Mathilda L. Coutinho (MLC) is a researcher at the HERCULES Laboratory, Universidade de Évora (Portugal), and a member of the Associate Laboratory IN2PAST and the CityUMacau chair. She graduated in Conservation and Restoration (CR) in 2006 and completed her PhD in Conservation Sciences at FCT (U. NOVA Lisboa) in 2015. Her dissertation, "Biological Colonization on Majolica Glazed Tiles: Biodeterioration, Bioreceptivity, and Mitigation Strategies," addressed the critical issue of biodeterioration in outdoor glazed tile heritage, combining field studies with laboratory experiments. Recognized for its groundbreaking subject and scientific quality, her PhD was awarded the best thesis prize by the SOS Azulejo Foundation. From 2013 to 2015, MLC was a fellow (PTDC/EPH-PAT/3579/2012) in a multidisciplinary project on technical art history titled "The Stained Glass Collection of King Ferdinand II of Portugal - Assembling the Puzzle." After completing her PhD, she obtained a postdoctoral fellowship at the VICARTE Research Unit (2015-2017). Since 2019, she has been a postdoctoral researcher at HERCULES Laboratory, holding a competitive six-year contract awarded by FCT (CEECIND/00349/2017) for the project "PROGnostic". Additionally, she is the principal researcher of the funded 2LEGACY project. Her main research focuses on biodeterioration and the technical art history of ceramic heritage, emphasizing the intersection of craft knowledge, materials science, and cultural heritage conservation. Additionally, MLC has contributed significantly to crafts in heritage sciences, particularly in analyzing materials and production techniques that connect traditional craftsmanship with scientific advancements. She has collaborated on topics such as natural biocides for controlling microbial colonization, archaeometric studies, and 4-MUF-NAG biomass determination. Her work has advanced the understanding of ceramic heritage, blending conservation strategies with historical craftsmanship. She served as a PhD jury member and several MSc, reflecting her expertise and recognition in the field. Her technical art history work involves applying analytical methods to study materials, techniques, and deterioration processes in cultural heritage. Skilled in using XRF, XRD, SEM, Raman spectroscopy, and Hyperspectral Imaging (HSI), she has applied these tools to historical materials, including glass, ceramics, stone, and mortars. MLC has participated in two international training and mobility projects and collaborated on ceramic pigment research at the Synchrotron ESRF Facility (BM25-Spline). MLC has lectured extensively on ceramics and biodeterioration at institutions such as DCR/FCT-UNL and UÉ. She has taught courses on Diagnostic and Conservation of Glass and Ceramics, History of Art Technology and Materials: Ceramic Module, and Conservation and Restoration of Glass and Ceramic, and currently teaches Digital Techniques and Laboratory Practice in Archaeological Materials Science and Património Conservação e Ciência. I lectured in national and international specialized courses, including "Conservação e Restauro de Azulejo," the "International Course on Ceramic Materials in Building Heritage," and the "HERACLES Fall School." She has supervised two MSc theses (DCR/FCT-UNL and ARCHMAT),is co-supervising two funded PhD students, and guided several curricular projects. MLC also contributes to the ADELE-RS international project on virtualization in professional CR training and IN2PAST's line 4 working group. MLC has shared her work with the public through collaborations with museums (M. Fábrica de Loiça de Sacavém, Fund D. Luis, M. de Évora, and Universidade de Évora) and activities such as NEI and U. Sénior. With a Scopus h-index of 11, she has authored 26 SCI journal articles, conference proceedings, book chapters, and scientific communications, accumulating 419 citations. She serves as Associate Editor of Conservar Património (indexed in WoS and Scopus).

Personal identification

Full name
Mathilda Larsson Dias Coutinho

Citation names

  • Coutinho, Mathilda
  • Larsson, Mathilda
  • Coutinho, ML

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Knowledge fields

  • Humanities - Arts
  • Exact Sciences - Chemical Sciences
  • Humanities - History and Archaeology - History
  • Engineering and Technology - Materials Engineering - Ceramics
  • Natural sciences - Biological Sciences - Biology


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
French Beginner (A1) Intermediate (B1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1)
Italian Beginner (A1) Intermediate (B1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1)
English Proficiency (C2) Proficiency (C2) Upper intermediate (B2) Proficiency (C2)
Swedish Proficiency (C2) Upper intermediate (B2) Beginner (A1) Proficiency (C2)
Degree Classification
2021/07/12 - 2021/07/16
Speaking “nature”: Methods for measuring the impact of environmental pollution on ecosystems (Outros)
Major in -
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
2021/05/28 - 2021/05/29
EMPREEND’UÉ | 1º Bootcamp da Universidade de Évora (Outros)
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2020/01/22 - 2020/01/24
Major in Aplicação análises de sincrotrão a património Natural e Bens Culturais
ESRF, France
2018/06 - 2018/11
Euroacelera (Outros)
Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico de Leiria, Portugal
2009/04/01 - 2015/07/27
Conservação e Restauro do Património (Doutoramento)
Major in Ciências da Conservação
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
"Biological colonization on majolica glazed tiles: biodeterioration, bioreceptivity and mitigation strategies" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Aprovado por unanimidade
2013/05/08 - 2013/05/10
Science Communication Course (Outros)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2012/11/05 - 2012/11/09
Regional Training Course on Enhancing the Characterization, Preservation and Protection of Cultural Heritage Artefacts (Outros)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior Tecnico Campus Tecnológico e Nuclear, Portugal
2007 - 2008
Conservação e Restauro (Mestrado integrado)
Major in Cerâmica
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
""Estudo e Análise de Porcelanas Chinesas do Mosteiro de Santa Clara-a-Velha"" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Licenciatura em Conservação e Restauro (Licenciatura)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
"Estudos de Conservação e Restauro de Bens Culturais Cerâmica" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2005/10 - 2005/12
A Arte na China Antiga (Han-Tang) (Outros)
Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Portugal
2005/04 - 2005/06
A Arte na China Antiga (Neolítico-Han) (Outros)
Centro Científico e Cultural de Macau, Portugal

CHAM Centro de Humanidades, Portugal
2003/04 - 2003/04
Kina Porslin ("Chinese Porcelain") (Outros)
Antikwest, Sweden
1999/10/01 - 2001/08/31
Arquitectura Paisagista (Licenciatura)
Universidade de Lisboa Instituto Superior de Agronomia, Portugal


Host institution
2019/04/01 - Current Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade de Évora, Portugal
Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
2015/10/01 - 2017/02/18 Postdoc (Research) Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Unidade de Investigação Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes, Portugal
2013/09/01 - 2015/09/30 Researcher (Research) Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Unidade de Investigação Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes, Portugal

Other Careers

Host institution
2008/04/01 - 2009/02/01 Técnico Superior (Técnico Superior) Fujitsu Services, Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2021/06/05 - Current Associate Editor Conservar Património Jornal (indexed in WoS and Scopus, Q1 Museology) , Portugal


