After a PhD in European Literatures at the University of Bologna (Italy), focusing on nostalgia in 20th-century poetry, Jacopo Masi joined the Centre for Classical Studies of the FLUL as an FCT postdoctoral fellow, carrying out a research project on the concept of ¿threshold¿ in classical culture and 20th-century literature. Presently, he is Junior Researcher in the same centre and, since 2019, he has been investigating the manifestations of ¿silence¿ in ancient and modern literature. In 2018, he co-organized the "Thresholds in Literature and the Arts" International Conference at the University of Lisbon. In 2023, he organized the "Silence of (the) God(s)" International Conference, that was held at the University of Lisbon on November 23-24. He co-edited the volume "Théâtre: esthétique et pouvoir. Tome 1. De l'antiquité classique au XIXe siècle" (Paris: Le Mauscrit, 2016). He is the chief editor of the forthcoming volume "Dedans, dehors et à travers: Perspectives littéraires et comparatistes sur les seuils / In, Out and Through: Literary and Comparative Perspectives on Thresholds" (Paris: Slatkine / Honoré Champion, "Bibliothèque de littérature générale et comparée", 2024). He is the author of the volume "Ce sentiment qui nous rappelle. Déclinaisons de la nostalgie chez Giorgio Caproni, Philip Larkin, Claude Esteban et Seamus Heaney" (Paris: Le Manuscrit, 2018). His research mainly focus on the history of nostalgia and expressions of nostalgia in literature, on the concept of threshold and on the topic of silence. His main fields of interest are Modern and Contemporary European poetry, the reception of Classical literature and, more in general, Cultural and European studies.

Personal identification

Full name
Jacopo Masi

Citation names

  • Masi, Jacopo

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


Mobile phone
  • (+33) 768196231 (Personal)


  • Rua da Páscoa 29, 2, 1250-177, Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal (Personal)

Knowledge fields

  • Humanities - Languages and Literatures
  • Humanities - Languages and Literatures - General Literature Studies
  • Humanities - Languages and Literatures - Literary Theory


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Italian (Mother tongue)
French Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
Portuguese Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2)
Degree Classification
2004/09/01 - 2010/06/07
Doctorat en Littératures de l'Europe Unie - Doctorat d'Etudes Supérieures Européennes (Dottorato di Ricerca)
Major in Literaturas Europeias
Università degli Studi di Bologna Dipartimento di Lingue e Letterature Straniere Moderne, Italy
"Déclinaisons¿ de ¿la¿ nostalgie ¿dans¿ la ¿poésie¿ européenne¿ de ¿la¿ deuxième ¿moitié ¿du ¿XXe ¿siècle" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Excellent à l'unanimité


Host institution
2019/05/01 - 2025/04/30 Researcher (Research) Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Portugal
2012/01/01 - 2018/12/31 Postdoc (Research) Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia, Portugal
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Portugal


Designation Funders
2012/01/01 - 2017/12/31 The Concept of Threshold in Classical Culture and Contemporary Poetry
SFRH / BPD / 79321 / 2011
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2008/02 - 2008/05 Déclinaisons de la nostalgie dans la poésie européenne de la deuxième moitié du XX siècle
Università di Bologna


Designation Funders
2019/05/01 - 2025/04/30 Em nome do silêncio. Estudo comparado do conceito de silêncio na cultura clássica e na literatura do século XX.
DL 57/2016/CP1443/CT0012
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Centro de Estudos Clássicos
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Letras, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


