Conference abstract |
- hhell, Henrik. "Midline NUT carcinoma of the head and neck". Paper presented in 1st Head and Neck Cancer Conference,
- hhell, Henrik. ". Importance of high-grade transformation in salivary gland neoplasms.". Paper presented in 1st Head and
Neck Cancer Conference, 2017.
- hhell, Henrik. "Query tumour pathology in the head and neck.". 1999.
- hhell, Henrik. "HAART causes a decline in the activation and proliferation of tonsillar CD8+ T-cells in HIV positive individuals.".
- hhell, Henrik. "Expression of Maspin in salivary glands.". 1999.
- hhell, Henrik. "Small round cell tumour of the parotid gland.". 1999.
- hhell, Henrik. "The ‘new’ WHO classification : who needs it? And what is “new” since 1991?.". 1998.
- hhell, Henrik. "Implications of metallothionein, Fas and Bcl-2 in tongue cancer.". 1998.
- hhell, Henrik. "Criteria for grading in the Ljubljana classification of epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions". 1998.
- hhell, Henrik. "The Ljubljana classification of epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions (EHLL).". 1998.
- hhell, Henrik. "Metallothionein (MT), p53 and Annexin-V as ‘apoptotic’ markers in normal and neoplastic oral mucosa.". 1997.
- hhell, Henrik. "Tumour cell apoptosis in salivary acinic cell carcinoma (ACC).". 1997.
- hhell, Henrik. ".Metallothionein funciona como una próteina anti-apoptótica…. celulas apoptóticas senalarán Annexin-V, tanto
en la mucosa normal como en la mucosa escamosa neoplásica en la vía respiratoria superior.". 1997.
- hhell, Henrik. "Messenger RNA of RANTES. Interleukins 6 and 12 in nasal polyps in relation to allergy.". 1996.
- hhell, Henrik. "TUNEL and bcl-2 expression in the evaluation of apoptosis in salivary gland acinic cell carcinoma.". 1996.
- hhell, Henrik. "Apoptosis in acinic cell carcinoma.". 1995.
- hhell, Henrik. "Chemokines in diseased maxillary mucosa.". 1995.
- hhell, Henrik. "Interleukins and bcl-2 in salivary tumours.". 1995.
- hhell, Henrik. "mRNA expression of RANTES. Interleukins 6 and 12 in patients with chronic sinusitis and polypoid disease.".
- hhell, Henrik. "mRNA for RANTES is more prevalent in bacterial than in non-bacterial maxillary sinusitis.". 1995.
- hhell, Henrik. "Nasal mRNA expression for interleukin 4 is increased among allergic patients during provocation with allergen
and downregulated by corticosteroids.". 1994.
- hhell, Henrik. "Adenocarcinomas of salivary gland origin.". 1994.
- hhell, Henrik. "NK cells and certain interleukins – any use as prognostic markers?". 1994.
- hhell, Henrik. "The role of IL-4 and certain chemokines in allergic rhinitis.". 1994.
- hhell, Henrik. "Subpopulations of B lymphocytes in nasal mucosa and peripheral blood in patients with allergic rhinitis.".
- hhell, Henrik. "Diagnostic profiles. An approach to quality control in surgical pathology.". 1993.
- hhell, Henrik. "Quantative computerized analysis of immunostained lymphocytes in histological sections.". 1993.
- hhell, Henrik. ".Leiomyoma and other myogenic tumours of the larynx.". 1993.
- hhell, Henrik. ".Salivary duct carcinoma of parotid gland. Histopathological, Cytological and Immunocytochemical features.".
- hhell, Henrik. "Lymphocytic subpopulations, NK cells and IS gene expression in neoplastic diseases of salivary glands.". 1993.
- hhell, Henrik. ".En Ovanlig form av lymphadenitis. Kikuchi’s nekrotiserande lymfadenit.". 1993.
- hhell, Henrik. "Sinonasal papilloma-pathological aspects.". 1993.
- hhell, Henrik. "Subsets of T lymphocytes in patients allergic to birch pollen.". 1992.
- hhell, Henrik. "Subsets of T lymphocytes in the nasal mucosa – support for a human NALT.". 1992.
- hhell, Henrik. "Interaction between memory T cells, Ber-ACT8+ cells, and cytokines – A human nasal MALT?.". 1992.
- hhell, Henrik. "Midline malignant reticulosis. Dysplasia and carcinoma in situ.". Paper presented in WHO Session-12, XIX
Int IAP, 1992.
- hhell, Henrik. "Image analysis in immunohistology.". Paper presented in The sinonasal immunobarrier and its relation to
allergy, 1991.
- hhell, Henrik. "The sinonasal immunobarrier and its relation to allergy.". 1991.
