Born in Póvoa da Isenta, Santarém, José Miguel Correia Noras completed his PhD in History with the maximum classification of "Approved with Distinction and Praise" in 20th March 2012 at the University of Lisbon, he also has a degree in Business Management in 2007 from the Polytechnic Institute of Santarém - School of Management and Technology. He is a researcher at the Centre for History of the University of Lisbon. He has written 10 book chapters and 9 books. He has received 11 awards and/or honors. In his professional activities, he has interacted with 10 collaborators in co-authoring scientific papers. In his Ciência Vitae CV, the most frequent terms used to contextualize his scientific, technological and artistic-cultural output are: cultural heritage - Portugal; heritage conservation - Portugal; local administration; Alexandre Herculano National Architecture Prize; Santarém; José Saramago; historical towns; Almeida; emergency money; chronicles; Douro; Lamego; world heritage; politics; history; economics; numismatics; medieval weight systems. He is a full member of the Economists Guild, the APE – Association od Portuguese Writers, the Lisbon’s Geographical Academy and the Phaleristics Academy of Portugal. He has been an Honorary Member of the Brazilian Heraldry Society since 30th July, 2004. He was elected Honorary Scholar of the Portuguese Academy of History on 11th July, 2012. He chairs the Board of Trustees of the Portuguese Association of Municipalities with a Historical Centres, is a member of the Lusíada Centre for Technological Studies in Architecture and a collaborator of the José Saramago Foundation. He is also Coordinator of the "Mais Saramago" Group and Vice-Chairman of the Jury for the "Alexandre Herculano" National Architecture Prize. By unanimous decision of that municipality, he was chosen as Coordinator of the Pedrógão Grande Historical, Anthropological and Archaeological Research and Publication Commission. On 20th December 2023, he was elected the Chair of the Board of Santa Casa da Misericórdia de Santarém (a charity institution). He has served as Mayor of Santarém (1992-2002), President of the Santarém Municipal Assembly (2002-2005) and President of the Santarém District Assembly (1994-1999). At national level, he was President of the Movement of Municipalities for Peace, Environment and Cooperation (1993-2002), a member of the General Council of UNESCO's National Commission (1993-1994 and 1999-2004), President of the Portuguese Association of Municipalities with a Historical Centre (1994-2002), a member of Parliament (8th and 9th Legislatures), member of the Consultative Commission of the Portuguese Movement for Cooperation and Solidarity with Africa - MPCA (1997-2002), member of the IPPAR Consultative Council (1997-2004) and President of the Inter-county Assembly of the Association of Portuguese Winemaking Municipalities (2007-2009). As a columnist, he wrote for the newspapers A Capital, O Século, PortugalHOJE, O Mirante, O Ribatejo, Correio do Ribatejo and LAMEGOhoje, currently DOUROhoje, also he was the founder and director of O Mazorro, the first periodical in the Póvoa da Isenta parish. His numismatic studies were cited by Professor Dr Mário Gomes Marques in “História da Moeda Medieval Portuguesa”. He has works published in the following anthologies: José Saramago, 90 anos 90 palavras, José Saramago 90 años 90 palabras, Abril - 40 Anos, Santarém - Rumo e itinerário histórico - 150 anos de cidade and O Livro dos Viajantes Portugueses - passagem para Ouro Preto. As highlighted by Professor Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, in his Sunday TVI program, on 10th April, 2011, “Vozes do Ventre da Lua” was the last work for which José Saramago wrote a foreword. The Nobel Prize winner's text, featured herein, was written on 9th February 2010 under the titled "Um homem renascentista”.

Personal identification

Full name
José Miguel Correia Noras

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
2007 - 2012/03/20
História (Doutoramento)
Major in Especialidade: História Regional e Local
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
"Contributos dos Municípios para a Salvaguarda do Património" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Muito bom com distinção e louvor


Host institution
2012/03/20 - Current Investigador Universidade de Lisboa Centro de História, Portugal


