Personal identification
- Full name
- Duarte Barral
Citation names
- Barral, Duarte C.
Author identifiers
- Ciência ID
- 8810-DEBC-025E
- 0000-0001-8867-2407
- Google Scholar ID
- oH8Y9bYAAAAJ&hl
- Researcher Id
- E-7548-2013
- Scopus Author Id
- 6602513159
Knowledge fields
- Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Cell Biology
- Medical and Health Sciences - Health Sciences
Degree | Classification | |
2023/04/27 - 2023/04/28
Health Sciences - Biomedicine (Título de Agregado)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
PhD (Doctor of Philosophy)
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
"Expression, Localisation and Function of Rab27 Proteins" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
N/A |
Microbiology and Genetics (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
"Towards the identification of the Schwartz-Jampel Syndrome gene" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
17 (0-20) |
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2009/07/01 - 2020/05/31 | Contracted Researcher (Research) | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal |
2003/10/10 - 2008/10/14 | Postdoc (Research) | Brigham and Women's Hospital Department of Medicine, United States |
Teaching in Higher Education
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2020/06/01 - Current | Associate Professor (University Teacher) | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2012/11/01 - 2020/05/31 | Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2006/09 - 2008/07 | Tutor (University Teacher) | Harvard Medical School, United States |
Category Host institution |
Employer | |
2008/10/15 - 2009/06/30 | Instructor in Medicine | Harvard Medical School, United States |
1999/10/01 - 2003/09/30 | PhD student | Imperial College London, United Kingdom |
1997/10/01 - 1999/09/30 | Researcher | Universidade do Porto Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Portugal |
1996/10/01 - 1997/06/30 | ERASMUS student | Université Paris Diderot, France |
Hôpital Universitaire Pitié Salpêtrière, France |
Designation | Funders | |
2022/04 - 2024/03 | Targeting lysosome exocytosis to impair breast cancer progression and metastasis. PI, total budget = 15,000€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Liga Portuguesa Contra o Cancro
2018/10 - 2022/06 | Molecular mechanisms of melanin internalization and processing by keratinocytes. PI, total budget = 225,119€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2018/11 - 2022/04 | Twinning Excel in Rare Diseases Research: Focus on Lysosomal Disorders and Ciliopathies (LYSOCIL). Coordinator, total budget
= 967,572€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
European Commission
2018/08 - 2021/07 | CYP46A1 as a new therapeutic target in Niemann-Pick type C disease. Investigator, total budget = 237,017€
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Farmácia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/06 - 2021/06 | A novel mechanism to re-pair Heart Failure with preserved Ejection Fraction (HFpEF) and endothelial damage. Investigator,
total budget = 233,434€
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015/06 - 2020/05 | Regulation of endocytic recycling traffic: implications for ciliogenesis, cell migration and cytokinesis. PI, total budget
= 366,913€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2018/03 - 2019/09 | Developing novel modulators of skin pigmentation. Investigator, total budget = 91,050€
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
2016/04 - 2019/09 | Molecular mechanisms of cell migration and invasion: developing a new strategy to impair tumor progression. PI, total budget
= 198,942€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2017/09 - 2018/08 | Impairing tumor progression through the inactivation of the small G protein Arl13b. PI, total budget = 12,000€
N/A - NOVAsaúde
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Universidade Nova de Lisboa
2015/08 - 2016/03 | Molecular mechanisms of cell migration and invasion: developing a new strategy to impair tumor progression. PI, total budget
= 57,099€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
2014/04 - 2015/09 | Molecular mechanism of melanin transfer in skin pigmentation. Investigator, total budget = 45,840€
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2012/01 - 2015/06 | A new approach to fight tuberculosis. co-PI, budget = 197,387€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2014/04 - 2015/03 | Molecular mechanism of melanin transfer in skin pigmentation
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009/10 - 2014/09 | Role of Arl13b in endocytic trafficking. PI, total budget = 100,000€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
European Commission
2011/03 - 2014/08 | Molecular mechanisms of melanosome transfer and processing by keratinocytes. PI, total budget = 193,060€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2010/04 - 2013/09 | Molecular dissection of the intracellular route of Plasmodium in macrophages and dendritic cells. PI, total budget = 199,920€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2010/02 - 2013/07 | Subversion of the host endocytic pathway by Plasmodium sporozoites. PI, total budget = 199,584€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, I.P.
