Miguel Eduardo Belbut Ferreira Gaspar. Doutorando em Matemática e Aplicações na Universidade da Beira Interior. Concluiu o Mestrado em Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica - Sistemas de Automação em 2010 pelo Instituto Politécnico de Leiria e Licenciatura em Física em 1992 pela Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia. É Investigador no Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto e Assistente convidado no Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão. Publicou 8 artigos em revistas especializadas. Possui 2 capítulo de livros. Possui 17 softwares e outros 29 itens de produção técnica. Organizou 2 eventos. Participou em 3 eventos no estrangeiro e 7 em Portugal. Participa e/ou participou como Bolseiro de Investigação em 6 projetos. Nas suas atividades profissionais interagiu com 64 colaboradores em coautorias de trabalhos científicos. Atua nas áreas de Ciências da Engenharia e Tecnologias com ênfase em Engenharia Eletrotécnica, Eletrónica e Informática, Ciências Exatas com ênfase em Matemática e Ciências Exatas com ênfase em Física. As suas principais competências são o desenvolvimento de algoritmos de Processamento Geométrico, Optimização e Visão Computacional, e programação em Matlab. Possui Curso de Formação de Formadores de nível 1. (CAP nº EDF17189/2003), Certificação Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004 Developer (Reg. Id: 209072355, valid. # 276408547), Certificação Macromedia Flash MX 2004 Developer (Reg. Id: 209072354, valid. # 1273511238). Anteriormente a 2009, exerceu actividade profissional como Professor do Ensino Básico e Secundário, Formador na área da Informática e Programação, Programador (PHP, Javascript, MySQL, HTML/CSS).

Personal identification

Full name
Miguel Eduardo Belbut Ferreira Gaspar

Citation names

  • Gaspar, Miguel Belbut
  • Belbut Gaspar, M

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Scopus Author Id

Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology - Electrotechnical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics
  • Exact Sciences - Mathematics
  • Exact Sciences - Physical Sciences


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Proficiency (C2) Advanced (C1) Proficiency (C2)
French Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Elementary (A2) Intermediate (B1)
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
Degree Classification
2022/09 - 2025/09
Matemática e Aplicações (Doutoramento)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica - Sistemas de Automação (Mestrado)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal
"Sobre estratégias e métodos de optimização para pavimentar o interior de curvas planas fechadas através de trajectórias de traço contínuo" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2001 - 2002
Engenharia Informática (regime pós-laboral) (Licenciatura)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
Licenciatura em Física (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Ciencias e Tecnologia, Portugal


Host institution
2009/10/06 - 2022/06 Researcher (Research) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2021/03/01 - Current Invited Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal

Other Careers

Host institution
2022/09/01 - 2022/12/31 Técnico Superior (Técnico Superior) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal


Host institution
2009 - 2021 BIC Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021/06/14 - Current TOOLMAX
Research Fellow
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal
2019/03/01 - 2021/02/28 Morphing.TECH
Research Fellow
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
2016/06/01 - 2019/02/28 WaterShape
Research Fellow
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal
Agência Nacional de Inovação SA
Research Fellow
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012/09/21 - 2015/06/30 BioFab Toolbox
Research Fellow
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011/07/11 - 2012/01/10 CALROD - Dispositivo de Calibração de sistemas de medição de alinhamento de rodas em automóveis
co-promoção nº 11488
Research Fellow


Book chapter
  1. David Oliveira; Pedro Ribeiro; Gustavo Carreira; Miguel Belbut Gaspar. "Generation of Conformal Cooling Channels on Generic Geometries: An Assisted Automated Approach". 2024.
  2. Alves, N.; Bártolo, P; Ferreira, N; Gaspar, Miguel Eduardo Belbut Ferreira; Mateus, A. "BioFab toolbox – Software tools for biofabrication". In High Value Manufacturing: Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, 483-487. Leiria: CRC Press, 2013.
    Published • 10.1201/b15961-88
  3. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; N. Martins-Ferreira. "Robust STL processing for extrusion-based manufacturing". In Innovative Developments in Virtual and Physical Prototyping, 273-279. London: Taylor and Francis, 2012.
Conference paper
  1. Alves, N; Gaspar, MB; Pascoal Faria, P. "Computer-aided optimization in additive manufacturing: Processing parameters and 3D scaffold reconstruction". Paper presented in CENTRAL EUROPEAN SYMPOSIUM ON THERMOPHYSICS 2019 (CEST), 2019.
    Published • 10.1063/1.5114231
  2. Miguel Belbut Gaspar; Paula Faria; Sandra Amado; Nuno Alves. "A Computer Tool for 3D Shape Recovery of Fruits". Paper presented in ICDDMAP, Marinha Grande, 2017.
  3. Sellmayer Campos, Paulo; Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Mateus, A. "Augmented Reality Sculpture Bases for Public Space". Paper presented in ARTECH 2015: 7th International Conference on Digital Arts, Óbidos, Portugal, 2015.
    Published • 10.13140/RG.2.1.1900.0485
  4. Belbut, M.; Martins Ferreira, N; Alves, N.. "Image-based descriptors for snail classification by species". Paper presented in HCIST, Tróia, Portugal, 2014.
  5. Gaspar, M.; Alves, N.; Martins-Ferreira, N.; Bártolo, P.; Gaspar, Miguel Eduardo Belbut Ferreira; Martins Ferreira, N; Bartolo, P. "Innovative developments on Agile-CAD system". Paper presented in 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping - VRAP 2013, Leiria, 2014.
  6. Alves, N.; Bartolo, P; Ferreira, N; Gaspar, Miguel Eduardo Belbut Ferreira; Mateus, A. "BioFab toolbox - Software tools for biofabrication". Paper presented in 6th International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping, Leiria, Portugal, 2013.
  7. Belbut Gaspar, MB; Martins Ferreira, N; Gaspar, M.B.; Martins-Ferreira, N.. "Maximizing the Placement of Congruent Polyhedra in a Parallelepiped Container". Paper presented in ICNAAM, Kos - Greece, 2012.
    Published • 10.1063/1.4756468
  8. Gaspar, M.B.; Martins-Ferreira, N.; M Gaspar; N Martins-Ferreira. "Robust STL processing for extrusion-based manufacturing". 2012.
Conference poster
  1. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Rui Silva. Corresponding author: Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. "Workflow for creation of custom face masks". Paper presented in International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers, ICDDMAP 2021, 2021.
  2. Biscaia, Sara; Gouveia, Olivier; Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Mateus, Artur; ALVES, NUNO. Corresponding author: Biscaia, Sara. "Engineering new processes of direct bioprinting for skin regeneration". Paper presented in International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers, ICDDMAP 2021, 2021.
  3. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Nelson Martins-Ferreira; Mateus, Artur. "CA[X] Computer Aided Methodologies, Algorithms and Tools for Direct Digital Manufacturing". Paper presented in ICDDMAP 2019, International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers, Dharwad/Karnatak, India, 2019.
  4. Nelson Martins-Ferreira; Nuno Manuel Fernandes Alves; Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Abdulghani, Saba; Geoffrey Robert, Mitchell. "The Universal Printer: the future of DDM". Paper presented in ICDDMAP 2019, International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers, Dharwad/Karnatak, India, 2019.
Edited book
  1. Todd, Maria K.. High Value Manufacturing: Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping. London, United Kingdom: CRC Press. 2013.
    10.1201/b15961 • Editor
Journal article
  1. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. Corresponding author: Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. "Diffusion-based methods for geometry processing in Matlab". Scripta-Ingenia 12 (2023): 29-34.