  1. Noras, José; Eanes, António Ramalho; Lopes, João Luiz Madeira;. Corresponding author: Eanes, António Ramalho. Bernardo Santareno da nascente até à foz. Lisboa, Portugal: Âncora Editora. 2020.
  2. Noras, José. Vão morrer meninos de cem anos. Portugal. 2017.
  3. Noras, José; Mattoso, José. Mais Património ¿ Vida e alma por trás das pedras,. Lisboa, Portugal: Âncora Editora, com o patrocínio de Associação Mutualista ¿ Montepio Geral, APMCH, Fundação José Saramago, Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Câmara Municipal de Almeida, Câmara Municipal de Lagos. 2015.
  4. Noras, José; Rodrigues, Adriano Vasco; Ribeiro, António Baptista. Sobre os sistemas monetários portugueses e o ¿dinheiro de emergência¿ de Almeida. Salamanca, Spain: Câmara Municipal de Almeida. 2015.
  5. Noras, José; Vilalva, Mario. - Centros Históricos Portugueses ¿ Associação, prémios e desafios. Lamego, Portugal: Associação Portuguesa dos Municípios com Centro Histórico (APMCH). 2014.
  6. Noras, José; Saramago, José. Vozes do Ventre da Lua. Santarém, Portugal: O Mirante. 2010.
  7. Noras, José; Moura, Vasco Graça. A asa do meu orgulho duriense. Santarém, Portugal: O Mirante. 2006.
  8. Noras, José; Morgadinho, Maria da Graça. As palavras mansas esmagam os ossos. Santarém, Portugal: O Mirante. 2005.
  9. Noras, José. Real de D. Beatriz batido em Santarém?. Lisboa, Portugal: Numisma / Editora Gráfica Portuguesa. 1988.
Book chapter
  1. Noras, José. "Sob o signo de Ouro Preto: reconhecer e reaproximar os centros históricos luso-brasileiros". In O Livro dos Viajantes Portugueses - Passagem para Ouro Preto, edited by Solange Cardoso, 187-210. Ouro Preto - Minas Gerais, Brazil: Editora Liberdade, 2023.
  2. Noras, José. "Santarém e a numária em Portugal". In Santarém. Rumo e Itinerário Histórico - 150 anos de cidade, edited by Jorge Custódio, 158-169. Santarém, Portugal: Associação Mais Santarém - Intrevenção Cívica, 2020.
  3. Noras, José. "Santarém, Ventre de Abril, Cidade Eterna". In Abril 40 Anos. Lisboa, Portugal: Âncora Editora / Associação Portuguesa de Escritores, 2014.
  4. Noras, José. ""Circunloquio"". In José Saramago 90 años 90 palabras, 36-37. Bogotá, Colombia: Fundação José Saramago / Alfaguara, 2013.
  5. Noras, José. "A modo de epílogo Poeta". In José Saramago 90 años 90 palabras, 59-60. Bogotá, Colombia: Fundação José Saramago / Alfaguara, 2012.
  6. Noras, José. "Circunlóquio". In José Saramago 90 anos 90 palavras, 31-32. Lisboa, Portugal: Fundação José Saramago / Caminho, 2012.
  7. Noras, José. "A maneira de epílogo Poeta". In José Sarmago 90 anos 90 palavras, 52-54. Lisboa, Portugal: Fundação José Saramago / Caminho, 2012.
  8. Noras, José. "Ficha numismática de D. Afonso Henriques". Portugal, 2004.
  9. Noras, José. "A note on the arenço as an unit of weigth". In Problems of Medieval Coinage in the Iberian Area, edited by Metcalf, D. M.; Marques, Mário Gomes, 407-410. Santarém, Portugal: Sociedade Numismática Scalabitana/Instituto de Sintra, 1988.
  10. Noras, José. "A New Hypothesis on the Origin of the Real Issued in the Name of Beatriz, Queen of Castile and Portugal". In Problems of Medieval Coinage in the Iberian Area 2, edited by Marques, Mário Gomes; Cursafont I Sabater, M., 155-163. Alives, Spain: Sociedad Numismatica Avilesina / Instituto de Sintra, 1986.
Book review
  1. Noras, José. "Sou feliz à minha maneira". (2013):
Edited book
  1. Noras, José. A Remessa de Santarém e as moedas no tempo do Infante Santo. 2003.
  2. Noras, José. Heráldica do Município de Santarém (Projecto e Introdução). Portugal. 2001.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Noras, José Miguel Correia, 1956-. "Contributos dos municípios para a salvaguarda do património". PhD, 2011. http://hdl.handle.net/10451/5757.


2014 Prémio Nacional "Memória e Identidade"
1975 Prémio de Melhor Aluno
Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrária e Veterinária, Portugal
1972 Prémio de Melhor Aluno


2012 Professor Honoris Causa
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal

Other distinction

2016 Medalha de Ouro da APMCH
2016 Medalha de Ouro do Município de Almeida
2012 Medalha de Ouro do Instituto Politécnico de Santarém
Instituto Politécnico de Santarém, Portugal
2012 Académico Honorário
2008 Medalha de Ouro da Cidade de Lamego
2005 Medalha de Mérito Cultural
Ministério da Cultura, Brazil
2005 Grau de Grande Oficial da Ordem do Mérito
Presidência da República Portuguesa, Portugal
1997 Grau de Comendador da Ordem do Infante D. Henrique
Presidência da República Portuguesa, Portugal