Susana Pedras holds a PhD in Applied Psychology (2017) and a Master’s degree in Health Psychology (2007), both from the School of Psychology at the University of Minho, as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Clinical and Health Psychology (2001) from the same institution, Maia University, Porto, Portugal. Susana is an Assistant Professor and Researcher at the Center for Research in Psychology for Development (CIPD), Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Lusíada University, Porto, Portugal. Since January 2022, she has served as a Health Consultant at the Digital Innovation Unit within the Shared Services of the Portuguese Ministry of Health. In this role, she is part of the team responsible for the design, creation, and implementation of a digital health platform aimed at improving healthcare behaviors in individuals with chronic illnesses requiring behavior change interventions. Susana has been practicing as a psychotherapist since 2001, with a specialization in health psychology, adaptation processes to chronic illness/disability, behavioral change interventions, psychological coaching, and narrative therapy. Her work has been recognized by the prestigious Portuguese Society of Health Psychology with a Research Merit Award. Additionally, she, along with the WalkingPad project team, received the Sustainability in Health Award and the Excellence in Health Award (2022) from various public and private entities. Susana currently has an h-index of 12 in SCOPUS and an h-index of 11 in Web of Science. Her research encompasses studies of both clinical and non-clinical populations across the life cycle (adolescents, young adults, adults, and the elderly). Among adolescents and students, her research has explored lifestyle, social skills, Internet addiction, attachment, and self-regulation to inform health promotion programs. With adults and the elderly, her focus has been on studying the impact of chronic illness/disability on patients, family members, and informal caregivers, aiming to understand and promote psychosocial adjustment to the disease, therapeutic adherence, and quality of life (including conditions such as diabetes, peripheral arterial disease, Alzheimer’s disease, urinary incontinence, hemophilia, etc.). The overarching goal of Susana’s research is to enhance health and well-being in individuals with chronic illnesses through the development of informed and empirically-based psychological interventions. Concurrently, she aims to expand knowledge and interventions that promote a healthy lifestyle, health, and well-being throughout the life cycle.

Personal identification

Full name
Susana Pedras

Citation names

  • Pedras, Susana

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Knowledge fields

  • Social Sciences - Psychology - Psychology
Degree Classification
2024/08/01 - 2024/08/31
Mooc Gamification in Aging (Outros)
Instituto Federal de Educação Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia, Brazil
Successfully completed
2024/08/07 - 2024/08/07
Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MOCA) (Outros)
Ziad Nasreddine MD, FRCP(C) Neurologist, MoCA Copyright Owner, Canada
Successfully completed
2024/07/01 - 2024/07/31
Behavior change interventions: introductory principles and practice (Outros)
NIHR University College London Hospitals Biomedical Research Centre, United Kingdom
Successfully completed
2024/06/14 - 2024/07/17
Métodos de Avaliação de Efetividade em Intervenção Psicológica (Outros)
Major in Curso de formação profissional
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
88 % (numa escala de 0% a 100%).
2024/06/08 - 2024/07/05
As novas tecnologias na gestão do declínio cognitivo - 2ª Edição (Outros)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
Successfully completed
2023/02 - 2023/09
Advanced Specialization in Psychological Coaching (Título de especialista)
Instituto CRIAP, Portugal
18 valores
2020/12/07 - 2021/02/28
Promoting Brief Counseling for Physical Activity in the National Health Service (Outros)
Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses, Portugal
Com aproveitamento
2020/10/01 - 2021/02/28
Mindfulness Course in Health Contexts (Outros)
Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade do Porto, Portugal
Com aproveitamento
PhD in Applied Psychology (Doutoramento)
Major in Applied Psychology
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
"Predictors of Quality of Life and Adjustment to Amputation in Diabetic Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Longitudinal Study. " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Muito Bom
2016 - 2016
Assisting Individuals in Crisis Course (Outros)
Major in Acute stress traumatic disorder management
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Psicologia e de Ciências da Educação, Portugal
2015 - 2015
Intensive Course in Clinical Nutrition (Outros)
Major in Clinical Nutrition
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação, Portugal
2014 - 2014
Diabetic Foot Course (Outros)
Major in Endocrinology
Associação Portuguesa de Tratamento de Feridas. , Portugal
2014 - 2014
Complex wounds Course (Outros)
Major in Endocrinology
Universidade do Minho Escola Superior de Enfermagem, Portugal
Master in Health Psychology (Mestrado)
Major in Health Psychology
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
"Health, Family and Psychopathology Variables in Children of Portuguese` Veterans of the Colonial War" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
17 valores
Course in Clinical and Health Psychology (Licenciatura)
Major in Clinical and Health Psychology
Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal
"Cognitive / Operative Consequences ofMultiple Sclerosis: A Neuropsychological Approach" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
14 valores
2002 - 2002
Post-graduation in Narrative and Psychotherapy (Pós-Graduação)
Major in Psychotherapy
Colégio de Altos Estudos, , Portugal


Host institution
2023/03/10 - Current Researcher (Research) Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2020/12/01 - 2022/12/31 Research Assistant (Research) Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto, Portugal
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2023/03/20 - Current Associate Professor (University Teacher) Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2017 - Current Invited Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal


Host institution
2023/01/04 - Current Health consultant SPMS Serviços Partilhados do Ministério da Saúde EPE, Portugal
2019/04/01 - 2020/10/31 Post-Doc researcher Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2018/01 - 2019/02 Psychotherapist Clínica de Neurologia e Fisiatria , Portugal
2017/07 - 2019/02 Psychotherapist Coop21 Especial, Cooperativa para o Desenvolvimento Psicossocial de Crianças com Necessidades Especiais, C.R.L.,, Portugal
2013/01/01 - 2017/01/01 Applied Psychology PHD Student with FCT Grant Universidade do Minho Escola de Psicologia, Portugal
2009/09/17 - 2011/12/17 Research Fellow Universidade do Minho Escola de Psicologia, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Escola de Psicologia, Portugal
2002/03/01 - 2009/09/01 Psychotherapist Associação Portuguesa de Veteranos de Guerra, Portugal
2003/01/01 - 2003/12/31 Psychotherapist Centro de Apoio e Serviço Psicológico, Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal
Instituto Universitário da Maia, Portugal


Designation Funders
2024/07/01 - 2025/08/31 Exposure to Urban Green Spaces are associated with better health and wellbeing in the elderly.
Principal investigator
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona

Fundación Bancaria Caixa d'Estalvis i Pensions de Barcelona 'la Caixa'
2018 - 2020 Confronting and controlling obesity within the scope of SUS in Amazonas
Universidade Federal do Amazonas, Brazil
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
2016 - 2018 PSY_HaEMOPEQ – Effectiveness of two psychological interventions for prevention and management of pain, emotional regulation and promotion of quality of life in haemophilic patients: a national survey and a randomized controlled trial
Universidade do Minho Instituto de Investigação em Ciências da Vida e Saúde, Portugal
Novo Nordisk
2013 - 2017 Predictors of Quality of Life and Adjustment to Amputation in Diabetic Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer: A Longitudinal Study
PhD Student Fellow
Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2015 - 2016 Randomized controlled trial in adherence to self-care behaviours in patients with type 2 diabetes
Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Portugal
2008 - 2012 Couple, Family and Socio-cognitive Predictors of Therapeutic Adherence in Diabetes type II and Interaction with the Health Care System
Research Fellow
Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2020/12/01 - 2023/11/13 WalkingPAD project: patient education on a quantified supervised home-based exercise therapy to improve walking ability in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication
NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-031161- PTDC /MEC-VAS / 31161/2017
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2024/10/01 - 2027/08/31 Health promotion in chronic disease: managing the disease to live healthily
Principal investigator
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2024/04/01 - 2027/03/31 Mapping loneliness (MapLON)
Principal investigator
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2018/07/26 - 2021/07/25 Contribution of Psychological Factors in Diabetic Foot Ulcer Healing, in Physiological Indicators of Wound Healing Prognosis and Quality of Life: A Randomized Longitudinal Effectiveness Evaluation Study
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Neurociências e Biologia Celular, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2018 - 2018 Handwashing Assessement Inventory: Cultural Adaptation and Validation in Portuguese Nurses
Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde, Portugal
Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde
2018 - 2018 Communication in nursing: Construction of an instrument to identify and assess communication failures during nurses`shifts handover
Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde, Portugal
Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde
2017 - 2018 Behavioral profile of students from the 3rd cycle of schools in the region Tâmega and Sousa- Penafiel
Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde, Portugal
Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada em Ciências e Tecnologias da Saúde
2017/01 - 2017/12 Lifestyle, habits and eating behaviors in a non-clinical sample
Sociedade Portuguesa de Obesidade (SPEO), Portugal
2009 - 2012 Health, Familiar and Psychopathology Variables in Colonial War Veterans` Offspring
Master Student Fellow
Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Portugal
2007 - 2012 Sexuality in War Veterans: A Couple Study
Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Portugal
Bayer Portuguesa
2007 - 2009 Clinical and Familiar Profile of War Veterans and Family
Universidade do Minho Escola de Psicologia, Portugal
2006 - 2009 Sexuality of Diabetic Patients : A couple's study.
Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Portugal
Bayer Portugal SA
2004 - 2005 Efficacy Intervention of a Support Group for War Veterans Women
Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Portugal


