bruna R. F. Oliveira; Keizer, Jacob; Abrantes, Nelson. "Post-fire
Export of Metals and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons: Assessing the Risk of Contamination for Freshwater Ecosystems". Paper
presented in AGU Fall Meeting 2019, San Francisco, USA, 2019.
- Vidal, Tânia; Santos, J.I.; Queirós, Libânia; Pereira, J.L.; Ré, Ana; Abrantes, Nelson. "Planktonic vs benthic community sensitivity
towards 3,5-dichlorophenol, potassium dichromate and lead chloride". Paper presented in SETAC Europe 29th Annual Meeting
in Helsinki, Finland (26 - 30 May, 2019), 2019.
- Ribeiro, S.; Rocha, C.P.; Vidal, Tânia; Cuco, Ana Patricia; Abrantes, Nelson; Nunes, Cláudia; Coimbra, M.A.; et al. "Combined
biochemical impacts of pollutants and temperature on two freshwater primary producers". Paper presented in SETAC Europe
29th Annual Meeting in Helsinki, Finland (26 - 30 May, 2019), 2019.
- Campos, Isabel; Patrícia Pereira; Keizer, Jacob; Abrantes, Nelson. "Forest fires as potential triggers for mobilisation of
major and trace elements (metals) to the aquatic system". Paper presented in 29th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Helsinki,
Finland, 2019.
- Campos, Isabel; Keizer, Jacob; Patrícia Pereira; Abrantes, Nelson. "Can forest fires be a diffuse source of contaminants (PAHs)
to the aquatic system?". Paper presented in 29th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 2019.
- Campos, Isabel; Pereira, Patrícia; Keizer, Jacob; Abrantes, Nelson. "Ecotoxicity assessment of post-fire runoff on freshwater
aquatic species". Paper presented in 29th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 2019.
- Abrantes, Nelson; Ana Ré; Campos, Isabel; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Gonçalves, Fernando; Keizer, Jacob; Benoliel M.J.; Paiva,
JM; Cardoso, Vitor. "In situ assays to assess the impact of wildfires on reservoirs.". Paper presented in 29th SETAC Europe
Annual Meeting, Helsinki, Finland, 2019.
- Santos, J.; Queirós, Libânia Sofia Seixas; Ré, A.; Pereira, J.L.; Abrantes, Nelson; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Vidal, Tânia; et al.
"Species Sensitivity Distribution of standard and non-standard organisms to 3,5-dichlorophenol, potassium dichromate and lead".
Paper presented in XIX Conference of the Iberian Association of Limnology Inland waters and XXI centuary challenges: from
scientific knowlegde to environmental management, 2018.
- Ré, Ana; Campos, Isabel; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Keizer, Jacob; Gonçalves, Fernando; Abrantes, Nelson; Ré A; et al. "Wildfires
effects on aquatic invertebrates using in situ bioassays". Paper presented in 28th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Rome, Italy,
- Ré, Ana; Campos, Isabel; Saraiva, maria; Puga, João; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Gonçalves, Fernando
J.M. B71E-36A5-000C; Abrantes, Nelson. "Assessment of wildfires impacts on aquatic ecosystems: in situ bioassays.". Paper
presented in . XIX Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology, Coimbra, Portugal., 2018.
- Abrantes, Nelson; Campos, Isabel; Ré, Ana; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Gonçalves, Fernando J.M. B71E-36A5-000C; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58).
"Off-site impacts of wildfires: toxic effects on aquatic species". Paper presented in 4th International Conference on Ecohydrology,
Soil and Climate Change, EcoHCC'17, Figueira da Foz, Portugal., 2017.
- Ré A; Pereira JL; Keizer JJ; Gonçalves F; Abrantes N. "Environmental Impact of Forest Fires in Aquatic Ecosystems: in situ
bioassays". Paper presented in 4th International Conference on Ecohydrology, Soil and Climate Change, 2017.
- Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; Oliveira, Bruna 7C1E-9E13-80F3; Vale, Carlos; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Micaelo,
Ana Cristina; Pereira, Patrícia. "Can wildfires be a diffuse source of contaminants (PAHs) to the terrestrial system?". Paper
presented in 14th International Conference on Sustainable Use and Management of Soil, Sediment and Water Resources, Lyon,
France, 2017.
- Ré A; Campos I; Pereira JL; Keizer JJ; Gonçalves F; Abrantes N. "Off-site toxic effects of wildfire in aquatic and sedimentary
ecosystems: in situ bioassays". Paper presented in VIII Jornadas Internacionales FUEGORED 2017, 2017.
- Ré A; Saraiva MJ; Puga J; Campos I; Pereira JL; Keizer JJ; Gonçalves F; Abrantes N. "Assessing off-site impacts of wildfires
on aquatic organisms using in-situ assays". Paper presented in EGU General Assembly 2017, 2017.
- Ré A; Saraiva MJ; Puga J; Campos I; Pereira JL; Keizer JJ; Gonçalves F; Abrantes N. "The use of in situ bioassays to assess
the impacts of wildfires on aquatic species". Paper presented in FUEGORED 2016 international conference, 2016.
- Campos, Isabel; Pereira, Patrícia; Vale, Carlos; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Abrantes, Nelson. "Can wildfires be an
important diffuse source of contaminants for the terrestrial system?.". Paper presented in FuegoRed 2016 International
Conference, Aveiro, Portugal, 2016.
- Puga, João; Abrantes, Nelson. "Short-term effects of post-fire mulching on soil-dwelling arthropod communities". Paper presented
in FUEGORED 2016, 2016.