2009 - 2010 | Role of Arl13b in endocytic trafficking. PI, total budget = 30,000€
Principal investigator
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal
Camara Municipal Oeiras
Book chapter |
Journal article |
Other output |
Oral presentation
Presentation title | Event name Host (Event location) |
2024 | Reconstructed skin models in pigmentation and cutaneous melanoma research (invited oral presentation) | V SPCAL Congress
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2024 | Regulation of Melanin Secretion, Transfer and Processing in Skin Pigmentation (invited oral presentation) | FASEB Conference on Small GTPases: Membrane Traffic and Cytoskeleton
(Tucson, Arizona, United States)
2024 | Regulation of Melanin Secretion, Transfer and Processing in Skin Pigmentation (invited oral presentation) | 25th Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research
(Marseille, France)
2024 | Membrane Trafficking Subversion in Cutaneous Melanoma Progression (invited oral presentation) | Skin@Bath Network Symposium
(Bath, United Kingdom)
2024 | Skin Pigmentation (invited oral presentation) | LUSOciência GOUVEIA
(Gouveia, Portugal)
2024 | Unraveling Griscelli Syndrome Hypopigmentation Using an In Vitro Model (João Charneca, selected oral presentation) | 25th Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research
(Marseille, France)
2023 | Harnessing Lysosome Dysfunction in Cellular Ageing (invited oral presentation) | Longevity Med Summit
(Cascais, Portugal)
2023 | Shedding Light on the Mechanisms of Melanin Transfer and Processing (invited oral presentation) | 25th International Pigment Cell Conference
International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies (IFPCS) (Bilbao, Spain)
2022 | Developing reconstructed human skin models to understand skin pigmentation mechanisms (invited oral presentation) | Encontro Ciência
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Lisbon, Portugal)
2022 | Molecular Mechanisms of Melanin Transfer and Processing (invited oral presentation) | Skin@Bath Network Symposium
(Bath, United Kingdom)
2022 | Developing reconstructed human skin models to understand skin pigmentation mechanisms (invited oral presentation) | Encontro Ciência
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2022 | Melanin is stored in lysosomal compartments within keratinocytes (Matilde Neto, selected oral presentation) | 1-day 2022 European Society for Pigment Cell Research online meeting |
2022 | Autophagy regulates melanin organization within keratinocytes (Liliana Bento-Lopes, selected oral presentation) | 1-day 2022 European Society for Pigment Cell Research online meeting |
2021 | Unraveling Griscelli’s syndrome hypopigmentation using a reconstructed pigmented epidermis system (João Charneca, selected oral presentation) | 1-day 2021 European Society for Pigment Cell Research online meeting |
2021 | Autophagy regulates melanin distribution within keratinocytes (Liliana Bento-Lopes, selected oral presentation) | 1-day 2021 European Society for Pigment Cell Research online meeting |
2021 | Rab3a Regulates Melanin Exocytosis Induced by Keratinocyte-Conditioned Medium (Luís Cabaço, selected oral presentation) | 1-day 2021 European Society for Pigment Cell Research online meeting |
2020 | Lysosome Exocytosis Plays a Major Role in Muscle Physiology and Pathology (invited oral presentation) | 12 Topics in Rheumatology (2nd Edition)
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2019 | Molecular Mechanisms of Skin Pigmentation (invited oral presentation) | 10th Meeting on Signal Transduction SINAL
(Olhão, Portugal)
2019 | Rab35 Controls Cilium Length, Function and Membrane Composition (selected oral presentation) | FASEB Conference on The Biology of Cilia and Flagella
(Snowmass Village, Colorado, United States)
2019 | Molecular mechanisms of melanin internalization and processing by keratinocytes (invited oral presentation) | LYSOCIL Workshop on Lysosome Biology
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2018 | The Exocyst Tethering Complex is Required for Melanin Exocytosis from Melanocytes and Transfer to Keratinocytes (invited oral presentation) | 21st Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research
(Rennes, France)
2018 | Molecular Mechanisms of Melanin Transfer Between Melanocytes and Keratinocytes (invited oral presentation) | 2nd Small Meeting on Endocytic Trafficking and Signaling
(Braga, Portugal)