Host institution
2018/10/01 - 2018/12/31 Inventariação PEDRAMALBA – Recuperação de Mármores, Lda , Portugal
2007/07/01 - 2008/12/01 Invervenção de Conservação e Restauro de objecto de vidro Romano Ecomuseu Municipal do Seixal, Portugal


Designation Funders
2015/11/15 - 2016/02/28 Cultural Heritage / NOVA.ID.FCT – Associação para a Investigação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, EAT/00729
Post-doc Fellow
Unidade de Investigação Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2009/04/01 - 2013/08/31 Biological colonization on majolica glazed tiles: biodeterioration, bioreceptivity and mitigation strategies
SFRH / BD / 46038 / 2008
PhD Student Fellow
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2020/05/01 - Current CityUMacau Chair in Sustainable Heritage
Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
2019/04/01 - Current PROGnostic: PRedictive mOdels for the control of lichen Growth on built heritage (CEECIND/00349/2017)
Principal investigator
Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
2021/03/01 - 2025/12/31 IN2PAST - Laboratório Associado para a Investigação e Inovação em Património, Artes, Sustentabilidade e Território
Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Instituto de Historia da Arte, Portugal

Centro em Rede de Investigação em Antropologia, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Estudos de Sociologia e Estética Musical, Portugal

ISCTE-Instituto Universitário de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Laboratório de Paisagens Património e Território, Portugal

Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Instituto de História Contemporânea, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
Agence Europe SA
2021/04/01 - 2023/03/31 Património e Arte da Região Alentejo - Desenvolvimento, Inovação e Sustentabilidade: Estratégia ERIHS.pt
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Glass and Ceramic for the Arts
Universidade de Lisboa Faculdade de Belas-Artes, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Belas Artes, Portugal

Unidade de Investigação Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Associação para a Inovação e Desenvolvimento da FCT, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2017/11/03 - 2017/11/07 HG-118 - Co and Cu k edge XANES in ceramic pigments from glazes, lustres and porcelains of Portuguese origin from the 16th to the 18th century. BM25-SpLine beamtime
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal

Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
2017/06/17 - 2017/06/20 HG-110 Sb K-edge and Pb L-edge speciation study through XANES in historical Portuguese tile glazes . BM25-SpLine beamtime.
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal

Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
2013/10/01 - 2015/09/30 A coleção de vitrais de D. Fernando II - Montando o puzzle
Research Fellow
Unidade de Investigação Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2011/01/01 - 2012/12/31 Strategic Project - LA 6 - 2011-2012
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Instituto de Ciências Tecnologias e Agroambiente, Portugal

