I received my BSc (2011) and MSc (2013) degrees in Biochemistry from the University of Porto (UP), Portugal. After completing several internships in experimental groups, I began my scientific career in the Theoretical and Computational Biochemistry (TCB) group with Prof. Maria João Ramos and Prof. Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes, under a BSc fellowship (FCT), working on the project "New Drugs for Hypertension" (PTDC/QUI-QUI/121744/2010). I completed my PhD in the same group until September 2018, with a PhD fellowship funded by FCT (SFRH/BD/95962/2013). During my PhD, I participated in the Doctoral Program in Sustainable Chemistry (UP, University of Aveiro, and Nova University Lisbon). My research focused on the origin of catalytic power in several enzymes (Renin, ACS Catal., 2015; PatG macrocyclase, Chem. Eur. J., 2016; HIV-1 protease, JCTC, 2017; Chem. Sci., 2019; and alpha-amylase, ACS Catal., 2018). I studied the atomistic details of their catalytic mechanisms and the influence of conformational diversity on catalysis, using QM/MM methods and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. This work resulted in 6 publications in high-impact journals. In 2018, I was awarded a two-year postdoctoral fellowship from Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare (grant 190-0335), which allowed me to move to Sweden and work with Prof. Lynn Kamerlin at Uppsala University (UU). From August 2020 to July 2022, I was a postdoctoral researcher in the same group, focusing on applying various computational methods to understand biological processes, such as enzyme catalysis and phosphate hydrolysis. I worked on multidisciplinary projects with several enzymes, including GTPases (JACS, 2019), lactonases, and protein tyrosine phosphatases (Chem. Sci., 2022), in close collaboration with both theoretical and experimental groups. In 2022, I was awarded a Scientific Employment Stimulus contract by FCT as a Junior Researcher at LAQV-REQUIMTE. Currently, my research is focused on molecular targets for flavivirus drug discovery. Throughout my scientific career, I have published 14 papers in peer-reviewed journals and participated in 18 communications at national and international meetings (6 oral presentations and 12 posters). I have teaching experience at both Uppsala University and the University of Porto and have participated in pedagogical training courses ("Doctoral Supervisor Training Course" and "Supervising PhD Students Course") organized by the Faculty of Science and Technology at Uppsala University. Additionally, I have mentored and supervised 9 bachelor and master’s students.

Personal identification

Full name
Ana Rita de Almeida Calixto Silva
Date of birth

Citation names

  • Ana Rita Calixto

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • ana.rita@fc.up.pt (Professional)
  • anaritacalixto@gmail.com (Personal)


  • Departamento de Química e Bioquímica Rua do Campo Alegre s/n, 4169-007, Porto, Porto, Portugal (Professional)

Knowledge fields

  • Exact Sciences - Chemical Sciences
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Biochemistry


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Degree Classification
2014/06/01 - 2018/09/11
PhD Program in Sustainable Chemistry (Doutoramento)
Major in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Biochemistry
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

REQUIMTE Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares Aplicadas, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
"The origin of the catalytic power of enzymes" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2011/10 - 2013/09
Master's Degree in Biochemistry (Mestrado)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
"Elucidating the catalytic mechanism of human renin with hybrid quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics studies" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
18/20 (class B in the ECTS grading scale)
2008/09 - 2011/09
Bachelor's Degree in Biochemistry (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal
"The angiogenic paradox in diabetes" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
17/20 (class A in the ECTS grading scale)


Host institution
2022/08/01 - Current Researcher (Research) REQUIMTE LAQV Porto, Portugal
REQUIMTE LAQV Porto, Portugal
2018/06/01 - 2022/07/31 Postdoc (Research) Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2012/06/01 - 2014/05/31 Researcher (Research) REQUIMTE, Portugal
REQUIMTE, Portugal
2010/11/01 - 2011/09/09 Research Trainee (Research) Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal


Host institution
2014/06/01 - 2018/05/31 PhD student REQUIMTE Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares Aplicadas, Portugal
REQUIMTE Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares Aplicadas, Portugal
2009/12/01 - 2010/07/29 Extracurricular Internship Program Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina Dentária, Portugal


