Fernando Morgado-Dias. Concluiu o(a) Mestrado integrado em Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering em 1994 pelo(a) Universidade de Aveiro, Doutoramento em PhD in Electrical Engineering em 2005 pelo(a) Universidade de Aveiro e Mestrado em Diplôme d'Études Approfondies en Microelectronique (Master Level) em 1996 pelo(a) Université Grenoble Alpes. É Professor Associado no(a) Universidade da Madeira e Researcher no(a) Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas de Engenharia. Publicou 86 artigos em revistas especializadas. Orientou 7 tese(s) de doutoramento e coorientou 6. Orientou 12 dissertação(ões) de mestrado e coorientou 11. Recebeu 16 prémio(s) e/ou homenagens. Participa e/ou participou como Investigador em 3 projeto(s), Investigador responsável em 1 projeto(s) e Orientador em 4 projeto(s).

Personal identification

Full name
Fernando Morgado-Dias

Citation names

  • Morgado-Dias, Fernando

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
French Intermediate (B1) Advanced (C1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
Portuguese Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Spanish; Castilian Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Beginner (A1) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
PhD in Electrical Engineering (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
"Non-linear Control Techniques based on Neural Networks: from the algorithm to the hardware (original title: Técnicas de Controlo Não-linear baseadas em Redes Neuronais: do algoritmo ao hardware)" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Aprovado por unanimidade
Diplôme d'Études Approfondies en Microelectronique (Master Level) (Mestrado)
Université Grenoble Alpes, France
"Generating test vectors by pairing" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering (Mestrado integrado)
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2025/02/05 - Current Full Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2020/09/01 - 2025/02/04 Associate Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
Universidade da Madeira Faculdade de Ciências Exatas e da Engenharia, Portugal
2006/09/15 - 2020/08/31 Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2013/01/01 - Current Researcher Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas de Engenharia, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal


Host institution
1998/12/06 - 2006/09/14 Equiparado a Prof. Adjunto Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal
1995/10/05 - 1998/12/05 Assistente de 1ºtriénio Instituto Politécnico de Setúbal, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021/01/01 - 2021/02/28 MTL-Marítimo Training LAB
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal
2019/11/01 - 2020/12/31 MITIEXCELL-Improving MITI's Excellence in R&D and leveraging international
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
Região Autónoma da Madeira


Designation Funders
2021/07 - Current BASE : BAnana Sensing, in partnership with GESBA-Empresa de Gestão do Sector da Banana, funded in 552,541.60¿
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal

Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2023/06/01 - 2025/12/31 Smart Island Hub
Principal investigator
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal
2021/01/01 - 2025/12/31 LARSyS - Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas de Engenharia
Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal

Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas de Engenharia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2022/04/01 - 2024/12/01 RRSO-Restaurant Review Sentiment Output
Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas de Engenharia, Portugal
Instituto de Desenvolvimento Empresarial
2020/01/01 - 2023/12/31 Laboratory of Robotics and Engineering Systems
Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas de Engenharia, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal

Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/12 - 2021/11 Marítimo Training LAB, funded in 805,510.64€
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
Instituto Desenvolvimento Regional
2015 - 2020 Improving MITI's Excellence in R&D and leveraging international, funded in 2,436,560.17€
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
Instituto Desenvolvimento Regional
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Laboratório de Robótica e Sistemas de Engenharia
Agência Regional para o Desenvolvimento da Investigação Tecnologia e Inovação, Portugal

Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Ciência e Tecnologia do Ambiente e do Mar, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2014/01 - 2015/09 SmartSOLAR – Solar Management Platform, funded in 417,201.27€
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
Instituto Desenvolvimento Regional
2014/02 - 2015/07 Vision 3D – Portable solutions for 2D and 3D visualization for endoscopy medical intervention, funded in 455,831.32€
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
Instituto Desenvolvimento Regional
2010 - 2015 UNAMUNO Atlantic Axis, funded by MAC program, European Community, funded in 509,963.23€
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
2009 - 2014 OTIC-TeCMU – Laboratory for technology and knowledge transfer, funded in 395,000.00€
Universidade da Madeira Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute, Portugal
Instituto Desenvolvimento Regional
2011/01/01 - 2013/12/31 Projecto Estratégico - UI 219 - 2011-2012
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Laboratório Regional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Conference paper
  1. D. Freitas; L. Guerreiro Lopes; F. Morgado-Dias. "MRF–PSO: MultiRoot Finding Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Nonlinear Functions". Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Sustainable and Innovative Solutions for Current Challenges in Engineering & Technology, 2021.
  2. Roham Torabi; Álvaro Gomes; Morgado-Dias. "Demand management for load smoothing in small power systems: the case of Porto Santo island". Paper presented in Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies – ES2DE19, 2019.
  3. Luis Miguel Carvalho Freitas; Morgado Dias; Guy Meynants; Adi Xhakoni. "Design and Simulation of an Incremental Sigma- Delta Converter for Improving the Noise Floor Level of CMOS Image Sensors". Paper presented in Conference on Engineering Applications - ICEA, 2019.
  4. Dario Baptista; Leonel Sousa; Morgado-Dias. "A Platform based on HLS to implement a generic CNN on an FPGA". Paper presented in International Conference in Biomedical Engineering Applications, 2019.
  5. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio Ravelo-García. "Cyclic Alternating Pattern Estimation From One EEG Monopolar Derivation Using A Long Short-Term Memory". Paper presented in International Conference on Engineering Applications, 2019.
  6. André Moura; Filipe Moura; Miguel Andrade; Alexander Kramer; Luis Rodolfo Sousa; Morgado-Dias. "Comparing different Matlab algorithms for ANN training in regression and time-series data". Paper presented in 2nd International Conference on Architecture Built Environment, Design, Engineering Sciences, 2019.
  7. Sandy Rodrigues; João Paulo Carvalho; Helena Geirinhas Ramos; F. Morgado-Dias. "A more accurate machine learning photovoltaic system performance analyser by using fuzzy logic". Paper presented in EU PVSEC, 2018.
  8. Dario Baptista; Leonel Sousa; Morgado-Dias. "Configurable N-fold Hardware Architecture for Convolutional Neural Networks". Paper presented in ICBEA18, 2018.
  9. Roham Torabi; Alvaro Gomes; F. Morgado-Dias. "The Duck Curve Characteristic and Storage Requirements for Greening the Island of Porto Santo". Paper presented in Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies – ES2DE18, 2018.
  10. Luis Miguel Carvalho Freitas; F. Morgado-Dias; Guy Menants; Adi Xhakoni. "Design and simulation of a CMOS slew-rate enhanced OTA to drive heavy capacitive loads". Paper presented in Workshop on Electronics Applications and 17 System Integration for Future Technologies – EASIFT18, 2018.
  11. Alexander Kramer; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Applications of Artificial Neural Networks in Process Control Applications: A review". Paper presented in International Conference in Biomedical Engineering Applications - ICBEA18, 2018.
  12. Rúben Gomes; Paulo Franco; F. Morgado Dias. "On-chip digital temperature sensor for CMOS image sensor". Paper presented in Applications and System Integration for Future Technologies – EASIFT18, 2018.
  13. B. Ascencao; P. Franco; F. Morgado Dias. "Distance measurement system for medical applications based on the NanEye stereo camera". Paper presented in Workshop on Electronics Applications and System Integration for Future Technologies – EASIFT18, 2018.
  14. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio Ravelo-García. "Sleep Quality Analysis with Cardiopulmonary Coupling". Paper presented in International Conference in Biomedical Engineering Applications - ICBEA18, 2018.
  15. Daniel Pestana; Sandy Rodrigues; F. Morgado-Dias. "An overview of the Solar PV policy in the Region of Madeira". Paper presented in Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies – ES2DE18, 2018.
  16. Ricardo Jardim; Morgado-Dias. "Image Denoise FPGA Implementation using a Moving Average Filter with Contour Detection". Paper presented in Workshop on Electronics Applications and System Integration for Future Technologies – EASIFT18, 2018.
  17. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fábio Mendonça; Antonio Ravelo-García; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Combination of Deep and Shallow Networks for Cyclic Alternating Patterns Detection". Paper presented in 13th APCA International Conference on Automatic Control and Soft Computing, 2018.
  18. Fábio Mendonça; Ana Fred; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Automatic Detection of A-Phases for CAP Classification". Paper presented in 7th International Conference on Pattern Recognition Applications and Methods - ICPRAM, 2018.
  19. Freitas, Diogo; Luiz Guerreiro Lopes; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "A Neural Network Based Approach for Approximating Real Roots of Polynomials". Paper presented in International Conference on Mathematical Applications (ICMA), 2018.
  20. Mendonça, Fábio; Fred, Ana; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Dias, Fernando Morgado; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.. "Automatic Detection of a Phases for CAP Classification". 2018.
  21. Mostafa, S.S.; Awal, M.A.; Ahmad, M.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "A Method for Designing Emg Integrator using an FPGA". 2017.
  22. Morgado-Dias, F.; Travieso-González, C.M.; Alonso-Hernandez, J.B.. "Welcome Message From The General Chairs". 2017.
  23. Sonsa, L.R.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Augusto, P.. "Low cost automated astronomical observatory for remote operation: A requisite analysis". 2017.
  24. Mendonca, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Navarro-Mesa, J.; Julia-Serda, G.; Ravelo-Garcia, A.. "A Minimally Invasive Portable System for Sleep Apnea Detection". 2017.
  25. Baptista, D.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Energy production forecasting for a wind farm composed of turbines with different features". 2017.
  26. Pestana, D.G.; Mendonca, F.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "A low cost FPGA based thermal imaging camera for fault detection in PV panels". 2017.
  27. Torabi, R.; Rodrigues, S.; Cafofo, N.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Development of an ANN model to predict the electricity produced by small scale roof-top PV systems in Madeira Island". 2017.
  28. Rodrigues, S.; Torabi, R.; Ramos, H.G.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Powerwall 2.0 economic feasibility in Australia". 2017.
  29. Torabi, R.; Rizzoli, N.; Arosio, V.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "The life-cycle assessment and environmental impacts of electricity production in Porto Santo Island". 2017.
  30. S. Rodrigues; HG. Ramos; F. Morgado-Dias. "Machine Learning in PV Fault Detection, Diagnostics and Prognostics: A Review". Paper presented in IEEE 44th Photovoltaic Specialist Conference (PVSC), 2017.
  31. SS Mostafa; JP Carvalho; F Morgado-Dias; A Ravelo-García. "Optimization of sleep apnea detection using SpO2 and ANN". Paper presented in XXVI International Conference on Information, Communication and Automation Technologies (ICAT), 2017.
  32. SS Mostafa; F Mendonça; F Morgado-Dias; A Ravelo-García. "SpO2 based Sleep Apnea Detection using Deep Learning". Paper presented in IEEE 21st 18 International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems 2017, 2017.
  33. Roham Torabi; Sandy Rodrigues; F. Morgado Dias; Alvaro Gomes. "An Overview of Deploying the Integrated Management of Energy Resources: The Case Study of Porto Santo Island". Paper presented in 3rd Energy for Sustainability International Conference - EfS 2017, 2017.
  34. Mendonca, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Navarro-Mesa, J.; Julia-Serda, G.; Ravelo-Garcia, A.. "A minimallyinvasive portable system for sleep apnea detection". 2017.
  35. Mostafa, S.S.; Sousa, L.N.; Ferreira, N.F.; Sousa, R.M.; Santos, J.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Wany, M.. "On the implementation of the gamma function for image correction on a endoscopic camera". 2016.
  36. Faria, C.M.; Baptista, D.; Marques, J.C.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Automatic control of madeira wine aging process". 2016.
  37. Torabi, R.; Sahovic, N.; Rodrigues, S.; Mata-Lima, H.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Cost-effectiveness analysis of roof-Top PV systems in Montenegro and Serbia". 2016.
  38. Carlos Faria; Darío Baptista; José Carlos Marques; F. Morgado-Dias. "Modelling and control of Madeira Wine aging process using directive inverse control". Paper presented in International Conference on Advanced Electronic Science and Technology, AEST2016, 2016.
  39. Sandy Rodrigues; Roham Torabikalaki; Fábio Faria; Helena G. Ramos; F. Morgado-Dias. "Australian PV System Market Analysis for the Powerwall". Paper presented in 32nd EU PVSEC 2016 Conference Proceedings Paper, 2016.
  40. S. S. Mostafa; L. N. Sousa; N. F. Ferreira; R. M. Sousa; J. Santos; F. Morgado-Dias; Martin Wäny. "FPGA Implementation of Gamma Correction using a Piecewise Linear Approach for a Small Size Endoscopic Camera". Paper presented in Image Sensors and Imaging Systems, 2016.
  41. Sousa, R.M.; Wäny, M.; Santos, P.; Dias, M.. "Multi-camera synchronization core implemented on USB3 based FPGA platform". 2015.
  42. Sousa, R.M.; Wäny, M.; Santos, P.; Dias, M.. "Image synchronization for 3D application using the NanEye sensor". 2015.
  43. Sousa, R.M.; Wäny, M.; Santos, P.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Advanced illumination control algorithm for medical endoscopy applications". 2015.
  44. Sandy Rodrigues; Fábio Faria; Ashkan Ivaki; Nuno Cafôfo; Xiaoju Chen; F. Morgado Dias. "The Tesla Powerwall: Does it bring something new? A Market Analysis". Paper presented in ECBA-2015 Beijing, 2015.
  45. Sandy Rodrigues; Fábio Faria; Ashkan Ivaki; Nuno Cafôfo; Xiaoju Chen; F. Morgado-Dias. "New opportunities for using Tesla Powerwall Battery in the United States of America and Portugal". Paper presented in The 6th International Congress of Energy and Environment Engineering and Management (CIIEM15), 2015.
  46. S. Rodrigues; F. Faria; N. Cafôfo; X. Chen; F. Morgado-Dias. "Self-Consumption and Battery Bank PV Systems in the Residential Sector in Portugal". Paper presented in International Conference on Renewable Energy and Bioenergy (ICREB 2015), 2015.
  47. S. Rodrigues; F. Faria; N. Cafôfo; X. Chen; F. Morgado-Dias. "The Current Situation of the Residential and Commercial PV System Self-Consumption Market in Portugal". Paper presented in International Renewable Energy and Environment Conference (IREEC-2015), 2015.
  48. Abreu, S.R.; Leça, M.; Chen, X.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "On the current payback time for small investors in the photovoltaic systems in the region of Madeira". 2014.
  49. Valentim Freitas; Antonio Ravelo-García; Morgado Dias. "ParTec and KarnUMa – Digital tools as a help for freshman learning". Paper presented in I Jornadas Iberoamericanas de Innovación Educativa en el ámbitos de las TICs (InnoEducaTIC 2014), 2014.
  50. Dario Baptista, F.; Rodrigues, S.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Performance comparison of ANN training algorithms for classification". 2013.
  51. Valentim Freitas; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "KarnUMa an Educational Tool for Digital Systems". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  52. Dário Fernandes; Dario Baptista; Beatriz Jardim; Agostinho Figueira; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Loiral Wind Park Modelling Using Artificial Neural Networks". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  53. Adriano Lopes; António Carvalho; Filipe Oliveira; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Monitoring and Management of Energy in Penteada Building – a Case Study". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  54. Sandy Rodrigues Abreu; Cristóvão Barreto; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Renewable Energy Characterization of Madeira Island". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  55. Darío Baptista; Filipe Freitas; Rita Vasconcelos; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Artificial Neural Networks – A Survey about Hardware and Software Use". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  56. Darío Baptista; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "A Hyperbolic Tangent Replacement by Third Order Polynomial Approximation". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  57. Darío Baptista; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "On the Implementation of Different Hyperbolic Tangent Solutions in FPGA". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  58. Darío Baptista; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Artificial Neural Networks: a Review of Training Tools". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  59. Diego Santos; Henrique Nunes; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Dual-Processor Neural Network Implementation in FPGA". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  60. Darío Baptista; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Comparing Different Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm implementations". Paper presented in Controlo’2012, 2012.
