Nuno Cerca is a Research Professor (Investigador Coordenador) at the Centre of Biological Engineering (CEB) of the University of Minho (UMinho). He obtained his PhD in 2006 and his habilitation in 2018, both at UMinho. During his PhD he was a Fulbright fellow at Harvard Medical School. He was then a NIH post-doctoral fellow at the Virginia Commonwealth University, and then returned to Minho University in the scope of the Ciência programme. Nuno Cerca is currently also the director of the Centre of Biological Engineering, the Secretary of the General Council of the Minho University and the General-Secretary of the Portuguese Society of Microbiology. He has served is many other national and international committees. Nuno Cerca research team works in two main research lines, focused in the studies of bacterial biofilm infections associated with bacterial vaginosis and in biofilm infections caused by Staphylococcus species.

Personal identification

Full name
Nuno Miguel Dias Cerca

Citation names

  • Cerca, N.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Google Scholar ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • nunocerca@ceb.uminho.pt (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Medical and Health Sciences - Health Sciences - Infectious Diseases
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Microbiology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
Degree Classification
Chemical and Biological Engineering (Título de Agregado)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2004/09/01 - 2006/09/11
Chemical and Biological Engineering (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, Portugal
"Virulence aspects of Staphylococcus epidermidis: biofilm formation and Poly-N-Acetyl-Glucosamine production" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
1996/09 - 2000/06
Microbiology (Licenciatura)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal


Host institution
2024/02 - Current Coordinating Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019 - 2024/02 Principal Investigator (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013/12/13 - 2018/12/12 Principal Investigator (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2008/06/02 - 2013/06/01 Auxiliary Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2007/01/01 - 2008/03/31 Postdoc (Research) Virginia Commonwealth University, United States

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2000/10/01 - 2001/02/01 Visiting Professor (University Teacher) Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique de Moçambique, Mozambique

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2022/09 - Current Organic Unit Director Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2021/09 - Current Secretary of the General Council Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021/01 - Current General-Secretary SPM Portuguese Society of Microbiology, Portugal
SPM Portuguese Society of Microbiology, Portugal
2023/01 - 2024/12 President of the General Assembly ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2021/01/04 - 2022/12 Secretary of the Board ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2019 - 2022/09 Organic Unit Sub-director Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2019/02/27 - 2020/12/31 President ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2015/01 - 2020/12 Adjunct Secretary SPM Portuguese Society of Microbiology, Portugal
2014/01/23 - 2015/01/12 President ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2012/01/08 - 2014/01/22 Vice-President ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2011/01/08 - 2012/01/08 Member of the direction ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2010/01/01 - 2011/01/08 President ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal


Host institution
2006/05/01 - 2006/09/11 PhD Student Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2006/02/01 - 2006/04/30 Invited Research Associate Westmead Hospital, Australia
2004/05/01 - 2005/12/31 Invited Research Associate in Medicine Brigham and Women's Hospital, United States
2002/09/01 - 2004/04/30 PhD Student Universidade do Minho, Portugal


Designation Funders
2022/09 - Current Associate Laboratory on Biotechnology, Bioengineering and microELectromechanical Systems
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020 - Current Microbial Interactions between Gardnerella, Prevotella, and Atopobium Prior to Incident Bacterial Vaginosis
Co-Principal Investigator (Co-PI)
National Institutes of Health
2022/09 - 2024/12 Strategic project of the Center of Biological Engineering, University of Minho
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2022/03 - 2023/11 Unveiling the transcriptome of BV multi-species biofilms during antimicrobials challenge to better understand recurrence
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2022/01 - 2023/11 Understanding antibiotic resistance in coagulase-negative staphylococci: a transcriptomics approach
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021/01 - 2022/08 Associate Laboratory on Biotechnology, Bioengineering and microELectromechanical Systems
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/01 - 2022/08 Strategic project of the Center of Biological Engineering, University of Minho
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/06 - 2022/08 Multifunctional Bioactive Metal-organic Frameworks as New Anti-Biofilm Agents
Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/06 - 2022/08 Multifunctional Bioactive Metal-organic Frameworks as New Anti-Biofilm Agents
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07 - 2022/02 Targeting bacterial vaginosis multi-species biofilms through a Thymbra capitata based therapy
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07 - 2022/02 Targeting bacterial vaginosis multi-species biofilms through a Thymbra capitata based therapy
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07 - 2021/12 Impact of S. epidermidis dormancy and persistence in host pathogenesis
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Investigação e Inovação em Saúde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07 - 2021/12 Impact of S. epidermidis dormancy and persistence in host pathogenesis
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/01 - 2021/06 Comparative assessment of antimicrobial resistance in environmental biofilms through proteomics - towards innovative theranostic biomarkers
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/01 - 2021/06 Comparative assessment of antimicrobial resistance in environmental biofilms through proteomics - towards innovative theranostic biomarkers
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2016/07 - 2020/09 Underpinning Biotechnology to foster the north of Portugal bioeconomy
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
2015 - 2019 Strategic project of the Center of Biological Engineering, University of Minho
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
2015 - 2019 Strategic project of the Center of Biological Engineering, University of Minho
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2014 - 2015 Transcriptomic analysis of biofilm-released Staphylococcus epidermidis cells response to human blood components
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2014 - 2015 Transcriptomic analysis of biofilm-released Staphylococcus epidermidis cells response to human blood components
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2013 - 2015 Consolidating Research Expertise and Resources on Cellular and Molecular Biotechnology at CEB/IBB
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Programa Operacional Regional do Norte
2013 - 2015 BioHealth - Biotechnology and Bioengineering approaches to improve health quality
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Programa Operacional Novo Norte
2010 - 2013 Molecular interactions between S. epidermidis biofilm cells and the murine host response
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010 - 2013 Molecular interactions between S. epidermidis biofilm cells and the murine host response
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009 - 2013 The role of Gardnerella vaginalis in mixed species biofilms occurrence in Bacterial Vaginosis
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009 - 2013 Micro2Micro- Microbial products to control microbial films
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia

Programa Operacional Novo Norte
2009 - 2013 Micro2Micro- Microbial products to control microbial films
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009 - 2013 The role of Gardnerella vaginalis in mixed species biofilms occurrence in Bacterial Vaginosis
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011/01/01 - 2012/12/31 Projecto Estratégico - LA 23 - 2011-2012
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade do Algarve, Portugal

Fundação da Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal

Instituto de Biotecnologia e Bioengenharia, Portugal

Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal

Fundação Gaspar Frutuoso, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal

Associação do Instituto Superior Técnico para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento, Portugal

Universidade dos Açores, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2007 - 2008 Post-transcriptional regulation of biofilm formation in S. aureus
R01 AI068892
Post-doc Fellow
Virginia Commonwealth University, United States
National Institutes of Health


