
Personal identification

Full name
Clarisse Ribeiro

Citation names

  • Ribeiro, Clarisse

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • cribeiro@fisica.uminho.pt (Professional)

Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology - Industrial Biotechnology - Bioproducts Biomaterials
  • Medical and Health Sciences - Medical Biotechnology - Biomaterials
  • Engineering and Technology - Materials Engineering - Materials Engineering
  • Engineering and Technology - Medical Engineering
  • Engineering and Technology - Materials Engineering - Composites


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Advanced (C1) Proficiency (C2) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
French Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
Spanish; Castilian Intermediate (B1) Advanced (C1) Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
2013/07 - 2013/07
Scanning electron microscope training (Outros)
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal
2008/10 - 2012/11
PhD in Sciences (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Ciências, Portugal
"Processing and characterization of piezoelectric polymers for tissue engineering applications" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Approved unanimously with maximum score
2003/09 - 2008/10
Integrated Master in Biomedical Engineering (Mestrado)
Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia, Portugal
"Tomografia Computadorizada e Densitometria Óssea em Casos de Osteoporose" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2021 - Current Auxiliary Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/02/01 - 2021/04 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013/02/01 - 2019/08/22 Postdoc (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal
2013/02/01 - 2019/08/22 Postdoc (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro de Engenharia Biológica, Portugal
2012 - 2014 Visiting Researcher (Research) International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal
International Iberian Nanotechnology Laboratory, Portugal


Designation Funders
2012/10/01 - 2012/12/31 Microdetectores de raios-x baseados em tecnologia CMOS
Research Fellow
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal


Designation Funders
2019/06/03 - 2021/10/31 International Network on Ionic Liquid Deep Eutectic Solvent Based Metal Organic Frameworks Mixed Matrix Membranes
H2020-MSCA-RISE-2017, INDESMOF- 778412
EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions
2018/07/01 - 2021/06/30 Development of advanced strategies and solutions for muscle tissue engineering based on electromechanical microenvironments
Principal investigator
Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/07/01 - 2021/06/30 Biomimetic microenvironment for the study and development of targeted therapies in hematological malignancies
Universidade do Minho Centro de Física, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018/01/01 - 2020/01/31 Multiplex point-of-care device for lung disease biomarkers in sputum
Universidade do Minho Centro de Química, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2017/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Electrokicking: Piezoelectric biomaterials for cell differentiation in electrically active cell-material interfaces
Gobierno de España Ministerio de Economía y Empresa


Book chapter
  1. Costa, Carlos Miguel; Cardoso, Vanessa Fernandes; Brito-Pereira, Ricardo; Martins, Pedro; Correia, Daniela Maria; Correia, Vitor; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Martins, Pedro Manuel; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based materials: recent progress, challenges, and opportunities". In Fascinating Fluoropolymers and Their Applications, 1-43. Elsevier, 2020.
  2. castro, nelson; pereira, nelson; Cardoso, Vanessa F.; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Micro- and nanostructured piezoelectric polymers: Fundamentals and application". In Nanostructured Thin Films, edited by Maria Benelmekki; Andreas Erbe. Elsevier, 2019.
  3. Ribeiro, S.; Garcia-Astrain, C.; Fernandes, M.M.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Ribeiro, C.. "Multidimensional Biomechanics Approaches Though Electrically and Magnetically Active Microenvironments". In Advances in Biomechanics and Tissue Regeneration, 253-267. Elsevier, 2019.
    Published • 10.1016/b978-0-12-816390-0.00013-3
  4. Ribeiro, S.; Correia, D. M.; Ribeiro, C.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Electrospun Polymeric Smart Materials for Tissue Engineering Applications". In Electrospun Biomaterials and Related Technologies, 251-282. Springer International Publishing, 2018.
    Published • 10.1007/978-3-319-70049-6_9
  5. Cardoso, V.F.; Ribeiro, C.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Metamorphic biomaterials". In Bioinspired Materials for Medical Applications, 69-99. Elsevier, 2017.
  6. Bar-Cohen, Y.; Cardoso, V.F.; Ribeiro, C.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Electroactive Polymers as Actuators". In Advanced Piezoelectric Materials, 319-352. Elsevier, 2017.
    Published • 10.1016/b978-0-08-102135-4.00008-4
Conference paper
  1. Ribeiro, C.; Correia, D.M.; Ribeiro, S.; Fernandes, M.M.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Piezo- and Magnetoelectric Polymers as Biomaterials for Novel Tissue Engineering Strategies". 2018.
  2. Ribeiro, C.; Panadero, J.A.; Sencadas, V.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Machiavello, M.N.T.; Moratal, D.; Salmerón-Sánchez, M.; et al. "Osteoblast cell response "in Vitro" on electroactive PVDF films". Paper presented in 24th European Conference on Biomaterials, 2011.
  3. Sencadas, V.; Rodríguez Hernández, J.C.; Ribeiro, C.; Gómez Ribelles, J.L.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; V. Sencadas; J. C. Hernandez; et al. "Poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun fibers for electroactive scaffold aplications: Influence of the applied voltage on morphology and polymorphism". Paper presented in MRS, 2009.
Conference poster
  1. Sylvie Ribeiro; Ribeiro, Clarisse; E. O. Carvalho; C. R. Tubio; N. Castro; N. Pereira; V. Correia; A.C. Gomes; Senentxu, Lanceros-Mendez. "Mechano-electrical skeletal muscle cell stimulation for tissue regeneration". Paper presented in JORNADAS CF-UM-UP 2019, 2019.
  2. M. M. Fernandes; N. Castro; D.M. Correia; Ribeiro, Clarisse; V. Correia; R. Minguez; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Magneto active three-dimensional polymer based nanocomposites for bone-tissue engineering". Paper presented in New Materials for a Better Life!: Advanced devices and Materials as Key Enabling Technologies for Sustainable Environment, 2019.
  3. S. Ribeiro; Ribeiro, Clarisse; I. Etxebarria; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Influence of piezoelectric polymer polarization for muscle tissue engineering". Paper presented in International conference on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, ICONN, 2018.
  4. Ribeiro, Clarisse. "Electroactive microenvironments for tissue engineering applications". Paper presented in Materials for Tissue Engineering International Symposium, 2017.