- hhell, Henrik. "EGFR in normal, dysplastic and carcinomatous laryngeal epithelia". 1991.
- hhell, Henrik. "Spindle cell carcinoma (“pseudosarcoma”).". 1991.
- hhell, Henrik. "Activated and resting B cells in patients allergic to birch pollen.". 1991.
- hhell, Henrik. "Nasal polyps – Role of allergy and tissue eozinophilia.". 1991.
- hhell, Henrik. "Airways problems in woodwork teachers.". 1990.
- hhell, Henrik. "Langerhans cells, T-lymphocytes and mast cells in the nasal mucosa of the woodwork teachers". 1990.
- hhell, Henrik. "The so-called Lethal Midline Granuloma.". 1990.
- hhell, Henrik. "Sinonasal neurogenous sarcoma.". 1990.
- hhell, Henrik. "Bildanalys vid diagnostik av verrukös cancer och skivepitelpapillom.". 1990.
- hhell, Henrik. "Midfacial Destructive Lesions – Still an enigma? XIV World Congr Otorhinolaryngo.". Paper presented in Head
Neck surgery, 1989.
- hhell, Henrik. "Premalignant vocal cord lesions prognostic significance.". Paper presented in XIV World Congr Otorhinolaryngol-
Head Neck Surgery, 1989.
- hhell, Henrik. "Midfacial Destructive Lesions.". 1989.
- hhell, Henrik. "Histologika förändringar I nässlemhinnan vid yrkesmässig exposition för formaldehyd och trädamm.". Paper presented
in Nordic Otolaryngol Soc XXIII Congress, 1987.
- hhell, Henrik. "Effects of formaldehyde and wood dust, alone and in combination, on the nasal mucosa of occupationally exposed
man.". 1986.
- hhell, Henrik. ". Adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid sinuses.". Paper presented in XIII Congress of Otorhinolaryngology.,
- Buyru, Nur; Ekizoglu, Seda; Karaman, Emin; Ulutin, Turgut. "Expression of keratin in dysplastic laryngeal mucosa". 1985.
- hhell, Henrik. "Relationship of malignant mixed tumour to pleomorphic adenoma". 1985.
- hhell, Henrik. "Primary tissue culture of human laryngeal neoplasms.". 1985.
- hhell, Henrik. "Thyroidea-sjukdom vid primart Sjögren’s syndrom.". 1985.
- hhell, Henrik. "Lymphocytic activity and epithelial cells in tissue culture.". 1985.
- hhell, Henrik. "Präkanzeröse Larynxveränderungen Therapeuische Probleme.". Paper presented in Gesellschaft Otorhinolaryngol
Cervicofac Chir DDR, XI Nationaler Kongress mit internationaler Beteiligung, 1984.
- hhell, Henrik. "Zur Diagnostik der Prekanzerosen.". Paper presented in Gesellschaft Otolaryngol Cervicofac Chir DDR, XI
Nationaler Kongress mit Internationaler Beteiligung, 1984.
- hhell, Henrik. "Rasterlektronenmikroskopische Untersuchgen von Stimmlippenkarzinomen und ihre Frustadien.". Paper presented
in 66 Jahrestagung der Nordwestdeutschen Vereiningung der HNO-Ärzte, 1983.
- hhell, Henrik. "Adenocarinom I sinus ethmoidale en tumörform relaterad till trädammsexposition.". Paper presented in Genomgång
av 28 fall, 1983.
- hhell, Henrik. "Cellular damage induced by ionic mercury.". 1983.
- hhell, Henrik. "Läppsalivkörtel (LSK)-biopsi vid Sjögren’s sydrom-teknik, histopatologi och klinisk betydelse". 1983.
- hhell, Henrik. "Adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid sinuses. Radiologic findings.". Paper presented in IXth Int Congr Radiol
Otorhinolngol, Fontevraud, 1982.
- hhell, Henrik. "Early diagnosis of premalignant and malignant vocal cord lesions.". Paper presented in 13th Int Cancer
Congress, 1982.
- hhell, Henrik. "Fine needle aspiration cytology of salivary gland tumours, Evaluation of diagnostic accuracy in 338 cases.".
Paper presented in 13th Int Cancer Congress, 1982.
- hhell, Henrik. "Adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid sinuses – woodworkers carcinoma: A review of 27 cases.". Paper presented in
13th Int Cancer Congress, 1982.
- hhell, Henrik. "Nasal disturbances in industrial workers exposed to solvents and oil mist.". Paper presented in 9th Eur
Rhinol Soc Congress, 1982.
- hhell, Henrik. "Nasal symptoms and histopathology in workers exposed to industrial solvents.". Paper presented in 12th
World Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology, 1981.
