Clara Sousa has a degree in Chemistry (2001) and in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2009), a Master degree in Chemistry (2004) and in Pharmaceutical Sciences (2011) and a PhD in Chemistry (2008). She is an auxiliary researcher at Portuguese Catholic University-Centre of Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry (UCP-CBQF). Clara Sousa published 52 original papers and 4 reviews in international journals, with over 820 citations and H-index of 18. She has also edited 1 book, contributed with 3 book chapters and presented her works in 60 national and international conferences. Clara Sousa was the principal investigator of 2 research projects (1 from FCT and 1 from Rectory of Porto University) and participated in 4 as a team member (2 from FCT and 2 from European Society of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases). She was the main supervisor of 1 Post-doctoral fellow and 1 Master student and co-supervisor of 1 post-doctoral fellow, 3 PhD and 2 Master students. Currently, she is a team member of a Portuguese Governmental Recovery and Resilience Plan named Sustainable Bioeconomy (funded by the Portuguese Government), a consortium mobilizing 54 partners between academia and industry in a total of 138M¿ (CS personal budget: 112k¿). She is also team member of 3 FCT funded projects (total budget of 600k¿) and 1 EU funded project (budget 4.9M¿). CS currently supervises a PhD student and one scientific initiation student. She is the coordinator of the Biofase programme (experimental activities for undergraduate students at Univ) and co-coordinator of a Task Force named Scientific Engagement (dedicated to scientific dissemination and outreaching activities). CS is also invited assistant Professor at UCP- tutorial classes of three disciplines (1-Waves and Electromagnetism; 2-Foundations of Programing and 3-General Chemistry from the 3rd year and 1st years, respectively, of the Bioengineering graduation course). She additionally collaborates in tow more disciplines (Good Laboratorial Practices and Biotechnology Topics) shared with other Professors. She is the invited editor of two Special Issue at Foods and belongs to the Editorial Board of Plos One journal and of Foods journal. CS acts as COST Actions External Expert Evaluator (Open Call OC-2020-1) and of proposals submitted to Poland National Science Centre. In his Ciência Vitae the most frequent terms used are Infrared spectroscopy; Mass spectrometry; Biomarkers; Chemometrics; Bacterial typing; Biological activity; Metabolomics; Bacteria.

Personal identification

Full name
Clara Cecília Santana Sousa

Citation names

  • Sousa, Clara

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • cssousa@ucp.pt (Professional)


  • Universidade Católica Portuguesa, CBQF - Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina – Laboratório Associado, Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Rua Diogo Botelho 1327, 4169-005, Porto, Porto, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Microbiology
  • Exact Sciences - Chemical Sciences - Analytical Chemistry
  • Exact Sciences - Computer and Information Sciences - Bioinformatics


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
French Beginner (A1) Upper intermediate (B2) Beginner (A1) Upper intermediate (B2) Intermediate (B1)
Spanish; Castilian Intermediate (B1) Upper intermediate (B2) Elementary (A2) Upper intermediate (B2) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
2011 - 2014
Post doctoral studies in Microbiology- 3 years (Pós-doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2009 - 2011
Post doctoral studies in Chemistry- 2 years (Pós-doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Integrated Master in Pharmaceutical Sciences- 5 Years Curriculum (Mestrado integrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
"Off-label use of drugs" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
PhD Chemistry (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Experimental and Computational Thermochemical Study of Organic Aromatic Compounds" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Master in Chemistry (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Experimental and Theoretical Thermochemical Study of 1,2-methilenedioxybenzene Derivatives" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Muito Bom
Degree in Chemistry (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Voltametric Determination of Organic Compounds with Biological Interest" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2021/01/01 - Current Auxiliary Researcher (Research) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2016/04/02 - 2019/04/01 Contracted Researcher (Research) REQUIMTE LAQV Porto, Portugal
2014/03/01 - 2015/12/21 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biológica, Portugal
2004/05/17 - 2004/09/17 Researcher (Research) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2021 - Current Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014 - 2015 Lecturer (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biológica, Portugal
2009/06/01 - 2009/07/30 Lecturer (University Teacher) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Instituto de Ciências da Saúde Porto, Portugal


Host institution
2011/07/01 - 2014/02/28 Pos Doc Research Grant (SFRH/BPD/70548/2010) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2009/07/01 - 2011/06/30 Pos Doc Research Grant (SFRH/BPD/48273/2008) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2004/10/01 - 2008/09/30 PhD Research Grant (SFRH/BD/19650/2004) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2003/05/01 - 2003/10/31 Quality Control Supervisor Hanna Instruments Ltd, Italy


Designation Funders
European Commission


Designation Funders
2023/03 - 2026/02 gBiOT – Nutraceutical biopolymeric-biocatalytic microbot against gut inflammatory disorders
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT
2022 - 2025 PRR- Recovery and Resilience Plan - Sustainable Bioeconomy for Textile and Clothing Sector
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
Governo da República Portuguesa
2023/03 - 2024/08 Antimicrobial Peptides from Commensal Next Generation Probiotics
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT
2022 - 2024 Genomic and phenotypic traits contributing to persistence of Listeria monocytogenes in food processing environment
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, FCT
2014/12 - 2016/11 Discrimination of Salmonella non-typhoid high-risk clones by highthroughput spectroscopic techniques (MALDI-TOF and FTIR-ATR)
ESCMID SG Research Grant 2014
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
European Society of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ESCMID
2014/03 - 2015/02 Optimization of MALDI-TOF MS for the assessment of bacterial cell viability towards a potential application in food industry
Principal investigator
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2013/04 - 2014/07 Validation and optimization of MALDI-TOF for identification and tracking of clinically relevant Escherichia coli clones and antibiotic resistance mechanisms: a translational approach
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009/01 - 2013/06 Is aquaculture raising more than fish? Detecting antimicrobial resistance in an understudied ecological niche.
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
FCT- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012 - 2012 Validation and optimization of high-throughput methods (MALDI-TOF, FTIR) to identify and track Escherichia coli clinically relevant clones
ESCMID Research Grant 2012
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
European Society of Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ESCMID
2011 - 2012 Genotypic and high-troughput methodologies for tracing the emerging pathogen Escherichia albertii
Principal investigator
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
Rectory of Porto University