- Campos, Isabel; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Abrantes, Nelson; et al.. "Impactos de aplicação de resíduos florestais
nas perdas do solo, da matéria orgânica e da biodiversidade em duas plantações de eucalipto no". Paper presented in UMS2016
- VII Congresso sobre Uso e Manejo do Solo, Conservação e recuperação do solo e da água, Coimbra, Portugal., 2016.
- Ré A; Saraiva MJ; Puga J; Campos I; Pereira JL; Keizer JJ; Gonçalves F; Abrantes N. "Wildfires toxic effects on aquatic systems:
in situ bioassays". Paper presented in SETAC 26th Europe Annual Meeting, 2016.
- Oliveira MJ; Ré A; Puga J; Campos I; Pereira JL; Keizer JJ; Gonçalves F; Abrantes N. "Using in situ assays with two freshwater
producers to assess effects of wildfires on aquatic systems". Paper presented in SETAC 26th Europe Annual Meeting,
- Oliveira MS; Ré A; Puga J; Campos I; Pereira JL; Gonçalves F; Keizer JJ; Abrantes N. "Using in-situ bioassays with the aquatic
snail Physa acuta to assess impacts of wildfires on water quality". Paper presented in SETAC 26th Europe Annual Meeting,
- Campos, Isabel; Pereira, Patrícia; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Abrantes, Nelson. "Off-site environmental impacts of
wildfires: Assessment of the toxicity of post-fire runoff on freshwater aquatic species.". Paper presented in 26th SETAC
Europe Annual Meeting, Nantes, France., 2016.
- Ré, Ana; Saraiva, maria; Puga, João; Campos, Isabel; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Gonçalves, Fernando
J.M. B71E-36A5-000C; Abrantes, Nelson. "Toxic effects of wildfires on aquatic systems: in situ bioassays.". Paper presented
in 26th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, Nantes, France., 2016.
- Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Vale, Carlos; Serpa, Dalila; Pereira, Patrícia. "Mercury
mobilisation from soils and ashes after a wildfires and rainfall events: effects of vegetation type and fire severity". Paper
presented in European Geosciences Union, 2016.
- Campos, Isabel; Vale, Carlos; Abrantes, Nelson; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Pereira, Patrícia. "Mercury mobilisation
after wildfire and rainfall in eucalypt and pine forests". Paper presented in 25th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, 3-7 May
2015, Barcelona, Spain., 2015.
- Campos, Isabel; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Abrantes, Nelson; Micaelo, AC; Pereira, Patrícia. "Effects of forest fires
on the levels and distribution of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons". Paper presented in 25th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting,
3-7 May 2015, Barcelona, Spain., 2015.
- Abrantes, Nelson; Reboleira, Ana; Rosa, Inês C.; de Figueiredo, D. R.; Bessa da Silva, Márcia; Gonçalves, Fernando. "Avaliação
do impacto da contaminação de águas subterrâneas ¿ Projecto KARSTRISK". Paper presented in VI National Congress of Speleology.
Alvados. Portugal, 2015.
- Silva, Vera; Campos, Isabel; Nunes, Bruno; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Pereira, Patrícia; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Gonçalves,
Fernando J.M. B71E-36A5-000C; Abrantes, Nelson. "Off-site impacts of wildfires: sub-lethal biomarker responses of Gambusia
holbrooki to pyrolytic contamination". Paper presented in 25th SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, 3-7 May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.,
- Abrantes, Nelson; Campos, Isabel; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); et al.. "¿ Toxic effects of wildfires on aquatic ecosystems".
Paper presented in Euromediterranean Network of Experimental and Representative Basins (ERB), 09-13 September, Coimbra,
Portugal., 2014.
- Vidal, Tânia; Marques, C.R.; Abrantes, Nelson; Pereira, J.L.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Vidal, T.; et al. "Optimization
of the growth conditions for laboratory and field assessments using immobilized benthic diatoms". Paper presented in XVI
Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology. Santander. 6-11 July 2014, 2014.
- Vidal T; Pereira JL; Abrantes N; Almeida SFP; Soares AMVM; Gonçalves F. "Toxicity Testing with the Benthic Diatom, Navicula
libonensis Schoeman: Optimisation of Procedures and Assessment of the Species Sensitivity to Reference Chemicals". Paper presented
in Limnologia - XVII Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology, 2014.
- Pereira JL; Costa R; Rosa IC; Gabriel RG; Ré A; Gomes J; Silva V ; et al. "Management of the industrial biofouler Corbicula
fluminea - alternative roles for old (Eco)toxicological methods". Paper presented in SETAC 24th Europe Annual Meeting,
- Pereira JL; Costa R; Rosa IC; Gomes J; Gabriel RG; Ré A; Pinho S; et al. "Sustainable approaches for the control of aquatic
invasive species: a case-study with the Asian clam". Paper presented in Research Day, Universidade de Aveiro, 2013.
- Silva V; Abrantes N; Pereira JL; Gonçalves F. "The biofiltration potential of C. fluminea in the mitigation of post-fire runoff
impacts on aquatic ecosystems". Paper presented in SETAC 23rd Europe meeting, 2013.
- Silva V; Abrantes N; Pereira JL; Campos I; Kaiser J; Gonçalves F. "Assessment of the toxicity of a post-fire runoff on aquatic
ecosystems". Paper presented in SETAC 23rd Europe meeting, 2013.