  61. Reis, L.; Aguiar, L.; Baptista, D.; Morgado Dias, F.. "ANGE - Automatic neural generator". 2011.
  62. Luis Aguiar; Leonardo Reis; Fernando Morgado Dias. "Neuron Implementation using System Generator". Paper presented in 9th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 2010.
  63. Borralho, R.; Fontes, P.; Antunes, A.; Morgado Dias, F.. "A Matlab tool for analyzing and improving fault tolerance of artificial neural networks". 2009.
  64. Gisnara Hoelzle; Fernando Morgado Dias. "Hardware Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network with an Embedded Microprocessor in a FPGA". Paper presented in 8th International Conference and Workshop on Ambient Intelligence and Embedded Systems, 2009.
  65. Antunes, A.; Dias, F.M.; Vieira, J.A.; Mota, A.. "A neuro-fuzzy delay compensator for distributed control systems". 2008.
  66. Antunes, A.; Morgado Dias, F.; Mota, A.. "A neural model for delay correction in a distributed control system". 2008.
  67. Fernando Morgado Dias; Ana Antunes. "Fault Tolerance Improvement through Architecture Change in Artificial Neural Networks". Paper presented in 3rd International Symposium on Intelligence Computation and Applications, 2008.
  68. Ana Antunes; Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Mota. "A neural network delay compensator for networked control systems". Paper presented in 13th IEEE International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, 2008.
  69. Pedro Fontes; Rui Borralho; Ana Antunes; Fernando Morgado Dias. "Fault Tolerance Simulation and Evaluation Tool for Artificial Neural Networks". Paper presented in 8th Portuguese Control Conference, 2008.
  70. Ana Antunes; Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Mota. "Comparing the delay compensator approach with fractional dead-time modelling in distributed real-time control systems". Paper presented in 8th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 2008.
  71. Fernando Morgado Dias; Ana Antunes. "A global model for fault tolerance of feedforward neural networks". Paper presented in 9th International Conference on Automation and Information, 2008.
  72. Fernando Morgado Dias; Ana Antunes. "An empirical study of the test error versus training error in artificial neural networks". Paper presented in 9th International Conference on Automation and Information, 2008.
  73. Antunes, A.; Dias, F.M.; Mota, A.M.. "Improving the control performance of a real-time distributed control system under variable sampling to actuation delay". 2006.
  74. Antunes, A.; Dias, F.M.; Vieira, J.; Mota, A.. "Delay compensator: An approach to reduce the variable sampling to actuation delay effect in distributed real-time control systems". 2006.
  75. Fernando Morgado Dias; Ana Antunes; José Vieira; Alexandre Mota. "On-line learning of a time-variant system". Paper presented in 19th International Conference on Industrial, Engineering & Other Applications of Applied Intelligent Systems, 2006.
  76. Vieira, J.A.; Dias, F.M.; Mota, A.M.. "Hybrid neuro-fuzzy network-priori knowledge model in temperature control of a gas water heater system". 2005.
  77. Dias, F.M.; Antunes, A.; Vieira, J.; Mota, A.M.. "On-line training of neural networks: A sliding window approach for the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm". 2005.
  78. Dias, F.M.; Antunes, A.; Vieira, J.; Mota, A.M.. "Using the Levenberg-Marquardt for on-line training of a variant system". 2005.
  79. Pedro Ferreira; Pedro Ribeiro; Ana Antunes; Fernando Morgado Dias. "A High Resolution FPGA Implementation of a Feedforward Neural Network". Paper presented in Jornadas sobre Sistemas Reconfiguráveis REC2005, 2005.
  80. Ferreira, P.; Ribeiro, P.; Antunes, A.; Dias, F.M.. "Artificial neural networks processor – A hardware implementation using a FPGA". 2004.
  81. Fernando Morgado Dias; Ana Antunes; José Vieira; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "Implementing the Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm on-line: a Sliding Window Approach with Early Stopping". Paper presented in 2nd IFAC Workshop on Advanced Fuzzy/Neural Control, 2004.
  82. Ana Antunes; Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Mota. "Influence of the sampling period in the performance of a real-time distributed system under jitter conditions". Paper presented in 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Telecommunications and Informatics, 2004.
  83. Fernando Morgado Dias; Ana Antunes; Alexandre Mota. "A new hybrid direct/specialized approach for generating inverse neural models". Paper presented in 6th WSEAS Int. Conf. on Algorithms, Scientific Computing, Modelling and Computation, 2004.
  84. José Vieira; Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Mota. "Neuro-Fuzzy Systems: A Survey". Paper presented in 5th WSEAS NNA International Conference on Neural Networks and Applications, 2004.
  85. Fernando Morgado Dias; Ana Antunes; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "Regularization versus early stopping: a case study with a real system". Paper presented in 2nd IFAC Conference Control Systems Design (CSD’03), 2003.
  86. Fernando Morgado Dias; Ana Antunes; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "Commercial Hardware for Artificial Neural Networks: a Survey". Paper presented in SICICA - 5th IFAC International Symposium on Inteligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications, 2003.
  87. José António Barros Vieira; Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "Comparison between Artificial Neural Networks and Neurofuzzy Systems in Modeling and Control: a Case Study". Paper presented in SICICA - 5th IFAC International Symposium on Inteligent Components and Instruments for Control Applications, 2003.
  88. Dias, F.M.; Antunes, A.; Mota, A.M.. "Additive internal model control: An application with neural models in a Kiln". 2002.
  89. Dias, F.M.; Antunes, A.; Mota, A.M.. "Automating the construction of neural models for control purposes using genetic algorithms". 2002.
  90. José António Barros Vieira; Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "Control of a Kiln using Neuro Fuzzy Techniques". Paper presented in 5th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 2002.
  91. Ana Antunes; Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "CAN-based Real Time Adaptive Distributed Control". Paper presented in 8th International CAN Conference, 2002.
  92. Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "A Comparison between a PID and Internal Model Control using Neural Networks". Paper presented in 5th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, 2001.
  93. Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "Comparison between different Control Strategies using Neural Networks". Paper presented in 9th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, 2001.
  94. Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Mota. "Additive Feedforward Control of a Kiln Using Neural Networks". Paper presented in IASTED International Conference on Modelling, Identification, and Control, 2001.
  95. Fernando Morgado Dias; Alexandre Manuel Mota. "Direct Inverse Control of a Kiln". Paper presented in 4th Portuguese Conference on Automatic Control, 2000.
Journal article
  1. Freitas, Diogo Nuno; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Caldeira, Romualdo; Santos, Francisco; Fermé, Eduardo; Gouveia, Élvio R.; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Predicting noncontact injuries of professional football players using machine learning". PLOS ONE 20 1 (2025): e0315481. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0315481.
  2. Alves, Décio; Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "A comprehensive IoT cloud-based wind station ready for real-time measurements and artificial intelligence integration". e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy 10 (2024): 100862. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prime.2024.100862.
  3. Alves, Décio; Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "On the use of kolmogorov–arnold networks for adapting wind numerical weather forecasts with explainability and interpretability: application to madeira international airport". Environmental Research Communications 6 10 (2024): 105008. https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ad810f.
  4. Ahatsham Hayat; Preety Baglat; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Machine learning system for commercial banana harvesting". Engineering Research Express (2024): https://doi.org/10.1088/2631-8695/ad5cd2.
  5. Alves, Décio; Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Low Tropospheric Wind Forecasts in Aviation: The Potential of Deep Learning for Terminal Aerodrome Forecast Bulletins". Pure and Applied Geophysics 181 7 (2024): 2265-2276. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00024-024-03522-z.
  6. Alves, Décio; Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Time-Series Embeddings from Language Models: A Tool for Wind Direction Nowcasting". Journal of Meteorological Research 38 3 (2024): 558-569. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13351-024-3151-9.
  7. Alves, Décio; Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "A computer vision approach for satellite-driven wind nowcasting over complex terrains". Environmental Research Communications 6 5 (2024): 055014. https://doi.org/10.1088/2515-7620/ad4984.
  8. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Joaquim Amândio Azevedo; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Juan L. Navarro-Mesa. "Noncontact Automatic Water-Level Assessment and Prediction in an Urban Water Stream Channel of a Volcanic Island Using Deep Learning". Electronics (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13061145.
  9. Alexandre Branco; Daniel Parada; Marcos Silva; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Sentiment Analysis in Portuguese Restaurant Reviews: Application of Transformer Models in Edge Computing". Electronics (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13030589.
  10. Arturo Alves; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Sleep Analysis by Evaluating the Cyclic Alternating Pattern A Phases". Electronics (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics13020333.
  11. Hayat, Ahatsham; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Choudhury, Tanupriya; Singh, Thipendra P.; Kotecha, Ketan. "FruitVision: A deep learning based automatic fruit grading system". Open Agriculture 9 1 (2024): https://doi.org/10.1515/opag-2022-0276.
  12. Alves, Décio; Freitas, Diogo; Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Wind Limitations at Madeira International Airport: A Deep Learning Prediction Approach". IEEE Access 12 (2024): 61211-61220. https://doi.org/10.1109/access.2024.3394447.
  13. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "On the Use of Kullback–Leibler Divergence for Kernel Selection and Interpretation in Variational Autoencoders for Feature Creation". Information (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/info14100571.
  14. Décio Alves; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "The Potential of Machine Learning for Wind Speed and Direction Short-Term Forecasting: A Systematic Review". Computers (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/computers12100206.
  15. Décio Alves; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Automated Aviation Wind Nowcasting: Exploring Feature-Based Machine Learning Methods". Applied Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/app131810221.
  16. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Ivana Rosenzweig. "Towards automatic EEG cyclic alternating pattern analysis: a systematic review". Biomedical Engineering Letters (2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s13534-023-00303-w.
  17. Ankit Gupta; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Visual Explanations of Deep Learning Architectures in Predicting Cyclic Alternating Patterns Using Wavelet Transforms". Electronics (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12132954.
  18. Marcus Vinicius Santos; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Thiago C. Silva. "Oil Sector and Sentiment Analysis—A Review". Energies (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/en16124824.
  19. Roham Torabi; Álvaro Gomes; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Electricity, Transportation, and Water Provision of 100% Renewable Energy for Remote Areas". Energies (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/en16104146.
  20. André Moura; Pedro Lima; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "On the Use of Transformer-Based Models for Intent Detection Using Clustering Algorithms". Applied Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/app13085178.
  21. Aníbal Chaves; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Graphical User Interface for the Development of Probabilistic Convolutional Neural Networks". Signals (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/signals4020016.
  22. Ahatsham Hayat; Preety Baglat; Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Novel Comparative Study for the Detection of COVID-19 Using CT Scan and Chest X-ray Images". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph20021268.
