Assistant Professor of Computer Sciences at the Department of Informatics, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal. Researcher at the ALGORITMI Centre and LASI (Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory) at the group ISlab - Synthetic Intelligence. She graduated in Electronic Engineering and Informatics in 1995 and, in 2004, completed his master's degree in Industrial Electronic Engineering in Automation and Robotics. She holds two international PhD: one in Educational Sciences, in Teachers, Curricula and Educational Institutions, from the University of Granada, Spain, completed in 2012, and another in Artificial Intelligence by the Polytechnic University of Madrid, Spain, completed in 2018. She started her career on 2015 developing scientific research in the field of Intelligent Systems/Artificial Intelligence (AI) namely in Human-Computer Interaction, Machine and Deepl Learning, Behavior Analysis, with particular attention to the detection of violence, sentiment analysis, Intelligent Tutoring and Recognition of Human Actions. Her interests, in the last years, was absorbed by the broad, yet closely related, concepts of Intelligent Environments, Data Fusion, Digital Assistants, Artificial Intelligent applying to Education, and the incorporation of AI methods and techniques in these fields. Its main research objective is to make systems smarter, sensible, and reliable. She is the author and co-author of over 80 book chapters, journal papers, conference and workshop papers, and books (with peer review). She is also a member of the editorial board of several international journals. During the past few years, she has served as an expert/reviewer for several conferences and journals. She has participated in several research projects sponsored by Portuguese and European public and private Institutions, namely post-doc researcher on the Easy Ride: Experience is everything project (no. 039334), co-funded by the FEDER through Portugal 2020 and COMPETE 2020, where she coordinated the team of PhD researchers on the project; researcher hired to coordinate the team of Scholarship members (about 16) of the University of Minho in the project with the reference NORTE01-0145- FEDER-000086, co-financed by NORTE2020, Portugal 2020, by developing scientific research activities on smart cities and applying to the municipality of Guimarães; researcher hired to coordinate the team of Scholarshipers (4) of the University of Minho in the project Hello: Intelligent platform for combating school failure - Refª NORTE-01-0247-FEDER-047004 (SI I&DT - Projects in Co-promotion with other university and the company Codevision, where all research was applied to a product of these company; and Member of the ERASMUS+ Project AIM4VET where we developed research to be applied on secondary school on the field of Artificial Intelligence. She has supervised 2 Ph.D. (1 International completed, 1 ongoing), and 15 Msc students (completed 9, 6 ongoing). Invited of jury: PhD, 8 ( 3 national university and 5 on International Universities); Msc, 12. Chair of the IEEE in Computational Intelligence Society, Portugal Chapter (2022-2024) and now vice-Chair. Vice-chair of the Portuguese Association for Artificial Intelligence (APPIA). She has 2 Awards and Distinctions - Recognition by the Scientific Community: Best Paper in 2nd International Conference on sustainable Smart Cities and Territories International 2023, and Best Paper Application Award in 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence 2019. International research collaboration with different universities, resulting on the production several paper journal with high impact factor, several conference with peer-reviews and some book chapter.

Personal identification

Full name
Dalila Alves Durães

Citation names

  • Durães, Dalila Alves
  • Durães, D.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Researcher Id
Scopus Author Id

Email addresses

  • dad@di.uminho.pt (Professional)


Mobile phone
  • 939312578 (Personal)


  • Universidade do Minho Escola de Engenharia Departamento de Informática / Centro ALGORITMI ISLab - Synthetic Intelligence Lab, Campus Gualtar, 4710-057, Braga, Braga, Portugal (Professional)


Knowledge fields

  • Exact Sciences
  • Social Sciences - Educational Sciences


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
French Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2) Upper intermediate (B2)
Spanish; Castilian Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Beginner (A1) Elementary (A2) Beginner (A1)
Degree Classification
PhD Artificial Intelligence (Doctor)
Major in Artificial Intelligence
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid - Campus de Montegancedo, Spain
"Attention and Engagement in Learning Activities" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Outstanding Cum Laudum
Ciências da Educação (Doutoramento)
Major in Curriculum, Profesorado e Instituciones Educativas
Universidad de Granada - Campus de Cartuja, Spain
Professorado, Curriculo e Instituiciones Educativas (Doutoramento)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Cum Laudum
MSc in Industrial Eletronics (Mestrado)
Major in Automation and Robotics
Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
"Sistema de Micromaquinagem Volúmica do Silício para Fabrico de Micro-estruturas" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Bom com Distinção
Degree at Electronics and Computer Sciences (Licenciatura)
Universidade Lusíada de Vila Nova de Famalicão Faculdade de Engenharias e Tecnologias, Portugal


Host institution
2022/02/07 - 2022/12/31 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
2020/06/01 - 2021/12/01 Contracted Researcher (Research) Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2023/04/10 - Current Assistant Professor (University Teacher) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021/10/04 - 2022/02/28 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Porto Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal
2018/09/20 - 2020/09/19 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2016/02 - 2019/06/30 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2016 - 2019 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2016 - 2019 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2016 - 2019 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2016 - 2019 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2016/09/16 - 2018/09/15 Invited Adjunct Teacher (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/06/30 Invited Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
2017/09/08 - 2018/02/08 Invited Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
2017 - 2018 Invited Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
2004/09/20 - 2009/08/31 Invited Assistant (Polytechnic Teacher) Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal

Other Careers

Host institution
1996/09/17 - 2020/05/31 Professor do ensino básico e secundário (Professor do ensino básico e secundário) Escola Secundária de Caldas das Taipas, Portugal
Escola Secundária de Caldas das Taipas, Portugal


Designation Funders
2021/01/01 - 2025/12/31 Laboratório Associado de Sistemas Inteligentes
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Centro de Matemática, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Ciência de Computadores, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Porto Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Tecnologias e Sistemas, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Tecnologia Mecânica e Automação, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Informatica e Sistemas, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Instituto de Polímeros e Compósitos, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Porto Grupo de Investigação em Engenharia e Computação Inteligente para a Inovação e o Desenvolvimento, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Instituto de Engenharia Eletrónica e Informática de Aveiro, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Porto Centro de Investigação em Sistemas Computacionais Embebidos e de Tempo-Real, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2021/01/01 - 2025/12/31 Intelligent Systems Associate Laboratory
Universidade Nova de Lisboa Centro de Tecnologias e Sistemas, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Centro de Tecnologia Mecânica e Automação, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Porto Centro de Investigação em Sistemas Computacionais Embebidos e de Tempo-Real, Portugal

Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Centro de Matemática, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Ciências, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Laboratório de Inteligência Artificial e Ciência de Computadores, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal

Universidade Nova de Lisboa Unidade de Investigação e Desenvolvimento em Engenharia Mecânica e Industrial, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Instituto de Polímeros e Compósitos, Portugal

Universidade de Aveiro Instituto de Engenharia Eletrónica e Informática de Aveiro, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Porto Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra, Portugal

Universidade de Coimbra Centro de Informatica e Sistemas, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Porto Grupo de Investigação em Engenharia e Computação Inteligente para a Inovação e o Desenvolvimento, Portugal

Universidade do Porto Faculdade de Engenharia, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2022/02/07 - 2022/12/31 Norte- 01-0145-FEDER-000086
Norte- 01-0145-FEDER-000086
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
2020/06/01 - 2021/12/31 projeto Easy Ride: Experience is everything
Post-doc Fellow
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Centro de Inovação e Investigação em Ciências Empresariais e Sistemas de Informação
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Centro de Inovação e Investigação em Ciências Empresariais e Sistemas de Informação, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 Centro de Investigação ALGORITMI
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2019/01/01 - 2019/12/31 ALGORITMI Research Centre
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia
2010/01/01 - 2019/12/31 CIICESI - Centro de Inovação e Investigação em Ciências Empresariais e Sistemas de Informação
Instituto Politécnico do Porto Centro de Inovação e Investigação em Ciências Empresariais e Sistemas de Informação, Portugal

Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia


Designation Funders
2024/01/01 - 2025/12/31 ILLIANCE energy efficiency
2017 - 2018 RISEWISE – Rise Women with disabilities in Social Engagement
investigadora colaboradora
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal


  1. Rodrigues, Manuel; Marcelo Milrad; Nuno Otero; María Cruz Sánchez-Gómez,; Juan José Mena; Durães, Dalila Alves; Filippo Sciarrone,; et al. Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, 13th International Conference. Springer Nature Switzerland. 2023.
  2. Rodrigues, M.; Durães, D.; Santos, R.; Analide, C.; Rodrigues, M; Durães, D; Santos, R; Analide, C. Emotion Detection Throughout the Speech. 2021.
  3. Durães, D.; Bajo, J.; Novais, P.. Characterize a human-robot interaction: Robot personal assistance. 2018.
  4. Durães, D.A.. Gaming and robotics to transforming learning. 2015.
Book chapter
  1. Dalila Durães; Beatriz Lacerda; Rita Bezerra; Paulo Novais. "Predictive Analytics in Education: A Comparative Analysis of Machine Learning Models for Predicting Student Performance". 2025.
  2. Pedro Oliveira; Francisco Franco; Afonso Bessa; Dalila Durães; Paulo Novais. "Employing Explainable AI Techniques for Air Pollution: An Ante-Hoc and Post-Hoc Approach in Dioxide Nitrogen Forecasting". 2025.
  3. Renata Magalhães; Dalila Durães; António Costa; José Machado; Paulo Novais. "A Comprehensive Digital Solution for Identifying and Addressing Academic Risk in Middle Education". 2025.
  4. Pedro Oliveira; Antonio Díaz-Longueira; Francisco S. Marcondes; Dalila Durães; José Luis Calvo-Rolle; Esteban Jove; Paulo Novais. "A Deep Learning-Based Model to Predict Nitrogen Dioxide in Urban Environments". 2025.
  5. Rita Bezerra; Beatriz Lacerda; Dalila Durães; Paulo Novais. "Future of Education on Pre-university Studies". 2024.
  6. Hugo Nogueira; Dalila Duraes; Paulo Novais. "Study of Detection Object and People with Radar Technology". 2024.
  7. Pedro Oliveira; Francisco S. Marcondes; M. Salomé Duarte; Dalila Durães; Gilberto Martins; Paulo Novais; Oliveira, Pedro; et al. "Assessment of LSTM and GRU Models to Predict the Electricity Production from Biogas in a Wastewater Treatment Plant". 2024.
  8. Durães, Dalila; Freitas, Pedro Miguel; Novais, Paulo. "The relevance of deepfakes in the administration of criminal justice". Springer, 2024.
  9. Renata Magalhães; Bruno Veloso; Francisco S. Marcondes; Henrique Lima; Dalila Durães; Paulo Novais. "A Conversational Agent for Smart Schooling A Case Study on K-12 Dropout Risk Assessment". 2023.
  10. Rui Miranda; Eduarda Ribeiro; Dalila Durães; Hugo Peixoto; Ricardo Machado; António Abelha; José Machado. "Smart Cities Using Crowdsensing and Geoferenced Notifications". 2023.
  11. Renata Magalhães; Francisco S. Marcondes; Dalila Durães; Paulo Novais. "Emotion Extraction from Likert-Scale Questionnaires". In – An Additional Dimension to Psychology Instruments –. 2023.
  12. Eduardo Coelho; Nuno Pimenta; Hugo Peixoto; Dalila Durães; Pedro Melo-Pinto; Victor Alves; Lourenço Bandeira; et al. "Multi-agent System for Multimodal Machine Learning Object Detection". In Multi-agent systems have shown great promise in addressing complex problems that traditional single-agent approaches are not be able to handle. In this article, we propose a multi-agent system for the conception of a multimodal machine learning problem on edge devices. Our architecture leverages docker containers to encapsulate knowledge in the form of models and processes, enabling easy managemen. 2023.
  13. Renata Teixeira; Francisco S. Marcondes; Henrique Lima; Dalila Durães; Paulo Novais; Teixeira, Renata; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; et al. "Data Fusion for Prediction of Variations in Students Grades". In Considering the undeniable relevance of education in today’s society, it is of great interest to be able to predict the academic performance of students in order to change teaching methods and create new strategies taking into account the situation of the students and their needs. This study aims to apply data fusion to merge information about several students and predict variations in their Portu. 2023.
  14. Regina Sousa; Daniela Oliveira; Dalila Durães; Cristiana Neto; José Machado; Sousa, Regina; Oliveira, Daniela Sofia Rijo; et al. "Medical Recommendation System Based on Daily Clinical Reports: A Proposed NLP Approach for Emergency Departments". In The operational management of an emergency department (ED) requires more attention from hospital administration since it can have a global impact on the institution’s management, increasing the probability of adverse events and worsening hospital expenses. Effective management of an ED potentially results in fewer hospitalisations after an ED admission. The purpose of the present study is to perfo. 2022.
  15. Regina Sousa; Diogo Lopes; António Silva; Dalila Durães; Hugo Peixoto; José Machado; Paulo Novais. "Sustainable and Social Energy on Smart Cities: Systematic Review". 2022.
  16. Rui Miranda; Vasco Ramos; Eduarda Ribeiro; Carla Rodrigues; António Silva; Dalila Durães; César Analide; António Abelha; José Machado. "Crowdsensing on Smart Cities: A Systematic Review". 2022.
  17. Marcondes, F.S.; Barbosa, M.A.; Queiroz, R.; Brito, L.; Gala, A.; Durães, D.. "MentaLex: A Mental Processes Lexicon Based on the Essay Dataset". 2022.
  18. Tiago Jesus; Júlio Duarte; Diana Ferreira; Dalila Durães; Francisco Marcondes; Flávio Santos; Marco Gomes; et al. "Review of Trends in Automatic Human Activity Recognition Using Synthetic Audio-Visual Data". In An in-depth study of knowledge and technologies was made related to the various scientific, technical, and industrial domains necessary for the acquisition of skills and capabilities for the design and development of a multisensory fusion system for vehicle cockpits. After an extensive literature review, it was possible to determine the baselines of the solution to be developed and obtain a pipeli, 549-560. Springer International Publishing, 2020.
  19. Durães, Dalila; Gonçalves, Sérgio; Carneiro, Davide; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. "Detection of Behavioral Patterns for Increasing Attentiveness Level". Springer, 2017.
  20. Durães, Dalila. "Management Conflicts in E-Learning Environment". 2016.
  21. Carneiro, Davide; Durães, Dalila; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. "Quantifying Attention in Computer-based Tasks". 2016.
  22. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. "Using Computer Peripheral Devices to Measure Attentiveness". Springer, 2016.
  23. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. "Supervising and Improving Attentiveness in Human Computer Interaction". IOS Press, 2016.
  24. Durães, D.. "Analysis of computing platforms as a Tool for Collaborative learning of Secondary School Students in the Municipality of Guimarães in Portugal: New Perspectives”". In Perspectives in Social Media – a Yearbook, 8. Routledge, 2014.
Conference paper
  1. Monteiro, C; Durães, D; Carlos Monteiro; Dalila Durães. "Modelling a Framework to Obtain Violence Detection with Spatial-Temporal Action Localization". 2022.
  2. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Gala, Adelino; Durães, Dalila; Almeida, José João; Baldi, Vania; Novais, Paulo; Moreira, Fernando. "A profile on Twitter Shadowban: An aI ethics position paper on free-speech". 2022.
  3. Durães, Dalila; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Gonçalves, Filipe Manuel; Fonseca, Joaquim; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo. "Detection violent behaviors: A survey". 2021.
  4. Durães, D; Rodrigues, M; Novais, P. "Modelling an Intelligent Tutoring System based on Supervised Behaviour Biometrics". 2020.
  5. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Almeida, J. J.; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo; Marcondes, FS; Almeida, JJ; Durães, D; Novais, P. "Fact-Check spreading behavior in twitter: A qualitative profile for false-claim news". 2020.
  6. Carneiro, Davide Rua; Durães, Dalila; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo; Carneiro, D.; Durães, D.; Bajo, J.; Novais, P.. "Non-intrusive monitoring of attentional behavior in teams". 2017.
  7. Durães, Dalila; Jiménez, Amparo; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo; Durães, D.; Jiménez, A.; Bajo, J.; et al. "Monitoring level attention approach in learning activities". 2016.
  8. Trabulo, Pedro; Durães, Dalila; Mendes, P. M.; Garrido, Paulo; Correia, J. H.; Trabulo, P.M.; Durães, D.A.; et al. "Spiral inductors on silicon for wireless communications". 2004.
  9. Mendes, P. M.; Durães, Dalila; Bartek, M.; Correia, J. H.. "Efficiency improvement of a chip-size antenna for wireless microsystems". 2003.
Edited book
  1. Durães, D.. “Ambient Intelligence – Software and Applications –, 9th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence”,. Springer International Publishing. 2019.
    Published • 10.1007/978-3-319-48829-5_15 • Editor
  2. Novais, P; Jung, JJ; González, GV; Caballero, AF; Navarro, E; González, P; Carneiro, D; et al. Ambient Intelligence - Software and Applications -, 9th International Symposium on Ambient Intelligence, ISAmI 2018, Toledo, Spain, 20-22 June 2018. 2019.