- Silva V; Abrantes N; Pereira JL; Campos I; Keiser JJ; Gonçalves F; Silva, V.; et al. "Toxicity assessment of aqueous extracts
of ashes from forest fires". Paper presented in Limnologia 2012 - XVI Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology,
- Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58); Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; et al.. "FIRECNUTS - wildfire effects on carbon and nutrient
losses by runoff.". Paper presented in EUROSOIL2012, 4th Int. Congress of the ECCS ¿Soil science for the benefit of mankind
and environment",, 2012.
- Vidal, Tânia; Pereira, J.L.; Abrantes, Nelson; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Vidal, T.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F..
"Ecotoxicological assessment of contaminated rivers as a proxy for the Water Framework Directive: an acid mine drainage example".
Paper presented in SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, Berlin, Germany, 20-24 May 2012, 2012.
- Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; Vidal, Tânia; Gonçalves, Fernando J.M. B71E-36A5-000C; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58).
"Off-site environmental impacts of wildfires: evaluation of the toxicity of runoff from a burnt area on freshwater aquatic
species.". Paper presented in 21st SETAC Europe Annual Meeting. 15-19 May, Milan, Italy., 2012.
- Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; Pereira, Patrícia; Vale, Carlos; Keizer, Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58). "Characterization of
polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and metals in ashes released from a forest fire". Paper presented in European Geosciences
Union Assembly Meeting, 22-27 April, Vienna, Austria., 2012.
- Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; Pereira, Patrícia; Raimundo, Joana; Canário, João; Vieira, Diana; Vale, Carlos; Keizer,
Jacob Jan(5614-6623-BF58). "Metals in ashes and burnt forest soils in north-central Portugal". Paper presented in European
Geosciences Union General Assembly Meeting, Vienna, Austria., 2012.
- Vidal, Tânia; Abrantes, Nelson; Pereira, J.L.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.. "Assessment of the reproductive and developmental toxicity
of the herbicide Betanal® Expert and corresponding active ingredients on Daphnia spp.". Paper presented in SETAC Europe
21st Annual Meeting, Milan, Italy, 15-19 May 2011, 2011.
- Abrantes, Nelson; Nobre, J.; Vidal, Tânia; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Keizer, Jacob. "Off-site effects of wildfires: ecotoxicity of
runoff from burned areas on freshwater aquatic species". Paper presented in XV Congress of the Iberian Association of Limnology,
Ponta Delgada, Açores, Portugal, 5-7 Jully 2010, 2010.
- Martins N; Pereira R; Abrantes N; Pereira JL; Gonçalves F; Marques CR. "Ecotoxicological effects of ciprofloxacin to non-target
freshwater species". Paper presented in SETAC Europe 20th Annual meeting, 2010.
- Gavina, Ana; Carvalho, João; Claro, Maria Teresa; Abrantes, Nelson; Castro, Bruno B.; Pereira, Rute; Gonçalves, Fernando;
Antunes, Sara. "Water quality in River Tuela: natural and anthropogenic impacts". Paper presented in XV Congresso Ibérico
de Limnologia, 2010.
- Abrantes, Nelson; Vidal, Tânia; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Keizer, Jacob. "Off-site effects of wildfires: preliminary evaluation of
the potential toxicity of the runoff from burned areas on aquatic biota.". Paper presented in 14th International Symposium
on Toxicity Assessment, Metz, France, 30 august to 4 september, 2009, 2009.
- Vidal, Tânia; Gonçalves, A.M.M.; Abrantes, Nelson; Soares, A.M.V.M.. "How aquatic species are affected by the exposure to
the co-formulated herbicide Betanal Expert®". Paper presented in 14th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, Metz,
France, 30 August to 4 September 2009, 2009.
- Sismeiro-Vivas J; Abrantes N; Pereira JL; Gonçalves F. "Acute effects of the insecticide Quirlan® in the behaviour and in
acetylcholinesterase activity of Gambusia holbrooki.". Paper presented in CICTA 2005, 2005.
Journal article |
- Jesus, F.; Mesquita, F.; Serpa, D.; Virumbrales Aldama, E.; Magalhães, L.; Ré, A.; Campos, I.; et al. "Effects of wildfire
ash on the fatty acid and sugar profiles of bivalves – A comparative study of a freshwater and a marine species". Environmental
Pollution 366 (2025):
- Gustavo Kirsch; Amanda Gomes Anjos; Renata Ruaro; Nelson Abrantes; Bruno R. S. Figueiredo. "Ashes in Freshwater Ecosystems:
A Systematic Review of their Impacts on Fish". Water, Air, & Soil Pollution (2024):
- Daniela R. de Figueiredo; Maria T. Condesso de Melo; Pedro P. Saraiva; Joana Oliveira; Ana M. M. Gonçalves; Ana Sofia P. S.
Reboleira; Ana R. M. Polónia; Nelson Abrantes; Daniel F. R. Cleary. "Bacterioplankton Community Diversity of a Portuguese
Aquifer System (Maciço Calcário Estremenho)". Water (2024):
- João R. L. Puga; Francisco Moreira; Jan J. Keizer; Nelson J. C. Abrantes. "Immediate Impacts of Wildfires on Ground-dwelling
macroinvertebrate Communities under Stones in Mediterranean Oak Forests". Environmental Management (2024):
- Pereira, Joana Luísa; Lopes, Ana; Silva, Julia; Vidal, Tânia; Abrantes, Nelson; Santos, Daniela; Brito, Moisés; et al. Corresponding
author: Ricardo, Ana M.. "Horizontal migration of zooplankton in lake-wetland interfaces. Can temperature-driven surface exchange
flows modulate its patterns?". Aquatic Sciences (2024):
In press
- Navarro, I.; de la Torre, A.; Sanz, P.; Abrantes, N.; Campos, I.; Alaoui, A.; Christ, F.; et al. "Assessing pesticide residues
occurrence and risks in water systems: A Pan-European and Argentina perspective". Water Research 254 (2024):
- Knuth, D.; Gai, L.; Silva, V.; Harkes, P.; Hofman, J.; Šudoma, M.; Bílková, Z.; et al. "Pesticide Residues in Organic and
Conventional Agricultural Soils across Europe: Measured and Predicted Concentrations". Environmental Science and Technology
58 15 (2024): 6744-6752.
- Debler, F.; Abrantes, N.; Harkes, P.; Campos, I.; Gandrass, J.. "Occurrence and distribution of pesticides and transformation
products in ambient air in two European agricultural areas". Science of the Total Environment 940 (2024):
- Monteiro, A.; Rodrigues, V.; Picado, A.; Dias, J.M.; Abrantes, N.; Ré, A.; Rosa, M.; et al. "Holistic evaluation of the environmental
impacts of shipping in the sensitive region of Ria de Aveiro". Science of the Total Environment 946 (2024):
- Alaoui, A.; Christ, F.; Silva, V.; Vested, A.; Schlünssen, V.; González, N.; Gai, L.; et al. "Identifying pesticides of high
concern for ecosystem, plant, animal, and human health: A comprehensive field study across Europe and Argentina". Science
of the Total Environment 948 (2024):
- Martins, M.A.S.; Simões, L.B.; Puga, J.R.L.; Keizer, J.J.; Abrantes, N.J.C.. "An exploratory study of the immediate and medium-term
effects of bench terrace construction on the ground-dwelling arthropod communities in eucalypt plantations". Community
Ecology 25 2 (2024): 281-287.
- Puga, J.R.L.; Abrantes, N.J.C.; Moreira, F.; Keizer, J.J.. "Short-term impacts of wildfires on the diversity and activity
patterns of medium-sized mammals in Mediterranean coastal pine forests". Forest Ecology and Management 562 (2024):
- Silva, C.; Santos, J.I.; Vidal, T.; Silva, S.; Almeida, S.F.P.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Abrantes, N.; Pereira, J.L.. "Potential
effects of the discharge of wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluents in benthic communities: evidence from three distinct
WWTP systems". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 31 23 (2024): 34492-34506.
- Pereira, J.L.; Lopes, A.S.; Silva, J.; Vidal, T.; Abrantes, N.; Santos, D.; Brito, M.; et al. "Horizontal migration of zooplankton
in lake–wetland interfaces. Can temperature-driven surface exchange flows modulate its patterns?". Aquatic Sciences
86 2 (2024):
- Silva, C.; Figueira, E.; Matos, D.; Sá, C.; Vidal, T.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Abrantes, N.; Pereira, J.L.. "Assessment of extracellular
polymeric substances production and antioxidant defences in periphytic communities exposed to effluent contaminants". Environmental
Science: Processes and Impacts 26 11 (2024): 2090-2102.
- Mark, J.; Fantke, P.; Soheilifard, F.; Alcon, F.; Contreras, J.; Abrantes, N.; Campos, I.; et al. "Selected farm-level crop
protection practices in Europe and Argentina: Opportunities for moving toward sustainable use of pesticides". Journal of
Cleaner Production 477 (2024):
- Alaoui, A.; Christ, F.; Abrantes, N.; Silva, V.; González, N.; Gai, L.; Harkes, P.; et al. "Assessing pesticide residue occurrence
and risks in the environment across Europe and Argentina". Environmental Pollution 363 (2024):
- Abrantes, N.; Pereira, J.L.; González, A.-B.M.; Campos, I.; Navarro, I.; de la Torre, A.; Martínez, M.Á.; et al. "Towards
a comprehensive methodology for ecotoxicological assessment: Prioritizing plant protection products for mixture testing in
edge-of-field surface waterbodies". Science of the Total Environment 956 (2024):
- Khurshid, C.; Silva, V.; Gai, L.; Osman, R.; Mol, H.; Alaoui, A.; Christ, F.; et al. "Pesticide residues in European sediments:
A significant concern for the aquatic systems?". Environmental Research 261 (2024):
- Puga, J. R. L.; Abrantes, Nelson; Moreira, Francisco; Keizer, Jacob. "Immediate impacts of wildfires on ground-dwelling macroinvertebrates
under stones in Mediterranean eucalypt and pine planted-forests". Journal of Forestry Research (2024):
- Puga, João; v.d. Worp da Silva, Tiago; Abrantes, Nelson; Keizer, Jacob. "Short-term impacts of two post-fire mulching application
rates on ground-dwelling arthropod communities in eucalypt planted forests". Land Degradation & Development (2023):
- Fátima Jesus; Andreia Filipa Costa Mesquita; Elisa Virumbrales Aldama; Ana Marques; A.M.M. Gonçalves; Luísa Magalhães; António
Nogueira; et al. "Do Freshwater and Marine Bivalves Differ in Their Response to Wildfire Ash? Effects on the Antioxidant Defense
System and Metal Body Burden". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2023):
- Santos, D.; Abrantes, N.; Campos, I.; Domingues, I.; Lopes, I.. "Effects of aqueous extracts of wildfire ashes on tadpoles
of Pelophylax perezi: Influence of plant coverage". Science of the Total Environment 854 (2023):
- Silva, Carlos; Santos, Joana I.; Vidal, Tânia; Silva, Susana; Almeida, Salomé F.P.; Gonçalves, Fernando J.M.; Abrantes, Nelson;