  23. Preety Baglat; Ahatsham Hayat; Fábio Mendonça; Ankit Gupta; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Non-Destructive Banana Ripeness Detection Using Shallow and Deep Learning: A Systematic Review". Sensors (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/s23020738.
  24. Ahatsham Hayat; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Bikram Pratim Bhuyan; Ravi Tomar. "Correction: Hayat et al. Human Activity Recognition for Elderly People Using Machine and Deep Learning Approaches. Information 2022, 13, 275". Information (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/info13090432.
  25. Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Gupta, Ankit; Arnardottir, Erna Sif; Leppänen, Timo; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Ravelo-García, Antonio G. "A-phase index: an alternative view for sleep stability analysis based on automatic detection of the A-phases from the cyclic alternating pattern". Sleep 46 1 (2022): https://doi.org/10.1093/sleep/zsac217.
  26. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Diogo Freitas; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Multiple Time Series Fusion Based on LSTM: An Application to CAP A Phase Classification Using EEG". International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710892.
  27. Ahatsham Hayat; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Deep Learning-Based Automatic Safety Helmet Detection System for Construction Safety". Applied Sciences (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/app12168268.
  28. Ahatsham Hayat; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Bikram Bhuyan; Ravi Tomar. "Human Activity Recognition for Elderly People Using Machine and Deep Learning Approaches". Information 13 6 (2022): 275-275. https://doi.org/10.3390/info13060275.
  29. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Diogo Freitas; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Heuristic Optimization of Deep and Shallow Classifiers: An Application for Electroencephalogram Cyclic Alternating Pattern Detection". Entropy 24 5 (2022): 688-688. https://doi.org/10.3390/e24050688.
  30. Freitas, Luis Miguel C.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Correlated multiple sampling technique - a discrete Fourier Transform analysis aimed for CMOS image sensors". Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing 110 3 (2022): 547-555. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10470-022-01995-3.
  31. Gupta, Ankit; Ravelo-Garcia, Antonio G.; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "A Motion and Illumination Resistant Non-contact Method using Undercomplete Independent Component Analysis and Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm". IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics (2022): 1-1. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/jbhi.2022.3144677.
  32. Carvalho Freitas, Luis Miguel; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Thermal readout noise comparison of classical constant bias APS and switching bias APS used in CMOS image sensors". Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10470-021-01964-2.
  33. Herlander Mata-Lima; Deborah Wollmann Silva; Deborah Cristina Nardi; Samanta Andrize Klering; Thays Car Feliciano de Oliveira; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Waste-to-Energy: An Opportunity to Increase Renewable Energy Share and Reduce Ecological Footprint in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)". Energies 14 22 (2021): 7586-7586. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14227586.
  34. Luis Miguel Carvalho Freitas; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Design Improvements on Fast, High-Order, Incremental Sigma-Delta ADCs for Low-Noise Stacked CMOS Image Sensors". Electronics (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10161936.
  35. Roham Torabi; Álvaro Gomes; F. Morgado-Dias. "Energy Transition on Islands with the Presence of Electric Vehicles: A Case Study for Porto Santo". Energies 14 12 (2021): 3439-3439. https://doi.org/10.3390/en14123439.
  36. Diogo Freitas; Luiz Guerreiro Lopes; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "A Neural Network-Based Approach for Approximating Arbitrary Roots of Polynomials". Mathematics 9 4 (2021): 317-317. https://doi.org/10.3390/math9040317.
  37. Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.. "A method based on cardiopulmonary coupling analysis for sleep quality assessment with FPGA implementation". Artificial Intelligence in Medicine 112 (2021): 102019. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.artmed.2021.102019.
  38. Luis Miguel Carvalho Freitas; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Reference Power Supply Connection Scheme for Low-Power CMOS Image Sensors Based on Incremental Sigma-Delta Converters". Electronics 10 3 (2021): 299-299. https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics10030299.
  39. Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Ravelo-García, Antonio G. "On the use of patterns obtained from LSTM and feature-based methods for time series analysis: application in automatic classification of the CAP A phase subtypes". Journal of Neural Engineering (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1088/1741-2552/abd047.
  40. Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Baptista, Darío; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.; Juliá-Serdá, Gabriel; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Greedy based convolutional neural network optimization for detecting apnea". Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 197 (2020): 105640. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105640.
  41. Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Pereira, Lucas; Mata-Lima, Herlander. "Editorial - Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies 19 - Selected papers". Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology 10 6 (2020): 1117-1117. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ghg.2040.
  42. Freitas, Luis Miguel C.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "A CMOS image sensor with 14-Bit column-parallel 3rd order incremental sigma-delta converters". Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 313 (2020): 112162. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.sna.2020.112162.
  43. Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.. "Cyclic alternating pattern estimation based on a probabilistic model over an EEG signal". Biomedical Signal Processing and Control 62 (2020): 102063. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2020.102063.
  44. Torabi, Roham; Gomes, Alvaro; Lobo, Diogo; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Modelling demand flexibility and energy storage to support increased penetration of renewable energy resources on Porto Santo". Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology (2020): http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/ghg.2005.
  45. Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.. "Matrix of Lags: A tool for analysis of multiple dependent time series applied for CAP scoring". Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 189 (2020): 105314. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cmpb.2020.105314.
  46. Jardim, Ricardo; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Savitzky–Golay filtering as image noise reduction with sharp color reset". Microprocessors and Microsystems 74 (2020): 103006. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2020.103006.
  47. Diogo Freitas; Luiz Guerreiro Lopes; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Particle Swarm Optimisation: A Historical Review Up to the Current Developments". Entropy 22 3 (2020): 362-362. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22030362.
  48. Alexander Kramer; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Artificial intelligence in process control applications and energy saving: a review and outlook". Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/ghg.1962.
  49. Sandy Rodrigues; Gerhard Mütter; Helena Geirinhas Ramos; F. Morgado-Dias. "Machine Learning Photovoltaic String Analyzer". Entropy 22 2 (2020): 205-205. https://doi.org/10.3390/e22020205.
  50. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "An Oximetry Based Wireless Device for Sleep Apnea Detection". Sensors 20 3 (2020): 888-888. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20030888.
  51. Freitas, Luis Miguel Carvalho; Dias, Morgado. "A CMOS slew-rate enhanced OTA for imaging". Microprocessors and Microsystems 72 (2020): 102934. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2019.102934.
  52. Sousa, Ricardo M.; Wäny, Martin; Santos, Pedro; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Automatic illumination control for an endoscopy sensor". Microprocessors and Microsystems 72 (2020): 102920. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.micpro.2019.102920.
  53. Fabio Mendonca; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Gabriel Julia-Serda; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia. "A Method for Sleep Quality Analysis Based on CNN Ensemble With Implementation in a Portable Wireless Device". IEEE Access (2020): 1-1. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3019734.
  54. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fabio Mendonca; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia; Gabriel Julia-Serda; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Multi-Objective Hyperparameter Optimization of Convolutional Neural Network for Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detection". IEEE Access 8 (2020): 129586-129599. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3009149.
  55. Dario Baptista; Leonel Sousa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Raising the Abstraction Level of a Deep Learning Design on FPGAs". IEEE Access 8 (2020): 205148-205161. https://doi.org/10.1109/ACCESS.2020.3036975.
  56. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "A Portable Wireless Device for Cyclic Alternating Pattern Estimation from an EEG Monopolar Derivation". Entropy (2019): https://doi.org/10.3390/e21121203.
  57. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fábio Mendonça; Gabriel Juliá-Serdá; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "SC3: self-configuring classifier combination for obstructive sleep apnea". Neural Computing and Applications (2019): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-019-04582-2.
  58. Fábio Mendonça; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G Ravelo-García; Thomas Penzel. "Sleep quality of subjects with and without sleep-disordered breathing based on the cyclic alternating pattern rate estimation from single-lead ECG". Physiological Measurement (2019): https://doi.org/10.1088/1361-6579/ab4f08.
  59. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fábio Mendonça; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Fernando Morgado Dias. "A Systematic Review of Detecting Sleep Apnea Using Deep Learning". Sensors (2019): https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/19/22/4934.
  60. Mata-Lima, Herlander; Galuzzi Silva, Marina Carrato; Emilien, Maria; Silveira, Ana Paula; Sacht, Helenice Maria; Vettorazzi, Egon; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Identifying and ranking environmental aspects of a dry port in Foz do Iguaçu city, Paraná-Brazil". Environmental Quality Management 29 1 (2019): 57-62. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/tqem.21652.
  61. Fabio Mendonca; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Thomas Penzel. "A Review of Obstructive Sleep Apnea Detection Approaches". IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 23 2 (2019): 825-837. https://doi.org/10.1109/JBHI.2018.2823265.
  62. Mendonca, Fabio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Ravelo-Garcia, Antonio G.; Penzel, Thomas. "A Review of Approaches for Sleep Quality Analysis". IEEE Access 7 (2019): 24527-24546. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/access.2019.2900345.
  63. Mendonça, Fabio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Dias, Fernando Morgado; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.; Penzel, Thomas. "A Review of Approaches for Sleep Quality Analysis". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/5645.
  64. Fabio Mendonca; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-Garcia. "Sleep Quality Estimation by Cardiopulmonary Coupling Analysis". IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering 26 12 (2018): 2233-2239. https://doi.org/10.1109/TNSRE.2018.2881361.
  65. Pestana, Daniel Garigali; Rodrigues, Sandy; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Environmental and economic analysis of solar systems in Madeira, Portugal". Utilities Policy 55 (2018): 31-40. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jup.2018.09.001.
  66. Torabi, Roham; Rodrigues, Sandy; Cafôfo, Nuno; Pereira, Lucas; Quintal, Filipe; Nunes, Nuno; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "A global monitoring system for electricity consumption and production of household roof-top PV systems in Madeira". Neural Computing and Applications 32 20 (2018): 15835-15844. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3832-3.
  67. Faria, Carlos; Baptista, Darío; Carlos Marques, José; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Madeira Wine: An Aging Processing Control and Monitoring Solution". Recent Advances in Electrical & Electronic Engineering (Formerly Recent Patents on Electrical & Electronic Engineering) 11 4 (2018): 425-433. http://dx.doi.org/10.2174/2352096511666180213102158.
