Berta is a Registered Dietitian (5118N), who graduated from the Faculty of Nutrition Sciences of the University of Porto (2021). She is currently attending the Doctoral Program in Public Health at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Porto. Her professional journey has been marked by her work as a nutritionist in the field of community nutrition and public health research. She served as a data manager in the European project EUCAN-Connect, where she acquired skills in longitudinal data harmonization, particularly from the G21 cohort. Her interest in teamwork and multidisciplinarity led her to join the NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, where since 2022 she has been a member of the European Regional Network. She is currently dedicated to her doctoral project "The weight of society: a comprehensive approach to socioeconomic inequalities in obesity" (2023.00992.BD), funded by FCT, which will be carried out at ISPUP, Lund University (Sweden), and the NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health (United Kingdom). With this project, she focuses on studying social and economic inequalities in obesity at both individual and contextual levels, looking at three geographic dimensions – Porto, Portugal, and Europe. Her main interests are related to socioeconomic inequalities and economic aspects of health, particularly in relation to non-communicable diseases such as obesity.

Personal identification

Full name
Berta Valente

Citation names

  • Valente, Berta

Author identifiers

Ciência ID


Knowledge fields

  • Medical and Health Sciences - Health Sciences - Nutrition, Dietetics
  • Medical and Health Sciences - Health Sciences - Public and Environmental Health
  • Medical and Health Sciences - Health Sciences - Epidemiology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
Dutch Intermediate (B1) Intermediate (B1) Elementary (A2) Intermediate (B1)
Spanish; Castilian Intermediate (B1) Upper intermediate (B2) Intermediate (B1) Upper intermediate (B2)
Degree Classification
2022/09/01 - 2026/07/01
Doctoral Programme in Public Health (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2024/09/01 - 2024/10/23
Curso de Fundamentos da Data Science na Saúde: Aplicações com R (Outros)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Escola Nacional de Saúde Pública, Portugal
Master course - Introduction Analytical Epidemiology and Public Health (Outros)
Wageningen University, Netherlands
Master course - Randomised Controlled Trials: Design and Analysis (Outros)
Wageningen University, Netherlands
Master course - Epidemiology and Public Health Policies (Outros)
Wageningen University, Netherlands
Master course - Introduction Descriptive Epidemiology and Public Health (Outros)
Wageningen University, Netherlands
2016/09/01 - 2021/07/12
Nutrition Sciences (Licenciatura)
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências da Nutrição e Alimentação, Portugal
"Socioeconomic factors and intergenerational height difference of adults born in 1990 and their parents: results from the EPITeen cohort" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2010/09/01 - 2014/09/01
Veterinary Medicine (Mestrado integrado)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Biomédicas Abel Salazar, Portugal


Host institution
2023/12/01 - Current Researcher (Research) Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
Lunds universitet Clinical Research Centre, Sweden
2022/05/01 - 2023/07/01 Research Assistant (Research) Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal


Host institution
2022/11/01 - Current Doctoral student member of the NNEdPro Virtual Core NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, United Kingdom
2021/09/06 - 2022/03/29 Nutritionist trainee (3448 NE) Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
2021/02/09 - 2021/06/09 Academic trainee Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal


Designation Funders
2023/12/01 - Current The weight of society: a comprehensive approach to socioeconomic inequalities in obesity
PhD Student Fellow
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2022/05/01 - 2023/09/01 EUCAN-Connect: A federated FAIR platform enabling large-scale analysis of high-value cohort data connecting Europe and Canada in personalized health
Research Technician Fellow
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
Horizon 2020