Designation Funders
2018/08/01 - 2020/07/31 Att första och designa de kemiska mekanismerna och den allosteriska regleringen av GTPases
Post-doc Fellow
Uppsala biomedicinska centrum, Sweden
Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare
2014/06 - 2018/05 The origin of the catalytic power of enzymes
PhD Student Fellow
REQUIMTE Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares Aplicadas, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2012/05 - 2014/04 New drugs for hypertension
Research Fellow
REQUIMTE, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2022/08/01 - 2028/07/31 Targeting Flaviviruses enzymes: from computational chemistry to antiviral drugs
Rede de Química e Tecnologia Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2020/01/01 - 2023/12/31 Applied Molecular Biosciences Unit
Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Rede de Química e Tecnologia Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Tecnologias e Agroambiente, Portugal

Unidade de Ciências Biomoleculares Aplicadas, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2025/01/06 - 2026/01/05 Unraveling the role of NS2 cofactor in flavivirus NS2B-NS3 protease activity
Principal investigator
Rede de Química e Tecnologia Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2023/09/01 - 2024/02/01 Unraveling the role of NS2 cofactor in flavivirus NS2B-NS3 protease activity
Projecto ID FCT: 2023.09592.CPCA.A1
Principal investigator
Rede de Química e Tecnologia Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde, Portugal
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT


Conference poster
  1. Ana Rita Calixto; Cátia Moreira; Anna Pabis; Carsten Kötting; Klaus Gerwert; Till Rudack; Kamerlin, Shina Caroline Lynn. "Understanding Biological GTP Hydrolysis through Molecular Simulation". Paper presented in 12th WATOC, 2022.
  2. Ana Rita Calixto; Cátia Moreira; Anna Pabis; Carsten Kötting; Klaus Gerwert; Till Rudack; Kamerlin, Shina Caroline Lynn. "Unraveling the catalytic mechanism of GTP hydrolysis by GTPases using computational approaches". Paper presented in ACS Spring Meeting: Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century, 2021.
  3. Ana Rita Calixto. "Computational modeling of biological phosphate hydrolysis". Paper presented in LatinXChem Twitter Conference, 2020.
  4. Ana Rita Calixto. "GTP hydrolysis without an active site base: A unifying mechanism for Ras and related GTPases". Paper presented in Twitter Poster Conference IOPPPoster, 2020.
  5. Ana Rita Calixto; Maria João Ramos; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes. "The Influence of conformational diversity on enzyme catalysis". Paper presented in 6th Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Computational Biology, 2018.
  6. Ana Rita Calixto; Maria João Ramos; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes. "The relationship between conformational fluctuations and activation energies of the HIV-1 protease catalytic mechanism". Paper presented in 8th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium, 2017.
  7. Ana Rita Calixto; Maria João Ramos; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes. "The influence of protein motions and frozen atoms on the energetic barrier of HIV-1 protease’s catalytic mechanism - A QM/MM study". Paper presented in 5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting and 1st European Young Chemists Meeting, 2016.
  8. Raquel Costa; Raquel Costa Almeida; Ana Rita Calixto; Ilda Rodrigues; Luisa Guardão; João Tiago Guimarães; Rita Negrão; Raquel Soares. "Complicações vasculares associadas à Diabetes". Paper presented in 11º Congresso Português de Diabetes, 2014.
  9. Ana Rita Calixto; Natércia Fernandes Brás; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes; Maria João Ramos. "Elucidating the catalytic mechanism of human renin with a QM/MM study". Paper presented in XVIII National Meeting from the Portuguese Chemical Society, 2013.
  10. Ana Rita Calixto; Natércia Fernandes Brás; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes; Maria João Ramos. "A QM-MMM investigation of the catalytic mechanism of human renin protease". Paper presented in XVIII Luso Galician Meeting of Chemistry, 2012.
  11. Ana Rita Calixto; Natércia Fernandes Brás; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes; Maria João Ramos. "Computational study of the catalytic mechanism of Human Renin protease". Paper presented in 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2012), 2012.
Journal article
  1. Christian Gusenda; Ana R. Calixto; Joana R. Da Silva; Pedro A. Fernandes; Martin Grininger. "The Kinetics of Carbon-Carbon Bond Formation in Metazoan Fatty Acid Synthase and Its Impact on Product Fidelity". Angewandte Chemie International Edition (2025): https://doi.org/10.1002/anie.202412195.
  2. Marina Corbella; Joe Bravo; Andrey O. Demkiv; Ana Rita Calixto; Kitty Sompiyachoke; Celine Bergonzi; Alfie-Louise R. Brownless; Mikael H. Elias; Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin. "Catalytic Redundancies and Conformational Plasticity Drives Selectivity and Promiscuity in Quorum Quenching Lactonases". JACS Au (2024): https://doi.org/10.1021/jacsau.4c00404.
  3. Crean, Rory M.; Corbella, Marina; Ana Rita Calixto; Hengge, Alvan C.; Kamerlin, S. C. L.. "Sequence – Dynamics – Function Relationships in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases". QRB Discovery (2024): 1-37. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/qrd.2024.3.
  4. Rory M. Crean; Michal Biler; Marina Corbella; Ana R. Calixto; Marc W. van der Kamp; Alvan C. Hengge; Shina C. L. Kamerlin. "Correction to “Loop Dynamics and Enzyme Catalysis in Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases”". Journal of the American Chemical Society (2022): https://doi.org/10.1021/jacs.2c04624.
  5. Ruidan Shen; Rory M. Crean; Keith J. Olsen; Marina Corbella Morató; Ana R. Calixto; Teisha Richan; Tiago A. S. Brandão; et al. "Insights into the importance of WPD-loop sequence for activity and structure in protein tyrosine phosphatases". Chemical Science 13 45 (2022): 13524-13540. http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d2sc04135a.
  6. Bras, N. F.; Ferreira, P.; Calixto, A. R.; Jaspars, M.; Houssen, W.; Naismith, J. H.; Fernandes, P. A.; Ramos, M. J.. "The Catalytic Mechanism of the Marine-Derived Macrocyclase PatGmac (vol 22, pg 13089, 2016)". Chemistry - A European Journal (2021): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/40968255/.
  7. Sérgio F. Sousa; Ana R. Calixto; Pedro Ferreira; Maria J. Ramos; Carmay Lim; Pedro A. Fernandes. "Activation Free Energy, Substrate Binding Free Energy, and Enzyme Efficiency Fall in a Very Narrow Range of Values for Most Enzymes". ACS Catalysis (2020): 8444-8453. https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.0c01947.
    Published • 10.1021/acscatal.0c01947
  8. Ana Rita Calixto; Cátia Moreira; Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin. "Recent Advances in Understanding Biological GTP Hydrolysis through Molecular Simulation". ACS Omega (2020): https://doi.org/10.1021/acsomega.0c00240.
    Published • 10.1021/acsomega.0c00240
  9. Cátia Moreira; Ana Rita Calixto; John P. Richard; Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin. "The role of ligand-gated conformational changes in enzyme catalysis". Biochemical Society Transactions 47 5 (2019): 1449-1460. https://doi.org/10.1042/BST20190298.
    Published • 10.1042/BST20190298
  10. Ana Rita Calixto; Maria João Ramos; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes. "Conformational Diversity Induces Nanosecond-Timescale Chemical Disorder in the HIV-1 Protease Reaction Pathway". Chemical Science 10 (2019): 7212-7221. https://doi.org/10.1039%2Fc9sc01464k.
    Published • 10.1039/c9sc01464k
  11. Ana Rita Calixto; Cátia Moreira; Anna Pabis; Carsten Kötting; Klaus Gerwert; Till Rudack; Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin. "GTP Hydrolysis Without an Active Site Base: A Unifying Mechanism for Ras and Related GTPases". Journal of the American Chemical Society (2019): https://doi.org/10.1021%2Fjacs.9b03193.
    Published • 10.1021/jacs.9b03193
  12. Diogo Santos-Martins; Ana Rita Calixto; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes; Maria João Ramos. "A Buried Water Molecule Influences Reactivity in a-Amylase on a Subnanosecond Time Scale". ACS Catalysis 8 5 (2018): 4055-4063. https://doi.org/10.1021/acscatal.7b04400.
    Published • 10.1021/acscatal.7b04400
  13. Ana Rita Calixto; Maria João Ramos; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes. "Influence of Frozen Residues on the Exploration of the PES of Enzyme Reaction Mechanisms". Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 13 11 (2017): 5486-5495. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00768.
    Published • 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00768
  14. Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes; Ana Rita Calixto. "Moléculas magníficas". Revista de Ciência Elementar 5 2 (2017): https://doi.org/10.24927%2Frce2017.027.
    Published • 10.24927/rce2017.027
  15. Natércia Fernades Brás; Pedro Ferreira; Ana Rita Calixto; Marcel Jaspars; Wael Houssen; James Henderson Naismith; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes; Maria João Ramos. "The Catalytic Mechanism of the Marine-Derived Macrocyclase PatGmac.". Chemistry 22 37 (2016): 13089-13097. http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27389424.
    Published • 10.1002/chem.201601670
  16. Ana Rita Calixto; Natércia Fernandes Brás; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes; Maria João Ramos. "Reaction mechanism of human renin studied by quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics (QM/MM) calculations". ACS Catalysis 4 11 (2014): 3869-3876. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84910096204&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
    Published • 10.1021/cs500497f
  1. Christian Gusenda; Ana Rita Calixto; Joana Margarida Ribeiro da Silva; Pedro Alexandrino Fernandes; Martin Grininger. "The Kinetics of Carbon-Carbon-Bond Formation in Metazoan Fatty Acid Synthase and its Impact on Product Fidelity". 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.07.03.601458.
  2. Marina Corbella; Joe Bravo; Andrey O. Demkiv; Ana Rita Calixto; Kitty Sompiyachoke; Celine Bergonzi; Mikael H. Elias; Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin. "Catalytic Redundancies and Conformational Plasticity Drives Selectivity and Promiscuity in Quorum Quenching Lactonases". 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.05.01.592096.
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Calixto, Ana Rita. "The origin of the catalytic power of enzymes". PhD, Universidade do Porto, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/10216/115766.
  2. Calixto, Ana Rita. "Elucidating the catalytic mechanism of human renin with hybrid quantum mechanics and molecular mechanics studies". Master, Universidade do Porto, 2013. https://hdl.handle.net/10216/69472.