  5. N. Castro; Ribeiro, Clarisse; S. Ribeiro; D.M. Correia; R.J. Pereira; P. Martins; V. Correia; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Novel bioreactors for bone tissue engineering strategies based on polymer-based magnetoelectric composites". Paper presented in New Materials for a Better Life: A new neutron source for a new generation of advanced materials, 2017.
  6. M. N. Tamaño-Machiavello; E. O. Carvalho; L. Cordón; L. Senent; D.M. Correia; Ribeiro, Clarisse; S. Lanceros-Méndez; et al. "Human bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells expansion and multipotency is strongly influenced by the electroactivity of the culture substrate". Paper presented in ESCCA 2017, 2017.
  7. S. Ribeiro; Ribeiro, Clarisse; D.M. Correia; A.C. Gomes; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Myoblast differentiation through piezelectric polymer polarization". Paper presented in First Annual Meeting of the COST Action CA16119 CellFit: In vitro 3-D total cell guidance and fitness, 2017.
  8. Ribeiro, Clarisse; S. Ribeiro; D.M. Correia; R. Brito-Pereira; P. Martins; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Strategies for bone tissue engineering based on polymer-based magnetostrictive and magnetoelectric composites". Paper presented in EMRS 2017, 2017.
  9. G. Botelho; D.M. Correia; Ribeiro, Clarisse; J.L. Gomez Ribelles; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Tailoring electroactive polymer morphology and wettability for tissue engineering applications". Paper presented in 9th International Conference on Modification, Degradation and Stabilization of Polymers, 2016.
  10. Ribeiro, Clarisse; J. Pärssinen; V. Sencadas; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Osteogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells by dynamic piezoelectric stimulation". Paper presented in 2nd International conference on bioinspired and biobased chemistry & materials, 2014.
  11. S. Ribeiro; Ribeiro, Clarisse; A.C. Gomes; P. Costa; V. Sencadas; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Styrene-ethylene-butadiene-styrene/carbon nanotube electrospun composite membranes for skeletal muscle tissue engineering". Paper presented in 5th International conference on advanced nanomaterials (ANM 2014), 2014.
  12. S. Ribeiro; P.M. Martins; Ribeiro, Clarisse; V. Sencadas; A.C. Gomes; F.M. Gama; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Cell adhesion and proliferation of skeletal muscle cells on piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes". Paper presented in IPFB2014 - 8th International conference on polymer and fiber biotechnology, 2014.
  13. Ribeiro, Clarisse; V. Sencadas; J.L. Gomez Ribelles; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Poly(vinylidene fluoride) scaffolds for tissue engineering applications". Paper presented in 3rd Portuguese Bioengineering meeting, 2013.
  14. A.C. Areias; Ribeiro, Clarisse; V. Sencadas; N. Garcia-Giralt; A. Diez-Perez; J.L. Gomez Ribelles; S. Lanceros-Mendez; et al. "Influence of Crystallinity and Fiber Orientation on Hydropho-bicity and Biological Response of Poly(L-lactide) Electrospun Mats". Paper presented in 4ª International Conference Smart Materials Structures Systems, 2012.
  15. D.M. Correia; A. Areias; Ribeiro, Clarisse; V. Sencadas; G. Botelho; J.L. Gomez Ribelles; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Electrospun membranes for tissue regeneration applications". Paper presented in Electrospinning, principles, possibilities and practice, 2012.
  16. Ribeiro, Clarisse; V.F. Cardoso; G. Minas; V. Sencadas; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Electroactive polymers for biomedical applications". Paper presented in ISAF-2011-PFM, 2011.
  17. J. C. Dias; V. Sencadas; Ribeiro, Clarisse; G. Botelho; J.L. Gomez Ribelles; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Influence of fiber diameter and crystallinity on the degradation rate of electrospun poly (L-lactide acid)". Paper presented in Materials 2011, 2011.
  18. Ribeiro, Clarisse; V. Sencadas; A. Nicolau; V.F. Cardoso; J.A. Panadero; J.L. Gomez Ribelles; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Study of the “In Vitro” Cell Response on Micro- and nanostructured Electroactive PVDF". Paper presented in 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials (ANM 2010), 2010.
  19. V. Sencadas; Ribeiro, Clarisse; E. Costa Martinez; M. Salmerón Sánchez; J.L. Gomez Ribelles; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Influence of the voltage and viscosity on the PLA Electrospun nanofibers". Paper presented in 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB2009), 2009.
  20. Ribeiro, Clarisse; V. Sencadas; J.L. Gomez Ribelles; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Influence of processing conditions on polymorphism and fiber morphology of PVDF electrospun membranes". Paper presented in 22nd European Conference on Biomaterials (ESB2009), 2009.
Journal article
  1. E.O. Carvalho; M.M. Fernandes; K. Ivanova; P. Rodriguez-Lejarraga; T. Tzanov; C. Ribeiro; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Multifunctional piezoelectric surfaces enhanced with layer-by-layer coating for improved osseointegration and antibacterial performance". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2024): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2024.114123.
  2. R. Brito-Pereira; C. Ribeiro; A. García Díez; V.F. Cardoso; Catherine Klapperich; S. Lanceros-Mendez; P. Martins. "Origami-based multifunctional sensing platform for sustainable detection of hazardous magnetic materials". Applied Materials Today (2024): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2024.102352.
  3. Martins, Pedro; Brito-Pereira, Ricardo; Ribeiro, Sylvie; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu; Ribeiro, Clarisse. "Magnetoelectrics for biomedical applications: 130 years later, bridging materials, energy, and life". Nano Energy 126 (2024): 109569. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.nanoen.2024.109569.
  4. Meira, R.M.; Ribeiro, S.; Irastorza, I.; Silván, U.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Ribeiro, C.. "Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene)/graphene composites for cardiac tissue engineering applications". Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 663 (2024): 73-81. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jcis.2024.02.139.
  5. Pinho, Tiffany S.; Cibrão, Jorge Ribeiro; Silva, Deolinda; Barata-Antunes, Sandra; Campos, Jonas; Afonso, João L.; Sampaio-Marques, Belém; et al. "In vitro neuronal and glial response to magnetically stimulated piezoelectric poly(hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV)/cobalt ferrite (CFO) microspheres". Biomaterials Advances 159 (2024): 213798. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioadv.2024.213798.
  6. Teresa Marques-Almeida; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez; Clarisse Ribeiro. "State of the Art and Current Challenges on Electroactive Biomaterials and Strategies for Neural Tissue Regeneration". Advanced Healthcare Materials (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/adhm.202301494.