Rede de Química e Tecnologia Laboratório Associado para a Química Verde, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2024/09/01 - 2025/08/31 Exploring the role of raw materials in Portuguese ceramic crafts to bring Lepierre’s legacy to the future/2LEGACY (EXPL/In2Past/2024/15))
Principal investigator
Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
2023/06 - 2024/10 SuitNanoMusic: Suitability of nanomaterials for preservation of tangible musical cultural heritage (EXPL/In2Past/2023/10) & FCT (LA/P/0132/2020)
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Book chapter
  1. Cristina Galacho; Luzia Rocha; André Apolinário Correia; Mathilda Larsson Coutinho; Anna Tsoupra; Ema Pires; Susana Belchior; Edward Ayres de Abreu; Penka I. Girginova. "Exploring SuitNanoMusic Project: An Interdisciplinary Perspective on “Ratinhos” Faience Plates". 2025.
  2. Valadas, Sara; Miguel, Catarina; Miriam Pressato; Bottura Scardina, Silvia; Candeias, António; Ana Margarida Cardoso. "Estudo Analítico do Retrato de D. João IV". In Pinto para os Tempos a imagen de hum Rey - Contributos para o estudo da pintura de José Avelar Rebelo, edited by Susana Varela Flor; Sara Valadas. Portugal: Fundação da Casa de Bragança, 2023.
    In press
  3. Macedo, Maria Filomena; Márcia Vilarigues; Coutinho, Mathilda. Corresponding author: Macedo, Maria Filomena. "Biodeterioration of stained glass and ceramic tiles: recent developments". In Recent Developments in Heritage Microbiology, edited by Jennifer Clifford; Ralf Mitchell; Archana Vasanthakumar. London, United Kingdom: Archetype Publications, 2022.
  4. Silva, Valéria Mara; Oliveira, Bernardo Jefferson de. "Colecionismo, uma mostra de peças com história e significado". In Sacavém a outra loiça, edited by Câmara Municipal de Loures; Clive and Emma Gilber; Associação dos Amigos da Loiça de Sacavém, 157-171. Portugal, 2019.
  5. Coutinho, Mathilda; Ana Zélia Miller; Maria Filomena Macedo Dinis. "Biological colonization and biodeterioration of architectural ceramic materials". In Proceedings of the international course Ceramic materials in building heritage: conservation problems and intervention, edited by Pérez-Monserrat, Elena Mercedes; Pérez Ema, Natalia; Rubiales Fuentes, Pilar. Madrid, Spain, 2017.
  6. Machado, Andreia; Coutinho, Mathilda; Rodrigues, A; Alves, L. C.; Victoria Corrigidor; Silva Rui Coelho; Serneels, K; et al. "Swiss Kabinettscheiben from 19th Portuguese collection – study and characterization". In ANNALES du 20e CONGRÈS de l’ASSOCIATION INTERNATIONALE pour l’HISTOIRE du VERRE, 684-688. Romont, Switzerland, 2017.
  7. Coutinho, Mathilda; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "Ming Porcelain from the Santa Clara-a-velha Monastery in coimbra, Portugal. First results using a portable µ-EDXRF spectrometer". In International conference Geoarcheology and archeomeneralogy impact of earth sciences in study of material culture, 134-138. Sofia, Bulgaria: Publishing House “St. Ivan Rilski”, 2008.
Conference abstract
  1. Cristina Galacho; Rocha, Luzia Aurora; André A.Correia; Coutinho, Mathilda; Tsoupra, Anna; Ema Cláudia Pires; Belchior, Susana; Edward A. de Abreu; Penka I. Girginova. Corresponding author: Penka I. Girginova. "Exploring SuitNanoMusic Project: an interdisciplinary perspective on “Ratinhos” faience plates". Paper presented in EIMAD’ 24 - 9th International Meeting of Research in Music Arts and Design, Castelo Branco, 2024.
  2. Coutinho, Mathilda; Ruivo, Andreia; João Pedro Botelho Veiga; Miguel, Catarina; Bottura Scardina, Silvia; Luis Dias; Sara Valadas; et al. "Characterization of 19th century ceramic objects and paint materials produced by the Portuguese Royal Family". Paper presented in Glazeart2024, Lisbon, 2024.
Conference paper
  1. Pereira, Sílvia Raquel Morais; Roque, Dora; Matias, Luis; Menezes, Marluci; Mota, Rogério; Correia, Maria João; Cruz, Cláudio; et al. Corresponding author: Pereira, Sílvia Raquel Morais. "Old azulejos through new lenses: Integration of digital and non-digital methodologies for the assessment and monitoring of azulejo panels decay". 2024.
  2. Coutinho, Mathilda; Vilamariz, Catarina; Carvalho, Rosário Salema de; Esteves, Lurdes; Ana Teresa Caldeira; João Pedro Botelho Veiga; Marta Mendes; et al. Corresponding author: Coutinho, Mathilda. "A conservação de azulejos através de uma abordagem multifacetada". Paper presented in Congresso Arquiteturas Brilhantes. Revestimentos cerâmicos do Século XV ao XXI., Lisboa, 2021.
  3. Ana Catarina Pinheiro; Carvalho, Rosário Salema de; Coutinho, Mathilda. Corresponding author: Ana Catarina Pinheiro. "ZULEJO: contributo digital". Paper presented in Azulejo: Património em Risco?, Zoom, 2021.
  4. Carvalho, Rosário S; Vilamariz, Catarina; Esteves, Lurdes; Caldeira, Teresa; Mendes, Marta T; Bottura-scardina, Silvia; Veiga, João Pedro; et al. "PROGnostic: Novas ferramentas para manutenção do património azulejar baseada no estudo de cúpulas e coruchéus azulejados – O Caso de Estudo da Capela da Casa Nobre Severim de Faria (Évora)". Paper presented in Azulejo Património em Risco?, 2020.
    In press
  5. Coutinho, Mathilda; Miller, A.Z.; Maria Filomena Macedo Dinis. "Biodeterioration of glazed tiles: case studies and novel laboratory-based approaches". Paper presented in Glaze Art 2018 : Proceedings International Conference Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage, Lisboa, 2018.
  6. Coutinho, Mathilda; Teresa Medici; Filipa M. Lopes; Augusta M. Lima; António Pires de Matos. "Glass bottles and jugs from the Monastery of Sta. Clara-a-Velha at Coimbra, Portugal (16th-17th century)". Paper presented in 17th Congress of Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (AIHV-17), Antuerpia, 2006.
Conference poster
  1. Saraiva, Ana S.; Coutinho, Mathilda; Fernandes, Isabel Cristina; Teixeira Santos, Michelle; Veiga, João Pedro. "A non-invasive multi-analytical approach to Gharb Al Andalus glazes from the Castle of Palmela". Paper presented in Jornadas i3N 2024, 2024.
  2. Ana. S. Saraiva; Carolina Bernardes Carvalho; Isabel Cristina Fernandes; Michelle Teixeira Santos; Coutinho, Mathilda; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "Gharb Al-Andalus glazes from the Castle of Palmela: a non-invasive multianalytical archaeometric approach". Paper presented in GlazeArt 2024, 2024.
  3. FELICIANO, INÊS; Lurdes Esteves; Márcia Vilarigues; Coutinho, Mathilda; Coentro, Susana. "Specific glaze colour degradation in Portuguese 17th - century tiles". Paper presented in GlazeArt2024: International Conference "Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage", 2024.
  4. Saraiva, Ana S.; Coutinho, Mathilda; Duarte, Susana; Tavares da Silva, Carlos; Soares, Joaquina; Veiga, João Pedro. "An introductory archaeometric study of Gharb Al-Andalus Ceramics from Setúbal (Portugal)". Paper presented in European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting 2023, 2023.
  5. Pinheiro, AC; Coutinho, Mathilda; Bottaini, Carlo; Barbara Campos Maia; Joana Madureira; Filipa Peralta. "Eusébio da Silva Ferreira, the "Black Panther" - Analytical Tecnhiques Applied to Metal Statues". Paper presented in Technart23, 2023.
  6. Saraiva, Ana S.; Coutinho, Mathilda; Soares, Joaquina; Tavares da Silva, Carlos; Veiga, João Pedro; Joaquina Soares; Carlos Tavares da Silva ; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "Preliminary results of archaeometric analysis of Chalcolithic ceramic from Charneca de Fratel (Vila Velha de Ródão, Portugal)". Paper presented in TECHNART 2023, 2023.
  7. Ana. S. Saraiva; Coutinho, Mathilda; Tavares da Silva, Carlos; Joaquina Soares; Duarte, Susana; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. Corresponding author: Ana. S. Saraiva. "Preliminary results from an archaeometric approach to ceramic analysis from early Neolithic society in Vale Pincel I (Sines, Portugal)". Paper presented in Materiais 2023, 2023.
  8. Coutinho, Mathilda; Silvia Pereira; Geraldes, Catarina; Milene Gil; João Pedro Veiga; Ruivo, Andreia. Corresponding author: Coutinho, Mathilda. ""Colours of the Tijomel ceramic manufacture (1941-1992): characterisation of pigments and glazed tile catalogue samples". Paper presented in COLOURS: Bridging Science with art., 2022.
  9. Saraiva, Ana S.; Maria José Gonçalves; Coutinho, Mathilda Amélia Gonçalves Larsson Dias; João Pedro Botelho Veia. Corresponding author: Saraiva, Ana S.. "Ceramics from Gharb Al-Ândalus: contributions for the study of interculturality in medieval Iberian Peninsula". Paper presented in European Materials Research Society Spring Meeting, 2022.
  10. Saraiva, Ana S.; Gonçalves, Maria José; Coutinho, Mathilda; Veiga, João Pedro. Corresponding author: Saraiva, Ana S.. "Gharb Al-Ândalus: project for the archaeometric study of Islamic Ceramics from Silves (Algarve, South Portugal)". Paper presented in Encontro Ciência 2022, 2022.
  11. Alexandra Rodrigues; Carla Machado; Coutinho, Mathilda; Machado, Andreia; Márcia Vilarigues. "Chemical characterization of the Low Countries 16th and 17th-century Grisaille from the Pena Palace collection". Paper presented in 22nd International Congress of the Association Internationale pour l'Histoire du Verre, 2021.