2018 | Melanocore Internalization by Keratinocytes Occurs Through PAR-2-mediated Phagocytosis (Hugo Moreiras, selected oral presentation) | 9th Meeting on Signal Transduction SINAL
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2018 | A New Role for Arl13b in Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion Through the Regulation of Cell Adhesion (Alexandra Faustino, selected oral presentation) | 9th Meeting on Signal Transduction SINAL
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2018 | Rab35 is a Novel Ciliary Protein that Regulates Ciliogenesis and Left-right Asymmetry (Cecília Seixas, selected oral presentation) | 9th Meeting on Signal Transduction SINAL
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2018 | A Rab11-Rab3 Cascade Involved in the Regulation of Lysosome Exocytosis (Cristina Escrevente, selected oral presentation) | 1st Meeting on Vesicular Biology
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2018 | A New Role for Arl13b in Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion Through the Regulation of Cell Adhesion (Alexandra Faustino, selected oral presentation) | 7th French Cell Adhesion Symposium
(Strasbourg, France)
2017 | Melanin Resides in Mildly Acidic and Degradative Compartments and Resists Degradation within Keratinocytes (selected oral presentation) | 23rd International Pigment Cell Conference
(Denver, Colorado, United States)
2017 | A Rab11-Rab3 Cascade Involved in the Regulation of Lysosome Exocytosis (Cristina Escrevente, selected oral presentation) | 8th Meeting on Signal Transduction SINAL
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2016 | A New Role for Arl13b in Cancer Cell Migration (invited oral presentation) | FASEB Conference on GTPases in Trafficking, Autophagy and Disease
(West Palm Beach, Florida, United States)
2016 | Molecular Mechanisms of Melanin Transfer Between Melanocytes and Keratinocytes (invited oral presentation) | 1st Small Meeting on Endocytic Trafficking and Signaling
(Braga, Portugal)
2016 | A Role for the Endocytic Recycling Pathway in the Exocytosis of Lysosomes (Cristina Escrevente, selected oral presentation) | 1st CEDOC Symposium on Chronic Diseases
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2015 | Molecular Characterization of Melanin Uptake and Processing by Keratinocytes (selected oral presentation) | 19th Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research
(Edinburgh, United Kingdom)
2014 | Unraveling Trafficking for Novel Therapies to Treat Ciliopathies (invited oral presentation) | 2nd Symposium on Rare Diseases – Joining All Stakeholders to Discuss Human Genetic Diseases
(Porto, Portugal)
2014 | Interaction of Malaria Parasites with Host Late Endocytic and Autophagic Pathways is Essential for Parasite Liver Stage Development (invited oral presentation) | Zing Conference on Lysosome Related Organelles
(Nerja, Spain)
2013 | Rab11b Mediates Melanin Transfer between Donor Melanocytes and Acceptor Keratinocytes via Coupled Exo/endocytosis (Maria Serrano Correia, selected oral presentation) | 18th Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2013 | Arl13b Regulates Circular Dorsal Ruffle Formation and Cell Migration (selected oral presentation) | FASEB Conference on Arf and Rab Family G Proteins
(Snowmass Village, Colorado, United States)
2012 | Arl13b Regulates Early Endocytic Vesicle Trafficking (selected oral presentation) | Cilia in Development and Disease Conference
(London, United Kingdom)
2011 | Arl13b Regulates Early Endocytic Vesicle Trafficking (selected oral presentation) | EMBO Conference on Dynamic Endosomes: Mechanisms Controlling Endocytosis
(Chania, Greece)
2002 | Functional Redundancy of Rab27 proteins: Clues to the Pathogenesis of Griscelli Syndrome (selected oral presentation) | XXXVIII Conference in Genetics
(Porto, Portugal)
2001 | Platelet Phenotype in Mouse Models of Griscelli and Hermansky-Pudlak Syndromes (selected oral presentation) | 4th UK Platelet Meeting
(Cambridge, United Kingdom)
Thesis Title Role |
Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization |
2022 - Current | Understanding the role of melanin secretion on cutaneous melanoma invasion and response to immunotherapy (PhD student)
Supervisor of Cristina Demelas
Ciências da Saúde (PhD)
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa NOVA Medical School, Portugal
2021 - Current | Regulation of lysosome secretion in breast cancer progression (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Cristina Escrevente
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2020 - Current | Chromatic equalization of nipple areola-complex reconstruction (PhD student)
