Conference paper |
- Nascimento, Virgínia Glória; Pereira, Fernando António Baptista; Candeias, António; Alves, Alice Nogueira. "O uso religioso
e a valorização patrimonial das ermidas eborenses.". 2020.
- Cristina Galacho; Moita, Patrícia; Teixeira, André; Tinturé, Antónia González; Torres, Joana Bento; El-Boudjay, Abdelatif;
Candeias, António. "Characterization of historical mortars from the Portuguese Citadel in Ksar Seghir (Morocco)". Paper presented
in Book of abstracts, information and outcomes of the 5th Historic Mortars Conference (HMC 2019), Pamplona,
- Simões, João Miguel; Pais, Alexandre; Morna, Teresa; Mimoso, João Manuel; Esteves, Maria de Lurdes; Cardoso, Ana Margarida;
Pereira, Sílvia R. M.; Candeias, António. "The azulejos in the Capela de São Roque in Lisbon". Paper presented in GlazeArt2018
International Conference. Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage, Lisboa - Portugal, 2018.
- Sílvia R. M. Pereira; Maria Augusta Antunes; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Mafalda Costa; José Delgado Rodrigues; Lurdes Esteves;
Mirao, Jose; Candeias, António; Mimoso, João-Manuel. "Influence of the production technology on the morphological characteristics
of azulejos". Paper presented in GlazeArt2018 International Conference "Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage", Lisboa,
- Barata, Carolina; Cunha, Diana Teixeira dos Santos; Pais, Alexandre Manuel Nobre; Nuno Filipe Camarneiro Mendes; Candeias,
António; Ferreira, Teresa; Valadas, Sara. "ARCAer Project. Conservation and analysis of antique ensembles of reliquaries".
Paper presented in Web of Knowledge: A Look into the Past, Embracing the Future, Évora, 2018.
- Cunha, Diana ; Pais, Alexandre Manuel Nobre da Silva; Barata, Carolina Sofia Sarrazola; Nuno Camarneiro; Candeias, António;
Ferreira, Teresa; Valadas, Sara. "ARCAer Project. Architectures and Reliquaries - Conservation and analysis of antique ensembles
of reliquaries.". Paper presented in Web of Knowledge: A look into the Past, embracing the Future., Évora, 2018.
- Nascimento, Virgínia Glória; Pereira, Fernando António Baptista; Candeias, António; Alves, Alice Nogueira. "São Sebastião¿s
altarpiece in-situ study: the challenges of working inside an orthodox church.". Paper presented in ESRARC 2018 ¿, 10th
European Symposium on Religious Art Restoration & Conservation ¿ Proceedings Book., 2018.
- Nascimento, Virgínia Glória; Pereira, Fernando António Baptista; Candeias, António; Alves, Alice Nogueira. "A musealização
da pintura ¿Lamentação sobre Cristo deposto da Cruz¿.". 2018.
- Vilaça, Raquel; Bottaini, Carlo; Beltrame, Massimo; Candeias, António; Mirão, José. "Análise de um conjunto de machados do
Museu Francisco Tavares Proença Júnior (Castelo Branco): contributo para o seu conhecimento". Paper presented in Mesa-Redonda.
A Pré-história e a Proto-história no Centro de Portugal: avaliação e perspectivas de futuro, Castelo Branco, 2017.
- Eunice Salavessa; Candeias, António; Mirao, Jose; Luís M.O. Sousa; Duarte, Nelson; Jalali, Said; Salgueiro, Joana. "Church
of S. Lawrence (Igreja dos Grilos) of Oporto, history and conservation of stucco". Paper presented in 2nd Vineyards and
Wines International Congress, 25-28 October 2017, Porto, Peso da Régua, Ponte da Barca, Nelas, 2017.
- González-Pérez, Marina; Sara Margarida de Oliveira Baptista ; António Manuel Deométrio Rodrigues Lourenço Pereira; Ana Teresa
Fialho Caeiro Caldeira; Candeias, António. Corresponding author: González-Pérez, Marina. "Shortened RNA-FISH protocol por
analyzing artwork¿s microcolonizers". Paper presented in onference on Progress in Applied Science 2017, 2017.
- González-Pérez, Marina; Charrua Rosmaninho, Teresa; António Manuel Deométrio Rodrigues Lourenço Pereira; Candeias, António;
ANA TERESA ALHO. Corresponding author: González-Pérez, Marina. "Detection of spores and hyphae of artworks¿ biodeteriogenic
filamentous fungi by RNA-FISH". Paper presented in ICPAS 2017. International Conference on Progress in Applied Science
2017, 2017.
- Antunes, V.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Carvalho, M.L.; Serrão, V.; Dias, C.B.; Manhita, A.; Reis, M.E.; Manso, M.. "Preserving
European paintings in Asian environment. the case of Goa Cathedral former altarpiece". 2017.
- MANGUCCI, António Celso; RELVAS, Cátia; Nunes, Margarida; Candeias, António; Mirao, Jose. "Análise de pastas cerâmicas e vidradas
dos azulejos do frontal de altar do convento de Nossa Senhora dos Remédios de Évora". Paper presented in A Reforma teresiana
em Portugal, Fatima, 2017.
- Nascimento, Virgínia Glória; Pereira, Fernando António Baptista; Candeias, António; Alves, Alice Nogueira. "Heritage valorization
through reutilization: The case of São Sebastião Chapel in Évora.". 2017.
- Cardeira, Liliana; Bailão, Ana; Nascimento, Sérgio; Linhares, João; Pereira, Fernando António Baptista; Candeias, António.
"Using watercolour markers in chromatic reintegration: a case study". 2017.
- Cardeira, Liliana; Henriques, Frederico; Bailão, Ana; Candeias, António; Gonçalves, Alexandre; Vieira, Eduarda; Pereira, Fernando
António Batista. "Mapeamentos com QGIS de uma colecção de pinturas de Adriano de Sousa Lopes do Acervo da Faculdade de Belas
Artes da Universidade de Lisboa". 2016.
- Henriques, Frederico; Candeias, António; Gonçalves, Alexandre Bacelar; Vieira, Eduarda. "Heritage Documentation and 3D Retouching
of Virtual Objects". Paper presented in 3rd International Meeting on Retouching of Cultural Heritage (RECH 3), Porto,
- Lurdes Esteves; Mirao, Jose; Luis Dias; Candeias, António; Mimoso, João-Manuel. "Levantamentos in-situ da degradação de azulejos
e da presença de sais". Paper presented in III Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Conservação e Restauro, Universidade de Évora,
Évora, 2015.
- Henriques, Frederico; Mendes, Susana; Bailão, Ana; Candeias, António; Gonçalves, Alexandre Bacelar; Vieira, Eduarda. "Sistemas
de Informação Geográfica na Documentação de Bens Culturais: Aplicabilidade a uma pintura do século XVI da colecção particular
do Seminário Maior do Porto". Paper presented in SASIG 2015, 2015.
- Neves, J.; Machado, J.; Gomes, G.; Sousa, S.; Tereso, D.; Coelho, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; et al. "An evaluation of parchments'
degradation a hybrid approach". 2015.
- Cardeira, Ana Mafalda; Câmara, Rodrigo B.; Strezlek, Patrick; Schiavon, Nick; Mirao, Jose; Candeias, António; Carvalho, Maria
Luísa; Manso, Marta. Corresponding author: Manso, Marta. "Smoke Rings de Bruce Nauman: estudo de degradação e reflexão sobre
as possibilidades de intervenção". Paper presented in IX Jornadas da Arte e Ciência UCP, Porto, 2015.
- Rosado, T.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Mirão, J.; Gil, M.. "Role of microorganisms in mural paintings decay". 2014.
- Silva, M.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Teixeira, D.J.; Silva, S.. "Production of novel biocides for cultural heritage from
Bacillus sp". 2014.
- Salvador, C.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Branco, A.; Fialho, A.; Candeias, M.F.; Semedo, M.; Martins, S.; Karmali, A..
"Detection of proteic binders in easel paintings using monoclonal antibodies". 2014.
- Vieira, R.; Nunes, P.; Martins, S.; González, M.; Rosado, T.; Pereira, A.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Fluorescence in
situ hybridisation for microbiological detection in mortars". 2014.
- Valadas, Sara; Cardoso, Ana; Mirão, José; Barrocas Dias, Cristina; Freire, Rita; Candeias, António. "A Pintura Flamenga em
Évora no século XVI - novas perspectivas sobre a obra atribuída a Frei Carlos". Paper presented in Colóquio Internacional
¿As preparações na pintura Portuguesa Séc. XV-XVI¿, 2013.
- Oliveira, M.; Murta, E.; Dias, Luís; Ferreira, Teresa; Mirão, José; Barrocas Dias, Cristina; Candeias, António; Cardoso, Ana.
"Estofado Materials and Techniques - Contribution for the Characterization of Regional Production of Baroque Polychrome Sculptures
- a Case Study". Paper presented in Working Group Interim Meeting on Polychrome Sculpture: Decorative Practice and Artistic
Tradition, 2013.
- M. T. Mendes; Teresa Ferreira; Sílvia Pereira; Lurdes Esteves; Mirao, Jose; Mimoso, João-Manuel; Candeias, António; et al.