  1. Masi, Jacopo; Masi, Jacopo. Ce Sentiment qui nous rappelle: déclinaisons de la nostalgie chez Giorgio Caproni, Philip Larkin, Claude Esteban et Seamus Heaney. France: Editions Le Manuscrit. 2018.
Book chapter
  1. Masi, Jacopo. "Introduction. Thresholds: a Manifold Space". In Dedans, dehors et à travers: perspectives littéraires et comparatistes sur le seuil, edited by Masi, Jacopo; Fonseca, Rui Carlos; Patrícia Lourenço; Henriques, Bruno, 7-38. Paris, France: Honoré Champion, 2024.
  2. Masi, Jacopo. "L'ellipse de la nostalgie: une étude sur la structure du sentiment nostalgique". Presses universitaires de Nancy - Editions Universitaires de Lorraine, 2021.
Edited book
  1. Masi, Jacopo; Fonseca, Rui Carlos; Lourenço, Patrícia; Henriques, Bruno. Dedans, dehors et à travers: perspectives littéraires et comparatistes sur les seuils / In, Out and Through: Literary and Comparative Perspectives on Thresholds. Paris, France: Éditions Honoré Champion. 2024.
    In press
  2. Masi, Jacopo. Théâtre : esthétique et pouvoir. France. 2016.
Journal article
  1. Masi, Jacopo; Masi, Jacopo. ""Lear's shadow": l'ombre de Lear dans la poésie de Claude Esteban". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10451/28269.
  2. Masi, Jacopo. ""Not only at exclusion": the Picture of Nostalgia in Philip Larkin's Poetry". (2017): http://hdl.handle.net/10451/49611.
  3. Masi, Jacopo. "Words as Doors in the Poetry of Seamus Heaney and Giorgio Caproni". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10451/28268.
  4. Masi, Jacopo. "Les pas d'Orphée, les pas d'Esteban: une poétique de la traversée". (2014): http://hdl.handle.net/10451/28267.
  1. Masi, Jacopo. Da "Choses tues" #2 Di Paul Valéry [Testi tratti dalle sezioni V e VI di Choses tues, Gallimard, 1932]. Italy. 2023.
  2. Masi, Jacopo. "Seuils 1 - Naissances" de Amina Saïd. Italy. 2023.
  3. Masi, Jacopo. "Andare in Chiesa" / "Church Going" (1954) di Philip Larkin. Italy. 2023.
  4. Masi, Jacopo. Da "Choses tues" di Paul Valéry [Testi tratti dalle sezioni II, III, e IV di Choses tues, Gallimard, 1932.]. 2022.
  5. Masi, Jacopo. "Se tutti i cinesi saltano insieme" di Jonathan Watts. Italy. 2011.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/12/17 Comparative literature between words and concepts: a journey through nostalgia and silence Vasos Comunicantes. Leitura Comparada em curso
Instituto de Literatura Comparada Margarida Losa, Universidade de Porto (Porto, Portugal)
2023/12/16 "Lector in labyrintho: Herbert Quain tra Borges e Saramago" "Poteri della lettura: Pratiche, immagini, supporti" Convegno annuale dell’Associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura
(Padova, Italy)
2023/11/24 "Deus absconditus: Giorgio Caproni in dialogue with Augustine and Pascal" "The Silence of (the) God(s)" International Conference
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2022/09/30 "The nonexistent word: Giorgio Caproni's war" Congresso Internacional "A Fúria de Aquiles: as faces da guerra"
(Aveiro, Portugal)
2022/07/03 "La voix du silence : un parcours dans la littérature européenne" Seminário CLE
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2022/06/21 "Silence and nostalgia in Giuseppe Ungaretti's poetry" "Away from Home: Ideas, Emotions, Images and Writings on Homesickness in the Mediterranean World (1492-1923)" National Library of Portugal, Lisbon, 20-21 June 2022
(Lisboa, Portugal)
2018/12/14 "Tra "quasi vero" e "false indicazioni": mythos e logos in Larkin e Caproni" "Finzioni: Verità, bugie, mondi possibili" Convegno annuale dell'Associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura
(Catania, Italy)

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2023/11/23 - 2023/11/24 Organização de "The Silence of (the) God(s)" International Conference - University of Lisbon - 23-24/11/2023 (2023/11/23 - 2023/11/24)
Congress (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Portugal
2018/06/06 - 2018/06/08 "Thresholds in Literature and in the Arts" International Conference (2018/06/06 - 2018/06/08)
Congress (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Portugal

Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Comparatistas, Portugal

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2017/01/01 - 2024/12/31 Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada Socio
2023/09/17 - 2024/09/16 Associazione di Teoria e Storia Comparata della Letteratura

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2020/01/29 - 2020/05/08 Introduction to the Study of Literature Introduction to The Study of Literature (Licenciatura) Universidade de Lisboa Centro de Estudos Clássicos, Portugal

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2023/03/30 - 2023/05/11 Dedalus. Revista da Associação Portuguesa de Literatura Comparada (0871-9519) Edições Cosmos
2023/03/20 - 2023/04/08 Rilune (1827 - 7047) Odoya srl
2022/06/16 - 2022/07/13 Rivista di Letterature Moderne e Comparate (0391-2108) Pacini Editore