Conference paper |
- Hachmeister, D.; Silva, C.; Santos, J.; Conway, G.D.; Gil, L.; Silva, A.; Stroth, U.; et al. "Inner-outer midplane density
asymmetries and the link to the HFSHD close to double null at ASDEX Upgrade". 2022.
- Silva, Antonio; Dias, José; Santos, Jorge; da Silva, Filipe; Gonçalves, Bruno. "FMCW compact reflectometer and future developments
using DDS signal generation.". Paper presented in 15th International Reflectometry Workshop, St Paul Lez Durance,
- Gil, L.; Silva, C.; Happel, T.; Birkenmeier, G.; Cavedon, M.; Conway, G.D.; Guimarãis, L.; et al. "Stationary ELM-free H-mode
in ASDEX Upgrade". 2019.
- Seliunin, E.; Silva, C.; Manz, P.; Aguiam, D.; Conway, G.D.; Gil, L.; Guimarãis, L.; et al. "Density profiles and fluctuations
in front of the ICRF antenna on the ASDEX Upgrade using X-mode reflectometry". 2018.
- Medvedeva, A.; Bottereau, C.; Clairet, F.; Conway, G.D.; Gil, L.; Manz, P.; Mink, F.; et al. "Observation of high frequency
edge coherent modes in ASDEX Upgrade". 2018.
- Gil, L.; Silva, C.; Happel, T.; Birkenmeier, G.; Conway, G.D.; Denk, S.S.; Guimarãis, L.; et al. "Edge instabilities across
the L-H transition and in H-mode of ASDEX Upgrade". 2018.
- Bogar, O.; Bilkova, P.; Bohm, P.; Hron, M.; Panek, R.; Silva, A.; Zajac, J.; Varavin, N.; Silva, Antonio. "Microwave reflectometry
for density profile and turbulence measurements on the COMPASS tokamak". 2017.
- Zhang, W.; Bobkov, V.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Tierens, W.; Aguiam, D.; Bilato, R.; Coster, D.; et al. "Recent progress on improving
ICRF coupling and reducing RF-specific impurities in ASDEX Upgrade". 2017.
- Vicente, J.; Carralero, D.; Aguiam, D.E.; Silva, A.; Silva, C.; Schneider, P.A.; Manso, M.E.; Guimarais, L.; Conway, G.D..
"Relationship between divertor collisionality and filament activity measured with reflectometry at ASDEX Upgrade". 2016.
- Medvedeva, A.; Birkenmeier, G.; Bottereau, C.; Cavedon, M.; Clairet, F.; Conway, G.D.; Hennequin, P.; et al. "Density profile
and turbulence evolution during L-H transition studied with the Ultra-fast swept reflectometer on ASDEX Upgrade". 2016.
- D'Arcangelo, O.; Tudisco, O.; Ceccuzzi, S.; Füenfgelder, H.; Rocchi, G.; Conway, G.D.; De Masi, G.; et al. "Design, laboratory
characterization and installation of the multichannel reflectometer's transmission lines at ICRF antenna in Asdex Upgrade".
- Guimarais, L.; Nikolaeva, V.; Potzel, S.; Reimold, F.; Bernert, M.; Carralero, D.; Conway, G.D.; et al. "LFS/HFS edge density
profile dynamics on ASDEX-Upgrade". 2015.
- Da Silva, F.; Silva, A.; Heuraux, S.. "Simulation of multiband swept reflectometry for profile evaluation on DEMO using a
FDTD maxwell fullwave code". 2015.
- Da Graça, S.; Conway, G.D.; Viezzer, E.; Silva, A.; Cupido, L.; Manso, M.E.. "Poloidal velocity of MHD modes at the edge of
the ASDEX upgrade tokamak". 2013.
- Da Graga, S.; Conway, G.D.; Lauber, P.; Igochine, V.; Gude, A.; Curran, D.; Classen, I.; et al. "Fast particle mode studies
with NBI heating on ASDEX Upgrade using reflectometry". 2011.
- Da Gra¸ca, S.; Conway, G.D.; Lauber, P.; Curran, D.; Classen, I.; Silva, F.Da.; Mcdermott, R.; et al. "Alfv´en cascade mode
studies in ASDEX upgrade using reflectometry". 2010.
- Da Graça, S.; Conway, G.D.; Maraschek, M.; Silva, A.; Wolfrum, E.; Fischer, R.; Cupido, L.; Serra, F.; Manso, M.E.. "Studies
of edge MHD modes in H-mode discharges in ASDEX upgrade using reflectometry". 2008.
- Manso, M.; Silva, A.; Varela, P.; Borba, D.; Lang, P.; Cupido, L.; Nunes, I.; Conway, G.. "ELMy studies in ITER relevant regimes
in ASDEX upgrade broadband FM-CW reflectometry techniques". 2006.
- Silva, A.; Varela, P.; Cupido, L.; Manso, M.; Meneses, L.; Guimarais, L.; Conway, G.; Serra, F.. "Automatic electron density
measurements with microwave reflectometry during high-density H-mode discharges on ASDEX Upgrade". 2005.
- Vergamota, S.; Lang, P. T.; Manso, M.; Serra, F.; Hacquin, S.; Varela, P.; Silva, A.; et al. "Simultaneous high field and
low field side density profile measurements from reflectometry during inboard pellet launch experiments in ASDEX Upgrade".
- Manso, M.; Serra, F.; Varela, P.; Vergamota, S.; Nunes, I.; Silva, A.; Conway, G. D.; et al. "Routine density profiles with
high spatial and temporal resolutions from the FM-Broadband reflectometry system in ASDEX Upgrade". 2000.
- Nunes, I.; Manso, M.; Varela, P.; Serra, F.; Silva, A.; da Silva, F.; Schweinzer, J.; et al. "Density measurements with combined
Li-beam diagnostics and microwave reflectometry during advanced tokamak operation on ASDEX-Upgrade". 1999.
- Manso, M.; Serra, F.; Varela, P.; Santos, J.; Silva, A.; Vergamota, S.; da Silva, F.; et al. "Study of the interplay between
the core and edge regions in ITB plasmas using microwave reflectometry on ASDEX Upgrade". 1999.
- Manso, M.; Serra, F.; Nunes, I.; Cupido, L.; Grossmann, V.; Maraschek, M.; Meneses, L.; et al. "Recent results of reflectometry
on ASDEX-Upgrade". 1999.
- Manso, M.; Serra, F.; Nunes, I.; Vergamota, S.; Santos, J.; Silva, A.; Varela, P.; et al.. "Local measurement with microwave
reflectometry of density profile perturbations due to MHD activity on ASDEX Upgrade". 1998.
- Manso, M.; Serra, F.; Santos, J.; Silva, A.; Nunes, I.; Varela, P.; Vergamota, S.; Kurzan, B.; Suttrop, W.. "Recent results
from microwave reflectometry on ASDEX Upgrade". 1997.
- Santos, J.; Manso, M.; Nunes, F.; Nunes, I.; Silva, A.; Varela, P.. "New data processing techniques for profile evaluation
from FM reflectometry". 1997.
- Manso, M.; Serra, F.; Santos, J.; Nunes, I.; Silva, A.; Kurzan, B.; Varela, P.; et al. "Density profile and fluctuation measurements
with microwave reflectometry on ASDEX Upgrade". 1997.
- Loureiro, CFM; Combo, AMCF; Simoes, JB; Correia, CMBA; Silva, A; Loureiro, C.F.M.; Combo, A.M.C.F.; et al. "High speed multi
input VME acquisition system". 1997.
- Santos, J.; Silva, A.; Varela, P.; Cupido, L.; Manso, M.; Serra, F.. "Continuous evaluation of the group delay on FM-CW reflectometry
for nuclear fusion devices". 1996.
- Varela, P.; Silva, A.; Manso, M.; Nunes, F.; Serra, F.. "Application of a two-dimensional smoothing algorithm to reflectometry
data". 1996.
- Varela, P.; Vergamota, S.; Santos, J.; Silva, A.; Cupido, L.; Eusébio, F.. "A dedicated control and data acquisition system
for ultra fast FM reflectometry". 1996.
- Varela, P.; Manso, M.; Fernandes, J.; da Silva, F.; Silva, A.; Serra, F.. "Initialization of density profiles from reflectometry
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- Silva, A.; Cupido, L.; Varela, P.; et al.. "Continuous phase derivative evaluation for density profile measurements from FM
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- Silva, A.; Manso, M.; Varela, P.; et al.. "Density profile measurements from ultra fast broadband reflectometry on ASDEX Upgrade".
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- Cupido, L.; Silva, A.; Serra, F.; Manso, M.; Varela, P.. "Diagnósticos de reflectometria de micro-ondas para o JET". 1994.