Supervisor of Rui Bastos
Ciências da Saúde (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2018 - Current | Molecular basis of the cross-talk between skin melanocytes and keratinocytes (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of João Charneca
Mecanismos de Doença e Medicina Regenerativa (associação) (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2020 - 2025/02/11 | Molecular mechanisms of melanosome exocytosis (PhD student)
Supervisor of Luís Cabaço
Ciências da Saúde (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2023 - 2024 | BALTing the lung immune response (Master student)
Investigação Biomédica (Master)
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa NOVA Medical School, Portugal
2023 - 2024 | Zebrafish avatars to forecast hormone therapy responde in breast cancer (Master student)
Investigação Biomédica (Master)
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa NOVA Medical School, Portugal
2014 - 2024 | Cx43 builds the bridge between endocytosis and autophagy: ubiquitin signal dictates the degradation pathway (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Teresa Rodrigues
Envelhecimento e Doenças Crónicas (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal Universidade do Minho Escola de Medicina, Portugal |
2023 - 2023 | Role of lysosome exocytosis in breast cancer progression (Master student)
Supervisor of Isabel Sesifredo
Bioquímica para a Saúde (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2022 - 2023 | Developing 3D in vitro models of basal cell carcinoma (Master student)
Co-supervisor of Maria Ana Pacheco
Investigação Biomédica (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2018 - 2023 | Testing the role of extracellular vesicles in the early left-right patterning (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Sara Pestana
Mecanismos de Doença e Medicina Regenerativa (associação) (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2018 - 2023 | Modulating membrane traffic regulators to impair breast cancer progression (PhD student)
Supervisor of Andreia Ferreira
Biomedicina (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2017 - 2023 | Lysosomes dysfunction, the link between Aging and Alzheimer´s disease? (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Tatiana Burrinha
Biomedicina (associação) (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2017 - 2023 | Unveiling a new Cx43-dependent mechanism of plasma membrane repair required for vascular function (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Daniela Almeida
Ciências da Saúde (PhD)
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2020 - 2022 | Nanoformulations of novel metal complexes as potential antitumor agents: in vitro and in vivo studies (Master student)
Co-supervisor of Melissa Albino
Investigação Biomédica (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2020 - 2022 | Biological effect of type I procollagen carboxyterminal propeptide in breast cancer tumor microenvironment (Master student)
Co-supervisor of Miguel Costa
Investigação Biomédica (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2017 - 2022 | Molecular mechanisms of melanin secretion by melanocytes and processing within keratinocytes (PhD student)
Supervisor of Liliana Bento Lopes
Biomedicina (associação) (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2019 - 2021 | Modulating membrane traffic regulators to impair breast cancer progression (Master student)
Supervisor of Diana Coito
Genética Molecular e Biomedicina (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2012 - 2021 | Role of TOMM’523 – APOE haplotypes in Alzheimer Disease etiology (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Rémy Cardoso
Envelhecimento e Doenças Crónicas (associação) (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2018 - 2020 | Rab3a as a new regulator of melanin exocytosis (Master student)
Supervisor of Luis Cabaço
Genética Molecular e Biomedicina (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2018 - 2020 | Molecular mechanisms of melanin internalization and processing by keratinocytes (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Mafalda Lopes da Silva
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2015 - 2020 | Role of Arl13b in tumor progression and matastization (PhD student)
Supervisor of Alexandra Faustino