Book chapter
  1. Silva, Ivone; Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, rafaela. "WalkingPAD? O Seu Futuro é o que Caminha Hoje [WalkingPAD: Your Future is what you walk today]". In Manual de Literacia em Saúde: Princípios e praticas [Health Literacy Manual: Principles and practices], edited by Cristiana Vaz de Almeida. FCA PACTOR Editores, 2023.
  2. Pedras, S., Rocha, M., Faria, S. & Moreira, P. (2023).. "Stability and Change in Portuguese Adolescents’ Affective Profiles: Affective profiles over a 2-Year and a 6-Year Period". In The Affective Profiles Model.. Springer., 2023.
  3. Graça Pereira, M.; Pedras, S.; Senra, C.. "Psychological morbidity, sexual satisfaction, coping, and quality of life in women with urinary incontinence in rehabilitation treatment". 185-200. Springer, 2018.
    Published • 10.1007/978-3-319-71574-2_15
  4. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M.Graça; Ferreira, Domingos. "Modelos Teóricos sobre o Processo de Adaptação à Doença [Theoretical Models on the Process of Disease Adjustment].". In Caleidoscópio de Olhares em Psicologia Oncológica: Teoria e Investigação [Kaleidoscope of Insights into Oncological Psychology: Theory and Research]. Climepsi, 2016.
  5. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M.Graça; Costa, Vera. "Promoção da Saúde Psicossocial na Diabetes Tipo 2 [Psychosocial Health Promotion in Type 2 Diabetes].". In Promoção da Saúde Psicossocial na Doença: Aspectos Teóricos e Intervenção [Promotion of Psychosocial Health in Disease: Theoretical Aspects and Intervention]. Psicossoma, 2011.
  6. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M.Graça. "Promoção da Saúde Psicossocial em Mulheres de Veteranos de Guerra com PTSD [Promotion of Psychosocial Health in Wives of Veterans of War with PTSD].". In Promoção da Saúde Psicossocial na Doença: Aspetos Teóricos e Intervenção [Promotion of Psychosocial Health in Disease: Theoretical Aspects and Intervention]. Psicossoma, 2011.
Conference abstract
  1. Lima, Sara; Pedras, Susana; Helena Correia; Raquel Carvalho. "[Profile of the Caregiver and the person cared for: Influence on the quality of life of the Informal Caregiver] Perfil do Cuidador e da pessoa cuidada: Influência da qualidade de vida do Cuidador Informal". Paper presented in 2as Conferências Internacionais em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior - A Importância da Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde no Mundo Atual: Desafios e Contributos", Covilhã, 2023.
  2. Lima, S., Esteves, R., Vieira, D., Pedras, S., Aires, L., Ribeiro, F., Silva, G., & Magalhães., C.. "Emotional effects of online teaching on higher education students: Preliminary results. [Efeitos emocionais do ensino on-line em estudantes do ensino superior: resultados Preliminares]". Paper presented in XVI Congresso Internacional Galécio-português de Psicopedagogia., 2021.
  3. Pedras, Susana; Faria, Sara; A.S. Moreira, Paulo. "Personality and attachment to father and mother in Portuguese adolescents". Paper presented in 7º Congresso Internacional em Saúde: Contextos e Problemáticas Emergentes, Lisboa, 2020.
  4. Pedras, S., Faria, S., Lopes, J., & Moreira, P. (2020, outubro).. "Personality and attachment to father and mother in Portuguese adolescents. (Personalidade e vinculação ao pai e à mãe em adolescentes portugueses)". Paper presented in 7º Congresso Internacional em Saúde: Contextos e Problemáticas Emergentes, 2020.
  5. Pedras, S., Lima, S., Esteves, M. R., Ribeiro, M.F., Nogueira, A., Aires, L., Silva, G., Herdeiro, T., & Magalhães, C. (. "Social skills as predictors of healthy lifestyle in adolescents. (Competências sociais como preditoras de um estilo de vida saudável em adolescentes. )". 2020.
  6. Lima, S., Pedras, S., Magalhães, C., & Esteves, R. (2020).. "Hand hygiene in nurses: motivation for practice? (Higienização das mãos em enfermeiros: motivação para a prática? )". Paper presented in Jornadas Científicas da Saúde da Lusofonia (LusoSaúde) da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia, 2020.
  7. Ribeiro, F., Magalhães, C., Duarte, A., Nogueira, M., Preto, M., Pedras, S., & Lima, S. (2020).. "Health communication: communication failures during shift changes. (Comunicação em cuidados de saúde: Falhas de comunicação durante as passagens de turno. )". Paper presented in Jornadas Científicas da Saúde da Lusofonia (LusoSaúde) da Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia, 2020.
  8. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Characterization of a sample of type II diabetic patients with Diabetic Foot: Preliminary Results.". Paper presented in 10º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde: Tendências em Psicologia da Saúde: Contextos e Interdisciplinaridades, 2014.
  9. Pedras, S, Carvalho, R., & Pereira, M.G. (2014).. "Pain and quality of life in patients with diabetic foot ulcer: Preliminary results.". Paper presented in 2nd International Health Congress: Challenges & Innovation in Health., 2014.
  10. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, S.; Pereira, M. G.. "Predictors of physical symptoms in adult Portuguese war veterans’ offspring with symptoms of secondary traumatic stress disorder". Paper presented in Behavior Medicine, 2012.
Conference poster
  1. Oliveira, Joana; Pedras, Susana; Inman, Richard A.; Ramalho, Marques Sofia. "Subjective well-being, repetitive negative thinking and internet addiction in university students with different emotional regulation profiles; (Bem-estar subjetivo, pensamento negativo repetitivo e adição à internet em estudantes universitários com diferentes perfis de regulação emocional)". Paper presented in Ciência 2024: Econtro com a ciência e a tecnologia em Portugal, 2024.
  2. Inman, Richard A.; de Faria, Sara; Pedras, Susana; Moreira, Paulo Alexandre Soares. "Understanding Adolescents' Engagement and Disengagement with Sustainable Development: New Findings from a Large-scale Longitudinal Study". Paper presented in 27th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for the Study of Behavioural Development (ISSBD), 2024.
  3. Rocha, Rute; Pedras, Susana. "The mediating and moderating role of protective factors of healthy aging in the psychological well-being and executive functioning of older adults. ( O papel mediador e moderador dos fatores protetores do envelhecimento saudável no bem-estar psicológico e no funcionamento executivo de idosos).". Paper presented in XI Congresso Internacional de Intervenção Psicológica, 2024.
  4. Pedras, Susana. "Mapping Loneliness: The project. (Mapear a solidão: O projeto)". Paper presented in XI Congresso Internacional de Intervenção Psicológica, 2024.
  5. Mota, Margarida; Pedras, Susana. "Role of digital tools in behavioral change in Peripheral Artery Disease (Papel das ferramentas digitais na mudança comportamental da na Doença Arterial Periférica )". Paper presented in XI Congresso Internacional de Intervenção Psicológica, 2024.
  6. Lima, S., Correia, H., Carvalho, R., & Pedras, S.. "Psychological well-being in informal caregivers.". Paper presented in 3rd International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention, 2023.
  7. Vilaça, M., Machado, L.M., Pedras, S., Dantas, J.A., Carvalho, A., Vedhara, K., Carvalho, E., & Pereira, M.G.. "Wound Healing and Healing Prognosis in Patients with Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Survival Analysis Study.". Paper presented in IDF World Diabetes Congress 2022, 2022.
  8. Magalhães, Clarisse; Lima, Sara; Pedras, Susana. "Lifestyle and social abilities in adolescents: A cluster analysis". Paper presented in 2nd International Conference on Childhood and Adolescence, 2020.
  9. Pedras, Susana; Preto, Isabel; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Traumatic Syptoms after Amputation (Sintomas de Trauma Após Amputação)". Paper presented in 3º Congresso Nacional Conversas de Psicologia e 2º Conferência Internacional de Envelhecimento Ativo, 2016.
  10. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Quality of life in non-amputated diabetic foot ulcer patients versus amputated patients (Qualidade de vida em doentes com úlcera de pé diabético não amputados versus doentes amputados).[". Paper presented in 3ª Jornadas Investigação Clínica & Inovação – 2CA Braga. Hospital de Braga, Braga., 2016.
  11. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Psychological Morbidity in Amputated Patients VS Non-amputed Patients. Are they that different? (Morbilidade Psicológica em Doentes amputados VS Doentes não amputados. São assim tão diferentes?)". Paper presented in 1º Congresso Nacional do Pé Diabético: Pé Diabético no Séc. XXI. Associação Protetora dos Diabéticos de Portugal e Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia. Lisboa, Portugal., 2016.
  12. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Pain and trauma symptoms six months after amputation (Dor e sintomas de trauma após seis meses da amputação)". Paper presented in V Jornadas de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental, “Da concetualização à prática clínica”. Escola Superior de Saúde Vale do Ave & Irmãs Hospitaleiras – CSBJ, CESPU, Famalicão., 2016.
  13. Esteves, Joana; Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Factors that contribute to the adaptation to prosthesis in amputee patients (Fatores que Contribuem para a Adaptação à Prótese em Doentes Amputados)". Paper presented in 11º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde. Universidade de Lisboa., 2016.
  14. Faria, Sara; Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Gouveia, J. L.. "Quality of Life after one year of bariatric surgery (Qualidade de Vida após um ano da cirurgia bariátrica)". Paper presented in Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde, 2016.
  15. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Anxiety and Depression in Amputee Patients due to Diabetic Foot and their Caregivers. (Ansiedade e Depressão em Doentes Amputados devido a Pé Diabético e seus Cuidadores).". Paper presented in VI Congresso Internacional da ASPESM 2015: A Pessoa, a Família, a Comunidade e a Saúde Mental. Hospital do Divino Espírito Santo, Ponta Delgada, S. Miguel, Açores., 2015.
  16. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Quality of Life Characterization in Patients with Diabetic Foot Indicated for Amputation (Caracterização da Qualidade de Vida em Doentes com Pé Diabético Indicados para Amputação).". Paper presented in 6º Fórum Ibérico de Úlceras e feridas, organizado pela ELCOS- Sociedade Portuguesa de Feridas e Centro de Estudos e Investigação em Feridas, 2015.
  17. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Symptoms of Post-traumatic Stress in Patients Amputated Due to Diabetic Foot. (Sintomas de Stress Pós-Traumático em Doentes Amputados Devido a Pé Diabético)". Paper presented in IV Jornadas de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental e Psiquiatria, organizadas pela Escola Superior de Saúde do Vale do Ave e a Casa de Saúde do Bom Jesus, Irmãs Hospitaleiras, Braga, Portugal., 2015.
  18. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Quality of Life in Patients with Diabetic Foot Indicated for Amputation. (Qualidade de Vida em Doentes com Pé Diabético Indicados para Amputação).". Paper presented in Reunião Anual da Sociedade Portuguesa de Diabetologia, Hotel dos Templários, Tomar, Portugal., 2015.
  19. Pedras, Susana. "Anxiety, Depression and Functionality in Patients with Diabetic Foot Indicated for an Amputation Surgery. (Ansiedade, Depressão e Nível de Funcionalidade em Doentes com Pé Diabético indicados para Cirurgia de Amputação)". Paper presented in 5th International Conference of the ASPESM 2014 and Seminário Internacional de Investigação em Saúde Mental, 2014.
  20. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Pain and quality of life in patients with diabetic foot ulcer: preliminary Results.". Paper presented in 2nd Health IPleiria International Health Congress: Challenges & Innovation in Health. Health Research Unit of School of health Sciences of Leiria, at the Polytechnic Institute of Leiria, Portugal., 2014.
  21. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Characterization of a Sample of Type II Diabetic Patients with Diabetic Foot: Preliminary Results. (Caracterização de uma Amostra de Pacientes Diabéticos Tipo II com Pé Diabético: Resultados Preliminares).". Paper presented in 10º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde. Tendências em Psicologia da Saúde: Contextos e Interdisciplinariedades, Universidade Fernando Pessoa do Porto, Portugal., 2014.
  22. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Pereira, Marta; Lima, Sara; Cunha Machado, José. "Predictors of Marital and Sexual Satisfaction in Colonial War Veterans.". Paper presented in II Congresso Ibero-Americano e III Congresso Luso-Brasileiro de Psicologia da Saúde, Universidade do Algarve, Portugal, 2013.
  23. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Predictors of Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms in Adult Portuguese veterans` Offsprings.". Paper presented in 33th STAR Conference (Stress and Anxiety Research Society) in Palma de Mallorca, Spain., 2013.
  24. Alves, Tamara; Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Intervenção em Grupo para Mães Cuidadoras de Crianças com Paralisia Cerebral [Group Intervention for Mothers Caregivers of Children with Cerebral Palsy].". Paper presented in VIII Congresso de Neurociências & Educação Especial PsicoSoma. Museu do Quartzo. Viseu., 2012.
  25. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça; Ferreira, Gabriela. "Influência das Variáveis Familiares nos Autocuidados em Diabéticos Tipo 2 [Influence of Family Variables on Self-Care in Type 2 Diabetics].". Paper presented in 9º Congresso de Psicologia da Saúde: Promoção da Saúde e Doenças Crónicas: desafios à promoção da saúde. Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro., 2012.
  26. Claudino, Adelaide; Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Adherence to Diet and Glucose Monitoring in Type 2 Diabetes: Importance of User Satisfaction. (Adesão à Dieta e Monitorização da Glicose na Diabetes Tipo 2: Importância das Satisfação do Utente).". Paper presented in 9º Congresso de Psicologia da Saúde. Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro., 2012.
  27. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Ferreira, Gabriela; Costa, Vera; Sousa, M. Rui. "Stress, coping, psychological morbidity, trust in physician, satisfaction with care and adherence in type 2 diabetic patients". Paper presented in 32rd STAR Conference (Stress and Anxiety Research Society), 2011.
  28. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Cunha Machado, José; Ferreira, Gabriela; Claudino, Adelaide; Sousa, M. Rui; Lima, Margarida. "Predictors, Moderators and Mediators of Therapeutic Adherence in Diabetes Type 2: Implications for Education and Integrative Care.". Paper presented in World Diabetes Congress: International Diabetes Federation, Dubai., 2011.
  29. Costa, Vera; Pereira, M. Graça; Ferreira, Gabriela; Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Daniela. "Partner Support, Social-cognitive Variables about Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose and Adherence on Type 2 Diabetes". Paper presented in Diabetes UK Annual Professional Conference 2011, UK, London., 2011.
  30. Pereira, M. Graça; Oliveira, Daniela; Pedras, Susana; Costa, Vera; Cunha Machado, José. "Family Variables and Metabolic Control in Type 2 Diabetic Patients and Partners.". Paper presented in European Society on Family Relations Conference. Milan, Itália., 2011.
  31. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "An intervention group for wives of veterans of Colonial war: A qualitative study.". Paper presented in IV Congresso Regional Mediterrânico e Atlântico da International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes (IAGP), Porto, Portugal., 2011.
  32. Ferreira, Gabriela; Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Daniela; Costa, Vera. "Autocuidados, Adesão à Medicação, Morbilidade Psicológica e Suporte do Parceiro em Diabéticos Tipo 2 [Self-Care, Adherence to Medication, Psychological Morbidity and Partner Support in Type 2 Diabetics].". Paper presented in Jornadas de Iniciação à Investigação em Psicologia, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências de Educação da Universidade de Coimbra, 2010.
  33. Costa, Vera; Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Daniela; Lima, Margarida; Araújo-Soares, Vera; Sousa, M. Rui; et al. "Social-cognitive variables, glycemic control, treatment adherence and psychological morbidity in type 2 diabetics and their partners". Paper presented in 6th World Congress on Prevention of Diabetes and its Complications. Dresden, Alemanha., 2010.
  34. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Perturbação Secundária de Stress Traumático em Filhos Adultos de Veteranos de Guerra [Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder in Adult Children of War Veterans].". Paper presented in II Congresso Bienal: A Crise e Trauma no Séc. XXI, ORASI, Porto., 2010.
  35. Ferreira, Gabriela; Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Daniela; Costa, Vera. "Self-Care, Adherence to Medication, Psychological Morbidity and Partner Support in Type 2 Diabetics. (Auto-Cuidados, Adesão à Medicação, Morbilidade Psicológica e Suporte do Parceiro em Diabéticos Tipo 2).". Paper presented in Jornadas de Iniciação à Investigação em Psicologia, Faculdade de Psicologia e Ciências de Educação da Universidade de Coimbra., 2010.
  36. Pereira, M. Graça; Rodrigues, Angela; Costa, Vera; Pedras, Susana; Santos, Jonia. "Sexual Functioning, Quality of Life and Metabolic Control in Diabetes.". Paper presented in 1º International Congress Quality of Life, Environmental and Health, University Fernando Pessoa, Porto., 2009.
  37. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Socio-demographic and PTSD Characteristics of the War Veteran: Implications for Intervention. (Características Sócio Demográficas e de PTSD do Veterano de Guerra: Implicações para a Intervenção).". Paper presented in 2º International Simposium: Post-traumatic Stress Disorder, Portalegre, Portugal., 2007.
  38. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Evaluation of the Intervention of a Support Group in Wives of War Veterans. (Avaliação da Intervenção de um Grupo de Suporte em Mulheres de Veteranos de Guerra).". Paper presented in 1º Congresso Nacional de Família, Saúde e Doença, Universidade do Minho, Braga, 2005.
Journal article
  1. Inman, Richard A.; de Faria, Sara; Pedras, Susana; Moreira, Paulo A.S.. "Engagement and Disengagement with Sustainable Development: Internal dynamics and relation to basic psychological needs". Journal of Environmental Psychology (2024): 102469. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102469.
    Published • 10.1016/j.jenvp.2024.102469
  2. Ferreira, Gabriela; Pedras, Susana; Louro, André; Carvalho, André; Pereira, Maria da Graca. "Portuguese validation of the foot health status Questionnaire in patients with diabetic foot disease". Disability and Rehabilitation (2024): https://doi.org/10.1080/09638288.2024.2392038.
  3. Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Rafaela; Veiga, Carlos; Silva, Ivone. "Illness beliefs relation to physical activity and quality of life in patients with peripheral arterial disease". Psychology, Health & Medicine (2024): https://doi.org/10.1080/13548506.2024.2325378.
  4. Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Rafaela; Silva, Ivone. "Development of an Audiovisual Tool on Peripheral Arterial Disease and Preliminary Suitability Assessment". Portuguese Journal of Public Health (2024): 1-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.1159/000539072.
  5. Oliveira, Rafaela; Pedras, Susana; Pimenta, Rui; Silva, Ivone. "Contributions for the Validation of the European Portuguese Version of the Vascular Quality of Life-6 Questionnaire for Peripheral Artery Disease". Acta Médica Portuguesa 37 6 (2024): 436-444. http://dx.doi.org/10.20344/amp.20760.
    Published • 10.20344/amp.20760
  6. Oliveira, Joana; Pedras, Susana; Inman, Richard A.; Ramalho, Sofia Marques. "Latent profiles of emotion regulation among university students: links to repetitive negative thinking, internet addiction, and subjective wellbeing". Frontiers in Psychology 15 (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1272643.
    Published • 10.3389/fpsyg.2024.1272643
  7. Pedras, Susana; de Faria, Sara; Inman, Richard A.; Correia Lopes, Joana; Paulo moreira. "COVID-19 Beliefs Matter: (Mis)information about COVID-19 changed the associations between well-being and engagement with sustainable development". Análise Psicológica (2024): http://publicacoes.ispa.pt/index.php/ap/article/view/2031.
  8. Inman, Richard A.; de Faria, S.; Pedras, Susana; Correia Lopes, Joana; Moreira, Paulo Alexandre Soares. "Testing the Reciprocal Relationships between Engagement with Sustainable Development and Subjective Well-being before, during and after the COVID-19 Pandemic". Journal of Happiness Studies (2024):