  68. Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Penzel, Thomas. "Devices for home detection of obstructive sleep apnea: A review". Sleep Medicine Reviews 41 (2018): 149-160. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.smrv.2018.02.004.
  69. Darío Baptista; Sheikh Mostafa; Lucas Pereira; Leonel Sousa; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Implementation Strategy of Convolution Neural Networks on Field Programmable Gate Arrays for Appliance Classification Using the Voltage and Current (V-I) Trajectory". Energies 11 9 (2018): 2460-2460. https://doi.org/10.3390/en11092460.
  70. Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Horta, Nuno; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Analog active filter design using a multi objective genetic algorithm". AEU - International Journal of Electronics and Communications 93 (2018): 83-94. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.aeue.2018.06.001.
  71. Sandy Rodrigues; Helena Geirinhas Ramos; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Machine learning PV system performance analyser". Progress in Photovoltaics: Research and Applications (2018): https://doi.org/10.1002/pip.3060.
  72. Baptista, Darío; Carvalho, João Paulo; Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Comparing different solutions for forecasting the energy production of a wind farm". Neural Computing and Applications 32 20 (2018): 15825-15833. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3628-5.
  73. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Md. Abdul Awal; Mohiuddin Ahmad; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "Design of sEMG-based clench force estimator in FPGA using artificial neural networks". Neural Computing and Applications (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3600-4.
  74. Mendonça, Fábio; Mostafa, Sheikh Shanawaz; Morgado-Dias, Fernando; Navarro-Mesa, Juan L.; Juliá-Serdá, Gabriel; Ravelo-García, Antonio G.. "A portable wireless device based on oximetry for sleep apnea detection". Computing 100 11 (2018): 1203-1219. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00607-018-0624-7.
  75. Fábio Mendonça; Ana Fred; Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Automatic detection of cyclic alternating pattern". Neural Computing and Applications (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3474-5.
  76. Sheikh Shanawaz Mostafa; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Antonio G. Ravelo-García. "Comparison of SFS and mRMR for oximetry feature selection in obstructive sleep apnea detection". Neural Computing and Applications (2018): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00521-018-3455-8.
  77. Ricardo M. Sousa; Martin Wany; Pedro Santos; Fernando Morgado-Dias. "NanEye-An Endoscopy Sensor With 3-D Image Synchronization". IEEE Sensors Journal 17 3 (2017): 623-631. https://doi.org/10.1109%2Fjsen.2016.2631582.
  78. Rodrigues, S.; Chen, X.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Economic analysis of photovoltaic systems for the residential market under China's new regulation". Energy Policy 101 (2017): 467-472. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85008155948&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  79. Hernández-Travieso, J.G.; Herrera-Jiménez, A.L.; Travieso-González, C.M.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Alonso-Hernández, J.B.; Ravelo-García, A.G.. "Temperature control by its forecasting applying score fusion for sustainable development". Sustainability (Switzerland) 9 2 (2017): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85013411086&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  80. Mostafa, S.S.; Sousa, L.N.; Ferreira, N.F.; Sousa, R.M.; Santos, J.; Wäny, M.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Full image-processing pipeline in field-programmable gate array for a small endoscopic camera". Journal of Electronic Imaging 26 1 (2017): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85009507943&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  81. Baptista, D.; Abreu, S.; Travieso-González, C.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Hardware implementation of an artificial neural network model to predict the energy production of a photovoltaic system". Microprocessors and Microsystems 49 (2017): 77-86. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85006410059&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  82. Rodrigues, Sandy; Faria, Fábio; Cafôfo, Nuno; Chen, Xiaoju; Mata-Lima, Herlander; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Analysis of the Self-Consumption Regulation for Photovoltaic Systems with Battery Banks in the Portuguese Residential Sector". Journal of Clean Energy Technologies 5 1 (2017): 52-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.18178/jocet.2017.5.1.343.
  83. Sandy Rodrigues; Roham Torabikalaki; Fábio Faria; Nuno Cafôfo; Xiaoju Chen; Ashkan Ramezani Ivaki; Herlander Mata-Lima; F. Morgado-Dias. "Economic feasibility analysis of small scale PV systems in different countries". Solar Energy 131 (2016): 81-95. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.solener.2016.02.019.
  84. Morgado-Dias, Fernando. "Tesla Power Wall in the United States and Portugal – A Comparative Analysis on the Use of Storage with Small Scale Photovoltaic Systems". International Journal of Technology and Engineering Studies 2 1 (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.20469/ijtes.2.40002-1.
  85. Mata-Lima, H.; Morgado-Dias, F.; Galuzzi da Silva, M.C.; Alcântara, K.; Almeida, J.A.. "A Systematic Framework for the Design and Implementation of a Quality Management Practice: The Case of a Consulting Engineering Company". Environmental Quality Management 25 4 (2016): 49-61. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84988664499&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  86. Mata-Lima, H.; Alvino-Borba, A.; Akamatsu, K.; Incau, B.; Jard, J.; da Silva, A.B.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Measuring an Organization's Performance: The Road to Defining Sustainability Indicators". Environmental Quality Management 26 2 (2016): 89-104. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85017550137&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  87. Rodrigues, S.; Faria, F.; Ivaki, A.R.; Cafôfo, N.; Chen, X.; Mata-Lima, H.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Tesla powerwall: Analysis of its use in Portugal and United States". International Journal of Power and Energy Systems 36 1 (2016): 37-43. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84983247228&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  88. Baptista, F.D.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Automatic general-purpose neural hardware generator". Neural Computing and Applications (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84939839081&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  89. Reis, L.; Aguiar, L.; Baptista, D.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "A software tool for automatic generation of neural hardware". International Arab Journal of Information Technology 11 3 (2014): 229-235. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84900015237&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  90. Baptista, D.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "Low-resource hardware implementation of the hyperbolic tangent for artificial neural networks". Neural Computing and Applications 23 3-4 (2013): 601-607. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884587751&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  91. Baptista, D.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "A survey of artificial neural network training tools". Neural Computing and Applications 23 3-4 (2013): 609-615. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884595976&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  92. Baptista, D.; Abreu, S.; Freitas, F.; Vasconcelos, R.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "A survey of software and hardware use in artificial neural networks". Neural Computing and Applications 23 3-4 (2013): 591-599. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884594521&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  93. Nascimento, I.; Jardim, R.; Morgado-Dias, F.. "A new solution to the hyperbolic tangent implementation in hardware: Polynomial modeling of the fractional exponential part". Neural Computing and Applications 23 2 (2013): 363-369. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84880754571&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  94. Morgado-Dias, F.; Antunes, A.; Vieira, J.. "Special issue on Controlo2012: New applications of artificial neural networks in modeling and control". Neural Computing and Applications 23 3-4 (2013): 575-576. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884590006&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  95. Dias, Fernando Morgado; Borralho, Rui; Fontes, Pedro; Antunes, Ana. "FTSET-a software tool for fault tolerance evaluation and improvement". Neural Computing & Applications 19 5 (2010): 701-712.
  96. Antunes, Ana; Dias, Fernando Morgado; Mota, Alexandre; Fay, IA. "A neural network delay compensator for networked control systems". 2008 Ieee International Conference on Emerging Technologies and Factory Automation, Proceedings (2008): 1271-1276.
  97. Ferreira, Pedro; Ribeiro, Pedro; Antunes, Ana; Dias, Fernando Morgado. "A high bit resolution FPGA implementation of a FNN with a new algorithm for the activation function". Neurocomputing 71 1-3 (2007): 71-77. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.neucom.2006.11.028.
  98. Dias, Fernando Morgado; Antunes, Ana; Vieira, José; Mota, Alexandre. "A sliding window solution for the on-line implementation of the Levenberg–Marquardt algorithm". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 19 1 (2006): 1-7. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2005.03.005.
  99. Dias, Fernando Morgado; Antunes, Ana; Mota, Alexandre Manuel. "Artificial neural networks: a review of commercial hardware". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 17 8 (2004): 945-952. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2004.08.011.
  100. Vieira, José; Dias, Fernando Morgado; Mota, Alexandre. "Artificial neural networks and neuro-fuzzy systems for modelling and controlling real systems: a comparative study". Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 17 3 (2004): 265-273. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.engappai.2004.03.001.
  101. Dias, Fernando Morgado; Touati, Mohamed Hedi; Marzouki, Meryem; Ferrari, António. "Geração de vectores de teste por emparelhamento". (1996): https://proa.ua.pt/index.php/revdeti/article/view/19899.
  1. Roham Torabi; Álvaro Filipe Gomes; Morgado Dias. "Electricity, Transportation, and Water provision on 100% Renewable Energy for Remote Areas". 2023. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints202304.0483.v1.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Parada, Daniel Moisés De Olival. "Deep Learning for Sentiment Analysis: a case study about Portuguese Restaurant Reviews". Master, 2024. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/5605.
  2. Branco, Alexandre João Jardim. "Sentiment Analysis of Restaurant Reviews in Portuguese: A Transfer Learning and Ensemble Approach with Edge Computing". Master, 2024. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/5602.
  3. Alves, Arturo José Morais. "Sleep analysis through electroencephalogram cyclic alternating pattern a phase detection". Master, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/4309.
  4. Chaves, Aníbal João Lopes. "Interface gráfica para desenvolvimento de redes neuronais convolucionais probabilísticas". Master, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/4887.
  5. Moura, André Filipe Nóbrega. "User chat clustering using deep learning representations and unsupervised methods for dialog system applications". Master, 2021. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/3559.
  6. Freitas, Diogo Nuno Teixeira. "Nature-inspired algorithms for solving some hard numerical problems". Master, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/3010.
  7. Jardim, Ricardo Jorge Ferreira. "Realtime image noise reduction FPGA implementation with edge detection". Master, 2020. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/3031.
  8. Ascensão, Bernardino José de Jesus. "Sistema de medição de distâncias para aplicações médicas com base na Câmara NanEye Stereo". Master, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/2224.
  9. Gomes, Rúben Daniel Gouveia. "Sensor de temperatura digital para aplicação em sensores de imagem". Master, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/2107.
  10. Faria, Carlos Miguel da Silva. "Controlo de estufagem do Vinho Madeira em escala piloto". Master, 2016. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/1194.
  11. Leça, Marco Menezes. "Potencial solar dos edifícios públicos da RAM". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/677.
  12. Sousa, Ricardo André Martins de. "Sincronização de múltiplas câmaras e controlo de iluminação sobre uma plataforma FPGA". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/830.
  13. Freitas, Adriano Gonçalo Lopes da Silva. "Projecto de gestão de energia do edifício da Penteada na Universidade da Madeira". Master, 2014. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/1554.
  14. Freitas, José Valentim Aguiar de. "Aplicações pedagógicas para terminais móveis". Master, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10400.13/459.
  15. Dias, Fernando Manuel Rosmaninho Morgado Ferrão. "Técnicas de controlo não-linear baseadas em redes neuronais - do algoritmo à implementação". PhD, 2005. http://hdl.handle.net/10773/2198.