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Journal article |
- D Hachmeister; C Silva; J Santos; G D Conway; L Gil; A Silva; U Stroth; et al. "Influence of the magnetic configuration on
the high-field side scrape-off layer at ASDEX Upgrade and the role of the secondary separatrix". Plasma Physics and Controlled
Fusion (2024):
- Ricardo, Emanuel; da Silva, Filipe; Heuraux, Stéphane; Silva, Antonio; Santos, Jorge. "Simulation and data processing techniques
to design optimized PPR systems on plasma fusion devices". Computer Physics Communications 294 (2024): 108945.
- da Silva, F.; Heuraux, S.; Ribeiro, T.; Ricardo, E.; Santos, J.; Silva, A.; Ferreira, J.; et al. "An overview of the evolution
of the modeling of reflectometry diagnostics in fusion plasmas using finite-difference time-domain codes". Fusion Engineering
and Design (2024):
Submitted • 10.1016/J.FUSENGDES.2024.114354
- Santos, J. M.; Silva, A.; da Silva, F.; Nietiadi, Y.; Lufs, R.; Ferreira, J.; De Masi, G.; et al. "Design and performance
analysis of a High Field Side antenna for Plasma Position Reflectometry control on DTT". Fusion Engineering and Design
Under revision • 10.1016/J.FUSENGDES.2024.114275
- Raul Luís; Yohanes Nietiadi; Antonio Quercia; Alberto Vale; Jorge Belo; António Silva; Bruno Gonçalves; et al. "Neutronics
Simulations for DEMO Diagnostics". Sensors (2023):
- Bruno Gonçalves; Paulo Varela; António Silva; Filipe Silva; Jorge Santos; Emanuel Ricardo; Alberto Vale; et al. "Advances,
Challenges, and Future Perspectives of Microwave Reflectometry for Plasma Position and Shape Control on Future Nuclear Fusion
Devices". Sensors (2023):
- Nietiadi, Y.; Luís, R.; Silva, A.; Belo, J.H.; Vale, A.; Malaquias, A.; Gonçalves, B.; et al. "Thermomechanical analysis of
a multi-reflectometer system for DEMO". Fusion Engineering and Design 190 (2023):
- Luís, R.; Nietiadi, Y.; Belo, J.H.; Silva, A.; Vale, A.; Malaquias, A.; Gonçalves, B.; et al. "A diagnostics slim cassette
for reflectometry measurements in DEMO: Design and simulation studies". Fusion Engineering and Design 190 (2023):
- da Silva, Filipe; Ricardo, E.; Ferreira, J.; Santos, J.; Heuraux, S.; Silva, A.; Ribeiro, T.; et al. "Benchmarking 2D against
3D FDTD codes for the assessment of the measurement performance of a low field side plasma position reflectometer applicable
to IDTT". Journal of Instrumentation 17 01 (2022): C01017.
- Hachmeister, D.; Silva, C.; Santos, J.; Conway, G.D.; Gil, L.; Silva, A.; Stroth, U.; Vicente, J.; Wolfrum, E.. "The impact
of inverted density gradients on density profiles measured by reflectometry: an experimental and numerical investigation at
ASDEX Upgrade". Journal of Instrumentation 17 01 (2022): C01008.
Open access • Published • 10.1088/1748-0221/17/01/c01008
- Stroth, U.; Aguiam, D.; Alessi, E.; Angioni, C.; Arden, N.; Parra, R.A.; Artigues, V.; et al. "Progress from ASDEX Upgrade
experiments in preparing the physics basis of ITER operation and DEMO scenario development". Nuclear Fusion 62 4 (2022):
- Vega, J.; Murari, A.; Dormido-Canto, S.; Rattá, G.A.; Gelfusa, M.; Mailloux, J.; Abid, N.; et al. "Disruption prediction with
artificial intelligence techniques in tokamak plasmas". Nature Physics 18 7 (2022): 741-750.
- Biel, W.; Ariola, M.; Bolshakova, I.; Brunner, K.J.; Cecconello, M.; Duran, I.; Franke, T.; et al. "Development of a concept
and basis for the DEMO diagnostic and control system". Fusion Engineering and Design 179 (2022):
- Mailloux, J.; Abid, N.; Abraham, K.; Abreu, P.; Adabonyan, O.; Adrich, P.; Afanasev, V.; et al. "Overview of JET results for
optimising ITER operation". Nuclear Fusion 62 4 (2022):
- Mazzi, S.; Garcia, J.; Zarzoso, D.; Kazakov, Y.O.; Ongena, J.; Dreval, M.; Nocente, M.; et al. "Enhanced performance in fusion
plasmas through turbulence suppression by megaelectronvolt ions". Nature Physics 18 7 (2022): 776-782.