"Conservation treatments of azulejo: materials for volumetric reintegration". Paper presented in Congresso AZULEJAR,
Aveiro, 2012.
- Fernandes, Maria; Velosa, Ana; Candeias, António; Mirao, J.. "Estabilización de tierra con cal. Ventajas y desventajas". Paper
presented in TERRA 2012. XI th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Archiectural Heritage,
XII SIACOT Ibero-American Seminar on Earthen Architecture and Construction/ SismoAdobe 2012, Lima, 2012.
- Monteiro, Paula; Serro, Madalena; Claro, Ana; Candeias, António; Dias, Cristina; Monteiro, Paula; Claro, Ana; Candeias, António.
"Fragmentos da indumentária fúnebre do arcebispo Dom Gonçalo Pereira: entre lampassos, bordados e passamanaria". Paper presented
in IV Congresso de História da Arte Portuguesa em Homenagem a José-Augusto França, Lisboa, 2012.
- Ribeiro, Carlos; Terrinha, Pedro; Voelker, Antje H. L.; Candeias, António; Azevedo, Maria do Rosário; Ribeiro, Sara; Rosado,
Lúcia. "Climate change towards more arid conditions in SW Iberia during the Holocene". 2011.
- Figueiredo, M.; Candeias, António; Martins, Maria do Rosário; Castanheiro, José; Figueiredo, Margarida. "REDE C3 ¿ Crescer
Com Ciência. Uma Rede Regional para Promover o Ensino Experimental das Ciências nas Escolas do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico".
Paper presented in 5º Encontro da Divisão de Educação e Divulgação da Química da Sociedade Portuguesa de Química, Braga,
- Silva, A.S.; Ricardo, J.M.; Salta, M.; Adriano, P.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.E.; Macias, S.. "Characterization of Roman mortars
from the historical town of Mertola". 2006.
Journal article |
- Zhang, Yixin; Jing, Zehui; Huang, Qiuyue; Wang, Xinyue; Sun, Wenxin; Zhang, Chenyue; Wang, Jieqing; et al. "On conservation
of world heritage Beijing-Hangzhou grand canal for enhancing cultural ecosystem services". Heritage Science 11 1 (2023):
- Dias, L.; Pires, V.; Sitzia, F.; Lisci, C.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A. T.; Mirão, J.. "Evaluating the biosusceptibility of
natural stone as an supporting tool to prevent Cultural Heritage biodeterioration". The European Physical Journal Plus
138 6 (2023):
- P. Melo, Helena; Cruz, António João; Valadas, Sara; Candeias, António. "Annunciation or Adoration? The workshop practice and
the hesitations of a Portuguese mannerist painter revealed by infrared reflectography". Archaeological and Anthropological
Sciences 15 4 (2023):
- Lança, Teresa; Miguel, Catarina; Candeias, António; Valadas, Sara; Pressato, Miriam. "The use of in situ non-invasive techniques
as powerful tools in the investigation of eighteenth century Chinese wallpapers from the National Museum of Ancient Art¿Lisbon".
The European Physical Journal Plus 138 271 (2023):
- Bottura-Scardina, Silvia; Vandenabeele, Peter; Miguel, Catarina; Candeias, António. "Comparative assessment of two portable
Raman spectrometers for the characterisation of historical natural dye lakes". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 54 11
(2023): 1303-1313.
- Li, F.; Gao, Y.; Candeias, A.J.E.G.; Wu, Y.. "Virtual Restoration System for 3D Digital Cultural Relics Based on a Fuzzy Logic
Algorithm". Systems 11 7 (2023):
- Melo, Helena P.; Valadas, Sara; Cruz, António João; Cardoso, Ana Margarida; Miguel, Catarina; Manhita, Ana; Helvaci, Yigit
Zafer; Barrocas Dias, Cristina; Candeias, António. Corresponding author: Melo, Helena P.. "Italian Influence in a Portuguese
Mannerist Painting (Part I): A New Palette with Original Orange and Green Pigments". Studies in Conservation (2022):
In press • 10.1080/00393630.2022.2133917
- Melo, Helena P.; Cruz, António João; Valadas, Sara; Cardoso, Ana Margarida; Helvaci, Yigit Zafer; Candeias, António. "Italian
Influence in a Portuguese Mannerist Painting (Part II): A Matter of Image or a Matter of Technique?". Studies in Conservation
68 7 (2022): 747-759.
- Melo, H. P.; Valadas, Sara; Cruz, António João; Candeias, António. "Charcoal or black stone? Reconstructions as a tool to
study the behaviour of dry underdrawing materials within the paint structure of sixteenth century panel paintings". Heritage
Science 10 1 (2022):
- Vandenabeele, Peter; Pereira Miguel, Catarina; Rousaki, Anastasia; Bottura Scardina, Silvia; Larsson-Coutinho, Mathilda; Pressato,
Miriam; Candeias, António. "On the use of a zoom lens for remote Raman measurements: Application in cultural heritage research".
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 54 1 (2022): 68-75.
Published • 10.1002/jrs.6458
- Cardoso, A.M.; Sandu, I.C.A.; Sandbakken, E.; Manhita, A.; Valadas, S.; Dias, C.; Candeias, A.. "EDVARD MUNCH’S COLLECTION
OF DRAWING MATERIALS: CRAYON CHARACTERIZATION". International Journal of Conservation Science 13 (2022): 1665-1680.
- Pinheiro de Melo, H.; Cruz, A.J.; Sanyova, J.; Valadas, S.; Cardoso, A.M.; Candeias, A.. "Images in transformation: The color
and its change in a group of Portuguese paintings from the second half of the 16th century". Color Research and Application
47 6 (2022): 1358-1371.
- Virgínia Glória Nascimento; Fernando António Baptista Pereira; António Candeias; Alice Nogueira Alves. "O pintor-restaurador
Albino Moreira da Cunha.Contextualização da sua atividade no panorama cultural português do século XX". Ge-conservacion
20 (2021): 184-193.
- Sílvia Macedo-Arantes; Andreia Piçarra; A. Teresa Caldeira; A. E. Candeias; M. Rosário Martins. "Essential oils of Portuguese
flavouring plants: potential as green biocides in cultural heritage". The European Physical Journal Plus (2021):
- Milene Gil; Mafalda Costa; Mila Cvetkovic; Carlo Bottaini; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Ana Manhita; Cristina Barrocas Dias; António
Candeias. "Unveiling the mural painting art of Almada Negreiros at the Maritime Stations of Alcântara (Lisbon): diagnosis
research of paint layers as a guide for its future conservation". Ge-conservacion (2021):
- Aditya Sandeep Goyal; Cátia Salvador; Carole Mathe; António Candeias; Ana Teresa Caldeira. "Optimization of protein extraction
and ELISA immunodetection from protein-based paint models with mesoporous silica nanoparticles and MCM41". The European
Physical Journal Plus (2021):
- Beatriz Barros; Maria Margarida Ribeiro; Matilde Martins; Diana de Almeida Ramos; António Candeias. "Radiologia de tecnologia
digital aplicada à pintura: avaliação da qualidade de imagens obtidas em sistemas clínicos de radiologia". RevSALUS - Revista
Científica da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia (2021):
- Ana Teresa Caldeira; Nick Schiavon; Guilhem Mauran; Cátia Salvador; Tânia Rosado; José Mirão; António Candeias. "On the Biodiversity
and Biodeteriogenic Activity of Microbial Communities Present in the Hypogenic Environment of the Escoural Cave, Alentejo,
Portugal". Coatings 11 2 (2021): 209-209.
- Silva, B.; Ferreira Pinto, A.P.; Gomes, A.; Candeias, A.. "Admixtures potential role on the improvement of the freeze-thaw
resistance of lime mortars". Journal of Building Engineering 35 (2021):
- Gil, M.; Costa, M.; Cardoso, A.; Valadas, S.; Helvaci, Y.; Bhattacharya, S.; Moita, P.; Candeias, A.. "On the Two Working
Palettes of Almada Negreiros at DN Building in Lisbon (1939–1940): First Analytical Approach and Insight on the Use of Cd
Based Pigments". Heritage 4 4 (2021): 4578-4595.
- Silva, B.A.; Ferreira Pinto, A.P.; Gomes, A.; Candeias, A.. "Effects of natural and accelerated carbonation on the properties
of lime-based materials". Journal of CO2 Utilization 49 (2021):
- Silva, B.A.; Ferreira Pinto, A.P.; Gomes, A.; Candeias, A.. "Short- and long-term properties of lime mortars with water-reducers
and a viscosity-modifier". Journal of Building Engineering 43 (2021):
- Bordalo, R.; Bottaini, C.; Candeias, A.. "A Framework Design for Information Management in Heritage Science Laboratories".
Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 14 1 (2021):
- Botticelli, M.; Appolloni, G.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Maras, A.. "Synthesis of yellow and red ochre: a preliminary multi-analytical,
micro-invasive investigation on recipes and recognition criteria". European Physical Journal Plus 136 3 (2021):
- Nascimento, V.G.; Pereira, F.A.B.; Candeias, A.; Alves, A.N.. "The painter-restorer Albino Moreira da Cunha. Contextualization
of his activity in the 20th century Portuguese cultural scene,El pintor-restaurador Albino Moreira da Cunha. Contextualizado
de su actividad en el panorama cultural portugués del siglo XX,O pintor-restaurador Albino Moreira da Cunha. Contextualização
da sua atividade no panorama cultural português do século XX". Ge-Conservacion 20 (2021): 184-193.