- hhell, Henrik. "Photometric evaluation of vocal cord dysplasia.". Paper presented in 12th World Congress of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology,
- hhell, Henrik. "Oncocytära cystor och adenom I larynx.". Paper presented in Nordisk Otolaryngologisk Forenings XXI Kongress,
- hhell, Henrik. "Sjögren’s syndrome (SS) – histopatologisk diagnos, klinik och serologi.". 1981.
- hhell, Henrik. "Prognos för stambandsförändringar med varierande grad av dysplasi". 1980.
- hhell, Henrik. "Förändringar I nässlemhinna till följd av exposition for oljedimma". 1979.
- hhell, Henrik. "Exfoliativ larynxcytologi – anvandbarhet och tillforlitlighet.". 1979.
- hhell, Henrik. "Cardiac hemangioendotheliosarcoma: Pathology and clinical symptoms". 1978.
- hhell, Henrik. "Mammarröntgen storsnitt. En jämförande studie.". 1977.
- hhell, Henrik. "Erfarenhet av vitalfärgning vid stämbandsförändringar.". 1977.
Journal article |
- Hellquist, Henrik; Agaimy, Abbas; Stenman, Göran; Franchi, Alessandro; Nadal, Alfons; Skalova, Alena; Leivo, Ilmo; et al.
"Development of head and neck pathology in Europe". Virchows Archiv (2022):
- Skalova, Alena; Leivo, Ilmo; Hellquist, Henrik; Agaimy, Abbas; Simpson, Roderick H.W.; Stenman, Göran; Vander Poorten, Vincent;
et al. "High-grade Transformation/Dedifferentiation in Salivary Gland Carcinomas: Occurrence Across Subtypes and Clinical
Significance". Advances in Anatomic Pathology 28 3 (2021): 107-118.
- Franchi, Alessandro; Thompson, Lester D.R.; Hernandez-Prera, Juan C.; Agaimy, Abbas; Williams, Michelle D.; Mikkelsen, Lauge
H.; Bishop, Justin A.; et al. "Emerging Entities and New Diagnostic Markers for Head and Neck Soft Tissue and Bone Tumors".
Advances in Anatomic Pathology Publish Ah (2021):
- Hellquist, Henrik; Ferlito, Alfio; Mäkitie, Antti A.; Thompson, Lester D. R.; Bishop, Justin A.; Agaimy, Abbas; Hernandez-Prera,
Juan C.; et al. "Developing Classifications of Laryngeal Dysplasia: The Historical Basis". Advances in Therapy 37 6
(2020): 2667-2677.
- Agaimy, Abbas; Franchi, Alessandro; Lund, Valerie J.; Skálová, Alena; Bishop, Justin A.; Triantafyllou, Asterios; Andreasen,
Simon; et al. "Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC)". Advances In Anatomic Pathology 27 2 (2020): 51-60.
- Agaimy, Abbas; Franchi, Alessandro; Lund, Valerie J.; Skálová, Alena; Bishop, Justin A.; Triantafyllou, Asterios; Andreasen,
Simon; et al. "Sinonasal Undifferentiated Carcinoma (SNUC): From an Entity to Morphologic Pattern and Back Again—A Historical
Perspective". Advances in Anatomic Pathology 27 2 (2019): 51-60.
- Vartanian, Jose Guilherme; Gonçalves Filho, Joao; Kowalski, Luiz Paulo; Shah, Jatin P.; Suárez, Carlos; Rinaldo, Alessandra;
De Bree, Remco; et al. "An evidence-based analysis of the management of N0 neck in patients with cancer of the parotid gland".
Expert Review of Anticancer Therapy 19 10 (2019): 899-908.
- Strosberg, Carolina; Ferlito, Alfio; Triantafyllou, Asterios; Gnepp, Douglas R; Bishop, Justin A; Hellquist, Henrik; Strojan,
Primoz; et al. "Update on Neuroendocrine Carcinomas of the Larynx". American Journal of Clinical Pathology 152 6 (2019):
- Hunt, Jennifer L.; Barnes, Leon; Triantafyllou, Asterios; Gnepp, Douglas R.; Devaney, Kenneth O.; Stenman, Göran; Halmos,
Gyorgy B.; et al. "Well-differentiated Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Larynx". Advances In Anatomic Pathology 26 4
(2019): 246-250.
- Hunt, Jennifer L.; Barnes, Leon; Triantafyllou, Asterios; Gnepp, Douglas R.; Devaney, Kenneth O.; Stenman, Göran; Halmos,
Gyorgy B.; et al. "Well-differentiated Neuroendocrine Carcinoma of the Larynx: Confusion of Terminology and Uncertainty of
Early Studies". Advances in Anatomic Pathology 26 4 (2019): 246-250.