Designation Funders
2022/05/01 - 2023/09/01 ATHLETE - The exposome from Evidence to Translation
Data manager
Horizon 2020
2021/02 - 2022/04 PLATE Programa de Literacia Alimentar de base Tecnológica nas Escolas
Ciência Viva
Nutritionist trainee
2021/12/09 - 2022/03/23 Avaliação serológica dos anticorpos específicos para o SARS-CoV-2 e do impacto da pandemia de COVID-19 nos/as participantes da coorte EPIPorto e coabitantes
Interviewer (trainee)
2021/02 - 2021/06 FRESAN Fortalecimento da Resiliência e da Segurança Alimentar e Nutricional em Angola
European Union


Conference abstract
  1. Valente, Berta; Nogueira, Bernardo; Pereira, Rita; Santos, Susana. Corresponding author: Santos, Susana. "Valente, Berta; Pereira, Rita; Santos, Susana. Corresponding author: Santos, Susana. "Green and blue spaces residential exposure over childhood and cardiometabolic health outcomes: The Generation XXI birth cohort".". Paper presented in 30th European Congress on Obesity - ECO 2023, 2023., Dublin, 2023.
  2. Berta Valente; Ramos, Elisabete; Araújo, Joana. "Socioeconomic factors and intergenerational differences in height of adults born in 1990 and their parents: results from the EPITeen cohort". Paper presented in XX Congress of Food and Nutrition & II International Congress of Food and Nutrition, 2021.
Conference poster
  1. Valente, Berta; Pereira, Rita; Santos, Susana. Corresponding author: Santos, Susana. "Green and blue spaces residential exposure over childhood and cardiometabolic health outcomes: The Generation XXI birth cohort". Paper presented in 30th European Congress on Obesity - ECO 2023, 2023.
  2. Rocha, C; Casimiro, C; Valente, Berta; Ramos, Elisabete. "Characterization of knowledge, attitudes and practices related to food sustainability in students of the 3rd cycle of education: an urban/rural comparison". Paper presented in International Congress on Food, Nutrition & Public Health (ICFNH), 2022.
Journal article
  1. Valente, Berta; Ramos, Elisabete; Araújo, Joana. "Socioeconomic factors and intergenerational differences in height of Portuguese adults born in 1990: results from the EPITeen cohort". Journal of Biosocial Science (2022): 1-14. http://dx.doi.org/10.1017/s0021932022000311.
Newspaper article
  1. Garcia, Teresa; Valente, Berta. "Saúde pública, responsabilidade social e democracia", PÚBLICO, 2024, https://www.publico.pt/2024/02/28/p3/cronica/saude-publica-responsabilidade-social-democracia-2078941.
  1. Berta Valente; B. Araújo; Rita Pereira; Ana Isabel Ribeiro; Henrique Barros; Susana Santos. "Residential exposure to green and blue spaces over childhood and cardiometabolic health outcomes: The Generation XXI birth cohort". 2024. https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.10.23.24315979.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2022/12/07 The weight of the words (pitch presentation) Research Meeting of Nutrition, Physical Activity and Obesity Research Groups
ISPUP (Porto, Portugal)
2022/11/30 Doctoral Thesis Project: Socioeconomic inequalities in obesity in Portugal - a comprehensive approach NNEdPro-NICHE Mini Symposium and Graduate Studies Forum
Nutrition Innovation Centre for Food and Health (NICHE) (Northern Ireland, United Kingdom)
2022/09/01 European School Fruit and Vegetables Scheme: A comparison between Portugal and Spain XL Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) y XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (APE),
(Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain)
2022/07/22 The use of digital and gamification approaches in nutritional education interventions NNEdPro Pre-Summit Satellite Event: Italy & Switzerland Regional Networks
NNedPro Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health
2021/09/24 Socioeconomic factors and intergenerational differences in height of adults born in 1990 and their parents: Results from the EPITeen cohort XX Congress of Food and Nutrition | II International Congress of Food and Nutrition
Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição (Portugal)