- A. Silva; J. Dias; J. Santos; F. da Silva; B. Gonçalves. "FM-CW compact reflectometer using DDS signal generation". Journal
of Instrumentation 16 11 (2021): C11005-C11005.
- R. Luís; Y. Nietiadi; A. Silva; B. Gonçalves; T. Franke; W. Biel. "Nuclear analysis of the DEMO divertor survey visible high-resolution
spectrometer". Fusion Engineering and Design 169 (2021): 112460-112460.
- Yohanes Nietiadi; Raul Luís; Antonio Silva; Emanuel Ricardo; Bruno Gonçalves; Thomas Franke; Wolfgang Biel; et al. "Nuclear
and thermal analysis of a multi-reflectometer system for DEMO". Fusion Engineering and Design 167 5 (2021): 112349-112349.
- Silva, C.; Solano, E.R.; Hillesheim, J.C.; Delabie, E.; Aleiferis, S.; Birkenmeier, G.; Gil, L.; et al. "Structure of the
JET edge radial electric field in He and D plasmas". Nuclear Fusion 61 12 (2021):
- Ricardo, E.; da Silva, F.; Heuraux, S.; Silva, A.. "On the edge turbulence effects on the density profile reconstruction using
O-mode reflectometers". Fusion Engineering and Design 171 (2021):
- Belo, J.H.; Nietiadi, Y.; Luís, R.; Silva, A.; Vale, A.; Goncalves, B.; Franke, T.; Krimmer, A.; Biel, W.. "Design and integration
studies of a diagnostics slim cassette concept for DEMO". Nuclear Fusion 61 11 (2021):
- Santos, J.M.; Ricardo, E.; Da Silva, F.J.; Ribeiro, T.; Heuraux, S.; Silva, A.. "A 3D CAD model input pipeline for REFMUL3
full-wave FDTD 3D simulator". Journal of Instrumentation 16 11 (2021):
- Belo, J.H.; Varela, P.; Silva, A.. "Benchmarking of the em modelling of the ITER plasma position reflectometry in-vessel antennas
with a metallic target using prototype tests". Journal of Instrumentation 15 1 (2020):
- Moradi, S.; Anderson, J.; Romanelli, M.; Kim, H.-T.; Jet Contributors; Litaudon, X.; Abduallev, S.; et al. "Global scaling
of the heat transport in fusion plasmas". Physical Review Research 2 1 (2020):
- Lourenço, P.D.; Santos, J.M.; Havránek, A.; Bogar, O.; Havlícek, J.; Zajac, J.; Silva, A.; et al. "Real-time plasma position
reflectometry system development and integration on COMPASS tokamak". Fusion Engineering and Design 160 (2020):
- Joffrin, E.; Abduallev, S.; Abhangi, M.; Abreu, P.; Afanasev, V.; Afzal, M.; Aggarwal, K.M.; et al. "Overview of the JET preparation
for deuterium-tritium operation with the ITER like-wall". Nuclear Fusion 59 11 (2019):
- Hatano, Y.; Lee, S.E.; Likonen, J.; Koivuranta, S.; Hara, M.; Masuzaki, S.; Asakura, N.; et al. "Tritium distributions on
W-coated divertor tiles used in the third JET ITER-like wall campaign". Nuclear Materials and Energy 18 (2019): 258-261.
- Medvedeva, A.; Bottereau, C.; Clairet, F.; Conway, G.D.; Manz, P.; Mink, F.; Nikolaeva, V.; et al. "High frequency edge coherent
modes studied with the ultra-fast swept reflectometer on ASDEX Upgrade". Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 8
- Ström, P.; Petersson, P.; Rubel, M.; Fortuna-Zalesna, E.; Widdowson, A.; Sergienko, G.; Litaudon, X.; et al. "Analysis of
deposited layers with deuterium and impurity elements on samples from the divertor of JET with ITER-like wall". Journal
of Nuclear Materials 516 (2019): 202-213.
- Ricardo, E.; Silva, F.Da.; Heuraux, S.; Silva, A.. "Assessment of a multi-reflectometers positioning system for DEMO plasmas".