- Hellquist, Henrik; Paiva-Correia, António; Vander Poorten, Vincent; Quer, Miquel; Hernandez-Prera, Juan C.; Andreasen, Simon;
Zbären, Peter; et al. "Analysis of the Clinical Relevance of Histological Classification of Benign Epithelial Salivary Gland
Tumours". Advances in Therapy 36 8 (2019): 1950-1974.
- Ferlito, Alfio; Devaney, Kenneth O.; Hunt, Jennifer L.; Hellquist, Henrik. "Some Considerations on the WHO Histological Classification
of Laryngeal Neoplasms". Advances in Therapy 36 7 (2019): 1511-1517.
- Zbären, Peter; Triantafyllou, Asterios; Devaney, Kenneth O.; Poorten, Vincent Vander; Hellquist, Henrik; Rinaldo, Alessandra;
Ferlito, Alfio. "Preoperative diagnostic of parotid gland neoplasms: fine-needle aspiration cytology or core needle biopsy?".
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 275 11 (2018): 2609-2613.
- Andreasen, Simon; Bishop, Justin A.; Hellquist, Henrik; Hunt, Jennifer; Kiss, Katalin; Rinaldo, Alessandra; Skálová, Alena;
et al. "Biphenotypic sinonasal sarcoma: demographics, clinicopathological characteristics, molecular features, and prognosis
of a recently described entity". Virchows Archiv 473 5 (2018): 615-626.
- Ferguson, M.S.; Lund, V.J.; Howard, D.; Hellquist, H.; Petruzzelli, G.; Snyderman, C.; Strojan, P.; et al. "Management of
sinonasal and skull base nonmesenchymal chondrosarcoma, a narrative review". Rhinology Online 1 1 (2018): 94-103.
- Vander Poorten, Vincent; Triantafyllou, Asterios; Skálová, Alena; Stenman, Göran; Bishop, Justin A.; Hauben, Esther; Hunt,
Jennifer L.; et al. "Polymorphous adenocarcinoma of the salivary glands: reappraisal and update". European Archives of
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 275 7 (2018): 1681-1695.
- Hellquist, H.; Hunt, J. L.; Cardesa, A.; Skalova, A.; Slootweg, P. J.; Rinaldo, A.; Ferlito, A.. "Role of ancillary techniques
in profiling unclassified laryngeal malignancies". Virchows Archiv 472 5 (2018): 705-715.
- Skálová, Alena; Stenman, Göran; Simpson, Roderick H.W.; Hellquist, Henrik; Slouka, David; Svoboda, Tomas; Bishop, Justin A.;
et al. "The Role of Molecular Testing in the Differential Diagnosis of Salivary Gland Carcinomas". American Journal of
Surgical Pathology 42 2 (2018): e11-e27.
- Skálová, Alena; Gnepp, Douglas R.; Lewis, James S.; Hunt, Jennifer L.; Bishop, Justin A.; Hellquist, Henrik; Rinaldo, Alessandra;
et al. "Newly Described Entities in Salivary Gland Pathology". American Journal of Surgical Pathology 41 8 (2017):
- Hellquist H; French CA; Bishop JA; Coca-Pelaz A; Propst EJ; Paiva Correia A; Ngan BY; et al. "NUT midline carcinoma of the
larynx: an international series and review of the literature.". Histopathology (2017):
- Hunt, Jennifer L.; Ferlito, Alfio; Hellquist, Henrik; Rinaldo, Alessandra; Skálová, Alena; Slootweg, Pieter J.; Willems, Stefan
M.; et al. "Differential Diagnosis in Neuroendocrine Neoplasms of the Larynx". Advances in Anatomic Pathology 24 3
(2017): 161-168.
- López F; Williams MD; Skálová A; Hellquist H; Suárez C; Nixon IJ; Rodrigo JP; et al. "How Phenotype Guides Management of the
Most Common Malignant Salivary Neoplasms of the Larynx?". Advances in therapy (2017):
- Hellquist, Henrik. "Importance of High Grade Transformation and Translocations in Salivary Gland Neoplasms". Single Cell
Biology 06 01 (2017):
- Hellquist H; Skalova A; Azadeh B. "Salivary gland hybrid tumour revisited: could they represent high-grade transformation
in a low-grade neoplasm?". Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology (2016):
- hhell, Henrik. "Cervical lymph node metastasis in adenoid cystic carcinoma of the sinonasal tract, nasopharynx, lacrimal glands
and external auditory canal: a collective international review". The Journal of Laryngology & Otology 130 12 (2016):
- Vander Poorten V; Triantafyllou A; Thompson LD; Bishop J; Hauben E; Hunt J; Skalova A; et al. "Salivary acinic cell carcinoma:
reappraisal and update.". European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology 273 11 (2016): 3511-3531.