Pereira, Joana Luísa. "Adding to the controversy: responses of benthic communities to the discharge of wastewater treatment
plant (WWTP) effluents are inconsistent and do not directly link to the hypothesized stressors". (2023):
- Navarro, I.; de la Torre, A.; Sanz, P.; Baldi, I.; Harkes, P.; Huerta-Lwanga, E.; Nørgaard, T.; et al. "Occurrence of pesticide
residues in indoor dust of farmworker households across Europe and Argentina". Science of the Total Environment 905
- Silva, V.; Gai, L.; Harkes, P.; Tan, G.; Ritsema, C.J.; Alcon, F.; Contreras, J.; et al. "Pesticide residues with hazard classifications
relevant to non-target species including humans are omnipresent in the environment and farmer residences". Environment
International 181 (2023):
- Santos, D.; Abrantes, N.; Campos, I.; Domingues, I.; Lopes, I.. "Impacts of aqueous extracts of wildfire ashes on aquatic
life-stages of Xenopus laevis: Influence of plant coverage". Aquatic Toxicology 262 (2023):
- Muñiz González, A.-B.; Campos, I.; Re, A.; Martínez-Guitarte, J.-L.; Abrantes, N.. "Effects of wildfire ashes on aquatic invertebrates:
First molecular approach on Chironomus riparius larvae". Science of the Total Environment 858 (2023):
- Jesus, Fátima; Patrício Silva, A.L.; Pereira, Joana; Ré, Ana; Campos, Isabel; Gonçalves, Fernando J.M.; Nogueira, António
J.A.; Abrantes, Nelson; Serpa, Dalila. "Do sediment-bound nickel and lead affect chironomids life-history? Toxicity assessment
under environmentally relevant conditions". Aquatic Toxicology (2022): 106347.
- "Microplastics in freshwater systems: The current status to achieve the sustainable development goals until 2030". Integrated
Environmental Assessment and Management 18 1 (2022): 289-291.
- Jesus, F.; Pereira, J.L.; Campos, I.; Santos, M.; Ré, A.; Keizer, J.; Nogueira, A.; et al. "A review on polycyclic aromatic
hydrocarbons distribution in freshwater ecosystems and their toxicity to benthic fauna". Science of the Total Environment
820 (2022):
- Cunha, M.C.; Serpa, D.; Marques, J.; Keizer, J.J.; Abrantes, N.. "On sustainable improvements of agricultural practices in
the Bairrada region (Portugal)". Environment, Development and Sustainability (2022):
- Coelho, L.; Afonso, M.; Jesus, F.; Campos, I.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Serpa, D.; Marques, S.M.. "Effects of Eucalypt
ashes from moderate and high severity wildfires on the skin microbiome of the Iberian frog (Rana iberica)". Environmental
Pollution 313 (2022):
- Mesquita, A.F.; Abrantes, N.; Campos, I.; Nunes, C.; Coimbra, M.A.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Marques, J.C.; Gonçalves, A.M.M.. "Effects
of wildfire ash on the growth and biochemical profiles of the aquatic macrophyte Lemna minor". Aquatic Toxicology 250
- Silva, C.; Cachada, A.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Nannou, C.; Lambropoulou, D.; Patinha, C.; Abrantes, N.; Pereira, J.L.. "Chemical
characterization of riverine sediments affected by wastewater treatment plant effluent discharge". Science of the Total
Environment 839 (2022):
- Mariana Afonso; Laura Sofia Coelho; Fátima T. Jesus; Fernando J. M. Gonçalves; Isabel Maria Alves Natividade Campos; Abrantes,
Nelson; Sérgio Marques; et al. "Effects of Pine and Eucalypt ashes on bacterial isolates from the skin microbiome of fire
salamander (Salamandra salamandra)". Science of the Total Environment 841 (2022):
Submitted • 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.156677
- "Forest fires as drivers of contamination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems".
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 24 (2021): 100293-100293.
- "Collection of human and environmental data on pesticide use in Europe and Argentina: Field study protocol for the SPRINT
project". PLOS ONE 16 11 (2021): e0259748-e0259748.
- "Impacts of wildfires in aquatic organisms: biomarker responses and erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities in Gambusia holbrooki
exposed in situ". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 28 37 (2021): 51733-51744.
- "Cytotoxic effects of wildfire ashes: In-vitro responses of skin cells". Environmental Pollution 285 (2021): 117279-117279.
- Peter A. Wilfahrt; Andreas H. Schweiger; Nelson Abrantes; Mohammed A. S. Arfin-Khan; Michael Bahn; Bernd J. Berauer; Michael
Bierbaumer; et al. "Disentangling climate from soil nutrient effects on plant biomass production using a multispecies phytometer".