Book chapter
  1. Sousa C; Lopes JA. "Hyperspectral Analysis for Plant Characterization and Discrimination". In Vibrational Spectroscopy for Plant Varieties and Cultivars Characterization, 281-290. Elsevier, 2018.
  2. Sousa C; Lopes JA. "Introduction and New Trends". In Vibrational Spectroscopy for Plant Varieties and Cultivars Characterization, 1-13. Elsevier, 2018.
  3. Sousa C; Lopes JA. "Infrared spectroscopy detection coupled to chemometrics to characterize foodborne pathogens at a subspecies level". In Mathematical and Statistical Methods in Food Science and Technology, 385-418. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, 2014.
Conference poster
  1. Sousa, Clara. "Assessing the potential of a sustainable bean leaf extract with abscisic acid in pear ripening restoration". Paper presented in Biostimulants World Congress 2023, 2023.
  2. Sousa, Clara. "Depicting the suitability of FTIR to improve the differentiation of persistent and sporadic Listeria monocytogenes". Paper presented in 10th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS2023, 2023.
  3. Sousa, Clara. "Discriminating Fe deficient soybean plants by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy". Paper presented in International Plant Nutrition Colloquium (IPNC) 2022, 2022.
  4. "A powerful and cost-effective strain typing tool: the ideal solution for real-time control of Klebsiella pneumoniae infections". Paper presented in 19º Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia e Biotecnologia, MICROBIOTEC19, 2019.
  5. "On the front line of Klebsiella pneumoniae surface polysaccharides understanding: validation of a versatile phenotypic typing tool". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 29th ECCMID, 2019.
  6. Campos J, Sousa C, Mourão J, Lopes J, Dios-Caballero J, Cantón R, Antune P, Peixe L. "Assessing the potential use of Matrix- Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS) for discrimination of clinically relevant Salmonella serogroups and serotypes". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 28th ECCMID, 2018.
  7. Gomes MJ, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Sousa C. "Assessing the potential of near infrared spectroscopy to discriminate Vaccinium corymbosum cultivars". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, IJUP2018, 2018.
  8. Teixeira AM, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Sousa C. "Assessment of the total phenolic content, moisture and browning índex through near infrared spectroscopy in roasted almonds.". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, IJUP2018, 2018.
  9. Leal AT, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Sousa C. "Cereals based baby food quality control through near infrared spectroscopy". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, IJUP2018, 2018.
  10. Augusto C, Páscoa RNMJ, Lopes JA, Sousa C. "Camellia japonica cultivars discrimination through FT-NIR". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, IJUP2018, 2018.
  11. Páscoa RNMJ, Lima A, Moreira S, Lopes JA, Sousa C. "New insights about Citrus genus revealed by infrared spectroscopy". Paper presented in XXV Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2017.
  12. Páscoa RNMJ, Augusto C, Gomes MJ, Lima A, Teixeira AM, Leal AT, Lopes JA, Sousa C. "Camellia japonica cultivars discrimination through FTIR-ATR". Paper presented in XXV Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2017.
  13. Campos J, Sousa C, Antunes A, Peixe L. "Discrimination of Salmonella non-typhoid clinical relevant serogroups by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIRS)". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 27th ECCMID, 2017.
  14. Silva L, Ksiezarek M, Mourão J, Sousa C, Grosso F, Peixe L. "Another challenge for infection control: Acinetobacter ursingii clinical isolate as a silent reservoir of OXA-17". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 27th ECCMID, 2017.
  15. Novais Â, Rodrigues C, Sousa C, Mendes AC, Lopes JA, Coque TM, Peixe L; Sousa, Clara. "Metabolic profiles of ST131 Escherichia coli subclones depicted by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy unveil variability among the H30 subclone". Paper presented in 11th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers, IMMEM-11, 2016.
  16. Silva L, Rodrigues C, Sousa C, Lopes J, Novais Â, Peixe L. "Real-time identification of an outbreak of carbapenem-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIRS)". Paper presented in 11th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers, IMMEM-11, 2016.
  17. Freitas AR, Sousa C, Bavlovic J, Silva L, Novais C, Coque TM, Lopes J, Peixe L. "Discrimination of vancomycin-resistant Enterococcus faecium by MLST (EBURST/BAPS) and spectrosocpic techniques (MALDI-TOF MS and FTIR-ATR)". Paper presented in 11th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers, IMMEM-11, 2016.
  18. Rodrigues C, Lanza VL, Machado E, Sousa C, Lopes J, Peixe L, Novais Â, Coque TM. "Multiomic approach to delineate intraclonal diversity of CG14 and CG15 Klebsiella pneumoniae". Paper presented in 11th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers, IMMEM-11, 2016.
  19. Novais Â, Rodrigues C, Sousa C, Constança AC, Lopes J, Coque TM, Peixe L. "Subclonal typing of ST131 E. coli by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy reveals variable metabolic profiles within the predominant H30 subclone". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 26th ECCMID, 2016.
  20. 10. Rodrigues C, Lanza VL, Sousa C, Machado E, Lopes J, Baquero F, Novais Â, Peixe L, Coque T. "Whole-genome sequencing supports the delineation of the multidrugresistant CG14 and CG15 Klebsiella pneumoniae clones". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 26th ECCMID, 2016.
  21. Andrade L, Novais Â, Sousa C, Rodrigues C, Darini A, Peixe L. "Assessment of multidrug-resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae population diversity in Brazilian clinical isolates using MLST, wzi sequencing and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy". Paper presented in Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, ICAAC2015, 2015.
  22. Branquinho R, Osório H, Novais Â, Sousa C, Peixe L. "Salmonella typhimurium viability biomarkers assessed by MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry". Paper presented in Congreso Nacional de Microbiología, SEM2015, 2015.
  23. Branquinho R, Sousa C, Pintado M, Osório H, Peixe L. "Rapid Bacillus pumilus group species differentiation using MALDI-TOF-MS and FTIR-ATR". Paper presented in 6th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS2015, 2015.
  24. Rodrigues C, Branquinho R, Sousa C, Andrade L, Machado E, Darini A, Novais Â, Peixe L. "Identification of diverse capsular types in multidrug-resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumoniae clones using wzi sequencing and FTIR". Paper presented in 6th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS2015, 2015.
  25. Branquinho R, Osório H, Novais Â, Lopes J, Peixe L, Sousa C. "Discrimination of viability status of Salmonella typhimurium cells induced by distinct inactivation methods using a combined Flow Cytometry, MALDI-TOF MS and MDA approach". Paper presented in 6th Congress of European Microbiologists, FEMS2015, 2015.
  26. Silva L, Grosso F, Ribeiro T, Branquinho R, Sousa C, Peixe L. "Environmental reservoirs of Acinetobacter producing carbapenem-hydrolysing class D-beta-lactamases in Angola with evidence of human exposure". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2015, 2015.
  27. Botelho J, Grosso F, Rocha C, Brilhante M, Sousa C, Peixe L. "High-risk clones among carbapenemase producers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa in a Portuguese hospital". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2015, 2015.
  28. Rodrigues C, Sousa C, Machado E, Novais Â, Peixe L. "Multidrug resistant (MDR) Klebsiella pneumonia ST15 isolates: is their genomic plasticity the reason for its success?". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2015, 2015.
  29. Sousa C, Botelho J, Silva L, Grosso F, Lopes J, Peixe L. "MALDI-TOF MS and FTIR-ATR: different biomolecules and distinct outputs in Acinetobacter baumannii typing". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2014, 2014.
  30. Rodrigues C, Novais Â, Sousa C, De Scheerder V, Lopes J, Machado E, Coque T, Cantón R, Peixe L. "Discrimination of antibiotic resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae clones by Fourier transform infrared spectrosocopy (FTIR)". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2014, 2014.
  31. Grosso F, Quinteira S, Sousa C, Silva L, Ramos H, Peixe L. "IMP-5-producing multidrug-resistant Acinetobacter bereziniae: environmental or pathogen?". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2014, 2014.
  32. Botelho J, Sousa C, Silva L, Grosso F, Nemec A, Lopes A, Peixe L. "Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species depicted by MALDI-TOF MS and multivariate data analysis". Paper presented in 13º Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia e Biotecnologia, MICROBIOTEC13, 2013.
  33. Silva L, Sousa C, Grosso F, Peixe L. "First description of Acinetobacter pittii clinical isolates harboring blaOXA-58 and blaOXA-23 in a Portuguese hospital". Paper presented in 13º Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia e Biotecnologia, MICROBIOTEC13, 2013.
  34. Rodrigues C, Sousa C, De Scheerder V, Machado E, Novais Â, Peixe L. "Discrimination of clinically relevant Klebsiella pneumoniae clones by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy". Paper presented in 13º Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia e Biotecnologia, MICROBIOTEC13, 2013.
  35. Branquinho R, Sousa C, Osório H, Meirinhos-Soares L, Lopes J, Abdulmawjood A, Klein G, Pintado ME, Peixe L. "Bacillus invictus sp. nov., a new species isolated from medicinal products in Portugal". Paper presented in 13º Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia e Biotecnologia, MICROBIOTEC13, 2013.
  36. Sousa C, Rodrigues C, De Scheerder V, Machado E, Novais Â, Peixe L. "Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR) as an alternative epidemiological typing tool for discrimination of Klebsiella pneumoniae clones". Paper presented in 10th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers, IMMEM-10, 2013.
  37. Sousa C, Botelho J, Silva L, Grosso F, Nemec A, Lopes A, Peixe L. "Improvement on the discrimination of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species by a combined MALDI-TOF MS and chemometric approach". Paper presented in 10th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers, IMMEM-10, 2013.
  38. Sousa C, Silva L, Grosso F, Lopes J, Peixe L. "Fast Identification of clinically relevant Acinetobacter baumannii clones by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy". Paper presented in Acinetobacter 2013, 2013.
  39. Sousa C, Silva L, Nemec A, Lopes J, Peixe L. "Rapid and accurate identification of the species of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex spp. by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2013, 2013.
  40. Sousa C, Novais Â, Magalhães A, Lopes J, Peixe L. "Quick and reliable discrimination of clinically relevant Escherichia coli clones by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR)". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2013, 2013.
  41. Novais Â, Sousa C, Fernandez-Olmos A, Lopes J, Coque TM, Cantón R, Peixe L. "Discrimination of major Escherichia coli clones by Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS)". Paper presented in European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, ECCMID2013, 2013.
  42. Magalhães A, Sousa C, Novais Â, Lopes J, Peixe L. "Discrimination of Escherichia coli clones by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, IJUP2013, 2013.
  43. Sousa C, Grosso F, Peixe L. "Motility in non-flagellate multi-drug resistant Acinetobacter baumannii lineages: the answer for its persistence?". Paper presented in International Congress of the Society for Microbial Ecology and Disease, SOMED2012, 2012.
  44. Sousa C, Pires J, Novais Â, Peixe L. "Tracing the emerging pathogen Escherichia albertii". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, IJUP2012, 2012.
  45. Leirosa S, Sousa C, Sottomayor MJ, Pinto M. "Interaction of 3,4-dihydroxyxanthone with double stranded DNA". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Jovens Investigadores da Universidade do Porto, IJUP2012, 2012.
  46. Sousa C, Grosso F, Peixe L, Lopes J. "High-throughput methodologies for tracing Acinetobacter baumannii". Paper presented in 11º Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia e Biotecnologia, MICROBIOTEC 11, 2011.
  47. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Experimental and theorethical thermochemistry of 6,7-dihydro-5(5H)benzofuranone". Paper presented in 10th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, MEDICTA 2011, 2011.
  48. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Estudo experimental e computacional da energética dos isómeros 2- e 3-coumaranona". Paper presented in XXII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2011.
