Research and PhD candidate in Agronomy, with a Master's degree in Rural Development, specialized in Plant Protection, Environment, and Sustainability, Master's degree in Agricultural Engineering, and a Bachelor's degree in Plant Protection. The professional background in Agricultural Sciences, started in 1997 as a Plant Protection Officer at the Directorate General of Agriculture, and held relevant positions, including Director of Agriculture Services, and Director General of Agriculture, Forestry, and Livestock at the Ministry of Agriculture of Cabo Verde; With consolidated experience in formulating agricultural and environmental policies and managing agricultural development programs, international founds mobilization. Also has a experience as International Consultant and Expert with FAO and other organizations, conducting various studies and consultations nationally and internationally in the fields of plant protection, project coordination, and delivering several communications at technical-scientific events. Organized numerous conferences and served as a panel member in others; Member of specialized committees in agriculture, phytosanitary, and food security at national, regional and international levels; Participation and representation of the country in regional and international bodies (IPPC-FAO, CODEX, SPS-WTO, Regional Pesticide Homologation Committee). The primary research interests are related to crop protection, integrated pest management, biological control, and biocontrol of plant pests and diseases.

Personal identification

Full name
Carla Helena Marques Tavares

Citation names

  • Tavares, Carla

Author identifiers

Ciência ID
Degree Classification
2022/10/01 - 2026/09/30
PhD in Sustainable Land Use - Specialization in Agronomy (Doctorat)
Major in Plant Protection, Entomology, Integrated Pest management
ISA-University of Lisbon, Portugal
Master's degree in Rural Development, specialized in Plant Protection, Environment, and Sustainability (Master)
Major in Plant Protection, Environment and Sustenaibility
Institut Agro Montpellier, France
"« Etude des pratiques des maraîchers et appréciation de la stratégie phytosanitaire des petits producteurs en pays bamiléké, Ouest-Cameroun : cas des versants méridionaux et orientaux des monts Bamboutos ». Tese de Master, " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Master's degree in Agricultural Engineering (Master)
Major in Agriculture, Plant Protection, Environment
AgroSup Dijon, France
"« Etude sur l’agriculture biologique en Afrique : cas du Cameroun » " (THESIS/DISSERTATION)
Bachelor's degree in Plant Protection (Bachelor)
Major in Plant Protection, Entomology, Phytopathology, Phytopharmacie, Pest and Pesticides management
Centre Regional Agrhymet, Niger
"Etude de l'effet de l'association des cultures sur l'entomofaune du mil et du niébé." (THESIS/DISSERTATION)


Host institution
2022/10/01 - Current Researcher (Research) LEAF and CEF (School of Agriculture - University of Lisbon), Portugal
LEAF and CEF (School of Agriculture - University of Lisbon), Portugal

Positions / Appointments

Host institution
2009 - 2011 Director of Agriculture Service Ministry of Agriculture from Republic of Cape Verde, Cape Verde
Direction of Agriculture, Forestry and Livestock, Cape Verde
1997 - 2001 Plant Protection Officer Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária, Cape Verde
Direção dos Serviços de Agricultura, Cape Verde


Host institution
1998 - Current Expert of the Regional Pesticide Registration Committee for CILSS and West African countries CILSS- The Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel, Mali
CILSS- The Permanent Interstate Committee for Drought Control in the Sahel, Mali
2016 - 2022/09/30 Coordinateur and Project Manager on phytosanitary protection and pesticide management Ministry of Agriculture, Cape Verde
Directorate of Agriculture and Plant Protection Services, General Directorate of Agriculture, Forestry, and Livestock -, Cape Verde
2016 - 2022/07/31 National Coordinator Expert for FAO/GEF/CILSS Project on the Disposal of Obsolete Pesticides Representação da FAO (Cabo Verde), Cape Verde
Representação da FAO (Cabo Verde), Cape Verde
2016/08 - 2016/12 International Expert Consultant - Integrated Pest Management Project in São Tomé and Príncipe Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Plant Production and Protection, Italy
Escritório Sub Regional da FAO para Africa Central, Gabon
2011 - 2016 General Director of Agriculture, Forestery and Livestock Ministry of Agriculture from Republic of Cape Verde, Cape Verde
2006 - 2008 Project Coordination Team for the National Implementation Plan for the Stockholm Convention (Persistent Organic Pollutants) Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária, Cape Verde
Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária, Cape Verde
2007/03 - 2007/09 National Consultant for technical assistance in the formulation of the food safety network implementation project Representação da FAO (Cabo Verde), Cape Verde
Representação da FAO (Cabo Verde), Cape Verde
2006 - 2007 National coordinator of the QUEST program "Quality, Environment and Health in the treatment of locust pest control", in the FAO regional program Representação da FAO (Cabo Verde), Cape Verde
Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária, Cape Verde
2005 - 2006 Team Coordinator of the GEF Project for the Elaboration of the National Biosafety Framework on Genetically Modified Organisms - Cartagena Protocol Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária, Cape Verde
Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária, Cape Verde
1998 - 2000 National Correspondent of the Network for the Development of Horticulture in West Africa, in Integrated Crop Production and Protection; Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária, Cape Verde
Direção Geral de Agricultura, Silvicultura e Pecuária, Cape Verde
1992 - 1995 Secondary School Teacher Ministério de Educação (Cabo Verde), Cape Verde
Escola Secundária Cónego Jacinto - Liceu da Várzea, Cape Verde