Journal article
  1. Durães, D.. "Computational Affective Knowledge Representation for Agents Located in a Multicultural Environment". Human-centric Computing and Information Sciences 14 (2024): 14-30. https://doi.org/10.22967/HCIS.2024.14.030.
    Open access • Published • DOI: https://doi.org/10.22967/HCIS.2024.14.030
  2. Ferraz, Filipa; Coelho, Eduardo; Peixoto, Hugo; Durães, Dalila Alves; Melo-Pinto, Pedro; Alves, Victor; Bandeira, Lourenço; Machado, José; Novais, Paulo. Corresponding author: Durães, Dalila Alves. "Multimodal Image and Radar Object Detection". Logic Journal of the IGPL (2024):
  3. Miranda, Rui; Alves, Carlos Manuel Ferreira; Sousa, Regina; Chaves, António; Martinez, Larissa Muriel Montenegro; Peixoto, Hugo; Durães, Dalila; et al. "Revolutionising the quality of life: the role of real-time sensing in smart cities". Electronics (2024): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89351.
  4. Fábio Gonçalves; Gonçalo O. Silva; Alexandre Santos; Ana Maria A. C. Rocha; Hugo Peixoto; Dalila Durães; José Machado; et al. "Urban Traffic Simulation Using Mobility Patterns Synthesized from Real Sensors". Electronics (2023): https://doi.org/10.3390/electronics12244971.
  5. Silva, António José Linhares; Oliveira, Pedro; Durães, Dalila; Fernandes, Duarte; Névoa, Rafael; Monteiro, João L.; Melo-Pinto, Pedro; et al. "A framework for representing, building and reusing novel atate-of-the-art three-dimensional object detection models in point clouds targeting self-driving applications". Sensors (2023): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86322.
  6. Durães, Dalila; Santos, Flavio; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Hammerschmidt, Niklas; Novais, Paulo. "Applying multisensor in-car situations to detect violence". (2023): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89910.
  7. Durães, Dalila; Veloso, Bruno; Novais, Paulo; Durães, D.; Veloso, B.; Novais, P.. "Violence detection in audio: evaluating the effectiveness of deep learning models and data augmentation". International Journal of Interactive Multimedia and Artificial Intelligence 8 3 (2023): 72-84. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89936.
  8. Santos, Flávio; Durães, Dalila; Marcondes, Francisco S.; Hammerschmidt, Niklas; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo; Flávio Santos; et al. "Weakness evaluation on in-vehicle violence detection: an assessment of X3D, C2D and I3D against FGSM and PGD". Electronics 11 6 (2022): 852-852. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/78013.
  9. Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Durães, Dalila; Santos, Flávio Arthur Oliveira; Almeida, J. J.; Novais, Paulo; Durães, Dalila Alves. "Neural network explainable AI based on paraconsistent analysis: an extension". (2021): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/75830.
  10. Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Durães, Dalila; Santos, Flávio Arthur Oliveira; Almeida, J. J.; Novais, Paulo. "Neural network explainable AI based on paraconsistent analysis: an extension". (2021): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/75830.
  11. Carneiro, Davide; Novais, Paulo; Durães, Dalila; Pego, José Miguel; Sousa, Nuno; Carneiro, D; Novais, P; et al. "Predicting completion time in high-stakes exams". Future Gener. Comput. Syst. (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/18954.
  12. Duraes, Dalila; de la Prieta, Fernando; Novais, Paulo; Durães, D; la Prieta, Fd; Novais, P. "Enriching behavior patterns with learning styles using peripheral devices". Knowl. Inf. Syst. (2019): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68898.
    Published • 10.1007/s10115-018-1287-6
  13. Duraes, Dalila; Toala, Ramon; Gonçalves, Filipe Manuel; Novais, Paulo; Durães, D.; Duraes, D; Toala, R; et al. "Intelligent tutoring system to improve learning outcomes". AI Communications 32, no. 3 (2019): 161-174. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68776.
  14. Carneiro, Davide Rua; Novais, Paulo; Durães, Dalila; Pego, José Miguel; Sousa, Nuno. "Predicting completion time in high-stakes exams". (2019): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/57898.
  15. Carneiro, Davide; Novais, Paulo; Durães, Dalila; Pego, José Miguel; Sousa, Nuno. "Predicting completion time in high-stakes exams". (2019): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/18954.
  16. Duraes, Dalila; de la Prieta, Fernando; Novais, Paulo. "Enriching behavior patterns with learning styles using peripheral devices". (2019): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68898.
  17. Duraes, Dalila; Toala, Ramon; Gonçalves, Filipe Manuel; Novais, Paulo. "Intelligent tutoring system to improve learning outcomes". (2019): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68776.
  18. Duraes, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo; Dalila Durães; Davide Carneiro; Javier Bajo; Paulo Novais; Durães, Dalila. "Modelling a smart environment for non-intrusive analysis of attention in the workplace". Expert Systems (2018): e12275-e12275. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/69263.
    Published • 10.1111/exsy.12275
  19. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Jiménez, Amparo; Novais, Paulo; Jimenez, Amparo. "Characterizing attentive behavior in intelligent environments". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/18905.
  20. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. "Modelling a smart environment for nonintrusive analysis of attention in the workplace". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/18952.
  21. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Jiménez, Amparo; Novais, Paulo. "Characterizing attentive behavior in intelligent environments". (2018): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/18905.
  22. Duraes, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. "Modelling a smart environment for non-intrusive analysis of attention in the workplace". (2018): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/69263.
  23. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Jimenez, Amparo; Novais, Paulo. "Characterizing attentive behavior in intelligent environments". (2018): https://hdl.handle.net/1822/69261.
  24. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. "Supervising and Improving Attentiveness in Human Computer Interaction". (2016): http://hdl.handle.net/10400.22/10106.
Journal issue
  1. Durães, D.. "Artificial Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence: Innovative paths". Applied Sciences (2021): https://www.mdpi.com/journal/applsci/special_issuesAI.
    Accepted • 10.1007/978-3-319-48829-5_15 • Editor
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Teixeira, Renata Ferreira. "Fusão de dados aplicando modelos de machine learning". Master, 2024. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/94069.
  2. Lacerda, Maria Beatriz Araújo. "Análise e previsão de comportamento com base no perfil do utilizador usando algoritmos de machine learning". Master, 2024. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/94070.
  3. Sá, João Miguel Santos. "Multilanguage chatbot with artificial intelligence for client support". Master, 2024. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/93162.
  4. Magalhães, Renata Sofia Vieira. "Emotion detection in school failure prevention". Master, 2024. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/92231.
  5. Veloso, Bruno Cruz. "Análise de algoritmos de machine learning para deteção de violência em áudio". Master, 2023. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86577.
  6. Marques, Maria Sofia Martinho Gonçalves Jordão. "Modelos de análise preditiva para a tomada de decisão". Master, 2023. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/92692.
  7. Monteiro, Carlos Filipe Batista Cardoso. "Spatio-temporal action localization with Deep Learning". Master, 2022. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/83491.
  8. Toala Dueñas, Ramón Alfredo. "Tutoría inteligente para mejorar los resultados de aprendizaje: un enfoque en inteligencia ambiente". PhD, 2022. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/77477.
  9. Durães, D.. "Attentiveness and Engagement in Learning Activities". PhD, 2018. http://oa.upm.es/53795/1/DALILA_ALVES_DURAES.pdf.
  10. Castro, David Barbosa. "Modelling an intelligent interaction system for increasing the level of attentiveness and engagement". Master, 2018. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/79854.
  11. Cardoso, Catarina. "Learning frequent behaviours patterns in intelligent environments for attentiveness level". Master, 2017. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/55659.
  12. Durães, D.. "Análise de Plataformas Informáticas como Instrumento de Aprendizagem Colaborativa dos Estudantes do Ensino Secundário no Concelho de Guimarães em Portugal". PhD, 2012.
  13. Durães, D.; Durães, D.. "Sistema de Micromaquinagem Volúmica do Silício para Fabrico de Micro-estruturas". Master, 2004. http://www.degois.pt/visualizador/curriculum.jsp?key=8402185662832005.