  9. Lima, S., Esteves, R., Vieira, D., Pedras, S., Ribeiro, F., Silva, G., Ribeiro, C., Aires, L., & Moyses, R.. "The mediator role of mindfulness between life satisfaction and general health and self-efficacy in higher education during COVID-19 pandemic.: The mediator role of mindfulness between life satisfaction and general health and self-efficacy.". Journal of School and Educational Psych (2024):
    Under revision
  10. Oliveira, Rafaela; Pedras, Susana; Veiga, Carlos; Santarém, Daniel; Silva, Ivone; Guedes, Daniel; Moreira, Luís; Hugo Paredes. "Adherence, acceptability, and usability of a smartphone app to promote physical exercise in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication". Informatics for Health and Social Care (2024):
    Under revision
  11. Silva, Ivone; Moreira, Célia Sofia; Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Rafaela; Veiga, Carlos; Moreira, Luís; Santarém, Daniel; Guedes, Daniel; Paredes, Hugo. "Effect of a monitored home-based exercise program combined with a behavior change intervention and a smartphone app on walking distances and quality of life in adults with peripheral arterial disease: the WalkingPad randomized clinical trial". Frontiers in Cardiovascular Medicine 10 (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.3389/fcvm.2023.1272897.
  12. de Faria, Sara Ribeiro; Pedras, Susana; Inman, Richard; Lopes, Joana Correia; Moreira, Paulo A. S.. "Subjective well-being and school engagement before versus during the COVID-19 pandemic: What good are positive emotions?". Journal of Research on Adolescence 33 3 (2023): 973-985. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jora.12853.
    Published • 10.1111/jora.12853
  13. Graça Pereira, M.; Vilaça, Margarida; Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, André; Vedhara, Kavita; Jesus Dantas, M.; Machado, Luis; et al. Corresponding author: M. Graça Pereira. "Wound healing and healing process in patients with diabetic foot ulcers: A survival analysis study". Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice 198 (2023): 110623. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.diabres.2023.110623.
    Published • 10.1016/j.diabres.2023.110623
  14. M. Graça Pereira; Susana Pedras; André Louro; Alberto Lopes; Margarida Vilaça. "Stress reduction interventions for patients with chronic diabetic foot ulcers: a qualitative study into patients and caregivers’ perceptions". Journal of Foot and Ankle Research (2023): https://doi.org/10.1186/s13047-022-00592-x.
  15. Pedras, S., Oliveira, R., Veiga, C., & Silva, I. (2023).. "What Do Patients Know About Peripheral Arterial Disease? A Knowledge Questionnaire". Portuguese Journal of Cardiac Thoracic and Vascular Surgery, 29 4 (2023): 31-41. https://doi.org/10.48729/pjctvs.263.
  16. Vieira, D.A., Meirinhos, V., Pedras, S., & Lima, S. (2023).. "Helping teachers navigate the digital world: self-efficacy, emotions, and mindfulness.". EUNIS 2023 - European University Information Systems Congress 2023. (2023):
  17. Paulo A. S. Moreira; Richard A. Inman; Ana Loureiro; Susana Pedras; Sara Faria; Marta Araújo; Rute Rocha; Diana Araújo. "Nature relatedness is a unidimensional construct: evidence from the Nature Relatedness Scale (NR-6) (La relación con la naturaleza es un constructo unidimensional: evidencias a partir de la escala de Relación con la Naturaleza (NR-6))". PsyEcology 13 3 (2022): https://doi.org/10.1080/21711976.2022.2085384.
    Published • 10.1080/21711976.2022.2085384
  18. Richard A. Inman; Paulo A. S. Moreira; Sara Faria; Marta Araújo; Diana Cunha; Susana Pedras; Joana Correia Lopes. "An application of the transtheoretical model to climate change prevention: Validation of the climate change stages of change questionnaire in middle school students and their schoolteachers". Environmental Education Research (2022): 1-20. https://doi.org/10.1080/13504622.2021.1998382.
  19. Veiga, Carlos; Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Rafaela; Paredes, Hugo; Silva, Ivone. "A Systematic Review on Smartphone Use for Activity Monitoring During Exercise Therapy in Intermittent Claudication". Journal of Vascular Surgery (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jvs.2022.04.045.
  20. Silva, Ivone; Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Rafaela; Veiga, Carlos; Paredes, Hugo. "WalkingPad protocol: a randomized clinical trial of behavioral and motivational intervention added to smartphone-enabled supervised home-based exercise in patients with peripheral arterial disease and intermittent claudication". Trials 23 1 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s13063-022-06279-9.
    Published • 10.1186/s13063-022-06279-9
  21. Moreira, Paulo A.S.; Inman, Richard A.; Hanel, Paul H.P.; Faria, Sara; Araújo, Marta; Pedras, Susana; Cunha, Diana. "Engagement and disengagement with Sustainable Development: Further conceptualization and evidence of validity for the Engagement/Disengagement in Sustainable Development Inventory (EDiSDI)". Journal of Environmental Psychology 79 (2022): 101729. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101729.
    Published • 10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101729
  22. Susana Pedras; Rafaela Oliveira; Ivone Silva. "Motivation as an essential ingredient for behavioral change in peripheral arterial disease". Psicologia, Saúde & Doença 22 3 (2021): 908-920. https://doi.org/10.15309/21psd220311.
    Published • 10.15309/21psd220311
  23. Magalhães, Clarisse; Ribeiro, Maria Fátima; Esteves, Maria Raquel; Aires, Luísa; Lima, Sara; Silva, Gustavo; Nogueira, Assunção; Herdeiro, Teresa; Pedras, Susana. "Behavioral profile, lifestyle and social skills in Portuguese adolescents". BMC Public Health 21 1 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s12889-021-10355-1.
    Published • 10.1186/s12889-021-10355-1
  24. Pedras, Susana; A.S. Moreira, Paulo; Ramalho, Sofia; Inman, Richard A.; Faria, Sara; Araújo, Marta. "The Exposure to Violence Questionnaire in Adolescents: Psychometrics and Associations with Well-being". Journal of Child and Family Studies 30 3 (2021): 633-649. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10826-021-01903-9.
    Published • 10.1007/s10826-021-01903-9
  25. Pedras, Susana. "The Engagement/ Disengagement in Sustainable Development Inventory: Studies of convergent and predictive validity, and measurement invariance across age, gender and societies.". Journal of Environmental Psychology 79 (2021): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jenvp.2021.101729.
  26. Moreira, Paulo; Pedras, Susana; Pombo, Paula. "Students’ Personality Contributes More to Academic Performance than Well-Being and Learning Approach—Implications for Sustainable Development and Education". European Journal of Investigation in Health, Psychology and Education 10 4 (2020): 1132-1149. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/ejihpe10040079.
    Published • 10.3390/ejihpe10040079
  27. Pedras, Susana; Meira-Machado, Luís; Couto de Carvalho, André; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Anxiety and/or depression: which symptoms contribute to adverse clinical outcomes after amputation?". Journal of Mental Health 31 6 (2020): 792-800. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2020.1836554.
  28. Moreira, Paulo; Pedras, Susana; Silva, Márcia; Moreira, Maria; Oliveira, Joana. "Personality, Attachment, and Well-Being in Adolescents: The Independent Effect of Attachment After Controlling for Personality". Journal of Happiness Studies 22 4 (2020): 1855-1888. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10902-020-00299-5.
  29. M. G. Pereira; M. Vilaça; S. Pedras; S. Vieira; S. Lima. "Validation of the spiritual and religious attitudes in dealing with illness (SpREUK) in Portuguese Alzheimer‘s patients". Journal of Religion, Spirituality & Aging 32 2 (2020): 172-187. https://doi.org/10.1080/15528030.2019.1610989.
  30. do Rosário Ramos Nunes Bacalhau, Maria; Pedras, Susana; da Graça Pereira Alves, Maria. "Attachment style and body image as mediators between marital adjustment and sexual satisfaction in women with cervical cancer". Supportive Care in Cancer 28 12 (2020): 5813-5819. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00520-020-05423-y.
    Published • 10.1007/s00520-020-05423-y
  31. Suely Costa; Ângela Leite; Mariana Pinheiro; Susana Pedras; M. Graça Pereira. "Burden and quality of life in caregivers of patients with amputated diabetic foot". PsyCh Journal 9 7 (2020): https://doi.org/10.1002/pchj.341.
    Published • 10.1002/pchj.341
  32. Susana Pedras; Estela Vilhena; Rui Carvalho; M. Graça Pereira. "Quality of Life following a Lower Limb Amputation in Diabetic Patients: A longitudinal and multicentre study". Psychiatry, Interpersonal and Biological Processes (2019): https://doi.org/10.1080/00332747.2019.1672438.
    Published • 10.1080/00332747.2019.1672438
  33. Maria da Graça Pereira; Gabriela Ferreira; José C. Machado; Susana Pedras. "Beliefs about medicines as mediators in medication adherence in type 2 diabetes". International Journal of Nursing Practice (2019): https://doi.org/10.1111/ijn.12768.
  34. Pereira, M Graça; Machado, José C; Pereira, Marta; Lopes, Cristiana; Pedras, Susana; M Graça Pereira; José C Machado; et al. "Quality of life in elderly Portuguese war veterans with post-traumatic stress symptoms". Patient Related Outcome Measures Volume 10 (2019): 49-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.2147/prom.s163698.
  35. Pereira, M. Graça; Pereira, Diana; Pedras, Susana. "PTSD, psychological morbidity and marital dissatisfaction in colonial war veterans.". Journal of Mental Health (2019): https://doi.org/10.1080/09638237.2018.1487532.
  36. Pedras, Susana; Preto, Isabel; Carvalho, Rui; Graca Pereira, M.. "Traumatic stress symptoms following a lower limb amputation in diabetic patients: a longitudinal study". Psychology and Health (2019): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/3935285/.
  37. Ramalho, Sofia; Marinho, Ana; Pinto-Bastos, Ana; Vieira, Ana; Magalhães, Carina; Silva, Cátia; Pedras, Susana; et al. "Body mass index and disordered eating behaviors in a community sample participating in an obesity awareness campaign". Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição 15 (2018): 6-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.21011/apn.2018.1502.
    Published • http://dx.doi.org/10.21011/apn.2018.1502.
  38. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Ferreira, Gabriela. "Self-reported adherence to foot care in type 2 diabetes patients: do illness representations and distress matter?". Primary Health Care Research & Development 20 (2018): http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s1463423618000531.
  39. Pedras, Susana; Vilhena, Estela; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Psychosocial adjustment to a lower limb amputation ten months after surgery.". Rehabilitation Psychology 63 3 (2018): 418-430. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/rep0000189.
  40. Pereira, M Graça; Pedras, Susana; Ferreira, Gabriela; Machado, José C. "Differences, predictors, and moderators of therapeutic adherence in patients recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes". Journal of Health Psychology 25 12 (2018): 1871-1881. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1359105318780505.
    Published • 10.1177/1359105318780505
  41. Pereira, M. Graça; Ramos, Cristiana; Lobarinhas, Armanda; Machado, J. Cunha; Pedras, Susana. "Satisfaction with life in individuals with a lower limb amputation: The importance of active coping and acceptance". Scandinavian Journal of Psychology 59 4 (2018): 414-421. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/sjop.12444.
  42. Pinto, Patrícia; Paredes, Ana; Pedras, Susana; Costa, Patrício; Crato, Miguel; Fernandes, Susana; Lopes, Manuela; Carvalho, Manuela; Almeida, Armando. "Sociodemographic, Clinical, and Psychosocial Characteristics of People with Hemophilia in Portugal: Findings from the First National Survey". TH Open 02 01 (2018): e54-e67. http://dx.doi.org/10.1055/s-0038-1624568.
    Published • 10.1055/s-0038-1624568
  43. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "A predictive model of anxiety and depression symptoms after a lower limb amputation". Disability and Health Journal 11 1 (2018): 79-85. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.dhjo.2017.03.013.
    Published • 10.1016/j.dhjo.2017.03.013
  44. Pedras, Susana; Vilhena, Estela; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M.Graça. "The role of Psychological Reactions and Functionality before and after surgery, in the Psychosocial Adjustment to a Lower Limb Amputation ten months after surgery.". Rehabilitation Psychology (2018): http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/rep0000189.
  45. Ramalho, Sofia; Marinho, Ana; Pinto-Bastos, Ana; Vieira, Ana; Magalhães, Carina; Silva, Cátia; Pedras, Susana; et al. "Body mass index and disordered eating behaviors: a cross-sectional study of a community sample participating in an obesity awareness campaign.". Acta Portuguesa de Nutrição 15 (2018): 10-17. https://doi.org/10.21011/apn.2018.1403.
  46. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Ferreira, Gabriela; Machado, José C.. "Family and Couple Variables Regarding Adherence in Type 2 Diabetes Patients in the Initial Stages of the Disease". Journal of Marital and Family Therapy 45 1 (2017): 134-148. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/jmft.12281.
  47. Pinto, Patrícia Ribeiro; Paredes, Ana Cristina; Costa, Patrício; Carvalho, Manuela; Lopes, Manuela; Fernandes, Susana; Pedras, Susana; Almeida, Armando. "Effectiveness of two psychological interventions for pain management, emotional regulation and promotion of quality of life among adult Portuguese men with haemophilia (PSY-HaEMOPEQ): study protocol for a single-centre prospective randomised controlled trial". BMJ Open 7 9 (2017): e016973. http://dx.doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016973.
    Published • 10.1136/bmjopen-2017-016973
  48. Pereira, M.; Marques, Olinda; Rodrigues, Ângela; Santos, Jónia; Pedras, Susana. "Sexual Satisfaction in Patients with Diabetes Type 2 and Their Partners". International Journal of Psychology & Behavior Analysis 2 2 (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.15344/2455-3867/2016/117.
    Published • 10.15344/2455-3867/2016/117
  49. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Predictors of quality of life in patients with diabetic foot ulcer: The role of anxiety, depression, and functionality". Journal of Health Psychology 23 11 (2016): 1488-1498. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1359105316656769.
  50. Pereira, M Graça; Lynch, Brittany; Hall-Faul, M; Pedras, Susana. "Quality of life of women with urinary incontinence in rehabilitation treatment". Journal of Health Psychology 24 2 (2016): 254-263. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1359105316650615.
  51. Pedras, S.; Carvalho, R.; Pereira, M.G.. "Quality of Life in Portuguese Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer Before and After an Amputation Surgery". International Journal of Behavioral Medicine 23 6 (2016): 714-721.
    Published • 10.1007/s12529-016-9567-6
  52. Pereira, M. Graça; Marques, Olinda; Rodrigues, Angela; Santos, Jonia; Pedras, Susana. "Sexual Satisfaction in Patients with Diabetes Type 2 and Their Partners.". International Journal of Psychology & Behavior Analysis (2016): https://doi.org/10.15344/2455-3867/2016/117.
    Published • https://doi.org/10.15344/2455-3867/2016/117
  53. Pedras, S.; Carvalho, R.; Pereira, M.D.G.. "Sociodemographic and clinical characteristics of patients with diabetic foot ulcer". Revista da Associacao Medica Brasileira 62 2 (2016): 171-178. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84968832021&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  54. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "From Ulceration to Diabetic Foot Amputation: A State of the art review.". International Journal of Psychology and Neuroscience (2016): https://neuropsyjournal.wordpress.com/issues/vol-2-2016-issue-3-sept-dec/.
  55. Pedras, Susana; Carvalho, Rui; Pereira, M. Graça. "Qualidade de vida na úlcera de pé diabético: não amputados versus amputados [Quality of life in diabetic foot ulcers: non amputees versus amputees]". Psicologia, Saúde e Doenças (2016): doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.15309/16psd170113.
  56. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Machado, José C.; Ferreira, Gabriela. "Partners’ representations of diabetes as mediators between patients’ representations and adherence to self-care behaviors, in type 2 diabetes". Psychology, Health & Medicine 21 6 (2015): 707-714. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13548506.2015.1118517.
  57. Pereira, M. Graça; Costa, Vera; Oliveira, Daniela; Ferreira, Gabriela; Pedras, Susana; Sousa, Maria Rui; Machado, José C.. "Patients’ and Spouses’ Contribution Toward Adherence to Self-Care Behaviors in Type 2 Diabetes". Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 29 4 (2015): 276-296. http://dx.doi.org/10.1891/1541-6577.29.4.276.
  58. Graça Pereira, M.; Costa, V.; Oliveira, D.; Ferreira, G.; Pedras, S.; Sousa, M.R.; Machado, J.C.. "Patients' and Spouses' Contribution Toward Adherence to Self-Care Behaviors in Type 2 Diabetes". Research and Theory for Nursing Practice 29 4 (2015): 276-296. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84946199449&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  59. Pereira, M. Graça; Machado, José C.; Sousa, M. Rui; Pedras, Susana. "A study of a couple with type 2 diabetes: dyadic adjustment and psychological morbidity". Revista da Associação Médica Brasileira 60 4 (2014): 318-326. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/1806-9282.60.04.010.
    Published • 10.1590/1806-9282.60.04.010
  60. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Machado, José Cunha. "Family variables as moderators between beliefs towards medicines and adherence to self-care behaviors and medication in type 2 diabetes.". Families, Systems, & Health 32 2 (2014): 198-206. http://dx.doi.org/10.1037/fsh0000029.
  61. Pereira, M. Graça; Rodrigues, Angela; Santos, Jonia; Pedras, Susana; Costa, Vera; Marques, Olinda; Lobarinhas, Goreti. "Funcionamento sexual, controlo metabólico e qualidade de vida em pacientes com Diabetes Tipo 1 e Tipo 2 [sexual functioning, metabolic control, and quality of life in patients with type 1 and 2 diabetes]". Revista da Sociedade Brasileira de Psicologia Hospitalar (2014): http://pepsic.bvsalud.org/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S1516-08582014000100005.
  62. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Secondary Traumatic stress disorder in War Veterans´ Adult Offsprings.". Military Behavioral Health (2014): https://doi.org/10.1080/21635781.2013.845520.
  63. Pereira, Maria da Graça; Pedras, Susana; Machado, José Cunha. "Adaptação do questionário de confiança no médico em pacientes com diabetes tipo 2 e seus companheiros". Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 26 2 (2013): 287-295. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0102-79722013000200008.
    Published • 10.1590/s0102-79722013000200008
  64. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Experiências Adversas, Trauma, TEPT e Comportamentos de Risco na População e em Veteranos de Guerra [Adverse Experiences, Trauma, PTSD and Risk Behaviors in the Population and in War Veterans].". Temas em Psicologia (2013): http://dx.doi.org/10.9788/TP2013.1-10..
  65. Pereira, M.G.; Pedras, S.; Machado, J.C.. "Validation of the questionnaire on beliefs about medication with type 2 diabetic patients,Validação do questionário crenças acerca da medicação em pacientes diabéticos tipo 2". Psicologia: Teoria e Pesquisa 29 2 (2013): 229-236. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84884153326&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  66. Pereira, Maria da Graca; Pedras, Susana; Machado, Jose Cunha. "Adaptation of Trust in Physician Scale for Patients with Type 2 Diabetes and their Partners". Psicologia: Reflexão E Crítica (2013): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/29615318/.
  67. Costa, Vera; Graça Pereira, M; Pedras, Susana. "Partner support, social-cognitive variables and their role in adherence to self-monitoring of blood glucose in type 2 diabetes". European Diabetes Nursing 9 3 (2012): 81-86. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/edn.212.
    Published • 10.1002/edn.212
  68. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Lopes, Cristiana. "Posttraumatic stress, psychological morbidity, pychopathology, family functioning, and quality of life in Portuguese war veterans.". Traumatology 18 3 (2012): 49-58. http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1534765611426794.