  1. Congress book of abstracts. Biofilms7: Microbial works of art. Braga, Portugal: University of Minho. 2016.
    Published • Editor
  2. Almeida C; Alves D; Azevedo AS; Azevedo NF; Borges A; Carvalhais V; Castro J; et al. Impact of biofilms in health: a transcriptomic perspective. Braga, Portugal: University of Minho. 2015.
    Published • Editor
  3. Almeida A,; Alves C,; Azeredo J; Carvalhais V; Cerca N; França A; Henriques A; et al. Advanced techniques in biofilms. University of Minho. 2014.
    Published • Editor
  4. Almeida A; Alves C; Azeredo J; Azevedo NF; Carvalhais V; Cerca N; Costa AR; et al. Clinical Biofilms - current concepts and advanced techniques. Braga, Portugal: University of Minho. 2014.
    Published • Editor
  5. Cerca, N.; Almeida C; Alves M; Araújo P; Azeredo J; Azevedo NF; Bento J; et al. Biofilmes – na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria. Porto, Portugal: Publindustria. 2012.
    Published • Editor
  6. Congress book of abstracts. Microbiotec11. Braga, Portugal: University of Minho. 2011.
    Published • Editor
  7. Azevedo NF; Bento JC; Carvalhais V; Cerca N; Fontenete S; França A; Freitas AI; et al. Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms. Braga, Portugal: Minho University. 2011.
    Published • Editor
  8. Cerca, N.. Staphylococcal biofilms in medical devices. Saarbrücken, Germany: Lambert Academic Publishing. 2011.
Book chapter
  1. França, Angela; Cerca, Nuno. "Gene Expression Quantification from Pathogenic Bacterial Biofilms by Quantitative PCR". In Methods in Molecular Biology, 133-149. Springer US, 2023.
    Published • 10.1007/978-1-0716-3358-8_11
  2. Lima, Ângela; Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; Cerca, Nuno. "Accurate Absolute Quantification of Bacterial Populations in Mixed Cultures by qPCR". In Methods in Molecular Biology, 105-115. Springer US, 2023.
    Published • 10.1007/978-1-0716-3358-8_9
  3. "Essential oils as potential antibiofilm agents: insights into the key role of Thymbra capitata to fight biofilm-associated infections". In Volatile Oils: Production, Composition and Uses, edited by Sing, Sunita, 337-374. New York, United States: Nova Science Publishers, 2021.
  4. Cerca, N; Sousa, LGV. "The utilization of essential oils to treat biofilm-associated vaginal infections". In Microbial biofilms: properties and applications in the environment, agriculture and medicine, edited by Ahmed, BA, 395-420. CRC Press, 2020.
  5. Rosca, A.; Cerca, N.. "Bacterial vaginosis". In Diagnostics to Pathogenomics of Sexually Transmitted Infections, edited by Singh, SK, 257-276. United States: Wiley, 2018.
  6. Machado, A.; Cerca, N.. "Multiplex peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization (PNA-FISH) for diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis". In Diagnostic Bacteriology, edited by Bishop-Lilly, KA, 209-219. Springer New York, 2017.
    Published • 10.1007/978-1-4939-7037-7_13
  7. França, A.; Cerca, N.. "Methods for gene expression studies in biofilms". In Impact of biofilms in health: a transcriptomics perspective, edited by Cerca, N., 75-120. Braga, Portugal: Minho University, 2015.
  8. Cerca, N.. "Challenges of gene expression studies in biofilms". In Impact of biofilms in health: a transcriptomics perspective, edited by Cerca, N., 55-74. Braga, Portugal: Minho University, 2015.
  9. Castro, J; Machado, D.; Cerca, N.; Castro, J.; Machado, D.; Cerca, N.. "Gardnerella vaginalis gene expression in biofilms". In Impact of biofilms in health: a transcriptomic perspective, edited by Cerca, N., 227-244. Braga, Portugal: Centre of Biological Engineering, University of Minho, 2015.
  10. Cerca, N.. "The Biofilm Matrix". In Clinical Biofilms – current concepts and advanced techniques, edited by Pereira, M.O.; Henriques, M.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, J., 25-33. Braga, Portugal: Minho University, 2014.
  11. Felgueiras, C.; Cereija, T.; Machado, A.; Cerca, N.; Rodrigues, L.. "Lactobacilli and its Metabolites as Potential Probiotics against Gardnerella vaginalis". In Industrial, medical and environmental applications of microorganisms: current status and trends, edited by Mendez-Vilas, A., 541-546. Netherlands: Wageningen Academic Publishers, 2014.
  12. Cerca, N.; França A, Bento J, Rolo J, Miragaia M, Teixeira P, Vilanova M, Oliveira R. "Farnesol antimicrobial role as biofilm cell detachment inducer in S. epidermidis biofilms". In Worldwide Research Efforts in the Fighting against Microbial Pathogens: From Basic Research to Technological Developments, edited by Mendez-Vilas, A., 150-160. BrownWalker Press, 2013.
  13. Cerca, F.; Cerca, N.; Vilanova, M.. "Métodos imunológicos aplicados nos estudos de biofilmes". In Métodos imunológicos aplicados nos estudos de biofilmes, edited by Azevedo, N.F.; Cerca, N., 353-358. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  14. Freitas AI, Kluskens LD; Cerca, N.. "Utilização de proteínas de fusão para estudo de biofilmes". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, N.F.; Cerca, N., 347-352. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  15. Machado A; Azevedo NF;; Cerca, N.. "Métodos de adesão inicial in vitro". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, NF; Cerca, N, 315-323. Porto, Portugal: Publíndustria, 2012.
  16. Bento, J.C.; Cerca, N.. "O problema da resistência a antibióticos em biofilmes". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, NF; Cerca, N, 205-211. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  17. Machado A; Henriques A,; Cerca, N.. "O papel dos biofilmes na vaginose bacteriana". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, NF; Cerca, N, 85-93. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  18. Lourenço T; Cerca, N.; Azevedo NF. "Biofilmes em cateteres urinários". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, NF; Cerca, N, 59-69. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  19. França, A.; Cerca, N.. "Biofilmes de Staphylococcus em dispositivos médicos". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, NF; Cerca, N, 37-43. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  20. Henriques A; Vasconcelos C,; Cerca, N.. "Prevalência de biofilmes nosocomiais em Portugal e no Brasil". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, NF; Cerca, N, 29-36. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  21. Azevedo, N.F.; Cerca, N.. "A matriz dos biofilmes: o truque para sobreviver nas mais hostis condições ambientais". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, NF; Cerca, N, 23-26. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  22. Cerca, N.; Jefferson, K.K.. "Que vantagens têm os microrganismos em formar um biofilme?". In Biofilmes – Na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria, edited by Azevedo, NF; Cerca, N, 11-16. Porto, Portugal: Publindústria, 2012.
  23. Freitas AI; Henriques A,; Cerca, N.. "Getting the best out of your gene expression assay: an optimized protocol". In Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms, edited by Cerca, N., 195-211. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, 2011.
  24. França A; Bento JC; Cerca, N.. "Comparative study of gene expression in gram-positive and gram-negative biofilms". In Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms, edited by Cerca, N., 175-194. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, 2011.
  25. França, A.; Cerca, N.. "Methodology used for real-time PCR results analysis". In Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms, edited by Cerca, N., 145-156. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, 2011.
  26. Melo, L.D.R.; Cerca, N.. "Primer Design using freeware available of the web". In Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms, edited by Cerca, N., 133-144. braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, 2011.
  27. Bento JC; Carvalhais V; Cerca, N.. "Overview of polymerase chain reaction and key concepts of real time PCR". In Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms, edited by Cerca, N., 115-132. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, 2011.
  28. Machado, A.; Cerca, N.; Jefferson, K.K.. "Gardnerella vaginalis: the role of biofilms in the pathogenesis of bacterial vaginosis". In Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms, edited by Cerca, N., 41-52. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, 2011.
  29. Melo LDR; França A,; Cerca, N.. "Staphylococcus epidermidis and biofilm infections in indwelling medical devices". In Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial, edited by Cerca, N., 29-40. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, 2011.
  30. Cerca, N.. "Introduction to Biofilms". In Biofilm transcriptomics handbook: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms, edited by Cerca, N., 13-28. Braga, Portugal: Universidade do Minho, 2011.
Conference poster
  1. George S, Dong C, Aaron K, Sherman A, Van Gerwen O, Tamhane A, Taylor C, Sousa L, Almeida C, Cerca N, Muzny C. "Longitudinal Analysis of Select Bacterial Species Composition Among Women With Incident Bacterial Vaginosis Illuminated Through PNA-FISH". Paper presented in IDSOG 2024 Annual Meeting, 2024.
  2. Elnaggar, J. Jacobs C, Ardizzone C, Aaron K, Eastlund I, Graves K, Luo M, Tamhane A, Long D, Laniewski P, Herbst-Kralove. "Leveraging machine learning techniques to investigate the pathogenesis of incident bacterial vaginosis". Paper presented in IDSOG 2024 Annual Meeting, 2024.
  3. Pinheiro V, Sousa LGV, Cerca N ; Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; PINHEIRO, VÂNIA; Cerca, N.. "RNA-sequencing analysis reveals key changes in G. vaginalis transcriptome after antimicrobial challenge in polymicrobial biofilms". Paper presented in Microbiotec'23, 2023.
  4. Pereira SA, Sousa LGV, Cerca N ; Pereira, Sofia A.; Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; Cerca, N.. "Bacterial vaginosis: association between antimicrobial tolerance and in vitro biofilm formation model". Paper presented in Microbiotec'23, 2023.
  5. Lima A, Muzny CA, Cerca N. "Quantification of vaginal lactobacilli using an optimized fluorescence microscopy method". Paper presented in Microbiotec'23, 2023.
  6. Sousa LGV, Novak J, França A, Muzny CA, Cerca N. "Preliminary analysis of RNA-sequencing data highlights major adaptation of key bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria (BVAB) when grown in polymicrobial biofilms". Paper presented in FEMS 2023, 2023.
  7. Muzny CA, Aaron KJ, Tamhane A, Long D, Van Gerwen OT, Graves KJ, Eastlund IC, Elnaggar JH, Cerca N, Taylor CM. "Incident Bacterial Vaginosis in a Community-Based Cohort of Women". Paper presented in ISIDOG 2023 Annual Meeting, 2023.
  8. Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; Muzny, Christina; Cerca, N.. "Characterization of Biofilm Growth of Key Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Bacteria on a Medium Simulating Vaginal Secretions". Paper presented in 5th International Practical Biofilm Course and Symposium, 2023.
  9. Fernandes TA; Costa IFM; Jorge, Paula; Sousa AC; André V; Cabral RG; Kirillova, Marina V.; Cerca, N.; Kirillov, Alexander. "Degradable starch-based biopolymer films doped with coordination compounds for antibacterial applications". Paper presented in CQE Days 2023, 2023.
  10. Cabral RG; Macedo F; Guiu T; Fernandes TA; Jorge, Paula; Franco CH; André V; et al. "Hybrid biopolymer films doped with bioactive coordination compounds: synthesis, characterization and antimicrobial activity". Paper presented in CQE Days 2023, 2023.
  11. Lopes N, Cerca N, França A. "codY deletion impacts S. epidermidis 1457 biomass production and VBNC cells formation". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2022, 2022.
  12. Franco CHJ, Macedo F, Cabral RG, Fernandes TA, Sousa AC, Cerca C, Kirillov AM. "A Copper(II) Dicarboxylate Coordination Polymer with Antibacterial Activity". Paper presented in 13th IBCC Inorganic & Bioinorganic Chemistry Conference, 2022.
  13. Fernandes TA, Costa IFM, Sousa AC, Jorge P, Cabral RG, André V, Cerca N, Kirillov AM. "Hybrid Silver(I)-Doped Biopolymer Films to Tackle Bacterial Biofilms". Paper presented in 13th IBCC Inorganic & Bioinorganic Chemistry Conference, 2022.
  14. Sousa LGV, Almeida C, Sharma J, Muzny CA, Cerca N. "A new PNA-FISH multiplex approach is capable of detecting bacterial vaginosis-associated species on vaginal samples". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2022, 2022.
  15. Sousa LGV, Almeida C, Muzny CA, Cerca N. "The use of a novel PNA-FISH multiplex protocol forbacterial vaginosis diagnosis". Paper presented in Biofilms and Microbiomes: Global Impact on Public and Ecosystem Health, 2022.
  16. Sousa LGV, Almeida C, Muzny CA, Cerca N. "Triple-Species Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Biofilm Growing In A Medium Simulating Genital Tract Secretions". Paper presented in ASM Biofilms, 2022.
  17. Castro J, Lima A, Sousa LGV, Rosca A, Muzny CA, Cerca N. "Bacterial Vaginosis multi-species biofilms: can standard quantification methods accurately quantify in vitro biofilms?". Paper presented in Microbiotec’21, 2021.
  18. Rosca AS, Sousa LGV, Castro J, França A, Vanecchoute M, Cerca N. "In vitro interactions during bacterial vaginosis development demonstrate that multi-species biofilms have enhanced antimicrobial tolerance". Paper presented in Microbiotec’21, 2021.
  19. Castro J, Rosca AS, Sousa LGV, França A, Gonçalves P, Cerca N. "Characterization of single- and multi-species BV biofilms in a 3D vaginal epithelium". Paper presented in Microbiotec’21, 2021.
  20. Gaio V, Cerca N, França A. "The putative toxin-antitoxin mazEF gene cluster is not involved in cell death in S. epidermidis". Paper presented in Microbiotec’21, 2021.
  21. Lopes N, Cerca N, França A. "The role of the gene codY in S. epidermidis biofilm formation". Paper presented in Microbiotec’21, 2021.
  22. Castro, J.; Rosca, A. S.; Sousa, L.V.G.; França, A.; Gonçalves, P.; Cerca, N.. "Characterization of single- and multi-species Bacterial Vaginosis (BV)-associated biofilms in an ex vivo 3D human vaginal epithelium model". Paper presented in Microbiotec 21 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2021.
  23. Fernandes TA, Costa IFM, Jorge P, Sousa AC, André V, Cerca N, Kirillov AM. "Biopolymer Films Doped with Silver(I) Coordination Polymers against Bacterial Biofilms". Paper presented in XXVII Encontro Nacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, 2021.
  24. Silva V, Almeida L, Cerca N, Capelo JL, Igrejas G, Poeta P. "Effect of antimicrobial agents on the reduction of biofilm mass of MRSA strains isolated from human infections". Paper presented in 4th International Caparica Congress in Antibiotic Resistance, 2021.
  25. Silva, Vanessa; Almeida, Luciana; Hermenegildo, Sara; Cerca, N.; Capelo, José Luis; Igrejas, Gilberto; Poeta, Patricia. "Biofilm formation of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus: does it varies with the type of infection?". Paper presented in 30th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (ECCMID), 2020.
  26. Rosca, Aliona S.; Vaneechoutte, Mario; Cerca, N.. "Gardnerella spp. pre-conditioned vs competitive multi-species biofilm growth and the impact on the tridimensional biofilm structure". Paper presented in MICROBIOTEC 2019, 2019.
  27. Fernandes, T. A.; Arol, A. S.; França, A.; André, V.; Mikhalyonok, S.; Cerca, N.; Kirillov A. M.; Fernandes TA, Arol AS, França A, André V, Mikhalyonok S, Cerca N, Kirillov AM. "Antimicrobial activity of new silver (Thio) semicarbazone derivates". Paper presented in Microbiotec 19 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019.
  28. Melo, L.D.R.; França, A.; Kropinsky, A.M; Sillankorva, S.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, J.; Melo, Luís. "The Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm matrix confers protection against a phage that is highly active against domarnt cells". Paper presented in Microbiotec 19 - Congress of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2019.
  29. Sousa LGV, Castro J, Cerca N; Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; Castro, Joana; Cerca, N.. "Checkerboard assay method highlights synergism effects between Carvacrol, a-Terpinene, g-Terpinene, p-Cymene and Linalool". Paper presented in Microbiotec'19, 2019.
  30. Castro J, Rosca A, Cools P, Vaneechoutte M, Cerca N. "Gardnerella vaginalis enhances Atopobium vaginae viability in vitro". Paper presented in Microbiotec’19, 2019.
  31. Rosca A, Castro J, Cerca N. "The effect of culture media on in vitro growth and biofilm formation of Bacterial vaginosis (BV)-associated pathogens". Paper presented in Microbiotec’19, 2019.
  32. Rosca A, Vaneechoutte M, Cerca N. "G. vaginalis pre-conditioned vs competitive multi-species growth and the impact on the biofilm tridimensional structure". Paper presented in Microbiotec’19, 2019.
  33. Oliveira F, Correira A, Rohde H, Cerca N, Vilanova M. "Iron acquisition influences the interaction between Staphylococcus epidermidis and the host innate immune system". Paper presented in Microbiotec’19, 2019.
  34. Gaio V, Cerca N, França A; Gaio, V.; Cerca, N.; França, A.. "Preliminary studies on the role of mazEF in S. epidermidis biofilms dormancy?". Paper presented in Microbiotec’19, 2019.
  35. Sousa L, Castro J, Cavaleiro C, Salgueiro L, Cerca N; Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; Castro, Joana; Cavaleiro, Carlos; Salgueiro, Lígia; Cerca, N.. "Antimicrobial activity of compounds from Thymbra capitata essential oil against Gardnerella spp.". Paper presented in 3rd Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynecology (ISIDOG) Congress, 2019.
  36. Brás, S.; França, A.; Cerca, N.; Bras S, França A, Cerca N. "Probing for RNA sequencing data in search for possible diagnostic markers for Staphylococcus epidermidis infections". Paper presented in International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections 2018, 2018.
  37. Oliveira F, Rohde H, Cerca N. "Staphylococcus epidermidis heavily relies on its iron acquisition systems to form biofilms". Paper presented in 18th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections , Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018.
  38. França A, Villaruz A, Cerca N, Otto M. "Staphylococcus epidermidis wall teichoic acid confers tolerance to antibiotics and immune defense in human blood". Paper presented in 18th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections , Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018.
  39. Gaio V, Cerca N. "Increased antibiotic tolerance to teicoplanin, vancomycin, rifampicin, erythromycin and tetracycline from cells detached from S. epidermidis biofilms". Paper presented in 18th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal Infections , Copenhagen, Denmark, 2018.
  40. Rosca A, Vaneechoutte M, Cerca N. "Probing for bacterial interactions in bacterial vaginosis using an in vitro tri-species biofilm model". Paper presented in IUSTI 2018 World & European Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