- Bury D; Dafalla M; Ahmed S; Hellquist H. "High grade transformation of salivary gland acinic cell carcinoma with emphasis
on histological diagnosis and clinical implications.". Pathology, research and practice (2016):
- Suárez C; Barnes L; Silver CE; Rodrigo JP; Shah JP; Triantafyllou A; Rinaldo A; et al. "Cervical lymph node metastasis in
adenoid cystic carcinoma of oral cavity and oropharynx: A collective international review.". Auris, nasus, larynx (2016):
- Bell D; Hanna EY; Weber RS; DeMonte F; Triantafyllou A; Lewis JS; Cardesa A; et al. "Neuroendocrine neoplasms of the sinonasal
region.". Head & neck (2016):
- Coca-Pelaz A; Barnes L; Rinaldo A; Cardesa A; Shah JP; Rodrigo JP; Suárez C; et al. "Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis in Adenoid
Cystic Carcinoma of the Larynx: A Collective International Review.". Advances in therapy (2016):
- Hellquist H; Skálová A; Barnes L; Cardesa A; Thompson LD; Triantafyllou A; Williams MD; et al. "Cervical Lymph Node Metastasis
in High-Grade Transformation of Head and Neck Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma: A Collective International Review.". Advances in
therapy (2016):
- hhell, Henrik. "European Rhinologic Society Advisory Board on Endoscopic Techniques in the Management of Nose, Paranasal Sinus
and Skull Base Tumours.". (2016):
- Bishop, Justin A.; Thompson, Lester D. R.; Cardesa, Antonio; Barnes, Leon; Lewis, James S.; Triantafyllou, Asterios; Hellquist,
Henrik; et al. "Rhabdomyoblastic Differentiation in Head and Neck Malignancies Other Than Rhabdomyosarcoma". Head and Neck
Pathology 9 4 (2015): 507-518.
- Lund VJ; Stammberger H; Nicolai P; Castelnuovo P; Beal T; Beham A; Bernal-Sprekelsen M; et al. "European position paper on
endoscopic management of tumours of the nose, paranasal sinuses and skull base.". Rhinology. Supplement (2010):
- Davies-Husband, C R; Montgomery, P; Premachandra, D; Hellquist, H; Davies-Husband CR; Montgomery P; Premachandra D; Hellquist
H. "Primary, combined, atypical carcinoid and squamous cell carcinoma of the larynx: a new variety of composite tumour". The
Journal of Laryngology & Otology 124 2 (2009): 226-229.
- Buchanan MA; Williams SM; Hellquist H; Innes AJ. "Cystic schwannoma of the cervical plexus masquerading as a type II second
branchial cleft cyst.". European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (2009):
- hhell, Henrik. "An unusual cause of obstructive sleep apnoea". (2009):
- Hilton JM; Phillips JS; Hellquist HB; Premachandra DJ. "Multifocal multi-site Warthin tumour.". European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology
- Logasundaram R; Amarawickrama H; Premachandra D; Hellquist H. "Intracapsular (in situ) carcinoma ex pleomorphic adenoma with
unusual clinical and histological features.". European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (2008):
- Velchuru VR; Khan MA; Hellquist HB; Studley JG. "Eosinophilic colitis.". Journal of gastrointestinal surgery : official
journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract (2007):
- Wilson T; Hellquist HB; Ray S; Pickles J. "Intranasal myopericytoma. A tumour with perivascular myoid differentiation: the
changing nomenclature for haemangiopericytoma.". The Journal of laryngology and otology (2007):
- Murphy JG; Lonsdale R; Premachandra D; Hellquist HB. "Salivary hybrid tumour: adenoid cystic carcinoma and basal cell adenocarcinoma.".
Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology (2006):
- Hellquist H; Cardesa A; Gale N; Kambic V; Michaels L. "Authors' reply". Histopathology (1999):
- Hellquist H; Cardesa A; Gale N; Kambic V; Michaels L. "Criteria for grading in the Ljubljana classification of epithelial
hyperplastic laryngeal lesions. A study by members of the Working Group on Epithelial Hyperplastic Laryngeal Lesions of the
European Society of Pathology.". Histopathology (1999):
- Westergren V; Lundblad L; Hellquist HB; Forsum U. "Ventilator-associated sinusitis: a review.". Clinical infectious diseases
: an official publication of the Infectious Diseases Society of America (1998):
- Wedenberg C; Jesslén P; Lundqvist G; Lundgren J; Hellquist HB; Dahl F; Karlsson MG; Nilsson C. "Basaloid squamous cell carcinoma
of the maxilla.". Oral oncology (1997):
- Hellquist HB; Sundelin K; Di Bacco A; Tytor M; Manzotti M; Viale G. "Tumour growth fraction and apoptosis in salivary gland
acinic cell carcinomas. Prognostic implications of Ki-67 and bcl-2 expression and of in situ end labelling (TUNEL).". The
Journal of pathology (1997):
- Hellquist HB; Svensson I; Brunk UT. "Oxidant-induced apoptosis: a consequence of lethal lysosomal leak?". Redox report
: communications in free radical research (1997):
- Gemryd P; Lundquist PG; Tytor M; Hellquist HB; Nordenskjöld B. "Prognostic significance of DNA ploidy in mucoepidermoid carcinoma.".
