
Personal identification

Full name
Ricardo Magalhães

Citation names

  • Magalhães, Ricardo

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


  • Neurospin Bâtiment 145, Point Courrier 156 CEA-Saclay Center F91191 Gif-sur-Yvette Cedex FRANCE, F91191, Gyf-sur-Yvette, Essonne, France (Professional)

Knowledge fields

  • Medical and Health Sciences - Basic Medicine - Neurosciences


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
French Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Elementary (A2) Upper intermediate (B2) Elementary (A2)
Degree Classification
Ciências da Saúde (Doutoramento)
Major in Sem especialidade
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
"An imaging characterization of the adaptive and maladaptive response to stress" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2008/09/01 - 2013/07/31
Engenharia Biomédica (Mestrado integrado)
Major in Informática Médica
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
"Modelling patterns of functional brain connectivity" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2019/07/14 - 2021/07/14 Postdoc (Research) Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives NeuroSpin, France
Commissariat à l'Énergie Atomique et aux Énergies Alternatives NeuroSpin, France
2019/01/15 - 2019/07/14 Postdoc (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Escola de Medicina, Portugal


Host institution
2022/09/12 - Current Empresa icometrix, Belgium
icometrix, Belgium
2021/09/21 - 2022/09/05 Empresa Peekmed, Portugal
Peekmed, Portugal


