Kenan Turbic.

Personal identification

Full name
Kenan Turbic

Citation names

  • Turbic, Kenan

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


  • Rua Alves Redol 9, 1000-029, Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology - Electrotechnical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics - Telecommunications


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Bosnian (Mother tongue)
Serbo-Croatian (Mother tongue)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Portuguese Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Elementary (A2) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
2014/09/01 - 2019/05/15
PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
"Channel Modelling for Polarised Off-Body Communications with Dynamic Users" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2009 - 2011
MSc in Telecommunications (Magister (2nd cycle))
Major in Telecommunications
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
"Improving UMTS network performance by employing MIMO (in Bosnian)" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2006 - 2009
BSc in Telecommunications (Bachelor)
Major in Telecommunications
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
"Comparative Analysis of Probability Distributions Used to Model Fading (in Bosnian)" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2019/05 - Current Postdoc (Research) Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Portugal
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Portugal
2014/09 - 2019/05 Researcher (Research) Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2012 - 2014 Assistant (University Teacher) University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2010 - 2012 Tutor (University Teacher) University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina


Designation Funders
2016/10 - 2020/03 COST Action CA15104 - Inclusive Radio Communication Networks For 5G and Beyond (IRACON)
PhD Student Fellow
Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Lisboa, Portugal
Horizon 2020