  7. Ricardo Brito-Pereira; André Silva Macedo; Clarisse Ribeiro; Vanessa F. Cardoso; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Natural Indigenous Paper Substrates for Colorimetric Bioassays in Portable Analytical Systems: Sustainable Solutions from the Rain Forests to the Great Plains". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c11928.
  8. Carlos M. Costa; Vanessa F. Cardoso; Pedro Martins; Daniela M. Correia; Renato Gonçalves; Pedro Costa; Vitor Correia; et al. "Smart and Multifunctional Materials Based on Electroactive Poly(vinylidene fluoride): Recent Advances and Opportunities in Sensors, Actuators, Energy, Environmental, and Biomedical Applications". Chemical Reviews (2023): https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.chemrev.3c00196.
  9. R. Brito-Pereira; P. Martins; S. Lanceros-Mendez; C. Ribeiro. "Polymer-based magnetoelectric scaffolds for wireless bone repair: The fillers’ effect on extracellular microenvironments". Composites Science and Technology (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2023.110263.
  10. Miguel Franco; Azadeh Motealleh; Carlos M. Costa; Nikola Perinka; Clarisse Ribeiro; Carmen R Tubio; Sónia Alexandra Correia Carabineiro; Pedro Costa; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Environmentally Friendlier Printable Conductive and Piezoresistive Sensing Materials Compatible with Conformable Electronics". ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2023): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.3c01151.
  11. Teresa Marques-Almeida; Clarisse Ribeiro; Igor Irastorza; Patrícia Miranda-Azpiazu; Ignacio Torres-Alemán; Unai Silvan; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Electroactive Materials Surface Charge Impacts Neuron Viability and Maturation in 2D Cultures". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.3c04055.
  12. Ricardo Brito-Pereira; Clarisse Ribeiro; Pedro Costa; Vitor Correia; Vanessa F. Cardoso; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Graphene Based Printable Conductive Wax for Low-Power Thermal Actuation in Microfluidic Paper-Based Analytical Devices". Advanced Materials Technologies (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/admt.202300051.
  13. R. Brito-Pereira; N. Pereira; C. Ribeiro; S. Lanceros-Mendez; P. Martins. "From rare-earth hazardous waste to all-in-one sustainable energy, sensing, and actuation". Chemical Engineering Journal (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2023.142802.
  14. David Durán-Rey; Ricardo Brito-Pereira; Clarisse Ribeiro; Sylvie Ribeiro; Juan A. Sánchez-Margallo; Verónica Crisóstomo; Igor Irastorza; et al. "Development of Silk Fibroin Scaffolds for Vascular Repair". Biomacromolecules (2023): https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.biomac.2c01124.
  15. R. Carvalho; R. Brito-Pereira; N. Pereira; A. C. Lima; C. Ribeiro; V. Correia; S. Lanceros-Mendez; P. Martins. "Improving the Performance of Paper-Based Dipole Antennas by Electromagnetic Flux Concentration". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2023): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c19889.
  16. Brito-Pereira, Ricardo; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Tubio, Carmen R.; Castro, Nelson; Costa, Pedro; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Beeswax multifunctional composites with thermal-healing capability and recyclability". Chemical Engineering Journal 453 (2023): 139840. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.139840.
  17. Marques-Almeida, Teresa; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu; Ribeiro, Clarisse. "Degradation and mineralization of electroactive poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) electrospun fibers for bone tissue engineering". Reactive and Functional Polymers 182 (2023): 105475. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.reactfunctpolym.2022.105475.
  18. Liliana C. Fernandes; Daniela M. Correia; Nélson Pereira; Clarisse Ribeiro; Carmen R. Tubio; Pedro Martins; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Ionic-triggered magnetoelectric coupling for magnetic sensing applications". Applied Materials Today (2022): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2022.101590.
  19. Brito-Pereira, Ricardo; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu; Fernandes Cardoso, Vanessa. "Biodegradable polymer-based microfluidic membranes for sustainable point-of-care devices". Chemical Engineering Journal 448 (2022): 137639. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cej.2022.137639.
    Published • 10.1016/j.cej.2022.137639
  20. Teresa Marques-Almeida; Vitor Correia; Eduardo Fernández Martín; Ander García Díez; Clarisse Ribeiro; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Piezoelectric and Magnetically Responsive Biodegradable Composites with Tailored Porous Morphology for Biotechnological Applications". ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2022): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.2c01114.
  21. Durán-Rey, David; Brito-Pereira, Ricardo; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Ribeiro, Sylvie; Sánchez-Margallo, Juan A.; Crisóstomo, Verónica; Irastorza, Igor; et al. "Development and evaluation of different electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) architectures for endothelial cell culture". Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 10 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fbioe.2022.1044667.
  22. Silva, Cláudia A.; Fernandes, Margarida M.; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Lanceros-Mendez, Senentxu. "Two- and three-dimensional piezoelectric scaffolds for bone tissue engineering". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 218 (2022): 112708. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2022.112708.
  23. Pinho, Tiffany S.; Silva, Deolinda; Ribeiro, Jorge Cibrão; Marote, Ana; Lima, Rui; Batista, Salete J.; Melo, Rita; et al. "Enhanced neuronal differentiation by dynamic piezoelectric stimulation". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A 111 1 (2022): 35-44. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jbm.a.37443.
  24. Liliana C. Fernandes; Rafaela M. Meira; Daniela M. Correia; Clarisse Ribeiro; Eduardo Fernandez; Carmen R. Tubio; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Electrospun Magnetic Ionic Liquid Based Electroactive Materials for Tissue Engineering Applications". Nanomaterials (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/nano12173072.
  25. Brito-Pereira, Ricardo; Macedo, André S.; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Cardoso, Vanessa F.; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "Natural based reusable materials for microfluidic substrates: The silk road towards sustainable portable analytical systems". Applied Materials Today 28 (2022): 101507. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.apmt.2022.101507.
  26. Sylvie Ribeiro; Clarisse Ribeiro; Vítor M. Martins; Bent Honoré; Maria Teresa Neves-Petersen; Andreia C. Gomes; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Understanding Myoblast Differentiation Pathways When Cultured on Electroactive Scaffolds through Proteomic Analysis". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 14 22 (2022): 26180-26193. https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.2c03444.