  2. Sousa, Dora; Biscaia, Sara; Viana, Tânia; Gaspar, Miguel; Mahendra, Vidhura; Mohan, Saeed D.; Mateus, Artur; Mitchell, Geoffrey R.. "Rosin Based Composites for Additive Manufacturing". Applied Mechanics and Materials 890 (2019): 70-76. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.890.70.
  3. Gaspar, Miguel; Pascoal-Faria, Paula; Amado, Sandra; Alves, Nuno. "A Computer Tool for 3D Shape Recovery of Fruits". Applied Mechanics and Materials 890 (2019): 181-189. http://dx.doi.org/10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.890.181.
    Published • 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amm.890.181
  4. Khan, Imran; Mohan, Saeed D.; Belbut, Miguel; Kamma-Lorger, Christina S.; Mateus, Artur; Mitchell, Geoffrey R.. "Multiscale Structure Evolution in Electrically Conductive Nanocomposites Studied by SAXS". Procedia Manufacturing 12 (2017): 79-88.
    Published • 10.1016/j.promfg.2017.08.011
  5. Nhangumbe, M.; Gouveia, J.; Sousa, E.; Belbut, M.; Mateus, A; Gouveia, João; Sousa, Ercília; Mateus, A.. "Geometric Study of Surface Finishing of Selective Laser Melting Moulds". Procedia Manufacturing 12 (2017): 174-182. http://hdl.handle.net/10316/44194.
    Published • 10.1016/j.promfg.2017.08.022
  6. Pascoal-Faria, Paula; Pereira, Rúben; Pinto, Elodie; Belbut, Miguel; Rosa, Ana; Sousa, Inês; Alves, Nuno. "An Integrated Experimental and Numerical Approach to Develop an Electronic Instrument to Study Apple Bruise Damage". World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Biological, Biomolecular, Agricultural, Food and Biotechnological Engineering 10 6 (2016): 348-352.
  7. Belbut, M.; Martins-Ferreira, N.; Alves, N.. "Image-based Descriptors for Snail Classification by Species". Procedia Technology 16 2014 (2014): 1215-1227.
    Published • 10.1016/j.protcy.2014.10.137
  8. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Martins-Ferreira, Nelson. "A procedure for computing the symmetric difference of regions defined by polygonal curves". Journal of Symbolic Computation 0 (2013): 53-65.
    Published • 10.1016/j.jsc.2013.10.008
  9. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. "Sobre estratégias de varrimento contínuo para o preenchimento de curvas planas". Boletim da SPM - Encontro Nacional da SPM 2010 0 (2011): 72-78.
Magazine article
  1. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Paulo Freitas; Ivo Oliveira; Pedro Ribeiro; David Oliveira; Luís M. Oliveira. Corresponding author: Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. "Projeto Generative.Thermodynamic – Geração interativa e programática de canais conformais de alto desempenho", Molde, 2023, https://issuu.com/cefamol/docs/revistamolde136/50.
Newsletter article
  1. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; NUNO ALVES; Artur Mateus; Nelson Martins-Ferreira. "Computer Tool for Maximizing the Placement of Congruent Polyhedra", Scripta-Ingenia, 2015, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/1419.
  2. Gaspar, M.; Leita, M.; Panda, B. N.. "Computer construction of platonic solids", Scripta-Ingenia, 2015, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/1417.
  3. Martins-Ferreira, N.; Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. "The Matlab Vectorization Paradigm", Scripta-Ingenia, 2014, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/1445.
  4. Gaspar, Miguel; Martins-Ferreira, N.. "Optimization of Toolpath Trajectories on Arbitrary Surfaces", Scripta-Ingenia, 2014, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/1440.
  5. Martins-Ferreira, N.; Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Mateus, Artur. "Sobre o cálculo dos ângulos de sopé e de convergência para veículos automóveis", Scripta-Ingenia, 2014, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/1436.
  6. Martins-Ferreira, N.; Gaspar, M.. "Finite orbit decomposition of endomaps", Scripta-Ingenia, 2014, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/1444.
  7. Gaspar, Miguel. "Computation of the volume of triangulated polyhedra", Scripta-Ingenia, 2013, http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/1433.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. "Sobre estratégias e métodos de optimização para pavimentar o interior de curvas planas fechadas através de trajectórias de traço contínuo". Master, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/RG.2.1.4492.9685.