  49. Grosso F, Sousa C, Quinteira S, Meirinhos-Soares L, Lopes J, Peixe L. "Characterization of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii population using genomic-based typing methods and FTIR spectroscopy". Paper presented in 9th International Meeting on Microbial Epidemiological Markers, IMMEM-9, 2010.
  50. Morais V, Sousa C, Matos A. "The energetics of methoxycoumarins". Paper presented in 9º Encontro Nacional de Química-Física da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 1st Iberian Meeting on Ionic Liquids, 2009.
  51. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Experimental and Theoretical Thermochemistry of ¿-tetralone". Paper presented in 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, 2008.
  52. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Experimental and Theoretical Thermodynamic Study of Methylxantines with Pharmacological Interest". Paper presented in 19th IUPAC Conference on Physical Organic Chemistry, 2008.
  53. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Estudo termoquímico, experimental e teórico, de algumas hidroxi-tetralonas". Paper presented in XXI Encontro da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2008.
  54. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Experimental and theorthical thermochemistry of coumarin and 7-hydroxycoumarin (umbeliferone)". Paper presented in 8th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, 2007.
  55. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Comparative thermochemistry of 1,4-benzodioxan and 1,3- benzodioxole derivatives". Paper presented in 8º Encontro Nacional de Química-Física, 8ENQF, 2007.
  56. Sousa, Clara. "Experimental and theorethical thermochemistry of 1,4-benzodioxan and some derivatives". Paper presented in 9th European Symposium on Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, ESTAC, 2006.
  57. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Experimental and theorethical thermochemistry of chromone and two acid derivatives". Paper presented in Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis Conference, CALCAT’06, 2006.
  58. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "Thermodynamic study of 1,4-benzodioxane derivatives: a combined experimental and theoretical investigation". Paper presented in 7th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, MEDICTA 2005, 2005.
  59. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V, Liebman J. "Thermodynamic study of 1-naphthalene- and 2-naphthalenemethanol: a combined experimental and theoretical investigation". Paper presented in 7º Encontro Nacional de Química-Fsica, 7ENQF, 2005.
  60. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V. "O efeito anomérico em derivados do 1,2-metilenodioxibenzeno". Paper presented in XIX Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2004.
  61. Sousa C, Matos M, Morais V, Ribeiro da Silva M. "Calorimetrical and theoretical study of (methilenedioxy)benzene derivatives". Paper presented in 6º Encontro Nacional de Química-Física, 5ENQF, 2003.
  62. Matos M, Monte M, Almeida R, Sousa C, Morais V, Ribeiro da Silva M. "Vapour pressures, enthalpies of combustion and formation of (methilenedioxybenzene) alcohols and acids: an experimental and theoretical approach". Paper presented in 6th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, MEDICTA 2003, 2003.
Edited book
  1. Sousa C. Vibrational Spectroscopy for Plant Varieties and Cultivars Characterization. United Kingdom: Elsevier. 2018.
    Published • 10.1016/s0166-526x(18)x0002-6 • Editor
Journal article
  1. Cristina Quintelas; Cláudia Rodrigues; Clara Sousa; Ferreira, Eugénio C.; Amaral, A.L.. "Cookie composition analysis by Fourier transform near infrared spectroscopy coupled to chemometric analysis". Food Chemistry (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.foodchem.2023.137607.
  2. Carla S. Santos; Clara Sousa; Maryam Bagheri; Simão Pinho; Marta W. Vasconcelos. "Predicting iron deficiency and oxidative stress in Glycine max through Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in a time-course experiment". Plant and Soil (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-023-06143-y.
  3. Azevedo, Ana M.O.; Sousa, Clara; Rodrigues, S. Sofia M.; Chen, Mi; Ayala, Caitlan E.; Pérez, Rocío L.; Santos, João L.M.; Warner, Isiah M.; Saraiva, M. Lúcia M.F.S.. Corresponding author: Sousa, Clara. "Combined use of phosphonium-erythrosin B-based nanoGUMBOS, UV–Vis spectroscopy, and chemometrics for discrimination and quantification of proteins". Dyes and Pigments 207 (2022): 110635. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dyepig.2022.110635.
    Published • 10.1016/j.dyepig.2022.110635
  4. Macário, Inês P. E.; Veloso, Telma; Frankenbach, Silja; Serôdio, João; Passos, Helena; Sousa, Clara; Gonçalves, Fernando J. M.; Ventura, Sónia P. M.; Pereira, Joana L.. "Cyanobacteria as Candidates to Support Mars Colonization: Growth and Biofertilization Potential Using Mars Regolith as a Resource". Frontiers in Microbiology 13 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2022.840098.
  5. Sousa, Clara. "Anthocyanins, Carotenoids and Chlorophylls in Edible Plant Leaves Unveiled by Tandem Mass Spectrometry". Foods 11 13 (2022): 1924. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11131924.
  6. Azevedo, Ana M.O.; Sousa, Clara; Chen, Mi; Ayala, Caitlan E.; Pérez, Rocío L.; Santos, João L.M.; Warner, Isiah M.; Saraiva, M. Lúcia M.F.S.. "Protein discrimination using erythrosin B-based GUMBOS in combination with UV–Vis spectroscopy and chemometrics". Talanta 240 (2022): 123164. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.talanta.2021.123164.
  7. de Carvalho Couto, Cinthia; Freitas-Silva, Otniel; Morais Oliveira, Edna Maria; Sousa, Clara; Casal, Susana. "Near-Infrared Spectroscopy Applied to the Detection of Multiple Adulterants in Roasted and Ground Arabica Coffee". Foods 11 1 (2022): 61. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/foods11010061.
  8. Teixeira, Ana Margarida; Sousa, Clara. "A Review on the Biological Activity of Camellia Species". Molecules 26 8 (2021): 2178. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules26082178.
  9. Carla Rodrigues, Clara Sousa, Joao Lopes, Ângela Novais, and Luísa Peixe. "A front line on Klebsiella pneumoniae capsular polysaccharides knowledge: FT-IR spectroscopy as an accurate and fast typing tool". mSystems (2020): https://doi.org/10.1128/mSystems.00386-19.
  10. Milho, Catarina; Silva, Maria Daniela; Alves, Diana; Oliveira, Hugo; Sousa, Clara; Pastrana, Lorenzo M.; Azeredo, Joana; Sillankorva, Sanna. "Escherichia coli and Salmonella Enteritidis dual-species biofilms: interspecies interactions and antibiofilm efficacy of phages". Scientific Reports 9 1 (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-54847-y.
  11. Páscoa; Gomes; Sousa. "Antioxidant Activity of Blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) Cultivar Leaves: Differences Across the Vegetative Stage and the Application of Near Infrared Spectroscopy". Molecules 24 21 (2019): 3900. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/molecules24213900.
  12. Sousa, Clara; Quintelas, Cristina; Augusto, Catarina; Ferreira, Eugénio C.; Páscoa, Ricardo N.M.J.. "Discrimination of Camellia japonica cultivars and chemometric models: An interlaboratory study". Computers and Electronics in Agriculture 159 (2019): 28-33. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.compag.2019.02.025.
  13. A. Margarida Teixeira; Alexandr Nemec; C Sousa (Corresponding author). "Differentiation of Taxonomically Closely Related Species of the Genus Acinetobacter Using Raman Spectroscopy and Chemometrics". Molecules (2019): http://www.mdpi.com/1420-3049/24/1/168.
  14. Teixeira, A.M.; Sousa, C. (Corresponding author). "A review on the application of vibrational spectroscopy to the chemistry of nuts". Food Chemistry 277 (2019): 713-724. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85056457995&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  15. Páscoa, Ricardo N. M. J.; Teixeira, A. Margarida; Sousa, Clara. "Antioxidant capacity of Camellia japonica cultivars assessed by near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy". Planta 249 4 (2018): 1053-1062. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00425-018-3062-z.
  16. Quintelas, C.; Ferreira, E.C.; Lopes, J.A.; Sousa, C. (Corresponding author). "An Overview of the Evolution of Infrared Spectroscopy Applied to Bacterial Typing". Biotechnology Journal 13 1 (2018): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85034076838&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  17. Campos, J.; Sousa, C.; Mourão, J.; Lopes, J.; Antunes, P.; Peixe, L.. "Discrimination of non-typhoid Salmonella serogroups and serotypes by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy: A comprehensive analysis". International Journal of Food Microbiology 285 (2018): 34-41. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85049795668&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  18. Páscoa, R.N.M.J.; Moreira, S.; Lopes, J.A.; Sousa, C. (Corresponding author). "Citrus species and hybrids depicted by near- and mid-infrared spectroscopy". Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 98 10 (2018): 3953-3961. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85042595455&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  19. Sousa, C.; Matos, M.A.R.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Experimental and Computational Thermochemical Study of Maleic Anhydride and Vinylene Carbonate". Journal of Physical Chemistry A 121 49 (2017): 9474-9484. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85038446601&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  20. Freitas, A.R.; Sousa, C.; Novais, C.; Silva, L.; Ramos, H.; Coque, T.M.; Lopes, J.; Peixe, L.. "Rapid detection of high-risk Enterococcus faecium clones by matrix-assisted laser desorption ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry". Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease 87 4 (2017): 299-307. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85013157775&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  21. Silva, A.S.; Quintelas, C.; Ferreira, E.C.; Lopes, J.A.; Sousa, C. (Corresponding author). "Exploiting intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy to discriminate between Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species". RSC Advances 7 14 (2017): 8581-8588. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85011052384&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  22. Rodrigues, C.; Novais, Â.; Sousa, C.; Ramos, H.; Coque, T.M.; Cantón, R.; Lopes, J.A.; Peixe, L.. "Elucidating constraints for differentiation of major human Klebsiella pneumoniae clones using MALDI-TOF MS". European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 36 2 (2017): 379-386. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84994337308&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  23. Silva, S.; Tobaldini-Valerio, F.; Costa-De-Oliveira, S.; Henriques, M.; Azeredo, J.; Ferreira, E.C.; Lopes, J.A.; Sousa, C. (Corresponding author). "Discrimination of clinically relevant: Candida species by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy with attenuated total reflectance (FTIR-ATR)". RSC Advances 6 94 (2016): 92065-92072. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84989832895&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  24. Silva, L.; Grosso, F.; Branquinho, R.; Ribeiro, T.G.; Sousa, C.; Peixe, L.. "Exploring non-hospital-related settings in Angola reveals new Acinetobacter reservoirs for blaOXA-23and blaOXA-58". International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents 48 2 (2016): 228-230. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84978472904&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  25. Botelho, J.; Grosso, F.; Sousa, C.; Peixe, L.. "Characterization of a new genetic environment associated with ges-6 carbapenemase from a pseudomonas aeruginosa isolate belonging to the high-risk clone st235". Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 70 2 (2015): 615-617. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84922429680&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  26. Quintelas, C.; Mesquita, D.P.; Lopes, J.A.; Ferreira, E.C.; Sousa, C. (Corresponding author). "Near-infrared spectroscopy for the detection and quantification of bacterial contaminations in pharmaceutical products". International Journal of Pharmaceutics 492 1-2 (2015): 199-206. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84937775051&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  27. Sousa, C.; Botelho, J.; Grosso, F.; Silva, L.; Lopes, J.; Peixe, L.. "Unsuitability of MALDI-TOF MS to discriminate Acinetobacter baumannii clones under routine experimental conditions". Frontiers in Microbiology 6 MAY (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84931260674&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  28. Grosso, F.; Silva, L.; Sousa, C.; Ramos, H.; Quinteira, S.; Peixe, L.. "Extending the reservoir of blaIMP-5: The emerging pathogen Acinetobacter bereziniae". Future Microbiology 10 10 (2015): 1609-1613. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84945292993&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  29. Novais, Â.; Sousa, C.; De Dios Caballero, J.; Fernandez-Olmos, A.; Lopes, J.; Ramos, H.; Coque, T.M.; Cantón, R.; Peixe, L.. "MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a tool for the discrimination of high-risk Escherichia coli clones from phylogenetic groups B2 (ST131) and D (ST69, ST405, ST393)". European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 33 8 (2014): 1391-1399. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84903817716&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  30. Branquinho, R.; Sousa, C.; Lopes, J.; Pintado, M.E.; Peixe, L.V.; Osório, H.. "Differentiation of Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus safensis Using MALDI-TOF-MS". PLoS ONE 9 10 (2014): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84907978977&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  31. Sousa, C. (Corresponding author); Silva, L.; Grosso, F.; Lopes, J.; Peixe, L.. "Development of a FTIR-ATR based model for typing clinically relevant Acinetobacter baumannii clones belonging to ST98, ST103, ST208 and ST218". Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology B: Biology 133 (2014): 108-114. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84898428294&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  32. Branquinho, R.; Sousa, C.; Osório, H.; Meirinhos-Soares, L.; Lopes, J.; Carriço, J.A.; Busse, H.-J.; et al. "Bacillus invictae sp. nov., Isolated from a health product". International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology 64 (2014): 3867-3876. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84910051220&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  33. Sousa, C.C.S.; Matos, M.A.R.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Energetics and stability of azulene: From experimental thermochemistry to high-level quantum chemical calculations". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 73 (2014): 101-109. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84901228940&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  34. Sousa, C.; Grosso, F.; Meirinhos-Soares, L.; Peixe, L.; Lopes, J.. "Identification of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter baumannii clones using infrared spectroscopy". Journal of Biophotonics 7 5 (2014): 287-294. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84899677143&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  35. Sousa, C.; Silva, L.; Grosso, F.; Nemec, A.; Lopes, J.; Peixe, L.. "Discrimination of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy". European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 33 8 (2014): 1345-1353. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84903818051&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  36. Sousa, C.; Botelho, J.; Silva, L.; Grosso, F.; Nemec, A.; Lopes, J.; Peixe, L.. "MALDI-TOF MS and chemometric based identification of the Acinetobacter calcoaceticus-Acinetobacter baumannii complex species". International Journal of Medical Microbiology 304 5-6 (2014): 669-677. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84903819314&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  37. Branquinho, R.; Sousa, C.; Lopes, J.; Pintado, M.E.; Peixe, L.V.. "Correction: Differentiation of Bacillus pumilus and Bacillus safensis using MALDI-TOF-MS". PLoS ONE 9 12 (2014): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84919764883&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  38. Sousa, C.C.S.; Matos, M.A.R.; Santos, L.M.N.B.F.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Reprint of: Energetics of 2- and 3-coumaranone isomers: A combined calorimetric and computational study". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 73 (2014): 283-289. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84901192775&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  39. Sousa, C.; Novais, Â.; Magalhães, A.; Lopes, J.; Peixe, L.. "Diverse high-risk B2 and D Escherichia coli clones depicted by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy". Scientific Reports 3 (2013): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84888265708&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  40. Sousa, C.C.S.; Matos, M.A.R.; Santos, L.M.N.B.F.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Energetics of 2- and 3-coumaranone isomers: A combined calorimetric and computational study Dedicated to the late Professor Manuel Ribeiro de Silva.". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 67 (2013): 210-216. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884576545&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  41. Vaz, M.; Meirinhos-Soares, L.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Ramirez, M.; Melo-Cristino, J.; Lopes, J.A.. "Serotype discrimination of encapsulated Streptococcus pneumoniae strains by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy and chemometrics". Journal of Microbiological Methods 93 2 (2013): 102-107. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84875617863&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  42. Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.; Matos, M.A.R.. "Experimental and computational thermochemistry of 6,7-dihydro-4(5H)- benzofuranone". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 56 (2013): 83-88. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84864826616&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  43. Sousa, C.C.S.; Matos, M.A.R.; Morais, V.M.F.. "When theory and experiment hold hands: The thermochemistry of ¿-pyrone derivatives". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 43 8 (2011): 1159-1163. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79955621121&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  44. Sousa, C.C.S.; Matos, M.A.R.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Calorimetric and computational study of 7-hydroxycoumarin". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 43 10 (2011): 1435-1440. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80955178921&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  45. Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.; Matos, M.A.R.. "Energetics of the isomers: 3- and 4-hydroxycoumarin". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 42 11 (2010): 1372-1378. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77955419021&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  46. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Thermochemistry of chromone- and coumarin-3-carboxylic acid". Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry 100 2 (2010): 519-526. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77951255805&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  47. Morais, V.M.F.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Matos, M.A.R.. "Experimental and computational study of the energetics of methoxycoumarins". Journal of Molecular Structure: THEOCHEM 946 1-3 (2010): 13-19. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77649191652&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  48. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Thermochemical study of some methoxytetralones". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 41 1 (2009): 69-73. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-56949093961&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  49. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Miranda, M.S.; Morais, V.M.F.; Liebman, J.F.. "Energetics of coumarin and chromone". Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 32 (2009): 11216-11221. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-68549136668&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  50. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Energetics of hydroxytetralones: A calorimetric and computational thermochemical study". Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 54 8 (2009): 2189-2194. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-69049120631&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  51. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Experimental and computational thermochemistry of the isomers: Chromanone, 3-isochromanone, and dihydrocoumarin". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 41 3 (2009): 308-314. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-58149289869&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  52. Sousa, C.C.S.; Matos, M.A.R.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Energetics of flavone and flavanone". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 41 12 (2009): 1408-1412. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-69449108737&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  53. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Experimental and theoretical thermochemistry of ß-tetralone". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 40 11 (2008): 1552-1557. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-53449086789&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  54. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Experimental and computational thermochemistry of 1,4-benzodioxan and its 2-R derivatives". Journal of Chemical Thermodynamics 40 10 (2008): 1485-1489. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-50849091935&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  55. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Experimental and computational thermochemistry of 1,4-benzodioxan and its 6-R derivatives". Journal of Physical Chemistry A 112 34 (2008): 7961-7968. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-51849128864&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  56. Matos, M.A.R.; Morais, V.M.F.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Roux, M.V.; Notario, R.; Liebman, J.F.. "Energetics of naphthalene derivatives, IV+: A calorimetric and calculational thermochemical study of the isomeric naphthalenemethanols". Molecular Physics 105 13-14 (2007): 1789-1796. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-35649026412&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  57. Matos, M.A.R.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Experimental and computational thermochemistry of 1,3-benzodioxole derivatives". Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data 52 3 (2007): 1089-1094. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34249792936&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  58. Matos, M.A.R.; Monte, M.J.S.; Sousa, C.C.S.; Almeida, A.R.R.P.; Morais, V.M.F.. "Thermodynamic study of sesamol, piperonyl alcohol, piperonylic acid and homopiperonylic acid: A combined experimental and theoretical investigation". Organic and Biomolecular Chemistry 2 6 (2004): 908-914. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-1842429947&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Journal issue
  1. Sousa, Clara. "Spectroscopic Techniques Applied in the Context of Food Safety and Quality". Foods (2023):
    Invited editor
  2. Sousa, Clara. "Characterization and Quality Evaluation of Food and Beverages through Spectroscopy and Chemometrics". Foods (2023):
    Invited editor
Preface / Postscript
  1. Sousa, C.; Lopes JA. "Preface". Preface to Vibrational Spectroscopy for Plant Varieties and Cultivars Characterization, xiii-ix. 2018.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Sousa, Clara. "Off-label use of drugs". Master, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, 2011.
  2. Sousa, Clara. "Experimental and Computational Thermochemical Study of Organic Aromatic Compounds". PhD, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, 2008.
  3. Sousa, Clara. "Experimental and Theoretical Thermochemical Study of 1,2-methilenedioxybenzene Derivatives". Master, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, 2003.
  4. Sousa, Clara. "Voltametric Determination of Organic Compounds with Biological Interest". Degree, Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, 2001.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2019 A powerful and cost-effective strain typing tool: the ideal solution for real-time control of Klebsiella pneumoniae infections 19º Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia e Biotecnologia, MICROBIOTEC19
2018 Mass spectrometry principles and applications I2G2P- Proteome to Gene to Protein, Hands on Course
Centro de Engenharia Biológica
2016 MALDI-TOF MS, principles and applications. I2G2P- Proteome to Gene to Protein, Hands on Course
2011 Energetics and stability of azulene from experimental thermochemistry and from high-level quantum chemical calculations 10th Mediterranean Conference on Calorimetry and Thermal Analysis, MEDICTA 2011