  27. Ribeiro, S.; Soares, M.; Hermenegildo, B.; Correia, V.; Díez, A. García; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Ribeiro, C.. "Electroactive functional microenvironments from bioactive polymers: A new strategy to address cancer". Biomaterials Advances 137 (2022): 212849. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.bioadv.2022.212849.
  28. Hermenegildo, B.; Meira, R.M.; Correia, D.M.; Díez, A.G.; Ribeiro, S.; Serra, J.P.; Ribeiro, C.; et al. "Poly(lactic-co-glycolide) based biodegradable electrically and magnetically active microenvironments for tissue regeneration applications". European Polymer Journal 171 (2022): 111197. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.eurpolymj.2022.111197.
  29. A. C. Lima; N. Pereira; C. Ribeiro; S. Lanceros-Mendez; P. Martins. "Greener Solvent-Based Processing of Magnetoelectric Nanocomposites". ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering 10 13 (2022): 4122-4132. https://doi.org/10.1021/acssuschemeng.1c06967.
  30. Bruno Hermenegildo; Daniela M. Correia; Clarisse Ribeiro; João P. Serra; Leyre Pérez; José L. Vilas-Vilela; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Tuning magnetic response and ionic conductivity of electrospun hybrid membranes for tissue regeneration strategies". Polymers for Advanced Technologies 33 4 (2022): 1233-1243. https://doi.org/10.1002/pat.5596.
  31. B. Hermenegildo; R.M. Meira; A.G. Díez; D.M. Correia; S. Ribeiro; J.P. Serra; C. Ribeiro; et al. "Ionic liquid modified electroactive polymer-based microenvironments for tissue engineering". Polymer (2022): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.polymer.2022.124731.
  32. Teresa Marques-Almeida; Liliana C. Fernandes; Daniela M. Correia; Carmen R. Tubio; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez; Clarisse Ribeiro. "Piezoelectric biodegradable poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) based electrospun fiber mats with tailored porosity". Polymers for Advanced Technologies 33 4 (2022): 1092-1099. https://doi.org/10.1002/pat.5582.
  33. Pinho, A.G.; Cibrão, J.R.; Lima, R.; Gomes, E.D.; Serra, S.C.; Lentilhas-Graça, J.; Ribeiro, C.; et al. "Immunomodulatory and regenerative effects of the full and fractioned adipose tissue derived stem cells secretome in spinal cord injury". Experimental Neurology 351 (2022): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85124617424&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  34. Brito-Pereira, R.; Ribeiro, C.; Pereira, N.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Martins, P.. "Printed multifunctional magnetically activated energy harvester with sensing capabilities". Nano Energy 94 (2022): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85122330094&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  35. Hermenegildo, B.; Ribeiro, C.; Perinka, N.; Martins, P.; Trchová, M.; Hajná, M.; Stejskal, J.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun fiber mats coated with polyaniline and polypyrrole for tissue regeneration applications". Reactive and Functional Polymers 170 (2022): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85119919324&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  36. T. Marques-Almeida; H. J. R. Fernandes; S. Lanceros-Mendez; C. Ribeiro. "Surface charge and dynamic mechanoelectrical stimuli improves adhesion, proliferation and differentiation of neuron-like cells". Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2022): https://doi.org/10.1039/D2TB01933G.
  37. R. M. Meira; D. M. Correia; A. García Díez; S. Lanceros-Mendez; C. Ribeiro. "Ionic liquid-based electroactive materials: a novel approach for cardiac tissue engineering strategies". Journal of Materials Chemistry B (2022): https://doi.org/10.1039/D2TB01155G.
  38. Correia, Daniela Maria; Fernandes, Liliana Correia; Fernandes, Margarida Macedo; Hermenegildo, Bruno; Meira, Rafaela Marques; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Ribeiro, Sylvie; Reguera, Javier; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "Ionic Liquid-Based Materials for Biomedical Applications". Nanomaterials 11 9 (2021): 2401. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/nano11092401.
  39. Franco, M.; Motealleh, A.; Costa, C.M.; Hilliou, L.; Perinka, N.; Ribeiro, C.; Viana, J.C.; Costa, P.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Environmentally Friendly Conductive Screen-Printable Inks Based on N-Doped Graphene and Polyvinylpyrrolidone". Advanced Engineering Materials (2021): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85118206405&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  40. Vilaça-Faria, H.; Marote, A.; Lages, I.; Ribeiro, C.; Mendes-Pinheiro, B.; Domingues, A.V.; Campos, J.; et al. "Fractionating stem cells secretome for Parkinson's disease modeling: Is it the whole better than the sum of its parts?". Biochimie 189 (2021): 87-98. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85108881947&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  41. Estela O. Carvalho; Clarisse Ribeiro; Daniela M. Correia; Gabriela Botelho; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Biodegradable Hydrogels Loaded with Magnetically Responsive Microspheres as 2D and 3D Scaffolds". Nanomaterials 10 12 (2020): 2421-2421. https://doi.org/10.3390/nano10122421.
  42. Teresa Marques-Almeida; Vanessa F. Cardoso; Miguel Gama; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez; Clarisse Ribeiro. "Patterned Piezoelectric Scaffolds for Osteogenic Differentiation". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2020): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms21218352.
  43. Sylvie Ribeiro; Clarisse Ribeiro; Estela O. Carvalho; Carmen R. Tubio; Nelson Castro; Nelson Pereira; Vitor Correia; Andreia C. Gomes; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Magnetically Activated Electroactive Microenvironments for Skeletal Muscle Tissue Regeneration". ACS Applied Bio Materials (2020): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsabm.0c00315.
  44. Nelson Castro; Margarida M. Fernandes; Clarisse Ribeiro; Vítor Correia; Rikardo Minguez; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Magnetic Bioreactor for Magneto-, Mechano- and Electroactive Tissue Engineering Strategies". Sensors 20 12 (2020): 3340-3340. https://doi.org/10.3390/s20123340.
  45. Luis Amaro; Daniela M. Correia; Pedro M. Martins; Gabriela Botelho; Sónia A. C. Carabineiro; Clarisse Ribeiro; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Morphology Dependence Degradation of Electro- and Magnetoactive Poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-hydroxyvalerate) for Tissue Engineering Applications". Polymers 12 4 (2020): 953-953. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym12040953.
  46. Eduardo S. Pimentel; Ricardo Brito-Pereira; Teresa Marques-Almeida; Clarisse Ribeiro; Filipe Vaz; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez; Vanessa F. Cardoso. "Tailoring Electrospun Poly(l-lactic acid) Nanofibers as Substrates for Microfluidic Applications". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b12461.