European Archives of Oto-Rhino-Laryngology (1997):
- Brunk UT; Dalen H; Roberg K; Hellquist HB. "Photo-oxidative disruption of lysosomal membranes causes apoptosis of cultured
human fibroblasts.". Free radical biology & medicine (1997):
- Hellquist HB. "Apoptosis in epithelial hyperplastic laryngeal lesions.". Acta oto-laryngologica. Supplementum (1997):
- Hellquist HB; Olejnicka B; Jadner M; Andersson T; Sederholm C. "Fas receptor is expressed in human lung squamous cell carcinomas,
whereas bcl-2 and apoptosis are not pronounced: a preliminary report.". British journal of cancer (1997):
- Hellquist HB; Karlsson MG; Viale G; Karlsson C; Davidsson A; Dell'Orto P; Olofsson J. "Bcl-2 immunoreactivity in salivary
gland neoplasms is unrelated to the expression of mRNA for natural killer cell stimulatory cytokines interleukin (IL)-2 and
IL-12.". Virchows Archiv : an international journal of pathology (1996):
- Karlsson MG; Hellquist HB. "Endothelial adhesion molecules for nasal-homing T cells in allergy.". Virchows Archiv : an
international journal of pathology (1996):
- Davidsson A; Danielsen A; Viale G; Olofsson J; Dell'Orto P; Pellegrini C; Karlsson MG; Hellquist HB. "Positive identification
in situ of mRNA expression of IL-6, and IL-12, and the chemotactic cytokine RANTES in patients with chronic sinusitis and
polypoid disease. Clinical relevance and relation to allergy.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1996):
- Hellquist HB. "Nasal polyps update. Histopathology.". Allergy and asthma proceedings (1996):
- hhell, Henrik. "Atypical carcinomas of the upper respiratory tract.". (1996):
- hhell, Henrik. "Adhesion molecules for nasal-homing T cells in allergy.". (1996):
- hhell, Henrik. "Histopathology of nasal polyps.". (1996):
- Karlsson MG; Davidsson A; Viale G; Graziani D; Hellquist HB. "Nasal messenger RNA expression of interleukins 2, 4, and 5 in
patients with allergic rhinitis.". Diagnostic molecular pathology : the American journal of surgical pathology, part B
- hhell, Henrik. "Rubor, calor, tumor, functio laesa: are they still enough to fully define inflammation?.". (1995):
- Davidsson A; Karlsson MG; Hellquist HB. "Allergen-induced changes of B-cell phenotypes in patients with allergic rhinitis.".
Rhinology (1994):
- Karlsson MG; Davidsson A; Hellquist HB. "Increase in CD4+ and CD45RO+ memory T cells in the nasal mucosa of allergic patients.".
APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica (1994):
- Karlsson MG; Davidsson A; Hellquist HB. "Quantitative computerized image analysis of immunostained lymphocytes. A methodological
approach.". Pathology, research and practice (1994):
- Hussein A; Hellquist HB. "Necrotizing lymphadenitis of the neck (Kikuchi's disease).". APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica,
et immunologica Scandinavica (1994):
- Hellquist HB; Hellqvist H; Vejlens L; Lindholm CE. "Epithelioid leiomyoma of the larynx.". Histopathology (1994):
- Hellquist HB; Karlsson MG; Nilsson C. "Salivary duct carcinoma--a highly aggressive salivary gland tumour with overexpression
of c-erbB-2.". The Journal of pathology (1994):
- Karlsson MG; Hellquist HB. "Phenotype switch and activation of T lymphocytes in patients with allergic rhinitis.". ORL;
journal for oto-rhino-laryngology and its related specialties (1994):
- hhell, Henrik. "Computerized image analysis of immunostained lymphocytes in frozen sections.". (1994):
- Davidsson A; Hellquist HB; Villman K; Westman G. "Malignant melanoma of the ear.". The Journal of laryngology and otology
- Davidsson A; Hellquist HB. "The so-called 'allergic' nasal polyp.". ORL; journal for oto-rhino-laryngology and its related
specialties (1993):
- Hellquist HB; Karlsson MG. "Nasal memory T lymphocytes capable of producing IL-4 in the allergic reaction.". Allergy
- Cooper JR; Hellquist HB; Michaels L. "Image analysis in the discrimination of verrucous carcinoma and squamous papilloma.".