  12. Ana Cristina fon; Mirao, Jose; Ana Margarida Cardoso; Valadas, Sara; Nuno Carriço; Luís Dias; Coutinho, Mathilda. "Os materiais que vestem o Boneco". Paper presented in Congresso Vestindo o Património Cultural - 28 a 29 de Maio 2021 rupo de Investigação e Estudos em Ciências da Arte e do Património - “Francisco de Holanda'' – CIEBA/FBAUL,, 2021.
  13. Coutinho, Mathilda; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "Co and Cu K-edge XANES study of the glazed tiles from the Fronteira Palace (Lisbon, Portugal) (P29)". Paper presented in Conference and Workshop on Cultural and Natural Heritage at ESRF-EBS, ESRF - Grenoble, France, 22 - 24 January 2020, 2020.
  14. Veiga, João Pedro; Coutinho, Mathilda; Figueiredo, Elin; Teresa Pena; Elin Figueiredo; Eduardo Sales-Colera; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "Co K-edge XANES in ceramic pigments form faience and porcelains from the 16th to the 18th century". Paper presented in Materiais 2019, XIX congress of Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and X International Symposium on Materials 14-17 April 2019, Lisbon Portugal, 2019.
  15. Coutinho, Mathilda; Ana Z. Miller; Maria Filomena Macedo Dinis. "Biological colonication on Majolica glazed tiles: biodeterioration, bioreceptivy and mitigation strategies". Paper presented in EGU General Assembly 2019, 2019.
  16. Coutinho, Mathilda; Ana Teresa Caldeira; Miller, A.Z.; Saiz-Jimenez, C.; Gomez-Bolea, A.; Maria Filomena Macedo Dinis; João Pedro Botelho Veiga; Mirão, J.. "Biodeterioration of glazed tiles by lichens". Paper presented in Glaze Art 2018 : proceedings / International Conference Glazed Ceramics in Cultural Heritage, 2018.
  17. Veiga, João Pedro; Coutinho, Mathilda; Figueiredo, Elin. "A XANES study of the Sn K-edge in slag by-products from tin smelting experiments". Paper presented in . 7º ENURS - Encontro Nacional de Utilizadores de Radiação de Sincrotrão – Monte da Caparica – Portugal, 08 de junho de 2018, 2018.
  18. Veiga, João Pedro; Coutinho, Mathilda; Figueiredo, Elin. "Sb and Pb speciation through XANES in 18th to 19th century Portuguese glazes". Paper presented in 7º ENURS - Encontro Nacional de Utilizadores de Radiação de Sincrotrão – Monte da Caparica – Portugal, 08 de junho de 2018, 2018.
  19. Soraia Teixeira; Coutinho, Mathilda; Augusta M. Lima; Márcia Vilarigues. "Characterization and conservation of public art in stoneware: Monumento ao Associativismo Popular (Almada, Portugal)". Paper presented in 9th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA2017), 2017.
  20. Veiga, João Pedro; Coutinho, Mathilda; Figueiredo, Elin. "Sb speciation through XANES in 19th century glazed tiles from the Pena National Palace, Sintra, Portugal". Paper presented in 6th ENURS 2017, 19th May 2017, LNEG, Alfragide, Portugal, 2017.
  21. Coutinho, Mathilda; João Pedro Botelho Veiga; Marine Cotte; Teresa Pena. "Local structure of Sb through Synchrotron Radiation X Ray Absorption Spectroscopy in 19th century glazed tiles from the Pena National Palace, Sintra, Portugal". Paper presented in TECHNART2017 - International Conference on Non-destructive and Microanalytical Techniques in Art and Cultural Heritage, 2017.
  22. Coutinho, Mathilda; Teresa Pena; Eduardo Sales-Colera; Elin Figueiredo; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "XANES investigation of the yellow Sb-Pb pigment used in colour mixtures in Portuguese ceramics during the 18-19th centuries". Paper presented in MATERIAIS 2019, XIX Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and X International Symposium on Materials, 2017.
  23. João Pedro Botelho Veiga; Marine Cotte; Coutinho, Mathilda; Teresa Pena. "Synchrotron Radiation X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy in 19th century Portuguese glazed tiles from Pena National Palace, Sintra, Portugal". Paper presented in MATERIAIS 2017 - XVIII Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais VIII International Symposium on Materials, 2017.
  24. Coutinho, Mathilda; Soraia Teixeira; Márcia Vilarigues; Augusta M. Lima; Luis Cerqueira Alves; Silva, Rui Coelho. "Characterization of the lustre tiles from the Fronteira Palace (Lisbon, Portugal) - B.5.10.". Paper presented in Yococu2016 - 5th Internantional Conference of Youth in Conservation of Cultural Heritage, 2016.
  25. Veiga, João Pedro; Coutinho, Mathilda. "Yellow colouring in glazed tiles from the Pena National Palace and the National Tile Museum: understanding our cultural heritage through XANES, micro-Raman, micro-EDXRF and Optical Microscopy". Paper presented in 5th ENURS 2016, 17 Junho 2016, ITQB, Oeiras, Portugal, 2016.
  26. Coutinho, Mathilda; Teresa Pena; João Pedro Botelho Veiga; Veiga, João Pedro. "Portuguese historical ceramic glazed tiles: impact of advanced characterization techniques on societal understanding of material". Paper presented in 2016 E-MRS Spring Meeting, 2016.
  27. Andreia Machado; Alexandra Rodrigues; Coutinho, Mathilda; Luis Cerqueira Alves; Victoria Corrigidor; Rui C. Silva; V. Serveels; et al. "Swiss Kabinettscheiben from 19th Portuguese collection – study and characterization". Paper presented in 20th Congress of the International Association for the History of Glass (AIHV-20), 2015.
  28. Coutinho, Mathilda; Muralha, V. S.; Mirão, J.; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "Non-destructive characterization of oriental porcelain glazes and blue underglaze pigments using µ-EDXRF, µ-Raman and VP-SEM". Paper presented in E-MRS 2013 SPRING MEETING Protecting & securing our cultural heritage: diagnostics, characterization, conservervation & restoration, 2013.
  29. Sério, S.; Melo Jorge, M.E.; Coutinho, Mathilda; Hoffmann, S.V.; Limão-Vieira, P.; Nunes, Y.. "TiO2 thin films studied by synchrotron radiation". Paper presented in 1º Encontro Nacional dos Utilizadores da Radiação de Sincrotrão (ENURS), 2012.
  30. Gutierrez-Patricio, S.; Miller, A.Z.; Coutinho, Mathilda; Rogerio-Candelera, Miguel Ángel; Maria Filomena Macedo Dinis; Hernandez-Marine, M.; Saiz-Jimenez, C.. "Characterization and quantification of phototrophic biofilms on artistic tiles". Paper presented in 15th International Biodeterioration and Biodegradation Symposium, 2011.
  31. Coutinho, Mathilda; Phillips, Alan J.L.; Ana Catarina Pinheiro; Maria Filomena Macedo Dinis. "Fungal biodeterioration of tiles from the Pena National Palace". Paper presented in ICOM-CC Triennial 16th Conference - Cultural Heritage/Cultural Identity – The Role of Conservation, 2011.
  32. Coutinho, Mathilda; Fernando Jorge Pina; Nuno Leal; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "Application of Titanium Dioxide Sol-gel Coatings on Historic Tiles: An Approach to Prevent Biodeterioration". Paper presented in 6th European meeting on Solar Chemistry and Photocatalysis: Environmental Applications (SPEA6), 2010.
  33. Coutinho, Mathilda; Muralha, V. S.; João Pedro Botelho Veiga; Veiga, João Pedro. "Ming Chinese porcelain from Santa Clara-a-velha archeological site: Characterization by Raman spectroscopy". Paper presented in 5th International Congress on the Application of Raman Spectroscopy in Art and Archaeology (RAA2009-Bilbao), 2009.
  34. Coutinho, Mathilda; João Pedro Botelho Veiga. "Ming Porcelain from the Santa Clara-a-velha Monastery in coimbra, Portugal. First results using a portable µ-EDXRF spectrometer". Paper presented in International conference Geoarcheology and archaeomineralogy impact of earth sciences in the study of material culture, 2008.
Journal article
  1. Ana Catarina Pinheiro; Mathilda Larsson Coutinho; Carlo Bottaini; Marius Araújo; Vera Pires; Bárbara Campos Maia; Joana Madureira; Filipa Pereira. "The “Black Panther”: A multi-analytical study on the statue of the football player Eusébio da Silva Ferreira". Journal of Cultural Heritage (2025): https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2024.12.026.
  2. Mathilda Coutinho; Silvia Pereira; Andreia Ruivo; Silvia Bottura-Scardina; João Pedro Veiga; Catarina Geraldes; Milene Gil; et al. Corresponding author: Ruivo, Andreia. "Colours of the Tijomel ceramic manufacture (1941-1992): characterisation of a set of ceramic colourants and glazed tiles from Decormel Materials Catalogue". Conservar Património (2024): https://doi.org/10.14568/cp32258.
    Accepted • 10.14568/cp32258
  3. Coutinho, M.L.; Veiga, J.P.; Ruivo, A.; Pereira da Silva, T.; Bottura-Scardina, S.; Lima, M.M.R.A.; Pereira, C.; et al. "Characterization of Tableware from Fábrica de Loiça de Sacavém—Linking Analytical and Documental Research". Minerals 14 3 (2024): http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-85189170389&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  4. Vilarigues, Márcia; Ruivo, Andreia; Hagendijk, Thijs; Bandiera, Mario; Coutinho, Mathilda; Alves, Luis C.; Dupré, Sven. "Red glass in Kunckel's Ars Vitraria Experimentalis : The importance of temperature". International Journal of Applied Glass Science 14 12 (2023): 201-215. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/ijag.16605.