  41. Castro J, Cerca N. "Can the differential response to innate immune components by commensal and clinical Gardnerella vaginalis be the key leading to the development of bacterial vaginosis?". Paper presented in IUSTI 2018 World & European Congress, Dublin, Ireland, 2018.
  42. Castro J, Cerca N. "Social interactions between Lactobacillus iners and Gardnerella vaginalis biofilms: an unexpected friendship in the bacterial vaginosis ecosystem". Paper presented in Microbiotec 2017, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
  43. Magalhães AP, Pereira MO, Cerca N. "Revealing the dynamics of polymicrobial infections: Update on the qPCR as a promising tool for the quantification of bacterial jungles". Paper presented in Microbiotec 2017, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
  44. Rosca A, Martins AP, Castro J, Cerca N. "Development of an in vitro vaginal exudate adhesion model for Bacterial Vaginosis". Paper presented in Microbiotec 2017, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
  45. Gaio V, Cerca N. "Profiling antimicrobial tolerance by planktonic, biofilms and biofilm-released cells of Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in Microbiotec 2017, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
  46. Brás S, França A, Cerca N. "Developing an affordable but reliable human blood ex vivo model to analyse gene expression by Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in Microbiotec 2017, Porto, Portugal, 2017.
  47. Carvalhais V, Pérez-Cabezas B, Oliveira C, Vitorino R, Vilanova M, Cerca N. "Biofilm dormancy enhances antimicrobial tolerance in S. epidermidis". Paper presented in Our well-being and our microbes – annual meeting of the New Zealand Microbiological Society, Auckland, New Zealand, 2017.
  48. Oliveira S, França A, Cerca N. "The influence of human plasma on Staphylococcus epidermidis virulence". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017.
  49. Martins AP, Castro J, Rosca A, Rodrigues ME, Cerca N. "L. crispatus protects Hela cells against G. vaginalis cytotoxicity". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2017, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017.
  50. Melo, Luís; Pinto, G.; Oliveira, F.; Franca, A.; Vilas Boas, D.; Almeida, C.; Sillankorva, S.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, J.. "Disclosing the complexity involved in phage-biofilm interaction: the case study of a Sep1virus phage infecting S. epidermidis". Paper presented in CEB Annual Meeting 2017, Braga, Portugal, 2017.
  51. Oliveira, Fernando E.; Cerca, N.; Oliveira F, Cerca N. "Biological validation of putative iron-related genes in Staphylococcus epidermidis: how iron induces physiologic and transcriptomic changes on biofilm cells". Paper presented in 7th Congress of European Microbiologists (FEMS 2017), 2017.
  52. França A, Gaio V, Carvalhais V, Perez-Cabezas B, Correia A, Pier GB, Vilanova M, Cerca N. "S. epidermidis biofilm-released cells: the final frontier?". Paper presented in 3rd International Conference Pathophysiology of Staphylococci, Tubingen, Germany, 2016.
  53. Castro J, França A, Bradwell K, Serrano M, Jefferson KK, Cerca N. "The bacterial vaginosis riddle: how transcriptomics can highlight key physiological adaptations of G. vaginalis when growing as biofilms?". Paper presented in EMBO The new microbiology, Spetses, Greece, 2016.
  54. Melo, Luís; Veiga, P.; Cerca, N.; Kropinski, A.M.; Almeida, C.; Azeredo, J.; Sillankorva, S.. "Development of a phage cocktail to control Proteus mirabilis CAUTIs". Paper presented in Biofilms 7 - International Conference. Porto, Portugal, 2016.
  55. Oliveira F, Soares P, Cerca N. "Iron availability modulates biofilm formation by Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in Biofilms7, Porto, Portugal, 2016.
  56. Lima CA, França A, Cerca N. "Carvacrol, a component of essential oils, present a strong antimicrobial activity against CoNS planktonic and biofilm cells". Paper presented in Biofilms7, Porto, Portugal, 2016.
  57. Gaio V, Gonçalves VA, França A, Cerca N. "Preliminary studies on the susceptibility of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm-released cells to antibiotics and ability to survive in the presence of human blood". Paper presented in Biofilms7, Porto, Portugal, 2016.
  58. Machado D, Castro J, Barros J, Ribeiro B, Félix J, Peixinho C, Bivar L, Braga L, Vieira C, Nogueira-Silva C, Cerca N. "Prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis and bacterial vaginosis in Portuguese pregnant women". Paper presented in 35th annual meeting of the European Society for paediatric infectious diseases, Madrid, Spain, 2016.
  59. Machado, D.; Gaspar, C.; Palmeira-de-Oliveira, A.; Martinez-de-Oliveira, A.; Salgueiro, L.; Cerca, N.. "Potential of Thymbra capitata essential oil as therapeutic agent against Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm related infection". Paper presented in ICAR - Tours, France, 2016.
  60. França A, Cerca N. "The transcriptome of S. epidermidis biofilm-released cells when exposed to whole human blood or its cellular and soluble factors". Paper presented in Microbiotec’15, Évora, Portugal., 2015.
  61. Melo, Luís; Veiga, P.; Cerca, N.; Kropinski, A.M.; Almeida, C.; Azeredo, J.; Sillankorva, S.. "A phage cocktail to control Proteus mirabilis catheter-­-associated urinary tract infections". Paper presented in 4th Symposium Phages in Interaction. Leuven, Belgium, 2015.
  62. Ferrerinha P, Pérez-Cabezas B, Correia A, Miyazawa B, Carvalhais V, França A, Faustino A, Cordeiro-da-Silva A, Teixeira. "Poly-N-acetylglucosamine expression in Staphyloccocus epidermidis biofilm cells affects the imune response and promotes tissue pathology in infected hosts". Paper presented in XXXVI Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society for Immunology, Portugal, 2015.
  63. França A, Vilanova M, Pier G, Cerca N. "How S. epidermidis biofilm-released cells evade the host immune system?". Paper presented in Gordon Research Conferences Staphylococcal diseases, Lucca, Italy, 2015.
  64. Machado D, A. Palmeira-de-Oliveira, Cerca N. "Optimization of in vitro model for growth of Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2015, Brno, Czech Republic, 2015.
  65. Castro J, Machado D, Cerca N. "Assessing synergistic interaction between Gardnerella vaginalis and other urogenital pathogens". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2015, Brno, Czech Republic, 2015.
  66. Lopes N, Cerca N. "Quantification of biofilm-associated genes in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: its impact in biofilm formation and 3D structure". Paper presented in 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Science and Technology (BIOMED 2014), Koycegiz, Turkey, 2014.
  67. Sousa C, Cerca N. "Optimization of an experimental protocol to reduce gene expression variability in S. epidermidis biofilms". Paper presented in 20th International Symposium on Biomedical Science and Technology (BIOMED 2014), Koycegiz, Turkey, 2014.
  68. Melo LDR, Oliveira F, Sillankorva S, Pérez-Cabezas B, Vilanova V, Azeredo J, Cerca N. "Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms are resistant to phage infection due to the protective effect of the biofilm matrix". Paper presented in EMBO Viruses of microbes: Structure and function, from molecules to communities, Zurich, Switzerland, 2014.
  69. Ferreira CS, Salvador AF, Cereija T, Cerca N, Sousa DZ. "Comparison of vaginal microbiota fingerprints from healthy and Bacterial Vaginosis-positive Portuguese women". Paper presented in MicroBiotec 13, Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  70. Sousa C, França A, Cerca N. "Analysis of gene expression variability in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms". Paper presented in MicroBiotec 13, Aveiro, Portugal, 2013.
  71. Pérez-Cabezas B, Miyazawa B, Ferreirinha P, França A, Pier G, Cerca N, Vilanova M. "The major Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm matrix component PNAG affects the murine early inflammatory response elicited upon intraperitoneal challenge with either biofilm or planktonic bacteria". Paper presented in XXXIX Annual Meeting of the Portuguese Society of Immunology, Coimbra, Portugal, 2013.
  72. Henriques A, Silva D, Martinez-de-Oliveira J, Cereija TB, Castro J, Alves P, Sousa C, Nogueira-Silva C, Miranda M, Cerca. "Incidence of bacterial vaginosis in Portugal and it’s association with vaginal colonization by Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginae and other BV risk factors". Paper presented in ESIDOG 2013, London, United Kingdom, 2013.
  73. Bento JC, Lane K, Cerca N, Christie GE. "Packaging cleavage determinants in the phage-dependent Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity island SaPI1". Paper presented in EMBO New Approaches and Concepts in Microbiology, Heidelberg, Germany, 2013.
  74. Machado D, Alves P, Sousa C, Martinez-de-Oliveira J, Salgueiro L, Palmeira-de-Oliveira A, Cerca N ; Machado, Daniela; Alves, P; Sousa, C; Martinez-de-Oliveira, José; Salgueiro, L; Palmeira-de-Oliveira, A.; Cerca, N.. "Preliminary studies for the aplication of Thymbra capitata essential oil as potential antimicrobial agent in Bacterial Vaginosis". Paper presented in BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
  75. Cereija T, Machado A, Felgueiras C, Cerca N, Rodrigues LR. "Lactobacilli and its metabolites as potential probiotics against Gardnerella vaginalis". Paper presented in BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
  76. Pérez-Cabezas B, Oliveira C, Carvalhais V, Freitas AI, Oliveira F, Cerca N, Vilanova M. "Medium supplementation with magnesium prevented the induction of dormancy in biofilms of clinical and commensal isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
  77. Carvalhais V, França A, Vitorino R, Pier G, Vilanova M, Cerca N. "Global transcriptomic analysis of dormancy within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms". Paper presented in BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
  78. Oliveira F, Melo LDR, Cerca N. "Relationship between biofilm formation and antibiotic resistance in commensal isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, Madrid, Spain, 2013.
  79. Castro J, Alves P, Sousa C, Cereja TB, Cerca N. "Isolation of Gardnerella vaginalis from BV patients and healthy women: analysis of virulence through adherence, biofilm formation and cytotoxicity assays". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2013, Ghent, Belgium, 2013.
  80. Alves P, Castro J, Sousa C, Cereja TB, Cerca N. "Gardnerella vaginalis virulence potential outcompetes with 30 other microorganisms isolated from BV patients". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2013, Ghent, Belgium, 2013.
  81. França A, Carvalhais V, Maira-Litrán T, Vilanova M, Cerca N, Pier G. "Whole transcriptome analysis of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms upon contact with human blood". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2013, Ghent, Belgium, 2013.
  82. Carvalhais V, Cerca N, Vitorino R. "Lysis buffer properties: influence on S. epidermidis biofilm proteome analysis". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2013, Ghent, Belgium, 2013.
  83. Freitas AI, Oliveira F, Ramos H, Vasconcelos C, Vilanova M, Cerca N. "Genotypic and phenotypic differences between nosocomial and commensal Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates from northern Portugal". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2013, Ghent, Belgium, 2013.
  84. Oliveira, Hugo; Melo, L. D. R.; Santos, S. B.; Nobrega, F.L.; Ferreira, E. C.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, Joana; Kluskens, L.D.. "Molecular and functional aspects of bacteriophage endolysins". Paper presented in BioMicroWorld 2013 - V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology, 2013.
  85. Cerca, N.; França, A.; Gomes, F.; Teixeira, P.; Vilanova, M.; Oliveira, R.; Cerca N, França A, Gomes F, Teixeira P, Vilanova M, Oliveira R. "Gene expression of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm and biofilm released cells exposed to farnesol". Paper presented in Biofilms 5, 2012.
  86. Cerca F, Pérez-Cabezas B, França A, Cerca N, Vilanova M. "The proportions of dormant bacteria within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms affect their inflammatory potential". Paper presented in Biofilms 5, Paris, France, 2012.
  87. Machado A, Salgueiro D, Rodrigues L, Cerca N, Jefferson K. "Social interaction by BV anaerobes in initial adhesion and biofilm assays". Paper presented in Biofilms 5, Paris, France, 2012.
  88. Castro J, Machado A, Henriques A, Henriques M, Jefferson K, Cerca N. "Competitive initial adhesion between Lactobacillus spp. and Gardnerella vaginalis strains against vaginal epithelium". Paper presented in Biofilms 5, Paris, France, 2012.
  89. Alves P, Castro J, Sousa C, Cereija T, Henriques A and Cerca N. "Characterization of biofilm-forming microorganisms isolated from vaginal exudate in Portugal". Paper presented in Biofilms 5, Paris, France, 2012.
  90. Carvalhais V, Delgado-Rastrollo M, Cerca N. "Effect of S. epidermidis biofilm matrix in RNA quality gene expression determination". Paper presented in Biofilms 5, Paris, France, 2012.
  91. Melo LDR, Oliveira F, Sillankorva S, Perez B, Vilanova M, Azeredo J, Cerca N. "Efficacy studies of phage phiIBB-Sep1 against S. epidermidis cells under different metabolic states". Paper presented in Biofilms 5, Paris, France, 2012.
  92. Cerca F, Pérez-Cabezas B, França A, Cerca N, Vilanova M. "Innate immune response elicited by cells from Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms containing high or low proportions of dormant bacteria". Paper presented in XXXVIII Annual meeting of the Portuguese Society of Immunology, Porto, Portugal, 2012.
  93. França A, Carvalhais V, Vilanova M, Pier GB, Cerca N. "Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm-detached cells: differential gene expression and antibiotic resistance". Paper presented in 6th ASM conference on Biofilms, Miami, USA, 2012.
  94. Machado A, Salgueiro D, Almeida C, Henriques A, Haesebrouck F, Vaneechoutte M, Rodriguesa L, Azevedo NF, Cerca N. "Detection of Lactobacillus and Gardnerella species in vaginal samples by PNA-FISH". Paper presented in 6th ASM conference on Biofilms, Miami, USA, 2012.
  95. Freitas AI, Vasconcelos C; Vilanova M, Cerca N. "Fluorescent-based microscopy: a quick method to quantify total and viable cells from microbial biofilms". Paper presented in XLVI Congress of the Portuguese Society for Microscopy, Lisbon, Portugal, 2012.
  96. Cerca, N.. "Unraveling the insights into phage endolysin association". Paper presented in Viruses of Microbes, Brussels, Belgium, 2012.
  97. Bento JC, Kristin L, Cerca N, Christie GE. "Mapping the packaging cleavage determinants in the phage-dependent Staphylococcus aureus pathogenicity island SaPI1". Paper presented in ASM 112th General Meeting, San Francisco, USA, 2012.
  98. Freitas AI, Vasconcelos C; Vilanova M, Cerca N. "Comparative total cell proteins profile between planktonic and sessile community of a biofilm-forming Staphylococcus epidermidis strain". Paper presented in Proteomics Workshop 2012- Proteomics applications in health science, Aveiro, Portugal, 2012.
  99. Carvalhais V, Cerca N, Vitorino R. "Characterization of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm matrix using a proteomic approach". Paper presented in Proteomics Workshop 2012- Proteomics applications in health science, Aveiro, Portugal, 2012.
  100. Nóbrega FL, Oliveira Hugo, Melo LDR, Santos SB, Cerca N, Ferreira EC, Azeredo J, Kluskens LD. "Insights into phage endolysins". Paper presented in Bioinformatics Open Days, Braga, Portugal, 2012.
  101. Freitas AI, Henriques AF, França F, Vasconcelos C, Vilanova M, Cerca N. "Optimization of a protocol for gene expression using biofilm cells from S. epidermidis". Paper presented in Microbiotec11, Braga, Portugal, 2011.
  102. Magalhães AM, Henriques AF, Castro J, Cerca N. "Multiplex PCR for the discrimination of vaginal bacterial population". Paper presented in Microbiotec11, Braga, Portugal, 2011.
  103. Silva DS, Machado A, Alves P, de Oliveira JM, Henriques AF, Cerca N. "Presence of Gardnerella vaginalis in healthy portuguese women – a pilot study". Paper presented in Microbiotec11, Braga, Portugal, 2011.
  104. Cerca F, Andrade F, França A, Bonifácio E, Ribeiro A, Almeida A, Cerca N, Pier GB, Azeredo J, Vilanova M. "Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms with higher proportions of dormant bacteria induce a lower activation of murine macrophages". Paper presented in Microbiotec11, Braga, Portugal, 2011.
  105. Melo LDR, Sillankorva S, Azeredo J, Cerca N. "Efficacy studies of a S. epidermidis bacteriophage against stationary and biofilm cells". Paper presented in Microbiotec11, Braga, Portugal, 2011.
  106. Cece E, Melo LDR; Kutsal T, Cerca N. "Isolation and optimization of the production of Staphylococcus epidermidis bacteriophage from environmental samples". Paper presented in Microbiotec11, Braga, Portugal, 2011.
  107. Freitas AI, França A, Vasconcelos C, Vilanova M, Cerca N. "Cell-to-cell aggregation in S. epidermidis and its effect on quantification of total and viable bacteria within biofilms". Paper presented in IV International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2011), Torremolinhos, Spain, 2011.
  108. França A, Vilanova M, Cerca N. "High variability of gene expression in S. epidermidis biofilm population". Paper presented in IV International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology (BioMicroWorld2011), Torremolinhos, Spain, 2011.
  109. Machado A, Almeida C, Carvalho A, Salgueiro D, Vieira MJ, Rodrigues L, Azevedo NF, Cerca N, Henriques A. "Comparison between classical and molecular (FISH and PCR) methods for Lactobacillus spp. detection in Clinical Samples". Paper presented in GRC Microbial Adhesion & Signal Transduction,Newport, RI, USA, 2011.
  110. Melo LDR, Ceçe E, Sillankorva S, Azeredo J, Cerca N. "An urgent seek for S. epidermidis large host range bacteriophages". Paper presented in The 19th Biennial Evergreen International Phage Biology Meeting, Evergreen, WA, USA, 2011.
  111. França A, Bento J, Pier GB, Vilanova M, Cerca N. "Comparison of RNA extraction methods from biofilm samples of Staphylococcus epidermidis and other bacterial pathogens". Paper presented in FEMS 2011, Geneva, Switzerland, 2011.
  112. Gomes F, Cerca N, Teixeira P, Ceri H, Oliveira R. "Effect of single versus antibiotic combinations on Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm viability and on genetic expression of some virulence genes". Paper presented in Biofilms 4, Winchester, United Kingdom, 2010.
  113. Kluskens, L. D.; Santos, S. B.; Fernandes, E. R.; Oliveira, Hugo; Melo, L. D. R.; Cerca, N.; Sillankorva, S.; Azeredo, Joana. "The use of bacteriophage endolysins as antibacterial compounds". Paper presented in Book of Abstracts of the 2nd Meeting of the Institute for Biotechnology and Bioengineering, 2010.
  114. Gomes F, Cerca N, Teixeira P, Azeredo J, Oliveira R. "The comparative effect of farnesol and antibiotics against Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in ASM Biofilms, Cancun, Mexico, 2009.
  115. Cerca F, Andrade F, Correia A, Teixeira L, Magalhães A, Hinzmann M, Ferreira I, Ribeiro A, Lobo-da-Cunha A, Sampaio P, C. "Extracellular matrix in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: a consequence of bacterial production or cell wall degradation?". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2009, Rome, Italy, 2009.
  116. Gomes F, Cerca N, Teixeira P, Azeredo J, Oliveira R. "The effect of Farnesol on the structure of S. epidermidis biofilms". Paper presented in Eurobiofilms 2009, Rome, Italy, 2009.
  117. Gomes, Fernanda; Cerca, N.; Teixeira, P.; Oliveira, R.. "Antimicrobial activity of farnesol against Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in EUROBIOFILMS 2009 - Book of Abstracts of the 1st European Congress on Microbial Biofilms, 2009.
  118. Gomes, Fernanda; Cerca, N.; Teixeira, P.; Oliveira, R.. "Farnesol as a prospective antimicrobial agent against Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in ECCMID 2009 - 19th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, 2009.
  119. Cerca N, Jefferson KK. "sarA, sigB, icaR and the regulation of icaADBC locus in Staphylococcus aureus". Paper presented in 3rd ASM Conference on Cell-Cell Communication in Bacteria, Austin, TX, USA, 2007.
  120. Partdrige S, Cerca N, Mach L, Iredell J. "blaTEM genes in Enterobacteriaceae from Australian Intensive Care Units". Paper presented in 46th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotheraphy, San Francisco, USA, 2006.
  121. Cerca N, Pier GB, Jefferson KK, Oliveira R, Azeredo J. "Use of Confocal Laser Scan Microscopy (CLSM) to evaluate biofilm structure: the effect of low concentration of antibiotics– a case study". Paper presented in Biofilms II: attachment and detachment in pure and mixed cultures, Leipzig, Germany, 2006.
  122. Cerca F, Teixeira L, Cerca N, Madureira P, Ribeiro A, Azeredo J, Vilanova M. "A study on the immune response elicited in mice challenged with Staphylococcus epidermidis planktonic- or biofilm-grown cells". Paper presented in Micro-Biotec 2005, Póvoa do Varzim, Portugal, 2005.
  123. Cerca N, Pier GB , Oliveira R, Azeredo J, Jefferson KK. "Effect of a single locus deletion on global genome expression: the ica locus in Staphyloccocus spp- a case study". Paper presented in Micro-Biotec 2005, Póvoa do Varzim, Portugal, 2005.
  124. Cerca N, Azeredo J, Oliveira R, Pier GB, Jefferson KK. "Environmental regulation of the pgaABCD locus in Escherichia coli". Paper presented in Microbes in a Changing World: Joint meeting of the International Union of Microbiology Sciences, Julho, San Francisco, USA, 2005.
  125. Cerca N, Cerca F, Martins S, Pier GB, Oliveira R, Azeredo J. "Synergistic effects of antibiotics on coagulase negative staphylococcal biofilms". Paper presented in Microbes in a Changing World: Joint meeting of the International Union of Microbiology Sciences, San Francisco, USA, 2005.
  126. Cerca N, Jefferson KK, Grout M, Goldmann D, Azeredo J, Oliveira R, Pier GB. "Immunological Similarities Between Poly-N-acetyl Glucosamine (PNAG) from Staphylococcus spp. and Escherichia coli". Paper presented in ASM General Meeting, Atlanta, GA, USA, 2005.
  127. Cerca N, Martins S, Sillankorva S, Pier GB, Oliveira R, Azeredo J. "Changes in biofilm formation, composition, structure and antimicrobial resistance due to growth in sub-inhibitory concentrations of dicloxacillin". Paper presented in IWA Biofilms 2004: Structure and Activity of Biofilms, Las Vegas, USA, 2004.
  128. Cerca N, Martins S, Pier GB, Oliveira R, Azeredo J. "Can studies of inhibition of adhesion by sub-mic concentrations of antibiotics predict the outcome in biofilm formation inhibition?". Paper presented in 11th International Symposium on Staphylococci and Staphylococcal infections, Charleston, SC, USA, 2004.
  129. Cerca N, Martins S, Cerca F, Pier GB, Oliveira R, Azeredo J. "Resistance of Coagulase-negative Staphyloccocci biofilms to antibiotics". Paper presented in VII International meeting on molecular epidemiology and evolutionary genetics of infectious diseases, Valencia, Spain, 2004.
  130. Cerca N, Pier GB, Oliveira R, Azeredo J. "Inhibition of adhesion of Coagulase-negative Staphylococci (CoNS) by sub-inhibitory concentrations of several antibiotics". Paper presented in I European Conference on Biofilms – Preventing Microbial adhesion, Osnabruck, Germany, 2004.
  131. Cerca N, Pier GB, Oliveira R, Azeredo J. "Adhesion and biofilm formation of Staphylococcus epidermidis on relevant medical surfaces". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia, 2003.
  132. Cerca N, Pier GB, Oliveira R, Azeredo J. "Differences in adhesion and biofilm formation of several clinical strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis". Paper presented in ASM Biofilms 2003, Victoria, Canada, 2003.
  133. Cerca N, Marcos N, Manaia C. "Biodegradation of 3-ChloroBenzoate by an Microbial Consortium". Paper presented in Congresso Nacional de Microbiologia, Luso, Portugal, 1999.
Journal article
  1. Sousa, Lúcia G.V.; Muzny, Christina A.; Cerca, N.. Corresponding author: Cerca, N.. "Key bacterial vaginosis-associated bacteria influence each other's growth in biofilms in rich media and media simulating vaginal tract secretions". Biofilm 9 (2025): 100247. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bioflm.2024.100247.
    Open access • Published • 10.1016/j.bioflm.2024.100247
  2. Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; Novak, Juliano; França, Angela; Muzny, Christina A.; Cerca, N.. Corresponding author: Cerca, N.. "Gardnerella vaginalis, Fannyhessea vaginae, and Prevotella bivia Strongly Influence Each Other's Transcriptome in Triple-Species Biofilms". Microbial Ecology 87 1 (2024): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-024-02433-9.
    Open access • Published • 10.1007/s00248-024-02433-9
  3. Lopes, Nathalie; Pereira, Renato B.; Correia, Alexandra; Vilanova, Manuel; Cerca, Nuno; França, Angela. "Deletion of codY impairs Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation, generation of viable but non-culturable cells and stimulates cytokine production in human macrophages". Journal of Medical Microbiology 73 5 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1099/jmm.0.001837.
    Open access • Published • 10.1099/jmm.0.001837
  4. George, Sheridan D.; Van Gerwen, Olivia T.; Dong, Chaoling; Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; Cerca, Nuno; Elnaggar, Jacob H.; Taylor, Christopher M.; Muzny, Christina A.. "The Role of Prevotella species in Female Genital Tract Infections". Pathogens 13 5 (2024): 364. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/pathogens13050364.
    Open access • Published • 10.3390/pathogens13050364
  5. Ângela Lima; Christina A. Muzny; Nuno Cerca. "An Indirect Fluorescence Microscopy Method to Assess Vaginal Lactobacillus Concentrations". Microorganisms (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/microorganisms12010114.
  6. Briandet, Romain; Cerca, Nuno. "Editorial: Methods in biofilms: 2022". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 13 (2023): 1264849. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2023.1264849.
    Open access • Published • 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1264849
  7. Lúcia G. V. Sousa; Sofia A. Pereira; Nuno Cerca. "Fighting polymicrobial biofilms in bacterial vaginosis". Microbial Biotechnology (2023): https://doi.org/10.1111/1751-7915.14261.
  8. Elnaggar, Jacob H.; Ardizzone, Caleb M.; Cerca, Nuno; Toh, Evelyn; Laniewski, Pawel; Lillis, Rebecca A.; Herbst-Kralovetz, Melissa M.; et al. "A novel Gardnerella, Prevotella, and Lactobacillus standard that improves accuracy in quantifying bacterial burden in vaginal microbial communities". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 13 (2023): 1198113. http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2023.1198113.
    Open access • Published • 10.3389/fcimb.2023.1198113
  9. Christina A. Muzny; Nuno Cerca; Jacob H. Elnaggar; Christopher M. Taylor; Jack D. Sobel; Barbara Van Der Pol; Romney M. Humphries. "State of the Art for Diagnosis of Bacterial Vaginosis". Journal of Clinical Microbiology (2023): https://doi.org/10.1128/jcm.00837-22.
  10. Mariana Tomás; Lúcia G. V. Sousa; Ana Sofia Oliveira; Carolina P. Gomes; Ana Palmeira-de-Oliveira; Carlos Cavaleiro; Lígia Salgueiro; et al. "Vaginal Sheets with Thymbra capitata Essential Oil for the Treatment of Bacterial Vaginosis: Design, Characterization and In Vitro Evaluation of Efficacy and Safety". Gels (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/gels9040293.
  11. Sousa, L.G.V.; Almeida, C.; Muzny, C.A.; Cerca, N.. "Development of a Prevotella bivia PNA probe and a multiplex approach to detect three relevant species in bacterial vaginosis-associated biofilms". npj Biofilms and Microbiomes 9 1 (2023): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85162755063&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  12. Angela Lima; Angela França; Christina A. Muzny; Christopher M. Taylor; Nuno Cerca. "DNA extraction leads to bias in bacterial quantification by qPCR". Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00253-022-12276-4.
  13. Rosa M. F. Baptista; Bruna Silva; João Oliveira; Vahideh B. Isfahani; Bernardo Almeida; Mário R. Pereira; Nuno Cerca; et al. "High Piezoelectric Output Voltage from Blue Fluorescent N,N-Dimethyl-4-nitroaniline Nano Crystals in Poly-L-Lactic Acid Electrospun Fibers". Materials (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/ma15227958.
  14. Lima Â; Sousa LGV; Macedo F; Muzny CA; Cerca N. "Assessing recovery rates of distinct exogenous controls for gDNA extraction efficiency using phenol-chloroform or silica-column based extractions.". Journal of microbiological methods (2022): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/36343770.
  15. Hanna Fokt; Sara Cleto; Hugo Oliveira; Daniela Araújo; Joana Castro; Nuno Cerca; Maria João Vieira; Carina Almeida. "Bacteriocin Production by Escherichia coli during Biofilm Development". Foods (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/foods11172652.
  16. Aliona S Rosca; Joana Castro; Lúcia G V Sousa; Angela França; Mario Vaneechoutte; Nuno Cerca. "In vitro interactions within a biofilm containing three species found in bacterial vaginosis (BV) support the higher antimicrobial tolerance associated with BV recurrence". Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2022): https://doi.org/10.1093/jac/dkac155.
  17. Magalhães AP; França A; Pereira MO; Cerca N. "Unveiling Co-Infection in Cystic Fibrosis Airways: Transcriptomic Analysis of Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Staphylococcus aureus Dual-Species Biofilms.". Frontiers in genetics (2022): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/35873457.
  18. Cerca, N.. "Addressing the challenges with bacterial vaginosis pharmacotherapy". Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy 1 3 (2022): https://doi.org/10.1080/14656566.2022.2082285.
  19. Rosca AS; Castro J; Sousa LGV; França A; Cavaleiro C; Salgueiro L; Cerca N. "Six Bacterial Vaginosis-Associated Species Can Form an In Vitro and Ex Vivo Polymicrobial Biofilm That Is Susceptible to Thymbra capitata Essential Oil". Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology (2022): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/35601098.
    Published • 10.3389/fcimb.2022.824860
  20. Fernandes TA; Costa IFM; Jorge P; Sousa AC; André V; Cabral RG; Cerca N; Kirillov AM. "Hybrid Silver(I)-Doped Soybean Oil and Potato Starch Biopolymer Films to Combat Bacterial Biofilms.". ACS applied materials & interfaces (2022): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/35621184.
  21. Joana Castro; Lúcia G. V. Sousa; Ângela França; Lenka Podpera Tisakova; Lorenzo Corsini; Nuno Cerca. "Exploiting the Anti-Biofilm Effect of the Engineered Phage Endolysin PM-477 to Disrupt In Vitro Single- and Dual-Species Biofilms of Vaginal Pathogens Associated with Bacterial Vaginosis". Antibiotics 11 5 (2022): 558-558. https://doi.org/10.3390/antibiotics11050558.
  22. Cerca, Nuno; Lima, Ângela; França, Angela. "Accurate qPCR quantification in polymicrobial communities requires assessment of gDNA extraction efficiency". Journal of Microbiological Methods 194 (2022): 106421. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.mimet.2022.106421.
    Published • 10.1016/j.mimet.2022.106421
  23. Fernando Oliveira; Tânia Lima; Alexandra Correia; Ana Margarida Silva; Cristina Soares; Simone Morais; Samira Weißelberg; et al. "Involvement of the Iron-Regulated Loci hts and fhuC in Biofilm Formation and Survival of Staphylococcus epidermidis within the Host". Microbiology Spectrum 10 1 (2022): https://doi.org/10.1128/spectrum.02168-21.
  24. Almeida, Luciana; Lopes, Nathalie; Gaio, Vânia; Cavaleiro, Carlos; Salgueiro, Lígia; Silva, Vanessa; Poeta, Patrícia; Cerca, Nuno. "Thymbra capitata essential oil has a significant antimicrobial activity against methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus pre-formed biofilms". Letters in Applied Microbiology (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/lam.13665.
    Accepted • 10.1111/lam.13665
  25. Sousa, L.G.V.; Castro, J.; Cavaleiro, C.; Salgueiro, L.; Tomás, M.; Palmeira-Oliveira, R.; Martinez-Oliveira, J.; Cerca, N.. Corresponding author: Cerca, N.. "Synergistic effects of Carvacrol, a-Terpinene, gama-Terpinene, ro-Cymene and Linalool against Gardnerella species". Scientific Reports (2022):
    Open access • Accepted • 10.1038/s41598-022-08217-w
  26. Rosa M. F. Baptista; Paulo E. Lopes; Ana Rita O. Rodrigues; Nuno Cerca; Michael S. Belsley; Etelvina de Matos Gomes. "Self-assembly of Boc-p-nitro-l-phenylalanyl-p-nitro-l-phenylalanine and Boc-l-phenylalanyl-l-tyrosine in solution and into piezoelectric electrospun fibers". Materials Advances 3 6 (2022): 2934-2944. https://doi.org/10.1039/D1MA01022K.
  27. Gaio, V.; Lima, T.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.; França, A.. Corresponding author: França, A.. "mazEF Homologue Has a Minor Role in Staphylococcus epidermidis 1457 Virulence Potential". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11 (2022): 80313. https://publons.com/publon/51192681/.
    Published • 10.3389/FCIMB.2021.803134
  28. Oliveira, Fernando; Rohde, Holger; Vilanova, Manuel; Cerca, Nuno. Corresponding author: Cerca, Nuno. "Fighting Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm-Associated Infections: Can Iron Be the Key to Success?". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2021.798563.
    Open access • 10.3389/fcimb.2021.798563
  29. Sousa, Lúcia G. V.; Castro, Joana; França, Angela; Almeida, Carina; Muzny, Christina A.; Cerca, Nuno. Corresponding author: Cerca, Nuno. "A New PNA-FISH Probe Targeting Fannyhessea vaginae". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2021.779376.
  30. Gaio, Vânia; Lopes, Nathalie; Cerca, Nuno; França, Angela. Corresponding author: França, Angela. "codY and pdhA Expression Is Induced in Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm and Planktonic Populations With Higher Proportions of Viable but Non-Culturable Cells". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 11 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fcimb.2021.771666.
    Open access • 10.3389/fcimb.2021.771666
  31. Aliona S. Rosca; Joana Castro; Ângela França; Mario Vaneechoutte; Nuno Cerca. "Gardnerella Vaginalis Dominates Multi-Species Biofilms in both Pre-Conditioned and Competitive In Vitro Biofilm Formation Models". Microbial Ecology (2021): https://doi.org/10.1007/s00248-021-01917-2.
  32. Andreia Patrícia Magalhães; Tânia Grainha; Ana Margarida Sousa; Ângela França; Nuno Cerca; Maria Olívia Pereira. "Viable but non-cultivable state: a strategy for Staphylococcus aureus survivable in dual-species biofilms with Pseudomonas aeruginosa ?". Environmental Microbiology (2021): https://doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.15734.
  33. Vanessa Silva; Luciana Almeida; Vânia Gaio; Nuno Cerca; Vera Manageiro; Manuela Caniça; José L. Capelo; Gilberto Igrejas; Patrícia Poeta. "Biofilm Formation of Multidrug-Resistant MRSA Strains Isolated from Different Types of Human Infections". Pathogens 10 8 (2021): 970-970. https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens10080970.
  34. Oliveira, Fernando E.; Rohde, H; Vilanova, Manuel; Cerca, N.. "The emerging role of iron acquisition in biofilm-associated infections". Trends in Microbiology (2021):
    In press • 10.1016/j.tim.2021.02.009
  35. Gaio V; Lima T; Vilanova M; Cerca N; França A. "mazEF Homologue Has a Minor Role in Staphylococcus epidermidis 1457 Virulence Potential.". Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/35096651.
  36. Castro J; Lima Â; Sousa LGV; Rosca AS; Muzny CA; Cerca N. "Crystal Violet Staining Alone Is Not Adequate to Assess Synergism or Antagonism in Multi-Species Biofilms of Bacteria Associated With Bacterial Vaginosis.". Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/35071046.
  37. Gaspar, C.; Rolo, Joana; Cerca, N.; Palmeira-de-Oliveira, R.; Martinez-de-Oliveira, J.; Palmeira-de-Oliveira, A.; Gaspar C; et al. "Dequalinium chloride effectively disrupts bacterial vaginosis (BV) Gardnerella spp. biofilms". Pathogens 10 3 (2021): 261. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/33668706.
    Open access • Published • 10.3390/pathogens10030261
  38. Castro, J.; Rosca, Aliona S.; Muzny, C.A; Cerca, N.. "Atopobium vaginae and Prevotella bivia are able to incorporate and influence gene expression in a pre-formed Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm". Pathogens 10 2 (2021): 247.
    Open access • Published • https://doi.org/10.3390/pathogens10020247
  39. Fernandes, T.; Costa, I.F.M; Jorge, P.; Sousa, A.C.; André, V.; Cerca, N.; Kirillov, Alexander M.. "Silver(I) Coordination Polymers Immobilized into Biopolymer Films for Antimicrobial Applications". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 13 (2021):
    In press • 10.1021/acsami.0c19446
  40. Oliveira, F.; Lima, T.; Correia, A.; Silva, A.M.; Soares, C.; Morais, S.; Weißelberg, S.; et al. Corresponding author: Cerca, N.. "Siderophore-mediated iron acquisition plays a critical role in biofilm formation and survival of Staphylococcus epidermidis within the host". Frontiers in Medicine (2021): https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fmed.2021.799227/abstract.
    Open access • In press • 10.3389/fmed.2021.799227
  41. Melo, Luís D. R.; Pinto, Graça; Oliveira, Fernando; Vilas-Boas, Diana; Almeida, Carina; Sillankorva, Sanna; Cerca, Nuno; Azeredo, Joana. "The Protective Effect of Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm Matrix against Phage Predation". Viruses 12 10 (2020): 1076. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/v12101076.