- Martínez, B.B.; Gil, M.; Galacho, C.; Candeias, A.; Girginova, P.I.. "Preliminary studies of the effects of nanoconsolidants
on mural paint layers with a lack of cohesion". Heritage 4 4 (2021): 3288-3306.
- Schiavon, N.; Panganiban, P.; Valadas, S.; Bottaini, C.; Dias, C.B.; Manhita, A.; Candeias, A.. "A multi-analytical study
of egyptian funerary artifacts from three portuguese museum collections". Heritage 4 4 (2021): 2973-2995.
- António Pereira; António Candeias; Ana Cardoso; José Mirão; Ana Teresa Caldeira. "Plastic toy soldiers, a lost battle? – an
analytical perspective". Conservar Património (2020):
- Bruna Silva; Ana Paula Ferreira Pinto; Augusto Gomes; António Candeias. "Effect of Air-entraining and Water-repellent Admixtures
and of Their Dosage on the Performance of Lime Mortars". International Journal of Architectural Heritage (2020):
- B.A. Silva; A.P. Ferreira Pinto; A. Gomes; A. Candeias. "Suitability of different surfactants as air-entraining admixtures
for lime mortars". Construction and Building Materials 256 (2020): 118986-118986.
- Vanessa Antunes; Vitor Serrão; António Candeias; José Mirão; Sara Valadas; Maria Luísa Carvalho. "An Artist's Sketchbook:
the former altarpiece of Goa Cathedral (India) attributed to the painter Garcia Fernandes - iconographic and stylistic influences
and underdrawing study". Conservar Património 34 (2020): 73-87.
- Liliana Cardeira; Ana Bailão; António Candeias; Fernando António Baptista Pereira. "A reserva de pintura da FBAUL". Revista
de História da Arte e da Cultura (2020):
- Tânia Rosado; Luís Dias; Mónica Lança; Carla Nogueira; Rita Santos; Maria Rosário Martins; António Candeias; José Mirão; Ana
Teresa Caldeira. "Assessment of microbiota present on a Portuguese historical stone convent using high-throughput sequencing
approaches". MicrobiologyOpen (2020):
- Branco, P.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; González-Pérez, M.. "A simple procedure for detecting Dekkera bruxellensis in wine
environment by RNA-FISH using a novel probe". International Journal of Food Microbiology 314 (2020):
- Martins, S.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Pereira, A.. "7-(diethylamino)-4-methyl-3-vinylcoumarin as a new important intermediate
to the synthesis of photosensitizers for DSSCs and fluorescent labels for biomolecules". Dyes and Pigments 174 (2020):
- Girginova, P.I.; Galacho, C.; Veiga, R.; Santos Silva, A.; Candeias, A.. "Study of mechanical properties of alkaline earth
hydroxide nanoconsolidants for lime mortars". Construction and Building Materials 236 (2020):
- Silva, B.A.; Ferreira Pinto, A.P.; Gomes, A.; Candeias, A.. "Impact of a viscosity-modifying admixture on the properties of
lime mortars". Journal of Building Engineering 31 (2020):
- Miguel, C.; Jacobs, W.; Dias, C.B.; Manhita, A.; Ferreira, T.; Conde, A.F.; Candeias, A.. "On the use of fibre optic reflectance
spectroscopy in the UV-VIS range for the analysis of organic lake-pigments of a mid-16th century illuminated antiphonary
a chemometric approach". European Journal of Science and Theology 16 3 (2020): 151-164.
- Košek, F.; Culka, A.; Fornasini, L.; Vandenabeele, P.; Rousaki, A.; Mirao, J.; Bersani, D.; Candeias, A.; Jehlicka, J.. "Application
of a handheld Raman spectrometer for the screening of colored secondary sulfates in abandoned mining areas—The case of the
São Domingos Mine (Iberian Pyrite Belt)". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2020):
- García-González, J.; Pereira, A.S.; Lemos, P.C.; Almeida, N.; Silva, V.; Candeias, A.; Juan-Valdés, A.; Faria, P.. "Effect
of surface biotreatments on construction materials". Construction and Building Materials 241 (2020):
- Dias, L.; Rosado, T.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Linking ornamental stone discolouration to its biocolonisation
state". Building and Environment 180 (2020):
- Silva, B.A.; Ferreira Pinto, A.P.; Gomes, A.; Candeias, A.. "Comparative analysis of the behaviour of integral water-repellents
on lime mortars". Construction and Building Materials 261 (2020):
- Kovalev, I.; Costa, M.; Valadas, S.; Cardoso, A.; Candeias, A.; Gil, M.. "Exploratory analytical study of a 20th century Portuguese
mural painting by Julio resende (1917-2011)". International Journal of Conservation Science 11 3 (2020): 627-638.
- Martins, S.; Salvador, C.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Pereira, A.. "METHODOLOGY FOR THE SYNTHESIS OF CHITOSAN DERIVATIVES
TO BE APPLIED IN CULTURAL HERITAGE". International Journal of Conservation Science 11 4 (2020): 867-874.
- Mimoso, João-Manuel; Pais, Alexandre; Marisol Ferreira; Maria de Lurdes Esteves; Sílvia R. M. Pereira; Maria Augusta Antunes;
Rita Valona; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Candeias, António. "Instrumental study of the 16th century azulejo panel decorating a
public fountain in Alcácer do Sal - Portugal". 02 (2019):
- Mimoso, João-Manuel; Pais, Alexandre; António Marques; Maria de Lurdes Esteves; Sílvia R. M. Pereira; Maria Augusta Antunes;
Ana Margarida Cardoso; Candeias, António. "16th century azulejos excavated in Lisbon: a tile with arabesque designs found
at Terraços do Carmo". 02 (2019):
- Mimoso, João-Manuel; Sílvia R. M. Pereira; Pais, Alexandre; Maria Augusta Antunes; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Maria de Lurdes
Esteves; Candeias, António. "A compararison of the earliest faiance tiles produced in Lisbon with earlier and later types".
Studies in Heritage Glazed Ceramics. On the Origin of majolica azulejos production in Portugal 01 (2019):
- Pais, Alexandre; Mimoso, João-Manuel; Maria de Lurdes Esteves; Miguel Ângelo da Silva; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Maria Augusta
Antunes; Sílvia R. M. Pereira; Candeias, António. "Study of the azulejo panels in Graça church signed by João de Góis". 01
- Mimoso, João-Manuel; Pais, Alexandre; Victor Filipe; Maria de Lurdes Esteves; Sílvia R. M. Pereira; Maria Antónia Pinto de
Matos; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Candeias, António. "Analytical study of the 16th century azuleo panel "Nossa Senhora da Visa"
and related archeologic findings". 01 (2019):
- Mimoso, João-Manuel; Pais, Alexandre; Teresa Morna; João Miguel Simões; Maria de Lurdes Esteves; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Sílvia
R. M. Pereira; Candeias, António. "A research on the azulejo panels of the São Roque chapel in Lisbon". 01 (2019):
- Mimoso, João-Manuel; Sílvia R. M. Pereira; Pais, Alexandre; Maria Augusta Antunes; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Maria de Lurdes
Esteves; Candeias, António. "A technical comparison of three renaissance azulejo panels from the workshops of Lisbon". 01
- Silva, B.; Ferreira Pinto, A.P.; Gomes, A.; Candeias, A.. "Fresh and hardened state behaviour of aerial lime mortars with
superplasticizer". Construction and Building Materials 225 (2019): 1127-1139.
- Rosado, T.; Falé, A.; Gil, M.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Understanding the influence of microbial contamination
on colour alteration of pigments used in wall paintings—The case of red and yellow ochres and ultramarine blue". Color
Research and Application 44 5 (2019): 783-789.
- Borsoi, G.; Santos Silva, A.; Menezes, P.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.. "Analytical characterization of ancient mortars from the
archaeological roman site of Pisões (Beja, Portugal)". Construction and Building Materials 204 (2019): 597-608.
- Candeias, A.; Madariaga, J.M.. "Applications of Raman spectroscopy in art and archaeology". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
50 2 (2019): 137-142.
- Beltrame, M.; Liberato, M.; Mirão, J.; Santos, H.; Barrulas, P.; Branco, F.; Gonçalves, L.; Candeias, A.; Schiavon, N.. "Islamic
and post Islamic ceramics from the town of Santarém (Portugal): The continuity of ceramic technology in a transforming society".
Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports 23 (2019): 910-928.
- Antunes, V.; Serrão, V.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Cardoso, A.; Carvalho, M.L.; Fernandes, N.; Manso, M.. "Scrutinizing Ecce
Homo: European or Indian painting? Assessment by Raman and complementary spectroscopic techniques". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
50 2 (2019): 161-174.
