Helena M.V.M. Soares holds a Ph.D in Chemistry and Habilitation in Environmental Engineering from the Faculty of Sciences and the Faculty of Engineering, both from the University of Porto, respectively. She is Assistant Professor at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Porto (FEUP) and Researcher of the LAQV/REQUIMTE-Associated Laboratory for Green Chemistry (LAQV) of the Network of Chemistry and Technology (REQUIMTE). Presently, her research focus mainly on the following topics: (i) URBAN MINING, by developping innovative, environmental and economical sustainable technological solutions for recovering raw materials (mainly, strategic and critical metals) from secondary sources in a Circular perspective; (ii) BIO-BASED SOLUTIONS for SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURE by designing and production of new products. During her research career, she has authored and co-authored 100 articles in peer-reviewed ISI journals (about 3200 citations; H-index of 30), 2 European patents, 2 book chapters and presented > 100 communications in various international conferences. Up to now, she supervised 5 Pós-Doc students, 9 Ph.D students and 15 Master students. Presently, she supervises 4 researchers. She regularly contributes on national (Foundation of Science and Technology of the Portuguese Government, FCT, and University of Porto) and international (European Commission; ERA-MIN 3, NIFA-USDA, ISF-Israel, NRF-África do Sul, FONDECYT-Chile) evaluation panels. She participated in various national and international projects and coordinated several national competitive projects (7 funded by FCT). Currently, she leads 1 national competitive project funded by FCT. She participated in the Scientific Committee of several international conferences (CEST 2023; CEST 2021, CEST 2019 and ICEST 2008) and the Management Committee of the COST Action ES1407. To data, 9 Scientific Innovation Award have been awarded to her by FEUP and, in 2022, she received the first prize of the iUP25k - The Business Ideas Competition of the University of Porto. Over the years, she has intervened in the scientific and professional communities and her work has been featured in various media.

Personal identification

Full name
Helena Maria Vieira Monteiro Soares

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • hsoares@fe.up.pt (Professional)


  • 225081650 (Professional)


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Portuguese (Mother tongue)