    Open access • Published • 10.3390/v12101076
  42. Aliona S. Rosca; Joana Castro; Nuno Cerca. "Evaluation of different culture media to support in vitro growth and biofilm formation of bacterial vaginosis-associated anaerobes". PeerJ 8 (2020): e9917. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9917.
    Open access • Published • 10.7717/peerj.9917
  43. Gaio, Vânia; Cerca, Nuno. "Biofilm released cells can easily be obtained in a fed-batch system using ica+ but not with ica- isolates". PeerJ 8 (2020): e9549. http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9549.
    Open access • Published • 10.7717/peerj.9549
  44. Brás, Susana; França, Ângela; Cerca, Nuno. "Optimizing a reliable ex vivo human blood model to analyze expression of Staphylococcus epidermidis genes". PeerJ 8 (2020): e9295. http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.9295.
    Open access • Published • 10.7717/peerj.9295
  45. Castro, Joana; Jefferson, Kimberly K.; Cerca, Nuno. "Genetic Heterogeneity and Taxonomic Diversity among Gardnerella Species". Trends in Microbiology 28 3 (2020): 202-211. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tim.2019.10.002.
    Published • 10.1016/j.tim.2019.10.002
  46. Castro J; Rosca AS; Cools P; Vaneechoutte M; Cerca N. "Gardnerella vaginalis Enhances Atopobium vaginae Viability in an in vitro Model.". Frontiers in cellular and infection microbiology (2020): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/32195197.
  47. Rosca, Aliona S; Castro, Joana; Sousa, Lúcia G V; Cerca, Nuno. "Gardnerella and vaginal health: the truth is out there". FEMS Microbiology Reviews 44 1 (2020): 73-105. http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/femsre/fuz027.
    Published • 10.1093/femsre/fuz027
  48. Castro, J.; Rosca, AS; Cools, P; Vaneechoutte, M; Cerca, N. "Gardnerella vaginalis enhances Atopobium vaginae viability in an in vitro model". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 10 (2020): 83. https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fcimb.2020.00083/abstract.
    Open access • Published
  49. Fernandes, Tiago A.; André, Vânia; Arol, Aliaksandr S.; França, Ângela; Mikhalyonok, Sergei; Cerca, Nuno; Kirillov, Alexander M.. "New silver (thio)semicarbazide derivatives: synthesis, structural features, and antimicrobial activity". New Journal of Chemistry 44 26 (2020): 10924-10932. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d0nj02013c.
    Open access • Published • 10.1039/d0nj02013c
  50. Andreia Patrícia Magalhães; Ângela França; Maria Olívia Pereira; Nuno Cerca. "RNA-based qPCR as a tool to quantify and to characterize dual-species biofilms". Scientific Reports (2019): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-50094-3.
  51. Christina A Muzny; Christopher M Taylor; W Edward Swords; Ashutosh Tamhane; Debasish Chattopadhyay; Nuno Cerca; Jane R Schwebke. "An Updated Conceptual Model on the Pathogenesis of Bacterial Vaginosis". The Journal of Infectious Diseases (2019): https://doi.org/10.1093/infdis/jiz342.
  52. Gaio, Vânia; Cerca, N.. "Cells released fromS. epidermidisbiofilms present increased antibiotic tolerance to multiple antibiotics". PeerJ 7 (2019): e6884. http://dx.doi.org/10.7717/peerj.6884.
    Published • 10.7717/peerj.6884
  53. Cerca N; Cerca, N.. "Could targeting neighboring bacterial populations help combat bacterial vaginosis?". Future microbiology (2019): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/30854891.
  54. Joana Castro; Daniela Machado; Nuno Cerca. "Unveiling the role of Gardnerella vaginalis in polymicrobial Bacterial Vaginosis biofilms: the impact of other vaginal pathogens living as neighbors". The ISME Journal (2019): https://doi.org/10.1038/s41396-018-0337-0.
  55. Joana Castro; Kimberly K Jefferson; Nuno Cerca. "Innate immune components affect growth and virulence traits of bacterial-vaginosis-associated and non-bacterial-vaginosis-associated Gardnerella vaginalis strains similarly". Pathogens and Disease (2018): https://doi.org/10.1093/femspd/fty089.
  56. Melo LDR; França A; Brandão A; Sillankorva S; Cerca N; Azeredo J. "Assessment of Sep1virus interaction with stationary cultures by transcriptional and flow cytometry studies.". FEMS microbiology ecology (2018): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/30060135.
  57. Joana Castro; Ana Paula Martins; Maria Elisa Rodrigues; Nuno Cerca. "Lactobacillus crispatus represses vaginolysin expression by BV associated Gardnerella vaginalis and reduces cell cytotoxicity". Anaerobe 50 (2018): 60-63. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anaerobe.2018.01.014.
  58. Freitas AI; Lopes N; Oliveira F; Brás S; França Â; Vasconcelos C; Vilanova M; Cerca N. "Comparative analysis between biofilm formation and gene expression in Staphylococcus epidermidis isolates.". Future microbiology (2018): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29469610.
  59. Joana Castro; Angela França; Katie R. Bradwell; Myrna G. Serrano; Kimberly K. Jefferson; Nuno Cerca. "Comparative transcriptomic analysis of Gardnerella vaginalis biofilms vs. planktonic cultures using RNA-seq". npj Biofilms and Microbiomes (2017):
  60. Carvalhais V; Pérez-Cabezas B; Oliveira C; Vitorino R; Vilanova M; Cerca N. "Tetracycline and rifampicin induced a viable but nonculturable state in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms.". Future microbiology (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29227161.
  61. Gaio V; Lima CA; Oliveira F; França Â; Cerca N. "Carvacrol is highly disruptive against coagulase-negative staphylococci in in vitro biofilms.". Future microbiology (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29168651.
  62. Azeredo J; Azevedo NF; Briandet R; Cerca, N.; Coenye T; Costa AR; Desvaux M; et al. "Critical review on biofilm methods.". 43 (2017): 313-351. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27868469.
  63. Machado D; Gaspar C; Palmeira-de-Oliveira A; Cavaleiro C; Salgueiro L; Martinez-de-Oliveira J; Cerca N. "Thymbra capitata essential oil as potential therapeutic agent against Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm-related infections.". Future Microbiology 12 (2017): 407-416. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28339292.
    Published • 10.2217/fmb-2016-0184
  64. Hardy L; Cerca N; Jespers V; Vaneechoutte M; Crucitti T. "Bacterial biofilms in the vagina.". Research in Microbiology 168 (2017): 865-887. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28232119.
    Published • 10.1016/j.resmic.2017.02.001
  65. Oliveira, F.; França, Â.; Cerca, N.. "Staphylococcus epidermidis is largely dependent on iron availability to form biofilms". International Journal of Medical Microbiology (2017): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85029581013&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  66. Machado, D.; Castro, J.; Martinez-de-Oliveira, J.; Nogueira-Silva, C.; Cerca, N.. "Prevalence of bacterial vaginosis in Portuguese pregnant women and vaginal colonization by Gardnerella vaginalis". PeerJ 2017 8 (2017): e3750. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85028463293&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
    Published • 10.7717/peerj.3750
  67. França, A.; Carvalhais, V.; Vilanova, M.; Pier, G.B.; Cerca, N.. "Characterization of an in vitro fed-batch model to obtain cells released from S. epidermidis biofilms". AMB Express 6 1 (2016): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84961644611&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  68. Machado, D.; Castro, J.; Palmeira-de-Oliveira, A.; Martinez-de-Oliveira, J.; Cerca, N.. "Bacterial vaginosis biofilms: Challenges to current therapies and emerging solutions". Frontiers in Microbiology 6 JAN (2016): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84957990452&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  69. França A; Pier GB; Vilanova M; Cerca N. "Transcriptomic Analysis of Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm-Released Cells upon Interaction with Human Blood Circulating Immune Cells and Soluble Factors.". Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (2016): 1143. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27493645.
  70. Melo LD; Veiga P; Cerca N; Kropinski AM; Almeida C; Azeredo J; Sillankorva S. "Development of a Phage Cocktail to Control Proteus mirabilis Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections.". Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (2016): 1024. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27446059.
  71. França, A.; Cerca, N.. "Plasma is the main regulator of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms virulence genes transcription in human blood". Pathogens and disease 74 2 (2016): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84982313414&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  72. Oniciuc, E.-A.; Cerca, N.; Nicolau, A.I.. "Compositional analysis of biofilms formed by Staphylococcus aureus isolated from food sources". Frontiers in Microbiology 7 MAR (2016): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84964329959&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  73. Ferreirinha, P.; Pérez-Cabezas, B.; Correia, A.; Miyazawa, B.; França, A.; Carvalhais, V.; Faustino, A.; et al. "Poly-N-acetylglucosamine production by Staphylococcus epidermidis cells increases their in vivo proinflammatory effect". Infection and Immunity 84 10 (2016): 2933-2943. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84994337344&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  74. Castro, J.; Machado, D.; Cerca, N.. "Escherichia coli and Enterococcus faecalis are able to incorporate and enhance a pre-formed Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm". Pathogens and disease 74 3 (2016): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84994305255&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  75. França A; Pérez-Cabezas B; Correia A; Pier GB; Cerca N; Vilanova M; França, Angela; et al. "Staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm-Released Cells Induce a Prompt and More Marked In vivo Inflammatory-Type Response than Planktonic or Biofilm Cells.". Frontiers in Microbiology 7 (2016): 1530. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27729907.
  76. Joana Castro; Nuno Cerca. "BV and non-BV associated Gardnerella vaginalis establish similar synergistic interactions with other BV-associated microorganisms in dual-species biofilms". Anaerobe 36 (2015): 56-59. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.anaerobe.2015.10.008.
  77. Daniela Machado; Ana Palmeira-de-Oliveira; Nuno Cerca. "Optimization of culture conditions for Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm formation". Journal of Microbiological Methods 118 (2015): 143-146. https://doi.org/10.1016%2Fj.mimet.2015.09.007.
  78. Carvalhais, V.; Cerca, N.; Vilanova, M.; Vitorino, R.. "Proteomic profile of dormancy within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms using iTRAQ and label-free strategies". Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99 6 (2015): 2751-2762. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84925485159&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  79. Machado, A.; Cerca, N.. "Influence of biofilm formation by gardnerella vaginalis and other anaerobes on bacterial vaginosis". Journal of Infectious Diseases 212 12 (2015): 1856-1861. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84945420227&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  80. Carvalhais, V.; Amado, F.; Cerveira, F.; Ferreira, R.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.; Vitorino, R.. "Immunoreactive pattern of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm against human whole saliva". Electrophoresis 36 9-10 (2015): 1228-1233. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84929517924&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  81. Carvalhais, V.; Cerveira, F.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.; Vitorino, R.. "An immunoproteomic approach for characterization of dormancy within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms". Molecular Immunology 65 2 (2015): 429-435. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84924388141&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  82. Oliveira, F.; Lima, C.A.; Brás, S.; França, Â.; Cerca, N.. "Evidence for inter- and intraspecies biofilm formation variability among a small group of coagulase-negative staphylococci". FEMS Microbiology Letters 362 20 (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84947742655&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  83. Carvalhais, V.; França, A.; Pier, G.B.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.; Vitorino, R.. "Comparative proteomic and transcriptomic profile of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms grown in glucose-enriched medium". Talanta 132 (2015): 705-712. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84910054212&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  84. Castro, J.; Alves, P.; Sousa, C.; Cereija, T.; França, Â.; Jefferson, K.K.; Cerca, N.. "Using an in-vitro biofilm model to assess the virulence potential of Bacterial Vaginosis or non-Bacterial Vaginosis Gardnerella vaginalis isolates". Scientific Reports 5 (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84933574776&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  85. da Costa, J.P.; Carvalhais, V.; Ferreira, R.; Amado, F.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.; Vitorino, R.. "Proteome signatures how are they obtained and what do they teach us?". Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 99 18 (2015): 7417-7431. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84939566811&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  86. Machado, A.; Castro, J.; Cereija, T.; Almeida, C.; Cerca, N.. "Diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis by a new multiplex peptide nucleic acid fluorescence in situ hybridization method". PeerJ 2015 2 (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84926453746&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  87. Ojala, T.; Kankainen, M.; Castro, J.; Cerca, N.; Edelman, S.; Westerlund-Wikström, B.; Paulin, L.; Holm, L.; Auvinen, P.. "Comparative genomics of Lactobacillus crispatus suggests novel mechanisms for the competitive exclusion of Gardnerella vaginalis". BMC Genomics 15 1 (2014): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84924290099&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  88. Melo, L.D.R.; Sillankorva, S.; Ackermann, H.-W.; Kropinski, A.M.; Azeredo, J.; Cerca, N.. "Characterization of staphylococcus epidermidis phage vB_SepS_SEP9 - a unique member of the siphoviridae family". Research in Microbiology 165 8 (2014): 679-685. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84910020657&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  89. Carvalhais, V.; Franca¸, A.; Cerca, F.; Vitorino, R.; Pier, G.B.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.. "Dormancy within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: A transcriptomic analysis by RNA-seq". Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 98 6 (2014): 2585-2596. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84907809221&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  90. Silva, D.; Henriques, A.; Cereija, T.; Martinez-De-Oliveira, J.; Miranda, M.; Cerca, N.. "Prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginae in Portuguese women and association with risk factors for bacterial vaginosis". International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics 124 2 (2014): 178-179. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84892364945&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  91. França, A.; Carvalhais, V.; Maira-Litrán, T.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.; Pier, G.. "Alterations in the Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm transcriptome following interaction with whole human blood". Pathogens and Disease 70 3 (2014): 444-448. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84910082031&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  92. Melo, L.D.R.; Sillankorva, S.; Ackermann, H.-W.; Kropinski, A.M.; Azeredo, J.; Cerca, N.. "Isolation and characterization of a new Staphylococcus epidermidis broad-spectrum bacteriophage". Journal of General Virology 95 PART 2 (2014): 506-515. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84892567534&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  93. Cerca, F.; França, Â.; Pérez-Cabezas, B.; Carvalhais, V.; Ribeiro, A.; Azeredo, J.; Pier, G.; Cerca, N.; Vilanova, M.. "Dormant bacteria within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms have low inflammatory properties and maintain tolerance to vancomycin and penicillin after entering planktonic growth". Journal of Medical Microbiology 63 (2014): 1274-1283. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84907289386&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  94. Bento, J.C.; Lane, K.D.; Read, E.K.; Cerca, N.; Christie, G.E.. "Sequence determinants for DNA packaging specificity in the S. aureus pathogenicity island SaPI1". Plasmid 71 1 (2014): 8-15. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84893400286&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  95. Freitas, A.I.; Vasconcelos, C.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.. "Optimization of an automatic counting system for the quantification of Staphylococcus epidermidis cells in biofilms". Journal of Basic Microbiology 54 7 (2014): 750-757. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84904112473&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  96. Alves, P.; Castro, J.; Sousa, C.; Cereija, T.B.; Cerca, N.. "Gardnerella vaginalis Outcompetes 29 other bacterial species isolated from patients with bacterial vaginosis, using in an in vitro biofilm formation model". Journal of Infectious Diseases 210 4 (2014): 593-596. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84905583442&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  97. Sousa, C.; França, A.; Cerca, N.. "Assessing and reducing sources of gene expression variability in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms". BioTechniques 57 6 (2014): 295-301. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84916933580&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  98. Oliveira, F.; Cerca, N.; Oliveira F; Cerca N. "Antibiotic resistance and biofilm formation ability among coagulase-negative staphylococci in healthy individuals from Portugal.". The Journal of antibiotics 66 12 (2013): 739-741. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84894452976&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  99. Machado, A.; Jefferson, K.K.; Cerca, N.. "Interactions between Lactobacillus crispatus and bacterial vaginosis (BV)-associated bacterial species in initial attachment and biofilm formation". International journal of molecular sciences 14 6 (2013): 12004-12012. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84904287067&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  100. França, A.; Vilanova, M.; Cerca, N.; Pier, G.B.. "Monoclonal antibody raised against PNAG has variable effects on static S. Epidermidis biofilm accumulation in vitro". International Journal of Biological Sciences 9 5 (2013): 518-520. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84879316453&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  101. Almeida, C.; Azevedo, N.F.; Bento, J.C.; Cerca, N.; Ramos, H.; Vieira, M.J.; Keevil, C.W.. "Rapid detection of urinary tract infections caused by Proteus spp. using PNA-FISH". European Journal of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases 32 6 (2013): 781-786. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878237552&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  102. Machado, A.; Salgueiro, D.; Harwich, M.; Jefferson, K.K.; Cerca, N.. "Quantitative analysis of initial adhesion of bacterial vaginosis-associated anaerobes to ME-180 cells". Anaerobe 23 (2013): 1-4. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84882771136&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  103. Oliveir, H.; Melo, L.D.R.; Santos, S.B.; Nóbrega, F.L.; Ferreira, E.C.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, J.; Kluskens, L.D.. "Molecular aspects and comparative genomics of bacteriophage endolysins". Journal of Virology 87 8 (2013): 4558-4570. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84875774723&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  104. Castro, J.; Henriques, A.; Machado, A.; Henriques, M.; Jefferson, K.K.; Cerca, N.. "Reciprocal interference between Lactobacillus spp. and Gardnerella vaginalis on initial adherence to epithelial cells". International Journal of Medical Sciences 10 9 (2013): 1193-1198. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84880604658&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  105. Machado, A.; Almeida, C.; Salgueiro, D.; Henriques, A.; Vaneechoutte, M.; Haesebrouck, F.; Vieira, M.J.; et al. "Fluorescence in situ Hybridization method using Peptide Nucleic Acid probes for rapid detection of Lactobacillus and Gardnerella spp.". BMC Microbiology 13 1 (2013): 64-70. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84876910736&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  106. Cerca, N.; Gomes, F.; Bento, J.C.; França, A.; Rolo, J.; Miragaia, M.; Teixeira, P.; Oliveira, R.. "Farnesol induces cell detachment from established S. epidermidis biofilms". Journal of Antibiotics 66 5 (2013): 255-258. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878586368&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  107. Cereija, T.B.; Castro, J.; Alves, P.; Cerca, N.. "Influence of anaerobic conditions on vaginal microbiota recovery from bacterial vaginosis patients". Sexually Transmitted Infections 89 4 (2013): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878183691&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  108. Carvalhais, V.; Delgado-Rastrollo, M.; Melo, L.D.R.; Cerca, N.. "Controlled RNA contamination and degradation and its impact on qPCR gene expression in S. epidermidis biofilms". Journal of Microbiological Methods 95 2 (2013): 195-200. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884277357&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  109. França, A.; Bento, J.C.; Cerca, N.. "Variability of RNA quality extracted from biofilms of foodborne pathogens using different kits impacts mRNA quantification by qPCR". Current Microbiology 65 1 (2012): 54-59. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84862757990&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  110. Isakov, D.; De Matos Gomes, E.; Belsley, M.S.; Almeida, B.; Cerca, N.. "Strong enhancement of second harmonic generation in 2-methyl-4-nitroaniline nanofibers". Nanoscale 4 16 (2012): 4978-4982. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84864434168&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  111. França, A.; Freitas, A.I.; Henriques, A.F.; Cerca, N.. "Optimizing a qPCR gene expression quantification assay for S. epidermidis biofilms: A comparison between commercial kits and a customized protocol". PLoS ONE 7 5 (2012): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84861325384&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  112. Henriques, A.F.; Martinez-de-Oliveira, J.; Cerca, N.. "Doctor's perception on bacterial vaginosis in Portugal: Prevalence, diagnostic methods and choice of treatment". Sexually Transmitted Infections 88 6 (2012): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84869160759&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  113. Cerca, N.; Gomes, F.; Pereira, S.; Teixeira, P.; Oliveira, R.. "Confocal laser scanning microscopy analysis of S. epidermidis biofilms exposed to farnesol, vancomycin and rifampicin". BMC Research Notes 5 (2012): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84860990437&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  114. Henriques, A.; Cereija, T.; MacHado, A.; Cerca, N.. "In silico vs in vitro analysis of primer specificity for the detection of Gardnerella vaginalis, Atopobium vaginae and Lactobacillus spp.". BMC Research Notes 5 (2012): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84868697384&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  115. Cerca, F.; Trigo, G.; Correia, A.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, J.; Vilanova, M.. "SYBR green as a fluorescent probe to evaluate the biofilm physiological state of staphylococcus epidermidis, using flow cytometry". Canadian Journal of Microbiology 57 10 (2011): 850-856. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80053254111&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  116. Rodrigues, D.; Cerca, N.; Teixeira, P.; Oliveira, R.; Ceri, H.; Azeredo, J.. "Listeria monocytogenes and Salmonella enterica Enteritidis biofilms susceptibility to different disinfectants and stress-response and virulence gene expression of surviving cells". Microbial Drug Resistance 17 2 (2011): 181-189. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79957654228&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  117. Cerca, F.; França, Â.; Guimarães, R.; Hinzmann, M.; Cerca, N.; Lobo da Cunha, A.; Azeredo, J.; Vilanova, M.. "Modulation of poly-N-acetylglucosamine accumulation within mature Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms grown in excess glucose". Microbiology and Immunology 55 10 (2011): 673-682. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80053331479&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  118. Cerca, F.; Andrade, F.; França, Â.; Andrade, E.B.; Ribeiro, A.; Almeida, A.A.; Cerca, N.; et al. "Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms with higher proportions of dormant bacteria induce a lower activation of murine macrophages". Journal of Medical Microbiology 60 12 (2011): 1717-1724. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-81355153709&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  119. França, A.; Melo, L.D.; Cerca, N.. "Comparison of RNA extraction methods from biofilm samples of Staphylococcus epidermidis". BMC Research Notes 4 (2011): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84855172988&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  120. Gomes, F.; Teixeira, P.; Cerca, N.; Ceri, H.; Oliveira, R.. "Virulence gene expression by staphylococcus epidermidis Biofilm cells exposed to antibiotics". Microbial Drug Resistance 17 2 (2011): 191-196. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79957654229&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  121. Gomes, F.; Teixeira, P.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, J.; Oliveira, R.. "Effect of farnesol on structure and composition of staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm matrix". Current Microbiology 63 4 (2011): 354-359. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-80052777068&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  122. Gomes, F.; Leite, B.; Teixeira, P.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, J.; Oliveira, R.. "Farnesol as antibiotics adjuvant in staphylococcus epidermidis control in vitro". American Journal of the Medical Sciences 341 3 (2011): 191-195. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79952069898&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  123. MacKey-Lawrence, N.M.; Potter, D.E.; Cerca, N.; Jefferson, K.K.. "Staphylococcus aureus immunodominant surface antigen B is a cell-surface associated nucleic acid binding protein". BMC Microbiology 9 (2009): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-65349158190&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  124. Cerca, N.; Jefferson, K.K.. "Effect of growth conditions on poly-N-acetylglucosamine expression and biofilm formation in Escherichia coli". FEMS Microbiology Letters 283 1 (2008): 36-41. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-42649108719&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  125. Cerca, N.; Brooks, J.L.; Jefferson, K.K.. "Regulation of the intercellular adhesin locus regulator (icaR) by SarA, sB, and IcaR in Staphylococcus aureus". Journal of Bacteriology 190 19 (2008): 6530-6533. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-52649121848&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  126. Cerca, N.; Maira-Litrán, T.; Jefferson, K.K.; Grout, M.; Goldmann, D.A.; Pier, G.B.. "Protection against Escherichia coli infection by antibody to the Staphylococcus aureus poly-N-acetylglucosamine surface polysaccharide". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 104 18 (2007): 7528-7533. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34250681411&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  127. Cerca, N.; Oliveira, R.; Azeredo, J.. "Susceptibility of Staphylococcus epidermidis planktonic cells and biofilms to the lytic action of staphylococcus bacteriophage K". Letters in Applied Microbiology 45 3 (2007): 313-317. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34548073047&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  128. Cerca, N.; Jefferson, K.K.; Maira-Litrán, T.; Pier, D.B.; Kelly-Quintos, C.; Goldmann, D.A.; Azeredo, J.; Pier, G.B.. "Molecular basis for preferential protective efficacy of antibodies directed to the poorly acetylated form of staphylococcal poly-N-acetyl-ß-(1-6)- glucosamine". Infection and Immunity 75 7 (2007): 3406-3413. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-34447249875&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  129. Cerca, N.; Jefferson, K.K.; Oliveira, R.; Pier, G.B.; Azeredo, J.. "Comparative antibody-mediated phagocytosis of Staphylococcus epidermidis cells grown in a biofilm or in the planktonic state". Infection and Immunity 74 8 (2006): 4849-4855. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33746649058&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  130. Jefferson, K.K.; Cerca, N.. "Bacterial-bacterial cell interactions in biofilms: detection of polysaccharide intercellular adhesins by blotting and confocal microscopy.". Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, N.J.) 341 (2006): 119-126. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-33750628013&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  131. Cerca, N.; Martins, S.; Cerca, F.; Jefferson, K.K.; Pier, G.B.; Oliveira, R.; Azeredo, J.. "Comparative assessment of antibiotic susceptibility of coagulase-negative staphylococci in biofilm versus planktonic culture as assessed by bacterial enumeration or rapid XTT colorimetry". Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 56 2 (2005): 331-336. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-23844556314&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  132. Cerca, N.; Pier, G.B.; Vilanova, M.; Oliveira, R.; Azeredo, J.. "Quantitative analysis of adhesion and biofilm formation on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces of clinical isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis". Research in Microbiology 156 4 (2005): 506-514. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-18144408337&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  133. Cerca, N.; Martins, S.; Sillankorva, S.; Jefferson, K.K.; Pier, G.B.; Oliveira, R.; Azeredo, J.. "Effects of growth in the presence of subinhibitory concentrations of dicloxacillin on Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus haemolyticus biofilms". Applied and Environmental Microbiology 71 12 (2005): 8677-8682. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-29144467041&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  134. Henriques, M.; Cerca, N.; Azeredo, J.; Oliveira, R.. "Influence of sub-inhibitory concentrations of antimicrobial agents on biofilm formation in indwelling medical devices". International Journal of Artificial Organs 28 11 (2005): 1181-1185. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-30644466730&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  135. Cerca, N.; Martins, S.; Pier, G.B.; Oliveira, R.; Azeredo, J.. "The relationship between inhibition of bacterial adhesion to a solid surface by sub-MICs of antibiotics and subsequent development of a biofilm". Research in Microbiology 156 5-6 (2005): 650-655. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-20444399112&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  136. Cerca, N.; Pier, G.B.; Oliveira, R.; Azeredo, J.. "Comparative evaluation of coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) adherence to acrylic by a static method and a parallel-plate flow dynamic method". Research in Microbiology 155 9 (2004): 755-760. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-6344233289&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  137. Cerca, N.; Pier, G.B.; Vilanova, M.; Oliveira, R.; Azeredo, J.. "Influence of batch or fed-batch growth on Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation". Letters in Applied Microbiology 39 5 (2004): 420-424. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-7044224879&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Journal issue
  1. Cerca, N.; Briandet, R.. "Methods in Biofilms: 2022". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (2022): https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/39902/methods-in-biofilms-2022.
    Published • Coeditor
  2. Swidsinski, A; Vaneechoutte, M.; Cerca, N.. "Bacterial Vaginosis, a Model of True Polymicrobial Infections: Genetics, Evolution, Clinical and Socio-Clinical Implications". Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (2020): https://www.frontiersin.org/research-topics/9614/bacterial-vaginosis-a-model-of-true-polymicrobial-infections-genetics-evolution-clinical-and-socio-c.
    Published • 10.3389/978-2-88966-222-7 • Coeditor
Magazine article
  1. Cerca, Nuno. "A vaginose bacteriana e o seu impacto nas mulheres portuguesas", Magazine da Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia, 2015, https://spmicrobiologia.files.wordpress.com/2015/03/2015412-03.pdf.
  2. Henriques, A.; Vasconcelos, C.; Cerca, N.. "A importância dos biofilmes nas infeções nosocomiais - o estado da arte", Arquivos de Medicina, 2013, http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84901415231&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Newsletter article
  1. Cerca, N.. "Portugal: Postdoc rights need not hurt productivity", Nature, 2016, https://www.nature.com/articles/532441b.
  2. Cerca, N.; Lopes, J.; Jorge, M.. "Young scientists: Research problems in Portugal run deep", Nature, 2014, https://www.nature.com/articles/507431e.
Newspaper article
  1. Rodrigues, A.J.; Zille, A.; Lúcio, J.; Castro, N.; Cerca, N.; Pires, R. "É necessário debater a política de emprego científico em Portugal", Público, 2023, https://www.publico.pt/2023/06/04/ciencia/opiniao/necessario-debater-politica-emprego-cientifico-portugal-2051950.
  2. Cerca, N.. "FCT Tenure: um tiro muito ao lado", Público, 2023, https://www.publico.pt/2023/05/20/ciencia/opiniao/fcttenure-tiro-lado-2050368.
  3. Cerca, N.. "Os dois pecados capitais no recrutamento de cientistas", Jornal Económico, 2022, https://leitor.jornaleconomico.pt/download?token=efe22999587c54bb11389b653c0ad30e&file=ESP_JE_UNI_181.pdf.
  4. Cerca, N.. "Como implementar uma carreira de investigação sustentável sem gastar mais dinheiro público", Público, 2022, https://www.publico.pt/2022/03/12/ciencia/opiniao/implementar-carreira-investigacao-sustentavel-gastar-dinheiro-publico-1998237.
  5. Cerca, N.. "A FCT não quer (nem deve) gerir carreiras científicas", Público, 2022, https://www.publico.pt/2022/03/02/ciencia/opiniao/fct-nao-quer-gerir-carreiras-cientificas-1997194.
  6. Cerca, N.. "Nem a reforma salva os investigadores do desemprego", Público, 2021, https://www.publico.pt/2021/03/13/ciencia/opiniao/reforma-salva-investigadores-desemprego-1954224.
  7. Cerca, N.. "O Rei vai nu (ou o dia em que a FCT desbaratou o grau de doutoramento)", Público, 2021, https://www.publico.pt/2021/02/18/ciencia/opiniao/rei-vai-nu-dia-fct-desbaratou-grau-doutoramento-1950964.
  8. Cerca, N.. "Lucky Luke, o cientista mais rápido do faroeste", Público, 2020, https://www.publico.pt/2020/11/20/ciencia/opiniao/lucky-luke-cientista-rapido-faroeste-1939913.
  9. Cerca, N.. "O curioso caso das taxas de sucesso da FCT", Público, 2020, https://www.publico.pt/2020/11/13/ciencia/opiniao/curioso-caso-taxas-sucesso-fct-1938919.
  10. Cerca, N.. "FCT anuncia novo sorteio de recrutamento de investigadores", Expresso, 2020, https://expresso.pt/opiniao/2020-01-08-FCT-anuncia-novo-sorteio-de-recrutamento-de-investigadores-doutorados-1.
  11. Cerca, N.. "É bom que se saiba: sem investigação, as universidades vão à falência!", Público, 2019, https://www.publico.pt/2019/12/17/ciencia/noticia/bom-saiba-investigacao-universidades-vao-falencia-1897580.
  12. Cerca, N.. "O PREVPAP do Governo, o CRUP e a farsa que nos tentam vender", Público, 2018, https://www.publico.pt/2018/03/29/ciencia/opiniao/o-prevpap-do-governo-o-crup-e-a-farsa-que-nos-tentam-vender-1808377.
  13. Cerca, N.. "E quem avalia os avaliadores?", Público, 2014, https://www.publico.pt/2014/08/19/ciencia/opiniao/e-quem-avalia-os-avaliadores-1666807.
  1. Cerca, N.. Biofilms 7. 2016. http://biofilms7.wordpress.com.
  2. Cerca, N.. 4th Internacional practical course on Biofilm Science. 2014. http://biofilmcourse4.wordpress.com.
  3. Cerca, N.. Microbiotec'11. 2011. http://microbiotec11.wordpress.com.
  4. Cerca, N.. Nuno Cerca research website. 2011. http://microbialbiofilms.wordpress.com/).
  5. Cerca, N.. Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms. 2010. http://biofilmtranscriptomics.wordpress.com.
  6. Cerca, N.. ANICT. 2009. http://anict.pt.