Mecanismos de Doença e Medicina Regenerativa (associação) (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2010 - 2020 | Molecular mechanisms of cell migration and invasion: developing a new strategy to impair tumor progression (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Cristina Casalou
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2017 - 2019 | Identification of Arl13b GTPase-activating proteins towards the impairment of tumor progression (Master student)
Supervisor of Inês Ferreira
Biologia Molecular e Genética (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2016 - 2019 | Investigating the monocyte-to-macrophage differentiation in the gut mucosa: a metabolic perspective (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Joana Gaifém
Envelhecimento e Doenças Crónicas (associação) (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016 - 2019 | Molecular mechanisms of uptake and processing of melanin by keratinocytes (PhD student)
Supervisor of Hugo Moreiras
Envelhecimento e Doenças Crónicas (associação) (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2015 - 2019 | The important role of circular dorsal rufles in the internalization and trafficking of the insulin receptor (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Margarida Araújo Correia
Mecanismos de Doença e Medicina Regenerativa (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2010 - 2019 | Regulation of membrane trafficking pathways involved in the biology of primary cilia (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Cecília Seixas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2012 - 2018 | Regulation of lysosome secretion (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Cristina Escrevente
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2016 - 2017 | The role of Arl13b and the non-muscle myosin II in cancer cell migration (Master student)
Supervisor of Daniela Vaqueirinho
Genética Molecular e Biomedicina (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2012 - 2017 | Unraveling the molecular mechanisms underlying alpha-synuclein oligomerization and cytotoxicity (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Susana Gonçalves
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2015 - 2016 | Role of the endocytic recycling pathway in lysosome exocytosis (Master student)
Supervisor of Liliana Bento Lopes
Genética Molecular e Biomedicina (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2012 - 2016 | Primary cilia and the regulation of Hedgehog signaling: link to cardiac development (PhD student)
Supervisor of Ana Portelinha
Ciências da Vida (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2012 - 2016 | The role of arl13b in cilia length regulation and in zebrafish development (PhD student)
Co-supervisor of Petra Pintado
Ciências da Saúde (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2012 - 2016 | Molecular mechanisms of melanin transfer in skin pigmentation (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Francisco Pereira
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2012 - 2016 | A new approach to fight tuberculosis (Post-doc)
Co-supervisor of Marisa Encarnação
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2014 - 2015 | Molecular mechanism of melanin transfer from donor melanocytes to recipient keratinocytes (Master student)
Supervisor of Tiago Festas
Biologia Molecular e Genética (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2013 - 2015 | Role of Arl13b-exocyst interaction in ciliogenesis (Master student)
Supervisor of Hugo Moreiras
Biologia Molecular e Genética (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2013 - 2014 | Molecular mechanisms of melanosome transfer and processing by keratinocytes (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Nuno Cláudio
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2012 - 2014 | A new approach to fight tuberculosis (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Lília Espada
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2010 - 2014 | Melanosome transport within and between cells (PhD student)
Supervisor of Maria Serrano Correia
Medicina (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2008 - 2014 | Unraveling the role of host phosphoinositides during Plasmodium liver infection (PhD student)
Supervisor of Carolina Thieleke Matos
Ciências da Vida (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2012 - 2013 | The role of Arl GTPases in the infection of macrophages by Salmonella (Master student)
Supervisor of João Pedro Santos
Biologia Molecular e Genética (Master)