  47. Sylvie Ribeiro; Christina Puckert; Clarisse Ribeiro; Andreia C. Gomes; Michael J. Higgins; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Surface Charge-Mediated Cell–Surface Interaction on Piezoelectric Materials". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2020): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b17222.
  48. R. Brito-Pereira; C. Ribeiro; N. Perinka; S. Lanceros-Mendez; P. Martins. "Reconfigurable 3D-printable magnets with improved maximum energy product". Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2020): https://doi.org/10.1039/C9TC06072C.
  49. Reizabal, A.; Brito-Pereira, R.; Fernandes, M.M.; Castro, N.; Correia, V.; Ribeiro, C.; Costa, C.M.; et al. "Silk fibroin magnetoactive nanocomposite films and membranes for dynamic bone tissue engineering strategies". Materialia 12 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85086082274&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  50. Ribeiro, S.; Meira, R.M.; Correia, D.M.; Tubio, C.R.; Ribeiro, C.; Baleizão, C.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Silica nanoparticles surface charge modulation of the electroactive phase content and physical-chemical properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) nanocomposites". Composites Part B: Engineering 185 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85078244155&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  51. Castro, N.; Ribeiro, S.; Fernandes, M.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Cardoso, V.; Correia, V.; Minguez, R.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Physically Active Bioreactors for Tissue Engineering Applications". Advanced Biosystems 4 10 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85090948801&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  52. Margarida M. Fernandes; Daniela M. Correia; Clarisse Ribeiro; Nelson Castro; Vitor Correia; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Bioinspired Three-Dimensional Magnetoactive Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2019): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b14001.
  53. R. M. Meira; D. M. Correia; S. Ribeiro; P. Costa; A. C. Gomes; F. M. Gama; S. Lanceros-Méndez; C. Ribeiro. "Ionic-Liquid-Based Electroactive Polymer Composites for Muscle Tissue Engineering". ACS Applied Polymer Materials (2019): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsapm.9b00566.
  54. B. Hermenegildo; C. Ribeiro; L. Pérez-Álvarez; José L. Vilas; David A. Learmonth; Rui A. Sousa; P. Martins; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Hydrogel-based magnetoelectric microenvironments for tissue stimulation". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 181 (2019): 1041-1047. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfb.2019.06.023.
  55. Estela O. Carvalho; Margarida M. Fernandes; Jorge Padrao; Ana Nicolau; Jorge Marqués-Marchán; Agustina Asenjo; Francisco M. Gama; Clarisse Ribeiro; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Tailoring Bacteria Response by Piezoelectric Stimulation". ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces (2019): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsami.9b05013.
  56. Teresa Marques-Almeida; Vanessa F. Cardoso; Sylvie Ribeiro; Francisco M. Gama; Clarisse Ribeiro; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez. "Tuning Myoblast and Preosteoblast Cell Adhesion Site, Orientation, and Elongation through Electroactive Micropatterned Scaffolds". ACS Applied Bio Materials (2019): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsabm.9b00020.
  57. Daniela M. Correia; Sylvie Ribeiro; André da Costa; Clarisse Ribeiro; Margarida Casal; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez; Raul Machado. "Development of bio-hybrid piezoresistive nanocomposites using silk-elastin protein copolymers". Composites Science and Technology (2019): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compscitech.2019.01.017.
  58. Dias, J.C.; Correia, D.M.; Costa, C.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Maceiras, A.; Vilas, J.L.; Botelho, G.; de Zea Bermudez, V.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Improved response of ionic liquid-based bending actuators by tailored interaction with the polar fluorinated polymer matrix". Electrochimica Acta 296 (2019): 598-607. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85057187855&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  59. A. C. Lima; N. Pereira; R. Policia; C. Ribeiro; V. Correia; S. Lanceros-Mendez; P. Martins. "All-printed multilayer materials with improved magnetoelectric response". Journal of Materials Chemistry C (2019): https://doi.org/10.1039/C9TC01428D.
  60. Costa, T.; Ribeiro, A.; Machado, R.; Ribeiro, C.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Cavaco-Paulo, A.; Almeida, A.; et al. "Polymeric Electrospun Fibrous Dressings for Topical Co-delivery of Acyclovir and Omega-3 Fatty Acids". Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology 7 (2019): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85076954219&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  61. M. M. Fernandes; H. Mora; E. D. Barriga-Castro; C. Luna; R. Mendoza-Reséndez; C. Ribeiro; S. Lanceros-Mendez; P. Martins. "Improving Magnetoelectric Contactless Sensing and Actuation through Anisotropic Nanostructures". The Journal of Physical Chemistry C (2018): https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b04910.
  62. Luís Amaro; Daniela Correia; Teresa Marques-Almeida; Pedro Martins; Leyre Pérez; José Vilas; Gabriela Botelho; Senentxu Lanceros-Mendez; Clarisse Ribeiro. "Tailored Biodegradable and Electroactive Poly(Hydroxybutyrate-Co-Hydroxyvalerate) Based Morphologies for Tissue Engineering Applications". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2018): https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms19082149.
  63. M.M. Maciel; S. Ribeiro; C. Ribeiro; A. Francesko; A. Maceiras; J.L. Vilas; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Relation between fiber orientation and mechanical properties of nano-engineered poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun composite fiber mats". Composites Part B: Engineering 139 (2018): 146-154. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compositesb.2017.11.065.
  64. Ribeiro, Clarisse; Costa, Carlos M; Correia, Daniela M; Nunes-Pereira, João; Oliveira, Juliana; Martins, Pedro; Gonçalves, Renato; Cardoso, Vanessa F; Lanceros-Méndez, Senentxu. "Electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride)-based structures for advanced applications". Nature Protocols 13 4 (2018): 681-704. http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nprot.2017.157.
  65. Vanessa Cardoso; Daniela Correia; Clarisse Ribeiro; Margarida Fernandes; Senentxu Lanceros-Méndez. "Fluorinated Polymers as Smart Materials for Advanced Biomedical Applications". Polymers 10 2 (2018): 161-161. https://doi.org/10.3390/polym10020161.
  66. Cardoso, V.F.; Francesko, A.; Ribeiro, C.; Bañobre-López, M.; Martins, P.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Advances in Magnetic Nanoparticles for Biomedical Applications". Advanced Healthcare Materials 7 5 (2018): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85039063443&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  67. Brito-Pereira, R.; Correia, D.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Francesko, A.; Etxebarria, I.; Pérez-Álvarez, L.; Vilas, J.L.; Martins, P.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Silk fibroin-magnetic hybrid composite electrospun fibers for tissue engineering applications". Composites Part B: Engineering 141 (2018): 70-75. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85039742052&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  68. Ribeiro, S.; Gomes, A.C.; Etxebarria, I.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Ribeiro, C.. "Electroactive biomaterial surface engineering effects on muscle cells differentiation". Materials Science and Engineering C 92 (2018): 868-874. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85050129871&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  69. Ribeiro, Clarisse. "Human Mesenchymal Stem Cells Growth and Osteogenic Differentiation on Piezoelectric Poly(vinylidene fluoride) Microsphere Substrates". International Journal of Molecular Sciences (2017): http://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/18/11/2391.
  70. Gilabert-Chirivella, Eduardo; Pérez-Feito, Ricardo; Ribeiro, Clarisse; Ribeiro, Sylvie; Correia, Daniela M.; González-Martín, Maria Luisa; Manero, José María; et al. "Chitosan patterning on titanium implants". Progress in Organic Coatings 111 (2017): 23-28. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.porgcoat.2017.04.027.
  71. Nunes-Pereira, J.; Silva, A.R.; Ribeiro, C.; Carabineiro, S.A.C.; Buijnsters, J.G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Pereira, Eduardo Jorge Nunes; et al. "Nanodiamonds/poly(vinylidene fluoride) composites for tissue engineering applications". Composites Part B: Engineering 111 (2017): 37-44. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85006783377&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  72. Brito-Pereira, R.; Ribeiro, C.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Martins, P.. "Magnetoelectric response on Terfenol-D/ P(VDF-TrFE) two-phase composites". Composites Part B: Engineering 120 (2017): 97-102. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85017092945&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  73. Ribeiro, C.; Correia, D.M.; Rodrigues, I.; Guardão, L.; Guimarães, S.; Soares, R.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "In vivo demonstration of the suitability of piezoelectric stimuli for bone reparation". Materials Letters 209 (2017): 118-121. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85026666433&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  74. J. C. Dias; M. S. Martins; S. Ribeiro; M. M. Silva; J. M. S. S. Esperança; C. Ribeiro; G. Botelho; C. M. Costa; S. Lanceros-Mendez. "Electromechanical actuators based on poly(vinylidene fluoride) with [N1 1 1 2(OH)][NTf2] and [C2mim] [C2SO4]". Journal of Materials Science (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10853-016-0193-0.
  75. D.M. Correia; V. Sencadas; C. Ribeiro; P.M. Martins; P. Martins; F.M. Gama; G. Botelho; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Processing and size range separation of pristine and magnetic poly(L-lactic acid) based microspheres for biomedical applications". Journal of Colloid and Interface Science (2016):
  76. D.M. Correia; C. Ribeiro; G. Botelho; J. Borges; C. Lopes; F. Vaz; S.A.C. Carabineiro; A.V. Machado; S. Lanceros-Méndez. "Superhydrophilic poly( l -lactic acid) electrospun membranes for biomedical applications obtained by argon and oxygen plasma treatment". Applied Surface Science 371 (2016): 74-82. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apsusc.2016.02.121.
  77. Ribeiro, Clarisse. "Proving the suitability of magnetoelectric stimuli for tissue engineering applications". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces (2016): http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0927776515304033.
  78. Ribeiro, Clarisse. "Development of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid electrospun fibers for tissue engineering applications". Journal of Materials Science (2016):
  79. Panadero, J.A.; Sencadas, V.; Silva, S.C.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Correia, V.; Gama, F.M.; Gomez Ribelles, J.L.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Mechanical fatigue performance of PCL-chondroprogenitor constructs after cell culture under bioreactor mechanical stimulus". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part B Applied Biomaterials 104 2 (2016): 330-338. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84954078144&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  80. Barbosa, J.; Correia, D.M.; Gonçalves, R.; Ribeiro, C.; Botelho, G.; Martins, P.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Magnetically Controlled Drug Release System through Magnetomechanical Actuation". Advanced Healthcare Materials 5 23 (2016): 3027-3034. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85002179250&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  81. Correia, D.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Vikingsson, L.; Oliver Gasch, M.; Gómez Ribelles, J.L.; Botelho, G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Strategies for the development of three dimensional scaffolds from piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride)". Materials and Design 92 (2016): 674-681. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84954548985&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  82. Correia, V.; Panadero, J.A.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Rocha, J.G.; Gomez Ribelles, J.L.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; et al. "Design and validation of a biomechanical bioreactor for cartilage tissue culture". Biomechanics and Modeling in Mechanobiology 15 2 (2016): 471-478. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84961148003&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  83. Parssinen, J.; Hammarén, H.; Rahikainen, R.; Sencadas, V.; Ribeiro, C.; Vanhatupa, S.; Miettinen, S.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Hytönen, V.P.. "Enhancement of adhesion and promotion of osteogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells by poled electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride)". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A 103 3 (2015): 919-928. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84922979785&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  84. Correia, D.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Botelho, G.; Carabineiro, S.A.C.; Ribelles, J.L.G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Influence of oxygen plasma treatment parameters on poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun fiber mats wettability". Progress in Organic Coatings 85 (2015): 151-158. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84929918459&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  85. Correia, D.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Botelho, G.; Carabineiro, S.A.C.; Gomes Ribelles, J.L.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Erratum: Influence of oxygen plasma treatment parameters on poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun fiber mats wettability (Prog. Org. Coat. (2015) 85 (151-158))". Progress in Organic Coatings 86 (2015): 208-208. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84937977887&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  86. Ribeiro, C.; Correia, D.M.; Ribeiro, S.; Sencadas, V.; Botelho, G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) microstructure and poling state in active tissue engineering". Engineering in Life Sciences 15 4 (2015): 351-356. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84929519676&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  87. Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Correia, D.M.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Piezoelectric polymers as biomaterials for tissue engineering applications". Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 136 (2015): 46-55. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84941567857&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  88. Nunes-Pereira, J.; Ribeiro, S.; Ribeiro, C.; Gombek, C.J.; Gama, F.M.; Gomes, A.C.; Patterson, D.A.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Poly(vinylidene fluoride) and copolymers as porous membranes for tissue engineering applications". Polymer Testing 44 (2015): 234-241. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84938280414&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  89. Axpe, E.; García-Huete, N.; Cuevas, J.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Mérida, D.; Laza, J.M.; García, J.Á.; et al. "Connecting free volume with shape memory properties in noncytotoxic gamma-irradiated polycyclooctene". Journal of Polymer Science, Part B: Polymer Physics 53 15 (2015): 1080-1088. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84933049857&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  90. Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Areias, A.C.; Gama, F.M.