Other output
  1. Contribution of oxyanion stabilization to kemp eliminase efficiency - Faculty Opinions. 2020. Ana Rita Calixto; Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin. https://facultyopinions.com/prime/contributor/evaluate/article/738151194.
  2. Foldamer hypothesis for the growth and sequence differentiation of prebiotic polymers - Faculty Opinions. 2018. Ana Rita Calixto; Shina Caroline Lynn Kamerlin. https://facultyopinions.com/prime/contributor/evaluate/article/729083320.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2022/06 GTP hydrolysis without an active site base: resolving a decades old controversy Girona seminar 2022
Universitat de Girona (Girona, Spain)
2019/08/26 Computational modeling of biological phosphate hydrolysis – a unifying mechanism for Ras and related GTPases CECAM workshop, Modeling noncovalent interactions in supra/bio catalysis
Sorbonne Université - Paris (Paris, France)
2016/06/22 Studying the role of protein motions in enzyme catalysis – computational approaches on HIV-1 protease XII National Meeting of Physical Chemistry/ I Symposium of Computational Chemistry
University of Évora (Évora, Portugal)
2015/08/05 The atomistic details of patellamide macrocyclization described by QM/MM studies on PatG macrocyclase Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Madrid, Spain)
2014/02/12 QM/MM studies on the catalytic mechanism of the human renin 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2014)
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2013/02/13 The catalytic mechanism of human renin protease – a quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics study 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013)
University of Porto (Porto, Portugal)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2023/09 - 2024/10 Bee Venom Phospholipase A2
Bioquímica (Master)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2023/02 - 2023/06 Mecanismo de ação e desenvolvimento de antídotos para o veneno de víbora terciopelo
Química (Degree)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2016/09/05 - 2016/10/01 11th Intensive Course of the European Master in Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling (2016/09/05 - 2016/10/01)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2016/02/17 - 2016/02/19 Collaborator in the young researchers meeting of University of Porto (IJUP) (2016/02/17 - 2016/02/19)
Meeting (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2015/05/13 - 2015/05/15 Collaborator in the young researchers meeting of University of Porto (IJUP) (2015/05/13 - 2015/05/15)
Meeting (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2022/07 - Current 12th WATOC
12th WATOC
2022/06 - Current Girona Seminar
Girona seminar 2022
Universitat de Girona, Spain
2022/05 - Current SoapBox Science
SoapBox Science
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2021/10 - 2021/10 Structural Bioinformatics 2021 EMBL-EBI
European Bioinformatics Institute, United Kingdom
2021/05 - 2021/05 EMBO-Self-Leadership for Women Scientists
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2021/03/05 - 2021/03/16 ACS Spring Meeting: Macromolecular Chemistry: The Second Century
2020/09/07 - 2020/09/07 LatinXChem Twitter Conference
LatinXChem Twitter Conference
2020/07/15 - 2020/07/16 Twitter Poster Conference IOPPposter
Twitter Poster Conference IOPPposter
IOP Publishing Ltd, United Kingdom
2019/11/04 - 2019/12/18 Academic Teacher Training Course
Academic Teacher Training Course 3 - autumn 2019
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2019/09/25 - 2019/12/06 Supervising PhD Students Course
Supervising PhD Students, autumn 2019
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2019/11/28 - 2019/12/05 Supervising Training Course
Supervising Training Course, autumn 2018
Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2019/08/26 - 2019/08/30 CECAM workshop, Modeling noncovalent interactions in supra/bio catalysis
CECAM workshop, Modeling noncovalent interactions in supra/bio catalysis
Association Sorbonne Université, France
2019/06/10 - 2019/06/13 PRACE/BioExcel Seasonal School 2019
HPC for Life Sciences
Partnership for Advanced Computing In Europe, Belgium