Other output
  1. [Technical Report] Generation of zigzag toolpaths on curved surface. Structure, algorithms and implementation of the software for the generation of zigzag toolpaths on the surface of a limb, namely an arm, to be exported along with some additional information, so that another software can use this data to move a robotic manipulator following the specified trajectory along the surface of the arm. 2022. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  2. [Technical Report] Generation of smooth curves on triangulated meshes. We present some methods for the creation of piecewise-geodesic curves on a surface, as well as smooth spline-like curves, controllable via control points and handles. These tools provides some foundation for the customization of geometry or the design of conformal channels.. 2022. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  3. [Software] PrintOnOrgans. A graphical user interface and algorithms for automated alignment and segmentation of a 3D scan of a limb, identification of a lesion region, and generation of toolpaths for robotic drug delivery to the wound.. 2022. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  4. [Technical Report] ReInvent-O software. O propósito do conjunto de aplicações computacionais a desenvolver é permitir a produção de forma simplificada de ortóteses personalizadas. 9pp.. 2021. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  5. [Technical Report] Time-resolved Small-scale 3D Scanning. Report on Specification, Design and Evaluation of a low-cost scanner for 3D reconstruction of small objects (1-5cm). Evaluation of performance of several photogrammetry-based reconstruction software using synthetic images. [In preparation]. 2021. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  6. [Software] Tools for processing SAXS spectrograms with Spherical Harmonics. 2020. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Khan, Imran.
  7. [Software] NextParts Mask Generator. Command-line application for generation of masks from STL file for multi-projector additive manufacturing stereolithograpy technology.. 2020. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  8. [Technical Report] BioSiTu software specification and development report.. Implementation plan update. BioSitu Software Specification Overview. User Interaction and Software Architecture specifications (draft). Software architecture. BioSitu Prototype version alpha 1. Frameworks/platforms/projects being considered. Studies on implementation of a generic tool for creation of 3D objects. 37pp.. 2020. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  9. [Software] BioSitu Prototype v. alpha-1. 2020. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  10. [Software] Application for generation of spiral and helical continuous toolpaths for DirectCeramic. Interactive User Interface and algorithms for parametric generation of continuous toolpaths for extrusion-based ceramic fabrication.. 2019. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  11. [Process] 3D scan geometry processing for production of customized protective nose mask. Development of a workflow for rapid creation of customized protective nose masks from 3D scan of the face.. 2019. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  12. [Technical Report] AddMILL software development report. AddMillSoft software is a graphical interface that serves as a switchboard for accessing different functional parts. This was conceived as a modular system, that can be expanded as more functionalities are developed. The core of this software application is consists of three parts: the switchboard, the hybrid fabrication preparation, and the hybrid fabrication monitoring. 11pp.. 2019. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  13. [Software] AddMillSoft -- Hybrid Fabrication Slice Optimization. Algorithm optimization, development and implementation for a fully functional interactive standalone application for preparation and optimization of process steps and sequence for hybrid manufacturing slices and integration with other devices.. 2018. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Nhangumbe, M..
  14. [Software] RootCanal. Development of algorithms and implementation of standalone software for fully automatic volumetric segmentation, contour characterization and export of root canals from large datasets of CT data of teeth.. 2018. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  15. [Technical Report] TensX Software Upgrade. Development of hardware, firmware for a data acquisition system and conversion of existing TensX software for X-ray scattering of samples under stretching. 14pp.. 2018. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  16. [Technical Report] Root Canal Analysis. This is a report on the development of a software tool for automatic analysis of root canal cross-section eccentricity from reconstructed slices of teeth obtained by micro-CT. 9pp.. 2018. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  17. [Technical Report] CA[x] - Computer-Aided Methodologies, Algorithms and Tools for Direct Digital Manufacturing. CA[x] is a collection of computer aided methodologies based on several technology-agnostic tools, algorithms and procedures that are designed for multi-purpose applications in direct digital fabrication. These tools can be applied across a range of problems. Here we define its scope of application as a system with eight components and show its main interactions and relations. 8pp.. 2018. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Mateus, Artur; Martins-Ferreira, Nelson.
  18. [Technical Report] AddMill - Conformal Channels. The problem we will try to solve is that of generating a set of channels for heat exchange, that is nearly-optimal, in a mostly automated way. The optimality here means that, within a number of constraints, the geometry of the channels should provide maximum heat transfer globally, and allow for uniform cooling of the part. 18pp.. 2018. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  19. [Technical Report] ReInvent-O: state-of-the-art. A review of human body 3D scanning and customized orthosis. 28pp.. 2018. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  20. [Technical Report] In-situ scaffold analysis and optimization. We describe a procedure for determination of the optimal deposition velocity based on the characterization of a number of test filaments produced with a range of velocities. The characterization of the filaments uses a single image obtained with a visible light camera and controlled illumination. 17pp.. 2017. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  21. [Library] PatchTools. An evolving collection of Matlab tools, implemented as a toolbox, for working with 3D polygonal meshes.. 2017. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  22. [Library] PolyTools. An evolving collection of Matlab tools, implemented as a toolbox, for working with 2D polygonal shapes.. 2017. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  23. [Technical Report] Data Binding, Encapsulation and Sharing Tools (D-BEST).. Report on a methodology and corresponding tool library for data binding, encapsulation and sharing in Matlab. 4pp.. 2017. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  24. [Technical Report] Slicing. In this report we present the methods for slicing triangulations - as obtained by reading STL files - by planes perpendicular to one of the coordinate axes. 15pp.. 2015. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  25. [Technical Report] Scanning Toolpath Generation. In this report we present the methods for scanning a set of slice contours - as obtained by slicing STL files - by a set of parallel segments, in an optimized zig-zag pattern. 13pp.. 2015. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  26. [Technical Report] GRADSINT: TESTING THE THEORETICAL MODEL. Abstract. In this Technical Report we present the software implementation of the algorithms described in a previous report. A detailed explanation of the use of the software is also presented. The purpose of this software is to compute the intersections of multi-material geometric objects with scan lines, in layers, so that machine code can then be created for the fabrication of these parts.. 