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2023 - Current Listeria monocytogenes persistency portrayed by infrared spectroscopy
Supervisor of Maria Luís Paz
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
2023 - Current Infrared spectroscopy and microscopy coupled with machine learning tools to identify and quantify natural and artificial fibres with a natural base.
Supervisor of Aires João da Costa Ribeiro
PhD (PhD)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
2021 - Current Natural compounds: evaluation of their antimicrobial activity against foodborne pathogens and their effectiveness in the presence of different food matrices and sub-lethal stresses
Co-supervisor of Rita Gonçalves
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2022 - 2022 The role of Infrared Spectroscopy for Acinetobacter species typing: an interlaboratorial study
Supervisor of Hannah Lankowsky
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2022 - 2022 The role of volatome in Acinetobacter species typing
Supervisor of Marta Armengol
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2022 - 2022 The role of volatome in Acinetobacter species typing
Supervisor of Alex Olivan
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
2021 - 2022 In the quest for persistence markers in Listeria monocytogenes
Co-supervisor of Rui Manuel Santos Menezes
2019/10/16 - 2020/04/15 Camellia japonica biological activity characterization
Supervisor of Ana Margarida Ribeiro Teixeira
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014 - 2018 Bacterial Socialization and Public Health: Comprehensive study on Acinetobacter baumannii biofilms to improve strategies to diagnose, prevent and treat biofilm-associated infectious diseases
Co-supervisor of Filipa Maria Grosso Ledo
Pos doctoral grant (Other)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2013 - 2018 Tracking Salmonella population dynamics and antimicrobial resistance: local insights with a global impact.
Co-supervisor of Joana Araújo Alves Campos
PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012 - 2018 New insights on emergence and success of carbapenem-resistant Acinetobacter spp.
Co-supervisor of Liliana de Jesus Vieira da Silva
PhD in Occupational Health and Safety (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2012 - 2018 Carbapenemase producers of Pseudomonas aeruginosa: lights on new mobile genetic elements
Co-supervisor of João Francisco Tomaz Santos Botelho
PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2014 - 2016 Intrinsic fluorescence in the discrimination of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus - Acinetobacter baumannii complex species
Supervisor of Ana Sofia Rodrigues de Oliveira e Silva
Master in Bioengineering (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biológica, Portugal
2013 - 2015 Optimization of MALDI-TOF MS for the assessment of bacterial cell viability towards a potential application in food industry
Supervisor of Fabiana Raquel Branquinho
Pos doctoral grant (Other)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2023/04/19 - 2023/04/21 Catholic Open Week: pedagogical/scientific activities: Member of the Organizing Committee (2023/04/19 - 2023/04/21) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2022/09/23 - 2022/09/23 International Microorganism Day (science-fair event): Member of the organizing committee (2023/09/23) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014/05/30 - 2014/11/28 OMICS CEB- 2014 Cycle of Seminars in Omic Techniques for Biotechnology and Bioengineering during the year of 2014 30May2014- Proteogenomics 15July2014- Genomics 19September2014- Transriptomics 24October2014- Proteomics 28November2014- Metabolomics (2014/05/30 - 2014/11/28)
Seminar (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biológica, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2022/07/20 - 2022/07/22 Event: Teen Academy Science and tecnology dissemination activities for undergraduated sutdents Teen Academy 2022
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
2022/04/20 - 2022/04/22 Event: Catholic Open Week Pedagogical/scientific activities Catholic Open Week 2022
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal
2021/07/19 - 2021/07/23 Event: Teen Academy Science and tecnology dissemination activities for undergraduated sutdents Teen Academy 2021
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Portuguesa Centro de Biotecnologia e Química Fina, Portugal

Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2023 Characterisation of Protein-Rich Poultry By-Products After Hydrothermal Process And Enzymatic Hydrolysis
(Thesis) Main arguer
José Nuno Gonçalves Machado (Master)
2021 SARS-CoV-2 infection testing by infrared spectroscopy and multivariate data analysis using a portable spectrometer
(Thesis) Main arguer
Luciane Eichelt (Master)
Instituto Superior Técnico Departamento de Engenharia e Gestão, Portugal
2019 Immunoglobulins identification methods for toxoplasmosis diagnosis
(Thesis) Main arguer
Carlos Henrique Bezerra de Oliveira (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biológica, Portugal
2017/10/16 Development of new methodologies based on vibrational spectroscopy and chemometrics for wine characterization and classification
(Thesis) Arguer
Cláudia Andreia Teixeira dos Santos (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2017/02/21 Pharmaceutical cocrystallizations: Advances and chalenges
(Thesis) Main arguer
Marisa Abreu Rodrigues (Master)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
2016 Intrinsic fluorescence in the discrimination of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus - Acinetobacter baumannii complex species
Ana Sofia Riodrigues de Oliveira e Silva (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biológica, Portugal
2012/07/10 Drivers of Acinetobacter baumannii population dynamics and virulence
Liliana de Jesus Vieira da Silva (Other)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
2012 Assessment of infrared and intrinsic fluorescence spectroscopy for characterization of microbiological contamination in drug products
(Thesis) Main arguer
Raquel Maria Tenório da Silva (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2022 - Current Co-coordinator of a Task Force (at Centre of Biotechnology and Fine Chemistry-Catholic University) for new students recruitment strategy Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2021 - Current Coordinator of the Programme BIOFASE (Chemistry) – experimental activities for undergraduate student at University - science dissemination activities
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal


Activity description Institution / Organization
2018/12 - 2018/12 Consulting work in the waters department of SuperBock Group (https://superbockgroup.com/en/) Water Physical and Chemical analysis and Microbiological quality control SuperBock Group (https://superbockgroup.com/en/), Portugal

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2023/02 - Current Foundations of Programming Degree in Bioengineering (Bachelor (1st cycle)) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2023/02 - Current Waves and Electromagnetism Degree in Bioengineering (Bachelor (1st cycle)) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2023 - Current General Chemistry Degree in bioengineering; microbiology; nutrion (Licenciatura) Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
2023 - Current Instrumental Analysis and Laboratory Automatization Master in Applied Microbiology and Master's in Food Engineering (Mestrado) Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
2022/09 - 2022/09 Good Laboratory Practices- Chemistry Degree in Bioengineering (Bachelor (1st cycle)) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2022 - 2022 Biotechnology Topics Degree in Bioengineering (Bachelor (1st cycle)) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2021/09 - 2021/09 Good Laboratory Practices- Chemistry Graduation in bioengineering (Bachelor (1st cycle)) Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2014 - 2014 Applied proteomics presented at OMICS 2014

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2022 - Current Poland National Science Centre (https://www.ncn.gov.pl/en/) - evaluation of proposals
Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Poland Narodowe Centrum Nauki
2021 - Current COST Actions External Expert Evaluator (Open Call OC-2020-1)
European Union, Belgium European Union
2023/02/23 - 2023/02/23 Jury of international selection tender procedures for a PhD Research Grant: "BE@T – Bioeconomy for Textiles and Clothing, investment TC-C12-i01 – Sustainable Bioeconomy, financed by the Recovery and Resilience Plan"
European Union, Belgium European Union