Artistic / Performance

Video recording
  1. Cerca, N.; Center of Biological Engineering (Producer); Cerca, N. (Director). 2016. Biofilms7 in 7 minutes. YouTube.
  2. Cerca, N.; Kluskens, L.D.; Mota, M.; Centre of Biological Enginnering (Producer); Cerca, N. (Director). 2012. Divulgation video to celebrate the Center of Biological Engineering 1000th paper. YouTube.

Intellectual property

  1. Machado, A.; Almeida, C.; Vieira, M.J.; Azevedo, N.F.; Cerca, Nuno. 2012. "PNA probes, kit and method to detect Lactobacillus spp and/or Gardnerella spp. and respective applications". Portugal.


Other output
  1. Ciência e Inovação em Portugal 2020-2030: Propostas para promover a qualidade científica, emprego e carreiras para doutorados na próxima década. ANICT proposal for integrated strategies to promote quality in science and proper career development.. 2020. Cerca, N.; Ferreira, A.; Gonçalves, A.; Santos, H.; Amaral, J..
  2. Polymicrobial infections and biofilms in women's health. Editorial in Research in Microbiology (2017) 168(9-10):902-904. 2017. Cerca, N.; Vaneechoutte, M.; Guschin, A.; Swidsinski, A. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resmic.2017.07.002.
  3. Current Labor situation of Young Doctoral Researchers in Portugal. ANICT nationwide survey aimed to assess the labor situation of Doctoral Researchers in Portugal,. 2014. Cerca, N.; Azevedo, N.F.; Lourenço, N.; van Hattum-Janssen, N.; Gomes, R.; Figueiredo, L.; Magalhães, L.; Kluskens, L.D.. https://goo.gl/J65JkP.
  4. Análise económica à proposta de transformação das bolsas de investigação em contratos de trabalho a termo. Economic analysis of the costs involved in transforming post-doctoral scholarships in post-doctoral work contracts.. 2014. Cerca, N. (8B1A-CCA1-E0AE); Azevedo, N.F.; Lourenço, N.; van Hattum-Janssen, N.; Gomes, R.; Figueiredo, L.; Magalhães, L.; Kluskens, L.D.. https://goo.gl/ChP13T.
  5. Princípios orientadores para a criação do Estatuto do Trabalhador de Investigação Científica e subsequente aplicação na futura reestruturação da Carreira de Investigação Científica. ANICT proposal for the creation of a new legal statute for the scientific workers.. 2014. Cerca, N.; Azevedo, N.F.; Lourenço, N.; van Hattum-Janssen, N.; Gomes, R.; Figueiredo, L.; Magalhães, L.; Kluskens, L.D.. https://goo.gl/LkgCJj.
  6. Inquérito à disponibilidade para participação em painel imparcial de avaliação de bolsas individuais FCT. National survey addressing the availability to participate in impartial FCT evaluation committees. 2014. Cerca, N.; Azevedo, N.F.; Lourenço, N.; van Hattum-Janssen, N.; Gomes, R.; Figueiredo, L.; Magalhães, L.; Kluskens, L.D.. https://goo.gl/3eHK1u.
  7. Plano para a Excelência na Investigação. ANICT proposal to address several key issues regarding scientific activity in Portugal with the aim to improve scientific endeavor in Portugal.. 2012. Jorge, M.; Rodrigues, J; Otero, N.; Cerca, N.; Lopes, J.; Wagner, F.; Luzyanin, K.; et al. https://goo.gl/ggLZpE.
  8. What comes next after Ciência 2007&2008?. National report on the implication of the Ciência governmental program and the phenomena of Brain-drain.. 2012. Jorge, M.; Rodrigues, J; Otero, N.; Cerca, N.; Lopes, J.; Wagner, F.; Luzyanin, K.; et al. https://goo.gl/yWcg3b.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/09 The Evolving Mystery of BV Etiology: The Role of Gardnerella, Prevotella, and Fannyhessea in BV Pathogenesis 25th IUSTI World Congress
International Union Against Sexually Transmitted Infection (Sydney, Australia)
2023/12 Probing bacterial interactions in polymicrobial biofilms to better understand Bacterial vaginosis Microbiotec'23
Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia & Sociedade Portuguesa de Biotecnologia (Covilhã, Portugal)
2023/07 Advances in BV biofilm research and investigational treatments in this area STI & HIV 2023 World Congress
American Sexually Transmitted Diseases Association (Chicago, United States)
2022/04 Understanding microbial interactions in infectious diseases to improve diagnostic and therapeutic success 3º BioIberoAmericana: Ibero-American Congress on Biotechnology
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory & University of Minho (Braga, Portugal)
2022/03 Microbial Interactions in Infectious Diseases and the Therapeutic Challenges XIII Symposium on Bioengineering
Faculdade de Engenharia da Universidade do Porto (Porto)
2021/11 Bacterial vaginosis biofilms: studying interactions within bacterial species can lead to new diagnostic and treatment options X Jubilee International Scientific-Practical Conference Molecular Diagnostics 2021
(Moscow, Russia)
2021/07 New insights into Gardnerella and other BV-associated bacteria Sexual diversity and the city: STI & HIV 2021 World Congress
2021/06 Microbial interactions in bacterial vaginosis 31st ECCMID
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases (Vienna, Austria)
2020/10 As vantagens do óleo essencial de Thymbra capitata no combate à vaginose bacteriana Congreso de Fitoterapia Ciudad de Oviedo
2019/12 On the old story of the accidental pathogen: can transcriptomics clarify how S. epidermidis becomes virulent? Microbiotec’19
Portuguese Society of Microbiology (Coimbra, Portugal)
2019/11 Single-species and Multi-species Biofilms and its Impact in Disease Annual Conference and International Symposium on Microbial Technologies in Sustainable Development of Energy, Environment, Agriculture and Health
Indian Society of Microbiology (Mahendragarh, India)
2019/10 Possible associations of the novel described Gardnerella species and virulence properties 3rd ISIDOG Congress
International Society for Infectious Diseases in Obstetrics and Gynaecology (Porto, Portugal)
2019/09 Viable but non-culturable state: a strategy for Staphylococcus aureus survivable in dual-species biofilms with Pseudomonas aeruginosa? Eurobiofilms 2019
(Glasgow, United Kingdom)
2018/06 The microbiome during bacterial vaginosis: who is cooperating with Gardnerella vaginalis in enhancing crucial gene expression in a dual-species biofilm model? IUSTI 2018 World & European Congress
The International Union against Sexually Transmitted Infections (Dublin, Ireland)
2017/12 S. epidermidis lifecycle: how bacteria trick the host and the clinician? Microbiotec 2017
Portuguese Society of Microbiology & Portuguese Society of Biotecnhology (Porto, Portugal)
2017/11 Can cooperation within the vaginal microbiome lead to the development of bacterial vaginosis? Our well-being and our microbes
New Zealand Microbiological Society (Auckland, New Zealand)
2017/05 Studying biofilms in vitro Polymicrobial infections and biofilms symposium
Charité Universitätsmedizin (Gahro & Berlim, Germany)
2016/12 Learnings from the Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm model Phage therapy for female urogenital infections – First interdisciplinary international symposium
PhagoMed (Braunschweig, Germany)
2016/10 Characterization of a new twortlikevirus infecting Staphylococcus epidermidis that exhibits activity against biofilm and stationary bacterial populations Bacteriophages: Theoretical and practical aspects of their application in Medicine, Veterinary and Food
(Moscow, Russia)
2016/06 What happens to Gardnerella vaginalis when growing as a biofilm: a comparative transcriptomic analyses by RNA-seq Biofilms7
CEB Minho University & LEPABE Porto University (Porto, Portugal)
2016/06 A Proteus mirabilis phage cocktail to prevent Catheter-associated Urinary Tract Infections 4th World Congress on Targeting Infectious Diseases (dedicated to Phage Therapy)
(Paris, France)
2016/05 Potential of Thymbra capitata essential oil as therapeutic agent against Gardnerella vaginalis biofilm- related infections 6th International Congress of Aromatic and Medicinal Plants
(Coimbra, Portugal)
2016 Transcriptomics of infectious biofilms Encontro Ciência’16
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Lisboa, Portugal)
2015/12 Towards S. epidermidis biofilm dormancy characterization Microbiotec’15
Portuguese Society of Microbiology & Portuguese Society of Biotechnology (Évora, Portugal)
2015/06 Dormancy within Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms: an immunoproteomic characterization Eurobiofilms 2015
ESCMID (Brno, Czech Republic)
2015/06 S. epidermidis response to human blood and its cellular and soluble components Eurobiofilms 2015
ESCMID (Brno, Czech Republic)
2014/09 Isolation of clinical strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis from a Portuguese hospital and assessment of their relationship between biofilm formation capacity and antimicrobial resistance ICAR 2014
Formatex Research Center (Madrid, Spain)
2014/09 Troubleshooting gene expression quantification in biofilms 2nd BacFoodNet Training School: Hands-on course in advanced techniques to study food-biofilms
Center of Biological Engineering of Minho University (Braga, Portugal)
2014/08 Biofilm dispersal and its impact in bacterial virulence 1st International NanoBiotechnology Symposium (NanoBioTech 2014)
(Koycegiz, Turkey)
2014/07 It’s about time to disperse 4th International Practical Course - Advanced Practical Course on Biofilms
Center of Biological Engineering, Minho University (Braga, Portugal)
2013/12 Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm lifecycle and its virulence: from plantkonic growth, to biofilm structure and systemic dissemination Microbiotec'13
Portuguese Society of Microbiology & Portuguese Society of Biotechnology (Aveiro, Portugal)
2013/12 The role of Gardnerella vaginalis in mixed species biofilms occurrence in bacterial vaginosis and its prevalence in Portugal Microbiotec'13
Portuguese Society of Microbiology and Portuguese Society of Biotechnology (Aveiro, Portugal)
2013/10 Can a specific sub-group of biofilm- forming Gardnerella vaginalis strains be the real causative agent of bacterial vaginosis? ESIDOG 2013
(London, United Kingdom)
2013/10 Quantitative analysis of initial adhesion of bacterial vaginosis anaerobes in ME-180 cells BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology
Formatex Research Center (Madrid, Spain)
2013/10 Functional analysis of virulence potential from Gardnerela vaginalis and other anaerobes commonly associated with bacterial vaginosis BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology
Formatex Research Center (Madrid, Spain)
2013/10 A first new look into the interaction of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm-released cells with the host immune system BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology
Formatex Research Center (Madrid, Spain)
2013/10 Genomic characterization of the Staphylococcus epidermidis-specific bacteriophage SEP1 and evaluation of its lytic activity against bacterial under different metabolic states BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology
Formatex Research Center (Madrid, Spain)
2013/10 Molecular and functional aspects of bacteriophage endolysins BioMicroWorld2013: V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology
Formatex Research Center (Marid, Spain)
2012/12 Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm dispersal cells: an intermediary phenotype? Biofilms5
(Paris, France)
2012/11 Farnesol antimicrobial role as biofilm cell detachment inducer in S. epidermidis biofilms International Conference on Antimicrobial Research
Formatex Research Center (Lisbon, Portugal)
2012/10 Can bacteriophages be effective in controlling harmful biofilms? Biofilms5
(Paris, France)
2012/07 Isolation and characterization of bacteriophages with antimicrobial activity against S. epidermidis biofilms Bacteriophages and probiotics – alternatives to antibiotics
(Tbilisi, Georgia)
2011/07 Lactobacillus spp. Identification in Mixed Samples by PNA FISH Eurobiofilms 2011
(Copenhagen, Denmark)
2011/05 Quantifying gene expression in biofilms 3rd International Practical Course on Biofilm Sciences - Biofilms: from Basic to Emergent
Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal)
2008/07 Antibodies against the Staphylococcus aureus polysaccharide PNAG in the protection against Escherichia coli Encontro Ciência em Portugal - Ciência 2008
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (Lisboa, Portugal)
2008/05 When bacteria goes polygamic I Biofilm in Health Symposium
Tromso University (Tromso, Norway)
2006/06 Phenotypic differences between planktonic and biofilm Staphylococcus epidermidis cells that affect virulence 12th International Congress of Infectious Diseases
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2003/12 Adhesion and biofilm formation of clinical isolates of Staphylococcus haemolyticus on medical relevant surfaces 1st Iberian Congress of Biology students
Universidade de Évora (Évora, Portugal)
2003/09 Differences in adhesion and biofilm formation of several clinical strains of Staphylococcus epidermidis Gordon Research Conferences on Staphylococcal diseases
GRC (Oxford, United Kingdom)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2023/02 - Current Exploring the transcriptome of Bacterial Vaginosis multi-species biofilms during antimicrobials challenge to better understand recurrence
Supervisor of Inês Guedes Lameira
Engenharia Química e Biológica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021/02 - Current Assessing triggers of Bacterial vaginosis development by assessing microbial interactions during initial adhesion
Supervisor of Ângela Martins Lima
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2020/09 - Current Unveiling microbial interactions between Gardnerella vaginalis and Prevotella bivia during bacterial vaginosis
Supervisor of Lúcia Filipa Guimarães Vieira de Sousa
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018/11 - 2023/12/06 The role of codY and pdhA in S. epidermidis biofilms
Co-supervisor of Nathalie de Sá Lopes
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2021/09 - 2022/11 Novel Multifunctional Bioactive Metal-Organic Frameworks as New Anti-Biofilm Agents
Supervisor of Filipa Isabel Guimarães Macedo
Biotecnologia (Master)
2016/10 - 2022/11 Ecological interactions in Pseudomonas aeruginosa - Staphylococcus aureus mixed biofilms: deciphering co-infection in cystic fibrosis airways
Co-supervisor of Andreia Patrícia Alves Magalhães
Engenharia Química e Biológica (PhD)
2017/10 - 2022/05 S. epidermidis putative toxin-antitoxin module mazEF: the role in VBNC formation and impact on the immune system
Co-supervisor of Vânia da Silva Gaio
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2016/10 - 2021/07 Multi-species biofilms in bacterial vaginosis: ecological interactions and susceptibility to novel antimicrobial agents
Supervisor of Aliona Sergiu Rosca
Engenharia Química e Biológica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2019/02 - 2021/06 Searching for novel antimicrobial agents against mixed species BV biofilms
Supervisor of Joana Isabel Reis Castro
Post-doctoral fellowship (PTDC/BIA-MIC/28271/2017) (Other)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2020/02 - 2021/05 Impact of S. epidermidis dormancy and persistence in host pathogenesis
Supervisor of Fernando Eduardo Freitas de Oliveira
Post-doctoral fellowship (PTDC/BIA-MOL/29553/2017) (Other)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2019/09 - 2020/12 Potencial antimicrobiano do óleo essencial de Thymbra capitata contra isolados de Staphylococcus aureus resistentes à meticilina (SARM) de múltiplos ambientes
Supervisor of Luciana Mayara Mendonça de Almeida
Biologia Molecular, Biotecnologia e Bioempreendedorismo em Plantas (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/12 - 2020/09 The adaptation of Staphylococcus epidermidis commensal and clinical isolates to human blood: the search for molecular diagnostics markers
Supervisor of Susana Maria Pereira Brás
Engenharia Química e Biológica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2015/12 - 2019/12 The role of iron uptake in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation and virulence
Supervisor of Fernando Eduardo Freitas de Oliveira
Bioengenharia (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2019/02 - 2019/11 Caracterização fenotípica de isolados de Staphylococcus epidermidis após interação com sangue humano
Co-supervisor of Beatriz Alexandra Pinto dos Santos
Biotecnologia (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2018/09 - 2019/10 Determinação da capacidade antimicrobiana na vaginose bacteriana e efeitos sinergísticos dos componentes principais do óleo essencial de Thymbra capitata
Supervisor of Lúcia Filipa Guimarães Vieira de Sousa
Engenharia Biomédica (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2018/09 - 2019/08 Comparing ex vivo human blood model with in vitro mammals blood models for phenotypic characterization of S. epidermidis
Co-supervisor of Helena Sofia Pereira Teixeira
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2017/07 - 2019/03/31 Multifunctional BioMOFs for Antimicrobial Applications
Co-supervisor of Tiago Daniel Adriano Fernandes
Post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/119980/2016) (Other)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Técnico, Portugal
2015/03 - 2019/02 Identification of the genes associated with cells released from Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms survival and evasion in human blood
Supervisor of Ângela Maria Oliveira de Sousa França
Post-doctoral fellowship (SFRH/BPD/99961/2014) (Other)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2014/11 - 2018/11 Determining the pathogenic potential of commensal and clinical Gardnerella vaginalis isolates
Supervisor of Joana Isabel Reis Castro
Ciências Biomédicas (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2017/04 - 2017/12 Dormancy in S. epidermidis biofilms
Supervisor of Virgínia Maria Dinis Carvalhais
Postdoctoral fellow (CEB/BI-23/2016) (Other)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/12 Adaptation of Gardnerella vaginalis to vaginal epithelium
Supervisor of Ana Paula Rebelo Martins
Engenharia Biomédica (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/10 A influência do plasma humano na formação de biofilme e virulência de Staphylococcus epidermidis
Supervisor of Sofia Carvalho Oliveira
Biotecnologia (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2013/10 - 2017/07 The prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis in Portuguese pregnant women and the search for novel alternatives for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis
Supervisor of Daniela Marlene da Silva Machado
Engenharia Química e Biológica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2015/09 - 2016/11 Survival of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm-released cells in human blood and plasma
Supervisor of Vanessa Acúrcio da Silva Gonçalves
Bioengenharia (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2011/09 - 2016/04 Effect of modulating S. epidermidis biofilms dormancy in the biofilm physiology and host immune response
Supervisor of Virgínia Maria Dinis Carvalhais
Ciências Biomédicas (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2015/02 - 2015/11 Determination of the importance of iron acquisition in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms survival in human blood
Supervisor of Pedro Miguel Oliveira Soares
Bioengenharia (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2014/09 - 2015/11 Antimicrobial resistance profile of S. epidermidis biofilm-released cells
Supervisor of Vânia da Silva Gaio
Engenharia Biomédica (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2014/09 - 2015/10 Susceptibility of Coagulase-negative Staphylococci to Carvacrol
Bioengenharia (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2011/06 - 2015/07 The role and the prevalence of icaABDC, bap and aap genes in the virulence of S. epidermidis Portuguese clinical isolates
Supervisor of Ana Isabel da Costa Freitas
Ciências Biomédicas (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2014/03 - 2015/02 Transcriptomic analysis of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm-released cells
Supervisor of Ângela Maria Oliveira de Sousa França
Post-doctoral fellowship (EXPL/BIA-MIC/0101/2013) (Other)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2012/09 - 2014/12 Normal vaginal flora or bacterial vaginosis: an filogenetic comparison
Co-supervisor of Carla Sofia da Silva Ferreira
Engenharia Biomédica (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2010/03 - 2014/09 Construction of phage genomic libraries and identification of endolysins with antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms
Supervisor of Luís Daniel Rodrigues de Melo
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2013/09 - 2014/07 Analysis of gene expression variability in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms
Supervisor of Cármen Sofia Vieira de Sousa
Genética Molecular (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental, Portugal
2013/09 - 2014/07 Quantification of biofilm-associated genes in S. epidermidis biofilms: its impact in biofilm formation and 3D structure
Supervisor of Nathalie Sá Lopes
Genética Molecular (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Biologia Molecular e Ambiental, Portugal
2009/10 - 2014/04 Mechanisms involved in helper phage-mediated derepression of Staphylococcus aureus superantigen pathogenicity islands (SaPIs)
Co-supervisor of Joana Caetano Bento
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2009/12 - 2013/12 The role of Gardnerella vaginalis biofilms in Bacterial Vaginosis
Supervisor of José António Baptista Machado Soares
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2009/09 - 2013/12 Characterization of the molecular interactions between S. epidermidis biofilm infections and the host immune response
Supervisor of Ângela Maria Oliveira de Sousa França
Engenharia Biomédica (PhD)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2012/09 - 2013/09 Diversity and characterization of coagulase- negative staphylococci isolated from healthy individuals in Portugal
Supervisor of Fernando Eduardo Freitas de Oliveira
Bioquímica em Saúde (Master)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal
2010/12 - 2013/02 Bacterial vaginosis biofilms
Supervisor of Ana Filipa Frutuoso Mendes Henriques
Post-doctoral fellowship (PTDC/BIA-MIC/098228/2008) (Other)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2011/09 - 2012/11 Isolation and characterization of vaginal microorganisms and its association with Bacterial Vaginosis
Supervisor of Patrícia Maria Alves
Bioengenharia (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2011/09 - 2012/11 Adhesion of vaginal microorganisms to epithelial cells and its association with Bacterial Vaginosis
Supervisor of Joana Isabel Reis Castro
Engenharia Biomédica (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2011/04 - 2012/10 Molecular interactions between S. epidermidis and the host
Co-supervisor of Begoña Pérez-Cabezas
Post-doctoral fellowship (PTDC/BIA-MIC/113450/2009) (Other)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2011/09 - 2012/07 Bacterial vaginosis in Portugal: diagnosis of Gardnerella vaginalis and Atopobium vaginalis in healthy or symptomatic women
Supervisor of Débora Salgueiro Silva
Microbiologia Aplicada (Master)
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Escola Superior de Biotecnologia, Portugal
2010/09 - 2011/09 Use of bacteriophages to control S. epidermidis biofilm infections
Chemical Engineering (Master)
Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Turkey
2010/09 - 2011/07 Development of PNA FISH methods for the identification of Lactobacillus spp
Supervisor of Ana Filipa Oliveira Carvalho
Engenharia Biológica (Master)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2024/11/25 - 2024/11/27 II Congresso Internacional de Microbiologia em língua Portuguesa (Microbiologia 2024) (2024/11/25 - 2024/11/27)
Congress (Member of the Organising Committee)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia, Portugal

Sociedade Brasileira de Microbiologia, Brazil
2022 - 2022 Congresso Internacional de Microbiologia em língua Portuguesa (Microbiologia 2022) (2022/10/17 - 2022/10/19)
Congress (President of the Organising Committee)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia, Portugal
2021 - 2022 Microbiologia 2022 (2022/10/17 - 2022/10/19)
Conference (President of the Organising Committee)
Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia, Portugal
2021/06 - 2021/07 ANICT 2021 (2021/05/05 - 2021/06/03)
Symposium (Member of the Organising Committee)
ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2019 - 2019 ANICT 2019 symposium (2019/04/22 - 2019/04/22)
Symposium (Member of the Organising Committee)
ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2016 - 2016 Biofilms 7 (2016/06/26 - 2016/06/28)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Laboratorio de Engenharia de Processos Ambiente Biotecnologia e Energia, Portugal
2016 - 2016 Biofilm transcriptomics: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms - 9th edition (2016/07/15 - 2016/07/17)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2014 - 2014 2nd BacFoodNet Training School: Hands-on course in advanced techniques to study food-biofilms (2014/09/15 - 2014/09/20)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2014 - 2014 4th International Practical Course - Advanced Practical Course on Biofilms (2014/06/30 - 2014/07/04)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2008 - 2013 Breakfast at CEB - weekly department seminars (2008 - 2013)
Seminar (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2012 - 2012 ANICT 2012 symposium (2012/06/15 - 2012/06/15)
Symposium (Member of the Organising Committee)
ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal

Associação Círculo Cultura e Democracia, Portugal
2012 - 2012 Biofilm transcriptomics: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms - 6th edition (2012/08/31 - 2012/09/02)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Microbiotec'11 (2011/12/01 - 2011/12/03)
Meeting (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e Saúde, Portugal
2011 - 2011 ANICT 2011 symposium (2011/09/10 - 2011/09/10)
Symposium (Member of the Organising Committee)
ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Biofilm transcriptomics: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms - 4th edition (2011/05/14 - 2011/05/16)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2011 - 2011 Biofilm transcriptomics: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms - 5th edition (2011/10/13 - 2011/10/16)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Associação Círculo Cultura e Democracia, Portugal
2010 - 2010 ANICT 2010 symposium (2010/05/08 - 2010/05/08)
Symposium (Member of the Organising Committee)
ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Biofilm transcriptomics: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms - 1st edition (2010/02/26 - 2010/02/28)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Biofilm transcriptomics: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms - 2nd edition (2010/03/25 - 2010/03/29)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Biofilm transcriptomics: Quantifying gene expression from pathogenic bacterial biofilms - 3rd edition (2010/06/05 - 2010/06/07)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2009 - 2009 Primeiro encontro Nacional de Investigadores Auxiliares (2009/05/25 - 2009/05/25)
Symposium (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2022/06 - 2022/06 Invited participant in round table
4th Gago conference on European Cience Policy
Ciência Viva, Portugal
2021/05/06 - 2021/05/06 Invited speaker
IrishRSA 2021 Online Forum on Research Careers & Policy
Irish Research Staff Association, Ireland
2020/02 - 2020/03 ANICT 2020 local symposium
ANICT 2020
ANICT National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology, Portugal
2019/03/16 - 2019/03/16 Invited speaker
VII AEICBAS Biomedical Congress
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2019/02/22 - 2019/02/22 Invited speaker
Round table
Ciência, inovação e ensino superior em Portugal: Um ano depois da avaliação pela OCDE
Governo de Portugal, Portugal
2017/04/22 - 2017/04/25 Representative of the Portuguese Society of Microbiology
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Switzerland
2017/03/20 - 2017/03/20 Invited speaker
Ciência Falada
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e Saúde, Portugal
2015/12/18 - 2015/12/19 Invited speaker
I Jornadas de Ciência de Arouca
Escola Secundária de Arouca, Portugal

Associação Círculo Cultura e Democracia, Portugal
2014/06/24 - 2014/06/24 Invited participant at Parliamentary conference
O futuro da Ciência em Portugal
Assembleia da República, Portugal
2013/09/02 - 2013/09/04 Moderator of the session "Medical & Veterinary Microbiology- Antimicrobial agents"
V International Conference on Environmental, Industrial and Applied Microbiology - BioMicroWorld2013
Formatex Research Center, Spain
2012/12/10 - 2012/12/12 Jury for the best poster award
2012/11/21 - 2012/11/23 Moderator of the session "Natural Products 2"
II International Congress on Antimicrobial Research
Formatex Research Center, Spain
2012/11/17 - 2012/11/17 Invited speaker
Start Point - Orienta o teu Futuro
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2010/12/15 - 2010/12/15 Invited speaker
Dia do bolseiro e do estudante de doutoramento
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2010/07/04 - 2010/07/07 Moderator of the session “O futuro do ensino pós-graduado em Portugal”
Ciência 2010 – Encontro com a Ciência em Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2010/03/17 - 2010/03/17 Invited participant at Parliamentary round table
Round table
5º Café Ciência
Assembleia da República, Portugal

Ciência Viva, Portugal
2009/03/03 - 2009/03/03 Invited participant at Parliamentary conference
Conferência Parlamentar da Comissão Educação e Ciência
Assembleia da República, Portugal
2009/02/16 - 2009/02/21 Instructor
2nd International Practical Course in Biofilm Sciences
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2022/01 Comprehensive urogenital microbiome profiling: towards better understanding of female urinary tract in health and disease
(Thesis) Main arguer
Magdalena Dorota Ksiezarek (PhD)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2021/09 Application of antisense oligonucleotides to prevent Candida albicans infections
(Thesis) Arguer
Daniela Eira Araújo (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021 Scientific validation of some relatively unexplored traditional medicinal plants for their bioactivity with special reference to antimicrobial potential
(Thesis) Arguer
Himadri Mahajan (PhD)
Guru Nanak Dev University, India
2019/12 The role of iron uptake in Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilm formation and virulence
Fernando Eduardo Freitas de Oliveira (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018/11/28 Determining the pathogenic potential of commensal and clinical Gardnerella vaginalis isolates
Joana Isabel Reis Castro (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2018 Molecular characterization of bacteraemia and commensal isolates of Staphylococcus epidermidis isolated from patient blood cultures
(Thesis) Arguer
Sharon Leanne Kleinschmidt (PhD)
Queensland University of Technology, Australia
2017/10/27 Desenvolvimento de um Sistema Eletrónico de Vigilância Epidemiológica (eVDmed): recolha, análise e publicação de informação
(Thesis) Main arguer
Daniela Pimentel Oliveira (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/07/06 The prevalence of Gardnerella vaginalis in Portuguese pregnant women and the search for novel alternatives for the treatment of bacterial vaginosis
Daniela Marlene da Silva Machado (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016/07/11 Antisense Therapy: a new strategy to control Candida infections
(Thesis) Main arguer
Daniela Eira Araújo (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016/04/19 Effect of modulating S. epidermidis biofilms dormancy in the biofilm physiology and host immune response
Virgínia Maria Dinis Carvalhais (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2015/11/27 Polymicrobial interactions in infections: the case Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans in ventilator-associated pneumonia
(Thesis) Main arguer
Cláudia Ribeiro Pereira (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/07/20 Efeito da associação de tripsina e clotrimazol em biofilmes pré-formados de Candida albicans
(Thesis) Main arguer
Jessica Lopes Baptista (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015/07/20 Avaliação in vitro da recuperação de lactobacilos, a partir de probióticos de aplicação vaginal, disponíveis no mercado nacional e internacional
(Thesis) Main arguer
Diana Filipa Neves de Sousa (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2015/06/13 The role and the prevalence of icaABDC, bap and aap genes in the virulence of S. epidermidis Portuguese clinical isolates
Ana Isabel da Costa Freitas (PhD)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
2014/09/08 Construction of phage genomic libraries and identification of endolysins with antimicrobial activity against Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms
Luís Daniel Rodrigues de Melo (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014/05/30 Mechanisms involved in helper phage-mediated derepression of Staphylococcus aureus superantigen pathogenicity islands (SaPIs)
Joana Caetano Bento (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013/12/16 Characterization of the molecular interactions between S. epidermidis biofilm infections and the host immune response
Ângela Maria Oliveira de Sousa França (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013/12/13 The role of Gardnerella vaginalis biofilms in Bacterial Vaginosis
José António Baptista Machado Soares (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2012/07/09 Anti-bacterial activity of the essential oil of Thymus mastichina
(Thesis) Main arguer
Ricardo Manuel Simões Carvalho (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2012/07/09 Anti-candida activity by the essential oil of Helichrysum italicum
(Thesis) Main arguer
Joel José Mendes Antunes Caria (Master)
Universidade da Beira Interior, Portugal
2011/12/15 Effect of diocleinae lectins on bacteria and fungi planktonic and sessile cells
(Thesis) Main arguer
Filipa Alexandra Baltar Lobo Coelho (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2011/11/25 Study of the susceptibility of Staphylococcus epidermidis biofilms to natural compounds
(Thesis) Main arguer
Tânia Brito (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2011/01/01 - Current SPM - Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia
2010/01/01 - Current ANICT - National Association of Researchers in Science and Technology

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2021/09 - Current Secretary of the General Council of Minho University
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019 - Current Scientific Steering Committee
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Member of the Scientific Council of the School of Engineering
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Scientific Steering Committee
Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biologica, Portugal
2010 - 2013 Member of the School Council of the School of Engineering
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, Portugal

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2023/12/07 - 2032/12/09 Microbiotec'23 Universidade da Beira Interior
2023/09/12 - 2023/09/15 14th International Chemical and Biological Engineering Conference Instituto Politécnico de Bragança
2023/04/15 - 2023/04/18 ECCMID 23 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
2022/04/23 - 2022/04/26 ECCMID 2022 European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
2021 - 2021 Microbiotec'21 Sociedade Portuguesa de Microbiologia & Sociedade Portuguesa de Biotecnologia


Activity description Institution / Organization
2021/09 - 2022/09 Consultant in bacterial transcriptomic analysis by RNA-sequencing. Endobios Unipessoal Lda, Portugal
2022/04 - 2022/04 Consulting for Alphasights regarding the analysis of PNAG as potential vaccine candidate Alphasights, United Kingdom
2018/02 - 2020/12 Consultant in the R&D project "Assess the efficacy of Fluomizin® in the eradication of biofilms from vaginal pathogens" LABFIT - HPRD Lda, Portugal

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2022 - Current Laboratórios Integrados de Engenharia Clínica II Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021 - Current Bioinformática e Biologia de Sistemas Engenharia Química e Biológica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021 - Current Laboratórios de Bioinformática Bioinformática (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021 - Current Biologia de Sistemas Bioinformática (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021 - Current Bioinformática Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021/02 - 2021/07 Laboratórios Integrados II Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016 - 2019 Técnicas Avançadas em Bioengenharia Biotecnologia (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018/09/17 - 2018/09/21 Erasmus teaching mission (Master) Yildiz Teknik Üniversitesi, Turkey
2017 - 2018 Serviços de Apoio Clínico Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016 - 2018 Projeto de Biotecnologia Biotecnologia (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014 - 2018 Laboratórios Integrados II Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014 - 2018 Higiene Industrial Engenharia Humana (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2012 - 2018 Tópicos Avançados em Engenharia Química e Biológica II Engenharia Química e Biológica (Doutoramento) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2012 - 2016 Formação complementar Bioengenharia (Mestrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2010 - 2016 Projeto de Bioengenharia Bioengenharia (Mestrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2011 - 2013 Tópicos Avançados em Engenharia Química e Biológica I Engenharia Química e Biológica (Doutoramento) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2011 - 2012 Processos de Bioengenharia Bioengenharia (Mestrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2009 - 2012 Laboratórios de Bioprocessos Bioengenharia (Mestrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2011/09/06 - 2011/09/09 Erasmus teaching mission (Master) Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Turkey
2009 - 2011 Introdução à Bioengenharia Bioengenharia (Mestrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2009 - 2011 Biotecnologia Molecular Engenharia Biológica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2009 - 2010 Projeto Individual Bioengenharia (Mestrado) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2000 - 2001 Microbiologia III Farmácia (Licenciatura) Instituto Superior de Ciências e Tecnologia de Moçambique, Mozambique

Evaluation committee

Activity description
Institution / Organization Funding entity
2021 - 2024 Member of the NZ7 Evaluation Pannel of OPUS calls
Narodowe Centrum Nauki, Poland
2019 - 2024 External evaluator of research projects
European Science Foundation, France
2021 - 2023 ESCMID Research Grants
European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Switzerland
2022 - 2022 External evaluator of research projects
Stiftelsen for Kunskaps- och Kompetensutveckling, Sweden
2022 - 2022 External evaluator of research projects
European Research Council, Belgium
2019 - 2021 External evaluator of research projects
Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Switzerland
2016 - 2019 External evaluator of research projects
Agence nationale de la recherche, France
2018 - 2018 External evaluator of research projects
Eesti Teadusagentuur, Estonia
2010 - 2010 External evaluator of research projects
Health Research Board, Ireland

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2020/01/13 Interview for a article regarding the human microbiome on the human vagina. Women's health
2019/11/14 Interview for a article focused on the impact of the human microbiome on the human skin. Women's Health
2019/10/01 Interview related to the publication of national survey that demonstrated that universities were not complying with Portuguese Law 112/2017, in relation to the regularization of scientific jobs. Público
2016/03/26 Interview related to the Minho University survey regarding the transformation of post-doctoral fellowships in work contracts. Jornal de Notícias
2014/10/22 Interview related to ANICT proposal of the implementation of the statute of scientific worker. Jornal de Notícias
2013/03/19 News related to the publication of the scientific epidemiological study of BV in Portugal Expresso
2012/06/18 Interview related to the publication of the book "Biofilmes – na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria" Diário do Minho
2012/06/15 Interview related to the ANICT report on "brain drain" in Portugal. Sol

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2021/04/06 - 2021/04/06 É ou não é The Protagonism of Science
2014/02/19 - 2014/02/19 Jornal da uma Parliamentary intervention related to scientific jobs in Portugal
2013/04/05 - 2013/04/05 LocalVisão daily news Publication of scientific epidemiological study of BV in Portugal.
2012/07/16 - 2012/07/16 RUM daily news Publication of the book "Biofilmes – na saúde, no ambiente, na indústria"
2010/05/07 - 2010/05/07 Radio Renascença daily news ANICT 2010 symposium
2010/02/02 - 2010/02/02 Radio Renascença daily news Foundation of ANICT

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2018 - Current FEMS Microbiology Reviews (1574-6976) Oxford University Press
2018 - Current The Journal of Infectious Diseases (1537-6613) Oxford University Press
2018 - Current The Lancet Infectious Diseases (1473-3099) Elsevier
2016 - Current Scientific Reports (2045-2322) Springer Nature
2016 - Current Microbiology (1608-3237) Pleiades Publishing
2016 - Current Critical Reviews in Microbiology (1549-7828) Informa UK (Taylor & Francis)
2014 - Current BMC Microbiology (1471-2180) Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)
2013 - Current Biotechnology and Bioengineering (1097-0290) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2013 - Current Journal of Clinical Microbiology (1098-660X) American Society for Microbiology
2012 - Current PLoS ONE (1932-6203) Public Library of Science
2011 - Current BMC Research Notes (1756-0500) Springer (Biomed Central Ltd.)

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2021/02 - 2023/01 Exploring microbial interactions during bacterial vaginosis Ângela Martins Lima
2014 - 2015 Prestação de informação sobre géneros alimentícios e aplicação prática do Regulamento (UE) nº 1169/2011 do Parlamento Europeu e do Conselho de 25 de Outubro de 2011 num supermercado... Eduardo André Dias Martins
2013 - 2014 Implementação de um Laboratório de Análises e de um Sistema de Cápsulas numa Empresa da Indústria do Café Ana Sofia Quintão
2013 - 2013 Probiotics against G. vaginalis Carolina de Araújo Gonçalves Felgueiras
2013 - 2013 Antimicrobial resistance profiling of G. vaginalis Cármen Sofia Vieira de Sousa
2012 - 2013 Isolation of BV associated bacteria Tatiana Barros Reis Cereija
2011 - 2012 Ana Margarida Antunes Leite de Magalhães Ana Margarida Antunes Leite de Magalhães
2009 - 2010 Farnesol against S. epidermidis biofilms Sofia Alexandra Araújo Pereira

Other jury / evaluation

Activity description Institution / Organization
2014 - Current Evaluator of Fulbright fellowships Fulbright Portugal, Portugal
2022 - 2022 Remote evaluator of research projects Stiftelsen for Kunskaps- och Kompetensutveckling, Sweden
2022 - 2022 Remote evaluator of research projects European Research Council, Belgium
2021 - 2022 Remote evaluator of international scientific meeting abstracts (ECCMID) European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Switzerland
2020 - 2022 Remote evaluator of research projects Polish National Science Centre, Poland
2021 - 2021 Remote evaluator of research projects European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Switzerland
2021 - 2021 Innovate Competition Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2019 - 2021 Remote evaluator of research projects Schweizerischer Nationalfonds zur Förderung der wissenschaftlichen Forschung, Switzerland
2020 - 2020 Remote evaluator for the promotion to Associated Professor for Assistant Professor Katherine Y Le Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, United States
2019 - 2019 Remote evaluator of post-doctoral research fellowships European Science Foundation, France
2016 - 2019 Remote evaluator of research projects Agence nationale de la recherche, France
2018 - 2018 Remote evaluator of the tenure report by professor Muhammad Aamir Aslam. University of Agriculture Faisalabad Faculty of Agriculture, Pakistan
2018 - 2018 Remote evaluator of research projects Eesti Teadusagentuur, Estonia
2018 - 2018 Remote evaluator of research projects Ministero dell'Istruzione dell'Università e della Ricerca, Italy
2012 - 2014 Jury of the Best technical and scientific photography award of the Faculty of Medicine of Coimbra University Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal
2010 - 2010 Remote evaluator of research projects Health Research Board, Ireland


2013 Investigador FCT 2012 starting grant
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2013 Investigador FCT 2013 development grant
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2009 Spring 2009 I European Young Academy Fellowship
European Science Foundation, France
2008 Investigador Ciência 2007
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
2004 Fulbright fellowship
Fulbright Portugal, Portugal