    Published • 10.1111/ijag.16605
  5. Miller, Ana Z.; Jiménez-Morillo, Nicasio T.; Coutinho, Mathilda L.; Gazquez, Fernando; Palma, Vera; Sauro, Francesco; Pereira, Manuel F.C.; et al. "Organic geochemistry and mineralogy suggest anthropogenic impact in speleothem chemistry from volcanic show caves of the Galapagos". iScience 25 7 (2022): 104556. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.isci.2022.104556.
  6. Teresa Silva; Daniel de Oliveira; JP Veiga; Jose Lisboa; Jorge Carvalho; M. Alexandra Barreiros; ML Coutinho; Eduardo Salas-Colera; Rogério Vigário. "Contribution to the Understanding of the Colour Change in Bluish-Grey Limestones". Heritage (2022): https://www.mdpi.com/2571-9408/5/3/78.
  7. Alexandra Rodrigues; ML Coutinho; Carla Machado; Luis Alves; Andreia Machado; Márcia Vilarigues. "An Overview of Germanic Grisailles through the Stained-Glass Collection at Pena Palace". Heritage (2022): https://www.mdpi.com/2571-9408/5/2/55.
  8. Teixeira, Soraia Filipa dos Santos; Branquinho, Rita; Augusta,Lima; Márcia Vilarigues; Luis Dias; Coutinho, Mathilda Amélia Gonçalves Larsson Dias; Soraia Teixeira; et al. Corresponding author: Coutinho, Mathilda Amélia Gonçalves Larsson Dias. "Testing the harmfulness of chemical cleaning methods for the removal of incrustations from a glazed stoneware public artwork". Journal of Cultural Heritage - https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2022.02.007 55 (2022): 48-57. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2022.02.007.
    Published • 10.1016/j.culher.2022.02.007
  9. Vandenabeele, Peter; Pereira Miguel, Catarina; Rousaki, Anastasia; Bottura Scardina, Silvia; Larsson-Coutinho, Mathilda; Pressato, Miriam; Candeias, António. "On the use of a zoom lens for remote Raman measurements: Application in cultural heritage research". Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 54 1 (2022): 68-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/jrs.6458.
    Published • 10.1002/jrs.6458
  10. Coutinho, Mathilda Larsson; Veiga, João Pedro; Ruivo, Andreia; Pena, Teresa; Salas Colera, Eduardo; Scardina, silvia; Lima, Augusta; et al. Corresponding author: Coutinho, Mathilda Larsson. "An insight on the firing condition of Chinese blue-and-white porcelain through XANES". Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry (2022): http://dx.doi.org/10.1039/d2ja00006g.
    Published • 10.1039/d2ja00006g
  11. Macedo, Maria Filomena; Vilarigues, Márcia Gomes; Coutinho, Mathilda L.. "Biodeterioration of Glass-Based Historical Building Materials: An Overview of the Heritage Literature from the 21st Century". Applied Sciences 11 20 (2021): 9552. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/app11209552.
  12. Rodrigues, Alexandra; Coutinho, Mathilda; Machado, Andreia; Martinho, Bruno A.; Cerqueira Alves, Luís; Macedo, Maria Filomena; Vilarigues, Márcia. "A transparent dialogue between iconography and chemical characterisation: a set of foreign stained glasses in Portugal". Heritage Science 9 1 (2021): http://dx.doi.org/10.1186/s40494-021-00480-w.
  13. Miller, Ana Z.; García-Sánchez, Angela M.; L. Coutinho, Mathilda; Costa Pereira, Manuel F.; Gázquez, Fernando; Calaforra, José M.; Forti, Paolo; et al. "Colored Microbial Coatings in Show Caves from the Galapagos Islands (Ecuador): First Microbiological Approach". Coatings 10 11 (2020): 1134. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/coatings10111134.
  14. ML Coutinho; JP Veiga; Macedo MF; Ana Zélia Miller. "Testing the Feasibility of Titanium Dioxide Sol-Gel Coatings on Portuguese Glazed Tiles to Prevent Biological Colonization". Coatings (2020): https://www.mdpi.com/2079-6412/10/12/1169.
  15. Coutinho, M.L.; Miller, A.Z.; Phillip, A.; Mirão, J.; Dias, L.; Rogerio-Candelera, M.A.; Saiz-Jimenez, C.; et al. "Biodeterioration of majolica glazed tiles by the fungus Devriesia imbrexigena". Construction and Building Materials 212 (2019): 49-56. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2019.03.268.
  16. Rogerio-Candelera, Miguel Ángel; Bueno Ramírez, Primitiva; de Balbín-Behrmann, Rodrigo; Dias, M. Isabel; García Sanjuán, Leonardo; Coutinho, Mathilda Larsson; Lozano Rodríguez, José Antonio; et al. "Landmark of the past in the Antequera megalithic landscape: A multi-disciplinary approach to the Matacabras rock art shelter". Journal of Archaeological Science 95 (2018): 76-93. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.jas.2018.05.005.
  17. Sequeira, Sílvia Oliveira; Coutinho, Mathilda L.; Lima, João C.; Phillips, Alan J.L.; Macedo, Maria F.; Cabrita, Eurico J.. "4-MUF-NAG for fungal biomass determination: Scope and limitations in the context of biodeterioration studies". Journal of Cultural Heritage 22 (2016): 992-998. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2016.06.002.
  18. Coutinho, M. L.; Miller, A. Z.; Martin-Sanchez, P. M.; Mirão, J.; Gomez-Bolea, A.; Machado-Moreira, B.; Cerqueira-Alves, L.; et al. "A multiproxy approach to evaluate biocidal treatments on biodeteriorated majolica glazed tiles". Environmental Microbiology 18 12 (2016): 4794-4816. http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/1462-2920.13380.
  19. Coutinho, M. L.; Veiga, J. P.; Alves, L. C.; Mirão, J.; Dias, L.; Lima, A. M.; Muralha, V. S.; Macedo, M. F.. "Characterization of the glaze and in-glaze pigments of the nineteenth-century relief tiles from the Pena National Palace, Sintra, Portugal". Applied Physics A 122 7 (2016): http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00339-016-0214-5.
  20. Coutinho, M. L.; Miller, A. Z.; Rogerio-Candelera, M. A.; Mirão, J.; Cerqueira Alves, L.; Veiga, J. P.; Águas, H.; et al. "An integrated approach for assessing the bioreceptivity of glazed tiles to phototrophic microorganisms". Biofouling 32 3 (2016): 243-259. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/08927014.2015.1135242.
  21. Sasso, S.; Miller, A.Z.; Rogerio-Candelera, M.A.; Cubero, B.; Coutinho, M.L.; Scrano, L.; Bufo, S.A.. "Potential of natural biocides for biocontrolling phototrophic colonization on limestone". International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 107 (2016): 102-110. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2015.11.017.
  22. Coutinho, I.; Berger, F.; Rodrigues, A.; Coutinho, M.L.; Machado, A.; Alves, L.C.; Vilarigues, M.. "Fensterbierscheiben in the Pena National Palace collection – chemical and iconographic relations". X-Ray Spectrometry 45 6 (2016): 308-317. http://www.scopus.com/inward/record.url?eid=2-s2.0-84985982465&partnerID=MN8TOARS.
  23. Coutinho, Mathilda L.; Miller, Ana Z.; Macedo, Maria F.. "Biological colonization and biodeterioration of architectural ceramic materials: An overview". Journal of Cultural Heritage 16 5 (2015): 759-777. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.culher.2015.01.006.
  24. Coutinho, M. L.; Muralha, V. S. F.; Mirão, J.; Veiga, J. P.. "Non-destructive characterization of oriental porcelain glazes and blue underglaze pigments using µ-EDXRF, µ-Raman and VP-SEM". Applied Physics A 114 3 (2013): 695-703. http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00339-013-8147-8.
  25. Coutinho, M.L.; Miller, A.Z.; Gutierrez-Patricio, S.; Hernandez-Marine, M.; Gomez-Bolea, A.; Rogerio-Candelera, M.A.; Philips, A.J.L.; et al. "Microbial communities on deteriorated artistic tiles from Pena National Palace (Sintra, Portugal)". International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 84 (2013): 322-332. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.ibiod.2012.05.028.
  26. Crous, P.W.; Shivas, R.G.; Wingfield, M.J.; Summerell, B.A.; Rossman, A.Y.; Alves, J.L.; Adams, G.C.; et al. "Fungal Planet description sheets: 128–153". Persoonia - Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 29 1 (2012): 146-201. http://dx.doi.org/10.3767/003158512x661589.
  27. Sério, S.; Melo Jorge, M.E.; Coutinho, M.L.; Hoffmann, S.V.; Limão-Vieira, P.; Nunes, Y.. "Spectroscopic studies of anatase TiO2 thin films prepared by DC reactive magnetron sputtering". Chemical Physics Letters 508 1-3 (2011): 71-75. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2011.04.002.
Newsletter article
  1. Coutinho, Mathilda. "TRAINING OF CULTURAL HERITAGE PROFESSIONALS IN PORTUGAL", MagazineoftheProjectADELE-RS "Advancee-LearningForCulturalHiritageRestoreSpecialisation" ADELE PROJECT, 2024
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Teixeira, Soraia Filipa dos Santos. "Arte Pública em cerâmica – Estudo para a conservação da obra “Monumento ao Associativismo Popular”". Master, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/29609.
  2. Coutinho, Mathilda Amélia Gonçalves Larsson Dias. "Biological colonization on majolica glazed tiles: biodeterioration, bioreceptivity and mitigation strategies". PhD, 2015. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/15765.
  3. Larsson, Mathilda A. G.. "Estudo e caracterização de porcelanas orientais". Master, 2008. http://hdl.handle.net/10362/1882.