2015. Nelson Martins-Ferreira; Nuno Manuel Fernandes Alves; Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  27. [Technical Report] Generation of toolpath trajectories for cylindrical multi-material scaffolds. We describe the procedure to generate toolpaths for cylindrical scaffolds composed of multiple material interleaved. 9pp.. 2015. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  28. [Technical Report] STL Reading and Writing. In this report we present the methods for reading STL encoded surfaces and convert them to triangulation structure, and conversely writing a triangulation to an STL file. 12pp.. 2015. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  29. [Technical Report] Advanced GUI development in Matlab: CAMOS and DECIDE. In this report we present the methodologies developed for the creation of complex and flexible graphical user interfaces in Matlab. 18pp.. 2015. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  30. [Technical Report] ARRE Lab Technical Report: Cylindrical Lenses Array Simulator Development. This is a report on the implementation of a software simulation of the CLA. 13pp.. 2015. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  31. [GTLab Technical Report] DICOMSlicer Reading and Segmenting DICOM Image Stacks in Matlab. 2015. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  32. [Technical Report] Hydrozones G-Code Generator Software. This document is a report on the development of the software HZGC-Gen. Includes the User Manual, Hardware and Firmware specification, and in-progress report of the development of v2. 68pp.. 2014. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  33. [Software] Manual de Análise Matemática em Realidade Aumentada. Desenvolvimento de software de Realidade Aumentada baseado no ambiente Metaio e Manual interactivo. 42pp.. 2014. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Sellmayer Campos, Paulo; Aldo Magalhães.
  34. [Software] Hydrozones G-Code Generator. Application for the specification of multi-material scaffolds' geometry, material layering and fabrication parameters, generating G-code for custom-developed biofabrication equipment.. 2013. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. http://www.hydrozones.eu/.
  35. [Software] Automotive Wheel Toe and Camber Geometric Computation. 2013. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. http://www.dt2rmc.pt/calrod.
  36. [Software] FORMat3D. Application for interactive generation of 3D objects from simple curves.. 2013. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut. http://materializa.ipleiria.pt/.
  37. [Technical Report] HydroZones Control Software and Hardware. Describes the hardware, firmware, and control API developed for the extruder/syringe selection and control in HydroZones machines. 6pp.. 2013. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  38. [Software] BioCaracol. Application stack for monitorization, control of acquisition of images of snails and subsequent classification and separation (using MODBUS to PLC) in an industrial setup.. 2012. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  39. [Software] New AgileCAD. Application for reconstruction of surfaces of revolution from a single image.. 2012. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  40. [Technical Report] Sistema de Aquisição e Processamento de Imagens para Classificação de Caracóis por Espécie. 2012. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  41. [Technical Report] Análise de Erros num Sistema de Calibração de Alinhamento de Rodas por Triangulação. 2012. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  42. [Technical Report] Especificação da aplicação e formato de dados para micro-stereotermolitografia multi-material. 2012. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  43. [Technical Report] Especificação Funcional da aplicação CAMProS. 2012. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  45. [Software] Gerador de trajectórias para Incremental Sheet Forming. 2011. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  46. [Technical Report] Manual de Utilização do Software CAMOS. 2011. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  47. [Software] CAMOS - Computer Aided Manufacturing of Scaffolds. Application for positioning, slicing and generating G-code toolpaths from STL files, for the production of tissue engineering scaffolds in several custom equipments.. 2010. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  48. [Technical Report] Relatório de Execução do Projecto Electrofer3. Desenvolvimento de uma aplicação informática baseada em CAD para apoio à galvanização. 52pp.. 2010. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut; Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  49. [BI] Calibração automática de câmaras fotográficas digitais para análise de fenómenos físicos. (Out/2010-Abr/2011). Bolsa Investigação do IPLeiria. I. Pesquisa bibliográfica sobre algoritmos de reconstrução 3D II. Implementação de uma aplicação em Matlab III. Pesquisa de algoritmos de extracção e identificação de características em sequências de imagens. IV. Aplicação dessa pesquisa no desenvolvimento de um sistema de reconhecimento de faces e 'gaze tracking'.. 2010. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  50. [Software] EF3SIM. Application for simulation and optimization of the placement of identical objects in a rectangular container.. 2009. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.
  51. MultiFractais. Software. 2002. Gaspar, Miguel Belbut.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2021/05/21 An overview of algorithms and tools for interactive generation and optimization of conformal channels International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers, ICDDMAP 2021
Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Instituto Politécnico de Leiria (Portugal)
2021/05 Optimization of hybrid additive-subtractive manufacture: machinability and minimization of tool changes International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers, ICDDMAP 2021
2021/05 Small scale 3D scanning: an assessment of capabilities and limitations of photogrammetry technique International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers, ICDDMAP 2021
2021/01/07 Experimental Characterization and Simulation of Temperature in FDM IMFS
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - CDRSP (Leiria, Portugal)
2020/05 BioSitus: a novel user-friendly additive biomanufacturing equipment for clinicians RESIM 2020
Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto (Marinha Grande, Portugal)
2020 From Scan to Skin: A Mathematical Framework for in-Situ Bioprinting RESIM 2020
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - CDRSP (<online>)
2017 Computational and Mathematical Methods at CDRSP-IPLeiria: Past, Present and Future International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers ICDDMAP 2017
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - CDRSP
2017 Direct Digital Manufacturing of Conformal cooling and heating channels: optimal design International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers ICDDMAP 2017
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - CDRSP (Marinha Grande, Portugal)
2017 Challenges in the 3d reconstruction of pear shapes from the scans of 2d slices International Conference on Direct Digital Manufacturing and Polymers ICDDMAP 2017
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - CDRSP (Marinha Grande, Portugal)
2016 New computer tool for 3D shape recovery of fruits International Conference on Sustainable and Intelligent manufacturing RESIM 2016
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria - CDRSP
2013 Classificação de caracois por visão computacional Seminários do CDRSP, Janeiro 2013
Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto (Portugal)
2013 Innovative developments on Agile-CAD system VRAP 2013
Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto (Portugal)
2011 Sobre estratégias e métodos de optimização para pavimentar o interior de curvas planas fechadas através de trajectórias de traço contínuo Public defense of Master Thesis
(Leiria, Portugal)
2011 Robust STL processing for extrusion-based manufacturing VRAP
Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto (Portugal)