Other output
  1. A conversational agent for smart schooling: a case study on K-12 dropout risk assessment. The goal of smart education is to utilize advanced technology in order to improve the teaching experience by establishing a stimulating and interactive atmosphere for learning. Conversational agents emerge as an aid for a smarter education. One of the possibilities to be explored is the building of tools that help predict and prevent student failure or dropout. This case study presents a research. 2023. Magalhães, Renata; Veloso, Bruno; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Lima, Henrique; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89836.
  2. Prediction of students’ grades based on non-academic data. This study examines the use of machine learning techniques to predict Math and Portuguese grades based on student demographics and survey data regarding their school experiences. Using a sample of 53 middle school students, an accuracy rate of 93% was achieved with a support vector machine model. This paper’s findings suggest that non-academic factors such as school climate and student engagement. 2023. Lacerda, Beatriz; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Lima, Henrique; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo; Beatriz Lacerda; Francisco S. Marcondes; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89840.
  3. A systematic review on student failure prediction. Today, students tend to drop out of school more easily. It is necessary to find out what causes students to have such school failure in order to try to help them succeed in their school life. For this purpose, it is necessary to acquire data about students, and the area of Educational Data Mining (EDM) appears. EDM aims to develop methods for exploring data recovered from educational environments,. 2023. Veloso, Bruno; Barbosa, Maria Araújo; Faria, Hugo; Marcondes, Francisco S.; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo; Bruno Veloso; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89791.
  4. Smart cities using crowdsensing and geoferenced notifications. As the internet and the Internet of Things continue to expand, the idea of Smart Cities has begun to take hold. Smart Cities use connected devices and data to improve the environment and quality of life of their citizens. Technologies such as crowdsensing and geofencing allow citizens to contribute to initiatives and receive notifications when near areas of interest, respectively. This paper prese. 2023. Miranda, Rui Pedro Mesquita; Ribeiro, Eduarda; Durães, Dalila; Peixoto, Hugo; Machado, Ricardo J.; Abelha, António; Machado, José Manuel. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89417.
  5. Emotion extraction from Likert-Scale questionnaires: an additional dimension to psychology instruments. Sentiment analysis tasks are used in various domains, including education. Likert-scale questionnaires are often used to gain insights into the respondents’ views in various contexts. However, these questionnaires can allow for more information than they are designed for. This research paper explores an emotion classification technique for extracting emotional information from likert-scale questio. 2023. Magalhães, Renata; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89832.
  6. Performance analysis of models used to predict failure in secondary school. According to data made available by Pordata for the year 2021, about 8.3% of medium school students in Portuguese schools fail or drop out of the educational system, another 9.8% of students in this situation are still in basic education. Since education is one of the pillars of a country’s development, it is important to understand the reasons behind these statistics and discover what leads stude. 2023. Jordão, Sofia; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo; Sofia Jordão; Dalila Durães; Paulo Novais. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89792.
  7. EduBot: a proof-of-concept for a high school motivational agent. Motivation appears to plays a role in student dropout. This paper uses a dataset with high school information (756 entries) for creating a model that relates year failures with the other features on the dataset. The resulting model, based on XGBoost, shows that the top-ranked features are related with motivation issues corroborating with the initial observation. In this sense, a digital assistant. 2022. Faria, Hugo; Barbosa, Maria Araujo; Veloso, Bruno; Marcondes, Francisco S.; Lima, Celso; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86321.
  8. On tuning the particle swarm optimization for solving the traffic light problem. In everyday routines, there are multiple situations of high traffic congestion, especially in large cities. Traffic light timed regulated intersections are one of the solutions used to improve traffic flow without the need for large-scale and costly infrastructure changes. A specific situation where traffic lights are used is on single-lane roads, often found on roads under maintenance, narrow roa. 2022. Silva, Gonçalo O.; Rocha, Ana Maria A. C.; Witeck, Gabriela R.; Silva, António José Linhares; Durães, Dalila; Machado, José Manuel; Gonçalo O. Silva; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/81692.
  9. Survey for smart and adaptative education. Technological media has become a vital component for educators, enabling greater efficiency in lesson planning and preparation, providing active repositories of student work, as well as more personalised learning for students. The construction of intelligent systems, which encompass the use of these technologies, allow the learning process to be simpler for the student and the teaching process for. 2022. Bezerra, Rita M.A.; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo; Rita M. A. Bezerra; Dalila DurãEs; Paulo Novais Novais. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86357.
  10. Microblogging environment simulator: an ethical approach. Social media were originally created as a means of communication, but have eventually become an important way of producing and sharing information and news. Beyond that, the scientific community’s interest in conducting studies in numerous fields using Twitter is growing daily. This paper presents a platform that simulates a microblogging, inspired by the Twitter layout, with the aim of creating a. 2022. Barbosa, Maria Araújo; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo; Maria Araújo Barbosa; Francisco S. Marcondes; Dalila Alves Durães; Paulo Novais. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86323.
  11. A bibliometric review and analysis of traffic lights optimization. The significant increase in the number of vehicles in urban areas emerges the challenge of urban mobility. Researchers in this area suggest that most daily delays in urban travel times are caused by intersections, which could be reduced if the traffic lights at these intersections were more efficient. The use of simulation for real intersections can be effective in optimizing the cycle times and i. 2022. Witeck, Gabriela R.; Rocha, Ana Maria A. C.; Silva, Gonçalo O.; Silva, António José Linhares; Durães, Dalila; Machado, José Manuel; Gabriela R. Witeck; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/81661.
  12. Neural network eXplainable AI based on paraconsistent analysis - an initial approach. Para-consistent logic is a non-classical logic whose foundations allow the treatment of contradictions without invalidating the conclusions. This paper presented an attempt of using Annotated Para-consistent Analysis (APA) for supporting eXplained Artificial Intelligence (XAI) on Neural-Networks. For the study case, it was presented a situation where a binary classification model was able to corre. 2022. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Durães, Dalila; Gomes, Marco Filipe Vieira; Santos, Flávio; Almeida, J. J.; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86365.
  13. A comparison of automated time series forecasting tools for smart cities. Most smart city sensors generate time series records and forecasting such data can provide valuable insights for citizens and city managers. Within this context, the adoption of Automated Time Series Forecasting (AutoTSF) tools is a key issue, since it facilitates the design and deployment of multiple TSF models. In this work, we adapt and compare eight recent AutoTSF tools (Pmdarima, Prophet, Lud. 2022. Pereira, Pedro José; Costa, Nuno; Barros, Margarida; Cortez, Paulo; Durães, Dalila; Silva, António José Linhares; Machado, José Manuel. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/81442.
  14. Comparison of different deployment approaches of FPGA-based hardware accelerator for 3D object detection models. GPU servers have been responsible for the recent improvements in the accuracy and inference speed of the object detection models targeted to autonomous driving. However, its features, namely, power consumption and dimension, make its integration in autonomous vehicles impractical. Hybrid FPGA-CPU boards emerged as an alternative to server GPUs in the role of edge devices in autonomous vehicles. De. 2022. Pereira, Pedro; Linhares Silva, António; Machado, Rui; Silva, João; Durães, Dalila; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86377.
  15. A comparison of automated time series forecasting tools for smart cities. Most smart city sensors generate time series records and forecasting such data can provide valuable insights for citizens and city managers. Within this context, the adoption of Automated Time Series Forecasting (AutoTSF) tools is a key issue, since it facilitates the design and deployment of multiple TSF models. In this work, we adapt and compare eight recent AutoTSF tools (Pmdarima, Prophet, Lud. 2022. Pereira, Pedro José; Costa, Nuno; Barros, Margarida; Cortez, Paulo; Durães, Dalila; Silva, António José Linhares; Machado, José Manuel. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/81442.