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Surface roughness dependent osteoblast and fibroblast response on poly(L-lactide) films and electrospun membranes". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A 103 7 (2015): 2260-2268. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84930170997&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  91. Ribeiro, C.; Pärssinen, J.; Sencadas, V.; Correia, V.; Miettinen, S.; Hytönen, V.P.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Dynamic piezoelectric stimulation enhances osteogenic differentiation of human adipose stem cells". Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Part A 103 6 (2015): 2172-2175. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84928534661&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  92. Correia, D.M.; Gonçalves, R.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Botelho, G.; Ribelles, J.L.G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Electrosprayed poly(vinylidene fluoride) microparticles for tissue engineering applications". RSC Advances 4 62 (2014): 33013-33021. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84905746205&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  93. Lopes, A.C.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Botelho, G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Effect of filler content on morphology and physical-chemical characteristics of poly(vinylidene fluoride)/NaY zeolite-filled membranes". Journal of Materials Science 49 9 (2014): 3361-3370. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84894070322&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  94. Correia, D.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Ferreira, J.C.C.; Botelho, G.; Ribelles, J.L.G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Sencadas, V.. "Influence of electrospinning parameters on poly(hydroxybutyrate) electrospun membranes fiber size and distribution". Polymer Engineering and Science 54 7 (2014): 1608-1617. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84902328367&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  95. Ribeiro, S.; Costa, P.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Botelho, G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Electrospun styrene-butadiene-styrene elastomer copolymers for tissue engineering applications: Effect of butadiene/styrene ratio, block structure, hydrogenation and carbon nanotube loading on physical properties and cytotoxicity". Composites Part B: Engineering 67 (2014): 30-38. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84904567097&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  96. Fernandes, J.G.; Correia, D.M.; Botelho, G.; Padrão, J.; Dourado, F.; Ribeiro, C.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Sencadas, V.. "PHB-PEO electrospun fiber membranes containing chlorhexidine for drug delivery applications". Polymer Testing 34 (2014): 64-71. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84893193954&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  97. Correia, V.; Sencadas, V.; Martins, M.S.; Ribeiro, C.; Alpuim, P.; Rocha, J.G.; Morales, I.; Atienza, C.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Piezoresistive sensors for force mapping of hip-prostheses". Sensors and Actuators, A: Physical 195 (2013): 133-138. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84876230503&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  98. Costa, R.; Ribeiro, C.; Lopes, A.C.; Martins, P.; Sencadas, V.; Soares, R.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Osteoblast, fibroblast and in vivo biological response to poly(vinylidene fluoride) based composite materials". Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 24 2 (2013): 395-403. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84878353759&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  99. Martins, P.M.; Ribeiro, S.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Gomes, A.C.; Gama, F.M.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Effect of poling state and morphology of piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) membranes for skeletal muscle tissue engineering". RSC Advances 3 39 (2013): 17938-17944. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884236535&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  100. Nyanhongo, G.S.; Rodríguez, R.D.; Prasetyo, E.N.; Caparrós, C.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Acero, E.H.; Guebitz, G.M.. "Bioactive albumin functionalized polylactic acid membranes for improved biocompatibility". Reactive and Functional Polymers 73 10 (2013): 1399-1404. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84885382734&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  101. Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Caparros, C.; Ribelles, J.L.G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Fabrication of poly(lactic acid)-poly(ethylene oxide) electrospun membranes with controlled micro to nanofiber sizes". Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology 12 8 (2012): 6746-6753. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84865133355&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  102. Ribeiro, C.; Moreira, S.; Correia, V.; Sencadas, V.; Rocha, J.G.; Gama, F.M.; Gómez Ribelles, J.L.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Enhanced proliferation of pre-osteoblastic cells by dynamic piezoelectric stimulation". RSC Advances 2 30 (2012): 11504-11509. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84868119547&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  103. Ribeiro, C.; Panadero, J.A.; Sencadas, V.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.; Tamaño, M.N.; Moratal, D.; Salmerón-Sánchez, M.; Gómez Ribelles, J.L.. "Fibronectin adsorption and cell response on electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) films". Biomedical Materials 7 3 (2012): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84858028200&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  104. Sencadas, V.; Ribeiro, C.; Nunes-Pereira, J.; Correia, V.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Fiber average size and distribution dependence on the electrospinning parameters of poly(vinylidene fluoride-trifluoroethylene) membranes for biomedical applications". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 109 3 (2012): 685-691. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84870250026&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  105. Dias, J.C.; Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Botelho, G.; Ribelles, J.L.G.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Influence of fiber diameter and crystallinity on the stability of electrospun poly(l-lactic acid) membranes to hydrolytic degradation". Polymer Testing 31 6 (2012): 770-776. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84862272374&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  106. Sencadas, V.; Ribeiro, C.; Bdikin, I.K.; Kholkin, A.L.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Local piezoelectric response of single poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun fibers". Physica Status Solidi (A) Applications and Materials Science 209 12 (2012): 2605-2609. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84871187006&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  107. Sencadas, V.; Ribeiro, C.; Heredia, A.; Bdikin, I.K.; Kholkin, A.L.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Local piezoelectric activity of single poly(L-lactic acid) (PLLA) microfibers". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 109 1 (2012): 51-55. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84866743539&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  108. Sencadas, V.; Costa, C.M.; Botelho, G.; Caparrós, C.; Ribeiro, C.; Gómez-Ribelles, J.L.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Thermal properties of electrospun poly(lactic acid) membranes". Journal of Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics 51 3 (2012): 411-424. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84859186696&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  109. Sencadas, V.; Correia, D.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Moreira, S.; Botelho, G.; Gómez Ribelles, J.L.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.. "Physical-chemical properties of cross-linked chitosan electrospun fiber mats". Polymer Testing 31 8 (2012): 1062-1069. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84865956186&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  110. Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Costa, C.M.; Gómez Ribelles, J.L.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Tailoring the morphology and crystallinity of poly(L-lactide acid) electrospun membranes". Science and Technology of Advanced Materials 12 1 (2011): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-79952821420&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  111. Ribeiro, C.; Sencadas, V.; Ribelles, J.L.G.; Lanceros-Méndez, S.. "Influence of processing conditions on polymorphism and nanofiber morphology of electroactive poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun membranes". Soft Materials 8 3 (2010): 274-287. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-77956335919&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Ribeiro, Clarisse. "Processing and characterization of piezoelectric polymers for tissue engineering applications". PhD, Universidade do Minho Escola de Ciências, 2012. http://repositorium.sdum.uminho.pt/handle/1822/22940.