Ecosphere 12 8 (2021):
- Jesus, Fátima; Martha Santos; Ana Ré; Isabel Maria Alves Natividade Campos; Joana L. Pereira; Gonçalves, Fernando J.M.; Abrantes,
Nelson; Dalila do Rosário Encarnação Serpa. "Avaliação dos Efeitos dos Incêndios Florestais na Espécie Bentónica Chironomus
riparius". CAPTAR (2021):
- Vidal, T.; Santos, M.; Santos, J.I.; Luís, A.T.; Pereira, M.J.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Pereira, J.L.. "Testing the
response of benthic diatom assemblages to common riverine contaminants". Science of the Total Environment 755 (2021):
- Ré, A.; Campos, I.; Keizer, J.J.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Pereira, J.L.; Abrantes, N.. "Effects of post-fire contamination in sediment-dwelling
species of riverine systems". Science of the Total Environment 771 (2021):
- Vidal, T.; Pereira, J.L.; Moreira, F.; Silva, J.; Santos, M.; Campos, I.; Benoliel, M.J.; et al. "Responses of benthic diatoms
to waters affected by post-fire contamination". Science of the Total Environment 800 (2021):
- Abrantes N. "Biochemical and functional responses of stream invertebrate shredders to post-wildfire contamination". Environmental
Pollution (2020):
- Abrantes N. "Feeding inhibition following in-situ and laboratory exposure as an indicator of ecotoxic impacts of wildfires
in affected waterbodies". Aquatic Toxicology (2020):
- Abrantes N. "Wildfire effects on two freshwater producers: Combining in-situ and laboratory bioassays". Ecotoxicology and
Environmental Safety (2020):
- Abrantes N; Halbritter, A.H.; De Boeck, H.J.; Eycott, A.E.; Reinsch, S.; Robinson, D.A.; Vicca, S.; et al. "The handbook for
standardized field and laboratory measurements in terrestrial climate change experiments and observational studies (ClimEx)".
Methods in Ecology and Evolution 11 1 (2020): 22-37.
- Abrantes N. "Improving cost-efficiency for MPs density separation by zinc chloride reuse". MethodsX (2020):
- Ferreira, C.S.S.; Veiga, A.; Caetano, A.; Gonzalez-Pelayo, O.; Karine-Boulet, A.; Abrantes, N.; Keizer, J.; Ferreira, A.J.D..
"Assessment of the Impact of Distinct Vineyard Management Practices on Soil Physico-Chemical Properties". Air, Soil and
Water Research 13 (2020):
- Cuco, A.P.; Wolinska, J.; Santos, J.I.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Castro, B.B.. "Can parasites adapt to pollutants?
A multigenerational experiment with a Daphnia × Metschnikowia model system exposed to the fungicide tebuconazole". Aquatic
Toxicology 226 (2020):
- Francisco Carvalho; Arunava Pradhan; Nelson Abrantes; Isabel Campos; Jan Jacob Keizer; Fernanda Cássio; Cláudia Pascoal. "Wildfire
impacts on freshwater detrital food webs depend on runoff load, exposure time and burnt forest type". Science of The Total
Environment (2019):
- Isabel Campos; Nelson Abrantes; Patrícia Pereira; Ana Cristina Micaelo; Carlos Vale; Jan Jacob Keizer. "Forest fires as potential
triggers for production and mobilization of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons to the terrestrial ecosystem". Land Degradation
& Development (2019):
- Vidal, T.; Santos, J.I.; Queirós, L.; Ré, A.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Pereira, J.L.. "Environmental benchmarks based
on ecotoxicological assessment with planktonic species might not adequately protect benthic assemblages in lotic systems".
Science of the Total Environment 668 (2019): 1289-1297.
- Rodrigues, M.O.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Nogueira, H.; Marques, J.C.; Gonçalves, A.M.M.. "Impacts of plastic products
used in daily life on the environment and human health: What is known?". Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology
72 (2019):
- Venâncio, C.; Castro, B.B.; Ribeiro, R.; Antunes, S.C.; Abrantes, N.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Lopes, I.. "Sensitivity of freshwater
species under single and multigenerational exposure to seawater intrusion". Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society
B: Biological Sciences 374 1764 (2019):
- Rodrigues, M.O.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Nogueira, H.; Marques, J.C.; Gonçalves, A.M.M.. "Spatial and temporal distribution
of microplastics in water and sediments of a freshwater system (Antuã River, Portugal)". Science of the Total Environment
633 (2018): 1549-1559.
- Cuco, A.P.; Castro, B.B.; Gonçalves, F.; Wolinska, J.; Abrantes, N.. "Temperature modulates the interaction between fungicide
pollution and disease: Evidence from a Daphnia-microparasitic yeast model". Parasitology 145 7 (2018): 939-947.
- Ferreira, C.S.S.; Keizer, J.J.; Santos, L.M.B.; Serpa, D.; Silva, V.; Cerqueira, M.; Ferreira, A.J.D.; Abrantes, N.. "Runoff,
sediment and nutrient exports from a Mediterranean vineyard under integrated production: An experiment at plot scale". Agriculture,
Ecosystems and Environment 256 (2018): 184-193.
- Rodrigues, M.O.; Gonçalves, A.M.M.; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Nogueira, H.; Marques, J.C.; Abrantes, N.. "Effectiveness of a methodology
of microplastics isolation for environmental monitoring in freshwater systems". Ecological Indicators 89 (2018): 488-495.
- Silva, V.; Marques, C.R.; Campos, I.; Vidal, T.; Keizer, J.J.; Gonçalves, F.; Abrantes, N.. "Combined effect of copper sulfate
and water temperature on key freshwater trophic levels – Approaching potential climatic change scenarios". Ecotoxicology
and Environmental Safety 148 (2018): 384-392.
- Bessa da Silva, M.; Abrantes, N.; Patinha, C.; Ferreira da Silva, E.; Marques, J.C.; Gonçalves, F.; Pereira, R.. "Soil ecotoxicological
screening (tier 1) for a diffuse-contaminated drainage area surrounding a lacustrine ecosystem in the Centre of Portugal".
Journal of Soils and Sediments 18 1 (2018): 189-204.
- João Ricardo Lavoura Puga; Nelson José Cabaços Abrantes; Maria João Saraiva de Oliveira; Diana Catarina Simões Vieira; Silvia
Regina Faria; Fernando Gonçalves; Jan Jacob Keizer. "Long-Term Impacts of Post-Fire Mulching on Ground-Dwelling Arthropod
Communities in a Eucalypt Plantation". Land Degradation & Development 28 3 (2017): 1156-1162.
- Serpa, D.; Nunes, J.P.; Keizer, J.J.; Abrantes, N.. "Impacts of climate and land use changes on the water quality of a small
Mediterranean catchment with intensive viticulture". Environmental Pollution 224 (2017): 454-465.
- Cuco, A.P.; Santos, J.I.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.; Wolinska, J.; Castro, B.B.. "Concentration and timing of application
reveal strong fungistatic effect of tebuconazole in a Daphnia-microparasitic yeast model". Aquatic Toxicology 193 (2017):
- Cuco, A.P.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.; Wolinska, J.; Castro, B.B.. "Interplay between fungicides and parasites: Tebuconazole,
but not copper, suppresses infection in a Daphnia-Metschnikowia experimental model". PLoS ONE 12 2 (2017):
- Nunes, B.; Silva, V.; Campos, I.; Pereira, J.L.; Pereira, P.; Keizer, J.J.; Gonçalves, F.; Abrantes, N.. "Off-site impacts
of wildfires on aquatic systems — Biomarker responses of the mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki". Science of the Total Environment
581-582 (2017): 305-313.
- Ana P. Cuco; Nelson Abrantes; Fernando Gonçalves; Justyna Wolinska; Bruno B. Castro. "Toxicity of two fungicides in Daphnia:
is it always temperature-dependent?". Ecotoxicology (2016):
- Bessa da Silva, M.; Abrantes, N.; Nogueira, V.; Gonçalves, F.; Pereira, R.. "TiO2nanoparticles for the remediation
of eutrophic shallow freshwater systems: Efficiency and impacts on aquatic biota under a microcosm experiment". Aquatic
Toxicology 178 (2016): 58-71.
- Bessa da Silva, M.; Abrantes, N.; Rocha-Santos, T.A.P.; Duarte, A.C.; Freitas, A.C.; Gomes, A.M.; Carvalho, A.P.; et al. "Effects
of dietary exposure to herbicide and of the nutritive quality of contaminated food on the reproductive output of Daphnia magna".
Aquatic Toxicology 179 (2016): 1-7.
- Silva, V.; Abrantes, N.; Costa, R.; Keizer, J.J.; Gonçalves, F.; Pereira, J.L.. "Effects of ash-loaded post-fire runoff on
the freshwater clam Corbicula fluminea". Ecological Engineering 90 (2016): 180-189.
- Campos, I.; Abrantes, N.; Keizer, J.J.; Vale, C.; Pereira, P.. "Major and trace elements in soils and ashes of eucalypt and
pine forest plantations in Portugal following a wildfire". Science of the Total Environment 572 (2016): 1363-1376.
- Roebeling, P.; Abrantes, N.; Ribeiro, S.; Almeida, P.. "Estimating cultural benefits from surface water status improvements
in freshwater wetland ecosystems". Science of the Total Environment 545-546 (2016): 219-226.
- Vidal, T.; Pereira, J.L.; Abrantes, N.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Gonçalves, F.. "Reproductive and developmental toxicity of the herbicide
Betanal® Expert and corresponding active ingredients to Daphnia spp". Environmental Science and Pollution Research
23 13 (2016): 13276-13287.
- Nogueira, V.; Lopes, I.; Rocha-Santos, T.A.P.; Rasteiro, M.G.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Duarte, A.C.;
Pereira, R.. "Assessing the ecotoxicity of metal nano-oxides with potential for wastewater treatment". Environmental Science
and Pollution Research 22 17 (2015): 13212-13224.
- Campos, I.; Vale, C.; Abrantes, N.; Keizer, J.J.; Pereira, P.; Campos, Isabel; Abrantes, Nelson; et al. "Effects of wildfire
on mercury mobilisation in eucalypt and pine forests". Catena 131 (2015): 149-159.
- Serpa, D.; Nunes, J.P.; Santos, J.; Sampaio, E.; Jacinto, R.; Veiga, S.; Lima, J.C.; et al. "Impacts of climate and land use
changes on the hydrological and erosion processes of two contrasting Mediterranean catchments". Science of the Total Environment
538 (2015): 64-77.
- Hentati, O.; Abrantes, N.; Caetano, A.L.; Bouguerra, S.; Gonçalves, F.; Römbke, J.; Pereira, R.. "Phosphogypsum as a soil
fertilizer: Ecotoxicity of amended soil and elutriates to bacteria, invertebrates, algae and plants". Journal of Hazardous
Materials 294 (2015): 80-89.
- Vidal, T.; Pereira, J.L.; Abrantes, N.; Almeida, S.F.P.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Gonçalves, F.. "Toxicity testing with the benthic
diatom Navicula libonensis (Schoeman 1970): Procedure optimisation and assessment of the species sensitivity to reference
chemicals". Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 93 1 (2014): 71-77.
- Bastos, A.C.; Prodana, M.; Abrantes, N.; Keizer, J.J.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Loureiro, S.. "Potential risk of biochar-amended
soil to aquatic systems: an evaluation based on aquatic bioassays". Ecotoxicology 23 9 (2014): 1784-1793.