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2012 - 2013 | Molecular dissection of the intracellular route of Plasmodium in macrophages and dendritic cells (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Elsa Seixas
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2012 - 2013 | Subversion of the host endocytic pathway by Plasmodium sporozoites (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Laura Cabrita Santos
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
2012 - 2012 | Molecular mechanisms of melanosome transfer and processing by keratinocytes (Post-doc)
Supervisor of Abul Tarafder
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal
Event organisation
Event name Type of event (Role) |
Institution / Organization | |
2024/10/24 - 2024/10/26 | XII National Biochemistry Congress (2024)
Congress (Member of the Scientific Committee)
2023/10/16 - 2023/10/20 | NMS Research Week (2023)
Symposium (Member of the Scientific Committee)
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa NOVA Medical School, Portugal |
2023/05/30 - 2023/06/02 | 25th International Pigment Cell Conference (Session chair) (2023)
International Federation of Pigment Cell Societies, United States |
2022/11/09 - 2022/11/09 | 1-day 2022 ESPCR online meeting (Session Chair) (2022)
2021/12/03 - 2021/12/03 | 1-day 2021 ESPCR online meeting (Session Chair) (2021)
2020/12/02 - 2020/12/16 | Cell Bio Virtual 2020 (Abstract reviewer) (2020)
American Society for Cell Biology, United States |
2019/10/18 - 2019/10/19 | 10th Meeting on Signal Transduction SINAL (2019)
Conference (Member of the Scientific Committee)
2019/10/05 - 2019/10/05 | Workshop - Ciliopathies: rare diseases in discussion (2019)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
2019/09/09 - 2019/09/11 | Workshop on Lysosome Biology (2019)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2018/10/18 - 2018/10/19 | 2nd NMS Symposium on Chronic Diseases and Translational Science (2018)
Symposium (Member of the Scientific Committee)
2018/09/24 - 2018/09/27 | 21st Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research (2018)
Conference (Member of the Scientific Committee)
2018/09/21 - 2018/09/22 | 9th Meeting on Signal Transduction SINAL (2018)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
2018/02/16 - 2018/02/17 | 1st Meeting on Vesicular Biology (2018)
Conference (Member of the Scientific Committee)
2017/11/22 - 2017/11/24 | Scientific Symposium and Job Fair - Career Opportunities for PostDoctoral Researchers in Life Sciences (2017)
Symposium (Member of the Scientific Committee)
2017/05/01 - 2017/05/02 | 8th Meeting on Signal Transduction SINAL (2017)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
2016/09/18 - 2016/09/23 | FASEB Conference on GTPases in Trafficking, Autophagy and Disease (Session Chair) (2016)
2016/06/30 - 2016/07/01 | 1st CEDOC Symposium on Chronic Diseases (2016)
Symposium (Member of the Scientific Committee)
2016/04/28 - 2016/05/02 | 1st Small Meeting on Endocytic Trafficking and Signaling (2016)
Conference (Member of the Scientific Committee)
2013/09/09 - 2013/09/12 | 18th Meeting of the European Society for Pigment Cell Research (2013)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Association member
Society Organization name | Role | |
2022/12 - Current | Portuguese Society of Biochemistry | Executive Board Member |
2021/12 - Current | European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR) | Executive Board Member |
2010 - Current | European Society for Pigment Cell Research (ESPCR) | Member |
2005 - Current | American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB) | Member |
2003 - Current | Portuguese-American Postgraduate Society (PAPS) | President (1 year), Vice-President (1 year) and Member |
Committee member
Activity description Role |
Institution / Organization | |
2023/11 - Current | Coordinator of the Scientific Committee of Research Infrastructures
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2023/03 - Current | Member of the NOVA Medical School Research Committee
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2023/02 - Current | Coordinator of the NOVA Medical School Strategic Area on Cancer
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2022/07 - Current | Member of the EIT Health Ageing PhD School Scientific and Business Committee
2022/02 - Current | Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of RD Portugal - Union of Rare Diseases Associations | |