Journal of Instrumentation 14 8 (2019):
- Silva, F.; Ferreira, J.; Masi, G.De.; Heuraux, S.; Ricardo, E.; Ribeiro, T.; Tudisco, O.; et al. "A first full wave simulation
assessment of reflectometry for DTT". Journal of Instrumentation 14 8 (2019):
- Vasilopoulou, T.; Stamatelatos, I.E.; Batistoni, P.; Colangeli, A.; Flammini, D.; Fonnesu, N.; Loreti, S.; et al. "Improved
neutron activation dosimetry for fusion". Fusion Engineering and Design 139 (2019): 109-114.
- Silva, F.Da.; Heuraux, S.; Ricardo, E.; Silva, A.; Ribeiro, T.. "Modelling reflectometry diagnostics: Finite-difference time-domain
simulation of reflectometry in fusion plasmas". Journal of Instrumentation 14 8 (2019):
- Varela, P.; Belo, J.H.; Silva, A.; Silva, F.D.. "Design status of the in-vessel subsystem of the ITER Plasma Position Reflectometry
system". Journal of Instrumentation 14 9 (2019):
- Silva, F.; Heuraux, S.; Ricardo, E.; Silva, A.; Ribeiro, T.. "Benchmarking 2D against 3D FDTD codes in the assessment of reflectometry
performance in fusion devices". Journal of Instrumentation 14 8 (2019):
- Meyer, H.; Angioni, C.; Albert, C.G.; Arden, N.; Arredondo Parra, R.; Asunta, O.; De Baar, M.; et al. "Overview of physics
studies on ASDEX Upgrade". Nuclear Fusion 59 11 (2019):
- Biel, W.; Albanese, R.; Ambrosino, R.; Ariola, M.; Berkel, M.V.; Bolshakova, I.; Brunner, K.J.; et al. "Diagnostics for plasma
control – From ITER to DEMO". Fusion Engineering and Design (2019):
- Sias, G.; Cannas, B.; Fanni, A.; Murari, A.; Pau, A.; Kallenbach, A.; Aguiam, D.; et al. "A locked mode indicator for disruption
prediction on JET and ASDEX upgrade". Fusion Engineering and Design 138 (2019): 254-266.
- Lawson, K.D.; Aggarwal, K.M.; Coffey, I.H.; Keenan, F.P.; O'Mullane, M.G.; Litaudon, X.; Abduallev, S.; et al. "Population
modelling of the He II energy levels in tokamak plasmas: I. Collisional excitation model". Journal of Physics B: Atomic,
Molecular and Optical Physics 52 4 (2019):
- Guimarais, L.; Silva, C.; Bernert, M.; Brida, D.; Cavedon, M.; Conway, G.D.; Drenik, A.; et al. "Link between divertor conditions
and high-field-side/low-field-side midplane density profiles in H-mode plasmas at ASDEX Upgrade". Nuclear Fusion 59
12 (2019):
- Drenik, A.; Brezinsek, S.; Carvalho, P.; Huber, V.; Osterman, N.; Matthews, G.F.; Nemec, M.; et al. "Analysis of the outer
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- Fitzgerald, M.; Buchanan, J.; Sharapov, S.E.; Kiptily, V.G.; Sertoli, M.; Szepesi, G.; Boom, J.; et al. "Full-orbit and drift
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- Santos, J.M.; Silva, A.. "Real-time detection and correction of frequency sweeping non-linearities of FMCW reflectometry microwave
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- Seliunin, E.; Silva, C.; Manz, P.; Conway, G.D.; Gil, L.; Heuraux, S.; Pütterich, T.; et al. "Validation of the edge density
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Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 61 1 (2019):
- Vicente, J.; da Silva, F.; Ribeiro, T.; Heuraux, S.; Conway, G.D.; Scott, B.; Guimarãis, L.; et al. "Synthetic conventional
reflectometry probing of edge and scrape-off layer plasma turbulence". Journal of Instrumentation 14 10 (2019):
- P. Varela; A. Silva; J. H. Belo. "Testing of the ITER plasma position reflectometry high-field side in-vessel antenna assembly
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- J. Figueiredo; A. Murari; C. Perez Von Thun; D. Marocco; M. Tardocchi; F. Belli; M. García Muñoz; et al. "JET diagnostic enhancements
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- Aguiam, D.E.; Silva, A.; Guimarais, L.; Carvalho, P.J.; Conway, G.D.; Goncalves, B.; Meneses, L.; et al. "Estimation of x-mode
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- Nikolaeva, V.; Guimarais, L.; Manz, P.; Carralero, D.; Manso, M.E.; Stroth, U.; Silva, C.; et al. "Characterization of edge
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