- Maia, P.; Keizer, J.; Vasques, A.; Abrantes, N.; Roxo, L.; Fernandes, P.; Ferreira, A.; Moreira, F.. "Post-fire plant diversity
and abundance in pine and eucalypt stands in Portugal: Effects of biogeography, topography, forest type and post-fire management".
Forest Ecology and Management 334 (2014): 154-162.
- Serpa, D.; Keizer, J.J.; Cassidy, J.; Cuco, A.; Silva, V.; Gonçalves, F.; Cerqueira, M.; Abrantes, N.. "Assessment of river
water quality using an integrated physicochemical, biological and ecotoxicological approach". Environmental Sciences: Processes
and Impacts 16 6 (2014): 1434-1444.
- Reboleira, A.S.P.S.; Abrantes, N.; Oromí, P.; Gonçalves, F.. "Acute toxicity of copper sulfate and potassium dichromate on
stygobiont proasellus: General aspects of groundwater ecotoxicology and future perspectives". Water, Air, and Soil Pollution
224 5 (2013):
- Moreira, F.; Ferreira, A.; Abrantes, N.; Catry, F.; Fernandes, P.; Roxo, L.; Keizer, J.J.; Silva, J.. "Occurrence of native
and exotic invasive trees in burned pine and eucalypt plantations: Implications for post-fire forest conversion". Ecological
Engineering 58 (2013): 296-302.
- Martins, N.; Pereira, R.; Abrantes, N.; Pereira, J.; Gonçalves, F.; Marques, C.R.. "Ecotoxicological effects of ciprofloxacin
on freshwater species: Data integration and derivation of toxicity thresholds for risk assessment". Ecotoxicology 21
4 (2012): 1167-1176.
- Campos, I.; Abrantes, N.; Vidal, T.; Bastos, A.C.; Gonçalves, F.; Keizer, J.J.. "Assessment of the toxicity of ash-loaded
runoff from a recently burnt eucalypt plantation". European Journal of Forest Research 131 6 (2012): 1889-1903.
- Vidal, T.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, A.M.M.; Gonçalves, F.. "Acute and chronic toxicity of Betanal®Expert and its active ingredients
on nontarget aquatic organisms from different trophic levels". Environmental Toxicology 27 9 (2012): 537-548.
- Abrantes, N.; Pereira, R.; Gonçalves, F.. "Occurrence of pesticides in water, sediments, and fish tissues in a lake surrounded
by agricultural lands: Concerning risks to humans and ecological receptors". Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 212 1-4
(2010): 77-88.
- Abrantes, N.; Pereira, R.; De Figueiredo, D.R.; Marques, C.R.; Pereira, M.J.; Gonçalves, F.. "A whole sample toxicity assessment
to evaluate the sub-lethal toxicity of water and sediment elutriates from a lake exposed to diffuse pollution". Environmental
Toxicology 24 3 (2009): 259-270.
- Abrantes, N.; Nogueira, A.; Gonçalves, F.. "Short-term dynamics of cladocerans in a eutrophic shallow lake during a shift
in the phytoplankton dominance". Annales de Limnologie 45 4 (2009): 237-245.
- Abrantes, N.; Pereira, R.; Soares, A.M.V.M.; Gonçalves, F.. "Evaluation of the ecotoxicological impact of the pesticide Lasso®
on non-target freshwater species, through leaching from nearby agricultural fields, using terrestrial model ecosystems". Water,
Air, and Soil Pollution 192 1-4 (2008): 211-220.
- Marques, C.R.; Abrantes, N.; De Figueiredo, D.R.; Pereira, M.J.; Gonçalves, F.. "Are Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata and Chlorella
vulgaris affected by environmental samples from a rice field?". Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 189 1-4 (2008): 49-59.
- Pereira, R.; Marques, S.M.; Antunes, S.C.; Marques, C.; Abrantes, N.; Pestana, J.L.T.; Gonçalves, F.. "Comparison of portuguese
soils from different geographical regions using physicochemical, biological and biochemical parameters". Journal of Soils
and Sediments 8 2 (2008): 106-115.
- Sismeiro-Vivas, J.; Abrantes, N.; Pereira, J.L.; Castro, B.B.; Gonçalves, F.. "Short-term effects of Quirlan® (chlorfenvinphos)
on the behavior and acetylcholinesterase activity of Gambusia holbrooki". Environmental Toxicology 22 2 (2007): 194-202.
- De Figueiredo, D.R.; Reboleira, A.S.S.P.; Antunes, S.C.; Abrantes, N.; Azeiteiro, U.; Gonçalves, F.; Pereira, M.J.. "The effect
of environmental parameters and cyanobacterial blooms on phytoplankton dynamics of a Portuguese temperate lake". Hydrobiologia
568 1 (2006): 145-157.
- Abrantes, N.; Antunes, S.C.; Pereira, M.J.; Gonçalves, F.. "Seasonal succession of cladocerans and phytoplankton and their
interactions in a shallow eutrophic lake (Lake Vela, Portugal)". Acta Oecologica 29 1 (2006): 54-64.
- Pereira, R.; Pinho, R.; Lopes, L.; Antunes, S.C.; Abrantes, N.; Gonçalves, F.. "Helping teachers to use urban natural areas
for science teaching and environmental education". Fresenius Environmental Bulletin 15 11 (2006): 1467-1473.
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Working paper |
- Lopes, Ana; Pereira, Joana Luísa; Abrantes, Nelson; Gonçalves, F.J.M.; Brito, M.; Ferreira, R.M.L.; Ricardo, Ana M.. 2020.
"Surface exchange flows in lake-wetland interfaces may modulate the horizontal migration of zooplankton".