2021/01 - Current | Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the rare disease patient association Sanfilippo Portugal | |
2017/12 - Current | President of the Directive Board of the Inter-University PhD Programme in Aging and Chronic Diseases (PhDOC) | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal Universidade do Minho Escola de Medicina, Portugal |
2015/12 - Current | Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the PhD Programme in Biological Systems, Functional & Integrative Genomics (BioSys) | Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal |
2020/07 - 2021/12 | Coordinator of the core facilities
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal |
2016/03 - 2020/11 | Member of the PhD Programmes Committee | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2010/09 - 2020/10 | Elected member of the Scientific Council | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2017/04 - 2020/06 | Coordinator of the Tissue Culture Unit | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal |
2018/07 - 2020/04 | Coordinator of Science communication | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2016/09 - 2020/04 | Coordinator of the PhD and Post-doc Committees | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal |
2012/07 - 2018/11 | Elected member of the Directive Board | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Doenças Crónicas, Portugal |
2016/03 - 2018/07 | Member of the Evaluation Committee of the new curriculum of the Medical degree | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2012/05 - 2018/07 | Member of the Selection Committee of the PhD Programme in Medicine and Life Sciences | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal |
2015/09 - 2017/12 | Member of the Scientific Advisory Board of the rare diseases patient association Raríssimas | |
2013/06 - 2017/11 | Member of the Directive Board of the Inter-University PhD Programme in Aging and Chronic Diseases (PhDOC) | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal Universidade do Minho Escola de Medicina, Portugal |
2010/01 - 2013/05 | Member of the Directive Board of the Inter-University PhD Programme in Aging and Degeneration of Complex Biological Systems (PhDESC) | Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências Médicas, Portugal Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal Universidade do Minho Escola de Medicina, Portugal |
Evaluation committee
Activity description Role |
Institution / Organization | Funding entity | |
2021 - 2024 | Final reports of research grants
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | |
2019 - 2024 | Research grants
Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft | |
2023 - 2023 | Research Grants
Wellcome Trust DBT India Alliance | |
2022 - 2022 | Research grants
Universidade do Algarve Algarve Biomedical Center | |
2022 - 2022 | PhD fellowships - Experimental Biology and Biochemistry panel
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | |
2022 - 2022 | Breakthrough Idea Grant (BIG)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto de Medicina Molecular | |
2021 - 2022 | Exceptional fellowships to mitigate the effects of COVID-19 pandemic
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia | |
2010 - 2010 | Pfizer Research Prize
Pfizer Portugal | |
2010 - 2010 | Fundação AstraZeneca Innovate Competition
AstraZeneca Produtos Farmacêuticos Lda | |
2009 - 2009 | Research grants
Universidade de Coimbra Faculdade de Medicina | |
2009 - 2009 | Research grants
Suomen Akatemia |
Journal scientific committee
Journal title (ISSN) | Publisher | |
2013 - Current | Frontiers in Cell and Developmental Biology - Associate Editor (2296-634X) | Frontiers Media SA |
2017 - 2017 | Cellular Logistics - Editorial Board Member (2159-2799) | Taylor & Francis |
2024 | Honorable Mention (Innovation Award)
Bluepharma, Portugal
2024 | Honorable Mention (929 Challenge Competition) |
2014 | Investigator FCT (Development)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2009 | Ciência 2008
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2007 | Excellence in Tutoring Award
Harvard Medical School, United States
2005 | Postdoctoral fellowship
Arthritis Foundation, United States
1999 | Ph.D. fellowship
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
1997 | Research fellowship (Bolsa de Investigação Científica)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
1996 | ERASMUS scholarship
European Union, Belgium
1993 | Top ten 1st year student’s Award
Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal