Conference abstract |
- Svedhem, Håkan; Parrott, Jacob; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Wilson, Colin; Vermeersen, Bert. "Probing shallow subsurface
water at Mars at UHF wavelengths". 2024.
- Martin, Patrick; Wilson, Colin; Godfrey, James; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Mahieux, Arnaud; Nespoli, Federico; Sierra, Mar;
et al. "Extending Mars Express gyros for a scientific lifeline". 2024.
- Muniz, Carlos; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Frew, David; de la Fuente, Sara; Felix, Fernando; Ibarmia, Sergio; Martin, Patrick;
et al. "MAPPS: Multi-Mission Science Operations Planning Evolution and Adaptation". 2024.
- Silva, José; Peralta, Javier; Imamura, Takeshi; Hueso, Ricardo; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Lefevre, Maxence; Lee, Yeon Joo;
Espadinha, Daniela. "Mesoscale stationary waves on Venus' dayside clouds". 2024.
- Silva, Jose; Peralta, Javier; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Hueso, Ricardo; Lee, Yeon Joo; Espadinha, Daniela. "Atmospheric
gravity waves across the cloud deck of Venus". 2023.
- Brasil, Francisco; Machado, Pedro; Gilli, Gabriella; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Silva, Jose; Espadinha, Daniela; Riu, Lucie;
et al. "Detecting and Characterising atmospheric gravity waves on Mars' atmosphere - Final results using data from OMEGA/Mars
Express". 2023.
- Martin, Patrick; Wilson, Colin; Godfrey, James; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Blake, Rick; Johnstone, Andrew; Lucas, Luke;
et al. "Mars Express: Toward a 20-year scientific and technical success story". 2023.
- Svedhem, Håkan; Parrott, Jacob; Wilson, Colin; Witasse, Olivier; Titov, Dmitri; Godfrey, James; Schmitz, Peter; et al. "Mars
Express — ExoMars TGO Mutual Radio Occultation Experiment". 2022.
- Marín-Yaseli de la Parra, Julia; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Merritt, Donald; Sierra Burgos, Mar; Esquej, Pilar; Grotheer,
Emmanuel; Breitfellner, Michel; et al. "Mars Express Science Ground Segment operations overview". 2022.
- Wilson, Colin; Titov, Dmitri; Martin, Patrick; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Frew, David; Carter, John; Giuranna, Marco; et
al. "Mars Express and Trace Gas Orbiter - status, science highlights, plans". 2022.
- Leote, Catarina; Pereira, Sérgio; Retrê, João; Machado, Pedro; Gilli, Gabriella; Silva, José; Gonçalves, Ruben; et al. "Assembling
aliens to explore the Solar System". 2021.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Geiger, Bernhard; Lacombe, Gaetan; Ristic, Bojan; Wolkenberg, Paulina; Gondet, Brigitte; Svedhem,
Håkan; et al. "Atmospheric observations performed simultaneously in 2020-2021 by ESA's Mars Express and Trace Gas Orbiter".
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Carter, John; Duxbury, Tom; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco;
et al. "Mars Express science highlights and future plans". 2021.
- Brasil, Francisco; Machado, Pedro; Gilli, Gabriella; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Silva, José E.; Espadinha, Daniela; Gondet,
Brigitte; et al. "Characterising Atmospheric Gravity Waves on Mars using Mars Express OMEGA images - a preliminary study".
- Sanchez-Lavega, Agustin; Leyva, Juan Manuel; Erkoreka, Aitor; García-Morales, Josu; Hernández-Bernal, Jorge; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia,
Teresa; Ordoñez-Etxeberria, Iñaki; et al. "Dynamical Phenomena in Martian dust storms". 2021.
- Machado, Pedro; Valido, Hermano; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Gilli, Gabriella; Brasil, Francisco; Silva, José E.; Pedro Machado;
et al. "Final Results of Doppler Velocimetry Winds on Mars' Atmosphere". 2021.
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Carter, John; Duxbury, Thomas; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco;
et al. "Mars Express science highlights and future plans". 2021.
- Voelker, M.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Martin, P.; Mätzler, E.. "Sinuous Channels on Amazonian Impact Ejecta — Indicators for
Ground Ice?". 2021.
- Voelker, M.; Hauber, E.; Parro, L.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Martin, P.. "Melting Mountains on Mars? —Sheet Deposits in a Montane
Environment". 2021.
- Sanchez-Lavega, A.; García-Morales, J.; Hernandez-Bernal, J.; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Hueso, R.; Ravanis, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo,
A.; et al. "Atmospheric spirals in spring time on the edge of the North Pole of Mars". 2020.
- Hernandez-Bernal, J.; Sanchez-Lavega, A.; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Hueso, R.; Ravanis, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Wood, S.;
Titov, D. V.. "A long term study of twilight clouds on Mars based on Mars Express VMC images". 2020.
- Marín-Yaseli de la Parra, Julia; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Merritt, Donald; Breitfellner, Michel; Castillo Fraile, Manuel;
Grotheer, Emmanuel; Sitjà, Marc Costa í.; et al. "Challenges for the New Science Campaigns in Mars Express future Mission
Extensions". 2020.
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Tom; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco; González-Galindo,
Francisco; et al. "Mars Express science highlights and future plans". 2020.
- Voelker, Martin; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Martin, Patrick. "The Melting Mountains of Mars? - Mud Flows in a Montane Environment,
Terra Sirenum". 2020.
- Hernandez Bernal, Jorge; Sánchez-Lavega, Agustín; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia, Teresa; Hueso, Ricardo; Ravanis, Eleni; Cardesín-Moinelo,
Alejandro; Wood, Simon; Titov, Dima. "A long term study of twilight clouds on Mars based on Mars Express VMC images". 2020.
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Thomas; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco; Gonzaìlez-Galindo,
Francisco; et al. "Mars Express Science Highlights and Future Plans". 2020.
- Hernandez Bernal, Jorge; Sánchez-Lavega, Agustín; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, Teresa; Hueso, Ricardo; Ordóñez-Etxeberria, Iñaki;
Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Ravanis, Eleni; et al. "Dynamics of the extremely elongated cloud on Mars Arsia Mons volcano".
- Grotheer, Emmanuel; Manaud, Nicolas. "New search capabilities based on observational geometry for Mars Express data in the
ESA's Planetary Science Archive". 2020.
- Voelker, M.; Hauber, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Martin, P.. "Talus Deposits on Mars - Proxies for Lithological Properties?".
- Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; López-Valverde, M. A.; Titov, D.; Svedhem, H.; Mars Express Center; ExoMars 2016 Science Operations
Centre. "Mars Express and ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter: Mission Status and Recent Scientific Highlights". 2019.
- Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Piccioni, G.; Migliorini2, A.; Virtis-Vex Team. "Venus Nightside Atmosphere Mapped in the Infrared Atmospheric
Windows and Thermal Emission as Seen by Virtis on Venus Express". 2019.
- Voelker, Martin; Hauber, Ernst; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Martin, Patrick. "Quantifying the Latitudinal Distribution of
Landforms on Mars' Southern Hemisphere, Terra Sirenum". 2019.
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Thomas; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco; González-Galindo,
Francisco; et al. "Mars Express science highlights and future plans". 2019.
- Sanchez-Lavega, Agustin; Hernandez-Bernal, Jorge; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, Teresa; Hueso, Ricardo; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro;
Titov, Dmitri; Wood, Simon; Delcroix, Marc. "The onset and expansion of the 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm from ground-based
and VMC/MEx imaging". 2019.
- Ravanis, Eleni M.; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Hernandez-Bernal, Jorge; Almeida, Miguel; Wood, Simon; Sánchez-Lavega, Agustín;
Titov, Dima; et al. "Mars Express Visual Monitoring Camera: New Operations and Data Processing for more Science". 2019.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Geiger, Bernhard; Lacombe, Gaetan; Ristic, Bojan; Costa Sitjà, Marc; Titov, Dmitri; Svedhem,
Häkan; et al. "One year of combined observations of Mars' Atmosphere by ESA's Mars Express and Trace Gas Orbiter". 2019.
- Hernández-Bernal, Jorge; Sánchez-Lavega, Agustín; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia, Teresa; Hueso, Ricardo; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro;
Ravanis, Eleni M.; Titov, Dmitri; et al. "Dynamics of the extremely elongated cloud on Mars Arsia Mons volcano". 2019.
- Marín-Yaseli de la Parra, Julia; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Merritt, Donald; del Castillo, Manuel; Breitfellner, Michel;
Sitjà, Marc Costa i.; Grotheer, Emmanuel; et al. "Mars Express Science Ground Segment evolution along 15 years of mission,
new challenges and future perspectives.". 2019.
- Grotheer, Emmanuel. "New MEX-MARSIS Subsurface and AIS data released in the ESA's Planetary Science Archive". 2019.
- Hernández-Bernal, Jorge; Sánchez-Lavega, Agustín; Del Río-Gaztelurrutia, Teresa; Hueso, Ricardo; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro;
Ravanis, Eleni M.; Titov, Dmitri; Wood, Simon; Dias Almeida, Miguel. "The 2018 Martian Global-Scale Dust Storm over the South
Pole studied with VMC onboard Mars Express". 2019.
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Thomas; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco; González-Galindo,
Francisco; et al. "Mars Express science highlights and future plans". 2019.
- Voelker, M.; Orgel, C.; Ramsdale, J. D.; Séjourné, A.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Martin, P.. "Quantifying the Latitudinal Distribution
of Landforms on Mars' Southern Hemisphere, Noachis Terra - Preliminary Results". 2019.
- Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Hernandez-Bernal, J.; del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Hueso, R.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Titov, D. V.; Wood,
S.; Dia-Almeida, M.; de Burgos-Sierra, A.. "The 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm Over the South Pole Studied with VMC Onboard
Mars Express". 2018.
- Del Rio Gaztelurrutia, Teresa; Hernandez-Bernal, Jorge; Sanchez-Lavega, Agustin; Hueso, Ricardo; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro;
de Burgos-Sierra, Abel; Titov, Dmitri; Wood, Simon; Dias Almeida, Miguel. "Clouds in the night side of Mars: an analysis using
Mars Express VMC". 2018.
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Thomas; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco; González-Galindo,
Francisco; et al. "Mars Express: 15 years of hard work and discoveries". 2018.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Geiger, Bernhard; Costa Sitja, Marc; Titov, Dmitri; Svedhem, Hakan; Breitfellner, Michel; Castillo,
Manuel; et al. "Coordinated Science Opportunities around Mars: Mars Express and ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter". 2018.
- Marín-Yaseli de la Parra, Julia; Cardesín, Alejandro; Merritt, Donald; Castillo, Manuel; Breitfellner, Michel; Sitjà, Marc
Costa i.; Grotheer, Emmanuel; Martin, Patrick; Titov, Dimitri. "Mars Express Science Ground segment evolution along 15 years
of mission, new challenges and future perspectives". 2018.
- Muñiz, Carlos; Cardesin, Alejandro; Marin-Yaseli de la Parra, Julia; Sitjà, Marc Costa i.; Merritt, Donald; Castillo, Manuel;
Breitfellner, Michel; et al. "Mars Express going Gyroless - Impact on science operations systems". 2018.
- Hernandez Bernal, Jorge; Sánchez Lavega, Agustín; del Río Gaztelurrutia, Teresa; Hueso, Ricardo; Cardesín Moinelo, Alejandro;
de Burgos Sierra, Abel; Titov, Dmitri; Wood, Simon; Dias Almeida, Miguel. "Clouds in the night side of Mars: an analysis using
Mars Express VMC". 2018.
- Marín-Yaseli de la Parra, J.; Martin, P.; Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Merritt, D.; Breitfellner, M.; Castillo, M.. "Mars Express
Science Ground Segment overview: A study about the mission's evolution, new challenges and future perspectives". 2017.
- Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Garro, A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Hueso, R.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria, I.; Chen, H. Chen; Cardesin-Moinelo,
A.; et al. "A singular double baroclinic vortex on Mars". 2017.
- Geiger, B.; Ashman, M.; Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Frew, D.; García Beteta, J.; Muñoz Fernández, M.. "Long Term Science Planning
for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter". 2017.
- Titov, D.; Bibring, J. P.; Cardesin, A.; Duxbury, T.; Forget, F.; Giuranna, M.; González-Galindo, F.; et al. "Mars Express
science highlights and future plans". 2017.
- Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Vallat, Claire; Altobelli, Nicolas; Frew, David; Llorente, Rosario; Costa, Marc; Almeida, Miguel;
Witasse, Olivier. "Early development of Science Opportunity Analysis tools for the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE) mission".
- Altobelli, Nicolas; Cardesin, Alejandro; Costa, Marc; Frew, David; Lorente, Rosario; Vallat, Claire; Witasse, Olivier; Christian,
Erd. "The Science Operations of the ESA JUICE mission". 2016.
- Sanchez-Lavega, Agustin; Chen, Hao Chen; Ordoñez-Etxeberria, Iñaki; Hueso, Ricardo; Cardesin, Alejandro; Titov, Dima; Wood,
Simon. "Limb clouds and dust on Mars from VMC-Mars Express images". 2016.
- Cardesin Moinelo, A.; Frew, D.; Metcalfe, L.; Martin, P.; Manaud, N.; Villacorta, A.; Brumfitt, J.; Witasse, O.. "Design of
a Science Operations Centre for the ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter Mission". 2014.
- Cardesin Moinelo, A.; Sitjà, M. Costa i.; Altobelli, N.; Almeida, M.. "Science Operations Support Activities for the Definition
Phase of the Jupiter Icy Moons Explorer (JUICE)". 2014.
- Cardesín Moinelo, A.; García Muñoz, A.; Piccioni, G.. "Lightning on Venus? Searching for optical evidence with VIRTIS on Venus
Express". 2013.
- García Muñoz, A.; Cardesin Moinelo, A.; Piccioni, G.. "A full Earth orbit as viewed from Venus". 2013.
- Witasse, O. G.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Jakosky, B. M.; Grebowsky, J. M.; Lillis, R. J.; Opgenoorth, H. J.. "Plans for coordinated
measurements around Mars with the Mars Express and MAVEN spacecraft". 2012.
- Tréguier, E.; Schmidt, F.; Schmidt, A.; Moussaoui, S.; Dobigeon, N.; Erard, S.; Cardesín, A.; Pinet, P.; Martin, P.. "Investigating
Martian and Venusian hyperspectral datasets through Positive Source Separation". 2010.
- Migliorini, A.; Grassi, D.; Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Virtis-Venus Express Team. "Thermal Structure
in the Venusian Atmosphere: Results after More than Two Years in Orbit of Venus-Express Mission". 2009.
- Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Piccioni, G.; Migliorini, A.; Drossart, P.. "Global Mapping of Venus' Atmosphere Using Accumulated Projections
of Virtis Venus Express Observations". 2008.
- Wirth, Kristin R.; Cardesin, A.; Barthelemy, M.; Diaz del Rio, J.; Zender, J.; Arviset, C.. "Rosetta Planetary Science Archive
(PSA) Status". 2006.
Conference paper |
- Hernández-Bernal, J.; Spiga, A.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Forget, F.; Larsen, E.; Tirsch, D.; et al. "Elongated
Clouds on Mars. A Globally and Yearly Wide Exploration". 2024.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Montabone, Luca. "Mars Smallsat Mission & Instrumentation Studies for Global Meteorology
& Space Weather Monitoring". 2024.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Montabone, Luca; Heavens, Nicholas. "Mars Smallsat Constellations: Opportunities for Mars Meteorology,
Space Weather, Comms Relay & Navigation". 2023.
- Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Larsen, E.; Hernández-Bernal, J.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Ordóñez-Etxeberría, I.; Cardesín-Moinelo,
A.. "Atmospheric Disturbances in Martian Year 36 from Orbiters during the Operation of Rover Perverance". 2023.
- Cabada, Cintia; Ulla-Miguel, Ana; Rey, Daniel; Rubal, Marcos; Alfaya, Eduardo; Aldana, Milagrosa; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro.
"Marine Tardigrades as a Model of Extraterrestrial Habitability: AN Astrobiological Study at the University of Vigo". 2023.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Lopez-Puertas, M.; Lopez-Valverde, M.; Gonzalez-Galindo, F.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Hueso, R.; Hernandez
Bernal, J.; et al. "Mars Smallsat Constellations: Spanish Science Consortium for Mars Meteorology, Space Weather & Engineering
Services". 2023.
- Franco, Rita; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Ulla-Miguel, Ana; Gómez, Felipe; Arribas-Tiemblo, Miguel; Sieiro, Carmen; Aguado,
Fernando. "Survival on Mars: AN Astrobiological Study in a Simulated Space Environment at the University of Vigo". 2023.
- del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Larsen, E.; Hernández-Bernal, J.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.. "Gravity Waves in Mars
Imaged by the Visual Monitoring Camara Onboard Mars Express". 2023.
- Ramírez Ramos, Alejandro; Cardesín Moinelo, Alejandro; Ulla Miguel, Ana; Moral Inza, Andoni; Berrocal Bravo, Alicia; Briones
Llorente, Carlos; Chiussi, Stefano; et al. "Proposal of a preliminay Planetary Protection protocol for the development of
future Mars missions at the University of Vigo". 2023.
- Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Machado, P.; Brasil, F.; Martin, P.. "Mars Wind & Wave Mapping (MWWM) project: A global view of
Martian atmosphere from Earth telescopes, Space missions and 3D climate models". 2023.
- Grotheer, E.; Breitfellner, M.; Godfrey, J.; Heather, D.; Martin, P.; Wilson, C.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; et al. "New MEX-HRSC
Radiometrically Calibrated Data in the ESA's Planetary Science Archive GIS-Based Map View". 2023.
- Montabone, Luca; Forget, Francois; Lillis, Robert; Vandaele, Ann C.; Karatekin, Özgür; Wolff, Michael; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro;
et al. "The case and approach for continuous, simultaneous, quasi-global weather monitoring on Mars". 2022.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Gondet, Brigitte; Titov, Dmitrij; Wilson, Colin; Martin, . Patrick; Machado, Pedro; Brasil, Francisco.
"Mars Wind & Wave Mapping (MWWM) research project: preliminary results". 2022.
- Wilson, Colin; Titov, Dmitrij; Martin, . Patrick; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro. "Mars Express Orbiter - science highlights".
- Montabone, L.; Heavens, N. G.; Pankine, A.; Wolff, M.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Geiger, B.; Forget, F.; et al. "The Case and
Approach for Continuous, Simultaneous, Global Mars Weather Monitoring from Orbit". 2022.
- Brasil, F.; Machado, P.; Gilli, G.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Silva, J. E.; Espadinha, D.; Rianço-Silva, R.. "Probing Atmospheric
Gravity Waves on Mars' Atmosphere Using Mars Express OMEGA Data". 2022.
- Wolkenberg, P.; Giuranna, M.; Grassi, D.; Spiga, A.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Merritt, D.; Marin-Yaseli de la Parra, J.. "Preliminary
Results of Atmospheric Parameters Varying with LT around Volcanoes from PFX-MEx Observations". 2022.
- Machado, P.; Valido, H.; Gilli, G.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Brasil, F.; Silva, J. E.. "First Attempt to Retrieve a Mars Atmospheric
Wind Map from Earth, Using VLT/UVES During the 2018 Global Dust Storm". 2022.
- Montabone, L.; Heavens, N. G.; Guzevich, S. D.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.. "Mars Weather Monitoring from Orbit: A Low-Cost Scenario".
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Montabone, Luca. "Mars Smallsats and Instrumentation: Spanish Science Consortium for Meteorology
& Space Weather Monitoring". 2022.
- Grotheer, E.; Barbarisi, I.; Bentley, M.; Besse, S.; Breitfellner, M.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Castillo, M.; et al. "Using the
ESA's Planetary Science Archive to Search for Mars Express VMC Data of an Elongated Cloud Near Arsia Mons". 2021.
- Ravanis, Eleni; Hueso, Ricardo; Sanchez-Lavega, Agustin; Del Rio-Gaztelurrutia, Teresa; Titov, Dmitrij; Martin, Patrick; Hernández-Bernal,
Jorge; et al. "Science with small cameras: The Visual Monitoring Camera on-board Mars Express". 2021.
- Hernández-Bernal, J.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Ravanis, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Connour, K.; Tirsch,
D.; et al. "Dynamics of the extremely elongated cloud on Mars Arsia Mons volcano". 2020.
- Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Piccioni, G.; Migliorini, A.; Grassi, D.; Cottini, V.; Titov, D.; Politi, R.; Nuccilli, F.; Drossart,
P.. "Venus atmospheric cloud opacity, particle size and cloud top temperature mapped in the nightside with VIRTIS Venus Express".
- Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Titov, D.; Svedhem, H.. "Recent Scientific Highlights from Mars: Mars Express and ExoMars 2016 Trace
Gas Orbiter". 2019.
- Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; López-Valverde, M. A.; Mars Express Centre; ExoMars Science Operations Centre. "From Mars Express to
ExoMars: Two missions working together around Mars". 2019.
- Geiger, Bernhard; Muñoz, Claudio; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Frew, David; Aberasturi Vega, Miriam; Ashman, Mike; Garcia
Beteta, Juan Jose; et al. "Long Term Planning for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Mission: Opportunity Analysis and Observation
Scheduling". 2018.
- Ashman, Mike; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Frew, David; Garcia Beteta, Juan Jose; Geiger, Bernhard; Metcalfe, Leo; Muñoz,
Michela; Nespoli, Federico. "Science Planning Implementation and Challenges for the ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter". 2018.
- Merritt, Donald R.; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Marin Yaseli de la Parra, Julia; Breitfellner, Michel; Blake, Rick; Castillo
Fraile, Manuel; Grotheer, Emmanuel; Martin, Patrick; Titov, Dmitri. "Mars Express Science Operations During Deep Eclipse:
An Example of Adapting Science Operations On Aging Spacecraft". 2018.
- Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Geiger, Bernhard; Costa, Marc; Breitfellner, Michel; Castillo, Manuel; Marin Yaseli de la Parra,
Julia; Martin, Patrick; et al. "ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter and Mars Express Coordinated Science Operations Planning".
- Munoz Fernandez, Michela; Frew, David; Ashman, Michael; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Garcia Beteta, Juan Jose; Geiger, Bernhard;
Metcalfe, Leo; Nespoli, Federico; Muniz Solaz, Carlos. "ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Instrument Modelling Approach to Streamline
Science Operations". 2018.
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Thomas; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco; González-Galindo,
Francisco; et al. "Mars Express science highlights and future plans". 2018.
- Titov, D.; Bibring, J. -P.; Cardesin, A.; Duxbury, T.; Forget, F.; Giuranna, M.; González-Galindo, F.; et al. "Atmospheric
Observations by Mars Express". 2018.
- Cala, A.; López-Valverde, M. A.; Grotheer, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Upwards Team. "A software pipeline for delivery of scientific
results as PDS4". 2018.
- Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Garro, A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Hueso, R.; OrdoñezEtxeberria, I.; Chen, H. Chen; Cardesín-Moinelo,
A.; et al. "Sanchez-Lavega_A". 2018.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Geiger, B.; Costa, M.; Titov, D.; Svedhem, H.. "Preliminary analysis of possible coordinated observations
between Mars Express and ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter". 2018.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Mars Express Operations Centre; ExoMars Science Operations Centre. "Re-use of Science Operations
Systems around Mars: from Mars Express to ExoMars". 2017.
- Titov, Dmitrij; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Thomas; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco; González-Galindo,
Francisco; et al. "Mars Express recent findings and future plans". 2017.
- Lorente, Rosario; Altobelli, Nicolas; Vallat, Claire; Munoz, Claudio; Andres, Rafael; Cardesin, Alejandro; Witasse, Olivier;
Erd, Christian. "The ESA JUICE mission: the Science and the Science Operations". 2017.
- Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Almeida, M.; Titov, D.; Wood, S.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Chen Chen, H.; et al.
"A "New" Scientific Camera around Mars, Getting Science with Visual Monitoring Camera onboard Mars Express". 2017.
- Titov, D.; Cardesin, A.; Martin, P.; Duxbury, T.; Forget, F.; Giuranna, M.; González-Galindo, F.; et al. "MARS EXPRESS: Mission
Status, Recent Findings and future Plans". 2017.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro. "No lightning detection in Venus Atmosphere as seen from VIRTIS Venus Express Visible channel".
- Titov, Dmitri; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Cardesin, Alejandro; Duxbury, Tom; Forget, Francois; Giuranna, Marco; Holmstroem, Mats;
et al. "Mars EXpress: status and recent findings". 2016.
- Abildgaard, Sofie; Cardesin, Alejandro; Garcia Múnoz, Antonio; Piccioni, Giuseppe. "A search for optical evidence for lightning
on Venus with VIRTIS on Venus Express". 2015.
- Gondet, Brigitte; Bibring, Jean-Pierre; Montmessin, Franck; Giuranna, Marco; Hoffmann, Harald; Cardesin, Alejandro. "The Mars
Express limbs observations database". 2015.
- Costa, Marc; Altobelli, Nicolas; Almeida, Miguel; Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro. "The Solar System Science Operations Laboratory:
A Planetary Science Lab Simulator supporting the JUpiter Icy moons Explorer (JUICE) science operations development". 2014.
- Nazarov, Vladimir; Heather, David; Frew, David; Eismont, Natan; Manaud, Nicolas; Ledkov, Anton; Nazirov, Ravil; et al. "Coordinated
ground system for joint science operations for the ExoMars2016 TGO mission.". 2014.
- Sitjà, M.C.; Cardesín, A.; Altobelli, N.; Almeida, M.. "Solar system science operations tools supporting the definition phase
of the Jupiter Icy moons explorer (JUICE)". 2014.
- Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Martin, Patrick. "Evolution of Science Operations after 10 years of the Mars Express Mission".
- Witasse, Olivier; Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro; Costa, Marc; Salah, Sophia ID; Jakosky, Bruce; Grebowsky, Joseph; Lillis, Rob;
et al. "Plans for coordinated measurements with the Mars Express and MAVEN spacecraft". 2013.
- Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Sanchez Portal, Miguel. "INSA Virtual Labs: a new R+D framework for innovative space science
and technology". 2012.
- Witasse, O.; Opgenoorth, H. J.; Andrews, D.; Lester, M.; Fraenz, M.; Morgan, D.; Withers, P.; et al. "Mars Express aeromomy
and solar wind observation campaigns: Overview and selection of results". 2012.
- Almeida, M.; Costa, M.; Cardesín, A.; Altobelli, N.. "Solar System Operations Lab for constructing optimized science observations".
- Sitja, M.C.; Cardesin, A.; Almeida, M.; Altobelli, N.. "Constructing optimized observations - The solar system science operations
laboratory". 2012.
- Schulster, J.; Gondet, B.; Witasse, O.; Denis, M.; Griebel, H.; Ormston, T.; Cardesín Moinelo, A.. "Support to the CO2 Cloud
Observations by Mars Express with the VMC Visual Monitoring Camera". 2011.
- Migliorini, A.; Grassi, D.; Piccioni, G.; Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Drossart, P.. "Investigation on the thermal structure of Venus
mesosphere, as observed by VIRTIS, on board Venus Express mission". 2009.
- Cardesín Moinelo, Alejandro. "Calibration pipeline of VIRTIS-M onboard Venus Express". 2009.
- Migliorini, A.; Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.; Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Virtis-Venus Express Team. "Hydroxyl nightglow on Venus
observed by VIRTIS on Venus-Express". 2009.
- Migliorini, A.; Grassi, D.; Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A.; Virtis-Vex Team. "Thermal Structure in the Venusian
Atmosphere: Diurnal and Annual Variations". 2009.
- Migliorini, Alessandra; Zasova, Ludmila; Piccioni, Giuseppe; Drossart, Pierre; Cardesín Moinelo, Alejandro. "Variability and
local distribution of oxygen airglow on Venus". 2008.
- Politi, Romolo; Piccioni, Giuseppe; Drossart, Pierre; Cardesín Moinelo, Alejandro; Khatuntsev, Igor. "Study of the Venus Southern
polar vortex as seen by VIRTIS on Venus Express". 2008.
- Wirth, Kristin; Dhiri, Viney; Koschny, Detlef; Diaz del Rio, Jorge; Zender, Joe; Schwehm, Gerhard; Solaz, Ruben; Cardesin,
Alejandro. "Rosetta Planning Concept for Pre-Comet Scenarios Illustrated with Deep Impact Observations". 2006.
Conference poster |
- Machado, Pedro; Brasil, Francisco; Valido, Hermano; Gilli, Gabriella; Silva, José Eduardo; Espadinha, Daniela; Cardesin, A.;
Gondet, Brigitte. "Mars wind maps and gravity wave characterisation using Ground Telescopes and Mars Express and Trace Gas
Orbiter observations". Paper presented in The 14th Sci Science Workshop - ESA internal workshop, 2021.
Journal article |
- Hernández-Bernal, Jorge; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Hueso, Ricardo; Ravanis, Eleni; Burgos-Sierra, Abel; Wood, Simon; Costa-Sitja,
Marc; et al. "The Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) on Mars Express: A new science instrument made from an old webcam orbiting
Mars". Planetary and Space Science (2024):
- Jacob Parrott; Håkan Svedhem; Olivier Witasse; Colin Wilson; Ingo Müller-Wodarg; Alejandro Cardesín-Moinelo; Peter Schmitz;
et al. "First Results of Mars Express—ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Mutual Radio Occultation". Radio Science (2024):
- Silva, José E.; Peralta, Javier; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro; Hueso, Ricardo; Espadinha, Daniela; Lee, Yeon Joo. "Atmospheric
gravity waves in Venus dayside clouds from VIRTIS-M images". Icarus (2024):
- A. Cardesin-Moinelo; J. Godfrey; E. Grotheer; R. Blake; S. Damiani; S. Wood; T. Dressler; et al. "Mars Express: 20 Years of
Mission, Science Operations and Data Archiving". Space Science Reviews (2024):
- Sánchez-Lavega, A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Spiga, A.; Hernández-Bernal, J.; Larsen, E.; Tirsch, D.; Cardesin-Moinelo,
A.; Machado, P.. "Dynamical Phenomena in the Martian Atmosphere Through Mars Express Imaging". Space Science Reviews
- Lucie Riu; John Carter; François Poulet; Alejandro Cardesín-Moinelo; Patrick Martin. "Global surficial water content stored
in hydrated silicates at Mars from OMEGA/MEx". Icarus 398 (2023): 115537-115537.
- Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Erkoreka, A.; Hernández-Bernal, J.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; García-Morales, J.; Ordoñez-Etxeberría,
I.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; et al. "Cellular patterns and dry convection in textured dust storms at the edge of Mars North Polar
Cap". Icarus (2022):
- Voelker, M.; Ruiz, J.; Parro, L. M.; Hauber, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Martin, P.. "From hot to cold? - Hydrothermal activities
as a source for icy-debris flows on Dryas Mons, Terra Sirenum, Mars". Icarus (2022):
- Sefton-Nash, Elliot; Thébault, Guillaume; Witasse, Olivier; Koschny, Detlef; Sánchez-Cano, Beatriz; Cardesín-Moinelo, Alejandro.
"Visibility analysis of Phobos to support a science and exploration platform". Earth, Planets and Space (2021):
- Hernández-Bernal, J.; Sánchez-Lavega, A.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Hueso, R.; Ravanis, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Wood, S.;
Titov, D.. "A Long Term Study of Mars Mesospheric Clouds Seen at Twilight Based on Mars Express VMC Images". Geophysical
Research Letters (2021):
- J. Hernández-Bernal; A. Sánchez-Lavega; T. del. Río-Gaztelurrutia; E. Ravanis; A. Cardesín-Moinelo; K. Connour; D. Tirsch;
et al. "An Extremely Elongated Cloud over Arsia Mons Volcano on Mars: I. Life Cycle". Journal of Geophysical Research:
Planets (2020):
- Voelker, M.; Hauber, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Martin, P.. "Quantifying the latitudinal distribution of climate-related landforms
on Mars' southern hemisphere". Icarus (2020):
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro. "Global maps of Venus nightside mean infrared thermal emissions obtained by VIRTIS on Venus Express".
Icarus (2020):
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro. "First year of coordinated science observations by Mars Express and ExoMars 2016 Trace Gas Orbiter".
Icarus (2020):
- Sánchez-Cano, Beatriz; Lester, Mark; Witasse, Olivier; Morgan, David D.; Opgenoorth, Hermann; Andrews, David J.; Blelly, Pierre-Louis;
et al. "Mars' Ionospheric Interaction With Comet C/2013 A1 Siding Spring's Coma at Their Closest Approach as Seen by Mars
Express". Journal of Geophysical Research (Space Physics) (2020):
- J. Hernández-Bernal; A. Sánchez-Lavega; T. Río-Gaztelurrutia; R. Hueso; A. Cardesín-Moinelo; E. M. Ravanis; A. Burgos-Sierra;
D. Titov; S. Wood. "The 2018 Martian Global Dust Storm Over the South Polar Region Studied With MEx/VMC". Geophysical Research
Letters 46 17-18 (2019): 10330-10337.
- Voelker, M.; Hauber, E.; Cardesín-Moinelo, A.; Martin, P.. "Quantifying the Latitudinal Distribution of Volatile-Related Landforms
on Mars' Southern Hemisphere, Terra Cimmeria". LPI Contributions (2019):
- Titov, D. V.; Bibring, J. -P.; Cardesin, A.; Duxbury, T.; Forget, F.; Giuranna, M.; González-Galindo, F.; et al. "Mars Express
Science Highlights and Future Plans". LPI Contributions (2019):
- Giuranna, Marco; Viscardy, Sébastien; Daerden, Frank; Neary, Lori; Etiope, Giuseppe; Oehler, Dorothy; Formisano, Vittorio;
et al. "Independent confirmation of a methane spike on Mars and a source region east of Gale Crater". Nature Geoscience
- A. Sánchez-Lavega; A. Garro; T. Río-Gaztelurrutia; R. Hueso; I. Ordoñez-Etxeberria; H. Chen Chen; A. Cardesín-Moinelo; et
al. "A Seasonally Recurrent Annular Cyclone in Mars Northern Latitudes and Observations of a Companion Vortex". Journal
of Geophysical Research: Planets 123 11 (2018): 3020-3034.
- Metcalfe, L.; Aberasturi, M.; Alonso, E.; Álvarez, R.; Ashman, M.; Barbarisi, I.; Brumfitt, J.; et al. "ExoMars Trace Gas
Orbiter (TGO) Science Ground Segment (SGS)". Space Science Reviews (2018):
- López-Valverde, Miguel A.; Gerard, Jean-Claude; González-Galindo, Francisco; Vandaele, Ann-Carine; Thomas, Ian; Korablev,
Oleg; Ignatiev, Nikolai; et al. "Investigations of the Mars Upper Atmosphere with ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter". Space Science
Reviews (2018):
- Sánchez-Lavega, A.; Chen-Chen, H.; Ordoñez-Etxeberria, I.; Hueso, R.; del Río-Gaztelurrutia, T.; Garro, A.; Cardesín-Moinelo,
A.; Titov, D.; Wood, S.. "Limb clouds and dust on Mars from images obtained by the Visual Monitoring Camera (VMC) onboard
Mars Express". Icarus (2018):
- Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Abildgaard, S.; García Muñoz, A.; Piccioni, G.; Grassi, D.. "No statistical evidence of lightning in
Venus night-side atmosphere from VIRTIS-Venus Express Visible observations". Icarus (2016):
- Pasewaldt, A.; Oberst, J.; Willner, K.; Beisembin, B.; Hoffmann, H.; Matz, K. D.; Roatsch, T.; et al. "Astrometric observations
of Phobos with the SRC on Mars Express. New data and comparison of different measurement techniques". Astronomy and Astrophysics
- Witasse, O.; Duxbury, T.; Chicarro, A.; Altobelli, N.; Andert, T.; Aronica, A.; Barabash, S.; et al. "Mars Express investigations
of Phobos and Deimos". Planetary and Space Science (2014):
- Migliorini, A.; Piccioni, G.; Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Drossart, P.. "Hydroxyl airglow on Venus in comparison with Earth". Planetary
and Space Science (2011):
- Migliorini, A.; Altieri, F.; Zasova, L.; Piccioni, G.; Bellucci, G.; Cardesín Moinelo, A.; Drossart, P.; et al. "Oxygen airglow
emission on Venus and Mars as seen by VIRTIS/VEX and OMEGA/MEX imaging spectrometers". Planetary and Space Science
- Cardesin Moinelo, Alejandro; Piccioni, Giuseppe; Ammannito, Eleonora; Filacchione, Gianrico; Drossart, Pierre. "Calibration
of Hyperspectral Imaging Data: VIRTIS-M Onboard Venus Express". IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing
- Grassi, D.; Migliorini, A.; Montabone, L.; Lebonnois, S.; Cardesìn-Moinelo, A.; Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.; Zasova, L. V..
"Thermal structure of Venusian nighttime mesosphere as observed by VIRTIS-Venus Express". Journal of Geophysical Research
(Planets) (2010):
- Piccioni, G.; Zasova, L.; Migliorini, A.; Drossart, P.; Shakun, A.; García Muñoz, A.; Mills, F. P.; Cardesin-Moinelo, A..
"Near-IR oxygen nightglow observed by VIRTIS in the Venus upper atmosphere". Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)
- Gilli, G.; López-Valverde, M. A.; Drossart, P.; Piccioni, G.; Erard, S.; Cardesín Moinelo, A.. "Limb observations of CO2
and CO non-LTE emissions in the Venus atmosphere by VIRTIS/Venus Express". Journal of Geophysical Research (Planets)
- Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.; Zasova, L.; Migliorini, A.; Gérard, J. -C.; Mills, F. P.; Shakun, A.; et al. "First detection
of hydroxyl in the atmosphere of Venus". Astronomy and Astrophysics (2008):
- Piccioni, G.; Drossart, P.; Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Hueso, R.; Taylor, F. W.; Wilson, C. F.; Grassi, D.; et al. "South-polar features
on Venus similar to those near the north pole". Nature (2007):
- Drossart, P.; Piccioni, G.; Gérard, J. C.; Lopez-Valverde, M. A.; Sanchez-Lavega, A.; Zasova, L.; Hueso, R.; et al. "A dynamic
upper atmosphere of Venus as revealed by VIRTIS on Venus Express". Nature (2007):
Preprint |
- Francisco Brasil; Pedro Machado; Gabriella Gilli; Alejandro Cardesin-Moinelo; José E. Silva; Daniela Espadinha; Daniela Tirsch;
et al. "Morphological and dynamical characterisation of Gravity Waves on Mars atmosphere using the High-Resolution Stereo
Camera on Mars Express". 2024.
- Agustín Sánchez-Lavega; Ethan Larsen; Jorge Hernández-Bernal; Teresa del Río-Gaztelurrutia; Iñaki Ordóñez-Etxeberria; Alejandro
Cardesin Moinelo. "Planetary and synoptic-scale atmospheric disturbances from images of Mars during Martian Year 36". 2023.
- Jacob Parrott; Hakan Svedhem; Olivier Witasse; Colin F Wilson; Ingo C. F. Mueller-Wodarg; Alejandro Cardesín Moinelo; Peter
Schmitz; et al. "First Results of Mars Express - ExoMars Trace Gas Orbiter Mutual Radio Occultation". 2023.
- Jorge Hernández-Bernal´; Agustín Sánchez Lavega; Teresa del Río Gaztelurrutia; Ricardo Hueso Alonso; Alejandro Cardesín Moinelo.
"Cloud tracking and dynamics of Martian mesospheric clouds in twilight as seen by MEX/VMC". 2022.
- Alejandro Cardesin-Moinelo; Bernhard Geiger; Gaetan Lacombe; Bojan Ristic; Paulina Wolkenberg; Hakan Svedhem; Colin Wilson;
et al. "Coordination of Mars Express and Trace Gas Orbiter joint observations of the Martian atmosphere in 2021-2022". 2022.
- Alejandro Ramírez Ramos; Ana Ulla Miguel; Alejandro Cardesin-Moinelo; Carmen Sieiro Vázquez; Andoni Moral Inza; Stefano Chiussi;
Alicia Berrocal Bravo; et al. "Proposal of a preliminary Planetary Protection protocol for the development of future Mars
missions at the University of Vigo.". 2022.
- Jorge Hernández Bernal; Alejandro Cardesín Moinelo; Ricardo Hueso Alonso; Eleni Ravanis; Abel Burgos Sierra; Simon Wood; Julia
Marín Yaseli de la Parra; et al. "The Visual Monitoring Camera on Mars Express: calibrating a new science instrument made
from an old webcam orbiting Mars". 2022.
- Agustin Sanchez-Lavega; Ethan Larsen; Jorge Hernandez-Bernal; Teresa del Río-Gaztelurrutia; Iñaki Ordoñez-Etxeberría; Jesús
Ordorika; Alejandro Cardesín-Moinelo. "Atmospheric disturbances imaged on Mars during the simultaneous operations of four
surface stations along 2021 and 2022". 2022.
- Dmitrij Titov; Colin Wilson; Jean-Pierre Bibring; Alejandro Cardesin; John Carter; Tom Duxbury; Francois Forget; et al. "Mars
Express science highlights and future plans". 2022.
- Emmanuel Grotheer; Michel Breitfellner; James Godfrey; Dave Heather; Patrick Martin; Dmitri Titov; Colin Wilson; et al. "New
MEX-HRSC radiometrically calibrated data released in the ESA’s Planetary Science Archive". 2022.
- Francisco Brasil; Pedro Machado; Gabriella Gilli; Alejandro Cardesín-Moinelo; José E. Silva; Daniela Espadinha; Rafael Rianço-Silva.
"Characterising Atmospheric Gravity Waves on Mars using Mars Express OMEGA images – novel results from systematised
study". 2022.
- Patrick Martin; Dmitri Titov; Colin Wilson; James Godfrey; Alejandro Cardesin-Moinelo; Rick Blake; Thomas Dressler; et al.
"Getting the Most Out of Mars Express". 2022.
- Carlos Muñiz Solaz; Alejandro Cardesin-Moinelo; Federico Nespoli; Patrick Martin; Julia Marin-Yaseli de la Parra; Donald Merrit;
Mar Sierra; Pilar Esquej. "MAPPS as a multi-mission and multi-body Science Planning and Simulation Tool for ESA solar system
missions". 2022.
- Francisco Brasil; Pedro Machado; Gabriella Gilli; Alejandro Cardesín-Moinelo; José Eduardo Silva; Daniela Espadinha; Rafael
Rianço-Silva; Francisco Rodrigues; Brigitte Gondet. "Characterising Atmospheric Gravity Waves on Mars - a systematic study".
Thesis / Dissertation |
- "Planning and archiving for VIRTIS/VEx". 2011.
- Cardesin-Moinelo, Alejandro. "Study and Implementation of the End-to-End Data Pipeline for the Virtis Imaging Spectrometer
Onboard Venus Express: "From Science Operations Planning to Data Archiving and Higher Lever Processing"". PhD, Università
degli Studi di Padova, 2010.