Other output
  1. Motion and Illumination Resistant Facial Video based Heart Rate Estimation Method using Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Optimized Undercomplete Independent Component Analysis. 2021. Ankit Gupta; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Fernando Morgado-Dias. https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.14879784.v1.
  2. Motion and Illumination Resistant Facial Video based Heart Rate Estimation Method using Levenberg-Marquardt Algorithm Optimized Undercomplete Independent Component Analysis. 2021. Ankit Gupta; Antonio G. Ravelo-García; Fernando Morgado-Dias. https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.14879784.
  3. Metodologia para Análise da Qualidade do Sono Baseada no Conjunto de Redes Neuronais Convolucionais. 2021. Mendonca, F.; Mostafa, S.S.; F. Morgado-Dias; Julia-Serda, G.; Ravelo-Garcia, A..
  4. Things you need to know if you are writing a scientific paper, thesis or report in Engineering or Science. 2020. Diogo Freitas; Fernando Morgado-Dias; Adriana Ribeiro. https://doi.org/10.36227/techrxiv.12780497.v1.
  5. Fault Tolerance Improvement through Architecture Change in Artificial Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2008. Dias, Fernando Morgado; Antunes, Ana. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-92137-0_28.
  6. On-Line Learning of a Time Variant System. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. 2006. Dias, Fernando Morgado; Antunes, Ana; Vieira, José; Mota, Alexandre Manuel. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/11779568_97.
  7. Geração de Vectores de Teste por Emparelhamento. 1996. Fernando Morgado Dias; Mohamed Hedi Touati; Meryem Marzouki; António Ferrari.