  1. Magalhães, R.; Marques, P.; Veloso, T.; Soares, J.M.; Sousa, N.; Alves, V.. Construction of functional brain connectivity networks. 2015.
Book chapter
  1. Magalhães, Ricardo. "Biomarkers of resilience and susceptibility in rodent models of stress". 2020.
  2. Tiago Jesus; Ricardo Magalhães; Victor Alves. "Spatial Normalization of MRI Brain Studies Using a U-Net Based Neural Network". 2020.
  3. Leonardo Nogueira Matos; Mariana Fontainhas Rodrigues; Ricardo Magalhães; Victor Alves; Paulo Novais. "Interpretability of a Deep Learning Model for Rodents Brain Semantic Segmentation". 307-318. Springer International Publishing, 2019.
Journal article
  1. André Ferreira; Ricardo Magalhães; Sébastien Mériaux; Victor Alves. "Generation of Synthetic Rat Brain MRI Scans with a 3D Enhanced Alpha Generative Adversarial Network". Applied Sciences 12 10 (2022): 4844-4844. https://doi.org/10.3390/app12104844.
  2. Caetano I; Amorim L; Soares JM; Ferreira S; Coelho A; Reis J; Santos NC; et al. "Amygdala size varies with stress perception.". Neurobiology of stress (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/34013000.
  3. Magalhães R; Picó-Pérez M; Esteves M; Vieira R; Castanho TC; Amorim L; Sousa M; et al. "Habitual coffee drinkers display a distinct pattern of brain functional connectivity.". Molecular psychiatry (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/33875801.
  4. Coelho A; Fernandes HM; Magalhães R; Moreira PS; Marques P; Soares JM; Amorim L; et al. "Signatures of white-matter microstructure degradation during aging and its association with cognitive status.". Scientific reports (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/33633204.
  5. Soares JM; Conde R; Magalhães R; Marques P; Gomes L; Gonçalves ÓF; Arantes M; Sampaio A. "Alterations in functional connectivity are associated with white matter lesions and information processing efficiency in multiple sclerosis.". Brain imaging and behavior (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/32114647.
  6. Coelho A; Fernandes HM; Magalhães R; Moreira PS; Marques P; Soares JM; Amorim L; et al. "Reorganization of brain structural networks in aging: A longitudinal study.". Journal of neuroscience research (2021): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/33527512.
  7. Rodrigues B; Coelho A; Portugal-Nunes C; Magalhães R; Moreira PS; Castanho TC; Amorim L; et al. "Higher Adherence to the Mediterranean Diet Is Associated With Preserved White Matter Integrity and Altered Structural Connectivity.". Frontiers in neuroscience (2020): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/32903442.
  8. Carlos Portugal-Nunes; Teresa Costa Castanho; Pedro Silva Moreira; Ricardo Magalhães; Paulo Marques; Patrício Costa; Joana Almeida Palha; et al. "The moderator effect of age in the association between mood and adiposity in the elderly is specific for the subcutaneous adipose compartment: An MRI study". International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/gps.5226.
  9. Barrière DA; Magalhães R; Novais A; Marques P; Selingue E; Geffroy F; Marques F; et al. "The SIGMA rat brain templates and atlases for multimodal MRI data analysis and visualization.". Nature communications (2019): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/31836716.
  10. Magalhães, Ricardo. "Brain functional connectivity is altered in patients with Takotsubo Syndrome". Scientific Reports (2019): http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/s41598-019-40695-3.
  11. Moreira PS; Macoveanu J; Marques P; Coelho A; Magalhães R; Siebner HR; Soares JM; Sousa N; Morgado P. "Altered response to risky decisions and reward in patients with obsessive–compulsive disorder". Journal of psychiatry & neuroscience : JPN (2019): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/31509362.
  12. Marco R. Guimarães; Ana R. Soares; Ana M. Cunha; Madalena Esteves; Sónia Borges; Ricardo Magalhães; Pedro S. Moreira; et al. "Evidence for lack of direct causality between pain and affective disturbances in a rat peripheral neuropathy model". Genes, Brain and Behavior (2019): e12542-e12542. https://doi.org/10.1111/gbb.12542.
  13. Ferreira S; Veiga C; Moreira P; Magalhães R; Coelho A; Marques P; Portugal-Nunes C; Sousa N; Morgado P. "Reduced Hedonic Valuation of Rewards and Unaffected Cognitive Regulation in Chronic Stress.". Frontiers in neuroscience (2019): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/31354423.
  14. Moreira PS; Marques P; Magalhães R; Esteves M; Sousa N; Soares JM; Morgado P. "The resting-brain of obsessive-compulsive disorder.". Psychiatry research. Neuroimaging (2019): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/31279239.
  15. Ricardo Magalhães; Ashley Novais; David A. Barrière; Paulo Marques; Fernanda Marques; João C. Sousa; João J. Cerqueira; et al. "A Resting-State Functional MR Imaging and Spectroscopy Study of the Dorsal Hippocampus in the Chronic Unpredictable Stress Rat Model". The Journal of Neuroscience (2019): 2192-18. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2192-18.2019.
  16. Barrière DA; Hamieh AM; Magalhães R; Traoré A; Barbier J; Bonny JM; Ardid D; et al. "Structural and functional alterations in the retrosplenial cortex following neuropathic pain.". Pain (2019): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/31145220.
  17. Kong XZ; Boedhoe PSW; Abe Y; Alonso P; Ameis SH; Arnold PD; Assogna F; et al. "Mapping Cortical and Subcortical Asymmetry in Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: Findings From the ENIGMA Consortium.". Biological psychiatry (2019): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/31178097.
