Master’s degree in film studies since 2014 and currently PhD researcher. Tony Costa is both a professional cinematographer and a teacher at Lusofona University where he is the head of the cinematography department. He was born in Hamilton-Ontario, Canada in 1962 from Portuguese emigrant parents who have decided to return to Portugal in 1970’s. He was back to Canada in the 1980’s where he began taking a few professional courses in the camera department while was working in the Medallion Film Labs in Toronto. He began as an assistant camera in music videos in Toronto just before returning to Portugal where he pursued a career as an assistant camera up to be a cinematographer. He is a award winner cinematographer. He got the Golden Prize in Tblisi Georgia in 2014 with his work on «Lapis Azul». Since 2004 he has been teaching in The Lusofona University in Lisbon by maintaining his professional assignments as cinematographer. He is one of the founders of the Portuguese Academy of cinema and of the Portuguese Society of Cinematographers where he keeps a seat in the board of directories. Tony was also involved as a board member with IMAGO (The European Federation of Cinematographers) for several years.

Personal identification

Full name
António Afonso Costa

Citation names

  • Costa, António Afonso
  • Tony Costa

Author identifiers

Ciência ID



Language Speaking Reading Writing Listening Peer-review
English Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1) Advanced (C1)
French Intermediate (B1) Beginner (A1) Beginner (A1) Intermediate (B1)
Degree Classification
2012/10/11 - 2022/03/17
Communication Studies (Doutoramento)
Major in CINEMA
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal
"FOTOGRAFIA E CONSTRUÇÃO DA EXPERIÊNCIA CINEMÁTICA Qual a influência da direção de fotografia na perceção na narrativa cinematográfica? " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
2010/09/23 - 2014/11/19
Film Studies (Mestrado)
Major in Cinema
Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal
"Cinematography as Art" (THESIS/DISSERTATION)

Teaching in Higher Education

Host institution
2004/09 - Current Full Professor (University Teacher) Universidade Lusófona de Humanidades e Tecnologias, Portugal


  1. Costa, António Afonso. MÉTODOS & PROCEDIMENTOS DO ASSISTENTE DE IMAGEM. Portugal, Portugal: ESTC. 2005.
Journal article
  1. Costa, António Afonso. "Cinematography in Cinema: Relationship Between Teaching Contexts And Its Application". nternational Journal of Film and Media Arts 2 1 (2017): 68-91. http://revistas.ulusofona.pt/index.php/ijfma/article/view/6157.
  2. Costa, António Afonso. "Cinematography: An art form for narrative cinema". Atas do IV Encontro Anual da AIM IV (2015): 271-284.
  3. Costa, António Afonso. "A direção de Fotografia em Cinema: Uma arte escondida.". Encontros de Cinema - Conferência Internacional 2014 I (2014): 52-58.
  4. Costa, António Afonso. "Direção de Fotografia: Uma ferramenta artística no cinema de ficção". 5ª AVANCA Cinema - Conferência Internacional de Cinema, Arte tecnologia e Comunicação. Avanca, Portugal. 5 1 (2014): 690-695.
  5. Costa, António Afonso. "RUI GUERRA, O CINEASTA DA PALAVRA". RUI GUERRA, O CINEASTA DA PALAVRA 15 (2013): 471-492. Doc On-line, n. 15, dezembro 2013, www.doc.ubi.pt, pp. 471 - 492.
  6. Costa, António Afonso. "IMAGEM CINEMATOGRÁFICA (Revista)". IMAGEM CINEMATOGRÁFICA (Revista) 4 (2004): 1-80.
  7. Costa, António Afonso. "IMAGEM CINEMATOGRÁFICA (Revista)". IMAGEM CINEMATOGRÁFICA (Revista) 3 (2003): 1-80.
  8. Costa, António Afonso. "IMAGEM CINEMATOGRÁFICA (Revista)". IMAGEM CINEMATOGRÁFICA (Revista) 2 (2002): 1-80.
  9. Costa, António Afonso. "IMAGEM CINEMATOGRÁFICA (Revista)". IMAGEM CINEMATOGRÁFICA 1 (2001): 1-80.

Artistic / Performance

Artistic exhibition
  1. A Ilha dos Cães (Feature Film). 2015.
  2. Lápis Azul. 2013.
  3. O Meu Avô. 2013.
  4. Amélia. 2013.
  5. Lápis Azul a Exame Prévio DOC. 2012.
  6. Mutter. 2011.
  7. Um Natal Especial. 2011.
  8. O Teu Sapato. 2009.
  9. A Aposta. 2009.
  10. A Fábrica. 2008.
  11. Sem Ela. 2003.
  12. As Batalhas DOC. 2003.
  13. Um Homem não é um Gato. 2001.
  14. Lucky Man DOC. 1994.
  15. There we are John. 1993.


Other output
  1. Conference «Teaching Cinematography). 2017. Costa, António Afonso. http://www.imago.org/index.php/education/item/626-the-teaching-cinematography-conference.html.
  2. Os Desafios do ensino na era digital. 2015. Costa, António Afonso. www.academiadecinema.pt.

Association member

Society Organization name Role
2004/05 - 2020/02 IMAGO - European Federation of Cinematographers Vice president 2004-2008 / Website editor from 2004 to 2020
1998/01 - 2013/10 ASSOCIAÇÃO DE IMAGEM CINEMA E TELEVISÃO PORTUGUESA Founder 1998 - President 1998 to 2008 / President since 2016
2011/09 - 2013/05 ACADEMIA PORTUGUESA DE CINEMA Founder 2011- Treasurer since 2011.

Course / Discipline taught

Academic session Degree Subject (Type) Institution / Organization
2015 - 2015 Workshop Camera Movement Extensão e divulgação científica (Curso médio)
2014 - 2014 Workshop Camera Movement Extensão e divulgação científica (Curso médio)
2013 - 2013 Night Shooting (Workshop) Outra (Curso médio)
2013 - 2013 Night Shooting (Workshop) Outra (Curso médio)

Other distinction

2019 Career Achievement award - Cine Clube de Avanca
2014 Best Cinematography (Lápis azul )
Golden Eye Tbilisi Georgia, Portugal
2014 Prize Mário Ventura ¿ Best script (O meu Avô)
FESTROIA, Portugal
2012 Cinematography (O Teu Sapato)