  69. Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M. Graça. "Exposição Directa e Indirecta ao Trauma: Perturbação de Stress Pós-Traumático (PTSD) e Perturbação de Stress Traumático Secundário (STSD) [Direct and Indirect Exposure to Trauma: Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and Secondary Traumatic Stress Disorder (STSD)].". Psicologia na Actualidade (2012):
  70. Pereira, M. G.; Pedras, S.; Machado, J.. "SELF-CARE ADHERENCE AND FAMILY VARIABLES: A LONGITUDINAL STUDY WITH DIABETES TYPE 2 PATIENTS AND THEIR PARTNERS". International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (2012): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/14325407/.
  71. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana. "Vitimização secundária nos filhos adultos de veteranos da guerra colonial Portuguesa". Psicologia: Reflexão e Crítica 24 4 (2011): 702-709. http://dx.doi.org/10.1590/s0102-79722011000400010.
  72. Pedras, Susana; Graça Pereira, M.. "Support group for women veterans: A study qualitative [Grupo de suporte para mulheres de veteranos de guerra: Um estudo qualitativo]". Analise Psicologica 28 2 (2010): 281-294. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84892767425&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  73. Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Lopes, Cristiana. "PTSD, Psicopatologia, e Tipo de Família em Veteranos da Guerra Colonial [PTSD, Psychopathology, and Type of Family in Veterans of the Colonial War].". Revista de Psicologia Militar (2010):
  74. Graca Pereira, M.; Lopes, Cristiana; Machado, Jose; Pereira, Marta; Pedras, Susana. "Health symptoms, psychopathology, social support, quality of life and family functioning in portuguese war veterans". International Journal of Behavioral Medicine (2010): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/6347696/.
  75. Pereira, M. G.; Rodrigues, A.; Costa, V; Pedras, S.; Santos, J.. "Dyadic adjustment, sexual functioning, sexual beliefs, quality of life and metabolic control in diabetes: Patients and partners". Psychology and Health (2009): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/19382099/.
  76. Pereira, M. G.; Santos, J.; Pedras, S.; Marques, O.; Frias, A.; Pereira, M. Graça; Pedras, Susana; Santos, Jonia. "Sexuality in diabetic patients: A couple's study". Psychology and Health (2006): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/6347690/.
Magazine article
  1. Silva, I., Pedras, S., Veiga, C., Rafaela, O., & Paredes, H.. "Equipa portuguesa desenvolve app para ajudar pacientes com doença arterial periférica [Portuguese team develops app to help patients with peripheral arterial disease]", Atlas em Saúde , 2022, https://www.atlasdasaude.pt/noticias/equipa-portuguesa-desenvolve-app-para-ajudar-pacientes-com-doenca-arterial-periferica.
  2. Silva, I., Pedras, S., Veiga, C., Rafaela, O., & Paredes, H.. "Aplicação para prevenir doença arterial periférica vai abranger 120 doentes no Porto [Application to prevent peripheral arterial disease will cover 120 patients in Porto]", Health News: Jornalismo em Saúde, 2021, https://healthnews.pt/2021/05/13/aplicacao-para-prevenir-doenca-arterial-periferica-vai-abranger-120-doentes-no-porto/.
  3. Silva, I., Pedras, S., Veiga, C., Rafaela, O., & Paredes, H.. "Aplicação para prevenir doença arterial periférica vai abranger 120 doentes no Porto [An App to prevent peripheral arterial diseases will cover 120 patients in Porto]", Lifestyle, Sapo, 2021, https://lifestyle.sapo.pt/saude/noticias-saude/artigos/aplicacao-para-prevenir-doenca-arterial-periferica-vai-abranger-120-doentes-no-porto.
  4. Silva, I., Pedras, S., Veiga, C., Rafaela, O., & Paredes, H.. "Já existe uma "app" para prevenir e tratar doença arterial periférica [There is already an “app” to prevent and treat peripheral arterial diseases]", Noticias Universidade do Porto , 2021, https://noticias.up.pt/2021/05/17/inesc-tec-desenvolve-app-para-prevenir-e-tratar-doenca-arterial-periferica/.
  5. Silva, I., Pedras, S., Veiga, C., Rafaela, O., & Paredes, H.. "Investigadores portugueses desenvolvem aplicação para prevenir doença arterial periférica [Portuguese researchers develop application to prevent peripheral arterial disease]", O Jornal Médico , 2021, https://jornalmedico.pt/atualidade/41039-investigadores-portugueses-desenvolvem-aplicacao-para-prevenir-doenca-arterial-periferica.html.
  6. Silva, I., Pedras, S., Veiga, C., Rafaela, O., & Paredes, H.. "WalkingPad, a aplicação que o ajuda a prevenir a doença arterial periférica [WalkingPad, an app that helps prevent peripheral artery disease]", Sic Noticias, 2021, https://sicnoticias.pt/saude-e-bem-estar/2021-05-16-WalkingPad-a-aplicacao-que-o-ajuda-a-prevenir-a-doenca-arterial-periferica-ea6dabbe.
  1. Pedras, Susana. Manual for implementing mindfulness and meditation strategies with children (Unpublished manual). 2021.
  2. Pedras, Susana. Manual for implementing mindfulness and meditation strategies with elders (Unpublished manual). Portugal. 2021.
  3. Pedras, Susana. Manual for promoting behavior change in obese people (Unpublished manual). 2021.
  4. Susana Pedras. Manual for empowering informal caregivers (unpublished manual). 2019.
  5. Ferreira, Gabriela; Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M.G.. Manual for couple intervention: Randomized Clinical Trial on Adherence to Self-Care in Type 2 Diabetes. (Manual para intervenção no casal: Ensaio Clínico Randomizado sobre Adesão ao Autocuidado no Diabetes Tipo 2).. Research Group in Familiar health & illness. School of Psychology, University of Minho.. 2015.
  6. Ferreira, Gabriela; Pedras, Susana; Pereira, M.G.. Manual for Informal Caregivers of Patients with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: Take good care of yourself to better care for others! (Unpublished manual);. Grupo de Investigação em Saúde Familiar & Doença, Escola de Psicologia, Universidade do Minho.. 2012.
Online resource
  1. Pedras, Susana; Oliveira, Rafaela; Ivone Fernandes Santos Silva. WalkingPad - Health literacy campaign on on Peripheral Artery Disease. 2022. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzVHsySZq06tmRtsjPp4mmys6W3Tj9gu_.
  2. Pedras, Susana. Guide to Healthy Practices in the Family Environment [Guia de Práticas Saudáveis no Ambiente Familiar]. 2021. chrome-extension://efaidnbmnnnibpcajpcglclefindmkaj/https://www.sisgeenco.com.br/eventos/obesus/2022/ebook.pdf.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/09/26 Relationship between emotional regulation, problematic internet use, intrusive negative thoughts and subjective well-being in university students: implications for practice 6º Congresso da Ordem dos Psicólogos
OPP (Lisboa, Portugal)
2023/06 Helping teachers navigate the digital world: self-efficacy, emotions and mindfulness. EUNIS 2023 - European University Information Systems Congress 2023
University of Vigo
2023/05/03 Well-being, emotional regulation and internet use in young people. (Bem-estar, regulação emocional e uso de internet em jovens). XIII Congresso Internacional de Psicologia da Criança e do Adolescente. Saúde e Bem-Estar
Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento (Porto, Portugal)
2023 Psychological well-being in informal caregivers. 3rd International Congress of Health and Well-being Intervention
Instituto Piaget
2023 Training of students and teachers: Brief Stress Management and Well-being Promotion Program. V Congresso Nacional de Educação para a Saúde
Universidade de Évora
2023 Psychosocial profile of the informal caregiver and their needs. 7º Congresso Internacional de Serviço Digital. Transição Digital e Transformação social: Direitos de cidadania em tempos inseguros,
universidade Lusíada Lisboa
2023 Burden on Informal Caregivers of elderly people: new challenges for the future. VII Encontro Nacional de Estudantes de Gerontologia e Gerontólogos/I Congresso Internacional de Gerontologia.
Fundação Engenheiro António de Almeida
2023 WalkingPAD: Your future is what you walk today!
Escola de Enfermagem da Universidade de São Paulo (EEUSP)/ Programa de Pós-graduação em Enfermagem (PPGE) e Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Porto, Portugal (ESEP).
2023 Well-being, emotional regulation and internet use in young people.
universidade Lusíada Lisboa
2023 Will the WalkingPad app be effective in reducing anxiety, depression and quality of life in lameness pain? II Simpósio Internacional de Inovação, Tecnologias e Jogos em Saúde
ADIT Games.
2023 Profile of the Caregiver and the person cared for: Influence on the quality of life of the Informal Caregiver. 2as Conferências Internacionais em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior - “A Importância da Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde no Mundo Atual: Desafios e Contributos
Departamento de Psicologia e Educação, com o apoio da Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, no âmbito do 3.º Ciclo/Doutoramento em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde da Universidade da Beira Interior.
2023 Subjective well-being supports student engagement with school in times of adversity: Evidence from a comparison of samples from before vs. during COVID-19. X Congresso Internacional de Intervenção Psicológica, Porto, Portugal.
Universidade Lusíada Porto
2023 Project Cuidar Maior: Elderly caregivers of elderly people. X Congresso internacional de intervenção psicológica: “Contributos da Psicologia para os Desafios Atuais da Sociedade
Universidade Lusíada Porto
2023 Quality of life in patients with PAD and intermittent claudication. Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SPACV).
Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SPACV).
2023 Suitability of a set of videos to promote Health Literacy. VI Conferência Internacional de Investigação em Saúde
Escola Superior de Saúde do Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
2023 Personalized exercise prescription for people with peripheral arterial disease.
Escola Superior de Saúde do Norte da Cruz Vermelha Portuguesa
2023 What if a hospital waiting room is for more than just waiting? V Congresso Nacional de Educação para a Saúde
Universidade de Évora
2023 Internet addiction, self-regulatory capacity and well-being in students. I Encontro Científico de Saúde e Bem-Estar
Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Universidade do Minho,
2023 An audiovisual tool to promote health literacy about PAD. I Encontro Científico em Saúde e Bem-estar
Escola Superior de Enfermagem da Universidade do Minho
2022 Wound Healing and Healing Prognosis in Patients with Chronic Diabetic Foot Ulcers: A Survival Analysis Study. IDF World Diabetes Congress 2022.
International diabetes federation
2021 Subjective perception and objective assessment of distance walked in patients with PAD and intermittent claudication. Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SPACV).
Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SPACV).
2021 Profile of physical activity practiced by patients with PAD Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SPACV).
Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SPACV).
2021 WalkingPad: your future is what you exercise today. Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Cirurgia Cardio-Torácica e Vascular (SPCCTV)
2020/10/09 Social skills as predictors of a healthy lifestyle in adolescents (Competências sociais como preditoras de um estilo de vida saudável em adolescentes) 7º Congresso Internacional em Saúde
Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal. (Braga, Portugal)
2020/10/07 Personality and attachment to father and mother in Portuguese adolescents (Personalidade e vinculação ao pai e à mãe em adolescentes portugueses). 7º Congresso Internacional em Saúde
Instituto de Educação, Universidade do Minho, Braga, Portugal. (Braga, Portugal)
2020/09/29 Predictors of Lifestyles in 3rd Grade Students. Cycle of Schools in the Tâmega and Sousa Region (Preditores dos Estilos de Vidas em Alunos do 3º. Ciclo das Escolas da Região do Tâmega e Sousa). 3.ª reunião Internacional da Rede Académica das Redes da Saúde da Lusofonia (RACS)
(coimbra, Portugal)
2020/09/29 Communication in Health Care: Communication Failures During Shift Changes (Comunicação em Cuidados de Saúde: Falhas de Comunicação Durante as Passagens de Turno). 3.ª rRACS, 2020, organizada pela Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia
(coimbra, Portugal)
2020/09/29 Hand hygiene in nurses: motivation for practice? (Higienização das mãos em enfermeiros: motivação para a prática?) 3.ª rRACS, 2020, organizada pela Rede Académica das Ciências da Saúde da Lusofonia
(coimbra, Portugal)
2020/01/01 The mediating role of Medication Beliefs in Type 2 Diabetes. (O papel mediador das Crenças sobre os Medicamentos na Diabetes Tipo 2). 13º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde.
Universidade da Beira Interior, Covilhã. (Covilhã, Portugal)
2018/01/01 Promoção de Estilos de Vida Saudáveis em Adolescentes [Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle in Adolescents]. XVIII Encontro Nacional APECSP: (Re)Afirmar e (Re)Orientar os Cuidados de Saúde Primários.
Associação Portuguesa de Enfermeiros de Cuidados de Saúde Primários (Braga, Portugal)
2018/01/01 Estilo de vida em adolescentes: intervenção para promover a saúde [Lifestyle in adolescents: intervention to promote health]. 12.º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde
ISPA - Instituto Universitário (Lisboa, Portugal)
2017/01/01 Da Prática Individual à Prática Multidisciplinar: Novos Desafios na Prevenção e Tratamento da Obesidade em Portugal [From Individual Practice to Multidisciplinary Practice: New Challenges in the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity in Portugal] 21º Congresso Português de Obesidade: Obesidade: Apostar na Multidisciplinariedade
Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Obesidade (SPEO) (Aveiro, Portugal)
2017/01/01 O papel das ações de sensibilização na prevenção da obesidade em contexto comunitário: Expectativas e Resultados [The role of awareness raising in preventing obesity in a community context: Expectations and Results] 21º Congresso Português de Obesidade: Obesidade: Apostar na Multidisciplinariedade
Sociedade Portuguesa para o Estudo da Obesidade (SPEO) (Aveiro , Portugal)
2016/01/01 Caracterização socio-demográfica, clínica e psicossocial das pessoas com Hemofilia em Portugal: Primeiro Survey Nacional- Resultados Preliminares [Socio-demographic, clinical and psychosocial characterization of people with Hemophilia in Portugal: First National Survey- Preliminary Results] 3º Congresso Nacional de Hemofilia
Associação Portuguesa de Hemofilia (Penafiel , Portugal)
2016/01/01 Qualidade de vida em doentes com úlcera de pé diabético não amputados versus doentes amputados [Quality of life in non-amputated diabetic foot ulcer patients versus amputated patients]. 11º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde: Desafios da psicologia da Saúde num mundo em mudança.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde (Lisboa, Portugal)
2016/01/01 Representações dos parceiros de pacientes com DMT2 e adesão aos autocuidados [Partners` Illness representations of patients with type-2 diabites and adherence to self-care] 11º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde (Lisboa, Portugal)
2015/02 Morbilidade Psicológica e Funcionalidade em Doentes com Pé Diabético Indicados para Amputação [Psychological morbidity and functionality in patients with diabetic foot referred for an amputation] III Congresso Internacional de Feridas
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra (Coimbra, Portugal)
2015/01/01 Psychological Morbidity and Functionality in Patients with Diabetic Foot Indicated for Amputation. III Congresso Internacional de Feridas
Elcos Sociedade de Feridas (Coimbra, Portugal)
2013/07 Family Stress and Family Coping as Moderators between Beliefs about Medicines and Self Care Behaviors in Type 2 Diabetic Patients 34th Star Conference
Universidade do Algarve (Faro, Portugal)
2013/07 Family stress, coping, marital adjustment, morbidity and adherence to self-care and diabetes in type 2 diabetes: A study of patients and partners 33th STAR Conference
(Palma de Maiorca, Spain)
2013/01/01 Preditores da adesão aos autocuidados e medicação em pacientes com diabetes tipo 2: um estudo com doentes e parceiros [Predictors of adherence to self-care and medication in patients with type 2 diabetes: a study with patients and partners]. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia
Universidade de Aveiro. (Aveiro, Portugal)
2013/01/01 Preditores da Satisfação Marital e Satisfação Sexual em Veteranos da Guerra Colonial [Predictors of marital and sexual satisfaction in war veterans of Colonial War]. II Congresso Iberoamericano de Psicologia da Saúde
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde (SPPS), a Associação Brasileira de Psicologia da Saúde (ABPSA) e a Asociación Española de Psicología Conductual (AEPC). (Faro, Portugal)
2013/01/01 Family Stress and Family Coping as Moderators between Beliefs about Medicines and Self Care Behaviors in Type 2 Diabetic Patients, 34th Star Conference
Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR), (Faro, Portugal)
2012 Family stress, coping, marital adjustment, morbidity and adherence to self-care and diabetes in type 2 diabetes: A study of patients and partners. 33th STAR Conference
Stress and Anxiety Research Society (STAR) (Palma Maiorca , Spain)
2011/01/01 Partner Support, Social-Cognitive Variables About Self-Monitoring of Blood Glucose and Adherence in Type 2 Diabetes Diabetes Spring Conference
Association of British Clinical Diabetologists (Medway, United Kingdom)
2011 Predictors of Adherence to Self-Care Behaviors and Medication in Diabetes Type 2: A Study with Patient and Partners. EPS Chongqing International Medical Development Forum 2011
EPS Global Medical Development Inc (Chongqing, China)
2010/01/01 Satisfaction with Social support, neuroticism and quality of life in portuguese war veterans with posttraumatic VIII Simpósio de Psiquiatria de Braga
Escola de Ciências da Saúde, Universidade do Minho. (Braga, Portugal)
2010/01/01 Stress Traumático, Psicopatologia, Qualidade de Vida, Suporte Social e Tipo de Família em Veteranos da Guerra Colonial Portuguesa [Traumatic Stress, Psychopathology, Quality of Life, Social Support and Family Type in Veterans of the Portuguese Colonial War]. Seminário: psicologia Militar no Contexto das Operações Militares: A Guerra Colonial e as Forças Nacionais Destacadas
Centro de Psicologia Aplicada do Exército, Academia Militar Lisboa. (Lisboa, Portugal)
2010/01/01 Funcionamento Familiar e Género na Adopção de Comportamentos de Saúde em Filhos Adultos de Veteranos da Guerra Colonial com Sintomatologia Traumática [Family Functioning and Gender in the Adoption of Health Behaviors in Adult Children of Veterans of Colonial War with Traumatic Symptoms]. 8º Congresso Nacional de Psicologia da Saúde: Saúde Sexualidade e Género
Sociedade Portuguesa de Psicologia da Saúde (Lisboa, Portugal)
2010/01/01 O Papel da Adaptabilidade Familiar na Adopção de Comportamentos de Saúde em Filhos Adultos de Veteranos da Guerra Colonial com Sintomatologia Traumática [The Role of Family Adaptability in Adopting Health Behaviors in Adult Children of Colonial War Veterans with Traumatic Symptoms]. VII Simpósio Nacional de Investigação em Psicologia.
Escola de psicologia, Universidade do Minho (braga, Portugal)
2010 Saúde mental, Doença, Tipo de Família, Suporte Social e Qualidade de Vida em Veteranos da Guerra Colonial [Mental health, disease, type of family, social support and quality of life in veterans of the Colonial War]. II Congresso Internacional da Sociedade Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde mental: Do Diagnóstico à Intervenção em Saúde Mental.
Sociedade Portuguesa de Enfermagem de Saúde Mental (Barcelos, Portugal)
2008/01/01 Post-Traumatic Stress, Psychological Morbidity, Psychopathology, Family Functioning and Quality of Life in Portuguese War Veterans IX Congresso Internacional de Estrés Traumático
Sociedad Argentina de Psicotrauma (Argentina)
2008/01/01 Grupo de Suporte para Mulheres de Veteranos de Guerra [Support Group for Wives of Veterans of War]. Comemoração do Dia Internacional da Mulher: A união não tem cor.
Associação Apoiar aos Ex-Combatentes, Lisboa. (Lisboa, Portugal)
2006 Psychological Features of Multiple Sclerosis Multiple Sclerosis Congress.
Department of Psychology, Braga Hospital (Braga, Portugal)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2020/02 - 2021/01 Supervision of internship for the Portuguse Order of Psychologists required to obtain permission to enroll in the order, involving the planning of research activities, evaluation and psychological intervention.
2019/01 - 2019/12 Supervision of internship for the Portuguese Order of Psychologists required to obtain permission to enroll in the order, involving the planning of research activities, evaluation and psychological intervention.

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2024/10/10 - 2024/10/10 Celebration of World Mental Health Day 2024 with the “World Mental Health Day Journey: From Research to Action” with: 1) a Workshop “The Impact of Self-Care Behaviors on Psychological Well-Being: An Experimental Study ; 2) “Walk for Mental Health”, and 3) Digital awareness campaign to promote mental health and self-care behaviors, consisting of 5 2-minute videos to be published at the rate of one video per day. (2024/10/10)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2024/10/01 - 2024/10/01 Celebration of the International Day of the Elderly with two activities: 1) a round table with presentations of master's and doctoral projects on the topic of aging, and; and 2) a social media campaign to combat ageism. (2024/10/01)
Round table (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2024/06/08 - 2024/06/08 Celebrating World Wellbeing Day 2024 with 1) a lecture “Psychological Well-being and Ecoanxiety" with Master Teresa Pereira and 2) a Workshop “Mindfulness-based Strategies - Promoting the Perception of Health and Well-being" (Includes outdoor activity on the Lusíada University grounds). (2024/06/08)
Workshop (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2024/05/21 - 2024/05/22 XI Congresso Internacional de Intervenção Psicológica. Organization of event activities, selection of posters for presentation, moderation, and presentation of a keynote speaker. (2024/05/21 - 2024/05/22)
Congress (Member of the Scientific Committee)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2023/10/17 - 2023/10/17 Celebration of the World Mental Health Day 2023. Celebrating Mental Health Day: Mental Health and Time Management Online with a Seminar about: "How to promote digital wellbeing?" (2023/10/17 - 2023/10/17)
Seminar (Co-organisor)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2023/06/20 - 2023/06/20 X Congresso Internacional de Intervenção Psicológica. Organization of event activities, and selection of posters for presentation. (2023/06/20 - 2023/06/20)
Congress (Member of the Scientific Committee)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2023/06/13 - 2023/06/13 Celebration of the Wellness Day 2023. “World Wellbeing Day : from Research to Action” was organized with 1) a lecture from Prof. Teresa Freire, coordinator of the research team on positive development and optimal functioning at the University of Minho, as guest speaker; 2) Workshop “Mindfullness-based strategies for promoting the perception of health and well-being” and 3) Workshop “Step by Step Research in Applied Psychology: From data collection to analysis in Psychology” (2023/06/13 - 2023/06/13)
Workshop (Co-organisor)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2023/09/29 - Current European Researchers' Night: Promoting digital well-being in young people
European Researchers' Nigh (Noite Europeia dos Investigadores 2023)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Centro de Investigação em Psicologia para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2023 - Current Caring and being cared for (Cuidar e Ser Cuidado)
1º Congresso Internacional do Cuidador Informal,
Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal
2022/11 - 2022/11 Conference: Caring and being cared for by others!
1st International Congress of Informal Caregivers, held by the Escola Superior de Enfermagem do Tâmega e Sousa, of the Instituto Politécnico de Saúde do Norte.
Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal
2022/11 - 2022/11 Conference: Behavioral change to promote physical exercise in patients with Peripheral Artery Disease.
WalkingPAD Project Finalization Session (Sessão de Finalização do Projeto WalkingPAD)
Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António, Portugal
2022 - 2022 Conference: The behavioral approach to obesity controls the role of motivation! (Abordagem comportamental para o controle da obesidade o papel da motivação! )
I Seminário de Prevenção, Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Obesidade na Região Norte, Amazona, Brasil
2022 - 2022 Conference: How to motivate people to change behaviors?
II Seminário de Prevenção, Diagnóstico e Tratamento da Obesidade na Região Norte, Amazonas, Brasil
2019 - 2019 Workshop Mindfulness and Meditation for children
Healthy Minds
Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitação, Portugal
2019 - 2019 Workshop Et Partitus: an empowering group for informal caregivers
Et Partitus: an empowering group for informal caregivers
Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitação, Portugal
2018 - 2018 Parental training program
Parental training program.
Instituto Nacional de Rehabilitação, Portugal
2018 - 2018 Awareness Session on the role of the Informal Caregiver. Event promoted within the scope of the creation of the Informal Caregiver Support Group.
Informal Caregiver Support Group (Junta de Freguesia de São Victor e Coop21, Braga)
Instituto Nacional para a Reabilitação, Portugal
2017 - 2017 INNOVATION IN WOUNDS - Quality of Life: Diabetic Foot vs Amputation, included in the APTFeridas 2017 Symposium - "(About) Living with Wounds", organized by the APTF - Portuguese Wound Treatment Association, Porto
APTFeridas 2017 Symposium - (About) Living with Wounds
Associação Portuguesa de Tratamento de Feridas. , Portugal
2017 - 2017 Debate: How to live with wounds: The Impact on Quality of Life, included in the APTFeridas 2017 Symposium - "(About) Living with Wounds", organized by the APTF - Portuguese Association for Wound Care, Porto.
Round table
APTFeridas 2017 Symposium - (About) Living with Wounds
Associação Portuguesa de Tratamento de Feridas. , Portugal
2017 - 2017 Active aging. Event promoted within the scope of the Commemorations of the International Day of the Elderly
Commemorations of the International Day of the Elderly
Junta de Freguseia de São Victor, Câmara Municipal de Braga , Portugal
2017 - 2017 Conference: Quality of Life in Patients with Diabetic Foot Ulcer Indicated for Amputation.
XII National Congress of Podiatry
Associação Portuguesa de Podiatria, Portugal
2016 - 2016 Workshop: The life of the couple regarding a haemorrhagic disorder of their child
3º Parents` Conference
Associação Portuguesa de Hemofilia, Portugal
2016 - 2016 Workshop: A haemorrhagic disorder in women: A Psychological Approach
2nd Women’s Meeting
Associação Portuguesa de Hemofilia, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2024/07/25 Relações entre o Comportamento Alimentar e as Experiências de Vitimização em Relação à Imagem Coporal na Infância e Adolescência [Relationships between Eating Behavior and Victimization Experiences in Relation to Body Image in Childhood and Adolescence].
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Carolina Teixeira de Andrade (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto Instituto de Psicologia e Ciências da Educação, Portugal
2023 Regulação Emocional: Diferenças de Género e Relação com a Idade em Crianças. [Emotional Regulation: Gender Differences and Relationship to Age in Children.]
(Thesis) Arguer
Damiana Isabel Amorim de Paiva. (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2023 Funcionamento familiar e stress percebido em relação à COVID-19. [Family functioning and perceived stress in relation to COVID-19.]
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Rita Nunes Portugal Silva. (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2023 Relação entre o funcionamento familiar e o crescimento pessoal. [Relationship between family functioning and personal growth.]
(Thesis) Arguer
José Miguel Heleno Alves. (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2023 Resistência à mudança e Stress percebido em relação à Covid-19. [Resistance to change and perceived stress in relation to Covid-19.]
(Thesis) Arguer
Marta Ramalhosa Barbosa. (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2023 Temperamento, Regulação Emocional e Labilidade Negativa em Crianças Institucionalizadas e Não Institucionalizadas. [Temperament, Emotional Regulation and Negative Lability in Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Children.]
(Thesis) Arguer
Sandra Isabel Rodrigues da Silva. (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2023 A Pandemia COVID-19: O impacto na Parentalidade Consciente e nas Práticas de Controlo Alimentar entre o Primeiro e o Segundo Confinamento em Portugal. [The COVID-19 Pandemic: The impact on Conscious Parenting and Food Control Practices between the First and Second Confinement in Portugal]
(Thesis) Arguer
Inês Ramos Pereira. (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2023 A Utilização da Internet e os Pensamentos Intrusivos em Jovens Universitários Portugueses [Internet Use and Intrusive Thoughts in Young Portuguese University Students]
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Luísa Alves Campos. (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2023 O impacto da função de cuidador informal no bem-estar subjetivo dos jovens [The impact of the informal caregiver role on the subjective well-being of young people]
(Thesis) Arguer
Anita dos Santos Cardoso. (Master)
Universidade Lusíada Porto, Portugal
2021 A regulação emocional, a impulsividade e a perda de controlo sobre a alimentação em jovens adultos: revisão sistemática da literatura. [Emotional regulation, impulsivity and loss of eating control in young adults: systematic literature review.]
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Luísa Gonçalves Freitas. (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018 Excesso de peles, vergonha da imagem corporal e comportamento alimentar: consequências da cirurgia bariátrica [Excess hair, body image shame and eating behavior: consequences of bariatric surgery]
(Thesis) Arguer
Ana Luísa Ribeiro Cerqueira (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Ad Hoc journal article review

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2024/08/01 - Current Health Psychology and Behavioral Medicine: an Open Access Journal Taylor & Francis Group
2024/05/01 - Current Aging & Mental Health Taylor & Francis Group
2024/04/06 - Current Behavioral Medicine Taylor & Francis Group
2024/02/03 - Current European Heart Journal Oxford University Press
2023/03/02 - Current Journal of Loss & Trauma Taylor & Francis Group
2022 - Current Journal of Affective Disorders Reports Science Direct
2021 - Current Psychological Reports Sage
2020 - Current Diabetic medicine Wiley
2019 - Current Journal of Wound Care Mark Allen Group
2019 - Current Journal of Psychosomatic Research Elsevier
2019 - Current BMC Endocrine Disorders Springer
2019 - Current BMJ Open BMJ
2019 - Current Prosthetics and Orthotics International ISPO
2019 - Current SAGE Open Medicine Sage
2018 - Current Clinical Rehabilitation Sage
2018 - Current Psychology health & medicine Taylor & Francis
2018 - Current Disability and Rehabilitation Taylor & Francis
2018 - Current Frontiers in Psychology Frontiers
2017 - Current Trends in Psychiatry and Psychotherapy Associação de Psiquiatria do Rio Grande do Sul
2017 - Current Health and Quality of Life Outcomes Springer
2017 - Current Supportive Care in Cancer Springer
2016 - Current Journal of Health Psychology Sage
2016 - Current European Journal of Gynecological Oncology MRE Press
2016 - Current The Aging Male Taylor & Francis