  16. Traffic light optimization of an intersection: a portuguese case study. Smart cities aim to rise strategies that reduce issues caused by the urban population growth and fast urbanization. Thus, traffic light optimization emerges as an important option for urban traffic management. The main goal of this study is to improve traffic light management at a specific intersection, in the City of Guimarães (Portugal), where high-intensity traffic and an active pedestrian area. 2022. Silva, Gonçalo Oliveira; Rocha, Ana Maria A. C.; Witeck, Gabriela Rosa; Silva, António José Linhares; Durães, Dalila; Machado, José Manuel; Gonçalo O. Silva; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/85223.
  17. Analysis of machine learning algorithms for violence detection in audio. Violence has always been part of humanity, however, there are different types of violence, with physical violence being the most recurrent in our daily lives. This type of violence increasingly affects many people’s lives, so it is essential to try to combat violence. In recent years, human action recognition has been extensively studied, but mainly in video, an important computer vision area. Aud. 2022. Veloso, Bruno; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo; Bruno Veloso; Dalila Durães; Paulo Novais. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86310.
  18. Comparison of different deployment approaches of FPGA-based hardware accelerator for 3D object detection models. GPU servers have been responsible for the recent improvements in the accuracy and inference speed of the object detection models targeted to autonomous driving. However, its features, namely, power consumption and dimension, make its integration in autonomous vehicles impractical. Hybrid FPGA-CPU boards emerged as an alternative to server GPUs in the role of edge devices in autonomous vehicles. De. 2022. Pereira, Pedro; Linhares Silva, António; Machado, Rui; Silva, João; Durães, Dalila; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86377.
  19. On tuning the particle swarm optimization for solving the traffic light problem. In everyday routines, there are multiple situations of high traffic congestion, especially in large cities. Traffic light timed regulated intersections are one of the solutions used to improve traffic flow without the need for large-scale and costly infrastructure changes. A specific situation where traffic lights are used is on single-lane roads, often found on roads under maintenance, narrow roa. 2022. Silva, Gonçalo O.; Rocha, Ana Maria A. C.; Witeck, Gabriela R.; Silva, António José Linhares; Durães, Dalila; Machado, José Manuel. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/81692.
  20. Neural network eXplainable AI based on paraconsistent analysis - an initial approach. Para-consistent logic is a non-classical logic whose foundations allow the treatment of contradictions without invalidating the conclusions. This paper presented an attempt of using Annotated Para-consistent Analysis (APA) for supporting eXplained Artificial Intelligence (XAI) on Neural-Networks. For the study case, it was presented a situation where a binary classification model was able to corre. 2022. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Durães, Dalila; Gomes, Marco Filipe Vieira; Santos, Flávio; Almeida, J. J.; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86365.
  21. A bibliometric review and analysis of traffic lights optimization. The significant increase in the number of vehicles in urban areas emerges the challenge of urban mobility. Researchers in this area suggest that most daily delays in urban travel times are caused by intersections, which could be reduced if the traffic lights at these intersections were more efficient. The use of simulation for real intersections can be effective in optimizing the cycle times and i. 2022. Witeck, Gabriela R.; Rocha, Ana Maria A. C.; Silva, Gonçalo O.; Silva, António José Linhares; Durães, Dalila; Machado, José Manuel. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/81661.
  22. Survey for big data platforms and resources management for smart cities. Currently, smart cities are a hot topic and their tendency will be to optimize resources and promote efficient strategies for the preservation of the planet as well as to increase the quality of life of its inhabitants. In this sense, this research presents an initial component of investigation about Big Data Platforms for Smart Cities in order to be implemented in integrated and innovative soluti. 2022. Alves, Carlos Manuel Ferreira; Chaves, António; Rodrigues, Carla; Ribeiro, Eduarda; Silva, António José Linhares; Durães, Dalila; Machado, José Manuel; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/86372.
  23. Emotion analysis in distance learning. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever because schools, universities, teachers, and students had to adapt to distance learning. Multiple differences are identified with online learning compared to face-to-face education. First, students must be more responsible. Second, users' familiarity with using computers varies significantly. Third, the traditional interaction between teacher, st. 2021. Durães, Dalila; Toala, Ramon; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/79453.
  24. A profile on Twitter Shadowban: an AI ethics position paper on free-speech. Concerns have been expressed lately about content verification algorithms on social media platforms, resulting in data being presented to users or omitted from them. Twitter is one of those platforms that use this strategy, giving censorship strategies for specific content. The shadowban or practice of limiting content distribution without user acknowledgement is a current practice in online socia. 2021. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Gala, Adelino; Durães, Dalila; Moreira, Fernando; Almeida, J. J.; Baldi, Vania; Novais, Paulo; Almeida, José João. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/79445.
  25. In-vehicle violence detection in carpooling: A brief survey towards a general surveillance system. Violence is a word that encompasses several meanings ranging from an actual fight to theft and several types of harassment. Therefore, violence detection through surveillance systems can be a quite difficult yet important task. The increasing use of carpooling services and vehicle sharing brought the need to implement a sufficient general surveillance system for monitoring these vehicles for assur. 2021. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Durães, Dalila; Gonçalves, Filipe Manuel; Fonseca, Joaquim; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo; Marcondes, FS; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/79448.
  26. Detection violent behaviors: A survey. Violence detection behavior is a particular problem regarding the great problem action recognition. In recent years, the detection and recognition of violence has been studied for several applications, namely in surveillance. In this paper, we conducted a recent systematic review of the literature on this subject, covering a selection of various researched papers. The selected works were classifie. 2021. Durães, Dalila; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Gonçalves, Filipe Manuel; Fonseca, Joaquim; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/69266.
  27. In-vehicle violence detection in carpooling: A brief survey towards a general surveillance system. Violence is a word that encompasses several meanings ranging from an actual fight to theft and several types of harassment. Therefore, violence detection through surveillance systems can be a quite difficult yet important task. The increasing use of carpooling services and vehicle sharing brought the need to implement a sufficient general surveillance system for monitoring these vehicles for assur. 2021. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Durães, Dalila; Gonçalves, Filipe Manuel; Fonseca, Joaquim; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/79448.
  28. Emotion analysis in distance learning. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed education forever because schools, universities, teachers, and students had to adapt to distance learning. Multiple differences are identified with online learning compared to face-to-face education. First, students must be more responsible. Second, users' familiarity with using computers varies significantly. Third, the traditional interaction between teacher, st. 2021. Durães, Dalila; Toala, Ramon; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/79453.
  29. In-car violence detection based on the audio signal. When it is intended to detect violence in the car, audio, speech processing, music, and ambient sound are some of the main points of this problem since it is necessary to find the similarities and differences between these domains. The recent increase in interest in deep learning has allowed practical applications in many areas of signal processing, often surpassing traditional signal processing o. 2021. Santos, Flávio; Durães, Dalila; Marcondes, Francisco S.; Hammerschmidt, Niklas; Lange, Sascha; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89901.
  30. A profile on Twitter Shadowban: an AI ethics position paper on free-speech. Concerns have been expressed lately about content verification algorithms on social media platforms, resulting in data being presented to users or omitted from them. Twitter is one of those platforms that use this strategy, giving censorship strategies for specific content. The shadowban or practice of limiting content distribution without user acknowledgement is a current practice in online socia. 2021. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Gala, Adelino; Durães, Dalila; Moreira, Fernando; Almeida, J. J.; Baldi, Vania; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/79445.
  31. Modelling a Deep Learning Framework for recognition of human actions on video. In Human action recognition, the identification of actions is a system that can detect human activities. The types of human activity are classified into four different categories, depending on the complexity of the steps and the number of body parts involved in the action, namely gestures, actions, interactions, and activities [1]. It is challenging for video Human action recognition to capture us. 2021. Santos, Flávio; Durães, Dalila; Marcondes, Francisco; Gomes, Marco; Gonçalves, Filipe; Fonseca, Joaquim; Wingbermuehle, Jochen; Machado, José Manuel; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/89902.
  32. Review of trends in automatic human activity recognition using synthetic audio-visual data. An in-depth study of knowledge and technologies was made related to the various scientific, technical, and industrial domains necessary for the acquisition of skills and capabilities for the design and development of a multisensory fusion system for vehicle cockpits. After an extensive literature review, it was possible to determine the baselines of the solution to be developed and obtain a pipeli. 2020. Jesus, Tiago Rafael Andrade; Duarte, Júlio Miguel Marques; Ferreira, Diana; Durães, Dalila; Marcondes, Francisco Supino; Santos, Flávio Arthur Oliveira; Gomes, Marco Filipe Vieira; et al. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/70410.
  33. Human-computer interaction in intelligent tutoring systems. Due to the rapid evolution of society, citizens are constantly being pressured to obtain new skills through training. The need for qualified people has grown exponentially, which means that the resources for education/training are significantly more limited, so it's necessary to create systems that can solved this problem. The implementation of Intelligent Tutoring Systems (ITS) can be one solutio. 2020. Toala, Ramon; Duraes, Dalila; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68897.
  34. Fact-Check spreading behavior in twitter: a qualitative profile for false-claim news. Fact-check spread is usually performed by a plain tweet with just the link. Since it is not proper human behavior, it may cause uncanny, hinder the reader’s attention and harm the counter-propaganda influence. This paper presents a profile of fact-check link spread in Twitter (suiting for TRL-1) and, as an additional outcome, proposes a preliminary behavior design based on it (suiting for TRL-2).. 2020. Marcondes, Francisco S.; Almeida, J. J.; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68089.
  35. Preface. 2019. Novais, P; Jung, JJ; Villarrubia, G; Fernández Caballero, A; Navarro, E; González, P; Carneiro, D; et al.
  36. Supervising attention in an E-learning system. Until now, the level of attention of a worker has been evaluated through his/her productivity: the more one produces, the better his/her attention at work. First, the worst aspect about this approach is that it only points out a potential decrease of attention after a productivity loss. An approach that could point out, in advance, upcoming breaks in attention could allow active/preventive interve. 2019. Durães, Dalila; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68814.
  37. Forecasting student’s preference in E-learning systems. The need for qualified people is growing exponentially, requiring limited resources allocated to education/training to be used most efficiently. However some problems can occur: (1) relying on learning theories, it is crucial to improve the learning process and mitigate the issues that may arise from technologically enhanced learning environments; (2) each student presents a particular way of assi. 2018. Novais, Paulo; Gonçalves, Filipe Manuel; Durães, Dalila. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68895.
  38. Assess and enhancing attention in learning activities. The rapid progress of technologies has enabled the development of innovative environment in learning activities when the student used computer devices with access to Internet. The goal of this paper is to propose an ambient intelligent (AmI) system, directed at the teacher that indicates the level of attention of the students in the class when it requires the use of the computer connected to the I. 2018. Durães, Dalila; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50554.
  39. Adaptive and intelligent mentoring to increase user attentiveness in learning activities. In the past decades intelligent mentoring systems have rapidly increased. In e-learning environment there has been an exponential growth in technological development environments and number of users that are addressed, hence an intelligent mentoring system should capture the user’s attention in order to improve results when focused in (e)learning tasks (i.e. serve both as a support of presence les. 2018. Toala, Ramón; Gonçalves, Filipe Manuel; Durães, Dalila; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/68896.
  40. Quantifying the effects of learning styles on attention. Monitoring and managing attention in the classroom is nowadays an important aspect where the level of learner’s attention affects learning results. When students are using devices connected to the Internet in learning activities in which they send and received notifications, beeps, and vibrations and blinking messages, the ability to focus becomes increasingly important. This is true in many diffe. 2017. Durães, Dalila; Analide, Cesar; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50558.
  41. Non-intrusive monitoring of attentional behavior in teams. Attention is a very important cognitive and behavioral process, by means of which an individual is able to focus on a single aspect of information, while ignoring others. In a time in which we drawn in notifications, beeps, vibrations and blinking messages, the ability to focus becomes increasingly important. This is true in many diferent domains, from the workplace to the classroom. In this paper. 2017. Carneiro, Davide Rua; Durães, Dalila; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50561.
  42. Analysis learning styles though attentiveness. Attention is one of the most widely misused and overgeneralized constructs found in the educational, learning, instructional, and psychological sciences. It would be convenient for teachers if they could grasp the attentiveness states of learners in their classes precisely so that they could try to improve the way to deliver the course material in a manner that could attract more learners. When st. 2017. Durães, Dalila; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50555.
  43. Learning frequent behaviors patterns in intelligent environments for attentiveness level. Nowadays, when it comes to achieving goals in business environments or educational environments, the performance successfully has an important role in performing a task. However, this performance can be affected by several factors. One of the most common is the lack of attention. The individual’s attention in performing a task can be determinant for the final quality or even at the task’s conclusi. 2017. Durães, Dalila; Cardoso, Catarina; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50557.
  44. Modelling an intelligent interaction system for increasing the level of attention. Learning activities using technologies is one of the common education methods. Its advantages allow that students can learn with concepts more practical’s. However in this environment not all the students can be attentive. In this research an Ambient Intelligent System has been designed using biometrics behaviors for detecting learner inattentiveness. The learning attentiveness of a student can be. 2017. Durães, Dalila; Castro, David; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50556.
  45. Detection of behavioral patterns for increasing attentiveness level. In the current world, performance is one of the most important issues concerning work and competition. Performance is strongly connected with learning and when it comes to acquiring new knowledge, attention is one the most important mechanisms as the level of the learner’s attention affects learning results. When students are doing learning activities using new technologies, it is extremely import. 2017. Durães, Dalila; Gonçalves, Sérgio; Carneiro, Davide Rua; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50559.
  46. Supervising and improving attentiveness in human computer interaction. The collection, storage, management, and anticipation of contextual information about the user to support decision-making constitute some of the key operations in most Ambient Intelligent (AmI) systems. When the instructor has a computer-based class it is often difficult to confirm if the students are working in the proposed activities. In order to mitigate problems that might occur in an environm. 2016. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide Rua; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/50565.
  47. Using computer peripheral devices to measure attentiveness. Attention is strongly connected with learning and when it comes to acquiring new knowledge, attention is one the most important mechanisms. The learner’s attention affects learning results and can define the success or failure of a student. The negative effects are especially significant when carrying out long or demanding tasks, as often happens in an assessment. This paper presents a monitoring. 2016. Durães, Dalila; Carneiro, Davide Rua; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50563.
  48. Monitoring level attention approach in learning activities. In this article we focus on a new field of application of ICT techniques and technologies in learning activities. With these activities with computer platforms, attention allows us to break down the problem of understanding a speculative scenario into a series of computationally less demanding and localized lack of attention. The system considers the students’ attention level while performing a ta. 2016. Durães, Dalila; Jiménez, Amparo; Bajo, Javier; Novais, Paulo. https://hdl.handle.net/1822/50564.

Oral presentation

Presentation title Event name
Host (Event location)
2024/03/21 Inteligência Artificial na Educação Seminários 2024
Agrupamento de Escolas de Seia (Seia, Portugal)
2020/12/10 Learning with AI, Learning about AI, and Learning for AI XIV Congresso Internacional de Educação e Inovação, Rumo a uma educação Sustentável
Universidade de Granada (Coimbra, Portugal)
2019/07/12 Perspetivas da Inteligência Artificial na Educação Conferência Mat-Oeste 2019: Matemática na Região Oeste – 12.ª Edição
Instituto Politécnico Leiria (Leiria, Portugal)
2019/05/24 Talk: Attentiveness and Engagement in Learning Activities Talk
University of Salamanca (Salamanca, Spain)
2019/05/14 Desafios da Inteligência Artificial na Educação Conferência Challenges 2019 – XI Conferência Internacional de TIC na Educação
Universidade do Minho (Braga, Portugal)
2019/04/30 Talk: Artificial Intelligence in Education Talk
Universidade de Granada (Granada, Spain)
2019/04/05 Talk: Learning Frequent Behaviors Patterns in Ambient Intelligent Attentiveness Level Talk
Technical University of Valencia (Valencia, Spain)
2019/03/08 Talk: Ambient Intelligent Interaction System for Increasing the Level of Attention Talk
Universidade Politécncia de Madrid (Madrid, Spain)


Thesis Title
Degree Subject (Type)
Institution / Organization
2020/10/01 - Current Detect objects with Machine Learning Techniques and Augmented Reality in Smartphone
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020/10/01 - Current Spatio-temporal Action Localization with Deep Learning
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020/09/30 - Current Realidade Aumentada em Ambientes de Tutoria
Programa Doutoral em Informática (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018/09/17 - Current Intelligent System Tutoring
Programa Doutoral em Informática (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019 - 2019 Tutoría Inteligente para mejorar los Resultados de Aprendizaje. Un enfoque en Inteligencia Ambiente
Informática (PhD)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016/10/01 - 2018/12/05 Modelling and Intelligent Interaction System for Increasing the Level of Attentiveness and Engagement
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2016/10/01 - 2018/12/05 Modelling and Intelligent Interaction System for Increasing the Level of Attentiveness and Engagement
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2018/03/01 - 2018/07/31 VitiAI
Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática (Degree)
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2016/10/01 - 2017/11/24 Learning Frequent Behaviours Patterns in Intelligent Environments for Attentiveness Level
Mestrado em Engenharia Informática (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/03/01 - 2017/07/31 Rope Skipping Aplicação Móvel e Desktop Rope Skipping
Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática (Degree)
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2017/03/01 - 2017/07/31 Sistema de Previsão e Análise da Produção Vinícola, Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática
Licenciatura em Engenharia Informática (Degree)
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2007/10/16 - 2008/07/31 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "Como vestem os animais
Pós-Graduação Inovação e Criatividade: as TIC (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2007/10/16 - 2008/07/31 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "Brincar com figuras geométricas"
Pós-Graduação Inovação e Criatividade: as TIC (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal

Event organisation

Event name
Type of event (Role)
Institution / Organization
2021/02/01 - Current CI Lectures Series of Computational Intelligence Society, Portuguese Chapter (2021/02/24)
Computational Intelligence Society, Portuguese Chapter, Portugal
2020/01/04 - 2020/12/31 21st International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning (IDEAL 2020) (2020/11/04 - 2020/11/06)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/01/03 - 2019/09/30 Special Session on Artificial Intelligence in Education (AI4Ed) in 19th EPIA 2019 Conference on Artificial Intelligence (2019/09/05 - 2019/09/07)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2017/01/01 - 2017/07/31 MIS4TEL2017 - 4th International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL'17) (2017/06/21 - 2017/06/23)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2017/01/05 - 2017/06/30 Special Session “on Future Environments and Solutions for Ambient Intelligence (FESAmI) in “ISAMI17 - 8th International Conference on Ambient Intelligence (2017/06/21 - 2017/06/23)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2016/01/04 - 2016/12/31 Special Session “on Future Environments and Solutions for Ambient Intelligence (FESAmI) in “16th International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications (ISDA’16), (2016/12/12 - 2016/12/15)
Workshop (President of the Organising Committee)
Instituto Politecnico do Porto Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão, Portugal
2003/01/04 - 2003/09/30 EUROSENSORS XVII - 17th European Conference on Solid-State Transducers (2003/09/21 - 2003/09/24)
Conference (Member of the Organising Committee)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal

Event participation

Activity description
Type of event
Event name
Institution / Organization
2024/06/24 - 2024/06/24 no painel com o título “Uma reflexão sobre a inteligência Artificial: vai ser possivel desvendar o futuro? Qual o papel das bibliotecas escolares?”,e fomos moderados pela @SaraGarizo (Professora Bibliotecária)
3as Jornadas das Bibliotecas Escolares entre Douro e Vouga
Bibliotecas entre Douro e Vouga, Portugal
2024/05/22 - 2024/05/22 Keynote sobre Desafios e Oportunidades da IA
CompetÊncias Digitais na Educação
ai9.pt , Portugal
2024/05/09 - 2024/05/09 PAinel - O potencial transformador da IA generativa no domínio da investigação académica e das bibliotecas: Das promessas às vulnerabilidades e imprecisões factuais
Open Days
EBSCO Industries Inc, United States
2024/04/13 - 2024/04/13 Painel Da inovação e tecnologia (IA) na escola, da escola da revolução à escola democrática.
ciclo de seminários do CFFH " 1974-2024- Percursos da Educação"
Centro de Formação Francisco de Holanda, Portugal
2024/02/16 - 2024/02/16 Participação no Painel Inteligência Artificial, no 6º encontro de Ciência Candida Madureira, organizado pelo centro de formação de Famalicão.
6º encontro de Ciência Candida Madureira
2024/02/08 - 2024/02/08 Apresentação da talk: Artificial Intelligence for Active Learning in Higher Education
1ª edição da formação internacional Digital Enhancement of Active Learning in Higher
Universidade Católica Portuguesa Católica Porto Business School, Portugal
2020/11/23 - 2020/11/24 Foro Global “Educación Conectada
Virtual Educa Lisboa
2019/12/18 - 2019/12/20 XII Congreso Internacional de Educación e Innovación
“XII Congreso Internacional de Educación e Innovación
Universidad de Granada - Campus de Cartuja, Spain
2019/07/05 - 2019/07/07 ISSAI 2019 – First Interdisciplinary Summer School on AI, organized by Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial and Associação Espanhola
ISSAI 2019 – First Interdisciplinary Summer School on AI
Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial, Portugal
2019/01/07 - 2019/01/11 5th International Winter School on Big Data
2. 5th International Winter School on Big Data
University of Cambridge Computer Laboratory, United Kingdom
2018/07/02 - 2018/07/05 EAIA 2018, Advanced Sholl on Data Science for Big Data
EAIA 2018, Advanced Sholl on Data Science for Big Data
Universidade do Porto, Portugal
2018/06/18 - 2018/06/22 15th International Week, Erasmus+ Programme Staff Mobility for Traineeship
15th International Week, Erasmus+ Programme Staff Mobility for Traineeship
Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
2017/11/17 - 2017/11/18 Winter School on Artificial Intelligence for Games
Winter School on Artificial Intelligence for Games
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
2016/11/17 - 2016/11/19 EAIA 2016 - Advanced School on Artificial Intelligence for Games
EAIA 2016 - Advanced School on Artificial Intelligence for Games
Instituto Politécnico do Cávado e do Ave, Portugal
2016/04/17 - 2016/04/23 “How to make your school more international”, Erasmus+ Key Action 1, Learning Mobility of Individuals
“How to make your school more international”, Erasmus+ Key Action 1, Learninf Mobility of Individuals
Erasmus, Spain

Jury of academic degree

Candidate name (Type of degree)
Institution / Organization
2020/12/15 A Machine Learning Approach to Environmental Sustainability
(Thesis) Main arguer
Carolina Oliveira da Silva (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020/11/17 Deteção de Emoções em argumentos trocados no contexto de tomada de decisão em grupo
(Thesis) Main arguer
João Tiago da Mota Moreira (Master)
Instituto Politécnico do Porto, Portugal
2020/11/12 Benchmarking Deep Learning for Predicting Telecommunications Recurring Problems
(Thesis) Main arguer
Vítor José Ribeiro Castro (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2020/05/03 Mobile Learning como Inovación metodológica en la Universidad espanola: Análisis sobre su implementación y estudo de buenas practices docentes
(Thesis) Main arguer
Universidad de Granada, Spain
2020/02/03 Arquitectura inteligente edge computing para entornos IoT
Thesis Member
Inés Sittón Candanedo (PhD)
Universidad de Salamanca, Spain
2019/12/14 Extração Automática de Documentos Médicos da Web para Análise Textual
(Thesis) Main arguer
Inês Fraga Gomes (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/12/14 Análise de Padrões Biométricos para Otimização do Desempenho Académico
(Thesis) Main arguer
João Miguel Amorim Noivo (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/12/12 On Pattern Recognition of Brain Connectivity in Resting-State Functional MRI
(Thesis) Main arguer
Ana Catarina Salgueiro Cardoso (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2019/12/12 Conflict Resolution in Clinical Treatments
(Thesis) Main arguer
Pedro Jos´e Costa de Oliveira (Master)
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
(Thesis) Main arguer
Antonio Manuel Rodríguez García (PhD)
Editorial Universidad de Granada, Spain
2008/07/20 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "Aventuras da Digestão – ao serviço das práticas pedagógicas
Pamela Sabrina da Cunha Ferreira (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2008/07/20 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "Reino Misterioso dos Animais”
Rita Juliana Magalhães da Costa Leite (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2008/07/15 As Tecnologias de Informação e Comunicação como recurso do processo de ensino-aprendizagem da temática
Susana Fernandes Pedrosa (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2008/07/15 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "Segurança Rodoviária"
Vera Lúcia Marinho Teixeira (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2007/10/01 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema “De que modo será importante explorar o conteúdo programático
Filipa Maria Ferreira Machado (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2006/07/15 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "Estórias com História”
Bruno Eduardo Ribeiro Ferreira (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2006/07/15 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "O Rapaz de Bronze"
Francisco José Oliveira Santa Marinha (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2006/07/15 Criação de um website “A minha aldeia – Teixeira”
Maria Elisabete Araújo Costa (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2006/07/15 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "Recursos Didácticos de Física e Química A"
Paulo Alexandre Brito Gonçalves (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2006/07/15 Criação de Software Educativo com o tema "A Internet e as Empresas"
Susana da Silva Ribeiro (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal
2006/07/11 Criação de um website “Apresentação da EPF - Escola Profissional de Felgueiras”
Vera Lúcia Ribeiro Sampaio (Other)
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal

Committee member

Activity description
Institution / Organization
2020/01/01 - 2022/12/31 Member of Diretor Board of the Portuguese Association of Artificial Intelligence
Associação Portuguesa para a Inteligência Artificial, Portugal
2021/01/15 - 2021/03/31 Election Commission of Algoritmi Center
Universidade do Minho Centro ALGORITMI, Portugal
2013/09/01 - 2020/05/05 Magazine Advisor ELO at Francisco de Holanda Training Center, Guimarães, Portugal
Centro de Formação Francisco de Holanda, Portugal
2005/10/07 - 2009/07/31 Pos-graduate Course Inovação e Criatividade: as TIC
Instituto Superior de Ciências Educativas de Felgueiras, Portugal

Conference scientific committee

Conference name Conference host
2017/10/04 - Current International Conference on Ambient Intelligence (ISAMI)
2015/11/03 - Current International Conference in Methodologies and intelligent Systems for Techhnology Enhanced Learning (MIS4TEL)


Activity description Institution / Organization
2015/02/03 - 2019/12/31 Technical-scientific consultant in the automation and improvement of processes related to the organization, in Cooperativa Agrícola Concelhia de Guimarães Cooperativa Agrícola Concelhia de Guimarães, Portugal
2015/01/04 - 2019/12/31 Technical-scientific consultant in the development of processes related to the organization of events, in the Associação Cultural Ó da Casa Associação Cultural Ó da Casa, Portugal

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2020/11/03 - Current MOOC Mergulho na sala de aula - A IA com os alunos MOOC de Inteligência Artificial, 2020 (Outros)

Interview (newspaper / magazine)

Activity description Newspaper / Forum
2024/02/08 Apresentação do Projeto ERASMUS+ AIM4VET. Mais Guimarães

Interview (tv / radio show)

Program Topic
2024/04/04 - 2024/04/04 SIC Grande Reportagem Inteligência Artificial
2024/03/04 - 2024/03/04 Sociedade Civil Bibliotecas
2023/12/08 - 2023/12/08 Sociedade Civil Algoritmos

Journal scientific committee

Journal title (ISSN) Publisher
2020/02/01 - Current Electronics Journal MDPI
2020/01/04 - Current Symmetry Journal MDPI
2019/04/01 - Current Expert Systems Journal Wiley
2019/01/03 - Current Applied Sciences Journal MDPI


2019 Best Paper Application Award
16th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Artificial Intelligence, Spain
2017 Honorable Mention in the National Short Video Competition "Imagens Contra a Corrupção”
Prevenção Portuguesa Contra a Corrupção do Tribunal de Contas, Portugal
2016 1st Prize in the National Video Contest
SIC Esperança , Portugal
2016 1st Prize in the National Short Video Competition "Imagens Contra a Corrupção"
Prevenção Portuguesa Contra a Corrupção do Tribunal de Contas, Portugal
2015 Honorable Mention in the National Short Video Competition "Imagens Contra a Corrupção”
Prevenção Portuguesa Contra a Corrupção do Tribunal de Contas, Portugal
2013 Honorable Mention in the National Short Video Competition "Imagens Contra a Corrupção”
Prevenção Portuguesa Contra a Corrupção do Tribunal de Contas, Portugal

Other distinction

2024 Best Paper Award on Smart Cities
The 25th International Conference on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, Spain
2023 Best Paper
2nd International Conference on sustainable Smart Cities and Territories International 2023, with paper: “A conversational agent for Smart Scholling: a Case study on K-12 dropout risk assessment” in Minizales, Colombia, 21th to 23th June., Colombia