The Journal of pathology (1992):
- Hellquist HB; Karlsson MG; Rudblad S; Ekedahl C; Davidsson A. "Activated T cells in the nasal mucosa of patients with grass-pollen
allergy. A pilot study.". Rhinology (1992):
- Miyaguchi M; Olofsson J; Hellquist HB. "Expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in glottic carcinoma and its relation
to recurrence after radiotherapy.". Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciences (1991):
- Hellquist HB; Olsen KE; Irander K; Karlsson E; Odkvist LM. "Langerhans cells and subsets of lymphocytes in the nasal mucosa.".
APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica (1991):
- Hellquist HB; Lundgren J. "Neurogenic sarcoma of the sinonasal tract.". The Journal of laryngology and otology (1991):
- Miyaguchi M; Olofsson J; Hellquist HB. "Immunohistochemical study of epidermal growth factor receptor in severe dysplasia
and carcinoma in situ of the vocal cords.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1991):
- Hellquist HB; Tytor M. "Polymorphous low-grade adenocarcinoma: a 'new' salivary gland tumour.". ORL; journal for oto-rhino-laryngology
and its related specialties (1991):
- hhell, Henrik. "The Sinonasal Immunobarrier and Its Relation to Allergy.". (1991):
- Hydén D; Hellquist H. "[Scleroma is a granulomatous infectious disease starting with diffuse respiratory tract symptoms]".
Lakartidningen (1990):
- Miyaguchi M; Olofsson J; Hellquist HB. "Expression of epidermal growth factor receptor in laryngeal dysplasia and carcinoma.".
Acta oto-laryngologica (1990):
- hhell, Henrik. "Sclerom – en granulomatös infektionssjukdom med smygande debutsymptom från över luftvägarna.". (1990):
- hhell, Henrik. "Morphological study on nasal mucosa in subjects using nasal nicotine solution in smoking cessation.". (1990):
- hhell, Henrik. "Luftvägsproblem hos slöjdlärare.". (1990):
- hhell, Henrik. "Antigenpresenterande celler och olika lymfocytpopulationer I nässlemhinna hos gräsallergiker.". (1990):
- hhell, Henrik. "Precancerous lesions of the vocal cords.". (1990):
- hhell, Henrik. "Trä-och metallslöjdlärare i Linköpings Kommun. En arbetsmiljöundersökning.". (1990):
- Hellquist H; Olofsson J. "Spindle cell carcinoma of the larynx.". APMIS : acta pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica
Scandinavica (1989):
- Holmström M; Wilhelmsson B; Hellquist H; Rosén G. "Histological changes in the nasal mucosa in persons occupationally exposed
to formaldehyde alone and in combination with wood dust.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1989):
- Holmström M; Wilhelmsson B; Hellquist H. "Histological changes in the nasal mucosa in rats after long-term exposure to formaldehyde
and wood dust.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1989):
- hhell, Henrik. "A morphological study on nasal mucosa in subjects using nasal nicotine solution in smoking cessation.". (1989):
- Hellquist HB; Olofsson J. "Expression of low molecular weight cytokeratin proteins in laryngeal dysplasia.". APMIS : acta
pathologica, microbiologica, et immunologica Scandinavica (1988):
- Edling C; Hellquist H; Odkvist L. "Occupational exposure to formaldehyde and histopathological changes in the nasal mucosa.".
British journal of industrial medicine (1988):
- Lindström FD; Hellquist H; Olofsson J. "Evaluation of lip salivary gland biopsy in 21 patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome.".
Clinical immunology and immunopathology (1987):
- Crissman JD; Gnepp DR; Goodman ML; Hellquist H; Johns ME. "Preinvasive lesions of the upper aerodigestive tract: histologic
definitions and clinical implications (a symposium).". Pathology annual (1987):
- Wang H; Boxall J; Hellquist H; Proops D; Michaels L. "Video time-lapse microscopy of human laryngeal carcinomas in vitro.".
Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciences (1986):
- Hellquist HB. "Making poster demonstrations with word processors.". Journal of clinical pathology (1986):
- Hellquist H; Michaels L. "Malignant mixed tumour. A salivary gland tumour showing both carcinomatous and sarcomatous features.".
Virchows Archiv. A, Pathological anatomy and histopathology (1986):
- hhell, Henrik. "Time-lapse videophotography of growing human laryngeal neoplasms.". (1986):
- hhell, Henrik. "Preliminära resultat från fältstudier rörande näsfysiologi och patologi hos formaldehydexponerade arbetare.".