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2018 - 2018 Emergent Land (Terra Emergente) TV program dedicated to young farmers and new agricultural products

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2023 - Current Foods (2304-8158) MDPI AG
2021 - Current PLOS ONE (1932-6203 ) PLOS
2018 - Current Foods (2304-8158) MDPI AG
2018 - Current Sensors (1424-8220) MDPI AG
2017 - Current Scientific Reports (2045-2322) Springer
2016 - Current Food Chemistry (0308-8146) Elsevier
2016 - Current Molecules (1420-3049) MDPI AG
2016 - Current RSC Advances (2046-2069) The Royal Society of Chemistry
2015 - Current Water Science & Technology (1996-9732) IWA Publishing
2014 - Current Journal of Medical Microbiology (1473-5644) Microbiology Society
2014 - Current Advances in Chemistry (2314-7571) Hindawi Limited

Other jury / evaluation

Activity description Institution / Organization
2023 - 2023 PhD thesis plan evaluator: Predifood: Predictive and Accelerated Models for Food Shelf-Life Assessment. Student: Laíres de Araújo Lima
2023 - 2023 Internship Final report- Degree in Bioengineering: HMF hydrogenation over Ru-based SBA-15 catalysts. Student: Gonçalo Castor Morais Marques Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Portugal
2022 - 2022 PhD thesis plan evaluator: Acinetobacter as foodborne pathogens: contributing data to fill knowledge gaps. Student: Marta Isabel Pimenta de Carvalho Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2022 - 2022 PhD thesis plan evaluator: Integrative approach of orange peels valorisation into a multifunctional ingredient. Student: Ana Alexandra Gonçalves Vilas Boas Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal


2022 Best Poster Award at the XIX Plant Nutrition Colloquium