BioExcel Center of Excellence for Computational Biomolecular Research, Sweden
2018/12/21 - 2018/12/21 Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Computational Biology (EJIBCE)
Meeting of Young Researchers in Structural Computational Biology (EJIBCE)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2017/06/26 - 2017/06/30 8th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium
8th International Theoretical Biophysics Symposium
Donostia International Physics Center, Spain
2016/07 - 2016/07 Molecular Modelling and Protein Structure for undergraduate students
Escola da Química 2016 – Modelação Molecular da Estrutura de Proteínas
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2016/06/22 - 2016/06/24 XII National Meeting of Physical Chemistry/ I Symposium of Computational Chemistry
XII National Meeting of Physical Chemistry/ I Symposium of Computational Chemistry
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2016/04/26 - 2016/04/29 5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting and 1st European Young Chemists Meeting
5th Portuguese Young Chemists Meeting and 1st European Young Chemists Meeting
Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Portugal
2015/10/05 - 2015/10/05 Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
Workshop on Theoretical Chemistry and Computational Modelling
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
2015/07 - 2015/07 Molecular Modelling and Protein Structure for undergraduate students
Escola da Química 2015 – Modelação Molecular da Estrutura de Proteínas
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2014/02/12 - 2014/02/14 7th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2014)
7th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2014)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2013/06/12 - 2013/06/14 XVIII National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemical Society
XVIII National Meeting of the Portuguese Chemical Society
Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal
2013/02/13 - 2013/02/15 6th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013)
6th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2013)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2012/11/28 - 2012/11/30 XVIII Luso Galician Meeting of Chemistry
XVIII Luso Galician Meeting of Chemistry
Universidade de Trás-os-Montes e Alto Douro, Portugal
2012/02/22 - 2012/02/24 5th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2012)
5th Meeting of Young Researchers of University of Porto (IJUP 2012)
Universidade do Porto, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2023/06/02 Computational Strategies For Understanding The Molecular Basis Of Biochemical And Biocatalytic Processes
(Thesis) Arguer
Carla Calvó-Tusell (PhD)
Universitat de Girona, Spain

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2023/09 - 2023/12 Bioquímica Computacional Bioquímica (Mestrado integrado) Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2023/09 - 2023/12 Modelação de Bioestruturas Química (Licenciatura) Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2021/09 - 2021/10 Structural Bioinformatics (Lecture/Tutorial) Computational Chemistry of Biological Macromolecules (Master) Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2020/09 - 2020/10 Structural Bioinformatics (Lecture/Tutorial) Computational Chemistry of Biological Macromolecules (Master) Uppsala Universitet, Sweden
2019/09 - 2019/10 Structural Bioinformatics (Lecture/Tutorial) Computational Chemistry for Biological Macromolecules (Master) Uppsala Universitet, Sweden

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2022/09 - 2023/10 New antidotes for Bothrops asper venom: a study of PLA2 protein Roberto Pinto
2022/02 - 2022/04 Hydrolysis of Phosphotriesters Alexandros Zantis
2019/09 - 2019/12 GTPases - the influence of active-site mutations on the activation barrier Neli Sedej
2019/09 - 2019/11 GTPases - the influence of active-site mutations on the activation barrier Bruno Cuevas Zuviría
2019/05 - 2019/10 Computational Simulations on GTPases Radost Herboth
2017/07 - 2017/07 Exploring the Identity of the General Base for a DNA Polymerase Catalyzed Reaction Using QM/MM: The Case Study of Human TLS Polymerase Katie A. Wilson
2015/04 - 2016/09 The Catalytic Mechanism of the Marine-Derived Macrocyclase PatGmac Pedro Ferreira


2011 Best Final Grade in the 1st Degree of Biochemistry
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal

Other distinction

2018 Postdoctoral Grant (grant 190-0335)
Stiftelsen Olle Engkvist Byggmästare, Sweden
2014 PhD grant SFRH/BD/95962/2013
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal