Sofia Gomes is currently an associate professor with habilitation at the Department of Economics and Management at Universidade Portucalense in Porto. She has a Ph.D. in applied economics from the University of Santiago de Compostela. University lecturer since 2004, responsible for teaching undergraduate, master's and doctoral degrees in the financial and economic area. She was a financial risk analyst at a Portuguese banking institution for ten years. She is a member of REMIT - Research on Economics, Management and Information Technologies. Her research interests are mainly in entrepreneurship, innovation and circular economy.

Personal identification

Full name
Sofia Gomes

Citation names

  • Gomes, Sofia

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
Habilitation in Business Sciences (Título de Agregado)
Universidade Portucalense Infante D Henrique Departamento de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Portugal
Finance, Banking and Insurance (Título de especialista)
Major in Finance, Banking and Insurance
Instituto Politécnico de Viana do Castelo, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal
2009/11/01 - 2013/06/10
Applied Economics (Doutoramento)
Universidade de Santiago de Compostela - Campus Norte, Spain
"Empreendedorismo e Crescimento Económico na OCDE" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Excelente com louvor

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2024/04/01 - Current Associate Professor (University Teacher) Universidade Portucalense Infante D Henrique Departamento de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Portugal
2021/09/01 - Current Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Superior de Ciências Empresariais e do Turismo, Portugal
2020/09/01 - Current Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade Portucalense Infante D Henrique Departamento de Ciências Económicas e Empresariais, Portugal
2016/01/01 - 2020/07/31 Teacher Coordinator (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão, Portugal
2013 - 2016 Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão, Portugal
2008/02/01 - 2011/06/30 Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Português de Administração de Marketing, Portugal
2004/09/01 - 2005/07/31 Invited Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2016/01/01 - 2020/07/31 Organic Unit Sub-director Instituto Superior de Administração e Gestão, Portugal
2005/09/01 - 2015/12/31 Analista Financeira Banco Internacional do Funchal - Banif, Puerto Rico


  1. Gomes, Sofia. Princípios de Contabilidade de Gestão - Gestão de Custos para Mentes Empreendedoras. 2018.
Book chapter
  1. Carla Viana; Sofia Gomes. "Integrating Digital Skills in Business and Marketing Education: Preparing for a Digital Work Environment". 2025.
  2. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Micaela Pinho; João J. Ferreira. "Unlocking circular potential: the influence of personality traits on university students’ circular entrepreneurial attitude and intention". 2025.
  3. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "Diagnosing the Implementation of Digital Technologies by European Union Manufacturing Multinationals". 2024.
  4. Carlos Ribeiro; Sofia Gomes. "Firm Internationalization and Activity Impact on Digital Technologies Adoption". 2024.
  5. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "The Transformational Impact of Digital Venture Ecosystems on Entrepreneurship in Europe". 91-116. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023.
  6. Gomes, Sofia; Lopes, João M.. "The Transformational Impact of Digital Venture Ecosystems on Entrepreneurship in Europe". In Bleeding-Edge Entrepreneurship: Digitalization, Blockchains, Space, the Ocean, and Artificial Intelligence, 91-116. Emerald Publishing Limited, 2023.
Conference abstract
  1. Pinho, Micaela; Gomes, Sofia. "Explaining Sustainable-Based Tourism Destination Attractiveness through Tourists Changing Travel Behaviours and Sustainable in-Destination Information .". Porto, 2023.
  2. Pinho, Micaela; Gomes, Sofia. "Is Gen Z on the path to sustainable tourism? An exploratory study of Portuguese youth". Paper presented in International Conference on Applied Business and Management (ICABM2022), 14-15 July 2022. Porto, Porto, 2022.
  3. Vieira, Elvira Pacheco; Borges, Ana Pinto; Gomes, Sofia. "Happiness and Tourist Expenditures: the empirical evidence". Paper presented in 34th International Business Information Management Association Conference (IBIMA2019), Porto, 2019.
  4. Borges, Ana Pinto; Vieira, Elvira Pacheco; Rodrigues, Paula; Gomes, Sofia. "Tangible and Intangible Factors as Determinants of Lenght of Stay in a Tourist Destination". Paper presented in International Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management (IWTHM2019), Porto, 2019.
  5. Vieira, Elvira Pacheco; Gomes, Sofia; Trancoso, Tiago. "Determinants of Portuguese exports in PSI 20 enterprises". Paper presented in International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM2018), Porto, 2018.
  6. Borges, Ana Pinto; Vieira, Elvira Pacheco; Gomes, Sofia. "Satisfaction Scoring Index for a musical festival: during and after the event". Paper presented in Workshop Tourism and Hospitality Management, Porto, 2017.
Conference paper
  1. Faria, Sílvia; Ferreira, Pedro; Gomes, Sofia; Gabriel, Carla. "The role of brand trust and perceived risk in shaping brand experience: The case of a second-hand online marketplace". 2023.
  2. Moreira, Isaac; Ferreira, João J.; Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia. "Family business strategies: Systematic literature review". 2023.
  3. Nogueira, Elisabete; Gomes, Sofia; Lopes, João M.. Corresponding author: Nogueira, Elisabete. "Triple bottom line, sustainability and economic development theoretical insights and the research agenda". Paper presented in 5th International Conference on Production Economics and Project Evaluation (ICOPEV), Castelo Branco, 2022.
  4. Moreira, I.; Ferreira, P.; Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia. "The impact of digital transformations on business leadership: a bibliometric approach". Paper presented in International Conference on Production Economics and Project Evaluation, Castelo Branco, 2022.
  5. Pereira, Manuel Sousa; Gomes, Sofia; Faria, Sílvia; Ferreira, Pedro. "Factors that affect the perception of the tourist destination of Braga". 2022.
  6. Gomes, Sofia. "The Expenditure Behaviour During the Trip and The Impact of the Intangible and Tangible Factors: The Case of the City of Porto". 2018.
  7. Gomes, Sofia. "Apadrinhamento de árvores de fruto produzidas em modo de produção biológico através da plataforma You Go Bio". 2018.
  8. Borges, A.P.; Vieira, E.P.; Gomes, S.. "The expenditure behaviour during the trip and the impact of the intangible and tangible factors: The case of the city of Porto". 2018.
Journal article
  1. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Elisabete Nogueira; Tiago Trancoso. "AI’s invisible touch: how effortless browsing shapes customer perception, experience and engagement in online retail". Cogent Business & Management (2025): https://doi.org/10.1080/23311975.2024.2440628.
  2. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Elisabete Nogueira. "Pathways to Circularity: Engagement Patterns of European SMEs in the Circular Economy". Business Strategy and the Environment (2025): https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.4192.
  3. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Elisabete Nogueira. "Educational insights into digital entrepreneurship: the influence of personality and innovation attitudes". Journal of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2025): https://doi.org/10.1186/s13731-025-00475-y.
  4. Elisabete Nogueira; Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "Unveiling triple bottom line's influence on business performance". Discover Sustainability (2025): https://doi.org/10.1007/s43621-025-00804-x.
  5. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes; Elisabete Nogueira. "Anthropomorphism in artificial intelligence: a game-changer for brand marketing". Future Business Journal (2025): https://doi.org/10.1186/s43093-025-00423-y.
  6. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; João J.M. Ferreira; Marina Dabic. "Driving regional advancement: exploring the impact of science and technology parks in the outermost regions of Europe". European Journal of Innovation Management (2025): https://doi.org/10.1108/EJIM-03-2024-0278.
  7. Sofia Gomes. "Personality traits and circular business models: Fostering consumer engagement with circular economy". Business Strategy and the Environment (2025): https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.4057.
  8. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; João J. Ferreira; Luís Ferreira. "What Is the Impact of Digital Tools on Hospitality Business Performance? The Case of SME Accommodation Sector in Portugal". International Journal of Tourism Research (2025): https://doi.org/10.1002/jtr.70004.
  9. Marina Dabic; João J. Ferreira; João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes. "Consumer Preferences and Barriers in the Adoption of Drone Delivery Services: A Comprehensive Analysis". IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management (2025): https://doi.org/10.1109/TEM.2024.3494051.
  10. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Nathalia Suchek; Sónia Nogueira. "The hidden reasons behind generation Z's green choices". Discover Sustainability (2024): https://doi.org/10.1007/s43621-024-00764-8.
  11. Diogo Dantas; Sofia Gomes. "A multidimensional analysis of environmental awareness: The moderating effect of institutional trust". International Journal of Management and Sustainability (2024): https://doi.org/10.18488/11.v14i1.3999.
  12. João J. Ferreira; João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Elisabete Nogueira; Marina Dabic. "Nature's safecrackers: Decoding substitutability and protecting natural capital in innovation ecosystems SSA and MENA regions". Innovation and Green Development (2024): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.igd.2024.100180.
  13. Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Gomes; Carla Gabriel. "Job Quality, Gender and Generations: A Comparative and Exploratory Analysis of European Countries". European Conference on Management Leadership and Governance (2024): https://doi.org/10.34190/ecmlg.20.1.2920.
  14. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Tiago Trancoso. "From Risk to Reward: Understanding the Influence of Generation Z and Personality Factors on Sustainable Entrepreneurial Behaviour". FIIB Business Review (2024): https://doi.org/10.1177/23197145241271467.
  15. Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "Environmental sustainability from a generational lens—A study comparing generation X, Y, and Z ecological commitment". Business and Society Review (2024): https://doi.org/10.1111/basr.12364.
  16. Elisabete Nogueira; Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "Financial Sustainability: Exploring the Influence of the Triple Bottom Line Economic Dimension on Firm Performance". Sustainability (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/su16156458.
  17. Elisabete Nogueira; Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "The contribution of the labour practices to organizational performance: The mediating role of social sustainability". Business Ethics, the Environment & Responsibility (2024): https://doi.org/10.1111/beer.12682.
  18. Tiago Trancoso; Sofia Gomes. "Green Shocks: The Spillover Effects of Green Equity Indices on Global Market Dynamics". Economies (2024): https://doi.org/10.3390/economies12040083.
  19. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "Unlocking the potential of circular consumption: The influence of circular habits, environmental concerns and the search for pro-sustainable information on circular consumption". Business Strategy & Development (2024): https://doi.org/10.1002/bsd2.327.
  20. Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "Unveiling the Impact of Personality in Lifestyle Solidarity: An Exploratory Study of the Effects of Dispositional Optimism and Risk Orientation". Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2024): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13132-023-01702-1.
  21. Morais, Catarina Pereira; Moreira, Ricardo; Gomes, Sofia. "The impact of Empowerment on employee's motivation and productivity: Case study of a Japanese company in the automotive industry (in evaluation)". Journal of Management Development (2024): https://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/journal/jmd.
    Under revision
  22. Lopes, João M.; Trancoso, Tiago; Gomes, Sofia. "Navigating the green maze: Insights for businesses on consumer decision-making and the mediating role of their environmental concerns". (2024): Lopes, J. M. M., Gomes, S., & Trancoso, T. (2024). Navigating the green maze: Insights for businesses on consumer decision-making and the mediating role of their environmental concerns. Sustainability Accounting, Management and Policy Journal, (Published online: 25 january 2024), 1-23. https://doi.org/10.1108/SAMPJ-07-2023-0492. Repositório Institucional UPT. https://hdl.handle.net/11328/5361.
  23. Lopes, João; Trancoso, Tiago; Gomes, Sofia. "The green seed: The influence of pro-sustainable orientation on social entrepreneurship in higher education students". (2024): Gomes, S, Lopes, J. M., & Trancoso, T. (2024). The green seed: The influence of pro-sustainable orientation on social entrepreneurship in higher education students. Industry and Higher Education, (published online: 19 November 2024), 1-13. https://doi.org/10.1177/09504222241297550. Repositório Institucional UPT. https://hdl.handle.net/11328/6013.
  24. Trancoso, Tiago; Gomes, Sofia. "How does inflation propagate among CPI components? Evidence from the euro area". (2024): Trancoso, T., & Gomes, S. (2024). How does inflation propagate among CPI components? Evidence from the euro area. Economics and Business Letters, 13(2), 58–67. https://doi.org/10.17811/ebl.13.2.2024.58-67. Repositório Institucional UPT. https://hdl.handle.net/11328/5651.
  25. Micaela Pinho; Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Gomes. "Healthcare professionals' voice as a road to burnout and work engagement? The role of relational outcomes: An exploratory study of European countries". Journal of Health Organization and Management (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jhom-06-2023-0200.
  26. Tiago Trancoso; Sofia Gomes. "Beyond the dollar: A global perspective on exchange rate dynamics via currency factors". Finance Research Letters 58 (2023): 104261-104261. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.frl.2023.104261.
  27. João M. Lopes; Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "From green hype to green habits: Understanding the factors that influence young consumers' green purchasing decisions". Business Strategy and the Environment (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/bse.3602.
  28. Sofia Gomes; Micaela Pinho; João M. Lopes. "From environmental sustainability practices to green innovations: Evidence from small and medium-sized manufacturing companies". Corporate Social Responsibility and Environmental Management (2023): https://doi.org/10.1002/csr.2657.
  29. Elisabete Nogueira; Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "A meta-regression analysis of environmental sustainability practices and firm performance". Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.139048.
  30. Sofia Gomes; Micaela Pinho. "Can we count on the commitment of European SMEs to achieve SGD12? An exploratory study of business sustainability". Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.139016.
  31. João M. Lopes; Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "Green to gold: consumer circular choices may boost circular business models". Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-03930-6.
  32. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Cláudia Dias; Lopes, João M.; Gomes, Sofia; Dias, Claudia. "How do gender attitudes influence the relationships between perceived desirability, perceived feasibility and social entrepreneurial intentions?". International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship (2023): https://doi.org/10.1108/IJGE-03-2023-0074.
  33. Adelaide Martins; Sofia Gomes; Luís Pacheco; Helena Martins. "Higher education students’ perceptions of accounting online learning: the emergency context of the COVID-19 pandemic". Accounting Education (2023): https://doi.org/10.1080/09639284.2023.2244947.
  34. João J. Ferreira; Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes; Justin Z. Zhang. "Ticking time bombs: The MENA and SSA regions' geopolitical risks". Resources Policy (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.resourpol.2023.103938.
  35. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Tiago Trancoso. "The Dark Side of Green Marketing: How Greenwashing Affects Circular Consumption?". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su151511649.
  36. Ferreira, Pedro; Gomes, Sofia. Corresponding author: Ferreira, Pedro. "MANAGING TEMPORARY AGENCY WORKERS¿ WELL-BEING: THE ROLE OF RESILIENCE AND WORK ALIENATION". Polish Journal of Management Studies 27 1 (2023): 62-80. https://pjms.zim.pcz.pl/resources/html/article/details?id=611204.
    Published • 10.17512/pjms.2023.27.1.04
  37. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes; Mariana Travassos; Mariana Paiva; Isaura Cardoso; Beatriz Peixoto; Carolina Duarte. "Strategic Organizational Sustainability in the Age of Sustainable Development Goals". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su151310053.
  38. Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Gomes. "Work–Life Balance and Work from Home Experience: Perceived Organizational Support and Resilience of European Workers during COVID-19". Administrative Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci13060153.
  39. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "Insights for Pro-Sustainable Tourist Behavior: The Role of Sustainable Destination Information and Pro-Sustainable Tourist Habits". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su15118856.
  40. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Pedro Lopes; Adriana Silva; Daniel Lourenço; Duarte Esteves; Mafalda Cardoso; Valter Redondo. "Exploring the Role of Gamification in the Online Shopping Experience in Retail Stores: An Exploratory Study". Social Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci12040235.
  41. Elisabete Nogueira; Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "Triple Bottom Line, Sustainability, and Economic Development: What Binds Them Together? A Bibliometric Approach". Sustainability (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/su15086706.
  42. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes; Luís Ferreira. "Looking at the tourism industry through the lenses of industry 4.0: a bibliometric review of concerns and challenges". Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Insights (2023): https://doi.org/10.1108/JHTI-10-2022-0479.
  43. Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "What Role Does Sustainable Behavior and Environmental Awareness from Civil Society Play in the Planet’s Sustainable Transition". Resources (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/resources12030042.
  44. Micaela Pinho; Sofia Gomes. "Generation Z as a critical question mark for sustainable tourism – An exploratory study in Portugal". Journal of Tourism Futures (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1108/jtf-07-2022-0171.
  45. João M. Lopes; Nathalia Suchek; Sofia Gomes. "The antecedents of sustainability-oriented entrepreneurial intentions: An exploratory study of Angolan higher education students". Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136236.
  46. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes; Sónia Nogueira. "Willingness to pay more for green products: A critical challenge for Gen Z". Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136092.
  47. João J. Ferreira; João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Husain G. Rammal. "Industry 4.0 implementation: Environmental and social sustainability in manufacturing multinational enterprises". Journal of Cleaner Production (2023): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136841.
  48. Sofia Gomes; João J Ferreira; João M Lopes. "Entrepreneurial conditions and economic growth in entrepreneurial ecosystems: Evidence from OECD countries". The International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2023): https://doi.org/10.1177/14657503231156340.
  49. J. J. M. Ferreira; João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Claudia Dias. "Diverging or converging to a green world? Impact of green growth measures on countries’ economic performance". Environment, Development and Sustainability (2023): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s10668-023-02991-x.
  50. Diana Rodrigues; Bruno Sousa; Sofia Gomes; José Oliveira; Eunice Lopes. "Exploring Consumer Behavior and Brand Management in the Automotive Sector: Insights from a Digital and Territorial Perspective". Administrative Sciences (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci13020036.
  51. Lopes, Joao M.; Gomes, Sofia; Pacheco, Rosselyn. "Unveiling the antecedents of sustainability-oriented entrepreneurial intentions in Angolan universities: Theory planned behavior extension proposal". Industry and Higher Education (2023): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/56682344/.
  52. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Nélia Santos; Hugo Cussina; Isabel Vieira; Maria Escudeiro; Lissandra Maio; Yolanda Magalhães. "The Epic Game of Creating a Successful Gamified Co-Creation Strategy". Administrative Sciences 13 1 (2022): 11-11. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/admsci13010011.
  53. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes; José Oliveira. "Online Food Shopping: Determinants and Profile of Portuguese Buyers in the Pandemic Context". Innovar (2022): https://doi.org/10.15446/innovar.v33n87.105507.
  54. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Ivo Rodrigues. "Playing the gamification and co-creation game: a bibliometric literature review". Management Review Quarterly (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s11301-022-00302-8.
  55. Faria, Sílvia; Ferreira, Pedro; Gomes, Sofia; Gabriel, Carla. "Brand experience, trust, and perceived risk in a second-hand online marketplace: the case of OLX Group". (2022): https://ibimapublishing.com/articles/IBIMABR/2022/872205/.
  56. Sofia Gomes. "Innovative and Sustainable Business Strategies: The Case of Portuguese SMEs". IBIMA Business Review (2022): 1-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.5171/2022.714613.
  57. Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Gomes. "Temporary Work, Permanent Strain? Personal Resources as Inhibitors of Temporary Agency Workers’ Burnout". Administrative Sciences (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/admsci12030087.
  58. Sofia Gomes; João Ferreira; João Morais Lopes; Luís Farinha. "The Impacts of the Entrepreneurial Conditions on Economic Growth: Evidence from OECD Countries". Economies (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/economies10070163.
  59. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "Evolution of the Online Grocery Shopping Experience during the COVID-19 Pandemic: Empiric Study from Portugal". Journal of Theoretical and Applied Electronic Commerce Research (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/jtaer17030047.
  60. Sofia Gomes. "The Holy Grail of Luxury Tourism: A Holistic Bibliometric Overview". Journal of Quality Assurance in Hospitality & Tourism (2022): 1-24. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1528008x.2022.2089946.
  61. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "ICT Access and Entrepreneurship in the Open Innovation Dynamic Context: Evidence from OECD Countries". Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity 8 2 (2022): 102-102. https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc8020102.
  62. "The Impact of Distance Learning on the Teaching-Learning Process of Mathematics in Higher Technical Education". Journal of Educators Online 19 2 (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.9743/jeo.2022.19.2.8.
  63. Elisabete Nogueira; Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "The Key to Sustainable Economic Development: A Triple Bottom Line Approach". Resources (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/resources11050046.
  64. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Rosselyn Pacheco; Elizabete Monteiro; Carolina Santos. "Drivers of Sustainable Innovation Strategies for Increased Competition among Companies". Sustainability (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/su14095471.
  65. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes; Luís Ferreira; José Oliveira. "Science and Technology Parks: Opening the Pandora’s Box of Regional Development". Journal of the Knowledge Economy (2022): https://doi.org/10.1007/s13132-022-00995-y.
  66. "Entrepreneurial intention among women: A case study in the Portuguese academy". Strategic Change 31 2 (2022): 197-209. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jsc.2489.
  67. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; José Oliveira; Márcio Oliveira. "International Open Innovation Strategies of Firms in European Peripheral Regions". Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc8010007.
  68. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Lassana Mané. "Developing Knowledge of Supply Chain Resilience in Less-Developed Countries in the Pandemic Age". Logistics (2022): https://doi.org/10.3390/logistics6010003.
  69. Sofia Gomes; Pedro Ferreira. "Entrepreneurial activity and economic growth: A dynamic data panel analysis of European countries". Entrepreneurial Business and Economics Review (2022): https://doi.org/10.15678/EBER.2022.100201.
  70. Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes; Luís Ferreira. "The impact of the digital economy on economic growth: The case of OECD countries". RAM. Revista de Administração Mackenzie (2022): https://doi.org/10.1590/1678-6971/eramd220029.en.
  71. Wang, Deyi; Lerou, Jun; Nuytinck, Jorinde; Gomes, Sofia I.F.; Jacquemyn, Hans; Merckx, Vincent S.F.T.. "Root-associated Fungi in Orchidaceae: Diversity, Phylogeny, Ecology, and Outstanding Questions". BioRxiv (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/53513736/.
  72. Gomes, S.; Lopes, J. M.. "CONSEQUENCES OF THE PANDEMIC CONSTRAINTS ON THE SUPPLY CHAIN OF COMPANIES: AN EXPLORATORY APPROACH". Polish Journal of Management Studies (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/60507638/.
  73. Lopes, J. M.; Gomes, S.. "THE PHILOSOPHER'S STONE OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP: ACHIEVING ECONOMIC GROWTH IN EUROPE". Polish Journal of Management Studies (2022): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/51841319/.
  74. João M. Lopes; Márcio Oliveira; José Oliveira; Marlene Sousa; Tânia Santos; Sofia Gomes. "Determinants of the Entrepreneurial Influence on Academic Entrepreneurship—Lessons Learned from Higher Education Students in Portugal". Education Sciences (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11120771.
  75. Sofia Gomes; João Morais Lopes; José Oliveira; Márcio Oliveira; Tânia Santos; Marlene Sousa. "The Impact of Gender on Entrepreneurial Intention in a Peripheral Region of Europe: A Multigroup Analysis". Social Sciences (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10110415.
  76. José Oliveira; António Azevedo; J. J. M. Ferreira; Sofia Gomes; João M. Lopes. "An insight on B2B Firms in the Age of Digitalization and Paperless Processes". Sustainability (2021): https://www.mdpi.com/2071-1050/13/21/11565.
  77. Pedro Ferreira; Sofia Gomes. "The Role of Resilience in Reducing Burnout: A Study with Healthcare Workers during the COVID-19 Pandemic". Social Sciences (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10090317.
  78. José Oliveira; Tânia Santos; Marlene Sousa; João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Márcio Oliveira. "Physical Health of Food Consumers during the COVID-19 Pandemic". Social Sciences 10 6 (2021): 218-218. https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10060218.
  79. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; Tânia Santos; Márcio Oliveira; José Oliveira. "Entrepreneurial Intention before and during COVID-19—A Case Study on Portuguese University Students". Education Sciences 11 6 (2021): 273-273. https://doi.org/10.3390/educsci11060273.
  80. Sofia Gomes; Marlene Sousa; Tânia Santos; José Oliveira; Márcio Oliveira; João M. Lopes. "Opening the “Black Box” of University Entrepreneurial Intention in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic". Social Sciences (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/socsci10050181.
  81. João M. Lopes; Sofia Gomes; José Oliveira; Márcio Oliveira. "The Role of Open Innovation, and the Performance of European Union Regions". Journal of Open Innovation: Technology, Market, and Complexity (2021): https://doi.org/10.3390/joitmc7020120.
  82. Oliveira, Márcio; Gomes, Sofia; Sousa, Marlene; Lopes, João M.; Santos, Tânia; Santos, Tânia Cristina Simões de Matos dos. "Valuation of the secretarial profession in the current organizational context". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/11328/3845.
  83. Oliveira, Márcio; Santos, Tânia Cristina Simões de Matos dos; Gomes, Sofia; Sousa, Marlene; Lopes, João M.. "Strategic management and value creation in Non-Profit Organisations". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/6285.
  84. Oliveira, Márcio; Sousa, Marlene; Lopes, João M.; Santos, Tânia Cristina Simões de Matos dos; Gomes, Sofia; Santos, Tânia. "Authentic leadership in small businesses: the importance of humility and resilience". (2021): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.8/6287.
  85. Gomes, S.; Fortuna, M.; Bascompte, J.; Merckx, V.. "Antagonistic plants preferentially target arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi that are highly connected to mutualistic plants". BioRxiv (2021): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/28537890/.
  86. Oliveira, Márcio; Lopes, João M.; Santos, Tânia Cristina Simões de Matos dos; Gomes, Sofia; Sousa, Marlene. "Authentic leadership and its interactions with the compassion and humility of employees". Academy of Strategic Management Journal (2021): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-010-XJ9.
  87. Oliveira, Márcio; Gomes, Sofia; Sousa, Marlene; Lopes, João M.; Santos, Tânia Cristina Simões de Matos dos. "Authentic leadership as predictor of resilience, humility and compassion of subordinators". Journal of Management Information and Decision Sciences (2021): https://www.authenticus.pt/P-010-XJ6.
  88. Gomes, Sofia. "THE EVALUATION OF MUNICIPAL TOURIST TAX AWARENESS: THE CASE OF THE CITY OF PORTO". Tourism and hospitality management 26 2 (2020): 381-398. http://dx.doi.org/10.20867/thm.26.2.6.
  89. Trancoso, T.; Gomes, S.. "The financial driver of business cycle synchronization". IBIMA Business Review 2020 (2020): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85084386287&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  90. Borges, Ana Pinto; Vieira, Elvira; Gomes, Sofia. "Municipal Tourist Tax in Porto: knowledge and Evaluation". International Business Information Management Association Conference (2019): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/52304855/.
  91. Borges, Ana Pinto; Vieira, Elvira; Rodrigues, Paula; Gomes, Sofia. "Tangible and Intangible Factors as Determinants of Length of Stay in a Tourist Destination". PROCEEDINGS OF THE INTERNATIONAL WORKSHOP TOURISM AND HOSPITALITY MANAGEMENT (IWTHM2019) (2019): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/49305313/.
  92. Trancoso, Tiago; Gomes, Sofia. "Determining Factors of International Business Cycles: Is it Finance?". International Business Information Management Association Conference (2019): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/52355618/.
  93. Domingues, Carmen Silvia; Tancredi, Mariza; Pinto, Valdir; Luppi, Carla; Gomes, Solange; Alencar, Rosa; Gianna, Maria Clara; Kalichman, Artur. "THE PREGNANCY SYPHILIS CASCADE OF CARE: "95-95-95" GOALS FOR REDUCING OF CONGENITAL SYPHILIS IN THE STATE OF SAO PAULO, BRAZIL". Sexually Transmitted Infections (2019): https://publons.com/wos-op/publon/64805546/.
  94. Trancoso, Tiago; Gomes, Sofia. "The Real Effects of Global Financial Integration". (2019): https://nidisag.isag.pt/index.php/IJAM/article/view/484.
  95. Gomes, Sofia. "Fatores Determinantes das Exportações Portuguesas das Empresas do PSI 20". European Journal of Applied Business and Management (2018):
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. "Empreendedorismo e crescimento económico na OCDE". PhD, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, 2013. http://hdl.handle.net/10347/8864.
  2. Gomes, Sofia Elisabete Ferreira. "O acordo de Basileia II e o impacto nos montantes de crédito concedido às pequenas e médias empresas". Master, 2009. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/9506.


Other output
  1. Return Spillovers between Currency Factors. 2021. Trancoso, T.; Gomes, S.. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85110686758&partnerID=MN8TOARS.

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2024/06 - Current 32nd APDR Congress, Porto, Portugal
2024 - Current 24th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies (ECRM), Londonderry, Northern Ireland
2023/01 - Current 2nd International Conference on Education Research (ICER), Lisboa, Portugal
2023 - Current 20th European Conference on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (ECIE), Krakow, Poland
2023 - Current 26th European Conference on Knowledge Management (ECKM), Lahti, Finland
2023 - Current 24th European Conference on Research Methodology for Business and Management Studies, Belfast, Ireland

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2023/01/01 - Current 24th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Lisboa, Portugal
2023/01/01 - Current 25th European Conference on Knowledge Management, Lisboa, Portugal
2020/01/01 - Current International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM), Porto, Portugal
2019/01/01 - Current International Conference on Quality Innovation and Sustainability (ICQIS 2019), Valença Portugal
2019/01/01 - Current Workshop of Tourism Management (WTH), Porto, Portugal
2018/01/01 - Current International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM), Porto, Portugal
2017/01/01 - Current Workshop of Tourism Management (WTH), Porto, Portugal
2016/01/01 - Current International Conference of Applied Business and Management (ICABM), Porto, Portugal

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2023/01/01 - Current Financial Research Letters Elsevier
2022/01/31 - Current International Journal of Innovation Science Emerald
2022/01/01 - Current International Journal of Financial Studies
2022/01/01 - Current International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
2022/01/01 - Current Risks
2021/01/01 - Current Economies
2021/01/01 - Current Sustainability