- Tibúrcio, C.; Valadas, S.; Cardoso, A.; Candeias, A.; Barreira, C.; Miguel, C.. "On the use of EDXRF and UV–Vis FORS to unveil
the production of two illuminated manuscripts from the fifteenth century portuguese royal court". Microchemical Journal
- Melo, H.P.; Cruz, A.J.; Valadas, S.; Cardoso, A.M.; Candeias, A.. "The use of glass particles and its consequences in late
16th century oil painting: A Portuguese case based on the analytical results and the technical treatises". Journal of Cultural
Heritage (2019):
- Botticelli, M.; Maras, A.; Candeias, A.. "µ-Raman as a fundamental tool in the origin of natural or synthetic cinnabar: Preliminary
data". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2019):
- Branco, P.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; González-Pérez, M.. "An important step forward for the future development of an
easy and fast procedure for identifying the most dangerous wine spoilage yeast, Dekkera bruxellensis, in wine environment".
Microbial Biotechnology (2019):
- Bottaini, C.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Catarino, H.; Silva, R.J.; Brunetti, A.. "Elemental characterisation of a collection
of metallic oil lamps from South-Western al-Andalus using EDXRF and Monte Carlo simulation¿". European Physical
Journal Plus 134 7 (2019):
- Miguel, C.; Bottura, S.; Ferreira, T.; Conde, A.F.; Barrocas-Dias, C.; Candeias, A.. "Unveiling the underprintings of a late-fifteenth-early-sixteenth
century illuminated French incunabulum by infrared reflectography". Journal of Cultural Heritage (2019):
- Dias, L.; Rosado, T.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Caldeira, A.T.. "A change in composition, a change in colour: The case of limestone
sculptures from the Portuguese National Museum of Ancient Art". Journal of Cultural Heritage (2019):
- Antunes, V.; Serrão, V.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Cardoso, A.; Carvalho, M.L.; Manso, M.. "Characterization of a pair of Goan
paintings from the 16th-17th centuries". European Physical Journal Plus 134 6 (2019):
- Santos, I.F.S.; Puglieri, T.S.; Barbosa, M.S.; Cardoso, A.; Rosado, T.; Gil, M.; Candeias, A.; De Faria, D.L.A.. "Chemical
aspects in the investigation of some types of efflorescence in cultural assets,Aspectos químicos na investigação de alguns
tipos de eflorescências em bens culturais". Quimica Nova 42 9 (2019): 1056-1065.
- Rosado, T.; Santos, R.; Silva, M.; Galvão, A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Mitigation approach to avoid fungal
colonisation of porous limestone". International Journal of Conservation Science 10 1 (2019): 3-14.
- Cardeira, L.; Bailão, A.; Pereira, F.A.B.; Candeias, A.. "The state of Conservation of the painting of Adriano de Sousa Lopes,O
estado de Conservação da pintura de Adriano de Sousa Lopes". Ge-Conservacion 15 (2019): 111-128.
- Sandu, I.C.A.; Candeias, A.; Van Den Berg, K.J.; Sandbakken, E.G.; Tveit, E.S.; Van Keulen, H.. "Multi technique and multiscale
approaches to the study of ancient and modern art objects on wooden and canvas support". Physical Sciences Reviews
4 5 (2019):
- Silva, M.; Rosado, T.; da Silva, Z.L.; Nóbrega, Y.; Silveira, D.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "GREEN BIOACTIVE COMPOUNDS:
MITIGATION STRATEGIES FOR CULTURAL HERITAGE". Conservation Science in Cultural Heritage 19 (2019): 133-142.
- Antunes, V.; Serrão, V.; Valadas, S.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Cardoso, A.; Manso, M.; Carvalho, M.L.. "A painter in the shadow:
Unveiling conservation, materials and techniques of the unknown luso-flemish master of lourinhã". Heritage 2 4 (2019):
- Antunes, Vanessa; Valadas, Sara; Serrão, Vítor; Carvalho, Maria Luísa; Candeias, António; Mirão, José; Cardoso, Ana; et al.
"Josefa d' Óbidos workshop from panel to canvas. Multianalytical approach to materials and technical evolution of the most
significant Portuguese painting workshop of the 17th century". Journal of Molecular Structure 1188 (2019): 31-41.
- Penka I. Girginova; Cristina Galacho; Rosário Veiga; António Santos Silva; António Candeias. "Inorganic Nanomaterials for
Restoration of Cultural Heritage: Synthesis Approaches towards Nanoconsolidants for Stone and Wall Paintings". ChemSusChem
11 24 (2018): 4168-4182.
- Bottaini, C.E.; Brunetti, A.; Montero-Ruiz, I.; Valera, A.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.. "Use of Monte Carlo Simulation as a Tool
for the Nondestructive Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (ED-XRF) Spectroscopy Analysis of Archaeological Copper-Based
Artifacts from the Chalcolithic Site of Perdigões, Southern Portugal". Applied Spectroscopy 72 1 (2018): 17-27.
- Antunes, V.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Carvalho, M.L.; Dias, C.B.; Manhita, A.; Cardoso, A.; et al. "Analytical characterization
of the palette and painting techniques of Jorge Afonso, the great 16th century Master of Lisbon painting workshop". Spectrochimica
Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 193 (2018): 264-275.
- Antunes, V.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Carvalho, M.L.; Serrão, V.; Dias, C.B.; Manhita, A.; Cardoso, A.; Manso, M.. "On the
origin of Goa Cathedral former altarpiece: Material and technical assessment to the work of Garcia Fernandes, Portuguese painter
from 16th century Lisbon workshop". Microchemical Journal 138 (2018): 226-237.
- Nascimento, V.G.; Pereira, F.A.B.; Candeias, A.; Alves, A.N.. "An integrated safeguard project: Preservation and communication
strategies of altarpieces integrated in hermitages,Um projeto de salvaguarda integrada: Estratégias de preservação e de comunicação
de retábulos integrados em ermidas". Conservar Patrimonio 27 27 (2018): 103-110.
- Beltrame, M.; Bottaini, C.; Cruz, A.; Vilaça, R.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.. "The tumulus 1 of souto (Abrantes, midlle tagus):
New contributions to the knowledge of the materiality of the late bronze age funerary world in central Portugal,O Tumulus
1 Do Souto (Abrantes, Médio Tejo): Novos Contributos Para O Conhecimento Das Materialidades Do Mundo Funerário Do Bronze Final
No Centro De Portugal". Estudos do Quaternario 2018 19 (2018): 33-48.
- Rosado, L.; Van Pevenage, J.; Vandenabeele, P.; Candeias, A.; da Conceição Lopes, M.; Tavares, D.; Alfenim, R.; Schiavon,
N.; Mirão, J.. "Multi-analytical study of ceramic pigments application in the study of Iron Age decorated pottery from SW
Iberia". Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation 118 (2018): 262-274.
- Silva, M.; Rosado, T.; Gonzalez-Pérez, M.; Gobbo, D.; Teixeira, D.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Production of antagonistic
compounds by bacillus sp. with antifungal activity against heritage contaminating fungi". Coatings 8 4 (2018):
- Borges, R.; Silva, R.J.C.; Alves, L.C.; Araújo, M.F.; Candeias, A.; Corregidor, V.; Vieira, J.. "European silver sources from
the 15th to the 17th century: The influx of “new world” silver in Portuguese currency". Heritage 1 2 (2018): 453-467.
- Beltrame, Massimo; Bottaini, Carlo; Cruz, Ana; Vilaça, Raquel; Candeias, António; Mirão, José. "O Tumulus 1 do Souto (Abrantes,
Médio Tejo): Novos contributos para o conhecimento das materialidades do mundo funerário do Bronze Final no Centro de Portugal".
Estudos do Quaternário 19 (2018): 33-48.
- Henriques, Frederico; Bailão, Ana; Bordalo, Rui; Gac, Agnès Le; Gonçalves, Alexandre; Cardeira, Liliana; Candeias, António;
et al. "Mapping lacunae for retouching paintings with computer graphics software". 4th International Meeting on Retouching
of Cultural Heritage, Postprints (2018):
- Dias, Luis; Rosado, Tânia; Coelho, Ana; Barrulas, Pedro; Lopes, Luis; Moita, Patrícia; Candeias, António; Mirão, José; Caldeira,
Ana. "Natural limestone discolouration triggered by microbial activity¿a contribution". (2018):
- Alessia Coccato; Mafalda Costa; Anastasia Rousaki; Bernard-Olivier Clist; Karlis Karklins; Koen Bostoen; Ana Manhita; et al.
"Micro-Raman spectroscopy and complementary techniques (hXRF, VP-SEM-EDS, µ -FTIR and Py-GC/MS) applied to the study of beads
from the Kongo Kingdom (Democratic Republic of the Congo)". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (2017):
- González-Pérez, M.; Brinco, C.; Vieira, R.; Rosado, T.; Mauran, G.; Pereira, A.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Dual phylogenetic
staining protocol for simultaneous analysis of yeast and bacteria in artworks". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and
Processing 123 2 (2017):
- Borges, R.; Alves, L.; Silva, R.J.C.; Araújo, M.F.; Candeias, A.; Corregidor, V.; Valério, P.; Barrulas, P.. "Investigation
of surface silver enrichment in ancient high silver alloys by PIXE, EDXRF, LA-ICP-MS and SEM-EDS". Microchemical Journal
131 (2017): 103-111.