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2010 - Current Ordem dos Psicólogos Portugueses Full Member of Ordem dos Psicólogos nr. 2147, with a Specialization in Psychotherapy.
2007 - Current Family Health and Illness Research Group (FH&I), at the School of Psychology, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. Researcher
2019 - 2020 Integrated Study Group on Food Behavior (GEICA) of the Federal University of Pernambuco, Brazil International / foreign researcher
2017 - 2019 Study Group of Young Researchers of the Portuguese Society for the Study of Obesity (SPEO), Lisboa Portugal Researcher


Activity description Institution / Organization
2024/01 - 2025/01 Consultancy of a pilot project, a community-wide initiative for seniors "FelizIDADE", funded by BPI La Caixa. The FelizIDADE project aims to promote active, healthy and informed aging, through Health Promotion actions; Digital Literacy actions and decentralization of health information. Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal
2022/08 - 2023/09 Consultancy of a Psychosocial Project "Cuidar Maior" funded by Portugal Inovação Social. Cuidar Maior is an individualized, personalized intervention program for prevention and early intervention to combat Burnout in Informal Caregivers (IC). Its co-construction methodology with the IC is based on: Psychoeducational Support; in Family Consultancy; in monitoring by the Caregivers APP. These actions have the potential to positively influence the quality of life of caregivers and families. Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal
2003 - 2003 Consultancy in the psychological assessment of PTSD in Portuguese passengers of the accident of the Canadian Airline "Air Transat" (Flight 236, 2001). Leiria. Consultancy supervised by Professor Maria da Graça Pereira (Universidade do Minho). Universidade do Minho Centro de Investigação em Psicologia, Portugal

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2017 - 2024 Sexuality in the elderly Curso de Gerontologia (Curso Técnico Superior Profissional) Cooperativa de Ensino Superior Politécnico e Universitário, Portugal
2020/11 - 2020/11 Course on Management of the Unified Health System for the Prevention and Treatment of Obesity in Amazonas for professionals in the primary health care network, specifically the Module "Cognitive and behavioral approach to the management of obesity" (Outros) Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal do Amazonas,, Brazil
2018 - 2018 Health Psychology in chronic diseases: Research and intervention in type 2 diabetes Mestrado em Psicologia Clínica e da Saúde, (Mestrado integrado) Universidade Portucalense Infante Dom Henrique Departamento de Psicologia e Educação, Portugal
2015 - 2016 Health and Human Sexual Behavior Unidade Curricular: Opção Uminho (Licenciatura) Universidade do Minho Escola de Psicologia, Portugal

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2024/10/14 - 2025/05/31 Internship monitoring at the Department of Psychiatry of the Private Hospital of Trofa (Vila do Conde), Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Marta Valente
2024/10/01 - 2025/05/31 Internship monitoring at the Psychiatry Service of the Hospital das Forças Armadas, Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Ana Catarina Batista
2024/10/01 - 2025/05/31 Internship monitoring at Centro Hospitalar da Prelada, of a Master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Porto. Bárbara Gomes
2024/10/01 - 2025/05/31 Internship monitoring at Centro Social do Vale do Homem, of a Master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Porto. Eva Marques
2024/10/01 - 2025/05/31 Internship monitoring at the Instituto do Desenvolvimento de Penafiel (ID), Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Cláudia Cardoso
2024/10/01 - 2025/05/31 Internship monitoring at the Associação Dos Familiares, Utentes E Amigos Do Hospital Magalhães Lemos (AFUA), Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Mariana Ferreira
2024/09/15 - 2025/05/31 Internship monitoring at Centro Social do Candal, of a Master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Porto. Marta Santos
2024/09/15 - 2025/05/31 Internship monitoring at the Neuroclinica- rehab center, Penafiel, Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Tânia Vales
2024/01 - 2024/06 Internship monitoring at Salvador Caetano, of a Master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Porto. Bruno Morgado
2023/09 - 2024/06 Internship monitoring at the Psychiatry Service of the Private Hospital of Trofa (Vila do Conde), Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Mariana Sá Batista
2023/09 - 2024/06 Internship monitoring at the Psychiatry Service of the Hospital das Forças Armadas, Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Érica Moreira
2023/09 - 2024/06 Internship monitoinr at the Department of Psychiatry of the Private Hospital of Trofa (Vila do Conde), Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Ana Raquel Santos
2023/09 - 2024/06 Internship monitoring at the Department of Psychiatry of the Private Hospital of Trofa (Vila do Conde), Porto, for a master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences) Duarte Sousa
2023/09 - 2024/06 Internship monitoring at Centro Hospitalar Conde Ferreira of a Master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Porto. Beatriz Rodrigues
2023/09 - 2024/06 Internship monitoring at Centro Hospitalar Conde Ferreira of a Master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Porto. Tatiana Corte
2023 - 2024/06 Internship monitoring at Centro Hospitalar da Prelada, of a Master's student in Clinical Psychology (Institute of Psychology and Educational Sciences), Porto. Alexandra Vaz Pinto
2013/09 - 2014/07 Internship monitoring at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Hospital de Braga, of a student in the master's degree in Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, University of Minho) Céu Carvalho
2013/09 - 2014/07 Internship monitoring at the Endocrinology Department of Hospital de Braga, of a student in the master's degree in Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, University of Minho) Cristina Lopes
2012/09 - 2013/07 Internship monitoring at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Hospital de Braga, of a student in the master's degree in Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, University of Minho) Gabriela Ferreira
2012/09 - 2013/07 Internship monitoring at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Hospital de Braga, of a student in the master's degree in Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, University of Minho) Diana Pereira
2012/09 - 2013/07 Internship monitoring at the Endocrinology Department of Hospital de Braga, of a student in the master's degree in Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, University of Minho) Cátia Baganha
2010/09 - 2011/07 Internship monitoring at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Hospital de Braga, of a student in the master's degree in Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, University of Minho) Ana Fernandes
2009/09 - 2010/07 Internship monitoring at the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation of Hospital de Braga, of a student in the master's degree in Health Psychology (Faculty of Psychology, University of Minho) Tâmara Alves


2024 Best abstracts of young vascular surgeons from national societies with the WalkingPad Project
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto, Portugal
2024 Prémio Sociedade Portuguesa de Angiologia e Cirurgia Vascular (SPACV) - Melhor Comunicação oral Prof António Braga com o Projecto WalkingPad
Centro Hospitalar e Universitário do Porto, Portugal
2022 Healthcare Excellence 2022| WalkingPad Research Project, organizado pela Associação Portuguesa de Administradores Hospitalares (APAH)
Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António, Portugal
2022 Sustainable Health Prize 2022: WalkingPad Research Project (Prémio da Saúde Sustentável 2022: Projeto de Investigação WalkingPad)
Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António, Portugal
2022 Best oral presentation: Will the WalkingPad App be effective in reducing anxiety, depression and quality of life in limping pain?" no II Simpósio Internacional de Inovação, Tecnologias e Jogos em Saúde,
Centro Hospitalar Universitário de Santo António, Portugal
2016 Merit Research Award
Portuguese Association of Health Psychology, Portugal
2015 Best Written Presentation 1st Award
Portuguese Mental Health Nursing Society, Portugal
2015 Best Oral Presentation 1st Award
Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra, Portugal
2015 Best Clinical Study 1st Award
Portuguese Society of Diabetes , Portugal
2011 Best-Written Presentation 1st Award
International Association for Group Psychotherapy and Group Processes , Belgium
2010 Best Oral Presentation 1st Award
Portuguese Mental Health Nursing Society, Portugal
2007 Best-Written Presentation 3th Award
Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre Escola Superior de Saúde, Portugal