  2. Ribeiro, Clarisse. "Tomografia Computadorizada e Densitometria Óssea em Casos de Osteoporose". Master, Universidade do Minho, 2008.


Other output
  1. Microenvironment Oriented Bioreactors. 2020. Castro, N.; Lanceros-Mendez, S.; Fernandes, M.M.; Ribeiro, C.; Cardoso, V.; Correia, V.; Minguez, R.; Ribeiro, S.. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85112388740&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  2. Multifunctional Platform Based on Electroactive Polymers and Silica Nanoparticles for Tissue Engineering Applications. Nanomaterials. 2018. Sylvie Ribeiro; Tânia Ribeiro; Clarisse Ribeiro; Daniela M. Correia; João P. Sequeira Farinha; Andreia Castro Gomes; Carlos Baleizão; et al. https://doi.org/10.20944/preprints201810.0598.v1.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2022/03 Mechano-electrically active biomaterials for cardiac tissue engineering applications 3¿¿ Global Webinar on Materials Science and Engineering/Invited Keynote talk
2019/12 Advanced Bioreactors for Biofunctional Materials Stimuli Application Biomapp19
2019/09 Magnetically active hydrogel microenvironments for tissue stimulation TNT2019 International Conference
(San Sebastian/Donosti, Spain)
2019/07 Design and modelling of a magnetoelectric bioreactor for bone tissue engineering applications Congress in Numerical Methods in Engineering
2019/04 Electroactive micropatterned scaffolds for tissue engineering applications Materiais
(Lisbon, Portugal)
2018/11/12 Smart materials for tissue engineering applications (Invited talk)
(Guimarães, Portugal)
2018/09 In-vivo demonstration of the suitability of piezoelectric stimuli for tissue engineering EORS 2018
(Galway, Ireland)
2018/05/31 Bioinspired smart and multifuncional materials as a key enabling technology (Invited talk) Bioinspired 3D structures
(Dublin, Ireland)
2017/11/26 Piezo and magnetoelectric polymers as biomaterials for tissue engineering applications (Invited talk) Materials Research Society conference
(Boston, United States)
2017/11/09 Electroactive microenvironments for tissue engineering applications International Symposium on Materials for Tissue Engineering
BCMaterials (Bilbao, Spain)
2017/07/19 Poly(vinylidene fluoride)/ionic liquid electrospun fibers and microspheres for tissue engineering applications 9th International conference on Advanced Nanomaterials
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2017/05/30 Electrospun magnetic silk fibroin composite for tissue engineering applications MoDest Workshop 2017
(Albufeira, Portugal)
2017/04/10 Influence of fiber orientation on the mechanical response of piezoelectric poly(vinylidene fluoride) electrospun fiber mats Materiais 2017
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2014/05/25 Nano and sub-micron PLLA surface roughness effect on osteoblast and fibroblast cell response IPFB2014 - 8th International conference on polymer and fiber biotechnology
(Braga, Portugal)
2013/09/08 Influence of dynamic piezoelectric stimulation on pre-osteoblastic cells proliferation 25th European Conference on Biomaterials
(Madrid, Spain)
2010/09/13 Fabrication of Poly(lactic acid) electrospun scaffolds with controlled micro to nanofibers sizes 3rd International Conference on Advanced Materials (ANM 2010)
(Agadir, Morocco)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2021/04 - Current Multiresponsive hydrogels as a novel approach for bone cancer therapies
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/11/01 - Current Electroactive polymer materials based heart-on-a-chip as a novel approach for cardiac tissue engineering
Engenharia de Materiais (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/11/01 - Current Improving Titanium-Bone interfaces with electroactive and antimicrobial materials for effective orthopedic implants
Engenharia de Materiais (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018/10 - Current Biodegradable electroactive polymer materials as a novel approach for neural tissue engineering applications
Engenharia de Materiais (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016/03/01 - Current Development of magneto-electric responsive nanocomposites for bone tissue engineering
Pos-doutoramento (Other)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/09 - 2021/03 Avaliação do potencial de biomateriais electricamente activos para o combate ao cancro ósseo
Micro/Nano Tecnologias
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/10 - 2021 Electroactive and bioactive three dimensional structures for tissue engineering
Engenharia de Materiais (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/09 - 2021 A new antimicrobial approach based on electroactive materials (Uma nova abordagem antimicrobiana à base de materiais eletroativos)
Biofísica e Bionanossistemas (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/07 Development of biodegradable gels loaded with electroactive spheres for tissue engineering applications
Mestrado em Biofísica e Bionanossistemas (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2013 - 2018 Electrospun ionic electroactive polymers for artificial muscle applications
Doutoramento em Ciências (especialidade em Química) (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016/09 - 2017/12 Biodegradable piezoelectric materials for tissue engineering applications
Mestrado em Biofísica e Bionanossistemas (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/09 - 2016/10 Tailoring magnetoelectric materials for biomedical applications
Mestrado em Engenharia Biomédica (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2015/09 - 2016/10 Development and optimization of polymer-based conductive structures for tissue engineering
Mestrado em Biofísica e Bionanossistemas (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014/09 - 2015/09 Comparação dosimétrica de dois Sistemas de Planeamento de Tratamento em Radioterapia Conformacional 3D
Mestrado em Biofísica e Bionanossistemas (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014/09 - 2015/09 Mesenchymal Stem Cells Culture on PVDF Piezoelectric Microspheres
Mestrado em Biofísica e Bionanossistemas (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2014/09 - 2015/09 Development of a drug delivery system based on polylactic acid
Mestrado em Biofísica e Bionanossistemas (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2018/03/26 - 2018/03/28 Participation as a collaborator in the "Best student in UM" (2018/03/26 - 2018/03/28) Universidade do Minho, Portugal