- Bottaini, C.; Vilaça, R.; Montero-Ruiz, I.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "Archaeometric contribution to the interpretation of
the late bronze age “hoard” from Porto do Concelho (Mação, central Portugal)". Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry
17 1 (2017): 217-231.
- Monteiro, P.; Frade, J.C.; Barata, C.; Candeias, A.. "The retable of the chapel of Our Lady of Mercy in the cloister of Oporto's
Cathedral: Study, conservation and restoration". Ge-Conservacion 1 12 (2017): 137-149.
- Cardeira, L.; Henriques, F.; Bailão, A.; Candeias, A.; Gonçalves, A.; Pereira, F.A.B.. "Implementation of a documentation
system for the tecnical study of the Adriano de Sousa Lopes Academic paintings at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University
of Lisbon (Fbaul),Implementação de um sistema de documentação para o estudo técnico de pinturas académicas de Adriano de Sousa
Lopes na Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (FBAUL)". Ge-Conservacion 1 12 (2017): 159-171.
- Cardeira, L.; Guerin, A.; Bailão, A.; Candeias, A.; Pereira, F.A.B.. "Identification of crack models: Case study on Adriano
Sousa Lopes paintings,Identificação de padrões de estalados: Estudo de caso nas pinturas de Adriano de Sousa Lopes". Ge-Conservacion
1 12 (2017): 111-125.
- Rosado, T.; Silva, M.; Dias, L.; Candeias, A.; Gil, M.; Mirão, J.; Pestana, J.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Microorganisms and the integrated
conservation-intervention process of the renaissance mural paintings from Casas Pintadas in Évora – Know to act, act to preserve".
Journal of King Saud University - Science 29 4 (2017): 478-486.
- Miguel, C.; Barrocas-Dias, C.; Ferreira, T.; Candeias, A.. "The comparative study of four Portuguese sixteenth-century illuminated
Manueline Charters based on spectroscopy and chemometrics analysis". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing
123 1 (2017):
- Silva, M.; Rosado, T.; Teixeira, D.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Green mitigation strategy for cultural heritage: bacterial
potential for biocide production". Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24 5 (2017): 4871-4881.
- Salvador, C.; Bordalo, R.; Silva, M.; Rosado, T.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "On the conservation of easel paintings: evaluation
of microbial contamination and artists materials". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 123 1 (2017):
- Catia Salvador; Ana Branco; Antonio Candeias; Ana Teresa Caldeira. "Innovative approaches for immunodetection of proteic binders
in art". e-Conservation Journal (2017):
- Cardeira, Liliana Querido; Henriques, Frederico; Bailão, Ana; Gonçalves, Alexandre Bacelar; Candeias, António; Pereira, Fernando
António Baptista. "Implementação de um sistema de documentação para o estudo técnico de pinturas académicas de Adriano de
Sousa Lopes na Faculdade de Belas-Artes da Universidade de Lisboa (FBAUL)". Ge-Conservacion 12 (2017): 159-171.
- Veiga, Ana Rita; Brito, Ana; Valadas, Sara; Candeias, António; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Pereira, Luís Bravo. "Quo Vadis?: descodificar
para bem intervencionar. O contributo do estudo técnico e material da obra". Conhecer Conservar Valorizar. Cadernos
2 (2017): 108-146.
- Cardeira, Liliana; Guerin, Ana; Bailão, Ana; Candeias, António; Pereira, Fernando António Baptista; Guerín, Ana; Candeias,
António, 1982-; Pereira, Fernando António Baptista, 1953-. "Identificação de padrões de estalados: estudo de caso nas pinturas
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- Mirão, José; Dias, Luís; Cardoso, Inês; Barrulas, Pedro; Caldeira, Ana Teresa; Moita, Patrícia; Dias, Cristina; Lopes, Luís;
Candeias, António. "Stone Chemical and Mineralogical Research in Hercules Laboratory, Portugal". (2017):
- González-Pérez, Marina; Fernandes, Rafaela; Vieira, Ricardo; Pereira, António; Candeias, António; Caldeira, Ana T.. "Development
of a Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization protocol for analysis of Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria". New Biotechnology
33 3 (2016): 434.
- González-Pérez, Marina; Vieira, Ricardo; Nunes, Patrícia; Pereira, António; Candeias, António; Caldeira, Ana T.. "Optimization
of fluorescence in situ hybridization technique for analyzing microorganisms involved in bioprocesses". New Biotechnology
33 3 (2016): 413-414.
- Veiga, A.; Teixeira, D.M.; Candeias, A.J.; Mirão, J.; Rodrigues, P.S.; Teixeira, J.G.. "On the Chemical Signature and Origin
of Dicoppertrihydroxyformate (Cu2(OH)3HCOO) Formed on Copper Miniatures of 17th and 18th centuries".
Microscopy and Microanalysis 22 5 (2016): 1007-1017.
- Pereira, C.; Henriques, F.; Carriço, N.; Amaral, V.; Ferreira, T.; Candeias, A.. "Virtual historical reconstitution of the
main altarpiece of the Espírito Santo Church, in Évora: Application of web-based infographics to Cultural Heritage,Reconstituição
histórica virtual do retábulo-mor da Igreja do Espírito Santo de Évora: Aplicação ao Património da infografia web-based".
Conservar Patrimonio 24 (2016): 63-71.
- Bordalo, R.; Bottaini, C.; Moricca, C.; Candeias, A.. "Material characterisation of a florentine painter in portugal in the
late 19th century: Paintings by giorgio marini". International Journal of Conservation Science 7 4 (2016):
- Salvador, C.; Silva, M.; Rosado, T.; Freire, R.V.; Bordalo, R.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Biodeterioration of easel paintings:
Development of new mitigation strategies,Biodeterioração de pinturas de cavalete: Desenvolvimento de novas estratégias de
mitigação". Conservar Patrimonio 23 (2016): 119-124.
- Candeias, A.; Bordalo, R.; Souza, L.; Froner, Y.-A.. "3rd Portuguese-Brazilian Conference on Conservation and Restoration
- Thinking Conservation in its multiple aspects,O III Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Conservação e Restauro - refletir a Conservação
nas suas multiplas vertentes". Conservar Patrimonio 23 (2016): 7-8.
- Esteves, L.; Mirao, J.; Dias, L.; Candeias, A.; Mimoso, J.M.. "In-situ survey of decaying azulejos panels and the presence
of salts,Levantamentos in-situ da degradação de azulejos e da presença de sais". Conservar Patrimonio 23 (2016): 43-53.
- Girginova, P.I.; Galacho, C.; Mirão, J.; Veiga, R.; Silva, A.S.; Candeias, A.. "Preliminary studies of consolidation of wall
paintings: Synthesis and characterization of nanolime,Estudos preliminares para consolidação de suportes com pintura mural:
Sintese e caracterização de nanocais". Conservar Patrimonio 23 (2016): 103-107.
- Vieira, R.; González-Pérez, M.; Pereira, A.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Ricardo Vieira; Marina González-Pérez; et al. "Development
of new approaches for the detection of yeast and bacteria thriving in mortars,Novos desenvolvimentos para a deteção de leveduras
e bactérias presentes em argamassas". Conservar Patrimonio 23 23 (2016): 71-77.
- Valadas, S.; Freire, R.; Cardoso, A.; Mirão, J.; Vandenabeele, P.; Caetano, J.O.; Candeias, A.. "New insight on the underdrawing
of 16th Flemish-Portuguese easel paintings by combined surface analysis and microanalytical techniques". Micron 85
(2016): 15-25.
- Lauwers, D.; Candeias, A.; Coccato, A.; Mirao, J.; Moens, L.; Vandenabeele, P.. "Evaluation of portable Raman spectroscopy
and handheld X-ray fluorescence analysis (hXRF) for the direct analysis of glyptics". Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular
and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 157 (2016): 146-152.
- Silva, M.; Salvador, C.; Candeias, M.F.; Teixeira, D.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Toxicological assessment of novel green
biocides for cultural heritage". International Journal of Conservation Science 7 SpecialIss (2016): 265-272.
- Mendes, M.T.; Esteves, L.; Ferreira, T.A.; Candeias, A.; Tennent, N.H.; Rodrigues, J.D.; Pereira, S.R.M.. "Lacunae infills
for in situ treatment of historic glazed tiles". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 122 5 (2016):
- Antunes, V.; Candeias, A.; Coroado, J.; Serrão, V.; Cachão, M.; Carvalho, M.L.. "A multidisciplinary approach to the study
of the brightening effects of white chalk ground layers in 15th and 16thcentury paintings". Analytical
Methods 8 24 (2016): 4785-4797.
- Rosado, T.; Gil, M.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Darkening on lead-based pigments: Microbiological contribution".
Color Research and Application 41 3 (2016): 294-295.
- Helvaci, Y.Z.; Dias, L.; Manhita, A.; Martins, S.; Cardoso, A.; Candeias, A.; Gil, M.. "Tracking old and new colours: Material
study of 16th century mural paintings from Évora Cathedral (Southern Portugal)". Color Research and Application 41
3 (2016): 276-282.