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2024/10/01 - Current “The Role of Explainability and Interpretability of AI in Noisy and Unlabeled Sensor Data: Applicability to Robotics”
PhD in Electrical Engineering (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2023/11/01 - Current "Desenvolvimento de um sistema de previsão de inundações com aplicação no controlo do tráfego de uma smart city – caso de estudo: Braga."
PhD in Computer Science (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2022/09/01 - Current “Very Short-Range Forecasting of Wind Speed and Direction for Air Traffic Operations at Madeira Airport”
PhD in Electrical Engineering (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira Centro de Ciências da Vida, Portugal
2021/11/01 - Current “Identifying correct stage of banana ripening and survival prediction”
PhD in Computer Science (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2021/03/02 - Current “Leveraging Artificial Intelligence Pipelines for Aquatic Environment Concerns”
PhD in Computer Science (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2021 - Current Optimal Feature Selection and Deep Learning Techniques for Complex Data Classification
Engenharia Informática (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2021 - Current Raspino: An hardware platform for biomedical signal acquisition and analysis
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2021 - Current Automatic sleep structure analysis
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2021 - Current Artificial Intelligence for low-end devices
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2020/09 - Current “Exploration and Optimisation of Feature Engineering Methods in Machine Learning Approaches”
PhD in Computer Science (PhD)
2020 - Current Exploration and Optimisation of Feature Engineering Methods in Machine Learning Approaches
Engenharia Informática (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2020 - Current AI4Soccer - Monitorização e análise de potencial de jovens atletas
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2020 - Current Development of an educational tool for sleep analysis
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2019 - Current Use cases of artificial neural networks for process and controller improvement at plants of the process industry
Engenharia de Instrumentação e Electrónica (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2018 - Current Development of models and algorithms for integrated management of energy resources at (smart) neighborhood level
Energia para a Sustentabilidade (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2021/10 - 2024/06 “Facial Video Based Physiological Variables Estimation in Dark Environments”
Engenharia Informática (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2020/01 - 2024/01 “Essays on Microeconometric and Machine Learning”
PhD in Economics (PhD)
Universidade Católica de Brasília, Brazil
2019 - 2022/09/01 Ultra-Low Noise, High-Frame Rate Readout Design for 3D-Stacked CMOS Image Sensors
Engenharia de Instrumentação e Electrónica (PhD)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2020 - 2022/04 Sleep analysis through CAP
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2019 - 2021 User Chat Clustering using Deep Learning Representations
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2017 - 2021 Monitoring and Control of Sleep Quality
Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (PhD)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2017 - 2021 Raising the abstraction level of a deep learning design on Field Programmable Gate Arrays
Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (PhD)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2017 - 2021 Non-invasive monitoring system for photovoltaic systems
Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (PhD)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2017 - 2021 Signal Processing Approaches for Sleep Quality Analysis in Suspected Sleep Disorder Patients
Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (PhD)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2018 - 2020 Hybrid nature-inspired algorithms for solving some hard numerical problems in science and engineering
Matemática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2018 - 2020 Image content based noise suppression of line-scan image sensors in VHDL
Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Redes de Energia (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2016 - 2020 Obstructive sleep apnea detection using fourth level devices
Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores (PhD)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Distance Measurement System for Medical Applications based on the NanEye Stereo Camera
Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Redes de Energia (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Digital Temperature Sensor for Image Sensors
Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Redes de Energia (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2014 - 2016 Implementación de un sistema de detección de apnea obstructiva del sueño mediante pulsioxímetro
Engenharia de telecomunicações (Master)
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
2014 - 2016 Madeira wine aging control in a pilot scale
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2012 - 2014 Multi-Camera Synchronization core implemented on USB3 based FPGA platform
Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Redes de Energia (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2012 - 2014 Solar potential of the public buildings of the region of Madeira
Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Redes de Energia (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2011 - 2013 Simulator of energy consumption pollution emissions of a fleet of public transportation
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2011 - 2013 Energy management of the Penteada building - Telecommunications Infrastructure
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2011 - 2013 Prediction of electrical energy production from wind
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2011 - 2013 Pedagogical applications for mobile terminals
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2010 - 2012 Electronic Platforms acinGov and iMED A dematerializing approach
Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal
2007 - 2009 Hardware Implementation of an Artificial Neural Network with a FPGA embedded microprocessor
Engenharia de Telecomunicações e Redes (Master)
Universidade da Madeira, Portugal