  18. Esteves M; Moreira PS; Marques P; Castanho TC; Magalhães R; Amorim L; Portugal-Nunes C; et al. "Asymmetrical subcortical plasticity entails cognitive progression in older individuals.". Aging Cell (2018): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/30578611.
  19. Amorim L; Magalhães R; Coelho A; Moreira PS; Portugal-Nunes C; Castanho TC; Marques P; Sousa N; Santos NC. "Poor Sleep Quality Associates With Decreased Functional and Structural Brain Connectivity in Normative Aging: A MRI Multimodal Approach.". Frontiers in aging neuroscience (2018): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/30524267.
  20. Teixeira FG; Gago MF; Marques P; Moreira PS; Magalhães R; Sousa N; Salgado AJ. "Safinamide: a new hope for Parkinson's disease?". Drug discovery today (2018): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29339106.
  21. Esteves M; Magalhães R; Marques P; Castanho TC; Portugal-Nunes C; Soares JM; Almeida A; et al. "Functional Hemispheric (A)symmetries in the Aged Brain-Relevance for Working Memory.". Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience (2018): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29593523.
  22. Joana Cabral; Diego Vidaurre; Paulo Marques; Ricardo Magalhães; Pedro Silva Moreira; José Miguel Soares; Gustavo Deco; Nuno Sousa; Morten L. Kringelbach. "Cognitive performance in healthy older adults relates to spontaneous switching between states of functional connectivity during rest". Scientific Reports 7 1 (2017): https://doi.org/10.1038%2Fs41598-017-05425-7.
  23. Magalhães R; Barrière DA; Novais A; Marques F; Marques P; Cerqueira J; Sousa JC; et al. "The dynamics of stress: a longitudinal MRI study of rat brain structure and connectome.". Molecular psychiatry (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/29203852.
  24. Moreira PS; Marques P; Soriano-Mas C; Magalhães R; Sousa N; Soares JM; Morgado P. "The neural correlates of obsessive-compulsive disorder: a multimodal perspective.". Translational psychiatry (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28850108.
  25. Esteves M; Marques P; Magalhães R; Castanho TC; Soares JM; Almeida A; Santos NC; Sousa N; Leite-Almeida H. "Structural laterality is associated with cognitive and mood outcomes: An assessment of 105 healthy aged volunteers.". (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28341162.
  26. Soares JM; Marques P; Magalhães R; Santos NC; Sousa N. "The association between stress and mood across the adult lifespan on default mode network.". (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/26971253.
  27. Magalhães R; Bourgin J; Boumezbeur F; Marques P; Bottlaender M; Poupon C; Djemaï B; et al. "White matter changes in microstructure associated with a maladaptive response to stress in rats.". (2017): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/28117841.
  28. Pedro Silva Moreira; Paulo Marques; Ricardo Magalhães. "Identifying Functional Subdivisions in the Medial Frontal Cortex". The Journal of Neuroscience 36 44 (2016): 11168-11170. https://doi.org/10.1523/JNEUROSCI.2584-16.2016.
  29. Silva Moreira P; Marques P; Magalhães R. "Identifying Functional Subdivisions in the Medial Frontal Cortex.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27807160.
  30. Marques P; Moreira P; Magalhães R; Costa P; Santos N; Zihl J; Soares J; Sousa N. "The functional connectome of cognitive reserve.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27144904.
  31. Sampaio A; Moreira PS; Osório A; Magalhães R; Vasconcelos C; Férnandez M; Carracedo A; et al. "Altered functional connectivity of the default mode network in Williams syndrome: a multimodal approach.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27412230.
  32. Soares JM; Magalhães R; Moreira PS; Sousa A; Ganz E; Sampaio A; Alves V; Marques P; Sousa N. "A Hitchhiker's Guide to Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging.". (2016): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/27891073.
  33. Magalhães R; Marques P; Soares J; Alves V; Sousa N. "The impact of normalization and segmentation on resting-state brain networks.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25420048.
  34. Marques PC; Soares JM; Magalhães RJ; Santos NC; Sousa NJ. "Macro- and micro-structural white matter differences correlate with cognitive performance in healthy aging.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25824621.
  35. Pereira VH; Marques P; Magalhães R; Português J; Calvo L; Cerqueira JJ; Sousa N. "Central autonomic nervous system response to autonomic challenges is altered in patients with a previous episode of Takotsubo cardiomyopathy.". (2015): http://europepmc.org/abstract/med/25616672.
  36. Cardoso, L.; Marins, F.; Magalhães, R.; Marins, N.; Oliveira, T.; Vicente, H.; Abelha, A.; Machado, J.; Neves, J.. "Abstract computation in schizophrenia detection through artificial neural network based systems". Scientific World Journal 2015 (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84925337170&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  37. Marques, P.; Soares, J.M.; Magalhães, R.; Santos, N.C.; Sousa, N.. "The Bounds of Education in the Human Brain Connectome". Scientific Reports 5 (2015): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84938709591&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  38. Soares, J.M.; Marques, P.; Magalhães, R.; Santos, N.C.; Sousa, N.. "Brain structure across the lifespan: The influence of stress and mood". Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience 6 NOV (2014): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84921405161&partnerID=MN8TOARS.