Book chapter
  1. Luis M Correia; Dragana Bajic; Lazar Berbakov; Krzysztof K. Cwalina; Conchi Garcia-Pardo; Gordana Gradasevic; Konstantinos Katzis; Pawel Kulakowski; Turbic, Kenan. "IoT for Healthcare Applications". In Inclusive Radio Communication Networks for 5G and Beyond, edited by Kamran Sayrafian; Slaomir J. Ambroziak; Claude Oestges. Cambridge, United States: Academic Press, 2020.
    In press
Conference paper
  1. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. "Influence of User Dynamics on Small-Scale Fading Characteristics in Off-Body Channels". Paper presented in ICC'20 - IEEE International Conference on Communications, Dublin, 2020.
  2. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. "Effects On Polarization Characteristics of Off-Body Channels with Dynamic Users". Paper presented in WCNC'20 - IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, Seoul, 2020.
  3. Turbic, Kenan; Mariella Särestöniemi; Matti Hämäläinen; Timo Kumpuniemi; Luis M Correia. "A Preliminary Analysis of User's Body Impact on Signal Polarization in WBANs". Paper presented in EuCAP'20 - 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Copenhagen, 2020.
  4. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia. "Preliminary Empirical Validation of a Polarized Off-Body Channel Model with Dynamic Users". Paper presented in EuCAP'20 - 14th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Copenhagen, 2020.
  5. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. "Wideband Off-Body Channel Characteristics With Dynamic User". Paper presented in EuCAP 2019 - 13th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, 2019.
  6. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. "A Body-Shadowing Model for Off-body and Body-to-Body Communications". Paper presented in URSI 2018 - Baltic URSI Symposium, Poznan, 2018.
    Published • 10.23919/ursi.2018.8406703
  7. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia. "Fading Characteristics for Dynamic Body-to-Body Channels in Indoor and Outdoor Environments". Paper presented in EuCAP 2018 - 12th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, London, 2018.
    Published • 10.1049/cp.2018.0987
  8. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia. "An Empirical Model for the Polarisation Characteristics of Indoor Off-Body Channels". Paper presented in EuCAP 2017 - 11th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Paris, 2017.
    Published • 10.1109/ismict.2017.7891762
  9. Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia; Turbic, Kenan. "Radio Channel Measurements in Body-to-Body Communications in Different Scenarios". Paper presented in URSI AP-RASC 2016 - URSI Asia-Pacific Radio Science Conference, Seoul, 2016.
    Published • 10.1109/ursiap-rasc.2016.7601348
  10. Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Turbic, Kenan; Carla Oliveira; Luis M Correia; Katulski, Ryszard J.. "Fading Modelling in Dynamic Off-Body Channels". Paper presented in EuCAP 2016 - 10th European Conference on Antennas and Propagation, Davos, 2016.
    Published • 10.1109/eucap.2016.7481768
Journal article
  1. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. "A Channel Model for Polarized Off-Body Communications With Dynamic Users". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 67 11 (2019): 7001-7013. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/tap.2019.2925157.
    Published • 10.1109/tap.2019.2925157
  2. Salous, Sana; Tufvesson, Fredrik; Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia; Kuener, Thomas; Dupleich, Diego; Schneider, Christian; Czaniera, Daniel; Montenegro, Belen. "IRACON Propagation Measurements and Channel Models for 5G and Beyond". ITU Journal: ICT Discoveries - Special issue - Radio wave propagation 2 1 (2019): http://handle.itu.int/11.1002/pub/814397b3-en.
    Open access • Published
  3. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. "A Mobility Model for Wearable Antennas on Dynamic Users". IEEE Access 6 1 (2018): 63635-63648. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/access.2018.2877500.
    Open access • Published • 10.1109/access.2018.2877500
  4. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia. "Characteristics of the Polarised Off-Body Channel in Indoor Environments". EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking 2017 1 (2017): 1-174. http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13638-017-0956-6.
    Open access • Published • 10.1186/s13638-017-0956-6
  5. Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia; Katulski, Ryszard J.; Mackowiak, Michal; Carla Oliveira; Sadowski, Jaroslaw; Turbic, Kenan. "An Off-Body Channel Model for Body Area Networks in Indoor Environments". IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation 64 9 (2016): 4022-4035. http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/tap.2016.2586510.
    Published • 10.1109/tap.2016.2586510
Newsletter article
  1. Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. "Empirical Validation of the Polarised Off-Body Channel Model with Dynamic Users", COST Action CA15104 (IRACON) Newsletter, 2019, http://bit.ly/10thNewsLett.
  2. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia. "A Body-Shadowing Model for Off-Body and Body-to-Body Communications", COST Action CA15104 (IRACON) Newsletter, 2018, https://goo.gl/x7CHGz.
  1. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. 2020. Off-Body Channel Dynamics for Walking or Running Users.
  2. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. 2019. Influence of User Dynamics on Small-Scale Fading Characteristics in Off-Body Channels.
  3. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. 2019. Effects On Polarization Characteristics of Off-Body Channels with Dynamic Users.
  4. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia. 2019. Empirical Validation of the Polarised Off-Body Channel Model with Dynamic Users.
  5. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. 2019. Wideband Off-Body Channel Characteristics with Dynamic User.
  6. Kulakowski, Pawel; Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. 2019. From Nanocommunications to Body Area Networks: a Perspective on Truly Personal Communications.
  7. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. 2018. A Channel Model for Polarised Off-Body Communications with Dynamic Users.
  8. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. 2018. Wideband Channel Measurements for Polarised Indoor Off-Body Communications.
  9. Turbic, Kenan; Slawomir J. Ambroziak; Luis M Correia. 2018. A Body-Shadowing Model for Off-Body and Body-to-Body Communications.
  10. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. 2017. A Channel Model for Off-Body Communications with Dynamic Users.
  11. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. 2017. A Motion Model for Wearable Antennas in BANs.
  12. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. 2017. Influence of User's Motion on Signal Depolarisation in Off-Body Channel.
  13. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia. 2017. An Approach to Mean Path Loss Model Estimation for Off-Body Channels.
  14. Turbic, Kenan; Luis M Correia; Beko, Marko. 2016. Geometry-Based Polarised Static Off-Body Channel Model.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Turbic, Kenan. "Channel Modelling for Polarised Off-Body Communications with Dynamic Users". PhD, Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, 2020.

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2019/07 Interview with an Early Career Invesgator: Kenan Turbic COST Action CA15014 (IRACON) newsletter


2019 PhD - Pass with Distinction and Honour (Summa Cum Laude)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Other distinction

2011 Certificate of Merit
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2011 Golden Ring of the Faculty
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina
2009 Certificate of Merit
University of Sarajevo, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Bosnia and Herzegovina