Other output
  1. Zulejo. Beta version of an application to identify glazed tile patterns using image search. 2019. Ana Catarina Pinheiro; Coutinho, Mathilda; David Ortega/Pomika.
  2. Zulejo App. Aplicação concebida para promover o património azulejar de padrão, aprofundando o conhecimento sobre o mesmo, promovendo a sua salvaguarda e facilitando a sua divulgação.. 2018. Ana Catarina Pinheiro; Coutinho, Mathilda.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2023/12/07 Bonecos de Estremoz – à descoberta do imaterial 6.º aniversário da inscrição da Produção de Figurado em Barro de Estremoz na Lista Representativa de Património Cultural Imaterial da UNESCO
Municipio de Estremoz (Estremoz, Portugal)
2023/11/02 Estremoz clay figures: Unveilling the material behind the imaterial Congresso Internacional A Salvaguarda do Património Imaterial: politicas e práticas para as próximas décadas 2 e 3 de Novembro 2023
Universidade de Évora (Évora, Portugal)
2023/09/21 Crossing Analythical and Documentary studies:The Colors of the Boneco de Estremoz and the Apothecary of Misericórdia in Estremoz Conferência Internacional Drugs & Colours in History: from the Past to the Present
Universidade de Évora (Évora, Portugal)
2023/04/04 Preliminary results from an archaeometric approach to ceramic analysis from early Neolithic societies in Vale Pincel (Sines, Portugal) Materiais 2023 – XXI Congresso da Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais and XII International Symposium on Materials
Sociedade Portuguesa dos Materiais (Guimarães, Portugal)
Rede Portuguesa de Museus (Portugal)
2021/10/29 CIÊNCIA & PATRIMÓNIO: abordagens multidisciplinares para valorização e preservação do património em cerâmica 3º Encontro do Rede de Museus do Baixo Alentejo
Rede de Museus do Baixo Alentejo (Portugal)
2021/06/20 A conservação de azulejos através de uma abordagem multifacetada Arquiteturas Brilhantes: Revestimentos cerâmicos do século XV ao XXI.
Faculdade de Belas Artes de Lisboa (Portugal)
2021/06/02 On the Importance of the Chinaware Collection of the Vila Viçosa Royal Palace - An Analytical and Historical Perspective CHINA-PORTUGAL HERITAGE RESEARCH FORUM
China-Portugal Joint Laboratory of Cultural Heritage Conservation Science supported by the Belt and Road Initiative (Portugal)
2021/05/20 PROGnostic: Novas ferramentas para manutenção do património azulejar baseada no estudo de cúpulas e coruchéus azulejados Azulejo Património em Risco?
Sociedade de Geografia de Lisboa (Portugal)
2020/02/14 Novas estratégias para a preservação de azulejos de exterior Conversas com ciência
Camara Municipal de Évora e Univerisdade de Évora (EVORA, Portugal)
2019/10/18 A(PP) ZULEJO AZLAB
Rede Azulejo (Lisbon, Portugal)
2019/06/22 Da Industria para os amadores: A Fábrica de Sacavém e os pintores de cerâmica do final do século XIX
Camara Municipal de Loures e Museu da Fábrica de Loiça de Sacavém (Loures)
2019/04/16 From industry to amateurs: the Sacavém Ceramic Factory (Sacavém, Portugal) and 19th century amateurs china painters (OCH10) MATERIAIS 2019
Sociedade Portuguesa de Materiais (Lisboa, Portugal)
2019/01/12 A Fábrica de Loiça de Sacavém: Técnicas e Materiais utilizados no século XIX A Fábrica de Loiça de Sacavém
Camara Municipal de Cascais e Fundação D. Luis (Cascais, Portugal)
2017/10/12 Biological colonization on majolica glazed tiles Heracles fall school
Cienimat (Lisboa, Portugal)
2015/05/11 Characterization of the glaze and in glaze pigments of the 19th century relief tiles from the Pena National Palace (WB 9-3) EMRS 2015 Spring Meeting - Symposium - Workshop on Sustainable Solutions for Restauration and Conservation of Cultural Heritage
European Materials Research Society (Lille, France)
2006/01 Glass bottles and jugs from the Monastery of Sta. Clara-a-Velha at Coimbra, Portugal 17th Edition of Meeting of the Association Internationale pour l’Histoire du Verre (AIHV-17)
International Association for the History of Glass (Antuerpia, Belgium)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2022/03/01 - Current Cerâmica do Gharb al-Ândalus: Contribuições para a Memória Intercultural em Território Português
Doutoramento em Conservação e Restauro (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal
2022/03/01 - 2023/02 Chinese Porcelain - An Analytical and Historical Perspective
EMJMD ARCHMAT Master (Master)
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2016/09/01 - 2017/12/20 Conservação de Arte Moderna em Cerâmica - Monumento ao Associativismo Popular
Conservação e Restauro (Master)
Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, Portugal