- Bottaini, C.; Vilaça, R.; Schiavon, N.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Bordalo, R.; Paternoster, G.; Montero-Ruiz, I.. "New insights
on Late Bronze Age Cu-metallurgy from Coles de Samuel hoard (Central Portugal): A combined multi-analytical approach". Journal
of Archaeological Science: Reports 7 (2016): 344-357.
- Antunes, V.; Candeias, A.; Oliveira, M.J.; Lorena, M.; Seruya, A.I.; Carvalho, M.L.; Gil, M.; et al. "Calcium sulfate fillers
and binders in Portuguese 15th and 16th centuries: Ground layers from a family painting workshop - Study
by multianalytical spectroscopic techniques". Microchemical Journal 125 (2016): 290-298.
- Assunção, A.; Matos, A.; Da Costa, A.M.R.; Candeias, A.; Costa, M.C.. "A bridge between liquid-liquid extraction and the use
of bacterial communities for palladium and platinum recovery as nanosized metal sulphides". Hydrometallurgy 163 (2016):
- Fragoso, D.; Costa, S.; Martins, E.; Dias, F.R.; Rosas, P.; Candeias, A.; Carvalho, M.L.; Manso, M.. "Through The Hermit-Rediscovering
António Dacosta's lost painting". Microchemical Journal 126 (2016): 474-479.
- Salavessa, E.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Sousa, L.M.O.; Duarte, N.; Jalali, S.; Salgueiro, J.. "19th c. Coloured stuccos and
plasters from Grilos' Church (Oporto, Portugal): Materials and techniques employed". Color Research and Application
41 3 (2016): 246-251.
- Pereira, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Maduro, B.; Vandenabeele, P.; Candeias, A.. "Tortoiseshell or polymer? Spectroscopic analysis
to redefine a purported tortoiseshell box with gold decorations as a plastic box with brass". Applied Spectroscopy
70 1 (2016): 68-75.
- Gomes, S.; Ferreira, C.; Nascimento, G.; Piorro, L.; Cardoso, A.; Candeias, A.; Lorena, M.. "Identification and removal of
nonoriginal layers in the 16th century paintings of funchal's Cathedral altarpiece". Color Research and Application
41 3 (2016): 283-288.
- Manhita, A.; Martins, S.; Dias, C.B.; Cardoso, A.; Candeias, A.; Gil, M.. "An unusual mural paintings at the charola of the
convent of tomar: Red lakes and organic binders". Color Research and Application 41 3 (2016): 258-262.
- Cardeira, A.M.; Longelin, S.; Costa, S.; Candeias, A.; Carvalho, M.L.; Manso, M.. "Analytical characterization of academic
nude paintings by José Veloso Salgado". Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy 153 (2016):
- Pereira, A.; Candeias, A.; Cardoso, A.; Rodrigues, D.; Vandenabeele, P.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Non-invasive methodology for the
identification of plastic pieces in museum environment — a novel approach". Microchemical Journal 124 (2016): 846-855.
- Rosado, T.; Silva, M.; Galvão, A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "A first insight on the biodegradation of limestone:
the case of the World Heritage Convent of Christ". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 122 12 (2016):
- Esteves, L.; Candeias, A.E.; Mimoso, J.M.; Lurdes Esteves; Candeias, António; Mimoso, João-Manuel. "Experimental Research
with Salt Crystallization in Historical Portuguese Azulejos". International Journal of Architectural Heritage 10 7
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- Antunes, V.; Candeias, A.; Oliveira, M.J.; Carvalho, M.L.; Dias, C.B.; Manhita, A.; Francisco, M.J.; et al. "Uncover the mantle:
rediscovering Gregório Lopes palette and technique with a study on the painting “Mater Misericordiae”". Applied Physics
A: Materials Science and Processing 122 11 (2016):
- Mara Silva; António Pereira; Dora Teixeira; António Candeias; Ana Teresa Caldeira. "Combined Use of NMR, LC-ESI-MS and Antifungal
Tests for Rapid Detection of Bioactive Lipopeptides Produced by <i>Bacillus</i>". Advances in Microbiology
06 10 (2016): 788-796.
- Girginova, Penka I.; Galacho, Cristina; Mirão, José; Veiga, Rosário; Santos Silva, António; Candeias, António. "Estudos preliminares
para consolidação de suportes com pintura mural: síntese e caracterização de nanocais". (2016):
- Mendes, Marta Tamagnini; Ferreira, Teresa; Pereira, Sílvia; Candeias, António. "Levantamento de Danos dos Azulejos da Capela
de Nossa Senhora do Rosário do Mosteiro de São Bento de Cástris". (2016):
- Miguel, Catarina; Barrocas Dias, Cristina; Candeias, António. "O Foral de Évora - revelações da culturalidade quinhentista
eborense com base no estudo dos materiais e técnicas de produção das suas iluminuras". Boletim Cultural da Cidade de Évora
III (2016): 505-515.
- Beltrame, Massimo; Santos, José Rui; Martínez, Susana Gómez; Correia, Fernando Branco; Candeias, António; Mirão, José. "NOVA
Published • 10.14195/1647-8657_54_8
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paper samples exhibiting foxing stains.". Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 01 (2015): 63-77.
- T. Rosado; J. Mirão; A. Candeias; A.T. Caldeira. "Mural paintings deterioration – a multianalytical approach". Microscopy
and Microanalysis 21 S6 (2015): 152-153.
- Valadas, Sara; Freire, Rita V.; Cardoso, Ana; Mirão, José; Dias, Cristina B.; Vandenabeele, Peter; Candeias, António; et al.
"On the Use of the Unusual Green Pigment Brochantite (Cu4(SO4)(OH)6) in the 16th-Century Portuguese-Flemish Paintings Attributed
to The Master Frei Carlos Workshop". Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 2 (2015): 518-525.
- Mendes, M.T.; Pereira, S.; Ferreira, T.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "In situ preservation and restoration of architectural tiles,
materials and procedures: Results of an international survey". International Journal of Conservation Science 6 1 (2015):
- Bottaini, C.; Mirão, J.; Figuereido, M.; Candeias, A.; Brunetti, A.; Schiavon, N.. "Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy/Monte
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case of the bowl from the Fareleira 3 site (Vidigueira, South Portugal)". Spectrochimica Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy
103-104 (2015): 9-13.
- Sandu, I.C.A.; Murta, E.; Ferreira, S.; Costa Pereira, M.F.; Hrdlickova Kuckova, S.; Valbi, V.; Dias, L.; et al. "A Comparative
Multi-technique Investigation on Material Identification of Gilding Layers and the Conservation State of 7 Portuguese Mannerist
Altarpieces". International Journal of Conservation Science 6 SpecialIss (2015): 439-454.
- Miguel, C.; Dias, L.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "Meant to be Discovered: The Study by Microscopic Analysis of Lead-Based Pigments
Alteration by a Fire". Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 (2015): 29-30.
- Rosado, T.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Tânia Rosado; José Mirão; António Candeias; Ana Teresa Caldeira. "Characterizing
Microbial Diversity and Damage in Mural Paintings". Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 1 (2015): 78-83.
- Oliveira, M.; Murta, E.; Dias, L.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "Gilding materials and techniques: Comparison between altarpieces
and their sculptures-a case study". Conservar Patrimonio 22 (2015): 41-49.
- Mafalda, A.C.; Da Câmara, R.B.; Strzelec, P.; Schiavon, N.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Carvalho, M.L.; Manso, M.. "White Spots
on Smoke Rings by Bruce Nauman: A Case Study On Contemporary Art Conservation Using Microanalytical Techniques". Microscopy
and Microanalysis 21 1 (2015): 15-19.
- Veiga, A.; Teixeira, D.M.; Candeias, A.J.; Mirão, J.; Manhita, A.; Miguel, C.; Rodrigues, P.; Teixeira, J.G.. "Micro-analytical
study of two 17th century gilded miniature portraits on copper". Microchemical Journal 123 (2015): 51-61.
- Rosado, T.; Silva, M.; Pereira, C.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Gilded woodcarving alteration: Assessment of
filamentous fungi action". International Journal of Conservation Science 6 SpecialIss (2015): 499-506.
- Silva, M.; Rosado, T.; Teixeira, D.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Production of green biocides for cultural heritage.novel
biotechnological solutions". International Journal of Conservation Science 6 SpecialIss (2015): 519-530.
- Gil, M.; Rosado, T.; Ribeiro, I.; Pestana, J.A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Carvalho, M.L.; Dias, L.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "Are they
fresco paintings? Technical and material study of casas pintadas of vasco da gama house in Évora (Southern Portugal)". X-Ray
Spectrometry 44 3 (2015): 154-162.
- Gil, M.; Martins, M.R.; Carvalho, M.L.; Souto, C.; Longelin, S.; Cardoso, A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.E.. "Microscopy and Microanalysis
of an Extreme Case of Salt and Biodegradation in 17th Century Wall Paintings". Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 3 (2015):
- Le Gac, A.; Madeira, T.I.; Pereira, M.S.; Santos, J.; Piorro, L.; Dias, L.; Manso, M.; et al. "Challenging wax-cast figurine
serial production unravelled by multi-analytical techniques". Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 30 3 (2015):
- Sandu, I.C.A.; Paba, F.; Murta, E.; Costa Pereira, M.F.; Dias, L.; Mirão, J.; Grande Candeias, A.E.. "Two recipes from Portuguese
tradition of gilding on wooden support between laboratory reproduction and analytical investigation". International Journal
of Conservation Science 6 SpecialIss (2015): 541-556.