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2024/11/01 - 2024/11/20 Desafios na Gestão da Obesidade nos Cuidados de Saúde Primários: Prevenção e Tratamento Centrado na Pessoa (2024/11/20)
Symposium (Co-organisor)
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
2023/01/25 - 2023/07/15 The 9th International Summit on Nutrition and Health (2023/07/15 - 2023/07/15)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, United Kingdom
2022/01/01 - 2022/07/22 NNEdPro Pre-Summit Satellite Event: Italy & Switzerland Regional Networks (2022/07/22 - 2022/07/22)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, United Kingdom

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2024/12/17 - 2024/12/19 5th EUGLOH Annual Student Research Conference 2024
Universidad de Alcalá, Spain
2023/02/09 - 2023/02/10 Scientific writing and Global Health
Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Medicina, Portugal
2023/01/24 - 2023/01/26 ATHLETE 5th Consortium Meeting
Instituto de Salud Global Barcelona, Spain
2022/11/15 - 2022/11/15 British Nutrition Foundation Anual Day 2022 - Balancing the Scales on Diet Inequality
British Nutrition Foundation, United Kingdom
2022/09/01 - 2022/09/30 Introduction to R for Beginners
Introduction to R for Beginners [intensive course]
NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, United Kingdom
2022/08/30 - 2022/09/02 XL Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) y XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (APE)
XL Reunión Anual de la Sociedad Española de Epidemiología (SEE) y XVII Congresso da Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia (APE),
Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia, Portugal

Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Spain
2021/10/31 - 2021/11/04 XIX Congresso Latinoamericano de Nutricion (SLAN)
Sociedad Latinoamericana de Nutrición, Venezuela

Sociedad Paraguaya de Nutrición, Paraguay
2021/10/18 - 2021/10/27 Deontology Seminar | 56th Edition
Ordem dos Nutricionistas, Portugal
2021/09/23 - 2021/09/24 XX Congress of Food and Nutrition | II International Congress of Food and Nutrition
Associação Portuguesa de Nutrição, Portugal
2021/05/01 - 2021/05/31 NNEdPro Summer School in Applied Human Nutrition
NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, United Kingdom
2021/05/20 - 2021/05/29 Intensive course: "Public Health Nutrition - Different perspectives on Nutrition and Health: a look from methods to public policies"
Intensive Course - “Public Health Nutrition - Different perspectives on Nutrition and Health: a look from methods to public policies”
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
2021/02 - 2021/04 Course: Writing in the Sciences [via Coursera]
Stanford University, United States
2019/05/30 - 2019/06/01 Intensive course: "Public Health Nutrition - Different approaches to study nutrition-health relations"
Intensive course: "Public Health Nutrition - Different approaches to study nutrition-health relations"
Universidade do Porto Instituto de Saúde Pública, Portugal
2019/03/21 - 2019/03/22 Congress: Nutrição - Uma Visão Global
Ordem dos Nutricionistas, Portugal

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2022/02 - Current NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health Co-lead of the Italy and the Mediterranean Regional Network
2021/09 - Current Ordem dos Nutricionistas Effective Member (5118N)
2021/06 - Current International Academy of Nutrition Educators Associate Member [60137347]

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2022/10/12 Dissemination of results to the lay press: Socioeconomic factors and intergenerational differences in height of Portuguese adults born in 1990 Público, Expresso, Jornal de Notícias, Visão, Sábado (por Agência Lusa)

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2022/12/09 - 2022/12/09 90 Segundos de Ciência Dissemination of results to the lay press: Socioeconomic factors and intergenerational differences in height of Portuguese adults born in 1990


2023 Premio APE-SEE a una comunicación conjunta España-Portugal
Associação Portuguesa de Epidemiologia, Portugal

Sociedad Española de Epidemiología, Spain
2022 Leadership & Innovation Award
NNEdPro Global Institute for Food, Nutrition and Health, United Kingdom


Other distinction

2021 Certificate of Merit
NNEdPro Global Centre for Human and Health, United Kingdom
2021 First Certificate of English (Grade A - C1)
Cambridge Assessment, United Kingdom