Unidade de Investigação Vidro e Cerâmica para as Artes, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2023/03/17 - 2023/03/17 Workshop O Azulejo em Portugal no Ciclo Entre a Arte e a Ciência Universidade Sénior Túlio Espanca (2022/12/01)
Workshop (Other)
Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2021/07/19 - 2021/07/23 Módulo Azulejaria - Summer school Universidade de Évora - MATERAIS ARQUEOLÓGICOS NO LABORATÓRIO: Ciência para o Passado
Summer school Universidade de Évora - MATERAIS ARQUEOLÓGICOS NO LABORATÓRIO: Ciência para o Passado
Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2024/07/16 Argamassas em Monumentos Históricos - Contribuições para a Preservação do Património Cultural Edificado
(Thesis) Main arguer
Fernanda Barroso Bruno de Carvalho (PhD)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2022/12/20 Vidros e vitrocerâmicos obtidos por reciclagem de casco e resíduos industriais
(Thesis) Main arguer
Paulo Alexandre da Graça Guimarães (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Investigação em Materiais, Portugal
2022/02/01 Reciclagem de vidros para aplicações em joalharia
(Thesis) Main arguer
António Seabra da Cruz Pinto Dias, (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2021/12/16 Islamic glazed pottery production from 10th to mid-13th centuries AD. An approach from the city of Évora
(Thesis) Main arguer
Carlos A. Camara Vela (Master)
Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2021/02/25 Argamassas e Ligantes de Património Cultural Edificado: Técnicas de Análise na Caracterização de Materiais Históricos
(Thesis) Main arguer
Pedro Filipe Areias de Sousa (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2019/11/14 "Biodeterioração por fungos de cerâmicas sem revestimento"
(Thesis) Main arguer
Bruna Filipa Bastos Primo (Master)
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal

Ad Hoc journal article review

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2021/06/01 - Current Conservar Património (Associate Editor) (2182-9942) Associação Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal (ARP)

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2023/12/27 - 2024/02/28 GLAZEART 2024 FCT-UNL and LNEC
2023/05/01 - 2023/11/04 VII Encontro Luso-Brasileiro de Conservação e Restauro DCR-FCT-UNL


Activity description Institution / Organization
2019/08/30 - 2019/12/31 Proposal for conservation and restoration intervention glazed tile cladding applied to a dome. Approved by Direcção regional do Alentejo Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2004/12/01 - 2009/02/01 Volunteer glass and ceramic specialist at Antique shop Celeste Império, Lisbon, Portugal. Aquisition of object and condition reports.

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2024/11/22 - 2024/12/29 Património Conservação e Ciência - Vidro e Cerâmica QUI14837L Licenciatura em Património Cultural (Licenciatura) Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2024/11/01 - 2024/11/06 Digital Techniques and Laboratory Practice in Archaeological Materials Science/Hyperspectral imaging for glazed tiles Digital Techniques and Laboratory Practice in Archaeological Materials Science (Mestrado) Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2022/12/08 - 2022/12/20 Digital Techniques and Laboratory Practice in Archaeological Materials Science/Hyperspectral imaging for glazed tiles Ciência dos Materiais Arqueológicos (ARCHMAT) (Mestrado integrado) Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2021/11/10 - 2021/11/12 Digital Techniques and Laboratory Practice in Archaeological Materials Science/Hyperspectral imaging for glazed tiles Ciência dos Materiais Arqueológicos (ARCHMAT) (Mestrado) Universidade de Évora Instituto de Investigação e Formação Avançada, Portugal
2021/09/06 - 2021/09/10 Técnicas analíticas in situ aplicadas ao património II Escola de Verão “Ciência e Tecnologia no Património” (Outros) Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2020/09/23 - 2020/09/26 Escola de Verão Ciência e Tecnologia no Património Summer school Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2020/09/21 - 2020/09/26 Tecnicas analíticas in situ aplicadas ao património I Escola de Verão “Ciência e Tecnologia no Património” Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2018/10/15 - 2018/10/15 Biodeterioração de cerâmica Workshop de Conservação e Restauro de azulejo (Outros) Laboratório Nacional de Engenharia Civil, Portugal

Museu Nacional do Azulejo, Portugal
2016/06/29 - 2016/06/30 Biological colonization and biodeterioration of architectural ceramic materials International Course Ceramic Materials In Building Heritage: Conservation Problems And Intervention
2016/05 - 2016/06 História e Técnicas de Produção Artística II - Aula prática e teorica do modulo de cerâmica (Mestrado) Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, Portugal
2014/03 - 2014/06 Conservação e Restauro de Bens Culturais II/ Teoria e prática - Conservação de Cerâmica e Vidro Mestrado em Conservação e Restauro (Mestrado) Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, Portugal
2013/09/09 - 2013/12 Diagnóstico e Conservação de Cerâmica e Vidro/ Diagnóstico do estado de conservação de objectos de cerâmica e vidro, Formas de degradação da cerâmica e do vidro, aspectos tecnologicos, métodos de exame e análise aplicados ao diagnostico de cerâmica e vidro e Conservação preventiva (cerâmica e vidro) Licenciatura em Conservação e Restauro (Licenciatura) Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, Portugal

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2020 - Current Geosciences (ISSN 2076-3263) MDPI
2020 - Current Applied Sciences (ISSN 2076-3417) MDPI
2016/02/11 - Current Conservar Património (2182-9942) Associacao Profissional de Conservadores-Restauradores de Portugal
2019/06/04 - 2019/06/25 Sustainable Cities and Society (2210-6707) Elsevier
2019/03/08 - 2019/03/25 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy (1097-4555) Wiley (John Wiley & Sons)
2018/10/01 - 2018/10/15 Journal of King Saud University - Science (1018-3647) Elsevier
2017/04/28 - 2017/05/19 International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation (0964-8305) Elsevier
2016/01/03 - 2016/02/03 Applied Physics A (1432-0630) Springer-Verlag

Mentoring / Tutoring

Topic Student name
2022/02/01 - 2022/07/02 Líquenes como indicadores de biodeterioração e do impacto antropogénico no património Gonçalo Moreno Gaspar
2016/03/01 - 2016/06/30 Caracterização Química dis azulejos da Galeria dos Reis do Palácio Marquês de Fronteira (Lisboa, Portugal) Inês Borges; Mafalda Costa
2016/03/01 - 2016/06/30 Estudo dos Azulejos de Lustre da Galeria dos Reis do Palácio do Marquês de Fronteira (Lisboa, Portugal) Soraia Teixeira
2015/09/07 - 2016/01/31 Biodeterioração de um painel de azulejos do Palácio Fronteira Catarina Carvão
2014/03/01 - 2014/06/15 Caracterização de Faiança por u-EDXRF e SEM: Taça Sevilhana e Tampa Monte Sinai Raquel Fernandes e Rute Chaves
2013/10/01 - 2014/01/31 Conservação e restauro de objectos de cerâmica no Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga Raquel Fernandes
2013/10/01 - 2014/01/31 Conservação e Restauro de Objectos de cerâmica do Museu Nacional de Arte Antiga Raquel Emiliano
2012/09/07 - 2013/01/31 Biodeterioração dos Azulejos da Casa da Pesca (Oeiras): Métodos de avaliação da eficácia de biocidas Soraia Teixeira; Ana Carinhas
2011/09/06 - 2012/01/31 Técnicas de Produção e Identificação de Patologias em azulejos do Palácio Nacional da Pena Manuel José de Paiva Gaspar

Other jury / evaluation

Activity description Institution / Organization
2022/01/31 - 2022/01/31 Kintsugi dos tempos modernos Universidade NOVA de Lisboa Departamento de Conservação e Restauro, Portugal
2021/07/15 - 2021/07/15 Júri disciplina Projecto II, Mestrado em Conservação e Restauro Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal

Scientific expedition

Activity description Institution / Organization
2025/02 - Current Study of the portuguese ceramic collection of the Sèvres - Manufacture et Musée nationaux within the 2LEgacy project. Coordination of the interdisciplinary team of the project. Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
2024/02/06 - 2024/02/07 Analysis of ceramic artefacts in the Museu Nacional da Music within the project SuitNanoMusic Universidade de Évora, Portugal

Museu Nacional da Música, Portugal
2022/09/04 - 2022/09/04 Data Collection with Drone Capela Casa Cordovil Évora Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal

Universidade de Évora Cátedra Energias Renováveis, Portugal
2022/06/05 - 2022/06/10 Study of Chinese Porcelain from Fundação da Casa de Bragança and Fundação Amaral Cabral (Vila Viçosa) Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2022/05/03 - 2022/05/08 Chemical characterization of the Chinese Porcelains from Fundação Bragança and Fundação Amaral Cabral Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2021/11/08 - 2021/11/08 Hyperspectral imaging of Paintings of Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa
2021/10/19 - 2021/10/19 Chemical characterization of hispano mouresque glazed tiles from Museu de Beja Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2021/05/03 - 2021/05/04 Chemical characterization of ceramic painted by the Portuguese Royal Family at Paço Ducal de Vila Viçosa Universidade de Évora, Portugal
2020/12/14 - 2020/12/17 Study of glazed dome tiles in Funchal (Madeira) during the conservation and restoration intervention. Collection of lichen samples, ceramic samples and microenvironments conditions for Prognostic project.
2020/12/14 - 2020/12/17 Santa Clara Convent in Funchal Study of glazed tile cladded dome for collection ceramic samples and lichens Laboratório Hercules Herança Cultural Estudos e Salvaguarda, Portugal
2020/12/03 - 2020/12/04 Chemical characterization of ceramics painted by the Portuguese Royal Family at Palácio Nacional da Ajuda Universidade de Évora, Portugal


2021 Prémios APOM - Categoria Instituição
Associação Portuguesa de Museologia, Portugal
2018 2º Prémio Poster ENURS 2018
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Portugal
2017 Prémio Tese de Doutoramento em Conservação e Restauro SOSAZulejo
SOS Azulejo, Portugal