- Veiga, A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Rodrigues, P.; Teixeira, D.M.; Teixeira, J.G.. "A SEM/EDS non invasive study of small
portraits on copper support of the 17th and 18th centuries". Microscopy and Microanalysis 21 S6 (2015): 150-151.
- Beltrame, Massimo; Santos, José Rui; Gómez Martínez, Susana; Correia, Fernando Branco; Candeias, António; Mirão, José. "A
new kind of green and manganese decorated ceramic discovered in Évora". Conimbriga 54 (2015): 225-247.
- Gil, Milene; Pestana, Artur; Miguel, Catarina; Manhita, Ana; Dias, Luis; Cardoso, Ana; Mirão, José; Candeias, António. "The
Painted Angels from the central drum of Convent of Christ Rotunda in Tomar - first results of the material and technical comparative
study". e-conservation Journal 4 (2015):
- Oliveira, Maria; Crespo, Teresa; Costa, Sónia; Barrocas Dias, Cristina; Manhita, Ana; Cardoso, Ana; Dias, Luís; Candeias,
António. "Caracterização Material das Técnicas de Douramento e Pintura de um Ícone Pós-Bizantino". Estudos de Conservação
e Restauro 7 (2015): 22-34.
- Vieira, Ricardo; Pérez, Marina Gonzalez; Fernandes, R.; Pereira, António; Candeias, António; Caldeira, Ana T.. "Colonisers
of Cultural Heritage: The influence of the physiological stage on Fluorescence In Situ Hybridisation analysis". (2015):
- Carla Tavares; José Carlos Frade; Ana Calvo; António Filipe Pimentel; António Candeias. "A materialidade e a arte de pintar
de Pedro Alexandrino de Carvalho em três telas de altar". Estudos de Conservação e Restauro 6 (2014):
- Rosado, T.; Reis, A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Vandenabeele, P.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Pink! Why not? On the unusual colour of
Évora Cathedral". International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 94 (2014): 121-127.
- Rosado, T.; Gil, M.; Caldeira, A.T.; Martins, M.D.R.; Dias, C.B.; Carvalho, L.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.E.. "Material characterization
and biodegradation assessment of mural paintings: Renaissance frescoes from Santo Aleixo Church, Southern Portugal". International
Journal of Architectural Heritage 8 6 (2014): 835-852.
- Cardeira, A.M.; Longelin, S.; Costa, S.; Candeias, A.; Carvalho, M.L.; Manso, M.. "Multi-analytical characterisation of D'Aprés
Cormon by José Veloso Salgado". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, Section B: Beam Interactions with
Materials and Atoms 331 (2014): 271-274.
- Gameiro, P.; Bilou, F.; Moita, P.; Marques, C.; Dias, L.; Ferreira, A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "Were castle walls in Portugal
covered with renders? The case of Arraiolos castle". International Journal of Conservation Science 5 3 (2014): 271-282.
- Antunes, V.; Candeias, A.; Carvalho, M.L.; Oliveira, M.J.; Manso, M.; Seruya, A.I.; Coroado, J.; et al. "GREGÓRIO LOPES painting
workshop: Characterization by X-ray based techniques. Analysis by EDXRF, µ-XRD and SEM-EDS". Journal of Instrumentation
9 5 (2014):
- Antunes, V.; Oliveira, M.J.; Vargas, H.; Serrão, V.; Candeias, A.; Carvalho, M.L.; Coroado, J.; et al. "Characterization of
glue sizing under calcium carbonate ground layers in Flemish and Luso-Flemish painting-analysis by SEM-EDS, µ-XRD and µ-Raman
spectroscopy". Analytical Methods 6 3 (2014): 710-717.
- Antunes, V.; Candeias, A.; Oliveira, M.J.; Longelin, S.; Serrão, V.; Seruya, A.I.; Coroado, J.; et al. "Characterization of
gypsum and anhydrite ground layers in 15th and 16th centuries Portuguese paintings by Raman Spectroscopy and other techniques".
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 45 11-12 (2014): 1026-1033.
- Manso, M.; Cardeira, A.M.; Silva, M.; Le Gac, A.; Pessanha, S.; Guerra, M.; Caldeira, A.T.; Candeias, A.; Carvalho, M.L..
"The mysterious halos in iron gall ink manuscripts: an analytical explanation". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and
Processing 118 3 (2014): 1107-1111.
- Marina González; Ricardo Vieira; Patrícia Nunes; Tânia Rosado; Sérgio Martins; António Candeias; António Pereira; Ana Teresa
Caldeira. "Fluorescence In Situ Hybridization: a Potentially Useful Technique for Detection of Microorganisms on Mortars".
e-conservation Journal (2014): 45-52.
- Manhita, A.; Balcaen, L.; Vanhaecke, F.; Ferreira, T.; Candeias, A.; Dias, C.B.. "Unveiling the colour palette of Arraiolos
carpets: Material study of carpets from the 17th to 19th century period by HPLC-DAD-MS and ICP-MS". Journal of Cultural
Heritage 15 3 (2014): 292-299.
- Melo, H.P.; Cruz, A.J.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Cardoso, A.M.; Oliveira, M.J.; Valadas, S.. "Problems of analysis by FTIR
of calcium sulphate-based preparatory layers: The case of a group of 16th-century portuguese paintings". Archaeometry
56 3 (2014): 513-526.
- Coentro, S.; Trindade, R.A.A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Alves, L.C.; Silva, R.M.C.; Muralha, V.S.F.. "Hispano-Moresque ceramic
tiles from the Monastery of Santa Clara-a-Velha (Coimbra, Portugal)". Journal of Archaeological Science 41 (2014):
- Rosado, T.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; Rosado T; Mirão J; Candeias A; Caldeira AT. "Microbial communities analysis
assessed by pyrosequencing - A new approach applied to conservation state studies of mural paintings". Analytical and Bioanalytical
Chemistry 406 3 (2014): 887-895.
- Gil, M.; Serrão, V.; Carvalho, M.L.; Longelin, S.; Dias, L.; Cardoso, A.; Caldeira, A.T.; et al. "Material and diagnostic
characterization of 17th century mural paintings by spectra-colorimetry and SEM-EDS: An insight look at José de Escovar Workshop
at the CONVENT of Na Sra da Saudação (Southern Portugal)". Color Research and Application 39
3 (2014): 288-306.
- Cardoso, I.; Macedo, M.F.; Vermeulen, F.; Corsi, C.; Santos Silva, A.; Rosado, L.; Candeias, A.; Mirao, J.. "A multidisciplinary
approach to the study of archaeological mortars from the town of Ammaia in the Roman Province of Lusitania (Portugal)". Archaeometry
56 1 (2014): 1-24.
- Veiga, A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.J.; Rodrigues, P.S.; Teixeira, D.M.; Muralha, V.S.F.; Teixeira, J.G.. "Pigment analysis
of Portuguese portraitminiatures of 17th and 18th centuries by Raman Microscopy and SEM-EDS". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy
45 10 (2014): 947-957.
- Rosado, Fernando; Ferreira, Teresa; Figueiredo, Margarida; Galacho, Cristina; Mendes, Paulo; Conde, Antónia Fialho; Caldeira,
Ana Teresa; et al. "Scientific objects in the exhibition CHIMICA| the art of transforming matter". Secondary School André
de Gouveia (ESAG) is frequently associated to Liceu de Évora from which it inherited the historical and cultural background.
Lyceu Nacional d¿Évora was established in 1841 after the educational reform of Passos Manuel and was set at Colégio do Espírito
Santo, in Évora, until 1979. During that period, a physics and chemistry laboratory was created and developed at the Liceu
a (2014):
- António Candeias. "Heritage and Science – Conceptions and Misconceptions". e-conservation Journal (2013): 5-5.
- Antunes V; J Oliveira M; Vargas H; Candeias A; Seruya A; Dias L; Serrão V; Coroado J. "Characterization of Glue Sizing Layers
in Portuguese Wood Paintings from the 15th and 16th Centuries by SEM Secondary Electron Images and µ-FTIR.". (2013):
- Valadas, S.; Candeias, A.; Dias, C.; Schiavon, N.; Cotovio, M.; Pestana, J.; Gil, M.; Mirão, J.. "A multi-analytical study
of the fifteenth century mural paintings of the Batalha Monastery (Portugal) in view of their conservation". Applied Physics
A: Materials Science and Processing 113 4 (2013): 989-998.
- Rosado, T.; Martins, M.R.; Pires, M.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Enzymatic monitorization of mural paintings
biodegradation and biodeterioration". International Journal of Conservation Science 4 SPL.ISS. (2013): 603-612.
- Barrocas Dias, C.; Miranda, M.; Manhita, A.; Candeias, A.; Ferreira, T.; Teixeira, D.. "Identification of onion dye chromophores
in the dye bath and dyed wool by HPLC-DAD: An educational approach". Journal of Chemical Education 90 11 (2013): 1498-1500.