Other distinction

2019 Best Student Paper at the Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies for the paper “Demand management for load smoothing in small power systems: the case of Porto Santo island”.
2019 Best Student Paper at the International Conference on Engineering Applications for the paper “Design and Simulation of an Incremental Sigma- Delta Converter for Improving the Noise Floor Level of CMOS Image Sensors”
2018 Best Student Paper at the International Conference on Mathematical Applications - ICMA18, for the paper “A Neural Network Based Approach for Approximating Real Roots of Polynomials
2018 Best Student Paper at the Workshop on Electronics Applications and System Integration for Future Technologies – EASIFT18, for the paper “Design and simulation of a CMOS slew-rate enhanced OTA to drive heavy capacitive loads"
2018 Best Student Paper at the Energy and Sustainability in Small Developing Economies – ES2DE18, for the paper “The Duck Curve Characteristic and Storage Requirements for Greening the Island of Porto Santo”
2018 Best Paper at the International Conference in Biomedical Engineering Applications - ICBEA18, for the paper “Configurable N-fold Hardware Architecture for Convolutional Neural Networks”
2018 NVIDIA GPU Grant Program support, for the proposal “GPU based Sleep Apnea detection”
2017 Prize for the Publons Top 1 percent peer reviewer, for the Multidisciplinary area, awarded by Publons in 2017
2017 Cátedra Telefónica of Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canária 2017, for the work: Analysis of the quality of sleep and APNEA diagnosis from a low cost and minimal complexity artificial intelligence based system"
Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain
2017 Best Student Paper at the 5th IEEE International Conference and Work Shop on Bioinspired Intelligence (IWOBI 2017), for the paper “A Minimally Invasive Portable System for Sleep Apnea Detection”.
2016 Poster Poster Award in the thematic area of "PV Economics, Markets and Policies"
2015 Best student paper Award in the Electronic Imaging conference, SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, USA, for the paper "Multi-camera synchronization core implemented on USB3 based FPGA platform"
2015 Best paper in the session Power and Energy Engineering in the International Conference on Advanced Research in Aerospace, Robotics, Manufacturing systems, Mechanical Engineering, Bioengineering, Power and Energy Engineering,(...),Romania
2012 Prémio Dr.Fernão de Ornelas 2012 - Inovação tecnológica no âmbito da área social, com o trabalho “Gestão de Energia do Edifício da Penteada”, Morgado Dias, Adriano Lopes, António carvalho e Filipe Oliveira;
Funchal, Portugal
2002 Best paper in session CCS-07 Robust Controllers I, in the 28th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society for the paper “Additive Internal Model Control: an Application with Neural Models in a Kiln”, Sevilla, Spain
1994 Second place in the category of best student project, with the ASIC “AMBROSIO: Advanced Microchip for Broadband System Improvement and Optimization”, in the conference 5th Eurochip Workshop, Dresden, Germany