- Edling C; Odkvist L; Hellquist H. "Formaldehyde and the nasal mucosa.". British journal of industrial medicine (1985):
- Odkvist LM; Edling C; Hellquist H. "Influence of vapours on the nasal mucosa among industry workers.". Rhinology (1985):
- Wilhelmsson B; Hellquist H; Olofsson J; Klintenberg C. "Nasal cuboidal metaplasia with dysplasia. Precursor to adenocarcinoma
in wood-dust-exposed workers?". Acta oto-laryngologica (1985):
- hhell, Henrik; Gale N; Kambic V; Michaels L; Cardesa A; Hellquist H; Zidar N; et al. "Förandringar i nässlemhinnan orsakade
av luftföroreningar.". Archives of otolaryngology--head & neck surgery 474 6 (1985): 649-665.
- hhell, Henrik. "Studi SEM di epiteli normali, displastici e carcinomatosi della corda vocale. In: Il cancro della laringe.".
- hhell, Henrik. "Djurexpreimentella studier over effekten av trädamm och formaldehyd på luftvägsslemhinna, speciellt de övre
luftvägarna.". (1985):
- Klintenberg C; Olofsson J; Hellquist H; Sökjer H. "Adenocarcinoma of the ethmoid sinuses. A review of 28 cases with special
reference to wood dust exposure.". Cancer (1984):
- Hellquist H; Lundgren J; Olofsson J. "Cholesterol granuloma of the maxillary and frontal sinuses.". ORL; journal for oto-rhino-laryngology
and its related specialties (1984):
- Lundgren J; Olofsson J; Hellquist H; Gröntoft L. "Scanning electron microscopy of vocal cord hyperplasia, keratosis, papillomatosis,
dysplasia and carcinoma.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1983):
- Hellquist H; Irander K; Edling C; Odkvist LM. "Nasal symptoms and histopathology in a group of spray-painters.". Acta oto-laryngologica
- hhell, Henrik. "Besvär i övre luftvägarna hos industriarbetare. En medicinsk undersökning.". (1983):
- Lundgren J; Olofsson J; Hellquist H; Strandh J. "The role of smear cytology in laryngeal diagnosis.". The Journal of otolaryngology
- Saari KM; Böke W; Manthey KF; Algvere P; Hellquist H; Kättström O; Räsänen O; Paavola M. "Bilateral acute retinal necrosis.".
American journal of ophthalmology (1982):
- Hellquist H; Lundgren J; Olofsson J. "Hyperplasia, keratosis, dysplasia and carcinoma in situ of the vocal cords--a follow-up
study.". Clinical otolaryngology and allied sciences (1982):
- Lundgren J; Olofsson J; Hellquist H. "Oncocytic lesions of the larynx.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1982):
- hhell, Henrik. "Diagnostik – Metoder och problem.". (1982):
- hhell, Henrik. "En svepelektronmikroskopisk studie av olika stambandspitel.". (1982):
- hhell, Henrik. "Borderline lesions.". (1982):
- Bjelkenkrantz K; Stål O; Gröntoft O; Olofsson J; Herder A; Hellquist H. "HISTOSCAN: computer program for cytophotometry in
tissue sections and its application in the evaluation of nuclear atypia.". Histochemistry (1981):
- Lundgren J; Olofsson J; Hellquist HB; Strandh J; Lundgren, J.; Olofsson, J.; Hellquist, H. B.; Strandh, J.. "Exfoliative cytology
in laryngology: comparison of cytologic and histologic diagnoses in 350 microlaryngoscopic examinations--a prospective study.".
Cancer 47 6 (1981): 1336-1343.
- Hellquist H; Olofsson J; Gröntoft O. "Carcinoma in situ and severe dysplasia of the vocal cords. A clinicopathological and
photometric investigation.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1981):
- Hellquist H; Olofsson J. "Photometric evaluation of laryngeal epithelium exhibiting hyperplasia, keratosis and moderate dysplasia.".
Acta oto-laryngologica (1981):
- Irander K; Hellquist HB; Edling C; Odkvist LM. "Upper airway problems in industrial workers exposed to oil mist.". Acta
oto-laryngologica (1980):
- Hellquist H; Olofsson J; Gröntoft O. "Chondrosarcoma of the larynx.". The Journal of laryngology and otology (1979):
- Lundgren J; Olofsson J; Hellquist H. "Toluidine blue. An aid in the microlaryngoscopic diagnosis of glottic lesions?". Archives
of otolaryngology (Chicago, Ill. : 1960) (1979):
- Hellquist H; Olofsson J; Sökjer H; Odkvist LM. "Amyloidosis of the larynx.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1979):
- Gröntoft O; Hellquist H; Olofsson J; Nordström G. "The DNA content and nuclear size in normal, dysplastic and carcinomatous
laryngeal epithelium. A spectrophotometric study.". Acta oto-laryngologica (1978):
- Gröntoft O; Hellquist H. "Cardiac haemangio-endotheliosarcoma. Review of the literature and report of a case.". Acta pathologica
et microbiologica Scandinavica. Section A, Pathology (1977):