- Manhita, A.; Santos, V.; Vargas, H.; Candeias, A.; Ferreira, T.; Dias, C.B.. "Ageing of brazilwood dye in wool - A chromatographic
and spectrometric study". Journal of Cultural Heritage 14 6 (2013): 471-479.
- Rosado, T.; Gil, M.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.; Caldeira, A.T.. "Oxalate biofilm formation in mural paintings due to microorganisms
- A comprehensive study". International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation 85 (2013): 1-7.
- Gil, M.; Araujo, C.; Carvalho, M.L.; Longelin, S.; Dias, L.; Valadas, S.; Souto, C.; et al. "Microanalytical study of the
fresco 'the good and the bad judge' in the medieval village of Monsaraz (Southern Portugal)". X-Ray Spectrometry 42
4 (2013): 242-250.
- Manso, M.; Gac, A.L.; Longelin, S.; Pessanha, S.; Frade, J.C.; Guerra, M.; Candeias, A.J.; Carvalho, M.L.. "Spectroscopic
characterization of a masterpiece: The Manueline foral charter of Sintra". Spectrochimica Acta - Part A: Molecular and
Biomolecular Spectroscopy 105 (2013): 288-296.
- Le Gac, A.; Estrompa, R.; Frade, J.C.; Pessanha, S.; Madeira, T.I.; Cardoso, A.; Piorro, L.; et al. "Multianalytical approach
for the authenticity of an eighteenth-century Pascal Taskin harpsichord". Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry
27 4 (2012): 626-643.
- Schiavon, N.; Candeias, A.; Ferreira, T.; Da Conceiçao Lopes, M.; Carneiro, A.; Calligaro, T.; Mirao, J.. "A COmbined Multi-Analytical
Approach For The Study Of Roman Glass From South-West Iberia: Synchrotron ¿-Xrf, External-Pixe/Pige And Bsem-Eds". Archaeometry
54 6 (2012): 974-996.
- Dordio, A.V.; Gonçalves, P.; Texeira, D.; Candeias, A.J.; Castanheiro, J.E.; Pinto, A.P.; Carvalho, A.J.P.. "Pharmaceuticals
sorption behaviour in granulated cork for the selection of a support matrix for a constructed wetlands system". International
Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 91 7-8 (2011): 615-631.
- Silva, A.S.; Cruz, T.; Paiva, M.J.; Candeias, A.; Adriano, P.; Schiavon, N.; Mirão, J.A.P.. "Mineralogical and chemical characterization
of historical mortars from military fortifications in Lisbon harbour (Portugal)". Environmental Earth Sciences 63 7
(2011): 1641-1650.
- Valadas, S.; Candeias, A.; Mirão, J.; Tavares, D.; Coroado, J.; Simon, R.; Silva, A.S.; et al. "Study of mural paintings using
in situ xrf, confocal synchrotron-µ-XRF, µ-XRD, optical microscopy, and SEM-EDS-the case of the frescoes from misericordia
church of odemira". Microscopy and Microanalysis 17 5 (2011): 702-709.
- Gil, M.; Aguiar, J.; Seruya, A.; Veiga, R.; Carvalho, L.; Vargas, H.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "Colour assays: An inside look
into Alentejo traditional limewash paintings and coloured lime mortars". Color Research and Application 36 1 (2011):
- Gil, M.; Carvalho, M.L.; Longelin, S.; Ribeiro, I.; Valadas, S.; Mirsão, J.; Candeias, A.E.. "Blue pigment colors from wall
painting churches in danger (Portugal 15th to 18th century): Identification, diagnosis, and color evaluation". Applied
Spectroscopy 65 7 (2011): 782-789.
- Manhita, A.; Ferreira, T.; Candeias, A.; Barrocas Dias, C.. "Extracting natural dyes from wool-an evaluation of extraction
methods". Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry 400 5 (2011): 1501-1514.
- Manhita, A.; Ferreira, V.; Vargas, H.; Ribeiro, I.; Candeias, A.; Teixeira, D.; Ferreira, T.; Dias, C.B.. "Enlightening the
influence of mordant, dyeing technique and photodegradation on the colour hue of textiles dyed with madder - A chromatographic
and spectrometric approach". Microchemical Journal 98 1 (2011): 82-90.
- Manso, M.; Valadas, S.; Pessanha, S.; Guilherme, A.; Queralt, I.; Candeias, A.E.; Carvalho, M.L.. "Characterization of Japanese
color sticks by energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence, X-ray diffraction and Fourier transform infrared analysis". Spectrochimica
Acta - Part B Atomic Spectroscopy 65 4 (2010): 321-327.
- Silva, A.S.; Adriano, P.; Magalhães, A.; Pires, J.; Carvalho, A.; Cruz, A.J.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "Characterization of
historical mortars from Alentejo's religious buildings". International Journal of Architectural Heritage 4 2 (2010):
- Bruno, Patrícia; Faria, Paulina; Candeias, António; Mirão, José; Paulina Faria. "Earth mortars from pre-historic habitat settlements
in south Portugal. Case studies". J. Iberian Archaeology 13 1 (2010): 51-67.
- Adriano, P.; Santos Silva, A.; Veiga, R.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.E.. "Microscopic characterisation of old mortars from the
Santa Maria Church in Évora". Materials Characterization 60 7 (2009): 610-620.
- Pinto, A.P.; Alves, A.S.; Candeias, A.J.; Cardoso, A.I.; de Varennes, A.; Martins, L.L.; Mourato, M.P.; Gonçalves, M.L.S.;
Mota, A.M.. "Cadmium accumulation and antioxidative defences in brassica juncea L. Czern, Nicotiana tabacum L. and Solanum
nigrum L.". International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry 89 8-12 (2009): 661-676.
- Gil, M.; Green, R.; Carvalho, M.L.; Seruya, A.; Queralt, I.; Candeias, A.E.; Mirão, J.. "Rediscovering the palette of Alentejo
(Southern Portugal) earth pigments: Provenance establishment and characterization by LA-ICP-MS and spectra-colorimetric analysis".
Applied Physics A: Materials Science and Processing 96 4 (2009): 997-1007.
- Dordio, A.V.; Estêvão Candeias, A.J.; Pinto, A.P.; Teixeira da Costa, C.; Palace Carvalho, A.J.. "Preliminary media screening
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Engineering 35 2 (2009): 290-302.
- Manhita, A.; Costa, C.; Ferreira, T.; Mirão, J.; Vargas, H.; Ribeiro, I.; Seruya, I.; et al. "Rediscovering the materials
of Arraiolos tapestries: Fibre and mordant analysis by SEM-EDS and µ-PIXE". Microscopy and Microanalysis 14 SUPPL.
3 (2008): 91-94.
- Gil, M.; Carvalho, M.L.; Seruya, A.; Ribeiro, I.; Alves, P.; Guilherme, A.; Cavaco, A.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.. "Pigment
characterization and state of conservation of an 18th century fresco in the Convent of S. António dos Capuchos (Estremoz)".
X-Ray Spectrometry 37 4 (2008): 328-337.
- Rosado, L.; Morais, C.; Candeias, A.E.; Pinto, A.P.; Guimarães, F.; Mirão, J.. "Weathering of S. Domingos (Iberian Pyritic
Belt) abandoned mine slags". Mineralogical Magazine 72 1 (2008): 489-494.
- Adriano, P.; Silva, A.S.; Veiga, M.R.; Mirão, J.; Candeias, A.E.. "The importance of SEM-EDS analysis in the study of old
mortars". Microscopy and Microanalysis 14 SUPPL. 3 (2008): 57-60.
- Morais, C.; Rosado, L.; Mirão, J.; Pinto, A.P.; Nogueira, P.; Candeias, A.E.. "Impact of acid mine drainage from Tinoca Mine
on the Abrilongo dam (southeast Portugal)". Mineralogical Magazine 72 1 (2008): 467-472.
- Guerreiro, T.; Silva, A.S.; Adriano, P.; Candeias, A.; Mirao, J.. "Optical microscopy analysis of mortars from Tagus River
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- Gil, M.; Carvalho, M.L.; Seruya, A.; Ribeiro, I.; Queralt, I.; Candeias, A.E.; Mirão, J.. "Limewashing paintings in Alentejo
urban heritage: Pigment characterization and differentiation by WDXRF and XRD". Applied Physics A: Materials Science and
Processing 90 1 (2008): 49-54.
- Gil, M.; Carvalho, M.L.; Seruya, A.; Candeias, A.E.; Mirão, J.; Queralt, I.. "Yellow and red ochre pigments from southern
Portugal: Elemental composition and characterization by WDXRF and XRD". Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research,
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- Dordio, A.V.; Teimão, J.; Ramalho, I.; Carvalho, A.J.P.; Candeias, A.J.E.. "Selection of a support matrix for the removal
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- António Santos Silva; M. Paiva; J. Ricardo; Manuela M. Salta; A.M. Monteiro; António Estevao Candeias; Silva, A.S.; et al.
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- Mendes, P.J.; Prates Ramalho, J.P.; Candeias, A.J.E.; Robalo, M.P.; Garcia, M.H.. "Density functional theory calculations
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- Carrott, P.J.M.; Carrott, M.M.L.R.; Candeias, A.J.E.; Ramalho, J.P.P.. "Numerical simulation of surface ionisation and specific
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