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2016 - Current International Conference on Sustainable and Intelligent manufacturing RESIM 2016 (2016/12/14 - 2016/12/17)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal
2013 - 2013 International Conference on Advanced Research in Virtual and Rapid Prototyping (VRAP 2013) , Leiria, Portugal, October 1-5, 2013 (2013/10/01 - 2013/10/05)
Conference (Other)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2019/07/01 - 2019/07/05 Caracterização do problema de geração de canais conformais para arrefecimento de moldes.
155th European Study Group with Industry (2019)
Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal
2014 - 2014 JuliaCon 2014
JuliaCon 2014 - 1st Julia Language Conference
Julia Language User Group Chicago, United States
2014 - 2014 Julia Hack Day
2014 - 2014 HCist 2014 : HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies
2012 - 2012 The Matlab Vectorization Paradigm
I Conferência Nacional em Computação Simbólica no Ensino e Investigação
2012 - 2012 Maximizing the Placement of Congruent Polyhedra in a Parallelepiped Container
ICNAAM - International Conference on Numerical and Applied Mathematics
2011/06/17 - 2011/06/17 Workshop de Visão Computacional nas instalações da Infaimon (Aveiro)
Workshop de Visão Computacional nas instalações da Infaimon (Aveiro)
2011 - 2011 Robust STL processing for extrusion-based manufacturing
VRAP 2011
2010 - 2010 Construção de Trajectórias de Varrimento Linear para Fabricação Rápida
Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática
SPM, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Determinação de empacotamentos densos de polígonos no plano
Seminário do Departamento de Matemática da ESTG do IPL

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2021/03/01 - Current Matemática Discreta Engenharia Informática (regime nocturno) (Licenciatura) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2009 - 2009 Introdução ao Matlab e Aplicações Aperfeiçoamento (Curso médio) Instituto Politécnico de Leiria Centro para o Desenvolvimento Rápido e Sustentado de Produto, Portugal