Carla Sofia Alves has an M.Sc. in Biological Engineering (completed in 2014), an M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering (completed in 2018) both from the University of Minho (Portugal) and a Senior Technician in Occupational Safety and Health Course (concluded in 2016) from the XZ Consultores (Portugal). In 2020- 2021, Carla completed an advanced robotics course (with a highlight on machine learning techniques and computer vision, ABB robot programming), high-level programming - Python (intermediate level), JAVA programming (beginner level), at Cinel (Portugal). Carla is recently accepted to enroll in the Doctorate in Electronic and Computer Engineering (PDEEC), specializing in Control, Automation, and Robotics, at the University of Minho. As part of the M.Sc. in Biological Engineering and under the scope of Erasmus Sectoral Sub-program, Mobility of Students, Studies 2012/2013, from February to July of 2013, Carla was a researcher trainee at ProdAl Scarl in Università Degli Studi di Salerno (Italy), where she developed work related to the extraction of bioactive compounds from vegetable matrices assisted by the PEF (Pulse Electric Field) technology. As part of the M.Sc. in Industrial Engineering, from September 2017 to July 2018, and under the scope of the curricular stage, Carla developed work related to the Implementation of mobile industrial robots (MiR) to supply automatic insertion production lines (SMT Lines) at APTIV (Braga, Portugal). From 09/2018 to 09/ 2019, Carla worked on the integration (programming, operation, maintenance/assistance) of mobile industrial robots (model MiR 100) and study of other models of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) (benchmark studies, model simulations for the supply system through AMRs), for application in the existing supply systems at APTIV. She has received one award for Best Master's Dissertation, entitled "Simulation and optimization of production lines with AIVs in one OEM factory" at the Conference "A Engenharia Industrial na era das Cidades Inteligentes e da Ciência de Dados" where she presented the respective conference paper, on February 13th, 2019 by Department of Production and Systems, School of Engineering, University of Minho. Carla is recently accepted to enroll the PDEEC at the University of Minho, ALGORITMI Research Center, in the "Industrial Electronics (IE)" research line. She is also involved in research activities in Collaborative Robots, Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration, and Applied Ergonomics at Digital Transformation Colab DTx (Guimarães, Portugal). As a result of this work, she recently authored one article, under revision, in the high-quality peer-reviewed journal Robotics, under the scope of a special issue in Advances in Industrial Robotics and Intelligent Systems, with the title "Human-robot interaction in industrial settings: perception of multiple participants at a crossroad intersection scenario with different courtesy cues". Her areas of scientific interest are Collaborative Robotics (Robotic Arms, Autonomous Mobile Robots, Mobile Manipulators), Human-Robot Interaction and Collaboration, Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Digital Manufacturing, Industry 4.0 and Industry 5.0, Applied Ergonomics.

Personal identification

Full name
Carla Sofia Ferreira Alves
Date of birth

Citation names

  • Alves, Carla
  • Alves, Carla S.

Author identifiers

Ciência ID

Email addresses

  • carla.sofia.f.alves@gmail.com (Professional)
  • id9067@alunos.uminho.pt (Professional)


Mobile phone
  • 966927300 (Personal)

Knowledge fields

  • Engineering and Technology
  • Engineering and Technology - Electrotechnical Engineering, Electronics and Informatics - Robotics and Automatic Control


Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
Portuguese (Mother tongue)
English Upper intermediate (B2) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Proficiency (C2)
French Beginner (A1) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2) Elementary (A2)
German Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1)
Degree Classification
2021/10 - 2026
Electronics and Computer Engineering (Doutoramento)
Major in Control, Automation and Robotics
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
2021/11/15 - 2022/05/06
Cybersecurity course (Outros)
Cinel - Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Electrónica, Energia, Telecomunicações e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2021/05/24 - 2021/11/30
Advanced robotics course (Outros)
Cinel - Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Electrónica, Energia, Telecomunicações e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2021/01/12 - 2021/03/10
JAVA programming (Beginner level) (Outros)
Cinel - Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Electrónica, Energia, Telecomunicações e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2020/09/08 - 2020/10/24
High-level programming - Python (Intermediate level) (Outros)
Cinel - Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria Electrónica, Energia, Telecomunicações e Tecnologias da Informação, Portugal
2020/02/11 - 2020/04/02
Programação para não-informáticos (Outros)
TecMinho Associação Universidade-Empresa para o Desenvolvimento, Portugal
2016/09 - 2018/12/20
Industrial Engineering (Mestrado)
Major in Logistics and Distribution
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
"Simulation and optimization of production lines with AIVs in one OEM factory" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2015/02 - 2016/05/09
Senior Technician in Occupational Safety and Health (Curso Técnico Superior Profissional)
2008/09 - 2014/07/21
Biological Engineering (Mestrado integrado)
Major in Chemical and Food technology
Universidade do Minho, Portugal
"PEF (Pulse Electric Field) assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from vegetable matrices" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2013/02 - 2013/07 Research Trainee (Research) Universidade do Minho, Portugal
Università degli Studi di Salerno/ProdAl Scarl, Italy


Host institution
2021/10 - Current PhD Student Universidade do Minho - Campus de Azurém, Portugal
2018/09 - 2019/09 Industrial engineer APTIV, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/07 Industrial engineer - trainee APTIV, Portugal
2015/12 - 2016/03 Technician in Occupational Safety and Health - trainee Bosch Car Multimedia Portugal, Portugal


Conference paper
  1. Sofia Alves, Carla; Louro, Luís; Colim, Ana; Cardoso, André; Pereira, Débora; Fernandes, Duarte; Salimi, Mohammadamin; Oliveira, João; Bicho, Estela. "Building a Multicamera and Multimodal 3D Skeleton-based Pose Estimation Dataset to Enhanced Human-Robot Collaboration". Paper presented in 6th International Conference on Human Systems Engineering and Design: Future Trends and Applications (IHSED 2024), Split, 2024.
    In press • 10.54941/ahfe1005526
Conference poster
  1. Alves, Carla. Corresponding author: Alves, Carla. "Simulação e otimização do abastecimento com Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles de linhas de produção numa Original Equipment Manufacturer do sector automóvel". Paper presented in A Engenharia Industrial na era das Cidades Inteligentes e da Ciência de Dados, 2019.
Journal article
  1. Alves, Carla; Cardoso, André; Colim, Ana; Bicho, Estela; Braga, Ana Cristina; Cunha, João; Faria, Carlos; Rocha, Luís A.. "Human-Robot Interaction in Industrial Settings: Perception of Multiple Participants at a Crossroad Intersection Scenario with Different Courtesy Cues". Robotics 11 3 (2022): 59. http://dx.doi.org/10.3390/robotics11030059.
    In press • 10.3390/robotics11030059
Thesis / Dissertation
  1. Alves, Carla Sofia Ferreira. "Simulação e otimização do abastecimento com Autonomous Intelligent Vehicles de linhas de produção numa Original Equipment Manufacter do sector automóvel". Master, 2018. http://hdl.handle.net/1822/58474.
  2. "PEF (Pulse Electric Field) assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from vegetable matrices". Master, Universidade do Minho, 2013.


Activity description Institution / Organization
2018/09 - 2019/09 Integration (programming, operation, maintenance/assistance) of mobile industrial robots (model MiR 100) and study of other models of autonomous mobile robots (AMRs) (benchmark studies, model simulations for the supply system through AMRs), for application in the existing supply systems at APTIV. APTIV, Portugal
2017/09 - 2018/07 Implementation of mobile industrial robots (model MiR 100) to supply automatic insertion production lines (SMT Lines): a study of technology related to the operation of MiR 100 and its implementation in the existing supply system at APTIV. Research elaborated under the scope of the curricular stage of the MSc in Industrial Engineering. APTIV, Portugal
2013/02 - 2013/07 Application of PEF (Pulsed Electric Field) technology for assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from vegetable matrices. Research elaborated under the scope of Erasmus Sectoral Sub-program, Mobility of Students, Studies 2012/2013, requested to the Università degli Studi di Salerno\ProdAl Scarl by the Kerry Group. Università degli Studi di Salerno/ProdAl Scarl, Italy


2019 Best Master's Dissertation
Universidade do Minho Departamento de Produção e Sistemas, Portugal