Daniel F. M. Folha. I am an astronomer at Instituto de Astrofísica e Ciências do Espaço (IA) and a Lecturer at Instituto Universitário de Ciências da Saúde (IUCS/CESPU). I've worked with spectroscopic techniques in the visible and in the near infrared, as well as with photometric techniques in the optical. These were applied to the study of young stars and their immediate environment. At IUCS/CESPU I am responsible, since 2005, for the Physics courses in the context of several degrees on Health Sciences. I develop activities in science communication and outreach projects, in particular in the context of the Planetário do Porto - Centro Ciência Viva, of which I was executive director between October 2014 and September 2019, and of IA's Science Communication Group (SCG), of which I coordinated the Porto node, and co-coordinated de overall SCG activities, until the end of September 2020. I coordinated various science communication projects in the context of Ciência Viva, the National Agency for the Scientific and Technological Culture, and I have been task coordinator of the outreach component of FCT financed research projects. Since 2017 I co-authored various conference papers on science communication. I have made several oral presentations on different astronomy and astrophysics centred themes for school teachers, including in the context of professional training courses for teachers, for higher education students, for school pupils and for the general public. I have written science outreach texts for the general public. I am a scientific reviewer for Casa das Ciências. In 2014 I was a member of the FCT evaluation committee for PhD and PostDoc grants, within the Communication and Management of Science and Technology Panel. I co-supervised two PhD thesis, supervised one MSc dissertation and co-supervised another one. I completed my formal science education with a PhD at the Physics Department of Queen Mary University of London, UK, in 1998 (then Queen Mary and Westfield College - University of London), which followed a Master of Science in Astrophysics also at QMUL, in 1993, and a Licenciatura in Physics/Applied Mathematics at Faculdade de Ciências da Universidade do Porto, Portugal, in 1992.

Personal identification

Full name
Daniel Fernando Machado Folha

Citation names

  • Folha, Daniel
  • Folha, D. F. M.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID